Massenomics Podcast - Ep. 64: THE Strongman Showdown Returns

Episode Date: June 26, 2017

The Massenomics Strongman Showdown is back!  We got our feet wet running our first competition last year, and now we are going to see what we can do to improve it in 2017.  The events and are not yet finalized, but listen to this episode to hear our vision for the showdown, and what we our initial thoughts are for event choices.  As always, you can watch this episode in full color video... Or check out the super-high quality audio version below.. If you don't already have a closet full of Massenomics gear, go to the MASSENOMICS STORE and load up on swag... Also, please CLICK THIS LINK TO GIVE US A 5 STAR RATING ON ITUNES... Click this text to follow Massenomics on Instagram... Vote Massenomics for President in 2020.. Have your barber shave our logo into the side of your head.. Maybe get a Massenomics tattoo while you're at it.    Or you could sign up for our email newsletter at the bottom of this page. Stay Strong, M

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to Massanomics, the world's strongest podcast. Find us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter at Massanomics. Make sure you go visit There you'll find the rest of our powerful content. While you're there, check out our store and buy yourself some of that sweet Massanomics gear. All right, so welcome to this week's episode of the Massanomics Podcast. Our mascot dog, Fletch, is in here just doing gross stuff. Mascot.
Starting point is 00:00:34 That's right, mascot. It actually works pretty well that our mascot is an enormous dog who's just apparently going to sit in. Jeez, that looks difficult. Yeah. That's pretty tough, though. His hip mobility is kind of on par with Tanner's at this point. Well, I mean, he has, what, two now?
Starting point is 00:00:56 He's three. Three, okay, yeah, yeah. Which in Great Dane years is like 65, I think. They told us that I think he he would live to be like they're thinking like between seven and nine years would be like a good life really yeah really yeah he's like 155 pound dog yeah it's like being a 500 person you know elephants are really big and they live a long time that's true but i think we're talking relative to other elephants though like so there's an elephant that was like 10 times the size of some elephants.
Starting point is 00:01:28 That dude ain't living very long. Yeah. Speaking of dudes who aren't living very long, Tanner. You have cancer, right? This podcast has been a year. I have cancer. You've just been building up for a year to say you have cancer and you're gay. No, it's not cancer.
Starting point is 00:01:50 It's AIDS. Cancerous AIDS. Oh, this is the season finale. It's butt AIDS. We got confirmation this week, pretty solid confirmation this week, that we will be throwing the Massanomics Strongman Showdown again this year. Version 2.0. Version 2.0, which is going to be pretty much the best thing that's ever happened.
Starting point is 00:02:18 Better. Huger. Improved. Larger. Faster. More significant. Stronger. Sexier. huger improved larger faster stronger stronger sexier we we should talk about kind of our philosophy of how we put together a strongman yes that actually other other people might that
Starting point is 00:02:32 actually is is a really good idea so this competition when when we decide to do this again all the things that we're changing on this what is the purpose of every single change that we're making tanner make it more enjoyable for the the spectators everything we're doing on this, what is the purpose of every single change that we're making, Tanner? Make it more enjoyable for the spectators. Everything we're doing is... It needs to be more exciting to watch. We want it to be a spectacle. It needs to get over faster because we've been to...
Starting point is 00:02:57 We've had a couple competitions that take between four and nine hours. We've even watched big- time competitions take place over three days multiple hours one event can take like at the arnold two events taking two full two and a half two two or two and a half hours is not yeah unreasonable with 40 minutes of teardown time and setup time between events too which is um basically inexcusable in my opinion especially if you're me standing there on the concrete for like five hours if you have nothing to watch yeah start thinking about how your back is tight why in the world they gave mark henry a microphone i can even tell you being
Starting point is 00:03:39 in the front row watching it a lot of times you think like see all those guys standing there doing nothing maybe they should do something because like it's not helping the pace of things right now so one of the things that we make sure we prioritize is that it be a show and i think i would rather have it be a better show because i think a good show is good for the sport of strongman in general but you just want eyes on it like the sport of strongman should not only exist for people who compete in the sport of strongman because that's not good for the sport there's no money in it then um but for the average person they like should be able to enjoy it in a seven or eight hour event you're not going to get any casual eyes on it like no yeah i mean like
Starting point is 00:04:21 even like the the athletes parents are not going to sit through eight hours of a competition for that no it's very no i'm quite sure that the last one that i did all of my parents my parents left yes and i said yeah i would not sit here like you watched a lot for a while and and thanks for that yeah and then you watched nothing happen and then like i'm gonna feel bad if you stay here any longer like then it's on me that I'm doing this thing and forcing you to sit there for 10 hours. And we've kind of discussed this before. I almost like to think of it as a scale. And on the scale, there's a pure strength test on one end, which is a powerlifting meet to me.
Starting point is 00:05:01 And then on the other end, pure entertainment. I like to think of a WWE pay-per-view match. Right. And in that scale, you can fall anywhere in between. I think we like to tilt it more towards the WWE, hopefully some jacked guys, strong events, strong cool things happening while also being entertaining music some other events happening and crowd-friendly too so that that's kind of the way we we tilt it and we go with it and i think that's a pretty good um kind of compass for us to for making decisions yeah because i mean the
Starting point is 00:05:37 events are cool enough and like the scene from a freak show status like from a freak show standpoint alone is like is pretty cool and like if you can get on board with what you're like anybody's like cool with watching that especially you know where we do it at like a county fair where like you can go next door and watch some sheep do sheep things or you can do cook off yeah you know or you can like but nobody walks past somebody lifting a 300 pound Atlas stone and is just like, oh, well, I don't know. I'm going to go get a corn dog. Like, like you're at least going to give it a moment, you know? Right.
Starting point is 00:06:14 Um, so Tanner, we were talking, none of this is probably set in stone just yet, but we are going to change up the events a little bit. And I would say all the events and everything we did last year went well, but we just want to make it even better than it was last year. A little more entertaining and a little faster. Yeah, yeah. And I would say our last priority is really the athlete's ability to warm up. You know what I mean? Like be warm, but like you're not going to get 40 minutes to take turns practicing with an implement and once we get going you don't get to get cold because we it goes yeah it goes very quick i had i think i had enough time to last year to get done with you with one event
Starting point is 00:06:57 um kind of catch my breath get recovered change my shoes get something to drink, um, maybe cheer for a guy or so. But next thing you know, you're like five, five dudes out and you got to like, start kind of getting your head together, you know, and getting loose. Um, but once you, you warm up for the first event and then I don't, you're in it then. I mean, you just like, once you've done one event to like max effort, you're pretty much warmed up to almost no matter what the event is. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:26 And it's not like when you're doing a car deadlift, like everybody's going to have a chance to like just grab a straight bar and be like, okay, well, I did a 225 and a 315 and a few at 405. It's just, that's not the way it works. Right. But you just should be smoked from something else that happened. Yeah. On ours, I like, i think of ours as an exhibition more than a competition yeah that's a good word um and or maybe like a showdown a showdown i'm wearing the showdown yeah this is 2016 um well but uh event wise so what last year what we did was
Starting point is 00:08:03 uh correct me if i'm wrong on the order, first was farmer's carry. Yep. Second was a log press, a rising bar log press where we went up in 20 pound increments each attempt. Third event was, what was third? Was it the deadlift? I think the tire. The tire. Tire flip for time.
