Massenomics Podcast - Ep. 459: John Haack - Breaking Powerlifting Records

Episode Date: January 20, 2025

Big John Haack joins us for round 3. We talk to him about the best cars to do strongman yoke walks with, the best sitcoms ever, and max axle deadlifts. Don’t miss our biggest drop of the year coming... 1/23/25! Build Fast Formula Use code MASSENOMICS to save 10% on every order! BearFoot Shoes Use code MASSENOMICS to save 10% on every order! Juggernaut AI Use code MASSENOMICS to save 10%! The Strength Co Get some Go-To Plates! Swiss Link Use code MASS to save 15%! Texas Power Bars Get the Barbell that changed the game!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Thanks for what you do with your podcasts and all the rest. You're doing a great job. Hope everybody keeps tuning in. You get a lot of good info, a lot of insights, understandings of how to get strong, how to stay strong, how to use your strength. You do a great job, dude. You make things better than they are in real life, I think. If you don't follow Massanomics, y'all do it.
Starting point is 00:00:18 Social media, website, everything. Massanomics! Just when you think you're gonna throw me for a loop, Tommy, and not let me hear that, you switch it. I was like, I feel like I'm supposed to be pointing right now, but I don't do that anymore. I need to give Tanner the sound and the sound came through. Welcome, everyone. Episode 459 of the Mastamix podcast, the lifting podcast about nothing recorded live from the corners of the Dakotas.
Starting point is 00:00:54 We're your two hosts. My name is Tanner and my name is Tommy Tanner. It's been a it's been a while and. It's been a while. Like we ladies and gentlemen masternomics is in the house! I feel like it's been we've been neglecting a certain group it's been one week since you looked at me there we go that was the one I needed we've been neglecting a certain group I don't want them to be
Starting point is 00:01:20 forgotten so I would like to dedicate this episode to a special group of people and that is the twins There it is I have so many sounds now that I'm actually on to the train has been hit lately I Have a new button actually this episode. Do you want to hear it now? Or do you want me to just maybe you get you at least expect it? Yeah, okay Just keep me on my toes
Starting point is 00:01:53 Everyone state you this is an incentive to stick around for this episode. I have a new button This week, so I'm pretty excited about it 459 we're here. Get used to it. We're going anywhere just like our friends over at build fast formula. HTTP Oh, you know what's something that's interesting? You probably know this. World Wide Web, the contraction. Www I've heard of that. It takes longer to say than World Wide Web.
Starting point is 00:02:29 It has more syllables. Actually, you're right, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, when people say WWW, World Wide Web is a faster thing. Yeah, yeah, very true. Isn't that funny? But really, no one says WWW anymore, though. You know, no people don't kind of put that in there. I wish people said World Wide Web again back like when we used to be a proper frigging country.
Starting point is 00:02:52 World Wide Web dot massonomics dot com. Yeah. Build fast formula dot com. It's where you can buy the supplements that we know that we trust. We we trust them because we know them and we know them because we trust them Veso blitz and full blitz you take a scoop of each. That's your perfect pre-workout Would be a third P word to make that a little alliteration. That's perfect perfect pre-workout Punching the dick with a vaso blitz and full blitz a one scoop of each or or I should say and Different conjunction I'll go with end and 80
Starting point is 00:03:29 And 80 20 protein after you left or maybe in the morning I like it in the morning or maybe in the evening a little evening snack do while you left to we're not gonna stop you And then once every day, how about you hit their creatine monohydrate if you want to get on the sauce? And then use discount code massonomics it'll save you 10% on every single order over at Thanks for supporting them. This episode is also brought to you by Texas Power Bars. When Buddy Caps, founder of Texas Power Bars, started lifting weights with Olympic bars back in the 1960s, he noticed there was hardly any grip.
Starting point is 00:04:05 The knurling on the bar was so light when the bars were new that years later they came back almost slick. And if you ever lifted and used a slick bar, you know that's a bad time. The sleeves were held onto the bar with a threaded end cap and the inside collars were always held in place with a set screw. Each sleeve consisted of three pieces,
Starting point is 00:04:24 but he knew that there was an issue and he addressed the gnome problems and the Texas Power Bar was born. Today, the Texas Power Bar is the source for all of your high quality bars, like the Texas Power Bar, the original Texas Power Bar, the Texas Deadlift Bar, the Texas Squat Bar, or my personal favorite, the 29 millimeter Texas Power bar. If you head on over to texas
Starting point is 00:04:46 power you can check out their great selection and get one of these bars for your home gym. Trust me you will not regret it. lift with the legend texas power Do you think I think I wonder if Ronnie Coleman was talking about has been talking about Buddy Caps this entire time? Maybe. It just might have been. Yeah, buddy.
Starting point is 00:05:10 Every time he's like, yeah, buddy. Yeah, buddy. This bar is great. He just never finished the statement. Like it's just, that's all they had to really say. Like, do you like this bar? Yeah, buddy. That's what it was the whole time.
Starting point is 00:05:23 No one ever knew, but now we know? Yeah, buddy. That's what it was. Great bar, buddy. No one ever knew, but now we know. Yeah, buddy. Oh, we got a lot to touch on this week. First and maybe, I don't know, it's actually all equally important. We had, well, we're gonna get a guest on here in a little bit, but we got some other things to touch on first.
Starting point is 00:05:42 We have a drop coming up next week. It's going to drop on January 23rd, 2025. That's a Thursday. Mark your calendars. It is a pretty sweet one. We're pretty, we're pretty pumped on what we've got. We've got a shirt, uh, that has somewhat been brought out of the vault, revamped in a number of ways, and boy is it sweet. You said mine's in the mail.
Starting point is 00:06:10 I don't think you've quite gotten yours yet. I do not have it yet. It looks like it's supposed to be here tomorrow, and I'm very excited for this. You're gonna like that one. I think everyone's gonna like that shirt. So that shirt, and then I wondered if we show the other, maybe the other centerpiece off.
Starting point is 00:06:24 Maybe we could just show it off we could should we give a peek behind the curtain is or too early I got it right here you got you got it right there too. Okay, what do you got? I think before we show this we both show it on three yeah but I think we should know the same thing you know the inspiration behind it was everyone wants to feel like they have a piece of massonomics with them and everywhere they go everyone wants to feel like they have a piece of massonomics with them. And everywhere they go. Everyone wants to feel like they have a little piece of South Dakota
Starting point is 00:06:48 with them too. And this thing takes those two and combines it with with what is also sort of becoming an underground sensation with massonomics. And that is, should we show it on three here? Yeah, let's show it one two three the official oh The official Massenomics MSS, NMX vintage South Dakota replica license plate. Yes, this thing looks so good I I This thing looks so good. I can't I cannot overstate how good this thing looks.
Starting point is 00:07:28 It's it's very impressive. There are 10 of us now that actually have the legal MSS and MX plate between Canada and the U.S. I think Scant's most recent list is 10. I think there's maybe one or two more that have ordered theirs. So soon that's a growing list. But now everyone can kind of have one. I think there's maybe one or two more that have ordered theirs. So soon. That's a growing list, but now Everyone can kind of have one, you know This is the MSS and MX South Dakota and Tommy explain the design Why it looks like if you're not from South Dakota you if you're from South Dakota you immediately recognize this
Starting point is 00:07:56 yeah, this is to me the the quintessential South Dakota license plate here and This was I actually don't know the exact years years but this was I believe the license plate like when we were growing up in the 90s. Yeah. And yeah, this is I don't know the exact dates. But if you your age, you recognize this from when you were a kid. It just takes you probably the most iconic South Dakota, iconic South Dakota script in the top of it large. And then back faded on the whole plate is
Starting point is 00:08:25 just a like a one color silhouette of Mount Rushmore you know and and then it's kind of this the whole plate is like this maroon light like light brown light green kind of color with then green letters yeah it's just it was and then great faces great places which do they still use that same I I use it all the time, but I don't know if it's just because I don't have retro nostalgia. Yeah, I don't even know if that really gets used much anymore, but that was the like the state slogan for a long time too. Anyways, it's a very 90s license plate,
Starting point is 00:08:54 but to me the most iconic and the best looking, they have not beat this to this day. So I'm glad we could. There's a couple little Easter eggs on it too. Yeah, and then we have the, you know, we have the fake registration tags on there. It just looks really... And then it is on like a... I mean, it is on metal. What is that? I mean, what you would... This seems like a license plate is what I would tell you.
Starting point is 00:09:14 Yeah, at first we thought this was going to be made on like what our drink spotter signs were. Yeah, kind of like kind of make it look like a license plate. And then we went to the printer, they're like, oh, we just have license plates blanks Do you want to just print on those? So from a Couple feet away. It just straight up looks like a license plate with the actual registration tag on it. It's it looks really good And it feels like a license plate, you know, yeah, so this sounds like a license plate Yeah, you can just hit it. So whether you want to hang this in your home gym your office your cubicle your workstation Wherever one hanging behind me here, even if people have noticed this last
Starting point is 00:09:53 But just this thing will this will be a conversation start I mean you could put this on a car a hundred percent and I don't know if you'd get pulled in South Dakota You might get pulled over because we probably have we probably legally have to call this a decorative But this I think would be a conversation starter anywhere and people see this to be like Why do you have a South Dakota license plate because you cannot tell from afar that it's not the real Right. Yeah, so that's I'm pretty excited about that. It looks really cool And then we actually have a few we have we revamped our sticker pack lineup altogether Yeah, these are available on the site yet
Starting point is 00:10:28 We've been out of stickers all together for a while and we actually will be having one Two three four new sticker packs should I show these off or not? Let just you pick you pick a sticker to show off maybe just pick eight Whatever one you're most excited to show Groupings right flick. It's the yeah, that really makes it right right um Maybe you want to show off a pack then okay This pack is really cool, and it's kind of based on what we had done earlier If you're really paying attention, but we have this can pack how many is it yeah five five
Starting point is 00:11:02 So we have the five pack of cans we have the it pack of cans. We have the it's the crispy boy yeah, it's the crispy boy pack we have the their die cut stickers to the exact shape of the can so we have the bench heavy can the deadlifter can the natural for life can the squats can and the PBR power lifting blue ribbon can Yeah, that's in a pack and they look these stickers are so cool They're basically replicas of the magnets that we had ran a little while ago. But people really like those. So I
Starting point is 00:11:30 think this is a good way for people to get a little piece of that action. Yeah, those are cool beans. And there are I mean, you could argue that the ones I'm not sure it might be even better than that even. Yeah, the other there's another pack in there that people might be even more excited about right now. And it's really cool. That one really pops. It does pop. Yeah. We don't just say that about anything around here. No. So check out the drop
Starting point is 00:11:54 buy yourself a decorative license plate some of the new sticker packs and the new T and exciting news. It sounds like round three of our certified training facility flags are actually going to our certified training facility packages. We're kind of waiting on the flags. That's what we need to get in here. So those are going to be here just in time. So that should drop along with it. So the first two rounds are done. The map is out there. If you go to what is the website if you want to just see
Starting point is 00:12:26 like, com slash certified, certified and you can see the map and even if you've been there, but you haven't looked at it for maybe a week or two, you should probably check it out again, because it is impressive looking at people are always sending why. Yeah, yeah, because so I guess I this have this hasn't happened. I mean, this happened in between our last recording. Oh, yeah, because so I guess I this have this hasn't happened. I mean this happened in between our last recording Oh, yeah, it actually did you're right did it or not? Yeah, so we had another 75 more sign up
Starting point is 00:12:53 So the map is very full. We got Europe represented in a couple. We've got Hawaii represented now More in the north in that very northern part of Canada, which is interesting to see so it's just kind of a wide in that very northern part of Canada, which is interesting to see. So it's just kind of a wide, we really cut a wide swath. And then really the heartland of America keeps getting more and more filled up. So, and people daily keep sending me pictures for the gym.
