Massenomics Podcast - Ep. 421: Olympian DeAnna Price

Episode Date: April 29, 2024

Big DeAnna Price joins us for this one to discuss her record setting hammer throws, Olympic experiences, and some of her heaviest lifts in training! We also talk about beef (it’s what’s for dinner...) and our plans for a garage gym training session. Build Fast Formula Use code MASSENOMICS to save 10% on every order! BearFoot Shoes Use code MASSENOMICS to save 10% on every order! Juggernaut AI Use code MASSENOMICS to save 10%! The Strength Co Get some Go-To Plates! Swiss Link Use code MASS to save 15%! Texas Power Bars Get the Barbell that changed the game!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Thanks for what you do with your podcasts and all the rest. You're doing a great job. Hope everybody keeps tuning in. You get a lot of good info, a lot of insights, understandings on how to get strong, how to stay strong, how to use your strength. You do a great job, dude. You make things better than they are in real life, I think.
Starting point is 00:00:15 If you don't follow Massanomics, y'all do it. Social media, website, everything. Massanics! Welcome everyone for episode 421 of the Massonomics podcast, the lifting podcast about nothing. My name is Tanner. And my name is Tommy. And Tommy, you know this is a special one at 421. You know what that means. It's one after 420. That's what I was thinking. All right.
Starting point is 00:00:51 See, we're on the same page already. This is probably going to be a really good one. That 420 hangover ain't hurting us. Ooh. Ooh. Still trying to recover from that one, am I right? Oh, yeah. Yeah, you're drinking a glass, just a cup of water over there.
Starting point is 00:01:07 Just flat, just still water over here. Recover from it. This episode is brought to you by our great friends over at Build Fast Formula. You can check them out at It's the supplements that we use. They have some of our personal favorites there. They have Vasoblitz, which is their dual nitric oxide support supplement, kind of their non-caffeinated pre-workout supplement is how I consider it.
Starting point is 00:01:30 They have DrinkHack, which is their hangover helper type supplement to if you're doing a little living easy, night on the town, try that out, see if it makes you feel a little bit better the next morning than you would without it. Then they've got their Blitz 3D, which is their caffeinated pre-workout and their full Blitz, which is a combination of the nitric oxide support and the Blitz 3D supplement. And with any of the supplements, anything you purchase from them, you can use discount code MASSANOMICS. It'll save you 10% for your entire order. You can also sign up for a subscription model on any of those products, save you an additional 10%.
Starting point is 00:02:06 10 plus 10 is 1,000% off. And today's episode is also brought to you by Texas Power Bars. Tanner, sometimes things are just too good to be true, but they actually are true. And that is the Texas Power Bars $50 off flash sale is still going. It has not stopped going. So if you are in the market for a Texas power bar and let's,
Starting point is 00:02:31 let's be real with, uh, be real with ourselves here. Let's be honest. You're always in the market for a Texas power bar. Now is a great time to buy because you can save up to $50 on a variety of bars, including the brand spanking new 29 millimeter Texas power bar. I've
Starting point is 00:02:47 heard that it might just be possibly the best bar for your home gym. That's just what some people have told me on the internet. Uh, so if you would like to get a part of the, a piece of the Texas power bars, legend, the Texas power bar, the 29 millimeter, the squat bar, the deadlift bar, any of them, make sure to head over to and take advantage of that sale. Thank you, Texas Power Bars.
Starting point is 00:03:14 Thanks, TPB. Okay, episode 421. We've got an exciting episode coming. We have a guest coming on, an Olympian, United States Olympian. Tommy, do you think we've ever, have we ever had an Olympian on the pot? That's what I was just going to ask you.
Starting point is 00:03:28 We've had, obviously, a lot of World's Strongest Man competitors, powerlifters. We've had American Gladiators. I was going to say, of course, American Gladiator. That's pretty close. Professional bodybuilders. We have people that compete at the mr olympia i just typed in massonomics olympian just to see if those two keywords anything popped up and not seen anything so this might be the very first time which is honestly surprising to me yeah mark that
Starting point is 00:03:58 one off the list it only took us to 421 episodes to get there huh you know you don't get there until you do it you know you never know what's going to happen so that's why you got to do this for 400 plus weeks to really check all the boxes that's right what's going to be next i mean i wonder what who will get next i can hardly imagine probably like the rock i suppose i'm not sure if the rock would be that interesting that would he would not be on my list i just he just has his script that he's i mean it's the rock like the rock is the rock does he actually surprise i feel like the only time he surprises people is when he tries to act like a normal guy and they're like oh he's he's being kind of normal he's off script yeah obviously if the rock messaged us tomorrow and said he wanted to be on the podcast we'd squeeze it in
Starting point is 00:04:42 somehow but uh we pretty well, full and well, smell what he's cooking by this point in time, I think. We're all aware. But, you know, with this whole new wrestling thing, I think he has changed up his. Actually, yeah, that's actually probably the most, actually is kind of a timely, interesting thing that he's got going on too. But enough about The Rock.
Starting point is 00:05:01 We're not having The Rock on this episode. We have a lot of other stuff coming up just even this week. I'm going to be, I'm going to be headed down to crew falls in like a day and a half from now. I'll be headed down to crew falls. Less than 48 hours. Yeah. We've got a big trip coming up.
Starting point is 00:05:21 We're headed to home gym con. If anyone hasn't heard by now it's what is that the uh we have an official name for that now south dakota hicks visit french slick for home gym con 2024 brought to you by bells of steel yes that's it i knew somebody here would know it it wasn't me it was you though uh so we're excited about that we'll probably talk more about that this episode but i actually listened to you uh it worked out perfect since i never get to sleep at night or rarely get to sleep at night wait if you say at night like you sleep during the day do you also
Starting point is 00:05:57 do you know no no let me be more more specific i don't really get to sleep since i just don't sleep i'm like uh not nocturnal because that would mean you're awake at night and asleep during the day but i'm actually working during the day so i'm just like a combination of of normal schedule and nocturnal only none of the sleeping just sans sleeping yeah so but because of that i literally listened to like your entire you entire episode of you on a podcast from like two to four in the morning i was able i was on there okay so so yeah so to give some context here uh actually tanner maybe you can tell the first part of the story i believe huck finn reached out to you didn't he yeah he reached out uh this was just when was this now uh sunday night yeah sunday night yeah
Starting point is 00:06:48 yeah and asked about being on the uh the huck finn barbell show which i i guess you pointed out i haven't i have never been on the huck finn barbell show i just assumed you had but i in my head for some reason i thought i had been like four times i guess i actually haven't been on there at all said it was zero yeah and i said i actually can't been on there at all. It was zero. Yeah. And I said, well, I actually can't tonight. I've got something going on, but here's Tommy's number. Why don't you hit him up? And I assume from there he hit you up. Yeah. So I got a, I was outside talking to my neighbor and my phone was ringing. So I didn't bother to look at it. And then like a half hour later I look and it's from a phone number I don't recognize. And they left a voicemail, which is not totally normal. So I look at the voicemail and it's, uh, Hey Tom, this is Tom need you on
Starting point is 00:07:30 the podcast tonight. Call me. Bye. Oh, I see what's going on here. So I, I, I texted him and I said, I'm putting kids to bed, you know, can we do this later? And he's like, yeah, we don't need you to late 45. So that worked out perfect. And, perfect and uh yeah they needed me for the huck finn barbell show and my first time on the show it worked out great you know just pop down here hit the lights on we're all ready to go and we had a nice little chat it was uh huck finn and the white george foreman at first and then karen came on and we got to talk all about home gym con and what to expect. And we talked about massonomics a little bit and Midwest live in South Dakota live in and just a variety of things. So it was a, it was a fun show.
Starting point is 00:08:14 Uh, I, I enjoyed it a lot. I thought it was really good. I like Keith. Keith, uh, of course had listened to it. And in the discord, he said, I loved it. It was a home gym con preview and nobody knew anything about home gym when you've never been there you know it's hard to say what it's gonna it's like well last year there was describing the arnold when you've never been there but even the arnold
Starting point is 00:08:34 there's so much stuff that comes out of it it's like well yeah last year there was a few vendors and i don't know some people went to it there's not like this just over abundance of content sitting out there on it where this is like ah i'm not honestly 100 sure what i'm getting into i think it's a lot bigger than what there was going on last year so we'll see we will see uh but no the do check out the huck finn barbell show that that was pretty fun i like he asked you those questions he asked oh just we've been asked those before i knew instantly was coming and i also realized instantly that he did not remember them at all yeah and he kept being like no no you've never asked him and he eventually he realized he's like wait a second i'm pretty
Starting point is 00:09:13 sure we've done this oh that was funny you got a little anything you're drinking over there today or what you know what we actually ran out of sparkling water so i just had to go with a regular i just had to go with regular flat water tonight. That doesn't sound bubbly. I've got something I've never had before. I have a, I just popped into my refrigerator today. Well, okay, before you even say anything, I see a pink can, and if this was Canada, that'd be cream soda right now.
Starting point is 00:09:38 Are we in Canada? Thankfully, in the good old. US of A. I thought this was America. In America, pink means something like tropical fruit, Waterloo. As it should. Yeah, yeah. Although cream soda would be good.
Starting point is 00:09:51 I'd take a Canadian cream soda. So this is a Waterloo tropical fruit. Picture of a pineapple and maybe a mango and a grapefruit on it, I believe. Very tropical. I don't know what we're going to experience on this one. Tropical Pamplemousse. I have never had a sparkling water that tastes quite like this one. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:10:16 This is a unique flavor. Okay. When you think they've done it all, we find more. That's pretty good. That's a good change of pace sparkling water on the tropical fruit waterloo almost is like a sparkling water hawaiian punch oh that does sound pretty good i saw i was in at work in a in a meeting today in a one of our conference rooms and like at some of the ends of the concert conference, there's often like snacks or like lunches or snacks from prior meetings or whatever.
Starting point is 00:10:48 And like there was a giant thing of Hawaiian punch there. And just like it caught my attention just during the middle of the meeting. And I just caught myself wandering. Your mouth was just watering onto the table. I was just thinking, when was the last time I drank a sip of Hawaiian punch? And then I'm like like was it one of those giant plastic jugs yeah like that one that almost has the handle on it yeah and i'm just like i i know what that tastes like i feel like but i haven't had that for so long and and then i just
Starting point is 00:11:15 was thinking of the little their little mascot what is that even what i don't know that's what because he has a weird red hat thing on doesn doesn't he? Yeah. These are the things that I was entertaining my mind with. So needless to say, it was a very important meeting. Yes, yes. I'm looking at this guy right now, this Hawaiian punch. I have no clue what... He has a blue and white striped shirt, and his hair is red. Is that just supposed to be his hair?
Starting point is 00:11:44 I can't well here they have like a 3d render it almost looks like he now he has something on his head because he has hair underneath it is it supposed to be a shell of some kind and then it's laying on his head is that what hawaiian people look like i'd say no yeah that is. It looks really old when I look at it now. I'm like, that looks like it was drawn in like 1948. Well, some of these look very late 80s, early 90s, though.
Starting point is 00:12:15 Very of the time. Yeah, I don't know if I couldn't tell you last time I had a wine punch, though. It's well over 10 years ago. I give this Waterloo Tropical fruit a 4.0 wow okay it's good it's flavorful that's on my to buy list i would say people need to try this one out i tried a little something out tonight would you like to know what that is yeah the old pizza ranch buffet gosh i was just thinking about that i posted a pizza ranch song in the discord a couple weeks ago too because i'm like i haven't been to pizza ranch for years and i'm like i feel like
Starting point is 00:12:51 some of my kids like my kindergartner has probably never been to pizza ranch in her life and it's like she she might be prime pizza ranch our boy loves pizza ranch especially because the one here has an arcade in it so he knows when he gets done he can go play games for sure uh so that's uh he always wants to go and it's been we went we went when we got a bunch of snow would that have been january maybe if i remember it was like this crazy blizzard and it felt like we were just braving the elements to get some pizza ranch but uh we went it was pretty good it's it was fine like it's it's fine do you feel good or like shit when you get done i feel like shit but i also just force fed myself as much pizza as i possibly could which you gotta get your money's worth oh exactly and then it's like well i'm here so i gotta do some
Starting point is 00:13:34 cactus bread and then they have brownies there so i'm gonna eat brownies and then i better eat some ice cream too because you know i'm here so i gotta do it all and then i do feel like garbage afterwards i want to go there just uh when i was thinking about it i i think so i gotta do it all and then i do fight garbage afterwards i want to go there just uh when i was thinking about it i i think if i went anymore i am becoming an old man in the way that i don't even want the pizza i just want the fried chicken that they have i because the fried chicken is good i think i've done enough uh firsthand experimentation to know that the fried chicken is what messes me up like i gotta bet you think that yeah like you think it's like the grease i think it's the grease from the skin because today
Starting point is 00:14:10 i actually went with just some i normally i could just go with the legs and i or it's like it's what messes you up the most oh it is it is what does the most damage because normally i'll just you know it's like chicken leg chicken leg all right just keep those things going so i'm like now i'll do the chicken breast and skip the skin and i felt better than i normally do which there isn't saying a lot of breasts are good though oh they are it's yes it is it's large it's juicy yeah i i gotta give them credit and then you know you get the potatoes and gravy so you can just you know get some gravy on that thing right there's like a limited uh i do i like fried chicken quite a bit and there's just in western northeast south dakota anymore i always just feel There's like a limited, I do, I like fried chicken quite a bit
Starting point is 00:14:45 and there's just, in western and northeast South Dakota anymore, I always just feel like there's a limited number of places that you can go and get good fried chicken. Like so often,
Starting point is 00:14:53 you can go to like the grocery store delis and like 50% of the time it's terrible. Like it's been there for like, it's been there for so long. It's just,
Starting point is 00:15:00 right. And then people that probably have access to actual good fried chicken are laughing at us right now. Right. You gotta work with what you got, we yeah we purely like we legitimately don't have access to good fried chicken like but actually pizza ranch is really good though you could put that like on a menu at a decent fried chicken you know at a decent restaurant and you know i'm not saying it's like i don't know wherever fried chicken is made the best. I'm sure there's much better versions, but like it's it's passable.
