Massenomics Podcast - Ep. 61: Getting Wrapped

Episode Date: June 5, 2017

This week, the guys talk about their usual mix of strength sports and nonsense, and then Tanner introduces Tyler and Tommy to the most uncomfortable sensation in the world: Getting their knees wrappe...d. Tune in to find out if they handled the pain like big boys, or if they complained relentlessly about it.... As always, you can watch this episode in full color video... Or check out the super-high quality audio version below.. If you don't already have a closet full of Massenomics gear, go to the MASSENOMICS STORE and load up on swag... Also, please CLICK THIS LINK TO GIVE US A 5 STAR RATING ON ITUNES... Click this text to follow Massenomics on Instagram... Vote Massenomics for President in 2020.. Have your barber shave our logo into the side of your head.. Maybe get a Massenomics tattoo while you're at it.    Or you could sign up for our email newsletter at the bottom of this page. Stay Strong, M

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to Massanomics, the world's strongest podcast. Find us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter at Massanomics. Make sure you go visit There you'll find the rest of our powerful content. While you're there, check out our store and buy yourself some of that sweet Massanomics. Tommy's mic. Tommy's mic. And Tanner? Tanner's mic. Tommy's mic. And Tanner.
Starting point is 00:00:26 Tanner's mic. Bring the heat. That's a cool catchphrase, Tanner. What was yours again? Locked and loaded. Tanner's is bring the heat. I don't even have a good one. Grass is bad.
Starting point is 00:00:42 All right, guys. We're back this week. Another episode of the Massonomics Podcast. Thanks for joining us today. I'm Tyler. Next to me is Tommy. What's up? And across the way is Tanner.
Starting point is 00:00:55 Bring the heat. We're trying out new catchphrases today. You know, something you can put on a shirt. You know, really take the world by storm. It's like, it was like when we tried inventing our own nicknames last couple weeks back. And we were just both the beast. We're all the beast. It was like on a different movie, Hot Rod.
Starting point is 00:01:14 Yeah. He's like, my name's Rod and I like to party. And then they go to the next guy and he's like, my name's whatever and I also like to party. And they're like, no, nobody parties with me. I'm the only one that parties. I'm the only one who parties. welcome back tommy oh yeah i missed a week i forgot about that yeah tommy and his late travel arrangements we most mostly talked about you and secret things about you i hardly wait you're actually gonna have to listen to that episode now oh i i will
Starting point is 00:01:41 actually i was before uh when i heard you guys were gonna do it without me i was kind of excited so i'm like oh i get to hear one and not know exactly what's going on do you guys do you guys listen to the episodes still i listen to every single one sometimes sometimes i'll wait maybe like a week or two and then just to really distance myself from them a little more and then it's i find it more entertaining but yeah i I watch slash listen to it as I get the video ready every single week. That's right. So before that, I used to listen to every single one. And now sometimes I still just listen to part of it.
Starting point is 00:02:12 Or I watch it on YouTube through my phone just because I want to see the camera cutting and see how it's going. Yeah, see all your cinematography. Well, if no one else is going to watch it, I'm at least going to watch it. I got all these finance degrees. At least I'm putting it to good use with my video editing. So this week, I guess we'll just jump right into. Quick question, guys, too. Someone had left a comment wanting to know which one of us sounds like Butthead, I think.
Starting point is 00:02:46 Yeah. Did you guys see the comment? I did see that. Did you see my response to that? That's what I honestly felt. I really thought very objectively, it could be me, it could be anyone, and I still don't know who sounds like Butthead. What was that on?
Starting point is 00:03:03 What post was that on? I think it was on instagram i think i think it's the group with us with uh well we got to talk about that too who we had visited this week but he it was uh scrotus of nevermore i don't know who he is not a friend of yours i don't know who he is for all we know it's a bot that just leaves that comment on everyone's video. Who of you guys is the one that sounds like Butthead of Beavis and Butthead? And I said, I'm not sure which one of us that would be, but they say if you look around the poker table and you can't spot the sucker, it's you. Because I was literally, I was like, gosh, I don't know, dude,
Starting point is 00:03:37 does one of those guys sound like Butthead? And then I was like, do I sound like Butthead? Maybe I sound like Butthead. And that's what I thought too. And I was talking to Kevin. Kevin, I think, saw the comment and he's like yeah i don't know who really and i'm like well even someone that doesn't that isn't one of us didn't know either so maybe it's our midwestern dialect i had to refresh my memory on which one was beavis and which one was butthead yeah and i was like none of us sound like beavis maybe all of us sound like we probably all sound like butthead
Starting point is 00:04:03 is what I think. We have a big, we actually kind of have a lot to get through this week from just, say, this week in Masonomics. Where in the world is Masonomics? So strap your thinking caps on. We're going to go around the globe. Basically. I want to start first with, this is actually the most recent one, but Bud Jeffries, friend of the podcast, Bud, an unconventional life, Jeffries, friend of the podcast, Bud and Unconventional Life Jeffries.
Starting point is 00:04:26 If you don't know who Bud is, you haven't been listening to the podcast for very long. And before, if you still don't know who he is, just stop right now. Check out his Instagram because you need to get familiar with his life situation. So Bud is rocking his Weekend Warrior Massanomics lift shirt. And I'm going to spell this out for you. Bud is doing a 1,000-pound barefoot yoke in grass while the yoke is on fire while dragging a tire behind him. I don't even get into a split with... with oh and then he does the splits at the end
Starting point is 00:05:07 with his face on the ground because fun in america rocking his massonomic shirt and i'm going to play this video if if you're if you're listening um you should definitely just go to instagram you need to be following bud jeffries and you need to watch this video if you're watching on youtube i'm going to play this video right now we'll give a little uh little play by play for those that don't have the luxury of uh of the video so bud's lifting a thousand pounds and that shit is on fire yep and i think he said he went about what do you go about 20 foot total yeah he goes about halfway sets it down and disconnects the tire and then kind of cuts back in and the lawn is on fire this thing is on fire like everything is there's probably i don't know a 10 foot like two two
Starting point is 00:05:55 different 10 foot circles of fucking grass it is like really on fire and then and then he whips off his belt thinking you would normally think he's done and he just drops right down into the splits the full split and we're talking about probably close to a 300 pound man yeah i'd say it's probably like 3 3 10 320 um but a thousand pound yoke is uh pretty gangster mess with you know that's like what what does this comment say the first time trying this in 12 years yeah which okay yeah that okay and i i was I did misunderstand that the first time I read, he said the first time I've done a thousand pounds on a yoke in 12 years, I thought when I read it first, it's the first time I've done this in 12 years.
Starting point is 00:06:34 Like, like how frequently do you train with yokes on fire? And like, is that a, is that a common lift that you're concerned about PRing? But the bud is a badass. The shirt really pulls the whole thing together. And the shirt just really makes the whole thing pop. One of my favorite parts was the comment that said, this is like a Michael Bay film. I totally agree.