Starting point is 00:08:23 Fourth was the car deadlift. Car deadlift. And fifth was Atlas Stone Series, five stones. So this year, one that I'd like to change up is the farmer's carry because our farmer's carry implements are very basic looking. I mean, it's still probably fun to watch, but it just looks like a few plates hanging on the end of a bar. And we want to make that into a version of a timber frame
Starting point is 00:08:48 and hopefully have two frames so that we can have some head-to-head competition. And now we have a show on our hands for that, don't we? Right, for sure. And because we have two people going at once, it's faster. Yep. It's faster. That event alone will take half the time and every single heat is twice as exciting because there's something going on for sure there's an actual race happening
Starting point is 00:09:12 car deadlift i think is awesome and it can't go away because there's just something about it's just too cool yeah yeah you know people love seeing that and and if we didn't if we didn't do the car deadlift we'd have to rig up some sort of, like, car yoke walk. And from what I saw of some of the World's Strongest Man stuff, when they did the, when they did, like, a car yoke. You can't get it light enough. Like, they're using what looks to be the smallest car that I've ever imagined. And they've taken every single thing out of it. And this still is, like, Pujanowski is, like, eyeballs are popping out of his and this still is like Puginowski is like eyeballs
Starting point is 00:09:46 are popping out of his head he's dropping it every two steps I'm like well I don't have a small car do we scale it yeah we do we make cars out of styrofoam it could be the Tanner scooter 49cc 49cc yoke carry but so so we're looking at at replace the farmer's carry with a frame carry that's going to be done in heats of two. Yep. Because it's going to be a sweet, badass race. Yep. And we went max distance on the farmer's carry last year, and I think this will be a set distance for time. So it'll be a faster-paced event than, like I said, keep the car deadlift because it looks cool.
Starting point is 00:10:23 And you have to have a deadlift, some sort of a deadlift variation in a strongman competition, in my opinion. Yeah. The log, you also have to have an overhead press event. So I don't know the logistics of this yet, but what I would like to do is get a second log and treat it how the Arnold strongman treats their final event, the log, where we'll have a lighter log and a heavier log. I thought you meant we're going to have the words Austrian oak carved into a piece of wood. We'll call it like Aberdonian oak.
Starting point is 00:10:54 The Brown County wood. So you get your choice of attempting the heavy log or the light log. There's just a time limit, 45 seconds or a minute or whatever it is and any reps on the heavy log or one rep on the heavy log is worth more than any amount of reps on the light log and you can switch back and forth within the event you could start with the heavy log and fail but then that sucks obviously because someone else that maybe is your equal if they chose to immediately go to the light log they're gonna have 25 reps right yeah so that would be the adjustment of that event i don't know what do you guys think about that i like what i think is really cool about that is the strategy element yeah the strategy yes that's
Starting point is 00:11:43 yeah and especially as long as it's articulated pretty clearly to the crowd how that works as opposed to at the arnold when mark mark henry is pointing at the line i didn't know which one was the heavy one which one was which and they're like i don't know i'm thinking i'm assuming it's just the bigger one but like and i know enough to know the one that says the austrian oak is the or the fact that they're starting with a smaller one and there's not a smaller one. And then he says he wants a smaller one. He's going to go to the smaller one. Like, ah, that's what's happening right now, Mark.
Starting point is 00:12:12 I only see two up there and he's already using the smaller one. But, yeah, I definitely like that. And also, again, that will, even though our log press with the rising weight last year went pretty damn fast. Yeah, it did. Went very fast. But like this, I think, I mean, everyone probably still took 20 or 30 seconds per attempt last time. So this will probably cut that event time in half as well. Yep.
Starting point is 00:12:37 For sure. And after that, we're thinking, so where are we at? We're at the frame carry, the deadlift the log press and then off another event would be so last year we did the tire flip I like the tire flip from a spectator point of view I think it does look good but I think it would be cool to have more change so if I'm able to secure a yoke by then I think a yoke event would be cool or even maybe some combination of yoke and tire flip yeah um or just yoke or if no yoke ever happens tire flip would be a backup to add to the spectacle we could take a page out of bud jeffrey's book and we'll light it on fire
Starting point is 00:13:18 flaming yoke yeah flaming yoke or let's set the tire on fire. So it's like black. You have to get your face up in it. Black smoke. Yeah, so the tire fire event. Kent just had the Brown County Fair burning tires in August. So that's the one that we're not quite sure on. Basically because at this point we don't have a second log. We're not quite sure on basically because we don't want at
Starting point is 00:13:45 this point we don't have a second log we'll have to get that and we don't have a yoke yet either so we kind of will need to get both of those things um and it's going to depend on what we what we do and don't have at that time but um last event we did atlas stone series last year like to do something different with that just to be different and also because we have really cool sandbags with our logo yeah on them so it would be cool to use those yeah in some sort of load load event or carry and load and we also have a keg we could incorporate that we could still incorporate a stone somehow i don't know for sure what to do with that, but I think we could do something cool. But, like, with the cool sandbags we have with the Masonomics logo on it,
Starting point is 00:14:31 I'd almost hate to not have one of those in the competition somehow. And I think, yeah, it's also, I really like the idea of, with a strongman competition, just having a stone. Yeah, that could still be a part of it. I think that, like, that looks like what you, like if you were to be taking snapshots of what that event happened that day, those things are the coolest. Really, if we look at the pictures we got from last year,
Starting point is 00:14:58 the car deadlift with the crowd, everybody around is awesome. And then you and Ryan, Ryan and your pictures of stone going for that 300 pound stone is uh pretty awesome yeah so so i think we can still we can incorporate stones but make it different yeah there's a way yep for sure we're looking at we're looking at like a carry and load yeah medley right right um the other thing i thought so we do have the frame carry if one event is either the yoke or the tire or a combination of that and the third the third one is a a moving load like it's pretty movement yeah oriented like we could replace it with one of those three with a squat or something too you know a strongman style squat i would
Starting point is 00:15:45 picture it with we have our big deadlift tires yeah um putting those on the bar and setting up boxes for everyone to hit you know just like they did at world's strongest man this year if anyone would think like 705 this year yeah we do i mean we're kind of trying to stay on par with what they did yeah um but that's also the thing, too. Most of the people that are watching our event at a local fair don't really know what weights are. Can or should be. So whatever we're actually doing, I'm going to advertise it as twice that weight. A 12,000-pound stone.
