Massenomics Podcast - Ep. 42: Yoga For Huge Dudes

Episode Date: January 23, 2017

  This week, we're joined in-studio by yoga instructor Katie Berheim. Katie was kind enough to stop by and help us fumble through our first yoga session, then stuck around to podcast afterwards. out this episode to learn how it went, which of us is made of tin, and who's got Gumby-esque mobility... Check out the slideshow at the bottom of the page for an inside look at how huge dudes do yoga...   As always, you can watch this episode in full color video... Or check out the super-high quality audio version below.. Make sure you LIKE the Massenomics Facebook page... If you don't already have a closet full of Massenomics gear, go to the MASSENOMICS STORE and load up on swag... Also, please CLICK THIS LINK TO GIVE US A 5 STAR RATING ON ITUNES... Click this text to follow Massenomics on Instagram... Vote Massenomics for President in 2016... Have your barber shave our logo into the side of your head.. Maybe get a Massenomics tattoo while you're at it.    Or you could sign up for our email newsletter at the bottom of this page. Stay Strong, M

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Starting point is 00:00:00 M-M-M-M-M-M-M-Massanomics Welcome to Massanomics, the world's strongest podcast. Find us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter at Massanomics. Make sure you go visit There you'll find the rest of our powerful content. While you're there, check out our store and buy yourself some of that sweet Massanomics gear. I'm recording. We're on TV. We're on the internet now. Right.
Starting point is 00:00:29 We're good to go. Yeah, we're on the internet. For sure. Yeah. We're live. We're plastered on the internet. Good. Wouldn't be the first time. Alright, guys. We are joined today with Ryan DeFay and Katie Berheim.
Starting point is 00:00:44 Everybody say hello. Howdy. Hello. Hi. Today's, the topic of today's episode is yoga for huge guys, apparently. We just had, Katie was nice enough to come over. She ran us through our first, first basically, nobody, none of us, you guys have ever done any yoga before right i have
Starting point is 00:01:06 one other time you have i think i kept that from everyone yeah he's a ringer i noticed him out there like he seemed like he really knew what he was doing like i put both of my legs behind my head um anyway i i had a wonderful time i still felt like I was about as bad at it as I had expected to be. Katie, tell us how we did at least. Tell everybody how we held up. Honestly, everybody exceeded my expectations. Put that a little closer. I don't know if I messed that up or what.
Starting point is 00:01:40 A little closer? Yeah, try that. That looked pretty good. Were you good? No. No? God damn it. I have no idea what I'm doing here. Hold on. I try that. That'll look pretty good. Three days? No. No? God damn it. I have no idea what I'm doing here.
Starting point is 00:01:47 Hold on. I lost you. That's why. We lost Katie's microphone. And a little technical difficulty. Well, I can talk more. Now let's hear it, Katie. How's that?
Starting point is 00:01:58 That's perfect. All right. Man, we should pay somebody to do this, so I don't have to. Tell us how we did at least at what at what level was what we just went through it was a beginner level for sure yeah it was it was just it was just some starter stuff but uh you know saying that i'm not good at yoga right away or i shouldn't do it as like saying i can't lift weights or go and train because i can't lift heavy stuff yet you know you just the more do it, the better you'll get and the more benefit you'll see.
Starting point is 00:02:28 So I think you guys did excellent for your first, for your first go. We held up okay. You did. Nobody was crying or walked out. No, no, nobody cried. That was good, yeah. And we, we kind of kept it together, sort of. Fortunately, we were all tall enough to use my ceiling to stop falling over.
Starting point is 00:02:45 The props, you just used some props. Yeah. Some people call it a ceiling. You called it a prop. We had, I had, I don't know that the, the interesting thing for me was breathing. And I kind of, I don't know, not knowing anything. I was like, Oh, yoga, you just, you stretch a lot and get into some really gnarly poses and shit. But I forgot to breathe all the time. And I think that's what, like 90% of it anyways? Yeah, your breathing will do a lot of it. And I haven't seen that color of red on a student's face in a long time.
Starting point is 00:03:12 Yeah, it was bad. I don't know. I'd say I was definitely the worst at that. Tommy, you seemed to be pretty okay at it. I would use the word, yeah, maybe okay okay i didn't feel good really but it was it wasn't bad so i don't think you were in you couldn't have been any worse than i felt like i was tanner sucked nobody sucked at it it was just the first go around and you guys did great and we were actually pretty fortunate in that there's uh we have you know we were able to just have it just basically be the four of us in like kind of a
Starting point is 00:03:49 pseudo private class except for my dog and my sister taking pictures which i'm sure will be in the show notes of this so uh if you're listening this on stitcher itunes make sure you go to the website and scroll through the show notes we'll'll have a nice, cute gallery of us getting twisted up like pretzels. Looking uncomfortable. Hopefully there's some pictures in there that make it look like we're, like it's just a still shot, so you might have caught a split second where it looks like we're doing something right. A second of greatness.
Starting point is 00:04:18 There was more than a second of greatness. You guys did a good job. One very stylized, highly filtered photo. One very stylized, highly filtered photo. What do you get? Let me back it up a little bit, I guess. How long have you been teaching yoga and also practicing? I've been teaching yoga since August of 2010.
Starting point is 00:04:39 Okay. And I started doing yoga consistently probably about 2008, 2009-ish. And it was just kind of a complete fluke that I got thrown into teaching. But I really liked it. So I've just kept rolling with it. I'm currently in the process of getting my 200-hour certification through the Yoga Alliance. So this was actually really fun for me to do, too because I'm in the process of expanding my education about it. So getting into something different with you guys was exciting.
Starting point is 00:05:14 I guess how many classes a week do you teach? I teach five yoga classes a week. I teach two of them at a hot studio where we have about 60% humidity and the temperature is 104. That's what it felt like. Oh, God. Makes you want to puke just thinking about it. It'll really open up those muscles, and it doesn't really feel actually that hot.
Starting point is 00:05:36 It's really a fun practice to do once you get it out of your mind that it's so hot. And then I teach a couple of classes a week at a local gym. Gotcha. What is the – oh, go ahead. I was going to a couple of classes a week at a local gym. Gotcha. What is the... Oh, go ahead. I was going to say, so how long is like a typical class? My classes are typically an hour. Okay.
Starting point is 00:05:52 How long did we go? Five minutes. Because we actually started kind of a little bit late anyways, and I don't... We were like a half an hour? Yeah, we were probably about a half an hour. No okay that felt like a full hour for sure and the thing is once you get used to it like class will feel a lot shorter yeah like sometimes i i blink as the teacher and go oh geez we're almost done but it's fun when you're having fun time flies. Yeah. Well, it's fun once you get used to it. Do you teach specifically different levels for different classes then?