Starting point is 00:13:17 So more and more of the gyms on there are getting pictures all the time, which is cool, because I think it looks a lot cooler when there's gym pictures to go along with it. Yeah, so if people don't know, when you go to slash certified, pictures all the time, which is cool because I think it looks a lot cooler when there's gym pictures to go along with it. Yeah. So if we don't know when you go to set slash certified, anyone that has signed up to be a certified training facility there, they have a pin on a map and you can click on any of the pins and it will tell you the name of
Starting point is 00:13:37 the gym, the person's Instagram handle. And if they have a video or a photo to go along with their gym it also appears on there and so you get some really cool Overviews of people gyms of people's gyms when you look through there You also might be surprised there might be some crew members Some certified facilities just down the road from you that you never knew about Someone said they were taking a trip to Nashville for example the other day and looking for places a train I said there's three certified training facilities right here that all Marked that they're open to visitors. You know crew visitors coming to check the place out
Starting point is 00:14:13 So yeah, Nashville is kind of a hot spot on there. Hit up their Instagram handles You know if they've they've all got them listed so you could message them and see if they're interested in a crew visitor or not And some people have different icons if people are in the Hall of Fame They have the Hall of Fame Cup icon Auntie asked if we're gonna add the jackets to people that reach the jacket level all fame and I don't know I kind of if you get too many icons, then none of them stick out right the thing too and You know the cups certainly stick out as is so, you know It's something unique when you see the cup,
Starting point is 00:14:46 but I'm just wondering if it gets to be too many, then you start to not even know what you're looking at. True, yeah. I don't know. I do really like that Sioux Falls, all four gyms have a YouTube video to go with them. Yes, I mean, no coincidence that it's pretty easy for us to get gym tours in Sioux Falls.
Starting point is 00:15:04 So, yeah, yeah cuz uh Jonah Leo's Jim got on the map in the last. Yes. Yep, and he's got the video Liberty barbell. Yeah, so Both of the last two times they sold out in the first day The third time is that gonna happen again? Based on the signups and stuff. It kind of looks like it might happen again good yes it very well could So I would suggest if you want to get signed up in the third run do not wait because it'll probably sell out in the first day at some point this has got to slow down but
Starting point is 00:15:37 When that is maybe now maybe it is never Who are we to say? Just it doesn't stop until the map is just the United States again. Yeah. Do you got a can over there at all? Or what's your can situation? I do.
Starting point is 00:15:54 What are you rocking? Well, it ain't no Rambler, that's for sure. Oh, I miss those Ramblers. I do too, those were good. Back on my bullshit, Lime Likroy. Back on his old bullshit again. I've got a La Croix Cola. Did you have one of these? Did I give you one of these? I can
Starting point is 00:16:12 remember? Yes, I forgot to tell you that with that so you gave it to me at your house and I was gonna go lift that day. I didn't want to drink it right before I went to lift. So I was like, Oh, this would be perfect. Perfect sipper for the road for the ride home. And I got done at the gym and I was so thirsty that I got a giant bottle of water and I drank most of that. And then I wasn't thirsty anymore.
Starting point is 00:16:32 So I was just waiting to open the can. Well, then I never did. And then it was the night, I had my wife's car. So it was the next day then she took the car and she's like, you know, that can that was in there? Oh, yeah, it's good, isn't it? It's like, that's the worst thing I've ever had in my life. And she likes to drink diet coke.
Starting point is 00:16:53 So if you're used to diet coke, I'm sure that just tastes absolutely awful. If you're used to diesel soda, then this is not gonna. Which is funny, because I'm like, yeah, it's great, right? And she was just in shock that I could say that. Because you have had this before. Oh yeah, I think it's pretty good. You like it too.
Starting point is 00:17:10 Yeah. I love it, it's one of my favorites for anyone that doesn't know it's La Croix, La Cola. But I don't drink any actual pop at all, ever. So it's easier to trick my taste buds into something being. Palatable. Tasting that way. Love it though, old favorite. So it's easier to trick my taste buds into something being Tasting that way
Starting point is 00:17:28 Love it though old favorite What about Well, what do we want to follow up on our YouTube video from last week or annoying and I was extra pot Well, they're really both from our podcast the Facebook group or the equipment pricing equipment pricing follow-up So last week our episode we talked about, has equipment really increased a lot over the last years? Has it kept up with inflation? What has it done? And when we went back and checked rogues prices
Starting point is 00:17:56 from 10 years ago. In the way back machine. In the way back machine, checking rogues prices from 10 years ago. For the most part, their pricing was almost exactly the same. So once you account for inflation, it's definitely at a discount today. There was some really good feedback,
Starting point is 00:18:11 some follow up on that. A couple of things that I did not know was at that time, and I believe this is what the monster, the Rogue Monster Rack 1.0 was, is that it used seven gauge steel instead of 11 gauge, which seems to be the industry standard today. I had to look, Tanner, do you know the difference between seven and 11 gauge steel instead of 11 gauge, which seems to be the industry standard today. I had to look tanner Do you know the difference between seven and 11 gauge steel? Ah, four gauges. I knew you knew you were gonna say that. If you
Starting point is 00:18:35 didn't, I was going to. I don't know like a 16th of an inch or something. I looked I'm I have no I'm trying to remember now, I believe seven gauge is 50% thicker than 11 gauge. So it's actually quite a bit, but I would also make the argument, but if that's- It's kind of just overkill waste of metal at that point.
Starting point is 00:18:54 Well, yeah, if that's what it took, if changing from seven to 11 gauge is what it took to keep the price in line, yeah, technically that other one was a more premium product, but I don't think the gauge of steel has ever been a failure point on power racks these days. So not an 11. I suppose you could get small enough.
Starting point is 00:19:10 Yeah, yeah, you could definitely get there. And I'm sure that's what a lot of those cheap Amazon racks do. But I don't think 11 gauge is ever a point of concern. So that one doesn't bug me at all. Like it almost feels like that's just an aesthetic thing at that point. But even then, it's like marginal. Or potentially a nuisance of it being so much heavier.
Starting point is 00:19:26 Actually that's a good point too. In theory you think it's 50% heavier. Do you want your rack to weigh 5,000 pounds? Would that be better? At what point is it like, oh this is actually just a giant pain in the ass now. Yeah, so that was good on someone brought up. And then another thing that several people said,
Starting point is 00:19:42 and this one, I do believe this one, is they were talking about when they talk about prices being increased, is several people made the comment like that. I always assumed that that meant it was on the low end, the cheap import equipment. And that would make more sense because they're already on the lower end of the market. So like they have to go up. You know, they didn't have as much wiggle room in the first place. Right. And I'm sure over time, you know, just imports and Chinese stuff has all just gotten more expensive.
Starting point is 00:20:12 So and there was, I think there were several examples of, I think one of them was like the Titan lat pull down machine initially came out like 900 bucks and today at that 1800. Some of that I wonder, well, also is it introductory pricing like we need people to get excited about this so we're right intentionally bringing the price in low and so some of that I think is volatility in that as well but yeah there has for sure been some increase in price some people put examples of just pricing on imported stuff that's kind of a lot that one I would believe that one, I would believe that more. Yeah, I can see that more. Was there anything there was we did get several comments on that, which was good to see in the
Starting point is 00:20:50 comment section. But the gauges deal definitely that stood out to me. Can't remember what else in particular, but I'm just pulling up still when you factor in inflation, even even with a lot of those exceptions if you actually factor in inflation The change kind of goes away even in most of those cases still Yes, yeah Let's see. Yes 72 comments on that for sure Yeah, most people were actually though the biggest comment was people were really surprised that pricing
Starting point is 00:21:25 It was actually that consistent over the years that hadn't because most people seem to think that too like oh, yeah Things got it more expensive and turns out no actually not really the case when you're talking the more premium options, right? what what about in the garage gym Or what is that group even called home gym something or is it the garage in the garage gym? Or what is that group even called home gym something or is it the garage and reviews home gym Facebook group? Is that what it actually is called?
Starting point is 00:21:52 That's what we're talking about. But there was some maintaining the activity in there pretty well though, too. You know, you're at the point where you're just gonna make you a moderator here pretty soon. I think I don't know if you ever see these like if it pops up to you, but I drop in a lot of comments Oh, it always shows those to me. It shows the pulse and it only shows your comments That's why I'm seeing this stuff, which means I'm probably still missing some things But okay, I will say that there's times where I'm just like, okay
Starting point is 00:22:23 So Tanner still leaving comes about horse stall mats and there's times I'm'm just like, oh, okay, so Tanner's still leaving comments about horse stall mats. And there's times I'm like, okay, yeah, he's doing it again, whatever. And there are ones where occasionally when I open Facebook and it just catches me so off guard that I can't help but laugh way too long at it. I didn't even get this first one.
Starting point is 00:22:41 I didn't realize you posted the picture of all the horse stall mats piled up. Yeah, yeah. This picture, I don't know get this first one. I didn't realize you posted the picture of all the horse stall mats piled up. Yeah. This picture, I don't, I mean, is it like a hundred horse stall mats all in this stack pile? And you wrote smash or pass on it? And most of the people are in on the joke, but someone's like, ask a better question
Starting point is 00:23:01 and you go love it or list it. I was laughing so hard when I saw that. It's like you did exactly what he said and made it even dumber still. Somehow it's even dumber than the original thing. It's like he was trying to like I don't know put you in your place or just give you attitude back But yeah, man it backfired This is just enabled you to go to another level with that who love it or listed I did I did that chuckled to myself as to like I actually thought that was funnier than the original post itself That was that was really funny the other one that I saw that I liked a lot and I'm sure I'm missing some but There was one someone said what do you what do you guys? How do you how are you guys organizing your show? Yeah, whatever or how you guys your grip tools are like you know you're like your
Starting point is 00:23:56 Cable attachments are you yeah, how'm out to find a horse stall. Yep. And then I did see several other comments of just you writing the word horse stall mats with some other words around them, but it was a horse stall, Matt. And every time I'm I'm like alright, that's enough of that for now I've grown tired of it And then I see a question that I'm just like oh, I know the perfect horse doll Matt response to this You feel like sometimes they're maybe just baiting you Yeah, maybe they're actually like maybe we're the ones getting tricked and they're there
Starting point is 00:24:41 They have a podcast somewhere else where they're just laughing hysterically about how They keep getting me to talk about horse stall mats Right here three hours ago hello all Currently in the process of turning our garage into a gym my question has anyone used these types of mats from Amazon before? It's the puzzle tiles like I don't know look at the question from yesterday. It's probably in there again. Oh I don't know look at the question from yesterday. It's probably in there again. Oh I did you brought it up to so many of those ones where people are just saying like good deal or not like that's half of the posting on there and I'm like
Starting point is 00:25:20 What do you need this group to like I'm like what justification are you looking for from the group? And also people just looking for permission to spend money I think is what it is. Right. But I was like, I mean, is it something you want or not? You know, right. That's something you're remotely interested in. I feel like you kind of have a feel for the market. You know, like you have a vague idea of what this should be. And some people I'm like, I don't even know if they know what this even is. They just see something for sale. They're like, should I be buying this? I actually just forgot about maybe I won't. Well, I'll just give a teaser. I did order a pretty specialized piece of equipment to be made in the UK this week. Oh, is it a vibrate on the floor mat?
Starting point is 00:25:56 It's one of those vibrate vibrators. Yeah. Custom color. Actually, the number of people between YouTube and Instagram and stuff that have made comments about like different like they'd be like Kind of a playoff of their favorite color horse stall mats over the last week It's been pretty good everyone getting it on what their favorite like be like I like red horse stall mats What if they did make horse stall mats in red well someone said or different colors flooring in different colors, but we know but I want horse Don't know. Yeah, that's not I Want four by six horse someone actually horse still horse still Matt horse stole from Matthew Matthew horse stole his mats are the best
Starting point is 00:26:36 Okay, so you ordered a specialized piece of equipment from overseas, huh? Yeah, you have to say, you know big David it to order the pie Overseas, huh? Yeah, you have to say, you know big David it would to order the pie They they needed a reference so I used British David and they said I we we know him He's he's he's from the island. They say they call it the island over there. Yeah Right, right. So I won't spoil what it is that Maybe we'll have a big we'll have an you know, like when Donnie Thompson had the unveiling for Legasaurus? Legasaurus! With the sparks flying. With the fireworks.
Starting point is 00:27:09 Yeah, oh no, he had people, someone with grinders back there, right? Two angle grinders on some steel so they could shoot sparks into the air. We should actually replicate that for like a new set of horse stall mats. Horse stall mats! horse stomp hats! laughter laughter I did see someone and I'm like I don't think they were joking and this is the real thing
Starting point is 00:27:32 and someone that was like saying like oh no those smell really bad like someone asked me what they should someone was like no they smell really bad and uh someone was like they don't smell that bad and then someone was like, they don't smell that bad. And then someone was like, no, I, you know,
Starting point is 00:27:47 I had mine in my gym. I had to take them out. I leave them outside now. And every time I walk by him, I still smell them. And I'm like, what? They don't smell like that. I have not smelled like at all. Maybe we get a different brand of them up here, but,
Starting point is 00:28:00 oh, was there, am I just imagining things? Or did someone have a picture of their entire basement and was like horse stall mats or flooring or my that there was something like that was supposed to last 24 hours. I just couldn't remember if you left a comment on there or not, but it does just reinforce the fact that horse stall mats come up multiple times a day in this thing and it never dies. Yeah, big Andrew said that. How did I do brag post to like, how did I do? You know, like that's actually funny.
