Massenomics Podcast - Ep. 65: The Seriousness Episode

Episode Date: July 3, 2017

This week, we let you in on one of the key components in the Massenomics Method: Seriousness. How much seriousness is too much seriousness? What happens if you don't have enough seriousness? Is there... a point of diminishing returns when it comes to seriousness? How many times can the guys say the word Seriousness in the Seriousness Episode?   Tune in and find out!   As always, you can watch this episode in full color video... Or check out the super-high quality audio version below.. If you don't already have a closet full of Massenomics gear, go to the MASSENOMICS STORE and load up on swag... Also, please CLICK THIS LINK TO GIVE US A 5 STAR RATING ON ITUNES... Click this text to follow Massenomics on Instagram... Vote Massenomics for President in 2020.. Have your barber shave our logo into the side of your head.. Maybe get a Massenomics tattoo while you're at it.    Or you could sign up for our email newsletter at the bottom of this page. Stay Strong, M

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Starting point is 00:00:00 M-M-M-M-M-M-M-Massanomics Welcome to Massanomics, the world's strongest podcast. Find us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter at Massanomics. Make sure you go visit There you'll find the rest of our powerful content. While you're there, check out our store and buy yourself some of that sweet Massanomics gear. Ready? Shit.
Starting point is 00:00:34 All right, dudes. Welcome to this episode of the Massanomics podcast. We are joined today to my left with Tommy. What's up? And across the way is Tanner. Hello, everyone. Say hi to the camera. Hello, camera. Say hi to the camera. Hello, camera.
Starting point is 00:00:46 And I am Tyler. This week we are going to talk about a subject very near and dear to our hearts here at Massanomics, and that is the topic of seriousness. Seriousness. Getting serious. Getting serious. I would say Big Shane has owned that statement for quite some time. It's time to get serious.
Starting point is 00:01:07 Yeah, he's owning that department of seriousness. He says, let's get serious on a daily basis. That's usually the first thing of his mouth is something about seriousness. And then he usually wants to ask your level of seriousness for the day, too. So how serious are you guys getting today? I did go to the gym. I went to the gym too. You got serious? I got serious with some overhead press.
Starting point is 00:01:28 A Sunday gym session is almost non-existent in my world, and I made that happen today. I also did a Sunday gym session and did almost nothing. So seriousness was... Seriousness was not on the agenda today. Today what I did was I did like six sets of 10 with the uh swiss bar at 225 on the bench and then uh some curls and then i was like peace out but i had to do something before i went and slaved away at the new crossfit gym for fucking 11 straight hours so you got
Starting point is 00:01:59 serious there i got serious yeah the seriousness happened there. Some serious work. Maybe not serious working out. You can come in. Just don't bump the camera. No, just go ahead. You have to now. No one's going to see you. Well, you're wearing a Mastodonics shirt. Yeah, we'll zoom in on Tommy's. We don't have to see that you're not wearing makeup.
Starting point is 00:02:17 Actually, funny thing, just to show how caring and loving of a person Tyler is, before the podcast started, he said, hold up, hold up, dad stuff. And he licked his finger and then rubbed my face because i had apparently a smash bug on my face and that's how dedicated tyler he's so tyler's gonna be starting our makeup department pretty soon is what i'm trying to get out here we're gonna have to start having hair and makeup with my busted ass hairline are you well what you need to start doing like like LeBron James with his headband, that your headphones, you need to start, like, there you go. I also need, I feel like the yarmulke was invented simply to cover where my bald spot is right now. I think LeBron shaved it all off, though.
Starting point is 00:03:00 I don't think he has it. I think just after the season got done here, I think they just lost, and I think he shaved it all down. He like bicked it down? I think bald. Because that was a quote he made this year. Because he was talking about how his whole life he's kind of tried to be like MJ, wanted to wear number 23. It's good serious.
Starting point is 00:03:22 And that the only thing that he didn't do like MJ is he hasn't shaved his head. See, I think that's what Matt told me, and Matt is what you would call a big LeBron fan. So I'm going to take his word for it. Matt, Mr. Greensleeves? Mr. Greensleeves. I actually asked Megan to bring down the mouse for my laptop because my hand is not meant for the pad. Oh, no one's hand is. And apparently that means bring down all
Starting point is 00:03:46 of the beers, too. She's looking out for us. I actually tried last night. Actually, it's because it's Father's Day. Oh, yeah. I'm not a father yet. I'm a father to this little baby called Masonomics. Founding father. I was going to say, not that you know.
Starting point is 00:04:04 Surprise. A founding Masonomics father. Surprise. Yeah. A founding Masonomics father. Yeah. I count that. So let's get serious about the topic of seriousness. Seriousness is not something to be taken lightly. Where do we want to start in this conversation about seriousness?
Starting point is 00:04:20 Let's just go with gym, your general gym vibe. How serious is your, you walk into the gym. Are you a guy who is just all business the whole time? Are you like, like what is seriousness a constant thing with you while you're training? Ah, see, okay. Serious in the gym is a really interesting thing. And, uh, I'm, I'm one of those guys that the reason I go to the gym is a really interesting thing and uh i'm i'm one of those guys that the reason i go to the gym is because it's fun and i like it and it's self-improvement and just that alone makes me
Starting point is 00:04:53 like the gym because i don't think you should hate your self-improvement process that seems like a good way to not stay yeah i don't i don't even that just doesn't make sense i gotta get angry and yeah fucking but that's not to say now that like when I'm, you know, I have things programmed and I do put some like. Seriousness. I do put some, that's the perfect word there. Sprinkle a little seriousness. That word's going to get said a lot.
Starting point is 00:05:17 Yeah. I actually, Tanner, do you have to watch every minute of this when you edit the video? No. Sometimes I, do you want me to edit the video? No, sometimes I... Do you want me to count the seriousness? Yeah, could you count how many times the word seriousness is said? Or serious, any version of serious. Any version of seriousness.
Starting point is 00:05:32 And then we could put that in the notes. Yeah, for sure. We say serious 496,000. It's like that episode of South Park where they say ding, ding, and it just keeps going. Before we go any further, what's your guys' bet on how many times the word serious or seriousness is used uh today well my guess is probably a couple times per minute and this is 60 minutes so i don't know i'm on i'm gonna go with 195 i'll go 196 i'll go you're 194 me yeah no i was gonna go like 160 that's a good way to i was i
Starting point is 00:06:09 was thinking 200 that's a good way to establish a solid over under and just make sure tyler doesn't win yeah prices so so tommy your your seriousness is basically uh it's not that there's none no no and they're actually i mean there is probably a decent amount of seriousness like when I'm going for a heavy lift like okay I say I like to have fun in the gym but when I'm going for a heavy lift I cannot be that guy that's like joking and laughing and then walks right over and I know there's several guys in the gym
Starting point is 00:06:36 that before a PR set can literally we chain can be like talking to someone about how serious they're getting like having this dumb conversation we do like on a 1 to 10 how serious are you right now and like the i've seen people like smiling and be like a seven and then go hit a pr like i cannot do that like i need anywhere from 10 seconds to a minute to just kind of get focused and serious and get serious before i can do it and that's just that's like as soon and then as soon as that's done it's's woo. And then it's like, you know, laughing, having a good time.
Starting point is 00:07:06 And I would say, Tommy, you do that, I would say quite a bit too, where you are, you'll do your thing. You'll, you're pretty much, you'll fuck around, but your, your seriousness happens only in the, I'm going to say 30 seconds to a minute. Yeah, it's just that, it's just that ritual. Before like an attempt that really matters. You probably can get through a lot of your, you do a lot of your attempts where you don't have to do that. Oh, no, not at all.