Starting point is 00:06:31 That's what I wonder if you get, say, the four of us in there, and maybe there's five other people that have done it 100 classes and they know what they're doing. How do you deal with that? I generally try and teach to the newest student in my class. But when I'm at the hot studio, I have one class that's foundational yoga where I keep everything very basic and we just do the foundations of it. And then I teach the only intermediate class there. And I don't want to say like I kick their butts, but like my goal is to challenge them to the next step of
Starting point is 00:07:02 their practice there. But when I'm at the gym, generally I just look at my newest student. And my experienced students know how to do the next extension or the next part of the pose. So they know there's someone new in the room too. And my goal is always, first and foremost, never to hurt anybody. And second of all, extend some enjoyment in the practice. I want people to get the kick out of it that I do. So because I don't know anything about yoga,
Starting point is 00:07:30 is it usually like the same like cadence of things you go through every time? Or as you being the instructor, can you change up the order or the way that things are going? It depends on what kind of yoga you're doing. Like a lot of people have heard of Bikram yoga. He has a specific set of poses that he does for a specific set of time in a specific order. Me, I kind of do who I see in class that day has a bearing on what I do. And sometimes I'll have people come in that say, man, my back's really sore. Can we do backs?
Starting point is 00:08:00 Or, hey, I need to work on my arms. Can we do arms? Or I'm having a bad day. Can we do, we call it stretchy, twisty yoga. can we do arms or i'm having a bad day can we do we call it stretchy twisty yoga but it's it's called a yin yoga or restorative yoga and we just kind of roll with it we can do what we need to do on any given day what is like what is the progression like so you kind of saw what uh shape we were in yoga wise when we came in today how does that uh like how do you progress do you would we just come in and we do we would do those types of things and just maybe scale them less and less
Starting point is 00:08:32 less time with the blocks less time with the straps less time and just we just eventually can get into those things without falling over yeah and you know it's it's individual for everyone And some people it's like they come to two classes and the next thing you know, I'd put them in an intermediate class. And some people, it takes a long time. You know, they, they spend weeks, months, and years just, you know, trying to touch their toes, which is totally fine because that's where they are at. Yeah. I'm 32 years into trying to touch my toes. They're far away, way down there. Yeah, that's true. You know to touch my toes. They're far away. They're way down there. Yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 00:09:09 You know, and without being too philosophical, it's not necessarily about touching your toes. It's all the things you do while trying to touch your toes. I noticed, I'm curious if any of you guys, there was a couple times when we were down on our hands, my triceps were getting really tired. Did anyone else feel that at all? What's that pose where you're on your feet and then your hands?
Starting point is 00:09:32 Down dog? Yeah, that wasn't fun. What's funny is that was... I was trying not to lock out my arms. I was like... That's the one thing too that I had like... That's the one that you know of that everybody knows of.
Starting point is 00:09:45 And, uh, and that was awful for me. I was like, I think that's pretty rudimentary. But, uh, yeah, I was like max level suffering during that. Well, I'm sorry you were suffering. It's just one of those things. It was probably very new to your body and very different from what you ask it to do. And it, it gets comfortable really fast. Like in classes, we usually, I tend to use down dog as a resting pose. body and very different from what you ask it to do and it gets comfortable really fast like in
Starting point is 00:10:05 classes we usually i tend to use down dog as a resting pose like we've been working hard and we're going here to rest i feel like another thing too the whole time you're trying to stay really relaxed and breathe and that was the one where i was just like like just holding on just like the only time i ever felt like we were resting is when we would just stand there when we didn't do anything just in between for a second I was like oh yeah we did some shavasana
Starting point is 00:10:34 in final real estate I really like that part you know we're one of the only you know quote unquote sports that ends with nap time I don't understand how people don't love that I'm gonna kill our sound here for just a second I don't understand how people don't love that. I'm going to kill our sound here for just a second, guys. Don't worry, the listeners couldn't hear that. But anyway, yeah, about that.
Starting point is 00:10:53 At the very end, I had noticed when we were laying, the less sexy term was the corpse pose. But what I found was how tense I am just laying on my back. And I would be there, I'd be like, okay, just relax and just breathe. And then I'd find myself like,
Starting point is 00:11:13 and then I'd get it all chilled out again. And then like 30 seconds later, I'd find, I'd be like, well, how the fuck did this happen? Tense up. And you think you're as relaxed as you can possibly be.
Starting point is 00:11:23 And then you say like, relax your arm or whatever it was. and then you say like, relax your arm or whatever it was. The one was like, relax your brow. It's like, oh yeah, that's tense too.
Starting point is 00:11:31 I'm closing my eyes too hard. And that's a really common thing and I think it happens a lot, especially like where we live. It's so cold that we tense up our entire body trying to stay warm and some of us don't release that
Starting point is 00:11:44 the entire winter. That's one thing that I've noticed too is i think like even you know i think from the minute you wake up you're i know i'm kind of cold you take a shower you're like the air is just cold all the time anyways you go to work it's freezing cold you're at a desk so everything you do during the day is just like tightening all of this up breathing very well yeah yeah and just like things keep happening and you're like just in this tight shell kind of as the day is just like tightening all of this up. Breathing very well. Yeah. And just like things keep happening and you're like just in this tight shell as the day goes on. Why do we live here?
Starting point is 00:12:11 Which is why people go from negative 10 outside into 104 degree hot yoga studio. It's the best you'll feel all day. Yeah. But no, and it was interesting to watch you guys as you were in Shavasana and we were going into that final meditation because I could see you guys are are built enough that i could physically see when you would relax because i'd see biceps open up towards it it was physically obvious when you were relaxing and when you would tense back up i mean a couple times i think you guys were just really concerned
Starting point is 00:12:41 that like you wouldn't touch each other's hands or something that's all i was thinking and i kind of got a sense of that but for the most part you could tell when you were relaxing and when you were tensing back up but I hope the relaxation felt good and was kind of a check-in with the natural state of where your body wants to be when it's resting we just didn't want to touch hands because I didn't want to like get gay with Ryan while my wife was there and my sister was taking pictures. Just make her look bad. It's purely a jealousy thing. Yeah, Megan would be like, again, just looking at her.
Starting point is 00:13:11 God, these two. Right in my own home in front of my own two eyes. We have non-judgment in yoga, so whatever, I just really wanted you to have a good relaxation. And I just wanted to make sure Ryan was relaxed. There you go job done um i'm losing my all right we're having some major technical difficulties here ryan will you uh recap your experience well i think i'm the most veteran yogi. You've done 200% more yoga than anyone else.
Starting point is 00:13:47 Yeah, so one other time. And that was a full hour, and I was surprised how difficult it was. I thought I was just kind of sitting there and breathing. Well, that's even what we said coming down here. We're like, I got kind of sweaty doing that actually. We were kind of, it felt like just standing or sitting in different ways but you kind of get a sweat going doing it and then I think it's another thing too like I was saying earlier with that downward dog pose like if you're doing it right
Starting point is 00:14:15 you really shouldn't be that tense right your body should be fairly relaxed yeah and your body just hasn't been you haven't asked that of. So it's totally fair that it was slightly uncomfortable or strong, but. That's how I felt the whole time. Wrong and uncomfortable. I'm sorry I couldn't find, I couldn't give you any comfort in practice. I'm sorry. But even from just the kind of the perspective of power lifting compared to yoga, you know, so much of what we do in power lifting, it's before any big movement.