Starting point is 00:16:24 Like, Jesus. I don't know. It seems heavy that must be right it's like a they wouldn't put it in there if it wasn't a large pickup um so that's kind of the the very preliminary yeah direction up for the events make them faster everything look as cool as possible. Yeah. Keep the MC moving the events right along, which is also key. And see, all that that we're talking about went well last year, but it's just like, let's do it even better. It just can't be better. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:57 Something you brought up, Tommy, was maybe some way for the fans to see the scoring better post each event, like how they scored that event or where the total scoring is at at that point. I don't know exactly what the best way to do that is yet. We were thinking like a card girl. Or Shane. Or Big Shane. Yeah, Shane can finally tie that posing routine into a scoring sheet.
Starting point is 00:17:24 That would make it a better experience, though. I think anything that Big Shane is doing would make it a better experience. That would really make it a better experience. Or just between events setting up, he can come out and recite some of his favorite lines from Pumping Iron. Could we 3D print Big Shane as our trophy?
Starting point is 00:17:43 Big Shane flexing. It'll be him flexing in front of the Arnold statue. Exactly. We'll have to have programs again. That's another cool thing that we do. Every competitor has to be pre-registered for our events, so we have their name, age, height, weight. We can put all that information on a one-card program.
Starting point is 00:18:02 Our nicknames, all three of us are the Beast. Everyone's the Beast. Maybe this year we can add in catchphrases that one-car program. Our nicknames, all three of us are the Beast. Everyone's the Beast. Maybe this year we can add in catchphrases that we like to use. There we go. Yeah, for sure. But from a spectator, a lot of people really like that. And now that we kind of know how many people might be there, we can plan accordingly and get the –
Starting point is 00:18:18 Right. And know that 200 programs is nowhere near enough. We probably are going to need at least 500 programs. I would think that's a very safe bet or for a minimum minimum requirement and then half there'll be an event t-shirt again for sure and that's another cool thing is all the competitors have their name on the on the back of their shirt and the differences in our event versus another one you know some other types of events that are affiliated with like federations and that sort of thing, they have to be a certain way. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:45 So it's not necessarily a knock on them, but that's just not what we're doing. They're just tethered to a bunch of rules. Right. And we're not, we're doing our own thing. We just want to make it look as cool as possible. So why do we have to do that stuff? Just because that's what people do. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:59 You know, we don't have to do it that way, which that's cool. And still this year we're planning on keeping it semi-local from a competitor's now i do think that in the future we may kind of break it off and invite some of the big bad sons of bitches that are listening right now let's i picture it as we can have two events at that point in time if we continue to grow this we'll have the uh i don't know the we could call it the local or we'd have a name for that the competition and then we would have the in invite or the expert or you know where we get regional guys that are and half and brian regional and national level competitors like yeah that's
Starting point is 00:19:39 what i was i was figuring it wouldn't be a stretch for us to pull in brian you know eddie hall hathor bjornson Zydrunas Avikas. Yeah. Why not? Some of the decent guys from the area. Here's what I think. Since we have friends of Massanomics in, we could bring Hafthor in. He's already a friend of the podcast.
Starting point is 00:19:58 I feel like Bill Kazmaier could come out of retirement. Friend of the podcast. Or just announce the thing. He's a big fan of all of the things that we were doing, according to our interview with him. And Jerry Pritchett. Friend of the podcast. Or just announce the thing. He's a big fan of all of the things that we were doing according to our interview with him. And Jerry Pritchett. Friend of the podcast. Friend of the podcast.
Starting point is 00:20:11 So do we just announce them right now that they're going to be there? Yeah, for the invite. Guest judge Hafthor Bjornsson. Yeah. I don't know why not. But yeah, I do think we could have you know next year
Starting point is 00:20:26 we can roll like a more of an invitational yeah well because I know there's but we just can't we just can't handle and it would be something that
Starting point is 00:20:35 similar to the Arnold in that in almost every way basically but yeah but similar to the Arnold in that the only way
Starting point is 00:20:44 the Arnold wouldn't work if there was 40 competitors right no and that's another thing we for this event again though i anticipate there will be more interest than we have spots available because i'm not going to make it much over 10 because then we lose that ability to move along move along quickly we have a big scary spider tanner will you kill it no tanner will you kill it? I don't want to touch that thing. That's a spider that can kill you. Do you think that's a spider that can kill you?
Starting point is 00:21:12 It's a spider I wouldn't want on me. Will you grab it and put it in your beard? Tyler, eat it, eat it. That is huge. Can you get that do you think
Starting point is 00:21:25 we do have we have quite the spider dropping from the ceiling right now is what's going on um yeah it's just making its way
Starting point is 00:21:35 all the way down to the floor our lives were just in jeopardy I'll step on it once it but I'm just not touching it with my hands
Starting point is 00:21:41 it's dropped all the way from the ceiling it is now about a foot from the floor. We should have touchdown any second now. I lost it now. Basically, it's six inches off the ground.
Starting point is 00:21:52 My house is infested with bugs. It's almost just off the corner of the couch. It's touching the ground. Three, two, one. Oh, and it's dead. And now I have to move. That's a spider once you see it there's no there's no living in your house again i'll lay in bed be like are there more are they are they is there one doing that
Starting point is 00:22:13 like right above my face right now are they on me right now but no so i was pretty stoked as soon as we as soon as we got that got that call this week, I was like, oh, so I should go play with some Atlas Stones now. We hadn't really had any. It gives you a reason to do it. None of us have had anything to train for. Now I have a reason to eat a lot of food again. I have a reason to live finally.
Starting point is 00:22:36 I've been borderlining. I can quit this summer body thing. I mean, it's June already. I might as well call it quits. Time to put the weight back on. That's exactly what I thought, actually. I was like, well, time to cash out this summer bod. It was a good thing we had going.
Starting point is 00:22:53 I've had the summer bod for years, and it's finally time to get rid of it. I was as lean as I was going to get. What if just someone showed up, they went through this radical Big Z transformation where they just bulked 40 pounds for this thing out of nowhere? Tyler, you need to be that guy. 40 pounds more than right now. I believe that I could do it, actually. But I believe that I would be so sick.
Starting point is 00:23:17 I also believe that our second most capable person of doing that would be Ryan. Oh, yeah, yeah. I don't think... Ryan could hit 300 pounds just if he just went after it pretty hard. Yeah. And I don't think that it would be a gross 300 pounds, but I think he could hit it. He could.