Starting point is 00:07:30 Yeah, it is. Like I'll, and I'm probably the same way that like, you know, I don't have to like, I don't have to get serious. Yeah. Until it's time to get serious. And it's not always time to get serious. Yeah, but part of that getting serious
Starting point is 00:07:43 is that whole thing of having a ritual, like your repeatable things that you do that help you kind of get in the zone. For me, that's usually like walking a little ways away from the platform, just kind of like keeping my head down to just kind of be in my own zone, get my wrist straps high on them, get my belt on, and then get to the platform. And that's like what I need to get ready. And that's not what all people need. But for me, that's like, gets me in that right level of seriousness to, to attack, to go to war with that bar.
Starting point is 00:08:12 You got to go to war on that weight, brother. I also think one of the parts that ties that in is, uh, it may, I think it was Ed Cohn that said it was like, um, you know, as soon as you start treating the lightweights, like the heavyweights, you know, is when it's kind of the key to getting things done and that's what i found lately kind of anytime at least from when i'm doing a lift it has to be taken seriously for that moment yeah and i used to do that where i would like kind of be able to phone in a lot of stuff only 200 pounds until it got heavy and i literally now maybe not from a seriousness standpoint but from a ritual standpoint and everything is the same yeah like if i pull today so i was
Starting point is 00:08:52 helping megan with some deadlifts and today you know i had to do a handful of you know just pulling 135 to shore and and i had really really been working on. And I'll get to where I'll get that fucker back, and it's the same thing every time. And I'm pulling 135 off the floor like it's 500 pounds. It's just the same thing. But just like Tommy, I don't have to get serious until it's time to get serious. And then you can turn it off in a second, right? Well, yeah. Then I dick around immediately.
Starting point is 00:09:26 And I don't know. like Tanner, what do you, I'd say the three of us are probably pretty similar from a whole gym session is probably fairly similar for the three of us. Kind of. I think so. Yeah. You know, we'll dick around a lot. Yeah. My timeline is while I'm warming up, like the first 10 minutes I'm there, very not serious.
Starting point is 00:09:46 Like if I'm just warming up. Almost intentionally not serious. Yeah, right. Just kind of casually warming up. And then as I start warming up through my first big compound movement, you know, putting plates on the bar, I start getting a little more serious. And then once I get to the working sets of my biggest movement of the day, which is usually the first lift, that's when I'm most serious throughout the day is that big compound lift. Like if I'm squatting that day, doing five sets of squats, that's my most serious time of the day. And then once I maybe say I have three other lifts after that, the lifts themselves become lifts that are a little less serious in nature.
Starting point is 00:10:26 And as they become less serious, I become less serious and I start talking, you know, and then I start chatting. And the minutes turn to hours. Right. And then I get to eventually my last, like,
Starting point is 00:10:37 um, a very, usually a kind of an isolation movement where it's not like, it's not taking a lot from your cns or body or anything like that and you know i'm not all that serious at that point again and i'm just kind of joking around and but the most serious is during that first yeah the most important compound movement of the day it's like a climax of seriousness the seriousness has reached yeah but but the then the seriousness doesn't plummet off it's like a gradual come back down
Starting point is 00:11:06 on seriousness i've had sessions too though where like i know that i'm going to hate everything that i have to do so like this week i had that fucking just stupid shit was like three sets of 12 and they were kind of heavy for me and then there was a bunch of other shit that was still like high reps of kind of heavy and i got like i dreaded it for a whole day then so i was supposed to do it friday i did not because i was too busy working on the new gym and ended up basically just putting it off until saturday morning and i'm not like a morning lifter so like 7 30 in the morning is not a good time to be doing squats and sets of 12 and uh i went in and did it
Starting point is 00:11:46 but there was a deal where like even my warm-up set so i was still trying to do warm-up sets in like you know 8 10 12 reps just to do it that i was just like fucking afraid of having to do that many reps the whole time so that's when seriousness came into play a little bit of death metal loud as shit fucking had to dial it in and just bite down and do it and i got it done but i i did like almost throw up from squats i think we've talked about it it's come up a few times i think in in our conversations the last like month but like you don't almost throw up from squats because you're squatting so hard and you get up and it just makes you it's's like just generally, it's just kind of a lot of volume. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:27 And I got done and was like sitting in the truck going, and I actually grabbed the door handle and cracked it open just in case I like, I think I need to do this. You get that like hot, cold feeling or cold, hot feeling. You start getting goosebumps. It's like I'm hot, but I feel cold. You start to salivate a little bit. It's not an awesome feeling, but it was seriousness that brought me to that point. I don't think you can get to that point
Starting point is 00:12:53 with a lack of seriousness. But generally, I think we're probably about on the same boat. But there are people that go to the gym, and you see memes on the internet all the time where it's like, come here i put my headphones on fucking talk to me and i'm gonna fucking do this shit you know and that works i suppose if you're maybe a guy training on an island too though like if you're at a gym that's not your vibe and there's people doing that and then like the people that are like that like i want to know
Starting point is 00:13:22 like what's your longevity like how do people that are like that, I want to know what's your longevity? Do people that are that hardcore, like, fuck the world, I hate it, I do this because I'll die. Do people with that mentality stay in the lifting game for 10 plus years? Do they even stay in for five years? I don't know. It just seems like that seems like a lot of mental weight to carry with you multiple times a day or multiple times a week for weeks on end months on end years on end like yeah yeah it's just that's a lot you know but i do think that's and it does work for people but i would say it probably is also holding it back a little bit you know i see with people in crossfit all the time where they'll come in and they part
Starting point is 00:14:02 of what people enjoy is this like the opposite of what a lot of us do which is like you know the the intense cardio the really high intensity the breathing hard the feeling like you're gonna fucking die but how do you talk to people when you're doing that well yeah you don't you don't during that you don't during that point but like you know like the the the metcon portion of the workout but i've talked to a lot of CrossFit coaches who have a hard time trying to program simply a strength day because people want to go and they want to do that where, when that shit's really that hard,
Starting point is 00:14:33 you're doing a workout that just, your lungs are on fire, your legs are burning, like everything fucking blows and it's really intense. You do something like that and you have to, you have to like forget about your day and all your shit. That is a thing that you can't even be involved in. So people get to that point and they do that as a form of escapism.
Starting point is 00:14:52 The problem is when coach programs a day that's maybe some heavy deadlifts and some heavy accessory work and you need to give 100% to that, people get done. They're like, yeah, but I didn't like almost feel like I was going to pass out from breathing so hard. Right. And so like, I'm going to just do burpees for a while until then. You know what I mean? Because for real, there will be people that like, you'll do a strength day and it's like, well, you should have just done more of that then.
Starting point is 00:15:18 Yeah. And they'll get done and they'll be like, you know, half their members don't feel like they got anything out of it. It's like, that's not the fucking point of the day. Right. And do the thing that you're told to do. And to build strength. Like you're usually not going to be.
Starting point is 00:15:30 You're not going to be like that. And that's the deal. So they envision a lot of CrossFit, general CrossFit members will just, it's what they think they have to do. And I understand that, that a lot of people will train that to kind of, you can kind of go there and shut the switch off on all your baggage and do your thing and feel good and get better and move on. But that's not the whole picture. There's going to be days when you can't do that.
Starting point is 00:15:52 But I think it's the same thing when people come in and they want, you know, I'm going to put some fucking death metal in my earphones and I'm going to not talk to anybody and I'm just going to do my thing because I'm fucking mad. What's the, like the, was it the ape man? Some of the commercials that they have out there is like, you got to fight your fucking inner demons. Escape from this hell, this torment of hell you call life. And it's like, whoa. So you're only appealing to people who fucking hate their lives? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:23 And you're like putting that out on your thing. Like if your life totally fucking sucks, like buy some of our shirts. Right. Like, I think that's a weird way to like, not nothing bad about the guy, the brand or anything,
Starting point is 00:16:37 but it's a weird way to package your, I think a lot of people that have been doing it for a long period of time. Kind of goes to what you said. They're not, they don't think like that. No, people that have done it for a long period of time kind of goes to what you said. They don't think like that. No. People that have done it for a long, because you, that doesn't like, you can't do that for 15 years. Well, yeah, where do you have that for?