Starting point is 00:14:43 You're, you're, the breathing thing is key like breathing is in everything breathing is big but in powerlifting so often before anything you're bringing as much air in as you can just to brace and push and just basically tighten and lock everything up as possible where here you're breathing to the opposite yeah for the opposite reason so right you know i i think we were talking about this last week we went snowboarding with ryan and like we're like the hardest part of today is every time we have to bend down to put our bindings on because it's like i think my belly's just so much bigger than it is it's like oh god it's like putting your socks on 20 times a day but you find yourself like tightening up every time you need to do it it's like there's no reason i need to like hold my breath and tighten down to do this stuff like i can just
Starting point is 00:15:28 breathe out relax and do it so that was an interesting perspective for me i'm sure there's a certain level of folk of being able to focus and control your breath that you know goes with both yoga and your power lifting and honestly i everything i've read and kind of tried to look into yoga and lifting complement each other just beautifully well i think if you look at the way that we the way that we did move was like that there's a some probably some pretty serious weaknesses in our like flexibility and mobility and like specifically the hip stuff you know for me like anytime it was like turn the foot and i was like fuck the warrior pose and trying to keep your knee over your foot like
Starting point is 00:16:12 that's that's a lot harder i mean that feels like it's definitely doing something though like i can see how that is like yeah to be good at that you it would be a good thing well and you're lifting you're more explosive yes so you're dealing more with fast twitch and those type of muscles and yoga is going to obviously be a slower pace or a flow so you're gonna support those fast twitch muscles with your slow twitch your shorter ones and you'll get better i mean they'll look better i mean yeah you add the yoga to it like you have quote unquote prettier muscles and they support each other. You reduce your risk of injury. It's just – So you're saying it's good to be flexible.
Starting point is 00:16:50 It's good to be flexible. It's long and strong. That's how I always say I want my muscles, long and strong. Say if the four of us were to start, what frequency do you suppose? Is once a week often enough, Twice a week? Once every other week? If you're just starting off and continuing, you know, the power lifting everything, I'd say if you could fit in a half hour to 45 minutes of yoga twice a week, that'd be great. Or like I mentioned upstairs, if you wanted to do a couple sun salutations when you woke up in the morning
Starting point is 00:17:22 or went to bed at night, that might really be beneficial to you. I was feeling pretty stiff and sore today before we came. And now after doing that, I feel better than before we started for sure. That's what I was going to say too. I was extremely sore for, I don't know why from squatting on Friday. And I was actually like afraid to get into a lot of those poses. And then like, we just did it. Like it didn't even, I think it goes right back. That same thing as you start to just tense up whenever you have to move that kind of the breathing that relax you made it easier to get to into those positions I feel better about going into a lift tomorrow now after you know I feel better now I also think that like having at least having an
Starting point is 00:18:00 instructor to do it because even if I go to the gym and i'm trying to get just looser i'm like i don't know do some arm circles we're good you know what i mean i can like at least at least if if if you were to go to a class and there's an instructor there there's somebody who's going to be like you're not fucking doing anything you know you have to do something. Guiding you. Yeah. What, Jesus Christ, you guys. If you're watching this episode, the studio is just falling apart. It's like somebody came in here and switched around all the cables. Oh, my God. Dennis the Menace. When we came in here, Katie was like, oh, this looks really professional.
Starting point is 00:18:44 I was like, yeah, just hang on. Shit's falling apart. Stuff doesn't work. So you get what you pay for and we're not paying anybody to set this up. So something I was thinking about while we were going is how difficult it was for me to just be doing it and probably all four of us but then difficult to focus on the breathing and focus on the movement you were doing it and you were talking the entire time i was like how could she do this and be talking like it's all i can do to just kind of breathe to make us look bad yeah just practice yeah i've just i've been doing it for seven years now so that would make it a lot harder though.
Starting point is 00:19:25 How do you practice? How would you even go about doing that? Do you just get good enough to where you're like, okay, I can breathe well enough to where I can actually talk while I'm doing this? You get used to it. Usually I don't have a class that's for people who have never practiced before. So I can not be doing the practice and I can be going among them and giving direction and adjusting poses and, and, you know, helping them and ask, does this hurt? Does this feel good? Do you feel, you know, so I don't have to do the practice the entire time. I try and do as little of the practice as I can so I can be paying attention to my students. But sometimes you just got to do it. So you get used to it over a course of time plus with us if we didn't see somebody doing it we would have no idea what to do there's
Starting point is 00:20:09 oh i was looking at you there was a couple times especially at the end where like i think a few like a couple of us popped up and like kind of looked around wait what the fuck am i doing and part of it is like i'm a visual learner like i i probably didn't hear a yoga instructor the first two years I went to class as I pretty much watched everything because I'm just that visual. But once students are there a bit, they know when I say warrior two, they know where they're going. So it just depends on who's in the room.
Starting point is 00:20:39 So one of the most interesting things I thought of the whole thing was you talked about kind of your weight over your foot and balance in the toes. Um, can you explain that one more time, what we were doing there? Uh, the talent toes. Yes. Um, what I did was I had them unlock their knees. So that joint was soft and I had them lift up their toes and spread them apart. And, uh, they kind of rocked and swayed a little bit like everyone does. and then they balanced out. That was them putting even weight distribution on all edges of their foot, so they were actually completely balanced. When you went through poses, and especially into one-legged balance poses, you made sure that you were balancing evenly.
Starting point is 00:21:21 Your muscles were where they were supposed to be, your joints were in alignment, and you weren't scrunching your toes down into the ground thinking that somehow that would help you balance but how else are we supposed to hang on toes are the fingers of the feet this is true but you can't balance without them you can't bounce about them and and you know you take away little things like grabbing the toes into the mat or the floor, and you find that all your other small muscles wrap around the big bones, and you get more benefit out of doing that way. You know, you're building strength. You're building that flexibility.
Starting point is 00:21:55 You're maintaining everything you need to do to keep that balance, and you're getting the intended benefit for your body. And I thought that was kind of interesting too because I think of how that kind of carries over to the squat with a lot of people, probably because of mobility or whatever issues either have way too much weight on their heels throughout the squat, get way too much weight on the balls of their feet. Um, but just that idea of, you know, keeping it spread throughout. And I think even, you know, opening up your toes and spreading them like you were showing us could be a huge benefit to that balance process.
Starting point is 00:22:30 Are you guys playing with your toes now? I'm rubbing my knees right now. The other thing with the feet is just trying to stand on one foot. It was like, okay, so we're just going to balance. It's like a sobriety test.
Starting point is 00:22:47 Just literally just lift your... But nobody's drunk. Yeah, just, well... Just lift... Last night was pretty crazy. I took it pretty easy last night, actually. But you just lift the one foot off the ground, and I was like, oh, I feel like such a piece of shit.
Starting point is 00:23:04 I was like, come on, you can such a piece of shit. I was like, come on, you can do this. I thought that was the game. I'm super tense and I'm going, Oh, I'm doing it. Nailed it.
Starting point is 00:23:14 Nailed it. Oh, it's like Kill Bill. And you just lay there like, move your damn toe. Wiggle your big toe. Um, yeah,
Starting point is 00:23:24 that's stuff. And then somehow that turned into almost a one-legged squat. One-legged squat with your other leg on your knee of the... It was balancing pigeons pose. Okay. And there's a... Is that easy? Most people are like...
