Massenomics Podcast - Ep. 9: Kind of a Big Deal

Episode Date: June 6, 2016

This week, the guys discuss some news in the world of Powerlifting... A South Dakota man benches 865 lbs and wins Gold at the IPF World BenchPress Championship, Dan Bell kicks some more ass, and othe...r news that will make you feel like a weakling! Give it a listen, don't forget to LIKE our Facebook page, give us a 5 star review on iTunes, and if you like our stuff, go to our ARTICLES/VIDEOS page and check out the rest of our content. Until next week... Stay classy. I'm Ron Burgundy?

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Starting point is 00:00:00 M-M-M-M-M-M-M-Massanomics Welcome to Massanomics, the world's strongest podcast. Find us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter at Massanomics. Make sure you go visit There you'll find the rest of our powerful content. While you're there, check out our store and buy yourself some of that sweet Massanomics gear. and buy yourself some of that sweet massanomics gear okay we're for real live um all right all right here we are back again in massanomics studio adjusting some microphones and uh we are all set so um i'm tyler next to me is tanner Hey, everybody. And across the way is Tommy. I don't think we did that part last episode, did we?
Starting point is 00:00:48 We might have just got right into it. We didn't have any time. Well, hopefully you know who we are by now. So anyway, another lovely day here. We're just talking strength and such. So just so you guys know, most of the news that we're bringing up, we record some of these episodes ahead of time. So, our goal with this is to bring you consistent episodes of podcasts, which means some days we record two of them. So that if we're ever stuck on a Sunday and we're not able to get in or we're out of town or something, we can still have something to slide across your plate every monday so um bear with us if some of this news is dated but um just came across my uh facebook feed here this week that one of south dakota's own a jonah leo took first place it's actually his second gold ipf gold medal
Starting point is 00:01:38 at the ipf worlds um jonah leo bench pressed 392.5 kilos which is 865 pounds which is a lot she's not sure about that that's like three of me that's a lot that's a lot i don't i when i saw it at first i wasn't even sure that that was possible it's like is that a real thing i don't know if that that was possible. It's like, is that a real thing? I don't know if that's a real number. But yeah, that's incredible. So congratulations, Jonah. Yeah, that's awesome.
Starting point is 00:02:12 From South Dakota, too. From South Dakota, yeah, from Sioux Falls. Also, another deal with Sioux Falls representing, Easton Schuster in the juniors class graduated from Sioux Falls-O'Gorman. And he, in the 93-kilo bench pressed 572 pounds and just shellacked that division. The second place guy was 76 pounds lighter than Easton's bench press, which means he totally cleaned house. Nobody was even close. So congratulations, guys.
Starting point is 00:02:44 I actually, when I saw that i said well shit that guy's like that jonah leo is way too close here for us to not try to talk to him so i did reach out to him i sent him a message and i i asked him if uh you know if he'd be interested it said we'll go down there um if he'd take us in for a training session if and uh let us you know videotape him and videotape us doing some shit in the gym and if he'd uh have a half hour 40 minute conversation with us on the podcast if we lug all our gear down there and he said yeah i think we can probably work something out so sometime in the next couple weeks um he was still traveling back from denmark so um hopefully in the next or so, I'll get back in touch with him,
Starting point is 00:03:25 and we'll get something on the books, and we'll go down there. That'll be cool. That'll be cool. Get educated. So by the time you're hearing this, I'm guessing it'll be more than a few weeks down the road yet. But if you do have some questions that you'd be interested in hearing from him or having us ask him, let us know. Hit us up on Facebook at the Massanomics, like Massanomics on Facebook or at Massanomics on Instagram.
Starting point is 00:03:50 What about the email? Is that rolling? Yes. Oh, it's rolling. Get big at Get big at Is that a double entendre? I mean, it's literal, and it's an email address, but it is quite literal too.