Starting point is 00:15:27 Like it is fried chicken there. Yeah. Our guest is already here, Tanner. I don't know if we want to do some. Should I read one or should I read one ad? Yeah, why don't you? And I'll get I'll get I'll get I'll get the guest ready here. OK, and then we'll do, you know, the other ads
Starting point is 00:15:46 and our supporting members and stuff after our guest. We'll get to the meat and potatoes of this episode, if you will. But this episode is also brought to you by Juggernaut AI. And I was looking there. We had a good testimonial, actually, in our Discord this just earlier today. That was a great testimonial. I was like this just earlier today. That was a great testimony. I was like, you need to screenshot that and send that to Chad.
Starting point is 00:16:07 Yeah. I saw biggest Brad, a big Brad of Michigan, I think. Right. Big Brad out of Michigan. He has been using juggernaut. He's a mass atomic supporting members and are active in our discord crew.
Starting point is 00:16:19 We saw him at the Arnold this year and he goes, ran my juggernaut mock meet yesterday, hit a two 25 bench bench which his elbow is in rehab but then he said he hit a 345 pound squat which is a 30 pound pr and a 40 465 pound deadlift which is a 45 pound improvement uh then he says jug jug ai works for any of you that are on the fence about it because we do have people that come up with questions quite a bit and uh you know overwhelmingly i think that's the answer that a lot of people get from people in our discord is that yeah like yes you absolutely should try it trust the process yeah so also congratulations big brad on the progress yeah thanks for using juggernaut ai
Starting point is 00:16:59 if anyone else wants to check it out try it out uh go go to the web browser, punch in a browser, go to That's the only place you can use the discount code. You can't use it through the app. So go to the web browser, use the discount code. Mastanomics saves you 10% for the lifetime of the membership. Should we get our guest on? Bada bing.
Starting point is 00:17:21 We are here with Deanna Price, Olympian hammer thrower uh world record holder american record holder i'm actually that's part of what we want to talk to you about is uh it seems like there's several records and we don't understand maybe all of them so we want you to tell us uh what are your records oh absolutely um so yeah what actually let's start there then so what's your uh what's is it hammer throw is that your primary event then so primary event is the hammer throw so it's an 8.8 pound ball on a 3 foot 11 inch wire and I actually hold the second farthest throw ever in the world at at at a 80 31 and Anita Wodarczyk she's the world record holder at 82.98.
Starting point is 00:18:05 And for people that don't know, that's in meters. So it's a really, and, and nobody, none of us know what that is in feet. I think unless you're in a, unless you're from another country. It's almost the length of a football field. It's about 200 and I throw it 264 feet, six inches, I believe. That's a long way. So by like, it's to explain a little bit of the hammer, you know, um, like I said, it's a 8.8 pound ball on a three foot 11 inch wire.
Starting point is 00:18:30 I always kind of gauge it to, um, you know, the weight of a cast iron skillet or the weight of a brand new baby being born. So I can generate up to a 70 miles per hour within two seconds. And yeah, throw it almost the length of a football field. And for anyone that doesn't know, here's what I would add to it just to help people visualize it. It's if anyone's ever, you know, I don't know, shot put and discus are more common, but is it the same size ring or is it a larger ring? You're on like a concrete ring. So it is the exact same ring as a
Starting point is 00:19:06 shot put okay and um it's like you said it's the wire hammer so it's actually like it's not it's not rigid correct it's uh no it's it's very smooth um it's attached to a swivel and uh yeah it has like a nice little hand like it's an it's actually a number nine wire like farmers wise yeah and it's a number nine wire attached with uh with a handle how much could a like uh the best hammer that you could buy how much would one cost mine actually i just bought this week it was a thousand dollars especially whenever you cage it sometimes a little bit of your soul dies a little bit oh yeah you chuck it into the one into the cage yeah yeah it just it rips out you're just like so is it made of is the the the ball is it made of steel or brass or what is so there's a lot of different um i guess
Starting point is 00:20:06 i guess forms so they have some that are brass some that are tungsten they have different ways and different brands so i primarily use polanic um they have nishi which is a japanese uh brand and then um you know there's there's gill there's, there's Gill, there's Dominator Athletics. There's, there's a lot that's out there. It's kind of your preference. I like the Planic. It's a little bit more bottom heavy and it just kind of pulls me in a better rotation when, where with the, like with the Nishi, it feels really light, but I don't get any direction. So it doesn't, if you can't move with it, can't really go anywhere. So when you go to a meet, like you are supplying your own hammer for this, like that.
Starting point is 00:20:53 So for any, like, um, we call it kind of warmup meets. So what I did just last weekend was kind of like a warmup meet, but any big international meets as in like, uh, Olympic games, world championships, I, they provide the hammers for you. Olympic games, world championships. I, they provide the hammers for you. You can add in yours if they do not have it, but it has to be an IAAF regulated implement. So it's basically, they have to go through this huge process and it costs like $40,000. We don't have to pay it, the company like Atlantic Nishi and everybody to get it certified. So it can be on that list. So if they don't have that there, and they didn't provide the implement that I wanted, I could bring my IAAF regulated one.
Starting point is 00:21:30 It had to go through inspection, but if everything like checks off, it's good to go. And then I can use my own implement. Okay. So like when you go to a big meet, they're like, assuming they're all provided, they're like just sitting on the ground waiting for you to grab the one you want when it's your turn to throw. Is that me? Yeah. I mean, and it's free game.
Starting point is 00:21:47 So even if I bring in my own, own event ball, like anyone can use it at any time. Okay. And it kind of sucks because you just sit there, you're like, Oh, don't use it.
Starting point is 00:21:59 Like actually stay away from that one. I'm going to spin on that one. You kind of like hold it to the side. You're like kind of mean mug them sometimes. Yeah. Okay. So yeah, your second best throw ever in the world in that event. And what, what was the, is this right?
Starting point is 00:22:20 You're the first U.S. woman to ever medal in any world championship throw event. Is that right? Yep, that is correct. So, that's awesome, but I was also kind of surprised by that. So, have U.S. women for throws not been as competitive with some of the other countries worldwide? Or what's the... So, we definitely were a little bit um not as progressive uh it was definitely ran more by you know the germans okay polish and it's still like it's still extremely competitive like but the u.s is it took a little bit for us to kind of get going. And I think it's because they start really, really young.
Starting point is 00:23:06 We don't start hammer throat typically until we are in, like I'd say, like our freshman year in college. So we start very, very late in the game when others are starting at 10, 13 years old. So we definitely are a little late in the game. But now, you know, kids are getting more exposure. Things are like clubs, they're getting better. Um, I didn't start throwing the hammer until about a month and a half before college of training.
Starting point is 00:23:35 And I was actually going to go to school, play softball, but they took softball out of the Olympic games. And I thought, what the heck, I'm going to give this track thing a go. And, uh, here I am today, but now it's, it's crazy. Cause now I think we've meddled since my first time ever meddling in 2019, I won the gold. And now from then, um, I own two of the five metals ever won. Um, so I'm excited about that, but the out of the u.s now we have five right so yeah that's that's awesome uh that's pretty cool of course um yeah so we were talking about the olympics and so have you you gone to two olympic games so far yeah um obviously that's pretty cool
Starting point is 00:24:23 like what what how cool is it? Like, is it like the coolest thing ever or what? You know, it's actually pretty cool. So what I've learned is, uh, so I went to Rio, which it seems like every time I go to Olympic games, there's some crap, like some crazy things. So it was Zika. So everyone, I mean, I think I had 20 cans of bug spray and I was like spraying everywhere, but I definitely was terrified. But that was my first. Let's see. First Olympic team was Rio. I placed eighth and then I ended up making the teamlympic trials when i threw 80 a week before at practice i came down
Starting point is 00:25:09 on a turn and i felt a pop in my ankle and i actually snapped the tip of my fibula uh fibula uh tore my three tendons fractured my talus and then i already had a torn hip labrum so when the ankle went the hip went so throwing 80 meters was like great and we didn't know until after the games I was in great shape you know on a broken ankle through 80 31 and uh I ended up going um to Tokyo but after the Olympic games things just got worse and it was just it was the worst pain I've ever been through in my whole entire life. It was probably the most crushing because, you know, like I've been to the games before I've meddled in every major event. I've won gold and everything.
Starting point is 00:25:57 And I had to change my mindset from gold to, can I throw this today? And that was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. And luckily my husband, who's my coach was fantastic. And he just, he's like, take it day by day, minute by minute, and we will get through this. And thankfully the meet wasn't back to back. So when I qualified, uh, it was, I was in excruciating pain. Um, but then luckily it was, I had a day to kind of rest and keep my foot up. And then I threw on the finals day and placed eighth again at the Olympic games on a broken ankle. So now this year is my redemption year. So are you, uh, a hundred percent? I mean, as far as like, I mean, that's been a while
Starting point is 00:26:47 ago now. I mean, do you feel, are you as physically strong and, you know, as far as the injury is concerned, is it in the rear view mirror then? Or it is definitely like, even right now, you know, I'm in Indiana right now at actually my physical therapist's home where, cause we have an early appointment tomorrow. It, it is constant. It is. So I had to do complete ankle reconstruction surgery, a complete, um, you know, labrum repair and reshaping. And, uh, you know, I have to definitely credit this to the build your base program because I, of course, like when you're not training, you're thinking, okay, because I, of course, like when you're not training, you're thinking, okay, I shouldn't be eating as much. And where it's complete opposite where, you know, Sanford had a article
Starting point is 00:27:32 in the build your base program. And it was about like, you should actually be eating more. So I started at, I weighed in at 235 pounds and they were saying that you need to be eating probably 260 grams of protein a day because your body is just constantly repairing and trying to heal. So I 100% give a lot of credit to them and my physical therapist here, Brian Murr, because I came back from complete ankle reconstruction, hip labor repair. You know, I had that in, uh, let's say the end of August and then September was my two surgeries. And I came back in eight months and through 7309 and made the world team in, uh, Eugene, Oregon. So I was super excited. It was awful, but it was amazing. And it was definitely an eye-opener to me of really kind of focusing on like my nutrition and what I put into
Starting point is 00:28:36 my body. I feel like that was just that extra 5% this season. So for me, you know, there's always going to be a little, like when it gets cold, you still have a little bit of pain sometimes here and there, but it's staying on it and making sure what you're putting in is what you're going to be getting out in your event. Yeah. Well, and we have, we have a connection on that too, actually. And so, well, first of all, I don't know if we, you know this, but we call everyone big and it's a compliment. So I was going to just going to say big Susie, but if you don't know, we call everyone big, you might not, that might throw you this, but we call everyone Big, and it's a compliment, so I was just going to say Big Susie. But if you don't know we call everyone Big, that might throw you off. But Big Susie and then Big Mo, who Big Mo is in our club, in our gang, and he is lifting at our event this summer.