Starting point is 00:23:34 Being 6'5", or whatever he is as a... Yeah. Yeah, 300 on 6'5", is a lot better than like 300 on 5'9". Yeah. Or under 6'. Right, right. If you have to justify 300 but yeah i mean it would be
Starting point is 00:23:47 pointless to try to lose any weight between now and then that's right they don't i mean let me ask you guys this have either of you ever gone to the circus to see the ponies no no no you go to see the elephants and on top of that they do not have weight classes in the jungle that's therefore we will not have weight classes at our competition that is actually a thing that i don't believe that we would ever do right let's just let's pretend that that this thing grows into a big thing and and we end up having like a an invite thing i don't believe that i would ever get on board with strongman competition having weight classes yeah if i'm gonna put it on it just makes it twice as much stuff right or three times as much yeah it's like
Starting point is 00:24:28 it's like you're either well that just goes against all the things we're talking about yeah then we can't do that we can't make it fast we can't do that you know and and and whatever like it sucks for that but like it's just is what it is like if you are smaller if you weigh 180 pounds and like you're strong for 180 pounds, you're still not as strong as someone who's 350 pounds, who is stronger than you. And it is a strong man competition, not a strong man competing separately from strong boys.
Starting point is 00:24:57 Like it's a strong man competition. I don't know if I mentioned this, but there's not weight classes in the jungle. Welcome to the jungle and and they don't call it a weak man competition i there's about three or four lines about strong man competition what you can just say to every argument it's not a strong boy competition either but i weigh 160 pounds like if i'm saying that to someone like um i get it but yeah but uh yeah so that's gonna be tanner's got a reason to live yeah i think you gave a lot of people a reason to live at least
Starting point is 00:25:34 about 10 guys well a couple a couple of them that i asked if they wanted to do it again they almost got offended like had we not done it like it was going to be a big oh really you know like jake jake was like yeah i've been training this last year for this of course i'm doing it coming for that shot i'm actually kind of a little bit concerned about jake yeah i think he's gonna he's gonna do well because he was really good last year at like 210 yeah now he weighs like 240 i was i would assume at by the time this thing rolls around he's got to be at least 240 speaking of someone that could be 300 pounds like he's not getting smaller so he might be he he takes it serious he can show up at 300 yeah he's
Starting point is 00:26:15 still eating at the college he's got that he's got that does he have some gym in his house now or something yeah he's got a little he's home for the summer you know he's a college student and he he got his family into lifting oh so it's like they built uh that's pretty i just saw this i'm like home gyms popping up yeah yeah and he uh said he he wants to buy a mass and i'm expanded to go behind the deadlift platform because yeah you can't deadlift without. Guaranteed PRs. Yeah. Mostly. Probably. Yeah. I'd say. Yeah, so Big Jake will be one to watch because, yeah, he's gotten so fucking strong too. When we get really close to the competition, you know, where this will come out like the time of the competition,
Starting point is 00:26:57 we'll go through and do a competitor. A rundown of everybody again. Like we did last year. I think that's kind of fun. Even if you're listening out there and have, you know won't be there this year we'll also cut together we'll grab everybody's instagram handles too so when we're dropping when we're dropping names you'll be able to uh to rifle this episode should come out towards the end of june yeah the show is typically august 19th okay okay so yeah i mean we're still gonna be we got some time at that
Starting point is 00:27:24 point but yeah well that's majestic so we're all going to be six, seven weeks out at that point. Yeah. Well, that's majestic. So we're all excited about that now. I also saw there was a big strongman competition in Texas this week. Did you see that? Was that where Robert Oberst won? Yeah, it was the... Martin Lisas and...
Starting point is 00:27:36 What was it? The IFC International... I don't know what it was called. Yeah. I don't know anything about it. All I know is I think it wasn't a kind of... It was a first one, right? Yeah, I honestly don't know what it was called. Yeah. I don't know anything about it. All I know is I think it was a first one, right? Yeah, I honestly don't know much about it either, but there were some big-time guys there competing,
Starting point is 00:27:53 but I think Robert Oberst won as far as what I know. Yep. Oh, by the way, okay, here's a funny story. So we were at the SBD booth interviewing Half Thor, and there was a big, huge guy with a mohawk there right and so i didn't know who he was but yeah he just looked like he was a big huge i was like is that a guy a person yeah like should we be interviewing do i need to know who that guy is because he is huge yeah but he just mean mugged us the whole time very scary very amongst many other people that
Starting point is 00:28:22 were mean mugging us so do we know who he is now? Yeah. So he got, what did he get in that whole thing? Second in the whole competition? I'm not sure. What is his name? I'm going to find it right now. We're all in agreeance that he scared all of us. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:35 Because it's like, so no. I don't know if we ever discussed him before, but we all know exactly who. Yeah, I know. Well, because I couldn't figure out who he, I think we even talked about like, who is that guy? Yeah. Just because he was so big. Like, he has to be.
Starting point is 00:28:47 He's not, like, a fucking janitor. He's not, like, sweeping the floors back there. I just assumed he was, like, a handler or, like, just a guy for. But that's the dude. But anyway, his name is Justin Fisher, and he is a pro strongman competitor, a professional. 2016 USS Nationals champ. Eighth at Arnold Class classics in europe last year um he's sponsored by sbd he got second in that whole thing so that's pretty legit yeah to get second to robert oberst is and robert oberst has gotten fucking lean i that's what i
Starting point is 00:29:21 wondered i thought yeah yeah he uh i thought so too but anyway so props to justin uh who we're just gonna say that you're a friend of the podcast in spite of maybe the way that you look because we don't want you to hurt us like maybe if we befriend you like you can't be mean to us but uh but i don't think that he was certainly mean to us but definitely was like what in the fuck are you people doing here? But yeah, big fucking strong dude. I'm guessing he's about 6'6", 6'7". He was a big bastard.
Starting point is 00:29:54 I don't remember. He's up there. Depends on if you count the Mohawk. But strong as shit, apparently. But this competition, I don't have all the details on it, to be honest with you. International Strongman Show. Their car deadlift was a double car. Really? But this competition, I don't have all the details on it, to be honest with you. International Strongman Show. Their car deadlift was a double car.
Starting point is 00:30:09 Really? So it was a special frame that wide out. And there was two cars behind him. Oh, that's cool. Side by side. I won't be able to pull this up down here due to my ghetto Wi-Fi, but that's fucking crazy. And dude is just like repping it out. Yeah, and I wish if you did have it up, the sound, he gets very mad because they're not telling him the reps.
Starting point is 00:30:33 Is that him or just on their thing? It's him, right? It's AJ, Adam Dirks. Okay. Is that guy on the right side of the screen right there? It might not be in that video. Yeah. screen right there it might not be in that video yeah he did so many it took so long but he said he stopped and he look he does a head nod to the judge like you can tell he's asking like how many do i have how many have i done and they apparently He said he stopped, and he does a head nod to the judge.
Starting point is 00:31:05 Like, you can tell he's asking, like, how many do I have? How many have I done? And they apparently don't respond to him, and he goes, how many fucking reps have I done? Like, he, like, stopped. Oh, really? Like, scary. Yeah. Like, you want to run away if you're the judge at that point in time.