Starting point is 00:04:05 Get big at Massanomics.. Get big at Massanomics. So get big at Massanomics. If you have any questions or if you have really any input, you can hit us up on social media if you have any questions for the podcast episodes. It might not sound like it, but we put a lot of thought and effort into that. Actually, yeah, the email name was kind of a big deal. We went back and forth every every place has like admin at yeah webmaster help at whatever help so i don't know but we're better than that we thought we were better than that we are better so the hard part is it's it's
Starting point is 00:04:41 it's taken me a little bit to remember it because we bounced around like a hundred different ideas and none of them were really any all that better or worse than another so we went on we went for get big at so but we knew that the email address was going to make or break us so they say most businesses the biggest mistake they make is not having a good enough email address and we were not falling into that trap. Funny story. I actually just now... Mom, stop listening. I actually just now had to change my email address
Starting point is 00:05:12 that I used to log in from Facebook from the email that I had set up when I was like 16 years old or 17 years old. And I don't ever use that email, but for some reason it was the one that was linked with my Facebook account. And the email itself's not active but i was trying to set something up where i needed a official you know email back and forth it might have been even for my weightlifting program thing
Starting point is 00:05:35 they have to send you an invite to your email and i'm like i cannot have my online weightlifting coach send an invitation link to daddy fat sex there's no way they might think this guy's beyond our help i'm surprised there wasn't a 69 in it i was picturing it that's how that's how that's how early to the game i was there was not i was not daddy fat sex underscore two you're the first one the originator not the imitator so um and that's another thing so i don't know and i i don't think it was ever visible so i never got any grief from it but at this point like my my grandmother my kids praise whatever my grandmother my kids the only grief i could see is people being jealous they didn't get it first. Well, if technically, I don't know what happens to those accounts. If that gets done, does it go away?
Starting point is 00:06:32 I think they exist forever. So nobody else can have it? I don't think Microsoft will ever just do so. So I could re-up with it if I wanted to, you suppose? Yeah. I could sell that. That's got to be worth something. You have to assume. Tens of cents. There's got to be worth something yeah you have to assume tens of cents
Starting point is 00:06:45 there's got to be a somewhere that really wants that hotmail email address i don't know if i don't want to know exactly what's on the website oh shit so but yeah so and that was another thing so when i'm trying to correspond with these people that i don't know like i I didn't want to send Jonah an email. Yo, hit me up, man. And I just messaged him on Facebook, but I definitely was like, well, shoot, he can't find that email. So I finally changed it.
Starting point is 00:07:15 I have my real grown-up email on there now. And now Massanautics. Papa fat sex? Yeah, father fat sex. I'm mature now, damn it. Daddy regular sex. Yeah, you also lost quite a bit of weight. Yeah, that's right.
Starting point is 00:07:32 That's right. So, yeah, that's what's been going on there. Jonah's also running the 2017 South Dakota USAPL meet in Otisou Falls. So it'll be kind of cool to talk to him about that too. And like, what do you think, what's all going into that and what it's like to run a meet. Yeah. And if you want to follow Jonah on Instagram, it's at Leo strength. And yeah, dude's strong as shit right in our back door.
Starting point is 00:08:03 You know, Tommy and I met him one time this last year. Actually, we didn't really know who it was. So we have met him and talked to him. We just didn't know who we were talking to at the time. Yeah, that's cool. And that's the type of stuff we're trying to do is meet somebody, people who are doing some cool things and kind of go get in their space. Tell us how bad we suck at everything yeah
Starting point is 00:08:25 yeah and plus you know what i don't know if you guys have noticed here we are nine episodes in i think uh but we don't actually know all that much so we're just kind of trying to be a vehicle of information for you so um if you know anybody doing cool stuff who you'd like to have us to have on the podcast tell us and tell them and uh let's see if we can make something cool happen so um what else went on this week um i saw on instagram that uh the uh chuck smith is ben smith the crossfit i even saw that i even saw this yeah and i don't like i don't know anything about cross i saw like saw like Pat Sherwood, one of the hosts of some CrossFit show, I think they had just said that no mastered Masters athlete
Starting point is 00:09:10 would deadlift 600 pounds, that basically it's not going to happen. Not that you can't as a Master in that age group deadlift 600 pounds, but not. What is the Masters? So the Masters is, I think, 50 and 54. Oh, geez. 50 to 54 is his division. So I want to say Chuck's like 52, something like that. But not that at 52 nobody can deadlift 600 pounds,
Starting point is 00:09:33 but at 52 you're not going to be able to deadlift 600 pounds and be diversely overall fit enough to qualify for the games in the Masters division. Because he was like a really fit. I mean, I don't know what it weighs but it wasn't that no i mean he's like i think if you're competing at all in crossfit you're not like a huge person yeah he might have maybe 200 pounds but maybe he's not even that i don't know like 200 that that tipping point where you're almost too big so um but yeah he pulled 600 pounds and it didn't look like it was killing him. Yeah, that was pretty sweet. So that's way more than I can pull.