Starting point is 00:16:52 You're like, I'm going to be just a fucking angry. Right. So then you're like, probably like that. In order to be like that all the time in the gym, you got to be like that all the time. And I do think some people will have days or weeks like that where you know whatever else is going on and you're just so you're just gonna be like that you know you're like this is what I need to do in the gym but people don't do that forever like you can't I don't know I don't think you can sustain that or it'd take a very very particular type of person to be able to do that for a long time and
Starting point is 00:17:21 be successful yeah and even like i'm trying to think of like guys that seem to be really on that psychological edge and like george lehman comes to mind he's the one that he's the guy and i mean he's dropped kind of dropped off the face of the earth now but when he was really on his hot streak chasing that like world deadlift record like two years ago he's the one that like any heavy set or whatever he'd basically go into it almost crying, and he'd walk away almost crying too. He would talk about his mental thought process was like losing his brother and a loved one dying, and some really, really heavy stuff.
Starting point is 00:18:03 I guess that got him to a world record, but after that, he really has kind of like he disappeared to Thailand for a while. He's a guy that prior to even his lifting he had a lot of a lot of issues yeah issues like that and i mean that's getting into a whole whole other realm of mental health but so that the point is we don't really want to be like that because there's that like so like is our is that how do we package our massonomics message when we're putting that out there for advertising and stuff? Yeah, so that's another area of seriousness. I would say we're about 60% partying and 40% dick jokes and 10% not knowing math. So did you have an official segue or part to this? Because what was the first part of the first part was you know how serious we all approach the gym personally or generally with within our gyms or
Starting point is 00:18:50 what our take is on that and then so this part would be uh you segued with eight man they're the easiest comparison to make but how massonomic seriousness level as how we position ourselves and how you know we might advertise versus how a company like eight man strong eight man strong is very 100 seriousness 100 they've never they've never put out i've never seen a comment from them that's like wieners by the way are our huh winer shirts going to be out yet? I think they're just getting printed. The Masonomics Ha Ha Weiner shirt. Gay jokes.
Starting point is 00:19:34 Yeah. It's just more fun that way, isn't it? Granted, there's going to be companies that are more serious than us, i don't know it's i agree i think it's more fun and it's i mean i don't want to have the most it's okay here's what i view with seriousness as when it comes to your brand i do not want to have any company that i have be i don't want to own a heating and air conditioning company that is the most serious heating and air conditioning company i kind of want to just be the best that people enjoy being around. For the same reasons that I don't want to have the cheapest heating and air conditioning company or, you know, the most expensive. Oh, maybe the most expensive.
Starting point is 00:20:16 But definitely, you don't want to be the cheapest. You don't want to be the most serious, the most unpleasant. Right. Because in, I think, like like life seriousness outside of the gym is unpleasant to be around typically yeah yeah actually even in the gym seriousness is unpleasant to be around i mean tommy you're getting ready to go for like a big heavy fucking deadlift and you like we're not standing there like two feet away from Tommy chalking up, tightening his belt going, it's great being on time.
Starting point is 00:20:48 I mean, you're not an asshole, but you're definitely not like, you know, like in tune with my fucking feelings at that moment. Nor are you expected to be, but like there's some, some seriousness in general is probably not great to be around.
Starting point is 00:21:02 Yeah. And like, when you look at like quotes from successful people and stuff, not that those mean anything, but how often do you see the thing pop up of don't take yourself too seriously? In life, that is such a huge part of things. So do you think that maybe the
Starting point is 00:21:16 massonomics level of seriousness is not prohibitively high, but are we prohibitively non-serious? No, there's some serious... I mean... We take lifting seriously. There's some seriousness involved.
Starting point is 00:21:31 We all take our lifting pretty seriously. I would think enough to bring value in things. To the point you could be so non-serious that you just don't... We don't want to be a complete joke. What are things that are out there that are not serious? Like so non-serious that they don't have any credibility. Like the, well, okay, shots fired here.
Starting point is 00:21:51 I like the guy. But like the Tom Finns of the world. Tom Finn, I've been reading more and more and more from like people who are, I would say have an overabundance of seriousness, hating on Tom Finn for his lack of seriousness. But, are they just framing it the wrong way? He is serious about wanting to go viral. And you typically make more of a living
Starting point is 00:22:15 producing viral videos than you do in a 500-pound bench press. In a dungeon, fucking hating yourself. So his serious scope, everyone is looking this way, and his one is pointed this way and I think a lot of people... Pointed at the right direction
Starting point is 00:22:28 for making his own ends meet. Yeah, a lot of people are so stuck looking in their direction that they don't even realize there are other directions, which is what he's doing. Right. I mean, if you can't see that,
Starting point is 00:22:35 you're just not smart enough to get it. But it's the same thing, Juji Mufu. I mean, he's flipping around going... I mean, the guy is pretty ripped. But he's flipping around doing all these crazy stuff because that's like where he can make a living. He's producing videos and getting picked up for Taco Bell commercials. Yep. Is he doing Taco Bell commercials now?
Starting point is 00:22:55 He was about a year ago. And I'm sure he made way more in that Taco Bell commercial than probably almost any power lifter. It wasn't a shoot for a Taco Bell commercial. They took one of his videos. They licensed the video from him. So he just sold it to him. Yeah. That's awesome. So he didn't even have to do anything. No, he was already doing it. They were like, we want this.
Starting point is 00:23:12 Tom Finn, I think realistically, doesn't he have, or didn't he have the Bench Press world record at 198? He might have. Like 500 and some pounds. One of the things with Tom is that they said he could be overall actually one of the best at his weight class. Hands down. Which is super commendable. He's hella strong even coming back from a torn pec which basically almost didn't skip a beat um to me personally it like i get
Starting point is 00:23:37 kind of i'm like oh geez like can you just do a thing yeah right you know like so what and he's it's not that he's doing anything wrong i'm just kind of pointing at the the seriousness yeah it's that is what a lot of people would consider like zero level serious like nothing to it but like so that's the deal is like so his lifting is i think he still takes it very seriously you wouldn't be that good at it if you're not but maybe if there was more seriousness in his lifting and less seriousness on his viralness you know that maybe he would actually get the deal done but and i think my place to say i think if i if i had the amount of instagram followers that tom finn had i would probably just be like taking pictures of
Starting point is 00:24:19 myself in my underwear answering dms left and right uh-huh um so i'd be probably way worse than he you know like in his situation i'd be so bad you know he's done something right to get there that's his goal you know that's obviously his goal he has more followers than i would guess 99 of the population which is actually where i think the serious lifters that have a problem with it that's where they're bent about they're like why don't you follow me like i'm actually training hard and and the issue with it is that like they take issue with it well you should just be focusing on lifting it's like well yeah but you focus on lifting in your fucking poorly lit basement you post videos of lifting once every eight weeks and your shit you can hardly see and then like
Starting point is 00:25:02 it's not interesting to watch yeah right so like the point of fucking social media is that it'd be entertaining yeah people don't do it be yeah so do you know why he has 300,000 followers because he's entertaining and and you know other people just aren't yeah it'd be like brad pitt getting pissed off at like a comedian because he's not what he's just telling jokes to be funny yeah you know why isn't he spending 14 months pretending to be a boxer like daniel day lewis well like there's kind of different ways to be entertaining and that's i don't think dave chapelle needs to go the daniel day lewis route yeah you know fuck yeah but uh what other what other brands is Is there any other, like, okay, that's just an Instagram.
Starting point is 00:25:47 I was just going to say, are there any brands that are, like, super not serious to the point where that's definitely. In the world of, I don't know. Like, in the world of lifting? I don't know of any. Like, because that is the one thing. I assume, though, if you're a brand, you have to retain some sort of seriousness. Yeah. Because y'all are trying to get paid.
