Massenomics Podcast - Ep. 69 Is Strongman Taking a Page Out Of The CrossFit Book?

Episode Date: July 31, 2017

What's this about a strongman open this year?  We discuss what could be a pretty cool opportunity for the sport of strongman and its competitors.  As always, you can watch this episode in full colo...r video... Or check out the super-high quality audio version below.. If you don't already have a closet full of Massenomics gear, go to the MASSENOMICS STORE and load up on swag... Also, please CLICK THIS LINK TO GIVE US A 5 STAR RATING ON ITUNES... Click this text to follow Massenomics on Instagram... Vote Massenomics for President in 2020.. Have your barber shave our logo into the side of your head.. Maybe get a Massenomics tattoo while you're at it.    Or you could sign up for our email newsletter at the bottom of this page. Stay Strong, M

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Starting point is 00:00:00 M-M-M-M-M-M-M-Massanomics Welcome to Massanomics, the world's strongest podcast. Find us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter at Massanomics. Make sure you go visit There you'll find the rest of our powerful content. While you're there, check out our store and buy yourself some of that sweet Massanomics gear. All right, ladies and gentlemen, we are back in the studio here for the Massanomics podcast. Welcome. I am Tyler. Joining me to my left is Tommy.
Starting point is 00:00:40 What's up? And on the other side of the table is Tanner. What's up? So, a lot of interesting things happening this week. We've done all sorts of really complicated show prep here. So we're going to dive right in. I've got something to say right away, though. Whoa, we were not actually prepared for any topics right now, Tommy.
Starting point is 00:01:04 So today I, what was it, two weeks ago, the day you guys had the outside episode. Oh, yeah. Okay. Just the two of us? Yeah, I was not there, obviously, the day you guys had the outside episode. Oh, yeah. Okay. I was not. Just the two of us? Yeah, I was not there, obviously, because it was just the two of you. So I had the pleasure of listening to it today. You know, always a nice surprise when I don't know what's going to be said.
Starting point is 00:01:14 Yeah. And there's two funny things. One is while I'm driving down the road listening to it, I see Tanner driving the other way. So it's like, yeah, I'm listening to you right now, Tanner. He's like, this fucking guy. So I had to laugh while that was going on but then there was a thing that kind of surprised me and uh maybe I'm putting off the wrong vibe but you guys didn't know if I was a Tanner or a Tyler as far as my organization and I think you're more of a me if I was to get I think that's not what i said i think he's you said probably like you made it sound like more middle ground like maybe more you tyler's like i think he's probably a tyler i think he's more of a tyler i don't know and i have to say that um
Starting point is 00:01:55 i consider myself pretty meticulous and how i like things i'm very organized i have a pretty extensive collection of spreadsheets. I have like, I would never would have called it. I just figured you lived in more chaos than that. Oh no, no, no. Like it's,
Starting point is 00:02:11 you're just, you're just not punctual. I, that is absolutely, I am not punctual. And that's weird too, because, well,
Starting point is 00:02:19 I would, except that's what's funny is I am super fucking disorganized all the time and yet pretty functional not only am i not ever late for anything i'm weird early for everything oh no that is not like i prefer to show up like two minutes late so yeah when i show up it's it's time to go like i actually i had this tommy shows up to the airport as late as he can. Yes. I had this discussion with Ryan. He's like, oh, you don't like to make people, or you don't like waiting for people, so you make them wait. I'm just like, some people are always going to be early.
Starting point is 00:02:51 I just don't like to be early to anything. So maybe there's no correlation between your organization and your timeliness. I don't think so. There must not be, because I'm on the opposite end, and I don't believe that they're. Like, I will literally, if it's the difference between being at home like going somewhere five minutes early and being at home and like maybe doing something at home for five
Starting point is 00:03:12 more minutes i will use that extra five more minutes to like do do something on my phone clean up around the house or like i'll just be doing the dumbest stuff because i don't want to be anywhere early but yeah yeah i was really surprised i did enjoy hearing tanner's story about counting his money arranging it by year yeah or by by where it was minted whereas i whereas i would have been blowing that is oddly detailed but i i was the same way as a kid i remember like um are like doing like an odd job for like your parents or like they're one of your buddies friends or one of your buddies parents like when you're like an elementary school or middle school you like five dollars and right away like oh let's go buy some food and i'm like no i gotta keep this money like that's how i was i had to like hang on to my money yeah i didn't do that at all i'd be like i have i got
Starting point is 00:03:56 13 and this was back when walmart had cds i remember actually i was eight years old and and and i had heard, I don't know how you hear about something like this when you live in South Dakota and you're eight, but someone was like, somewhere in my head I was like, I need to buy that new Warren G album. And no joke, I was eight and somehow got my parents to buy me Warren G's Regulated G Funk era album,
Starting point is 00:04:23 which is, as a 33-year 33 year old man a pretty obscene album and i had to like hide that shit from my parents like a lot that's good stuff yeah do you guys ever turn me into a man like when you're a kid though how black man i think how when you're a kid though dirty music first of all you can't really understand any of the think when you're a kid though, dirty music, first of all, you can't really understand any of the words when you're a kid because you don't even like speak that language. You don't have context at all. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:50 You don't, you don't like speak the language. You don't have context. But even if, even like if you do understand the words, you don't get it at all. It's like when you watch the movie, when you were a kid,
Starting point is 00:04:58 like you didn't, you don't understand dirty jokes. So it's like, it all flies over your head. Anyway, the song that really burned in my memory as being pretty young and being extremely vulgar uh what was uh m&m's first very first song first single my name is yeah yeah yeah yeah and i was in like junior high-ish age or whatever then and i just
Starting point is 00:05:19 and you can the way he raps you know you clearly know yes and like nothing he's saying and like aside from the the singles like that album itself is as fuck like like don't for real don't let your kids listen to that album like if you like do you blame your parents like you should not be listening to that but but when you do listen to you're like i don't know what vicodin is or like i don't even know what most of these i remember like when i was in fifth or sixth grade i had a cd that had up in here by dmx and like not really knowing what any of the words were so i just didn't i didn't even think it was that dirty of a song it's like now i listen to him like how could i not hear those words yeah and actually aside like the song everyone knows off that Warren G album is Regulators. But aside from that one, it is one, awesome.