Starting point is 00:10:11 Also saw a deal that the UPA Nationals, because this was probably a couple of weeks ago now, but Dan Bell and Eric Lillibridge had at it. They had, what did he do? Broke all-time raw squat and world record without wraps in both weight classes. Dan Bell competing at super heavyweight and Eric at 308. Eric squatted 920.4 and Dan Bell squatted 942.4, which is heavy. What did you say?
Starting point is 00:10:46 Eric was in knee sleeves, I think. They're both in knee sleeves. Without wraps. Yeah, so they were both in knee sleeves. That's right. So that's absolutely incredible. I ran into Dan at the Arnold, and I had been following him on Instagram at that point for, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:11:03 probably like six or eight months. and I I'd been following him on Instagram at that point for I don't know probably like six or eight months and I was just watching out in the the big conference area where the USA powerlifting competition was and I turn around and there's just Dan Bell just standing behind me I was like oh shit I was like I don't know if you're famous or not but I've been following you on Instagram like you're fucking cool yeah yeah so but no he was really nice guy i got a picture with him and talked to him a little bit and uh i don't know what that's like for those guys that just are that strong but have like a big following on instagram but i i think he like still has to have a day job you know i'm sure there's not very many
Starting point is 00:11:40 of those guys that uh where do you get your money so um it's always kind of probably weird for them to just have somebody stopping to take a picture with you yeah and dan bell i can't remember if it's the lillard bridges that kind of started him out that trained him yeah actually they had said that he had he had actually got on um got on the that some coaching with eric yeah like yeah that's right eric like was his coach for a while like as he was getting going and then i think when i read this post it was from eric's eric lily bridges uh instagram and he basically said be careful when you're helping people because you might have somebody that will hand you break your ass yeah yeah the student
Starting point is 00:12:19 becomes the master so so no both those guys i think uh dan finished with a 2270 pound raw total and uh and then eric finished with 2369.9 total so that's that's a big number yeah with a really big deadlift too yeah did he pull 900 yeah yeah it's like 904.9 or something like that so so he uh raw squatted over 900 and he deadlifted over 900 in a in a full meet and i he's one of like not very many people to ever do both of those in one meet to pull pull over nine and squat over nine raw so that's you're obviously pretty elite if you do that and if you're elite in more than one of the three events i don't know if i got that good at one thing. I could just probably just stop.
Starting point is 00:13:08 You know what? I got 900 in the squat. Do I really got to go back to being a white belt in something else? Can I just be really good at that? Is that enough? I don't know. In other squat news too, Rob Philippus, I think I say that last name right, from Omaha.
Starting point is 00:13:25 Quads Like Rob is actually what everyone would call him. Quads Like Rob. I enjoy following him. But last weekend, I think it was, he tried 921 bare-kneed, so he doesn't even wear sleeves. And I think that would have been the all-time for any weight class, the heaviest bare-kneed squat in competition. But he missed that.