Starting point is 00:06:55 Bud, you did good. Because if you pause it right there, there is just fire and rusty metal and muscle and smoke everywhere. And splits. Splits. It's like some shit out of Bad Boys 2. The cameras whiling around all slow. Bud's down in Florida, so we made it to Florida.
Starting point is 00:07:19 That's right. So we got that southeast part of the country covered. What else did we have? I should be out in front of this because of my busted ass basement Wi-Fi. Previous before that would have been Brandon Allen. We spotted him in the, first time he's worn a shirt and it just happens to be an Islamic shirt. Yeah. Here we thought.
Starting point is 00:07:39 So now we're going to jump on our tour of America all the way over to Las Vegas. To Las Vegas. And and again all these people you should be following on instagram but brandon allen it was funny because we sent brandon this shirt like a couple of months ago for sure right yeah and then what we didn't realize after we sent him the shirt was like oh wait a minute he never wears i've never seen brandon allen we just sent a shirt to a guy that's known for not wearing shirts. Not ever wearing a shirt. But so we sent him one and he made sure he got the sleeves off it right away.
Starting point is 00:08:11 But it sure looks pretty sharp. Here's Brandon Allen doing some safety squat bar work in the old Weekend Warrior. Brandon is down How much weight is he down? Like 60 or 70 pounds? Yeah, I had him in pain following him super close and so when I first we are brandon is down how much weight is he down like 60 or 70 pounds yeah i hadn't been paying following him super close and so when i first saw this video i was pretty surprised how lean
Starting point is 00:08:29 he looked i remember being a little a little bigger than he's about 300 pounds now yeah i mean which is you mean he's still a big guy right yeah but he was what do you say like 360 370 he kind of had a post a while back that he was a uh kind of a tick and time bomb at that point he was a kind of a tick and tie bomb at that point. He was pretty heavy, couldn't hardly tie his shoes. Fun fact about Brandon Allen, he's a sponsored athlete. Oh, yeah. Do you know about his sponsorships at all? Oh, yeah. You guys have mentioned this before.
Starting point is 00:08:58 He's probably the only power lifter that I know that's sponsored by weed. Right? He's the only one I'm aware of. I don't think there's a whole lot of athletes in general that have that sponsorship. No, but what are his sponsors? Do we have any on here? We should plug them for him. I don't even see him.
Starting point is 00:09:18 He runs Filthy Power Gym or whatever, and he invented the vert pull. So if you know what the vert pull is at all, that's his baby. And Brandon's a good follow on Instagram. Friend of the podcast. Friend of the podcast, Brandon Allen. That's Brandon underscore Allen 88 on Instagram. I think he actually even got two videos with the shirt on,
Starting point is 00:09:40 which was funny because he went from like... Yeah, that where he's using the vert pull to do his filthy mornings, he calls them. Oh, just right here. Where he went like 300 consecutive posts without shirts on, like I would do. I'm glad we kind of were the reason to get him back in a shirt. We popped his shirt shirt. Yeah, you're going to wear a shirt.
Starting point is 00:10:03 I can't think of a better one to just throw on. And what else did we have? We had... We better hop in our... Hop in the old Massanomics wagon. And take a trip to Omaha. That's right. The heart of the Midwest here.
Starting point is 00:10:18 Middle America. Don't just call it a flyover state. And actually, they had some activity down there at Omaha Barbell this week. I saw it. If I would have known that, I think we should have fucking done something about it. Yeah, I guess I knew that it was coming up. Way to go, Tanner. You didn't.
Starting point is 00:10:36 Because you know what I did this weekend? Nothing. But Stan Efferding and Ed Cohen were both there. Yeah. Busted-ass basement internet is doing its thing right now. One we were talking about is Rob Philippus, Quads Like Rob, another good follower, another good friend of the Massanomics podcast. And he posted, like, seven videos.
Starting point is 00:10:57 With his shirt? Yeah. It was like a full-on infomercial. Yeah. And he was also using the safety squat bar and doing some dead lifting he pulled a pretty big deadlift in it i think it would have been uh like 7 30 for a double or something like that but yeah he was hanging out with the rhino and ed cohen this weekend i imagine they were talking about massonomics spreading the good word i would say that's probably most of what that whole
Starting point is 00:11:23 seminar was dan efforting friend of the podcast we've yeah definitely i mean he did talk to us both of us all of us that's right he certainly did talk to us and just by default that makes ed a friend did you ever did you ever say on the podcast what you said to stan i don't know i don't think you should tell that story this wasn't on camera unfortunately but uh i just went up and i just i just wanted to meet him he was standing at the cooler booth i think it was after at the arnold yeah at the arnold and you had already you had already interviewed him i also think that it seemed like at least when we were around maybe because it was early but it seemed like there was not a lot of people that knew who he was because there's i think there's a lot of people that knew who he was because there's i
Starting point is 00:12:05 think there's a lot of just bros at the arnold so like i don't know it was kind of odd yeah he was he was sort of not there and and a lot of people were like surprised by his product like oh that's really neat because he sold a lot of them but i'm like haven't you heard of this yeah we talk like look at this fucking guy how do you not know who he is? Look at his arms. But I walked up to him and I said, like, you're going to shake hands and maybe get a picture. And I just looked at him, like, square in the face and said, hey, aren't you the guy from Shark Tank? And he looked at me with, like, a very confused look. Like, he didn't respond with anything. Like, he literally just gave me, like, a puzzled look.
Starting point is 00:12:42 And I said, I'm just kidding. I know who you are, Stan. And then he got a good laugh out of that like that's how someone would know him yeah you were on shark tank yesterday i know who you are it's probably about the 50th thing down on his resume so i talked to him about his shark tank experience then and i said yeah i watched you with that i was just disappointed um you know how short your bit was of the whole show you know it was like the first one and it was
Starting point is 00:13:05 probably five minutes and he's he was talking about how crazy that experience is how much they cut out and like how little you know what's gonna go on out for months right months like you don't even know like you can go there and film and not have it show up on the show that's what he said you don't know twice yeah and yeah that's and film twice. Yeah. And, yeah, that's crazy. Even when you do it, even when all that happened, you don't know if you're going to be on the show. But he said it's crazy how it can all boil down to just a couple minutes of TV time. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:34 But, so that's our friend Stan Efferding. So Stan Efferding was here at Omaha Barbell, which is where Big Rob here was doing some things in his Weekend Warrior shirt. Maybe you should get yourselves one if you want to have quads like Rob. But what is this here? 5.35x2, taking it easy. That's warm-up stuff. I bet that last...
Starting point is 00:14:00 Oops. That one's 6. 6.25x2. He's always got some different shoes 6. 6.25 by 2. He's always got some different shoes on. Is that a thing? He's always kind of rocking the kicks. Yeah, he is kind of the kicks man. Rob is, what's he weighing now?
