Massenomics Podcast - Ep.106: Europe's Strongest Man

Episode Date: April 16, 2018

     This week, the guys run down all the drama and smack talk behind 2018's Europe's Strongest Man. Find out who backed up all their trash talk and hear about what you can expect as things start t...o gear up towards World's.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 M-M-M-M-M-M-M-Massanomics Welcome to Massanomics, the world's strongest podcast. Find us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter at Massanomics. Make sure you go visit There you'll find the rest of our powerful content. While you're there, check out our store and buy yourself some of that sweet Massanomics gear. Alright, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to this week's episode of the Massanomics Podcast. I'm Tyler. Next to me is Tommy.
Starting point is 00:00:31 What's up? And way over there is Tanner. What's up, everybody? Over here on the dark side of the moon. Not anymore. Oh, there is no dark side anymore to this. Guys, we have seriously upgraded the lighting in here. Right before we move the studio a big announcement we're moving the studio into a very official space it's going to be a whole new building in a mall or something are you having to double check to make sure we're
Starting point is 00:01:02 recording oh you're gonna show light so if you're watching this on YouTube, you can see really how official our whole setup is. We've got lights on chairs, lights on stands, stands on stands. Lights in the ceiling. Yeah, it's pretty serious. But we're going to be moving up in the next couple weeks to a new studio space. It's going to be super fly. So we are testing out the new lights today just to see how they work we may need more it's like a corner office in the sky isn't it basically yeah yeah it's got its own
Starting point is 00:01:31 bathroom it's pretty much the best are you even going to make it in the shot now tanner so we uh anyway well you know what though i heard something what's that i heard a little birdie talking about bench prs this week jesus yeah and big bench prs i i don't know if someone i also heard there might have been another one in there too yeah uh it was a it was a a big really important things happened to me this week. I hit a bench PR. And that was it. Completely it, right? That's all I can remember.
Starting point is 00:02:12 That's all that comes to mind. If you guys do remember last week's episode, Tanner got a phone call and left the pod. The only time he's ever gotten up and walked away. Which is like a cardinal sin of the podcast. I was worried you guys weren't going to allow me back. We were talking about it. I was like, he better head to shit.
Starting point is 00:02:28 That's all I got to say. Totally forgetting that they were on full-on baby being born watch, in which case the baby was born live on the podcast last week. I delivered it on this table. But I did literally go from here, recording the podcast, to the hospital. Yeah, that's... So...
Starting point is 00:02:50 That's... Well, that was good timing, though, that it wasn't any sooner. Right, right. My wife did get to the hospital before me, but it worked out okay that I wasn't, like, overly late, where it's like,
Starting point is 00:03:01 were you podcasting instead of... Everyone has to wonder why the single mother's in the hospital yeah they were all looking at me and judging me uh but so we did go to the hospital and i we had a baby so exciting that and the bench pr made for a pretty big week in all honesty the baby is much more important, but I'm making that joke. Let's be real. The bench PR was a lot longer coming.
Starting point is 00:03:29 That's true. Nine months is pretty short in comparison to like 30 years. Especially your bench. Well, that's because I hit a bench PR today, which is touch and go, but more than I've ever done before. And what was that? 4.75. You just could not let Ross.
Starting point is 00:03:49 That's what I said. Because Tanner picked me up. Because also, we are entering our ninth month of winter here, and the snow is nonstop. So I had Tanner pick me up on the way over here, and I'm like, oh, I saw Ross's bench has been blowing up. Because what did he hit, 465? 465.
Starting point is 00:04:08 Which I was like, damn. Like, I didn't know Ross was just – it just seems like every week he's been – He's been piling it up. Yeah, yeah. So things are going really good for him. His bench looks really – Oh, yeah. It's dialed in.
Starting point is 00:04:21 There's not much he could change there. There's a lot of people that would like to bench like that if they could do it. From a technical standpoint, you have Ross's bench, which is near the top. Then you have my bench, which is different every rep. You're like, well, it keeps moving. I mean, how do you find out what you're good at if you're not trying something different every time? Yeah, that's true. But, yeah, I ask Tanner.
Starting point is 00:04:42 I go, yeah, so Ross's bench is pretty good. He's like, yeah. Not anymore. Well, yeah, I ask Tanner. I go, yeah, so Ross's bench is pretty good. He's like, yeah. Not anymore. Well, he told me about it. And then he's like, yeah, also, I had a pretty good bench, too. I'm like, oh, what's that? He said, $475. I'm like, you just couldn't let Ross have it, could you?
Starting point is 00:04:53 No, I actually, so I finished, I wasn't bench pressing at all for, you know. Years. Years. Basically for a year not bench pressing at all. Since the early 2000s, I think. Yeah, I haven't benched since 99 since before bitcoin was cool still not cool guys so then i finished uh like i was doing an i just said screw it i can't bench it's not working it's hurting so bad i literally couldn't so i just switched to training my overhead press which went really good i did
Starting point is 00:05:24 two eight week cycles of and your reasoning for that was your overhead press didn't hurt exactly that's what so that's so I did you know basically the jackals eight weeks program I did it two times in succession 16 weeks and it was I could just feel getting better and better better all the time the like 17th week I um 18th week I took basically a week off of it in the 18th week i i did singles to see what i could do and it ended up over the course of it going up probably you know 50 pounds i would say yeah and uh then when i got done with that i started tinkering with bench again because it had been 18 weeks with not not laying on a bench and doing it at all and well and then all the months before that or almost a
Starting point is 00:06:05 year before that where you didn't really no yeah very often very rarely so I started going back to it really lightly and it was feeling good like not perfect it's not like I went back to it was like oh shoulder feels great like this is really fun now but I could tell it was make a lot of progress and I could start working it in so So then I did basically an, an, an eight week is little more than that because there's weeks in there where I, it just, it wasn't feeling well, it was feeling injured or like I was maybe going to make a regress with it instead of progress with recovering. So I was just really taking it a week by week. Every time I went in there, if it felt good, I would do my programmed work.
Starting point is 00:06:46 If it didn't felt good, I'd just scratch that week and put it to next week. So I'd work up to, say, by 225 or 275, I could tell if it was painful in a, I would say, overly negative way, I would just shut it down there and go overhead press lightly. Usually, in order to make sure i wasn't over pressing that heavy i do something with either i like to over press with the camber bar or um the earthquake bar with bams hanging i do one of those two for higher reps i get done with that my shoulder actually feels better like yeah just the overhead pressing yeah yeah and it just overhead pressing helps my shoulder feel better bench pressing makes it feel worse in a in a nutshell i don't and i don't know why exactly
Starting point is 00:07:31 that is but uh that's the case so anyways that's how i uh went about bench press and then i got to the end of that eight weeks on bench press which is actually longer than eight weeks i don't know how many weeks i took off in there but got to to the end of it. And then it was this week, Wednesday would be the normal day I left. I was like, oh, this would be kind of my testing week to, you know, I don't have anything programmed. I just want to see what I can do. I had a baby on Tuesday, stayed up for 40 hours straight or something like that. Didn't end up going in on Wednesday at all. some sleep Wednesday night went in Thursday and I worked up to 275 and I was like I am don't know if I could bench 315 today it felt so heavy to me and just achy and everything felt terrible and I was tired so I just did five sets of three at 275 I was was like, I'm going to give this a few days and come back
Starting point is 00:08:25 and see if I'm more rested and it feels better. So I went into a day, and it went really well. My plan wasn't to motherfuck Ross by just doing a little bit more than him. 465 is actually what I wanted to get to. And I did that, and I got done with it, and I was like, that felt really good, like where I could do another one and it not – it wasn't so – 465 wasn't so hard that if I did one more that I knew I was going to blow out a freaking gasket.