Starting point is 00:28:28 How did I do? And I'm going to post like something shitty for like way too much money. I mean, it's the same thing as did a thing. Yeah, how did I do? It's the exact same situation. Actually, I ordered a piece of used vintage equipment today just before the podcast, too. So I got all kinds of fun stuff coming soon. Oh Oh and something showed up today, too. I'd uh, uh
Starting point is 00:28:51 Unfortunate well, here's the question. I don't know. Is it a barbell or not is an axle a barbell it showed up today Oh God see are you really you're really? Towing the line there. That's to me, that kind of is a barbell. It's designed to hold weight plates for strength movements. It's designed to do the exact same thing the barbell does in like the exact same way, but just be slightly thicker. For that, that is a major loophole. I feel like that is a barbell. So that puts the total in the past week up to already now. It's been a big week.
Starting point is 00:29:22 The first first half of January for 1416 days and I think those might be it for the year though like you never know. You never know. I have added a barbell myself as well though. Oh yeah, that's right. Tell us the story on that. I forgot to say yeah, I got a shout out coach carp. He let me know that he had a like new Texas deadlift bar that he would be willing to part ways with and he he planted the seed in my head about a month and a half ago and at the time I'm like, No, no, no, I don't need that. But it just, you know, it just eats away at the back of your brain until you can't, until you can't say no. So then it was preaching to the choir towards the end of the month. I'm like, I've messaged him like still got that bar. He's like, I do have it in a tube ready for you whenever you want it. And I was like, okay, yeah, let's do this.
Starting point is 00:30:18 So it also, the fact that it was red made it very, very hard to turn down. I always like to have a few red items in my gym. That's not mix red Yeah, and it showed up and I got to use it for the first time the other day and yeah, it's really nice It is really nice People think will you always deadlift on that now? I don't know if I always wheel always will because it is fun to have a little variety where you can right but Yeah, the difference it seems so dumb, but the difference between holding 29 millimeters versus 27 is noticeable. Like it and it just,
Starting point is 00:30:51 I can hang on to a 27, seven millimeter bar much easier than a 29 and it feels good. Yeah. Thank you, Coach Karp. I'll take care of it. Take good care of it. Maybe we should when you're not looking, I'm gonna swap our red deadlift bars and you won't really be able to tell the difference Yeah, someone took someone took the grinder to this one They did the thing Someone actually thought they're supposed to do that become a meme in the home That's become a meme very quickly in the mess and violence.
Starting point is 00:31:26 Filing off the nerd group. Because people are always talking about ripping their deadlift gloves and filing the meme off their bar. Filing the nerdling off of their bars. We've gotten several order comments and YouTube various Instagram comments about filing the nerdling off of their barbell,
Starting point is 00:31:41 which I love that. That's good. Our guest has arrived, Tanner, So are let me hit it. Should I hit a quick supporting our supporting members? Yeah, I'm going to start giving people a boot here. Yeah, you give them off this week, supporting our supporting members, which is a relatively new segment of the podcast. But you could also become a supporting member if you'd like to.
Starting point is 00:31:58 You just head over to mass dynamics dot com slash join. That's where you get joined up. We'd love to have you. It's honestly the best way that anyone can support Probably goes the biggest we get a whole bunch of people supporting just a little bit and it adds up to Something pretty big and meaningful to us in the long run So please if you're a regular listener, you enjoyed it all please consider joining There's a discount code
Starting point is 00:32:21 We send out one or two mailers a year that only go to our supporting members to get access to our discord. It's the only way you get in there. You can listen to the podcast live. You get early updates on drops and all of our events. That's how you get in our powerlifting strongman event, all that. And we also shot out a few of the supporting members each week. Like this week, big Lebs, Lebs, Lebs, he rescued a dog, Big Paprika. So I got a new dog in the mix. Uh, congrats to also congrats to Big Paprika crew adjacent, big Jeremiah family PR with baby number two.
Starting point is 00:32:57 So congrats, big Jeremiah. And this last one is a little late, but, uh, better late than never. Big Grayson back in 2009 set the Aberdeen Public School seventh grade record for the hundred meter dash. And now 16, 15, 16 years later, it still stands. He still has the Aberdeen Public School seventh grade, 100 meter dash record. Do you have any idea what his time is, Tommy? Any guess on what Grayson ran the hundred in?
Starting point is 00:33:29 12.2. An 11.8, a sub-12 hundred meter dash as a seventh grader is pretty blazing. Really, you know, that's fast. That's 420 blaze it right there. Yeah, 420 blazes. And the record stands to this day for all seventh graders from western northeast, South Dakota I mean, but that record pales in comparison to any massonomics records. He holds all right. Oh
Starting point is 00:33:55 Obviously like he's one of only What is it he maybe is one of only two now to compete in all? five Massenomics strength events That is Ian Larry. I think they're only two to actually compete in all five. That's really impressive. Yeah Amongst many other things yes, did you see who holds the girls seventh grade hundred meter dash record I? Did you see who holds the girls 7th grade 100 meter dash record? I don't remember now. Who is that for a long time?
Starting point is 00:34:27 I don't know if it still is, but the last time I was in that gym, my sister-in-law holds the record there. Oh, I'll look next. We go on my son practices there every day. So I'll go. I'll check it out next time. My sister-in-law did have the 7th grade 100 meter dash record. I'm maybe the eighth grade too, but I remember the first time I ever went there.
Starting point is 00:34:44 I'm like Grayson and Larissa, two people I both know are holding records on here, like that's surprising. I know most of the people that were in the, that have the boys records. I'm like, most of those records are between like, in the, between like 1999 and 2010, like they're almost all in there, so I'm like, I know all of those people.
Starting point is 00:35:04 Yeah, well, you'll check again then. Yeah, I'll look next time. Okay. All right. Should we let this fella in here? Let's do it. We've got the one and only big John Hack here with us this week, back for the three Pete, actually. I think I did double check.
Starting point is 00:35:20 Is this your second or third time? This is your third time on the Mastodomics Podcast before. Yeah, third time. Who's got the record right now? There's a few, a handful that we've come up on three now. I don't know if has anyone been on for four times? That's what I was trying to think of because I know there's several threes. I don't know if there actually is any four time guests yet.
Starting point is 00:35:38 So we can have you next week and just run this back with the numbers up. I get like a championship belt then if I if I do that or. Yeah, well, we actually prefer swords. Yeah, sorter and axe or well, just some kind of weapon like. I thought my biggest rape with politics that I feel like I missed out on the sword era or like, do you have any? I bought one. But yeah, but like I've never won. You've never won even a weapon of any kind no axes
Starting point is 00:36:05 Or anything like that even no, I feel like the like when I was kind of coming up They were still doing the sword. Yeah, it was right. It's an era. It was yeah, like now Now that I'm like one of the top guys the meets I do they don't do it Kind of like smaller like UPA meets and stuff like that that I'm not gonna do right it's what like when we were at Jen Thompson's gym, it's funny. Like she has like a thousand awards in there and you can see like the weapon era of the, you know, cause she's been powerlifting for like 20 years. She's like, she even said, he's like, yeah, she's like,
Starting point is 00:36:38 this is kind of when they were giving everyone swords and weapons and stuff like that. And she's got like seven swords on her wall right there. The owner of the gym I train at, he used to do a wobble, which I don't know if you know what federation that is. It's probably, probably the worst federation. But he has, like, he's admittedly like not a great pilot. Like he's not weaker I think, but he's not like a great pilot.
Starting point is 00:37:04 He has like 30 swords up in our It's like a full armory. Yeah a medieval armory in his closet We've talked about it before too is like why is it like let's not limit it to swords like I think there should be like Raphael his were size right? So is that what yeah? We said like the most anti climactic award would be like at the bow staff like you got First here's a stick You've got you've got the nerd award Yeah, you get the Donatello bow staff it's a stick with tape on it like the num checks are to the whoever's like the coolest
Starting point is 00:37:40 So the awards are just based on the actual Ninja Turtles at this point Yeah, like the size would be like who's the biggest dick at the minute. And also they have nothing to do with your actual performance. It's just based on like... Honestly, I kind of want to run that meat now. Like someone who I'd be like, I'd thought you'd be, you're a good leader. Like I'm going to get you the katana. Right, right. Yeah. You really led the warm-up room back there. on us. Right, right. Yeah, you really led the warmup room back there.
Starting point is 00:38:07 So, Big John, you just did official Strongman games here a little bit ago. Yeah. And you did well. You won a couple of events for your weight class. I think, what'd you get overall, what place? I took sixth overall. Okay.
Starting point is 00:38:20 So you took that pretty seriously. Like it wasn't just like you were screwing around like, hey, I'm gonna do a strongman event. Like you were training for that. I mean, you had big laws as your coach too, even didn't you? Yeah, yeah, so coming off of power surge, started working with laws. I think we had like eight weeks or nine
Starting point is 00:38:38 or something like that of training. So yeah, I was pretty locked in for it. You won the Axle Deadlift, which that doesn't seem all that surprising to me that you would win that event. Yeah. What was pretty locked in for it. You won the axle deadlift, which that doesn't seem all that surprising to me that you would win that event. Yeah. No, what was your number on that? That was a little redemption because I did, um, chaos classic at the year before and they had an axle deadlift and wrap and it
Starting point is 00:38:56 was 639 pounds, which at that point it's just kind of cardio. And I ended up tying with one guy, Nick O'Hare and got beat by rep by Dan Benson. So for this one, it was bumped up to 700 pounds. And I figured with going into the higher rep ranges, I kind of started having a better a bigger advantage. And yeah, I ended up beating them by I got nine, they built, they both got six. So that was, that was the one I was going into like I need to I need to prove I'm the best deadlifter.
Starting point is 00:39:28 Yeah so you think the heavier the weight the better your advantage. Yeah so Dan's best deadlift is like 881 so I have him beat by about 60 pounds on my best day and he's in a suit. So as you kind of get closer to that one rep max, it's gonna be kind of tilting the advantage in my favor. Yeah. What was the other event that you won then too? I was the sandbag medley.
Starting point is 00:39:56 So it was 50 feet with two sandbags. One was 275 and then the other one was like a who's felt sandbag at 300 pounds load those onto a slide and then push the sled back. Okay. Were you I mean, had you imagined you'd win that event? I mean, I know I knew you'd be up there for the deadlift, of course, but I'm not really. I figured I'll do well. Yeah, that was definitely one that I I really like training so because I took first in the deadlift I was in the final heat for the sled and My training partner Andrew he was actually in the lead on that event and we trained that event together and we kind of went back and forth between
Starting point is 00:40:43 Like who was faster on which day So I knew if I could basically not have any screw ups, I had a very good chance of being in that top group. What Andrew? Andrew Hanus. Yeah, okay, big Andrew. He's been on the podcast before. Yeah, okay, that's what I thought when he, yeah, I forgot he's from,
Starting point is 00:41:03 does he train at Madtown Fitness, too Or does he yeah? Yeah Yeah, he knows a thing or two about strongman too, doesn't he yeah, so definitely working with him was a big benefit as well So what place did he how'd he do he ended up taking second? Yeah, yeah, that's kind of probably ended up taking second. So you did. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:23 Yeah. That's kind of probably drove a wedge between you guys' relationship then. No, we were both happy to see each other. I was just kind of bummed I couldn't join them on the podium. That's cool. And you guys also did the Volkswagen Beetle yoke walk.