Starting point is 00:14:20 Did you see? I thought he had a poster. He's around like 320-ish or something like that. He cut down to 308 for the U.S. Open. There's 715 by one and a ripped hand or something. Ouch. Owie. So we made it to Omaha.
Starting point is 00:14:41 Yep, we made it to Omaha. We also had a Chicago visitor at the gym this week too. Mr. Jackton Homeless, the world's strongest homeless man. Yeah, so give us a little background into that. How that all came to be, Tanner. Scuba Steve he works out at Barbell Central with his coaches Ernie Senior and he lifts with the other Lillibridges and Huck Finn, and he's an over-the-road trucker.
Starting point is 00:15:11 So I don't know if by homeless he just lives in his truck or what the homeless exactly is. But he was coming from Wyoming, and he was just on his Instagram story and said, does anyone know anywhere in South Dakota where I could go get a lift in? I need to bench tonight. And Huck Finn, friend of the podcast, said, well, check out the guys at Masonomics. So he got a hold of Brandon and Ross. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:37 That's awesome. And Ross ended up coming and letting him in, and he came and did a heavy bench workout and that and then took off and he drove he drove probably 150 miles out of his way yeah just yeah yeah so that's dedication right yeah that's the appeal of massonomics i think yeah so we uh oh huck finn for that a good reference yeah um steve is fucking huge yeah by the way uh you know i've been trying to gain weight for a couple of months now and finally think I'm putting on some weight. And then this guy walks in and you're like,
Starting point is 00:16:12 oh, that's a totally different kind of big. You're like, fuck. He's got a very big upper body. His bio is two DUIs in one night, knocked out last boss, rolled city truck in mayor's yard. Yeah, I saw that on there and just thought there's probably some very good stories yeah yeah if we'd had more time we could have probably uh drug some equipment down there and uh probably had a pretty funny podcast but for sure he didn't drive two hours out of his way to have a podcast i think he wanted to lift he was a really
Starting point is 00:16:43 good guy though good to have him in there lifting ryan got in a bench with him yep sergeant ryan yep sergeant ryan benched with him that's all he did he benched and took a shower and oh on the road about that funny story so he steve came in got to introduce himself and got him set up in the bathroom so he'd go change and stuff and i didn't give much thought to it um he comes out he's sitting down tying his shoes and i gotta run in and take a leak apparently truck drivers who lift take the gnarliest shits dude i think that was a record setter for the gym at massanomics and there's been some nasty there has been some crazy poop that has fouled up that bathroom. But man, I walked in there and it was like on the walls.
Starting point is 00:17:34 It was like, you could like, like I bet if you smelled the mirror, the mirror itself had that shit smell. Had that stain on it. So props, Steve. Well done. You done good. Steve also is a uh uh pioneer guy yeah um so we got we did get to snap a couple shots of his uh belt matt made for him custom belt jacked and homeless um this is when you have nothing anything is possible but uh so we got a picture of that on the on the old platform and yeah threw that around on the internet so it's kind of sweet we got uh it of that on the old platform and threw that around on the internet.
Starting point is 00:18:05 So it was kind of sweet. It's kind of interesting how that works. You can just kind of get people from all over the place. When you're as world famous as we are. That's right. Let's look at this little trip we just took here today. I think that sums it up best with Masonomics. When you have nothing, anything is possible.
Starting point is 00:18:21 That works for us. It was like destiny that we came together. anything is possible that works for us it was like destiny that they came together i was talking with uh steve about he kind of brought it up that him and huck and a couple of the guys really want to come out here and maybe do some sort of seminar like in exchange for them you know getting like a hunting experience or something you know hanging out and we could probably line them up with some pheasant hunting for sure i don't know so look for yeah for that that would be that'd be super yeah yeah we could fill that for sure um i'm trying to think did we have anything else come up this week we did drop the uh our uh what do you call it? 10 strength podcasts.
Starting point is 00:19:05 So that's out there. You should find that. Chad Wesley Smith did comment and say that since we're in the middle, that means we're the best. They got the center. It's a collage photo of all the podcasts that we included, and Chad was happy to see that they got the center shot. Honestly, it's the vests that got them in.
Starting point is 00:19:23 Yeah. They are nice- the vests that got them that got them in yeah they are nice looking vests i did i'm trying to think of if who was it that saved the shared oh was it uh starting strongman had saved the strong or shared the strong talk when some guy chimed in and said uh said well kale when you do your when you do your list you make sure you're cocky enough to put your own podcast on there too and he was like, Oh, I would not do it. Fucking number one. Well, yeah,
Starting point is 00:19:47 you wouldn't you, wouldn't it be really stupid of us not to put our own podcast on that list? I mean, this is very subjective terms by what you think is good and bad. That's the first sentence of us being on there. Like if you thought we were dumb enough not to include ourselves, you're wrong. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:20:03 it is. We did fucking make it. Yeah. That's like one of the few things we get out of it. Let's see here. I'm just rolling through. It's kind of been a busy week, you guys. Yeah, we got some stuff and some shit.
Starting point is 00:20:19 The stuff and the shit. It just keeps rolling. All the stuff, all the shit. What else did we have out of the gym? I don't know if anything super cool happened at the gym this week. It just keeps rolling. All the stuff, all the shit. What else did we have out of the gym? I don't know anything super cool happened at the gym this week. Nobody shook them up. I saw something pop up that I kind of like. The 5x5 boys.
Starting point is 00:20:34 That's kind of my new hashtag thingy. I'm on a different program right now and I'm doing it with Ross from the gym and we're saying that to each other jokingly and text like as we're talking about what's coming up on the program like it's basically most mostly all five by fives of some sort of the other for every lift and like saying
Starting point is 00:20:55 like five by five crew or five by five boys or jokingly saying that if someone's not doing a five by five like are they even working? Just saying that everything else is meaningless if it's not a 5x5. So yeah, that's going to be an ongoing thing for a while. It's a new lifestyle. 5x5, it's a lifestyle. Our new lifestyle brand. Fives and fives, it's a lifestyle. Let's see, did we want to uh jump into tanner
Starting point is 00:21:27 sack right away yeah i've got a smelly old rotten sack here today as usual dump it on us all right let's see what we got in the sack i'm not we don't need to do the eyes closing thing today because some of these items in the sack are used so like it would be a pretty nasty trick to like but put your mouth on it yeah like open your mouth um well first of all i guess i'll bust the these guys out this is worth mentioning what we got going on here um these are the worn ones so these are the spudding discretion yeah um two ply those are the spudding two ply knee sleeves that's right um well we're working on a review for these right now that might be out by the time that this comes out if it's not it probably won't be too long after that um they make two ply knee knee sleeves single ply knee sleeves and uh single ply elbow
Starting point is 00:22:27 sleeves we have some of each and we're uh excuse me how rude of me phone calls so i'm testing out the two ply knee sleeves tommy's got a pair of the one ply knee sleeves and you've got a pair of the elbow sleeves. And, yeah, well, I guess we'll have more input on those later. But I guess what's different about these is this right here. Yeah. Like if you're looking for something that is maybe different than. Have you been flipping them down when you pull them up? No, that doesn't bother me, I guess.
