Massenomics Podcast - Ep. 62: Eddie Hall Goes Beast Mode / Sleep is Good

Episode Date: June 12, 2017

As always, you can watch this episode in full color video... This week, we are joined in the backyard by Professor Schanz.. We break down all the top secret happenings, scandals and controversies this years World's Strongest Man in Botswana. Then Schanz lets us know that everything that we do in regards to sleep is wrong, and that we're also probably ugly.... Probably. Give it a listen and learn how you can better your sleep routine and optimize the whole process to get yourself greater gains. Or check out the super-high quality audio version below.. If you don't already have a closet full of Massenomics gear, go to the MASSENOMICS STORE and load up on swag... Also, please CLICK THIS LINK TO GIVE US A 5 STAR RATING ON ITUNES... Click this text to follow Massenomics on Instagram... Vote Massenomics for President in 2020.. Have your barber shave our logo into the side of your head.. Maybe get a Massenomics tattoo while you're at it.    Or you could sign up for our email newsletter at the bottom of this page. Stay Strong, M

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Starting point is 00:00:00 M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-Massanomics Welcome to Massanomics, the world's strongest podcast. Find us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter at Massanomics. Make sure you go visit There you'll find the rest of our powerful content. While you're there, check out our store and buy yourself some of that sweet Massanomics gear. I don't know. I guess I didn't really think of anything on the way over here, but, you know, if you guys have any questions,
Starting point is 00:00:29 science-y stuff, I'm more than happy to delve into it if I know anything about it. I would want to bring up the World's Strongest Man finals. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I have a couple things on that, too, that I've found. So we'll start with that. We probably have already started, in case you guys are wondering. Oh, okay. Your camera's rolling, Tanner, right? Yeah, I would say if you guys are going to talk about the World's Strongest Man thing, I could probably
Starting point is 00:00:53 hand the mic over to you for the time being, because I'm not going to have as much to contribute for that. So we'll, so guys, we're in a special backyard edition of the Massanomics podcast here, only because it's nice out. But we're finding that it's super noisy out here, so bear with us if the sound quality is sort of shitty. But, like, I don't know. If you don't like it, tune in next week. But we're fresh off of, of course, there's a bit of a time delay here, but we are fresh off of the World's Strongest Man actually happened, but they can't say anything about it. Is that correct? Yeah, that's what they tell them.
Starting point is 00:01:31 But I seem to be seeing more people saying more about it this year than they have in the past. So maybe all the contestants just decided, ah, screw you. What are you going to do? Like, what are you going to do to us? The interesting thing. So the results were Eddie Hall won. won that's surprising it's good for him like it was i think there was a lot to be there was kind of actually a lot of guys that could have won this year i think probably more than i would have like you know what i mean there
Starting point is 00:01:57 was three for sure that i so there's um hall there's thor and then there's Shaw. Who are some of the other guys? And then Zydrunas, Savickas. Oh, okay. But I think, was he banged up or something? Yeah, he ended up 9th out of 10th, Big Z did. Martin Lisas, he either got 4th or 5th, and the other one in that spot was J.F. Caron from Canada. But first place, Eddie, 51 points.
Starting point is 00:02:26 Second place, Thor, 50 points. And third place, Shaw with 49. So those three were all within two points. But then fourth place is all the way down to like 25 points. So it was those three and then everyone else. Yeah. and then everyone else yeah like um and the events this year it doesn't you know it's still kind of surprising that that uh hall one but event wise this is the first year that they've had all three of those static strength events in the finals which would be the squat the deadlift and an
Starting point is 00:03:01 overhead press which are all three catered to his strength. So there's some rumor or, you know, like conspiracy that it's more set up for him to win this year. It's the first time that they've had all three of those events in the finals since, like, I don't know, 2000, or it's been like 15 years or something like that. Now, also, Eddie Hall just posted on his facebook that uh here's here's the following he said i can't say how i've done at world's strongest man but i can say that i am now retired from world's strongest man i'll still be on the british scene for many years to come and i thank all my fans and sponsors and my family and friends to the moon and back massive thanks to my wife who i dearly love and a lot of success
Starting point is 00:03:45 also my manager changed my life for the better yada yada yada big love the beast so yeah why would he retire that's an i think that's really interesting if he's still going to be on the european circuit do you suppose he's like just fully fucking done with the arnold too or not well yeah i think it probably has something related to do with his involvement in like his own strongman events. Like maybe that he's like completely like, all right, I won World's Strongest Man. I'm the man now. Now I'm doing my own thing. Like if you want to see me pay your money towards my event, I think it's something to do with that.
Starting point is 00:04:23 And maybe it's just always been his plan to win once and be like all right yeah i did it i do know that winning was like winning that competition was like the thing that he had to do but i didn't i didn't realize that he was just gonna won and done it but whatever the toll it takes on you i think to try to win that six or seven times is probably not good for your long-term health that that's what that was the other thing i was wondering i i don't think that's his thought process but some people might be like oh that's enough like now i'm gonna try and not weigh 430 pounds and almost be dead to me like i watched that documentary of his and he seems pretty business-minded and i could totally see him going the route of trying to set up his own and probably reducing drastically the amount of time he actually competes
Starting point is 00:05:08 and just kind of maybe trying to set up his own kind of world's strongest man thing. And honestly, like you guys have talked about in the past, how kind of poorly it's run and just the marketing for it's bad. And I could definitely see him being successful for that and drumming up some legitimate competition. And probably making money. Maybe his goal is to actually make money. What a concept.
Starting point is 00:05:32 Set him up to the point where he doesn't have to work any other job for the rest of his life. Right. Just in that documentary, he didn't seem too happy with the routine he had and the amount of work and effort it took to maintain what he's doing. I'm sure none of them are super happy having to maintain that level of competition, but it seemed like kind of a drag to him that he was going to be done with it sooner rather than later. Right. There was some drama. I don't know the specifics on it yet. I'm sure by the time this podcast even comes out, there'll be more details on that.
Starting point is 00:06:02 But on the podium apparently there may have been some walking off early by i don't know if it was thor and shaw or just thor but uh thor posted on social media too on his instagram that he was robbed of first place he lost by one point in in the viking press he they red lighted his last press that would have tied him with Eddie Hall for first in that event. They didn't count his last rep because they said he double knee-bent or jerked it, I guess is what you'd call it. And if you watch it, I don't know, it's probably arguable either way,
Starting point is 00:06:39 but he said he was robbed. And I don't know if he left the podium early or what happened exactly. And his post on there says, like, he's disgusted with World's Strongest Man. And, you know, so it's... I guess aside from the feeling that he's robbed and stuff, that is what it is.
Starting point is 00:07:00 Judging is what judging is. But I do think that, you know, the World's Strongest Man was the thing, and I think now it's been so poorly marketed and so poorly handled, and the content that comes from it isn't even good. They put it out, and then they wait six months before they edit it together into some hour-long thing that airs on ESPN2, and then they don't do anything with it after that.