Starting point is 00:06:07 And two, like as dirty as it could possibly be. Regulators isn't really very dirty, is it? Not terribly. Not terribly. You know, but yeah, it was changed my life for sure. Sorry, mom. But yeah, that's what I did with my money. So back to the timeliness though i don't think
Starting point is 00:06:26 then that we can associate your general general level of organization to your punctuality i think that's a different thing i think so yes and that's kind of here's what i think i think this is because i'm a timely person and tommy i don't want you to take offense to this but i i don't i think that being being on time is a matter of having good manners a little bit so tommy's maybe like the type of guy who might you know pee on your seat a little bit and not wipe it off or whatever no because i'm very clean though i'm very clean so i'm not gonna let that so we just can't so we can't draw any connection well that's what i said it depends on you well it depends on the area that we're talking about and i do get get the manners thing because if it's someone I don't know at all
Starting point is 00:07:07 and I had to go meet, I'm not going to be late to that. But when it's my friends, I'm like, they don't matter. I even, for my own sake, I'll set these stupid arbitrary times. So today I had to meet somebody at the gym at 4 o'clock to try to get them signed up. And I was like, you know i don't have anything down there that i have to do but it's probably something i should do so i go down there at 2 30 and i'm just there i'm just finding things to do just doing some things not not for
Starting point is 00:07:40 that own you know not for the four o'clock meeting but i was like i'm just gonna be there you know and they roll in at 401 and i'm not joking when i looked at my clock at 359 i was like these motherfuckers gonna be late no and i think maybe it goes back to like at a previous job where you would just meet with people all the time and if someone showed up less than 10 minutes late like it was a surprise it's just like no one could come to any meeting on time like when you're meeting with people outside your own company yeah it's like everyone's a minimum of 10 minutes late for everything it was not even unusual to wait 25 minutes for someone i would lose my fucking yeah only to show oh sorry i was a little late just got caught up with something's like yeah what you should have done is told me
Starting point is 00:08:20 that 20 minutes ago that you were running late if the company's got to pay me either way, so I guess it doesn't matter. I guess I actually wouldn't mind that. If I was waiting out, I'd be waiting out in front of a customer's house and like, eh, they're not here yet. They're on their way from work. I've got some solid internetting to do right now. But anything else out of that episode really stand out to you? You didn't watch it, did you? I did not watch it.
Starting point is 00:08:46 So you didn't get to appreciate it. I'm a listener. You didn't get to see how handsome we were. Yeah, I'm a listener. My sister said she saw it. She said, yeah, it's kind of nice. Change of pace outside. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:53 It looks cool. It did sound surprisingly good, though. Also, when we were bitching about the lawnmower, apparently you totally couldn't hear the lawnmower. Couldn't hear that, but you could hear the plane going overhead. Was there a plane going overhead? Probably. I thought I heard kind of the noise of that.
Starting point is 00:09:07 I don't know. It's like the Blues Brothers where they're like, how often does that train go by? So often you don't even notice. So, well, what did we have this week to cover? We were talking earlier about some almost like CrossFit Open type stuff with the sport of Strongman strongman uh strongman corp is doing something this year given as per everything that we talk about we might not know
Starting point is 00:09:33 the full details very vague i'm gonna go out on a limb and say tanner knows a little i know nothing i'm gonna speculate on everything and tommy's in the same boat but it's gonna speculate less because he's responsible with his words so we'll piece together the the few things that we kind of know and we'll interpret our opinions based off of what may or might not actually even be true but they're doing uh this is not for strongman nationals this is uh they're taking world's strongest man which is normally just uh heavyweight men this is what you watch on tv the television event world's strongest man yep they take 30 the 30 best quote unquote um best looking best looking heavyweight men they do take 30 30 yeah because there's heats there's
Starting point is 00:10:18 five or six heats and i just assume they take 30 they take 30 and three compete for yeah i think there's yeah and the rest compete like the rest could probably compete for first place. I think there's, yeah. And the rest compete, like the rest could probably compete for 20th place. Yeah. You know. Yeah. I think there's 5 heats of 6. Okay.
Starting point is 00:10:34 Is what they go for. I just would have guessed like, because I feel like by the time it gets to the TV. I was thinking like 10 or 15. By the time it gets to the TV, there's only 2. Oh, is it? Okay. Like 2 heats of 5? No, it's 1 final. But like a lot of the events, they'll run in two different, you know,
Starting point is 00:10:47 because they'll just do five guys at a time like on a farmer's carry. But so what they wanted to do was make like World Strong. Because that event is exclusive to men that weigh certainly over 300 pounds. And that's it. No one else is competing in that, I suppose. You could weigh 200 pounds and do it, but no, you're never going to.
Starting point is 00:11:09 You're just not going to. Yeah. Like that's would be impossible. Uh, we saw at the Arnold when, uh, that Zach, uh, shit was the last name.
Starting point is 00:11:18 Ha. Hodges. Hodges or Hodge or Hodges. Yeah. It's one of those. Yeah. It's not Hodges. I think it's Hodge.
Starting point is 00:11:26 Yeah. Yeah. Cause on Instagram, it's like Hodge brothersodge brothers yeah and there's two of them on one account but anyways that guy also weird we should talk about that yeah would you and ryan ever share a it'd be funny from a branding standpoint if you had like the brothers defay on instagram or something but i can't just like any of those pictures going on there. But your name is tied to that. But yeah, you couldn't put Ryan behind the wheel of that. Are people going to think I'm his stylist or something picking these clothes up for him?
Starting point is 00:11:56 But then as far as I can tell, they don't have their own. Separate. No, I don't think so because I looked him up. Because I looked for him and that's what I found. Point of that being he weighs like 250 or 240 or 200. I don't know what he weighs. I think he was like 250 or 260. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:11 Which is big in the real world. Yeah, but he can't compete with the real world. He's not even close. I mean, he did a good job and everything, but realistically he can't. So they want to be able to have that event for everyone. So there's going to be... Because World's Strongest Man should not just be for the World's Strongest Men. It should be for people who aren't the World's Strongest Men.
Starting point is 00:12:34 Hey, the World's Strongest Man comes in a lot of shapes and sizes. I'm the World's Strongest Half Man. So I think they're adding three women's classes of all different weights and maybe three other men's classes. You know, I think it's under 175, under 231, and under 265 maybe. I think that's... For men? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:02 Something like that. So the range then is 265 on up well then no then that's world strongest man okay that's like okay so we're talking yeah it still is weird because you're not competing a world's strongest man if you're under 330 no 350 yeah yeah but whatever yeah the people below 265 definitely don't have a fucking chance right right for sure uh so they're this certainly came from the cross what crossfit does with the crossfit open they're doing um they're going to take 30 in each of those weight classes weight and uh sex classes 10 of them are going to be my That was my favorite class in high school.
Starting point is 00:13:45 Sex class, yeah. No, weight class. They're going to take ten on invite only. They're going to take 30 in each class. The top ten is going to be, hey, we know you're going to come. And then the next 20 are going to compete in the open. And I think they've announced the events. I think there's three of them um and you have to film it and submit it and it gets judged by them are fake
Starting point is 00:14:13 weights allowed when you're filming this and see that there's like a lot of controversy around it already because the equipment isn't standardized right yeah. And they're allowing for some... They'll put specifications if you're using Rogue or Beast Medals or some of the most commonly used ones. But if it's not that, then you have to weigh your equipment and show you weighing the equipment and doing a bunch of different stuff. But it's still probably less work for you than going to a whole thing and competing. You know what I mean? So it's not probably less work for you than going to a whole thing and, you know what I mean, competing.
Starting point is 00:14:46 You know what I mean? So it's not terribly convoluted. No, but they even say there is going to be some differences. Because like on a log. What about like inches on a log? Right, right. Can you use an 8-inch log? Yeah, they're saying, yeah, you can.
