Massenomics Podcast - Ep. 63: What's the Deal with Donuts?

Episode Date: June 19, 2017

Have you ever noticed the fitness industry's odd infatuation with donuts? Do people actually love desert for breakfast that much? We do our best to get to the bottom of that, as well as some other od...d fitnessy-foody combination love affairs. As always, you can watch this episode in full color video... Or check out the super-high quality audio version below.. If you don't already have a closet full of Massenomics gear, go to the MASSENOMICS STORE and load up on swag... Also, please CLICK THIS LINK TO GIVE US A 5 STAR RATING ON ITUNES... Click this text to follow Massenomics on Instagram... Vote Massenomics for President in 2020.. Have your barber shave our logo into the side of your head.. Maybe get a Massenomics tattoo while you're at it.    Or you could sign up for our email newsletter at the bottom of this page. Stay Strong, M

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Starting point is 00:00:00 M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-Massanomics Welcome to Massanomics, the world's strongest podcast. Find us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter at Massanomics. Make sure you go visit There you'll find the rest of our powerful content. While you're there, check out our store and buy yourself some of that sweet Massanomics. I'm good to go. You guys ready? Born ready.
Starting point is 00:00:24 Now that I got that out of the way yesterday. Get that out of the way. Is it alright if I do this? Yeah, you definitely should do that the whole time. Bang. This is what this is for. Alright guys, welcome to the recently bannerless basement studio of Massinomics. Welcome to the Massinomics podcast.
Starting point is 00:00:41 We are here... What episode is this? Do you know? We're like in our... I feel like it might be 63. We're in like our mid-60s. I think it's 63. That's a pretty mature podcast we have at this point.
Starting point is 00:00:52 Yeah, we can almost get... It's almost retirement age. What's that government stuff you get at that age? Yeah. Social Security. Yeah. Arrested. If you're noticing, our back wall is pretty bare uh we are without banner
Starting point is 00:01:08 we've fallen on hard times financially we've had to sell everything we have except this microphone yeah the one microphone we had to sell the rest of it the bottom of it's gone all the stuff that makes it work had to go um no we actually actually had one of our gym members, Sean, I would say he's near OG status or close. Yeah. Sean is moving away, so he bought the banner. We didn't give it away because we're not rich like that. But he did buy the banner, and then we immediately realized
Starting point is 00:01:40 that this was the one that was in stock. The one that was in the store was hanging up down here. So, so that's the one Sean got to take with him out to out West. So that's probably how many, I don't know. We've sold a few of those banners. Yeah. Not a lot, but we can honestly say we've sold a few of those banners. So now we had to order more.
Starting point is 00:02:00 Yep. Either that or I have to redecorate down here and I think it's easier just to hang up the We could like on an episode just start spray painting down here, Tyler. Yeah, that's not a good idea. Oh, okay. Well, I was thinking we should just get like an eight foot wide banner that's not blocked by the TV at some point. That'd be pretty cool.
Starting point is 00:02:17 Just make it the size of this wall. Yeah. Or, yeah. Get on that, Tommy. Yeah, okay. Okay. But, so what else is new in the world of massonomics today? Well, there's a fun thing to talk about here.
Starting point is 00:02:31 Regular listeners of the show might remember a few weeks ago, Tyler brought up the idea of how crazy a 501-pound squat was. Tyler, what did you squat this week? 502. I forgot that we called Tommy out for his 501-pound squat. It was just completely insane at the time that anyone would ever hit 501. Once we explained the story, it made a little more sense. Let's recap.
Starting point is 00:02:58 We were talking about the PR board, and Tommy had a 501 on there, and we couldn't for the life of us figure out where 501 came from just mathematically with the plates so i was certain that we just the tommy just added six pounds to five plates what happened how did you get to that well so mine and just defend yourself yeah this is i wrote down my competition PR there, my all time. So then we're in the kilo mode, which that takes you to five Oh one,
Starting point is 00:03:30 which how many, how many kilos was that? Two, I don't know. Two kilos, two 20. I can't do the math in reverse. I just figured you wrote the number in at some point.
Starting point is 00:03:42 So, so that was a competition PR that was based off of a kilo conversion. That's how you got 501, right? Yes. So I ended up with 502 just to simply best Tommy's school. I must take this from him. He used the fractional plates. I used the Bow Bar, which is, by our understanding, 52 pounds.
Starting point is 00:04:05 Two pounds, yep. So that was that. That was five plates and 52-pound bar. And the extra seven. So that's how I got there. But, yeah, Tommy came in on, was it, maybe it was after we did it. No, no, I was there, like, just when you were about to go for it. And you hit the PR.
Starting point is 00:04:22 It looked super clean. It looked easy. And you walked away away and i'm like wait a minute how much weight is this i go yeah tyler how much is that it's like 502 i go who would do a 502 pound squat who comes up by you you were what he wasn't no he didn't know where you were going yeah you're like you're like no how much was it i was like well no yeah because i was i was like i was like well no it's seven is it isn I was like, well, no. Yeah, because I was. I was like, well, no, it's seven. I was like, isn't it seven more on this?
Starting point is 00:04:47 I don't know. Am I wrong? And then I realized that, yeah, I had called Tommy out in public. Yep. These things go full circle. I got thrown under the rug. Oh, my God. This one's even better, though.
Starting point is 00:05:03 On the same lift. So do you want to go into that, Tanner? Or I can set it up. So we posted the video of it, and Tanner was my trusty spotter, who I don't have any doubts if I were to have not gotten the lift up, barring a catastrophic knee-blowing out, which at that rate we're all fucked, you know? But like, if I am not able to get the lift, I'm not missing that lift by 502 pounds. Right.
Starting point is 00:05:32 It's because there might be like 10 pounds too much on that. Well, you had just done say 475 or something like that before it. And it was easy. Yeah. So, so, so, but anyway, so, so posted it on Instagram and linked it back through to Facebook. And so you have, especially when it gets back to Facebook. It opens you up to that world. It opens you up to a lot of people who don't lift.
Starting point is 00:05:53 Yeah. For sure. The lowest common denominator. Yeah. The worst people in the world. People who don't lift. Your friends on Facebook. All my friends on Facebook.
Starting point is 00:06:02 And this friend who's actually a very nice person and everything she just doesn't lift and doesn't know just flat out fucking calls just blast tanner going what is she her exact words were uh something along with reading her exact words yeah let me let me find it it broke tanner's little heart it's hard to be humiliating enough by just uh recapping or or paraphrasing what she said. You actually have to read it verbatim. Now, Sean screenshotted it and sent it to us. Okay, so she said, so what's the guy in the back going to do if you can't get up?
Starting point is 00:06:34 Because that guy can't lift 502. And it's not even like she said, he probably wouldn't be able to help you out. But that guy cannot lift 502. And it's not even like she said, like, he probably wouldn't be able to help you out. Yeah, she was very certain. But that guy cannot lift 502. She basically said, there is no fucking way, based on what I see from what he looks like, there's no way this guy lifts 502. Right. Not even close.