Starting point is 00:08:53 You know, I didn't want to – I don't like to – especially on bench, I don't want to do anything that I think I'm not going to get. So I was like, I knew if I go 4 to 75, I'm like, you never know for sure. I've never had that on the bar before, but I just was pretty confident that I would still go, and it moved pretty well. And it was a good choice in numbers because 480 might have been like that blowing my gasket and maybe getting it,
Starting point is 00:09:16 but then getting up from it and being like, well, now my shoulder is completely functional. We'll make another run at this in a year. Yeah, yeah, and I feel, you know, it's hard to tell right afterwards, but I feel pretty decent, so that was a good number, and coincidentally it did kind of motherfuck Ross then. Well, Ross and I were talking this week. But I do weigh like 25 more pounds than him, so it's not.
Starting point is 00:09:36 Ross and I were talking this week that we might probably within a couple, I mean, probably within a couple years that we probably have at least three of us over five on the bench as long as nobody gets hurt. Yeah, it's – Maybe four. It's – With big Jason. Not without – yeah, I mean, it's still even 25 pounds away.
Starting point is 00:09:53 It's still 25 pounds. Yeah. Like, that's what Tommy said. He's like, was one of the first things Tommy said. That's why we're not calling it in six months. We're thinking like a couple years. Yeah, like – Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:10:03 You're not me trying to add 25 like you're not me trying to like make a run at like 365 ish somewhere in there you know like it just took me three years to go from considering injuries and everything else but that's a very real part of considering adding 25 more parts i think one of the best things i ever heard with this yeah the best things i ever heard i think it was johnny candido had a post on instagram and he's like just wherever you think you want to be at and how long you think it's going to take, just double it, and then you might be close. And that's pretty accurate.
Starting point is 00:10:33 So it took me three years to add 20. And then if I go out three more years from now, well, then I'm 35, which still isn't an unreasonable, reasonable age to get stronger. But it's also not like when you're 25. Exactly. The older you get, the more likely you are and the stronger you get. And you're not trying to put on 40 pounds of body weight just to do it. No, and I'm actually trying not to put on.
Starting point is 00:10:58 I kind of don't want to put on any body weight is the thing. Here's the thing to think, though, Tanner. If you really think about this, the two things, and this is the only explanation I can come up with, is you had a baby, and the week you had a baby you had a bench PR, so I think you need to have more babies. Well, you're supposed to wait six weeks.
Starting point is 00:11:15 So I can't go packed on that. We're all assuming that they have the same mom. Mary didn't say that on mom. Now that you put it that way. See, you could have staggered the starts. Yeah. Maybe PR once a month.
Starting point is 00:11:30 Have one every couple of months. Yeah. Yeah, you'd be at 500 or 600 in no time. Yeah. I'll call you the white Larry Wheels. Because of the babies or the bench? Bench. Speaking of Larry Wheels, did you see Larry Wheels' deadlift?
Starting point is 00:11:44 870 oh man does you also notice that he doesn't take even a moment to set up with a bar that is no i think it's getting faster his uh like he stands there gets tight yeah i don't know if there's anyone else that does the the grip and rip at that weight like that yeah uh john hack kind of does it but i don't think he's as quick as as. It's also not that much weight. John Hack definitely lifts a crazy amount. He has a crazy deadlift. Pushing nine is a total difference.
Starting point is 00:12:12 875 is, yeah, you're in some pretty rare territory at that point. That one, he seems to be becoming more exaggerated with how quick it is because on that one in particular i was like whoa he just like yeah i don't even know how i don't know if i if you could even tell anyone like watch this guy and do what he does i think that'd be bad advice he's almost i think in almost everything he does that would be bad what's hard about taking steroids when you're 15 yeah exactly what what people say is on a squat, you can get some rebound. On a touch-and-go bench, you can get some rebound.
Starting point is 00:12:47 On a deadlift, you can never get some rebound. He's almost like figuring out a way. He's like, I'm going to dive. I just go down back. At the same time, it just seems like it'd be really hard to get a good grip doing it that quick, wouldn't it? You would have to be really confident in the way you could do that. I think he must be just really precise.
Starting point is 00:13:04 Because I couldn't get down there and not that's really i i go pretty quick from like when i bend over to where i'm start pulling but it's not like that have you ever like tried to put a shoe on while you're standing up just like one shoe at a time and even take your time and it takes three or four attempts like how the hell is this dude just, like, grab the barcode? Yeah. That is – and like you said, with borderline 900 pounds. Yeah. I mean, anyone could go – we could all do that with 300 pounds, and it wouldn't be that big of a deal, but – I'd get fucking hurt.
Starting point is 00:13:34 I think – Yeah. With any weight. If I go down, I come up that fast. Well, you might get hurt on the way down, Tyler. Probably. I may never come back up. But, yeah, this has got me really interested because I think he plans on doing the U.S. Open, doesn't he?
Starting point is 00:13:47 Yeah. I think so. This has got me, like, really interested in what numbers he's going to put up there. Because he is on – like, he could possibly do a 900-ish deadlift and an over 600-pound bench. And that's really – Yeah, which is almost 1,000 pounds total right there. Yeah, math checks out. Have you guys seen J.P. Price's benching at all?
Starting point is 00:14:08 J.P. Price, friend of the Massanomics podcast, we chatted with him at the Arnold this year. The last one he did was 600 for a pause double, and where it looks pretty good. And this is a guy that also squats over 1,000 pounds. Yeah. So he's one of, I think it's, I don't know how many guys. So he's like a 400-pound deadlift away from an easy 2,000.
Starting point is 00:14:31 Yeah, yeah, exactly. I can't remember the stat, but he's one of like three or four guys to ever squat over 1,000 and bench over 600 on the same day. Probably the most handsome of the bunch. He smells the best. He smells the best, for bunch. He smells the best. He smells the best for sure. He told us that. And Kevin Oak.
Starting point is 00:14:50 I did see that. Yeah, Kevin Oak. He broke a world record with squat. Yeah, 830 something. So is that in the 220 or 242? It was 242, I'm pretty sure. I thought he was a, I didn't even look at it. I think it was 242.
Starting point is 00:15:02 What's unique about him is there's not a lot of guys that have that high bar technique that he does. And he buries it too. There is no question on depth when he hit that thing. And that was USPA. USPA, yeah. Yeah, USPA where they're – same federation that does the US Open where it's all walked out.