Starting point is 00:14:59 16-inch log? Right, right. So you can do some different things. Interesting. But what their point is, they're going to watch that, and at the end of the day, like, you're still going to have to go and compete against those people, like, with the 30 best. So if you cheated so much that you're going to go there and, like, what?
Starting point is 00:15:19 And they said they're really going to closely watch the top people, but they want, like, a lot of people to submit. They don't want just 20 people to submit theirs, but they're not going to scrutinize the lower ones quite so much. If you're in the top 40, they'll give you a little extra look. But yeah, you could cheat your way into not making it probably. The interesting thing is, we didn't even talk about this, but during the crossfit
Starting point is 00:15:45 open this you know there was a guy that got busted for totally cheating uh there was a workout the one that was like the worst thing in the world for me it was like a bunch of thrusters which is like a front squat to an overhead press like fuck ton of those and a bunch of double unders with a jump rope just an endless amount of them forever took me like 30 minutes to do it i wanted to die it was all cardio just sucked balls and the guy there was a guy that did it who submitted his video and looped it he just fucking smashed one round it was like 10 rounds he smashed one round and looped it but is there a clock in the background i believe doesn't there have to be or something not but no i don't think the clock has to be in the background somehow that got glossed i don't believe that the clock has to
Starting point is 00:16:30 be the background because they can do real time yeah they're watching the video they don't i wouldn't assume that you're getting like anyway but so they went through all that and the guy ended up though like in like i think he, like, first place in that event. And then he totally got busted. And his response was an apology, but then all this shit, like, this super sad sob story about who knows what. I'm not even going to give it any credit. And then he ended up just trying to hustle his fucking online coaching thing. Let me teach you how to loop videos.
Starting point is 00:17:07 He got all this attention and then like whatever. But yeah, that was, and I think it actually happens in the open a lot. But the open gets, you know, there's 300,000 people that compete in the open, but actually you don't have to submit a video. Like I didn't submit a video when I do it. Oh, sure. So, like, what happens is if you qualify for regionals, then they request, so based on the score that you submit,
Starting point is 00:17:32 and you do have to enter your shit in through an affiliate, and then a coach or a level one trainer has to authorize your score. You've got to do all of that shit, and then if you make it to regionals they'll request like maybe not all of your videos they might request like two or three of them and they'll say send us this over and so that's how that guy got busted he was like way up in the shit and they're like let's see that like let's see let's see this one and they were and then it didn't pass the eye test but i would expect that's probably how they'll handle this. It's like, yeah, send us all your videos or just enter in your score.
Starting point is 00:18:08 No, it's videos for everything. So videos for everything. Yeah, yeah. And they are charging, too. But they probably won't even vet them until you're near the top. That's what they said. Like, they don't care too much. You know, they're not going to say they don't care
Starting point is 00:18:19 and they're not going to check, but they're going to look at the top ones. They'll care as much about that as CrossFit gave a fuck about my open score right you know and i think they're charging 40 bucks or something to enter so they want to make money off of it yeah yeah they'll probably be a couple less uh entrance but the i think the three events are uh one of them is a log press uh clean and press for reps in a certain time limit. I can't remember the time limit, but one I thought was interesting is total weight deadlifted in 30 seconds. I like that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:55 I saw. I did see. I think I did read something about that. So they're saying the, what do you think? What do you, what's, I know what reps you can do. Yeah. I know what they say the best strategy is. But it's that curve of where can you lift it fast but it's still heavy.
Starting point is 00:19:10 Right. Because – I know the number of reps they say. If you can do a – It's the most weight you can do at this number of reps. Is the number? Is probably. What is that?
Starting point is 00:19:20 Are you asking us to throw – Yeah. In how many seconds? 30. I would say if you can get 30 reps in 30 seconds, you're doing really good. I would say it's probably closer to 28. You can't touch and go. Okay, so it's a clean reset?
Starting point is 00:19:31 Yeah, you have to. So I'm guessing like 25 reps? Oh, you have to clean reset? Yeah. How do they judge that? What's the difference? See, they talked about that too. That's a weird difference.
Starting point is 00:19:39 The weight has to settle, you know, and that's where it gets kind of. I suppose. Can you sumo? No, I don't think so i don't know that the risk of touch and go yeah whatever i guess but but i could touch and go a lot more than i could if i'm resetting for 30 seconds though i yeah because like we're i just when we were lifting the other day i was doing touch and goes and it was it's a lot easier like yeah it's just a lot easier i suppose it's just moving off the floor. And you don't have to get everything tight again.
Starting point is 00:20:08 You can just give it that quick little tap. But there's people doing it already. Okay, I'm going to guess 22 to 25 reps, somewhere in there, can be done in 30 seconds. I'm going to say the number's more like 15 to 18. Yeah, that's correct. They say most people, it's 15. Is your top number.
Starting point is 00:20:29 And they say like the best, best, best guys, they can do like 17 or 18. Like if they have like optimal. That's the peak of their curve. Is they can hit like 18, 17 or 18 reps. So it's like picking a weight. So if you pick a weight and you can only get like 12 done in that amount of time, you're probably going too heavy and you could increase your total volume
Starting point is 00:20:51 if you went a little bit lighter and knocked out a few more reps. But that's a really interesting strategy. It is. You know, like, so 10 reps of 400 versus 15 reps of 300. Uh-huh. Yeah. I don't even know whatever i mean there you're talking 4 000 pounds versus uh 45 so 15 of 300 is better yeah yeah 40 yeah 4500 yeah i don't even know what i could do i've never done, honestly, 10 rep deadlifts. I think the most, I think I did in that cube program,
Starting point is 00:21:27 I did like a 12 at like 385 with straps, and it fucked my whole world up. I'm pretty sure you can use straps. And I've never tried for speed on deadlifts ever. Right. It's like, I mean, what I'm doing. Like if you're practicing it, you want to be strong at every rep. Yeah, and I'm never really doing...
Starting point is 00:21:45 When I'm doing a set of five, just in the name of being explosive and stuff, I'll go fast, but I've never tried going over five and just repping them out as fast as I can while resetting every time too. So that would be something to get used to on that. I like that event. Yeah. It's cool because you've got to call your own shot. Yep.
Starting point is 00:22:05 Also, how much time, like how many weeks do they have to submit this stuff? I think it's like until November or October or something. So you could really find your, like people are going to be tuned in. Yeah, I'm that. You're not going to get like, yeah, so I did it one time and I only got this. People are going to have many attempts at this, and the best people are going to have the most dialed in fucking amount of reps and weight that they possibly can do.