Starting point is 00:31:19 This is the car yoke that they did, and I don't know. Well, I don't know if this will show up but like this is the fucking smallest car that you could possibly come across right like for sure the smallest car that you could find oh yeah and uh so there's no way that we are of a level to be doing anything like that which sucks because it looks really fucking cool. Really cool. But, no, it looked like they put on a fucking pretty world-class event. San Antone. So, International Strongman Federation. Is that like a new thing?
Starting point is 00:31:55 Is like that... Because I know this competition was like number one. It was like ISF-1. I'm not sure um could we talk at all about no maybe we don't want to
Starting point is 00:32:10 we're not we've covered we're gonna shut down let's talk about let's go with uncomfortable silence yeah a little while longer
Starting point is 00:32:17 let's yeah just have a moment of silence hey you know what I was thinking about the other day you guys speak of cutting off Tanner hang on to that cause we are starting Tanner were you talking
Starting point is 00:32:25 about something okay well no you go ahead i got i got a few things i just gotta remember everything here um if uh duane the rock johnson is ever thinking of any need this needs another thing yeah yeah maybe maybe i'm crazy and thinking this but could you guys see i mean the arnold is huge if some if like there was the rock event and he just it was like the same thing i could just see that being awesome actually he's just because he's reaching that status he is absolutely his so the production company that he owns i don't remember what it's called seven bucks i think yep yep they now own the rights to the olympia oh so basically the rock his production company so he is he is
Starting point is 00:33:06 okay he is one step ahead of you that's why he's the rock that is and it certainly could be at some point of that scale yeah yeah i mean especially if you're building from a platform of the olympia you could the rock it all up and get way more average normal people in as well that's the thing like you draw in so many like because everyone's like well pretty soon here You could The Rock it all up and get way more average normal people in as well as your meathead crowd. Well, that's the thing. You draw in so many. Because everyone's like, oh, come on. Well, pretty soon here, give it, I mean, it might be 10 to 20 years.
Starting point is 00:33:32 But at that 20 years, Arnold is going to be like a shadow of who he used to be. Or dead. Yeah, yeah. I mean, he'll probably be dead within 20 years. He's like 70. He just looks so young for 70. Is that a threat, Tanner? I swear to God.
Starting point is 00:33:50 Within 20 years from now. 20 years from this day. There's going to be kids at some point. Arnold will not be 104. That Arnold is not going to be the thing that he was to a lot of people. Right. And The Rock could be that thing. I mean, if we went to an
Starting point is 00:34:05 event like the rock pass through be like oh it's the rock right we'd be jacked for it i think if you're much younger than us even arnold's like kind of i will admit even large bodies of arnold's work gets lost on me like i guess there's huge gaps of his that i don't right all you really need is pumping iron terminator and predator yeah i really like terminator total recalls what about kindergarten cop uh twins jingle all the way see i'm more what so what's arnold's best movie junior i didn't see that one you didn't see that one do you know the premise of that one uh arnold is that him and and Danny DeVito? Isn't him and also Danny DeVito? Yeah, yeah, yeah. So it's... I just remember the twins. I like to think of it as the sequel to Twins.
Starting point is 00:34:47 Oh, Twins is both of them too? It is? That's what I'm thinking. They're the twins. No, is Danny DeVito with him in Junior? Or is Junior... Isn't there one... Is that where Arnold gets pregnant?
Starting point is 00:34:55 Junior's the one where Arnold gets pregnant. What? Arnold is a doctor and knocks himself up basically... Like through scientific. With science. He's experimenting on his own. It's science. It doesn't make any sense.
Starting point is 00:35:10 Where did the baby come out of? I honestly don't remember that. I don't remember where it all went. All I know is they didn't fucking justify any of it. It's real science. They were like, he science the thing into his belly, and there it is. But there's kind of a structure
Starting point is 00:35:26 with which that thing has to be getting fed and kept alive and I don't think they're just more like they just wanted to get
Starting point is 00:35:33 to the part in the movie where he has the big belly and then like that's most of the movie like oh I'm sensitive it's like blowing my mind that this has never crossed that path before
Starting point is 00:35:42 I wouldn't so much maybe recommend watching the movie as much as there is a podcast called How Did This Get Made? Where they make fun of movies that really suck. And it's just that movie every single episode? No, but they did an episode on Junior
Starting point is 00:35:54 and that's enough. It's hilarious, but that's probably all you really need to see. But yeah, that was... But no, I do believe that The Rock... that Olympia move is kind of a big deal. Yeah, for sure. The other thing is, do you remember at the Arnold too, like, you know, like Phil Heath was, wasn't he there, but didn't, you know, he didn't compete. Like none of those guys would be doing a booth sponsorship thing.
Starting point is 00:36:21 But doesn't he now have his own own some of his own like bodybuilding competitions and shows yeah you suppose like all of these guys now are just trying to like follow the way to make money too because you're not if you're phil heath you're not going to be phil heath yeah most jacked as dude on the planet i think there's a few of those guys that even on their resume this just shows how bad we are following bodybuilding but i think a few of those guys that even on their resume this just shows how bad we are following bodybuilding but i think a few of the guys had like won the phil heath classic or yeah yeah the phil heath classic yeah that's that's a thing yeah i haven't won that yet yet still training but tanner what did you have for us here oh well but actually though i... You didn't let me finish. But hold on, hold on.
Starting point is 00:37:07 Okay, I'm done now. Yeah, you can go. We did appear on... We got a shout-out on Iron Radio podcast. Oh, yeah. They're a well-established podcast. Dr. Lonnie Lowry. I started checking that out when we put that article together. And Jesus Christ, they have so much information.
Starting point is 00:37:24 Yeah, if you want to know the science behind training nutrition like they've covered it it's a fucking that is like a an audio encyclopedia yeah because when they brought when they brought us up what was that like episode 419 or something like that and now they're probably four beyond that now yeah yeah they fucking could you imagine having to put shit out that consistently for that long but they're they have they put out some pretty interesting you know and that's one almost where you may be pick and choose the ones you want to listen to they're on episode 420 yeah it's like four episodes out in the last like it's funny when he was talking about talking about us he's
Starting point is 00:38:00 like and they seem pretty surprised that we've made it to 400 and some episodes. They were pretty impressed with that. Because we're still under 70. But how many podcasts do you see that have even broken 100? No, not very often. Yeah, we're like under 70, and we're all road-weary and old and weathered. Like, fuck these guys again. So that's something else. Can we talk about how the man's trying to keep us down? Yeah, I think we should.
Starting point is 00:38:22 how the man's trying to keep us down. Yeah, I think we should. So iTunes really jumped our shit this week and turned our podcast into the, if you look at the feed, what was it called again? It turned us into Art vs. Commerce. Art vs. Commerce. So what's the timeline on this?