Starting point is 00:07:29 You don't hear anything of it. Everything's kind of come out in the wash by the time it's publicized, and it's just, I don't know, it's weak. He took that post down now that I just checked. It was just like an hour ago, and he already deleted that post. I figured he was going to. Yeah, so I think that that is uh i don't know it's it's interesting but i my question too is for the second year in a row
Starting point is 00:07:51 it's in botswana and i fucking don't even understand why it is was in botswana for the first year at all right like like like where are we going to have this premier strength event in a place where i could be wrong but everybody that i've seen in that crowd weighs about 95 pounds and looks hungry malnourished and you have these guys that are there eating like an amount of food that would be insulting to most of those people's families and like and these people are not i don't think that that's like on their to-do list is like gonna go watch this because there's some of the events there's like 50 people watching them pull a fucking airplane down the runway 50 people showed up for that and i think part of the problem is they they do structure it where it's pretty spread out you know what is it it's like a two or three day
Starting point is 00:08:40 preliminary or however they do it preliminary tournament yeah i think all together if you're in the finals you're there for like two weeks yeah and then there's like four days off or something like that and then they jump into i think it's two then it's three days for the final yeah that sounds right and it's i think it's just like things need to be marketed for tv and for the internet now and i think britain's strongest man or was it europe's strongest man where it was just in a stadium it was one day yeah and yeah they're not going to probably be able to deadlift and press the the super high numbers because they're doing it all in one day but who gives a shit like at some point if it's going to matter it has to matters to the fans and having basically the information about it kind of just trickle out
Starting point is 00:09:26 for six months before it shows up on on espn in this really watered down version is just not good for the product i think the product's been getting worse truthfully you know um and that's i think it's a problem with the sport of strongman on almost every level is that it's not set up for the audience at all, you know, and, and every competition we've been to short of the one that we did, cause we're exceptional at these types of things.
Starting point is 00:09:56 They're all like eight or nine hours long. And, you know, it is more about, you know, the athletes proven to themselves and to each other and all that cute stuff. But if it's not a spectator sport, you can't wonder why there's no money in it. So at some point it's got to be shined up so people are interested in watching it.
Starting point is 00:10:13 Joking aside and patting ourselves on the back aside, I do wish more were closer to the way that we set ours up where I think from a spectator's perspective, that was actually, there was some entertainment value there and the length of it wasn't so long that it was losing people's interest and you can't cat you can't at some point you you got to cap the amount of people that are doing it you can't have 85 competitors you know i mean if it's going to be interesting to watch otherwise you can have those little tournaments to weed weed the people out but at some point you know you need 10 to 15 competitors and it's got to be interesting to watch. Otherwise, you can have those little tournaments to weed the people out, but at some point, you need 10 to 15 competitors, and it's got to move. Ours was two and a half hours long.
Starting point is 00:10:50 Yeah. So that was still long, you know what I mean? If I went to a thing somewhere. That's a long movie to go to. Yeah, definitely. I mean, ultimately, if you're not catering to the fans and like the experience why are you doing it like i mean anything that's professional sports i mean ultimately it's to make money you know and and provide a good product for the fans so it's like
Starting point is 00:11:14 if that's not done with like the primary goal in mind why why is it being done you know well and then and then the thing is is like then why, like people are always astonished at how little money is in the sport. That's why. And it's like, well, that's why. Yeah. Cause nobody other than the people doing it give a shit. And, uh, and I think that's, that's a pretty important thing for them to realize.
Starting point is 00:11:36 I think, I think that it's visibility, the sport of it is really high, but I think world's strongest man itself is at a point in which there's so many other sports and programs out there that do such an exceptional job. If you compare the media materials that CrossFit puts out throughout the course of a year versus what comes out of World's Strongest Man, and it's just night and day. out of world's strongest man and it's just night and day well yeah i think they could take some some examples from crossfit i mean that exploded onto the scene and you know the marketing's been astonishing with that and that's part of the reason why it's so popular and then with world's strongest man like the freak factor alone should make it popular exactly but you know that it's it's not you know and that's like people don't even understand what a 450 pound man looks like that picture i took of you at uh um the arnold classic i think it's it's it's crazy because
Starting point is 00:12:32 you know i tell people in that picture i'm like tyler is six six and 300 plus and he looks like a child next to this guy and it's just it's it's crazy it's it's absolutely absolutely. Like, that's the thing is these guys are like insultingly huge. Like they're so big that it hurts your fucking feelings when you stand next to them, no matter who you are. Cause I'm a big person. And I'm like, I was like, fuck, like, I guess I just suck. And I couldn't imagine being a regular size person. But I did see there's a, I don't know, Tanner, we haven't even talked about
Starting point is 00:13:05 this and i was meaning to bring it up a couple weeks ago um so no better time than now i got an invite to something on facebook have you ever heard of and i want to look it up so i know i'm right um called the static monsters have you seen that I want to say it's out of Australia. It's a really interesting concept. So what it is, it's sort of a strongman competition structure that's standardized. So there's no variability between events and weights. And the whole point of it is to treat it kind of like you want people to do with powerlifting, where anybody can compete
Starting point is 00:13:48 you know you want to get people in the door and get started and enjoy competing so it's very simple there's a there's an axle deadlift from a fixed height um and and it works more like a powerlifting meet where you call your weight you come out and you do your deadlift and then and your score just is what you get three attempts or whatever so everybody pulls from the same height or it's adjusted from the same from the same height yep so it's like a lot of these are like 18 inches probably you know well to me that doesn't seem standardized then because you know people with different leverages are going to have advantages to that but that's the way it is forever you know i mean that's the way right As far as everyone's lifting the same thing on the same implements. Okay.
Starting point is 00:14:27 And then there's a log press, which I believe is, you know, it's a fixed diameter log, you know. Anyway, so it's only two events. So it's just those two events. You come in. But that way everybody, because the problem is if a lot of people who maybe are interested in training Strongman or like tinkering a lot of people who maybe are interested in training strongman or like tinkering with some of the implements are never going to be able to compete
Starting point is 00:14:49 at all because most of those competitions depending on your weight like you could scratch every single event for the most part um so i thought i thought it was kind of neat i don't tanner take the mic here but what are your thoughts on that i was curious does that have a big following or like that page for example is there a lot of people that no okay i i don't think so they have uh 551 people follow it on facebook now it doesn't mean anything probably but um the the concept they they, and they're in a lot of countries. They have competitions, and I'm trying to think they'd maybe do it similar to the CrossFit Open, where it's like all the events kind of happen within the same couple of weeks. So the Static Monsters 2017, there's like, I don't know, 10 places in Australia that
Starting point is 00:15:43 have it. There's 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 or 11 in the United States, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, China, Europe, South Africa, Canada. So, I mean, there's a lot of countries that are doing it, but it's probably, you know, like we could put one on you know and make the list but um i did think it was an interesting solution to the uh to making the sport of strongman more attainable so it's always those two events always those two events nothing else so here's the here's the way it works scoring works it's your heaviest log press plus your heaviest deadlift competed so it's nothing's for reps nothing's for you know it's just weight it's just a total then yep yep you're just getting a total similar to power
Starting point is 00:16:29 lifting or weight lifting the log lift you have three attempts to lift whatever weights you want if 60 seconds to attempt each lift um in the axle deadlift three attempts 60 seconds no sumo um but deadlift suit straps and figure eight straps are allowed. So, um, yeah, I thought it was kind of cool. It's like in concept, it's really neat. It's the only way that like, you know, our, our moms would be able to compete in a strongman competition. I like that there's no squat from a personal standpoint. I did like how they did the squat on the world's strongest man.
