Massenomics Podcast - Ep. 94: Unfunk Yo Sleeves

Episode Date: January 22, 2018

The gang dives into a laundry list of topics this week, including how to get the stank out of your knee sleeves and a few of the methods we've used and some of the products we've seen that claim to he...lp.  

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to Massanomics, the world's strongest podcast. Find us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter at Massanomics. Make sure you go visit There you'll find the rest of our powerful content. While you're there, check out our store and buy yourself some of that sweet Massanomics gear. I do have a good sack item, so that'll kill some time too. We'll lead with it. Alright.
Starting point is 00:00:28 We definitely could. Screw it. Put it first. Alright, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to this week's episode of the Massanomics Podcast. With you as always, I am Tyler. Next to me is Tommy. What's up? And across the way is Tanner.
Starting point is 00:00:43 Hey everyone. Hi. So this week here, it is cold as shit in our neck of the woods. It still is. It still is. It just doesn't stop. The unrelenting cold. Crushing your will to live.
Starting point is 00:01:00 It's not just cold, though. It is like a crushing cold. It's just what most of you out there maybe don't understand no it's hard to put into words guys we're talking like in the morning when i get up to go to work like an actual temperature of like minus 25 yeah and then wind chills of like minus 50 but minus 25 on its own isn't terrible. It's like sunny and minus 25. It's where the wind comes in is where you start to die.
Starting point is 00:01:29 And life hurts. And I want to explain to you people who are from places where the weather doesn't fucking suck all the time. Like that difference between minus 50 and zero is the actual difference between a 30-degree day an 80 degree day yeah like it's gonna get up to 10 pretty soon here and it's gonna feel hot yeah for real like if it gets to double digits above zero we get pretty fucking jazz like i remember i got groceries a week ago whenever it was really cold it was like negative 20 on a sunday and uh like i remember walking to my car
Starting point is 00:02:03 and it just hurt it sucked and then it was like three days later it was magically up to like 20 degrees and there was no wind and i remember walking outside thinking like i could just go like for sitting outside somewhere and drinking a beer right now it's really not like that was my thought process and it's a freezing cold temperature still at that point it's like 15 degrees below freezing. Yep. They had that deal in town where there was, we live in a very small town, where there was that small business fucking like possibly TV show thing
Starting point is 00:02:34 that might be here. And you were on the casting couch? Kind of. Not really. But no, so, but they came on that day. So it was that day when it was like 21 degrees. came on that day so it was like like 21 degrees and then literally the very next day it was like like three degrees of a high so it was like minus 10 overnight and like three degrees at 2 p.m and it's like man it's a real good fucking thing they came when they did because these people would not
Starting point is 00:03:00 have been walking up and down main street like thinking what a what a quaint little place like it would have been like oh my god why does anyone live here like we certainly aren't coming back you know and uh actually a funny story with that so there's also some other deal where we had to uh for my crossfit gym we had to give had to give like a speech thing they have like a small business owner come up and like this wasn't for that tv show that was a totally different thing we went out of the theater and they kind of bring a bunch of people from it seems to me it's just like people who like don't have anything else to do generally speaking like like oh you're in the chamber of
Starting point is 00:03:41 commerce so you know what i mean those people who just get an hour to not go to work at that point in time. Or people whose jobs are indescribable in terms of function. You know what I mean? Function or impact? Well, it's like, what exactly is a downtown association? Who pays you? And what in the fuck do you actually do? I've also wondered these questions my entire life.
Starting point is 00:04:07 And I don't have a fucking clue. Yeah, not a clue. But anyway, I had to give this thing. And it was a good deal or whatever. But I asked the guy that put it on. I was like, dude, what is the record for how many times someone has said fuck during these things? Because they have someone come up once a week, a business owner. He's like, well, well to date it's zero i was like man i am gonna just crush that record so then like right before we went up this gal from the chamber was standing back there and i
Starting point is 00:04:36 like right as he's about to announce my name i'm kind of off off the stage or whatever and i pull her aside i said hey uh brody said i could say fuck five but not six times does that sound right and she got this look on her face like i don't think that you should say it any amount of times and i was like all right we'll just go for one or two then and i went right out there but uh um anyway that was uh so that'll air on TED Talks. I'm going to call it my TED Talk. When is your TED Talk available? It was funny because they had the whole thing was like, nobody wants to hear you come up and talk about your business,
Starting point is 00:05:15 like what your business does or like how business is going because nobody cares. The truth is nobody cares about how your business is going or how you're like. And that's like there's like another Crossfit gym there that yeah they're gonna be like all right i'll take some notes on this yeah so like so my thing is like and also like my actual business acumen is fucking zero you know i mean like all the money comes in and some money goes out yeah you get left over i'm like you know the the numbers with the economy like i don't even know how much money we make yeah i don't have any idea did you throw out bitcoin references all of our clients pay us some bitcoin so depending on how it's going we eat shit but you don't know what that means either though right i don't know what it means
Starting point is 00:06:01 they i keep trying to pay my mortgage in bitcoin they're not having it so i'm living mortgage free but uh so i did the deal and i managed to not say fuck even once in like a 40 minute presentation which is kind of disappointing i've never talked actually somebody stopped by where my mom works they're like yeah tyler did a pretty good job i've really never heard him talk that long without saying fuck and i said yeah neither of us but uh all in all it was it was good but i i went up there and i was like what the fuck am i supposed to say you know like here's how awesome we are and here's how good so instead that's usually what most people say like i think that's a standard route which is a good way to be really boring right and so what we did is i kind of went up and i just talked to him about like and actually it
Starting point is 00:06:48 ended up being a lot of what things we've kind of done from with massonomics from like the content driven side of marketing it's like just do things and make them and put them out there and that's as good as you're gonna get yeah you know which money you can fucking pay for advertising and uh since none of these people are listening to this, I have another funny one that I want to get into about this because it was really good. I will say with our gym, we do a really good job, and with Massanomics, obviously, what we do for social media,
Starting point is 00:07:16 and as far as just making stuff to consume, be it articles, videos, just Instagram posts. So I kind of laid that out, like how that plan, how that strategy works, and why you should do it that way instead of just paying somebody to run your shit and um a guy um tommy you'll know who he is his building's about two blocks south of mine yep okay um anyways uh he fucking comes to me the next night i'm at dinner with my wife and kids and he pulls me aside he said first of all this is dinner and i don't talk to anyone right and uh comes up to me and goes
Starting point is 00:07:50 hey i was good talk the other day and i was like oh there's a butt coming up and he goes and his choice of words he goes well i heard you you were up there going on and on about how your social media stuff is so good. And I'm like, where the fuck is this? I'm about to stand up. And he goes, how did he put it? He's like, well, you know, I'm in my 50s and I could stand to use a little bit of weight. And how come I've never seen any of your stuff? And I'm like, okay, let's back up.
Starting point is 00:08:24 Are you on Instagram no oh well you're like in the digital marketing like that's what you do you're not on instagram so the fuck is wrong with you for one like he probably doesn't even know they have to be square like if you had to hire him to make some content he would fuck that all up obviously and then goes um and i said well now that you do know and you were in a room full of people and lots of those people will vouch for how good we are what we do would you be interested in coming getting started oh no absolutely not i was like well then how much fucking money do i have to spend to advertise your do nothing ass piece of shit i'll go sit the fuck
Starting point is 00:08:59 down so i can eat it's a fucking old dinosaur i was so fucking pissed interrupts interrupts my dinner to like try to put me on blast and i also was like dude like facebook you know what we've i can eat it's a fucking old dinosaur i was so fucking pissed interrupts interrupts my dinner to like try to put me on blast and i also was like dude like facebook you know what we've found with facebook is that like we get you can pay for some imaginary numbers oh absolutely none of that amounts to any sales and we did that a lot with mass and i was we pushed we do paid ads we still do some but like none of them can we correlate to like oh someone bought a shirt because like we would get a like on the page or some or many but none of those amounted to people buying things and the fact that instagram just lets you actually engage with people
Starting point is 00:09:36 well and if people follow you they see your stuff and on facebook it's like oh you have these followers that doesn't mean anything because you still have to pay right so so that's what i laid out i backed him off with that i was like listen we did this for a long time and we got nothing out of facebook like it just doesn't work you get a bunch of imaginary shit and so i was like just numbers like and you can get caught up in that where you're excited yeah we got 2 000 new folks and that's everyone's biggest like pitfall with with social medias well i just need more likes it's like you don't really need more likes at all i guess what doesn't pay your bills yeah it's a total vanity metric with that stuff like it's just it almost doesn't matter at all but that's what facebook's that's what they push
Starting point is 00:10:21 i mean that's what they can push they're smart enough to understand that a lot of people will be satisfied with seeing the numbers. Oh, look at how many people saw this. Yeah, right. Yeah, the reach. How many of those are going to buy? And that's my thing is like how much advertising. And my thing too is like especially in the fitness space, right? Like with what we do is I don't need someone who's not ready.
