Massenomics Podcast - Ep. 56: The US Open

Episode Date: May 1, 2017

This week, we wrap up all the happenings of the 2017 CETC US Open, which has been hyped up as "The Biggest Powerlifting Event In The World." Find out what we thought of the lifts, the lifters, the stream, and of all that sweet sweet prize money! As always, you can watch this episode in full color video... Or check out the super-high quality audio version below.. If you don't already have a closet full of Massenomics gear, go to the MASSENOMICS STORE and load up on swag... Also, please CLICK THIS LINK TO GIVE US A 5 STAR RATING ON ITUNES... Click this text to follow Massenomics on Instagram... Vote Massenomics for President in 2020.. Have your barber shave our logo into the side of your head.. Maybe get a Massenomics tattoo while you're at it.    Or you could sign up for our email newsletter at the bottom of this page. Stay Strong, M

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Starting point is 00:00:00 M-M-M-M-M-M-M-Massanomics Welcome to Massanomics, the world's strongest podcast. Find us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter at Massanomics. Make sure you go visit There you'll find the rest of our powerful content. While you're there, check out our store and buy yourself some of that sweet, massive-ass beer. Just really don't want to ruin this by not fucking recording through the mixer again. All right.
Starting point is 00:00:40 Okay, guys, we are here on the Sunday of... This will be the last day of the U.S. Open, is that correct? Also known as Easter. Oh, yeah. To the general population. Yeah, it's also Easter, I guess. If you're into that. Yeah, as my family would prefer that I observe the holiday as.
Starting point is 00:01:06 That's kind of the big thing going on in the world of powerlifting right now and really in the world of anything fitness related in the last couple of weeks because uh europe's strongest man's over arnold's over uh crossfit's dicking around until regionals uh and that's pretty much everything strength wise this had a lot of hype going into it where i think it like transcended some of the just the typical power lifters that are interested in it you know like people are watching and taking notice of what was going on here to like all for one there's really big lifters and they're going to see big attempts and stuff but also to see like if this turned out to be what it looked like it could be or if the execution was there.
Starting point is 00:01:46 Yeah, and so what, for people that might not know, and I don't even know if I know completely, the meet was called the U.S. Open. It was a USPA meet, which is one of the bigger federations. I'm not positive on the fact of this, but it might be bigger than USAPL. If it's not, it's the second. Those are the two but like those two
Starting point is 00:02:06 are much larger than every other federation so it's yeah and so what then what did they call it was like the cetc us open or something and i never took the time to look what is that like the sponsor or what is what are those initials even do you know about it i have no idea i someone could fact check me on this and tell me I'm wrong. We could have even just Googled this. We should probably start this whole segment right now. We're going to be guessing a lot of things going ahead. There was one guy, a wealthy guy, backing this.
Starting point is 00:02:39 I don't know the specifics, but for some reason or another, it was financially advantageous for him to dump money into this. And I don't understand the specifics of it beyond that, or if that's even the case. I'm just trying to find out what the CETC stands for in here. Is that what it actually is, CETC? Yeah. here is that what it actually is ctc yeah um well according to the nasdaq it's hong hong lee clean energy tech i can't imagine that's it probably not like what from i don't know i would that doesn't sound like what i would guess but it did sound like it was like uh yeah you know a large business
Starting point is 00:03:25 that's not necessarily tied into powerlifting in any way. Yeah, if I remember on the Chad Wesley Smith's podcast, they were talking, I thought it was some like, I don't know. Yeah, it was just some big money company, and they just started piling money into this project. Yeah. So then what makes this unique from a lifting standpoint is, you know know a big
Starting point is 00:03:45 national or maybe even international meet isn't unheard of nowadays it's just the fact that this would be the first one that's put up some major prize money and it was supposed to be kind of drawing in all the big names have some big prize money and some big sponsors to go with it too and uh i think was it best lifter 40 grand was on the table best lightweight best heavyweight and maybe women's also best women's each of those categories 40 grand a piece okay and they did men's heavyweight was just anyone over the 198 yeah in the 198 weight class or above which to me i would pick the 220 weight class that one makes more sense to me too yeah like i don't like that just seems like the logical separation is 220 and above for heavyweight because taking a 198 pound guy and putting them with a 398 pound guy
Starting point is 00:04:36 even though you're using a wilks yeah and especially in the uspa where they have a 308 pound class yeah and a super heavyweight you know it's not like USAPL where they cut it off earlier. So there are those extra classes, but I guess I don't know how low the classes go either there. So that's, yeah, maybe it isn't even split. It doesn't seem like there'd be like one,
Starting point is 00:04:55 one 81, one 81, one 65. And then it's like one 40 something. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know anyone personally that's that small. So I have never met a personally that's that small. So,
Starting point is 00:05:05 so I have never met a person that weighs that little. I don't know many people that weigh less than 200 pounds. So I have it. I don't, I don't even remember who said it. It might've been, maybe it's an Arnold thing, but it was a, I have it written up in my garage. Is anyone under 200 pounds is a woman. is that meant to be offensive to women no only to people who are under 200 pounds there's a venn diagram i could draw of who at all where you could be over 200 pounds and still be a woman but if you're under it you're definitely a woman in my gym or in my garage garage rules um so tanner you got the live feed i purchased the live feed it's not free did you use the gracie code to say i used kate some a different code it was someone else that
Starting point is 00:06:03 i follow and it was like KET. I'm not even sure whose code it was, but yeah. Because, again, this was a premier event, and as with premier events, they offer this extra service of a live feed, which is something exciting. And if you do care about powerlifting, having the opportunity to throw in $10 to show your support and watch it seems like a great idea on the surface. Right, and a lot of powerlifting meets will have a free live stream yes yeah a lot of them do so when you go to charge for a live stream there's a very different expectation between if you're for free logging on and it's freezing and not working you're like ah that pisses me off but like this is free how like
Starting point is 00:06:41 yeah because the minute you pay for something you're paying it's a premium product it really doesn't matter what the price is you know so i paid ten dollars but it's still i logged in put in my credit card information and like gave them ten dollars so i want it to work at the very least and there was even before this happened everyone was talking about this live stream like oh yeah that was hyped up big time yeah like that was the first time ever i've thought about like watching a live stream like days in advance of a powerlifting meet i guess uh usa pl did have their live stream last year which was the first time i'd ever watched one for uh for nationals but yeah this was the one that i like was putting some thought in ahead of time like oh maybe maybe i should buy that thing
Starting point is 00:07:24 like that could be a pretty good idea. Yeah, I did buy it then. And I guess my just review of it is I started watching in the squats. Squats were already underway. They were just getting going on the last flight. There's three flights. I guess let me say Saturday was all the heavyweight men. They all competed on Saturday.