Starting point is 00:38:38 Right now it's Sunday. It was discovered Saturday night. I got a message to me on, was it Saturday night? A listener. Yeah, a listener. Oh, is that how it was discovered yep yep oh yeah i thought just thought we caught it no one else knew about this skyler friend of the podcast sent me a screenshot like dude your podcast is all fucked up you should figure it out i was like fuck tommy you should figure this out yeah well
Starting point is 00:39:00 and i'll be the first to admit that I'm by no means a technical genius. But he's the only thing we got. He's the closest thing we got. All I know is that iTunes is, well, as far as I know, iTunes is basically the gatekeeper for this stuff. And when I went in to look at, well, when it was first brought to my attention and I looked up our feed in Apple Podcasts or whatever they call it now. That's another thing. Are we supposed, we always say iTunes.
Starting point is 00:39:30 Everyone else now says Apple Podcasts. Yeah, it's Apple Podcasts now. That's probably why we haven't been getting enough reviews because we tell everyone you got to go to iTunes and leave us a review. Which technically on your computer, you can still find us through iTunes. Okay. But on your phone, you need to go to Apple Podcasts and give us a review yeah so that's probably why that's our bad yeah i guess so you guys have no excuse but if that's been confusing you then just buy like seven or eight shirts
Starting point is 00:39:55 instead but yeah it was it was it was scary though because when i got the message um when i looked it up on apple Podcasts, our podcasts had been taken over by Art vs. Commerce. Our logo, but all of their episodes. Our logo, but all of their feed, all of their everything. All their episodes. Our episodes were gone. All our episodes were gone.
Starting point is 00:40:17 Everything that basically resembled Mastodonomics besides the logo was gone. And so then at this point, I had to figure out how to log back into the Apple podcast area, which in order to get in there to change it, I got two notifications from Apple that someone was accessing the account and I had to sign a verification code. So how that got changed is like blowing my mind. I still don't know how. And because Apple is just, can be less than ideal with their customer service. Yeah, exactly. Because they're kind of the evil empire. We just have to send in a message and patiently wait.
Starting point is 00:40:53 But I took matters into my own hands. I think we have a fix. I mean, I think it's sorting itself out. But if any of the technical wizards out there can explain how an RSS. Yeah, maybe there is someone out there. but um if any of the technical wizards out there can explain how an rss there is someone yeah if someone really knows how just an rss feed address can just get changed automatically in the back end of apple and definitely totally got changed to something that is not going to be a be big on any of our listeners no right so we hope at this point in time that it's been so if it hasn't been sorted out, you're not listening to this.
Starting point is 00:41:25 Yeah. You certainly are not. Yeah. This is like going away. This is all for nothing. But ideally, yeah, you will be hearing this in a week or two and we have everything fixed and there's no worries anymore. Do you think it was premeditated on their part?
Starting point is 00:41:38 I'd be willing to bet that the Art vs. Commerce podcast, listen guys, if you're listening. They must be. Don't ever fucking pull that shit. We'll show you Art vs. Commerce. Or if you got mixed up and you were trying to listen to Massonomics and you had to be exposed to whatever it is they talk about, send them
Starting point is 00:41:58 a little message. And tell them that Massonomics sent you and that you best get the fuck up off their feed. Get off our subscriber feed. Maybe there's a deeper investigation that needs to happen. Maybe there's like an inside agent here that is sabotaging us.
Starting point is 00:42:13 Do you think Sean's works for Art vs. Commerce? Do you think Sean's has ever listened to the podcast? That's a good question. Have we asked him that? Does he ever listen to the podcast i don't think he listens to many podcasts does he listen to the ones he's on i can't remember what he said about that but a funny thing about that too i had already suggested suggested this iron radio podcast to him because i knew it would be up his alley yeah and i know
Starting point is 00:42:39 he never listened to it yeah and then when i sent when i said hey they met they gave us a shout out in there you guys should check it out so he checked it out then and he's like oh hey that dr lonnie lowry i've really liked him i've been following him for years and i was like huh i guess that's maybe why i said you might like this podcast or that like that like you should follow him in other ways instead of just like reading an article that he writes three times a year. God damn it, Sean's. I think Sean's lives has like the 2006 version of the internet. Where like you just read articles.
Starting point is 00:43:19 It's like on the verge of being really awesome, but just hasn't quit. We're just kidding, Sean's. But we know you're not listening. Maybe Sean's girlfriend is girlfriend is listening though and she could pass this along yeah but uh but yeah so that that really stirred us up this weekend uh tommy lost a lot of sleep over it you know i was it actually conflicted with me doing some asonomics work yesterday we had a pretty top-notch photo uh photo shoot with the guys and uh you'll see those a lot at this point you've you've seen them you've seen these photos we had a pretty top-notch photo shoot with the guys. Very good photo shoot. You'll see those a lot at this point. You've seen them.
Starting point is 00:43:48 You've seen these photos. We should talk about that, though. We did a little promotion for the Weekend Warrior line of apparel. Which has expanded. Which has expanded, yep. So at this point, I'm assuming the hats have already sold out, but you can either pre-order them again or they're restocked again. So now we've got the weekend.
Starting point is 00:44:07 All bullshitting aside, I bet they are sold out. Probably. By the time you're hearing this, probably. Hopefully we just have more by then. But we have the Weekend Warrior shirt. We have the hat in the Lieutenant Dan style, the camo trucker style. And then we have it in the FlexFit blue, Navy, and FlexFit black. And they all look pretty sharp.
Starting point is 00:44:33 They look super cool. We also have the Weekend Warrior wingtip dress shoe that we'll be coming out with in a couple of weeks. The can koozie, the growler to carry alcohol with you anywhere. The weekend warrior pen. A flask. We're just going to, this seems to be working. We're just going to put this on everything.
Starting point is 00:44:55 Yeah, it seems to be, yeah. Like the weekend warrior lighter. We're going to bleed this dry. A phone case, some socks, you know, everything. It'll be on all of it. Instead of coming up with new ideas, we're just going to put our one good idea on fucking everything. Yeah. Forever.
Starting point is 00:45:14 Until it's not good anymore. Yep. But no, so we did a photo shoot. And actually, you guys were getting pictures, some kind of like lifestyle photos of the shirt and hat and all the stuff and then megan and i got there to lift and you're like hey you want to like go get your lift shirt your weekend warrior shirt and like stone cold some beers yeah and i was like do i ever i've been waiting for someone to ask me that exact question for so long. It is Saturday morning. So it was like fairly early, like 10-ish, something like that.
Starting point is 00:45:52 Don't call it a sober man competition. Yeah, if I wanted to be sober, I wouldn't have gotten drunk. But so we got done lifting, and then we got some beer, and we did some action shots of us doing like some violent cheersing where like beer flies everywhere. Droplets of beer just like suspended in air. The part of that I didn't expect or didn't think about was that when you do that, now you have to drink that beer or it is just going to explode. None of us had thought about that until the first bit.