Starting point is 00:10:41 Because if you're not ready to like quote unquote change your life like you're not going to stick with it which means you're only good for chewing up a bunch of my time for a month and then you quit and so that's kind of what i explained to the guy i was like you're not going to do anything so why would i have paid to get you off even if i drug you reluctantly off your ass with some really clever marketing you're still not going to do anything so you're going to come in and you're going to quit because you ain't fucking ready. So when your fucking sad-ass physique decides to get something done, you'll come find me. Until then, go fuck yourself.
Starting point is 00:11:14 I'm trying to eat. So if you know who that guy is, tell him to eat a dick. He's not already. So that guy really pissed me off. Other than that, though, the whole thing went pretty well, and I didn't say fuck not even once i think i said damn and i think i said shit once those are more i swear more i cussed more in my two-minute conversation with this guy while i was trying to eat dinner and much more for the five minutes after he left yeah my wife was like what the fuck is wrong with him i don't know but he's glad he's lucky
Starting point is 00:11:46 i stayed seating the whole time but uh so no that was our little uh our little brush with fame i had to stand around with some fucking tv show i saw it did i see a powerpoint in the background tyler i did a presentation skills 100 no so the deal was i was totally not gonna do a powerpoint presentation because i didn't have the time. Yeah, that was the last time we talked. And I was like, I don't have time to do it. And they were like, oh, yeah, you don't need to do it. The day before, I get a message from somebody else who says,
Starting point is 00:12:15 oh, you've got to send your PowerPoint stuff over. And I was like, right away, I was like, oh, I didn't think I needed to do one. And I got no response. I'm like, fuck. So I started scrambling to put this PowerPoint together. Four hours later, I get a response. Oh, no, no, you totally don't need to. And I'm like, well, do you know what I've been doing for four hours?
Starting point is 00:12:35 Like, now we're too close. Yeah. And it turned out good, so I got to fucking use it. Did you do some good slide-ins? The transition. I didn't know. It's really, really key. Where it's like tires screeching.
Starting point is 00:12:46 And then a slide where you have a lot of text. Do it where it's a typewriter of each letter. Yeah. Maybe like some Star Wars effects in there where the stuff goes away. I actually didn't do a single transition. Because we know your presence isn't going to keep anyone's attention. You have to rely on the transitions. I just mumbled up there, and it was pretty sad.
Starting point is 00:13:11 No, yeah. attention you have to rely on the transition just uh i just mumbled up there and it was pretty sad and no yeah i didn't even realize like all the things that you can do on a powerpoint presentation so what i did was none of them well something to think about for the next time i don't know that i'll be asked to do that anytime soon because i just go on and on about my social media yeah but no that was uh an interesting little deal of in spite of our weather uh some poor sap still had to come and check out our town so um better them than you guys because it's cold here but we uh trying to think of what else we've had around here recently we've got uh there's something i remembered i've always wanted to ask tanner and i always forget oh one time you mentioned something about mixing protein with your oatmeal oh yeah something in the morning how do you do because i did this once oh yeah you talked about this on an episode when i was gone and i always wanted to follow up and i always forgot what did you do because when i tried it was maybe the worst thing i'd ever ate in my entire life
Starting point is 00:14:01 um well you might not be alone in that thought. I would describe it as disgusting baby paste. There's a very specific technique to it, but my six-year-old son does always describe it as the worst smelling and tasting thing that he's ever seen. The smell even, too. Yeah, right away, the smell. Okay, yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:24 Take me through your steps. What I do is I always mix it. I use chocolate protein powder, and then I also put peanut butter in there and a fruit. Okay, so we got a lot going on here. It's not – if I'm out of peanut butter and fruit, I have had it with just protein mixed in. And it is not very good.
Starting point is 00:14:44 And you just put this in the microwave yeah okay so you're not just going no i just no i make the oatmeal plain by itself in the microwave oats you know actually i don't you have instant oats i have you know where you buy like the thing like that and make that and boil it or heat it or whatever in the in the microwave and then when it's done when it's hot i add the uh protein peanut butter and fruit but the other trick to that is is you always have to add more liquid after adding all that stuff because it gets to be way too pasty so i i like mine a little bit runny yeah so usually i usually end up adding quite a bit of milk like there's a process of adding a little bit stirring being like being like, eh, maybe a little more.
Starting point is 00:15:26 It's like mixing concrete. Yeah, yeah. I think I fucked it up. I'm kind of feeling like I had a cruel joke played on me right now because the time I tried it, I took an instant pack of oatmeal. I think it was apple. Put it in the microwave for, you know, just like you're always making it every day, which turns out fine enough. I'm like, well, Tanner says he puts protein in. So I put a full scoop of protein in there, immediately it's like whoa this is really thick yeah so then
Starting point is 00:15:49 i put some more room temperature water in and it just made like this weird runny paste yeah oatmeal thing put it in my mouth spit it out threw it away and said not doing that again well no that's that is a specific process but even i like it but i'm pretty sure a lot of people wouldn't like it very well yeah so yeah i know my wife and my kid both uh it discussed both of them so yeah you're not you wouldn't be alone so it's probably more like an acquired taste like a chicken shake or something it is yeah would you say maybe it's like step one to go into chicken shakes yeah it's uh have like an acquired taste, like a chicken shake or something. It is, yeah. Or would you say maybe it's like step one to going to chicken shakes? Yeah, it's the introductory. Have you ever thought about putting chicken in your oatmeal?
Starting point is 00:16:30 No. And then just skipping the whole protein powder thing? That would not taste very good, I'm pretty sure. I do like the juxtaposition of a little sweet and a little savory together, but that wouldn't be the ticket. I don't know, it couldn't be that bad. Have you guys ever tried one? Like the chicken shake? I haven't.
Starting point is 00:16:46 I know Ross has had those. Yeah, I know you said he did. He was not a fan, right? I know he said it was pretty gross, but I also know that he did it more than once, too. So it wasn't like he... Like it was worth the effort. I just know I could eat so many more calories that I don't have to resort to drinking them yet. I'm not eating a lot by any means.
Starting point is 00:17:07 I don't know. I like eating my food anyway, so I guess if I got to the point where I was eating so much that I couldn't, maybe it'd be something to look into. But I like that Blaine Sumner does it. Let's mingle Blaine Sumner. What the fuck has he been doing lately? Moving weights, it looks like.
Starting point is 00:17:25 And moving weights, yeah, yeah. He's been doing Moving weights, it looks like. And moving weights, yeah. He's been doing two things. So I don't know what the story was, but he moved from Oklahoma, he's moving to Wyoming. He's from Wyoming, right? Oh, he is from Wyoming? Oh, I thought he was from Colorado.
Starting point is 00:17:41 I guess it's almost the same thing. That's why our guy I've lifted with, he's from Wyoming. He does meets in South Dakota here too, and he had a picture with Blaine. Blaine was last year at the Wyoming USAPL. See, I just assumed his wife lived out there, and that was the only reason he ever went to Wyoming ever. Yeah, no, I think he's from there.
