Massenomics Podcast - Ep.159: The Spud Inc. Mystery Box

Episode Date: April 22, 2019

What's in the box?? We open up this special delivery from Spud Inc. and try to figure out what the hell is in the box.  We also talk about some of the biggest dropouts for the upcoming Kern US Open....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to Massanomics, the world's strongest podcast. Find us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter at Massanomics. Make sure you go visit There you'll find the rest of our powerful content. While you're there, check out our store and buy yourself some of that sweet Massanomics gear. Welcome, everyone, to episode 159 of the Massanomics Podcast, the world's strongest podcast, the lifting podcast about nothing. Your favorite two Massanomics Podcasts are here again today, Tommy and Tanner.
Starting point is 00:00:38 Tommy, how's it going? It's going really good. I did just realize I think I have a hair in my mouth. Well, this isn't an advantage. Start it over. Shut it down. you guys probably don't know this we restart uh each episode um some of these 10 times we take seven hours to even record one of these if we get about 20 minutes in and we are like just not feeling it the vibe's wrong murmured those words too many times we'll redo it tanner's like i just need an ice cold lacroix i need to light some incense and just really find my center give me a do this again give me a slender
Starting point is 00:01:10 james and let me recoup my thoughts and we'll we'll start over but then uh the truth of that is we've never actually one time when we very first started recording down here was there a we know we had to stop and uh just pick up where we left off yeah there was one time when i don't know what happened but it just quit recording yeah and i don't i think we realized it uh five to ten minutes after it happened so then we had to like listen back to figure out when did it actually stop yeah and then you know we just got right back up on the horse and kept her going but yeah so we've never cut anything out ever before yep it's one take well when you spit out solid gold like this all the time that's right or you could just say if it's so bad i mean what's to lose right yeah that's probably more accurate
Starting point is 00:01:55 in our case i would say um it hasn't been very long since we recorded though the way that with this week worked out we're kind of on a a short short uh short cycle here but lucky for you guys we still did come up with some really good hard-hitting topics to cover that the average podcast might be like oh three days to turn around and pump out another hour of fresh original and funny entertainment how am i gonna do this for us no big deal just listen you're gonna you going to be impressed with this one. That's where our segments come into play. Can never underestimate the power of a good segment. The segment lifting podcast about nothing. That's right.
Starting point is 00:02:38 Should we do this here first? We've got a really special thing here. Is there anything we've got to cover before we do this? I'm pretty excited about this. It's been sitting. I'm pretty excited about this it's been sitting yeah you know that's i'm really excited about it so i might be preoccupied the entire podcast until that happens so maybe we should just get to it right away i think we should okay just wait i'm going to put this on the table first of all tanner is he's going deep into a sack for something here we didn't formally announce segment, but this is a special edition of Tanner's Sack. Yes.
Starting point is 00:03:08 And it's brought to you by the fine folks at Spud Inc. Yes. And they one-upped us. Instead of a sack, they got this huge box. This came in the mail today, actually, so perfect timing. That is good timing. And when I saw this there, I was like, ooh, I know what that is. Well, and also, I do not know timing that is good timing and when i saw this there i was like oh i know what that is well and also i do not know what it is you mean i know it's a package outside of that we have no idea what it is and they uh were nice enough to put some uh i do like
Starting point is 00:03:35 i was just seeing the notes on here yeah this is pretty good so uh on this side we have okay so we have a box here it's about it's about a about a cubic foot, if you want to visualize that. We have a lot of Spudding stickers on it. Some notes on it say, have fun figuring out what it is. WTF. The great unboxing of 2019. What is all this Spud stuff? What else do we got?
Starting point is 00:04:02 Unboxing. What's on top there? Have fun storming the castle. I mean, unboxing. Very nice. So what they, we,
Starting point is 00:04:11 so we talked to them at, we talked to the Sputnik crew at the Arnold and they had actually brought up this potential idea. And they came, first of all, they came by the booth several times. So they're super awesome. They're good supporters of mass.
Starting point is 00:04:22 They are. We also are happy to say we're supporters of them. We have lots of their equipment in the gym. Yep. They have great stuff. Yep. I mean, there's nothing that you could knock. It's all high-quality stuff.
Starting point is 00:04:36 And it's a lot of stuff that we use. And that is the other one. It is things we use. And they make an insane number of things that you wouldn't even know are possible right and that's where this segment will come into play i think but uh spud at spud inc susan uh also came over several times and uh and then dale would be another another guy that we've communicated with quite a bit and then there was actually just other spud inc uh employees or people that were
Starting point is 00:05:05 working uh yeah the whole crew was just kind of trickling by through the weekend yeah so what they agreed to do when they came over this was actually their idea they said why don't we send you a box of stuff that you're probably a lot of it you might have not no clue what it is and your job on the podcast is try to try to determine live on the spot what it even is because they make a lot of different straps for a lot of different things they do and if you're not in like the gym equipment buying section of your life like you might not be super from you might not have hopped on the spotting website like most people probably are familiar with the bow tie that's probably like their most mass market item as far as just people knowing i think they even said that that we kind
Starting point is 00:05:48 of talked to them and they kind of said that that's true that's what everyone knows the bow tie but really what they're they just do a lot of things with straps yeah i mean that's that's probably their specialty something strapped really i mean they do things outside of that too but really it's straps is what you see a lot of and so um that could be straps for your monolift it could be straps for um belt squat belt squats yeah reverse hypers stuff almost where you uh straps where maybe you don't have the primary piece of equipment that uh that you would need in order to do a belt squat but they sell this strap where you can almost like uh uh turn your most basic equipment into a they kind of let you hack a lot of things into a strongman implements right um you know they have things to help you lift stones strap ons to strap on that's right uh they have
Starting point is 00:06:40 like straps for like pulling sleds you know really it's almost unlimited what you can come up with. They do have sleeves, too. Yes, and sleeves. Yeah, yeah. We've actually all had their – or they sent, I think, those a long time ago. Yeah, and we did a pretty intense review on their sleeves, actually. You can find it on our website. We love them.
Starting point is 00:06:58 We all still use them. But I guess what we're trying to get at here is they make a lot of stuff, and it's not immediately obvious what it all is. And so I think, you know, I'm guessing they're going to maybe have us stumped on a couple of these. Yeah. I made sure not to do my homework of going on their site. I mean, I've been on the site many times. They have more than 10 things on their website, so it's hard to know what their entire catalog is.
Starting point is 00:07:23 I did buy some axle straps so i hope that those are in here because i want those um that would be the one thing that i i think i should know what what uh what's in the box but the rest of it that would make sense yeah so should we pull yeah we did and just if you guys are watching you'll see oh the box is open tanner just cut it before we got just so we didn't have to struggle through that on air. We have not looked in it yet. So this is fresh eyes going on these things. I swear on my deathbed that this has not been.