Starting point is 00:07:46 Sunday was lightweight men and women competed so i was watching on saturday which was the heavyweight men and they were in the squats at the time and it was working all right for a while um but what my opinions of it what i liked is they were putting up uh people's names like they had a nice looking like an overlay an overlay of their names and what weight class they're in. What they didn't put on there ever was how much weight they're doing, which that's a problem. You definitely want that. And I heard a lot of people commenting about that, how they're like, could you at least put up. What the attempt is.
Starting point is 00:08:22 And also there's no one emceeing the live stream camera rolling it's a camera they have a live mc of course at the meet who you can hear pretty well but he's not doing it for the viewer at right he's not doing it for the viewer at home so he's not doing it when he says get on your feet and make some noise he's not talking to you right right it's not like there's a much different way that you would mc that like if you were broadcasting for a live stream audience versus in a crowd full of 500 people and it would be way better if they had two people that are comfortable talking into a microphone like having some commentary and like yuri belkin's up there like talk about him a little bit and where he comes from and give us some background information
Starting point is 00:09:10 because when you watch the live stream all you this is the way power lifting is but 90 of the time you're watching it all you're watching is the weight's getting changed yeah the weight's getting changed and if there's at least someone talking during that it would be a lot more interesting to keep watching and to give you some ideas like yeah like yuri could be going for like ed kohler's record here yes he's talking there's and jacking for position and there's a lot of talking that could go on that could make it pretty interesting now that's not to say that that job wouldn't be a mother that would be an incredibly challenging job yeah like we've talked about just uh dicking around and like running putting out live stream with some of our just local regional meets which would just be fun the whole thing though is like jesus we're gonna
Starting point is 00:09:55 have to talk the whole time but i think this goes right back to your point of like when as soon as you had to start paying for it you kind of expected maybe something more premium yeah and that was i ended up not being able to watch it but um you know i checked around online to see some things about it and that was like one or that there were several complaints the first one being that just the feed wasn't live like things were chopping things were laying yeah i didn't even yeah i didn't even get into that that's a that's the problem of course you know that like if you're how they're presented and everything is one thing but if it's not actually working that's like the primary problem and it was cutting out quite a
Starting point is 00:10:32 bit i just expected that like i would have been shocked if it would have just worked perfectly but yeah it was cutting out in and out a lot and like you couldn't tell like what you missed and it just makes it really hard to follow anything when it's cutting in and out like that and freezing so that and it pisses you off then once you pay like that pisses you off when it's free you know where you're just like oh quit fucking freezing like that you know and when after you paid for it it's like whole new level i mean like if you went to a movie theater and like like i don't know 10 of the movie was just cutting out throughout the middle of it for a few minutes that like you definitely would
Starting point is 00:11:11 probably expect to get your money back right like i didn't see the thing you know what i mean you didn't let me watch the thing right i did not see the live stream at all um So I don't have a whole lot of glorious insight into that. I did see some of the results, primarily some injuries. Larry Wheels, I think, was probably one of the main ones. Yeah, because I know going into it, so that was the other thing we talked about, is there was a lot of names hyped up that got a lot of people excited because you don't see too often during the year,
Starting point is 00:11:45 this roster of people competing, but it sounds like due to injuries, last minute things like it, it ended up not being, and you know, that's not a knock to the organization at all. It's just like things happen to people. And so it sounds like going into it,
Starting point is 00:12:03 I'm trying to think of... Well, Zaheer is a big one that didn't... And I don't... I looked through his Instagram today and I couldn't find a post where he explained what happened. I thought I saw someone saying that he had like torn his calf muscle or something because that would have been one of the big guys.
Starting point is 00:12:19 Oh, yeah. He would have been squatting well over a thousand... You know, there was no... Not like this is bad, but there was no over 1,000 squats and like that like this event like that's where you'd like to see like someone maybe pushing close to a thousand but kind of the other thing that's unique about this though is it is the uspa which they make people walk things out and it's out of uh a squat you know it's not just the upright yeah it's an er rack is what they're using and so you don't
Starting point is 00:12:45 see that many guys squatting a thousand walking it out right it's like coming right off the top of my head i know zahir does i don't know and i know milan does all right just wait i don't even know if zahir does i know milanichev does i don't know if zahir has ever walked up but he would he was gonna try oh yeah for sure but that that immediately cuts down your number of people. I mean, Ray Williams does, but that's a whole other thing, too. It's like, well, just because Ray Williams. Yeah, so I think for some guys that that maybe wasn't something that they play with in the first place.
Starting point is 00:13:17 Right. But with some of those people dropping out. So on bench press, when I cut into the squatting larry it was already done squatting and i didn't realize he was hurt yeah so it got to his flight of bench pressing and i was stoked to watch him bench press because you know he should be breaking benching yeah so i was excited to see that and they called his name you know he was the last attempt of the flight for his opening attempt and he didn't come out. And then they kind of skipped him, and I was like, what the shit? And then I had to look at it and saw that he had torn his quad.
Starting point is 00:13:52 So he on his third attempt squad. I've got the video here. Let's watch it. So if you're not watching us on the old YouTubes, you're going to miss this, and that's your fucking loss. But so this is his third attempt. I don't even know what the weight on the old youtubes you're gonna miss this and uh that's your fucking loss but so this is his third attempt i don't even know what the weight on the bar was like 750 or 780 something like that i think 749 was his opener so it must have been so he walks it out doesn't look like he's having a lot of fun gets to the bottom and right at the bottom it goes yeah
Starting point is 00:14:24 and i don't know he grabbed his knee but i don fun. It gets to the bottom, and right at the bottom it goes. I don't know. He grabbed his knee, but I don't know what it was. The thing was the weight fully crashed on him, too. Kind of the interesting thing about Larry with all this is this is a federation where you wear wraps. Yeah, he stayed in sleeves. He stayed in sleeves because I think leading up to it, he had mentioned that just he feels like he's not getting anything out of his wraps. So that is kind of an interesting thing, too, is a lot of times people think, well, if I had wraps on, I would just squat 100 more pounds instantly. And here you have one of the best guys in the world just saying that he can't get the wraps to work the way he needs them to.