Starting point is 00:06:59 And, yeah, Tanner's response was, yeah, she was pretty certain about it. Yeah. Like, there's no gray area. She knew that like I wasn't going to be able to help. Yeah. She said maybe she could have at least said probably or maybe can't lift 502. But she said it like everybody already knows it. And we were talking about in the gym, like if someone doesn't lift and they've never seen like someone spot someone squatting or how
Starting point is 00:07:27 that how that miss looks like in their mind do they just assume like you're just basically doing like a 502 pound row if tyler were to miss that like i suppose i suppose that's her thought is that you're just gonna grab the bar and take it off me and it's like by that metric no one can do i mean you could spot someone with 300 pounds because going like this with 300 pounds would be... Pretty gangster from a really bad leverage. Yeah, right. The other interesting thing about it, though, is like on a... For someone who doesn't lift also, to see somebody's spot, especially if it gets squirrely and you got to get at least close,
Starting point is 00:08:05 is it just looks like, those guys are pretty gay. Yeah, it's really like a nice close spot. That was always like the most annoying thing about when you're at like a commercial gym or just, you know, your big gyms is that a lot of times you go and if you're not there, when any of your buddies are there and you might need a spot, to have to ask someone to spot you for squatting is just so awkward because, first of all, most people don't even know what to do because most people don't even squat.
Starting point is 00:08:32 And then the ones that do don't really want to be helping you or don't really want to be in there. So it just puts you in a weird spot. Now, it was kind of funny. When we first moved to the new location, that was probably the first time I had done a lot of squatting. Like, you know, because I had squatted at CrossFit and all that stuff. And there was bumpers and I was. In CrossFit, do people not usually, if they're squatting, would they usually dump it, right?
Starting point is 00:09:00 Yeah, I just bail on it. And most people, if you're squatting, like in a CrossFit gym, we kind of teach that high bar squat anyways because that upright torso translates better to kind of everything that you do in CrossFit. You wouldn't want to air squat with the low bar style. You wouldn't want to do Olympic lifts. So everything translates better to a high bar squat, at least as far as I know which is not much but but that seems to certainly that seems to make sense well that's certainly whatever one i've
Starting point is 00:09:33 ever seen do cross like that's how they squat and that's how olympic lifters train you know yeah so the uh so i was always like if i if i went for something too heavy or stalled out, yeah, it's easier to bail out on a high bar squat for sure. Like, especially with bumpers, you just, you detach your hands, you move yourself forward, you know, you just chuck the weight behind you and it's just not a big deal. Right. But so when we started lifting down at Massanomics, that was one of the things I had to get used to was like, all right, so I'm here and I fucking can't miss. Basically, it was like I just can't. Because it's a steel plate. Well, like I could, you know, there's safety pins.
Starting point is 00:10:11 Like I could, but like, man, is that going to be a whole thing if I dump it? Like it's not good for literally anything. It would be a very bad scene. I'm the fucking new guy here. Definitely don't want to do that and and then but i also like didn't i don't know like i use spotter basically only if i'm at that point yeah i'm you guys kind of spot use spotters more regularly yeah but but i usually just yeah just don't um but in that or because of that though like i i realized when i had done that when i
Starting point is 00:10:46 lifted that like i haven't actually missed a squat since we started at massonomics yeah and i used to miss squats when i was able to dump them it was like i'd either push too hard or push too far and then have to miss or it was just in your head that it was like oh yeah oh it's getting a little weird dump it yeah and so now i've kind of learned that once you're moving like you gotta fucking own that shit until it's all the way up um to where i really don't feel like i need a spotter short of an injury um and i just set up my the pins so that it's not going to kill me yeah um so you'd say sometimes it is beneficial to just in your mind, think like you have to do it.
Starting point is 00:11:27 Fucking sink or swim. At some point it's sink or swim. And like, yeah, that definitely, but that definitely was it. Like I, I bet I missed, I don't know, a handful of squats in my first year of training. It's kind of like when Batman had to climb out of the cave. That's right. Everyone else had only attempted it tied to the safety rope and they could never make it. And he had to get rid of the rope in order to
Starting point is 00:11:48 make it out and save Gotham. Tyler, you are Batman. And Masonomics is a dark hole. You have to take the rope off. You just take the training wheels off and chuck the kid down the fucking street on the bike.
Starting point is 00:12:06 But no, so that was kind of cool. I've also found through this process how much I love the fucking Buffalo bar. That's what I wanted to ask you about because you did this on the Megabow bar, Buffalo bar, the bar that looks like it got ran over and bent. Yeah. Is what, you know. Somebody, I don't, well big shane had commented saying oh boy that bar was really bending knowing that he was he got the joke but i think on like
Starting point is 00:12:30 i think again on facebook there was some that were not aware that why that bar looks the way that what's wrong with that bar also you could call it the ghetto version of the duffalo basically yeah i don't know what are the differences between the two there's a knurling quality a little bit yeah the tensile strength of the bar um the ends you know i don't know what you call that but this bar on the end it has like that bolt oh that screws in like that so there's like a bushing yeah yeah so there's not like yeah but it's a lower quality bar definitely i mean i've never used the duffalo bar myself, but I know by looking at this bar, but really it does everything. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:11 I don't know that I would talk anybody out of the Duffalo bar. Yeah. It's just, if you want to spend the money. Yeah. It is the money. But like, but so, so anyway, that style of bar, that boat bar, um, I started using it only because Tanner was using it. bar that bowed bar um i started using it only because tanner was using it and but as i've started to bench and press more like i get and adding and getting fucking heavier it's harder
Starting point is 00:13:32 and harder for me to get in that position and and i and even high bar which is easier still on the shoulders but man it's been just fucking killing me. So what I did was started using this, I'd say, in about half of my training sessions. But now I think I basically will use it all the time. Really? That much better? Mainly because I don't, I don't know, like, I don't compete in powerlifting. Maybe at some point I may just like to do something fun just to do it. But it's definitely not.
Starting point is 00:14:04 Cross that bridge when you, yeah, like, like we'll, I'll figure that out. But what this, what this allows me. And when I squat high bar with a straight bar is I feel like there's a lot more, the leverage is a little worse with where the weight is up higher on me. So I can have trouble with shifting forward or being too far back and weight not being properly distributed on my feet it seems like with this bar my bar path is just always just money my shoulders are comfortable and it's just straight down it's drive straight up everything's even even throughout my feet i just it allows me to squat not perfectly but like because i don't perfectly, but like nearly way more, way, way more effectively
Starting point is 00:14:46 than I would before. There's less room for error. Everything just is kind of on tracks. And I think the more like really, really high quality reps you get at which, whatever, with whatever bar you're using or for whatever you're doing is just better. So I think if, if that makes my squat legit and I did a 10 000 reps like that that i bet you when i'm done my squat would be better if i did 10 000 reps with a straight bar and fucked up 5 000 of them and also maybe your shoulders came out of it for sure yeah and you know if it bought some people it doesn't bother them so then it doesn't really matter yeah but if it does aggravate your shoulders yeah and it really does i i have and so with the straight bar part of the problem now is i can't i can't get my hands in there without
Starting point is 00:15:35 pain inside the um you know like the j hooks or whatever on the rack and so that leaves really the only option on those is to basically unrack it with free hands and then grab it out there, which is a little weird re-racking. And so I don't like doing that, but, um, so it's either deal with pain or risk slamming my fucking hands into the thing. And, uh, um, so I just, I really, I cannot say enough good things about the bar for, at least for me. It may not work for everybody, but, um, yeah, I fucking love it. I compare it similar to like doing like a sandbag squat where you pick it up, hold it about your waist and that you're just going to squat.