Starting point is 00:07:53 All right. Let's do this, Tanner. All right. Open in the box. What do we got? If it's like an old joke, it's just tons of dirty underwear in it. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:08:10 tons of dirty underwear in it okay so the first thing is in a plastic bag here and it's a strap do you have any do you have any first idea of what this is here i'll hold it up if you can see it on camera when a strap is rolled up it's really hard to know what it is until it's unrolled are these oh those could be it already yeah i don't really know oh yeah these are package number one is the axle straps is it or oh no it's not now that i'm taking it apart because i can't put my hand in there yeah you can't that's what it looks like it does look a lot like an axle strap it looks like uh It does look a lot like an axle strap. It looks like a really long axle strap, except for if you only put it around your three fingers, you can't fit your wrist in there. Yeah. I'm totally at a loss for what this is.
Starting point is 00:08:54 So you would go like this, right? Or wait. Oh, yeah, yeah. All right, yeah. Oh, it's an axle. Oh, man, we are dumb. Yeah. You know, you just get so used to seeing straps rolled up.
Starting point is 00:09:08 And then you're overthinking it because I know they're trying to trick us. Yeah, I know they're stupid. Yes, here we go. It was, in fact, axle straps. We're just dumb. Yeah, if that's not what it is, then we're also even dumber still. But I don't use straps that that often so it takes me a minute usually they're already in this yeah in the loop already yeah all right so there's your
Starting point is 00:09:32 axle strap standard yeah what's your first impression uh very very long and very durable which do you want to explain to someone right away what the difference would be maybe between an axle strap and a regular set of straps? Well, the biggest thing is, you know, most of your regular set of straps, this part that's sticking out here. And we're not talking figure eight straps here. We're talking the conventional. Yeah, just where it's the long. That you wrap around the bar.
Starting point is 00:10:00 And, you know, your average one's non-axle bar would just not have near as much length yeah once it's looped around your wrist of actual material you have i don't know six to eight inches maybe yeah and here i've got a foot got a foot and i need this because i've been i'm doing a competition with axle bar deadlifts and i've been kind of trying to use uh long slightly longer regular straps and it really isn't and so yeah that is where axle straps come in is that they give you that extra length to to hang on man and i have not used straps that are not figure eight straps in so long i still can't get over how long it took to figure out what that's not a really good start oh yeah we're gonna we're gonna look really dumb here pretty soon then
Starting point is 00:10:46 maybe i just wear these the whole episode i can't hurt anything they feel good though and very very robust yes like in comparison to your normal straps like i don't think you could break these it doesn't seem like it well um should we see what's next in the in the yeah you want the honors or no you keep this train rolling all right uh green paper what do you think this is for it's definitely not packing paper is there a message on it okay oh Let's look. I'm sure this is excellent listening, too, guys. We're just struggling to open a box here.
Starting point is 00:11:33 We do have some pretty cool Sputnik stickers. And as I was seeing this, I was like, I hope there's stickers in here because I want those. We got a card with some stickers in it. This is from Dale, who had mentioned earlier. He said, here's your axle straps that you ordered and the other products are for the unboxing or for you guys to use for the unboxing you talked to Susan about at the Arnold have fun figuring out what each item is and using them thanks for doing this and thank you guys again for doing this for us yeah this is awesome we don't know what we would
Starting point is 00:12:04 be talking what do you think we'd be talking about right now? This would probably be the first episode of Dead Air. We would have just been screwed. That's right. So sputting saves the day. So the next item. This is a much bigger bag. Yes.
Starting point is 00:12:19 It looks like a bigger freezer Ziploc bag if I had to compare it to something. Oh. Sometimes the unboxing is the hardest part. That's what they say. If you know what I mean. But it's worth the wait. Always.
Starting point is 00:12:34 Oh, geez, Tanner. There we go. Tanner would never succeed in a YouTube unboxing video. Okay. So we got, it's like a, it kind of looks like a slingshot yeah uh is this the is this the hip one that they talked about i think that's probably what it is right it's like a squat uh like a squat uh buddy or is that what it was i can't remember what it was called but it smells new it looks new um I think that that's what it is.
Starting point is 00:13:06 I think you put it around your hips. And you kind of can sit back into it. Yeah. And at your squat, it kind of helps you up, doesn't it? I think so. Because I know they mentioned that they have that at the Arnold. And we were not. No, we didn't.
Starting point is 00:13:20 Either one of us was like, oh, we didn't know you guys had that. Well, and we never got to leave our booth the entire time. Yeah, we also didn't get to do that. They invited us to come over and check it out and try it, but we never got to. I think this might not be the right name, but it's like the Squat Buddy or something like that, isn't it? That sounds right, but I also don't know. And it has the loops. I can picture these loops, you know, because you would want it to be pretty tight, I'm sure.
Starting point is 00:13:43 So it has the loops to hike it up higher on your hips,'m sure i still don't completely get how it works yeah i don't either but the way i understood it it's not something that makes your squat harder it's something that would almost like assist you for like a maximal lift yeah yeah yeah well i will be curious to try that and we're also going to do some follow-up research i mean we could even look we could even look at the end of this segment to figure out like what we had right and wrong but i think next episode we'll we'll have the answer you know this will be our uh our guest wild ass guesses of everything and then next episode we can come back and say this is what that actually was and what it's for yeah yeah i think we're on the right track with
Starting point is 00:14:22 that yeah that one's got that's got to be something like that yeah okay the next item it looks like a lot of strap there yeah and it also has a large carabiner oh this is climbing gear i bet ah yep i knew they were breaking into another market uh they heard us talk about actually we don't need this we strictly go free solo i watched yeah i watched we each watched free solo once now so we, actually, we don't need this. We strictly go free solo. I watch free solo. We each watch free solo once now, so we don't need any climbing equipment. We don't believe in protective equipment. Okay. I'll give you that part of it.
Starting point is 00:14:59 So this now, all right, because this part is so much more padded. Oh, and this is the same thing. I think I know what this now. Alright, because this part's so much more padded. Oh, and this is the same thing. I think I know what this is. Is this kind of like a shoulder? I think it's this. I'm picturing like hanging. Oh, okay, okay.
Starting point is 00:15:19 And doing some type of ab work when you're hanging. Yeah, like an ab strap where you put your elbows in it I mean it would totally work as that if that's not what it is because this but we basically have a loop that's the strap loops and it's much more padded on this end
Starting point is 00:15:36 and then you do it's literally like a seatbelt strap material on the other end so you know that's going to hold up yeah because I think you would do this like so and make and loop it around whatever you wanted to hang from yeah and then that's yeah that'll pinch it in there this little um there we go yeah oh yeah i think that's what we got here yep This episode would be a more visual episode than a lot of the ones we've done.