Starting point is 00:17:03 Did you see that? Yeah. Where they, they, they, they dialed in the depth on the seat and they did the squat on the World's Strongest Man. Did you see that? Yeah, where they... They dialed in the depth on the seat, and they had the pads on the outside, so they weren't just banging it off of pins. See, so that, Sean, I don't know if you've seen that or not, but the weights on the end, it's not...
Starting point is 00:17:16 The bar is bigger and thicker than a normal bar, but that's not mattering, really. The weight is like this huge, almost old-school circus-looking, I don't know, four- foot diameter bells on the end but anyways they uh the judgment to hit hit depth isn't watching their hip or hip or uh knee crease it's they have to hit the rests on each side okay you know both both weights on each side of the bar have to hit tap the rest but they do adjust that height for the lifter okay so like before they go they determine uh what height that's going to be for them you know whatever their judge is whether it's parallel or whatever they sure consider but so in there they do uh change those rests you know that height at least then there's no like there's no risk of judging errors either
Starting point is 00:18:06 you know you like your your depth is called in the beginning before it starts and then everything's just dialed in off of that which seems to make the most sense if you're going to have squatting in a strongman competition i think it's the only way to do it yeah and i've done a competition where they do it similar to that except it's it's in power rack, and the bar had to hit the safety bars on each side. So when you were talking about that, I remember people were bouncing it off of there for momentum. Was that similar to what happened with the Strongman? Were they able to bounce and get momentum with that? Yeah, they can.
Starting point is 00:18:41 I'd say probably a little bit more momentum than even off of the pins, though, because it was a soft, it was like a four-inch cushion kind of. Some of the guys just kind of would touch it, you know, because there is a big difference in depth if you just touch it versus if you bury it. But it's a lot less aggressive than trying to hammer the fucking thing off of pins and when you did that there was no adjustment right right so everyone was at the same height that's what doesn't make yeah so like maybe in six two or six three it's maybe more difficult than some of the five six competitors that were just a little bit doing it
Starting point is 00:19:21 but uh that you know talk about bouncing it off the the pins or the catches or whatever you're using without practice that's harder than a rate to me at least that's harder than just regulating your own depth because like you can't hit your normal uh rhythm of down and up because you're you're actually like in some cases maybe it's not down as far as you'd normally go or it's down farther which of course would be harder but yeah and i'd imagine that if you're not used to doing it like you you don't maintain that full body tension like you kind of you lose the tension and you don't get that uh that uh that stretch reflex that you normally would part when something all of a sudden is holding you up. Yeah. Yeah, that would not be my jam. What else was out of there?
Starting point is 00:20:09 So Thor was pissed, and was there any word from Shaw? I don't know if there was. I just heard there was some drama on the podium, so I don't know if that included Shaw also. But we probably don't care too much about the particulars of the events, but a couple things that I noted was that Hall did win the deadlift. He deadlifted 1,040, and then Shaw and someone else on name tied for second. I was assuming maybe it was Thor with 1,014.
Starting point is 00:20:40 And then on the truck pull, I thought it was really weird that Shaw got sixth, which with that would normally be a really good event for him. So he lost, like, that's potentially something he would probably get, like, second in, maybe behind Thor. Which might be enough to do it. Yeah, that would be a lot of points right there. So I'm really curious what happened in that particular event. Other than that, I don't know if, you know, Hall won the Viking press, and I don't know who won the squat.
Starting point is 00:21:08 I did hear that Big Z did good in the squat, which doesn't surprise me, but I'm sure Hall did well. Did you see what Hall did? No. So the squat was 700 pounds, and Eddie Hall did it for 15 reps. Yeah. Like, what the fuck?
Starting point is 00:21:22 I was like, and during the, whatever, what do they call it? The preliminary? Yeah, the opening rounds or whatever. The opening rounds. They did it, same weight, and, like, guys were kind of sandbagging because they just had to win out of their little group. Heat to make the finals. You know?
Starting point is 00:21:39 And so, Hafthor did, like, eight, and I think Eddie Hall, or I think Hafthor did, like like 12 or something like that in the final. But a lot of the guys who were really good were just kind of sandbagging that in the opening round, rightfully so. But 700 for 15 is... We talked about it one time with Tommy on here, and I would really like to see Eddie Hall do a powerlifting competition and see what he could deadlift, like no straps, and then what he could squat. And they were able to wear squat suits on their squats. Not all of them do, but they were able to wear squat suits,
Starting point is 00:22:17 and they can wear deadlift suits on the deadlift, but still. That's fucking insane. I did think it was interesting, too, because they said Shaw and Half-Thor were also the biggest that they've ever been coming into this one. And I don't know if we talked about this with you, Austin, but remember Thor at the Arnold? Remember he looked big? He looked pretty big, right? He was actually, Stan Efferding said he got Half-Thor up to 455 for the Arnold. He was actually, Stan Efferding said he got Hafthor up to 455 for the Arnold.
Starting point is 00:22:52 Now, they said both him and Shaw were about 20 or 25 pounds heavier this year than they were last year. And I don't see neither of them with it. Maybe Shaw probably can't continue to put on 25 pounds just because he's more thick. But like Hafthor has abs at 455 and so at some point if he wants to really do it like kiss them goodbye put on another 30 pounds this next year like could we see him at 500 pounds in a couple years like is that possible yeah that was that was literally before you guys were starting to talk about that was my thought i'm like are we gonna see someone at 500 pounds like that that's i don't know that's insane to think about someday though i mean it's probably without a
Starting point is 00:23:27 doubt yeah like i mean it's not gonna go backwards right yeah i'm sure like you'll we'll probably see someone maybe an inch or two taller that at some point you know is going to be able to add add to their frame like that that literally is like borderline giants you you know, seven foot tall, 500 pounds. That's not like numbers that make sense. He was right, man. 200 foot tall men. I, yeah. Oh, shoot. I have a really funny Kaz story, but I can't say this one on air
Starting point is 00:23:58 because it was on another podcast. But, yeah, so the 500 pound mark though I don't know that Thor isn't almost a lock to get pretty close to it he said that he felt like really uncomfortable at 435 last year so he dropped to like 395 in the off season and then they built him up right this year and said he'll probably be able to sustain and build from this but stan efferding said he was just straight up he was like eating so much rice and so much steak and he was adding like just straight up dextrose just mixing it with his rice and like this is just the only way you know keep them carbs up but uh yeah 455 is a fucking big number that's that is a i don't even how does that feel
Starting point is 00:24:49 i assume it doesn't feel real great like sleeping yeah everything in your day-to-day life is more challenging i wonder how those guys sleep like you know your stories about big guys and they have to sleep a certain way or they're, you know, they can't sleep on their shoulders, their arms fall asleep. Like, every one of them obviously has sleep apnea. Like, of course. Right. You know, they probably all have high-level CPAP machines.