Starting point is 00:46:22 And then it's like, oh wait, all of our beers are running out. You're not just going to be like. What? Like, no. Gross. Like, that is literally like the doctor. I don't know if doctors do that, but tapping your knee. Yeah, the reflex test.
Starting point is 00:46:34 Yeah, yeah. But that is what that is. Like, if that happens to your beer, you put it to your mouth and you drink it. Yeah. Like, there isn't like. Actually, I think that's a really good test. Yeah. Is you can go around.
Starting point is 00:46:45 What kind of person are you do that to somebody? And they're like, Oh my God, it's all over my hand. And they just hold it out there. You know that you will never, ever be able to truly connect with that person. And the funniest part of this is we're outside.
Starting point is 00:46:56 So it's not like you have to be worried about the beer spilling on the ground. Like, Oh no, it's going to make it less. But yeah, we just hammered it. So then it was funny because about 10 minutes in tyler's uh tyler's quote was i didn't really plan on chugging six beers this morning
Starting point is 00:47:11 and it was because it was all like it was because so then we had to do a lot of necessity of us just like drinking and we couldn't pretend right so then and then i had to do the the two where you like violently slam catch them and slam them together and then pour them on your face. But yeah, it was a pretty heavy drinking morning. Had to go to the water park after that. There's some really cool pictures out of the whole thing, though, that'll be up there. You've got to check them out. So we have our giant mascot back in. You done fletch he's out all right i've got a few uh comments etc that
Starting point is 00:47:52 i could yeah let's go through quick um while you're bringing those up uh tanner i can put a little plug in here for tyler um if anyone has any heating or air conditioner problems, just DM me. I'll give you Tyler's phone and you can call him and he'll troubleshoot you through anything. It's tylerstone at Yeah, whatever.
Starting point is 00:48:17 That guy. Fuck that guy. Any questions you have, just let him know. He'll save you a lot of money by giving you expert advice over the phone for absolutely free. all the time in the world to deal with preferably you do it when he has free time so that it you know he can just spend all this time doing that free yeah so but on the bright side my air conditioner is running like a top now do you know that he also gave me some pointers. Yeah. At first I thought maybe he sabotaged me when he said, yeah, see that hose?
Starting point is 00:48:48 Maybe pull that out. And the second I pulled that out, it was like someone turned a spigot on it. It was just gushing water. So I'm running through my house looking for a bucket. We got the water cleaned up, though, and we're running good now. Good. It's nice. Okay.
Starting point is 00:49:01 Crisis averted. Brad Neitzel, a strong a strong man yeah minnesota very strong uh he said who would win in a fight a manly woman or a womanly man manly woman all the way hands for sure when i read that you think about it for a second you're like oh i had to think through what each one would look like in my head i I mean, not even, like, it would be a bloodbath. Yeah. A manly woman would destroy. Frankly, most women, just most womanly women would beat the shit out of a womanly man in a fight.
Starting point is 00:49:37 I mean. I'm generalizing here for sure, but I think that's the nature of this question. Yeah. But yeah, totally, totally. I'm in full green. Yeah. Great though i like it right derrick gray from sioux falls he has purchased a massonomics banner before in case yep you want to be like derrick you should definitely be like definitely want to be like yeah he said how much synthol is too much synthol. Well, um, is that like, I think any synthol is too much.
Starting point is 00:50:09 Yeah. I have seen, obviously rich Piana is like the big, like just looks like he's full of synthol. Yeah. I go through that booth and you'll see some guys that just look like they're inflated. Yes.
Starting point is 00:50:20 Not even like cut, like inflated. There's a couple of videos on youtube i've seen where like you can look at and it's like a bodybuilding competition and you can actually see guys when they're they'll do the pose and this one guy went up and went for like his double bicep and fucking oil started pouring out of his bicep and his shoulder and he had to like run out like he had just like it's like he had just topped himself off out back and he was already full. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:48 But yeah, I think that shit's super gross. Yeah, it is. It's like, what are you doing? Just purely aesthetic in a bad way. The other thing is, are you going to a doctor to do that? Yeah. No. So you're just like, this is oil. Put it in my bicepular region so i can
Starting point is 00:51:08 have bigger biceps like you're just winging it yeah it doesn't make sense but there's totally not i wouldn't recommend it it did not turn out good for me and yeah tanner's dick looks super weird still tiny and now it looks weird it's got a thumb now okay katie who was the one that taught us yoga yes okay uh we had her on episode 40 something of the podcast if you want to i thought you're gonna know the exact number off the top of your head 40 something incredible i'm guessing 48, but I don't remember for sure. We'd check iTunes, but we can't. But they hate us.
Starting point is 00:51:50 She commented on one of our recent podcast episodes where we were talking about a friend of the podcast, Bud Jeffries. And she said, does Bud Jeffries do yoga? If not, I know a gal. Well. Does Bud Jeffries do yoga? That's a good question. I would say in some capacities he does yoga-ish things know a gal. Well. Does Bud Jeffries do yoga? That's a good question. I would say in some capacities he does yoga-ish things without a doubt. I think so too.
Starting point is 00:52:10 I think he could probably step into a lot of yoga classes because he trains that like isometric hold. No doubt he is better at yoga than we are. I wouldn't be surprised if he's better at yoga than a lot of people that do yoga regularly. For sure. Is there anybody who weighs like 330 that's better than at yoga than bud i think he has probably not many certainly not me uh and and bud if no one's been following closely he has a book in the works that oh tyler yeah do you remember he's got a
Starting point is 00:52:37 couple books what was his other one it was uh he had two that he announced, and one of them caused a bunch of stir. And that was going to be... And here's the deal. We legitimately really, really like Bud Jeffries. Oh, yeah. I think it's awesome what he does. But Bud, his... Let me find this here. I don't know how far back I got it.
Starting point is 00:52:59 So he's doing two books out called Outlaw Strength, Forbidden, Forgotten, Secret, and Controversial Strength Training Methods. And then the second one is called Sex and the Modern Savage, Unlocking Incredible Primal Sex Potentials. And if Bud writes a sex book, I'm fucking buying that sex book. For real though. Like the balls to just be like, you know what, I've done nothing but strength is this thing he's like i'm gonna also release this i'm gonna be like what kind of tools are you working with bud i kind of want to know like frankly if anybody that i know is like writing a sex book i'm gonna be like really yeah but yeah like really like like what is your life like where you're like i need to tell the world coming to massanomics and i'm good at it i need to tell the whole world how to bang like i gotta be that guy we yeah we need to uh
Starting point is 00:53:49 maybe that's what we need to look into is getting a a sex book ebook on the massanomics website just tips tips small tips from everyone just the tips the smallest tips from everybody but uh but no so actually one when i butted then, he had kind of posted a few things since then. People would be kind of giving him shit for it, but Bud does not back down from any of that shit. No. He was like, who the fuck are you to tell me? Right. He was like, no.
