Massenomics Podcast - Ep. 46: APF Meet Wrap Up

Episode Date: February 20, 2017

This week, we fill you in on everything that went down during this year's APF State Powerlifting Meet. Tune in to hear how all the Massenomics guys' lifts went, and learn why you should #fearthelegend....   As always, you can watch this episode in full color video... Or check out the super-high quality audio version below.. Make sure you LIKE the Massenomics Facebook page... If you don't already have a closet full of Massenomics gear, go to the MASSENOMICS STORE and load up on swag... Also, please CLICK THIS LINK TO GIVE US A 5 STAR RATING ON ITUNES... Click this text to follow Massenomics on Instagram... Vote Massenomics for President in 2016... Have your barber shave our logo into the side of your head.. Maybe get a Massenomics tattoo while you're at it.    Or you could sign up for our email newsletter at the bottom of this page. Stay Strong, M #Repost @tylereffinstone with @repostapp ・・・ Some @massenomics lifters getting after it today with the skwaaat... Adam hit 363, Larry Legend with 573, and Tanner with 584. @larry_schuck #massenomics #massenomicseffect #apfpowerlifting #strongaf #power A video posted by Massenomics (@massenomics) on Feb 4, 2017 at 9:35am PST Lifted at the South Dakota APF powerlifting meet in Chamberlain SD this last Saturday. I just signed up for the bench only and managed to place first in my weight division. My attempts were 369lbs, 385lbs, and 407.5lbs. The first two moved smooth and easy, the last one I just didn't have the strength to lock it out, but it was pretty close. Got some more work to do. Thanks to @massenomics for the spot and helping me out during it, and thanks to @tylereffinstone for video taping and coming to support us. Even got a good luck snapchat from @huckfinnbarbell !Couldn't have asked to have lifted with a better bunch of guys for my first meet. @larry_schuck @adamscherr @massenomics #meetday #APF #rivercityfitness #benchpress #benchonly #massenomicsstrong #massenomicseffect #massenomics #powerlifting A video posted by Ross Taylor (@roscoe2828) on Feb 5, 2017 at 3:51pm PST The guys finishing strong in the deadlifts today. Tanner pulled an easy 650.4lbs, and Larry hit this 551lbs deadlift.. Larry got red-lighted on this lift, but we're still gonna count it. . #themassenomicseffect @massenomics @larry_schuck #massenomics #deads A video posted by Tyler Stone (@tylereffinstone) on Feb 4, 2017 at 5:50pm PST

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Starting point is 00:00:00 M-M-M-M-M-M-M-Massanomics Welcome to Massanomics, the world's strongest podcast. Find us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter at Massanomics. Make sure you go visit There you'll find the rest of our powerful content. While you're there, check out our store and buy yourself some of that sweet Massanomics gear. We don't do that because we care about our audience. We don't do that because we care about our audience. We don't suck.
Starting point is 00:00:27 All right, ladies and dudes and lady dudes, we are here in the basement of Massanomics Studio. How's it going, guys? Fantastic. Good. We are about, what are we, 14 hours post the state APF powerlifting meet. Post meet. Post meet.
Starting point is 00:00:44 Tanner is feeling okay. Yeah, I feel pretty good. This is the best I've ever felt after a meet. Really? Yeah. Does that mean you just didn't go hard enough, probably? Kind of. We were mentioning that earlier.
Starting point is 00:00:58 I think the reason that I feel so good is because I didn't select heavy enough attempts or yeah i wouldn't say that i didn't select heavy enough attempts but um none of them were like 100 attempts yeah like i had more you weren't like near the threshold really they were prs but just they were they were yeah they were big pr you know front squat it was a was a, 39 pound PR for me. That's crazy. And I probably still could have done more. I mean, that's easy to say, but I probably, you know, there's probably 10 or 15 more pounds there. So, cause you hit, you hit what? 585. Yeah. I went, uh, opener was 529, which is very easy. It should be. My second attempt was 551, which was a PR for me.
Starting point is 00:01:50 That's six pounds more, five pounds more than I've ever squatted. So that's why I chose 551 on my second, just to get a PR for sure. And it still felt very easy. So then the guy that was kind of handling me, that was wrapping my knees and stuff like that, he really kept saying that I should do 600 and like all through warm-ups and through uh first attempt and after the second attempt he was really pushing for me to go 600 and I was just like man that 551 was just five pounds more than I've ever done in my life on any form of squat. I was like, I don't think I want to try 50 more pounds, you know? So, uh, 584, which I took, which, uh, ended up, you know, being a huge PR for me and I
Starting point is 00:02:37 hit, I kind of decided to choose that number, um, because it's six plates in my head. I was like, yeah, six, you know, six plates and it's not quite biting off as much as 600. And it was a pretty good choice. It wasn't super easy, but I probably still could have done a little bit more, but that was the first, only one of my three where I felt like, you know, it was really pushing the limit. And from the looks of the lift, like know 584 went went pretty good but like 600 would have probably happened could have probably happened but that would have probably been the mark you wanted to be on like yeah that would have been right at that line yeah if i 584 on the squat i was i was happy with that choice the 600 you know I don't necessarily want to do a squat where I like almost die or,
Starting point is 00:03:27 you know, fail on a, like, I don't mind. I don't mind finishing with a little left in the tank. As long as I'm hitting PRs and finishing with more in the tank. If you can just do that. Always. Always. Yeah. I think that's.
Starting point is 00:03:43 Eventually you'll squat 10,000 pounds. Yeah. There think that's. Eventually you'll squat 10,000 pounds. Yeah. There's no end. What about, I want to go back to, what about you said you had somebody handling you. Was that something you had lined up ahead of time? Yeah. Or were you just like the day that you're like, oh, fuck, who's going to wrap my knees? And has this man handled you before?