Starting point is 00:26:03 But we're, like, comparing us to others, we're probably less serious than most. Yeah. But. I would put maybe our level of seriousness. If you had to go on some sort of a, I'm going to treat seriousness here like Tanner's sexuality. Very ambiguously. There's a spectrum here. There's a spectrum of seriousness seriousness it's not yes or no
Starting point is 00:26:27 there's there's there's no seriousness here where it's all dick and fart jokes yeah and then there's too much seriousness here um i would put our seriousness on that spectrum maybe like right around the range of like the mark bells of the world yeah like you know what i mean like the super training the power cats maybe not our success Yeah. Like, you know what I mean? Like the Super Train, the Power Cats. Maybe not our success on the, like if you look at. I mean, yeah, like they're here. From a success standpoint, they're here and we're here. Again, we're in the other direction.
Starting point is 00:26:55 Yeah. Or whatever. But like, you know, he doesn't take himself too seriously. Right, right. And I'd say that's about where. I think we're comparable to that. Probably would fall into that. As far as seriousness. But if we tried to be...
Starting point is 00:27:10 We're heavier than he is now. He's light, ketogenic, ketosis, etc. If we did our posts and advertising like 8 Man Strong or companies like that do, it would be very phony and not true what we're actually like because of what we've already said here you know we don't we don't take ourselves and our own things that serious if we are like that that's not true yeah that's not a good representation because that's another thing is like how do how do brands like that like if we
Starting point is 00:27:40 were to have any interview footage or just any behind-the-scenes footage or even these podcasts, and we're laughing and giggling, but then we market ourselves as the most hardcore, borderline depressed and killing yourselves. It doesn't make any sense. That's actually where I think we kind of... Well, we were unprepared at the Arnold this year for the amount of people we were going to get to interview. So part of it was like, I didn't go into, I didn't get on a plane on the way to Columbus going, what am I going to ask Hafthor when I'm talking to him? So like when I got to interview Hafthor, I'm like, so like, how, how are you, how are you feeling? He's like, I'm fucking beat up. That's cool. Remember when you were in game?
Starting point is 00:28:25 It was that thing. Now going back into it, I was like, well, fuck. We should definitely just do our thing when we do that next time. Be goofy. So next year, it'll be a little more like we have some things that we kind of plan on. But it'll definitely be more massonomic-y and less like, I'm a guy with a microphone. I should ask questions like a guy with a microphone would ask but like the uh the michael horn interview was a great example right yeah it's just like like did you paint those fucking pants on like
Starting point is 00:28:54 and he's got it yeah like it's very easy to do with him because he immediately was like within the first question he knew what was going on well because he also was like please don't ask me the natty question right now because he either gets people that avoid that question or only ask that question um but that's the uh the massonomics as a brand our seriousness is uh i would say where are we at if the spectrum is from zero to 100 are we in the i'm gonna go with 15 oh and this is this is this is 40 this is the seriousness level of how we position ourselves as being like hardcore destroyers of iron yeah we're pretty far away
Starting point is 00:29:40 from that i'm gonna say well here's where we're at. 100 is the, say like, JP Carroll's of the world. Right. We're a long ways from that. And then, the, like, one would be,
Starting point is 00:29:54 I don't even know what I'm putting. Like Tom Finn shooting bottle rockets out of his butt? Yeah, but that video, not, like some of his other videos. Not like him lifting pretty heavy and taking a shot. But for real,
Starting point is 00:30:04 bottle rockets out of the butthole is zero. You're right. My 15 was not that close. Little on the low end. I didn't quite analyze the spectrum. Less than 50 probably. But for sure less than 50. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:18 For sure. Yeah. I think so. On seriousness in the gym, we've covered seriousness as massonomics as a brand. Another seriousness arena that we maybe have talked about this a little bit on the podcast is kind of the old guard of powerlifting versus the new guard of powerlifting. It doesn't have to, assuming we're basically in the new age of powerlifting versus the old, it doesn't have to be specifically about us, but just the difference in the two.
Starting point is 00:30:47 There's definitely a difference. There is. What a powerlifting meet looked like and felt like 15 years ago versus what a lot of them are like now. And they're not bad now. No. There's less serious. And it's still very serious at a meet, but it's different. It's, I think people are more interested in chatting and being friendly and maybe joking
Starting point is 00:31:13 around when it's appropriate and not approaching it like, like do or die life or death. Right. Because at the end of the day, it's still a powerlifting meet. And it's still a completely individual sport. Right. It doesn't actually matter for almost anything. Like, for the most part, do any of your significant others really actually give a shit how you did? No. So do you think anyone else in that room cares how you did?
Starting point is 00:31:41 You know, like, that's the truth. Well, there's other people that are interested, but it's... But, yeah, in only how you did in relation to them yeah basically yeah like like so the whole thing is like in the grand scheme of things still nobody gives a fuck yeah like and the grandest scheme of things a power lifting meet doesn't matter about anything like i mean there's like real things going on yeah you know so like it's this very isolated there's real things going on in the world that we avoid like like all this really serious stuff like things that are really serious and we're like no
Starting point is 00:32:16 i gotta really focus before i deadlift right now like don't care about war. Are there people in the world that get up? Like, is there a guy who gets up and gets on the platform, closes his eyes, dials in all of his seriousness, and goes, fucking Republicans,
Starting point is 00:32:40 and grabs the bar? Like, there's got to be people. Are there people that channel that into their seriousness? I would guess by the things you see on Facebook and stuff of people commenting. They're like, remember that guy that really ragged on me on that Facebook comment? He's like, he's the bar today.
Starting point is 00:33:01 But don't you think that you'll see older guys around that have been around it longer yeah and there's even and this i do not mean anything to like piss people off when i say this or anything but like you can even go on youtube and this is like one thing i've noticed talking about the new guard versus old yard and old school new school and like you can watch videos of guys that were like associated with west side and like heavy equipped lifting and they talk about like like it's almost like how lifting wasn't fun it was like a job and everyone was gunning for everyone and nobody was rooting for no one was people were almost like rooting against you because everyone wanted to be the strongest one it was so cutthroat and at the end of the day it was for chasing like multiply world records that only
Starting point is 00:33:50 exist that in meets that your friends hosted and most people don't even know what that is and then you know when it's all said and done you're done with it and you have all this damage to your body and it's like that's a level of seriousness that i'll never understand and i i don't think most people do understand that anymore like that doesn't really exist much in the world of power power lifting does it i don't think so like it's not well my experience it definitely did but i think that's kind of falling out i don't you know i think now even people that are into that like multi-ply stuff now like there's people that are doing that that are having more fun. You know, it's not just like the multi-play versus raw. Like you can do that and have it.
Starting point is 00:34:31 And also it also doesn't have to suck. Like it can be fun. Yeah, it doesn't have to at all. Yeah. And I do think as you go up the chain of competitive levels, it's going to be like Ray Williams williams at ipf worlds or any of those guys is going through like mental and physical stressors that right no we don't no one else on earth will ever know like that we're more talking about the 95 of us that do local meets yeah but there again like it matters even less like it matters so little of what we're actually doing and i actually think that like if i did a power lifting meet which i might maybe do one you know
Starting point is 00:35:09 next year like i still would only approach it like the seriousness would only be around the attempts and i wouldn't even be that serious about how things went you know everyone wants to do well yeah like nobody wants nobody wants to go in and shit the bed yeah but like i mean it's fun to have how much are you gonna how much are you gonna put on it you know what i mean like you know you're gonna walk away like fuck that fucking suck i enjoy you know being in the warm-up room and like talking to the guys and being somewhat serious but also joking around about things things as we're warming up. That makes me feel better about when I'm getting up there.
Starting point is 00:35:50 I don't know if I would actually have fun at a meet if I went by myself and you guys or Ryan and Larry. If Ryan wasn't there to rag on Larry the whole time, I don't know if I could even have fun at a meet. When Larry retires, is he still going to have to... We're going to have to get him a coach shirt? Yeah, he's going to have to just go and be there. He's going to have to come and be in the back forever.