Starting point is 00:13:45 He hit 854 on his, I think he tried 921 on his second and third attempts and missed both of them, but I know he was going for that. It might be Eric that has the bare-knee squat record now too, and I can't remember if it's Eric's or whose it was, but he's pushing that too. too and i can't remember if it's eric's or whose it was but he's he's pushing that too you know uh if he put some wraps on i'm sure it'd probably be scary to see how high he would be going to but i think that's not to be bare needs i'm so used to wearing knee sleeves all the time when i squat to 900 plus pounds with nothing around your knee whatsoever i mean it just feels like
Starting point is 00:14:23 it would snap in half you guys ever use you guys use wraps that that last competition um not in uh not in us apl but in the apf meet uh because of the way that they categorize it there there's there's either um equipped which is like multi-ply gear shirts and suits and all that which none of us do that and then uh at the very bottom there's like they call it just raw raw raw as actually people say raw raw and that's where you don't wear anything on your knees whatsoever so it'd be like what quads like rob was doing there and then in between uh called classic raw, where you can either wear knee wraps or knee sleeves. And that's what I did because I'm so used to wearing knee sleeves that I can't just wear nothing.
Starting point is 00:15:13 But since in that class, you can either wear sleeves or wraps. Then I wore wraps because there should be some advantage to wearing wraps over sleeves. So I, that, that was the first time in a competition I had worn sleeves, or worn wraps, I mean, and that's a whole new ballgame.
Starting point is 00:15:31 I don't prefer that. There's some training that goes into just being able to wear those and use those correctly, and they hurt like a son of a bitch too. How much practice did you do with the wraps? Two trainings, because for a while I was thinking I would just do sleeves and say screw it, and then towards the very end I was like, ah, I'll just try them a couple times. If I can figure out enough, I'll just give it a try. So I did it three weeks leading up to it.
Starting point is 00:15:58 I used them for a couple sets just to make sure that it wasn't going to completely throw me off. And it did add something to it, but the problem I had is I didn't know well enough where my numbers would be. So even on my third attempt, I wasn't going heavy enough yet. Like I still had another 20 or 30 pounds in there that I just hadn't realized yet because I didn't know exactly what the wraps were going to do for me. Interesting.
Starting point is 00:16:22 So if you had to do it all over again, would you have done the wraps just for the sake of competing? Cause that'll keep you competitive. Yeah. That's just that that's because to compete against the other people in my class, if they can wear them, I mean, I want to wear them too. You know, it's just kind of a disadvantage if you don't, I guess you're just that much more badass if you can do it without, but so, but if you had your choice i guess in what uh you would compete in you'd i like where you could use sleeves yeah just like that's why i like the us apl division the way i have they have it because you can wear wear you know either bare knees or
Starting point is 00:16:55 sleeves is the same in that division and there is no wraps you know you have to go equipped single ply before you get to wear the wraps and i'll actually be buying my first pair of knee sleeves this week i've actually all this i've never never bought a pair of knees and now i have i'm having a hard time with all the all the volume with this olympic training stuff like i need need to stay warm we all say once you go to knee sleeves you never you don't go back yeah like i i love wearing them yeah do you wearing them. What type do you use? Do you use like a – is there a brand that you're in love with? I think a lot of us have the SBDs.
Starting point is 00:17:31 SBDs. There's a few people. Is it Reband? Reband is the one that I've heard of. And I don't know that there's anything that's probably way better or way worse as far as when you're in that price range. My concern is what's not going to wad up behind my knee. Whatever does that the least is probably the type that I want. Yeah, I've never messed with them.
Starting point is 00:17:53 Yeah, we've got a couple guys with the slingshot. It makes a couple different variations of them, and we've got guys with those. Yeah, a little bit of everything, but I like it way better than bare knees for sure. And there's something else to stink up the gym bag. All of those smells. yeah a little bit of everything but i like it way better than bear knees for sure and it's something else stink up the gym bag yep oh they stink yeah they definitely get that neoprene sweaty gets a nice stink to it my brother had a good a good run going with those where he
Starting point is 00:18:15 inherited a used pair from somebody a gym member gave him their two or three year old pair which already had a lot of stank built into it. And he thought he would get around the situation by spraying some Gold Bond, the actual Gold Bond spray on it. And he did that, and then it all looked like someone took white spray paint to him, and then he thought maybe hanging him in the garage
Starting point is 00:18:37 to air dry would help. Well, it was so cold that that didn't do anything at all. Finally, he washed them, and at that point it did help a little bit, but there's just a built-in and you probably prefer it to be your own stink you know preferably everyone likes their own brand of knee sleeve stink that's what you know when i before i bought my uh my my weightlifting shoes my my nike what do you call them romalia i call them my tonyo's um I didn't know how big of a difference they were
Starting point is 00:19:05 going to make and and I didn't want to spend $200 on a set just like out of nowhere so I found a very lightly used set on eBay and bought them and they worked out for me and now now I would spend $200 knowing now like the difference that they make but um my wife now she just got on and ordered herself a set on Fridayiday she said it's happening if you get them i get them well that's yeah exactly so but there's no finding a you know that you can't find a women's small size not going to find her use use pair and i probably would be hard pressed to force her into somebody else's shoes so the thing about those is you know you make the investment and unless you're just really hard on your stuff, those should last you years.