Starting point is 00:15:20 It's all the squat stands and judged consistently and fairly. So it's you know all the squat stands and and judged consistently and and fairly yep so it's it's nothing you know there's nothing you can't really knock right i don't know what his total was and everything but i assume it was a lot too yeah and then speaking of big deadlifts uh zahir also also made an appearance in the world so he competed this this weekend meat was that it was like it Ireland, right? Yeah, and he apparently again had trouble getting there. So I don't understand why
Starting point is 00:15:49 of all the meets that he's going to choose to go to, it's just one in Ireland. Just think, every meet that he does, he has to travel to another country. Yeah. I shouldn't say he has to,
Starting point is 00:16:00 but he does. And it's not like he's traveling to a different state. Flying out of azerbaijan and that's what ended up keeping him out of big dogs this year is what they said is that he couldn't uh he couldn't get to australia like was it like visa issues yeah plane no it was like visa issues yeah but he had plane issues this time so yeah he didn't show up until like the day of basically yeah yeah and anyways he totaled over 2300 i don't know what it was he deadlifted uh 390 kilos what's that uh like 860 or something like that yeah a really good deadlift and he got done and he gave uh you know he held it at the top for a little bit and he gave it like a slow nice like yeah i'm pretty good and then he
Starting point is 00:16:43 started to walk away and he turned back around and it's like he was like i need he's like i don't know if that was crazy enough so he came back and he's like double fist pump into just like shaking convulging looking around and then he stopped and the judge comes up to him after a record they have to check his equipment and he's like looks that looks like the judge is keeping him up. And then about fell off the platform on his way to the other judge. I don't know what he's on. He's on pure enthusiasm. High on life. He is insane.
Starting point is 00:17:20 So he DM'd us that video of him doing the deadlift. Like any great lifter does. I got to know what the Masanomics guys think of this. If you have any sweet angles of your lifts and you are on his level, top 10 all time. Shoot them our way. Just send them our way. We'll give you our opinion and technique. I think that's what he wanted back.
Starting point is 00:17:41 He was like, oh, it looks good. He was like, I was wondering what Tyler and his fucking 500 pounds spot. Do you think my lower back rounds too much in this deadlift? I think that's what he's back. He was like, oh, it looks good. He was like, I was wondering what Tyler and his fucking 500-pound spot. Do you think my lower background was too much in this deadlift? I think that's what he's trying to get at. This is what he wanted to know for us. Do you think my knees were soft at the top, or were they all right? And I'm like, listen, Z-Man, I'm going to shoot it to you straight here. With our help, you could be the best.
Starting point is 00:18:04 Yeah. He does have the best Wilks of all time, I think. I think it is. Yeah. So he could be the best yeah he does have the best wilkes of all time i think for i think it is yeah so he's already the best i don't know if he needs our help everyone needs my help so uh also as far as uh european lifting we had the was it europe's strongest man europe's giants live europe's strongest man this weekend and there's an interesting take on that too i had um i noticed was it on starting strongman or was it kale beck's instagram feed but there was there was a lot of going on about the uh they had set the that this was where they're going to attempt the log lift world record yeah so that was an event of the competition so the event was just the log right, right? Yeah, that was the first event of Europe's Strongest Man.
Starting point is 00:18:48 So there was three or four guys competing in the log lift that weren't competing in World's Strongest Man. So they let people in on the... Just the log. You could be a log-only competitor, or you could also be a full Europe's Strongest Man. And some of the guys they let in were non-Europeans. Yeah, so there was Robert Oberst was there. Oh, oh shit i don't remember who iron bibby yep yep and there's someone else too well eddie hall was only because eddie hall hurt his foot or something yeah his ankle so he wasn't doing the full uh he backed out of the full competition and was just doing
Starting point is 00:19:21 the log lift but it was kind of interesting because there was a you know there's that was all the talk nobody was even talking about who's going to win everyone was talking before there's all this lead up and trash talk about how so-and-so is going to take z's record and this and that and and that's all it was yeah leading up to it z's record log lift biggest ever 228 kilograms 502 pounds whatever that comes out to it is worth noting it was done on a steel log a lot of people say a steel log is easier than a wood log they're using a wood log at europe's strongest man what's the reasoning there is that i don't know i don't know and what kale be Beck has said before is that he thinks much like the Rogue Elephant Deadlift bar is a separate record than a regular deadlift. He thinks steel log and wood log should be considered two separate records, really, because it's so different.
Starting point is 00:20:17 I don't know why. We get into wood logs, too, though, like how every log is going to be different. Yeah. like how every log is going to be different. Yeah. Well, and this was done on a long wooden log, which is what seems to be like the hardest kind of log there is, where Z set his 500-plus pound lift on a short steel log.
Starting point is 00:20:38 I don't know if it's a clean issue or what. I don't know. I wouldn't know. I have no idea. I haven't done enough different implements on the log for it to know. I wouldn't know. I have no idea. I haven't done enough different implements on the log for it to know. But Cale had posted on his Instagram about how Paul Mouser said that competitors and fans need to get back to worrying about how difficult an event was
Starting point is 00:20:54 and not necessarily just it being heavy. He said implements aren't standard, and there's hard and easy versions of all of them, but the current trend, everyone worries so much about records and how heavy the weight is and not about how difficult the tasks are and this is the point that i liked a lot here was that records should be tracked in strongman but they should happen because they need to they said right now the entire contests are getting overshadowed by the pursuit of a record and this is a point here that kind of makes sense because this happened to power lifting at first it was a benefit to the sport,
Starting point is 00:21:25 but over time, it devalued the head-to-head competition. And you see that a lot now where you'll see an entire meet and there is nothing, no mention of who won, who did this, who did that. You set a squat record, you set the squat record. Well, what if you finish fucking second in the total? Like what we talked about today about Paralympic beforehand. We don't know who won those competitions or anything. We just know if Kevin Oaks sent a world record.
Starting point is 00:21:51 Yeah, we are not innocent. I don't even know what he did for the next two lifts. Not a clue. Could have bombed out. That is really true. That is very true, I think. It's no different than he went out and hit 15 threes in the game. But did they win? Did they win? I don't even know. very true i think like it is no different that he went out and hit 15 threes in the game but only hit those threes because they were losing by 40 yeah so what what do you guys think like
Starting point is 00:22:13 what and in strength sports here's the deal like the sport is winning of the event right so that should be the thing the problem is strength sports are like 80 of the sport of strongman and power lifting when it comes to what you what you're going to see publicly is a dick measuring contest yeah yeah so it's my weight was heavier yeah i did this lift heavier the one lift is all that's going to make it on fucking instagram you know and so if you have a shitty deadlift and a shitty squat, but your bench is money, put the bench on there. Yeah, right. And that's the thing is they do work good for these clips on their own. But if you're talking about the sport of powerlifting, the sport of powerlifting is all three lifts.