Starting point is 00:25:17 They have to. That was one of the things Stan Efferding had said, too, when he kind of took over with Shaw or with Halfthor their stuff was that he got him on a c-pap he corrected his sleep and changed a few diet things and didn't touch anything with his training but they said he had him uh got him on the c-pap no more traveling overnight no more red-eye flights like he just goes a day sooner um no more getting up at three in the morning to catch a 5 a.m flight no more flying somewhere and then trying to get food there. They just said, like, his whole family had to get on board
Starting point is 00:25:48 and just be like, you're cooking for him, you're packing the food, you're mailing it to him. Like, everything's got to be dialed in tight. But they said, like, he said a lot of those guys, their sleep, like, they all have sleep apnea. They all have to have a c-pap um because jesus christ i mean but but i even feel it like i can't i i do sleep on my side because that's how i prefer to but if i lay on my side like i am changing position 30 times throughout the night because my hands go to sleep
Starting point is 00:26:19 my arms fall asleep my shoulders will start to hurt that's what i was kind of wondering like if they all have to learn to like sleep on their back and like have their arms elevated with pillows and certain positions like that you know it's just because it's so much mass just laying at the same spot for so long well and that's why my beds go to shit so fast because if you lay on your back there's a bit more of an even distribution of weight but if you lay on your shoulder that's most of my weight on one arm just digging into my fucking bed and uh and that's why i have like tyler size hole in each side of my bed because we rotate it just to keep the hole even but uh yeah i'm like a two two years on a bed it's about the most most i get tanner how's your bed looking?
Starting point is 00:27:06 You said you rotate it. Does the top of your mattress have a... You're literally talking rotating it because you can't... Like mine, you can't flip it over because the top is different than the bottom. Which sucks. That would give you two... I'd have two more options.
Starting point is 00:27:22 But no, mine certainly, the side that I sleep on, gets like... You roll to that side if you're the only other person in the bed. And I don't know if you guys are familiar with how bed warranties work, but your bed is warrantied for like 25 years. But it's like prorated out really aggressively. So like after three years, they'll give you like fucking 125 dollars towards your new bed or some
Starting point is 00:27:47 shit you know it's awful i just always assumed all warranties are not true and don't work yeah oh tommy boy uh oh yeah what's in a warranty isn't that tommy boy was that you can uh you strap with that on your guarantee on a piece of shit. Mine also, when I asked them, I was like, well, I'm pretty big, so there's a pretty good chance that we'll probably have to warranty this thing out. And they said, oh, well, you also cannot have any stains whatsoever on the bed at all, so you have to buy this $150 mattress cover as well.
Starting point is 00:28:25 And I was like, okay, like a fucking idiot. You know, I was like, just in case I pee the bed or something, I better, you know, anything. I have kids, like anything could happen. And so they suckered me into another $150 to try to preserve this warranty. And then I find out that the only way that basically you can get it changed out for what I need is they have to be able to lay like a level across the bed. And where your hole is, it has to have a two inch dip in it. Like, so there has to be two inch deviation from what like, but as it's just sitting, not like when I get out of the bed, not when I get in it and not like fucking. Oh, and it's also a pillow top. so your odds of like that kind of fluffs in
Starting point is 00:29:08 the difference yeah so i'm never ever going to get warranty on his fucking bed at all and i just have to buy a new bed every two years i'm just wondering if you guys have been real cavalier with your mattresses and ever removed the tag isn't that a felony what is that all about okay so i i think i i could be talking out of turn with this but i'm pretty sure that i looked this up once it actually means that the mattress if you read it right it's like you cannot mattress cannot be removed except by the consumer meaning you can remove your mattress tag but but the store itself can't remove it. And what's the point of that? I cannot fucking imagine why that was ever legislated.
Starting point is 00:29:55 I do think that, I could be speaking out of turn here, but I do think that Theodore Roosevelt standardized the sizes of beds. Before that, they were not twin, double, queen, king. Is that real? Yeah, because he standardized the sizes of beds so that sheets and everything else could be standardized. Because otherwise, they were just whatever people, whatever size people wanted to make them.
Starting point is 00:30:20 That sounds like a role government needed to step in and fill for sure. I think that is really interesting because like how much extra money would there be you remember when cell phones didn't have just the iphone charging cable and the android charging cable it was a fucking free like companies were making millions of dollars and there was hundreds of them because you had to have a fucking if you had a nok this or that, you had a very specific charger. And if you had the Nokia from the next year, you had a very specific charger and you needed a car one and a wall one. And like, and now it's all gone, which is, I think is super. But they basically did the mattress equivalent of that, which is great.
Starting point is 00:31:03 But they basically did the mattress equivalent of that, which is great. But you could be making fucking like, instead of making five different sizes of bed sheets, you could, I mean, think of your product offerings. You could have such a diverse lineup in your bed sheet company, Sean's. Well, I mean, I think for the consumer that would ultimately be better. Like you could get everything to specification as you wanted, you know you know not just the the the standard full and twin and whatever like you know measure it out and get the you know exact custom you know i i read about this this new um mattress company like they mail it to you and like you like unfold it yeah and it's all and it's all kind of custom like that and i thought that was probably the coolest thing I'd ever heard.