Starting point is 00:19:47 You'd have to try to mess up. You'd have to try to ruin your lifters. It should last a long time. Yeah, I always wonder what that's like going into wraps. They hurt. Do you wrap them yourself like somebody else has to do? If you're in the gym training, you can wrap it yourself because you don't always you know that's a part of training too you don't necessarily always wrap it as tight as humanly possible
Starting point is 00:20:12 but usually out of meat when you're competing you're gonna have it just about as tight as it can go and uh yeah it's a workout to wrap them though like you don't want to be doing that yourself out of meat because it is gas yeah it's like your forearms are dead like you can't even hold on to it anymore and you're tired didn't they say the way the way they got it got you bruised it was so tight oh my the backs of my knees were purple for weeks but and because uh they were actually using a pliers like on the last few loops it was hard for them to even grab with their fingers so the guy that was wrapping it for me and like when he'd get that last loop in there he was he had a special pliers that he would hold on to it and like crank down with his full body weight and it's a timing thing
Starting point is 00:20:57 because you don't want to get that done too soon you're sitting there like over uh you're on deck in the hole so and so and it takes a couple minutes to get this done so you got to get the timing down about right so that you're not standing around with these on for five minutes because all blood flows lost well there's a couple guys that are over there like like screaming like son of a bitch like they're going crazy you know it's it's just just killing them so it's uh. That was my first exposure to that. It takes some getting used to. That sounds awful.
Starting point is 00:21:29 Yeah. Then immediately once you get done squatting, all you want to do is get them pulled off. You're like, oh, get these off of here. Yeah. Cut them. Throw them away. I don't need them anymore. I always wonder what it's like to feel your depth.
Starting point is 00:21:46 That was the thing i having never having never messed with them at all but i've read that people who if you don't practice in them enough you know you don't normally have that feedback on tension in your knees so when you're squatting and you actually have a you're being judged and you have to hit a specific depth there's something fighting you every single inch that you're moving down and it probably fucking hurts right oh yeah so so you have something now that's telling you every single bit that you're moving down saying can we go up now can we go up now how about yeah how about now are we good we're good this hurts worse now are you gonna go now you know yeah i would say though that because they hurt so bad when you're just standing around when you're actually under
Starting point is 00:22:22 there squatting it's almost like you're thinking about so many other things that it still hurts but it's hurting the least at that point in time because there's just other things that are hurting too you know because so it's kind of relieving once you get to squatting and putting some pressure on them but yeah they're they're kind of the devil world how did those ever come to exist i think that's a lot more yeah that's i'm sure that's what happened like oh if we wrap this around here we can do a little bit more and like well what if we make this out of canvas that will peel into through the skin of our legs yeah that sounds awful so i'm i have no desire to compete in a in in wraps then it's settled yeah sleeves are so much
Starting point is 00:23:07 easier you just put them on do your full workout go do your thing yeah lock out yeah pick up some weight yep so is that something you had to do like when you when you were leading up to your to your training before that when you started plugging in you said you just had a couple sessions where you trained with them yeah and i wouldn't even i wouldn't do my full squat workout in them even i would just like take my heaviest couple sets and throw them on for that and uh you know mess around with how tight to get them and and the actual there's different techniques of wrapping it even you know like whether you start on the top or the bottom and whether you cross or don't cross and so there's some figuring out what feels best for you too that's crazy what about uh like the the squat suit i yeah i can't even imagine that that and
Starting point is 00:23:52 that's what i said at that meet as like now i have like a respect for equipped guys because just knee wraps which would be the smallest part of it to them is a huge pain to me so they gotta get those squat suits on and wrap their knees and do all that like it would be the smallest part of it to them is a huge pain to me so they gotta get those squat suits on and wrap their knees and do all that like it would be what does like because the squat suit is is it's the same principle it's just extreme tension across your hips and yeah i think it's a lot of tension then it's designed to kind of give you some rebound out of the hole isn't it yeah for sure and but with that tension like what does that do to your balls? Where do they go? Because it's in the same place.