Starting point is 00:22:58 Right. The total is the sport of powerlifting. It is not how much you can deadlift. It is your total in comparison to the other people's totals. What I worry about with Strongman moving to that is it does work good right now. There's a lot of guys at that level that they're pushing. So the deadlift and log are two really interesting events for that world record discussion because they're huge weights and
Starting point is 00:23:25 they're static cool to watch yeah but what so eddie hall has been pushing those both of course you know z's there on on the the log and now thor's been pushing those records in the deadlift and brian's there too and stuff but what if we get like you know these guys thor finishes his career in you know five to ten more years and brian's done and eddie's out of it and everything and like what if they get these move these records up a couple more times and it gets to the point there there just really isn't anyone like that's breaking that for 20 years or something then what do you watch like well i went to the like we went to the arnold this year we watched the the deadlift event was freaking awesome and
Starting point is 00:24:05 Thor broke the record and it made it so cool and what if we go in three years and they're still doing it it is going to be a minor letdown like because if it it could realistically be for the next five years we either don't see anyone break it or they break it by just a couple pounds right and like yeah that would make total sense if that's the case but it's also like really anticlimactic because now I expect that thing to be broken every year exactly and that's what i worry about for someone like eddie hall how does he even get why does he even want to go compete in a max deadlift event ever again unless he thinks that he can deadlift over 500 kilograms then people are just going to be like oh look at him he's washed up you know he just yeah he just deadlifted a thousand seventy pounds like he must
Starting point is 00:24:46 he must not have it anymore you know and that's the thing like if like if he's never and that's the thing so he gets to a deadlift event even even in a competition and he only needs to pull 490 and does does anyone give a shit then yeah you know and that becomes a bit of a problem but no it doesn't translate to any other sport like Nobody's like, well, you know, Tom Brady passed for 480 points. Because it's about winning the Super Bowl. 480 yards and three touchdowns. But, I mean, the world record is 550 and five touchdowns. Right.
Starting point is 00:25:14 So who gives a shit? Because in those sports, it really more is about winning, though. It is like if you're the quarterback that wins the Super Bowl. Yeah. You won. Yeah. The contract year. Nothing else matters. yeah the contract here so who was nothing else matters so the super bowl this year was the patriots and uh the eagles the eagles and the
Starting point is 00:25:30 eagles won so that's a tough comparison because it's you know whatever nick foals versus yeah tom brady but at the end of the day nick foals won the super bowl so that's all like that's really the yeah what people would be and tom brady was a loser on the end of the day even though i mean even though he probably had a really good he did break there you go he broke records passing records in that game right like the the most in super bowl history or something like that and i don't even know i don't know yeah yeah i blacked out but just goes again to show like yeah the records don't matter as much there right but we remember that the eagles won the super bowl yeah But Strongman really is turning away from that, where I think you more so remember that Eddie Hall broke the deadlift record,
Starting point is 00:26:10 not who won Europe's Strongest Man that year. It's so strange for an individual sport, though, to all of a sudden become less concerned about that individual winning, and it just gets boiled down, concentrated down, to an individual in an individual event yes within the you know within the parameters of this competition right so it'd be nice to see it become more about who wins you know but then again if you're not the guy that wins i'm gonna if i if i get second i'm gonna make the whole thing about the lifts that i won you know that's the truth right yeah it's it still seems like to me
Starting point is 00:26:44 though world's strongest man even though, World's Strongest Man, even though World's Strongest Man specifically, it is about winning that competition. It is about saying at the end of the day, if you're one of these top guys, how many times you won World's Strongest Man. Not Europe's Strongest Man and not the Arnold, but that's how people get compared. You know, Brian has four World's Strongest Man.
Starting point is 00:27:05 Z has four World's Strongest Man. Marius had five. Like, that's how people get compared. You know, Brian has four World's Strongest Man. Z has four World's Strongest Man. Marius had five. Like, that's how you look at that. So just that competition specifically is kind of still like the Super Bowl, I think. Yeah. I also think there's, you know, with there being a – I think these secondary competitions are good for the sport. But I do think also that these guys aren't approaching it
Starting point is 00:27:21 with the need to win that competition being that high on their list. Well, just look at the crowd. Like, this Gi this giants live that looks like a sweet event to go to one day right yeah one day i don't even know how long it is stands go well i don't still don't know where it's at but how that how they have not tried to replicate that in the states i don't even get because fucking monster truck shows are the shit here like americans love that shit yeah like yeah what the fuck that's true like you've got people lining up in thousands of people to watch people fucking golf this weekend yeah you can't you can't get five thousand like somebody needs to just like all right we're gonna do America's Strongest Man, don't they? They did. Jerry Pritchett, I believe,
Starting point is 00:28:08 won it this year. Where did they even have it at? I feel like the European one gets hyped up a decent amount. A lot of people say it's the third biggest strongman competition. Outside of Arnold and World's Strongest Man. Yeah. America just is totally... First we bail them out of
Starting point is 00:28:24 fucking old ww2 and this is how they repay us so they repay us but with the log lift going into it they were really hyping that because it was the world record log lift challenge end of the day nobody broke the world record nobody got within 30 pounds i shouldn't say that there's people that attempted the world record but no one completed a lift within 30 pounds i shouldn't say that there's people that attempted the world record but no one completed a lift within 30 pounds so so thor won that event and i would say he was not he is a favorite to win europe's strongest man but not a favorite to win that event at all because there been so much posting uh by eddie hall especially who made several comments saying that he was was going to
Starting point is 00:29:07 break the world record log and win this competition and he said several times i saw he said when i say i'm going to do something i do it and he's like when i said i was going to win uh world's strongest man people doubted me i did it when i said i was going to deadlift 500 kilograms everyone doubted me i did it and like i feel like he makes such a point to that stuff like that that i wonder what he feels like today after you're so i also wonder though if he's just like i'm about to get paid and that that's i think that's what i think it is about for him at the end of the day my thing is if this log that's we go back to this becoming about the one lift but if this log lift world record does not get pushed as the thing that's happening here, then people don't care.
Starting point is 00:29:50 What did you hear about it? Nobody was talking shit about Thor 1, I guess. Because we also knew Eddie wasn't competing in the whole deal. Yep. And so what was it going to come down to? Thor versus Z and a bunch of people that kind of, I mean, they're all strong as fuck, but are kind of middle finishers at will.
Starting point is 00:30:07 The point you make is what I believe is the case. Eddie is literally just trying all that stuff he's saying. I don't know that he believes it or not. I think maybe not even. He doesn't care. It is just about he's just being a businessman of trying to... Can we find a way
Starting point is 00:30:24 to do this? I want to do this i want to i want to like i want a mcgregor mayweather my way into some sort of like can i just start calling him out yeah and then i'll go and just get trounced yeah but get paid be like well i'd do it for 40 million dollars eddie let's do this yeah uh but eddie was one that was saying he's gonna beat beat it and and uh they had specified jumps so it was gonna go to 230 kilograms which would have beat z's 228 z uh was kind of posting like that he was gonna do it well and i actually believe z yeah right yeah and then he get hurt on that because i didn't even see the i don't know maybe he did during the review what was his last hit?
Starting point is 00:31:05 What was his last good lift? It was 200 and then 213. Yeah, he got 200 and then he missed 213. So he got 440 pounds was his heaviest successful press, and then he missed 470. They said that 200 looked very easy for him. Okay, so maybe he did get hurt or something. And then I don't know, did he finish the rest of the events?