Starting point is 00:31:47 There's actually probably like 10 or 15 companies now that do that. They'll mail you. It's like a memory foam mattress packed in a box, super tight. And you open it up, and it just. Yeah. Yeah. And basically, every podcast I listen to is sponsored by one of those companies that's all right that's how i heard about it one of the podcasts i listened to uh yeah sponsor of
Starting point is 00:32:10 the show and i was like wow that's that's kind of crazy and everyone's probably wondering right now what this has to do with lifting or training but you know recovery is probably the most underrated important factors of of making progress you know people give it lip service but we wanted to really dig into yeah recovery you're absolutely right i think people people skimp on sleep and yeah sleep hygiene like it is really a thing and is that about like taking a shower before you go to bed or define sleep hygiene shots uh yeah i know i probably am missing the boat there it's just about being clean before you go to bed you know that's primary what it is but you know like it's it's more about setting setting a schedule you know maybe blocking out all the light you know
Starting point is 00:32:57 only sleeping in your bed like and a lot of people watch tv things like that and um just using your bed for sleep so when you lay down like that's what you're doing you know you're sleeping you know when you're in your bed like it's a habit what about there's like one other thing no about yourself what about you're gonna devote yourself to training you know no sex outside you have to be celibate like I don't know if anybody knows that yeah anyone who's serious about their training would not be interested in fornicating at all that's probably that's a shot at the person that uh when we had the six rules of alcohol uh the six rules for the fitness minded drinker that you had yeah there was a guy on there that commented how if you're really serious about
Starting point is 00:33:38 your training you would not be drinking i i knew there was going to be a comment like that, but, you know. And I'm sure that person, like, is just a world record holder or something, you know, absolutely amazing. Yeah, definitely. Like, they're like, oh, fuck, this guy showed up now? Wonderful. Wonderful. So, Sean, tell us again about the importance of sleep. And what am I doing wrong?
Starting point is 00:34:28 Well, I don't know much about your sleep habits, but for things regarding sleep, I think setting a schedule is super important, like sticking to that schedule. like looking at your phones watching TV looking at your laptop before you go to bed and then there's there's blue light which stimulates your brain basically and just keeps you awake and doesn't let you wind down so there's apps you know I wrote an article about this a long time ago about you can download apps which kind of kind of blocked a blue light and change it to more of a red light and can have a more calming or not stimulating effect on your brain you know and that's an option for people because i think most people you know are looking you know like check their phone before they go to bed or whatever and uh you know that's a great way to only like i'd say on a loop i just go from my three main social media apps i check i think each one of them maybe like 25 times while I'm in bed just from one to the next to the next to the next to the next
Starting point is 00:35:08 to the next until I go that's fucking enough Tyler and go to bed so that's bad sleep hygiene probably like I don't know I mean how would you say it affects you like do you have trouble falling asleep after that no it just costs I should I'm like tired when I get into bed it would be a great
Starting point is 00:35:24 time to go to sleep you guys are you're amazing No, I'm tired when I get into bed. It would be a great time to go to sleep. I have to say, you guys are amazing with the amount of time you're able to dedicate to social media. I don't know how you do it. Just getting like, I got Instagram from you guys pressuring me for months. I don't know. That was something I wanted to talk to you about on here. So how long have you had it now?
Starting point is 00:35:44 Oh, shoot. And what's your handle? Has it been a month now? It's just Professor Shantz. Okay. Nothing fancy in there, no spaces. So what was your very first impression? Did you already know what it looked like? No, I had never used the app or used it on a computer or anything.
Starting point is 00:36:02 So I don't know. I'm still getting used to it uh i don't know i i really like facebook for for information like it's my news outlet you know and i subscribe to things and it shows up in my feed and you know that's what i really like and use facebook for and i i haven't found that i like instagram in the same way yet and maybe it's a matter i need to spend more time on it and probably subscribe to the same type of informational things that you know i would like and then utilize it like that but there's no information on instagram instagram is but it's just but mostly and butts and also now professor sean's yeah yeah and you know the reason we're able to devote so
Starting point is 00:36:43 much time and energy to our social media is because we mostly neglect most of our personal relationships and our professional relationships. And we are very subpar at work and yeah, I mean, everything comes at a cost. Yeah. I mean,
Starting point is 00:37:00 just, just, you know, massonomics posts and without fail, you guys share every single post and every single Instagram. and I'm just like, it's truly amazing. I don't know, like, when I have to go out of my way to share a post, I'm like, oh, my God. I agree. It's pretty amazing what we're able to do.
Starting point is 00:37:18 We're really killing it over here. My wife does not share your opinion of how amazing i am at at using so much social media um tanner how's that going with you yeah she'd be in the same boat like less impressed than you for sure you know i mean i mean but yeah i suppose i get that but just just it's dedication you know dedication something's got to be said about that it is interesting actually with instagram though like aside from the butts it's mostly the butts but like there is there is like nothing that happens now in like the world of fitness is not does not get piled through instagram that's why we were like sean's you have to do it because that's where
Starting point is 00:38:02 like you remember going through the arnold a lot of it was like, so many of these people are only popular or famous on that platform, which is crazy. You know, you can get, you can get famous on Instagram and have done nothing. Do you think that, which is great. We're all hoping for that. Do you think that's primarily just because the consumer would rather look at a picture than actually read something? I think so. No, I, yeah picture than actually read something. Yes, I think so. No, yeah, I really think so. I think that's most of the appeal. Well, in lifting or especially like powerlifting strongman, you can see someone's entire career. Their set, you know, like what you care about if someone powerlifts is like how much they can squat.
Starting point is 00:38:40 And that fits perfectly into, you know, it used to be 15 seconds, but now 60 seconds. and that fits perfectly into, you know, it used to be 15 seconds, but now 60 seconds. Plus you can lay out, like, if we do stumble across somebody new, which, you know, seems like pops up all the time, you can pretty much kind of, like, put them into a box very quickly. You know what I mean? It's like, you know, this guy's got a 700-pound squat, his 500-pound deadlift, and, you know know seems interesting or funny okay follow you know or you can go in and be like ah this person seems really irritating or this is just another of the millions
Starting point is 00:39:12 of fitness chicks on here definitely follow and then you know it's like but like there is there's like but now everything everything happens through instagram now like there isn't another platform i don't think you know like where else do you find would you find these people there's some people that are pretty youtube specific but a lot fewer percentage wise i think but otherwise instagram it is the i think it's just it's just the easiest i mean anybody not anybody but it's probably the easiest route to getting 100,000 followers. An interesting thing that I've been seeing is people using Snapchat for marketing. Now, I don't know if you guys have seen this. I have. It seems difficult.
Starting point is 00:39:54 It seems like it would be a little more difficult, but it is interesting just how they utilize it. It's something I had never thought of before. As far as the visual thing we talk about with instagram but you know with say the massonomics gym and people hitting prs and stuff that'd be a simple thing to put on say a massonomics snapchat or whatever and yeah what the fuck tanner that just becomes an issue of like that is maybe too many things that i could keep you know like like if I added in one more thing where I was... You would be divorced in no time. Right, right.
Starting point is 00:40:29 Because I've thought of that before, but that might just be the tipping point. And now with Instagram, you know, they have the story, which is Snapchat. Yeah. And they have... Well, and you can post, like, pre-recorded video to the story, and you can live stream. So it's like, well, Instagram kind of already does that, and it's like we have an Instagram following already. Now, I would posit this, Tanner. If you could, because you can actually do all of those things on Snapchat also,
Starting point is 00:41:02 because you can do pre-recorded video now from your camera roll yeah into your onto your feed because i think you could just do that with a mass atomic snapchat the weird thing i had was i tried setting up a separate snapchat account and they still tether it to your fucking phone number so like anybody who had my my name in their list, it wouldn't pop up as the business name. It would pop up as my name. And it's like, well, I don't really want that. And I don't know how far that goes, but I guess that's all that aside. Yeah, the one more thing thing becomes tough.