Starting point is 00:04:01 And is that why? How many men have handled you? It depends like on what you consider man versus boy. Like what the age cutoff is. It depends on what state you live in. No, I kind of lined it up the week before. The reason I wanted that is because I'm wrapping my knees otherwise I don't feel like that's very necessary for me I mean maybe it could still help to have someone help
Starting point is 00:04:31 you pick numbers and everything but I kind of had my numbers down so it was the biggest thing was someone to wrap my knees because I can't do that effectively myself yeah I never wrap my knees I don't know what I'm doing and this guy does wrap knees and he did a really good job wrapping my knees and by good job you mean it really fucking hurt it did hurt really bad and uh maybe it hurt less than last year just because i knew a little bit of what to you know yeah i just it hurt the same but i just knew better what to expect so i was a little more prepared for it but yeah fucking hurts still and like the backs of my knees are bruised pretty bad and he had it so i mean it felt like my knees
Starting point is 00:05:11 were in casts like if you just stood up uh if you just someone did it you know it's never had their knees wrapped before if if he did that to you you would stand up and be like oh my knee is not bendable like this could never bend but then you go and put you know five six hundred pounds on your back or whatever it finds a way to bend yeah yeah yeah but it did feel like my knees were in cast but that's why I had them because I was knee wrapping and helped a lot like that's kind of a shitty job to do too is to wrap someone's knees because it's stressful because you have to do it there's a there's a really serious time element to that to do do it right you don't want to do it too early and have someone stand there and watch like two or three other lifters go all their legs turn purple
Starting point is 00:05:55 exactly and you also don't want to be behind the eight ball and uh have the judge call out well bars loaded and you're still finishing wrapping the first knee. Then the lifter's getting super nervous and you're getting super nervous. So it's not that fun of a job, but he did a really good job of it. Right on. But we threw that together the week
Starting point is 00:06:18 before. He, on Instagram, almost like as a kind of like a joke, said, well, I'll wrap your knees. And I said, no, that's, yes, do that as a, kind of like a joke said, well, I'll wrap your knees. And I said, no, that's yes. Do that actually. Yeah. Did he do like Larry's or? He didn't do Larry's because Larry and I were in the same flight, only a few apart. So Ross, uh, wrapped Larry's and their first one, they didn't have the timing quite right so larry had to stand there and watch like a couple people go and he was like walking around he's like oh i can't feel my feet yeah
Starting point is 00:06:49 you know but it was his first attempt and he still hit it real easy so and then they had the timing down after that and i suppose a lot of that depends on how how the lifts in front of you go too i mean like it's not like if a guy's if they're just popping them through right um that's a totally different story than if you have like three guys in front of you that fucking got that fiddle fuck around getting ready yep and then gotta really and then really grind yep yep for sure and and the the other difference is if there's a big change of weight between each attempt and uh rap uh mono height and then in and out in versus out like if they have to do a lot of changes there like that it it uh makes that timing quite a bit longer too huh the other
Starting point is 00:07:35 thing i noticed we were there is uh there is some really enormous human beings like around around here you know we're pretty big people so like i'm standing in that room we're walking around and there's some like really thick sons of bitches like yeah fucking crazy big oh and a lot and and so many yeah that's what the thing that gets you there's so many there's one guy that's a freak you're like man that guy's next level but there's like 14 people that are fucking just jacked like super super huge like really jacked like really big upper bodies that's uh we were sitting in the hotel like eating breakfast the morning of i think and there's like a doorway where people are walking through and ross and larry and adam i are sitting there and like people
Starting point is 00:08:23 keep walking through guys walking in every one of them's huge. And you know, we're all kind of looking up and seeing, and no one's saying anything. We're just all noticing. And you know, I can see that everyone's noticing. And by like the eighth one, I just said to everyone, I was like, everyone is so fucking big. And like they all burst out laughing because it's what we were all thinking. Like, fucking big and like they all burst out laughing because it's what we were all thinking like like if you ever think you're big you can just go to like a meet like that yeah and then you walk away being like wow i am really no i am not big yeah yeah i like i i don't feel narrow that often right but i'm walking around like i i like there's a lot of times i'll walk around the grocery store like fuck yeah i go here i go here and i immediately felt like this yeah the whole time i was just
Starting point is 00:09:11 like i don't even want to try to pretend like i have any like i could i should just sit down yeah and there's so many beards and tattoos and yeah i noticed that from the little i watched that was a recurring theme also i think and there was a lotings. I noticed that from the little I watched. That was a recurring theme. Also, I think there was a lot of, quite a few people from Omaha Barbell were there, and I think they must have some sort of uniform policy in which you have to have a beard before you get into the building.
Starting point is 00:09:35 Like at least as long of a beard as yours, too. That would be a base level. You have like the entry-level beard. It's like you have to maybe squat 500 pounds for you to come in that gym. And you probably also need at least four inches of beard hair. Yeah. Seriously. Like I would go there with my baby face and they'd be like, get the fuck out of here.
Starting point is 00:09:55 Child. But there was some, uh, there was some really fucking strong lifts there. I mean, we had a guy come out. I think he, one of the guys mentioned a shirt but i think his opening attempt was like 5 45 or something like that yeah there were some big lifts um but this meet there was uh a lot of raw there was some single ply and there's a couple multi-ply guys and we were all mixed together in flights in this one because there wasn't i've never done that before but because there wasn't very many geared guys, you know, just a couple single ply and a couple
Starting point is 00:10:27 multi-ply, we were all together. Also what they did differently that I'd never done before is the heaviest guys were in the first flight. It was like reverse and the women were in the last flight. Okay. Which everyone, uh, in the morning, you know, you know they put the flights out the the morning of like right before the rules briefing they post the flights and every big guy in there is looking around and looking at it like what the fuck like everyone you know all you're just if you've done multiple meets yeah yeah like everyone's like oh why are like that won't work like like it's it ends up not being that big of a deal and the rationale for it was which makes sense to me after hearing it and i think it worked out well is um they want that
Starting point is 00:11:20 first group of of of heavy lifters that take quite a while to warm up because they're warming up to bigger weights. They want to give them full control of the warmup room before they go. And they, they said they would start the meet late if they have to, if, if everyone needs more time to, to warm up, but then none of that second or third weight class should be in the warm-up room while that uh first flight is going yeah and that way because otherwise when those guys are normally in the last flight they'll be in there dicking around in the warm-up room during like you know when the second flight should be going and kind of they just well it also monopolize it the whole day yeah well and it also probably takes a really long time.
Starting point is 00:12:06 Like if you're going for a 700-pound squat, you're going to need more time. Than if you're going for a 300-pound squat. So fucking Joe Blow is maybe just trying to get loose between attempts. And you've got some guy that's like starting his kind of his build to to some ridiculous weight right and he also isn't going to go up to some guy that weighs 400 pounds you know and it's got 600 pounds on the bar like can we strip this down so that kind of made sense but we were squatting like max out pr attempts at 9 30 in the morning which i'm i'm not used to.
Starting point is 00:12:48 But just as I suspected when we were talking about it, when you get out there and get going, it's completely not relevant for me whatsoever. Yeah, it's like at that point if you're not ready, you're never going to be. Yeah, no, there's so much added adrenaline and excitement about competing in a meet. Another thing I thought was weird, I didn't realize this until the end of the day, I never took one bit of caffeine at any point throughout the entire day. Just crystal meth? Yeah, just cocaine.
Starting point is 00:13:19 What was the time frame from your first attempt to the start of deadlifts? First attempt squat was probably around 915 to 930 deadlifts. We were deadlifting by two, I would guess. So it was a pretty fast lead. It went really, really fast, which that helps with what I was just talking about. The downtime in between from squatting to bench and bench to deadlift was very short. I never hardly sat down. know from squatting to bench and bench to deadlift was very short like i never i'd never hardly sat down you know and i don't think it was too short no just but it was like just enough to where it was always you know right out there yeah i really liked that which i i don't know if we'll
Starting point is 00:13:57 ever have an experience again like the first meet we did together where it was i mean we were in for the long haul would be just a good way to put it because i think lifting start at eight deadlifts started at eight also yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it was it was like a 13 hour day i mean i think we so we got there at like seven o'clock for weigh-ins and stuff seven in the morning yeah on that meet you're talking about and i don't think we got there at like 7 o'clock for weigh-ins and stuff, 7 in the morning on that meet you're talking about. And I don't think we got out of there until like 9 or 10 at night. I think we got back to our hotel, which was one block away from the meet. I think we got back to our hotel room at 10 o'clock. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:35 So it was being in one ratty old gym for like 15 hours or something. Yeah, which is just mentally defeating. Like that's an accomplishment in itself right there. As a spectator of this meet, I was also really exhausted from having to stand up for that amount of time. Me and Thick Nick and Big Shane, we got back. It's a three hour drive. We got back and got out. I was like, you know, I am legitimately sore from this experience
Starting point is 00:15:07 um yeah what else did i think we had a guy down there did uh squatted 660 and bare knees yeah 242 pound body weight yep bare knees yep i think that's what it was that was uh fucking crazy that's last year at that meet too, there was a lot of those guys from Omaha Barbell Squat. That must be kind of a thing for them is squatting bare knees more than you see around here. So there's a couple 700-pound bare-knee squatters there last year, too. That's just unreal. My knees would just feel terrible. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:15:44 I could maybe do it. I just, it's been so long, but I mean, not like this week. Yeah. But like, and not the 700 pound part or the 600 pound part, but just do heavy for you. I think I could make a run at like max F or even like a really heavy rep day or even heavy single. I don't think it would make a huge difference as far as comfort for me. Yeah. And then the meat I think it still would be...
Starting point is 00:16:05 Yeah, I think you could block that out when you go into animal mode and not feel anything. Is this a stupid question, but for the sake of just keeping your knees warm, could you just warm up with your sleeves on to keep from cooling off between attempts and then peel them down and you could still knock out a max effort?