Starting point is 00:23:02 It doesn't bother you anymore? No, well, that never really did. That was more of a me thing. And then for my last time, so what we're talking about here is with these pulls, there is some sewing that happens on the inside seam there. And anytime you have seams against skin, it can have the potential for discomfort.
Starting point is 00:23:19 And I know the first time in the gym, I threw them on, and I was like, oh, maybe this will be uncomfortable. I don't know that it hurts. No, it doesn't hurt. You just notice it. And then once I had actually, the first time in the gym I threw them on, and I was like, oh, maybe this will be uncomfortable. I don't know that it hurts. No, it doesn't hurt. You just notice it. And then once I had actually, the first time I used them, I did a deadlift session, and then I was moving to some safety squat bar. And I threw them on, and I think it's because I was kind of in the zone already and warmed up.
Starting point is 00:23:42 It wasn't even like a thing. So you didn't notice it? No, it didn't even really cross my mind at that point. But yeah, the two biggest differences for me using these compared to your standard kind of like neoprene sleeve is that one, it has the sleeves, so they're very easy to pull on. I think I wear a medium, or I do wear a medium and SBD, and I have a large in these spud ink ones.
Starting point is 00:24:03 And I would say that those two sizes are very comparable to each other but these are so much easier to get on like after I'm like warmed up and sweaty like putting on SBDs is like work it's like not a thing that I'm even going to really mess with because it's just it is going to be a big hassle whereas these you just grab those handles and you pull it right up and it takes a second it's it's super easy and then uh the other thing is the material is a little different on these two. I don't even know what you would describe this as, kind of a mix of like a heavy cotton canvas-type texture. Yeah, with some sort of elastic.
Starting point is 00:24:37 Yeah, because there's some stretch properties to this thing. I don't even know. I feel like I've seen some of the other guys, I think, have sleeves in the gym. It's not an uncommon material. If it's not neoprene, I think this is usually what it is. Yeah, whenever you don't have sleeves i feel like i've seen some of the other guys i think yeah this is not an uncommon material if it's not neoprene i think this is usually what it is yeah whenever you don't have sleeves that aren't neoprene they tend to be this material but um so i hadn't used this before and i think it's pretty comfortable and it keeps my knees just as warm as the uh as the neoprene so my my first impressions were i did like these they were yeah i like that they stay warm but they're not as much of a sweat factory as the neoprene.
Starting point is 00:25:06 Like I get, I mean like, cause I could wear these, if I will pull like neoprene over my elbows for my elbows, he was like, it gets fucking greasy. You know what I mean? And I didn't have that problem because they,
Starting point is 00:25:19 they do kind of breathe. Have you worn yours for? Yeah. I've worn them probably three or four times okay in the last week or two so what did you what i really like them yeah pr'd my bench in them and everything so so guaranteed to provide a pr yeah so that you can use these when you're when you're putting them on your arms also you just put loop one on a like a barbell or something and it works really well too.
Starting point is 00:25:45 Yeah, I actually couldn't imagine pulling on a sleeve that's that tight. Without that. Without that. I don't know how you do it. We can't say much about the long-term durability. Obviously, we've only had them for a little while and then tested them. So we can't really say much about that. And Tanner, these ones are, now this is even a little different than your standard sleeve,
Starting point is 00:26:06 being that these are two-ply. Yeah, these are two-ply. So I wear SBD knee sleeves, and I wore both this week. I wore this for one of my heavier days and my SBDs for one of my heavier days. And I can't, I don't know, I can't say, it's not a wrap. You know, like, here's's what i said here's how i described it to someone else like if if you on a scale from one to ten if a wrap is a ten my sbd knee sleeves are a one and these might just be a one also but if they were anymore they would
Starting point is 00:26:40 be a two yeah you know like yeah like so it's very close to the same as so you didn't feel like you were getting like extra bounce out of the bottom or it was helping you with no weights i was hoping that that would be like but when i got heavy it was just like oh still really hard and not like wraps at all yeah so like i said like it's i can to me my opinion after just one time was that it's like exactly the same as my uh it's just a little more heavy duty than the single ply version right double ply right but uh not like a you know yeah it's not gonna have the effect of wrapping your knees tight yeah yeah which no it's not supposed to like to you like that's probably not a huge value to you right no um and also like my spds are over three years old so they're just a little worn out so these are just nice because they they're crisp tight yeah you know again but yeah I like those oh I guess just for comparison's sake I won't get these too close to you guys but here keep that away this is my
Starting point is 00:27:36 dinner table like a biohazard I eat lunch down here what are you doing but there are the uh so height wise are these things about the same length i've never checked them up here i guess um and i just like now having a rotation but like because i'm squatting three days a week right now so i don't want to put the same sweaty knee sleeves on yeah yeah they'll just be permanently wet looks like the spd is an inch longer. Yeah, just about. Yep. So I don't know.
Starting point is 00:28:15 I mean, that's some groundbreaking discovery here. We just did right there. Yep, looks about right. One inch longer. None of us know what that means, if that's better or worse, but that is definitely a fact and then the last thing i brought here is is these puppies uh i don't know if you can see why don't you explain these puppies to us these puppies are a set of knee wraps these ones happen to be the slingshot world record wraps formerly the lillibridge world record wraps um so at our gym we don't have a lot
Starting point is 00:28:48 of guys that wear these or compete with them um we've got a few guys me one of them that have competed in wraps a couple times larry has a couple times but you do not often see anyone at the gym ever training with these because it's just more it's more pain in the ass it's just one more thing to do yeah i think that's honestly why you don't see people doing it because it's just more of a pain in the ass yeah yeah you know yeah short of short of i suppose training with them solely to get used to them for a competition that you just happen to be wearing them in right other than that yeah there'd be no reason for, at least us around here. No, there's some guys, like I know Steve Gentile out there,
Starting point is 00:29:29 he says that he competes in these because he had some knee issue and this is the only way he can squat. Stay up and squat, yeah. I suppose there's some people out there that are like that. So I've squatted in these in a couple competitions and um like i was saying before the sleeves are a one and i would call these a 10 and you know in comparison of what you get out of them yeah the sleeves what you get out of them is a warm a warming secure feeling knee yeah it would call it and a very wet knee right but like so if you did a one rep tommy if you did a one rep max squat in bare knee versus sleeves like do you think it's
Starting point is 00:30:12 actually going to make you do more or just feel better while you're doing i don't think it would make a difference for me at all yeah i mean if it made a difference of five pounds i would say that's it yeah that's i think that's been yeah for me i don't think there would be and even the sleeves i i do wear my knee sleeves just aren't like super tight or you know i mean like they're just for warmth yeah i don't believe it's better i don't believe for a second that i would get more out of it short of just maybe a pound or two for like comfort or familiarity yeah but i don't think that there's anything in my knee sleeves but i think the wraps are a different story yeah the wraps definitely are a different story and we're
Starting point is 00:30:48 about to find that out yeah so uh neither of you have ever been wrapped have you ever i never have i've never been because i've my whole thing is i've never been in a competition where i need knee wraps right i think uh i should do both of both and you also need to do both knees because you have to experience the sensation of your one other knee already wrapped, just sitting there like, come on. Okay. Like the time. So who wants to go first? I think Tommy will go first.