Starting point is 00:29:19 But last year, Build Your Base was a sponsor of our powerlifting meet and event that we put on in South Dakota. So hopefully we get them on board again. But, you know, I don't know if everyone listening might not exactly understand, but like, what is the Build Your Base program? And you've kind of been affiliated with them for a while. It sounds like then too. Yeah, absolutely. I've been with them since the Olympic season of 2021, I guess like 2020. But it's definitely talking about the
Starting point is 00:29:47 whole plate. It is not only just focusing only on beef, but it's actually you plate your, you got to plate first protein, and then you build from there. And for me as a female, I know a lot of athletes, especially girls are afraid to eat. I'm afraid to get big. I'm afraid to get bulky. And to me, you know, the build your base program kind of just had, has so much information and it's not just for, you know, elite athletes, it's for kids, which that for me is huge because how do you know to get to that next level unless you start when you're younger? And that's something that I missed out. And that's why I had so many injuries. You know, I had, you know, torn ligaments, broken back, you know, torn knee, broken shoulder, you know,
Starting point is 00:30:37 I've had so many things, but that's because I wasn't feeling properly now actually eating all this and, and doing the correct. And they have so many recipes online. And what's great is that I'm trying to get more of the kids and schools involved with it. And Susie, you know, with the build your base program, you know, she'll bring us out and I can talk to kids. I can even, we even go to like nursing homes and everything. And cause it is a program, not just for lead athletes, but it's from the start to the end. And that to me is the biggest thing. Cause I know I'm not
Starting point is 00:31:10 forever going to be a thrower or, you know, but doing what, um, you know, their program on hydration and, you know, I had, um, loss of kidney whenever I was five. And so for me, like, you know, sugar intake, if I eat something, it actually, it's like me, like two things of, you know, cupcakes. It's just, my body doesn't process it correctly. And they were very, very informative and just very, very, very sweet. And it's a program that I very much treasure. And I tell all the girls, please eat beef. You need red meat,ys you need if you want
Starting point is 00:31:47 to get gains you gotta eat the beef yes well I should know this but I don't really uh we're for so we're from South Dakota and I saw even you know is build your base a nationwide program but it's like something's tied specifically to South Dakota, though, too, right? So it started with the Beef Council. So it started in just like right out of the backyard. It like Susie and Holly brought it just from the ground up. And it has taken off to then it was it was South Dakota Beef. And then now it's turned into a an amazing non-profit organization all around the country like so many schools are involved in it and it's just something that I I just adore dearly because
Starting point is 00:32:36 it is that it's taken off it has grown so rapidly and the benefits that I'm seeing not only in myself but I'm seeing in my athletes that I train at, you know, the University of Illinois. And I just kind of tell them, like, I just, I just leave paperwork out. I'm like, let's just read this, see how you feel about it, you know, and it just, it's amazing. And I'm like, hey, here's a link. If you want to go take a look at it, there you go, your choice. And it's amazing that, you know, they sit there and they're like, Oh, I didn't realize that, you know, I should be eating this much. And we have a fantastic nutritionist at the university that I work at. And, you know,
Starting point is 00:33:16 the kids are, they're doing great things. And then I'm seeing it, you know, in high schools and, you know, just, it's been a a great great program all around the country for littles to pros yeah awesome um tommy we were talking about the track and field meet and you knew you knew what did you call it yeah so i've you know like to uh i'm no track and field expert i enjoy you know i've noticed more of it being on TV these last few years. And the thing that I've seen pop up multiple times now, I believe is the diamond league, correct? Is that, yes. So what is, cause my, my far away understanding of it is it's kind of like,
Starting point is 00:33:55 almost like a pro series maybe. Is that what it is? So it is a pro series. Unfortunately the women's hammer throw is not in the diamond league. I know I'm so bad about it. Oh, dang. Oh, I know. So we have, it's called kind of like a hammer challenge. I get a little jelly because at the end, after all your diamond leagues, you get this amazing trophy.
Starting point is 00:34:16 It has like a glass diamond on top. And I just sit there. I was like, I want that so badly. Like, why couldn't I be a shot putter? So shot put is an event in it. Yeah, it's shot put discus. I think like pole vault, there is, I think, three events that are not in the Diamond League. And the hammer, unfortunately, is one of them.
Starting point is 00:34:37 So why is that just for the sake of competitors or time or like what's the reasoning there? I'd say time. But to be like like we throw really well like right yeah it's not yeah really well yeah maybe you can make time for it yeah yeah ideally you know i'm hoping that we will be in the future you know invited into a dime at least start us out as like an exposition uh expedition and then kind of going from there yeah so is that like it's something like that though is that a newer development as far as like track and field is concerned though like diamond league has that
Starting point is 00:35:12 been around a while i'll um i think it's just the the sport has actually really grown in the united states so internationally i mean here um i mean Budapest, where we were last year, there was just, I couldn't walk anywhere without people actually recognizing me, which here in the States, you know, hammer throw, it's just, it's not something that people really notice. Or, you know, we have basketball, we have football, we have different sports. But I think the sports like track and field in the united states is growing very very rapidly very quick and yeah i'm excited about it and hopefully it grows even more yeah yeah you mentioned uh budapest and so we're like i said before we're from south dakota we're
Starting point is 00:35:58 the mount rushmore state and with everyone we have on we like to play this uh mount rushmore game so we would like to get, you've been to a lot of cool places, you know, just even looking through your list of meets, like all over the world, basically at this point, but what would be your Mount Rushmore of venues that you've traveled to for, for meets, you know, so your top four kind of that stick out to you as just like awesome experiences or places. So Budapest is probably actually my number one. I love Budapest. The goulash was amazing.
Starting point is 00:36:33 And they actually, they love throwers. So usually it's always runners and they love the 100. Yeah. But on the stadium, they actually had like a hammer thrower on the stadium, like the wraparound. And it was the coolest thing. And they had like this huge hot spring in the area. And you could just go there and it's just a big pool and all the people are there. And to me, the people were just very genuine, really kind, and just an amazing, amazing, amazing people. And so number one is definitely going to be Budapest. I loved it. I will go back to Hungary anytime, especially
Starting point is 00:37:12 for the like the goulash. That was delicious. And then I would say Japan. I love Japan. The people there. I mean, every time you walk around, it's just like, love Japan. The people there, I mean, every time you walk around, it's just like, I mean, it was definitely an eye opener because that was one of my first international meets that people actually knew who I was. And, you know, my first year throwing, they were, they were telling my numbers from, you know, the very first year I had a competition and they're like, you've grown from this to this to this you know how did you do it and I'm just I was you know I'm new as well and I'm like I don't know I just get in there and I throw the thing but uh yeah I absolutely love Japan because the culture and the people um we went to I mean because it was the training camp in Japan and I got to meet Koji and Koji is, he's like one of the best
Starting point is 00:38:06 hammer throwers in the world. This guy could like move his individual spine, like, like just like his body control was ridiculous. And, uh, I got to meet him and that was like a dream come true. And that was like a dream come true. And, you know, we ended up going to like the summer palace there. And just the beauty of that country was phenomenal. And another great one. And I was like, I love Doha, Qatar, but it was hot, man. It was like a hot 45. That's a warm one.
Starting point is 00:38:48 hot man it was like 145 yeah that's a warm one okay but the stadium was amazing because it was air it's an open stadium but it was air conditioned and i mean it doesn't seem very efficient like did it work though like did it actually cool it did it was like so outside i was sweating i had a drink over i think it was how many gallons i drank about two and a half gallons a day of water just because if not i was just losing weight i couldn't hold it on and i was just sweating like you'd sit there and just be sweating i don't think i left that building my the hotel one time that whole entire trip i just they had an attachment to the mall and i just like yeah and the women like i it's great country but you know you couldn't wear like tank tops you had to wear a little word like he was covered and i'm so hot the whole time my husband there just has this little tank top living the life yeah but uh that was probably one of the coolest moments because of winning
Starting point is 00:39:47 um the first ever medal in the event but yeah and the food was pretty fantastic but um no i every place i've gone to um has just been amazing just the people that i've met and the cultures that i've experienced but i'd say those are probably my top three as of right now. Probably Hungary is definitely my number one. They definitely won my heart over there. Yeah. So amazing. It was the goulash. Yeah. So good. Okay. That's cool. Where is the, this is a dumb question but where's the next summer olympics so it is in paris france oh yeah yeah i'm excited about that yeah that'll be cool okay so we're uh we're kind of into i mean we're very into power lifting strong man stuff like that and mostly like a lot of our listeners they're into that stuff. Or maybe they're just like gym nerds.
Starting point is 00:40:48 You know, they got home gyms or they haven't not been to the gym for four days a week for the last like 12 years and that sort of thing. And the gym is obviously a big part of your training process. You know, your lifting is obviously important. It's not your, you know, your primary goal isn't to see how much your, uh, one rep squat max is, I suppose. But what I would say, we saw a couple of your lifts that you've posted before. And one of them, what I think the one squat was like four 55 for a set of five. And it was dead. I mean, sometimes it looks different than it feels, but it did not look hard
Starting point is 00:41:26 i mean it looked like you could have done pretty easy yeah yes yes so what are some of your uh like that for example you know weights or or or uh number of reps sets the certain weights that stick out to you that you've done before absolutely i actually wrote them down for you guys okay all right yeah yeah yeah all right so in college when I threw a shot my bench was 350 wow that is a lot that is that's it is full now I have like wrist wraps of course yeah that doesn't matter yeah okay how many how many years ago was this when When were you in college? It was 2016. So right now I do about 220. But still, even then, like it has like, so women's powerlifting has changed a ton in the last 10 years. But at that time, the number, you would have been in such a rare club of women benching over 340. Like that, I mean, is there a few in the world at that time? Maybe Tanner? there a few in the world at that time maybe tanner that's what i don't even i don't even know how many now really bench that much actually you know i that uh wow i was just actually looking at some of the records here while we're talking because that is a lot that one's actually really just
Starting point is 00:42:35 like caught me off guard here that's that's really impressive yeah push me is we had an incoming freshman and she's actually the olympic silver medalist in tokyo her name's raven saunders she benched 400 as a freshman what crazy it blew my mind and i was like i can't let a freshman beat me wow she's super good yeah she ended up breaking like the ncaa record it's just wonderful she yeah she was great and there's a couple of records out there in the 400s but almost all of them are still in the 300s yeah okay and then um hang clean uh i can hang clean and clean i believe is 160 kilos so it'd be like 20 plus 3 ish 55 yeah and then back squat um i've done uh 465 for six yeah and then my front squat i'm very proud of i've done 500 wow whoa
Starting point is 00:43:50 so when you're going for when you're doing a max out on your front squat what are you do you have are you going elbows up do you cross it oh you do okay with only two fingers two yeah yeah and i set it right there and i just pop out the shoulders yeah i hold the brace and my husband he just sits there he's like up and down yeah down together so and yeah we go all the way down i feel like uh you could back squat 600 pounds like don't you think so? Single. I would like kind of sit there and try to like convince him to let me do it. There's really no reason to like, I totally get why you wouldn't, but we're just like, since we're in that world, we're always just really curious about the numbers.
Starting point is 00:44:39 You know, like there's no, I'm sure there's obviously no benefit for you to do that other than it's just fun to talk, you know, like it's just fun, but the risk to reward probably isn't all that worth it either necessarily. So it's definitely, um, I just, I love weightlifting. I think it's just something really, really fun. And, and what we try to really do is like, how fast can we move it? Right. So I just did three Oh eight on hang cleans and, uh, for five and I moved it at 1.8 meters per second. So are you using like a, is it a Tendo unit or whatever those Tendo unit to track? And, um, to me it's about like anything that I can keep over 0.75 is usually 1.75 is what we're gauging for. Okay. So you guys are watching this really close. Like it's not to like, Oh, let's just feel it out and see how things go. Like it's how fast can I move this way? It is. And then if it drops under, it's like, Nope,
Starting point is 00:45:50 you know, take off a five, your, your body, we got, it's basically manipulating your central nervous system and trying to, you know, get that to kind of. So would you say, is that the most important metric then is the speed that you're moving it at? Like, and that's how you gauge from there. Yeah. It's mass moves mass. How fast can you move this? Cause whenever you're going so fast spinning, it is like you are holding it to me. It does feel like, like a 500 pound front squat that you're holding position. Cause it's trying to pull you and you're just trying to hang on for dear life. And if I can hold position correctly and on like a, on the squat, then usually it transfers over into my lifting. Yeah. So, okay. No doubt you've put insane amounts of work and time into getting strong,
Starting point is 00:46:31 but before you even started, would you have classified yourself as like a stronger person, like in the first place, like his strength come naturally to you? Or was it like, no, you didn't have anything and you really built from zero here. you didn't have anything and you really built from zero here. So I have always been extremely competitive. So I have two older brothers and I hated getting beat up by them. So it was always constant me trying to, you know, get like, you know, we'd always be wrestling. We'd always. And then finally I remember my dad got this, just like, you know, the,
Starting point is 00:47:03 the typical like um, like machine downstairs that has, you know, like the, the, like, I remember I just started just lifting and I just thought, how cool. Okay. Let me go a little more, a little more, a little more. And, um, then to the point where I started being able to just pick up my brothers and, you know, one six years older, one three years older. I've never been small. You know, I think, you know, I've always been very, very broad. I've always had biceps.