Starting point is 00:16:23 I would think, yeah. And then for Massanomics guys, You could just peel him down and you could still knock out a rep, knock out a max effort. I would think, yeah. Yeah. But. And then for Massanomics guys, Big Larry Legend, what was your hashtag on Larry today? Hashtag fear the legend. Yeah. Larry Legend, I think he squatted 573, which was an all-time PR for him. So he's just about ready to turn 40 years old and he's still hitting all time yeah i mean he's hitting all-time prs which and it's also not like he not like he started lifting no no yeah it's not like he started powerlifting five years ago no 2008 he's been like competing in powerlifting
Starting point is 00:16:57 and he closed it in on 10 years yeah he's he's hit 573 on his third deadlift attempt he definitely could have done more than that, but that's still okay. You mean on his squat? Yeah, squat 573. He benched 380, which is only the second time in his life he's benched that much. So it tied an all-time best for that. Deadlift, he did a really easy opener of like 502 pounds. he did a really easy opener of like 502 pounds then he needed five 551 would have given him over a 1500 pound total which he's never done before so that you know we're kind of encouraging him
Starting point is 00:17:34 to go for that and knew that he could do it and so he took 551 on a second attempt and came off the floor good locked out really easily like really fast was a really fast attempt, but he did this weird thing. I don't know if it was a balance thing, like the little bit of whip of the bar because he locked it out so quickly that it kind of pulled him forward just a smidge off balance. Just a touch. I mean, you have to watch it to even see. Yeah, you can't even quite put your finger on what it is.
Starting point is 00:18:04 Yeah. There's just a movement. What I think happened is, so he came up, he lift up, and then he extended. And I think as he extended, it was locked out, but it was heavy. So I think he came back a little further than he wanted, and then he just kind of set forward. And we're talking like an inch of the shoulders coming forward.
Starting point is 00:18:22 And in doing that, and I'm looking, I did not see the bar come down. I just saw it was locked out and his body moved. It's like an illusion. And he got two red lights on it. And I mean, it looked like such a good lift. I was like... Was that second or third attempt? That was second.
Starting point is 00:18:38 Okay. And then that was in his head. Like, because he set it down, everyone was cheering. Yeah. You know, he was jacked up and it was like two red lights. No idea why. that was in his head like because he set it down everyone was cheering yeah you know he he was jacked up and it was like two red lights and everyone's no idea why yeah everyone's like nobody knew yeah so he had you know he talked to the judges a little bit and that's what they said i guess and then that was in his head uh-huh and then he you know broke he retried it on his third
Starting point is 00:19:03 attempt and he broke it from the ground and he didn't really make a good run out of there. But I really think it was just mental at that point. Yeah. And because I think had he gotten the white lights on that 551, he would have moved up and done more weight. I'm pretty positive he would have done like 10 more pounds from that point. Yeah. But because of the mental, like he was was that threw him off for sure yeah but that was like anyone that say if you've never power lifted but you understand lifting and you understand a dead
Starting point is 00:19:31 lift you would look at that and be like that's why does that not count yeah like i mean several people you know we posted that and several people are like so what why did he get red light yeah like i don't understand and it's not and it's not like we just said yeah larry got red lighted? Yeah. I was like, I don't understand. And it's not like we just said Larry got red lighted. It was like we posted the video of him lifting. Yeah. And everyone's like, well, I just watched that. What the fuck? So.
Starting point is 00:19:54 But they did call the deadlifts were really tight. Really tight. I didn't think that you could be no lifting that many fucking. I feel like it's starting to be more of a new thing to be stricter on deadlifts as far as lockouts in the knees, holding it firmly. That was the strictest lift. Which you might think would be the least.
Starting point is 00:20:13 You tend to think it is just you got it or you don't. Because I saw some lifts there and I'm not really interested in calling anybody out or saying the judging was poor but I saw some there was some squats that like and again it's just my angle there were some squats that were passing that sure shit looked fucking high and some of the top squats looked high um and and again close is not is not a no
Starting point is 00:20:39 lift but it sure looked high to me and then um and on the bench there was a lot there's a lot of thick motherfuckers here who probably have a hard time straightening out their arms but there was i would say five of the top 10 heaviest lifts were like really questionable lockouts like like the weights up and it's just like well you can't just stop there because because like because because you could if you didn't have it just go there and be like well well, what? I'm done. And there was kind of quite a bit of that. And then the deadlifts come, and they're just fucking dinging everybody. Where it's like, man, that looks like a good lift. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:15 And I don't think they did a bad job or anything like that, but it was just not – and I don't think it was inconsistent, but I just didn't understand it. I definitely – for just, I didn't, I didn't understand it. You know, I definitely, for me, I kind of just go off of the eye test, which is like, well, that, you know, looks like a lift to me. I'm going to count it because all of them, I guess the gym's not to me, but every one of the, like Larry's lift in a gym, everyone in the gym would say, nice, nice. You wouldn't even poke a hole in it. No.
Starting point is 00:21:46 You wouldn't even mention it. Right. But I guess that's why a meat's a meat, you know. Yeah. So he just missed breaking 1,500 for the first time ever. Larry lifts in the 220 class, and he's just a shade under 40. So that's pretty damn good. I think they were just trying to hold him back because they hashtag fear the legend.
Starting point is 00:22:09 So he did good, though. So he's still getting stronger. Mount Rossmore did the bench only. He weighed in at like 244. So he's in the 275 class because it's 242. Oh, did he want to try to hit 242 not really he just he just thought he was even a little heavy you know that feeling you you kind of weigh your been weighing yourself and you think you're a certain weight but a lot of times when you weigh in
Starting point is 00:22:34 in your underwear at the meet and everything you have a tendency to maybe be a little bit lighter than what you're oh yeah well and what you think well especially i think that the night of you're you kind of have nerves so your body is just working in overtime like you're resting i think like metabolic state is much it's just your body's burning for sure so he could have easily done that two pounds if he you know if if you want i don't he doesn't he didn't care about that anyways he just wanted to do what he could do uh first attempt he did 369 very easy second attempt he did 386 which was uh pretty solid easy lift yeah it was really easy too so then you know he wanted to break 400 uh so his selection was probably between 402 and 407 and i went over there with him and i i thought i i said 407 that's kind
Starting point is 00:23:22 of what he was thinking too and i i said yes, that's what I thought he had too, and he just missed it, he had it, you know, halfway, two-thirds of the way, and it just stopped, and you know that, you know, like, when it stops, there's not much else that's going to happen then, and the judges said to grab it from him because he struggled there for a while. If he would have done 4.02, he would have hit it, I don't doubt. But I still don't think that was a bad choice. No, I don't think if he'd have come in and pushed 4.02 that he'd have been super happy. I mean, it would have been okay to go 3 for 3, but I think he would have been, yeah, fuck, maybe I should have tried a little heavier. So that was his first meet experience. What were his takeaways from it? I think he would have been, yeah, fuck, maybe I should have tried a little heavier. So that was his first meet experience. What were his takeaways from it?
Starting point is 00:24:08 I think he really liked it. I think he'll probably be doing more of them. I think he's probably going to do full power soon. Part of his thought on this is, A, he really likes bench better than any of the other lifts. It's his best lift, which just makes you like it more. And then also, it's his his best lift so which just makes you like it more and then you know also it was his first meet so he was kind of thinking it's a way to uh get your feet wet yeah get a feel for it and um he would have done just fine in full power too he could have done that too but i think
Starting point is 00:24:39 he will do that and then we had another first time guy from from the gym, Adam. Oh, yeah, that's right, yeah. He did well. He lifted in the 181 class. He's never done a powerlifting meet before. He's only been training powerlifting for not even a full year. And he squatted 363 on his second, missed his third at a little heavier, benched 248, which is very easy on his third. He probably could have done well 10, 15 more pounds than that.