Starting point is 00:31:25 I don't. Yeah, he did, I know, because just the final results of Europe's Strongest Man, Hafthor won 44 points, and then that Janashia. Konstantinian. Yeah, he got second, and then Kilkowski, our rock man from Arnold, he got third, and then fourth was savickas so yeah he finished yeah he finished he did well i don't know if i read in the forum or something along the line there there was talk that maybe he had gotten hurt or something on that attempt but
Starting point is 00:31:57 also our friend terry holland's got sixth he's pretty happy with that finish yeah he's coming off an injury and well and we know his philosophy that he's he's like i want to keep doing this for a long time it's fun for me and i'm probably not going to be the best yeah he even said he was he was like i finished six he's like middle of the road he said i've had i think it was a hip thing and this or that he's like if i'm finishing middle of the pack and this right now i'm doing pretty good yeah yeah and uh other other finishers on eddie was one of those that was so confident he was going to break it i guess if whether that's hype or what he got 213 he missed 230 but in his defense i don't he posted a picture of how high he got the 230 and it was pretty close to lockout
Starting point is 00:32:38 and but he's also not thing he's also not one who his lockouts are never that definitive either well that's what they all say this is his lockout and it's not this right and that's what's so hard about these max logs for these guys when they get to that weight a lot of them can get close to that but stabilizing 500 pounds on a log above your head for even just that split second it takes to require the lift like having that stability is like the limiting factor for most of them at that point uh but and he had that bad foot injury he said you know he of course makes the point right away is like you can see i'm even just you know doing it standing on that one foot and it's like oh yeah i guess you kind of to me at that point it's like oh you kind of got an excuse for everything then too like
Starting point is 00:33:23 you say you're gonna do it and that everyone watch out and then as soon as you point, it's like, oh, you kind of got an excuse for everything then too. Like you say you're going to do it and that everyone watch out. And then as soon as you don't, instead of just saying, I just didn't have it that day, you say, well, look, you can see I'm even standing on my one foot. Then Iron Bibby, you sent me a post of him this week too. Listen, I'm not like a great historian. I don't follow. We literally follow like the. Listen, I'm not like a great historian. I don't follow. We literally follow like the top four. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:48 You know what I mean? I consider myself a fan of the sport, but like. And I'm not sure what country he's from. But Jesus Christ, this dude is huge. And hung with all the big boys on that log, too. Yeah. He got the same as Thor, the 213 the 470 pound log follow him on instagram he does some really really crazy stuff and did you say he's 25 years old or he's young i don't
Starting point is 00:34:12 know how to look it up again yeah but he's not very old and shoulder to shoulder he's several feet yeah wider than your average person his overhead pressing stuff is all pretty insane i mean a 470 pound log is obviously pretty crazy. Yeah, he's 25 years old and weighs 375 pounds. And then did any of you guys see the video of Thor getting the 213, which was 470 pounds? He didn't try. He stopped there because the only other people to hit the 213
Starting point is 00:34:40 were Iron Bibby and Hall. Which were doing the log only. The log only. So he had no reason to go heavier but it looked like he could have done more than the 470 this is his 213 here that's uh thor yep yeah and so he didn't go above that and like you watch that and you start to wonder well it seems like maybe he could be the one pushing that record soon. Someone who hadn't been known for his static strength.
Starting point is 00:35:10 Yeah. That's what was interesting, too. You know, when we talked to Thor at the Arnold, yeah, that was not a thing to him at all. Yeah, it was really easy. When we talked to him at the Arnold, he said, too, you know, he was like, you know, they said my static strength wasn't strong enough, this and that, and he's like, he I worked my ass off on my deadlift.
Starting point is 00:35:27 And to have a guy whose static strength was his weakness. And now he's like the best in the world at it. Right? So he's better than everyone else at deadlifting. As far as... I guess Eddie Hall is better at deadlifting. I guess, but Eddie Hall hasn't pulled anything right two years so what have you done for me lately like so um two years ago eddie would have beat thor well
Starting point is 00:35:52 thor's pulling fucking 100 some pounds more than he has two years ago yeah so who fucking knows but his uh and he was already considered the best at uh. Moving. So his weakest thing is now, I think, his strongest thing, which is normally you can't do that. Yeah. And normally you're kind of better off just mitigating your weakness. Right. Don't shit the bed on the thing that's not your thing. Right.
Starting point is 00:36:17 Just bring it up so you can play, and then you've got to win the shit you win. Right. Because at that level, there's no room for holes in your game. And now it would be hard to say that he has one. Yeah, what's he not good at? I don't know what you would pick. I don't know. Soccer.
Starting point is 00:36:31 Yeah. And so he won Europe's, and he commented that he's two down, one to go. You know, his goal is win Arnold, win Europe's, now win World's Strongest Man. And at this point, I don't know how you would bet against him to win World's Strongest Man. Like, he seems like a freight train. Shaw has to really bring it.
Starting point is 00:36:53 Yeah, Shaw better be 110% healthy. And then I, in my opinion, hope that Thor... Makes a mistake. Yeah. Like, because I don't even know... Because now I don't think you can beat half Thor without him not doing something perfectly. If he does everything as he's been doing that,
Starting point is 00:37:11 he's just now, I think right at this moment, he's better than everybody at those things. It sure seems like it, you know, before the Arnold and Europe's, I would have been maybe a little bit more like, it was only training stuff.
Starting point is 00:37:22 Yeah. Yeah. Like let's see what Shaw does. Yeah. It's like, he's still been at at the top like you just have to assume that until otherwise he is the the only thing is he's not the technician that shaw is right so i think he is more prone to mistakes yep but he hasn't been making them and some some of world's strongest man events are a lot different sometimes you know i mean europe's strongest man was a log press stone a deadlift stones farmers carry and a yoke to me those are like the five that's the foundational basics yeah those
Starting point is 00:37:52 five strongman events like not to say that any of them are not technical but it's like if you had to if i had to devise if you had to standardize strongman that's what it would be yeah yeah i mean those are our strongman event this year we did those five events maybe replace a yoke with a throw and consider the farm yeah so we're missing a throw in there somewhere in there yeah but really but you're hitting 90 percent yeah the meat there right yeah but world's strongest man there's more truck pulling is a common thing uh you know there's there's more variables i would. A weirder deadlift of some kind. Yeah. Like it's at the knees or there's some.
Starting point is 00:38:29 Squatted last year. Yeah, onto those, you know, like. Pads. Yeah. But, yeah, but like to your point, he's kind of the best at everything now. So if you're the best at movement events and you're the best static strength, what event do they pick that you're like, Oh, I'm actually not very good at that. Dang it.
Starting point is 00:38:47 You know, it's kind of like. The press thing has really surprised me though. Yeah. With him. Like the, his press all of a sudden is. Well, watching that 470 pound log. And after that day, I'm sure Eddie's looked really good too at 470. So there again, he's right there with the other person.
Starting point is 00:39:04 That's the best in the world that at that you know i don't know it's it's crazy and i wonder if he'll get better like will he be even better next year it should be yeah i don't know he's not he's not working that hard to get worse what i don't get is i don't i do so little implement training and maybe that's why but like anytime i fucking fuck around with any implements, and maybe it's because I don't do them until competition, I'm always some sort of beat up, and then everything's too heavy, and it's really taxing.