Starting point is 00:16:08 So it's a great opportunity to plug our YouTube channel. You can head over there. Check it out. Almost up to 1,000 subscribers. This could be the difference. The sputting on boxing could be what kicks us off there. That's got to be what this is, don't you think? I would think.
Starting point is 00:16:21 I'd be really surprised if it wasn't. So I would call these like elbow ab strap, that yeah you put your elbows in and do hanging like elbow hanger or something like that yeah although the carabiner not exactly sure curveball here but maybe you would use that for this and put them both together through there i Yeah, I suppose you could. And then you would hang them both on there? And then you could fit that on like a pull-up bar or something? Yeah, yeah. That would work.
Starting point is 00:16:51 And we could be completely wrong, but it would totally work for that. Do you think anything different? No, I'm pretty on board with that. I think that's – Unless it's – You know what it could be? You know what it could be? Huh?
Starting point is 00:17:12 Kind of more what you were doing at first that you would hook them both in here like this and it would be uh for zurcher it would be a zurcher lift attachment for a belt squat machine oh so you you would put them both like this right yeah and then hook them both in this carabiner yeah and then hook your carabiner to the the loop on the belt squat yeah and then you could do like a uh well zurcher squat either way we're pretty sure it involves looping your arms through it somehow and i do think you could actually do either of the yeah i don't know i don't know if you can say one's right or wrong. They probably designed it with one in mind. That's probably the case with a lot of their stuff. You could
Starting point is 00:17:50 use this for either of those two things. I'm sure you could make it work for both. But which one it's intended, we do not know. Those are heavy though. Yeah, they are heavy duty. We've got one more black thing. Everything now has been black up to this point uh spud stuff is usually either black or the signature yellow so there's a big yellow thing in there at the end
Starting point is 00:18:11 but this this one is a little bit smaller than We actually have metal loops on this one. You can hold this and make your assessment. I do not have an immediate response to this one as I... Boy. I'm stumped on this one, Tanner. It's just, I don't even really know how to it's almost like the uh reverse hyper like a miniature you know it's like a reverse miniature hyper belt yeah and then it has just another thing through it yeah there's another strap through it and i have no idea i'm sure once i could picture
Starting point is 00:18:59 putting one ankle in this but then i don't know what this part is. Yeah, like the fastening part. I don't know on this one. This one's got me stumped. Yeah. I mean, would you describe that any differently than how we did? No. It's basically like a little reverse hyper belt with a seat belt between those. Yeah, with a seat belt strap looped through the ends. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:21 I suppose they don't call this a seat belt strap, but that's what I think of on this type of material. That's what us guys that don't know anything about this stuff call it. Sobelt strap, but that's what I think of on this type of material. That's what us guys that don't know anything about this stuff call it. So that one, we do not have a good answer for. Yeah, don't even have a good guess. Okay, so this one's big. Ooh. And it's yellow. I'm going to set that box down
Starting point is 00:19:41 so we've got a little more breathing room here. Jeez, this one's in a drawstring bag. That's heavy duty. Let's see how much noise I can make here. Do you have any opinions here? I cannot tell until this is open. And I'm sure even when it's open, I'll have a terrible guess. This is very heavy-duty material.
Starting point is 00:20:14 Yeah, it's yellow, which makes it stand out. It's a pair of them. Okay. See, it's super heavy-duty yellow material. It's about, I don't know, an 8-inch by 8-inch square of yellow material. Very stiff. It's been folded back over so it has a pocket. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:31 And then it has a strap that looks like it would go around your arm. That's what it looks like. But what would... Wow. I have definitely never seen this before. But the inside is padded, almost like your hand or something would go in there. Oh, oven mitts. That's what it is.
Starting point is 00:20:50 Definitely the oven mitt. Yep. For your old brick oven pizza, you just throw it in there. Like this looks like it would go around your wrist, but I don't think that's the intention there. It doesn't really. Yeah, so there's a Velcro loop on the top, and then it's kind of like a giant oversized oven mitt if you have this loop little loop on the very top
Starting point is 00:21:12 that you would almost use to like you know like like that their sleeves have and like this uh squat buddy thing has at the top why is there any type of i mean this is padding felt padding yeah like why is that there that's got to be there for a reason boy should we just figure out what this is right now tanner i don't know i don't know if i can wait a week to know this yeah we might want to figure this one out now because i i have definitely not seen something like this before. So now the tricky part is, because they have so many products, is because we don't know what we're looking for, so I don't know what category to go to. We don't know what section to them.
Starting point is 00:21:57 Okay, let's see. I mean, this is a game in itself, figuring out what... Oh, is that it? No. No, that's not it. It's pretty close. The first thing I looked at was the magic carpet indoor sled. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:21 That's not it either. This is probably going to get... And and also if you come across this one when you're that actually would be the other one worth figuring out yeah oh is that do we have this one right here no no no that's funny how similar some of the different things can look oh wait there it is okay okay so this is uh it looks like it this is i, I'm assuming, the Turf Surfer. Yeah. And it says the Turf Surfer will give you a whole body workout and you will have fun doing it. Just slip your hands or feet in and slide your way to stronger shoulders, triceps.
Starting point is 00:22:55 Okay. So. Oh, yeah, there's a video here. All right. So, like we said, it's kind of like a big oven mitt. Yeah. That you put onto your hands. Yeah, that's exactly what they have.
Starting point is 00:23:05 Yep. And once it's on there – okay, they have a pretty good video here. Where do they have the strap? That's a good question. Oh, it's on the top there. Or is that where – Would that be for your feet? It's got to be for your feet.
Starting point is 00:23:21 Yeah. Yeah, because you wouldn't stick your foot in there. I mean, I guess you – yeah. Just strap a shoe on there. Yeah. Okay, yeah you wouldn't stick your foot in there. I mean, I guess you – yeah. Just strap a shoe on there. Yeah. Okay, yeah. So it slides. So you can do – okay.
Starting point is 00:23:29 All right. Yep. Makes sense now. That looks terrible. Like something I would never – don't want to do though. I mean, it looks like a lot of work. Yeah. But I think it does it good.
Starting point is 00:23:40 Okay. So, yeah. Basically, it's like an oven mitt that you can put your hand into and you can kind of go into like a push-up plank position and just run yourself across the carpet while holding that position. Or put your feet in there. Or put your feet in there, yeah. Or you could do all four and really be screwed.