Starting point is 00:36:09 I would say at, you know, talking about back to what we're like in the gym and stuff, the moment that you're on a platform or actually competing is the most serious. For sure. Like, I do, I'm not saying, I think, thinking about, like, stabbing babies in the face. But, like, you might think about. A lot of the time, that not saying I think thinking about like stabbing babies in the face, but like you might think about, you might a lot of the time. That's what he's thinking. I'm not saying it, but yeah, that's what I'm thinking about. That gets him through the work day. But you will think about things at that moment in time that are more serious than in the
Starting point is 00:36:39 gym. And that's, I think that's important to be able to take it, like have one more gear to go to. So if you're like that in the gym all the time, what do you do at the meet? How do you take it to the next level? Like does someone literally have to punch you in the mouth as hard as they can to wake you up to a next step?
Starting point is 00:36:58 And that's actually something I did a little bit of reading about is some people just train under too much... Stimulation. Yeah, external arousal. Yeah. I like the word arousal. Yeah, arousal is key here. External arousal.
Starting point is 00:37:14 So, Tyler, what about internal arousal? Internal arousal, it's all... Depends on what you're into. If you can get as aroused as possible internally, that's a win for you. But, no, that actually is the concept I'm getting at here, is that external arousal, like you've got fucking Pantera cranked up loud as shit. Nose torque.
Starting point is 00:37:31 You've got your nose torque. Tanner slaps me in the face. Tommy slaps me in the back. I have 25 people screaming at me. I grab the bar, and I do my second set of five reps. Yeah, right, right. That's kind of not how you do it. That's not what you should be doing.
Starting point is 00:37:47 Right. And now that would, let's be honest, that would be a fucking pretty awesome way to train. Like if you did do that all the time. But you just can't sustain that all the time. If all five of your sets were like that, fucking, let's fucking do this. But if all five of your sets are like that every day,
Starting point is 00:38:03 eventually it's going to be like, it catches up to you. And I don't know that that on its own would be detrimental, but you never have anything else in the tank. Right. And that's kind of a problem. So you get to a meet and what are you going to do? Are you going to pick the song? Are you going to have two people you're going to
Starting point is 00:38:25 have a face slap and a back slap guy have twice as much caffeine as you know what if what if your 15 gym friends don't show up and it's like most power lifting meets where let's be honest if it's earlier in the day nobody even claps and like there you go and and that's and that's after your first attempt. Depending on how that goes, your second attempt might be heavier or the same or disappointing or whatever. But I just don't think that you can do that all the time. Right. So you kind of got to train.
Starting point is 00:38:56 It's got to just be your thing. You dial yourself in. But it's good to have an extra gear, you know. You don't want to blow your wad and training all the time it's fun to have that gear at in a competition too to be able to go to that and yeah you know it's fun i you know just in a lot of sports it's like that where all of a sudden when you find that extra you're like oh shit man this is really fucking intense you're like hey all right like that's a good feeling yeah but to get there and
Starting point is 00:39:25 and actually when you're under that you know kind of quote under the lights and you're like all right it's time and you're actually underwhelmed you're kind of under stimulated you're like well fuck i didn't have my my third monster energy drink today and well tanner stayed home you have to deal with kids no one slapped my back and fucking lar Larry wasn't getting ripped on by Ryan. That's a whole bunch of stuff that now didn't fall your way, and can you still lift under those circumstances? Right, right. So maybe I think in that case, would that person have been better off
Starting point is 00:39:59 dealing with a quick dick and fart joke before you went up on the platform and training from time to time? Probably. Right. I think so. Or listening to somebody complain about their job and be like, yeah, yeah, all right, I'm going to do this. And then they do their, you know, like. That's really what it's like.
Starting point is 00:40:14 That's most of what it is. That's real life at the, yeah. It's like, oh, yeah, fucking fuck all that. And then you do your lift and it is whatever. And then you do your lift and it is whatever. But I think that's when you have then that external arousal, that then all of a sudden it has value to you then. But it's just me.
Starting point is 00:40:38 So how about seriousness with the podcast specifically? I would say we take this quite seriously. It's right up there with the greats. These first 40 minutes of things. Anything produced by NPR. Among those things. Alright, so let's talk about the Tanner sexuality spectrum of seriousness in podcasts now.
Starting point is 00:40:56 What is the least serious podcast that you guys are aware of? Do you know what I mean? It's just wacky, wacky. I don't know. I listen to a pretty serious podcast one of my favorite ones is the How Did This Get Made which is the it's a movie podcast review
Starting point is 00:41:12 where they basically just bring on the shittiest movies ever like they did they've just done a ton of them they did Junior they did Junior anyway so but it's it's the guy who played Andre Junior. They did Junior. Yeah. We talked about that. That's right. Anyway, but it's the guy
Starting point is 00:41:27 who played Andre from The League. I don't even remember his name. Oh, yeah. And then the guy who played Rafi from The League.
Starting point is 00:41:34 Okay. Jason Manzoukas and Paul Scheer, I think is the other guy's name. And a couple other people on there, but they just talk about these stupid shit movies.
Starting point is 00:41:40 They do like Sharknado. We kind of go through them in detail. It's really funny. It's all fucking around though. I'd say that's a zero or a one on the serious they're never like like i want to take a moment here yeah you know they're at a zero what's a hundred most of it i'm like cereal if anyone's listening to cereal i would say anything that's like more like scientific based because that can get really dry The one I listened to that's definitely a hundred would be,
Starting point is 00:42:06 let's see what I got in my thing. I do have the, where are we at? The waking up with Sam Harris, who's like a super aggressive atheist, like, like just, and believes that like free will is not a concept that is actually a thing
Starting point is 00:42:24 that you're, all your decisions are a product of your environment and your upbringing and all the circumstances that have happened up to that point. I would say that is a 100 on the seriousness thing, right? Yeah. His last podcast is The End of the World According to ISIS. The next one is Leaving Islam.
Starting point is 00:42:41 The one before that is The Unraveling. Okay, Tyler, you're blowing me out road to tyranny persuasion and control the morally moral complex complexity of genetics that's a 100 right on seriousness yeah we fall i would say like a sweet 97 you think yeah somewhere in there again we're definitely below 50 definitely below 50 on the seriousness spectrum i don't even know what i would put halfway between that's, there is miles between those two. Right, yeah. Yeah, it's such a gap. Yeah, so we're just like in that.
Starting point is 00:43:11 We're not all movie reviews, and we're not all about the end of the world according to ISIS. Right. And because of our overlying topic of just lifting in general, there again, it's not that. It can't be that serious. If we took this podcast as seriously as the moral complexity of genetics, that's a fucking swing and a miss here.
Starting point is 00:43:37 And we also wouldn't be producing shirts and hats that were inspired by an adult beverage if we were hardcore serious about this and like had our diet dialed into 100 right that's actually that's actually another another topic we could talk about what is your level of seriousness when it comes to food either quality or quantity like how serious do you take it on a daily basis tanner it really depends on the time, what I'm, where I'm at from like a goal. Yeah. Like if a competing goal, the closer I get to a competition in general, it's going to get more serious because I'm either going to be trying to most of the time, probably gain weight or lose weight. So that's when it's the closer to a competition, the more serious it's going to be
Starting point is 00:44:24 the farther away from a competition, the less serious, but only to a point. Like, it's not like I get to the point where I'm like, oh, don't care. Not going to eat anymore. Like, like it just dialed back to a certain extent. Yeah. But still fairly serious, but not relative to someone that's like weighing their food. I'm very far from serious of that because i never do that you know so that's i still i would say i i still on the weighing the food i still do that
Starting point is 00:44:52 like every couple of weeks as like a calibration tool yeah so that's more serious so like yeah oh for certain like but what that is is i kind of view that as like if i have like some nutrition points that i'm trying to hit even if it's simply quantity like I gotta hit above this mark I gotta know about actually how much like I can I eat the same thing all the time you know I'll cook the same thing I'll eat the same thing all week mostly and like so like this week it's fucking chicken you saw 25 pounds of chicken we just pulled off the grill yeah and like so that's just what i'm gonna eat this week and you know i'll know basically i need to have like between 10 and 12 ounces of chicken you know three to four times well four times a day basically um but i gotta know what 10 to 12 ounces looks like right what that is right yeah and i'm not
Starting point is 00:45:43 that fucking dialed in at this point, so I don't really worry about it. But I do got to recalibrate every couple weeks to know. So what I'll usually do is like Monday mornings, I'll throw some chicken on a scale. All right, that's about where we're at. And then that's just kind of about the amount that I'll put in my shit every day
Starting point is 00:46:03 when I leave the house then. I won't weigh it every time but i do do it um but also it has been weird like the last few weeks trying to get the stuff with the new gym going where i'm like oh jesus i haven't eaten since noon it's 7 30 p.m and i'm like fuck it like i need to Like, the other day we went and I got three large pizzas from Little Caesars. And what did you do with them? I ate three quarters of one pizza on the drive from Little Caesars to the gym. And then brought the rest in so my mom and sister and wife and whoever else was there could eat. And you're like, oh, I got two pizzas.