Starting point is 00:47:38 And I just remember, you know, it's like, how much weight can I lift and so I just always really enjoyed my mom she actually held the uh like she actually broke like um she didn't break but she won a couple like arm wrestling competitions oh yeah like my dad has always just had like raw strength carrying concrete and um to me it's just I like I've always liked to lift weight but i think it's because my parents never put a limitation on me they're like you get the best of both worlds you get to be the girl and you get to be the athlete you know if a guy can lift this yeah he he has you know testosterone he's gonna probably outlift you but you can give him a run for your money maybe i'm not really most actually not all that commonly is a guy gonna outlift you to be fair are your brothers as strong as you are now today like could they do a 500 pound front
Starting point is 00:48:36 squat no i love them both to death but you know i think some some time they definitely yeah you know that is a lot though there's not a lot of people that can do a 500 pound front squat that is that's pretty cool yeah that's awesome um your husband is your coach how is that a thing so he actually wait how is he your husband or how is your coach no yeah how is your coach Tommy and I are both both married uh happily and have been for a long time and I'm just thinking that would take a really special relationship for that to like work out well all the time you know it puts its own challenges he is probably the most amazing person I've ever met in my entire life so and you have to say that because he's your coach so yeah both worlds but there is times I like
Starting point is 00:49:34 sometimes he so he was a senior when I was a freshman when I came into college and where did you go to college at? Southern Illinois University of Carbondale. Okay. So there were number one throws program and they had a fantastic accounting program. And so I. Now you're talking Tanner's language. Yeah. Yeah. Double degree in accounting. Minor business law. I wanted to be a forensic accountant actually. That's like Ben Affleck in some movie. I can't remember what. I've seen that movie too. What is that? Oh, it's so good. And, but to me, like,
Starting point is 00:50:21 I always like finding the same pieces and, and coach. So, you know, I was under John Smith and Connie Price Smith and um so JC was always there so we started dating uh the end of my freshman year and he just had this mindset that you know what I thought I was doing was never actually like I like I thought I was doing enough but he always kind of like gave me that insight that, you know, you're missing little pieces here and there. And I'd see him, you know, I would be like, I want to go for like a five mile walk. And he's like, Hey, you got practice. Let's not do that. And how about we eat protein? How about we sit and chill? How about we mental rep what we're going to do today? And he was actually a thrower as well. And he was a heck of
Starting point is 00:51:05 a good, he had, he was a really good shot putter. He ended up getting a gangling cyst in his wrist that he had to get removed. So then he transferred over to the hammer and he threw, you know, like 72 meters and he was actually training with me. So I was a junior in college. He was a volunteer assistant coach at the time under John Smith. And, um, it always makes me cry talking about this, that, um, you know, he gave up his Olympic dream to coach me because my coach left. So he gave up training so he could coach, you know, us kids that were left behind. And cause I didn that were left behind and because I didn't want to go to I didn't want to go to Ole Miss I wanted to you know finish my degree where I started and that was kind of where I wanted to be and and I just remember feeling so guilty that he gave up
Starting point is 00:52:00 his dream for me and he the best thing you, whenever I made the Olympic team was, I was like, I'm sorry that, you know, you had to give up your time to coach me. And he was like, you made my Olympic dream a reality. I get to go with you. And we have been do or dies ever since he's just, he is just this, the four, he is like the analytical force to be reckoned with that when his mind is set to something, he is going. And, you know, there's times at practice and I will say he it's funny because some of the kids, cause I still like, I'm a volunteer coach at the university of
Starting point is 00:52:37 Illinois now with him. And some of the kids will be like, I wish you could be as hard as, you know, like, like how hard you are as Deanna. And I'm like, you know, you don't want to. I was like, there's days like it does. It gets really intense and it's hard not to bring it home. That's the key. And I, what's nice is that, you know, he's very strict, very goal oriented at practice. But when he's at home, he's a goofy goober and we get to just enjoy each other. And, you know, if we do have to discuss about training, we, we,
Starting point is 00:53:14 there it's either we're doing it at the field or there's a specific room in the house that we will discuss about training. And there's days that he needs to vent and talk and I let him cross that boundary line. There's days I'm just like, Oh, I don't want to talk about throwing anymore. And he, uh, and he is, he is just, he is such a student of the sport. And I would say, I was like, that's probably why I've done this and done it so well as I'm a dumb dummy when it comes to it. Cause to me, like when I leave, I was like, I'll do the right things. I'll make sure I'm taking, you know, my magnesium protein, I'm doing everything that I need to, but I don't want to think about throwing. I was like, cause when you constantly, you're trying to, it's just
Starting point is 00:53:58 kind of forcing, you know, a square peg and a round hole, it just doesn't work all the time, but he just constantly just goes and he'll be like okay i want you to think about this this and this today i'd be like got it coach and he if he can he lays out the plan i'll follow it to a t and he is yeah he's he's just amazing he's pretty cool dude he sounds okay and i'm like i was like i was like so his prs has always like been way bigger than mine and uh i was like you know hey you haven't lifted i was like rule is i can't be stronger than you yeah and he's just sits there he's like i haven't lifted in a year i'm not doing it anymore that's cool sucking back in the left leg a little bit more yeah what do you wear do you or have you worn the breath belt while you throw oh yeah i love
Starting point is 00:55:02 the breathe belt yeah yeah yeah what uh what like how did that come about is that common or do throwers wear that usually or like what what's the story on that actually saw um an athlete wearing it and um I remember seeing it I'm like that looks pretty cool because I've always had I used to wear the chic belt and I was like that. I was liked it. It was good, but I felt like I just needed, I wanted more like a hug and something that I can hold in. And, um, that kind of still gave me freedom to move and not so stiff, but at the same point, like it covered my back perfectly that it wouldn't cause me to break. And I've solved my, this guy, he was throwing with it. And I was like, that's interesting.
Starting point is 00:55:50 I was like, I'm going to give the, I was like, I'm going to order one. So I ordered it and I have been using it nonstop since I want to say 20, 20, 20 nonstop since 2020. I got, I think I have like 20 of them at the house and I just kind of rotate them in and out. And I love them. It's definitely, you know, and I reached out to the guy and I was going to say, does he know that you wear that? Because yeah, I love it. It's just something like where I can hold it. I just take my I take a nice big breath, I hold it out. And I make sure like I position you know, my right foot in because it's constantly that's the one you want to be turning rotation inward. And I'll rotate that in and I just breathe out that in another big breath. Pop that on, then we're good to go I use it um every lift anything I do you know
Starting point is 00:56:49 that's that's kind of my thing I love it it's great and he's he uh he messaged he's like you made it so cool because like now like throwers are using it everywhere and but I would say like it started out with a an athlete named Sean Donnelly that I saw and that I took it to you know the world stage I guess well that's cool so like they're buying it in droves so it's pretty cool yeah so what are the rules around like extra pieces of equipment you know things like that like I mean as far as a belt goes could you wear anything you want I mean could you wear other stuff like where what do they let you do there so it also depends like so you have a uniform that they give to you for so I'm with team Nike um so they'll send us out a kit each year so typically like clothing
Starting point is 00:57:35 wise it is Nike um I can have one patch on my uniform which I'm with the new york athletic club as well so i have like the winged foot on the other side and um the belt is it's that's kind of like it's just more of an accessory outside of the clothing gear so i i'm kind of more like allowed to it but since it does have like the big breathe belt on the back a lot of times then during any major championships they they duct tape it because it's not a sponsored event through usa like how nike is like i think it's like nike uh gatorade it's kind of it's it's really really tricky and way above my pay grade okay yeah that's interesting uh have you are you familiar with at all with highland games yes have you ever done any of that any of those events like uh i mean obviously it wouldn't be your focus
Starting point is 00:58:32 right now but like is that interest you on any level that you would ever mess with that it does it does i actually have quite a few friends here in indiana um thor and his daughter i call her mini Thor. They do the Highland games and they own the iron pit here in Bloomington, Indiana. Okay. They have tried to get me to join with them. When I retire. Yeah. I'll take that up. I would think even when you decide to retire that you'd instantly be in a front runner for world champion. I don't think that's an exaggeration either. No, I assume that would not be an exaggeration. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:13 Have, have you seen the hammer throw on Highland games as a, as a rigid handled hammer and they wear, have you seen the boots then with the big spikes in the front? Yeah. And then the boot, it's like a metal pitch. Yeah, it's a metal spike because in the hammer, you don't get to rotate, you know, you're stationary. Yeah, you have to like really like wind it around. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:35 Yeah, I'd pay money to see you do some of those events. You'd probably just be shattering records instantly. Oh my gosh, it'd be a lot of fun i i 100 would love to try that out when i'm done yeah uh tommy what do you think about overrated underrated it should be yeah let's do it okay we've got this special game that we play with every guest that we all in addition to the special mount rushmore game this is maybe even the more special game is overrated underrated and we have a a handpicked set of topics that are just for you. And it's just your job on each one to decide if it's overrated or underrated.
Starting point is 01:00:10 And the most important part to remember is you can't ride the line. You have to pick, is it overrated or underrated? And these are all super serious, like not fun topics. Oh, no. Okay. No, just kidding. I was like, oh no, I'm losing connection.
Starting point is 01:00:29 This is where we force you to talk about your political views and a bunch of other stuff. Overrated or underrated Peloton? Underrated. I have a Pel peloton i love it um i actually um i don't think like they're the butts okay like let's get bigger but yeah so do you ride the do you use peloton a lot i do. So I was 275 pounds at my heaviest, which was in 2017. And then I got down to 235. And then when I got injured, I jumped back up to about 250
Starting point is 01:01:15 because I couldn't do my sprints anymore. Just that compound of just, and this past year, you know, my husband was just like, Hey, like let's, they have this thing where you can rent a Peloton to buy and see how you like it. And, um, I love it. Um, it's definitely, I do it as a warmup, you know, I do 20 minute classes to 30 minute classes. And it's just something that it loosens my hips up. It gets me going for, you know, my weight lifting and for my throwing, it's just something I could stay on it. And gets me going for, you know, my weightlifting and for my throwing. It's just something I could stay on it. And it helped me critically, especially, um, I have a Cygnus. So it is a glucose monitor. And so anytime like I'd eat and I'd see a spike, I'd go down to the
Starting point is 01:01:55 bike and I'd bike for 10, 15 minutes. It lowered my glucose. And then it just, it actually helped me lose weight. Um, just the combination between the signos and then the peloton it was 10 out of 10 so you're actually using your peloton multiple times per week then yeah yeah right yeah well it is it it stinks because i sit there and i'm like if i've already biked three times in the day for 15 minutes i look at it and i'm i look at the piece of cake and I'm like oh I need this yeah yeah uh you also have a doggy treadmill then too don't you I do I I do I have a doggy treadmill right next to me um for my dogs Maverick and Bella Maverick's a little overweight and he's not very nice to other people so he doesn't get to go outside for a while so he I I have to put him on there i have to kind of encourage him his sister
Starting point is 01:02:48 bella though she'll just get on that thing and she just loves it so it's uh yeah i i definitely invested in the doggy treadmill so whenever i bike i put one of those little cutie furry butts on the treadmill right next to me yeah okay well you're on team nike so overrated or underrated jordan 11 shoes the jordan 11 shoes oh i think i actually just got them i think they look pretty cool so so you're saying underrated then is that you're i think they're good you know, they send me a pair each year. Um, I just put them in a cute little glass case and I, I put like what year they were, what team I made. So is it always, is it always like a pair of Jordans? Like, um, probably one of my favorite things they sent me was actually a it was air force ones but the
Starting point is 01:03:46 trim was gold this is what i want is the trim was gold and then the buckle was gold and i love those those are hands down my favorite shoes um but they sent me this really interesting pair uh it was like like furry uh jordans and it had like like little fur and it was like leopard print um i was like it's not my style they're nice so like i think they're very very they're just unique and really cool definitely something that i'd be afraid to get them dirty i don't know like i i mean i understand like how some, I just, I walked straight legged and there better not be a cloud in sight.