Starting point is 00:41:37 Yeah, and then it's like, well, I want to record this. And they both allow you to record one thing and upload them, but it's just like, what do I record this for? Is it for Instagram or Snapchat? Exactly, I've got to choose. Yeah. Not to say it could never happen, but as of right now, it's just like one step too far for me. It's good to see you do have a line that you have drawn.
Starting point is 00:42:04 Well, it's just literally, I couldn't keep, well, and then if you spread out thin on across five things, is that better? You know, or is it better to be more regular on three platforms or something? You know, like, I don't know. I don't know the answer to that, but. If we had like a video intern who would just follow, who just followed us around. Can we fit that into our budget? What's budget? answer to that but if we had like a video intern yeah who would just we need a marketing person who just followed us around into our budget what what's budget why do you got to bring a budget
Starting point is 00:42:29 into this is there's money in this thing yeah but uh i think the it is interesting but yeah a video intern would be super if i could envision it it would be like we just have a dude who was interesting but didn't talk too much just just followed us around and filmed everything, and he could handle at least the Snapchat portion of it and edit all of our video, like the podcast stuff and all that stuff. So, again, if you're looking for a job that doesn't pay you any money, it would be a full-time job. I feel like maybe Tanner would have a little bit of trouble relinquishing the creative control
Starting point is 00:43:08 because there's kind of our own spin that when we post something on Facebook, we have our own humor spin that we like to inject. You have to be the right person. Trying to find someone to match that would be incredibly hard. We could certainly let them do all the grunt work of it, though. Not the non-fun stuff. All the creative ditch-digging, like, fucking editing video. You know, that's the worst.
Starting point is 00:43:30 The, uh, you guys, it would, and I also envision that selection process being very, very fucking complicated. You ever see that episode of Always Sunny in Philadelphia where they try to, like, hire their own replacements? Yeah. And so they're like, like, Max, like, I need the buffest. their own replacements and so they're like like max like i need the buffest he like would only pick the guy who's gonna pretend to be him be like the biggest beefiest fucking beefcake of a dude he's like no it's gonna be me he's gotta be fucking jack and d's was like trying to find some supermodel so yeah that selection process would be very complicated um so sean's you are also not very active on snapchat nope why do you need information out of your social media i don't like i i don't get enjoyment out
Starting point is 00:44:16 of you know like the visual uh you know posts and stuff and just i don't know i like i use social media to like learn things you know things. That's what I do. What about fake news? It's a struggle nowadays. It's a struggle nowadays trying to sort that out. Good thing I have Trump to show me what's fake and what's real. Yeah, I don't know. With the Snapchat and Facebook and Instagram know if i'm not learning something
Starting point is 00:44:46 from it like it just seems like a waste of time for me i just i have trouble enjoying it for freeing you know what it is if i'm not getting information out of it so fucking noble of sean's man is that uh is that shirt like is that about natural or testosterone or artificial testosterone natural everybody has testosterone in their body you know you know even females too so that's why Like, is that about natural or testosterone or artificial testosterone? Natural. Everybody has testosterone in their body, you know, even females, too. That's why I just wondered which one it was. Well, you know, every time I wear this shirt, like, someone's probably like, oh, he's on steroids or something like that.
Starting point is 00:45:15 I mean, obviously, that's what people think right away because nobody realizes that, oh, hey, there's natural testosterone in the body. Like, it's, you know. It's like wearing a shirt that says hemoglobin. You know, if it said estrogen, nobody would look twice at it, but because it says testosterone, like, there's a problem with it, apparently. Yeah, maybe she just got a shirt that just said fucking steroids on the front and nothing else. Oh, shit. Where'd you get that shirt?
Starting point is 00:45:44 This is Testosteron Nation, T Nation. I don't know. I kind of like that site. I've been a reader of them for a long time. They used to be a little more, I guess you would call it hardcore, and now they kind of start pandering to everybody, so they've lost kind of that edge, and it's not as cool anymore in my opinion. But, you know, they still post some good information.
Starting point is 00:46:04 It's not as cool anymore, in my opinion, but they still post some good information. I have a hard time getting past their constant insistence on using tribal imagery in their logo on all of their posts. I'm like, you guys could use a bit of a rebranding, maybe. Like, you know, maybe not. Yeah, I don't know. I guess it's not anything I've ever thought of. Well, do you follow them on Instagram? No.
Starting point is 00:46:29 Okay, you'll see it. Follow them on Instagram, you'll see like, there'll be just like a post with a quick little blurb and then like an image that looks like it's from like 1993. Like, who the fuck is running this shit? It's not on this shirt, but I have another one of their shirts and yeah, they have the T and the tribal and yeah, they do scatter and the tribal and yeah they do scatter that everywhere I suppose.
Starting point is 00:46:47 Yeah that sucks. You know what logo doesn't suck? I think it's way cooler than teenagers. Do we have the do you have the shirt here Tanner? Is this yours Sean's? Yeah that will be mine. We have the dude tank
Starting point is 00:47:04 the bro tank is in. You, that will be mine. We have the dude tank. The bro tank is in. You guys should definitely be ordering that. Boshon. I don't know how, are we close enough to it? I don't know, but this is the best I've seen Tanner. Look, he probably should have done the whole episode like that. I was just going to hold this up for like an awkwardly long amount of time. So that's in the store.
Starting point is 00:47:27 They are... Ryan fucking had a pretty serious deadlift PR in his, like, day one, right? 21-pound deadlift PR, Flying Ryan. Previous best was 6.06, and he pulled 6.27 because he turned 27 that day. Is that why he picked that number? What a nerd. Did you... So, wait a minute. Did he have to get out Is that why he picked that number? What a nerd. So, wait a minute. Did he have to get out the single plates to make that happen? Really?
Starting point is 00:47:50 Oh, my gosh. I just thought that was a convenient thing that maybe worked out with the weighted... No. No. He's going to be creeping up on you soon. You've pulled 700 for a single. 700 for a single.
Starting point is 00:48:01 That's the most you've ever done. Yeah, I've pulled that once and pulled 675 on a couple occasions and 700 for one. Yeah, he's going to be gunning for you. He's a little bit younger, too. If I'm gunning for 775, then... Is that your... No, I mean, that would be the...
Starting point is 00:48:18 That's the difference. That would be the, you know... And I picture myself maybe quite a ways away from that, but... I hope to not remain stagnant. I would hope so. But yes. That's why we do this.
Starting point is 00:48:31 And he pulled that well. It was a good pull. And the funny thing about that is his training ever since his last meet where he pulled 606 at that meet. And since then, which that was in March, so it's been a couple months, I guess, since then, and he's been doing nothing but sets of 10 for all of his training. Yeah, most of it was 10 sets of 10.