Starting point is 00:46:43 Well, I was like, there was three boxes boxes i put the mostly eaten one on the bottom and then uh and then you opened up like what the hell they only gave us like a fourth of a pizza in this one and then i brought them all home so that the kid lincoln was like i was like hey we got some pizza if you want some oh cool it was great so he had a couple pieces he's a kid and then like so before bed i was like well there is you know i was like calorically i'm probably definitely under and i was like there is you know six slices of cheese left cheese pizza left so i just ate six slices of cheese pizza and then went to bed almost immediately after like well there is no better way to fall asleep than to eat like an entire pizza and then and then go to sleep oh that is like i mean there's maybe some like it's a very unhealthy way chemical ways to go to sleep better but like definitely just eat a gross amount the problem i
Starting point is 00:47:36 have is it's a heartburn thing with if i eat pizza especially that like like you know the chain pizza your your pizza huts your domino's, your Little Caesars. I'll get just nasty heartburn from it. So that was actually one of the worst things in the world for me to do, which is already be full on pizza, eat a shit ton of pizza again, and then lay on my fat fucking back and snore for 10 hours. But it was still pretty awesome none of it was
Starting point is 00:48:07 like enjoyable the taste or the feeling or none of it was good but by god i had to get it in but that's kind of where my food seriousness has been lately what about you tommy do you you've never been much of like probably the meal prepper guy or anything uh just to the point of like just making food to save myself time for the week. Yeah. I'm probably the least serious out of everyone when it comes to food here. Not in like – not that I'm like eating garbage. I cook – with the exception of like eating out, I cook every meal I eat.
Starting point is 00:48:37 And I wake up every day to make sure I get a solid breakfast and everything. But yeah, it just depends. I was going for a while here. I was like not taking it as seriously. i was definitely losing weight i mean i lost almost 10 pounds from the competition and then i was like well it makes the gym stuff a little tougher and so um that just mentally doesn't feel good to have that not go as good so then it's like well we'll just increase the calories a little bit but yeah i'm so i mean that's one thing i could probably dial in way harder because i'm not like counting macros i'm not i have no idea how many ounces
Starting point is 00:49:10 of food i get i know what i i know what i need to eat to weigh like a certain amount and so i just can kind of stick to that but and you know how to use obviously use the gym as a gauge like yeah yeah getting weaker yeah i know how things feel. The other thing, though, is like, so you pay, like, not a whole lot of attention detail-wise to, like, what you eat. Really. Like, in general. Yeah, not detail-wise, other than, like, I know, because my breakfast is always the same, I essentially know I'm getting, like, 80 grams of protein at breakfast. Like, that just happens. And then there's other stuff there, too.
Starting point is 00:49:42 But after that, it's just, like, I'm eating at lunch and i'm eating at dinner and it's like if i'm more serious about getting bigger and more calories just gotta i'll go towards the more that eight ounces of meat if possible if i'm not as serious then that's not a priority then that's basically my gauge is yeah i uh i don't know i kind of the same way as a gauge though we're like you know i ate an obscene amount of food for a couple of months there the last couple months and felt super strong and it's been tremendous and then as i've been gradually kind of dialing it back i've kind of been like around maintenance i still feel that we're like i'll walk i'll go into the gym and just be like
Starting point is 00:50:25 well like anything it's kind of the perfect storm of things we're like i go into the gym now i'm eating a little bit less food i also am a little bit more generally more active and a little more stress like some you know with the new gym stuff and um and then i also did the new program. So I did a new program for like nine weeks, ate a fuck ton of food that whole time, like a really gross amount of food, and then PR'd all my lifts by a lot. I also hadn't tested in a long time. So the numbers that I was working off on all my old programs
Starting point is 00:50:57 are probably pretty lower than they should have been. But my lifts went up by a lot when I tested the know the last few weeks so now i'm like done with the first two weeks of this new program with the new weights oh right right and i'm eating a little bit less than i was before so i'm walking into the gym feeling a little bit different and i just get fucking smashed now like Like it fucking sucks. So like coming out of that squat workout yesterday, I was just like, Jesus Christ. Like I have not eaten enough. All this is, like you're asking me, how much?
Starting point is 00:51:36 Like this is so fucking heavy and it's all overwhelming. I'm just hoping I can like really ride it out and that if at these weights I can like sustain it for another nine weeks of this and then kind of see where things are like that'd be really that'd be sweet but I have a feeling I'm gonna kind of level out a little bit but uh but that's always you know if if I could stomach eating the amount of food that I was eating before I still think I would still just continue to get stronger but I just can't fucking eat that that was an unsustained that took a level of seriousness that no man knows i'm there are some men that know like when you talk like so eddie hall you know he quit the world strong you know retired from world's strongest man and now you see pictures of he's dropping weight like
Starting point is 00:52:21 crazy now he's probably down you know what did he say last time but i think he's down like almost 30 pounds 30 or 40 pounds already in just a few weeks but people don't understand that for him to get as big as he was he was probably basically force feeding himself all day every day for 10 years for 10 years and's a, like, trying to lose a little weight does not require any of the amount of discipline. Trying to gain that much size. To do what I did for the last three months. Like, that fucking hurts you all day. You get up in the morning, you eat until you just feel gross about yourself.
Starting point is 00:53:00 Two hours later, you eat an amount of food that if you were told that you had to eat that after you ate your first meal you'd be like not a fucking chance yeah and you get that just you just get it in you because it's just where you start you don't have to like it it just has to get inside you and then two hours later you do it again and two hours later you do it again and it fucking sucks the whole time you feel like shit you feel fat you feel bloated um and then you lift and you feel strong and that's a tough feeling to beat but yeah all that food i mean i couldn't imagine i did it for three months and i could not even imagine doing it for years and the thing is is that has to that would have to gradually tick up yeah because for it to work like at a certain point i would get to the point
Starting point is 00:53:42 where i would plan out and then you then you would have to dial it up. And I, no fucking way, at least not with the carbs. The amount of carbs that I was eating, like 700 grams of carbs a day, is not that cool to eat. And I'm sure that's what Eddie Hall was dealing with all the time, is just fucking eating. Yeah, I've seen Brian's uh super training followed him yeah did a day in the life of his eating and it's it's intense pretty crazy i mean it's crazy yeah
Starting point is 00:54:13 like it felt like he literally literally all day like his waking hours he was just eating yeah and like he just cooks them for himself so he was literally just like is that is that what he does all the time though i don't know i can't imagine because he's sitting there so but he knew like he certainly knew what he was doing like while he was doing it and he kind of knew like he had some pointers about what he does but if that's actually what he does he has to do that i mean he for sure i mean he's not going to be an accountant during the day. So, I mean, he could do it. Yeah. You know, because he's one of the rare few.