Starting point is 00:22:34 The only thing about it, though, this is probably true for CrossFit too. Once you get to the world's strongest man, the events are not that. like no you're not going to be doing yeah like that is one thing yeah but then when you get there it's probably going to be something much heavier like less reps and yeah you know it's going to be something a lot different where the thing that qualifies you doesn't necessarily prepare you for the actual so you kind of have to be strong at both in order to have a shot yeah right and then i think the and i suppose let's just pretend you can squat or you can deadlift a thousand pounds while doing 600 for 15 or 700 for 15 isn't going to be a big thing right and so being the guy that
Starting point is 00:23:20 can do 500 for 15 but maybe can only deadlift 900 pounds like yeah you're just not in the game yeah like it might get you there but it ain't you'll get cleaned up in the wash yeah um and i think farmers carry is like the third event that they're judging on it's interesting distance stuff like that that's the thing they always run into with see at least with the CrossFit Open, the judging is... There's some sort of recourse. Like, you're an affiliate owner. You have to authorize the scores. So, like, you're... It makes you look bad if you're letting garbage scores go down.
Starting point is 00:23:55 Or if you're fraudulent, like, you might hear about it. Yeah, there could actually be a recourse. So there are some distance events. There's been, like, one each of the last two years where it's, like, 20 foot of like 20 foot of fucking overhead walking lunges or something with a barbell. But let's just pretend you measured that out to 15 foot. Who's to say, at least in this,
Starting point is 00:24:20 do you have to show the tape measure first? I don't know. See, and I don't know the specifics of that, but I was listening to him, like K show the tape measure first? Probably. I don't know. See, and I don't know the specifics of that, but I was listening to him, like, Kale Beck talking about the handles. Everyone's handles are different. So he said, literally, his suck. His are hard.
Starting point is 00:24:34 Like, his are harder than normal. Like, if he does it, he's going to go borrow some. He's going to go use some ones that are easier. Even, like, that trap bar we have. That thing sucks to hang on to. Like, you would not want to use that. Dude, the fucking trap bar that I just bought for my gym has more aggressive knurling than our fucking deadlift bar.
Starting point is 00:24:54 Really? And it fucked my world up. I thought my whole hand was going to blister off. Trap bars have a way of ripping people's hands up way worse, though, than regular bars too because for one thing you can hold on uh to the weight double overhand like way more weight much easier and then i don't know if it's like the angle that it's pulled out to but like when they do strongman when they do reps on trap bars like most people like that's pretty common to tear
Starting point is 00:25:23 rip up the hands pretty good so there's something about trap bars that yeah i think on the hands but anyway like we're so worried about the cheating thing right but you're not going to cheat your way to the world's strongest man right well and i mean you know so yeah you might let's just say one guy fudges like frankly if you're strong enough to make it into the top 20 like you're probably not even considering cheating right so i don't think there will be some gamesmanship yes be like between implements which one's a little easier and stuff like that but they're not even discouraging that they're kind of saying hey yeah yeah like within the rules do what you got to do to get another rep or 10 more pounds
Starting point is 00:26:08 you know um but yeah really they're they're still they're inviting the top 10 and then there's 20 more that go so just like you said you're not gonna like that someone that's gonna go there and win isn't gonna weasel his way in yeah you're doing something you're definitely not gonna like that someone that's gonna go there and win isn't gonna weasel his way in yeah you're doing something you're definitely not gonna like fake the funk and just end up hey here i am yeah i beat fucking brian shaw yeah or what you wouldn't any i guess not in the weight classes but right so are they gonna do this thing then as like a shared event where like it's let's just pretend it's in botswana for the third year for some god-awful reason and and that now like it's world's strongest man and all the little dudes are there and the big well the women are there I think it's still us it's gonna be its own separate thing so it's still not like it's
Starting point is 00:26:56 the whole thing it's still not world's strongest man but it's at least giving these people in the other weight classes and the women something I do do like the idea of having, I think they should have a top-end women's event, in my opinion, though. It doesn't have to, there's probably no reason that it shouldn't, but it doesn't have to have, like, equal coverage, the world's strongest man, mainly just because that's been around for however many years. But there's no reason you shouldn't have a top-end strongest woman in the world contest. And however the audience absorbs that is up to them,
Starting point is 00:27:27 but it is weird that they wouldn't have that. Last year they did have the first. It was in Jacksonville, Florida, and it was like, I don't know if the title was World's Strongest Woman. That was the first opportunity to win a pro card. Yeah, but the thing about that is they weren't separated by weight classes really at all. So it was just all these women. As it should be.
Starting point is 00:27:50 Yeah. And now they're going to this thing where there's like, you know, two or three different. But it should be top end for the, like if the contest is world's strongest man, world's strongest woman, then there's the world's strongest weight class people. Yeah. Yeah. But like this should be open yeah so if you let's just pretend that if you are a 200 pound man and you can deadlift a thousand pounds and you can squat 700 pounds for 15 reps like those guys can
Starting point is 00:28:16 and you can pull a fucking airplane down the runway like yeah i mean like you'll find your way you'll find your way to get invited your weight is they would love that yeah your weight is not going to limit you from getting there. Like, if you can do the work. No, they would encourage. I mean, it's a TV show. They want it to be. You'd love to have a David versus Goliath.
Starting point is 00:28:33 It just doesn't happen at that end. But in the women's, I don't see if there's any reason. Yeah, just have it be open, and the 10 best are in the finals. Yeah. The 10 best only based upon weights you know not body weight but yeah it's interesting uh speaking of women strong man with megan who is on a couple episodes ago if you didn't listen to that like megan on instagram uh did they they just recently released the weights of nationals did she look through that she did and i don't have
Starting point is 00:29:05 them here i wait i think i do i might have it saved she um i know she i can tell you i can tell you where the weights are because they are all written each individually each event on a note card and stuck to the mirror in my master bedroom what the event and what the weight is she does not take these things very lightly uh-huh um i'll look it up because she actually just shared the thing on her facebook so i oh yeah i can find that i think she did that yesterday i know the stone of steel for hers is 180 who's the full stone was 200 there wasn't any 20 there wasn't any word on whether you could use a tacky towel or receiver gloves or um fucking grip shirt or anything i'm just gonna we're just gonna buy her
Starting point is 00:29:52 all of those things yeah and i'm just gonna have her train without tack on our 200 pound stone yeah until then i just from what i've seen in others in the past, I bet you can use a tacky towel. Whatever that is. It's a golf. I looked it up. It's a golf towel with like fucking book spray sprayed on it. So it's just kind of sticky. Yeah. You use it like when you go golfing so you can get just a little more grip on your club.
Starting point is 00:30:19 Oh, it is a golf thing. It's market. Even the ones like if you go to, I don't know if Starting Strongman sells them or wherever you go. But it's a golf top. Yeah. It's like a link to Amazon where they're not talking about Strongman. They're talking about you put it on your hands and even your glove. Well, actually, you don't put it on.
Starting point is 00:30:36 It's literally a towel that you just wipe into your hands a little bit. It must not be very much. And the women's actual weight classes are the middle weight is technically 140 to 180.4. And then there's two subcategories. And then the subcategory that she would be in is the 160.5 to 180.4. Not a lot of husbands out there say this to their wives, but I told her last night, I said, Megan, you're going to need to gain about 10 pounds. You're going to have to eat. You-huh you have to do the whole thing like don't eat dirty about it but just you
Starting point is 00:31:11 got to do the whole thing because what was the cut down to roll it she's only like like as of right now she would be um like what is it like five to six no about six or seven pounds over the minimum cut well there's no point cutting at this point because some of the weights are shit that she's got a peak to get so i'm like just gain 10 just put on 10 fill out the weight class so she would just be in the lower half of the subcategory so she'd be in the top but if she cut down yeah but so you still have to do the same weight all the weights yeah yeah and like you're be weaker. You should just show up with the best you you have. Yeah, because within the subcategory, the weights, the implements you use don't change. The log clean and press for women, though.