Starting point is 00:41:39 That was an event, right? They use those all the time. Here's a question for you. If you could switch out the Volkswagen from that event and use any other car For whatever reason what car would you pick to use for that? Yoke walk? I think a Lamborghini would look cool Just like a body kit of a Lamborghini Expensive or what are what are like those cars? It's kind of like Tommy You probably know it's kind of like a shitty car that sometimes they make look like Lamborghini's. It's like Pontiac Fiero
Starting point is 00:42:09 Yeah, it's like a Pontiac Fiero like use like a Pontiac Fiero with a Lambo body kit on it Do you guys remember those those like playmate cars that have like they have like a yellow roof that way? Oh, yeah Yeah, I have one in my garage, too. I think they should uh, they should paint them like that Yeah, make it look like one of those. Yeah Or even just like a car bed like the 90s car bed. You're just walking Yeah, oh, yeah. Yeah, like an El Camino or something right
Starting point is 00:42:39 Yeah, I like the idea of a Fiero that looks to made to look like a Lambo to The pinto is that like the idea of a Fiero that looks to me to look like a Lambo too. Well, it's like the Pinto. Is that like the, the Ford car? Yeah. It's the worst car ever. Yeah. Like Tommy, the other day we were talking about, um, TRGOs like a Geo Metro would obviously be a Metro would be, or, did you guys ever watch a family matters? You know, Urkel? Yeah, do you remember the car? He drove in there was I don't know what who makes it but the whole front of the car opened That was the door. It has to be the least safe car ever made. Yeah, just look like look up like Steve Urkel. I'm looking hard
Starting point is 00:43:18 This is um, I actually just saw one of these it's a BMW Yeah, it's a BMW. Okay, is that uh has to be the most unsafe car ever made Yeah, like the whole front the door is the front of the car. There's one for sale in town. Yeah there I I didn't I didn't know he drove this. I wasn't like a big fan. What are those called? It's a BMW Is that a I Zeta I s e t ta and It's just tiny Wow It's a three-wheel vehicle two wheels in the front one right it's just tiny. Wow. It's a three wheel vehicle. Two wheels in the front one. Right. It's basically Yeah, it's like a two seater vehicle. Yeah, that's pretty interesting. It kind of looks like the car from Austin Powers 3
Starting point is 00:43:52 Yeah, it does. Oh, that's good. All right. I Got a question for you now that you've you've done this wasn't your first strongman You've done done done several before now and obviously you've done a little bit of powerlifting before I don't want to know which one you like better, but uh So do you like tell him do not say what you like more? I don't want to know Which which lift which athletes do you like with? competing with more or hanging out with more or The atmosphere like what do you have any preference there? Oh
Starting point is 00:44:32 That's tough because I've got like good friends in both of them. I think like powerlifting. I'm a little bit closer with a lot of those guys just because I've been doing it so much longer and I'm a bit of an outsider. I guess've been doing it so much longer. And I'm a bit of an outsider, I guess, on the strongman side. Right. Either way, like the post-meat celebrations are always always a blast. Yeah, like meat day mood. Does it feel different for you?
Starting point is 00:44:57 Are you are you pretty locked in or does one feel more carefree than the other? Strongman was like a little bit different because it's it's a lot faster pace So I don't have a like especially so day one and day two were basically back-to-back events So just kind of wait around chillin all day until it's your group's time and then So that was was super fast pace. But then like, once you're done, you're done for the day and you kind of go relax. Whereas, you know, power to me, it's half the time it takes like 12 hours and, but overall I'd say, and like, I think the warmup was a little bit easier. Like I didn't even warm up for my, for the sandbag. My lower
Starting point is 00:45:45 bag was already pretty warm. Yeah. Like I just did nine reps at 700 pound deadlift. Like my body is pretty warm right now. Like I just need to catch my breath. Yeah, that is kind of the way that goes. Do you get the feeling like, I mean, 90, 90 some percent of everyone that does both of them is cool. So I don't mean like most people, but is there anyone you've come across in strong man, even if they don't say it, that has an attitude in the way that you're obviously an extremely accomplished power lifter, you know, a lot would say the best one of the, one of the best, if not the best power left for all time. And then you come in and do the sport of strongman,
Starting point is 00:46:25 something say some of these guys have maybe, it's been the only thing they've done for 10 years, and you're just like coming over and doing it for a little bit, is you know, like, fuck this guy, like he thinks he's so cool, you know, like he's got all his powerlifting fans and he's gonna come in here and do our sport.
Starting point is 00:46:41 Do you get that sense from anyone at all? Yeah, definitely. There were definitely some people that were like, you know, making, like they almost were playing like words in my mouth, saying, making it seem like I was acting like I was going to come in and just like dominate this for, and they're like, Oh, he's in for like a surprise and stuff like that. Like, I'm just doing this for fun, man. Like, I don't know. And just like shitting on the lifts I was doing, they're like, oh, it's not even
Starting point is 00:47:06 that good for a 90 kilo person. I was like, I don't know, I took like six. I was going to say six, like one of the best competitions that there are. I said, well, yeah, I know I did have an eight week prep here or whatever it was. Yeah. But no, for like, yeah, it's like 99% of the people were super cool and happy out being in the sport and definitely appreciate everyone for that. What's the penis palace? Oh, that's our so it's a so the owner of the gym that I trained at, we're like best friends and we built our own little secret like office slash training area.
Starting point is 00:47:50 And the name came from, we were at Home Depot getting supplies for it. And you know, they ask you for the job, job name, if you have a contractor's account and he just like without, without missing beats at the penis palace. And, oh, cause we were using someone else's contractor account that's where like oh there's gonna show up on there yeah it would be funny and then it just kind of rolled with it so it is the penis palace yeah is that marked any like is there a sign anywhere now that's all we should get that though. Yeah. I think there needs to be a penis palace sign. Yeah, that's good. And so are you kind of, I mean,
Starting point is 00:48:31 is there just a couple of you that lived in there then or just, yeah, basically like me and then whoever my training partners are, just my group of friends, no women are allowed in the penis palace. No, yeah, that's why it's called the penis palace. So it's like the inner circle. It's like the inner circle. Like there's not an inner circle, but there is an inner circle. Get in there and you know, obviously that's, we can't say no women allowed,
Starting point is 00:48:55 but you have to hang dong and you know. Take from that what you may. Yeah, but I wonder, I know some people kind of joke about like, they're like, Oh, they think they're so cool going in and they're like, yeah, yeah, we are. So then you shoot your like when you're, if you're shooting a YouTube video and so like you're doing a monologue in your YouTube video, are you doing it in there then too? Yep. Yep. I'm like saying on my bench doing it. Yeah. Yeah yeah, what what kind of combo rack is that that you're sitting on when you're doing that? That one's a Hanzu. That's what I thought that because I was like that looks exactly like the one I was watching one of your videos
Starting point is 00:49:34 Today and I'm like that looks exactly I could see the pins in the side It looked just like a the one that I have that same one in my garage right now Yeah, so is that the one that you do you train out of that one usually or? Yeah, for the most part. Okay. All right. And you like it? Yeah, I like it. It's good.
Starting point is 00:49:52 I replaced the bench or the pad with a TSS one, but I was told they updated the pads too, cause I told them what material, I was like, get the grip, the vinyl, like motorcycle seed vinyl. has to because I told them what material I was like get the the grippy the vinyl like Yeah motorcycle seed vinyl and I was told that they're switching to that one. So, okay Well and talking about your YouTube then to You I mean you're basically putting out a video like every week for the last year or two now, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:50:22 Yeah, I've taken a few feel few little breaks like during the strong man. I definitely did for about a month or so, just cause I don't know my audience is powerlifting. So when I was doing strong man, the videos just don't do as well, which is kind of like frustrating because it's really annoying from that social media aspect, cause the things I enjoy doing a lot of times don't do well on. Oh yeah. It's, it's yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:43 It's the whole thing of like, no you got to give the people what they want Otherwise, you don't get rewarded for it at all Yeah, and it's annoying because like I'll hit something that for me is like wow Like I just hit this create like this really fast like sandbag run right right crazy log or something like that people are just like Oh, okay, like cool like get back to dead lifting. Yeah So who does do you I mean does anyone work with you on the YouTube stuff? Do you edit or to someone else or what? I do it all myself. Okay. Do you film it then too? Yeah, most for the most part. Yeah, like I'll just like move the angles and what do you what are you recording it with?
Starting point is 00:51:19 a7s3 Tommy you know about stuff. What's that mean? Yeah, that's a camera. Yeah, it's a good that's a good for sure good camera to use I Knew you'd know I mean has that looks good has that been alert like we you know, we do the same thing We pump out a YouTube video every single week. I mean was that do you feel like you've gotten to the point where you can knock?
Starting point is 00:51:42 Those out pretty fast now Yeah, and um at this point feel like you've gotten to the point where you can knock those out pretty fast now? Yeah. And, um, but that's point two, like I, in the last maybe six months or so, I just switched to like filming and log and actually call grading. And I feel like that's significantly increased, like how nice the videos look. Yup. Do you even, cause one thing Tanner and I always talk about is like the amount of footage you shoot and everything. Like, do you have a pretty good idea going in like, okay, I need to do this, this and
Starting point is 00:52:06 this and I get done and I have like these clips and it doesn't even take that much. Like when you go to edit it, are you sitting down for hours at a time or can you get these done pretty fast? No, it's probably maybe like 20 minutes or 30 minutes to do like the the lifting footage and then another like 20 or 30 to edit like the talking portion and that's just kind of chopping out all the arms. Yes. Yeah, just clean it. I work like I'm gonna fuck up and stuff like that. Yeah, that's pretty good though. Like yeah, about an hour and that's usually like if if things go great like that's kind of where we try to be too is an hour or less from the time You know sit down at the computer and start editing because otherwise, you know, you got a life You got stuff to do it just takes I guess not sustainable to be pumping them out every single week if they're taking like hours And hours of your time to do yeah plus like as a get kind of better at it almost becomes a little bit more enjoyable Yes, and like looking back at all their videos
Starting point is 00:53:04 I'm like, oh man, I've come a long way and it kind of like feels good to put out like a better product. I guess I can see it in even in like your thumbnails. When I had scrolled back, I'm like, oh yeah, thumbnails are like, you'd almost see them getting better and better, you know, or like going in phases. That's that place about where I always forget to do the thumbnail. I'm like, I basically just take a screenshot of like me lifting. And I think that's a place where I need to do better, get a picture of something clickbaity,
Starting point is 00:53:30 I guess. 906 deadlift. Yeah, yeah, that's what you need. Like and then you make your head bigger. You take your head and just make it a little bit bigger. Yeah, we got a couple. We're from the Mount Rushmore state. We like to play this Mount Rushmore game where you just pick your four top, you know, who you're going to put on the Mount Rushmore. You know how it works.
Starting point is 00:54:06 So we'll go first. Your Mount Rushmore people from Wisconsin all time, just any four people from Wisconsin that you'd want to put on a if Wisconsin had their own Mount Rushmore and it was just specific to Wisconsin. I guess coming off strong, man, I think Kazma is from Wisconsin. I know yeah He played didn't he play he played college football at Wisconsin. Didn't he I think I don't I don't or he played college football somewhere Okay, I don't know. Yeah, but Cas. Okay Cas. Yeah
Starting point is 00:54:36 Yeah, which uh, I think he's in the hospital. So yeah Maybe donate to his uh, his go for me I saw that I actually thought that that was a scam at first because he's had some scam things on his Instagram, you know, where it's not like someone stealing his account until I like read multiple people on there saying like, no, this isn't this is not a scam. Like I think he's having like heart surgery and stuff, isn't he? Yeah. Yeah. That's not that's what I think it is. Yeah. He did confirm here. He played two years of football at the University of Wisconsin, Madison.
Starting point is 00:55:07 Oh, shit. Well, so I say. Joe Thomas, maybe. Oh, one of the best linemen of all time. Yeah, he's got to be in the Hall of Fame, isn't he? Yeah. If he's not already, he's going to. Yeah, I don't know if he's been retired long enough, but he was like the best lineman for like 12 years
Starting point is 00:55:31 or something like that. I don't know, I can't think of me. Yeah. Good choice, good choice. Yep, good pick. Now I gotta see who's famous from Wisconsin. So there's gotta be a couple of people. I guess Vince Lombardi, I'll say him. Ah, okay, yeah, good choice. I got see who's famous from Wisconsin. So there's got to be a couple of people.
Starting point is 00:55:45 I guess, Benthil Bharti, I'll say him. Ah, OK. Yeah, good choice. All right. I don't know if he's from Wisconsin, actually, but Chris Farley. I was wondering if you're going to bring him up. And I couldn't remember if he was Wisconsin or Illinois, but yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:58 I could see him. He's from Wisconsin. I didn't know that. Yeah. OK. Oh, shit. Wanda Thow is from Wisconsin. Oh, I did not know that. It's a creepy guy.