Starting point is 00:15:00 So yeah, he was competing against guys that were wearing wraps, and he just had knee sleeves on. So do we know for sure what he hurt? I heard maybe he tore his quad, that it was a quad injury, but I don't know that for sure. I never heard for sure either. Okay. But either way, that doesn't look very pleasant. No, it also looked like it could have been a hell of a lot worse
Starting point is 00:15:20 with all that weight crashing on him. I mean, because he was down. He was already injured, and then the bar was on him so that that brings up another issue that people are talking about uspa's rule is that they that's what they squat out of near rack just like us apl and i thought i'd read maybe that they can still squat out of a monolith but they have to walk it out okay but the fact that they're not using the monolith was created to be the safest piece of equipment that you could squat out of you know a big plus of it so like at a world-class meet i'd i'm not saying this is my opinion even i
Starting point is 00:15:59 i kind of like you know i like the squat stands and i do like that's kind of i i like that but the argument is that why are you not using you have these world-class athletes lifting the most you know i like the squat stands and i do too yeah like that's kind of i i like that but the argument is that why are you not using you have these world-class athletes lifting the most amount of weight in the world why aren't you using the premium piece of equipment which is a monolift and the safest so that like when that happens you don't have seven spotters like trying to catch 900 pounds as it's following hopelessly trying to catch 900 pounds and that i mean that one is the worst case anytime someone's basically just getting trapped by the weight yeah that's always the worst case scenario because it is one thing to to to miss a lift yeah and usually you can miss a lift
Starting point is 00:16:35 and your spotters will 99 out of 100 times have no problem whatsoever yeah like shouldn't that's that's kind of what the point of having spotters is there for is if you can't move the weight up a spotter on a max effort lift for a guy like larry wheels three four eight spotters if there's a catastrophic injury fucking nothing they're gonna do it right like you're not they're not gonna stop that weight from going down right and if it's in a monolith they're gonna have straps around there so that's what makes it safe because of the monolith you can use the straps that hang down from it and that's going to catch it like worst case scenario it's eventually going to hit the the straps yeah so that's a shame if it's a torn quad that's i'm assuming is a fairly lengthy recovery
Starting point is 00:17:19 what did he say eight weeks yeah no training was the only thing i saw i didn't see what the injury was and so since it's lar, just cut it in half, and he'll probably be fine and sitting records. Freak, yeah. So there was quite a bit of injury coming into it end of the day. Like you can't – that's not the meat's fault or anything like that. That's just kind of bad luck. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:39 It's just the way things can go. Yeah. It seemed like the judging – I heard the judging was things can go. Yeah. It seemed like the judging. I heard the judging was pretty strict, actually. Yeah. I think a lot of the lifters were pissed when they were squatting, and there was a lot of red lights on squats. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:54 And, I mean, it was just like USAPL. You had to definitely break parallel on the squat in order to get a good call. And they had said leading into it that was something that they they were focusing on is they didn't want this to look like. They just wanted people to break world records. Right. They wanted it to be legit as far as the judging. And it was definitely strict.
Starting point is 00:18:16 I have no doubt about that. Did we talk about at all that, that last, what was the last world record squat meet equipped where it was so awful. Did we talk about that on here? Oh, no, but what's his name from Westside? When we talk about the Dave Hoff. Dave Hoff.
Starting point is 00:18:34 That lift, I don't even know who shared that lift. Do you remember? Dave does have Instagram, but I don't know. But he doesn't know that lift wasn't on there. I checked that a while back. I'm trying to remember. I don't know. Was it Chad Wilson Smith that shared that, or was it somebody else?
Starting point is 00:18:46 Oh, no. I did see this. Matt Wenning was talking about this. It was Matt Wenning. Yeah, he was like, this is why I'm done with multi-ply. I mean, that's kind of the nature of multi-ply. Does anyone get to parallel, even too parallel on multi-ply? I don't even know if that's even possible.
Starting point is 00:19:00 I've never had a multi-ply suit on. But this was more egregious than... Yeah, that's what was crazy about this, is that it was just not even fucking close. But I think that's the exciting thing. People will knock on the USAPL and all that, but at the end of the day, they are putting together a very consistent set of standards.
Starting point is 00:19:25 You can look at a lot of these other meets, and it kind of just seems like, I mean, first of all, there's a federation everywhere, but it kind of just seems like depending on who's lifting that day and who's reffing, like anything can kind of go. Yeah. There's, you know, your spotters can do almost anything they want. They can be there as much as they want. They can you the whole way through which i mean technically they're not helping you lift but that is what's awesome about the usa pl is that you have a strict standard
Starting point is 00:19:54 of competition all around and whether you're in wherever in south dakota or somewhere in europe you should be kind of getting the same product and the same results. You know, there might be a very split second different in. Which at all, you know. Yeah, which is there. But it's not this outrageous of like noticeable six inches high on squats or a foot high. I'm not going to be able to pull it up because of my shoddy internet down in the dungeon right now. But it's really bad.
Starting point is 00:20:24 That one was like there was no way a person looks at that and thinks nobody looks at it and even you can't even be like well maybe the guy front and center had a better angle than the camera like it just wasn't fucking there yeah you know but but i i did hear us open had some uh brandon lily was up kind of defending the judging a little bit saying he wouldn't say that it was strict as like unfairly strict he just said that it was good exactly
Starting point is 00:20:52 by the book by what the rules said just what it should be that makes the most sense it's just they were calling what was supposed to be like oh fuck you were close well it's close it's close there just because it's 900 pounds we. Yeah, yeah. Like, oh, fuck, you were close. Well, it's close there.
Starting point is 00:21:05 Yeah. Right. Like, just because it's 900 pounds, we're not going to give you the benefit. Yeah, because the crowd's hooting and hollering. Right, right. Yeah. And Rob, results-wise, we probably don't have to cover that a lot. I mean, you can look at that. You probably already have at this point.
Starting point is 00:21:18 But Yuri Belkin took first in the heavyweight men lifting at 220. Because it goes by will, because they're comparing everyone across each other. And so I think Yuri was a 599 or something. Yeah, I believe so. And then second place was... So one of the guys out of the Kabuki. Yeah, it is. And I can't think of his name.
Starting point is 00:21:38 I think it might be Josh or something. I was going to say Jason. And I think he's only 23 years old. And he totaled like 21. It wasn't too far behind Uri. And then third place was Sean Doyle. Yep, Sean, yeah. And if he would have pulled his last deadlift attempt successfully,
Starting point is 00:22:04 I think he would have broke 600 Wilks and won. Oh, really? Like that's what he would have pulled his last deadlift attempt successfully i think he would have he would have broke 600 and 600 wilks and one oh really like that's what he went and he had he was a lockout away from it he had it like uh four inches away from finishing it yeah and if he would have got that he would have broke 600 wilks and one was it a joe sullivan yeah that's right yeah so sean doyle was like three inches away from forty thousand dollars like like he was literally just a deadlift lockout away from forty forty thousand dollars so i was wondering what that feels like like that's different than just normally missing something when you're like you've done all of the work, too, like you got it off the ground, up in the fucking air, above your knees. That sucks.
Starting point is 00:22:50 You just can't squeeze it out before the lights go out. That would suck. And I'm sure, you know, he's probably, obviously he did his best and like it's probably not, you know, he's probably okay with it. But it would still suck. Just knowing that you're that close to the money. One thing I thought was kind of interesting too with this meet is there was a few guys that were bombing out and not putting together a total. Kind of one of the more well-known guys that did that was Kevin Oak.