Starting point is 00:31:53 200 or? 170. 170, okay. Which, that's a huge jump, though, from lightweight to middleweight. It's 140 and then 170. 140, she could do. 170 is fucking, that's a heavy weight for women to load overhead yeah that's a press it's different than like that's a weight that is really heavy but the
Starting point is 00:32:12 weights for the men's weights are really heavy though too so it's like not on the log cleaner press 260 for lightweights middleweight 280 heavyweight men's is 320 but for now but for nationals like there's a lot of dudes that can press that i think i guess i see it on instagram all the time i don't know if there's a lot or not i mean like 400 is a pretty rare yeah press that's true but i don't predict a lot of men will be getting zeroed heavyweight men that are at nationals be getting zeroed heavyweight men that are at nationals i don't know because that weight class is over 231 like that's like 230 heavyweight is like uh isn't it oh yeah there's no classification between heavyweight and super heavy yeah yeah two so yeah over 231 so the weights are the same yeah super weight super heavyweight men will compete in the heavy okay yeah so if you
Starting point is 00:33:05 weighed like 240 you'd be i mean you'd be stupid not to cut down but yeah yeah yeah you'd have a long day at that point yeah and i'm so event two then is the yoke walk and farmers carry so for megan she will be at the that is a 450 pound yoke and 180 pound i'm assuming that's each hand farmers carry and i think the yoke is something 180-pound, I'm assuming that's each hand, farmer's carry. And I think the yoke is something she's going to have to put some work in on. But the farmer's carry, she's done a lot of, I think she's done, I think we've done 140 in each hand already. And it's pretty gangster, but she can move it. So 60 foot, I mean, she could do that. She's able to get it up, she can move it so 60 foot and she i mean she could do that if she gets she's able to get it
Starting point is 00:33:48 up she can do that so she won't get blanked on that as long as she can move the yoke frame dead lift is fucking gangster for the women i saw for the men it was like 850 pounds heavyweight men 820 pounds yeah i was like you can use straps but it's a frame deadlift so it's fucking wide yeah it's gonna be high i'm sure it's pretty high for me that's even worse but it's a frame deadlift. So it's a fucking wide grip. It is a little higher. It's going to be high. I'm sure it's pretty high. But for me, that's even worse, that it's kind of high and it grips wide. But here's the deal. The women's weight is 480 pounds for the middleweight women.
Starting point is 00:34:18 Heavyweight women, it's 520. That's why I saw that, too. What was yours in Sioux Falls? What was your frame carry uh six 600 600 yep and that was like not like a fucking walk in the park no i mean there's no straps and stuff that's 20 pounds lighter than the lightweight men yeah here and the lightweight men are way less than 175. Like, that's fucking crazy. But, I mean, picking that up, like 600 pounds, it is a lot easier than deadlifting 600 pounds.
Starting point is 00:34:53 But still, like, yeah, those weights are nuts. But this is for reps, too. Yeah, yeah. So that's it for day one. That's the three events. And I told May, I was like, you know, those three events, you know, the yoke walk and farmer's carry, you might be in the game on. You like, you know, those three events, you know, the Yoke Walk and Farmer's Carry, you might be in the game on.
Starting point is 00:35:07 You know, the other two are just not going to be your jam. And so do what you can, but, you know, it is what it is. But then you're, let's just pretend, worst case scenario, you get blanked on those two. Well, you didn't get all beat up over it. And you got then her, the next two events, I think will be strengths for her. And so day two is the Husafell stone carry.
Starting point is 00:35:27 Carry it for as far as possible in front of the body. The stone will be picked from the keg so they don't have to squat it up or anything. And the women's weight is 225. And that's an event for her that I think is... Do really well, hopefully. I think she'll do really well. Because there's not a lot of women I know that can hang on to something heavy and fucking suffer for as long as she can and she did really well at a similar event as yeah i think she went like 300 feet with a heavier weight i think it was 275
Starting point is 00:35:56 was what she carried um in minnesota so and then event two is the Stone of Steel over bar for 60 seconds. That's going to be the middleweight weight for her is 180. So that's going to be a technique and speed event. She's going to have to work. That's the one that she's going to have to put the most work in on. But, yeah, it's interesting. I look at it like if I was competing, and I'm like, sure, fucking glad I'm not competing. But it's not uncommon for people to zero
Starting point is 00:36:26 events no national because they are really heavy and like i told i told her the same thing i was like you understand that there's probably half of the people here are going to zero one or more events oh yeah for sure even at the world's strongest man it's not weird for people to zero yeah um but i look at if i was. So log clean and press for reps, heavyweight men's 320. I believe if I had a large log in the next three months to practice, I could maybe get one.
Starting point is 00:36:53 If I could clean it, I think I could jerk it. Yoke walk for the men's, super heavy, 840. And then the farmer's carry is 330 in each hand. So I believe I could could i don't even know i don't know that i could move that yoke who knows yeah i certainly could not lift 660 pounds off the ground well yeah in each i don't know i certainly don't have that in me yeah you can i
Starting point is 00:37:18 think you could i think you could do that event yeah the log i'd be screwed because i was looking at myself i'd be screwed on the log and then the i've done like a 750 pound yoke once the one time i did a yoke so with training i might be able to get to them you could maybe do it and i could probably be you know i should be able to get the uh farmer's care you know fast. You wouldn't like any of it. Right, but I could probably do that event, I think. Frame deadlift for super heavies is 820, which would be another blank for Tyler. For you, that would depend on the height and setup. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:37:59 I'm just guessing that I could probably get a couple, just because I've seen them do it before. And people that have... That don't have super awesome deadlifts. Yeah, relatively. It just sounds like a huge weight, but I think something about it people can do. You don't have to have an 800-pound deadlift
Starting point is 00:38:19 to pick up that frame. Who's fell stone carry for the heavyweights is 400-pound for the men. I don't even i have to do a 375 one in a few days and that out of the in the competition i'm doing that's the one event that i'm like that event is gonna suck and i'm going to want to quit like yeah that's the one you're just gonna have to bite down yeah like i'm worried about that one so another 25 pounds wouldn't make me feel any better about it yeah stone of steel for super heavies is 360 that'd be hard i think that'd
Starting point is 00:38:52 be a blank for me speaking of stones yeah we had some shit at massonomics here so up until recently um tanner you got you you've been able to handle the 300-pound stone. It was the white whale for a long time. You got it a few times now. And now you can go to it and not get it. You're going to get it when you're going to do it. I loaded it to 62 inches the other day. That's pretty serious.