Starting point is 00:16:17 Well, you know, your knees are going to be placed. Well, the weight's going to be there. Cause that's just where it is. And I feel the same way with that Buffalo bar that you just go down and you just go up and there's no balance issue or anything i fucking love that thing so um i'm actually buying one so for the for the new gym i'm going to buy one because i won't have like a lot of time to be jumping back and forth to massonomics i really don't want to squat without one so i'm just gonna going to order one. And at $300, it's pretty reasonably priced. Can't beat it.
Starting point is 00:16:46 And what's the Duffalo is like $600? $600, yeah. So it's twice the money. I'm not going to argue that it's not better. I'm sure the Duffalo bar is better. Yeah, he has a Duffalo bar at home. Oh, he does? Oh, cool.
Starting point is 00:16:58 And he did say that it's measurably different. He said it's... I think it has more of a bow. I think it has more of a bow. I think it has more of a bow. Yeah. And I think he said that... And I will say with ours, not to knock it, because to me it's not that important,
Starting point is 00:17:13 but the knurling on ours feels like the knurling on a cheap bar. Yeah. It feels like the knurling on a... A Walmart generic. Like a generic... Yeah, something you'd get at Shields or something. But at least for me for me just squatting it just doesn't the knurling isn't terribly important yeah i don't care if it gets chewed up by the j hooks or anything it's just not a big deal to me right right but he said he
Starting point is 00:17:40 nick really really likes his a lot um Enough to buy one and not share. That's the thing. He should actually bring it in so we can compare it because that would be interesting. We could maybe do that, actually compare the two. Yep. And then maybe Chris Duffin will just send us one. Yeah. Hey, thanks.
Starting point is 00:17:59 It didn't work with the shoulder rock. Yeah, maybe because if we're posting them, he knows we already have one. But more is always better. that's true we can have two shoulder rocks and have the most danger it's the most dangerous fucking gym in the world just like become like a sideshow attraction at a circus like watch this guy spin this around while someone squats two feet away from that's that's the thing with with That's the thing with the shoulder rock is anytime anyone is using it, I mean, it doesn't actually take up that much space. You're probably taking up maybe like a five-foot circle,
Starting point is 00:18:36 but there's about a 10-foot buffer zone. You need another five foot just in case. Yeah, you just have to be very aware yeah so anytime someone's swinging it's like i'll go around the other yeah yeah my shoes you're not gonna like sneak behind them yeah you definitely can't there's sometimes where you could but it's like if anything goes wrong in their in their approach like then something bad's gonna happen to me or be like me and you just like lose your balance while walking yeah you know like me and you just lose your balance while walking, the last thing I want is to take a fucking shoulder rock to the face.
Starting point is 00:19:11 That would really hurt, too. You were messing around with that the other day, Tanner. You were flipping with 35-pound weight on that thing. Yeah, I did the 35-pound plate, and Duffin shared that. He reposted that. So you're pretty much famous. So it's getting next level shoulder rock? Yeah, I'm about ready to challenge him. This is what got, or maybe you know the answer to this,
Starting point is 00:19:29 but after you said that, I went and looked, and he did give you props. I think he said you could press him or something like that. I posted that tagging him knowing that it would be significant to him because I've seen where he's written before that he has seen like one guy do it well with a 45 pound play okay so it is on record that someone has yeah so that's that's what I'm kind of going towards because I know if I can do a 45 he'll really you know like so that's
Starting point is 00:19:54 what I was wondering is like what are the upper limits of this yeah we put our uh 50 kilo competition 110 pound but the thing like that makes it more challenging outside of just the weight is the diameter so is that because you're spinning it like behind your body but is that part of it too like would it be respectable like if you just threw 225s on would that still get props or do you think it's more the fact that 145 is would be more challenging than 225s even if and is that is that because of the path that it would have to take? Yeah, yeah. Is that the path?
Starting point is 00:20:27 And, like, also because of the mental thing. Like, when you hold it, it's like, so this has to, like, swing behind my body and not hit me and take myself out of the knee. Like, just the angle of your wrist. Yeah. Like, the difference of, like, a half an inch on that means all the difference. Right. That's nuts.
Starting point is 00:20:43 So can you, though, my question is, with the thread means all the difference right that's nuts i so can you though my question is with the the threading on the bottom of that shoulder rock can you actually could you stack two 25s on there um that would that's because i was wondering when you did the 35 i was like why didn't he just do like a bunch of 10s so he didn't lay his you probably could fit a 35 and a 10 though couldn't you yeah oh yeah yeah for sure yeah and i've had like four tens on there before i think or not four that would be three tens and a five maybe or something like that or you know four fives or you can stack quite there's room to stack some but two 25s might be pushing it because the 25 gets to be as thick as uh 45 you know uh maybe when you guys get those competition plates yeah swing
Starting point is 00:21:26 we'll use them the way they were 25 kilos or really used on a shoulder rock now that see now that would be if you could swing a 25 kilo plate that would really be pretty gangster that's 20 pounds heavier than this 35 and the 35 um felt heavy and like thankfully, he designed it. It has the belled end on your wrist. So it doesn't fly. So it can't. It still could, but it's less likely to. It gives you a little more. But with that 35, it's hard to even just stand here like this with it in the air.
Starting point is 00:21:57 Because any time it just gets off just a little bit, it's like, whoa. You can't just hold it up steady like you would want to. On the video you had going one way, could do i did go back the other way it's just i didn't do it as smoothly so i cut that off you know like you didn't want to be like this fucking guy yeah like so i did five the one direction and then i stopped and i switched hands and went back the other way and i did like three and had to stop because it got like got weird got got wonky on me you know so so that's why I cut it off. But whatever I do with it, I always try to go both sides.
Starting point is 00:22:30 I like to swing both ways. Literally. And figuratively. Don't paint yourself into a corner. The shoulder rock is a continuum. You can go left. You can go right. You can go both ways.
Starting point is 00:22:46 Whatever you want, Tanner. Switch hitter. Yeah, don't let anyone criticize you. So the 45 plate, you know, that's my... So you're saying maybe, like, if this keeps going the way you plan on, we might have to get the Guinness Book of World Records in and have them document the world's heaviest shoulder rock rotation? Yep.
Starting point is 00:23:06 That'd probably make the front page. Next to the longest toenails in the world. I don't think doing the shoulder rock super heavy is taking away the benefit of the shoulder rock. That's not what the shoulder rock is designed for. No, anything meant to be done is meant to be
Starting point is 00:23:24 completely over done. Done as heavy as you possibly can do it we're in a gym here this is part of the reason that probably not a lot of people are swinging 45 pound plates because like that's not necessarily the goal of the shoulder rock like when he said impressive on the 35 i like is he saying impressive like wow those guys are really dumb yeah i was i was kind of waiting to see him him listed off like you know did the 35 deal uh don't be this fucking stupid just use just use like a respectable weight like a person because not everything's a fucking contest this is meant as a rehab prehab tool not a contest yeah it's like a one rep max it's like yeah like i fucking foam rolled so fucking hard today i definitely won um i uh oh i forgot to tell you guys this um so we got a call today this is kind of funny megan's uh doing the
Starting point is 00:24:24 strongman competition in minnesota yeah when is that how far off is that by the time this comes out it'll be like next week so south dakota's strongest woman is competing in minnesota's strongest woman and and so they had had the weight classes set up at um for women was basically below 170 and above 170, I think, or 175, something like that. Got a call today. So she's been training for the below, whatever they would call that, the lower weight class. And so we got a message from them today saying, well, we changed the cutoff line to 140. Instead of 170.