Starting point is 00:23:22 I think it was Deadlift. I think he bombed out on it. The first time I was seeing that, I was like, like geez how can these guys not put together a total but then like i was reading some stuff and it kind of put it into perspective like a regular meet you're just going and i mean that really is the goal of a meet is to just kind of get a total or you know maybe hit some prs like your standard meet doesn't have 40 grand on the line so once you have 40 grand on the line you're kind of doing things a little different and that is like you need to be it kind of is all or nothing at that point so you when your numbers are shooting for all or nothing you need your ability that day to be there or else yeah because it's like okay i think i don't think
Starting point is 00:23:58 that getting like and these people probably know that if i come in and i get what i can total just like like what I know for sure I can total. And you know, the people you're competing against that, that's not going to get it for you. Like you have to have an exceptional day. Yeah. And he even had, I think like a video, I think he put a video on YouTube and I didn't get
Starting point is 00:24:18 around to watching the whole thing, but I think kind of the summary of it was like, I could have put together a safe meet and got fifth but that doesn't do me anything more than you know bombing out or whatever he's like i i wanted to try and get 40 grand and getting 40 grand doesn't happen by just putting together a safe total and completing a meet so yeah it makes sense so that once i kind of had that perspective on it it made a lot more sense when you see these guys bombing out that are you know world world-class athletes the significant money is just at the top still you know what i mean like right well even second place it's not like well i'm
Starting point is 00:24:50 really glad that i got 10 grand or something like that yeah nobody's gonna come out like well i did my best i got third the money isn't the reason you're happy about third right right the money can be the reason you're happy about first yeah definitely not you know you're a lot of these guys what did what did rob take his check was like 500 bucks yeah so he what he was in would have been in that same group i i think he might have finished fourth overall in total wilks you know he he was after sean but he uh also in 308 class so he got oh wait oh, wait. Oh, yeah, we haven't brought it. This is Rob Philippus. Yeah, quads like Rob. Omaha Barbell is where he lifts out of.
Starting point is 00:25:29 But anyways, he squatted 959, and he got third place in his weight class, and he got $500. Yeah. And, you know, he's had the biggest squat of the day. Yeah, 930, 950-something. 959. 959. He missed it on his second.
Starting point is 00:25:44 I was watching the live stream at this point in time and it wasn't cutting out and he missed a second and I was like, ooh, man. And he missed it bad to where I saw his deal today where he missed it bad and it looked like, oh, fuck. Yeah, I was like, well, he screwed it up. How do you miss that way and ever come back and get it? If I miss a squat like that, it just looked to me like he just didn't have it. Right.
Starting point is 00:26:07 And then he came back. I definitely wouldn't come back and be like, well, I'm going to lift it this time. I'd have been like, I'd have been such a bitch about it. I'd be like, oh, fuck. That took some balls on, you know, some. Some quads on his butt. Yeah, that took some quads like Rob to come back and get that on a third. Hashtag balls like Rob.
Starting point is 00:26:28 But so he had a good meet and he think he benched pretty well. He would have tried for more. He said he wanted to go for 1,000 on his third squat. If 9.59 would have been there on a second, he was going for 1,000 on his third was his original plan, I think. But anyways, he still had a good meet and put up on a second he was going for a thousand on his third was his original plan i think um but anyways he still had a good meet and put up i think i think all the guys in 308 class totaled over 2200 pounds and he got 500 so you know like that that kind of goes to kevin oaks point you know like what i do i care about winning 300 you know and having a safe meet? You might as well go for it.
Starting point is 00:27:06 Where was this? Was this in California? Yeah, somewhere in California. California, I'm not sure where exactly. And yeah, so it's not like Rob was probably super thrilled that he went from Nebraska to fucking California. Well, he probably was thrilled to go to California. Yeah, but you definitely don't do that for the $500.
Starting point is 00:27:24 No, like that. And, you know, considering the Wilkes thing and everything, for him to win overall in heavyweight, it's tough. It would have been really gangster. There's a good chance that, you know, Uri, Kevin Oak, and Larry Wheels all were kind of maybe favorites to take that because of their body weight and relative to their weight lifted so it's tough like anyone in the 308 and super heavy weight you've if milanichef would have been there he probably you know he would have a chance yeah yeah also
Starting point is 00:27:57 look like rob you know in the last couple weeks on instagram he's actually he actually cut down quite a bit to hit 308 too yeah yeah Yeah. He was up to like.350. Yeah, he was normally like.350 something. And he did it. I think he did it right over a fair amount of time. Yeah. But he was on the road to.308 for like a long time. A lot of, if you followed, anyone out there follows any of these guys cutting
Starting point is 00:28:18 that they do prior to the meet, it's some pretty intense. Yeah, because they have the advantage of being on a 24-hour weigh-in versus kind of the standard two. But, yeah, with that 24-hour weigh-in, some of these guys have that down to a crazy science where they're literally dropping 20, 30 pounds to make these classes. Especially the heavy guys that can just have the weight to lose. But even like the 220s, I mean, I don't think it's unusual for some of those guys to be in that 250, 255 area.
Starting point is 00:28:48 They do say Uri walks around pretty close to what he actually, they talked about this on Juggernaut or some other podcast this week, but he's the one guy out of everyone there that if you met him around, he kind of just looks a little like an average guy. It's so weird because, yeah, like I think it was like last year, there was like boss of bosses and it was him, green and kevin oak all in a class together and yuri beat them and he stands next to him it's like oh who brought their little brother to watch with them he doesn't look like he's made of what the other guys are made of but he's he's really good at what
Starting point is 00:29:20 he does and he he managed to beat them his bench is uh it was pretty close to 500 was he yeah i think he got he got over 500 and the way he benches his range of motion is seems so so small he is um for me watching it like a technique master yeah he is it's like he puts on a clinic with you know a lot of these guys it's like whoa like that's weird i don't know how they're doing it but they make it work for them and him it's just like that is how everything should look like just i i don't know what you change about that because it looks perfect so yeah that goes with his squats they look great his bench he has a big arch super wide grip and he just takes advantage of that and then when you get to deadlift with him that's like he's in a league of his own almost there speaking of deadlift we talked about earlier uh ed cohen's record yeah it didn't get
Starting point is 00:30:10 broken so that would be your it was now the record was on the block though for i mean that was uh yeah talked about going in like a lot of people were thinking that yuri might yuri belkin might might break that and that's kind of held as one of the... Biggest achievements that you could have. Yeah, that record, that 220 deadlift record is one of the longest standing records. Is it just the deadlift or is it the total too? I don't know if he still has the total.
Starting point is 00:30:37 It might be both or something, but... The deadlift, I think, is the one. But what they talk about, that 90... Is it like 909 or 906? Yeah, I was going to say 8. It's an odd number in there. That has stood for a long time and that people looked at it as not going to be broken for a long time.