Starting point is 00:39:20 This is very high. That's pretty serious. Because I'm doing a stone event. If you fail at 60 inches, we get to buy a new platform. No, it's high enough where I had to get it up there, and then you're like this, and then go like this. Yeah. So there was a moment there where I had no choice but to get it, because otherwise it was going to come smashing down and like wreck something so it would have absolutely ruined that platform oh yeah and but I even
Starting point is 00:39:51 Tommy was there and before I did it on it and everything I said well the worst thing that's going to happen is I'm going to have to replace this piece of plywood yeah or like two or kill myself I guess would probably be the worst thing but and that was the first time I did it so I literally I kind of had to go all in yeah you know i didn't know if i could do that for sure but they're like when i did the 300 just in case i put one of the stall mats yeah but that even fucked me up worse because i was then away from it i wasn't like i should have laid like a whole one in there instead i just put a little piece so that if I stood it up and failed, I could drop it. But that made it harder for me.
Starting point is 00:40:30 But fucking Larry has been fighting. He fought that 260-pound zone for a long time and didn't get it, didn't get it. And I see a video of him getting that one. When did he get the 260? Not like a week ago? Yeah. I think he might have got the 260 once he did get it he did get it last year once but he struggled with it this fall or this spring yeah but see he's never used tacky before oh because he doesn't want to mess up his sweet sleeveless shirts right and his hair uh but so the other day the other day he did get the 260
Starting point is 00:41:02 without tacky okay but then he was there the night when i was loading stones and the next morning is when he loaded he went at it but i told him you have to put tacky on it's going to feel it's a totally different event yeah like you have to try it once that 260 will feel like nothing for you when you put some tacky on your fingers. Yeah. And so he nailed that. But I saw, I haven't been at Massanomics at all. So I see, out of the blue, Larry loading the 300. And it made me so happy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:37 Because Larry was so fucking jacked about that. Larry was pumped on that one. And he's usually not emotional about that. Because here's the deal. Larry weighs like 220. Yeah. And he doesn't have the advantage of being tall and lanky no he doesn't have like like i have really long arms and so a stone event i should be way better at them than i am and larry at 220 at five how tall is he seven or eight five seven five eight that's my guess larry shook his we're gonna let's call him six one
Starting point is 00:42:05 fuck it six one but either way like like larry's not doesn't have the really long arms and that's a fucking huge stone load for him you know that's a huge that was a big deal he was jacked yeah that's cool um i i was i was so happy when i saw that and then we've talked about big ethan before big ethan used to be a beanpole how old is ethan now 21 i think is he 20 21 yeah he's 21 so he's been with us for a little less than a year and a half maybe maybe approaching a year and a half and he had not lifted at all before that and he was literally a beanpole literally like like we're talking about six one when you say when you say a teenager and he's kind of tall he's about six one yeah like a skinny teenager that's what ethan looked like yeah ethan
Starting point is 00:42:53 does not look like that anymore ethan is fucking jack he's jacked he's not super bulky but jacked really fucking lean but still what does he weigh now like 195 he is over 200 now that's pretty serious yeah yeah he's like 205 or something but i've never even seen him dick around with the stones at all that was the that was the first day he has ever touched that kid so i fucking fought that 300 pound stone so many times and and i see this video and it's and it's ethan and i'm like oh he's getting up to stones cool and then i start looking into the note when you because you posted that right no uh nick thick nick yeah and i start reading the notes and i was like wait what size is that what the three you know so part of me like my ego hurt i'm like uh i don't know let's see take a look but he fucking
Starting point is 00:43:43 and he had like he had it handled. He did a good job. That was super, super legit. Yeah, and he had never done stone. That was the first time he ever touched stones. Crazy. I'm assuming that was with tack. Yeah, it was.
Starting point is 00:43:57 Cheater. Also, I've only got that stone once and with tack. That tacky makes a big difference. I was explaining that to Larry and with tack that tacky makes a big difference i bet i was talking explaining that to larry and stuff too like it is you know it is just night when i go to the 300 with good tacky on it's the grip is a non-issue then it's like then it's a strength issue yeah from yeah for me like even the other day like the 260 go up to it the first little handle fumble it second handle i think i kind of fumbled it.
Starting point is 00:44:25 Third one, get down there and just grab it. And once you have a handle on it, you're up. It's not even a strength issue. No. It is completely a just controlling issue. And I guess I haven't attempted the 300 yet, but I haven't thrown the tacky on. And I would just wager to bet the 300 without tacky,
Starting point is 00:44:43 you couldn't do it. And the 300 with tacky, you know, you'd probably be able to with a little. I would guess, you know. Like with, and the other good thing is the more the stones are getting used, they're actually getting a little residual tackiness. So you don't even have to load up. And we're also not getting, did you get the 300 polished yet? No, I haven't, but I'm going to do that.
Starting point is 00:45:04 Way to go, Tanner. I know. I'm going to do that yeah i know i'm gonna gonna seal it too and have we talked about that on the podcast yet so our stones were like super dusty yeah like it's like they they cast them and then fucking just let them be so it was like i don't know they were smooth but really powdery powdery. So even when you'd use tack, you'd get them on it, and then it would just be like putting tack on it, and then putting baby powder on the tack. You actually don't have any tack. And so you polished up a couple of them, and it seemed to make a big difference. I think it helped, especially then with tacky.
Starting point is 00:45:43 The tacky really has something to it. It kind of stays on it. Because it helps, especially then with tacky. The tacky really has something to it. It kind of stays on it. Yeah. Because that's what I noticed with that 260. Depending on where you touch it, it's either slippery or you are kind of stuck to it. I would say now I'm on a mission. We're going to get one or two bigger stones now, though.
Starting point is 00:45:57 Yeah. Got to keep raising that bar. Yeah. Yeah. We need a 350. Maybe something in between and a 350. Like a 320 and a 350. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:04 And what's the one Brian Shaw does every year that just keeps chipping by five pounds? Well, this year I think it was 565. We might as well get a 570 then, right? Something to shoot for. But with stones, I think it makes sense to always have one that you can't do. Yeah. You know, just something to... We don't put 600 pounds in the gym and just say that's it, right?
Starting point is 00:46:26 Right, that's right. So while we were talking about kind of wacky ways for the strongman stuff, you know, with the weird strongman open, Tommy also caught wind of an interesting little event. Is it a single event or is it like a... Okay, so I did some quick looking. Quick on the spot research here. As we do things, we do lots of in-depth research.
Starting point is 00:46:51 This is not that tight. I've got to give props to Ryan for giving me the lead on this. Flying Ryan? Yes, Flying Ryan. This is Dorian Yates' Super League. I can read this press release here.
Starting point is 00:47:06 It says, big news in the fitness industry. Six times Mr. Olympia, Dorian Yates, returns to shock the fitness world with an amazing new competition. No, it's not bodybuilding. It's a new idea, and it looks incredible. It's called Super League. And I see on the lineup of people right away, we have Dorian Yates, Aaron Stern. I don't really know who she is. Stan Efferdeen, Rich Piana, C.T. Fletcher, Joey Swole.