Starting point is 00:54:48 But what about all the people that are like 15%, 20% below Brian Shaw? There's a sea of people in the 50% to 80% of Brian Shaw in the strongman world. And those people are still trying to do that thing too. And those motherfuckers got to go work construction all day. But if that's what he does, he gets up in the morning then and he's cooking cooking eating and eating and then cooking and eating and that's why i think that video was a little bit of like a staged thing because there's no way that if i had if i had that much eating for a week i would i would just cook the 60 pounds of beef
Starting point is 00:55:26 that I had to eat in a week in one big old fucking vat and then get on with my day. But it was still incredible. And he even said, you still feel hungry. So I'm still feeling hungry, so that's good.
Starting point is 00:55:42 And I could always gauge that when I was eating that much food that I, not that much as he And I could always gauge that when I was eating that much food that like I, not that and as much as he does, but as much as I was, that like it took a while, but then it did start to get to the point where every once in a while during the day and only every once in a rare while that I would feel like I needed to eat some food.
Starting point is 00:56:00 But for the most part, that whole time I never felt hungry. And it was mostly the opposite, you know, but for the most part, that whole time I never felt hungry and it was mostly the opposite, you know, but so my level, my level of nutritional seriousness was very high when I was trying to lose weight from being a big old fat guy. Yep. And then when I went to try this last little experiment, trying to gain a bunch of weight and get stronger, my level of seriousness was actually way had to be way more intense because it was that's a fucking all-day commitment and going to the gym and
Starting point is 00:56:30 lifting is one thing and you can like put in your work and you can do your thing and that takes work but only for an hour or two but feeling like you're stuffed and still stuffing your face all day is way fucking harder than anything you're going to do in the gym. Oh yeah. Yeah. And, uh, yeah, that sucked. That sucked a lot. Like that's how I know, like, I'm just not cut out for that. There's no way I could cut, I could be cut out for being 400 pounds. That serious. And I do think that, yeah, there's no way I can be that serious. yeah there's no way i can be that serious it's that is an unsustainable level of seriousness for sure um where are we at as far as we got a few comments any comments or reviews we do have a review even while you're looking that up can i ask tyler a question and i haven't got if it's
Starting point is 00:57:18 about seriousness it is this is a very serious question i haven't got to ask him yet all right um tyler are you the new winner of a pioneer oh shit yeah oh yeah i don't even have the one with me but i can't pull it up here when i did anything on my phone did that work out oh yeah yeah you can see it yeah you can see it so uh matt from pioneer did a little thing where they started making wallets and i i i think that he was just kind of tinkering with the wallet idea um and then he had all those other exotics and i assume if you're making belts out of snake skin and alligator rhino and have all these weird little pieces that you can't use yeah so a wallet is a tremendous way to burn that stuff up and you can still charge a premium for it
Starting point is 00:58:03 so matt's not stupid it's a good idea um and they can still do their laser shit and their embroidering and stuff so matt did a giveaway he said let's do a fun giveaway tag some friends repost tag us in a picture of your current wallet um and he said the shittiest wallet wins and he had a new wallet with like the uh punisher skull on it and uh i've actually was showing... It's a pretty serious wallet. It's a pretty serious wallet. I was actually showing... I was talking to Tanner and Ryan down at the gym the other day about it.
Starting point is 00:58:31 Yeah. And I was like, God, I kind of would like to have one of those Pioneer wallets. We couldn't figure out whether or not it would work for our amount of cards and stuff. But I'd be like, fuck, I'll just use less shit.
Starting point is 00:58:42 Yeah. You know? Right. But my wallet is a marvel comic book wallet that i got from gamestop i thought there was like a superman in there yeah i got it from gamestop this is your current wallet my current wallet i got it from gamestop about six or seven years ago probably with like your GameStop points when I was not so busy that I couldn't play video games so I was like I'll buy a video game I'll play it for a bunch of time and
Starting point is 00:59:12 I'll trade them in and get all these sweet points and now I video games now are only for Lincoln because I just don't have the time but uh so anyway so this wallet wallet, I definitely won the most busted-ass wallet award. And I don't know, is that too close, Tanner? That might be about right. That's probably about right. So on the one side is the wallet that Matt is giving away, and on the other side is my contest entry. Why don't you describe that thing a little more, Tyler?
Starting point is 00:59:43 So my wallet has basically one entire side of the leather is torn off 70 of the bottom of the leather is torn off so i'm not really certain like i don't put money i don't put money in it because if i put cash in it there's like a pretty good chance that it's not going to stay in there because you can see all the way through it it kind of looks like something like a homeless person might use for toilet paper yeah yeah and and so the only thing that it can hold is cards because everything else will most likely fall out the bottom of it which is okay because most of the time my wallet just stays in my pocket but um yeah so i'm pretty stoked and actually they just sent i ordered a uh i ordered a belt uh just a really basic belt from them so it shipped pretty fast so i don't know if
Starting point is 01:00:32 this is going to be like stuffed in the order of shit that i got or um if i'll get it but i would expect to get these like within a week i think you know so i'll probably bring them in hopefully maybe next week or the week after i'll have my my pioneer belt um i do have the axle straps too i got the figure eight straps had to get them in the axle size because my hands are weird big um and then the new wallet so is that enough uh enough time stalling for you yeah i'm gonna run down a couple a few comments that we have on youtube podcast videos etc and then i'll get to the we i know we have one review so we'll save that for last and these comments probably don't warrant a whole lot of discussion but i just want to read them to encourage people to continue to comment because we enjoy these uh so wait so before you start should we not
Starting point is 01:01:18 shit all over these comments yeah all right are you briefing us is that is that the go ahead don't get on the boat. Don't fucking do it on this one, okay? So the episode, we were talking about how World's Strongest Man went, and we were talking about the squat in Strongman, how it's difficult, and how I did one at a local competition where you had to squat against the pins, and the guy that runs that competition listened, and he said, having the squat at the fair was hard to figure out with all the different heights of athletes,
Starting point is 01:01:45 and if I was to adjust the bar for everybody, there might be controversy over that. He said, having the squat at the fair was hard to figure out with all the different heights of athletes. And if I was to adjust the bar for everybody, there might be controversy over that. Just like controversy over not adjusting the bar. But the main thing for the fair, and this he's talking about the future, he's trying to get away from barbell movements and make it more barbarian strongman-like. Mostly rocks, barrels, sandbags, whatever weird thing I can think of of so that's about that on that one which i like that still yeah i think like conceptually that's that actually that actually makes a lot of sense there's just different types of strongmans well there's different types of strength so like how many i don't know how many strongman competitions
Starting point is 01:02:20 go without technically a barbell probably There's probably some, though. I mean, most have a deadlift. But there's always like a deadlift, you know. Yep. Other than that, though. Yeah. I mean, most of the events aren't a barbell, which is good. But you could get into a trap where you're like, it's all just a press and a deadlift.
Starting point is 01:02:41 Right, where it's just barbells. And it also depends on what you have access to and all that, you know, what kind of thing you can run. From Jeremy Nicholas, he had a suggestion for your catchphrase, Tyler. He said, Tyler's catchphrase could be, boom goes the dynamite. Oh, that's pretty good.
Starting point is 01:02:58 That is pretty good. And then also on that video another comment, this is from Logan Frank. He said, can the professor put his stamp on the next triangle scheme called plexus and i do not know what that is i've never heard of this i have heard of it i i think it's a thing that blew in and blew out pretty fast it was like road like the herbal life thing sounds like my diet and there was like i think there was this the plexus thing came in i only know this based on like i only know about any of it based on people on facebook yeah and there was like there was like
Starting point is 01:03:32 a few chicks on facebook who i know don't work out at all who just all of a sudden were their own boss yeah they were their own boss and they were telling you how to be your own boss and make your own money and and help people and they were hustling plexus for i would say you how to be your own boss and make your own money and and help people and they were hustling plexus for i would say that had to be the shortest lived of anything that i saw like it came and went i'm gonna guess there's about three of these nice ladies that did this and i would say i heard a lot about it for about five weeks and then it went away like like they did one like purchase as a distributor and then fucking quit okay it's my guess so we can ask sean's about that yeah sean's got shit on that i think we do have a few there's a few more um there's a couple that i want him to do
Starting point is 01:04:17 first i think i still want him to smash some of the some of the other ones. It's tough. Put it on his list. We don't pit Sean's against those things, but most of those things suck so hard. It's easy to... If we're just like, hey, Sean's, would you like to cover this product line? And then it's like, we just know that it's horse shit and he's going to pick it apart.