Starting point is 00:56:12 It's creepy face up there on that. That would be a terrifying face to put on a Mount Rushmore. I would I'll go see that that Mount Rushmore. Yeah. Yeah. How about OK, one that Mount Rushmore. Yeah, yeah. How about, okay, one more Mount Rushmore then. Mount Rushmore of sitcoms or just, you know, TV comedy shows. Okay. Number one, Always Sunny.
Starting point is 00:56:38 Of course. I've been really on What We Do in the Shadows recently. I don't even know that. I don't know that one either. Oh, that one's a good one. It's like a bad, it's vampires. It's kind of like the office, like vampires and they're all like, you know, from like the 1500s, but they're in modern day and they're just kind of, okay. Yeah, I have seen some of the, there was a movie with, um, take it with TD as he was in it. He like directed thing.
Starting point is 00:57:05 And then they did a spin-off show of it. And it's actually pretty good? Yeah, I enjoy it a lot. I like King of the Hill. Oh, good choice. Futurama. Futurama's come up with a few guests lately, hasn't it? The Trey Mitchell big Futurama. Futurama has come up with a few guests lately, hasn't it? The Trey Mitchell big Futurama guy.
Starting point is 00:57:28 I don't know if I've seen more than a couple episodes. I don't know if I've ever seen more than a few episodes of my life of Futurama. Very underrated. Yeah, Family Guy got a lot of that, but not a whole lot of Futurama in my viewing history. I feel like that flies under the radar of the most, of the, of, you know, of maybe some of the top tier animated of those comedies. Maybe I'd put South Park just because of the, I feel like it's way more cultural significance,
Starting point is 00:57:57 but I think I enjoy Futurama a little bit more. Yeah. What are you doing next here? Clash of the Titans is the meet, right? Yep, so that one's the ABS over in Ireland like April 18th or something like that. So what is ABS? Anti-Logistics.
Starting point is 00:58:16 It's a federation, yeah they do. Based out of Ireland, they've done a few meets in the US. I think they have one here in Chicago on February 8th and 9th. And then they did the reach rumble and like pro, is it pro raw? Is that what they call it? I don't know. The pro or something. They're all kind of the same after the names. Like there's like only so many different words to use.
Starting point is 00:58:44 So many clashes. Yeah. Clashes and bashes and showdowns. Aaron Norris Who else is doing that one? Tim Cynova So that'll be the first time Colton and I compete on the same platform. Andy's doing it. Ken Cooper. I think Dan Bell might be doing it again, Nicholas de Preeze, a few other guys, I can't think of who else off the top of my head. So are you and Ken and Andy flying out there together? Well they're flying from Cali, so. Alright, that's right.
Starting point is 00:59:18 Cali guys. We'll probably all stay together. So Ken's doing good then, He's strong and healthy now. He's coming off a bicep tear, but I think it wasn't too terrible. Sounds like he's able to start doing hook grip now, I think. Okay. So are they the ones that they have like metal bands playing sometimes at the meets and that sort of thing? I have seen that, yeah. Yeah, I hope they do that.
Starting point is 00:59:49 I think I think at one point they might play now. I think they had like strippers in like a cage at one point or something like that. Maybe they don't think of the raw meat. It's quite the show. You're thinking of the strip club. Yeah, I Think I think one of the currents they had like a bear in a cage at one point I remember there being like something ridiculous. Yeah, Harry guy and you didn't it was Dan Bell Someone threw away yeah. He is a hairy guy. Someone threw away his, like, his milliliter. Manscaped cancelled their sponsorship so he didn't trim it up in a while. Speaking of a cage, what are you gonna do? Are you gonna lift in the animal cage here in a month and a half? Yup. Um, I think the plan is deadlift.
Starting point is 01:00:47 Probably just another top single. What'd you do last year in the cage? Uh, I did lead nine 15 deadlift. So I suppose it depends on how prep goes. I mean, you'll be. Not like just kind of like nine 21 or something like that. Yeah. Would be a goal, I or something like that. Yeah. It would be a goal I guess.
Starting point is 01:01:06 Chip it, yeah. Chip it. Sweet. Had, and you've, last year wasn't like the first year. I mean the cage hadn't been there for a while, but you had lifted in the cage back when it was around prior then, like in like 2021 or something like that then too? Oh, I think it was 2019. I, last year was the first time I've ever been invited to the cage.
Starting point is 01:01:27 But in 2019, I was at the Arnold and I was with Garrett fear. He knew the people that were at the cage and like, Oh, we have this open like someone didn't show up. So we had they're like, Oh, we have this open time slot. Like, he's like, we could do I go head head on a deadlift. So it's like, yeah, sure. Didn't have a my didn't have a belt. Like I was wearing like some timberland boots. And it was if I think I tried 800 or something like that for the first time and just barely missed it. Now you're up to 921.
Starting point is 01:02:03 I know. All the tables have turned cool to like kind of come full circle and just be like huh come so far it like the cage was sweet last year after it being back for being gone for a long time like the vibe around the cage was pretty cool yeah the energy in there was uh was crazy yeah we'll stay too we'll be there we'll be we'll keep our eyes peeled for the big deadlift this year yeah we'll come yeah we've got. We'll be we'll keep our eyes peeled for the big deadlift this year. Oh, yeah, we'll come Yeah, we've got a booth We're kind of over by like the pro strongman area this time like the entrance for the pro strongman
Starting point is 01:02:32 Sweet back in that corner, but we've got a little fun little game a little game video thing we're gonna be going around doing with people so we'll have to catch you and Get you in on it at some point. point so all right I'm definitely down for that well we have you guys do last year I can't remember we just had we were just asking stupid questions we got a real we got a real good plan for this one where we're gonna get everyone with the same thing and put a little video together so I think it'll be pretty fun all right I'm down for it yeah all right the what deadlift bar you guys using at that meet in Ireland do they do you know? Yeah, it's a
Starting point is 01:03:08 Service bars for all three lifts. Okay. Oh really see I didn't know that was used in power lifting meats even I also did not I had to go buy them. Yeah So you do you have them all now at what I got the I got the squat bar on the devil the bar I was like a power bars a bar bar, right? That's about Another 300 or whatever it is. So how's the deadlift bar? It's pretty stiff. It's really for them. Yeah, it's kind of on par with like an Ohio deadlift bar. Oh That's not ideal Yeah, yeah, but it's the same bar for everyone. I guess right, right, right So we Tommy and I were talking about it the kabuki dead the far
Starting point is 01:03:45 Is anyone gonna use that anymore like is that gonna be in any meats that you're doing do you think or is that kind of? Out now then I think USPA can still use it But they might just kind of follow suit with PLU and just saying no more. I actually I think USPA is sponsored by Texas now so they'll probably kind of mandate people do Texas. What was the other one you said PLU I can't keep all these acronyms straight anymore. Yeah PLU that's basically what WRPF. Yeah the split off there.
Starting point is 01:04:17 So did they like did they formally say like the Kabuki bar is out? Yes. So I got well, they so originally the specs were kind of to what a Texas bar is for USPA. And then I think Kabuki like the rumors that like Kabuki basis like will give you money to increase the specs to match our bar. And then WPF, which is now PLU, basically just like copied the rule book and another, now PLU is going back to the original rules. Okay. Like you had done several meets though, where you used the Kabuki bar, didn't you? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:59 So what was your take on it? Did you like using it? Cause it was kind of a polarizing bar for people. I mean, it always felt better for me, but I feel like I've been able to pull pretty similar. It was like the 915 I pulled in the cage, that was on a Ohio Deadlift bar. And then I think my best Texas is a 915.
Starting point is 01:05:24 And around that same time I was pulling around 915, I could pull like maybe an extra like two and a half kilos. So it's super similar for you across. Yeah, as long as I have plenty of time to like practice on it, it doesn't really matter too much. Okay. Like do you have one? It might be like it might be like a two and a half five kilo difference.
Starting point is 01:05:41 Do you have one that like if you got to pick, is there one that you would go with? Um, I mean, if I'm going for just straight total, um, probably the Kabuki just because if it is two and a half, five kilos, it is, um, if I had to, I guess from a competitive standpoint, probably a Texas because the kabuki is definitely going to benefit like a sumo puller a lot more than as me. So if they don't get that benefit, then I kind of look a little bit better and even the playing field may be a little more there. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:16 Not an axle. They don't have very good whip. I want to, I like pulling on the ice. I want to do a maybe in the summer, like a strong mantle just for fun. So I'm thinking like a log cleaner press Axelbar Deadlift and I don't know what the third thing is going to be. But what do you think you could max Axel Deadlift? Have you ever like what's have you done any heavy singles of that before? Not heavy singles, I did hit 830 on it. That was like having not done any Axelbar. Cause I had to do the online qualifier for OSG and
Starting point is 01:07:00 it was an Axelbar deadlift and I was like, we'll see what I can do. So I mean, do you think you could get close to 900? I think 900 would be tough. I think like- 400 kilo maybe, 880? I might have pulled 850 or 840. I pulled 840. I think like 880 would be probably top. I mean, that's close to 900 though.
Starting point is 01:07:19 That's up there. Well, as long as you're almost at 8, I mean, as long as you're at 880, might as well just do 900 to. I don't know. We always have that running joke. We're like, I just like throw another five kilos on here like eight ninety two then and then you're like, like, well, if you're doing it,
Starting point is 01:07:36 you know, too, like let's just be nine hundred. Yes. Tommy, what do you think about overrated, underrated? Yeah, let's do it. Okay. You know how to play. You've been here. This isn't your first rodeo. I mean, I'm a three Peter. Yeah. It's rare. So overrated or underrated kilts. Kilts underrated. Yeah. What were you doing? So that was after chaos. That's from an show I did over in the UK. So some of the other guys in my weight class were going to go do like, like in Scotland, they just have these
Starting point is 01:08:12 stones on these like random farms. And there's like legends behind all these stones where it's like, oh, if you pick the stone up, you like become a man in this village. And so we want, we were going to go do it. And we're like, all right, like if we're going to do this, like let's do this right. Let's get some kilts. And we we want we were going to go do it. And we're like, all right, like, if we're going to do this, like, let's do this, right, let's get some kilts. And we found some cheap, like, that is pretty nice kilts are like $160. But yeah, I gotta get mine repaired because I busted one of the buckles on it. And did you go to just like, because I, you know, I remember there's a video where the bunch of guys are out there lifting, did you go to just like one place and do that or did you go to multiple stops or what'd you do?
Starting point is 01:08:46 Yeah, we went to like multiple. So I think we stopped at like six different places. So there's a there's like a website I can't remember. Yeah, it's just stone lifting and it has like a map of where to go and like how heavy the stones are kind of a little bit of the legends but it's funny because they're literally just on people's like farmland. And at some of them we'd go and like the people that live there would come out and they'd just like, they'd be happy to see you and kind of tell you like, they'd tell you, yeah. Yeah. We've just been waiting for someone to show up here.
Starting point is 01:09:18 Yeah. Yeah. And like people would like stop like as they're driving by and like watch us try and like pick up the stuff. Yeah. And like, people would like stop like as they're driving by and like watch us try to pick up the stuff. Yeah. So people in the area must kind of know a little bit about it that if people are actually stopping to watch. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:32 Like, like, I mean, especially like the older people that kind of still remember stories about. So was there any you couldn't do or were you able to get all of them? There was one that so no, I was the only one that was able to get it off the ground, about like four inches. I think it was like 365 pounds. But like the balance of it was just so tough. And it was like the last one we did on like a run of stones. And so by then, and you can't like use, we didn't have any chalk or anything, you can't tacky obviously and that one was the only one that I couldn't like get up to my chest level. Tynanar.
Starting point is 01:10:11 Overrated or underrated? The song, Cotton Eye Joe. Jim. Underrated. I think I was fourth grade for me, that was all of them. Bang. I'm try to remember. It's great for like a junior high dance. I think it was on John James Three.