Starting point is 00:23:39 Can a lot of people do that? Like you were doing it to like a parallel squat on your one leg like that is pretty hard just like chill there like read a book you look pretty comfortable for you no because after a certain amount of time it does get rather tiring but no it's just it's just different it's not hard or or people don't do it better or worse it's just different because bodies are constructed different you know um We were just talking about, like, visually watching, you know, the instructor or whatever to know things, but sometimes visual is one of the worst things you have
Starting point is 00:24:12 because, you know, two people doing tree pose perfectly right, you know, correctly can look very different just because your bodies look different. So just because my femur goes down to parallel and balancing pigeon pigeons pose doesn't mean yours need to and you might be doing it better than me i was completely i didn't want to brag i'm gonna deflate my ego enough to be like she said it tyler stone's my new guru tyler should have led that
Starting point is 00:24:40 and also how many times have you had classes interrupted by 150 pound dogs you know i've only had one other dog in class before and it was a seeing eye dog and uh breezy sat very nicely on her own mat in the corner until we were done but fletch was a no-go fletch was very nice i thought he was like some type of service animal though like your blood sugar dog? He like eats food to make sure it's safe. He holds my couch cushions down. That's the only service he offers.
Starting point is 00:25:11 He's a good boy. Right away, so he starts like moving around and shit. And it's like, all right, dude, this is going to be a problem. So I have my sister put him in his kennel in the garage. And then he starts. This is going to be the least relaxing yoga session ever. To hear animals suffering. Maybe we can just play that dog commercial in the background too with that Sarah McLachlan song. I'm so happy I can do that.
Starting point is 00:25:37 So then I had to, well, I've got to either interrupt this right now or I'm going to listen to a dog whine. Fucking bring him in, hold him down. I don't know what you got to do. But I think we did the right thing. Props to my wife for keeping him out of our hair then for the rest of the trip or the rest of the session. What about, is it normally like lit? Is it dark?
Starting point is 00:26:00 Is it? Just depends on the teacher. I usually like to have it a little bit more. I like to have plenty of light in the room until I go down to Shavasana and final relaxation. Then I'll go turn them down as low as I can get them usually. Because I kind of felt like I didn't want people to be able to see what I look like. Does anyone ever fall asleep during that last little part? Yes.
Starting point is 00:26:22 Does that happen? Yes. I actually have a horror story about that i would love to hear that story let's go so i would in so i i uh i'm teaching this classes in the hot studio i've got about four students in the room and we do a good practice and we're not really feeling tired or anything and we go down into shavasana and um next thing i know i as the teacher wake up 45 minutes later and my class is gone oh man it was like the most panicked feeling i've ever had in my life but no i've had i've had people fall asleep before i've had people start snoring in shavasana before and it's it's
Starting point is 00:27:00 just okay because your body's doing what it needs and if it needs sleep that's fine and if you snore while you sleep, okay. I think that means you did a really good job. Yes. I generally take it as a compliment if someone gets relaxed enough that they can fall asleep after my class. So they're getting what they came for. That playlist that we were listening to, was that yours, Tyler? Or was that – that wasn't mine.
Starting point is 00:27:19 So where do you get yoga music like that? That's actually a Pandora station. Okay. So I just – it's Yoga Sanctuary on Pandora. I could fall asleep to that? That's actually a Pandora station. It's Yoga Sanctuary on Pandora. I could fall asleep to that. It's just pretty relaxing. Yeah, that's actually,
Starting point is 00:27:33 it's weird to go into something that's only ambient because it wasn't actually music. No, it was just sky. You know what I mean? That's what was interesting. It was just like calming tones. Whale noises. Like there was no, for a minute, well, when you first turned it on Like there was no, there, there's, for a minute,
Starting point is 00:27:46 well, when you first turned it on, I was like, yeah, I wonder what this is going to be. But it was just a, then it kind of fell away. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:27:52 But it was just like. I never really, I can't recall noticing it. I don't honestly remember anything. Because there, there was no like time signature. I think the melodies and the chorus
Starting point is 00:28:00 is where you were like this. And honestly, what a lot of those were, were Tibetan bowls, Tibetan crystal bowls. So they're like, and honestly, what a lot of those were, were Tibetan bowls, Tibetan crystal bowls. So they're just, boom. You know,
Starting point is 00:28:09 you kind of like scrape the edge of the bowl and it makes the vibration. Gotcha. There are those that have the understanding that like the entire body is made up of vibrations and like you can just heal things through the vibrations of the bowls. I don't really know much about it,
Starting point is 00:28:22 but. Ryan, you know quite a bit about the bowls. Katie, thank you for bringing that up. No, I don't know anything about it. Not the bowls we're used to. Oh, my. You know, there are yoga classes that do that, too. I think you have to go to California.
Starting point is 00:28:42 California, Colorado, I heard has some pretty legit yoga. I don't know if't know if i can handle that though like the pre-workout of yogis that that uh especially what's the last part called where we're laying down uh shavasana okay the final relaxation that uh like your job then it is like a little bit it reminds me of if you're getting hypnotized uh like a hypnotherap, it reminds me of if you're getting hypnotized, like a hypnotherapist or whatever, kind of what you're doing reminds me of that. Yeah. You know? You're sort of telling the body or maybe tricking the body into like being in this relaxed state. It worked.
Starting point is 00:29:17 Yeah, I know. It worked. Ryan's been clucking like a chicken every time we clap our hands. No, I can't claim to know how to hypnotize, but what I've done with that part of practice when I teach is just, I just do what works for me. And that's been through going through to workshops or other people's classes. I've just gathered things here and there that have worked for me.
Starting point is 00:29:38 And that's what I do. That's the thing that I don't think you could just be like, all right, I'm going to do that today. You know what I mean? Because I couldn't be like, all right, I'm going to do that today. You know what I mean? Because I couldn't be like, all right, Ryan, lay down. And just think about something that kind of makes you happy, I guess. Close your eyes. Don't talk for a few minutes.
Starting point is 00:29:57 Listen, if you've got to fart, it's going to be cool to fart. Just do it. Just go. Just chill out. I want you to just, you know, like I would be. I didn't smell any farts while we were going. No, I heard that was a thing. Is that a common thing? All that moving around? It's not uncommon. And, you know, if someone breaks wind in class, they just kind of ignore it and keep going.
Starting point is 00:30:16 Is there a technical yoga term for that? Not that I am aware of. Really? But, you know, I'm continuing education, so I'll get back to you. If I learn a term for that, I'll let you know. So your kind of dialogue or script that you kind of go through, is that something that you practice and sort of perfect? Because it was pretty good. It was very professional.
Starting point is 00:30:37 It was good. I've been doing it at least twice a week for about seven years. So it just kind of goes now. And sometimes I'll find ways just to change it up so I don't turn into a robot during class. I want to stay present in what I'm doing. It sounds really natural. Do you ever throw anything in there just to keep people on their toes like a real wild card?
Starting point is 00:30:55 Be like, I want you to relax. Just see if you can put, I want you to relax your elbows. Your dry, crusty, disgusting, un-lotioned elbows. No, but I'm going to try it now. Like, just where people kind of like, yeah. You said that last week. The right group of students will show up
Starting point is 00:31:16 that I can do that, too. I just know it. It's wintertime. It's really dry out. She has a point. No, but sometimes, like, when we're going through the sun salutations at the beginning,
Starting point is 00:31:24 I'll do something different or cue something different just to watch them be like, oh, God, no, wrong way, wrong way. Just be like, I tricked you, tricked you. That's why I'm here. Got to learn. So when you talk about continuing your education with this, is there certifications or how do you climb through the ranks of yoga mastery? Black belt. I'm not sure the ranks of yoga mastery? Black belt.