Starting point is 01:04:29 I'm wearing them. Yeah. Yeah. Overrated or underrated. Kidneys. Plural. Maybe, maybe it's plural kidneys,
Starting point is 01:04:39 I guess. Two of them. Overrated. I need one. You'll be fine. You just drink plenty of water it'll be good i mean it so why does the like do you is it kind of you get by with one i mean obviously you do you are but then why does why does everyone have to like what's the oh it's just uh just how your body filters so ideally so how your body kind of process especially like with diabetics um the the sugar processes through the kidneys right and
Starting point is 01:05:13 and that's one thing that i do have to be extreme that's why i do have my glucose monitor is i need to make sure that i'm not going into that danger zone so that's why like when i do eat sugar or eat something like a cupcake, it's basically like me eating too. And just my, it doesn't help you that, you know, like my best competition body weight is 232 to 235 pounds and being, you know, ideally when I'm done, I can drop down into like the one eighties and be at a healthier body weight and takes less stress off the kidney but for competition purposes my perfect body weight is at a higher range um anytime i got under 220 or like in the 220 even in 220s it is trash it is like does the does like the hammer throw you around then at that point?
Starting point is 01:06:14 Get that momentum. And when you get off, I mean, like it, just your body weight will drop. I usually try to drop into the two twenties and fall season. So I try to be a little bit lighter than during comp season. I gained weight back. Um, but you know, some athletes, they do great. They like, and that's, what's nice about the hammer. You don't have to be a particular size. You know, there's a girl that, you know, she's like 180, 190 pounds. And then, you know, I weigh about like two 32 to two 35 and there's girls at like two 40 to fifties. Um, it's, it's definitely a big range. It's just how, what body weight works for you and how fast can you react to that ball? That makes sense. Okay. Last one. We saved the best one for last. Are you a bit of a painter? Am I a, what, what a bit of a painter? Yeah. Do
Starting point is 01:07:01 some painting. Okay. So great one then here here overrated or underrated bob ross underrated i love bob ross let's paint a brush and i just sit there and i look at him i'm like how did you do that it might be like this so you don't do that style of painting do it you don't do that style of painting do what you don't do that style of painting i tried and it's terrible it just doesn't work i'm definitely more like i'm more like draw um but i could do like some oil paints and they just don't look that good they just don't they just don't look that good i'm like how did he just make this beautiful scenery and mine looks like a murdered dog well and he does it in like 20 minutes too yeah it's speed yeah he's up there i'm like okay like
Starting point is 01:07:54 let's talk is your paintbrush is wet i think i see like like how like it's a canvas wet like i feel like you go more into detail sir yeah let's come back to life so we can talk about this yeah uh good news it looks like you passed overrated underrated so that would go really well with you know uh gold championship medals and sort of thing it would be great on your trophy case with them probably i was like i just have to get like a nice little plaque and i'll put it right up there yeah yes you probably do you have a cool trophy area then like so we just so we moved last year um so we actually turned one of our rooms it's at our old house it was so cool and we're wanting to do it to our basement um but I'm not gonna lie I'm a little lazy on those type of things where it's just like
Starting point is 01:08:43 I want it to look cool so I want to do it correctly and I have a little lazy on those type of things where it's just like, I want it to look cool. So I want to do it correctly. And I have a bad history of putting holes in the wall and it not looking great. So, um, you know, my father is coming, he's a carpenter and he's going to come down actually this weekend. So I'm going to try to convince him to help me put some of those up, but it was actually my therapy room. We turned one of our spare bedrooms into a therapy room. And what we did was we split the walls and it was JC's accomplishments were to the right. And then my accomplishments were to the left. And then our equal accomplishments were like on the faces. And it was, it was so cool because like we just had like every usa team that i ever made i had a jersey up you know jc's you know us being at siu me and jc both made a san jose costa rica team
Starting point is 01:09:35 together um for team usa in 2015 so we both have our jerseys up for that you know him winning drake relay breaking the you know record there and i mean it just we had everything sprawled out um every metal event that i meddled you get an american flag so i had there was like a big like um like a super cool um kind of oh gosh what is it called like a lip over the door and it was just enough little areas. And then I had all the American flags stacked up in their cases and each had a picture of just me and JC together and everything that we've accomplished. And, um, and we'd have a huge whiteboard and we'd write down our goals and what we
Starting point is 01:10:16 needed to do. And yeah, it was definitely, we had like hooks from the ceiling where I was doing like my banded work and uh, gosh, it was crazy. Awesome. When's your next meet? So I, right now I'm signed up for Tucson, Arizona. So that is May 4th. Um, so if my throwing is looking great, um, I'll head out to there and I'd throw in Tucson. If I'm a little shaky to me, I don't like flying West coast all the time. So, um, like just going back and forth, back and forth. It's just not, it's not good on your body. Um, so May 4th will be Tucson, Arizona. If I'm not quite ready and in a position where I want to compete at a higher level,
Starting point is 01:10:56 then I will stay home and compete again in Champaign, Illinois. Um, that'd be May 4th. And then I have a meet. I'm trying to decide if I want to do LA Grand Prix, which would be May 18th. And then I got Oregon, Eugene, Oregon. So that's pre Fontaine. That's May 25th. And then Ironwood is June 1 1st so these are going pretty fast here the big enchilada is olympic trials is the 21st and 23rd day one and day three of olympic trials of june so in like two months you could do like six to seven meets or something like that. Yeah. Yeah. But, uh, I try to do every other week. Uh, it's just, it's a lot. It's a lot. Cause you,
Starting point is 01:11:52 you want to keep up your training and you want to keep up, you know, the tension of the ball and your connected connectability. Um, usually like before trials, what we'll do is I actually am flying out to Eugene pretty early. Um, so I can just train there, get focused, start seeing, do visual cues and really kind of just do those mental reps, but it gets intense. Uh, and, uh, you know, like the Tucson, Arizona meet, that's a big one. It's a big, big meet where a lot of big fish come to, but if you're not ready, you know, there's no skin in the game. You know, if to me, it's, it's, it's all just warming up. So, you know,
Starting point is 01:12:33 I'm just kind of like, if I want to go to it, I'll go to it. If not, I'm completely fine with staying home and putting money in the bank by getting those reps. And I think that's the key that I've, you know, JC has been really, really good about is, you know, JC has been really, really good about is, you know, don't chase the money. You stay home, do your work, focus on what you need to do. And then, cause you know, they only take three top three. That's it. There's 15 girls that have, that will probably have a standard and it just takes one day to have a bad day you just make sure it's sure in hell ain't you sorry everything everything you're doing now is leading up to the
Starting point is 01:13:12 olympic trials though i mean that's the that's what it's all about right now yeah yeah yeah and we won't uh we've this has been awesome having you on we won't take up that much more time but i was wondering one other thing when you threw that 80 meters did you know right away when you released it that did you know immediately that it was a bomb then so fun fact about that um i think two throws before that i went 79 98 okay my husband he he was right behind the ring and because if you ever see if you watch it I like waving at what I could see him so I'm waving at him smiling and uh I threw the 79 98 he's like yeah he's screaming so loud I'm just like oh my god that's such a good throw it must be a good because he's freaking out right so but when he yelled really loud he like popped something in his chest
Starting point is 01:14:05 and he goes he goes it was the most he goes i couldn't breathe it's like it just hurt he goes so when i threw the 80 31 i was trying to listen for him yeah and he didn't yell and i was like oh it must not have been very good yeah oh that's not a good throw then and so I was just sitting there and I was like you see like for some reason like when I when I'm thinking like my hand goes like like for like some reason I'm like tapping my fingers so I'm just sitting there like huh okay and so I walk out and I'm sitting there and I was like all right I'm looking at the screen and how you know it's a good throw is how long it takes to come up on the screen okay and so i was like they haven't came up with it yet okay i was waiting waiting finally i was like okay i turned my back and then the crowd actually saw it first and said 80 31 and then i turned around i was like
Starting point is 01:14:56 oh yeah it was amazing yeah but no i like at that range when you start hitting those like high numbers it's just a split second I mean you could do something right or wrong within a millisecond and it's the difference between a 78 meter throw and an 80 meter throw it is it's so close to call that you just don't quite know yeah that's interesting that's that's that's so you you in theory like you could have let that go you wouldn't have been shocked if someone would have told you it was 77 meters then like just based on the feel of it because you yeah you can't tell okay yeah yeah if it was like i'd be a little sad if it was 77 right right because like i usually by the release i can kind of tell if it's a good throw and i i hit the release well right but there's just days i mean this past weekend i hit a throw and it was 73 80
Starting point is 01:15:54 uh was it 73 80 something and i was like oh i was like i thought i hit that pretty good and jc's like you're not turning all the way through on your turns. And it was funny. Cause like my last throw, I hit it and I was looking out there and it didn't feel good. It didn't feel good. And I was like, I was like, well, I'm probably going to foul this. And then I started sitting, I was really looking out there. I was like, is that the 70 line? Or is that the 80 line out there? So then all I hear is my husband yell at me, get back. So I stepped out and that's when I threw the 76, 56. And right now I believe I'm number three in the world right now. Okay. That's what
Starting point is 01:16:42 you can number three or number two? That's one of those two. Which I think, well, all I know is all three of us right now are at 76 meters. All right. Well, this is great. We really appreciate that you came on and filled us in on this. I feel like we have a way better understanding
Starting point is 01:17:00 of this than we did before. Now we'll get to be cheering you on for the next couple of months leading up to June. too. We'll be, we'll be rooting for you. So we hope to see it all go well for you. Oh, thank you so much. I appreciate you having me. And I'm glad that, you know, we have the connection through the build your base program. And I wish nothing but the best of luck to y'all. And if you guys are ever in Champaign, Illinois, let me know.
Starting point is 01:17:23 We come through once a year on the way to the Arnold Sports Festival in Ohio. We drive. Champaign's always one of the stops. We'll at least wave to you next time. Yeah, we'll wave through the car window. Awesome. All right, well, we appreciate it. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:17:39 Thanks a lot. Go USA. Yep. Thanks, Deanna. Thanks. Those are gold. USA gold cool beans. Straight up gold cool beans.
Starting point is 01:18:00 I feel like if she wins the Olympics this year, we can call it safe to say that that's the Olympics. I'm just going to say, you know, we had big Ken on last week. He breaks an all time deadlift record. I'm going to say we're putting Deanna in a pretty good position. Yeah. This is going to be just the, just the thing. Just say she's getting set up to bring a pretty good package to the Olympics. I think so.
Starting point is 01:18:22 I think so. Beef. It's what's for dinner. I think they need to do more uh beef it's what's for dinner i think they need to do more beef it's what's for dinner commercials again bring it back who's the guy with the big mustache the actor with the yeah i know is that him that did those commercials or is that just actually i mean it was it was just a voice in my mind it was him but it probably was just a voice i think i don't think it was him um but he probably was just a voice. I don't think it was him, but he's kind of... I think that voice was just slightly different than that. Probably.
Starting point is 01:18:49 What's that guy's name? I'm looking right now. He was on that Ashton Kutcher show that was on Netflix. Sam Elliott. Yeah. And The Big Lebowski. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:00 And just a number of good movies, too. But, like, did you ever watch that? Sam Kutcher or, uh, Ash, did I say, I'm getting confused. You said Ashton Kutcher the first time. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:10 The ranch, I think is what it was. No, I never did. No. Okay. I don't think you'd like it. All right.
Starting point is 01:19:17 Well, thank you for saying, don't put it on the watch list. Yeah. Don't put it on the watch list. All right. Just cross it off the watch list all right just crossed it off the watch list it's been removed you have to read manacled before you watch the ranch uh big news just in timber rolls just won game two oh that was okay so that's i mean
Starting point is 01:19:42 we had to start recording i would it was about tied half, and I had to leave at half so we could record this. They did? Do you know what the score was? Yeah, Jack just told me it was 93 to 105. I don't know the box score. It's another pretty solid performance. Okay, so that's what I wanted to hear about the game. I had the kid, my wife was working this weekend, so I had the kid,
Starting point is 01:20:02 so I couldn't really watch. I got to watch basically all the second quarter and not much besides that but when i was watching like dude the t-wolves are firing on all cylinders right now they're looking like a good basketball team yeah maybe you should uh you should read an ad and then i'll uh just mention the experience a little bit yep because i want to hear all about that uh today's show is also brought to you by barefoot shoes most shoes harm your mobility by over-restricting your foot's natural movement. Barefoot shoes are designed with minimal restrictions so your feet can move the way they're supposed to. Move with more strength and confidence in every step. Barefoot Shoes was founded by Chris Duffin, who attributes proper
Starting point is 01:20:37 foot biomechanics as foundational to his success in squatting and deadlifting over 1,000 pounds for reps. He helped create the company to provide a minimalist shoe that can be worn for anything from deadlifts to walking your dog. Go to to check out the best minimalist shoes available. And while you're there, make sure to use code MASSANOMICS to save 10% on your next order. That's Code Masonomics will save you 10%.