Starting point is 00:39:34 But I get just fucking wrecked. I don't know how these guys are doing. At the heaviest level. They're going to have three competitions in fucking four months, and they're training as heavy as possible and maybe even getting better between them too yeah you would you would say so probably that's a good that's what we always talk about is the the limited amount of you know competitions we do in the strongman variety it's like ah it kind of almost
Starting point is 00:40:00 feels like it sets you back a little bit it's like yeah well i still have not recovered from one two months ago yeah well these guys are obviously all freaks and i think that's a big part of what makes them the freakiest of freaks is that they the way that they can train and continue to train through it and continue to train heavier and heavier and get better and not just be like hurt and injured and so overly fatigued i think that's part of what makes them so enables them to get that good yeah because it's it's in order to get that good it's the combination of the people that have the the drive to actually put in that work and then also them being the people that have the genetics to be able to put in that work yeah so looking at the top do you guys know how old actually is Thor? Is he like 29?
Starting point is 00:40:45 Yeah, I think he's like 30. I mean, I always thought he was just a little bit younger than I am, and I think he's 29 or 30. And then that Janosha, he's pretty young too, isn't he? Yeah. And he had a pretty good showing at World's Strongest Man last year. And then below him, you said Kielkowski? Yeah, another really young guy.
Starting point is 00:41:03 And he's like 24 or something? Yeah, Thor's 29. That Kielkowski? Yeah, another really young guy. And he's like 24 or something? Yeah, after he was 29. That Kielkowski, now he's really young. That's the thing. Is it getting to where this really is, the new group? Is Z kind of finally on his way out? That's a good point. That's what I wanted to ask you guys, too.
Starting point is 00:41:17 To me, that's what it kind of seems like. I wouldn't be surprised if, after World's Strongest Man this year, if Z somewhat retired even like i mean what he's just had a rough recovery from injuries lately he kind of gets beat up and it's taken him a long time yeah he's kind of the exception to every rule relatively yeah like he is the exception to every rule like you can't really say anything's definite with him because he can kind of do what he wants but it's like yeah the the momentum he's had lately has just been kind of like beat up, kind of losing weight, gaining weight again, beat up, losing weight.
Starting point is 00:41:52 And it's like, yeah, maybe this is kind of the get-it-down-the-fuck. And I think from – and this is from the outside looking at it, it looks to me like when he's off-season, he gets the weight off. He's trying to take care of himself. And then he adds size as much as he can when he gets ready to compete and then kind of breaks a little bit. And I just don't know. But would I be surprised, honestly, if Z came in
Starting point is 00:42:16 and finished top three in Worlds or something? No. And if he does what you say he does, he loses weight, then he starts to build back up, maybe he looks at Europe is just Europe. Strongest man is just a stepping stone in this progress of getting world strongest man is the goal. And like,
Starting point is 00:42:33 so he's maybe only is it at 70% of world strongest man. And I wouldn't put it past him to like see bigger picture and be like, Oh, this one is just like, you said one step in the past. He's got a lot of trophies already. Right. Right. So he's like, oh, this one is just, like you said, one step in the path. Yeah, I remember. He's got a lot of those trophies already. Right, right. So he's like, maybe that's where he benchmarks himself evenly.
Starting point is 00:42:50 He's like, I need to go in here and get third or fourth or fifth. That shows me that I'm going in the right direction and then really put it on these last two months. I really want to see him compete at Arnold one more time. Yes. That would be the way. I was really disappointed in him not being there. I want a full field sometime, and we're not going to get Eddie there.
Starting point is 00:43:11 No, I think that will never happen. That ship has sailed. But I just would like to see a field now with some of these young guys. I want to see fucking Martins at the Arnold this next year. I know he was coming off of an injury. I'd like to see Robert Oberst. What the Arnold this next year. Yeah. I know he was coming off of an injury. So I just think if you look at – I'd like to see Robert Oberst. What the fuck? I don't understand why is he not in that at all.
Starting point is 00:43:30 I don't know. Because if we could field – we'd put Thor, Shaw, Eddie, Z, Martins, Robert Oberst, the Kielkowski. So there's seven guys right there that are all – Really? The Russian guy. Shivlyakov. Yep. So that's eight right there that are all really that russian the russian guy shivlyakov so that's eight right there if you could get start getting really entertaining right right and i would put dimitar in there just because we like yes he's a massonomics favorite
Starting point is 00:43:55 that's nine we could come up with a tenth here one i'd like the tenth would be a tough because like that jf coron like there we go that's a good thousand pounds so that's we don't even have jerry pritchard in there you know so so here we go we we could put it like if they can't they get these 11 guys i mean i suppose are all 11 of those competing at world's strongest man i i think maybe they are so that's they all have to make the finals though i guess is the but i mean but i mean at the arnold that's what that's what we that's what we would really would be fun for us to see is those 10 at the arnold yeah i don't understand why oberst doesn't do that maybe he's not quality maybe he didn't qualify for it you
Starting point is 00:44:36 know because that's what they say about some of them you have to actually qualify for the arnold now and maybe that's not what he does i don't really really know. And I don't know, maybe it seems like he's progressing a lot now, but maybe we don't know. Maybe he's not quite at the level. I think Oberst is a really entertaining guy. I think he's a nice guy. He's a good follow. The fact of the matter, I think he talks more than he produces on the world stage.
Starting point is 00:45:01 Right. So that's maybe he's really not there. Maybe he's just not there yet. Yeah, yeah. But I'd like to see him compete on world stage. Right. So that's maybe he's really not there. Maybe he's just not there yet. Yeah, yeah. But I'd like to see him compete on that stage. He would be a fun guy to watch at the Arnold. Because then you'd have some real good shit talkers. And you put Eddie on that list of 10 there.
Starting point is 00:45:14 Well, Eddie's not going to be at the Arnold. So you can shave that off, and then you can still have Corona and Pritchett on that list. And that becomes, that's a fucking, that is 10 people worth watching. Right. That's some top-notch entertainment. And people, we're.
Starting point is 00:45:28 That's some shit you best have a full documentary crew for that. Yeah. And, you know, we're fans of the sport, but we're not like fanatic. We're not like. Who know all the names on the list. Kale Beckman knows everything. And his point would probably be, yeah, but these three guys that we can't even remember their names now right there.
Starting point is 00:45:44 We'll smoke them. They actually should be there and stuff like that. but we're not coming from that point of view we're coming from a spectator that yeah that wants to see a really good show and like spectators in america like because there are other guys but it's like it's so like jenasha is probably one of the best he's just you don't see him ever he doesn't have like a social media presence it's hard to be a fan because right you get to catch a glimpse of him like three times a year if you're lucky yeah yeah but i really want to see z compete one more time like in person it would be really fun yeah yeah i it'd be fun to meet him too you know he'd be as if he'd get there i think we yeah yeah i mean he'd be at that he would have
Starting point is 00:46:20 been at the spd booth this year we could could have had he been competing. Maybe we should just fly him in next time. This one's on us. You've earned it, Z. You're cool with flying coach, right? Thor said he doesn't do that. I'm about to adopt that standard here. I have to fly to St. Louis this next week, and I have the most basic ass cheap seats to where like you don't even you're
Starting point is 00:46:47 not even allowed like anything like it's just like no you can't bring bags get those off of here yeah you don't you don't get headphones we actually uh we get to like before we take off everyone gets to say what they think about you and you don't get a rebuttal we're gonna spill a drink on you you should have let tommy and i know we're uh actually sky zone members we've got some we've got some yeah we've got a little pool uh as former sky zone members they kind of motherfucker's got a sky zone thing on your ticket one time. Highfalutin. Which doesn't mean anything. We had, but no, so I'm for real like middle seat, way in the back on every flight. It's going to be really sweet. Fortunately, they're both flights are like an hour long.