Starting point is 00:24:28 And just even watching those guys put on those multi-ply suits, it takes like five people. Same with like the bench shirts. Yeah. I don't know. And my understanding is you've got to be pretty particular, at least with the bench shirts, that like you have to – it's got to be your shirt.
Starting point is 00:24:44 It has to be right there. Perfect yeah i don't know that's a that's such a one of the things i've i've read about it is that what you need to do is get to your to near your max you know you got to be peaking potential wise before you start moving into that stuff or else you can just start treating it like a crutch but you know like we were talking with that like jonah leo that's you know that was in a in a bench shirt but it's not like you're able to bench 865 pounds and then it's not like your raw bench is 400 pounds i mean like dude's still throwing some real weight around right yeah it's the shirt isn't benching 800 plus pounds. He's still doing it. I've seen that jokes before.
Starting point is 00:25:34 They throw just the bench shirt on the – lay it on the bench and then set 800 pounds on there and drop it on it. And they're like, see, the shirt didn't do it. Yeah. It'll be interesting. If we can get a chance to talk to him, that'd be great because there's a lot of a lot of things i'd like to i'd like to wonder about what all that training is like how do you i can only imagine what a guy's shoulders are like in the amount of training volume it takes to build to 800 plus pound bench right it's crazy because my shoulders hurt pretty much now and i right i hardly bench but uh yeah that's interesting that's some really interesting stuff. What else we got today, guys?
Starting point is 00:26:08 Anything new going on this week? Last week? At the gym, we busted out the stones for the first time yesterday. I got to do that for the first time. So right now, we just have three different stones. We've got a 180, a 220, and a 300. The 300 is a 19-inch around a 300 the 300 is a 19 inch around so the 300 is a big stone the 180 and the 220 don't look quite as imposing when you look at them but so
Starting point is 00:26:32 we just messed around we started uh our platform we started at pretty low and with the 180 did that a few times i was like all right this is not that hard you know like yeah like i don't even necessarily have to do it right at that weight and that huck it around yeah and then so we got the 220 which you could you could definitely tell a difference and the 220 is a little bit bigger diameter i think it's goes from like a 16 to a 17 or i think the 220 is a 17 so we did the same thing there we started the boxes a little lower and then we moved them up and And that was really the same way. It didn't feel that bad.
Starting point is 00:27:06 You know, I think I could have done it a lot of times. And, you know, I don't, it's light enough and you can get your arms around it enough that, you know, for me, I didn't, don't have to do it exactly right. And I can still do it. But then we rolled out the 300 and I knew this was going to be challenging. And I, but I just wanted to get it out there just to see what it felt like and we rolled it out there and uh I you know you I put my finger tried to get my fingers under there to get it to come up and my going into it I thought you know this is going to be heavy but I'm pretty sure I'm going to be able to lap it you know like get
Starting point is 00:27:42 it roll it into my lap I don't know if I'm going to be able to know what to do with it from that point, but I thought that I was going to get there, but I was putting my hands on it and pulling. And every time I'd pull my hands would just separate and, you know, come up the sides of the stone. So like, I could not keep my hands down there, like to be able to pick it up. So like, I wasn't budging it because every time I'd pull, my hands would just pull apart around, around the ball. So it's not,
Starting point is 00:28:09 it's not even so much about, it wasn't the weight. It's one thing being strong enough to pull the weight up, but it's the, it's actually what it kind of sounds like excuses to me though. And I was kind of, it wasn't feeling very good and I didn't eat enough. And I,
Starting point is 00:28:22 so there's a lot of reasons that weren't because maybe you should just get your shit together no no so what the moral of that is is that is still too heavy for me and i don't know if it's the the weight or the the diameter it's the combination of the two really but the diameter is the biggest thing throwing me off going to that bigger one because it you know it's just that much harder to get your arms around it so do you know when you watch you know a lot of times the world's strongest man on tv they end with kind of the the atlas stone event do you know what weights they're ranging from in there their first stone is usually going to be not that their first stone is usually i think uh 250 to 300 oh? So their first stone is something that I could potentially pick up.