Starting point is 01:10:31 Yeah, probably. I love that album. I think I still have it in, oh wait, I think it might have gotten tossed. The rednecks, right? Redneck? Yeah. The music video is great. So I'll just wear it like overalls and just look like bumpkins. And I'm like, that's, that's, that's Madison. That's Mount Horm for me. Still classic. Anytime it comes in on like a wedding dance. I was going to say it's like that song makes you think of like wedding dances from the nineties, like a roller skating
Starting point is 01:11:00 rink, something like that. Like I think it's something where you have to play it like few and far. But when you play it, it's like you got to know just the right time. Like Mr. Brightside, that could be like an every time you go out kind of thing. Like no matter what, white people are going to love it. But Cotton Eye Joe, you got to wait like once a month. Right. Because it's like, well, if you play it too much, it's not like ironic anymore. It's like, you know, it's like, you know, this just really likes this. This guy listens to cotton. I do way too frequently. Yeah. Okay. Overrated or underrated
Starting point is 01:11:33 C8 Corvettes. It's tough. I'd say underrated like I love mine. So you still have it? Yeah, because I think the last time we talked to you had just gotten it, I think. Yeah, that makes sense. Yeah. So how many how many miles have you put? Well, what's that been? Is it almost two years Tanner? Was that what we said was about the last time we had like two and a half years ago, maybe something like that.
Starting point is 01:11:58 So it would have been. Yeah, that's about when I got it. How many miles have you put on it in that time? About six thousand. Is this like a like how often are you driving? Like is it your daily vehicle? No, I drive my truck most days and then obviously during the winter I don't don't drive at all. Right.
Starting point is 01:12:18 It's kind of becomes my tradition, the tradition to drive it on usually Saturdays because that's like a heavy squat and bench day on Mondays because it's a heavy deadlift day. It's kind of like, I want to feel cool. Yeah, like show up to the gym, like feeling good, I guess. Yeah. What color is yours? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:36 Red. All right. And is it, I can't, because they have, like do the tops come off on that? I can never keep it straight with Corvettes between the. Yeah, it's got like a like hatch okay yeah yeah I don't take the top off mine but you don't let your hair blow in the wind so what I mean has ownership been good though like have you have you enjoyed the vehicle the whole
Starting point is 01:13:03 way through like oh yeah for sure like Like I'm definitely happy I got it. Yeah, that's cool. Yeah, they still, does you feel like it still turns heads when you go places? I feel like when that vehicle first came out, people would like go nuts when they'd see one. You see them a little more now. Like do you notice that?
Starting point is 01:13:16 In Wisconsin definitely. Like in California, probably not as much anymore, but yeah, in Wisconsin, I like, if I pull up to like a gas station, like a kid will be like, oh my God, that's amazing. Yeah. Women take their panties off when they see it. When I'm at the windshield.
Starting point is 01:13:36 Yes. Okay, last one here. And you can tell us if you haven't been there before, you haven't done it, well, audible, but overrated or underrated EDC electric daisy carnival. Oh uh Like it's underrated. I mean I've been a couple times and okay. Yeah, then
Starting point is 01:13:54 it's it's tough because it's it's like three days and It's like 6 p.m. To 6 a.m. I remember my first time going I was my ex-girlfriend I was just like are you 6 p.m. To 6 a. I remember my first time going, I was with my ex girlfriend. I was just like, are you 6 PM to 6 AM? Are you kidding me? Don't they need to shift that back like nine hours? Yeah. They're like, we want to stay up for the sunrise. I was like, I do not. We have two more days of this. That's what everyone's goal.
Starting point is 01:14:18 That's actually the plan though, is like someone's playing while the sun's rising. Is that a thing? Yeah. There is like sunrise sets. It is pretty cool to like try and do like one day and I would be so tight. I guess I would need the right concoction to help. I suppose everyone needs the. Yeah, you really do. Right.
Starting point is 01:14:34 I've heard of people doing it sober and I'm just like, like, how did you stay awake? Yeah. You need to, you basically like sleep all day and then like you kind of like wake up go have a meal and then Get ready to go for the next day like the NASCAR track out there. Where do they do it at? Yeah, okay So do you just stay at the hotel and then you just go? Yeah, they take a bus or so you can either like camp out. I've never done that I've always stayed the hotel and taking a shuttle which that sucks on the way back and it's like an hour drive. That's what I thought
Starting point is 01:15:08 It's like a trip isn't it? And you're like you're coming down you've been partying for the last like Ten hours and you just feel like just like I just want to be a man I bet the person driving that bus is like I'm like I got like a zombie bus here Yeah, it looks pretty rough So is there any right when you went was there like any acts like that you were excited to see or was it just Like I were just here for whatever No, there's definitely some DJs out. I really enjoy who are you into? Btsm black tiger sex machines probably one of my favorites
Starting point is 01:15:44 I had no idea who they were until Lollapalooza this year like they always put it on TV and I saw some of it I'm like okay yeah this is pretty wild actually yeah they go they go pretty hard he's he's retired right now but I think he's his Grizz Grizz yeah Grizz always good yeah he was he was probably my favorite set from this past one I went to. And then Apache is probably my favorite, like DJ. I don't know if he does EDC too often, but my girlfriend and I are flying out to Seattle
Starting point is 01:16:18 next week to see him. All right, yeah, that'd be cool. When you're there, is there anyone that's like not dressed for the occasion? there, is there anyone that's like not dressed for the occasion? Like is there anyone you see walking around that's just straight up jeans and a t-shirt with like, let's do this?
Starting point is 01:16:32 Yeah, for sure. That was like, you like, you'll see like, it's pretty much like everyone is there. I mean, most people are, yeah, just like in pasties and like all the girls cooking pasties and like asses hanging out. It's like, oh, yeah But then you like you got like I've seen
Starting point is 01:16:49 Girls there though, like bring their moms with them and it's kind of it's always like oh, that's like That's a little bit crazier than where pasties is bringing your mom here Good news you somehow did it for a third time you passed overrated or underrated I don't know it rarely happens three times, but you did it somehow. Oh, yeah. Well your battle axe will be in the mail I'll be waiting for it. We're gonna bring a battle axe into the Arnold for you You just gave me like a like a kid's toy one or something We should be like yeah the power left to meet you in like those green Hulk hands for first place. Like.
Starting point is 01:17:27 Yeah. Yeah, I just need to like have the most outlandish. Oh shit, there should be a Captain America shield. Like someone should give you that as a prize. I got one. I got one of those. But did they, but did you have to get it yourself? Was it, it should be.
Starting point is 01:17:41 Oh, I bought that. Yeah, it should be given to you as a prize. No. God. Didn't you guys have something funny as like a first-place prize what we the last two years for our pilot lifting meet We've done like the champ, you know, like WWE championship belts and then Like this last year our theme was kind of like the you know, like the Jason Voorhees Mass hockey mask We had an artist that made a bunch of custom ones of those that we gave away for the winners you know, like the Jason Voorhees mask. Hockey mask, yeah. We had an artist that made a bunch of custom ones of those that we gave away for the winners too.
Starting point is 01:18:09 And then we all go out that night, you know, everyone, like that's part of the thing is like the lift hard, live easy classic. So everyone goes out tonight together and then everyone's like wearing their masks out at the bar and stuff. Jesus Christ. There's some norming like.
Starting point is 01:18:24 This year, one of the dudes is in a singlet still at the bar and it's fun. But then even for other double, like we do have, like we give awards for like best package and just like made up things that we determine what they're like. I like that. So those Goose, stuff like that, we give awards for that too. Yeah. There's an, the awards presentation is like, most, half of the awards don't even make any sense. Like it could be anyone's game of who's an the the awards presentation is like most half of the wards don't even make any sense like it could be anyone's game of who's getting the award like the award
Starting point is 01:18:50 to people ratio might be like two or three to one like it's it's actually crazy how many awards we have at this I can't remember if I did it on a king of the lifts when we used to do the like end of the year awards or if it might have been on Andy and Andy and I were doing the podcast we did like they let me do funny like superlatives I think uh I think we do a 4p we can do good yeah yeah yeah some like goofy awards for for next year yeah yeah yeah we'll we'll pencil that in for like December 2025 here. All right, perfect. And we'll try not to have anyone else on for a fourth time in between now and then. That's good, I need that record.
Starting point is 01:19:31 It's very important. Yeah. All right. I need to have something on Ed Cohen. Ah. Ed's only been on once, right Tommy, am I right? I believe so. We should get Ed on again actually, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:19:43 I don't know why I haven't thought about that, but we should get that on again Yeah, I'm sure you'd be down. We won't get him on three more times though, so you're saying December comes around he's been on four times this year Very good Ed Cohn is our third host The fuck you guys talking about all the time? You guys are idiots. Awesome. Well, we appreciate you coming back on again and we'll get to see you at least for a little
Starting point is 01:20:17 bit here in March. So yeah, I always make time for the number three fitness podcasts in Southeast Dakota. That's all we get to hear. I always make time for the the number three fitness podcast and southeast Dakota We'll cut that sound clip Good idea Big John With some Wisconsin cool beans Somewhere in Wisconsin up in his mansion in Wisconsin
Starting point is 01:20:50 What song is that T pain? Yeah? Actually, what's not even called? And also does everyone does everyone know that line or is that just more of a Midwest thing where you where everyone relates? Where it's because it's like cuz he said Wisconsin so it's like hey, that's not many states away from us. Let's always repeat that part I mean, I feel like everyone I can't believe it. There you go I feel like everyone around our age just knows that line of that song Yeah, could put you in a mansion somewhere in Wisconsin just like that. We don't even know the title of the song I just all know that I mean I could have like the title of the song should be some all know that one. Like, the title of the song should be from somewhere in Wisconsin.
Starting point is 01:21:26 I don't think when he made that song that was going to be the lyric that he thought would stick, but around these parts it is. We talked about T-Pain before not that long ago, right? Like, was he one of the guys we were talking about? I don't know, did we? I think, didn't we just, was it him we were talking about? Oh, he just had so many bangers that
Starting point is 01:21:45 Kind of came out of our certain period of time. He could have I mean and he did all for real I think it might have been like a year ago. We talked about it or so, but it is where it's like those songs become What's what's ubiquitous mean just everyone knows them? I feel like it's just okay like part of yeah like those And it is the classic case of those where they all start to sound the same to me where I'm like Not even sure which song this is coming out with so many of them for a while Oh that is just like no you just knew all of them It was yeah like I don't actually know the name of any of his songs And I think I'm saying I'm being that truthful, but if you played them
Starting point is 01:22:22 I probably know 30 of the song the number of these buy you a drink Can't believe I'm in love with a stripper bartender They're all really similar though, too They are they are but man just a classic thing but chopped and screwed that one was good, man He was just he he was on a roll for a while there Yeah Oh, do we have a little game Oh Man, he was just he he was on a roll for a while there Yeah Oh, do we have a little game? Oh Do you ever do you want our game intro I give me one second here
Starting point is 01:22:57 Maybe you tell me what it's time. Oh, yeah, actually. Yeah, actually I'd lose my head if it wasn't bolted on tight make sure to head over to Juggernaut AI dot app That's where you can sign up using discount code Mastinomics for their monthly membership and the discount code will save you 10% every month forever and ever on that membership Juggernaut AI is the training Tommy uses It's training I use when I'm not on the mend I strained Tommy uses its training. I use when I'm not on the mend
Starting point is 01:23:31 It's a training that a whole bunch of people at Mastonomics gym use talk about it every time I'm in there someone's saying how they're Just started juggernaut AI for the first time this week big Adam. He's been coming to the gym for several years You know, he's not a powerlifter by any means he'd be the first to tell you that he just he comes he trains He likes to get a little stronger. He likes to stay in good shape You know, he's probably in his early 30s and just this week. He said yeah, I started the juggernaut Power building thing. I saw you guys talk about it. I've heard enough people talking talk about it in here I want to give it a try. He said he loved it so far. He said He was really unsure about like what his maxes even are on any of the lifts he's doing and we talked about it and I'm like it doesn't matter because you know just a concern. Yeah, put something in conservative and
Starting point is 01:24:14 It within four weeks from now. It'll have it leveled out. You'll be in the right place like it gets you there pretty fast and He said he's really been enjoying it. I've talked to followed up with them a couple times. So that could be you if you've never tried it, give it a shot powerlifting power building, they even have the starts of a strongman program in there now. Also, just be careful when you sign up, you do have to sign up through the browser to use discount code, massonomics. Also, you have to sign up, you have to not go through the free trial, you can't use our discount code if you're going to do the free week or two trial, actually.