Starting point is 00:31:46 I'm not sure if there's yoga mastery. One of the teachers I always took classes from put it very well. She's like, it's yoga practice, not yoga perfect. So, you know, just don't worry about it. And I like that. There's different things you can do. What I'm doing is through the Yoga Alliance, which has been probably, I think, maybe one of the oldest kind of institutions, maybe, of yoga to help kind of protect the golden goose.
Starting point is 00:32:12 Make sure that if you say you're a Yoga Alliance teacher that you're actually legit and educated. The first certifications I got were through a company called Yoga Fit. And they were okay. Bikram does his own training. Core Power does their own training. It's become a very modern thing in probably the last 20, 30 years. So there's a lot of different certifications and stuff popping up. So you can kind of send about anybody a check.
Starting point is 00:32:38 Yeah, yeah. I was going to say, and how many of those are legit? You know, that's not my place to say. It's funny that you say that, what is legit, because I watched this documentary lately about, recently about Jake the Snake, the professional wrestler. With DDP yoga? Oh, I'm in Dallas Page.
Starting point is 00:32:55 Not your mother's yoga. So you're familiar with? I've seen a little bit of DDP yoga. I've not heard of this, so this is pretty flexible. If I saw that DDP was doing a yoga class, I would throw elbows to get there. I would definitely do it. I would be there. Other than Katie, that would probably be second on my list for ideal first yoga class.
Starting point is 00:33:16 So did he invent his own yoga? I think it's more just kind of like he's a yoga teacher, but this is my way of doing yoga. It's the Diamond Dallas. My question is, is it a pretty chill? Has anybody seen it? Is it a pretty chilled out or is it like yoga that's in your fucking face? It's a little bit of both. What I really appreciate about what I've seen about the DDP yoga is he's very adamant that it's accessible to everybody.
Starting point is 00:33:42 And like I just said, that it doesn't have to be perfect which is great and that's where all his results are coming from you know like Jake the snake and then like the I weighed 900 pounds now look at me you know but I've appreciated what I've seen about it so far and like I said I'd take class is there people
Starting point is 00:34:00 I mean is yoga it's not like a suitable replacement for like fully for exercise is it or is that something like you mentioned like people lost weight i'm gonna maybe sound stupid asking this question like is that just are there people that'll just do yoga that's what they do for exercise um i feel like you could because i thought that was a workout i mean i didn't think it was easy it It's just a bunch of isometric holding stuff. I suppose.
Starting point is 00:34:27 Posing. It poses. It depends. You can do a flow. Like, you know, when we did those sun salutations, we did the first one slow, and we did the isometric holds, and then you turn it into a flow where you're doing different movements on every breath.
Starting point is 00:34:41 I mean, honestly, I've gone years with the only workout I've done has been yoga. And if you're not watching on YouTube, Katie weighs 900 pounds. No, I don't. That's what I was just curious, you know, if somebody, if somebody maybe is going to just wants to start to move, is that a good place to start? Absolutely. Yeah, absolutely. And yeah, I, I think it's, I think it'd be good because it's not intimidating. Whereas maybe
Starting point is 00:35:03 somebody trying to get into lifting weights, like, whoa, what's all this stuff that's heavy and scary? At least you're doing something and you're moving. That's probably the most important thing. I'd say the biggest benefit is because you kind of have a coach. Like if someone told us, like, okay, guys, go do yoga, we'd be like that. We'd say, oh, yeah, just get on the floor and just kind of relax.
Starting point is 00:35:26 And honestly, a lot of people, I think, find yoga through injury. Like they've been runners or lifters or something, and they have an injury, and they find yoga is about the only thing that they can do because they can work around it and strengthen whatever is injured too. So it's great for that. It got Jake the Snake back. It got Jake the Snake back.
Starting point is 00:35:43 On the path of greatness. That's right. It can work for him. See, Jake the Snake back. It got Jake the Snake back. On the path of greatness. That's right. It can work for him. See, what I understood about the Diamond Dallas Page yoga is that he actually... Go on, Tanner. Well, he gives everyone diamond cutters to put them to sleep, and then that's about it. That's about the extent of it. Does he have...
Starting point is 00:35:59 I'm going to hope that at some point it all comes in. Oh, he does. He does. He does. To the diamond cutter. You know the salutation where we lifted the arms up? He goes up
Starting point is 00:36:08 and he brings it down. That's fucking crazy. That is great. He'd be a fool not to do that. But you know what? That opened up a whole new group of people
Starting point is 00:36:16 to try and yoga too. Yeah, that's true. Breaking down boundaries. Is he selling DVDs or what? Yeah, I think so. Probably. Good for him. He'll be dead in two years like the rest of them, won't he?
Starting point is 00:36:30 After watching that documentary, he seemed a lot better off than the rest of them. Tell me about this documentary. Okay. I haven't even seen it. The Resurrection of Jake the Snake. The Resurrection of Jake the Snake. Okay. So I thought it was a Diamond Dallas Page documentary.
Starting point is 00:36:43 Well, he is one of the main characters. And I say it's a character because Diamond Dallas Page is a character. He's also a real person. So it's Jake the Snake and it starts and he's doing some kind of like, not backyard wrestling, but it's a very sad
Starting point is 00:37:00 place to be at. Yeah, for like a former WWE guy. Katie, have you seen this before? Yes, I watched it. place to be. Yeah, for like a former WWE guy. He was big time back in the day. Katie, have you seen this before? Yes, I watched it. Am I the only one who hasn't seen it? I know. I watched it like a week and a half ago. These guys are talking about it on Netflix? Yep, it's on Netflix. Chris Bell is the
Starting point is 00:37:16 director? No. I don't think he has anything to do with it. Okay, what's it called? The Resurrection of Jake the Snake. So it starts and it's this footage of this wrestling match where he's supposed to make a celebrity appearance. He comes out, and he is very drunk. He can barely get into the ring.
Starting point is 00:37:36 I think later on in the documentary, it goes on to say that he drank 20 of those little vodka shooters before he even got in the in the ring it's like whoa that's gotta calm your nerves i guess and then um he goes out there and the crowd just starts yelling at him and like making fun of him because he can barely you know move or walk or do anything and then some guy runs out and he tries to get him to do some like i think the ddt was one of his big moves and he tries to get jake the snake to do that to him to like get the crowd basically not to hate him and he's so incoherent and just
Starting point is 00:38:10 has no idea what's going on that he can't even do that and then it kind of picks up they want to make a documentary about him and get him on the right path and diamond he and he goes and moves with diamond dallas page and i just remember you guys saying it was scott hall oh scott hall yeah he comes it's so awesome they pick him up from the airport and he's wearing out. We were saying it was Scott Hall. Oh, Scott Hall, yeah. It's so awesome. They pick him up from the airport and he's wearing an insane clown posse like motocross jersey. I was like, I kind of want to wear that.