Starting point is 00:23:59 Really take it to the next. Yeah, you could also do like in a push-up position with your feet strapped in and having your hands pull you. Or you could even like strap a sled. So that would be what this is for, to strap like a sled or some weight behind it. Oh, that's what they're doing right there where it's hooked to his feet. Okay, God. Man, to go down in the push-up position and slide around like that for a long ways would be pretty brutal for me.
Starting point is 00:24:18 Yeah. Oh, I'd be hurting. All right, now I feel like we just got to figure out what this other one is that we don't know all right so one mystery saw and also what the name of this one is if you come if it's the squat we do have those handles right there those yeah we did we have the handles huh so we weren't completely off on the oven mitt thing. Not really. It is just like a super durable oven mitt, kind of. These definitely would never wear out either.
Starting point is 00:24:55 I don't know how that would ever be possible. I mean, you'd probably buy a new one because these smell too bad before anything else. So, I don't know. I don't want this to take the whole time and you might have to follow up on a couple of yeah we might have to follow up just because like i said they sell a lot of stuff yeah um yeah we'll follow up with those other two if there's any like strap type item you've ever thought like oh that'd be nice if someone made made this they probably do oh yeah they've they've definitely done it i don't know how they could you've ever thought like, oh, that'd be nice if someone made this.
Starting point is 00:25:25 They probably do. Oh, yeah. They've definitely done it. I don't know how they could have. Yeah. Well, we'll get an answer on these other two. Yes. But now that we know, we're talking about the old turf surfer here.
Starting point is 00:25:37 Yes. And this thing is beastie. I might have to put these ones here in the Instagram story and have people guess what their guess is of what this one is before this episode comes out. Yep. Yeah, because maybe one person will get it. Yeah. Yeah, that's cool. So that concludes this. A big thank you to Spudud ink for sending us this crazy package
Starting point is 00:26:07 some of them even with using the internet we couldn't figure out what they do that's not to say they're not good products because i have no doubts they're great products we're just not smart enough to figure out how to use these things properly right i am still most excited about the axles yeah Yeah, and those are the real deal. What I really wanted to get. Those are the real deal. I'm going to put these to use real soon. Probably set some deadlift world records with them. I'm wearing these to bed tonight because they don't stink yet.
Starting point is 00:26:37 Actually, I feel like these would resist stink longer than some of the material. Yeah, they're not so porous as some of the other ones. Right, it almost has like a... Just a slight coating on material. Yeah, they're not so porous as some of the other ones. Right, it almost has like a... Just a slight coating on it. Yeah, yeah. Not often I can take advantage of
Starting point is 00:26:50 smelling a piece of lifting equipment and not get sick to my stomach. Yeah, you gotta take advantage of that when you can. Sweet.
Starting point is 00:26:57 Alright, well, thank you, Spud Inc. This is awesome. We're gonna put this stuff to work for us. Yes, and if you ever want to stump us again, we'll gladly... You work for us yes and if you ever have if i ever want to
Starting point is 00:27:05 stump us again we'll gladly you can stump us as much as you want yep okay um we had a couple what was that one piece of news that you had put on there that i i didn't know much about it this first one yeah all right i didn't know much about it. This first one? Yeah. All right. I didn't know anything about that, and I was curious. So this would fall under big lift standard, but we'll jump big lifts to the more of the middle of the show here. So this is one of the more shocking big lifts I've seen in quite a while, and i can't really verify it but supposedly what it is is a high school sophomore benches 525 pounds at the florida state powerlifting championships 525 high school sophomore 525 and that seems like that doesn't make any sense but there is a video to support it and it's definitely in a high school gym so that's
Starting point is 00:28:05 the 15 or 16 year old yeah and he's a big boy yeah he's a big guy he's not small by any means he's not he's not like morbidly obese either no there's a lot of people there yeah yeah there's a good uh a good turnout here uh it seems like it's a high school meet just because they're using like bumper plates yeah it is a little different than a normal meet setup. But yeah, he goes in. And then this is the crazy thing. He's just on the bench. Does he have a singlet just over one?
Starting point is 00:28:34 I think it's a white strap on the side so you can't see it. He looks like the giant wearing a... Yeah, he goes in fairly... I mean, he's not freaking out. He's fairly low- key about the whole thing. Huh. And that's 525. Dang.
Starting point is 00:28:51 Like it is shocking that that's what is like happening. Yeah. I mean, he's a stout boy. Yeah. Wow. So that's a raw lift. Yeah. And do I even have a name here? Yeah. I mean we got to give the guys how'd you come across that i found it on reddit okay um
Starting point is 00:29:12 uh the old front page of the internet that's what they say uh high school sophomore don't see the kid's name anywhere and i didn't see it on facebook either well good job you but i did like this one comment that was like so you're telling me all these i used to bench 500 pounds when i was in high school stories aren't all fake no those are still all fake this is just the one true one ever it's the one exception not there has been others but like this is yeah oh this must be the guy's name okay uh safoa nunu okay i'm assuming that's his name got a lot of cool pictures from them yeah yeah but that he's got that new new bench pr
Starting point is 00:29:55 he does that's right uh that is really awesome though that's uh that is a big lift. Yeah. Son of a bee sting. Sometimes things just depress you. Yep. It's like some people are just made a little different. 15-year-old's benching 525. So that should mean by the time he's 30, he should be able to bench 1,000, right? Oh, easily. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:22 I don't know why not. Like if we could bench 185 when you know my bench has doubled since i was 15 so i think his should too no that's how that works that is exactly yeah uh do we want to talk about the u.s open at all yes so that's coming up really soon here yeah when this comes out we're the leak week leading up to it so this will come out on the monday and then the u.s open will will be the Saturday following this episode coming out. So this will be a very timely topic for us to discuss, actually. Yes.
Starting point is 00:30:53 We're out ahead of it. So we've talked about this and danced around this in other topics, even just the— Yeah, I mean, most recently what we talked about talked about was like, probably like a leading into a meet or even like the Arnold Strongman or even World's Strongest Man. Anytime these come up, anytime a big strength show is coming up, it's who is going to make it.
Starting point is 00:31:13 Because when you're pushing things to the absolute limit for weeks on end, months on end or longer, things start breaking. And in this case, those things are a lot of the competitors yes like a good chunk of the field yeah um and i don't know if you if you guys have been following this this closely but um you know originally the u.s open it was billed as uh on the guy's side i mean
Starting point is 00:31:41 you have the roster up tanner yeah i have but a lot of them are taken out because this is an updated roster, and that's kind of the point here. So do we just want to go through and start saying some of the people that were doing it that we know are not doing it now? I mean, that's what I was going to get at is these guys aren't doing it. So, yeah, it would just make sense to say who's not on it now. So in the super heavyweight men, there is just two people on the roster now, The super heavyweight men, there is just two people on the roster now.