Starting point is 00:49:00 So much like 40 or 50% of max training weight. And then he went to eventually some like five sets of 10 and some three sets of 10. But he has not pulled over four, he has not even pulled 400 pounds on the bar since the last time he pulled 606. You know, and he came and pulled that 627 then. pulled 606 you know and and he came and pulled that 627 then so i i was there the day he did that and i was you know we were talking about it before like what do you what's this what do you think this is gonna feel like or do you feel good or you know how do you feel and he's like i really don't know i haven't even had four plates on the bar for two months which that's just uh it's not shocking to me or overly surprising it makes sense but it's just weird to think about that, I think.
Starting point is 00:49:47 Yeah, I mean, from a hypertrophy standpoint, like, I mean, definitely makes sense. And, you know, just gaining some muscle mass and whatever. I don't know if he's put on weight since he's been doing that. I think his weight, I think he's eating a little bit less, but I think his weight's been pretty stable. But I think it's, I don't know what the rest of his training looks like, if he's just deadlifting like that or if the rest of it. All of it, yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:12 Okay. Yeah, because it's interesting, like, from, like, a neurotransmitter standpoint, like central nervous system and trying to keep that amped up when you're going to pull, you know, a max in one rep and, you know, he must not have had much drop off from that from that system i guess i also thought it would for me at least being familiar with something heavy goes a long ways too though like like if i pull for something like then i know i can pull a little bit more than that but if i haven't touched anything more than 300 pounds 400 something is gonna feel fucking heavy i just assume
Starting point is 00:50:45 um yeah i thought that that was really interesting that was my first question when he hit that kind of light bulbs going off i was like when was the last time you deadlifted heavy what the fuck he uh he hasn't even worn a belt like his training percentage has all been so low that he hasn't even worn his belt once so even that for me would feel a little weird like not not being familiar with my belt or pushing against that for that long that's it's i mean like i think squats definitely like the musculature the quad specifically lend itself to like volume type training but you know i don't think the posterior chain does as much that's interesting that he's gotten you know such success with that and maybe maybe it's a matter of you know he's doing all of his training that way and you know maybe maybe the
Starting point is 00:51:29 quads did you know grow or whatever from that and that that certainly contributes to your deadlift so we uh i was talking with him after was it friday and i and i these numbers might be a little bit off but i believe it was like nine months ago something like that or maybe less than a year i think it was still less than a year that he had pulled like 535 was his max so he's like almost 90 pound increase in his deadlift in like fucking i want to say since like september and he's in the levels where you're talking like five or six hundred pounds you know that'd be more uh expect yeah if you're going like 500 or 600 pounds. That would be more. Yeah, if you're going from 200 to 290, like at a more beginner level.
Starting point is 00:52:12 He hasn't been training that long either, has he? No, he hasn't. He's one of those guys that was just built to deadlift, and he was going to be naturally a good deadlifter anyway. One other thing that I think could contribute aside from his training, like his previous PR of 606, I think this happens sometimes, which I'm an advocate of this. He pulled that 6.06, but that was his last deadlift of the day. He might have had more strength than that that day.
Starting point is 00:52:38 He just didn't realize it yet on that day. Because he had squatted and benched. Right, right. And he just was able to realize more of that that was maybe already partly there, you know, maybe not, maybe it was the training effect that between now and then that increased. But I think that, uh, is a factor. Sometimes there's just more there and you're not, you know, you haven't fulfilled that
Starting point is 00:52:58 potentially yet. What would it take for you guys to step into the German volume training? Cause from what I understand, well, you do a little more volume stuff because you crossfit. But for Tanner, it doesn't seem like you do high rep stuff much. No, accessory movements, I'll do sets of 10, sets of 12, sets of 15. But primary movements, I don't do anything above sets of 10. Sets of 8 would be the highest, but usually it's sets of 5 or triples would be the most common rep range. Fives or triples.
Starting point is 00:53:30 How fun does 10 sets of 10 for squats sound for you right now? It honestly sounds like if they were fucking air squats, it would be the worst thing I did this week even. You know what I mean? I have no desire to do it at all and then i think that like you can see especially early on when he first started doing it you could see the look in fucking ryan's eyes about two-thirds of the way through he's just like fuck all this this sucks i hate i can imagine like set six set seven you're just like this is the worst i still have three or four more to go and as it's gone up i could be wrong but you might know more than i tanner but i think like it'll go you know it's 10 sets of 10 and then gradually the weight
Starting point is 00:54:09 will go up but the the sets will drop but they'll still be sets of 10 reps yeah so he's you know so now they're a little heavier but they're still sets of 10 which i could i don't think i could get excited for a set of 10 under any circumstance like yeah that's true that's all a grind yeah it's not like it's the exact opposite of doing a single a single you know from a mental standpoint it's you almost can't get hyped you know because like you would burn out real fast when you got you got 10 more sets of that going like you can't get amped up for that yeah like would you ever want somebody to like to like chalk you up and smack you on the back and scream in your face and be like all right motherfucker we gotta do that 10 more times get this yeah get this 10 let's go unrack that shit and everybody's
Starting point is 00:54:54 screaming at you and you do one and then the fucking momentum just slows to a grinding halt and yeah i wouldn't want anything to do with that how how was the recovery for him right away was he walking around stiff-legged pretty bad right away yeah yeah big time you know leg wise and he said his lower back too a lot from the high volume squatting his lower back was really feeling it too gosh yeah yeah i don't i don't need to do that anytime soon i like the idea of do if i'm gonna do like you know lots of high rep sets i would rather do them like tanner with my accessory work yeah i know i can bang out some like 20 rep pull downs pretty well yeah i'll do i'll do fucking 10 10 to 12 rep curls all day i don't know about you guys
Starting point is 00:55:40 but like high rep deadlifts there's nothing on the planet that does more for traps for me than high rep deadlifts like you i can shrug all day and not feel it yeah uh hang clean sometimes if i am doing high reps on that but man like a set of 10 or 15 on a pretty heavy deadlift like that just has my traps screaming the next day and the carries weighted weighted carries are so fucking gangster as far as my traps go i have a lot of traps and i fucking do those carries and it fucking wrecks me for like a week like it's so bad and to the point where i don't even understand why a person does shrugs right ever i don't get it i don't i don't understand the thing i couldn't hold i don't believe that i could hold in my hand enough weight to give me any difficulty shrugging at all it doesn't feel like that's the way my the muscles supposed to work at all but you fucking you lock
Starting point is 00:56:31 in with like 500 pounds in your hands and just start walking with it and jesus christ like and you only got to do it once you know do it do it for as long as you possibly can go and then you're you're good hope someone else is there to help you put the shit away when you're done. I'm kind of disappointed. I don't train in a gym where I'm able to do carries like that, unfortunately. That would be fun. Are you still a YMCA guy? Unfortunately.