Starting point is 00:18:01 Yeah, that makes more sense. So all that equipment was his obviously in that gym yeah yeah he is an engineer though so you would assume i mean if he's anything like the engineers we know he's got gym stuff the thickest he has his own private gym nick has his own private gym and also has a gym membership. Also two gym memberships. Does he have dual? I think so because he's got to cover the family bases also.
Starting point is 00:18:34 Oh, I got you. I got you. But no, so Blaine, what did he bench the other day? Was it 1,025? And was he by himself? Did I see it? He had spotters. Yeah, this one he had guys with him.
Starting point is 00:18:48 That's what I was surprised to see. He actually had spotters. And probably the best part of Blaine's lifts, okay, he kind of does this thing where he doesn't take, like when he's lifting he takes it very seriously, but then as far as captions and that stuff go, he's not taking himself very seriously. And he does a lot of the uh raw bench with shirt and guaranteed there's always like 10 to 20 comments of people that don't understand what that is like
Starting point is 00:19:13 raw with like oh i thought raw meant you couldn't use anything or there are people that think it's a raw bench and they're like this is 300 pounds over the world record like they can't get it so that's really awesome and then he had like i think he had one with all the claps between it like don't claim you know you like rot like that whole thing and so i always i like his comments a lot yeah they are good 1025 pounds on my fucking hands i'm just not i don't need to be that strong and that's in the comment of that one in his caption he was talking about uh just how much that like the pain and pressure everything's wrists elbows shoulders felt like his arm bones are bending
Starting point is 00:19:50 hands are swollen days after arms are throbbing jesus sounds like a fun time sign me up 25 pounds right over your face yeah Yeah, that is enough weight to break your arm. Yeah. Oh, yeah. It's enough weight to break. Just to be holding onto it is risky. And then what was his big... He squatted a grand again, right?
Starting point is 00:20:15 Yeah, he's at the point where he squats... Like 1,050 maybe even. 1,000 plus. Yeah, that swim video is 1,050, but he's at the point where he squats 1,000 plus like it's almost an empty bar. Yeah. I mean, there's a lot of people that don't squat 135 as fast as he squats that.
Starting point is 00:20:28 That 1,050 really, really looked fast. Jesus. Yeah, that's crazy. This one, yeah, 1,080 speed squat. So there's almost no doubt that he'll break his 1,100 or 1,130 or whatever he is. Yeah, if he just – Like, it's always tough to say like at that level and like but jesus christ yeah the biggest i was in 50 with suit and wraps so it wasn't a suit
Starting point is 00:20:53 um but that thing fucking flew up i mean oh yeah i don't know that you couldn't have put another adult man on that bar i just don't know how it could make a difference even at that point i've also seen he's been talking about west like he must uh he did some training he must have spent some time there or something and he's must be implementing more of their methods and commenting about it which is interesting to see because in a world where i would say like granite is single ply equipped so it's different than raw lifters but in a world where ipf lifters almost most most of them at this point like conjugate doesn't exist yeah laugh at the idea of west side and conjugate and he's like pretty into it it seems like grant i mean given he is a single ply lifting lifter so you can see a little more carryover probably between the two he's at the point though where if he can just stay healthy,
Starting point is 00:21:45 because that's been his biggest issue basically since the Arnold last year. Yeah, he's been hurt like a couple times. Yeah, he pretty much hasn't been able to do anything since then besides throw up these ridiculous training numbers all of a sudden. So if he can keep riding out that momentum, it seems like there's a lot there. Yeah, I agree. And then, what was it, two weeks ago he benched 905 with not
Starting point is 00:22:07 another person in the gym those are the ones that i always yes i want to know what because he clips the video fast enough that you don't see what kind of the unracking process looks like or all that but this one he gets in and out you kind of see it but yeah he's just he's just doing it and granted you know he he's he's pretty safe yeah he has those huge yep i would kind of like to have that'd be nice to have it would be cool yeah it was i think he talks about those on like mark bell's podcast that he engineered those kind of platforms to catch him yeah it's been a big basically basically New Year's Eve, 1080 speed, squat, 705 bench. That's just fucking crazy.
Starting point is 00:22:51 Was this true, Rod? No, that wasn't sure, too. Well, it was Rob that was sure, too. 827 dead, 905 bench, 1050, 788 dead, 1025, like all in two weeks. It is funny that no matter how many times he does it, like you in two weeks it is funny that no matter how many times he does it like you said
Starting point is 00:23:07 there's always someone that's got a comment every time they don't get it yeah and I totally get it too like if I was just getting into
Starting point is 00:23:15 powerlifting or didn't really like if my level of my powerlifting knowledge was I knew there was a thing called raw and I knew there was
Starting point is 00:23:22 a thing called equipped if someone did raw with shirt, I'd be really confused. But yeah, I do like that. He kind of keeps people on edge. They're kind of trolls people a little bit.
Starting point is 00:23:32 Yeah. Yeah. Raw squat with wraps at a suit. Yeah. We're looking forward to see him at the Arnold this year. We won't get too deep into everything we're going to do at the Arnold, but do we know, have we gotten into depth as far as who is competing at the Strongman stuff? We know not.
Starting point is 00:23:51 Obviously not Eddie. We know, is Z for sure out? I think so. They said he didn't qualify, so. Are they mad at him too? I don't know. I mean, he hasn't competed, so he hasn't qualified. I feel like he's won it enough times to just get to do it.
Starting point is 00:24:04 Yeah, you'd think won it enough times to just get to do it. You'd think eight was enough times. If he was not able to hang with those guys, he would not want to do it. I think at that point, you just leave it up to him. He's still one of the world's strongest men. I would think even in an untrained state, he could come in the top four on any given day. Definitely, especially at the Arnold. He's won it eight times. He's obviously pretty damn good at it.
Starting point is 00:24:29 Some people just try. Got to keep the man down. Did we go over Born Strong? Yeah. But now it is on Netflix. It's on Netflix now. So y'all need to get out there and watch it. Did you watch it on Netflix?
Starting point is 00:24:40 No, but I will now that it's on. I actually had to put this on my to-do list to watch Born Strong because I keep forgetting. I had to watch it again since it came on Netflix? No, but I will now that it's on. Now that I know it's on. I actually had to put this on my to-do list to watch Born Strong because I keep forgetting. I had to watch it again since it came on Netflix. I'm glad you said that because I was literally planning on watching it
Starting point is 00:24:53 the next week here and I would have just hopped right on Amazon and paid for it right away. It is as good the second time around too. Larry told me he really enjoyed it. I've seen it like four times. Yeah, it's really good. It might be my favorite strength movie.
Starting point is 00:25:12 Really? Do you consider Pumping Iron a strength movie? Yeah, I would consider Pumping Iron a bigger, stronger, faster. Have you told Shane how you feel about this, though? I haven't, but I don't know. It's really good. Sorry, guys. Yawning pretty hard.
Starting point is 00:25:25 My thing is that, like, it's only three years, basically, three Arnolds back. But, like, it is a little less relevant because of what's kind of changed between then and now, which is just the time it takes to make a movie. But not near as dated as, dated as the Eddie Hall documentary now. They kind of need to... Somebody needs to have made one off of this last run of his with Warhols. There needs to be another Eddie Hall. Something of that should have covered that.
Starting point is 00:25:59 Or just make one called The Director's Cut and put an extra 35 minutes on it. Yeah, or something. Because that Eddie Hall one stopped way too soon. And it is, again, probably two years before. But that one stopped. What was the big finale at that one? Was that his big deadlift? But that was before.
Starting point is 00:26:17 But it was before his. Yeah, but it was the biggest deadlift he had at that time. He broke the world record of deadlift, andnold was there as i think was the one but yeah but that wasn't like i mean that was like four or five years four years ago so it's just so far back that all the trash he talked we finally backed it up we kind of need to see that because um but yeah i'd like to see there be more of that i'd like there to be one every year once a a year. They could just do Born Strong with the top four guys every year. Just keep rotating through.