Starting point is 00:25:06 And the only reason that I can guess that they would do that is just to even out the classes. Sure, sure. But the problem I have with it, and we're not actually... So she has to use the heavier implements. Yes, so that's the deal. We're not actually upset because it's not super serious or anything, but who does that benefit and who does that hurt so if
Starting point is 00:25:25 you're a 120 pound woman competing in the competition and now a 165 pound woman is no longer in your division who's that good for the 120 if you're a 245 pound woman and they just allow some lighter even lighter women in your weight class like that doesn't fucking bother you but the only people that fucks are the people who are within that who have to move up because ain't nobody moving down you're moving up like which totally screws you right which means so now she she got like so the the how much the log being pressed off, what's the weight difference? So the log was supposed to be 115. Now it's 140.
Starting point is 00:26:08 Ooh, that's a difference. That is. Especially on a percentage basis. Or maybe it's 135. Still. Still a lot. Like you said, that's a big percentage. That's a 10% increase.
Starting point is 00:26:20 That's 10 to 15. That's significant, especially at women's weights. Right, right. percent increase that's 10 to 15 that's that's significant especially at women's weights right right overhead like adding an extra 15 to 20 pounds on an overhead lift in the owner women's division yeah and especially on an overhead lift which is going to be like they're kind of her weakest well not just hers but like jeanette you know just gender that's going to be the weakest and then um the frame carry goes up i think think another 50 pounds, which I think she can handle. She trained like that'll be close. I bet she'll probably be okay with that.
Starting point is 00:26:51 But that goes up to like 350. I think she was at 300 at the South Dakota one, but she did that pretty, she smoked it, but like 50, again, that's a big percentage. Um, then I don't remember what is like with the drag and odd object carry we don't know anything about what those are so it's like they might not even be different i guess it's heavier or whatever who knows um but then the yoke went from 350 or 315 to 400 and but we also don't have a yoke so we're training with spud inks yoke straps um and she's gotten 315 with it which is pretty gangster for her that having used those straps before that
Starting point is 00:27:32 would be harder i think definitely harder but so i she had a wide open opportunity the guy even said like so does this seem like these are too much like we don't want it to be like a no lift event you know where people just are blanking and um so she said well she thinks that she can make you know everything else do but um she said she said that uh the guy said well what about the yoke you know you've been training with 315 on the straps there's a pretty good chance you know that you'll be able to handle 400 on the yoke he said but you know do you think we said we could probably lower it if you think we'll have a bunch of people scratch it you know i suppose he was giving her since she was the one biting the bullet yeah you know and um i fed her your line so she texted him they don't call it
Starting point is 00:28:20 she texted him well they don't call it a weak man competition She texted him, well, they don't call it a weak man competition, so we might as well leave it at 400. I bet he liked it. The guy laughed. Yeah, she got lots of LOLs back from that one. I said, well, honey, at the very least, you didn't piss him off about it, and you made him laugh. You'll be in the judge's favor. Yeah, I was going to say, that could come back to favor her at some point in the future. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:28:44 They really don't call it a weak woman competition i think though like it's one of the like yeah we weren't like really pissed but she was kind of bummed out because she worked really really really hard to get the log press she had that pretty well then finally got it down and it was a fight like the first time she had done it she couldn't do even one um couldn't even clean one certainly couldn't press one she was strong enough just didn't have the technique so it was like this really frustrating She couldn't do even one. Couldn't even clean one. Certainly couldn't press one. She was strong enough, just didn't have the technique. So it was like this really frustrating husband coaching his wife situation where like at some point.
Starting point is 00:29:14 Did it feel like it was like a really dramatic movie montage when you guys were training together? It's like at some point you can't even really be a good guy about it. I'm just like, I don't fucking know. I fucking told you how to do it. You know how to do it. Just do the things that I'm telling you to do, and then you'll do it. But you have to actually fucking try instead of grab the thing and be certain that you're not going to fucking do it.
Starting point is 00:29:34 And then all of a sudden, she just did it. I was like, oh, okay, well, I was right. But you looked at me like I was an asshole the entire time I was telling you these things. So it was like that whole fight thing to get her up to where she was doing it. And now she's just snapping them off pretty easily. Has she tried the heavier yet then? No, today was our first training session since we figured it out, or since we found out they were doing it.
Starting point is 00:29:54 And we just did some carries today because Stan Efferding told us to. That's right. Did you do any 20 rep squats? No, because I'm not fucking crazy. what did i see him doing today he was doing like five plates for 10 10 or something like that yeah with uh thanking pioneer for his belt because it's working really well he's not wearing zoom into the belt that's on the floor but yeah so yeah i mean it's not a thing we're not like actually like pissed about it or anything but it kind of sucks but like secretively pissed but like you will use this as every excuse if anything
Starting point is 00:30:35 oh that's just another one yeah you know you could actually say you this is actually working in your favor because it gives you the perfect out yeah another one of those excuses you tuck away the biggest thing you know i was sick earlier this week the biggest prep of any competition work in your favor because it gives you the perfect out. Another one of those excuses you tuck away. I was sick earlier this week. The biggest prep of any competition of any kind is also not only to try to be well prepared but to have a well prepared list of excuses
Starting point is 00:30:55 to give you an out for why anything could possibly go wrong. That's true. Because if you don't do that you have not clearly prepped. I didn't sleep good last night. Someone coming into their first competition might not know that. That could be solid advice for someone. If you're feeling under the weather, make a note of that.
Starting point is 00:31:12 The hotel you stayed in could have been bad. There could have been a death in the family. There could have been... You ate something bad that didn't agree with you. Or just you ate something that didn't taste good. The meat could have been poorly organized. These are just the most simple ones that you'll pick up on quickly, but the meat could be poorly organized. The potatoes touched my steak.
Starting point is 00:31:30 It's good to go more elaborate with that stuff. And lay all of them out on your Instagram post. Well, I only went three for nine. But the best thing about it, though, though with any of these is that it gives you a whole heap of material to work on for your comeback road that's true and that is equally important in any in any excuse journey is that true is that you need to have a comeback yeah you can't make a comeback if you don't first have something that you like screwed up on yeah you know like yeah because to just be regularly training isn't as cool as a comeback ever
Starting point is 00:32:03 also because why bother taking personal responsibility for your own performances when you can just blame everybody but yourself. Yeah. But, no, Megan even said, she said, like, how did she word it? She was like, well, it kind of sucks because there's probably going to be, like, someone there who's, like, really, really big. And I was like, yeah, maybe. But, like, you're in the sport of
Starting point is 00:32:25 strong man like you cannot expect to be the strongest person because even the person in this competition who's like the strongest person will go to their next competition and get fucking slapped there too you know what i mean like how many let's let's just say t Tanner, you and I have won, like, I won one, you won one, the last two that we've done. Yep. And let's just say we moved on to a slightly more advanced Strongman competition. There's a ton of people. Yeah, there's a lot of just average, I would say average guys that I follow on Instagram that do Strongman that are in the next level. And, like, there's a lot of those.