Starting point is 01:24:48 So keep that in mind. If you struggle with that, it's because you can't do the free week trial and use our discount code. That came up here recently. Also, check them out at I feel like when you bring up juggernautai, I have to give a quick training update. Just recently, hit an all-time PR off a juggernaut AI with my bench 315 triple wasn't it 15 for a triple and
Starting point is 01:25:13 Dude, I haven't since the meat the heaviest bench. I've touched. I think is like 290 and what'd you do at the meat? My top bench at the meat, was it 330 or 335? 335, I think. Did you get your third bench or nothing? No, because I went up five more, but that's why I can't, this is what's so funny, is like, oh, you like go for these numbers, and then all of a sudden now I can't even remember
Starting point is 01:25:36 the numbers. It means a ton to you at the time, and then like six months later, you can't remember what was what. That's actually bugging me now that I don't know. I have to Come on internet. It can be our open powerlifting stat of the week Tommy's searching himself off on open powerlifting to see what what he did in his meet a couple of months ago
Starting point is 01:26:02 Oregon like what why isn't their site working here? Okay, let's see. Yeah, what did I do in this meet and Here we go. Best bench, 330. Yeah, 330. I went for 335 after and didn't have it. But yeah, hit 315 for a triple. And I was gonna say when that, before going into the day even, a lot of times in our P10 day,
Starting point is 01:26:16 I'll look at the numbers so I have an idea of what they're gonna be. I didn't look at them. I'm just like, oh, it'll probably be like, I would guess probably 300, maybe 305 if things are crazy. And I saw 315 pop up like really 315 for a triple like. That number seems kind of out there, like it's definitely a number that in my head wouldn't have been programmed like that did seem wild. And, um, you know, when you're in the gym, it's also that thing of,
Starting point is 01:26:40 I know the safety straps are there and everything, but there's still that component of like, if I missed this left and also Right when I was starting to lift my wife's like, alright, I gotta go see ya and I'm like I will be here home alone Yeah, this is it would kind of had me freaked out a little bit. You'd be home alone My squat rack, oh no, what if some intruders entered Kevin Oh no, what if some intruders enter? Kevin! But so there was some extra anxiety there. I spent a lot of time like double, triple, quadruple
Starting point is 01:27:10 checking that I had the safeties at the right spot. And then yeah, going for the left, I had to really get dialed in. And my initial thought on the first one was like, oh my God, like when it like freaks you out how fast it moved, it was like 315, I think I could do five of these the way it moved, and the second one was like, oh it's a little harder, but this is still going good,
Starting point is 01:27:31 and in my head I'm like, yep, I got this, and then the third one about halfway up, I'm like, I'm not sure if I even have this anymore, because that was the first time a bench had actually felt like it slowed down in forever, and yeah, it was there, and that was a true RP 10 in my head, I mean that was like, there was it and that was a true RP 10 in my head I mean that you marked it as there was no way I was gonna do another rep and I
Starting point is 01:27:48 mean even getting a half of another rep would have been very hard to do so yeah so it was there on meet that I had to go back to look at my look at my what is I the most that I could ever see is there was a time where I did five sets of three at 305 which I don't think that I'm like super far off of, I probably could do that right now. Yeah, I would think so, right. I'm in the same ballpark. Do you think you've done 315 for a double before ever?
Starting point is 01:28:14 Like has there never come up? When we always did that juggernaut's trade, the jackals training, it never had doubles in it. I probably- Triples and singles. Yeah, I maybe You know into a meat prep might have done 315 for a double because that was we kind of always do our own Peak at the end. Yeah, and there was a it's probably pretty good chance. I did take like 315 for a double But yeah, I've never never tried it for a triple before so lifetime PR on juggernaut AI
Starting point is 01:28:42 I just got it once you turn 35 PRs are still there waiting for you. All time. You just remembered it's you just remembered it's either right now today. It's either PR ER mutuals. There was a component of that for sure. Yeah. All right, Tanner. Are you ready to play a game? No, I want to know are you ready to play a game because if you are, we'll hear the official game soundtrack. Okay well a little a little scarier way to start the game than no mommy no
Starting point is 01:29:22 why do you have to hit me like that, Mommy? Ah, yep. That whole part of the song. Is that what you were expecting? That was not the sound I was expecting. Do you still have the classic one you can hit me with? Yeah, let me get it. Hit me with that? Hit me like that? Oh, not that one.
Starting point is 01:29:44 Why you gotta hit me like that tanner Now I'm ready to play a game that hits a lot a lot better doesn't it hit me like that That other ones a little abrupt to whatever's going on Oh, is there a struggle taking place here? Cuz yeah, it seems like there is Okay, we're gonna play a little hard to follow that first one up with anything it's just Leaves you just such shock. It's I don't know if you remember a while a couple episodes back on this this here podcast We're doing right now Tanner. I had made some comments about how it just feels like every comment section online is the same
Starting point is 01:30:22 Sayings that people though. Yeah, yeah each other. Yeah. And do a little research and came up with a list of cliche sayings. And so what I'm going to do is I'm going to present you with a scenario and you're going to have to see if you can come up with what that cliche saying is, which this could be challenging because this could be fun though, too. Yeah, it could be challenging because I'm not going to tell you what any of these things are You're just gonna have to try and think of what you think fits
Starting point is 01:30:48 Some of these there's more than one. Maybe I'll come up with something. Yeah, I was gonna say maybe I'll come with Maybe the answer I didn't have in mind, but you might come up with also a correct answer. So right Do you feel like you got your head wrapped around the game here? Yeah. Yeah, I don't feel like I'm necessarily gonna do well But I get the idea I think on most of these It's gonna be like a hindsight 2020 thing. We're like, yeah, of course. That was the answer there. So, okay Let's say you're because all of I don't think I need to set the stage over and over all these are gonna be of course You're scrolling social media because that's where these appear I'll set the stage for the first time. Okay, you're scrolling social media
Starting point is 01:31:27 you see a post about something that a policy change maybe it's at maybe it's at a local institution, a school, maybe it's at a state or a national level, a change has taken place. You don't like it. You don't like this change that has taken place. What what comment do you leave there? like this change that has taken place? What what comment do you leave there? Well, one you could leave it you could just use this for anything is we used to be a proper country but ding ding ding.
Starting point is 01:31:55 Maybe this is the noise if I get it right. But we'll all be punished if I get it wrong. That was the correct. I'm starting. I'm letting you use it. Yeah, let me off easy. But leading off with the we used to be a proper trick game, it's all we used to be a proper country.
Starting point is 01:32:15 Yep. So that is the correct. You are one for one. Okay. I like that. That's good. That's good. All right.
Starting point is 01:32:23 The next scenario, you are going through your feed and, um, something has really surprised you. Like it just really caught you off guard. What, what comments are you dropping down on this surprising post? Well, I didn't have that on my bingo card for 2025. Exactly. Exactly. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:32:43 Okay. I think you got the hang of this. Let's try it. Let's try, let's try one more here. Um, you're throwing me a softball. Exactly. OK, I think you got the hang of this. Let's try. Let's try. Let's try one more here. You're throwing me a softball. Yeah. Yeah. Someone's someone's maybe someone's going on a rant and you're like, yeah, yeah, that's a good. That is a good rant.
Starting point is 01:32:57 What do you what do you chime into this? Oh, yeah. Um. You know, you want them to really shout it from the mountaintops. Right. Tell it, say it louder for the people in the back. That is also correct. That is also the people in the back. Okay. All right. That's the people in the back. Okay. All right.
Starting point is 01:33:26 That's good. That's good. Okay. So those were all the pretty easy ones. So we're going to I knew I knew that one. It just took me. It just took me a second to wrap my head around it. Okay.
Starting point is 01:33:36 Okay. So now we're going to we're going to go into some some more sayings here that we haven't touched on as much. Let's say in a post you see someone's posting something maybe it's a maybe it's someone's posting a photo of like their home gym and or a commercial gym and someone's like destroyed something in the gym they've wrecked something and everyone's all mad about it. So something's
Starting point is 01:34:01 been ruined. What's a good good comment to leave in a situation like that? We just can't have nice things. That's why we can't have nice things. That's why we can't have nice things. Yeah, I really thought like, OK, he hasn't he hasn't been prepped. Yeah, we haven't said that one. That's why we can't have nice things. That's right. That's right. Okay, okay
Starting point is 01:34:27 You're doing good Okay, this next one I'm gonna say it could be used Seriously or sarcastically you could leave the same comment In in one of them, I will say you could see two scenarios for this one could be one of them, I will say you could see two scenarios for this. One could be someone has succeeded in something, somebody has done something well, they're pulsing about it and you're really excited about it, that could be one scenario.
Starting point is 01:34:53 Or maybe like maybe someone did something dumb and they kinda got something coming their way. You could use this in either way. So you would comment as the person seeing them. So yeah, like you might see, it might be like you see in a video someone dead lifting 500 pounds for the first time. It also might be a video you see in someone starting a fight and getting punched in the face and they had it come in their way. You could say this in both situations. Yeah, I don't know. The only thing that comes to me is you did a thing, but you don't, it's not really you did a thing, right you know it's not really you did a thing right, so that's not really that's right
Starting point is 01:35:25 Not cool. I mean that actually That's our punishment when I get it wrong kind of does work in that scenario quite right though What I was looking for was you love to see it ah? Yeah, you love to see it Yeah, you do love to see it. That's that's always a that's always a classic You love to see it Be used in both scenarios as Congratulatory or like a backhanded thing and I do think in hindsight you explained that scenario exactly right?
Starting point is 01:36:00 That's where you love to see it. All right. All right. Okay. Here's the next one when something Let's just say, like, yes, something, something got out of hand, something got crazy, really fast. Yeah, something got out of hand and crazy really it. Well, that escalated quickly. Yep, that's what it is. Well, that escalated quickly. Yep, that's right. Well, that escalated quickly. Well, that escalated quickly. Yeah, that's the one that is the one. Okay, what do I do? I got a
Starting point is 01:36:37 lot here. Some of these are dumb. But what I want to hit you with. Oh, here's one that I see a lot and it's really dumb. Someone did something that is really. Stupid bad dumb something negative. You know they maybe did it at one time. And maybe it was OK then but looking at it now. It's like well that was clearly wrong. And maybe it was okay then but looking at it now it's like well that was clearly wrong
Starting point is 01:37:07 Hmm And this is the person talking about themselves then at that point no no it's like you're looking back on the situation like because now You're you're you're like situation time has gone on and you're looking back and you're like yeah, that was not the right move there right I'm just sure I know it too. And I'm kind of drawn a blank. But it's funny because of by nature, of course, we've all heard these seen these things a million times. Just explain it one more time.
Starting point is 01:37:38 My brain, one more one more. OK, OK. Let's say here. Let me see if I can get it. one more pack. Okay, okay. Let's say, let me see if I can get it. Let's say someone's like, they post like a they post it every day how they don't miss the gym, they go to the gym every single day. And then it's like, yeah, now they actually don't go to the gym anymore. Right, right. Be a potential scenario there. Right. Ah, shit.
Starting point is 01:38:05 I don't know. You got to tell me this aged like milk. Ever seen that one? Yes. Yes. Yes. That's good. Okay. We'll do just a couple more here. Um, here's one. Here's one. Something's going on. And it just it's just you can't wrap your head around it No, it just you don't you don't get it at all. It's so confusing. You're just lost Well, I guess what I think of it's like it's all French to me or something like well That would be more of a 90s version on this right right. right. I know that's not the. That's not the trendy one.
Starting point is 01:38:49 I don't think I know. I'm sure I'll know it, but I don't know. Make it make sense. Make it make sense. Yeah, that's a way dumber. Yeah, that's it. Make it make sense. That's good.
Starting point is 01:39:04 I want to start. I need to write these down so I could just start commenting them all Okay, we'll do one more and then I'm just gonna read off make it make sense. I'm gonna use that one I'm just gonna read off the list. We'll see if I can get one last one, right? I don't know. Oh Boy, what one do I think you would have the best like so many of these are just you've read them a thousand times But it just so you wouldn't ever like all these I'm like nobody ever has like when you're having a conversation Nobody says make it make sense Oh, and I couldn't ever imagine actually leaving a comment of this online
Starting point is 01:39:33 But people do it all day every day like this you see him every day Yeah Oh, and I'm just like net no point is my brain ever like I need to remember that scene to write that one down. Yeah. Okay, we'll do, we'll do, we'll do this one. No. These are all so dumb though. Like it's at the point now where I'm like, these are all so dumb though like it's at the point now. I'm like these are all so stupid words. Yeah Okay Okay, we'll do we'll do this one. Someone is trying to explain something. They're using numbers and the numbers just aren't making sense
Starting point is 01:40:21 So it like doesn't add up. Yeah something along those lines. I don't know. The answer we're looking for is the math is not math-ing. It's so stupid. No Bobby don't hit me. I can't. I didn't hit me like that, Bobby. Would you like to hear some of the other honorable mentions on this list? Yes. Yeah, hit me with a few more.