Starting point is 00:54:19 He was like, trust me. And then even more, I'm like, Jesus, Bud. What kind of shit is going on in your bedroom trust you maybe i think i need to know okay another comment here this was on the raps episode where you two both get your knee wrapped i think that episode went over pretty well i saw some commenting of people that thought that was interesting that haven't uh watching us cry right uh this is from jeremy nicholas and he said another great episode interesting seeing how raps are applied and pretty funny seeing the look of true pain and concern on
Starting point is 00:54:50 the faces of tommy and tyler started following after tyler's post of a before and after picture showed up on my instagram feed been listening in west virginia since then keep up the good work fucking a awesome awesome no real question there just uh just a good comment i do think though that the look of concern like concern is exactly it's uncomfortable and it hurts yeah but that feeling when you do have wraps on it is i'm like concern is the exact word i am very fucking concerned with what's happening right now and i really need to know when this is getting taken off of me um there is one other comment i wanted to read but i have to remember how to get there how do we how do you get to the facebook messages oh that's of the page yeah i think i might be able to get us there there was someone that had read the uh bowtie article oh
Starting point is 00:55:42 yeah yeah that had a really really positive good review back for us, like an in-depth review. I've meant before that I wanted to read that. I think I can get us there, but Facebook, the way they do it with messaging for pages is super weird. I always access that through a computer. It's
Starting point is 00:55:59 messages. So you've got to go to open pages, and then it's under activity, and then messages. And that'll get you into the page. Then it changes to a different app. So can you... It changes to the pages app. So do you have it on yours? Do you remember what I'm talking about?
Starting point is 00:56:12 Yes, I do right here. Yep. Yep. Okay. First off... No, I'm not going to go to this one. Never mind. That was one that we do not want to talk about.
Starting point is 00:56:24 So yeah, we have some from Jim Casemeyer. Does that sound right? Yeah. I don't know. Jim said, much thanks for your evaluation of the formal bow tie. He said, I bought a 2XL on the advice of Rogue. Fucking Rogue. Way to go.
Starting point is 00:56:38 Who knows more about it, Rogue or us? Yeah, obviously. Rogue who sells it. Or us. Or us who are awesome. But he said, at my weight of 235-ish, got nothing out of it. No tension. Was going to go extra large until I read your article.
Starting point is 00:56:52 Went large instead, and I love how snug it fits. Hoping for some aching shoulder relief. Saved me the trouble of another return or staying with something that wasn't an ideal fit, and I wouldn't likely have known otherwise. Much appreciated. Well. We are changing lives. Happy to help, Big Jim. That's just what we do.
Starting point is 00:57:08 And next time you question what we do this for, that's why. It's all about you. We did it for that one guy. Big Jim's a Marine. Thanks for your service. Happy to help your shoulders. I'm sure Donnie Thompson is happy to help your shoulders too. Donnie Thompson, friend of the podcast. Jim. Donnie Thompson, friend of the podcast.
Starting point is 00:57:26 Jim Casemire, both friends of the podcast. We have lots of friends of the podcast. Not afraid to tell you about it. Just a friendly bunch. Well, what else do we got? We have some iTunes reviews. Can't tell. Can't even tell.
Starting point is 00:57:40 Due to technical difficulties. I wonder, do you guys think that maybe that's why it got all fucked up? Too many log jammed reviews. That's why it got all fucked up? Too many log jammed reviews. That's what it definitely had to be. Here's what we need to do, guys. We need you to leave us reviews on the Apple Podcast app. Go to Apple Podcast
Starting point is 00:57:56 and leave us reviews. But maybe coordinate with like six or seven of your friends so that when you're all going to leave reviews, stagger them about 10 minutes apart. Because Apple, they only have so much bandwidth. And so what you do is get a hold of your 10 best friends because you know you guys are all going to do it right now.
Starting point is 00:58:16 And just make sure that you maybe get like a 15-minute window to do yours so that we don't mess anything up. Are you hunting anything down, Tommy? I'm just seeing if anything... Anything new on RedTube? Yeah. Speaking of synthol. Well, at the very least, we show up now.
Starting point is 00:58:37 Okay. That's just all I needed to check again. So we still exist. We still exist. We can still continue to haunt your ears once a week. So, well, I think that'll have us about wrapped up for today. Let's give us the rundown. Do the iTunes thing, the Apple podcast thing.
Starting point is 00:58:54 Leave us reviews. Super important. Facebook. Follow us, like us on Facebook. All the articles and stuff are all going to get run through there still. like us on Facebook, all the articles and stuff are all going to get run through there still. And then we will also be able to be found on the website. That's how you can support the podcast.
Starting point is 00:59:13 Go to There you're going to find the store, all our articles in the store. You're going to have sweet gear like this dude tank, like the sweet hat Tommy's rocking. The weekend warrior hat that Tanner's got got on you can't get that shirt that's a limited edition yeah but if you want to come to the fair in august we will have new and updated your your hat that you have on that is not in the store but if you want a custom uh say one of these one-off hats that you've seen before if you really want that email us and we we can figure out a way to say that yeah or if you have like done that if you have like a certain team colors that yeah we've done it for uh big steve is a pittsburgh steelers fan and i have a black and
Starting point is 00:59:54 gold one that he saw and he was like dude i need it and uh so we hooked big steve up with one so we can do that if you have a certain team yeah i. I think we can, we can coordinate with colors similar to like the Red Sox and Minnesota Twins theme colors. We've got Steelers. Vikings. Vikings. Lakers. Golden State.
Starting point is 01:00:15 Yeah. Yeah. So really most teams we can get you covered. Probably. Or maybe not. We don't know for sure. But ask us. We will try. And we might tell for sure. But ask us. We will try for you.
Starting point is 01:00:26 And we might tell you yes. But yeah, so as far as that goes, though, that's the best way to support the podcast is to buy some shit. All the stuff is really cool and helps us keep this thing moving. We're also pretty cool. Just three cool guys doing their thing. Just doing cool things without a banner yet. It's on order.
Starting point is 01:00:48 I bet it looks awful. With no banner. Yeah, I bet. That's probably why iTunes was like, done. They don't have a banner anymore. Cut it. It's fucking cut rate shit. But that'll do it for us today, you guys.
Starting point is 01:01:01 I'm Tyler. You can find me on Instagram at Tyler F. N. Stone. That's Tyler E-F-F-I-N Stone. Tommy? Tommy, you can find me at Tomahawk underscore D. And Tanner? Tanner, the Masonomics Instagram page at Masonomics. Bring the heat.
Starting point is 01:01:14 Heat. Bring it. What was yours again, Tommy? Locked and loaded. I'm going to go with, for this week, we're going with Get Schwifty. All right, thanks a lot for listening, everybody. You just heard the podcast with your ears you're welcome check us out on facebook find us on instagram at
Starting point is 01:01:35 massanomics and make sure you visit and buy some of that sweet massanomics gear from your friends at massanomics studio home of the world's strongest podcast, stay strong.

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