Starting point is 00:32:10 Logan Chapman and Jarjo Benes. See, and I don't know any of them. So Brandon Allen would be the one there that was. He was hurt, and he got hurt. That was already a month or two ago now, wasn't it? He has a quad tendon, so he's not doing it. Squatting like 900 or something. Yeah, yeah. Yep, that makes sense.
Starting point is 00:32:27 308 men uh james searcy is still on the roster but i i heard he's not going to be doing it i'm not sure if it's injury or or not chris weist is on the roster we've heard he's not going to be doing it uh nick best is on the roster as far as i know he is doing it, I think, still. Steve Johnson, Forsaken Warrior, is on there. I think he might be doing it still. I haven't heard that he's not. Yeah, I haven't heard otherwise. But I'm not 100% sure that he is. I'm just going to go kind of down the list by weight class
Starting point is 00:33:00 and pop up people that we know that aren't in there. 275's the top two on the list. Chris Bridford and Andy Huang. I think they're both still doing it. So that'll probably be an interesting weight class with, with those two going at it there. Cause they'll both be super competitive towards the top. I none other pop up to me that I know we're out of that,
Starting point is 00:33:24 but we're, we're not going through the list here and talking about every competitor we're kind of what we're interested in is the people that are you know kind of some of the big names that aren't going to be doing it um yuri belkin is listed in the 242 and he's still doing it right as far as i know and he has been posting some training videos too so unless they're old likeback videos, I would assume that is recent training. Yeah. His posting isn't that good. So it's hard to tell what, what he's got going on sometimes in the two 20 class. Kayla Willem is listed. I think he's still, I think he's on the docket. I think so too. It looks like his, he did some, he's done some pretty big deadlifts here. I think he did like nine 30 or something like that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:04 I mean mean like what he always does just ridiculous numbers it'll be fun to see what he what he what he actually does um then you get to some of the lighter guys so dr deadlift or uh not kaylor woolen but ph deadlift uh um ben pollock he's no longer on the roster i know that he backed out and i'm not sure if he did he get injured or i think he said did he have like tendinitis or something with his knee i believe and i think he was even i think he had a post about it uh i think on social media i think on reddit he was talking about it but he just knew like he wasn't going to be 100%. Yeah, I get it.
Starting point is 00:34:45 You don't want to do one of these things unless you're going to be at 100%. Well, and that's tough for these guys that are at the very top. Well, it is because how often are you 100%? Right. It's just like, do you think you can get it together for a day? Right. That's really what it comes down to. But then it screws up their training for six weeks leading up to it,
Starting point is 00:35:01 and then they just know that they're not where they want to be. And I imagine that's really tough because they only want to do you know ben pollock is like he wants to do it to win the whole thing yeah i mean he's been there before and done that like he doesn't want to go and have a an 85 day yeah an 1800 total right right that's not what he does right and it's you know i wouldn't say embarrassing but it's like if he goes and does that, it's kind of like, eh, that sucks. Yeah. You know, I'm not happy about that. On the men's side, do you know any other ones that have come out of it
Starting point is 00:35:32 that were on the roster? I can't even think of any more at this point. But, like, the super – I think Milanochev at one time was maybe going to be doing it too. Possibly. It's been so long since he's done a meet now that it's – But, like, the super heavyweight side of it,'s it's like where are that's what sucks is that there's only two guys at this point and it seems well all right but at the u.s open they go by
Starting point is 00:35:53 wilks to determine the winner that's the winner the winner goes by and that is a little yeah so maybe not the most advantageous right you're going against someone like yuri belkin right he's super heavy oh it's definitely not it's definitely not. It's definitely not. But there's decent payout even for the winner of each weight class, like $1,000. Yeah, and Uri's not a guarantee. I mean, he can go five for nine and not have the right day, and you could slip in there if you have the performance of your life. But, yeah, it does suck that there's not more big guys in it.
Starting point is 00:36:20 Yeah, I mean, I could go off and talk. A lot of them are foreign, though, too, and I suppose it's less appealing for them to, you know, I could go off and talk. A lot of them are foreign, though, too, you know, and I suppose it's less appealing for them to, you know, the Australian guys, Peter Petras, Eric Lillibridge. Not Peter Petras is an Australian, but foreign guys, and Odell Manuel and all those guys. I suppose they don't not, it's not as appealing for them to come over us when it's a Wilkes formula.
Starting point is 00:36:44 Yeah, probably not. But there's quite a few on the men's side. And on the women's side, it's kind of the same case. So Steffi Cohen is still listed in the 123, and I think she's planning on doing it. Yeah, as far as I know, she's still in. And the other one, and I never know how you say her name. Mariana.
Starting point is 00:37:02 Mariana. I don't know how you say her last name. She's listed, and I don't know that she's not doing it. I think she's still in, too. I think she's still in her name. Mariana. Mariana. I don't know how you say her last name. She's listed, and I don't know that she's not doing it. I think she's still in two. I think she's still in two, Mariana. So those two would probably be pretty strong candidates to be able to win. Yeah, because now Stacey Burr's out and CeCe's out. Yes.
Starting point is 00:37:19 So those are the biggest two women that it's kind of lame that they're not lame on their part, but just like lame for the competition that they're not going to be there competing anymore. Yeah. But it doesn't sound like a lot of people. And you go Stacey, CeCe, Brandon Allen, and you start to go down the list of these people. Yeah, Ben Pollack. Yeah, Ben Pollack. Yeah, Ben Pollack. So you take out six of the biggest names of the people that you're hoping to do it.
Starting point is 00:37:51 And they are, and those people are some of the biggest names. And as far as whether you like it or not, Instagram and followings are a huge part of this, so those people have huge audiences. And you take them out, and all of a sudden, it kind of loses a little bit of the exciting factor of it. And it's not, uh, I don't think it's to the, the fault, no fault of the individuals because that's obviously the way it goes. It's what we're talking about. Yeah. That's what sucks. And that's like, yeah. And it's not to the fault
Starting point is 00:38:16 of the meat directors or people behind the meat because it's just like unavoidable. You can't really be mad at anyone in this situation. It's just like, that's what sucks about powerlifting is that it just, people are anyone in this situation. It's just like that's what sucks about powerlifting is that it just – people are pushing things so far and so hard that it almost has to be the perfect storm for this all to come together and work out. Well, and it's almost like – you know, it's really cool because they put up $20,000 and stuff, but what it shows me – some of these people are out because of severe injuries, so that's unavoidable. But some of the people aren't out because of severe injuries and so that's unavoidable but some of
Starting point is 00:38:47 the people aren't out because of severe injuries they they are probably maybe their training didn't go perfect and they're deciding not to do it and whatnot but what i would think is that twenty thousand dollars isn't enough apparently to like really to really just to do yeah to risk a physical injury like when it comes to World's Strongest Man or the Arnold, those guys are basically there unless they... Half those guys are competing hurt all the time.