Starting point is 00:31:17 I'll take it. Okay. He's got the angle over there and I will run camera number two here. So I'm going to be off the mic and I'm going to take my sweatshirt off. I'll give some number two here. So I'm going to be off the mic, and I'm going to take my sweatshirt off. I'll give some play-by-play. Because wrapping someone's knees is like a little bit of a work. And I should have these tighter wrapped and stuff, but we'll just make do. And then once you get done, you'll just have to stand up and do a body weight squat.
Starting point is 00:31:39 Yeah, that's what I'm going to do. Is it going to just magically make me jump through the ceiling? It's going to make you feel like if i do a good job if i do a good job getting them tight enough it's gonna feel like you will not be able to a body weight you won't be able to get depth unless tanner and i both climb on your back so let's see how can we film this here see if tommy see if you can set this up just pointed right towards my groin mostly yeah this is going to be it's a wide angle so this is going to be like 80 percent genitals on the camera here so do us get a get a good shot of tommy's point your well as i'm going like point your toes up really all right so he's got
Starting point is 00:32:21 legs straight keeping my calf tight yep that's already uncomfortable when you haven't even touched me yet. That's when it gets really uncomfortable. So on a tightness scale that you could go to, how tight are you going to go here? See, I've never hardly wrapped someone else's knees, but I'm just going to try to go pretty tight so we can talk about how she feels. Oh, I can hold the mic here. Yeah, hold that for Tanner. Tanner, because didn't you say that you've been left with bruises from these things before?
Starting point is 00:32:50 Oh, yeah, in the back of my knees, big time. After a meet, it'll stay purple for like a good week. But wasn't it Ernie Lillibrary, wasn't it Senior that himself said that it's not about the tightness? That's right. I've got to say, this is already very uncomfortable. Yeah, what's your initial thought? My freaking tendon above my kneecap feels like it's about to pop off. I don't think you're doing this right.
Starting point is 00:33:15 Yeah, part of me feels like it's pulling the patella in a direction it shouldn't go. And what about like... Should I be trying to like flex my quad during yeah kind of well you fucked up oh now i got this loose jelly quad squeeze do uh what about the length of the wrap canner is are all these the same length i think these might these are i can't remember if these ones are two and a half or three i gotta be honest with you i already feel like my left ankle is falling asleep like and we're not even done with the first leg here and this is i think when when things start to get serious because now you're like all right get this other one on and then get them both the
Starting point is 00:33:56 fuck off of me right also how hard is it to tear them off once you're done because i i assume like a little pull there and what i didn't do that they would do at a meet is once you get that last strip pulled through then they crank that like that adds like this where it goes from like a seven to a ten yeah okay but i won't do that because it's just tiring oh man that is so you want to go out in the garage and just pr real quick though i just i feel like my leg is going to be sleeping by the time you're done with this one so keep it pretty straight and point that yeah there you go there's it so we're on to leg number The GoPro is zoomed in on Tommy's underscore D. That's a Tommy Instagram handle joke there, guys, if you haven't been listening. So did you answer the question on the length of the wraps, Tanner?
Starting point is 00:35:02 I don't know if these are two and a half or three meters, but that's the common lengths are two and a half and three. Metric system. Yeah, I don't even... So so what's that like 50 feet i saw i saw a funny thing the other day there was like uh listed all of the countries that use um that use the metric system and then they list uh countries that don't and they're like well you know countries that don't are the only ones that have dropped nuclear bombs on civilized people, invented the automobile. Okay. All right. Let's see it, Tom.
Starting point is 00:35:31 What do you think right now just with the line? Incredibly tight. Like I'm having a hard time like getting my legs under me to stand up off this chair. And my feet look crazy vascular right now too. Do you have to normally get pulled up out of the chair? Or can you stand up and squat? I can stand up on my own here. Okay, I'm going to go for it.
Starting point is 00:35:50 All right, let's see what you got. Got to ditch the headphones. Yeah, it's like you don't want to go down all the way. Oh, man. Yeah, I think I got to call that good right there. So you can pull them. pull them just the idea of walking up to a squat rack is really unpleasant yeah it makes the walkout a lot different and yeah is that why it's like a huge problem sometimes if there's like a step up or stairs
Starting point is 00:36:20 yeah well a lot of times people once you have them once you're wrapped up you know someone pulls you out of your chair because yeah oh so how does it feel to have them off there really good i think i just i couldn't believe like how much work it is to get to parallel with those things. Like it's, it's like a, Oh man, headphones around. So you've got like bruises kind of already. Well, yeah,
Starting point is 00:36:52 you can definitely see where the wraps were, but, um, so I didn't have them re like I had, that would be like changes life. No, but that would be like a reasonable to train in, you know,
Starting point is 00:37:04 like at that tightness, you know, I just, my my tech technique is i don't know exactly what i'm doing there's different ways to do it with crossing over the knees and such but i mostly did a top to bottom yeah so now because i've never touched anything equipment wise the idea of that and like a squat suit on at the same time just seems like uncomprehendable like i don't even can't get my head wrapped around it and i really think like my feet already from that little bit felt like they were falling asleep and that would be like with the idea that you were just getting done and i was running out there right away like so i don't know if like in a big meet do people usually have a person on each leg or they'd probably keep the same person on just for consistency wouldn't they yeah i guess
Starting point is 00:37:44 every time i've seen it it's just one yeah one guy you know some people wrap their own but uh-huh have you ever done that you ever wrapped your own even in the gym yeah and that is tight like to wrap your own like it takes a little work to wrap and then to sort of recover yourself while your legs are going cold because you're like fingers and forearms get a good workout while you're wrapping. That's almost like a whole different sport to me now because before I go for a lift, the only thing I'm focused on is the lift. And now the idea of having to be worried about that, how good you're doing with it, and then on top of that, the timing with it.