Starting point is 00:56:55 It's an awful gym for weight training. Is that a convenience thing, or is there anything near you that's... They built an Anytime Fitness near it. Oh, which is probably worse. Yeah, I don't think it's any better. The Y is actually pretty, like, their squat rack's, like, a fixed level. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, and so, like, if you're short, like, you're bottoming out on it, and it's shallow.
Starting point is 00:57:18 Like, you just feel like you're caged in there, like, and you don't have enough room to squat freely. I hate it. I wish I could train somewhere else, but there's not really a lot of options for me, unfortunately. Well, you see my garage set up in here. You can get yourself one of them. You'll be good to go. I do use the gym to at least feel somewhat like a social human being. Like, oh, I'm around people.
Starting point is 00:57:45 You might not be talking to them. I got my headphones on and I'm secretly judging all of them. But here I am socializing. Yeah, pretty much. So, well, I think we're about to wrap up. Do we have anything else we want to get out there, Tanner? I don't think so. All right.
Starting point is 00:58:03 Well. Unfortunately, this seems like the least science-y episode I've ever done. Oh, that you've ever done. Believe me. This is like still towards our top end. This might be the most science we've had on the podcast since the last time you were here. Nice. Well, I think that'll do it for us today.
Starting point is 00:58:23 We've got, if you want to help support the podcast, make sure you go to There you'll find the store. Buy some shit. There's a Weekend Warrior, the Lyft shirt. There's also going to be... Are we going to have those hats out pretty soon? They've been ordered.
Starting point is 00:58:36 They've been ordered. So we're going to get the Lyft logo on the hats. It'll be a black FlexFit hat, a navy blue flex fit hat, and then this hat that I'm wearing only with the Lyft logo. Those will be our three stocked options. And we've got the dude tank. We've got the ladies shirt.
Starting point is 00:58:57 We've got all sorts. All the original stuff is in. There you're also going to be able to find our old podcast episodes, all our articles, videos, all that good stuff. Make sure you go to Facebook. Follow us on Facebook. There we'll keep you in the loop on all the new stuff we do. What about iTunes reviews?
Starting point is 00:59:14 Did we have any of those? No, we did not. And this is our first week in a while where we haven't had a single iTunes review to go over. So I wasn't. I just double-checked right now to make sure we didn't have, like, a last-minute... So if you have been listening to this podcast for any sort of amount of time and you haven't left us an iTunes review,
Starting point is 00:59:33 do that or go fuck yourself. I did get one... Is it a European review? No, I did get one, like, text review to me from a friend that had never listened to the podcast before. This is from Joelel he said you three stooges should just sell your podcast to distraught single mothers who struggle putting their baby to bed without the sound of a deep monotone male voice hey every kid needs a father figure
Starting point is 01:00:05 i got a good laugh out of that i knew it was gonna be good he did say but seriously it's good shit after that just to know just so i was sure that he's not just completely like being mean no no he doesn't he doesn't even lift bro yeah so much he used to though he had a 300 pound bench at about 150 pounds body weight so he's gotta be how many people do you think listen to our podcast or read massonomics who don't work out like that's gonna be a very very small the people that know us personally that i suppose you know but are there like my mother and probably like some of tommy's you know maybe tommy's mom interesting yeah if you listen to this podcast
Starting point is 01:00:53 you don't lift leave us a fucking itunes review and tell us that um like i don't lift but i still listen you guys are great or i don't lift but you guys sure suck whatever but just leave it make sure it's got five stars um what else so we've covered itunes we've covered facebook covered the website forward slash massonomics subscribe um you can get a hold of all of us on the instagram now including sean's at professor sean's with his CH and how do we spell that? Yeah, that's Professor and then S-C-H-A-N-Z. And this, I was excited because it was going to be the first time that I just don't sit here like an idiot when everyone goes around
Starting point is 01:01:34 and says where you can find them. So I actually do have an Instagram with an entire three posts. Well, by the time you're hearing this, he'll probably have like 50. We're going to start spoon feeding him posts now. We're going to start spoon-feeding him posts now. We're going to need your login information and everything. We're going to send out really creepy DMs on your behalf. I was going to pimp one of my articles that's coming out. When's that peanut butter article set to release?
Starting point is 01:01:57 Do we have that in the bullpen? It's in the tank, yeah. I was thinking as we were talking about your computer lights and bedtime sleep we never officially released that article on the website yet so we could probably we'll bump if you're listening to this podcast I'll put that article out like the same day
Starting point is 01:02:16 or something here so that I got another sleep one that I wrote and I don't think I've uploaded that in the draft so we have a couple sleep that would actually tie into this that we could probably release at the same time. Yeah, I've got to get that one on the website probably. But that peanut butter article, it's going to be very controversial.
Starting point is 01:02:33 It's eight reasons to not eat peanut butter. So I know that's like a sacred cow of the fitness industry. Everybody loves peanut butter for some reason. So I wanted to take a stab at kind of deconstructing that sacred cow there and show some reasons why maybe you shouldn't be eating peanut butter. So it's going to ruffle some feathers, that's for sure. Just another piece in the Sean's Ruins stuff file. Sean's Ruins things.
Starting point is 01:02:58 Sean's Ruins things series. Yep. That's what I'm here for. Tells you the things you don't want to hear. Ah, fuck. You probably shouldn't drink seven shots and eat that peanut butter.
Starting point is 01:03:13 None of it's ever stopped me. Your sleep sucks, but it always makes me feel bad about it. Well, that'll do it for us today. You can find me on Instagram at Tyler Effenstone. That's Tyler E-F-F-I-N Stone and Tanner. The official Masanomics Instagram at Mas F and stone. That's Tyler EFF. I am stone and Tanner, uh, the official massonomics Instagram at massonomics.
Starting point is 01:03:29 I'll be bringing the heat there. We have catchphrases now. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So we need to work on that one. His is so good to be bringing the heat.
Starting point is 01:03:40 His is, his is bring the heat and mine is still in flux. So I haven't quite uh pinned one down yet so they've all just been really bad um sean's you have two seconds to come up with catchphrase what's locked and loaded locked and loaded um oh my god i'm on the spot i can't think of one all right what we'll do is we'll give you a little bit of time and we'll uh we'll we'll just have to post that on your instagram. How about suggestions? Yeah. Yeah, that's what we need.
Starting point is 01:04:07 You can hit us up on Instagram or an iTunes review would be a wonderful place to give us catchphrase suggestions. As long as it's a five-star rating with it. Yeah, if it's a four-star, we just pay iTunes money and they remove it. So thanks a lot for listening, everybody. We'll talk to you next week and stay strong. And make sure you visit and buy some of that sweet massanomics gear. From your friends at Massanomics Studio, home of the world's strongest podcast, stay strong.

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