Starting point is 00:38:33 That looks really fun. And at the time that they pick him up he's pretty far bad down the road too. The phone call. Hey man, what's up? Scott, I've been drinking vodka for breakfast. I don't want to make fun of alcoholics,
Starting point is 00:38:47 but it's kind of funny. There are some struggling individuals. Yeah. So there's some great moments in that documentary though. Scott Hall,
Starting point is 00:38:55 he turns out, I think he ends up training his son or something like that to be a wrestler at the end. That has nothing to do with yoga,
Starting point is 00:39:03 but. Just a damn good movie yeah just oh man this is great so it was a catalyst i mean there's a reason passages malibu promotes yoga there's stuff that gets you back on the right path it can help clear all that muck out of the mind so going with that do you think because i sort of feel like this way i'm not a very religious person. I don't know if we want to get into that. But that whole thing, this kind of, you know, thinking about things and the whole like spirituality thing, do you think that's kind of a religion for some people?
Starting point is 00:39:39 I think people can make anything a religion. And I think yoga is something easy to to mistake that for but spirituality and religion are two very different things okay well and and it would be my hope that everyone can find some form of spirituality through yoga but i don't think there's personally i don't think there's a religion to be found right you know if it can definitely help bring you closer to to god or he she, it, that may or may not be, you know, whatever you find. Or it can just make you feel okay and sleep better. And that's what's most important.
Starting point is 00:40:12 You know, your journey. Because Ryan wasn't sure if he was going to have to convert from powerlifting as his religion to yoga. But now that he doesn't have to make a decision. It can be the little goddess on the side. The powerlifting gods would be angry. Be exiled. So you walked us through a very basic course.
Starting point is 00:40:32 What is considered advanced or really, really tough, top level stuff for yoga? Oh, that's just... Is it kind of the same poses but more complicated forms? Yeah, there's always extensions on poses that you can do. And one of my favorite teachers, Christy Schwan, always taught me that once you think that you've got a pose completely nailed and have it perfect, there's that, okay, well, what's next?
Starting point is 00:40:59 What do you do next? And there's always a what's next. Sort of like maybe even just the form or the technique and how you get into it. And then another way that I kind of do with my classes as far as beginners to intermediates to advanced is how long you hold. Like a beginner's class, I'll generally have them hold things for like three to five
Starting point is 00:41:17 nice long slow breaths and when you're working up to advanced, we're doing 10, 15 breaths or like in the hot studio sometimes i'll just time it and like you're gonna hold a that dancer's balancing pose for you know two minutes on each side i think becram does like two and a half minutes for every pose i had to do that downward dog for two and a half minutes i think i'd have to you know some things aren't that good to hold that long but you two and a half minutes i think i'd have to you know some things aren't
Starting point is 00:41:45 that good to hold that long but you're taking a dirt nap but no there's lots of different ways that you can define what's beginners intermediate or advanced and some of it's personal too but i generally go with um it's easy to cue the base of a pose and then you can put extensions on after that and usually your advanced students know what that is so we've gotten to kind of the basics and some more advanced techniques or just poses that you're talking about is there anything that's sort of really gimmicky in yoga right now or just in general that you think is just kind of or just a big fad that's gonna pass right right like like maybe not diamond dallas Page, but something like that. But definitely not Diamond Dallas Page.
Starting point is 00:42:28 Do not talk about it. I would not speak ill of Diamond Dallas Page. You know, I've worked really hard in probably the last year or so to not pass judgment on that. You know, you have things like when P90X originally came out, Tony Horton had yoga on it and I enjoyed it. You know, now Beachbody has their three week yoga retreat with Vitas and, you know, even YogaFit where I got my original certification has this Beth Shaw lady.
Starting point is 00:42:56 You have Bikram coming. It's always going to be trendy to some extent, but it's just how trendy you want to make it. Right. You know, I'm not big. I don't think people should buy into gurus or idolize anything like that. I think that's really asking for trouble. What is that exactly? Could you elaborate?
Starting point is 00:43:15 What a guru is? Right. Like the love guru? That's all I can think about. Is that Mike Myers? No. That's all I can think about. No.
Starting point is 00:43:22 Well, I guess for me, a guru would be kind of almost like a god or like a demigod that's here that you know can do no wrong is always right you know um have teachers that you highly respect absolutely but when you move into gurus and idolizing i think that's a very dangerous place for us to be and um i guess the mindset that I've decided to settle on is that, um, safe and honest yoga, no matter where it comes from is something that I need to be appreciative of and glad that it's out there. So, you know, the, if the beach body folks or the yoga fit folks or whoever wants to extend, you know, legit healthy yoga, then I need to be grateful for that. it's all about staying
Starting point is 00:44:05 positive yes positive yay you're not gonna shit on anyone are you i'm trying to get some dirt come on no no i'm gonna try not to we have this can you at least say something bad about tyler just one bad really bad thing That's all out there already. He was really scrawny in elementary school. Whoa. Shots fired. If you do not remember, I remember Tyler from a long, long time ago. Guys, can you guys hear me?
Starting point is 00:44:39 Yeah. Is that you from a long, long time ago? This is Tyler just interjecting from the future, saying that we don't want to get into this. I'm so glad I found this knob. So this board has effects on it, and I never figured out how to use them until that moment. Just there.
Starting point is 00:45:03 Can we also do that for flashbacks? I think so. Future or flashback. Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep. All right. Scooby-Doo ending. Like how I deflect the talking to me, talking about my childhood stuff.
Starting point is 00:45:16 A lot of bad memories there. It got weird. I was so scrawny. It was terrible. Okay, you want something mean? Here's something mean. All right. This is kind of where I got my guru thing.
Starting point is 00:45:26 For those of you who don't know, Mr. Bikram has found himself back in India because he has had several allegations of rape towards other women and then spoken very poorly about himself. And I think it's absolutely disgusting that people would use a practice or any fitness type thing that's supposed
Starting point is 00:45:46 to better yourselves to uh to prey upon people and then to act like you're some sort of king shit that like i can't believe you would accuse me you you should want to sleep with me okay i just and i think especially in a culture like i know yoga where we're not as sweaty and slinging barbells or whatever around like like y'all are It's not very bro-y, you could say. It's pretty chill. Yeah. Where most places aren't, but it could be a place that would be very easy to prey upon other people, especially if you got into a status and you take a seat as teacher.
Starting point is 00:46:19 And I think that it's a little bit disgusting that that's happened. Yeah, that's weird. So there's my bad. I think anything where you end up giving somebody actual power over you. You know what I mean? Like it's one thing having a coach or an instructor, and then it's totally different being like, well, you're just going to be in charge of what I do and whatever,
Starting point is 00:46:37 and I'm just going to do whatever you say, and I'm not going to think twice about it at all. But at some point, too, well, obviously being a piece of shit is just being a piece of shit. But at some point, people have to kind of make their own judgment, too. You know what I mean? Like, Tanner doesn't get to fucking tell me what to do. You know? Tyler wants to poop with the door open at the gym.