Starting point is 00:30:57 But Yuri didn't get it, so then there's this guy. Yeah, now, I'm not even totally positive how to pronounce this guy's name. I think, I'm guessing it's probably actually like Kyler. But it's Kyler, anyway, on Instagram, it's C-A-I-L-E-R-C-40. And at 210 pounds, this is him deadlifting 915 pounds. This was a PR forum. Yeah, yeah, this wasn't like something he does every day but like that is a pretty clean 915 yeah and that's at 210 pounds body weight yeah that's not that's not a 400 pound person up there throwing that. And he looks like he lifts for sure.
Starting point is 00:31:45 Yeah. And he's strong as shit. But Jesus Christ, nine 15 is, uh, we were saying there's a, there's a couple, there's a few people like that, that you run across who,
Starting point is 00:31:56 you know, if you ran into him at the bar and you started talking to him about lifting and they said like, Oh, I, yeah, I lift too. Oh yeah. That's cool.
Starting point is 00:32:03 You know, you look like you have some muscle on you what do you what do you deadlift and oh like 9 15 you would you're like there is no fucking way do not like shut up like i don't understand weights i would start an argument with him over it yeah for real yeah i'd be like no no no no and uh the world record at 220 is like 908 pounds well kind of like how you you know everybody has a friend who knew somebody in high school who benched 700 800 pounds like well that's like the world record yeah no you didn't but this guy did yeah like this is the guy that if this is if so if you're talking about this guy he's's your friend, you're right. I don't know what...
Starting point is 00:32:46 He's not doing this meet. No, he's not doing this meet. See, I thought he was. Okay, so that's why when he posted this, which was the... I'm not sure when he's competing next. Okay. Because he did just post that. So that must have been when Yuri didn't break it.
Starting point is 00:33:02 Yeah. He posted the Dumb and Dumber deal saying, so you're telling me there's a chance. So it's still out there for him to go get yeah but this guy's ridiculous like he i up until a month or two ago i didn't know much yeah i just recently found out who he is strong it is and his arms are so those things are like yeah just it doesn't make sense how long his arms are it's good venture a good bencher. He's still a strong bencher. Yeah, so that's what, at first when I saw it, I saw how much he could deadlift. It's like, well, okay, he's probably a terrible bencher, which is completely acceptable. But no, I think he benches like mid-fours, doesn't he?
Starting point is 00:33:38 And it's actually really funny. I saw he had like a story on his Instagram or something about a week ago. And he mentions, he goes, yeah, so I have my tank top on. I just got done at week ago and he mentions he goes yeah so uh i have my tank top on i just got done at the gym and i ran in the gas station across the street and some guys there goes uh how much you bench man and he's like uh and i think it's like 450 yeah we'll just say 450 and the guy's like oh well i got about five pounds on you you knew right away he's like the guy just can't give you props right and he's kind of going off about it but but yeah it sounds like uh well it's obvious this guy is a deadlift freak no doubt
Starting point is 00:34:12 about that he's got a solid bench sounds like his one spot is like squat could maybe is his weak point in there if you as you scroll through his feed here yeah and that's not to knock the guy at all because what is he like 22 or something like he's pretty young so you know at the way he's going he could probably put hundreds of pounds on his squat yeah so relatively speaking his squat is his weak point yeah yeah like probably compared to a 915 pound deadlift like his squat yeah out squats us yeah right like yeah but like but like it's not that good in context to his other lifts yeah you know yeah yeah 1894 total that was at 198 yeah that's pretty so all-time world record 881 at 198 and he's at 210 now which means i mean he'll be i mean
Starting point is 00:35:03 he would fill out that body that uh that weight class yeah i mean he would he could go compete in 220 and not cut like just just show up yeah yeah so that'll be an exciting development watching whenever this guy is gonna compete or you know make a run at this record here because he's definitely got the tools to to make something happen and i think a lot of people are picked he's gaining a lot of steam a lot of following and people are pretty curious to see see this happen so yeah that'll be interesting to follow did you guys notice uh our friend dan bell in the background at all i did see oh wait i guess if you maybe yeah maybe saw him in pictures and stuff but on the live stream i kept seeing oh does he keep popping in yeah yeah and and uh there's a hold on could could you hear dan breathing
Starting point is 00:35:49 yeah what episode do we have that dan's on no it's either me or it's either me or dan heavy breathing um but yeah the you could see like the camera was just always on the the lifters yeah where where it was going to go on and then like in the breaks people would go up there and take pictures and stuff and there's one time when uh uh dan and boss and i think ed cone and a few of those guys were there taking pictures and their back was to the camera. Yeah. And you could see Dan reaching around and fingering Boss's butthole. Like as they're taking the picture. Like I got to get, you know, I could tell who they all were just from, you know, from the back because they're all kind of.
Starting point is 00:36:36 You could. Yeah. Distinct. I would say. Yeah, they're all distinct. Dan and Boss walking down the road together are like a cartoon adventure waiting to happen. Someone make an animated series of that? Boss's beard is incredible.
Starting point is 00:36:53 But he's also like, and he'll be okay with this, I think, like a troll-sized person. But it's just super fucking jacked and thick. And Dan is a truck of a man, also with a huge beard. So you got both sides of the spectrum. I also thought it was funny. They had, they were showing, there was a picture they all had of themselves there, but I noticed their credentials.
Starting point is 00:37:18 And on Boss's it said Coach. On Dan's it said Coach. And on Ed Cohn's it said Goat. Which is fucking great who i wonder who dan and boss were coaching oh nobody yeah probably not it was an honor title yeah maybe they were actually coaching someone but i thought i my guess was that it was just like yeah these guys can come wrapping knees and slapping backs um speaking of the prize money, I don't think we brought this up about the prize money for the Arnold Strongman. Do you remember? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:51 You guys, this might be the first time you guys heard this. Because you guys got the super sweet premium seating for the Arnold final, Strongman final when we were there. Oh, yeah. You know, I had to pay to sit in. Sit with the commoners. you know, I had to pay to sit in literally the worst, like the only way you could be further away would be if you were one row behind me. That's it.
Starting point is 00:38:13 And these are the people that I'm talking about. So we have- So you're saying it's more exclusive to be behind you than it would be to even sit in the front. Probably. You know? Anyway, so you guys were down enjoying- And for what it's worth, I had an entire row row to myself i had like 15 chairs on each side i had like six seats next to me that
Starting point is 00:38:31 were completely empty so the way our credentials worked out is the principle i think i think it is just the principle yeah so like we got media credentials and so like it just it was tommy was the photographer so he got like all the closest shit. That makes sense. Yeah. Tommy, you still owe me one. We'll see. But then Tanner, as technically the editor, Tanner got media seating credential. And they must have just thrown us an extra bone, I think. Which just meant like, yeah, you sit there. But then me and Sean's, we were like, media general, which means, nah, bitch.