Starting point is 00:33:03 You know, there's. And that are, like, miles and miles and miles stronger than we are like way stronger to where I wouldn't expect to compete in any strongman competition that's not just like one one that's around here and not get my fucking ass kicked right and then what do you do if you go to the next level and then you go and maybe you dominate the next level after a decade and then you go to the next level and eddie hall's handing you you know what i mean like like at some point unless you actually are planning on being the strongest person in the world you can't worry that wow there's somebody out there that's probably
Starting point is 00:33:40 going to be stronger than me i promise you there's somebody out there that's stronger than you and even when you look at when when we're at the Arnold, they let the guy that won the, is it the amateur level? Strongman, they let him compete with the pros the next year. Is that okay? Is it the next year? Yeah, that is. And you just see that the guy that won the amateur is like,
Starting point is 00:33:58 for his build to win, I would assume he was, I mean, he's got to be just like a horse. He was like 250, 260. Yeah. Yeah, I mean, he was not carrying he's got to be just like a horse the way he he was like 250 260 and yeah i mean he he was not carrying any excess weight on him no like at all and he looked like a midget compared yeah and then it's like and he actually was probably like like 6126 yeah and it's like all right you get to uh play with the big dogs this year and when you look at the like major competitors there it's not even uh yeah it's it's like people are doing two different sports and then like but it was funny because the let's just run through a few events
Starting point is 00:34:30 what those look like for him like what was the heavy log and what was the light log they were like i don't know it was like 400 something yeah 420 and let's say like 380 or something like that or something like that and so he come and i think he even got did he get a rep of the small log he might have got or was really really close yeah right which is a lot for a 260 pound guy hodge is the guy's name was it yeah hodge is his last name i can't remember his first and then the what else was out there the frame did he even move the frame i don't think so i don't think even but how many people on earth can grab a what is it uh like a 11100-pound frame and then walk it uphill? I don't know, 10.
Starting point is 00:35:07 The 10 guys that were there. Or then the deadlift. He got basically dead last in the deadlift with an 820-pound deadlift or something like that. That's what I was going to say. He did it over 800 pounds. He did? Wow. Yeah, he pulled over 800 pounds.
Starting point is 00:35:20 And so on that stage, you're like, oh, well, there's your fucking low score. So that's the deal. So with that sport, just fucking, you're just not the strongest person. He can deadlift over 800 pounds, and he was almost embarrassingly far away from the main competitor. He was only not even 80% of the way there. And I think that's the key, though. I think with that sport and probably power, like any strength sport is like you got,
Starting point is 00:35:48 if that guy could have done one or two things in his head, he could have, like you said, been embarrassingly far from even placing when actually he should be pretty fucking stoked. And he was deadlift like eight, 20. You could tell like he was pumped to be there.
Starting point is 00:36:04 And like, he was certainly even on there and like he was certainly even on those ones where he couldn't do it he was trying fucking laid it out yeah his hardest and yeah he was probably actually i would say other than maybe thor he was probably the one who worked the crowd the most yeah for sure which it's your at that point like that's the only because you're not going to go out there to silence and not and get a no lift like you might as well get them get them on your side yeah yeah he did it right he was it's interesting to see like what a guy like that who's that strong at that weight like it's unfortunate because i don't know that maybe his top end potential in that sport is there yeah he's not
Starting point is 00:36:39 he's just not gonna be 610 450 pounds right at least not next year but it kind of like probably i don't know strength sports maybe more than anything is one where it's like it's it's fun to look at the the best in the world and the best guys but you kind of almost just have to stay in your lane and just like do you because like you'll get the wake-up call in a hurry and it's like the same thing i think it was like two weeks ago i tried 405 for max reps and i did like i think i did eight and i was like oh you know i felt pretty good about that yeah and then i just see like on instagram earlier in the week john hack you know weighs like 190 maybe and he did like 505 for like 12 i'm like that's so far from it like that is not even close to where i'm at and he's lighter too like it's
Starting point is 00:37:26 just i was just having that conversation with someone yesterday and that's the thing the internet and instagram makes that way different than it would have been 10 years ago for sure like and even there's so many people you can easily look at and see and see how strong they are like very elite level strong but like percentage wise of people out there training that's still a really small people but it's just that it seems like there's so many because we know or like we get to see like all of them throughout the country that and none of us are strong compared to any of those people but you can see that same thing you know us compared to them like if you post a video on
Starting point is 00:38:05 instagram and you have family members or something or something that ends up on facebook who are like holy shit yeah that is fucking crazy yeah you'll have people calling out your spotters for how yeah look at how weak that spotter is okay and like and so that's the thing is like yeah but yeah like you said before 10 years ago um if if the three of us were training at the fucking YMCA and squatting five, 600 pounds, you're the cock of the walk. Right, because you don't know, like, you don't just pick up your phone and look at it and watch a 16-year-old kid that weighs 50 pounds less than you squat 700 pounds yeah yeah or or you don't watch like like everyone at the world's strongest man squats 700 pounds for 10 to 15 reps right yeah you know like that's uh yeah so most people don't know what type of strength is out there we do because it's like a hobby but yeah once you get once you get that far you get that far down the rabbit hole
Starting point is 00:39:06 it's almost insulting yeah fuck yeah but i have a hard time with it just because i'll like i'll always compare myself like just size wise i was like okay well i'm like 300 and some pounds how much should i be able to lift and then i just see all these little people i'm like fuck all these people are lifting way more than me right and um you know it's probably not the best way but it i think it's a good motivator at least because it makes you hold yourself to a higher standard a little bit because if you didn't know what else was out there you know you can kind of be like i'm good i am strong yeah it is a good motivator but at the same time it's like you can just like get totally lost trying to get compare yourself to that it's
Starting point is 00:39:44 and to compare yourself of the process and the technique that everyone else uses because like everyone's different and different things work for different people you know like whatever john hack does like we probably can't quite do exactly what he does you know he's a he's a freak of nature in probably a lot of different ways yep um but yeah it's it, it's, it's, it's very, uh, you know, when you look at all of those people, you have like, you can compare yourself to them and be like, all right, I'm going to, I'm going to do it. But, but I just don't have any like desire to compete with them, but it's nice to know that that's out there.
Starting point is 00:40:22 Like, um, like we said, but strong is strong and that's the, you know, it's nice to know that that's out there like um like we said but strong is strong and that's the you know it's just like being fast well you know you're fast somebody out there's probably faster but like but strong is strong so you'll have some people well it's um you know i'm i'm light still double body weight well that's still strong you know um and that's when you can get into all those equations too where it's like oh, Oh, you're a 400 pound guy. No wonder you should be able to lift that. Right. What did, uh, what else did we have? We want, Oh, the, uh, the naming are the, the, the, the, the internet's love of donuts. That's right. That's on our list yeah we needed to get to that after i after i fumbled through the last point i was trying to get out while trying to reach that point um
Starting point is 00:41:12 lately there has been what do you suppose the last year every fucking fitness brand or something it revolves around donuts and everything there's Now there's pants with sprinkles on them. Everything. Socks. Shirts. The strangest thing about it is I think everyone loves donuts. Or likes them. I don't know if there's people that do.