Starting point is 00:38:21 I mean, that's a whole other level of complexity to it. And after having them on, even without actually squatting with a bar on your back you can probably tell like it will throw people off a little bit of what they're raw you know their movement pattern yeah regular raw like it'll it takes you some getting used to like a lot of people will squat differently yeah that didn't that didn't feel like my squat it didn't look like it either actually you actually immediately i don't know if we can if we'll be able to see it on the video, but you actually immediately looked like an equipped lifter. Your feet were really wide and your knees were really wide.
Starting point is 00:38:53 Yeah, it didn't feel like that's what I do. So I'll get Tyler now. Let's switch spots. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Chinese fire drill. That's right. Unless that's racist. Probably is.'s right. Unless that's racist. It probably is.
Starting point is 00:39:07 All right. Got the camera. So, Tyler, now that I'm in your chair, do I get to just play with all the dials and everything? Yeah, spin them around. Yeah, just go for it. You'll figure it out. It's not that hard. All right, so it is it is straighten them out and then
Starting point is 00:39:26 point your toe like point your toe up okay i'm gonna sort out some electronics all right so legs legs totally straight with tension yeah i found like the second one when i kept it uh my quad a little tighter it didn't feel as uncomfortable. Should I have shaved my legs? A waxing would have been preferable. Do you want to shave my legs right now while you're down there? As long as you're down there. That's really tight. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:01 He's really doing it. Yeah. I maybe, from a comfort standpoint, might prefer that my wife do this just so it doesn't hurt my knee so much. Man, it is weird when it gets right over the kneecap. Yeah. It feels like it's pulling the patella, actually. I never consider what my kneecap's position is in when I'm about to squat, but I probably would here.
Starting point is 00:40:29 Holy Christ. The old loop, swoop, and pull. Bunny ears. Holy shit. That was, uh... Oh, my God. holy shit that was uh that oh my god in a meet sometimes guys will do it with really long nose pliers and grab onto that and yes that's where all the man i am super uncomfortable yeah holy shit oh man this sucks like this more than anything has really got me thinking that, like, equipped lifting is, like, a different sport.
Starting point is 00:41:09 I think so. This is just, like, the basic. You know, this is raw with wraps. You know, as far as equipped goes, this is. Just scratching the surface. Some people just consider this raw, you know. Yeah, yeah. Ooh-wee. just scratching the surface. Some people just consider this raw, you know? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:28 Ooh-wee! The one that's already done really starts to feel... I actually feel not just, like, discomfort and, like, out of position with the one that's already done, but I can feel my resentment for Tanner, like, emanating out of that fucking knee right now. You are the worst. Do you feel like almost like that left foot, that first one that got wrapped, is already like losing circulation?
Starting point is 00:41:53 Yeah. Yeah. I feel like my knee, like my, I don't know what it is, like my, whatever this is right here is like almost feels cramped or something. All right. Tyler is suited up. All right. right here is like almost feels cramped or something. Alright. Tyler is suited up. I'm sweaty. I need a hand.
Starting point is 00:42:16 Oh yeah. Fucking pants. Tyler you need more than a hand. Okay here we go. Alright now walk up to the platform, Tyler. We do have a little inconsistency in the wrap area. There is a little bit of inconsistency. Yeah, I'm no pro at this.
Starting point is 00:42:33 But, like, so. Just walk on around and then get to your platform. Okay. Oh, hold up, Tyler. They loaded the weights wrong. You're just going to have to hang on for a second so just chill try and give it a squat
Starting point is 00:42:49 alright here he goes careful you got a light right behind you yep he's almost to parallel not quite it starts to fight you on the bottom doesn't it yeah and the bottom is where you're like, oh, it's uncomfortable. And then as you get, you're like, I just want, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:43:13 When it hurts, you're like, I just need to squat. I need to get it down. Yeah, yeah. It's like, I want to squat. Just let me get down there. But, like, by the time you get down there, only hurts worse yeah it's like something's telling you don't do this don't do this it's it feels good when you take it off though doesn't it yeah yeah it's that uh it's that bow tie effect where the blood just comes back
Starting point is 00:43:38 do you want to switch again tyler? Yeah, let's switch again. Get you back in the command station? That was special. So now you guys can say that you've had those on before. I actually have, just for the sake of experiencing it, just for the sake of like experiencing it, I've thought about just, uh, just trying to see like,
Starting point is 00:44:09 you know, just go for like a PR squat at the gym sometime, just in wraps just to do it. Um, but it would like only be for its own sake because I don't, for me at least, it's not like a significant enough portion of my training so like i think we've talked about before like i wouldn't have any problem if somebody who trains to squat and wraps like if that was their pr that they counted but for me it just wouldn't
Starting point is 00:44:36 be but i'd probably do it just to say i hit that number but i definitely wouldn't put it on the board for me because that's just not the way i squat and like the first time you put them on for a lot of people they might you might not like be comfortable enough to do well you know like that happens to people i think that would take me i mean i know that would take me some training to get used to i can't i can't imagine coping with that and then that like nervous system feeling of a yeah max effort weight on your back like like take a walk out right that's the other thing walking out because now you're walking out more weight that's it well and it's a weird feeling just walking around in here yeah my
Starting point is 00:45:18 knees were not in they were not wrapped into a locked straight position right you know they're kind of just a touch bend and like so you know now i understand where someone like where like dan was talking about how like you know walking out with a thousand pounds is sketchy is super sketchy and probably i think even more so with wraps because you're not stable like you are moving around in the world right you know you could have knocked me over by just pushing you know right yeah um yeah it's interesting and then the other thing too with this so these were these are the what do you say the slingshot world record holder record and this material is kind of different i don't even really know what to compare it to yeah this
Starting point is 00:46:00 material is tough you know some are more stretchy than this yeah this really is almost like a canvas yeah with a with a limited amount of stretch to it but i didn't realize until we were talking to matt or i think yeah it was matt at pioneer saying you know like there's a lot of levels of wrap stiffness stretch yeah material like all of that that factor into preference skill level all that stuff so yeah i think stiffness slash stretch and then casting are like the main uh how you categorize them like casting i don't know i don't know enough about it but just like the way it feels when it's on like if it feels i interpret it as like if it feels more like a cast yeah gotcha you'll hear like ernie senior talk about like casting and tightness
Starting point is 00:46:47 you know so there's some different things that they measure on them and then at the same time too i think i've heard how is it um maybe tom callous talking about like when he gets wraps he likes to wrap them around like a telephone pole and leave them on just to get them kind of loosened up a little bit because some of them, right brand new are so stiff that they're not quite broken in. So I think it was a podcast. He was talking about that one day, too, of getting them to, like, the perfect level. Break in. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:13 And then I know, too, kind of like how Jonah talks with his bent shirt. I think people will only wear these for so long until they get a new pair. Yeah. Makes sense. Yeah. So when are we going to wrap our knees and race 100 40 yard dash in knee wraps that would be funny that actually would be really with wraps yeah maybe dangerous i don't like yeah i don't know how fast could you like if you wanted
Starting point is 00:47:39 if you needed if you had those on and you needed a sprint could like you do a sprint well it'd be a weird sprint for sure. It would be kind of like Nazi Germany march a little bit. Yeah, the old high step. Yeah, with a little bit of I got to poop going on at the same time. That would be interesting. Maybe when we get to 1,000 five-star reviews, we'll do that. But not a moment sooner.