Starting point is 01:21:07 Thank you, Barefoot Shoes. That's Barefoot. Yeah, there's a few Ersonomics left. I actually put that out, and I think a lot of those good sizes have been sold now. Yeah, people were instantly like, oh, no, mine's gone again. Yeah, so you can try, but like less there's like seven pairs left like there might be some like eights or nines or something i'm i'm really curious because they're gonna be at home gym con right i they're on the list i guess we haven't talked to them about that
Starting point is 01:21:34 we should ask them but i'm curious to see what this new one i want to see that in person i was hoping they were gonna i looked that up and i'm like god i kind of want of want that one. I like the look of that one. I mean, that's the shoe you need for half the year in this part of the country. That would be the one I could wear. Like, I could wear that one to work pretty regularly, too. You know, I wear my Bruin all the time. But, you know, during the summer, maybe I would switch it out for, like, this one. Yeah, so we went to the Timwolves uh home playoff opener and i've never
Starting point is 01:22:07 been to a playoff professional sports playoff game of any kind also let's be real minnesota uh isn't exactly have a long history of high playoff performance either so no no and not like not being not getting the home home seed and the but i've never been to a playoff game of anything on a pro level. And it was different. The atmosphere is electric. Because the last couple of years, we've gone to a few of the regular season games, and it felt way different.
Starting point is 01:22:38 Well, because that was your takeaway. You're like, it's cool. It's an NBA game. But also, Giannis isn't playing. None of the good players play. And like, you know, it's,
Starting point is 01:22:48 it's, it's still a, it's awesome thing to take your kids to. And it's just an experience, but you're not getting the top product that's available. Right. You're not getting the top product, but there's a lot of extra stuff.
Starting point is 01:22:59 Like it's like a professional sports game is a part, like an NBA game is partly a performance of all the in between halftime, like all the performances. Like there's like so many, it's like also a circus. You're out of the NBA game and there's a circus like every 10 minutes, you know? So that's,
Starting point is 01:23:17 you know, taking a kid to that is still really fun regardless. But this, we got to see like the best of the best, you know, trying their absolute most and um so is the timberwolves versus the suns if anyone paying attention they would know that but um so is kevin durant i've never seen him play in person so that was kind of a bucket list one i've gotten to watch lebron and a bunch of these other ones but i haven't seen kevin durant ever
Starting point is 01:23:43 so i was kind of wanting to he was one of the ones I'm like, I'd really like to see him play before he's done. It was jam-packed, first of all. It's never been empty when we've been there before, but it was sold out completely, and it was a whiteout game, so they gave, when you walk in, we show up early and they have the white t-shirt on every single seat in the uh arena and uh the whiteout and then they give everyone a white towel so when it is like going nuts in there it is pretty cool like even if you weren't that into
Starting point is 01:24:18 the sport you would just be into the spectacle of it this like there it to this. There's a lot. I'm not that into music compared to other people, but almost any music that a large group of people will agree that is good, if I see that in person, I'm like, well, this is pretty cool. I don't know what there would be in person if you have a good spot and you're with everyone that's having fun.
Starting point is 01:24:39 You're like, this still sucks. I don't know what it would be that I would be like, this sucks. I don't know. it would be that I would be like, this sucks. You know, like, I don't know. There's probably something. But my point is, like, it's just the experience. And this experience, even if you didn't like basketball, I still think you'd be like, okay, I'm pretty excited about it.
Starting point is 01:24:56 I don't even know what's going on, and I can just tell that this is fun. So it was pretty wild. And it was a good game. They ended up beating it by 25 points, but it was a good they ended up beating him by 25 points it was a good game the entire game basically and um yeah i don't need you don't nobody needs a lot of my basketball notes other than anthony edwards is crazy he's just and isn't he like 23 or something like he's like 24 now maybe i hope he's six around minnesota for a long time if he does just i you know people compare people to michael jordan and uh you know that's always been the comparison ever since michael jordan was michael jordan is like who is
Starting point is 01:25:32 that and i'm not saying he's as good as michael jordan uh you know that would be to be determined and probably i would just also never say that anyone is because of my era and like what I am but he reminds me of him unlike any of the other people ever reminded me so much of him where I'm just like that looks like Michael Jordan playing you know like part of it is just like his particular size and the actual way he looks he kind of actually yeah looks like Michael Jordan he does but um it just does remind me a lot of that. Yeah, it looked like his stats, I mean, from that game, looked like he played a damn good game.
Starting point is 01:26:12 Yeah, but so now they won their second game. They fulfilled the home court needs. Here they go. Got to win one. If they win one, then it's over. You know, then it'll be. Is the first series? It's all sevens now. Oh, okay. It is all sevens. Yeah, it used to be different, but it's over. Is the first series? It's all sevens now.
Starting point is 01:26:25 Oh, okay, it is all sevens. It used to be different, but it's all sevens. That's about it. I'm excited about NBA playoff basketball. NBA regular season basketball on TV is not interesting. Like I said, in person is always a cool experience, but I love the playoffs. I've been watching that when I can and that's good.
Starting point is 01:26:47 But that in, in, but I did stay at a different hotel. Yeah. Oh yeah. Oh, you know what? There was a bummer. What? When it, I don't know if there's also a twins game going on or if it's just cause it's the playoff game, but I pulled up to that park, that big public
Starting point is 01:27:01 parking ramp and they're all completely full. So I'm like, oh boy. And the traffic was pretty wild uh i'm sure yeah you know saturday especially it's a saturday downtown i'm sure there's concerts and other and i was getting a little flustered i'm like oh my god where am i gonna go now so i eventually just like kind of got a spot parked like on the street in front of the hotel and this is downtown you know those when i say downtown minneapolis you are like like actually in front of skyscrapers here yeah skyscrapers everywhere you look and i'm parked in a spot that i'm probably not supposed to be parked in and i'm like i don't know we gotta park here and i gotta go into the hotel and be like where can i go uh like to be able and they're like well we have valet parking and i'm
Starting point is 01:27:45 like great how much is it i'm doing it no matter what you say i can't think about this anymore my stress level like i stressed you know that was like a 20 minute 20 25 minutes of high level stress anxiety for me and they're like oh it's 55 and i'm like great my pig it's out there you'll just go get it and take care of it like yep i'm like sign me up $55 you could have said $5,500 I probably would have if it means I don't have to go back out there and figure out where to go and then how to get back here uh-huh yeah I believe that that's yeah you don't want to be messing around with that especially if you've just been in the car for like five and a half hours. Yeah, and it was the Embassy Suites Hilton. Really nice hotel.
Starting point is 01:28:28 Really nice hotel. Yeah, that would be a step up. Really good. We're Embassy Suites guys, you know. Yeah, but the price was, and it must be a really old hotel too. Oh. But it's really, so it was really cool. But the breakfast was like an a plus they had like
Starting point is 01:28:45 an omelet bar and like legit actually real scrambled eggs and you know like real food i was like oh my god this is so worth it king of the castle over here yeah i'm well influenced by a good uh good breakfast with the hotel well you know you know, it starts your day off, right? Yeah. Any other good notes? You know, the drive, I get to listen to podcasts and stuff. Was there any equipment exchanges that happened?
Starting point is 01:29:13 Okay. So equipment, and maybe we can transition away from this trip to just like more, our, our general equipment updates, you know, mine and yours. Okay. With that being said,
Starting point is 01:29:24 you know, we don't want to get ahead of ourselves but would you if possible go to another timberwolves game this playoff season if that was an option so i would i desperately would love to i mean i could do it like it's just a decision of do i want to spend another X amount of dollars? I'm just saying, if they made it to round two, let's say, would you be like, ah. Or the Western Conference Finals. I mean, they're going to make it to round two. I think it's almost, you know, they're going to have to lose four out of the next five.
Starting point is 01:30:01 So it looks good. five you know so i it looks good but in round two unfortunately now after the second game they're going to be playing the denver nuggets um really they get the nuggets next next uh next round is oklahoma the one seed or yeah that's really screwed i wish i desperately wish on the matchup that they would be hitting Oklahoma in the second round, that somebody else could take one more crack at Denver before they have to play them because Denver is an absolute buzzsaw. Joker is just so ridiculous. I just don't even make sense. It defies reason.
Starting point is 01:30:43 I can't describe what it is. He understands the game at a very high level. But, yeah, so, like, say they did make it to the Western Conference finals. I also don't know what would happen to ticket prices. I've got a lot of thoughts when you ask me that. I can't even come up with a clear – I can't even get a clear sentence out. So it's not a cheap trip. We've talked about this before. I can't even get a clear sentence out, but so it's not a cheap trip.
Starting point is 01:31:14 We've talked about this before, like just to go to Minneapolis and do anything, whether it's a sporting of, and I say Minneapolis, because that's the place for us that we would go. If you are close to some other metropolitan, the closest major Metro is right. Right. And, and also, so it is travel for us. So there's going to be a hotel, you know, there's going to be gas and time expense, and then, like, whatever the activities that you're doing. So I always take my oldest son, Jack, we go with, so it requires two tickets to whatever we're going to, and it's just, it's well worth it, and I would love to do another one.
Starting point is 01:31:41 But also, I just, it'd be a big commitment for me in that short a time period to be like okay yeah let's do that let's spend that again i mean i could be talked into it probably because it's worth it it's there's no doubt in my mind after this i'm like also the the ticket prices and for round one game one we're not that much more expensive than regular season ticket prices okay i suppose yeah When they're playing decent, those tickets are a little bit more in general than what they are. And we sat on the lower level like we have before. We were just a little bit higher,
Starting point is 01:32:11 like to stay in the same budget. We had to go lower level still, but just back a higher level. Yeah. But it was still great. So I would love to, but it's just so damn expensive. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:32:22 And I, I, you know, the older I get, the more I have to rationalize this thing of like in the past, I'm not, I, it was, it's hard for me to wrap myself around the logic of spending a lot of money on experiences rather than things. It's easier for me to wrap my mind around spending a lot of money on a really valuable thing. It's harder for me to wrap my mind around spending a lot of money on a really valuable thing. It's harder for me sometimes to rationalize spending all the money on an experience, but the older I get, I think the more I value the experience. Yeah. And especially if my kids are involved, I'm like, well, this is
Starting point is 01:32:55 like just a memory that we'll have for ever. It is. So I put more value in that, but you don't have a thing after you spend the money. And sometimes I'm like, well, that, so that money disappeared. It's like, well, it didn't because you do have a thing. You have like a memory and stuff. So I don't know. That's a, that's the thing that being a cheap person, I have to, I have to, that's a mental exercise that I have or a hurdle that I have to overcome whenever.
Starting point is 01:33:22 And like, so do I, am I, so this thousand dollars, it's gone now. What, where's the thing? The thing is you get to talk about it on this podcast. That's the thing. It's all for the podcast. Right. Right. And some people probably don't analyze it that much or think about it.
Starting point is 01:33:39 I know the feeling. I do that too. Usually for me though, once the money's gone i'm like all right it's gone i'm now i'm having fun i don't have to think about it anymore no and i i there again i would say it was really really well worth it but then if i i just have to think i have to think harder about doing it again in a short period of time um yeah so to be continued i wouldn't say i wouldn't say it's impossible we'll just say if they make the Western Conference Finals, though, you might be looking at ticket prices just to see what's going on.
Starting point is 01:34:08 Or just think of that if they make the finals. Well, okay. But the ticket prices for the finals. Yeah. I would assume ticket prices for finals would be insane, though. Yeah. I don't know how they could be. I wonder if they're like 10X even or like that might be extreme.
Starting point is 01:34:22 But like if they could 5X. I wonder if a a 200 ticket is then a thousand dollars i was gonna say do you think the cheapest ticket is five or six hundred bucks for the final probably at that point for the finals yeah i wouldn't be surprised if it's 500 bucks for the upper yeah upper deck maybe that maybe maybe maybe three or four hundred but that maybe that's wishful thinking maybe they are all over 500 but i suppose it also depends on like what teams are in the finals right you know right yeah like if it's the knicks and the lakers it's like yeah i'm sure the cheapest ticket is just insane but yes so there was uh i did uh talk
Starting point is 01:34:55 with uh diet me oh so i'm also not sure now that i'm kind of diet me. I don't know if diet me is diet me. Like maybe I'm diet me and he's just me. Yeah. If I'm me, then who am I? And we, I talked to him on the way and he was busy working and stuff. So it didn't work out to grab the bar that he's got, but that's okay.