Starting point is 00:41:40 I hate maybe if you have some gluten intolerance, you might not like donuts. But I think for the most part. Donuts taste good. Everyone can agree. If you made a column of enjoyable things in life, most people would put donuts in that column. Definitely. I would never rate a donut experience as unfavorable. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:55 So then there's this thing, and it's the same with pizza. It's the same with bacon. It's the same with all this. Everyone knows it's good, but it's become really, really popular in the last couple of years to freak out about how good it is. You don't get how good we love it or how much we need it. What is there more of that on bacon or donuts? What I think is it gets taken so far too now where everything has to be done extreme. So it's like, fuck it, I'm going to build a house out of donuts now.
Starting point is 00:42:25 I'll build a house out of bacon. Bacon's the best. And so we're coming off of what was fucking apparently National Donut Day, which Kale Beck had posted something that I think is correct, because I swear to you, three months ago was national donut day yeah i feel like all these things happen almost monthly like kale does sometimes listen to our podcast too so i think yeah he's probably big fan of the podcast no he doesn't actually listen to our podcast oh no shit yeah i thought you were just fucking around no no kind of like when we're like kale is actually
Starting point is 00:42:59 a friend of the podcast when we're when we're like half thor uh friend of the podcast half because we interviewed him once for two minutes. While his handlers tried to kick us out of the fucking building. No, Cale actually does listen to the podcast sometimes. No shit. How'd you trick him into that? Did you pay him? No, no.
Starting point is 00:43:19 Well, we did the article on the... Oh, that's right. And then he kind of started... And he was asking us about... He asked me in depth about how we did the article on the... Oh, that's right. And then he kind of started... And he was asking us about... He asked me in depth about how we did the Arnold interviews and what we used for video and sound equipment. Years of technical sound and video experience all came to play. I explained it to him and he's like,
Starting point is 00:43:37 oh, that seems really easy. Like I could definitely... Said no, don't try it. Definitely don't because then we're fucked we're fucked lose the one thing we're doing that maybe someone else nobody else is doing yeah no that's cool uh but yeah so he had said that uh but yeah it's like it's these things are i swear to you they're monthly and uh it just goes back it's like this there's this uh like this bandwagon group thing of like you have to be fanatical about everything. And we were just laughing because, yeah, we get it.
Starting point is 00:44:15 Everyone loves donuts. That's not unusual for a lot of people who like donuts. And the people that probably are going off like, I love donuts. I don't think they have this crushing donut addiction they like wake up every day and eat eight donuts they probably consume them in the same moderation as almost everyone else do people that do really like donuts do they really like those that are the pink frosting with the multi-colored sprinkles like is that anyone's favorite kind of donut but that's what they make all the things out of yeah but nobody wants that you want like a chocolate or like you know yeah well we're on just the regular dough we're on the subject what is your go-to your go-to if you had to pick a
Starting point is 00:44:51 donut style you walk up to the donut shop what's your go-to uh well also i was gonna say this is the perfect time to let everyone know about our new donut shirt that we had obviously yeah we're making donut branded shirts donuts and bacon. Donuts and bacon. Yeah. Donuts and bacon. Our foods people enjoy. That's what it's going to say. Our foods that are good in moderation and things that all people tend to enjoy. If I was to walk in and get a donut, I would get probably, you know, what's the tan frosting on there?
Starting point is 00:45:21 Like maple? Yeah. Like one of those in the long ones with nothing and no filling like it like an unfilled long john yeah an unfilled not even like the white not the gooey white but like the frosting filling inside i don't like anything i like it not filled i really really don't like the jelly yeah when i was younger like a bismarck the round which is funny because i think it's called a bismarck like a round Long John that was filled with jelly with white frosting. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:46 That was my favorite donut of all time when I was younger. And now I don't really care for that anymore. I don't know. Just not much of the jelly type. Does anybody make a donut that's stuffed with peanut butter and jelly? Probably. You would think one of these. If people are going to be fanatical about donuts and no one has made that yet,
Starting point is 00:46:05 they're like, I could get on board with something like that if it's not happening. But I, you know, I like about, I don't know, like 60% of all of the donuts out there. Like,
Starting point is 00:46:16 you know what I mean? It was like, give me some chocolate. My standards. I would eat the ones with the filling and shit too. I don't like, I don't like the weird, like pudding filling and shit,
Starting point is 00:46:23 but like the feeling I like is where it's just like a white frosting. Yeah, just like frosting. Yeah, is the other one Bavarian or?
Starting point is 00:46:29 Yeah, that sounds right. And then, or custard filled. What's that? I think that's like that cream, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:46:36 Oh, I don't know. The custard, the more pudding type. Oh, I gotcha. The weird like jizz donuts.
Starting point is 00:46:41 Yeah. It's like, I feel like, it's like, what was that movie? What eating a donut reynolds that's like an x-rated experience yeah do you guys remember that movie though where they get the they jerk off the dog into the donuts i kept wanting to say van helsing and i knew that was wrong but yeah van wilder jerk off to the vampires it's weird it's very weird um but yeah with the donut it's so funny though too we were
Starting point is 00:47:07 talking um you know like a lot of people like a lot of things but it's just popular to like those certain ones like yeah you don't see people freaking out about how much they love cigarettes how much they love crushing like a 12 pack of beer like. Like, until the day, just to think of how funny it would be, like pool floaties made out of donuts are like a popular thing because people love donuts. Can you imagine someone floating around in a pool on a cigarette emoji? A cigarette noodle. Yeah, just going through like, I want to see that happen.
Starting point is 00:47:39 That would be awesome. I think we could probably make some massonomics, because it's donuts and deadlifts and bacon and barbells. And I think we need to have some sort of like... Cigarettes. Cigarettes and snatches t-shirt. Sigs and squats. Cigarettes and squats.
Starting point is 00:47:56 Squats and cigarettes. No doubt that in some cases, junk food is as dangerous for the health of the nation compared to cigarettes like you know i also don't crave donuts very much mainly because like if it's a weird thing for me for people to like want to eat donuts in the morning it's like you're just eating cake yeah you're eating fucking cake in the morning yeah which is weird like it's the last thing i crave in the morning i just want
Starting point is 00:48:25 like meat and eggs and potatoes actually something hearty yeah so the last thing i want is like candy in the morning just start crushing some cake but but i will say that like a a warm crispy cream that's what i'm gonna say like right off like we can talk all the all the other stuff and toppings and fillings but like a well glazed like Krispy Kreme donut that melts in your mouth, I could for real eat a dozen of them in one sitting. And the only thing it would hurt would be my self-esteem. Oh, yeah. I could eat a ton of donuts, too. I choose not to really eat donuts that often because I could eat 20 donuts if I like just didn't care what I
Starting point is 00:49:05 was doing you know and they just don't fill me up no no it's never going so I was like well Jesus this is a endless fucking thing how about um like you'd go to the grocery store and it'd probably come in a six pack of like the the round harder cake so okay so I didn't know that I did not know this terminology until about a month ago that there is a raised donut and a cake donut. I like cake donuts. They're all donuts. But then once I said them, I'm like, oh, it makes sense because they are different. And my brain never really connected to that.
Starting point is 00:49:31 Most people, I think raised donuts are like the popular donut. Yeah. But I like cake donuts too. They're good. Donuts are good for dipping in things. They just got to have a lot of frosting and stuff on them. Here's my take on the cake donuts. They're pretty dry. They are. They're pretty dry. There's got to have a lot of frosting and stuff on it. Here's my take on the cake donuts. They're pretty dry.