Starting point is 00:39:06 Yeah. Like, you got to pay 50 bucks to sit in here. And that 50 bucks is for the worst seat left, you know? Right. Because we were thinking maybe we could sort it out. Like, oh, maybe we do just get in. Yeah. Nope, no chance.
Starting point is 00:39:18 And anyway, we're going through all the stuff and going through the final. And they bring out the strong man stuff and these guys behind me like were only interested in like the the physique stuff and not even like the big the big body builders like like just like the board short guys yeah which is fine and there's nothing wrong with it except for like they were like shitting on the strongman stuff and i'm like and then when they announced the prize money at the very end after you know like the the physique people got like you know first place maybe got like four thousand dollars or five thousand dollars and and down to third place got like 1500 bucks and they're like it's bullshit third place only
Starting point is 00:40:00 gets 1500 jesus christ did you see and then And they're also like mad because like the guy they wanted to win didn't win. They're like, what the? Oh, geez, he got screwed. Did you see him? And I'm like, I didn't see anything from this far away. And what I did see, they all looked exactly the same. They all look like about, I don't know, like 500 people that I see at the beach and stuff
Starting point is 00:40:22 and the pools in the summers. Like, no offense, and i'm sure there's more to it than that but like none of these people looked exceptional right so anyway but that's not the point of this then the strongman announces their money and they're like first place was like seventy thousand dollars and then it was like 20 and then it was like 10 or something like that and they're sitting behind me like like then they're going off and they're like this bullshit how in the world they get 70 000 for this like how in the world is that just and i couldn't i just couldn't let it go yeah so i turned around
Starting point is 00:40:58 and i said well there sure is a lot less six foot8", 6'9", 440-pound men carrying 1,500 pounds on their back and putting 500 pounds overhead. And, like, they kind of have the market cornered on that. There is no shortage of 165-pound dudes who look okay tan wearing swim trunks. Have a good at, you know, get ripped. Yeah. And not only that, you know, get ripped. Yeah. And not only that, remember when they announced the physique guy, like the guy who won it? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:30 They were interviewing him afterwards, and Arnold is up there interviewing him. They're like, so what was your, so like how much do you train? How much have you been training? He's like, well, I did like a 10-week, 8 or 10-week prep. And it was like, okay. Like Arnold's asking you, how many hours a day you're in the gym? And you know,
Starting point is 00:41:48 it was like, well, it's mostly nutrition. And like, we're like, so you're up here telling me that you were like the best in the world at this thing. And like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:58 Training's not even really on your radar. You just eat less. And you only did some things for like 10 weeks. Yeah. That fucking guy has no idea what it what like brian shaw has to go through just to eat for five for 10 years just just to eat enough food alone is like is the work yeah not counting the actual work right but these which is a lot which is a lot yeah but these fucking guys and they also had like
Starting point is 00:42:24 one or two of the women's bikini competitors who they were in love with, apparently. And they're like, oh, she totally should have won. And that's the one. And see, this would be really interesting to actually have someone on to really explain the fine points. Because I couldn't tell any of them apart. And it's one of those things, maybe if you know a little bit, it gets easy.
Starting point is 00:42:43 But especially the women, I cannot figure out what they get judged like i get it they probably get judged on like their muscle definition and stuff but i'm like they look so similar like it looked like they had a contest to see like we need like 20 people to look the same and it's like you guys did it like you guys are all the best so that was my my thing. I'm like, how many half-Thor Bjornsons are there walking around this earth? That's why he gets $70,000. How many Brian Shaw's? Brian Shaw gets $70,000 for winning this. Because there's not enough of them.
Starting point is 00:43:18 These guys, Jesus. There's no fucking, it's just not that much into the margins. You're not an outlier. None of those, the guys that won it is not an outlier physique-wise, I don't think. No. The bodybuilding guys. The bodybuilding guys.
Starting point is 00:43:36 That one was the one that you could actually tell a difference to the guys. Because there's more mass, there's just more to look at. So if someone's very impressive, it's very noticeable. Yeah, like this guy's back is bigger. But at 165-pound dudes, it's like, I don't know which one of you looks better. I think you all should eat more for sure. You're in a sport about muscle. You should have some of it.
Starting point is 00:44:02 Get some of that first. But anyway, the bodybuilding, who was it that won it it was uh cedric mcmillan yeah and dallas mccarver we're down those two guys are all the hands down like it was great and they both were a level above everybody else you can see it and you could then i could see when they were going side by side like a lot of the um i mean not not being educated cedric was i thought cedric deserved it and solely because i thought he was bigger me too it's like that guy has more there was and it wasn't bigger like bloated it was it was muscle but there was there was a few things that they would do you know with their posing where i could see that like dallas had like like all of a sudden he would do something
Starting point is 00:44:45 you'd be like oh well at this moment right now Dallas is kind of taking it. So that was interesting for me having never seen any of it but I could tell a difference between the two there. And that's why those guys get paid real money. Right yeah like big money.
Starting point is 00:45:01 But I don't want to like They're outliers. Holy shit are they outliers. Your average Joe isn't going to walk, even after 10 years of trying, isn't going to walk on stage and compete with them. Just like any of us, after 10 years of trying, aren't going to walk on stage
Starting point is 00:45:17 and compete with Brian Shaw and Hafthor Bjornsson. But someone with a year of training and that's already kind of like. Just has some muscle. Like that. Has the discipline to get lean. Yeah, they could compete on that stage. And that's the deal is I don't think there is
Starting point is 00:45:35 as much of a genetic component in separating you. Right. It just seems to me like kind of a middle of the pack, very high discipline competition. But I don't know. It's like watching a whole bunch of people compete for fourth place. Because I was there to watch the giant freak dudes lift heavy things. And then the dudes with so much muscle that like nobody wants to fuck them.
Starting point is 00:45:59 Right. You know what I mean? Because those dudes were so big. And I was in the worst the worst seats in the whole building for sure well there's the guy behind you except for the guy the guy who then hated me the rest of the night and i also do wonder if maybe it was because it was only the final and he thought that maybe they got 70 000 for just the for pressing a log. But you know how Bill Kazmaier and our friend of the podcast, Bill Kazmaier, and why am I messing up his name?
Starting point is 00:46:34 Mark Henry. Mark Henry. R. They said a lot of things about the things that went on earlier that day and the day before. So there's no way they watched it and thought that that was the only thing that happened right but anyway if you were sitting behind us at the arnold uh go fuck yourself yeah so but yeah that was uh that's that was my prize money segue yeah it was a good one so should we need to talk about my prize money segue. Yeah. It was a good one. So should we need to talk about the prize money that
Starting point is 00:47:07 Masonomics gives away for the Strongman every year? Yeah, what did we give away? We gave away... We gave away... I think maybe $700 in prize money. Or something. $600. I don't know. Something like that.