Starting point is 01:35:19 We'll get that later. I just figured as long as I was going to be there, I might as well check. I wasn't actually heartbreak it broken because I didn't really want to do the extra running around anyways. The extra running around and all the extra driving. Yeah, but if it would have worked, I would have done it. So I didn't do that. But I have, I can't remember anymore all the different equipment things we've talked about,
Starting point is 01:35:40 what we've talked about on the podcast, and what we've talked about in the podcast. Well, I might remember if you tell me. what we've talked about on the podcast and what we've talked about. Well, I might remember if you tell me so. So, well, let's talk about yours first, the Elite FTS Safety Squat Bar. Did we talk about that on the podcast last week? Yep, that was last week we talked about that. Okay, so you bought that though, right? Yep, it's supposed to be here on Thursday.
Starting point is 01:35:56 So you might be here for the arrival of it. Right, right. And we've got to talk about that because we've got more content coming up from that. So then I've got some transactional parts of it to go through yet but it does sound like i have a big haul of uh high-end used strongman equipment yes that i got bought yes that is a um so in that deal i have a mb power center 12 inch log that assuming i get that that we'll use that at the 2024 lift hardly easy classic strongman people that don't know like this the mb power center stuff is like primo strongman yeah we're talking a 900 log uh and then a mb power center top loaded
Starting point is 01:36:40 farmers carry handles which are also you, very nice, sought after. Then the MB Power Center globe circus dumbbell. I don't think they make the actual globe ones anymore that you unscrew it and they're plate-loaded inside of there. And then a rep fitness yoke. And then a few sets of crash pads and stuff. I think that's everything. So a pretty major Strongman upgrade. Yeah, the Strongman corner of Mass Dynamics Gym will get an enormous facelift from that stuff.
Starting point is 01:37:14 You know, that's all really nice, really expensive. I mean, about the nicest of the nicest as far as that stuff goes, right? Right, right. So that's pretty cool and then last night uh something came up and i think uh used i should should be getting us uh a three this is gonna blow the barbell oh god here we go here we go let's hear it whatever number we talked about this alone is probably gonna like along with other ones that have been bought and this will put us over the over under it actually might be hard to even count
Starting point is 01:37:51 how many actually showed up this year yes because this one is going to be a three barbell deal where it's a use texas power bar texas deadlift bar and texas squat well is this the one through jake did yeah through jake through through well jake is the guy's name he was a member at massonomics gym but um because yeah it's in brookings oh okay because i thought jake hyderick sent this one to me yeah and i was like yeah it's cool but i also i can't add three bars to my gym right now yes yes the guy the guy's name is jake and he was coming to massonomics gym this last summer and uh so they're in brookings so jake i think is going to take delivery of those for me but it's uh and i think the deadlift bar is the orange uh syrah coat okay orange which which
Starting point is 01:38:38 whatever yeah so what yeah what's the finishes or what's the what i don't even actually i think the other the squat and power are both black zinc okay but jake the snake heidenreich has a red texas texas power bar and he said he might be interested in trading for the black zinc one i told him i really don't care either way at this point well how many black just original ones do you have right now? Two or three? Three, four, I think, counting the 29 millimeter. Oh, yeah, because didn't Ryan Anderson add one in like a year or two ago? Yeah, because we had the two original forever. Right. Yeah, then the 29 millimeter.
Starting point is 01:39:18 Then, yeah, I think Ryan Anderson brought that one a year or two ago. Yeah, and those bars, I really, we don't have much use for the power bar, but it was just part of the deal, and it was a deal so i'm like i'll buy that too and but i was more interested in the squat and the deadlift bar because it gives us a couple more bars for the lift tired livy z warm-up room yes this summer so now i think we have enough uh i was talking with dave between what he's got and what what i've got at the gym we have enough to uh, you know, the two platforms plus six warmup stations of power, you know, squat bars, deadlift, you know, enough for all the warmup stations to have the correct bar.
Starting point is 01:39:53 That's awesome. Yeah. So those two deals aren't technically done yet. I haven't paid for them. I'm waiting for them, you know, to schedule the delivery, you know, cause the rapid city ones, they're going to sit at my sister-in-law's in Rapid until I get there. Yeah, because the Strongman stuff's in Rapid, which is like six hours away. Right, right. So I'll get them, but it's.
Starting point is 01:40:11 Yeah, and then you got Nalico Bar in Minneapolis. You got a York Dumbbell somewhere in the greater Midwest region. Indiana-ish, Ohio. Yeah, so like this is, these couple deals, you know, it's about, I don't know if I'll be in for about three grand of used equipment and this was all equipment that like a week or two ago i wasn't exist yeah and i just wasn't on the in the market for but it's just i'm like when it's a really good equipment and it's at a good deal it's that's what i'm really you just can't say no to it right that's i couldn't afford not to actually was maybe the way to put it i couldn't
Starting point is 01:40:46 afford not to do it like that log just that log in that deal to get that shipped to me is a thousand dollars yeah 997 dollars and i didn't even know i wanted that until i started talking about this and then i talked myself into how i need it yeah i mean it is a really nice log though like you kind of are uh unless you're gonna get some major crazy huge log it's like you're kind of just you kind of got the log covered like the log that's the that's the way massonomics jimmy is at this point where it's like if i can upgrade things to the best version that exists that's what i really feel good about because then i'm like nope now i'm done with that like we're good there now
Starting point is 01:41:25 like there's nothing left there's not another step to go to well the second step would be multiples then right that would that would really like practical but then you can start to be really picky when you're talking multiples you know right right uh so that was the main equipment stuff i had on my end i didn't want i wanted to make sure we talked about your safety squat bar has it have you any big marketplace deals of the week well we we do have that i'm gonna say though did um no i have not ordered anything additional but i did some major garage i bought some more stall mats this weekend did some garage reorganizing my dad was here we were hanging stuff on walls cleaning things up so i just i didn't want to hang my
Starting point is 01:42:11 banners up until i knew where my speakers and some other my wall control was going so now you hang up your wall control and i got my wall control up i got my speakers up i got just about everything really the only thing on the floor now is the matador and i'm realizing how much room that damn thing takes up and rogue does make a little wall holder for it and i'm like you could see the value i actually because i'm actually i've actually scraped the finish on it already putting it on the floor because the like the bottom foot of my garage is you know like the cement forms of it and just leaning it against there it's starting to scrape white leave like the last
Starting point is 01:42:45 time i went and picked it up i'm like what what's all these white marks all over i'm like oh the cement the painted cement is leaving marks and it's like uh okay probably should get this thing off the floor so um yeah so i got some major cleaning expanded the footprint a little bit not too much but expanded the footprint of things a little bit. So it's a little bigger. So now, yeah, it's just get that safety squat bar here. I thought I had something else coming. So how many more stall mats did you buy? A couple more?
Starting point is 01:43:14 I bought two more. I bought two more, yeah. And you were able to match them up? Well, I did it kind of funny, actually. So I have, you know, I have, they're sitting horizontal. They're, you know, four by six. So it actually is sit ends up being eight or six feet wide, eight feet deep is how, how it was originally. And what I did is I just slid that over and then I put the other one sideways. So I have, I had them sideways. So those ones go out to 12 feet now. Cause they're the,
Starting point is 01:43:41 the skit they're the long way right if that makes any sense so that goes the long way which actually works better because my wall control comes out a little farther it's when you see in person it'll make a little more sense but that uh for the gym that's the current positioning so that'll that'll be the way i take it for now okay okay and uh so have you hung any of the banners then no so that was all I got all that stuff what day is it today Tuesday uh yeah it was Sunday night got all the move the rack or got that stuff hung up on the walls the other things put the new stall mats in which meant I had to move my rack which meant I had to take all the weights and everything off it and then you're trying to move this rack
Starting point is 01:44:19 which is a pain in the ass and then move the stall mats in so I got that done yesterday I actually just had to lift I didn't have time to mess around with any more stuff so banners are still not up but maybe this maybe tomorrow maybe we'll see yeah also doesn't work very well that my wife has to work nights tomorrow now so that means i'll have to work all day and then i have to have the kids so maybe after they go to it i'm on a tight schedule right now we'll see right right so it's coming together though it is coming together you though. It is coming together. You're talking some stereo stuff. Talking some stereo stuff, yeah.
Starting point is 01:44:50 You know, I have that big old Sony stereo system, and I really didn't want to put that massive, you know, the three-disc changer with all that other shit. And it's like a 20-pound thing. It's this massive box. And I'm like, I do not want to hang that thing up on the wall when all i need is the ox that's all i need is the oxford right so i think i got a little uh a little stereo amp they can get off amazon it was on sale for like 40 bucks i think
Starting point is 01:45:16 that's gonna solve my problem it's like i mean it's small it's like yeah little so that should be here tomorrow too i'm hoping that solves my problem if it does then the whole setup just got cleaner and nicer and then i can really really focus on getting strong then you know yeah that's probably what's been holding you back a little bit i think so i think so do you have any of the feeling when you're in there right now if you're lifting that you could you're like oh maybe i could mess with this in between my sets. Oh, I'm always doing the thing where I'm kind of tidying up and pushing things around. And yeah, that is totally a distraction.
Starting point is 01:45:52 It is. That's my life for like the last eight years. Because I know you always talk about it. You're like, oh, my first thing I do when I go out is I set all this stuff up or I just like move things around. And I don't really have to do a ton of that. But my kids also, my boy loves the bands bands he thinks the bands are the coolest thing ever and he wants he like the game he wants to play is you take the green band he wraps it around him and he wants to run
Starting point is 01:46:14 in the yard while you pull him against him or spin him around and he thinks it's the funnest game in the world so like usually that does sound pretty fun i mean it is yes and so the bands are usually laid in a pile and i gotta kind of reconfigure those but yeah uh yeah wall control is nice though getting everything off the floor up there i got the little shelf for the wall control which is kind of nice too so how deep of a shelf did you get i went with the i believe it was the six inch which is enough to you can actually lay your phone you know the you know the the farthest or the flat and it you know the whole thing goes on there so six inches is above average that's what i always say that's right it's all you need all right do we want to talk facebook marketplace deal of the week yeah what do you got any okay i
Starting point is 01:47:00 actually think you know i'm no i'm no pricing expert but i might have found what i think is a smoking deal actually it might be the deal of the week this actually might be the deal of the week and is coop selling it again no but funny enough this did come from kansas again so okay people in kansas know how to price things all right first we're going to go with the not deal actually i don't think i think this is a terrible deal, but I actually don't know what the price is on. Maybe the, maybe the market is stronger on these than what I know. Okay.
Starting point is 01:47:29 A Schwinn Airdyne exercise bike. You're familiar with those. You know, they're all old and antiquey. What does one of those things get now? I don't know what those costs, if they're like worth a hundred bucks or $200, one to $200. Okay. So this person had it listed for 200 and I was like 200 feels like the top end of me that's that's what i'll buy a new rogue for or an off brand or a different brand version for 600 bucks
Starting point is 01:47:57 or 500 bucks okay it might be worth 200 if it's good though that's i didn't know if 200 like to me that seemed like the very top end i figured like those things would get 100 all day but I didn't know if 200 was still in the market of of possible there maybe it's got to be really nice to be worth 200 bucks or something they just look so it just looks like an antique though in your gym yeah you know yes it does okay so that was the first one but this I really do think is the deal so I'm going to read to you what's going on here because there's something of note about this. So the title on the item is Rogue Power Rack, and it says items being sold listed below.
Starting point is 01:48:33 A Rogue Monster Rack. So this is a, yeah, just like the racks in the gym, except one-inch holes because it's black instead of red. So black monster rack set of j cups the safety straps a 45 pound ohio power bar an adjustable bench a set of bands from amazon power block dumbbells with stand uh 245 pound plates 235 pound plates 225 pound plates 210s and two fives everything is in condition, willing to deliver if needed. And there's a disclaimer on this. And the disclaimer says, because I didn't think about
Starting point is 01:49:13 when I bought the set, I had to cut the rack to shorten it down to fit. Normally it stands 90 inches tall. This stands at 83 inches tall. I'm not stupid, but this says otherwise. It's what the person wrote. When I look at the picture though, it looks like I can't tell that they actually cut it. So it looks like they did a good job, whatever they did. But that whole lot. So we got the rack, the power block with stands, those weights, the bar and adjustable bench. The bench is, it's an adjustable rogue bench actually. what do you think they have for a price on that oh i wasn't really adding the stuff up in my head when i said that but you said it's a good deal i think it seems like a good deal i'm actually curious where it's confusing though is
Starting point is 01:49:59 that the item description just says rogue power rack but then it says items being sold listed below and it's all of those things. So I'm assuming, wouldn't you take that as they're selling all these things together? Yeah. Are they selling it for $1,800? $2,000? Lower.