Starting point is 00:47:33 And it says, the new era of superhuman form and function. $10,000 for each weight class winner. No posing, only real athletes. No judging, only real metrics. only real athletes no judging only real metrics and uh it looks like um i think the goal of this is to kind of be a mix of almost like a power bodybuilding thing where like you're kind of but there's nothing that's subjective yeah like objective measurements yeah yeah so like like looking at this it says round one it says output quotient, eight movements, one set per movement, 12 rep rule. Weight times reps completed equals output.
Starting point is 00:48:10 So this is kind of like what we were talking about earlier with the strongman thing. And total output divided by body weight equals output quotient. And then round two is the deltas, and it's a 3D score. Upper body to waist ratio is D1. upper body to waist ratio is d1 lower body to waist ratio is d2 upper body to lower body ratio is d3 and total of all three deltas equals your 3d score and then so the adding of the of your 3d score and your output quotient equals your super score and i'm not sure just because we haven't done enough research on this yet what the actual events are i had heard ryan say something like the lifting is based on like this says eight movements i think ryan had said like hack squad is
Starting point is 00:48:57 one um something about i think there's some type of curl movement in there. But it's a pretty interesting concept. I like it. I'd like to know more about it. And it looks like this thing is, when did I see that this is? Las Vegas, July 29th. So it's just around the corner here. I feel like it would be a little hard, like, if you were trying to watch or keep up with it. Like, at the end, they'd be like, and the winner is Stan Efferty.
Starting point is 00:49:24 And you'd be like, oh, how cool. I can i can't tell why or like what led him to that but yeah i mean we could probably look at stan and be like uh i think it makes sense yeah yeah so this is it it's but like you could do that without a competition you could just have everyone enter and be like stan you won who looks the most jacked and Stan that's kind of wild yeah it'd be interesting I would actually just like to see what the
Starting point is 00:49:49 the what was the the deltas yeah I would be interested just to see what that is like like if you were to just line up
Starting point is 00:49:58 five dudes uh huh measure those ratios and then see what that and I had I had heard Ryan mention that like uh Larry Wheels would be doing mentioned that like uh larry wheels
Starting point is 00:50:05 would be doing it and like uh um steve gentile but like i feel like god you got larry wheels in it like what power lifter looks more like a bodybuilder than larry wheels i don't know if that's anyone larry even looks quite a bit different than steve gentile does i think yeah you know yes very different and i i think though there's some some people behind this you know like there's i don't know if like uh from like a financial standpoint of stan efforting is involved but i heard the people probably out of money by now the cooler sales have dried up and uh but i heard that the people behind generation iron i believe have something to do with this so you know they seem to have okay what are the eight movements i got it movement number one plate loaded squat movement number two just a squat plate loaded leg extension
Starting point is 00:50:51 number three rack deadlifts four lat pull downs five is dumbbell curls six inclined dumbbell flies seven is standing shoulder press and eight is plate loaded dips i feel like a lot of those exercises are really tough to qualify as what yeah that's like a a dumbbell fly like you're like well no rep yeah is there is there any exercise that gets cheated more than a leg press too right well the leg extension but i think the plate loaded squat is a leg extension. But I think the plate-loaded squat is a hack squat. I think it said leg extension. But I think plate-loaded squat means a hack squat. Yeah, plate-loaded squat. Oh, plate-loaded leg extension, yes.
Starting point is 00:51:31 I don't think plate-loaded squat is a back squat. I think that's on a machine, I would bet. See, I think it's like a hack squat. You wouldn't say plate-loaded. It doesn't let me see. Interesting. I don't know what I think about those events here's what i think i think so also you there's some strategy and what just like the other deal like what weights you pick right yeah because you have to pick your weight do you get are you just
Starting point is 00:51:58 taking one stab at it you get one set of attempts because i'm also not going to try so this is kind of interesting too though well i'm kind of cutting you off there but looking at this this delta score where they're you know you know these ratios of upper body to lower body they give they give an example and they use dorian versus arnold and they give all of their measurements and at the end, it says 3D score for Dorian is 300 and 3D score for Arnold is 278. And there's an asterisk and it says Dorian Yates is the only Mr. Olympian history to register a perfect 3D score. So I don't know if the 3D score, is that something that's standard or is that something built just for this? Or did Dorian Yates? That's like if the three of us were having a competition and I was like, listen, first event, height.
Starting point is 00:52:49 Deal with it. Second event, beard. Third event, shoe size. There's a lot of just really. I was the only one to score a perfect score. Look at me. So this thing is sponsored. The two sponsors right at the top next to the logo are Nikeike and really seems fairly legit but man these are some really i'm
Starting point is 00:53:10 not familiar with really specific oh okay yeah there's weight classes wow there's one two three four well i guess there's four weight classes but one of the questions is do i have to get really cut and dehydrated that's not a that's not a question that somebody sent in that's in their faq yeah yeah that's like a frequently that's like somebody who's like oh so everybody's gonna ask so this is this is even better because the first questions are very you know good like what are the eight movements how what is the output quot movements? What is the output quotient? How is the 3D score calculated? What are the weight classes?
Starting point is 00:53:51 And then the first one that's a little out there is, do I have to get really cut and dehydrated? Right after that, can I spray tan my body and perform a stage routine? Can I? Is that going to help your curl? And then it says go elsewhere probably your local pageant the next question do i have to wear an expensive outfit or little posing trunks no the only requirements are nike compression shorts and nike shoes
Starting point is 00:54:15 interesting so and a tennis racket so i think it's really cool to see how this thing plays out. I can see how it can be real. It would make a fucking stupid show, though. Oh, yeah. I was going to say, I could see this could be really not entertaining. Yeah. Here's what will be entertaining is if they cut that down to like a 20-minute fucking super highly produced video.
Starting point is 00:54:44 Like that would be super cool to see all these guys that's what it would have to be all just like strictly like the top two highlights of each event just the measuring part though where they're really getting in there just a bunch of greased up beefcakes really close in slow motion of the tape measure damn sweaty close up wait is that 23 you can't push the vein down when you're measuring so sometimes we'll watch that on pay-per-view at your house totally bananas is that actually available to um yeah how that's a good question yeah yeah how do we watch this uh or they're just out of place and they'll tell us later.
Starting point is 00:55:27 Maybe there's a live stream that won't work. If there's a live stream, I promise you it won't work. Because everyone's going to be bombing it up. Who do you think is going to win the Conor McGregor-Floyd Mayweather fight? I was going to say both of them. They both win and everyone loses. It doesn't give any indication of how to watch this thing on here. So I'm just going to say they're saying screw the people
Starting point is 00:55:47 and we'll tell you about it later. It means they know better. Yeah. If it's like any other strength sport, if there was a live stream, it certainly wouldn't work anyways. Yeah, nope. At least the mobile site gives you nothing that indicates. With, I think there'll at least be some sort of video.