Starting point is 00:47:37 So you sit there long enough. You can make an hour. You like make a little mix arm sweat with the people next to you. And then you're off the plane. Right. But. Talk about what you do for a living. headphones go on right away you get you get i'll feel it out like i'll sit there and i'll do some things and whatever and i'll tinker on my phone and as we're moving around on the runway you get one question to ask me and at that point then we're
Starting point is 00:48:04 conversations yeah yeah headphones are then we're conversations over. Headphones are in. We're not talking anymore. And especially if you make it weird. Right, right. I'm just going to open an advanced auto parts here. That seems really interesting. You're the regional manager of auto parts.
Starting point is 00:48:21 That sounds really great. We needed a 14th one in our town of 25,000 people. We easily have more auto parts stores per capita than anywhere on the planet. Yeah, I mean, you better be able to get a battery for your car if it goes bad around here. I think it says something about that cars don't work here. That's got to be it. I can't imagine these big companies are bringing auto parts stores in without
Starting point is 00:48:45 doing research. Who does the market research? Okay, we have 11. There's a Vans here, a Napa here, a O'Reilly here. But there is this.
Starting point is 00:48:55 And then there's also the six. And then there's a million car dealerships and service centers. And the six local shops. But there's a three-block gap right here
Starting point is 00:49:02 where there's not one. There literally was a three-block gap when there wasn't one. And then they filled it. Well, actually, to fill it. I was going to say, to fill it. Here's the building. Tear it down.
Starting point is 00:49:12 Build a new one. Yeah, it wasn't like, there's an empty lot there. Let's put an auto parts store. It's like, there's an IHOP there. We need to demolish that and put an IHOP. But no, you don't get to. Did you ever have the Colorado omelet at IHOP? That's a winner.
Starting point is 00:49:23 Yeah, that's a good one. I don't remember that one. Now, here's the deal, though. You don't get to just buy the land. When you're buying an IHOP to tear down an IHOP, you're buying an IHOP. You're buying a fully functional restaurant. You're paying for what that's worth. Then you're tearing it down.
Starting point is 00:49:39 And starting over. Then you're starting over. You're probably paying to tear it down. Yeah. Then paying to start your own building. You better sell a fuck ton of headlights and taillights and car batteries i mean as a guy that literally my only experience in an auto parts store is to buy a car battery yeah it's crazy and like some of those uh tire uh air stem caps that like light up at night
Starting point is 00:50:00 those yes yeah yeah yeah it's all about the lights so anyway we'll fly z in on our sky zone and other news about uh local things that don't interest most of you that uh that listen to our podcast it's snowing we talked about it last weekend it's blizzard again this weekend we're one week further into april and it's blizzard. It is the second week in April, and we are in the middle of another six inches of snow. Yeah, there's like half a forecast. And next week, or all the way through next weekend, it's like, yeah, there's a chance of rain and snow. So, I mean, we're almost to May then. It's insulting, actually, to live here.
Starting point is 00:50:41 Yeah, as a man that owns a boat, I'm like really thinking like, well, there's going to be ice on the lake until my, my, my parents bought a very nice boat for their lake cabin. That is a real perk for me to have a nice boat to use and not have to pay for, which is my favorite kind of boat. It's one step better than Tommy's having a boat that he gets to use that he paid for. It's like having all of that, but not having to pay for it.
Starting point is 00:51:05 Yep. And take care of it. And take care of it. And like store it. Prepare it for breaks. Maintenance. Yeah. All that stuff.
Starting point is 00:51:12 But yeah, it's basically never going to be summer here. I've decided. No, it's not happening. We don't get those luxuries. Other people get like. Spring.
Starting point is 00:51:22 Livable climates. There also is, I don't know if you notice but there is if you saw out of further ahead there is also a chance of snow next weekend yeah that's i mean soon it is going to be may yeah like it can't just can't snow forever right probably good um that's got to do with like co2 emissions and stuff it It must be that. Probably or something. All the gases. Political to me. Let's politicize the weather.
Starting point is 00:51:54 It's mostly political in my eyes. I think it's funny how you can politicize everything. Yeah, it's like the weather. That's a political topic. I actually saw somebody on my Facebook today posted a picture of the snow. He goes, Al Gore can fucking suck it. And I'm like, all right, first off, let's back up. I don't know where you're getting at.
Starting point is 00:52:15 But even if you're not into the fact that there's whatever, that you act like global warming has something to do with your taxes. You know what I mean? Fuck these people. But anyway, he's like, fucking global warming. It's do with your taxes. You know what I mean? Fuck these people. But anyway, he's like, fucking global warming. It's like, listen, you live in South Dakota. It's still going to be cold sometimes. But for real, these fucking people will hop on and they'll go.
Starting point is 00:52:35 That term is global warming, not South Dakota local temperature. But these people will hop on like we get our first below zero day. Global warming. You're a fucking idiot., oh, global warming. Yeah, right. It's like, you're a fucking idiot. Right. And yeah, that sucks. But I think we should start politicizing everything now. Be like, obesity?
Starting point is 00:52:52 Fucking Republicans. Allowing sodas to be, I mean, that's a, no, that is a political thing too. Yeah, they're like, oh, now the Democrats are trying to take away my right to be fat. Yeah, that is,
Starting point is 00:53:01 everything is politicized like that, though it is, is that the right phrase? I think so. We're making it up yeah yeah we don't talk about keep your politics out of my pornography next they're gonna do they're gonna do something to our bitcoin next yeah probably regulate all the bitcoins i don't have everything's good just has to ruin get ruined somehow health insurance sucks it's all you know how. You know how you'll know that Bitcoin has finally made it when rappers start flinging around their Bitcoin in videos? Until then, I'm not buying it.
Starting point is 00:53:31 I don't think that's why it will make it, though, because it's not really a physical thing. Exactly. It's never going to make it. That's true. If you can't rap about it. It was doomed from the start. The Alabama contingency, Big Jonathan.
Starting point is 00:53:43 I saw that. Those guys were throwing some weights around. Yeah, Bacon and Beer Bells. Also, I see he went through a little bit of a rebrand. The artist formerly known as Bacon and Barbells. He put up very close to a 1,700-pound total. It's worth noting we've talked about him on the podcast several times. Yeah, him and all of the Alabama guys are beasts down there.
Starting point is 00:54:04 We refer to it as the alabama contingency because we have a there's a stronghold of massanomics supporters right in that uh and massanomics did uh was a sponsor of the meet so that's actually is worth noting massanomics was sponsoring uh that uspa meet held in uh alabama there and we were on the t-shirt even. I don't know if you guys saw that. Ooh, I did not see the t-shirt. Yep, yep. We were a logo on the back of a t-shirt
Starting point is 00:54:30 that a bunch of people got for free. Oh, shit. That's how you know we've... Finally made it, guys. Yep, yep. Big Jonathan got a 672.4, was his biggest squat. He did squat 700,
Starting point is 00:54:42 but it wasn't to depth. The strength is there. Well, yeah. It was two red lights. It was two red lights. It was pretty't to depth. The strength is there. Well, yeah. It was two red lights. It was two red lights. It was pretty close. I think the strength is there. I'm not judging it from across the country.