Starting point is 01:50:17 Oh, $1,200? Lower. $800? $1,000. $1,000. I am wondering about that rack so he cut it down to 83 inches that is set just under seven feet tall is all yeah when i look at the uh the uh it's pretty short it is when i look at where this guy has the uh
Starting point is 01:50:40 the j cups i mean it's damn near touching the, touching the header on the back. It would be a freakishly short rack. I feel like, but also at that price though. Oh yeah. You could just buy uprights just by the uprights from rogue. Well,
Starting point is 01:50:57 for a thousand dollars, if you're getting a rogue power bar and adjustable bench and just the plates, you kind of get the rack for free. Well, okay. well okay the power block power block alone goes for like 500 bucks for the dams and this has the stand most on so where was this from this is in missouri oh yeah so i'm gonna get a good deal there that is a good deal i mean it everything here looks like brand new the rogue bench the adjustable bench i think they're
Starting point is 01:51:21 adjustable bench like 600 the straps you know the safety strap set is like $250 from Rogue. Right. Power bar is $250. I mean, this, if actually, if you don't care about the height thing, some people that won't even matter for, this is a smoking deal here. That is a smoking deal. And then, can I give you the runner-up for deal of the week? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:51:45 This was brought to my attention by Big Bryce, the beast from the southeast. Oh, yeah. He sent this over to me. One of our top 5X models. In Sioux Falls here, someone is selling three good condition used toilets, $20 each or $50 for all of them, Just in case you're in the market for some toilets. They are white. Sometimes there's interesting color.
Starting point is 01:52:09 Like it's like a pink toilet. I mean, they're not like the seats are up. They're not like pristine, but you know, it is, it is supposed to be a white toilet. So yeah,
Starting point is 01:52:18 those are out there in case someone's looking. Well, you can never have too many toilets. No, can't, can't overdo it on the toilets. They make really good planter beds, I think. I'm sure they do.
Starting point is 01:52:34 How about a little supporting our supporting members segment? Let's do it. Okay, this is a segment we do each week on the Mathsonomics Podcast. This is our chance to give back a little bit to those that give to us. So we have our supporting members. If you're unfamiliar with our supporting membership options, where the hell have you been? We've been talking about this for weeks and months and years. Get your ass signed up.
Starting point is 01:52:55 Gee, damn it. But we would like to have you sign up if you're at all interested, if you've been a listener for a long time. And if you're just sick of getting this podcast for free and you're like, damn it, I want to pay for this. How do I pay to get this free podcast? That's how you do it. Go to our site, slash join. That's where you can find our different options on the supporting membership.
Starting point is 01:53:18 Get stuff like access to our discord community. It's the only way you get access to it. You can listen to the podcast live. You get an early info on drops and everything else that we're doing. And there's a special discount code that's just for you. And this week on our supporting members that we want to give back to, Big Kayla from Western Northeast South Dakota competed in a Jiu Jitsu
Starting point is 01:53:37 tournament and it looks like she got a medal. I don't know what place for sure, but there was a medal involved. So congratulations on the Jiu Jjitsu massonomics gym member big kayla then we had uh big colton from down in crew falls he competed at the caveman classic strongman and he got fourth out of 20 in his class what a class 200 including a 230 pound max log press which was a 30-pound PR for Colton. Very nice.
Starting point is 01:54:07 Well done there. Then big financial planner Jeff, a Florida man, went six for nine at his meet. Nice. That included a state record for big Jeff, Florida man. Real grinder on the bench, man. Boy, that took a while that's that's impressive you don't see many people fight it that long oh then we had uh big ben big matt
Starting point is 01:54:35 and big chief sampson all competing at big dave's king of the north powerlifting meet in our neighbors to the north in North Dakota. So we had three crew members competing, Big Ben, Big Matt, Big Chief Samson, and then Big Dave was running the meet. And I'm not sure how Chief Samson did, but I guess if anyone, But I guess if anyone, Chief Sampson is in the Army National Guard, and he's a master chief or something. I can't remember what his rank is, but you call him chief.
Starting point is 01:55:15 So it's Big Chief Sampson. And then I'm not sure. I don't have the numbers on how he did, but I do have Big Ben. He had a 507 squat, 325 bench, a 408 deadlift for a 1240 total for big ben big matt hit a 474 squat 286 bench 573 deadlift those look like all prs for a 1333 pr total so king of the north looks like a lot of fun was had looks like they were all living easy afterwards yeah that's what i'd love to see that it almost looked like a mini lift hard live easy classic yeah then big hogan was uh the guest this week on the unpaid and underrated podcast where they interview a supporting member uh each week so you could you could also get in on that if you
Starting point is 01:56:02 become a supporting member uh if you haven't listened to that go give it a listen on paid and underrated find it on apple podcasts or anywhere that you listen to podcasts thank you to our supporting members this week tommy i'm headed your way thursday just a couple days we are going to get it i'm going to get to get a training session in this garage okay i was thinking about this what are you lifting on thursday i think i would probably just bench i guess for simplicity's sake okay because you know i didn't i wasn't this didn't cross my mind earlier but i am limited on bars and space so that does make lifting together a bit of a challenge right to think we'll have to think through the logistics of this what are you gonna do i was gonna be dead lifting but my dead lifting goes pretty fast because it's not well that's also i'm i'm not
Starting point is 01:56:50 benching that much uh i'm kind of on a deload this i'm on a deload this week so okay i'll probably only do a few sets of bench anyways so i don't i'm not concerned about it okay i think we'll be able to we'll be able to we'll figure it out manage through that so that's not we only got one bar to work with so yeah yeah i don't think that's a big deal i think we'll get that all right get that pinned down anyways and we're going to be shooting some other videos right there too so we have a training vlog that comes out of it along with a few other videos yeah and uh tell you what man these last few days have been pretty damn nice you get the garage door open you get the music going and it's like man i'm i'm basically lifting outdoors this is amazing it's a vibe it's it's actually a lot of fun it's the most fun i've had
Starting point is 01:57:37 lifting in quite a while yeah it's been a good time so hopefully it's nice on thursday it probably will be so i hope so actually better check the weather here let's see thursday as soon as that gets done yeah oh yeah thursday is showing a high of 69 nice nice it's fate of course and then we're heading off to french lick that evening to go to okay did i see something about us presenting an award was that i think we get to present an award like what award was it like the is this added best new was it rookie of the year or something is this like at a dinner or is this for instagram i think it's at the dinner oh wow okay yeah are they gonna have a teleprompter we can read off of
Starting point is 01:58:20 do we have to do some type of you know everyone kind of has to like do something that kind of plays to their thing do we have to do like a skit to like go with before the presenting? I don't know if we have to, but I think we definitely are. I don't think anyone else is going to do a skit. Oh, I'm new at this. I've never done this. And like we're going and then we're like, ha, these are the rookies of the year. Everyone's like, where are they going with this?
Starting point is 01:58:42 We are the best award presenters there. Like, what is it? Like, we weren't expecting a comedy show. Get the hell off the stage. We want to get through these awards. You guys are 10 minutes into this, and you haven't read the winner yet. What's going on here? Yeah, we are presenting an award, a prestigious award. An award for the best company ever.
Starting point is 01:59:07 And joke's on you guys, we're giving this to ourselves. I'm throwing away whatever this card says, and it's going to us. Masonomics wins all the awards. Give us those damn awards. Yeah, that's what's going to happen. Home Gym Con and the rest of it to be be continued i guess on home gym con yeah don't talk about it beforehand but we don't we'll don't totally know what to expect just uh gonna run into some people we know hopefully check out some cool equipment i'm way more excited about that than i would have been six months ago you know it's gonna be a lot
Starting point is 01:59:42 of fun and it's gonna to be not that stressful so should be pretty chill yeah pretty pretty pretty just to make sure we turn those microphones on yeah that's about the only that's about the only thing we could mess up at this point the only thing you could mess up on is not going to the i mean the actually i messed up it Actually, I messed up. It's funny I was talking about messing up. I messed up the website. It's actually
Starting point is 02:00:11 That's where you will find the American-made Olympic iron plates and barbells that we've come to know and love, particularly the Olympic iron plates. Also the bumper plates. Been using those at MassAceomics Gym. I don't use them as frequently, but I almost see someone use them all the time when I'm there so they are
Starting point is 02:00:28 getting their use and they've held up very nicely so they've got their bumpers that they came out with this year in 45s 25s and 10s and we've got a few sets of each of those and they've been a good addition to the gym but they do not replace my favorite the
Starting point is 02:00:43 e-coated black smooth easy to grip tight tolerance best plates on the market uh the go-to plates of massonomics gym what more could i say what more would need to be said other than that and check all of those out at the and let them know that your good friends at massonomics sent you and this episode is also brought to you by swiss link since 1995 swiss link has been importing military issue goods to the united states and into the hands of those yearning for quality gear at uncompromised prices swiss link is home to the authentic wavian fuel cans they're from the same factory that has been making these so-called jerry cans for the nato forces since the 1940s made from 0.9 millimeters of cold rolled
Starting point is 02:01:26 steel wavians are the highest quality gas cans on the market swiss link has decided that a high quality water can was needed as well so they developed a stainless steel can to match it fits all your wavy and jerry can holders it is made from food grade 304 stainless steel so you can trust it to carry your drinking water the cap is knurled for a good grip and the spout screws into the bottom of the cap for convenient storage. A vent at the top ensures a good flow and the can has the same three-handle configuration as its fuel counterpart. This is another addition to Swiss Link's exceptional collection and their dedication
Starting point is 02:02:00 to quality customer service that distinguishes them from the rest. Enjoy a 15% discount on your next purchase at by entering code MASS at checkout. That's M-A-S-S at to save 15%. Thank you, SwissLink. Anything else we want to cover on this one, Tommy, or should we bring her on home? That is probably about it.
Starting point is 02:02:26 Alright, Rich Deer, make sure to check out our Drink Spotter XL that we released here last week. It's been lighting the world on fire. Yeah, so if you've only got the regular the original Drink Spotter and you've only got the Drink Spotter Lite, I think it's time you get the three-headed monster, get yourself the Drink Spotter XL.
Starting point is 02:02:42 It comfortably fits Hydro Flask, Stanley Mugs, Makers Mark Whiskey bottles, three-headed monster get yourself the drink spotter xl it comfortably fits hydroflask stanley mugs makers mark whiskey bottles um i don't know everything that could ever fit inside of things everything ever fit yeah and it's got a very powerful magnet that will hold a lot of weight and i love the drink spotter xl i would highly recommend it. Everyone checks one out. Also, our merch. We've got a lot of merch for Stale right now. No hats, so you don't have to worry about buying a hat, but there's a lot of tees, some shorts. What else am I looking at?
Starting point is 02:03:14 Socks. We've got a decent amount of crew-length socks right now, our black and gray ones. I do like those. I love the black and gray ones. I wear them all the time. Check out those. Some deadlift socks that we have still.
Starting point is 02:03:27 Not a lot of those left if you want deadlift socks. We have a few pairs of deadlifter shorts, a few pair of black lift shorts, and the long-sleeve pocket tee. My personal favorite, if you haven't bought one of these yet, you are a buffoon. A horse's ass. Yeah, you are a buffoon. A horse's ass. Yeah, you are a stupid, pathetic horse's ass.
Starting point is 02:03:48 So go grab one of these long-sleep pocket tees. It's a beefy pocket tee. That's it. We'll see you all when we get back from home gym con if we live to tell the tales. Right, Tommy? That's the plan on it. We'll also be, though, we might not be recording one of these
Starting point is 02:04:06 on a oh night for a while now right because we're gonna knock out a couple episodes at home gym yeah we could not be doing this for uh like three weeks or so yeah so when we get back for that so this is 421 if we come up come from there with 422 and 423 424 is going to be a banger because we're going to have a lot of stuff to do. Talk about a backlog. We probably can't have a guest that week. I don't think we could. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:04:31 So be on the lookout. Well, really, the next two, be on the lookout for what comes out of Home Gym Con, honestly. We don't even know exactly what those podcasts will be. If that's the case, that basically ties our record for, I mean, that might be the record for the longest we've ever gone without a recording episode, like, ever. I'm going to get the shakes and withdrawals.
Starting point is 02:04:50 I won't know what to do. Well, hopefully we see you on 424 then. Yeah. Blaze at plus four. Tommy, where do they find you at? Find me at tomahawk underscore D. You can follow me at tanner underscore baird. Just make sure everyone stays safe while we're gone,
Starting point is 02:05:05 and we'll catch you in the following weeks from home, Jim Conn. See ya.

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