Starting point is 00:25:10 Dead lifted 418 on his second. Tried like 440 on his third, and he got it, but, you know, he kind of hitched or rammed it. Like, you couldn't argue with those red lights on that attempt. But still a good meet for him. He totaled over 1,000 pounds, and I think that was kind of his goal going over into his first meet. And then I didn't really bench. I did take one bench attempt at 303 pounds on my first,
Starting point is 00:25:35 and I weighed my second and third because of my shoulder. And it felt good and easy. And it was like... And you said that 300 is the most you've taken on bench in a very long time. in seven months i i mean but i did it in the gym yeah just five days before because i wasn't gonna try more in the meet than i i was had no interest in hurting in making it worse your cell phone right so then my and then my deadlift i took 606 on my opener. It was easy. 633 on my second felt easy.
Starting point is 00:26:09 And then I knew I wanted to break 650 on my third. I knew I could get 650 for sure. And I was thinking about going 660, which is 300 kilos. In hindsight, I wish I would have done that, but that's easy to say after the fact. I went 650 in it it i think probably if you had a stopwatch it would have timed exactly the same as my second attempt you know so but i was happy with that well and and tanner comes and grabs 650 like most guys will get it and they'll grab it they'll get a little get a little tight tanner just grit
Starting point is 00:26:44 down puts his hands on the bar and then it just starts moving up. Like what the fuck are you doing? You're supposed to mess around with it for a little bit, you know, like kind of like maybe shake the bar up and down. Where's the ritual here? Well, cause like a guy right before me pulled 650,
Starting point is 00:26:57 you know, and it was a PR attempt for him as most you've ever pulled. It was actually a national APF record in M1 his weight division he's a man he was just over 40 years old and he was in much more outwardly intense than than me very nice guy really cool guy but very like you know shaved head huge beard nose rings tattoos everywhere a tattoo of mike tyson on his, you know, very short singlet. And he comes up there and he's like grabbing the bar. And it wasn't just that guy.
Starting point is 00:27:34 There's quite a few guys. Like there's so many people that like will lift differently. You know, like you'll have guys that will come out and be just kind of calm. You know, they just know what they have to do and they'll go there and they just get, you know, it's a process for them. And then there's some people that have to have their headphones on until literally the moment they hit the nose torque and then the headphones come off and they fucking come screaming out there and everyone's getting, you know, like that's the way they, you have to lift at like some weird level of adrenaline. And that was the way that guy was.
Starting point is 00:28:03 you have to lift at like some weird level of adrenaline. And that was the way that guy was. He comes out and it's just fucking, it was, uh, but it's pretty wild. But then Tanner comes up and it's just like, okay,
Starting point is 00:28:11 let's go. So it was very, two very different. And he also, uh, deadlifts more differently than I do. He very good form, but he,
Starting point is 00:28:22 uh, jerks it very fast off the floor. Like he doesn't round his back by any means or anything, but he jerks it very fast off the floor. Like he doesn't round his back by any means or anything, but he, like it's a very violent movement off the floor, you know, and mine's a lot different than that. You know, mine's a slower pull at that first part of it. But so they look, two lifts that look very, very different. But I should have done more than that, but there's always next time.
Starting point is 00:28:47 Yeah, I suppose. And I think I totaled 15.38, which would technically be my worst total ever by 10 pounds. My first meet I totaled 15.48, and this was 15.38. But my bench was down 137 pounds from last year. my bench was down 137 pounds from last year. If I would have had the same bench, I would have been 1675, which would be a huge PR. I think next year, the same meet, I'll break 1700 as long as I... Deadlift and squat go up, bench gets near where it used to be. It could even be down slightly from last year,
Starting point is 00:29:24 and I think I could still do that. I'm happy with that. So now we've got a much bigger crowd for the next meet. Tommy, you're lifting. Ryan's lifting. Tanner, you're not lifting? Probably not. I mean, I am going to do the strongman, so I'd really have to get really stupid. It's a lot to handle. I'd have to be really, really have to get really stupid yeah it's a lot to handle i'd have to be really really dumb to do it but no one ever said you were exactly exactly if the stars align it could could happen um so who else do who do we have lifting in march we've got tommy tommy ryan i
Starting point is 00:29:59 think cory larry larry is for sure um thick nick Nick is out now, obviously. Big Jake will be doing it. I think Ross probably is going to. Oh, is he? Full power, I'm pretty sure. I don't think he's officially signed up, but that's kind of the way he's talked, that he will. Did you say Adam was going to? Adam is going to, too.
Starting point is 00:30:20 Shit. So I go, and we go meet at shane's before we before we hit the road and as i did you find his house because there's a statue of arnold out front i did not actually it was dark it was that early in the morning so i had a very difficult time finding his house but i get there and i'm like fuck shane's wearing his black mass and i'm sure too and i'm looking through all my mass and i'm sure and i was sure that like well he'll probably wear this one or this one nope he wore his black massonomic shirt i figured he was going to be sporting the massonomics as numero uno i wish he would have yeah so then we wait for thick nick and
Starting point is 00:30:57 thick nick comes in and he's wearing his black massonomic shirt like fuck well i guess we're just those guys better three of us do it than two. Yeah. You don't want to look like a couple or anything. Yeah. And then. And then we get to the meet and Tanner, Ross, Adam are all wearing. And Larry.
Starting point is 00:31:18 And Larry are all wearing their black. And the issue wasn't so much that we were all wearing the matching shirt. Because there's lots of people on teams and stuff like that that wore the matching shirts. The problem is we try so hard to offer a diverse amount of shit in our store. We don't, we're not some cut rate fucking website here that just has one t-shirt you can buy. You know, we've got kind of a pile of different offerings and here we're all wearing the fucking original shirt um but yeah there was uh i'm trying to think of what other teams there was a like pit power lifting yeah they had a few lifters there omaha barbell the gym from spearfish south dakota can't remember the name of the gym they had a ton of lifters there a lot of strong people um big big iron big iron in uh
Starting point is 00:32:06 is that with that um big lucas yeah yeah yeah lucas bonefield yeah he's a big boy he's a super heavyweight uh very strong guy lucas lucas makes me look small when i stand next to lucas and then so so great story yeah lucas has a picture of, he lifted it, was it Wyoming? Wyoming State USAPL. And ran into Blaine Sumner there. And so he has a picture of him next to Blaine Sumner. And he pulls his picture up. And Lucas is big.
Starting point is 00:32:37 He's probably 6'7". What's he weigh? 3'30". 3'35". Thick. Son of a bitch, you know? And so he pulls up this picture of Blaine Sumner, and Blaine Sumner is twice as wide as Lucas.
Starting point is 00:32:51 Like, Lucas literally looked like a tiny. Lucas, like, so that's what was crazy to me. So I see this picture, and I'm like, initially, I'm like, well, that must have been five or ten years ago before Lucas started eating. Yeah. You know, because my first reaction was like, well, when did you gain all this weight? Like, you could literally hold the picture right here and have him stand right here.
Starting point is 00:33:14 And you're like, what? Like, that's not right. So, apparently, Blaine Sumner is, like, the size of two Coke machines. Apparently, Blaine Sumner is like the size of two Coke machines. And it was like an angled view of Blaine, so you could see his width and his other width. His depth. Yeah, his depth and his width. It's the same both directions. It was like Sumner cubed.
Starting point is 00:33:40 It was fucking crazy. That is nuts, though. Yeah, man. like when you see a man you would consider to be huge by a mile the biggest person at this power lifting meet really big people and uh and not even really wasn't anybody in close second no and and uh i mean some are twice the man that lucas was like twice yeah it was fucking i don't even understand i suppose the only time And, I mean, Sumner's twice the man that Lucas was. Like, twice. Yeah. It was fucking, I don't even understand it. I suppose the only time you can really even, I'm trying to think of, like, videos and pictures I've seen of Blaine Sumner, and probably the thing that gives you the best feel for that is when he's benching, just the thickness of person on the bench.