Starting point is 00:39:15 But the Arnold, they stand to win $100,000. Everyone gets a pay-per-view. So they're basically going to be there. Even just showing up, you're guaranteed $5,000 or something like that everyone at the arnold wins money yeah like even if you get dead last i think you get a few thousand dollars yep um but that's kind of what it i mean it's smart decisions probably on all their parts because you shouldn't be doing it if you're hurt
Starting point is 00:39:37 or if you're your head's not in it or whatever the reason is but it's just uh it's it's it sucks you know when they're trying to make a meet that's like the gonna be the grand you know the super bowl of power lifting and it's just almost like impossible to do that it is it is and that's that's just i think i don't think there's an answer for that at the end of the day it's just going to be like that's part of the issue with power lifting is that people get hurt yeah and there's not a lot you can it's the same thing with big dogs you know there's a roster of 10 and three of them end up draw or 11 and three or four of them end up dropping out and you're down to a field of like seven or eight before it even starts yeah i do think big dogs are still the best at being able to try to put something together oh
Starting point is 00:40:19 yeah i think so too and it's probably because it is limited to all not even a weight class it's just saying the you know i mean like the title says it all but like it's just the total yeah and like i do think that and that makes it easier like you're not comparing things like right it it is kind of is the standard like they've had an awesome showing the last i mean basically since it's existed what's been three or four years yeah um so yeah to me that one kind of is the gold standard right now yeah although the u.s open will still be cool oh yeah there's still some yes absolutely still some people in there that i definitely am interested to see how they do and everything like that but on the men's side is there a way for yuri belkin to not win i don't think so i mean he has a really bad day i guess but like he would be the hands down favorite
Starting point is 00:41:07 right even if he played it safe like he wouldn't lose right and that's on the heavyweight men i guess there's the lighter weight men which i think is is either 198 and under or the next class it must be separated at 198 i think yeah because yeah i like two 20 and up and all that is. Yeah. Yeah. So then I don't know that lighter. It's like those people. I much, they're amazing athletes, but I don't, I just don't know who they are.
Starting point is 00:41:33 Yeah. We don't follow them as well. And then on the women's side, uh, like we said, I think Steffi and Mariana would be the clear favorite as of right now. Yeah. With no Stacy and CC.
Starting point is 00:41:44 Cause that's where like if stacy and cc and mariana and steffi are all doing it oh it'd be like on the women's side women's yeah those are the yeah that would if those four were all doing it like those are the four women right now that are like battling back and forth on like a monthly basis to be the best ever yeah this month and that's who the record's going to be. Yeah. That would be really cool to see if those four women would have all been able to compete at the same time. Yeah, that would have been a really fun one to watch. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:15 But you know what they say. There's always next year. There is always next year. Kern 2020. But what do you think, long- long term do you think that's gonna get like do you think this meet is gonna get better that people are be more well attended by the big people or do you think it'll fizzle and like we're we're not elite lifters so we don't get it either but it does surprise me i don't know if it's it might be part of the thing you have to walk them
Starting point is 00:42:41 out that's different for some guys. Some guys don't like that. But it just seems like if it's the meat that's paying a ton of money, that seems like the one that would attract everyone. And people complain about there not really being money. Well, like, there is the meat for it, and, like, there's just not a lot of people there. Because there's a lot of big lifters that aren't doing this one. Right. But that walkout is a factor.
Starting point is 00:43:02 The walkout is a factor. Strict judging. Strict judging. And I'm just trying to think what other, it seems like the meets that get really hyped up. I'm not counting USAPL meets, but are there meets that get really hyped up in the year? There's boss of bosses.
Starting point is 00:43:15 There's now the tribute meet. There's big dogs. And there's the US Open. To me, those are probably, just right off the top of my head, the four biggest ones. And I don't know. I guess the tribute meet is getting to the point where they're trying to get also a huge cash prize. But if the huge cash prize isn't the thing that gets people to the U.S. Open,
Starting point is 00:43:36 then I don't know what is the thing that gets people to want to do a huge, big meet. Right. And it still is a – if you look at the roster that is going there, it's still a cool group of really strong people to get at one meet, but it's not like the – It's just not what it was built as. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:53 I think it's not where it's like, damn, this is the meet for everyone, you know, that's in this class, class of lifters. But either way, I'm still excited to see the results. We'll be following it and we'll be giving probably our expert opinion on the outcomes for sure uh tana we're kind of getting down there on time we better take a look at segments before we should we hit it should we hit the uh newest hottest segment we probably should we probably should i like that i can give my own segment that title the newest hottest segment one of those things is true the other one's debatable um so the last
Starting point is 00:44:32 week was the second time ever i did have multiple people give suggestions you did so if you don't hear your suggestions this week it's because there was several of them so you're gonna have to wait your turn here um are you still taking more suggestions i will still take suggestions just know that there is a list so you might not get in but that has to go to you correct that does have to dm to me that does that is that the only rule was sending me or the only rule was sending suggestions is that they have to send to me yeah and they must include nudes that last part is not factual um those still go to tanner okay tanner we are going to do the third ever supplement real or fake um i've been practicing all week of saying real real real real real fake fake fake fake fake um as always with this segment i will be reading a list of supplements
Starting point is 00:45:25 to tanner one at a time tanner will then have to decide if that supplement name that i told him is real or fake preferably he will talk out loud so we know what he's thinking so we're not just sitting here doing nothing um he can take as long as he wants to think these out. He can say as much as he wants. But at the end of the day, I need a real or a fake. Real or fake. If it's real, I will give Tanner some additional information on it to find out what the deal is here. If it's fake, we will just laugh at him for getting it wrong. Tanner, do you got the rules?
Starting point is 00:45:59 I understand it. All right. First up on the list, green bulge. Green bulge. Have we had a bulge before? I believe last week. Let me check the list. I got the list here.
Starting point is 00:46:14 Last week we had Bulge Builder XL. Was that real or fake? Can we review past ones? I better not tell me that could influence my answer. I want to remember. I can't even remember what I said for an answer on that. Green bulge. Green bulge.