Starting point is 00:26:49 Yeah, I don't understand. Or just make the documentary of the Arnold Strongman every year. Yeah. And there's no reason not to. It would be more entertaining of a show than what they do with World's Strongest Man. You know, it'd be like,
Starting point is 00:27:00 what's HBO do with the NFL? Oh, Hard Knocks. Hard Knock hard knocks kind of like that you know leading up into their season that'd be a pretty cool thing to watch actually yeah so if anyone wants to take us like we could you know be your ideas guys for this and uh yeah we don't have the talent to actually but we have the idea we have the ideas and guys we are really good at hanging out with people but you have to hang out with half thor and all them and not make it weird bs just hang out and like not we'll be in the hot tub with them the cold tub with them we'll do it all nobody hangs out better than we do hey i saw someone wearing their sbd sleeves
Starting point is 00:27:41 with the stripe going across the front of their knee and like the logo in the back, like backwards. Really? Like in our gym? No, no. On the internet. On the internet, someone squatting a lot. Really?
Starting point is 00:27:56 I can't remember who I saw doing that. And do you know, have you, do you know why someone would do that? Or I would have seen. No, I would have seen. It was like an intentional and it was someone squatting like really not uh i would just assume it's because you don't know what you're doing but no if they squatted a lot maybe it was someone that has to know what they're doing i can't remember who did that and i meant to comment and ask maybe they were making a fashion statement
Starting point is 00:28:19 yeah i saw a guy lifting in a hockey mask like like Halloween style the other day. You mean that guy with all the tattoos? Yeah, whoever that is. Yeah. I've seen him a few times now. That's kind of what, you know, as far as lifting goes, a little bit viral. Some, like, heavy guy, you know, big guy that's covered in tats. I've seen that a few times. He looks really scary.
Starting point is 00:28:40 Yeah. Well, my cursory Google search on why that would be helpful. Yeah. Brought back nothing. So there must be a secret. Well, I guess the only thing to do is to try it. I thought you were going to tell me you, you knew the answer here. No,
Starting point is 00:28:53 I didn't. So that's someone out there that's listening. You can hit us up with a comment as to why it is that you would know why I circle back around to that. I did see someone wearing SBD sleeves, but one of each color. So now we're getting... Was it a three-legged individual?
Starting point is 00:29:09 No, they only used two of the three colors. So we're at the point where you have style options available if you're an SBD person. What do you guys think about the sack item? As long as we're talking... We're on the right train. Let's talk about your sack. This is what's going to lead us into it. Whatever gets us into your sack.
Starting point is 00:29:30 Whatever we can do to get in that thing. It ain't easy. I don't like to give it up easy. We're going to play a little game called What's in Tanner's Sack. What's in Tanner's Sack is sponsored by Go to for all the coolest things. That's a good sponsor. And read, done.
Starting point is 00:29:49 Okay. So we won't have to do the eyes closed thing here, but this is what's in my sack today. Oh. This is called Get the Funk Out Neoprene Sleeve Shampoo. Oh. It's natural and hypoallergengenic fresh scent biodegradable special conditioning agents removes perspiration odors cleaner conditioner from anderson power
Starting point is 00:30:13 lifting so this is power lifting specific the company that brought you sbd knee sleeves or are that cells yeah that originally brought them to the united states maybe or something so have you used it i haven't yet it's brand new in the bottle it came in the mail today uh this came from a recommendation by uh dustin slipica uh lifter out of omaha he's sponsored by anderson power lifting and i saw before before and after picture of his SBD sleeves, and it looked really different. Really? Like they actually looked different? Yeah, they looked different, but I'm mostly concerned about the smell situation. How does the taste go, though?
Starting point is 00:30:56 What did it smell like? I hadn't even smelled it yet. It smells clean. I want to smell this thing. It smells like if you've ever been to a commercial building where they really have to disinfect the floors. That's what it smells like. It doesn't taste as good as it smells. Taking a look at this bottle.
Starting point is 00:31:14 What they say to do is I think you mix so many capfuls with so much water, and then you soak them for like 15 minutes and hand wash them a little bit. But I'm going to use it really soon, probably this week or this weekend. So I'll, cause mine are terrible. How often do you, do you,
Starting point is 00:31:31 have you ever washed yours? Yes. And that doesn't work anymore. Really? It does not get them. Oh, like it just buys you a couple of days. If that,
Starting point is 00:31:39 like they buy themselves dry, just smelling them. You'd be like, ah, those kinds of stink. Not that bad yeah as soon as they're on and like they activate they yes they activate it is atrocious and like it ruined i will not smell decent until i shower after that oh yeah you can't go to the store no
Starting point is 00:31:58 i mean like if i've gone to uh like we've had to go out and eat shortly after lifting like that and i've gone like that and i you smell bad like from you don't even have like from here to here you'd be able to smell it do so i'm hoping this is maybe a solution now had you had you gotten yours fully cleaned since before we got the stink racks hanging at the yeah i mean they just i threw the washing machine and they just don't they don't see mine oh you actually put them in the wash machine yeah oh since i started like hanging mine up like that i have no trouble with smell yeah now granted my older ones were a little funky and they had already i think once that shit that stank just gets in them it's where you can cross the bridge yeah so like i would like you said would. Like you said, I'd wash them and I'd do what I can.
Starting point is 00:32:47 And then they're good for a couple of weeks. But these ones that I've had. Now, granted, I've only had them since, like, October. When was Nationals? October? Yeah, something like that, I suppose. Something like that. November, maybe.
Starting point is 00:32:58 Maybe early November. So it's only been a couple of months. But by then, I don't know. I mean, I do squat twice a week twice a week and like i have no i mean there's nothing no smell no smell whatsoever but they come right off my knees inside out hung up to air dry immediately and the biggest reason i have to wash mine is mine are small i mean when i got mine i was 40 pounds lighter so lighter. So they were fairly tight when I got them. They're getting really tight now.
Starting point is 00:33:28 And there's something, I don't know if it's like the salt from your sweat or what, but mine harden up and get nearly impossible to get on and pinch my calf so hard. It feels like I'm stuck in like a permanent Charlie horse. And when I take mine off, I have creases in my legs yeah and that's just after if i just go long enough so i usually just after like i don't know a month or two goes by i have to bring them home i get a bucket of hot water and i just pour some like dawn dish soap in it and i just let them soak for like a day and then once i decide to take them out you know i'll put another fresh batch of water in and kind of try to scrub them together a little bit, hoping I'm maybe breaking up something in there. And then when they're done, I take them out.
Starting point is 00:34:10 I put them in front of a heater or a fan, let them air out for a day. And that usually gets the bad smells out. Once you wear them again a few times, they'll start to be a sweat smell, but it's nothing that's... Now, relatively speaking now like well in the scheme of things yeah they still probably smell terrible but no but i mean also like they're 80 bucks brand new yeah yeah and like like this is a thing we do a lot of like if you had to buy new knee sleeves every year oh that'd be nothing would not be a big deal like like that's just like one more thing on a list of shit you buy all the time yeah but i think uh like mine the same way like mine when i got them i was like i i
Starting point is 00:34:51 wanted them smaller but i couldn't get them over my fucking calves so i got what i could get over and i fucking basically could hardly i just knew that i could eventually but i couldn't get them up over my calves and i was trying them on. I was like, fuck it, I'll get them eventually. And then I fought them and it worked good for like two weeks, three weeks. And then, yeah, like you said, they are tighter now than they were. They're harder to put on now than they were when I got them. And I don't know what it is about them. I'm glad you said that because I was starting to think I had some crazy super sweat, Tyler. No, no, well, mine is pretty exceptional.