Starting point is 00:46:58 I guess he'll do that. One power, too, Tyler. You're not my fucking. You're not in charge of me, Tanner. Exactly. You can put your faith, you're not in charge of me, Tanner. Exactly, you can put your faith in stuff, but just don't put it in Tanner, I guess. Doing downward dog next thing I know,
Starting point is 00:47:15 Tanner's behind me. What's going on? Eyes on your mats, boys. Eyes on your mats. You might, didn't you hear that part? She said you might start to feel a sensation oh that's what that was that was your hamstring actually it's supposed to be your hamstring on on the way through fletch was running past across my mat and i don't remember where if we were laying on our backs at that point or if what or we were just moving around but like i got hit my eyes were
Starting point is 00:47:44 kind of closed right in the face with his tail. I got the back of the head. For a minute, I'm like, what the fuck did Katie just do? That's enough. No. Just whipping us with incense. Well, sometimes we do the gentle face or feet massages in class. But I didn't do that today
Starting point is 00:48:05 so if there was something rubbing on your face you might want to check in with your buddies we try not to get too handsy the four of us um what about uh on a totally unrelated note katie has very very serious ambitions of making it on survivoror show yes I do and I think I think we gotta we gotta I want to know first where did that obsession come from one quick question so does Survivor still exist uh yeah oh shit I'm not sure if you and I can be friends now wow Jeff Probst is so have you submitted. Jeff Probst is still alive. Jeff Probst looks younger every season. So he's still the host. Because he drinks the blood of the producers.
Starting point is 00:48:51 Probably. How many years have you submitted? Actually, about a month and a half ago, I submitted my sixth application. What is that? Give us a rundown of what that's like is it a video yeah you do a three minute video okay that's supposed to basically show who you are um just kind of doing quirks you in the wild like swinging from trees and killing animals you know what kind of i did i did a lot of footage of me attempting to parent my sons which usually ends up comical
Starting point is 00:49:22 and never works out how it's supposed to but you know because a lot of them are like i don't know i was trying to record and just be like hi i'm katie i'm 34 and my four was like throwing pillows off the couch at my head so i just kind of left that in there i mean like this is me this is the way my life is like so hopefully they'll they'll like it this time so what is it about being on survivor that draws draws you? Why do you want to do that? Because we could maybe get you on like Wipeout. Is it real fortune good enough? You know, sometimes you just find this desire for a challenge.
Starting point is 00:49:56 And, you know, I watch that and I like yell things at the TV every Wednesday night and tell people how they're stupid and know they got to do this. So part of it is I want to put my money where my mouth is. Right um you know i'm a stay-at-home mom yoga teacher i need moms need adventure too so i threw my name in the hat and damn it if i go i'm what if you got on and it was like survivor alaska or then i am so prepped survivor survivor inner city chicago Prepped Survivor Survivor Inner City Chicago Chirac Little Inner City Chicago Little white girl
Starting point is 00:50:29 In yoga pants Survivor Syria You know I haven't heard of those Coming yet I hope the series Is getting stale
Starting point is 00:50:39 We haven't supposed to Not enough Danger It would be interesting, too. So year one, I suppose, is it tempting to just make your three-minute video? You're like, hi, I'm so-and-so. I do this, this, this, this. You try to make one thing interesting.
Starting point is 00:50:55 And then the next year, do you have to start over and be like, all right, fuck, I'm going to be totally different this time. That's what I wondered, too, if you've adapted over six years. I'm sure I have adapted over six years, and I'm sure it's gotten a lot less. I was watching some of my previous videos just the other week, and it was like, man, they look so fake. I was trying so hard to want them to like me.
Starting point is 00:51:16 And by this time with the sixth one, it's kind of like, hey, it's me again. Remember me? Still here. If you're the if you're the the first filter who's been pitching these
Starting point is 00:51:27 throwing them in the trash please just pass it on to you just send it to the next guy already pretty much just
Starting point is 00:51:34 if it's been stopping at you every year just this one time move it along give me one more shot there's ten dollars in the envelope no
Starting point is 00:51:43 but the most I've heard of someone applying before they got on was, I think, 13 times. Oh, shit. So I'm not even halfway there. Yeah. Never give up. And really, that was 13 videos, and I've only sent five videos. One was an actual casting call at the Mall of America.
Starting point is 00:51:56 Oh. So really. Do you ever get, is there like, is it like American Idol where there's like varying levels of like. Simon Cowell. We liked your video. Now we need to have a conference call. So is there many stages of it?
Starting point is 00:52:13 And have you always ended at just the video thus far? I've always ended at just the video. And I do know a little bit about the different stages. I bet you know all of them. Yeah, kind of. Do you hear back though? Do they send you something back or is it you just never hear? You just never hear. They send you a video of them just putting out a torch.
Starting point is 00:52:27 One of these days I'm going to get an email that's like, just stop trying. No, but until I get that email, I'm going to keep trying. No, I've actually gotten to speak with Holly Hoffman, who's from South Dakota, and she made it up to number four in season 21, and she told me a little bit about her experience with it so that's where I got my info from I think survivor would be really fun until they
Starting point is 00:52:52 did the first thing that involves swimming and I'd be like oh sorry guys I'm out yeah you're never gonna get immunity Tanner they've done some weight stuff in there too that would be your like you'd just be keeping your fingers crossed
Starting point is 00:53:08 every time like do the weight lifting thing you haven't ate for like two weeks so you're the weakest you've ever been in your life or some kind of weird puzzle and you're just like
Starting point is 00:53:17 I don't know yeah and the thing is you sit there on your couch going I'm so good at puzzles I would be so good at that and then it's like but I haven't eaten in three hours
Starting point is 00:53:24 and now I can't think so I can't imagine that the other thing is I would be so good at that. And then it's like, but I haven't eaten in three hours and now I can't think. So I can't imagine that. The other thing is I would have a really hard time trying to have like be nice to people that I don't like for the sake of the show. You know what I mean? Well, I'd be like, man, I really
Starting point is 00:53:37 don't want this guy to vote me off, but I kind of want to just be like, fuck that guy. I was actually thinking about this last night. Do you remember the guy who lied about his grandma dying like johnny fairplay because because i was thinking about the show true life and he had a true life like i'm an alcoholic or something it's like him going out just getting just crazy and then the next night he's like out with his friends he's just like drinking a beer yeah i'm not partying just just drinking a beer and it's just like man this guy
Starting point is 00:54:05 is crazy and it like told his whole survivor story and i think he just basically kind of befriended everybody and lied to them and then he got closer to the end and lied about his grandma dying or something like that and they just felt bad for him and kept him on which people don't have that mentality anymore like people are not going to give it up, I don't think. I would say this far along, I'd be like, oh, well, you should go home then. Maybe you should die too. They brought him back for another season. They did, I think, Heroes vs. Villains. And he actually didn't, I think he either quit or made sure that he told his tribe to vote him off.
Starting point is 00:54:44 He wanted to go home. I got to get back to Vegas. Yeah, pretty much. I haven't watched it in a long time. But if I remember, I thought when it first came out, it was like people starving to death on an island. Yeah, that's what I thought too. Because I think it was more like that in the beginning, wasn't it?
Starting point is 00:55:00 Okay, because I may or may not. It evolved into a very long game show in which you're starving on an island um no i may or may not have watched the seasons over and over again on amazon just saying but like no season one if you notice like they probably have more luxury items than they do now really yeah like i would say the big difference would be maybe like now they'll provide them with like here's a bag of rice this has to last you 29 days you know deal with it but no um like in the first season when they got letters from home like they sent them like oreos and chips and so they're sitting around eating this stuff water that you could
Starting point is 00:55:40 actually drink yeah yeah and and they well actually water is one of the things that now they have the wells. I think it was the Africa season. Like the water was like the color of this table. Everybody got cholera. Has anyone ever gotten like really sick on the show, like from the show? There's been people who have been sick for a long time. Tony, one of the winners, he said that he had bugs and everything. And he goes, I was just sick for months afterwards.