Starting point is 00:48:07 That should be in no time. Yeah, probably. At the rate we're going. Did we get any of those this week, Tanner? Yep, we've got one. Oh, shit. We're on a good streak of at least having one, though. So if you're listening, don't screw that up.
Starting point is 00:48:19 Yeah, this is your time. If you're listening and you haven't done it yet. It only takes one to keep the dream alive. Yeah. That's right. Last week when you were gone, Tommy, though, we had two. Oh, really? And we believed so much in our audience that we read them both.
Starting point is 00:48:35 We didn't sandbag and reserve one for this week. We knew that this one was going to come from May 19th from Brad underscore 66. Title, I listen with my ears. I don't think he's lying about that. I think that's a throwback to the close out thing. Do you remember? At the end of the podcast the audio out is like,
Starting point is 00:48:59 you just listened to the Maddisonomics podcast with your ears. You're welcome. So that means he is a listener. Not a You just listen to the Madden Anonymous podcast. Yeah. Oh, with your ears. With your ears. Oh, yeah. Okay. You're welcome. Yeah. Yeah. That's right. So that means he is a... He listens. He's a listener. A devout.
Starting point is 00:49:08 All the way to the end. Not a YouTube guy. No. This is a great podcast. Not all that informative. Duh. Oh, shit. I really thought we were disseminating a lot of really good information.
Starting point is 00:49:21 But hey, they try. All kidding aside, they have great chemistry and are passionate about what they do. I look forward to each episode. Their passion has inspired me to move to Northeast South Dakota. Shit, man. You fucked up. Man. Yeah, if we can convince people to do that.
Starting point is 00:49:39 If I could convince any of our listeners of one thing, it is to not do that. I'm a... Like like if you try doing meth do that instead yeah give that a shot not positive but this might have been uh from brad nightsell oh gotcha gotcha he's a strong man competitor from minnesota i feel like that's why he might have thrown out the northeast south dakota that makes sense that would make sense so shout out to Brad. Yeah, thanks for hooking us up, Brad. He's a pretty strong guy himself.
Starting point is 00:50:08 Yeah. I think he just competed in a strongman competition this weekend. And he missed a 775 deadlift. Really? Like, as it would have been a fucking super gangster deadlift to hit, too. It was up. If this is the same Brad. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:28 But yeah, Brad Nassel, it was up above the knee, coming up the hip. In strong minutes, you get to start hitching, but that motherfucker just started rocking. And I think it just spit him out, didn't it? Yeah. He just lost it. But fucking close at 775. Yeah, that's a little bit of weight.
Starting point is 00:50:48 So that's a pretty strong guy. Yeah, that's what it is. Oh, shit. So thanks, Brad, if that was you. And if this was some other Brad, I'm sorry for... Yeah, well, I guess props to both Brads. Good job, Brads. Maybe it was Brad Pitt.
Starting point is 00:51:02 Maybe he was born in 1966. That could be it you know fight club he got pretty ripped so he's probably into training and stuff what just happened you ever have somebody roll into your instagram that likes uh all of it 28 of your posts yeah that's weird right a little stalkery. It might be weird. Bud Jeffries just liked my comment, though. Ooh. Oh, snap. Big Bud.
Starting point is 00:51:30 Did, oh, yeah. I didn't know if I told you. You know, I broke through my deadlift fucking thing finally this week. A big PR? Big PR this week. Yeah. I wasn't, I don't know. You know how a lot of times in your program it's probably like not
Starting point is 00:51:46 time to fucking max out but you just kind of just always time to max my thing is i don't know if i feel like i've got it and i'm not competing or anything it's just like well i think i should take a stab at it and so this day in the cube program was like called for a pile of heavy singles ish. And I was like, well, I'll just ramp them up. I'm feeling stronger anyways. So I'll just kind of, instead of doing this at this and you know, getting up higher, I'll just, I'll do all these bigger jumps and just kind of see where I get, not miss, but just see where I get. And we talked about my, um,
Starting point is 00:52:22 double pause reverse deadlift at the Stride 475 at the Strongman competition. And so this time I built my way up to like 485 and everything moved really fast. And then I was like going to put 495 on. But like it's kind of one of those things. It's just like when you can you think that bench pressing 400 pounds is cool but it's got to be 405 because that's four plates right and then like but it works the other way with 495 because it's like well that's that's five plates but like
Starting point is 00:52:57 that's not 500 pounds so you it needs to be more than 500 pounds yeah so i jumped to 505 and it just you know just snapped it right up the key reason he didn't do the double pause yeah right i should have just made it harder the double pause up down up down up just just once mid shin yeah and then once again just above the knee uh but i uh yeah i move fast i I think the thing has been since about then, because I think after that I expressed my... Love for the deadlift. Hate for the deadlift. Love for double pauses.
Starting point is 00:53:36 With a lot of finality, I think. Tana remembers the conversation. I was like, I was going to give it about, until this summer, I was like, I'm going to fucking like give it an effort i'm gonna put in more a little more volume on i'm gonna do the deal but if this doesn't fucking click for me between now and then i'm starting over and going to sumo yeah that was just gonna be the the next thing to try uh-huh um and uh we went with kind of the wider stance and a bit of the rollback
Starting point is 00:54:04 like some of the taller strongman lifters do. And that's been, I think that's been the ticket. And now even that little bit where they kind of like, that I told you it was really uncomfortable. Yeah. When you're really wide and they almost sit back on it. Yeah. With enough practice now, that kind of actually is really nice and almost pulls it off the floor for you. It's pretty sweet.
Starting point is 00:54:27 So I enjoy deadlifting now which is great having gained 20 pounds of body weight makes it a little bit easier too but i'm gonna take it when i where i can get it but deadlift is probably out of the lifts like body weight the least you know i think like no doubt it helps invent like it helps the most in bench press like the easiest way to get a stronger bench is to weigh more yeah well that's like you want to put 10 pounds on your bench just gain 10 pounds yeah you're probably gonna get i've got about two more weeks of gaining weight and then i'm gonna start trying to just not be so lose it rapidly yeah they lose it right away now i'm gonna startipping away at it a little bit so I have something left to look at come summertime.