Starting point is 00:35:22 I was starting to think I had some crazy super sweat, Tyler. No, no. Well, mine is pretty exceptional. They do also make a odor eliminator spray that I think is probably more comparable to Febreze, I suppose. But, you know, it's... That seems like the way to go right there. Yeah, yeah. You want to get up in it. I think that would maybe be for like
Starting point is 00:35:45 a between session thing to uh yeah but kind of like the little hack we had of putting some dryer sheets in right because that that did help at the time yeah here's what i noticed though you guys once we once everybody's knee sleeves like like i said our knee sleeves come off and they hang up yeah it doesn't even smell in that section of the gym. No, it's not. Whereas when we had them in the lockers, people just had them sitting in their lockers. People would complain about the smell. That fucking entire area stunk.
Starting point is 00:36:13 I don't notice it. Maybe I'm just desensitized. No, I don't notice it. You don't notice it. It'd be interesting to know if there's any other gyms out there that have a knee sleeve wall like us. Because how many people can hang them up? Do we have enough for 14? 15, 20 we have we have shelves on the wall with pegs where you can hang up your knee sleeves so when you're done because at massonomics you know it's this great community atmosphere where we can just leave our stuff out
Starting point is 00:36:40 everywhere you don't worry about people taking your stuff so we can just throw them up on the wall let them air out but before that we had there's lockers in the gym we would all just throw them in the lockers and it was just like swamp city over there like it was bad like it was getting very offensive you'd walk in there and it hurt and also pre having a dehumidifier during the summer and then yeah that certainly amplified the uh well and also our sleeves just wouldn't dry out at that point so never dry yeah they they wouldn't be dry like it was humid enough in there that no matter it'd be three days later and you'd go grab it and be like still wet yeah this is probably gross yeah right that's that's so putting on like pretty
Starting point is 00:37:21 wet knee sleeves is kind of a gross feeling that That's how you become patient zero in an outbreak movie. Or maybe that's how you get your immunity to the problem. Maybe. Maybe that's why none of us are sick. Yeah. But again, we do have to thank having an engineer in the gym for building those. Engineering that. For engineering those knee sleeve racks.
Starting point is 00:37:44 No normal person could ever do that not i if you certainly wouldn't have the patience if you are interested in buying this look up uh dustin on instagram i think it's uh that guy you've never heard of i think is maybe his name or something like that yeah he's super heavyweight or i mean he's lost like 80 pounds or something but he's still a very large man and super fucking strong yes really really strong thing there where is that guy you've never heard of is pretty funny because i'd never heard of it no and i was and you'd be like whoa what the fuck are you lifting yeah he's like squatting 800 pounds for speed reps and it's like huh why haven't i heard of you why aren't they
Starting point is 00:38:26 talking about you right the the first uh well not the first the second meet i did he was there i did it with larry legend and uh we got there and the the omaha guys dustin was there and they were looking for two more guys for their team they didn't quite have enough for a full team to compete against uh a group from fargo north dakota like they want those two gyms were kind of omaha barbell and uh this fargo gym were kind of going head to head and so larry and i got to we were in the right place at the right time and they're like oh you want to go with us like all right that sounds fun and uh i was like well this guy's really large you know like yeah he's heavy you know and then you're like i wasn't sure how strong he was yeah at that time and then he went out there
Starting point is 00:39:13 and squatted he said this is the first time he'd done a full raw meat in uh you know maybe four years or something because he normally lifts single ply equipped lifting and he squatted like I think it might have been like 840 or 850 and it literally looked like this is on his third attempt and I was like wow why didn't you do 100 more pounds than that like I was like that was the most effortless looking thing I've ever seen you know and same way for deadlift I think he deadlifted about 800 pounds and it's like nothing's hard for, you know, it's just, it shouldn't look that easy. But so he's, he was a good guy and I think he's, he's sponsored by these guys.
Starting point is 00:39:52 And if you throw out his name. So go through his, he's a, I'm that guy you've never heard of. There you go. Yeah. And yeah, go through his deal. Follow him anyways, just because he's. You probably need to hear of it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:04 Someday he's not going to be that guy that you've never heard of. He's going to be the guy you've all heard of. That unreasonably strong person that you now know of. Yeah. Thanks exclusively to Mastanomics. Really giving him his big break. Make him an overnight success after 15 years of obscurity. Speaking of, you know of things that we really forged
Starting point is 00:40:25 and people that we made famous, all thanks to us. Open Powerlifting has taken off quite a bit from even when we first talked about them there. In one week, I talked to them the other day, in one week they gained 1,000 more followers. Do you say that's the Masonomics effect? That's the Masonomics effect.
Starting point is 00:40:46 It happens to us all the time, too. I'm assuming you just sent them a, you're welcome. You said, yeah, it happens to a lot of people, just not us. It happens to, like, everyone that we talk about except for us. Well, I just want them to remember when they do have, like, 50 or 100,000 followers. To throw us some bones. Yeah, throw us some bones to get us like 20 more. Listen, if we get 20 new followers a week, it'll be sitting all right.
Starting point is 00:41:12 But they have been doing well, and I've seen more and more big powerlifters sharing their posts. See, I've noticed their stuff coming up more. I wasn't paying attention to their numbers, so that is cool that they are getting some traffic. Because I do think they have a really good thing going there. I think so, too. The thing is, too, is it's like somebody,
Starting point is 00:41:29 that is a need that absolutely has to be filled. Somebody has to do that. They're going to be the, you know, they're there. It's an interesting thing to take that on without like money. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:41:44 It's very easy to respond to a need when there is definitely a straight line, money. You know what I mean? Like, it's very easy to respond to a need when there is definitely a straight line to money. Right. You know, like... At some point in time, there probably is... You know, I really don't think that's their... That's not their purpose or outlook, but if you have 100,000 people that like anything,
Starting point is 00:42:00 you know, there's an opportunity to... Attention is money. Plus, the thing is, is, like, you is, it can't all be about the money. But at some point, for a thing to work, there has to be money. Right, exactly. They're looking at... They literally want to be a non-profit organization. And the irony with talking to them is how expensive it is just to even become a non-profit organization like
Starting point is 00:42:26 basically it was going to cost them you know i'm not speaking for them or you know i don't even know the specifics but just say it's going to cost a thousand dollars for them just to declare yourself as a non-profit it's like why something's broken but that's the you know give us a piece yeah right that's really funny yeah but they've been doing good i'm i'm uh i like their stuff and i'm curious it's good to see because that's uh i think the the power lifting world needs that yes and if it's not centralized it becomes like it's been you know yeah like Like, there still is a lot of forces, like, driving, like, fragmentation within the sport. So if you were to go back on literally just name things that do the opposite
Starting point is 00:43:15 of that, like, across federations, like, name one other thing that, like, will tie those things. That's an interesting point. That's kind of that's maybe the most important or like the biggest thing of the whole thing is how it actually will bring all together because name one literally is there one thing i mean it's all all the opposite it's not even like you can't even say like oh we all use the same knee sleeves because no because that's summer wrap so that's not you know i? Like, is there a thing that just across the board people are like,
Starting point is 00:43:47 you know, we're just kind of for everybody in power. Not really, you know. That's like a unifying factor. Yeah. It's not a lot. Short of maybe just Mark Bell's existence. Right. You know.
Starting point is 00:43:59 He's like a general, like, moderate fucking, like, voice of like, I don't know, let's just stop being dicks. Yeah. You know. But other than that, I don't know let's just stop being dicks yeah you know but other than that i don't know if there's anything really that is like an interesting point yeah they are a lot that's probably it's weird to put it to actually say it like that like literally the sole acting unifying force yeah yeah which is weird yeah because most people tend to hate something yeah i mean if if there's one thing that's popular or something, not most, but there's a good chunk of people that will hate it. Just because it's almost a rule to be in powerlifting,
Starting point is 00:44:31 you have to hate something that's directly affecting powerlifting. Yeah, that's true. You know? So what do you hate? I hate hating things. You know what I hate? This is going to come off as powerlifting sacrilege. You know what I've decided? I'm digging my heels in on this that I hate? things. You know what I hate? This is going to come off as powerlifting sacrilege. You know what I've decided?