Starting point is 00:56:09 He was a cop. He was big, like, built like you guys. And by the time the show was over, he looked like me. He turned into a woman. With some weird bugs. Weird bugs, weird bugs. What was... Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:56:24 So isn't there another show now called like Naked and Alone or something? Naked and Afraid. Naked and Alone. That sounds familiar. They are alone. The Ryan DeFay story. Well, you see, here's the difference. Naked and Afraid is on a channel where like they like will not interject.
Starting point is 00:56:41 Yeah, because I saw it. I'm like, this doesn't seem legal to do. Like the person had literally turned into one enormous bug bite. And they had zero food and they were naked and they were just sleeping. They were very alone. And it looked terrifying. Who's filming it? So there's a camera crew just watching this guy die.
Starting point is 00:57:00 I thought they were filming themselves. And the thing is, I don't think that channel really cares if you die or get that sick. And I could have sworn the person made it like 10 days with a piece of fish that they found dead in the river and they're like,
Starting point is 00:57:13 congratulations, you win like $1,000. It was some insulting prize. What do you, okay, back to Survivor, what do you win if you win the whole thing?
Starting point is 00:57:21 It's a million dollar prize. It is a million dollar prize. I feel like that should have been adjusted for inflation over the last... How many seasons? Has it been 20 years? No, it's been 15.
Starting point is 00:57:30 15? But in Survivor, it hasn't increased. But if you think about Amazing Race, I think it's only half a million dollars. And Big Brother is only a quarter million dollars. Do you guys kind of know the background with game shows? Why they became so popular? Any contest shows. You don't have to pay
Starting point is 00:57:47 writers. You don't have to pay actors. They don't have to be in the screen. And if I remember right, you don't have to be paid. You will only get paid what you win. So you're not getting paid. If you had to be an actor on the show, you would get residuals anytime that airs. But if you're on a game show...
Starting point is 00:58:04 I've seen Drew Carey acting to a game show drew carrie acting to be happy on the price is right though a lot of times you can't tell me that guy's really that happy well he's getting paid but uh but yeah like so if you go on those shows if you go on a show and the the the gist of the show is you're gonna get punched in the face by professional fighters and then you know if you survive you win fifty thousand dollars yeah but if you survive, you win $50,000. But if you don't, you get nothing, and then they're still using that content for forever and ever and ever, and you didn't get shit.
Starting point is 00:58:36 You probably got a free meal while you were there. Punched in the face. Which is going to be our next project, is the Punched in the Face reality show. You know, if I ever get on Survivor, I will make sure I talk to casting about that. I think you should. I have some friends with an idea. It's not a good idea.
Starting point is 00:58:56 But it's an idea. But they have ideas. It may not be good, but I'd watch. I do think that would be a fun job. I don't know who gets that, but to sit in a room with like a group of hopefully like 10 people and just think of game show ideas for like a week straight you know what they need to do bring back fear factor with joe rogan i think they even did bring it back for like one more season at some point was it with joe rogan though it was because he said if maybe they could do a podcast i'll have it like three hours long well i think i think if joe rogan though it was because he said if i maybe they could do a podcast i'll have it like three hours long well i think i think if joe rogan was going to make people eat animal dicks he would
Starting point is 00:59:29 just do it on his podcast and not make them do it it's not like it's like he's a guru or something you know because i think his whole thing now is he didn't want to he didn't want to do that the last time when he but he was like they threw so much money at me, so I just did it. He'd be dumb not to. But he's like, now I definitely don't need the money, and so I'm not going to do it. But I don't think we're going to see Joe Rogan yelling at people. Maybe Drew Carey could do it.
Starting point is 00:59:55 With, like, mouthfuls. Drew Carey on Fear Factor. Eat that cow dick. Well, on that note, our time is up here. Katie's got to get rolling. She has another group of people who are probably much, much fitter than we are to instruct. So, Tanner, did you have anything else for today? I did forgot to bring your sack stuff in.
Starting point is 01:00:21 Oh, that's all right. We'll put that off until next week. Anything else we want to cover before we go? Come on, Tanner. No. Anything. Sure.
Starting point is 01:00:30 I'm about to start the wrap-up. I was just going to double check in my head when this would come out. I guess it'll be about two weeks from today. What date is that? The end of January?
Starting point is 01:00:40 Yeah. I don't have anything in particular to talk about that, I don't think. It's probably still cold and awful here. Yeah. It's probably nicer where you guys live.
Starting point is 01:00:48 Whoever's listening to this. And, um, yeah. So thanks a lot for listening today, guys. Thanks a lot for coming in, Katie.
Starting point is 01:00:54 Thanks for, uh, kicking the shit out of us for what felt like an eternity. Um, go to the website, go to, scroll to the bottom of the page. You can sign up for our email newsletter.
Starting point is 01:01:05 There you'll find our story. You can buy yourself hats like the one Tanner's wearing. Shirts, none of us are wearing. Oh, I'm wearing a shirt. Oh, he's wearing a shirt.
Starting point is 01:01:13 Can't buy that one. So, tough shit. You can buy that one. I'll sell it to you for like a price. Yeah, I mean. I actually printed those shirts.
Starting point is 01:01:22 Did you? I did. Shit. So, contact Katie if you want that shirt I guess because she's got the hook up I'm Tyler you can find me at Tyler F. and Stone on Instagram make sure you go to our Facebook page like the page we'll keep you in the loop
Starting point is 01:01:37 on everything else that we're doing Ryan how can the world find you? flyingryan underscore d on Instagram emphasis on the d Tommy? You can find me at Tomahawk underscore D. Emphasis on the D.
Starting point is 01:01:49 I guess. Katie, we will just not probably plaster your personal information all over the internet, but we are going to need
Starting point is 01:01:57 the last four of your social security numbers before we go. At least. And the first five. I'll put it at Bahama Mama on Instagram go there you go and um obviously the people who are in charge of the show survivor are huge fans of the massonomics podcast so
Starting point is 01:02:14 should be good yeah i mean yeah jeff probes sends us emails like it's almost weird how often he's talking to us jeff then why has it taken you you so long to hook me up and what the hell? We just had a lot of other stuff we were doing. We had to get a free session. Back on the mats, you're going to get it. So, yeah, so Survivor people, you know, take care of that. Make sure you get Katie on next season.
Starting point is 01:02:38 Tanner, how can the world find you? Check me out at Massanomics on Instagram and I also coach yoga class at my Massanics gym uh monday through friday 7 p.m massonomics underscore d i thought you're gonna hear this is that all right thanks a lot for listening everybody you just heard the massonomics podcast with your ears you're welcome check us out on Facebook. Find us on Instagram at Masanamics. And make sure you visit and buy some of that sweet Masanamics gear.
Starting point is 01:03:11 From your friends at Masanamics Studio, home of the world's strongest podcast. Stay strong. Outro Music

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