Starting point is 00:54:51 I'm saying he got two red lights. Tanner's like, I mean, he squatted it. Yeah. No, I'm saying he did. It was right there. And it moved quickly. And I think if he just would have went deeper, he would have still come up with it.
Starting point is 00:55:04 I actually had to do a second take is it one of their guys that tank something down there yeah actually for a second thought it was ray williams because he had like the same spd singlet like that got me right away he is mini ray williams yeah i mean not that many but he had just about a 2,000 pound total didn't he like 1968 or something like that no he does look like ray williams in that singlet yeah
Starting point is 00:55:33 we should go to alabama sometime there was a lot of big wilks i think there's a few 500 plus wilks in that so that's pretty cool yeah it looks like nicholas dante mccoy yeah mini ray williams That's pretty cool. Yeah, it looks like Nicholas Dante McCoy. Yeah. Yeah, Minnie Rae Williams.
Starting point is 00:55:48 Yeah. I didn't see the squat. Is the squat on here? Yeah. 777, I think maybe you did, somewhere in there. I can't even see it. Yep, 777 squat, a 479 bench, and a 705 deadlift. So you'll see a lot of those
Starting point is 00:56:06 best lifters of the day walking around in lift hats because that was part of their winnings at the meet was some massonomics apparel. Hell yeah. I can't think of a better prize at a meet. A competition of any kind.
Starting point is 00:56:23 Yeah, I'd take one. Yeah. I've got like 30 at home but well he just wants one not 30 yeah also have 30 but well do we have any uh any stuff to go before we wrap up that was most of the really important stuff that we had to get through today i think like the rest of there's some less important stuff we'll pile it up for next week so um yeah we're also going to podcast midweek this week it won't matter to you you'll hear it next week but um yeah so well that'll have us about wrapped up for today no itunes reviews no nothing no i checked before i came what about amazon you guys yeah they said uh on. No magazines have reviewed us or...
Starting point is 00:57:05 Not yet. We're still waiting. We're waiting to make it into men's health and fitness. Did we talk about how we made it on that podcast list before? No, I don't think so. That's worth... Well, let's save that for next time because I actually want to get into what else is on that list.
Starting point is 00:57:19 Yeah, that's... It's so ridiculous that we're on that list. We just figured out what we can start talking about next. Oh, yeah. The work is done. Here we go. Show prep starts now. Starts before this one even ends. list that we're on that we just figured out what we can start talking about oh the work is done show prep starts now starts before this one even ends so next week we'll talk about who whose company we're among in the greats of the the greatest lists of uh bodybuilding podcasts
Starting point is 00:57:38 of all time yeah we're building bodies yeah so all right well that'll have us wrapped up for today guys um make sure you go to There you're going to find our store, all our articles. Sean's put up the latest article on,
Starting point is 00:57:50 was it protein specific? Yeah, talking about delayed response protein, casein protein. basically, it's like the
Starting point is 00:57:57 scientific, everything that you need to know, buyer's guide to protein. Like, what you need, what you don't need.
Starting point is 00:58:04 It's a good article. Yeah. Very comprehensive stuff so it doesn't uh it's not like if you listen to our podcast and then read that article you'd be like those are two very hot things like you could actually learn something from that yeah the power of doing a little bit of research yeah yeah yeah so um there also you scroll to the bottom of the page or a little thing will jump up and get you a sign up for our newsletter. There you can get all sorts of coupons, get heads up with new products drop, which there might be something showing up real soon. Can we tell people about one of the new things? Probably could.
Starting point is 00:58:39 I mean, this will come out next week. I wonder if it's not here, it'll be here soon. All right, bitches. Let's drop it right now. Here we go announcement time go champion brand mesh shorts how short are we talking here medium damn i would say they're not long no they're appropriate yeah appropriate for today's average yeah yeah i like that their average length they'll be black depending on what size you get they probably probably hit right above the knee. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:07 All right. So I can find some track shorts then maybe if I'm going to get some custom ones made. Yeah. If you want short, short. Well, I don't know. If you go a size down, I don't know what it might be. We'll find out. I'll just roll them up.
Starting point is 00:59:19 Yeah. Slit up the side. Yeah. They have on one of the legs, they have our Lyft logo with Masanomics underneath of it. We haven't seen the finished product yet, but the mock-up of it looks pretty gangster. So those will be available in the store here real soon. If you sign up for that newsletter,
Starting point is 00:59:36 you're going to be the first one to know. Well, they look kind of like the shorts you're wearing. Yeah, that was basically a double take there. Jeez, guys. He was really eyeballing my stuff. So while you're there, too, you can sign up for the newsletter. That'll give you the heads up when the new shorts drop. Also, what else is on there?
Starting point is 00:59:56 The store. The store is where you're going to buy the shorts. We're going to buy the shirts. We're going to buy the hats. We're going to buy everything. We have another new product on the way, actually speaking of the store uh you've always been able to buy our our four by four massonomics banner as you can see in the background here if you're watching or the ever popular the growing in popularity lift banner with that
Starting point is 01:00:17 no joke we've been selling it we we are constantly reordering the lift banner because we're selling so many of them uh because the popular demand for, we decided to come out with a Huge Life banner. The same size as our Lyft banner, except it's a Huge Life logo. A little different than our shirt Huge Life logo. You just have to check it out. It's more of the traditional beverage style. More like the beverage that may or may not have. The champagne of lifting banners. Yeah. More like the beverage that may or may not have. The champagne of lifting banners.
Starting point is 01:00:47 Yes. This banner is the champagne of lifting banners. The champagne of gym banners. Yeah. So, but yeah, that'll be in the store here
Starting point is 01:00:54 real soon too. So, what else? Go to forward slash massonomics. Make sure you click subscribe. Be digging, share all of our
Starting point is 01:01:02 Arnold interviews. By the time you listen to this all of our arnold interviews will be uh available to watch yeah and hop on there because uh we might have some more cool upgrades coming for the podcast so yeah oh yeah treats for the eyes yeah oh yeah you're gonna if you only listen you might want to start watching yeah and subscribing on YouTube. Yeah, we're going to start doing it naked. Nakeder. I can't get any more naked. So make sure you follow us on Facebook, like us on Facebook,
Starting point is 01:01:32 share all our articles and videos on Facebook, and then make sure you follow us all on Instagram. I'm Tyler. You can follow me at Tyler F. N. Stone. That's Tyler E-F-F-I-N-Stone. Tommy? You can find me at Tomahawk underscore D. Tanner?
Starting point is 01:01:45 The Masonomics Instagram page at Masonomics. All right right that'll have us wrapped up for this week and we will talk to you next week stay strong you just heard the massonomics podcast with your ears you're welcome check us out on facebook find us on instagram at massonomics and make sure visit and buy some of that sweet Masanamics gear. From your friends at Masanamics Studio, home of the world's strongest podcast, stay strong. Thank you.

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