Starting point is 00:46:34 Oh, why would you want your bulge to be green? And green in the world of the 10 know the the 10 000 mile view of supplements i i would think of uh greens you know like your greens but when it's coupled with bulge i tend to think back to like the uh sexual male enhancement pills it does have that vibe to it i cannot draw a clear path of what that would be and for that reason i'm going to say that it's real well because i don't understand it so i feel like maybe it's real then that was very well put tanner um first question of green bulge green bulge is real tanner you are one for one. I'm kind of on a heater. You are.
Starting point is 00:47:26 I made this list a long time ago. I don't remember what Green Bulge even is. Green Bulge. Okay. You don't have a guess for what type of supplement this is, Tanner? I guess it's male enhancement. Green Bulge is by Controlled Labs. Advanced Creatine Volumizer.
Starting point is 00:47:45 Oh. So it's just a bottle of green pills that are apparently. And it's creatine or it's like, did you say something? It's creatine, yeah. It's synergistic creatine formula. Oh, that's. Convenient capsule delivery, improved strength and stamina, performance and muscle recovery, caffeine-free, stimulant-free. I just don't think that.
Starting point is 00:48:09 Kind of sounds like creatine to me. My preferred mode of transport for creatine is not pills. I can't feel like that's the most efficient. That's always weird to me. Is there actually people that do prefer the pill form? I mean, it cannot be the most economical. I guarantee that. And already, like, the amount of creatine you need, the amount of creatine you actually
Starting point is 00:48:29 need in a scoop is so minimal. Right. You could literally, you can just put it as long as you have like two ounces of water, you go. Yeah. Right. That one's confusing to me. I have to imagine that pills are way more expensive too.
Starting point is 00:48:41 Oh, I believe it. It's gotta be way more. This one, 150 count bottles, 25 bucks. Yeah, but do you take five? That is the question. I'm not sure what the actual, I don't know. Are you serious about lifting? Maybe you'll take 10 of them.
Starting point is 00:48:56 All right. So Tanner, you are one for one. I think week one, I was 25%. Week two, I was 75%. Oh, okay, okay. I'm on a 50% average prior to this week. Okay. Ready for this.
Starting point is 00:49:09 Yes. Bulging biceps. Bulging biceps. So that would be our third bulge. This is the third bulge. We don't know if the first one was real or fake. Bulging biceps. We know the first green bulge was real, but we don't remember what the first week was.
Starting point is 00:49:29 I would think bulging biceps would be like, what do they call that? Like an NO booster, nitric oxide. That would make sense. Whatever the hell that stuff is, I don't even know. That would make more sense than it being a male sexual supplement. I'm going to say that one is fake. Tanner, bulging biceps is fake. You are correct.
Starting point is 00:49:58 Was that by you or was that a fan submission? That comes from SwimHack, so you have outmanned him in this one. You're going to have to do better than that, Big James. He might have you on the bench, but you have got him in the game of real or fake supplements. He might have me by several hundred pounds in bench press, but not so fast. But you cannot peddle any fake supplements in front of you. All right, Tanner, two for two. Okay, okay.
Starting point is 00:50:23 Moving along here. Number three on the list do you think i could finish the do what everyone said has been impossible the perfect perfect the perfect supplements really fake you would be the first person in the world to do it that's would be cy young worthy it would be it would be we could put you on a board yeah okay number three, swagger. Swagger. Swagger? It's a hot word with the kids these days. Yeah. Is swagger a hot word with the kids or is swag? Oh, it's really hot with the kids.
Starting point is 00:50:57 Swagger. I would not even know where to start to guess what that is. I would say if it's real it's a pre-workout supplement because that's just like it seems like a catch-all of when i don't know that's the kind of what i mean it probably is like the most uh diverse uh yeah group that swagger there i i don't picture that being fake someone come up with that as a fake thing i picture it being real so i'm gonna say real on swagger swagger is real oh all right still got this one was submitted by live by fan of massonomics daddy lifts yep all right tanner now what what
Starting point is 00:51:40 what is it what is your guess for what this product is i was saying it's a pre-workout supplement because i don't know or is it a male enhancement seems there's a lot of male enhancement supplements so this uh daddy lift says he works for a gnc so he sent so i sent a picture of some um that looks like classy label it does it does seem like a premium label here and it should be when a bottle is a hundred and ten dollars force factor swagger 120 capsules for a very modest hundred and ten dollars description real men have swagger there are plenty of supplements to enhance your mood but influential irresistible confidence aka sw.k.a. swagger, is different. It is a distinctly masculine quality, a combination of low levels of stress, charismatic energy, and a controlled state of mind.
Starting point is 00:52:33 Men who possess swagger are magnetic. And then it goes on and on and on. So it's defining the word swagger, but does it ever say what the supplement is? Yeah, I guess the three benefits they give you compelling because you can measure compelling compelling attitude and confidence seems hard to measure but okay and also those pills are a dollar a piece so i mean if you take a few of them at a time yeah it's more expensive than food um benefit number two less stress anxiety and fatigue number three better energy mood and cognition i think they sneak caffeine in there just to make you i don't know there's no reviews
Starting point is 00:53:15 on it uh let's look at the ingredient list here the only thing we found that's more expensive than lift shorts yeah it's uh it has some vitamin b12. Is it niacin? Is that what that's called? Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's really, I like this ingredient. It has masculine energy stress reduction. Let me start that again. The actual ingredient is masculine energy stress reduction confidence complex.
Starting point is 00:53:42 It has 2,530 milligrams of that doesn't sound like something that you could actually uh synthesize or like it's a real thing but it does have 2 530 milligrams of it so um it's also there's no set daily value of what that measurement should be but yeah but this could be the first supplement i've ever ran across that has masculine energy, stress reduction, confidence complex as an ingredient. Man, that is so stupid. If anyone really takes that and you're listening. How is snake oil not one of the ingredients on the list? That is crazy.
Starting point is 00:54:21 And I bet their marketing strategy is just just like let's make it crazy fucking expensive like who's gonna buy this shit there's gonna be someone that'll like our markup you know they're they're making a five thousand percent profit margin oh i'd be amazed if it cost more than a dollar to make this thing it's all made up ingredients i like how they're marketing the packaging though as like a really high end uh yeah yeah like the, I mean, it's like a guy in a suit with like a lady's hands around him. I mean, the package is fairly well designed. Oh, yeah. But, yeah, it's probably not something you should spend your money on.
Starting point is 00:54:58 Damn. So we'll give it a pass on that one. So, Tanner, you are 3-4-3. The perfect game is on the line. You're pitching a perfect game going into the ninth inning. And a heavyweight just stepped up to the plate here, Tanner. Uh-oh. Are you ready?