Starting point is 00:44:46 I'm digging my heels in on this that I hate. The bench press. No. I hate lifting to ACDC. I'm done with it. I'm over it. It is one of those things where a lot of it happens over the years. I would guess most people listening to this have spent hundreds of hours of
Starting point is 00:45:06 their life listening to ACDC in the gym. I'm kind of that way. ACDC is kind of that way for me. And when I say kind of that way, I mean, they basically are that way for me. And Metallica is pretty much right there too, because not that I don't like them.
Starting point is 00:45:21 They're just on every single gym playlist of all time. Since I was a sixth grader in school. It was the only CD anyone ever had, and it was always on repeat. And actually the only other one that was available besides Metallica was ACDC. Did I ever tell you? I don't think we've talked about this on the podcast, but there was a Jocko Willink on his podcast that talked about how when he was training with the Navy SEALs, they had the old six-disc changer.
Starting point is 00:45:48 And at the time, there was exactly six Metallica albums that had been released. So what they did is that changer sat on the steel shelf. So someone went in and put all six Metallica albums in, and they put a steel rod right in front of where the disc ejector would come out and welded it right there. So he said for 10 years they listened to, on shuffle, those six Metallica albums while they lived. Which is fucking crazy.
Starting point is 00:46:15 I'll go much further with Metallica than I will ACDC. I can enjoy Metallica more than ACDC. And Metallica as a band has a little more uh range than acdc does too yes acdc has actually basically have one song i mean i'll give them three they have three songs i'll allow highway to hell without but there is 300 versions of three songs. Yeah. And I know this is not going to make me popular, but I'm okay with it. It's a stance I believe in. You're not, I mean, you're not. I was brought up to stand up for what I do, and I just think that it's time we move on.
Starting point is 00:46:57 I can listen to just about anything that's loud enough. Yeah. And I need it to be loud and like not too melancholy. Yeah. That's all I really, that's kind of my requirement yeah my biggest thing is just the monotony after something gets in my ears so long it kind of loses the effect of yeah this is fun it's kind of like oh this again and my favorite is the live acdc because every single song while most of them do sound the same, they all actually start the same.
Starting point is 00:47:27 Just chanting Angus. And I was like, oh, what song is this? It's this one that sounds just like this one. We don't even have just the at the gym, we don't have just the popular ACDC songs. No, you have like the deep cuts. I've got to listen to Who Made Who live.
Starting point is 00:47:53 Like there's nothing that gets you pumped up about it. The one you said one day really made me laugh and I can't remember. It wasn't Who Made Who, but it was maybe Mistress for Christmas. There's like a live Mistress for Christmas. There's a live Mistress for Christmas. We got it. And it's on one of the iPods that has 20 moves on it. We have three iPods in the gym that are just permanent gym iPods. And I think one only has ACDC music on it.
Starting point is 00:48:17 I think one only has Metallica on it. And then one has a little bit of ACDC, a little bit of Metallica. And some Disturbed. And some Disturbed and Limp Bizkit. And they're just the three most random iPods. Now, funny story. I actually brought in my old, old iPod that happens to be, and I've left it there because I find when I want to take fucking videos of myself doing lifting.
Starting point is 00:48:39 Yeah, you don't got music to listen to. I don't even know how to run an iPod like that one. I really don't. I never had one like that. Really? I don't understand how to listen to i don't even know how to run an ipod like that one god damn it i really don't like i've i never had one like that when i really don't understand how the wheel yeah yeah but so now this now i have this ipod for a reason or had it for a reason like this ipod has like the 160 gig hard drive which like i don't think this computer that we use has a hard drive that big and so what i did was i had i used to pirate music allegedly like i would't think this computer that we use has a hard drive that big and so what i did was i had i used to pirate music allegedly like i would so i'd be like oh this band well i should download everything they've ever done that's what i did is i would get every album they made which is
Starting point is 00:49:16 actually now in hindsight really muddy to search through because most albums half the songs maybe are good yeah um but so right now i think there's like upwards of like 20 000 songs on this fucking ipod and um so it's basically just the entire all my music all my wife's music put on there because in my old old car from like 2007 2008 it had the like the little flip up touch screen but you could play the music from your iPod, but only the iPod, but you could use the touchscreen. So I would plug it in,
Starting point is 00:49:50 and you could dump it behind the dash. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. And you stored it in the dash, and then you just had all your music there. And then you felt really cool, too, because you could use the touchscreen. Boop, boop, boop, boop. And the touchscreen folded back up,
Starting point is 00:50:03 and you looked really cool in your Malibu. I was just saying, it was probably a really nice car,, boop, boop, boop. And then a touchscreen folded back up, and he looked really cool in Malibu. I was just saying it was probably a really nice car, too. Nope. It wasn't. But so this thing was the shit, except so the other day, Ross was like, I didn't realize iPods could ever have that much music. Yeah. He was like, trying to have Adam just play something.
Starting point is 00:50:23 He was like, there's way too much for me. Yeah, way too many choices. And he was like, well have adam just play something yeah there's way too much yeah way too many choices and he was like well just pick this band he's like they have 11 albums yeah he's like i don't know what to do yeah and that's what i get to it's like paralysis by fucking too many options yeah yeah but uh so i have that down there and big shane has a an ipod shuffle he does have the shuffle have you guys, everyone knows what a shuffle is or not? A shuffle is about the size of a human thumbnail. Well, they've had a few shuffles over the years, though. There's been a few versions.
Starting point is 00:50:51 This is probably like the first. No, I think the first one is actually more like a stick of gum. Okay. If I remember correctly, it was like a white stick of gum, and it had those buttons, I think, like on one end of it. And then I think Shane has the new and improved one, which was like the size of a post-it stamp. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:07 And it has no screen. Just so people know it's just either order. So you don't get to pick the order for your songs. Just randomly. Randomly, right? Yeah. Well, I think you can tell it to shuffle or not shuffle. And if it's on not shuffle, it's going alphabetical.
Starting point is 00:51:21 Alphabetical by song title? I don't know what it is, but I think I heard Shane say one day he knows the order of some of the songs because there's 12 of them i was gonna say it also that list probably hasn't changed since the day he got it and put songs on it like it has i think that's probably very similar to if we would have combined the other three ipods together that's what's on shane's shovel yeah definitely yeah there's no doubt about that the greatest hits from the other just just the hits yeah but yeah that's uh anyway so that's that's my uh confession though what's been happening on the macedonics two bucks tyler decided he's over my over acdc and uh i don't think it's an unpopular opinion i don't know
Starting point is 00:52:03 either i don't know. I don't know. I'd say it depends. There's a lot of people, even at our gym, that would much rather listen to that than anything. Yeah, for sure. There's a lot of people that don't want to hear anything like... Or like no rap music. Yeah, yeah, yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 00:52:17 So it just depends. And I'm like the other way. You are right. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Because Tommy and I would say... It just depends on... Because I'm lucky that I fall into where I literally don't care. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:29 So when I say that, I literally just want it to be loud enough and upbeat enough that I – To feel like you're in a gym. Yes, yes. Not in a waiting room. What I had a problem with when I went to prior gyms, and it's like Miley Cyrus or I don't know just like you haven't been to my CrossFit gym well or like uh I don't even know you know just like the just the most vanilla stuff on the radio or it'd be like literally Christmas music and I'm like oh fuck that you know like I can't I need uh something squatting pounds. You just need something with a little attitude to it.