Starting point is 00:34:17 Like, it's like that's a couple feet of person laying down right there. Right. And he doesn't have, like, a next level arch. So it's just it's just like no that's just all that's just all dude yeah yeah uh that power lifting meet was a lot of fun though too and something that i was thinking about too if you've never done a meet and you're on the fence about it it's just a really good experience it's a lot of fun and uh you see all these really big guys and your first most of them look angry and mean like not nice and like if you 99 of them if you
Starting point is 00:34:55 say one word like oh hey or where are you from or what's your attempt on this it's like they're your new best friend yeah you know like seriously every every person i've ever power lifted with outside of i don't know maybe maybe every single one like at, every person I've ever power lifted with outside of, I don't know, maybe, maybe every single one, like at a meet that I've ever gone out of my way to say anything to ends up being really nice and interested in your lifting. And, uh, so if you, if you're willing to maybe even just like say one word to a bunch of people, you'll walk away with like a lot of, uh, at least, I don't know, friends or contacts or acquaintances that probably know more than, than you, you know, or, you know, you get
Starting point is 00:35:31 to learn things that you don't know about. And also it's super, uh, super encouraging. Like if, if you're also like, you don't have a lot of confidence about your lifting or anything like that, like it doesn't matter what weight you're doing. If you go up there and get it when you walk away you're gonna walk past like 30 other lifters that are all like high-fiving you and yeah everyone's on the back like oh nice lift man nice lift like they don't even care what the weight is well and it's kilos so no one really knows anyways it's like you don't
Starting point is 00:36:01 even know what you're looking and plus some of the plate sizes are so weird they're like i don't even know like i i wouldn't i didn't know if some of the smaller guys were lifting a ton like if they were just lifting so much weight or if the plates were just i really couldn't tell there were some big bigger guys that got out lifted by some little like yeah so it just didn't matter i think everybody there just kind of appreciates the the grind of it you know for sure so yeah it's a it's there's like no negativity surrounding it whatsoever i would say you know not that i experienced even even if even when people got you know dinged by the judges like there really wasn't that nobody was like what the fuck no fuck all this right and if you do have that attitude then you probably need to find
Starting point is 00:36:40 something else to do yeah exactly like nobody else is gonna likes people like that there and you know it's because no one's gonna remember your weird state record that you said at your weight class for your age yeah exactly division that's you have to take all of that with a grain of salt and stuff too it's it's yeah i understand it and i understand both sides of that too you know like it's it's motivating in some ways, or it gives people incentives to do things, but some of it's ridiculous, without a doubt. Well, it can be important to you if you want to hold the national record for men aged 30 to 31 1 a half without any tattoos that weigh exactly on the pound. 247.3 pounds.
Starting point is 00:37:33 To 248.3 pounds. Which they probably don't even weigh that because with this one, it's a 24-hour weigh-in. Your weight, it's just a total. That's true. We didn't take advantage of the 24 hour away. We went like 12 hour away. And so our extreme cuts didn't really pay off. Like you said yesterday though, you're like, it's powerlifting and we all got first.
Starting point is 00:37:57 Someone, that's the guy that near at my knees and stuff. He didn't stay for the awards and he texted me and asked me like what how we ended up and i was i accidentally sent that to you in response i was like oh you know how we did it's powerlifting i got first it's like uh someone this morning like uh my father-in-law some people they were over and then i asked me how i did and like oh i got got first place and they're like oh nice how many people are left and oh I got first place. And they're like, oh, nice. How many people are left? Oh, 55 got first place. Me and everyone else. 55 people got first place.
Starting point is 00:38:29 But when you think about it, there's what? There's 10 weight classes around there? Yeah. Just wait. Stop right now. We have to do an emergency sack segment. Okay. All right.
Starting point is 00:38:43 Emergency sack segment. Like this sack needs to be emptied right now, immediately. I feel like that's something his wife has heard. Emergency sack. This sack needs to be emptied. Tommy, close your eyes.
Starting point is 00:38:58 Tyler's already seen it. My eyes are closed. Alright, just wait. Alright. Hold out your hands. My eyes are closed. All right, just wait. All right. Hold out your hands. What do you feel there? You know, my guess wants to be a trophy, but I don't know what I'm feeling, though. It's round.
Starting point is 00:39:21 It feels like it has a base to it. Is it hairy? It's kind of hairy uh it's sort of warm i don't know can i take a look yeah you can take a look oh very cool so this is a it doesn't matter that it's my trophy i just wanted to bring this into to talk to talk about power lifting trophies you know yeah we were starting to talk about so that's why it was an emergency because there is only three powerlifting trophies that exist in the world well at least i think this is cool and with the you know it's not like a bodybuilder flexing which kind of isn't the same trophy for power i mean that trophy isn't doesn't exactly carry over to powerlifting but
Starting point is 00:40:00 um yeah it's cool a 50 kilo plate it plate sweet but and more even i also did want to talk about the what we're talking about right now uh but more like the idea of trophies that and medals that powerlifting what we were starting to talk about so there's was 55 lifters the table had 90 medals and trophies on it. And that's, I'm not exaggerating. That is the actual number. There was. Well,
Starting point is 00:40:31 and then when you think of it though, it's like, it's, it's really hard to even like get fifth. Like it's probably more of an accomplishment to get fifth than it is to get first. If you got fifth, you're yeah, go ahead.
Starting point is 00:40:42 Because there's, so we'll just say there's 10 weight classes. I don't know. There's probably, depending on men or, well, just for men. So we're talking just men right now. So there's probably around 10 weight classes. Yeah, I think there's eight or nine. Okay.
Starting point is 00:40:57 We're going to call it 10 for the sake of even. It might be 10. It might be 10. So we'll say 10 weight classes. And then there's, at least in this one, there's probably just like an open and then like a master's division. They probably don't have teen and all that stuff, do they? Well, they do because there was a 16-year-old kid there. There was a 16-year-old kid that squatted almost 550 and deadlifted like 550.
Starting point is 00:41:18 Okay. So then those 10 weight classes then have. He deadlifted like 560 or something. Okay, yeah. So then have, what, three options, a so then have what three options a teen and open and then a master one possibly more master options yeah so let's get split four ways there yeah and then on top of those four divisions you can do equipped are multi-ply single ply classic raw and raw raw so now we times every one of those other things you just mentioned. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:47 And then that's just men. And now you do the same thing for women. And there's literally hundreds of... I think hundreds. I mean, over 100, I would think. Because 10 weight classes and four different groups, that's 40. Men and women, that's 80. But that's not counting masters, all the different masters of all those weight classes so yeah there's hundreds and then when you consider
Starting point is 00:42:10 and then how many had so i suppose they don't just i mean they're not just like running awards out ahead of time so depending on the people that sign up i think there might be like 400 possible things you possible classes or something like yeah yeah and that's just the men that's not considering the women's side. Which then equals 800. Yeah, and then when you see a meet has 50, 70. How many men were actually in this meet then? It was two-thirds men, I suppose, so 35.
Starting point is 00:42:36 Yeah, well, there's two flights of men, one of women, and the women's flight was full. Yeah. It was a full. There's about 15 women and 40 guys or yeah 35 and 20 so did everybody get by my math what would that be like like 17 or 18 trophies well or it's like they didn't get them all out okay and technically they don't even i mean once everyone signed up you know how many trophies to get. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:06 But other than that, you don't know how many trophies to get because it just depends on who signs up. And that's also why this trophy doesn't say. Well, and who's going to make it at their class. Classic, raw. Oh, we forgot there also would have been the bench only. Oh, yeah. Every single category we described. Bench only, deadlift only, the bench only. Oh, yeah. Every single category we described. Bench only, deadlift only, and push pull.
Starting point is 00:43:28 Oh, really? Of everything we already talked about times three, there's thousands of possibilities. Our 800 potential trophies for this one meet with 55 competitors turns into times three. I'm no math scientist. What is that? 2,400 potential options. And that's not like hating math scientist. What is that? 2,400 potential options.