Starting point is 01:04:40 Right. Another thing, do you say Kaler Woolum or Kyham or kyler or do we know that the other things you should ask first off you should ask him yeah we're gonna go with kaylor okay so with kaylor if that's because that's what i've heard it pronounced by other people okay if you don't know who that is he's the guy out there that weighs about 200 pounds isn't dead lifting over 900 pounds and he's hunting down uh ed cone's record was recently broken by yuri belkin and kaylor would be in the running to be able to to win that back uh but look for him in possibly some massonomics apparel in the future yeah actually probably by the time you're listening to this he may have
Starting point is 01:05:25 maybe wearing maybe out there wearing it so that's kind of cool do you suppose that he's gonna wear it uh when he breaks the record well you would assume i would i could only assume yeah like that's in the contract and then i think that he would i'm gonna guess that if he breaks the what i would say the greatest powerlifting record of all time, then just got broke. On the seriousness spectrum... To tie it in. To tie it in here,
Starting point is 01:05:54 how serious do you suppose he would get and how much of that seriousness is based upon the fact that he's probably wearing his Massanomics hat? All of it. Yeah. All of it, right? I mean, without the the hat you suppose he's like a 300 pound deadlifter yeah for sure yeah and about the record uh when we were talking with
Starting point is 01:06:12 them we we let him know bring that record back to the good old us of a you know we don't want the russians hanging on to that you know ed had it forever and we want it back and he did tell us that you can count on him breaking it. So you heard it here first that he, like, he's not. Have we got any, do you know when he's competing? I don't know for sure. We should find that out. It's so weird.
Starting point is 01:06:34 Yeah. Frankly, like, not that it's a, like, but like if I was like, so like in training, I'm breaking this world record. Like, like. How long am I going to wait until I go? Well, I would would always my concern would always be like what if i fuck around and get hurt or what if i like yeah let's just i don't know like you sprain your ankle stepping off a curb walking down the street and that sets you back
Starting point is 01:06:53 or it's never quite the same yeah that sets you back like two or three weeks of training where you're not really up to snuff and next thing you know you're by the time you dial things back up you're fucking three months down the road before you're back to where you were like anything can happen if if i was able to set a world record in almost anything i would do it like right now strike while the fucking iron's hot but good point um so i'm hoping he does it like at least by this fall don't you think i would think i don't know what i would assume that whatever is next in the same thing yeah like whatever he's got a plan no doubt i'm sure whatever his next competition is yeah i i'm sure that that's uh frankly if it was me i wouldn't even be concerned about winning the power lifting meet i'd come in and i'd get i'd get a squad on
Starting point is 01:07:40 the board and half-ass my bench but he's a i think he's a he's a pretty good squatter and a pretty good bencher he's a good bencher for sure for his size of his long arms he's a really good bench he's a 450 something yep yeah that's legit that's really legit for sure uh we want to read our we do have one itunes review or apple podcast review and i apologize about the name on this if i say it wrong i really apologize because i appreciate so much that you wrote a review like i don't want to murder this but i think it's nikhil nalamathu can i see it yeah what if it was like three words and you're just reading them all together where is it at at the very bottom one yeah nikhil nalamath yeah that's that's my guess yeah that's my guess so this person gave us five out
Starting point is 01:08:33 of five stars and uh that what they said is you guys are funny as f i'm interning in an office from nine to five nine to five every day so it's safe to say I scan six hours a day. Y'all get me through it. Uh, fist emoji like this. Also go check out my Instagram for a good weight loss transformation. 92 pounds at N N all a mathu dot, dot,
Starting point is 01:09:01 dot or not. So they got a plug in there, that's okay you can plug your own stuff on our reviews yeah yeah shit plug the plug away plug your plexus dealership too for all i fucking care do i and so if you want to plug your own things in our comments as long as you're giving us a five five out of five stars i'm cool with that that. It's the cool new way to market things. Yeah, fuck it. Yeah. Definitely.
Starting point is 01:09:31 So thanks. We're going to pronounce that Nikhil. So Big Nick. We're going to go with Big Nick. Yeah, Big Nick. I like Big Nick. Thick Nick. We got one.
Starting point is 01:09:44 Well, it was a weight loss deal, so we won't call him Thick Nick. But we're going to go with Big Nick. There we go. We already have a Thick Nick anyway. That's right., it was a weight loss deal, so we won't call him Thick Nick. But we're going to go with Big Nick. There we go. We already have a Thick Nick anyways. That's right. One too many if you ask me. So is that about it for today, guys? I think so. I think so.
Starting point is 01:09:56 I'm going to go guess that. Who do you think won the seriousness number? One of you guys. I think we're under it. I think Tommy got it because you had the low number. Really? You think so? I was going to say I thought I was using more than I would have guessed.
Starting point is 01:10:11 I hope that... I don't know. I don't know. Here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to say seriously with a lot of seriousness that this last time that I said the word serious was enough to for seriously get me over tommy's number and closer to me are you serious yeah you can't seriously be doing that now tanner's fluffing it yeah this needs to end so ah fuck all right so uh thanks a lot for listening everybody uh make
Starting point is 01:10:39 sure you go to the website that's the best way to support the podcast um go to there you're going to find our store you'll best way to support the podcast um go to there you're going to find our store you'll be able to find the weekend warrior shirt and also the hat we're selling a lot of hats the hat is available in black fitted in navy is that a navy yep navy blue navy blue fitted and in the camo fitted and if you see they're in stock i would not wait to order it because it is something we are running out of stock off stock of and reordering and pretty regularly there's some delays and getting things so we're trying to keep them in stock so if you see it time you want it yep yeah and we do have a new deal now where uh if you're ordering and getting shipped uh all
Starting point is 01:11:20 orders over 50 qualify for free shipping so take advantage of that. Any other order is a $5 flat rate, but over $50 will be free. Yeah. And also while you're there, you'll be able to find all of our articles and videos and all that other stuff that we hardly have referenced during this episode of the podcast. You can scroll to the bottom of the page to please sign up for our newsletter, mainly because if we drop a new super kick-ass item, people that are subscribed to our newsletter are able to get that information first. We had a few people who were really gunning for the new lift hat,
Starting point is 01:11:52 the Weekend Warrior hat that we're able to get in before we sold out because of the newsletter. So that's the way to do it. Also, make sure you subscribe to Mastonomics on YouTube. That's forward slash Mastonomics. All our videos from the Arnold are still there. What else we got? Facebook. Subscribe.
Starting point is 01:12:12 Like Mastonomics on Facebook. And the rest of us, we can all be found on Instagram. So, I'm Tyler. You can find me at Tyler F. and Stone. And Tommy. You can find me at Tomahawk underscore D. And Tanner. The official Masanomics Instagram page at Masanomics. Do you guys
Starting point is 01:12:28 feel slighted that Tanner gets to hold the official Masanomics page? Yeah, what the hell? Well, you get to hold the official Tomahawk underscore D page. Well, true. The official. That's probably cooler anyways. We're not making any underscore D t-shirts. Yeah, it's only a matter of
Starting point is 01:12:44 time. Alright, well thanks only a matter of time. All right. Well, thanks a lot for listening. Everybody. We'll talk to you next week and stay strong. Bring the heat. What was mine? Uh,
Starting point is 01:12:52 fuck, fuck, fuck penises. I like penises. It was a good one. I don't want to dismiss it. It was a good one. Boom goes the dynamite and boom goes the dynamite.
Starting point is 01:13:05 You just heard the Masanomics podcast. With your ears, you're welcome. Check us out on Facebook. Find us on Instagram at Masanomics. And make sure you visit and buy some of that sweet Masanomics gear. From your friends at Masinamics Studio, home of the world's strongest podcast, stay strong.

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