Starting point is 00:53:05 No, I go pretty dirty gangster rap or really, really, really aggressive metal, and neither of which works with an audience of maybe more than one or two. Because at some point it's like, all right, half these people are pissed about this. Yeah. And so it's like, all right, I guess we'll put on Metallica. But my CrossFit gym, man, a fucking gym playlist. We've got like five or six T-Swift songs. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:37 You've got to get. You've got to please the people. Have you ever tried fucking bench pressing to Taylor Swift? No. You should. I mean, yeah, when I used to go to the Y did, did everything to that stuff. But yeah,
Starting point is 00:53:50 I don't know if the, I don't know. Maybe it's different when you're breathing hard. That's not what I do when I train anymore. At this point, I've actually gotten to where now I think after this, I maybe regret saying this out loud, but after this strongman competition
Starting point is 00:54:05 i'm going to try and spend a couple of months to like try to get in some sort of cardiovascular condition because jesus christ you mean like try and qualify for the games obviously this is your this is that coming out this is your year oh no i will not be doing the open what when is that i think in like like next month like in febru Yeah, not a fucking chance. I have actual training I'd like to accomplish and not just doing what some asshole on TV tells me to do once a week and then fucking up the rest of my week over it. Some of that shit is so fucking stupid. That's what you're saying now, Tyler.
Starting point is 00:54:36 I know there's going to be a week you're going to try the workout three or four times. Yeah, I got to really see if I can arbitrarily move from 78,000th place to 76. But, and so I am fucking terrified. So I did this the other day. I was just like doing some accessory work. So it was like some neutral grip, multi-position bench, transition right into like some tricep stuff, some curls. And I just decided I was going to like set my rest times pretty tight. So I was like
Starting point is 00:55:05 we're just gonna do like 45 seconds between just boom boom boom nothing was heavy i'm like two sets in and i was like uh i want to put it in my longer trouble problem into like just like eight or ten minutes of this thing i was like fuck all right this is getting out of control so that'll be a little bit of an interesting because i haven't done shit for conditioning to the point now where if i'm doing like some higher numbers of sets when i squat i'm like you can tell that's my limiting factor i don't know if you guys ever noticed that where you're just like oh yeah i don't want to do it anymore yeah just because i'm out of shape yeah so i'm gonna take a couple months to try to cover some ground on that and then obviously stop again for a really long time and then do something to completely reverse that process yeah yeah but you know just check in every once in a
Starting point is 00:56:00 while on the old heart see what it's made of but i can't remember the last time i purposefully did something that was like conditioning intense or otherwise do you it's it's been a while for me that's after this um let's see we have the meet i'll be doing a meet end of march after that i make an intentional effort to run a marathon. To never lift again. No, I'm going to make an intentional effort to see if I can just kind of get in decent shape. Because it's been a long time since I was like...
Starting point is 00:56:35 It's easier to do the types of conditioning we would do when the weather's nice. Yes, yes. And that is the thing. It is tough. It's hard in the winter around here like that's something i've been trying to do too is like getting in more of like these like because now that i'm working from home i if i wanted to my only steps of the day could be going to the bathroom like i could be so sedentary if i wanted to so i've been trying to like go for like
Starting point is 00:57:00 a 10 minute walk after lunch maybe even more towards the end of the day but it's really hard to go for a 10 minute walk when you could die if you slip on that like it's just it's tough like if you lock your keys in your house you will be dead the only thing i do is use the rower a little bit but i never i'm not like kill it you know i'm not like going to a point where it's really even that hard just to get some motion yeah yeah i just and then i just feel better about like i'm like yeah i did something you know that's i can hang my hat on that yeah yeah i've what i'm going to do is i'm going to try and just drop into one of my gyms crossfit classes like twice a week and at the very least maybe only when they're squatting
Starting point is 00:57:46 or benching so i can at least do awesome before i do really bad i'm gonna cherry pick the shit out of some stuff is the lifting always before the yeah yeah because i well yes because i try to get people to put their most effort towards the lifting and then the conditioning will just be with what you have left. If you're doing your conditioning and your legs are just tired, well, it's probably all the better for your conditioning. Whereas if you do the conditioning before and then you squat, your squat session is going to suck, so you wasted the most important thing. When you guys played sports in high school,
Starting point is 00:58:19 you didn't intentionally take it easy during practice, so you could be really good at conditioning at the end. For the wind sprints. But what tends to happen a lot in a crossfit gym is people will be like oh we're gonna squat today but you know there's this fucking rowing and burpee and pull-up thing coming up so i better really sandbag my strength work so i have a bunch of extra left in the tank and i was like but you're not gonna get awesome doing burpees and shit like that's just what that is like i don't know that's my frustration i was like just
Starting point is 00:58:50 get stronger and the rest will come yeah that obviously makes a lot of sense to me yeah yeah and it's not like i'm telling you to not do the condition right right do it at a bit of a disadvantage yeah but people either get it or they don't some just don't because but it's that's really easy for me because i'm like well yeah you want the strong like you want to be yeah because that's where the actual work is and then if your conditioning is worse like are you you know you don't perform as well in your conditioning like who cares yeah but it's like that's just a bonus conditioning so like you're probably gonna get tired yeah better for it was harder, it's better for you. Yeah, right. You know what I mean? So if you did it after your legs are just fucking fucked from squatting. And then you still get through the conditioning.
Starting point is 00:59:30 And then you still get through it. Even if you didn't finish as fast as you would have if you were fresh. It's just better than if you went into it fresh. You're doing more work, at least more purposeful work. Yeah. Sometimes there's like a punish yourself with intensity thing like intensity thing that some crossfit people do it's just like i don't know we were we i tried pretty hard to get that out of our program because i was like let's just do work you know don't be weird you know what i mean just don't be weird
Starting point is 00:59:57 don't be like a super fucking thing just just just do work go home yeah it doesn't have to be the only thing you do but right sometimes people get weird with it and fucking you know start podcasts about it websites things wouldn't recommend it i wouldn't recommend it don't do it but um i think that's got us about wrapped up for today. Anything else we got to cover? I think we did it all. Yeah, we pretty much, 94, we did it. This was episode 94. Did we get any feedback on what we need to do for our 100 and 104? No, we didn't.
Starting point is 01:00:34 We should hustle that again. I finally got a review that I could pop up here. I'm going to pull that up. I already remember who it's from because i spotted the name right away but we'll get it was it jack mehoff zing that reminds me of uh do you did you guys ever watch simpsons or i i never really watched simpsons like it's popular to rag on this. Anything that's around for a long time, it starts to become popular to dog on it.
Starting point is 01:01:13 To be too cool for it. Yeah, yeah. Kind of like ACDC. But The Simpsons has definitely fallen into that category probably 10 years ago by now because they've had 28 seasons. But they did it first they did everything and i like the simpsons and there's a lot of episodes that are still really funny and like oh i don't doubt that it's funny at all i just yeah i've like never watched the simpsons i've just never have seen the show but i have like 30 years yeah 28 i think yeah yeah see when i was a kid, it was like South Park. Like, that was the thing.
Starting point is 01:01:45 Yeah. By the way, your fiance has never watched an episode of South Park. I've made her watch a couple episodes. Because here's the thing. She loves Family Guy. So it's like, okay, so you're okay with stupid cartoons. Like, there's a lot of people that just won't even, first of all, won't even go into the cartoon realm.
Starting point is 01:02:00 And then, like, if they watch Family Guy, it's like, yep, this is the dumbest thing ever. Not do it. So I made her watch a few episodes of South Park. And she was very skeptical. And she's like, okay. I see how people like this. So she came around.
Starting point is 01:02:13 And there was actually some times where she was laughing out loud at it. But then it's like two weeks go by. It's like, hey, let's watch South Park. I don't really like it. It's like, we've been through this. You do like South Park. So it's an uphill battle. I told you.
Starting point is 01:02:26 You like South Park now. You know, Cartman pooped all over. You really like that part. The old South Parks, like the old, you know, 1999. They don't seem to hold up anymore. They're so much different. Like the show literally, you know. Probably like five, six years ago, they went to being very like up to the minute.
Starting point is 01:02:44 Which means an episode from three years ago is went to being very up to the minute which means an episode from three years ago is tougher to watch now. You almost have to stay current. But if you watch an episode from 1999 it's literally just like ah, screw you guys! It's kind of slow paced and it's just like yelling.