Starting point is 00:43:45 And that's not like hating on this. No, only the men. Yeah. Which means there could be 4,800 trophies for this one meet if enough people showed up. Which the USAPL is just as guilty of it because they have team one, team two, team three open. Master one, master two, master three. open master one master two master three they do make it slightly easier and that your options are raw or equipped but they also segment out your age by like eight profiles right and then there's and then there's blonde brunette short hair there's the white people only division
Starting point is 00:44:21 a highly contested division and the funniest thing is is the USAPL has, they have like teen one, it's teen one, two and three, right? And junior. And junior. And then on top of that, they also have high school and collegiate. And they have a, I think a armed forces division too, or a military division. It's just like, what's the point? So what I want to know is, so let's say we we counted there was
Starting point is 00:44:45 90 trophies that were there for this at at the moment that everybody had signed up had everyone won a trophy well how many of those trophies were already basically assigned to a person you know i mean like yeah like the master in this weight class has already got it you know judging but well you could tell because second and third place also received awards. So any weight class that they announced that had no second or third place. They already might as well. They already had the sticker. And I would say that was 75% of them.
Starting point is 00:45:13 That's crazy. And then I do think there may have been people there. If you were number four, if you were in a weight class of four, which would have had to have been open in order for there to be that many. There was some that got out all three. And I'm not sure if there were, there may have been people there in that, like possibly that fourth or fifth spot that did not receive an award. They just send them home with an extra one just to be like, I'm sorry. Like, and you could, if you wanted to pay 75 more dollars per,
Starting point is 00:45:51 And you could, if you wanted to pay $75 more per, you could sign up for full power, bench only, deadlift only, and push pull. You could just do your regular meet, but sign up for all of those. And if you were a certain age, you could sign up for open and masters. You could win six first place and best lifter you could get seven trophies i think seven or eight trophies for just competing the one meet when you think about it it's kind of weird because i don't know of any other really athletic organizations or bodies that segment things that much like just just trying to think of things from like a testing your body standpoint, like to me, track and field is kind of a good comparison.
Starting point is 00:46:29 And there's not, I mean, first of all, it's not really a amateur track and field organization, but at the same time, they're not organizing it by all right. This is, this is yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:39 Men's track and field from, um, I wish they didn't organize it by weight class. Yeah. If you're crushing these motherfuckers. That's the interesting thing, though, is if you think about if this is actually a problem, and I don't know that it is maybe a problem. That's my point. I'm not even saying this is good or bad. I can make an argument for both ways. This is the most
Starting point is 00:47:04 I've ever thought about it though. Yeah. But it is interesting. So if you think about if this is a problem and I don't know that it is, what, what is the solution? Do you, I mean like,
Starting point is 00:47:14 because the reason that they have the weight classes segment, you know, 10 weight classes, let's say you cut that to five. Well, is that fair to the people in the bottom? I get the weight classes one. That one doesn't really bother me. But the people in the bottom i get the weight class that one doesn't really buy me but the deal is so let's say they do that well that's maybe not fair to the
Starting point is 00:47:30 people at the bottom of weight class well we are at a point now where it's fair because we're giving everyone fucking trophies like you know what i mean and it's not like the participation but that's what ends up happening either you need way more people to show up, like to really flood the deal to make it, to make it matter. Yeah. I don't know what like a solution would be to it. Or you just do away with all the master stuff or you do away with all the push,
Starting point is 00:47:57 pull bench only like you're either, you're going to come and you're going to do it. That's what I think, you know, I mean, yeah, it's tough or, you know, I mean, yeah, it's tough. Or, you know, and then also all the different raw,
Starting point is 00:48:08 multi-ply, single-ply, and all that. But there's always some people that want to do these things. And there's federations that don't do all of those, too. Right. So, I mean, that's part of the way of filtering it, I guess. Right. And, you know, I think, like, within this podcast, we tend to look at all these things pretty objectively, you know, say, Tommy and I powerlift, you do CrossFit, you know, we do strongman, but we're not afraid to call something likeFit is stupid, you'll say it's stupid. For sure. Or if we think something's in powerlifting is stupid, we're not afraid to say that we think it's stupid.
Starting point is 00:48:48 And this is one of those things that's probably... It's definitely convoluted. Yeah, you're right. It definitely gets pretty convoluted. I don't know what... Like I said, I don't know. The problem is it's probably just the way this particular federation might just be structured is that, well. We do allow all of these things.
Starting point is 00:49:07 You're not going to have in South Dakota, you're not going to have a meat that is only multi-ply. You could do only multi-ply, no other things, just full meat, only multi-ply, split to weight class, and it wouldn't get weird. It wouldn't be weird. But the problem is how many people are going to show up. meat only multiply split to weight class and it wouldn't get weird it wouldn't be weird but the problem is how many people are going to show you and if you're going to do just raw how is a third of the people going to show that if you live in southern california you can probably do these different things where you're drawing from a pool of well thousands of lifters yeah you could put on a meat like this and have 500 people right and you could be just multiply no masters or you could have a just master olympic weightlifting they have masters
Starting point is 00:49:51 only yeah where there's no open division it's just all the masters their their own separate thing in south dakota in powerlifting you can't do in you can't segregate it like that because you'll have four people come and it's crazy that we even have two meets yeah from any federation it's great oh well we've got two meets well what what are the you know if you ask me what what federation do you compete in or what type it's like well just like whatever we can get to it's like well that's multiply only well i guess i'm gonna figure that out that's the only reason you you lifted in knee wraps yeah well yeah it's either that or bare knees at this meet and i was like well i guess i'm gonna figure that out that's the only reason you you lifted in knee wraps yeah yeah it's either that or bare knees at this meet and i was like well i guess i'm just gonna use wraps and you don't train with wraps it's not probably anything that you're that you're into no i'm not i'm going to continue to not train with the wraps you know like and i'll do it again
Starting point is 00:50:39 next year i'll see you next year but it's just it's a power lifting meet so you're just gonna do it yeah if if the rule was you you know you had to squat with one leg and well i guess this is what i'm doing because there's right it's a fucking power lifting meet and it's near me right if i got to the if i was uh totaling 2 000 pounds i'd probably drive eight hours to go do a power lifting meet that fit all of my perfect wants and preferences uh until that point it doesn't matter like it's just like which at the rate you're going is probably going to be in about six months i mean i don't know if that's quite right uh but you know the on the positive side of this trophy thing kind of what we're talking about here not that many people power
Starting point is 00:51:23 left if you look at the general public and if that's what it takes to get people you know if that makes people at the end of the day i feel like well this is pretty cool i get to take this home and i get to show uh my spouse or my kids or my you know my friends that don't know about power lifting it's like well i've i want to i want something you know and i like i had fun and this is something that i get to remember that by if that gets more people interested in it that's definitely a good thing yeah yeah but and i think also the people that if i wouldn't have got a trophy that's not going to affect my outcome on how i enjoy powerlifting and stuff like that and that i got one doesn't affect it.
Starting point is 00:52:07 But there are probably some people that did it for the first time ever and like, wow, I got to win something. I don't normally get to win something. Does any of them give out any money? Not locally, but they do. They are on a national level. Yeah. You can find that. You get a sponsor back.
Starting point is 00:52:20 Right. I mean, our little strongman thing we throw together can give out money. I don't know why Powerlifting Meets couldn't. Our strongman thing gave out more money than a lot of, than a vast majority of powerlifting.
Starting point is 00:52:31 Our strongman competition gave out more money than World's Strongest Man. Than World's Strongest Man, I think. Or at least, literally, other than the Arnold
Starting point is 00:52:39 and the World's Strongest Man, I think Massanomics Strongman Showdown is probably the third highest. And this next year is going to be bigger. We've already had people ask us to offer to try to really sweeten the pot. Right.