Starting point is 00:56:05 Yeah. Like a highly produced video. Yeah, right. So we're about to wrap it up for today. Tanner, do we have any hot news from the world of the... I'll tell you what we don't have. Money, girlfriends, khakis. Wait, let me get my list out of all the things we don't have.
Starting point is 00:56:25 Don't want to miss anything. Fans, listeners, iTunes reviews. iTunes, Apple Podcasts reviews. I do have a real question, though. Let's be serious. We've got a lot of iTunes reviews. We're very appreciative of all of those. Are we just driving this iTunes review thing home
Starting point is 00:56:42 because we hear other podcasts doing it? No. No, Tyler's like, no, dude, it's super important. Just drop it, Tyler. No. What else do you need to say about it? Because while I've enjoyed the ones we've got, do we get paid when we get those? No.
Starting point is 00:57:00 It gives us credibility. You know, it's a social metric. I like that. But, I mean, if we ever got enough, it could match. Yeah. Like, does it actually move you up? Like, I don't really know. I don't know what we're doing.
Starting point is 00:57:12 I don't think anyone knows. But they all say that it's important. Well, and here's the other thing, though. Because it's Apple ruling it, I don't think anyone knows. And this is, I never told you guys this, but remember when we had, we talked about how we had our podcast issues about a month or so ago? And I just fixed it, but I still had a case in with apple well it was about one month after i fixed it i got an email from apple and it says your case has been resolved that was it so what a bunch of sweethearts yeah so i you know i they just do what they want, and they'll say what they want.
Starting point is 00:57:47 And this is coming from a guy that owns multiple Macs and has had iPhones. I buy Apple crap. But they just know that you're going to keep buying them. Yeah, they're not going to care about your feelings. Well, so I guess if you're listening and you haven't left an iTunes review, go fuck yourself. Okay, we'll give people two choices. Go fuck yourself or...
Starting point is 00:58:07 Oh, I was going to say iTunes review. Three choices. iTunes review or buy some gear. Yeah. The gear does seem a lot closer to our hearts. The iTunes reviews might be arbitrary, but they do help, I guess. We're told they help. Someone said that one time.
Starting point is 00:58:24 We have asked in every single episode, like, you guys, please. It's important. I guess we're told they help someone said that one time everyone says every single episode like you guys please it's important and we don't know why they're important and none of the ones
Starting point is 00:58:34 while we appreciate them I mean if we have if you have none it's important to get some super bad is the difference between
Starting point is 00:58:40 25 that we have and 200 we have 30 30 that we have and 200 is that going 30. 30 that we have and 200? Is that going to change our world? 200 would look cool. If I opened it up and it said 200 reviews. That would be pretty sweet.
Starting point is 00:58:52 That would look cool. So if you could tell. If we could just have one for every episode, that would be kind of cool. I would like that. That would be cool. Yeah. So anyway. This is episode 69.
Starting point is 00:59:03 Oh. You just dropped that bomb on us now? Oh, one other thing. Your mom counted the... Your mom counted. Your mom counted the... Yo mama. Did this guy just go...
Starting point is 00:59:18 It's episode 69 and also... Your mama. I'm going to drop a yo mama joke. No, she counted the seriousness. I don't know that it was exact. But roughly. Do you remember the numbers? I think she said in the first 15 minutes or so, or first 10 minutes, there was.
Starting point is 00:59:37 I think nine minutes there was 50. 50 references to serious or seriousness. And in the end I think it was 170. Oh, 170. We were kind of in there for the ballpark, weren't we? I think so. I think the guesses were between 120 and 200. Let me look back.
Starting point is 00:59:50 I'm very close to finding that. But yeah, episode 69, so I figured the theme of this episode would be sexual innuendos, but we only have a minute left or so. So we better cram them in. That's what she said. We'd have to cram in. If you know what I mean. Lots of innya Andos.
Starting point is 01:00:05 Into a small, tight little hole. We had approximately 170 seriousness references. I don't even remember if we had, I'm sure we had some sort of guess on who had what, and you guys tried to corner me. Yeah, because we tried to do the, Tyler, you got offended by the price is right thing. I was not happy with the gamesmanship.
Starting point is 01:00:24 All right, well, that's going to have us wrapped up for today. But anyway, leave us a review because apparently other podcasts do that. And also make sure, though, if you really want to support the podcast, do that. And also go to There you're going to find our store. There's all the coolest hats, including the sweet weekend warrior hat that tanner's got on um you're probably seeing that shit all over instagram and that's because we're famous basically we did it we've done it and uh but no we got lots of cool hats shirts and all
Starting point is 01:00:56 that stuff there um also we put out a lot of articles videos and all that other stuff the rest of our podcasts are also all archived there as well. Follow us on Facebook. All the cool stuff gets ported through there as well. Make sure you subscribe to our YouTube channel, forward slash massonomics. Still, all our videos from the Arnold are on there. They're just racking up views like crazy. You should definitely check them out.
Starting point is 01:01:20 And then we need you to follow us on Instagram. I think that has us wrapped up. So I'm Tyler. You can find me on Instagram at Tyler F. and Stone. That's Tyler E-F-F-I-N Stone. Tommy? You can find me at Tomahawk underscore D. And Tanner?
Starting point is 01:01:34 The Mastanomics Instagram account at Mastanomics. And that'll do it for today. Thanks a lot for listening. We'll talk to you next week with our super special guest. Should we tease that? Oh, I don't know if we should tell them. Should we tell them? No, let's not tell if we should tell them. Should we tell them? No, let's not tell them.
Starting point is 01:01:46 You'll have to tune in next time. Wait a second. I thought that was a joke. Yeah, there is. Actually, there is. I thought you were going to. I forgot there is a real guest.
Starting point is 01:01:54 No, there actually is a real super, super, one I'm really excited about having on again. No, let's just not tell them. This is our first real famous guest that we're having on twice.
Starting point is 01:02:02 Yeah, so. Next week, I will be attending Julian Pineau's StrongFit seminar and his entire coach's week. And him and Big Richard are going to be on the podcast with us next week. And it's going to be super awesome. I'm super excited about it. And since Richard's there next week,
Starting point is 01:02:18 it won't be me being too stupid to ask Julian questions. Because Julian will talk over my head all day because I'm dumb and Richard will be there to kind of keep him reined into my fucking IQ which is good so no I'm really stoked it'll be a lot of fun those two have basically the most interesting lives
Starting point is 01:02:38 on the planet and I think you guys will dig it so tune in next week for Julian Pinault and Richard whose last name I'm going to pronounce wrong, so I'm not even going to try. It starts with an A. He's rareberakuda on Instagram. And Julian's strong fit one.
Starting point is 01:02:53 We'll talk to you next week, but tune in for that one. I think it should be pretty special. Thanks for listening, and stay strong. See you. No catchphrases this week? Bring the heat. Catch 50. Tommy's all out of here. You just heard the Masanamics podcast.
Starting point is 01:03:07 With your ears, you're welcome. Check us out on Facebook. Find us on Instagram at Masanamics. And make sure you visit and buy some of that sweet Masanamics gear. From your friends at Masanamics Studio, home of the world's strongest podcast, stay strong.

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