Starting point is 00:29:08 How does it go? Is the first one the lightest one or is the first one the heaviest one? The first one's the lightest one, but it's the highest one. So that first one, they're putting it on a five-foot-tall pedestal or something. You're almost shouldering. When you watch those classics of the guys, it's just a full-on sprint. It almost looks like, and I'm sure they got the technique, but it looks like they're just bending over and picking it up.
Starting point is 00:29:27 It doesn't even look like they're trying to do anything outside the norm. Right, and that last stone, I'm pretty sure, is close to like a 400 stone that they're doing there. And I don't know what the diameter is big to. I'm sure it's huge. Well, what was Brian Shaw's at the Arnold this year? 550. 555. 555.
Starting point is 00:29:45 555. Yeah. 555-pound stone. There's a lot of people that could not get their arms around that stone. No. That's a lot of it. You can be strong, but you've got to still be a giant person to do that. That's what the guy I was working on him with yesterday we talked about, too.
Starting point is 00:30:03 I said, I understand why you have to just be an enormous person to be able to do this. Like that five 55, you have to be six, nine and 400 pounds like him to be able to even attempt it. Like a lot of, some of those strong men events aren't like the best for like, you know,
Starting point is 00:30:19 like the big deadlift stuff. Well, you're at a bit of a disadvantage being six, nine, six, 10, but you got to lift a 500 pound stone. Yup know you got to be able to hug it first right exactly that's yeah that's 555 even now i have even more respect for that just how just how insane that is
Starting point is 00:30:37 to be able to do that i also saw earlier we had on instagram you had uh posted there doing some work with the log press yeah and i after i saw that down there i was like that son of a bitch didn't invite me so i i literally i went down i went down did my crossfit workout that day or the next day and then i went immediately next door i was just smoked too i was dying it was like heavy deadlifts and a bunch of other shit and then i was like well screw it i'm getting this i'm doing the log today i don't care i went down there that thing is sneaky sneaky exhausting yeah it is the thing i noticed for me you know i've been doing a lot of overhead pressing with a barbell and going from that to the log i just because i've only done the log once now i think i could
Starting point is 00:31:20 still overhead press more but with the log i noticed it hitting my triceps so much more like the lockout portion of it. I feel like I exploded off my chest and then just the fatigue is setting in so much faster. And I could see how that ideally might help my bench down the road if I stick with it. I also, I don't know about you guys, but I had not felt that like, I was unexpectedly like winded when i was done with it like i was my whole body was just smoked from standing that thing up and and we're just handling it and and i was i was cheating i would start i was starting it in the rack at about at about the chest height because i don't have to clean it up were you doing reps cleaning it all i did all i did was a single clean and then i would rep it overhead yeah and i'm glad i I did because I then looked up a really good video on how to, I wish I could
Starting point is 00:32:08 remember so I'd give them credit for, but on how to actually do the log clean. And the thing I was doing wrong is your grip, you don't want the grip handles horizontal. You don't want them parallel with the ground. You actually need them tipped forward and you need to keep them tipped forward and you just stand it up and then sit to your knee and then from there that's you'll be able to turn it whereas i was just standing it up straight you know with the the grip horizontal i'm pulling it up and they said being able to have it turned i'm trying i don't remember what the reasoning was but i think it's in helping that rotation from when you're sitting down and it puts your elbows in a better position