Starting point is 00:49:45 They are. They're pretty dry. There's got to be stuff on them. I also don't like... I think people can use it to dip in their coffee and stuff like that. I don't drink coffee, really. What I would dip a nice glazed cake donut in would be thick, whole milk, whole chocolate milk. See, I'm not the dunker type oh i don't like i
Starting point is 00:50:08 don't like dunking cookies i don't like donuts though or else you wouldn't want to do it i dunk like things that have no place being dunked into glasses of milk you know like that's never been like i'm cool with smothering everything in fucking milk i i eat toast with peanut butter on it quite a bit like as just like i need to eat something right now what's it gonna be and i'll eat that and i dip that in milk all the time see that's just something i could never do yeah yeah and i love i don't know i love it have you ever i do that i have that daily probably have you ever thought about have you thought about doing like an eating contest because then you can just so yeah just don soak all your shit.
Starting point is 00:50:45 I like it in milk, though. I like milk to be the fluid. The lube of choice. I'm kind of the same way with ketchup, which is actually gross. You use a glass and eat ketchup. No, but the quantity is probably about the same. I'll kind of pick my food based upon what condiment I want to eat. I'm really feeling some ketchup or I'm really feeling some barbecue sauce or I want some ranch.
Starting point is 00:51:17 So then the chicken is just the vehicle at that point. Exactly, exactly. But with ketchup, I get everything, and it's a lot. It is the equivalent of just plunging it into the ketchup and pulling it out, and it's pretty gross to watch. But it makes you feel good. With the beard, there's also a lot of collateral damage, and you can't, much like we've talked about using a bidet for your butthole,
Starting point is 00:51:43 you also can't just spill ketchup into your beard and just dab it off with a napkin, which is exactly why you need to use a bidet for your butthole because you have to wash your face. If you've got ketchup in your beard, you have to go wash your face out. Or if you're me, I will just smell ketchup on my face for the whole day if I don't do it, which is how disgusting I am.
Starting point is 00:52:10 How disgusting are you, Tanner? I'm pretty gross. Depends on where we want to go. We won't get that far. Did we have any iTunes reviews this week? No. What? I don't know if you know this Tommy but last year we or last week we didn't have any
Starting point is 00:52:30 reviews either. Maybe we didn't to be fair I'm going to do a last minute check and while you're saying that I got a verbal review yesterday I had a lady approach me and say just so you guys know i
Starting point is 00:52:46 also listen to the show as a woman and um she said me and my husband she said my husband listens to every episode sometimes he'll screen them for me and maybe say that this one wouldn't interest you as much but she said we also listen together a lot and um she said she wanted it to be known that she enjoys the podcast and is a female listener. Tell her. Well, listen, female listener. Could you ask her to include that? They do that on iTunes.
Starting point is 00:53:11 Yeah. You can do that. The other thing that's interesting would be what percentage of our iTunes reviews are female? Like half? Yeah, there's a decent amount. Which is basically, by my calculation, all of our female listeners, except for her, have left us iTunes reviews.
Starting point is 00:53:29 So it's most of the guys out there that are... So apparently dudes suck. Just can't get it done. That's awful. So now, since we segued into that, assuming that I was going to have five minutes of iTunes reviews... I do have something in my bag.
Starting point is 00:53:44 Oh, you do? Not a groundbreaking thing here, but something that would fit in nice with the end of the show here. We've talked about this a couple times doing a giveaway. I think he's finally paying us, Tyler. It's just fat stacks of money. We've talked about handing out cash a few times. Here's the time.
Starting point is 00:54:03 But we need to do a giveaway. And I've got the product right here, Sending out cash a few times. Here's the time. But we need to do a giveaway. All right. And I've got the product right here, so maybe right now we can figure out how we're going to do this giveaway. All right. Or maybe we won't figure it out. I like it. This is a very one-off shirt. Yep, a custom piece.
Starting point is 00:54:17 Yeah, that you're not going to be able to find in our store or anywhere else. Or really ever. Yeah. Anywhere. And it's only one size here. It's a large, but maybe we'll show it so we have a we have a black t-shirt on that t-shirt is a fantastic photo of arnold laying down um very short shorts in a tank top and that tank top has the massonomics logo on it and he's looking good and he does look pretty good it's like a 19 very 1970s uh
Starting point is 00:54:46 looking yeah that shirt's pretty fly that was actually we had seen tommy you've got one this is what a three of a kind shirt yep yep uh ryan's got yep there's the only other places you'll find those is i will wear one to the gym and ryan will wear one to the gym and this is uh this was this is mine but it is a large. Meaning it does not fit. This will never fit me in my life. So it's safe to say it's probably okay to give it away. I mean, unless Tanner starts going through chemo this week, and we hope that that doesn't happen.
Starting point is 00:55:19 Then this t-shirt will be the least of your worries. So we need to give that away over social media somehow i don't know what the best way to do that is so we might not figure that out instagram is going to be our best vehicle for that right no probably or facebook facebook or we could do maybe you can do both like how can we keep track of both we can i'm not saying we can't how do we um are we just going to have to do a facebook the only thing of any real value is going to be sharing it on Facebook. Yeah, yeah. And that's tough to track.
Starting point is 00:55:50 Yeah, Instagram would probably be easier for this one. Well, if you share, then you also have to require them to comment that I shared. You know, if you share, then also comment. So then you see them in the comments. Gotcha, gotcha. Yeah. Instagram is probably easier for this one. Let's,
Starting point is 00:56:06 let's, no one likes to share it. Let's put it all in the big pool. If, if we'll post a picture of this on Facebook and on Instagram, on Facebook, you need to like the picture. You need to be liking massonomics.
Starting point is 00:56:19 Yeah. That's of course the caveat. And then you can share the picture and comment on our picture. Let us know that you shared it. That'll get you in the caveat. And then you can share the picture and comment on our picture. Let us know that you shared it. That'll get you in the drawing. Also what will get you in that drawing will be, we will post it on Instagram and then you need to tag, like the picture and tag three of your friends in that picture. There you go. Does that sound fair? I think that sounds pretty fair. But now with the delay, this is going to be a little ways off.
Starting point is 00:56:43 We could wait. can just do this when this episode goes so the day if you're listening to this actually this is really fun for all of our listeners they can hear the inner monologue of how well thought out all of this stuff goes
Starting point is 00:56:58 you know we're pretty much just social media we're letting you be a fly on the wall we'll even ship this to you for free at our cost You know, we're pretty much just social media. We're letting you be a fly on the wall in our brainstorming session. We'll even ship this to you for free at our cost. Oh, there you go. Well, for $50. Yeah, I mean, shipping's $15.
Starting point is 00:57:15 So enter, even if you're not exactly a large. You know, someone's going to want this. I would assume that everybody does actually want this. And it's so rare. It's like, this is like almost something you would maybe frame. Yeah, there is as many of these out there as, what else is there three of? There's basically, this is just super rare. This makes you an honorary, this makes you an honorary DeFay.
Starting point is 00:57:43 It actually does, yeah. it puts you right in there this when you get this shirt you will have to change your instagram handle to underscore d that's right afterwards i like it that's no that's good and i think we also probably had a couple other giveaways yeah we do so this will be the first of a we can do a couple different ones here so so that's pretty sweet. The rules for that again, and we'll remind you in the post, but keep an eye out on Facebook and on Instagram. On Instagram, you need to like the picture, be following Massanomics on Instagram, and you need to tag three friends. On Facebook, you do need to share the picture, but you need to be following Mastonomics and like and comment on the picture. Can they enter more than once on Instagram if they tag three more friends?