Starting point is 00:55:05 But I put on like 20 pounds in eight weeks, you know, of just fucking eating an insulting amount of food. But, yeah, so the bench went up. My plan is I'm just going to get fat as shit and then PR all my lifts and then lean out, and then I can spend the rest of my life talking about how I what i did that once but uh no that was uh that was good for me that was a big deal because that's been such a motherfucker for me for a long time it's not a better feeling than like when your worst lift when you can enjoy doing that exactly you know it was the same way when i started doing
Starting point is 00:55:41 crossfit with like the snatch like i could okay, and I could do a lot. No, I couldn't do lots of CrossFit things okay, but I could clean okay. But with the snatch, I was so fucking bad at it that I hated it and hated it, and I just put in a lot of time. And now it's probably my best of those two Olympic lifts. But it's tough at Massanomics because other than Larry, most of you guys are pretty proficient deadlifters and actually enjoy it kind of.
Starting point is 00:56:08 It took me a long time to get there too. When I look at Ethan who just recently, what did he hit? 475. 475. Just missed a 495. And that's a guy that started lifting a year and a half ago, weighing like 160 pounds. It's like, God, it took me so long to get to 475 like so long
Starting point is 00:56:28 you dick yeah it took me young yeah it just took me forever it felt like and really i've had more deadlift progress in the last year than i have in like the three years before that combined right but i yeah i i think i know exactly what you're feeling tyler like it's just like why isn't this get better and it's like for a while i was was getting to the point where my squat was going to pass at my deadlift. It's like, why is this happening to me? This isn't the way it's supposed to work. I've got two more weeks before I'm going to attempt a PR squat here in two weeks. And that's got to be put up or shut up time because my bench is about to catch my squat.
Starting point is 00:57:03 And I don't want to be that guy. Nope, nope. As long as it's just five pounds more yeah it's just gotta be more but uh yeah but it is interesting because if we look around like the gym the guys that we train with there's a lot of there's a lot of good deadlifters a lot of strong deadlifters and but the difference is that i was probably the only one running around pouting about it like you know what i mean like like there wasn't even another person who's like yeah deadlifting blows for me too so i was like the only person who's like why is this fucking impossible like this is impossible why am i so bad at it and uh i thought it was funny when we were at uh your guys powerlifting meet tommy um in sioux, your folks were there, and they were talking about what Ryan was going to shoot for.
Starting point is 00:57:49 He was going to try to finish around 600, 605. And I don't remember if it was your mom or dad. It was my mom, yeah. She was sizing me up, and she's like, well, how much do you deadlift? And I was like, well. Here we go. Well, I mean like i kind of got 475 but like it wouldn't have counted here because of the whole double pause thing and uh
Starting point is 00:58:14 and then she looked at me like well what the fuck is wrong with you she's very judgmental so yeah absolutely what i what But then what I did say is it's not what's wrong with me. It's that your boys are really, really, really, really strong. And I just am not. I'm just big. A 606-pound deadlift doesn't, you know, right. Really at any level. Yeah, I mean, that's true.
Starting point is 00:58:41 Yeah, but, yeah, that was my week. That was a good week. And Tanner just had to watch Scuba Steve bench while he didn't. No, I didn't. I benched the day before. It wasn't even a lift day. I just had to come to cheer him on. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:58 Just so we had someone coming around. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But, yeah, well, I think that's's do we have anything else we got to cover today i think we've covered the world of massonomics yeah i think we brought i think i really brought the heat today locked and sponsor uh ccs and nike freeze get huge but keep comfortable comfortable feet it's a lifestyle that was one of our sponsors also uh tren and jerry's ice cream for huge guys who don't pass drug tests.
Starting point is 00:59:48 Tren and Jerry's. It's a lifestyle. Well, I think that'll do it for us today. I still haven't prepared your guys' little sheets for you guys to read off of. Oh, what the hell. I was going to take Twitter today. Oh, great. Tanner's, we're not on Twitter.
Starting point is 01:00:02 Don't follow us on Twitter. So thanks for listening though make sure you go to they're going to find all our articles and such supporting the podcast the best way you can do it is to buy some stuff at the store um or just mail us money you can mail us money by emailing us get big at but on the website there you'll find all our old archive podcasts articles all the good stuff in the store hats shirts when are we going to roll out the lift hats pretty soon i was just thinking that we might as well do it yeah we're just teasing the world with we'll
Starting point is 01:00:35 do it with this one we'll tell them yeah we're doing it just gonna do it there's probably gonna be some new lift design hats of the weekend warrior in a hat form or two so uh check that out those are going to move like hot cakes so you're going to need to get in it could move like a cold brew chacho on a warm summer day we're gonna bring the heat locked and loaded we're gonna just say no um can i get custom embroidery on mine no also uh let's see what else we have uh forward slash massonomics make sure you subscribe to the channel um do yourself a favor you can also sign up uh turn on notifications for that
Starting point is 01:01:19 too so when we drop an episode if you're a YouTube watcher, it'll pop up right in your shit. And you can dive in right away. What else? Oh, yeah. All the Arnold interviews are still up there. Check them out. I've been looking at our numbers. Literally millions of people are watching them every day. Yeah, to the point YouTube might take them down because they get played so much.
Starting point is 01:01:37 If you haven't seen them, you're really missing out. Yep. Yep. I covered all those things. Facebook. Make sure you like us on Facebook that's where we kind of keep you guys in the loops on all the new stuff that's happening
Starting point is 01:01:49 and iTunes iTunes 5 star reviews tell us a little story we don't want the well to dry up on those reviews actually another interesting thing to do would be if you're going to leave a 5 star review I would like, if you haven't left one yet which by my math is like 99.999 percent of you if you haven't
Starting point is 01:02:12 left one yet just uh when you leave your review i actually would like to know how the hell you found out about the podcast yeah especially if you don't like if you're not our moms yeah definitely if you're not our moms tell us how if you're not our moms, tell us how you found out the podcast. Cause we'd like to know how that worked. If all the newspaper advertising we've been doing across the country is finally local radio, all the billboards, radio shows we've been doing.
Starting point is 01:02:35 Um, yeah, that'll do it for us though. Um, I'm Tyler. You can find me on Instagram at Tyler F and stone. That's Tyler EFF. I am stone.
Starting point is 01:02:43 Tommy. You can find me on Instagram at Tomahawk underscore D. Locked and loaded. The official Massanomics Instagram page, at Massanomics. And I'll still be there bringing the heat. I think I'm going to change mine to just say maybe. My slogan's going to be in flux. It really depends on the question.
Starting point is 01:03:04 Yeah, what's the question? All right. Well, thanks for listening, everybody, and we'll see you next week. You just heard the Masanomics Podcast. With your ears, you're welcome. Check us out on Facebook. Find us on Instagram at Masanomics, and make sure you visit
Starting point is 01:03:23 and buy some of that sweet Masanomics and make sure you visit and buy some of that sweet Masanomics gear. From your friends at Masanomics Studio, home of the world's strongest podcast, stay strong. I'm I'm

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