Starting point is 00:52:51 Sure, but I have to find a way for me to win. We make it an invitational. Yeah, so it's basically going to be me and Tanner, and then we're going to get a bunch of, since there's Tanner. And then we're going to get a bunch of like, since there's no weight class, we can get a bunch of like 135 pound teenagers. Yeah. With the grand prize being a Buick 88.
Starting point is 00:53:13 Let's save her. Let's save her. $10,000 cash from an unnamed sponsor. Uh, but talking about that, Zadruna said one Arnold eight times. And for several years they were giving away a Hummer because they used to do the Hummer tire deadlift. So he won like five hummers and i'm sure in like lithuania you they don't even fit he said it is ridiculous so he does not own any he sold all of them yeah like he owns
Starting point is 00:53:36 no hummers and my understanding is he just wanted the money is that if you win if you win like a like a car say you win a fifty thousand dollar car you still have to pay the taxes on what that vehicle is worth so like if you're let's say you're broke and you win a car it does you no good your only option is to sell that fucking car because you're going to pay 20 percent in taxes wasn't it the same thing with uh when barry bonds is getting close to breaking the home run record that whoever caught the ball was going to be liable for the taxes to pay on that ball. Yeah, so you were just going to have to sell it. Yeah, because this is the new world record home run ball, and it's worth to someone tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands. And so I think I remember them saying that you're on the line for paying the taxes on that.
Starting point is 00:54:22 That's crazy. Welcome to Massanomics. Yeah. CPA. them saying that you're on the line for paying the taxes on that that's crazy welcome to mass economics yeah cpa um what else did we have here for today guys did you have any other things about the meat you wanted to cover tanner oh one other one other one other interesting not related to anything specific but just a funny thing that struck me as really true when he said it uh anything specific but just a funny thing that struck me as really true when he said it uh in a power lifting meet we were warming up uh in the warm-up room another guy i had never met before we were just just kind of talking like we were talking about openers uh a couple different things i guess openers versus your opening weight on the platform versus your last attempt you take in warmup. This guy and I were both, he was opening a little lighter than me. I think I opened at 606 on
Starting point is 00:55:12 deadlifts and he opened, uh, maybe at 580 or something like that. The last attempt that he took in warmups was like under 500 pounds, like four 55 or something like that making over 100 pound jump yeah and the last uh that i took in warm-ups was 545 you know and i saw i was making a 50 pound jump and i think that that i don't know what that there's right or wrong or that but that's just kind of a personal preference thing but he said he really likes to do that to like make a very large like he does not like to work up very close to his opener um but the the funnier thing that he had mentioned that i thought really was true he's like the most stressful part about a power lifting meet is trying to time your warm-ups in the warm-up room yeah because and i was like god that is so true like because by the time i get out to the platform
Starting point is 00:56:02 i'm not stressed like i'm ready to you know i'm ready to go i'm not worried about anything it's just like then it's time to lift but the worst part is the warm-up and kind of like working in with you know 10 other people trying to work in on the same one or two pieces of equipment and trying to figure out your timing of when you know you don't want to be taking your last warmup 10 seconds before you go out to take your opener and you don't want to take it 15 minutes before your opener. And that, that just kind of seemed like a true thing to me.
Starting point is 00:56:34 I wouldn't even know how to approach it. You know, for me, like I, if I ever had anything normally, if I'm trying to like set a gym PR, it's like, well, I don't feel like it now I'm going to do it and then you know what I mean it's all on you and you have no control like if you're starting you have no control over actually what time you'll be on the platform if it's 15 minutes from now seven minutes from now or 20 minutes from now. All of that can change based on things that are out of your control starting now. That would be the most stressful thing for sure, and I'm kind of a control freak anyways,
Starting point is 00:57:12 so I would sit there and be like, I'm ready, what the fuck. Well, and then you want to do four plates on the deadlift. Someone else is stripping it down to one plate. The guy that wants to go after him wants to go to six plates, and you're like, when can I do my four? You know, like,
Starting point is 00:57:28 it's like, I want to go now. You know, I think I do think for a brand, someone doing their first meet, that would be like the hardest. That's probably one of the hardest things. I know.
Starting point is 00:57:39 I know my first meet. Um, I was lucky enough to the flight that I, I mean, it was the same meet that you did, but I was in a different flight than you guys and being lighter, I had to go first to, or before you guys. And I was lucky enough that in my flight, there was a guy that had competed. I would say he's probably done at least eight meets.
Starting point is 00:57:56 And so with that, he completely was like guiding it. He basically just was like, all right, just do what I do or just go on, go on my time in here. And then he'd go look and see, Oh're going too fast slow it down so then it's like i i'm gonna take your word because i have no idea and it worked out really well and i can't imagine doing any of my stuff if this guy didn't show me the first time because you have no idea like when they're warming up you know it's all right there's like in our case i think there was like 12 girls in the flight before us and all right um you know they're in all right. There's like, in our case, I think it was like 12 girls in the flight before us. And all right. Um, you know, they're in, they're just starting their second attempts. All right. So you still got a lot of time starting third attempts. All right. We should probably
Starting point is 00:58:31 start kind of getting through where we want to be with warmup so that the minute this, they get done, you can go right out there and there is an art to it for sure. Yeah. I think if it's your first time you, you need someone to help you on your first one. Otherwise, you're going to be like, if you don't have someone, you have to just find someone that's there that's probably done it before and ask them what to do, when to do it. I think I would just half-ass my warm-up. I'd just go through and I'd do it. And I'd be like, okay, well, I did my things.
Starting point is 00:58:59 I hit all the things I wanted to do. And now I'm just going to be out here and get cold. And that's just what's going to happen. Kind of like every time we did every strongman competition we do we go out and we do some air squats yeah but like i never lift anything fucking heavy until you just get out there and grab it yeah it's a miracle none of us get hurt but um the the plate loading thing is weird too that they do it that way and that like i do think the thing that makes the most sense is the way they do it in olympic weightlifting is they just start at the lowest
Starting point is 00:59:30 opener so you choose what your opener is going to be and more weight gets put on the bar constantly there's no going back there's no changing off you just you get in when you get in and then you pick your next one and you may wait between there but like there's no uh it was crazy there's people coming out doing like 600 pounds and then someone coming out benching benching 250 pounds right well within a flight it tells you there's still some some of that that goes on where they yeah kind of changed on the fly because i know that's happening so they do that is the way it's supposed to be within the flight. And even within your first and second and third attempts, they can reorder, they'll reorder it.
Starting point is 01:00:13 And that's something that got me my first meet ever. I got used to, I think the guys I was lifting around in my flight, we were all kind of like, it just worked out that every time when the flight would start the guys just our our jumps were keeping everyone in the same line like this guy just benched more than everyone the whole time this guy deadlifted more than everyone or whatever or squatted more but when we got to the deadlifts what maybe some people started low some people took some really big jumps and all of a sudden they changed the order. So when I was so used to going after John. Wait, I'm before him.
Starting point is 01:00:48 I need to get going. I've been going after Johnny the whole time. And so I'm like, Johnny hasn't gone yet. So I'm just waiting. And then the bar's loaded for me. It's like, oh, shoot. I'm going to get out there. Because he took a bigger jump on third than you did.
Starting point is 01:00:59 Yeah, because his third attempt was a big jump. And I didn't realize that in my first meet that that's how it actually went. And I think at a weightlifting meet, if there's enough people, all you're doing is watching for the number. So there's this. Right now there's six in there. They can change them, but you kind of know once the weight starts getting up towards what you're doing. Yeah. I apologize, guys.
Starting point is 01:01:23 We do have a bunch of white noise here. My furnace is running. I think it was running earlier in the episode, too, that I forgot about. I didn't even notice. I didn't either until right now. I hear it in my ears now. I still have no snare in my headphones.