Starting point is 01:03:00 It was funny because the only thing that was funny was that it was kids swearing. Cartoon kids. And luckily for us, that got them by long enough to like could get to like do what they're doing. But it was from Les Keys, and he used Les and then the key symbol for his name. I like it. From Alabama, CrossFit Irondale, Diamond K Powerlifting is where they lift out of. And he is a trainer and works at Diamond K Powerlifting.
Starting point is 01:03:35 But he said, huge fan of the podcast and what these guys stand for. Absolutely masstastic. Five out of five stars. Thanks for the review, Les. Thanks, Les. I now have what I think might be one of the funniest reviews just from our episode 93 from our Facebook. I also have to say, did you make the cover image of Tom Brady doing that? I really like that cover image.
Starting point is 01:03:56 My favorite thing about it is how small he looks. It's like with the little resistance band. Here's the fucking body of a champion. He does look really thin. So during our wonderful, totally objective, fact-based review of the TB12 method, Megan Moore Benner commented on that post on our Facebook and said, I don't take advice from a man with smaller biceps than me. And I said, that might be the most sensible philosophy I've ever heard.
Starting point is 01:04:28 Just in general life. I said, if somebody's talking to you and telling you about something that you should do and their arms are smaller than yours, tune them out. Always. And Anthony Fox has raised the barbell. He's one of our listeners from Ireland. He is our one Ireland listener, if I may go far to say. Well, we can see on the metrics he is actually the only one.
Starting point is 01:04:54 It's funny. He makes a lot of comments. Let me get to what he actually said about this first, and then I just remembered something else he said that is pretty funny. But commented about that episode, and obviously he's not an american football fan i would guess he doesn't doesn't give a crap about the nfl so he goes in america so i don't know why yeah he goes that's what he looks like he's too small for a lot of soccer teams so it's funny because you know he listened to the episode and then he like saw this he's like i gotta see who this guy is uh he
Starting point is 01:05:24 anthony is the one that asked if ed Cohn was a tractor, what tractor would he be? And he had gotten back to me way back. That was maybe 20 episodes ago. And he was like, wow, that was really a good answer. That's not what I was expecting, but I really understand what you were saying. And then he goes, I was curious why you knew that. And then I looked up Aberdeen, South Dakota on Google Earth. And he's like, now I understand why you knew that.
Starting point is 01:05:50 He's like, there was nothing there. There's nothing. For miles. For so long. And that's what he said. There's like nothing. I couldn't find anything else for miles. One of the things we had.
Starting point is 01:06:01 Actually, so I'm going to back up just to that deal with that small town thing that was in town. Our mayor hopped up and was giving this pitch to these people on why this town would be such a great candidate. And it's because, basically, we have to be so good at the things we do to be self-sufficient. Because we're like the only town of less than 30,000 people or something like that in which you have to drive three hours, like, or more than 200 miles before you get to a town that's bigger than us, which is just fucking sad.
Starting point is 01:06:36 Yeah. Isolation. Yes. Like, Oh, you better have a fucking movie theater. You guys are all going to put a gun in your mouth. Like I do have have uh one other thing
Starting point is 01:06:48 i've got i've got to find a comment from our youtube while tanner finds us i would like you guys all to look up aberdeen south dakota on google or geography lesson just the actual topography of the land just get you get a feel for the lay of the land. Just get an idea for where we're at and how far we are from things. And that's fucking far. I actually like, I think Northern, so there's a D2 college in town. And I think one of their selling points,
Starting point is 01:07:18 I've seen it on a piece of like a print brochure that they had, was like not far from anywhere. And it was like only five hours from minneapolis and i wanted to just think like how many other cities are there in america where five hours can take you to like anywhere you know like here we're like five hours gets you to the next closest one yeah like you're like most places if you're in a place even like minneapolis you're a five-hour flight from anywhere yeah yeah. And that's not an option.
Starting point is 01:07:48 Maybe we could go through our rundown quick, and I want to read this, and then us not say anything else after. No comments from you guys on air for this comment, and we'll leave, we'll part our guests with this i like it i like it i will before we get into that i'll just give them a heads up it's a comment on our arnold video uh your interview with bill casmeyer at the arnold last year oh you really set the stage now that was the comment from bill no okay i wish it was okay but so let's give you the rundown here. Thanks for listening this week.
Starting point is 01:08:25 Make sure you go to Go to the store while you're there. We've got all the hats, the shirts, the Massonomics Flex Flasks. We have three styles in two different colors. So buy all six while you're there. We also have a few of the sweaters left available. We have literally, I think, four. If you're a large, an XL, or a 2XL, you could still get one.
Starting point is 01:08:47 Literally one. Now, basically, if it will let you put it in your cart, you can order it. Do it now because we probably aren't going to make any more of these anytime soon. It's an extreme limited release. I've got mine. They're fucking dope. I like them a lot. Does yours fit you all right?
Starting point is 01:09:01 Yeah. They run a little big. But they're awesome. I say do all that while you're there. Buy all right? Yeah. They run a little big. Yeah. But they're awesome. I say do all that while you're there. Buy all sorts of things. We also got the Lyft banner. Kind of a lot of new shit. Sticker packs in there too.
Starting point is 01:09:15 Then make sure you go to forward slash massonomics. Make sure you subscribe to our YouTube channel. What else we got? Facebook. Like us on Facebook. There we kind of keep people in the loop. Also, when we release articles, that's where we're going to push everything out to first, as well as on Instagram. I need you to, if you have any business stuff, please email us at That's where you can talk sponsorship, send us money, and also you can send us money. So that, I think, has us all wrapped up.
Starting point is 01:09:50 I'm Tyler. You can find me at Tyler F. and Stone on Instagram. That's Tyler EFFINstone and Tommy. You can find me at Tomahawk underscore D. And Tanner? At the official Masanomics account at Masanomics. All right, let's take us home here. If Bill had post- post late 90s chemistry
Starting point is 01:10:05 on his side he could easily be 400 pounds his records would be out of the space the raw bench would be easily over 700 raw the silver dollar deadlift would be 1150 instead of 1050 easily below the knee i think he didn't practice these lifts he was just good at them guys today do exclusively strongman training with yokes at their gyms and Atlas stones and all that shit. Bill didn't even have that shit. First time he hit the log overhead, what was it, 365? Doesn't matter. It was easy.
Starting point is 01:10:33 Would I say he takes over his Adrenis record of over 500? Nope. But his Curl World record has yet to be touched, but he could have done 500 or more. That's the one strength record I've never seen anyone get even close to. Lack of interest possibly, but also because people are no good at it. 440 officially certified. The 555 pound Atlas stone, I don't think he would have gotten that either, but a 700 raw bench and a grand squat and a grand deadlift, a raw 2700 total was in the cards. He wasn't too far off of doing that squat anyway. On those Smiths machines and the world's strongest man, he hit 950 or so.
Starting point is 01:11:10 Not a normal bar, but the weight's on his back nonetheless. His truck pull, who knows? His throws for height, he'd still have that today. When I say post-late 90s, I'm talking about real GH, not the recess and cadaver shit of the 1980s i'm also talking about what gets most guys to 300 is what would get him to 400 that's insulin being a strong man probably lantis but isn't eddie the same height give or take an inch than bill but he is actually 400 well that gives us an idea statistically he's untouched cardio wise besides a truck pull
Starting point is 01:11:45 he's dead last it was a reverse 1990 situation in the 2017 world's strongest man where od wins and john loses on and thor being on cardio and od and eddie being the actually stronger guys bill wouldn't be able to deadlift more than eddie but he'd be up there and everything else the bench and the overhead and even the squat. Well guys, we'll see you next week. Thanks for listening and stay strong. You just heard the Masanomics podcast with your ears.
Starting point is 01:12:19 You're welcome. Check us out on Facebook. Find us on Instagram at Masanamics and make sure you visit and buy some of that sweet Masanamics gear from your friends at Masanamics Studio home of the world's strongest podcast
Starting point is 01:12:35 stay strong Outro Music

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