Starting point is 00:47:22 I would be the one to remember. You got most of it. It was a self the one to remember. You got close to it. Well, and I was... It was a self-serving... And I ended it out. And I got some of it also. Yeah, yeah. It was like $600 or $700, which is not too shabby.
Starting point is 00:47:35 Not too bad. You know? And there was also cases of barbecue sauce on the line, so... Which, retail value, I don't even know what you put a price on that. I don't think you can put a price on it. I mean, there is a price that would be on it. There literally is. But as far as what the impact that a case of Old West barbecue sauce would have on your life,
Starting point is 00:47:54 it's invaluable. Yeah, that's true. Without a doubt. What else did we have today? What about iTunes reviews? Yeah. Do we have any? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:03 Is that a thing? Yeah, we have any oh yeah is that a thing yeah we've got i we have multiple first off i want to go back to last week's we had a one from it was listed as ruby that was actually uh that was actually becky friend of the podcast becky becky's an og thanks one of our one female listeners who's not our moms so probably the only one um so so uh thanks becky she told me uh that i have to stop fucking harassing them at the end of each episode she's like i did it so you can stop fucking yelling at us so it's working though we've gotten a few reviews and that's what it takes, so we're not going to stop. Yeah, sorry, Becky. Thank you to her and then the couple that we got here to recently thank you guys for listening.
Starting point is 00:48:50 But you're still going to have to listen to us. Bitch at everyone else. Yeah. You could also bitch at other people. Right. If you know anyone who listens to the podcast. We're going to try to turn this whole thing into a negative experience. I want you like pressure them
Starting point is 00:49:05 like i'm gonna sick of them guys talking about i'm gonna need you to bully them into leaving us reviews okay one of these two i'm going to say is the best the the the funniest review we've ever gotten uh out of the 22 this is probably the funniest okay very creative and like i will i want to know who did it because it is funny okay uh but i'll read that one second all right the other one's just a good review and it title of that one is must listen and it's from trip daniel i look forward to the shows each week absolutely hilarious banter back and forth and great information to go along with it. If you spend any time in the gym, you'll find almost everything they talk about relatable, or if nothing else, very entertaining.
Starting point is 00:49:53 Chalk went up for the good guys. Yeah. Do you trip Daniel? I don't. It's probably Daniel trip. I'm going to guess. So thanks, Daniel. Or Mr. Daniel, if we're wrong.
Starting point is 00:50:06 Mr. Tripp. Now this last one is from MichaelJohn151. Okay. Anyone? No. Anyways, I wondered, we almost need to figure out a reward system for people that have the best one here. Like this might have to go in a contest system for people that have the best one here like this might have
Starting point is 00:50:25 to go in a contest at the end of the year with anyone else that can try and try and top this review he said and it's very short but that you know that's not a negative but uh the title which is important he says creative take on a mystery podcast then the the one sentence here is you'll end every episode trying to figure it out dot dot dot do they even lift bro when I read that the first time I was just like I was like nice oh that's good the question's been asked through the ages I read that the first time. I was just like, nice.
Starting point is 00:51:07 Oh, that's good. The question's been asked through the ages. It's a mystery. That's the mystery. Do we even lift? It's really, yeah. It's just like at the end of cereal. We'll get to that at the end. So good reviews.
Starting point is 00:51:20 Two very good reviews. Different, but both good. I'm hoping they were both five stars. Five out of five, both of them. Good. So people are listening. That's good. That's the first time we've had multiple to read in one week.
Starting point is 00:51:33 Yeah, for sure. I mean, it was just still two, but that's more than one. That is multiple. Did you have anything in your sack for today? Or was that all business stuff? Not really. I guess I'll just show you what I have in this sack. today? Oh, is that all business stuff? Not really, I guess I, I'll just show you what I have in this sack.
Starting point is 00:51:47 This one sack. It's not relevant, but we've got some time. We, we could talk about how we're going to have a woman's t-shirt. Oh yeah,
Starting point is 00:51:55 finally. that's in my sack here. Something, something in Tanner's sack for the ladies. Ooh, ladies love digging in my sack.
Starting point is 00:52:04 Just ask my wife. So we have this tremendous, it's a sweet maroon. Was it a heathered maroon? Yeah, it's a heathered maroon. It would look just lovely on all the ladies out there. We're not going to put anything on it. We're just selling these shirts. We're reselling blank shirts now.
Starting point is 00:52:26 For the ladies. It's from Massonomics. We've got a lot of requests for a women's shirt, and we just figured we'd sell some blouses. So it's got to be a good shirt. So you'll see that coming down the pipeline, not too far out. What are we thinking? That shirt, OG logo on it, probably? Yeah, it'll have the Massonomics logo.
Starting point is 00:52:42 We also expect to do that as a pre-order. Here's a hat that I also have in my bag. Someone wants to purchase this hat from me. It's a one-off custom. Yeah, it's a one-off hat that it ended up being a little different than what I was... Someone wanted a hat this color, but see the difference with this fitted hat is it's
Starting point is 00:53:00 unstructured. It's more dad hat-ish. It's a dad hat. Try this on your head, Tyler. It's also dad hat. Try this on your head, Tyler. It's also pretty big. It's a flex-fit hat, but it's very large.
Starting point is 00:53:15 Holy! It's the same size as our normal large XL flex-fit hats, but it's a lot bigger. It looks like it's barely even squeezing your head at all. Yeah, and my head is enormous. This is definitely an unstructured hat. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:32 This is weird. So that has a different look to it, doesn't it? I didn't know that that was a thing that hats had. So I'm not going to sell this to the person that wanted it because the person doesn't want that. I also think that like... Well, you have to be very select and have a head that yeah this type this type of hat should instead of being fitted have like a a leather loop and strap on the back yeah so if you're your dad is
Starting point is 00:53:59 a fan of the texas longhorns if any of you have enormous heads and want... And are dads. And, yeah, and like this look of a hat, I will make you a good deal on this hat. Yeah. So that's not really sack worthy, but I just figured this might be a way to get someone... There's some shit we're trying to get rid of. If you have a huge head, I will make you a good deal on a hat.
Starting point is 00:54:21 Like most of the things in Tanner's sack, it's something he just needs to unload. I just got to get it out. It's been hanging around in this sack forever, and it's starting to get old and all congealed. It's watery. Consistency is all off. So that's it for the sack. Was there anything else we needed to cover today, you guys?
Starting point is 00:54:46 Dudes. Friend of the podcast, Blaine Sumner, was posting more about our breaking news last time we were on the podcast. So people are probably curious. They're on a cliffhanger of what's happened since then. So basically at this point, Blaine is basically best friends with us now? Would you say? Yeah. I mean, if you used to be best friends with Blaine Sumner, you with us now, would you say? Yeah. I mean, if you used to be best friends with Blaine Sumner, you're not anymore.