Starting point is 01:01:37 I'm farting on no goddamn snare drum. What else do we have, guys? We are at our hour. Unless we want to Joe Rogan this and go three deep. What's your Super Bowl prediction so when this comes out, people can know how wrong? This comes out, everybody can know how stupid I am. I think I'd be foolish to bet money against the Patriots.
Starting point is 01:01:59 I'd be foolish to historically. What's the score? Because Super Bowls normally are not good games, I'm going to go with like 17-3. Patriots? No, I'm going to go 20-10. These are both pretty good offenses though here. So what's your prediction, Tommy? See, I think, first of all, I do not care at all about this game. I really don't. I haven't watched the Patriots or the Falcons play a single game this year.
Starting point is 01:02:31 Patriots, we'll say. And I don't know for the score. I have no idea. What would it be like 37 to 10? Actually, I was going to say Patriots, and I'll say 34 to 13. And if one of us is right, we get a trophy. Six trophies. And for the two of us that are wrong, we get a trophy.
Starting point is 01:02:57 Well, I'm younger than you guys, so I'm in a different age division. So you get a couple trophies. So you get a trophy no matter what. And I get Masters. I'm 32, trophy no matter what. And I get Masters. I'm 32 and I'm taller, so I get Masters and the 3XL division. That's true. Everybody wins. Except the Falcons, apparently, according to us.
Starting point is 01:03:16 So thanks a lot for listening, guys. That will do it for us today. I'm going to see if I can zoom in on this screen here. Make sure you go to holy shit that's a good looking website that's a great looking website I want to buy stuff from there click this shop now
Starting point is 01:03:33 click the shop then you buy some shit we still have the weekend warrior oh man guys my wifi sucks oh my god that is an amazing looking array of apparel options it's going to be funny if this video just doesn't sort out though and all this talk is useless. But you can buy yourself some of
Starting point is 01:03:50 this sweet stuff here. Also, scroll to the bottom of the page right there. Give us your email newsletter. We'll keep you in the loop on all sorts of cool stuff that we're doing. Look at that Lyft shirt. That is really sweet. I went through the whole read on this last time,
Starting point is 01:04:06 but just to let you know, it is actually brewed to perfection. It's fantastic. But that'll do it for us today. Make sure you go to the website, buy some shit, sign up for the newsletter. Make sure you like our Facebook page. Also, make sure you go to forward slash massonomics and click subscribe now that we're rocking the video um that's probably the hottest place to to follow us um go to itunes
Starting point is 01:04:34 leave us a five-star review and is there anything else we need them to do we're not asking for much just your money and to sign up for all this shit and do all this stuff yeah that's yeah i think if they listen to the podcast and have never checked out the video, you should try it out. Yeah, for sure. Um, and if you do listen to the podcast and we know how many people listen to the
Starting point is 01:04:52 podcast and it's way more than have left us five star reviews, the numbers are close, but it's not really. No, I do know that we have close to being like 1%. Yeah. I was going to say, I think there's 200 times the viewers.
Starting point is 01:05:06 We are into the many thousands. This is not an exaggeration. Many thousands of listens a month. Normally we just exaggerate all these to ridiculous numbers, but that's actually true. We accurately have many thousands of people listen to this a month just on the podcast, audio only.
Starting point is 01:05:23 I think we've got 15 five-star ratings so get your shit you know we've been asking for these for a couple weeks now and those those episodes are probably just coming out so i'm going to assume like next week the ratings are just going to come piling in and we'll have sure we'll probably have a whole a whole episode of just reading reviews again yeah we're going to read the review leave us one if you leave us a one-star review and you're an asshole, we'll probably give you more time, but I would like to discourage you from doing that.
Starting point is 01:05:49 Well, have you guys checked the reviews lately, just in case they're... You know, I haven't. I'm just assuming... I checked a couple of days ago. There wasn't anything good. No good ones to read. I did also notice...
Starting point is 01:05:57 I watched one of our podcast episodes. I was just checking out some numbers on YouTube, and it is a weird thing for guys like us who do you know a podcast and video audio we do a bunch of online content we're kind of you know do internet things and yet i got one thumbs down vote on one of our youtube fucking videos like one thumbs down on one of our podcasts and And I fucking stewed. I was like, how do I find out who did that? Like, is there a metric that I can find out who gave me that down vote? So if you did do that, fuck off. And you know what we should call it?
Starting point is 01:06:35 I think we need thicker skin. We did have a review. We have a review from January 30th. Oh. So that would be. That's like four days ago. Yeah. Four days ago.
Starting point is 01:06:46 So should I read it? Do it. You better. All right. From. How many stars? Five stars. Okay.
Starting point is 01:06:52 Okay. Yeah. I'm so surprised we actually have like a new review. So are we really going to read it like we've been saying, or are we just going to say fuck these guys? We better read it as long as it's good. I'm excited. Okay.
Starting point is 01:07:02 It's the title of it is powerful exclamation mark, and it's good. I'm excited. The title of it is Powerful! And it's a 5 out of 5. And it's from Big K underscore D. Big K D. As a newbie to working out, this show has provided helpful insights so that I can maximize gains and reach my personal goals. Holy shit, that's like a real review. Either that's someone trying to be funny that they went really real like they're trying to be so funny that they're like i just have to make it really realistic if you're real big k underscore d we're happy to have helped yeah uh if you're not
Starting point is 01:07:37 thanks though because nobody else is going to read that no one totally different yeah you know aren't you surprised that it was like a really real sounding review and not just like once that we wrote? Yeah. They didn't use any weird like lifting slang talk or anything.
Starting point is 01:07:52 It was just like a person talking. They also didn't make it sexual, which we encourage. Right. Well, yeah. So on that note, that'll do it for us.
Starting point is 01:08:00 There is one other thing though. We, as long as we're on the topic of feedback and ratings and stuff, people are, one man did leave us a comment on an article. A real, real comment. Oh, yeah, that's right. And he listens to the show, and then we talk about how no one leaves comments,
Starting point is 01:08:19 and he left us a comment. That's right. We didn't ever, I just remembered that. No, I think I responded to it, didn't I? Yeah, it was on the website. The hard part is, so I'd still encourage, we get, if you comment on an article, we do see it and we usually try to respond.
Starting point is 01:08:33 On the website. On the website. I do wonder though, like, if you leave a comment on an article and I reply to it, it's not like they get a fucking email. Yeah, they don't know. And I never read the same article twice.
Starting point is 01:08:46 So I don't know. If you left a comment on an article of ours, go back and check it. Yeah, because we'll try and make sure we respond. On Facebook, of course, you'll see a notification. We try and... We certainly respond. If it's not like a dickhead comment, we'll respond to it for sure. And if it is a dickhead comment, we chill for a little bit and we try to find the best approach and we decide
Starting point is 01:09:06 if either sean's is going to handle this one or mostly we let tanner do it so it stays fairly pc instead of like all right listen all right listen you fucking idiot but uh anyway you can uh make sure you like us on Facebook for sure. Let's start there. But you can follow me on Instagram at Tyler Effingstone. That's Tyler E-F-F-I-N-stone. Not Tyler Effingston. Not Effingston. Effingston E.
Starting point is 01:09:37 I think I heard Ryan say that one day. Like, what's Effingston? I mean Effingstone. It's an alias. Effingston? I mean Effingstone. It's an alias. You can find me on Instagram at Tomahawk underscore D. Instagram at Massanomics for all your Massanomics Instagram needs. You got it. All right.
Starting point is 01:09:57 Thanks a lot for listening, guys, and stay strong. See you. See you. Wave to the camera. I don't know which camera. All of the cameras. Peace. You just heard the Masanamics podcast.
Starting point is 01:10:11 With your ears, you're welcome. Check us out on Facebook. Find us on Instagram at Masanamics. And make sure you visit and buy some of that sweet Masanamics gear. From your friends at Masanamics Studio, home of the world's strongest podcast, stay strong.

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