Starting point is 01:40:51 OK. What's the phrases? That math is not math. This one you can use in a lot of situations. It's flexible. Tell me you're something without telling me you're something. I mean, that's like a whole thing on TikTok or whatever. Yeah, yeah, for sure. This one, ah, yes. Tell me you're a power lif something without telling me your something. I mean, that's like a whole thing on like TikTok or whatever. Yeah, yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 01:41:06 This one, ah yes. Tell me you're a power lifter without telling me you're a power lifter. Exactly, yes. Ah yes, the system is working as intended. You know, whenever you wanna be really jaded about something. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:41:18 I'm just here for the comments. Just here for the comments. That was. I liked on one of the one of the Horstall mat things you just said following That someone was like Someone says you know you don't have to comment following it wasn't it Yeah, you can actually just like click the button you know trying to leave comments. I'm like. Oh, thanks new to this social media thing
Starting point is 01:41:42 I click the button, you know, trying to leave comments. I'm like, oh, thanks, new to this social media thing. And then someone, and I was gonna do this, I was gonna do this, but it was so dumb. And I was actually, someone did this right afterwards, was put like, as of whatever the day was, as of like January 12th, I do not give Facebook or Mark Zuckerberg permission to use any of my properties. And you know, it's like a paragraph long thing.
Starting point is 01:42:04 Yeah, yeah. I'll copy and paste that. To use any of my properties and you know, it's like a paragraph long thing. Yeah. Yeah Like it's you know copy and paste that dude some of the people I see pulse that I'm like Oh, you went to school for a very long time and most people think of you as educated and you're posting that I Guess you do believe everything you read online Here's some other ones. Are we the baddies? Not all heroes wear capes. Yeah, that's a good plot twist. It gets worse. Read that again, slowly. Imagine thinking this was okay. Welcome to the clown show. Is this a joke because I'm not laughing and this will be studied in history books
Starting point is 01:42:50 So that I like that to you that can be studied in that concludes the list so you could You could like have a social media presence and never say anything about like those You could just go through all of those and people like, yeah, hell yeah. What he said. Like, oh, that Tommy, he just really is just a sharp shooter online. Yeah, he just real direct in the comments. Yeah, he really he really gets it.
Starting point is 01:43:17 He's not afraid to call like it is like people. People would could honestly take that. You could just use those things. People like, yeah, that guy, he's not afraid to call people out. It's like You just use the generic group of things. Yeah, but dictionary just your 10th sayings. It was like there's one for everything but now that Now that I you know, we started talking about this a couple weeks ago and I assembled this list and I've been sitting on this I'm telling you man going to the internet and I actually almost ruins the internet
Starting point is 01:43:47 You just go read comments and like I you could pull up almost any pulse right now that has like a big pulse You know that has yeah a thousand hundred Yeah, and you're gonna see many of these multiple times over And I'm like is that actually real people leaving these or is this just like bot traffic? That's just been told to leave these comments now? That's a good question And I don't know that answer that's what was the one where I said it's French to me and it was like no it's uh Was it make it make sense was that the one yeah Make it make sense what was the I gave you the three
Starting point is 01:44:29 openers were I didn't have that on my bingo card say it louder for the people in the back we used to be a proper cut there we go that's it yeah we just I'm just gonna send you this full list so you have it yeah that could go a long way for me in the Facebook garage Jim oh you could have a full-on I mean, I can just do a post each day of some sort of horse tall Matt picture and then just one of those comments as the one of those phrases as the text the caption Like it's just a picture of a bunch of horse tall Matt's wacky make it make sense
Starting point is 01:45:02 It's kind of like the modern-day version of like when everyone's like skydiving and the pollster then underneath it says teamwork yeah yeah a more negative version the haystack and it's like I don't know what the text is underneath the needle the haystack but just a more negative version of all of that Right You could you could totally do that for so long Uh I like the idea of maybe maybe uh start mixing and matching them together You know like say it louder for the people playing bingo or something like that, you know
Starting point is 01:45:38 Just to get to the part where they just don't even make sense anymore Hey, what are they saying? I don't even know what he means, but hell yeah. I'm not sure what he means, but hell yeah. I like the way he said it. Damn right. I really like the way he said that. We used to be a bingo card. Say it louder for the proper country.
Starting point is 01:46:00 In the back. The proper country that's in the back there. The Vikings kind of took a shit at the oh my god that is just the epitome of being a Minnesota sports fan right there. It's just ah I try not to I try to download leg I don't even really like to follow. I mean I do like to follow things that closely but at a certain point it just starts to piss you off and after that I was starting to follow things that closely but at a certain point it just starts to piss you off and
Starting point is 01:46:29 Oh after that I was starting to kind of ride high on the Vikings this year I'm like, yeah, you know what? They actually do sort of seem to have it figured out and after that Lions game It's like dude I can this is it. This is the end. I have this this terrible feeling going into the Rams game This I just could see this going awful and like five minutes in was like yeah this actually has gone awful I just turned out off at half time and said yeah I guess I guess I'm good for a couple more years now that's at least Ethan Evans is moving on for guests of the Mastodon mix podcast rolling something out of it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:47:05 Yes. Because it certainly wasn't any Vikings fans that got anything out of it. No, no it wasn't. But the bright side is you can still head over to and buy yourself some of the best, the best plates on the market. They're black, E-coated.
Starting point is 01:47:23 They've got a finish that lasts for years. We've got these had these things in Mastinomics Gym for years and years now, and they've been getting put through nothing but the ringer constantly. I mean, I see jackasses in our gym just. Kurt Kowalski chucking these across the gym. I people I saw Tanner the other day say this is why we can't have nice things to someone.
Starting point is 01:47:48 That's did you put that? That was one, wasn't it? Did I get that one? Oh, yeah, I got that one right in the game. This is why we can't have nice things. Yeah, I was going to say that's one. No, we just did that. Yeah, that's why I'm that's every time I walk into the gym. I think this is why we can't have nice things except for the strength co-plates because they can take it. That is exactly why we have nice things. Say it louder for the people in the back. Check out their plates. barbells plates, deadlift jacks, deadlift
Starting point is 01:48:13 mats. They've got basically got tiny stall mats on their site for sale. If you're into tiny horse still mats. Check them all out at the strength Co. They also have bumper plates. Thanks strength Co. 10 is episodes also brought to you by barefoot Check them all out at the strength co they also have bumper plates. Thanks, Franco Tanners episodes also brought to you by barefoot shoes You know whatever we know what I say to myself whenever I see someone wearing a pair of barefoot shoes You say Tanner's barefoot shoes have been shipped and they're on the way in the mail for his new ursis 2.0 Well, I say that I also say whenever I see him. I just say I love to see it
Starting point is 01:48:42 That's the first thought that always crosses my mind. You do love to see it. You see a fellow guy in barefoot shoes. You just you're at the Arnold. You see someone walk up in barefoot shoes and just think, you know, you love to see it. You love to see it. And then a guy shows up in another pair of them. And then a guy shows up in a pair of massonomics,
Starting point is 01:48:59 ergonomics, then someone shows up in the brewing boots. And I'm like, well, that escalated quickly. I guess the first thing I go, I did not have that on my Arnold bingo card And then I'm like I sit and think about it and I'm like, ah, yes, the system is working as intended and I'm like, yeah, tell me you're into mass anomics without telling me you're into mass anomics and barefoot shoes It's just how long of a podcast. Do you think we could have of only? cleat little cliche say probably not very long. I think it's done. But you know, and then you're standing there and
Starting point is 01:49:32 someone walks up and they don't have barefoot shoes on and you're like, do better, man, do better. And it's just so annoying when that happens. But yeah, you know, there was some people saying that we used to be a proper country and barefoot remember that and they also released a made in America boot called the patriot boot. So if you want to have your footwear and your boots made in the US of a you can do that as well. So head on over to barefoot dot store use code massonomics and you can save 10% on your
Starting point is 01:50:02 next order. Thank you, barefoot shoes. Made us a proper freaking country once again, didn't they? They took it upon themselves. A proper freaking country! Every week, I just want to have at least one time where I get to really say how to get a few of those
Starting point is 01:50:20 off my chest. I just get pissed off when I think about how we used to be a proper country. Like I say proper country through gritted teeth because I'm pissed. We used to be one and we aren't anymore. Yeah, actually. That's a proper country story. We don't need to get in a whole proper country story, but do you ever use the
Starting point is 01:50:44 code massonomics and you're like're like wait the math ain't math and Yes, the math doesn't math that is dumb Okay, anything else for this check out the drop like we mentioned oh, yeah, yeah make sure you go check out the drop We got that shirt. I'm looking at it. There's a lot of say louder for the people in the back Tanner We have a whole stack of shirts over here for those of you in the back. So, you know Drop is January 23rd This is specific. I'm saying this louder because it's for those of you that are in the back You're just fine
Starting point is 01:51:23 Louder for everyone in the back You in the front you already heard this but this is for those of you way back there way back. We do have shirts license plates a bunch of new sticker packs for sale here this January as well as your Next chance to get a certified training facility get yourself on the map check out our certified training facility if you don't know what it's about it's awesome I love it it's like one of my favorite things that we've done it's up there with like our Hall of Fame card that we offer to our supporting members so make sure to check out the certified training facility map please go to our YouTube channel if you only listen to the podcast head over to the YouTube channel
Starting point is 01:52:02 even just to leave a comment about the podcast if while you're listening Or after you get done you want to chip your two cents and you want to get in the conversation We're getting more and more comments on our weekly YouTube upload of the podcast all the time And it's a fun place to channel the conversation about the podcast if you have input if what are your favorite? Dumbass sayings that people say on the internet? Yeah, what have we missed? I really want to know. Oh, actually, I forgot to say this in the in the zoom chat. I don't know if you saw this.
Starting point is 01:52:32 Big Mason wrote when we're talking about the home gym discord, it ain't much, but it's mine. And then people post a picture of their gym setup. They love to use that saying when they do it every time. It ain't much much but it's mine With a rickety old bench and like a five pound weight set and also to someone that has a $50,000 home gym It would be really funny if you posted that with some horse tall man stanner You know what I think I will Think I'm just someone's got to do it and I'm just the guy that's gonna do it. Do you double dare me? Yeah
Starting point is 01:53:17 It ain't much but it's mine I can picture it already. You know people people are like, oh, god damn it, this guy. What you saying, telling me to do that is like this thing with my wife whenever. Maybe there's like, like, say, I don't want to shovel the sidewalk or. I really want us to buy some ridiculous $50,000. I really want us to buy some ridiculous $50,000 Chevelle like 71 Cheveller, you know, and I'll send it to her and all I'll ever say is
Starting point is 01:53:59 Or like if I don't want to shovel sidewalk, I'll be like just tell me once it's okay not to and I won't shovel today I was like just say once that we should get this and it's ours It's like I'm always saying like I just need just the tiniest bit of reassurance for this terrible idea and I'm gonna do it. You know, like all I need is your just like slightest amount of improvement. Slightest unhinged lunatic that's just barely hanging on to sanity.
Starting point is 01:54:16 I'll always say, just say it once and consider it done. Like, you can even be joking, I don't care. That's all I need to make this horrible decision today. Yep. Yep. That's how it works. Just so say it's okay once and I won't go to work today. You know, that sort of thing. She's like, say it louder. I can't quite hear you. Got a lot of kids here. Please speak up. But do leave a comment on our YouTube. Also make sure you're checking out our new YouTube video every week.
Starting point is 01:54:46 We do have the new video out there every single week. One other thing is our affiliate links. Kind of actually have a few more on our site. You can see our affiliate links like on the bottom of every YouTube video description. They're in there, aren't they usually too? Yep, they're in every single YouTube and every single video that goes in YouTube has our affiliate
Starting point is 01:55:05 So the podcast has the affiliate links podcast YouTube videos they all have it So check it out in the bottom there anything you click on there And if you buy something for any of those sites There's a whole bunch of companies that we have those for we get a little bit of something for it and It actually people actually click on those from time to time when we get money Surprisingly enough people do it all yeah, it helps this Helps us all work so leave us a five-star on Apple podcasts. Tommy, where do they find you at? You can find me at tomahawk underscore D. You can follow me at Tanner underscore bear.
Starting point is 01:55:34 No one cares about that makes just make sure to follow Mastinomics at Mastinomics. See you. You

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