Starting point is 00:55:09 Sorry. So Blaine has, I think at this point we are, well, we were for a while in, that shirt was in four of his last six Instagram posts, which means he's wearing it, which is good. So what you could do, if you've bought in the shirt too, you put a post out with you in the shirt. You don't necessarily have to chug a chicken shake while you do it like Blaine did. But if you wanted to, it'd be, we'd share that for sure. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:35 If you, if you post, uh, something with your Lyft shirt, I will share that. Yeah. Tag us in. We'd love to see it. Yeah. Also, um, now I did notice though that Bl's wife, Jessica, has not worn her shirt yet. No. She's probably saving it for something really special.
Starting point is 00:55:52 That's true. Like, that's a perfect occasion that she hasn't even thought of yet. Like a wedding. Yeah. You know, somewhere you need to really impress people. I can't think of a better thing. I picture that will be like a pajama shirt for her probably i don't even we don't even really know how that fits we had a with the women's shirts it was the women well we got extra small yeah we do
Starting point is 00:56:15 have extra small in the left shirt we have extra small we still don't have it in a women's cut because it's too buku yeah but we have the extra small because we were finding the women's small it's too big or the men's small. It's too big. Or the men's small. Yeah. It just doesn't fit anybody. No. It didn't fit small men and doesn't fit regular-sized women.
Starting point is 00:56:30 No. Or even most women. So, yeah, so we've got extra smalls, and we can do, really, an amount of smalls if you wanted to order. Do you have any birthday parties, company giveaways, bar mitzvahs, quinceaneras? With a lot of smalls. If you wanted to order... You have any birthday parties, company giveaways, bar mitzvahs, quinceaneras? With a lot of smalls. Maybe like a children's birthday party. Who like to lift and drink beer.
Starting point is 00:56:53 We have a lot of small shirts. Somebody may or may not... We could perhaps offer volume discounts on those. Somebody may or may not have entered in an order wrong, and we got literally ten times the amount of small shirts that we ordered. Of the least popular size of shirts. Of the least popular size. The size we ordered other sizes to compensate for, we got that instead.
Starting point is 00:57:16 What we have been selling a lot of is the large sizes, so that's pretty cool. Two Xs and three Xs. Big guys out there are liking the Weekend Warrior. That's where it's at, man. Here's to the big guys out there. This one's for the big guys. Since for you, two Xs and above.
Starting point is 00:57:33 Well, I think that's everything I got. Anybody else good to go? That's pretty much the way I heard it. All right. So let's run through all the stuff. We bitched at you enough about the iTunes review but definitely do that or did we bitch them? I don't know. We didn't really bitch that
Starting point is 00:57:50 much. Alright I'm going to do that now you're still listening and you know you haven't left us an iTunes review and you've listened to this isn't even your first episode if it is you should still leave us a review but if this is not your first episode and you haven't left us a review we But if this is not your first episode and you haven't left us a review,
Starting point is 00:58:05 we're actually disappointed in you. It hurts our feelings. We're just insulted. And we've kind of got the momentum on our side right now. Let's keep it going. Let's snowball this thing. I'm reminded of a quote by, I don't know, we're just going to say Marilyn Monroe, because that's who says all these things, that all it takes for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing. That fits perfectly here, doesn't it?
Starting point is 00:58:34 Get off your ass and leave us a review, because whether it was Franklin Roosevelt or Marilyn Monroe or Abraham Lincoln or whoever says that,. Or whoever says that you need to do something. Leave us a review. Let's turn that two. We turned one into two. Turn two into four. Yeah, like we'll just double it every week. That's all we need to do. We have four of you out there.
Starting point is 00:58:57 Decide amongst yourselves which four. Call each other. You guys all talk. Get us four reviews. And I think then if we could do eight the next week and 16 the next, I mean, I'm no mathematician, but in like, by the end of next year, we'll have like 75 million reviews. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:14 Cause after 16, it really goes up. Yeah. Starts getting up there. So, but yeah, so that'll do it. Make sure you do that. Also, if you want to help support the podcast monetarily, you can either just give us money just outright, or we can also do that in exchange for goods, which you can find at where those goods are located, including things like the dad hat. We have, we've got all our other shirts, hats, apparel, all your other
Starting point is 00:59:43 massonomics needs are there. Also, when you are spending money on, there also is all of our articles, other podcast stuff, links to all our videos. All that stuff is there. Make sure you check that out. That's it for the website. So, supporting us via Facebook, like, share,
Starting point is 01:00:01 telephone, tell a friend. Make sure you follow Massanomics on Facebook. you follow Masonomics on Facebook. And follow us all on Instagram. I'm Tyler. You can find me at Tyler F. in Stone. That's Tyler E-F-F-I in Stone. I'm Tommy.
Starting point is 01:00:14 You can find me at Tomahawk underscore D. And Tanner. I'm Tanner, the official Masonomics Instagram, at Masonomics. And Professor Shanz, if you're listening, this is a call out. Last week we talked about how someone said they wanted you to get Instagram and you didn't get Instagram. And you yelled at me when I asked you about getting Instagram too many times.
Starting point is 01:00:33 We should, we should actually, can we share what he said? He yelled at me for telling him to get Instagram after someone, uh, he text yelled at me. And then like, where And then like where did it go off the rails here? What did he say?
Starting point is 01:00:48 I think it was he's busy. He's like a too busy asshole. I don't have time right now. Something about he was too busy and I'm like oh well I'm sure that's probably because of you just having one job and no kids and a girlfriend who doesn't live in your town.
Starting point is 01:01:04 Why wouldn't you? I mean, what else are you doing with your time? Listen, Shons, we also know that you don't listen to this. He said, damn it, I'm busy. Give me a few days. Yeah. What we have found, if you've been, for people that follow him on Facebook,
Starting point is 01:01:21 which you should, is that what he did to be busy was spent the next four days five days just arguing with people on facebook about politics and economics and i don't know how i don't remember how long it took me to create my instagram account but i think it was like what is it like it links to facebook i think now i think now there's like a box you check that says yep get, get me Instagram too. Like it was like 45 seconds. I think you actually like with Facebook, you just have it.
Starting point is 01:01:51 You don't know it. You don't know it until you say the button like, yeah, I want it. And then it's official. I literally less than five minutes though to get Instagram. Yeah. Yeah. So we're going to start giving out Austin's personal cell phone number if he doesn't have instagram by next by next episode uh that is an ultimatum so keep your eyes out before somebody snatches up his handle but we'll uh we'll get that out there so thanks a lot for listening everybody and uh stay strong
Starting point is 01:02:17 you just heard the massanomicsics podcast. With your ears, you're welcome. Check us out on Facebook, find us on Instagram at Masanamics and make sure you visit and buy some of that sweet Masanamics gear. From your friends at Masanamics Studio, home of the world's strongest podcast. Stay strong.

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