Starting point is 00:32:49 as you're as you're pulling it up and you can really feel it too kind of how you can almost push your belly into that to really get it around this is what i know yeah and i had i i really thought that well you know i'm pretty good at like like a good clean you know i was like i'm i'm gonna really be able to snap this thing up and it is just a totally different beast you know it's not the same thing and then the other thing is having it having it on your chest when you're there and it's heavy i think you know i went up to like 205 on it and when i had it there having it on my chest and then and then doing a bit of a like a push jerk with it i just couldn't i you know it's it's just kind of overwhelming it's big it's in your face yeah it's like just couldn't, I, you know, it's, it's just kind of overwhelming. It's big. It's in your face. Yeah. It's like you can't see anything. And you do have to lean back
Starting point is 00:33:30 more. So your, you know, your core is just seems to be engaged a lot more than it is for, for an overhead press for me. And that was, I don't know. I had a lot of fun. It was pretty cool. I've seen a lot of people using it already just because it is, it is fun. It is kind of cool. That's one thing I noticed with the cleaning of it it when it's light enough you can just do whatever the hell you want to and you can make it work but once it gets heavy enough that's what i went up to like that 215 range or so so too and i set that on my legs for the first time that was when i was like okay i gotta think about this now like what do you do yeah like it's not so light that you can just curl it or reverse curl it up you know you have to actually think about what the
Starting point is 00:34:10 next step is gonna be but it's cool i think uh it'll be another fun tool in the tool bag i think yeah we'll all have to get good at it for the competition this summer yep yep so that's why tanner's not inviting me to practice with the Stones or the Log Pass. He's like, he's going to be like, he's just going to get in like 10 more sessions than me. So he's like, well, I'm really, really pretty good at it now. So suck it.
Starting point is 00:34:37 That's the goal. That's the goal. So no, but yeah, so that'll be, that should be a lot of fun. Anything else today? That's kind of all I've got. We've had a solid week of training in the new gym. No, this is our second week already? No, we just had this.
Starting point is 00:34:54 Oh, the first week. Yeah, literally. I just can't keep track. So we've already had some pretty awesome sessions in there. We've had some guys already hitting PRs. It's just a really fun environment to be in right now we grew membership by 50 in one week also yeah well i actually had had you know in the last like maybe month a handful of people inquire about about
Starting point is 00:35:17 joining the gym and i said well yes you should join the gym but maybe you should wait until they get moved. Yeah, for sure. Because nobody wants you in the small space that they're already in. There's no room for you. No, it's good. We'll have to tear down walls and expand it here in no time. Yep.
Starting point is 00:35:36 That will be preferable over moving the entire thing somewhere else. Fortunately, if we occupied that entire basement, we'd be the biggest gym in probably a thousand miles. Yeah. We've got plenty of space to get bigger. Yeah. So good deal.
Starting point is 00:35:54 Good deal. All right. Well, that's going to do it for today. Again, don't forget, give us a five-star rating on iTunes
Starting point is 00:36:01 and make sure you like our Facebook page, Massonomics. Make sure, put any content out there that you like. Make sure you like our facebook page massonomics make sure put any content out there out there that you like make sure you like it share it we really don't want to have to start paying to put that stuff in your timeline so if you do like it give her a click telephone tell a friend so um you can find me on instagram at tyler effenstone that's Tyler EFF I and stone Tanner check me out on Instagram at massonomics and I am at Tomahawk underscore D and
Starting point is 00:36:29 don't forget to go to buy yourself shirts hats whatever else all of them we're sweet sweet swag that's right all right thanks for listening today and stay strong later you
Starting point is 00:36:43 just heard the massonomics podcast with your ears you're welcome and stay strong. See you. Later. You just heard the Masanamics podcast. With your ears, you're welcome. Check us out on Facebook, find us on Instagram at Masanamics and make sure you visit and buy some of that sweet Masanamics gear.
Starting point is 00:37:00 From your friends at Masanamics Studio, home of the world's strongest podcast, stay strong.

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