Starting point is 00:58:32 No. Okay, so you can only enter once. But we're assuming that all of your friends will also tag three people, unless they're not interested in winning this shirt, which then they shouldn't be your friends anyways. Yeah, they have a terrible taste. Yeah. So I think terrible taste. Yeah. So I think that's going to do it for today. Is there anything else we had to cover? Well, not anything we had to cover. I mean, we got everything. We got most of the stuff we really needed to go through.
Starting point is 00:58:56 The necessities. Like that we really had to get out. We got all the hot news out. Anything else happen in the world this week? I like how there's like, I go to Facebook and there's all this horrible stuff that I don't care about at all. And then we come on, we come here and we're like,
Starting point is 00:59:15 yeah, mostly just lifting weights and donuts. What's your favorite kind of donut, Tommy? But anyway, that's what we're here for. If you would like to hear about politics and stuff, you're listening to the wrong podcast.
Starting point is 00:59:32 We probably didn't know that until we just told you. I mean, if you're here at Hour Deep, 63 episodes in. The doom and gloom is not here. I was really hoping to get their take on... These guys don't have any insights on climate change whatsoever. Mostly because we're not smart people. So that'll do it for us today, though. Make sure you are following Massanomics on Facebook.
Starting point is 00:59:56 Like, share, do all that stuff. If you want to support the podcast, to support the podcast, go to There you'll find the store, buy t-shirts, hats, all that good stuff. If you want to get a hold of us to send us money or any sponsorship inquiries,
Starting point is 01:00:08 you can contact us at Go to forward slash massonomics. Make sure you subscribe to our channel. There's all of our Arnold videos, which are gaining massive traction now. I'd say we're probably almost as popular as kids watching other kids play video games on YouTube now. We are about ready to hit 30,000 YouTube views. That's a lot.
Starting point is 01:00:32 Collectively. It feels like a lot, but it's probably not a lot. It is 30,000 times that someone clicked on something of ours. So we've tricked people 30,000 times. That's something. Subscribe on YouTube if you're not. Like I know quite a few of you listen to the podcast, subscribe to the podcast, follow on Instagram, follow on Facebook, but you're not subscribed on YouTube,
Starting point is 01:00:55 so you should do that if you're not. Definitely. Other things that you should do that you're not doing, leave us iTunes reviews, five stars only. If you want to leave a four star review or a three, two or one star review you can do that but you should definitely leave that review on a different podcast than ours
Starting point is 01:01:11 so go find our podcast leave us a five star review we know it's not the easiest thing in the world but it really helps us out Instagram, is that the last thing we've got to cover? yeah, I think so you can find us all on Instagram I'm Tyler you can find me at Tyler F and Stone that's Tyler EFF I and Stone Tommy you can find me at Tomahawk underscore D and Tanner the official uh Masonomics account at
Starting point is 01:01:35 Masonomics and I'm not going to give out my cell phone but one last quick thing my cell phone has gotten out there at times for the gym last night like 9, sitting in my chair at home in the dark watching TV, I got a call on my phone that I would normally never answer, but I was just like, who could this be? And I answered it, and I said hello, and they go, do you have a sauna? And I was like, I said what? And they're like, do you have a sauna? And I said, no. It was like, okay, do you know any like, do you have a sauna? And I said, no.
Starting point is 01:02:05 It was like, okay, do you know any gyms that do have a sauna? And I was like, oh, we're talking gyms. I thought you were like, this is a random person wondering if I have a sauna in my home. Hey, is your refrigerator running, Tanner? You should go catch it. And I was like, oh, no, we don't have a sauna. And no, I don't know who does. But you don't know anything about us.
Starting point is 01:02:24 I know that. How did this story come up as a footnote? I don't know who does but like you don't know anything about us i know that how did this story come up as a footnote i don't know i think i should i think we should have built the whole episode yeah that's fucking tremendous and i was like no and then and then uh and when i said no i don't and i don't know of any places that do and then there was no response there was dead air for a while and i was holding the phone up to my ear waiting if there was going to be more and then there was no response. There was dead air for a while and I was holding the phone up to my ear waiting as if there was going to be more and then I just got a dial tone. So you were just like,
Starting point is 01:02:50 no, I don't have one, I don't know and he was just like, fuck you. Yeah. Wow. So yeah, massonomics, official massonomics policy is we do not have a sauna. But we do have a dehumidifier. We actually have the opposite of a sauna opposite we are even farther away from a sauna we actually have basically had a sauna we got rid of our 2 000 square foot sauna we're gonna we're gonna go into this because this
Starting point is 01:03:17 is gonna probably hopefully segue into how comfortable it is next week when we talk but so we're in a basement and it is literally of it's basically a bunker concrete floors concrete ceilings sealed up tight and it's not that big and it is the most humid place in the world right now the humidity gauge will temperature is so yeah so that we've turned the temperature has turned way way way down it's like 67 degrees it's air conditioned to and yet it is the most it's the hottest the humidity still is routinely in the 60 percent yeah i guess especially and you there's a noticeable difference if 10 people are in there working on it once like the humidity yeah yeah skyrockets so you can almost watch it so so tanner threw in a dehumidifier today
Starting point is 01:04:02 which is going to basically be taking out... Pure sweat. Pure sweat. Just the nastiest toxins. Disgusting sweat. And just the most... Sweat from the grossest people we know, basically. We could save it for a fear factor thing and we could do something crazy.
Starting point is 01:04:18 Who's going to drink the... How much money would you have to be paid to drink one cup? One measuring cup. It will be cold, I will tell you that. One measuring cup of that water. How much money would you have to be paid to drink one cup, one measuring cup? It will be cold, I will tell you that. One measuring cup of that water, how much money would it take? A lot. $100? No, it would have to be enough to make it.
Starting point is 01:04:33 $1,000? No, it would have to be enough to make it. $5,000? I would do it for $1,000. I would do it for $200. Really? Oh, for me it would have to be enough to make a difference in my way of life. Oh, really?
Starting point is 01:04:43 If someone had five $100 bills, I know I'd do that. And maybe at the time, I'd do it for less. I would do it. $200 right in front of me, I would do it. But I'm also quitting my job. You're hard up for money, Tyler. I'm also quitting my job and opening a new business. So I am like, $200 means something.
Starting point is 01:04:58 I mean, I would suck a dick for $500 probably. Just kidding. It's definitely got to be more than that. But you can inquire at He's winking for everyone that can't see. He's definitely winking at everyone. On that note, hopefully mom is tuned out by now. Thanks for listening, everybody.
Starting point is 01:05:17 We will see you next week. And stay strong. Bring the heat. Bring the heat. That's what we forgot was the... Locked and loaded. Was the iTunes. People on iTunes. That's what we forgot was the... Locked and loaded. Was the iTunes. People on iTunes, you need to leave us your catchphrase suggestions as well in your review.
Starting point is 01:05:32 Yeah, all catchphrase suggestions. Thanks, everybody. See you next week. You just heard the Masanomics podcast. With your ears, you're welcome. Check us out on Facebook. Find us on Instagram at Masanamics and make sure you visit and buy some of that sweet Masanamics gear. From your friends at Masanamics Studio, home of the world's strongest podcast, stay strong. Outro Music

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