Starting point is 00:55:14 They're ready. Fourth on the list. And for all the marvels, erectoid. Erectoid. There's always got to be one of these down there yeah so definitely the male enhancement volumizing semen all of that could be something for something else no not this one but the question is is it real or is it fake is it real or is it fake it certainly is in line with all of the ones that we you know if this was week one i might have just went towards fake right away uh-huh because i was like what who would ever pick this naming scheme but then after all these that we've had it's like
Starting point is 00:55:57 ah it's gotta be you know it seems right in line with all of it but if fans have been submitting things and uh you know the fans have picked up on the ejaculoid the also it's really close to named to ejaculoid it is suspiciously close scott dodds i believe also had semenoid yeah our photo that he sent us i don't know if he physically had it, but he did send a photo of it. I think there's some red lights here, so I am going to say that it's fake. Erectoid is fake. Tanner, you did the perfect game. They said it couldn't be done.
Starting point is 00:56:42 Harrison Jones, PhD. Yep. Just couldn't stump you this week, Tanner. So, wow, you really brought your A game this week. I'm going to assume you spent a lot of time researching supplements. No, I'm inside all these Harrison Jones, PhD, swim hack. All these guys are going to have to do better than that. Daddy lifts.
Starting point is 00:57:02 Yeah, daddy lifts. It's funny because when you say each of those, I don't know. all these guys are going to have to do better than that. Yeah, daddy lives. All right. It's funny because when you say each of those, I don't know. Real or fake, real or fake Masonomics fan, daddy lives. That's real. I will know most of these. We could almost do that as a game. Real or fake, B. Amos.
Starting point is 00:57:20 Oh, very real. There's a lot of names that. Or is it Bamos? Yeah, yeah. There's a lot of names that – Or is it Bammes? Yeah, yeah. There's a lot of people that I don't know what they – I might know what they look like a little bit, but I mostly recognize them by their handle and then like their picture. Because there's a few of you guys that love to –
Starting point is 00:57:37 We love it. We love that you do. But, yeah, there's a few of you guys that love to comment. So, wow. I guess we learned that I cannot count on the crowd for this one so i'm gonna have to bring my a game better than that i'm gonna have to bring my a game next week tanner and to really stump you so yeah i'm not going easy on you anymore no hold this is war this is war real or fake supplement that's that is a that could even just be real and yeah you know that uh that that could be real
Starting point is 00:58:08 uh what about quickly the best instagram slash youtube comment of the week i did have one of these prepared for us yeah i like those and this was on a post of a picture we posted of a young man i would say maybe junior high age um wearing an OG red Masonomic shirt, holding a deadlift at lockout. They said it was for a PR, and you could tell he was super pumped and excited, like yelling. I mean, he's a kid. Yeah. Did he weigh 100 pounds?
Starting point is 00:58:35 I don't know. He's skinny. I can't. Yeah, he could be very. He could be tall. Yeah, it's hard to say. But he could be like 11, or maybe he's like 14, but pretty young. He's under 18. And it was a really cool picture, I thought. I was like, oh, and he's like 14 or i don't but pretty young he's under 18 and it was a really cool picture i thought you know i was like that's and he's pumped yeah he was pumped and he's wearing
Starting point is 00:58:51 the you know you can see the massonomics logo and he's like you can tell he's holding a deadlift at lockdown i was like oh that's an awesome picture so we shared that and of course not everyone can just take that as like a good thing you gotta find something wrong with it right and someone goes uh this is the comment why hiding the weight question mark because you're so insecure and it didn't even that was never even a thought in my head that the weight being lifted wasn't the point of the photo it wasn't like it wasn't the point and it photo. It wasn't. It wasn't the point. And it's a young... That shouldn't be their... If they're so worried about the weight on the bar
Starting point is 00:59:30 and you're 13 years old... So insecure with what you can do. That was not the point of the photo at all. And this went on, then... There's probably 25 sub-comments off of this comment of people kind of coming back at this guy and him like... Trying to defend himself. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:50 Yeah. And I'm like, man. Some people just have issues, man. Right. And to me, it's like, you're arguing about a kid doing this. But then I forget, like this person, i'd never looked into it but he himself is probably would have to i have to assume as much younger so maybe he looks at it as more of a peer than competition yeah it's like like why are you picking something bad like why are you
Starting point is 01:00:18 trying to find something bad about it i guess the life lesson there is that you know the world is just there's too much going on to be worried about what someone else you think they may or may not have on the bar right so just don't play that game yeah it's like be excited for people be that person that's that's a better person to be right okay we still got time for the uh so if the if supplements real Fake is the hottest and newest, I suppose this is the old trusted segment of the Maths and Comics podcast. Underrated or overrated? Of course, the rules of underrated or overrated. Probably the best part of the segment is the rules. There was a slight modification to the rules this week.
Starting point is 01:01:03 Oh, a bylaw was put in. Yeah, a new subsection 1A-C. Oh, okay, okay. We'll have to reprint all those rule books we did last week. Send them out. We should print a rule book pamphlet. Put it on the website. I'd like that.
Starting point is 01:01:18 Maybe make a sticker. Maybe we'll make a sticker of the rules. And, like, really small print. Yeah. Maybe we'll make a sticker of the rules. And really small print. We're having really good ideas live on the podcast here. There would be at least 10 people that would really want that sticker. This is a good brainstorming session.
Starting point is 01:01:34 Maybe we'll just put it in with the other sticker packs. Everyone's like, ah, I bought these cool stickers, but there's this one that's really annoying in here. I'm never going to put it on anything. It makes no sense, but I guess I have it. They sent three of them. I ordered three, and they put a fourth one in, and it's the one I don't care about.
Starting point is 01:01:51 And honestly, I think it's a warning label or something. That's what we would make it look like, a warning label, I think. But the rules. The rules are a living, breathing thing, so we know they are something to change. It's very wishy-washy. The rules, underrated or overrated, consists of lightning round questions asked by myself to Tommy. The questions come from a variety of topics, including, but not limited to, pop culture, current events, food, and technology.
Starting point is 01:02:17 There are also lifting-related topics sprinkled in. It's important to remember that the questions are, in fact, lightning round, but the answers are not necessarily. Tommy has his druthers when it comes to the length of his answers what are druthers you ask well merriam-webster's dictionary defines druthers as a person's preference in a matter all that being said there does not there does have to be a final answer this initial issue of overrated or underrated must be clearly resolved in the end. Wow. Now that I know what druthers means, my take on this game completely changes.
Starting point is 01:02:49 Yeah. They are a person's preferences in a matter. I'm not just giving an answer. I'm giving my preferences. Those druthers are yours. See, before I was just giving answers that I thought people would want to hear, but now I'm going to be giving preferences. Yes. Okay.
Starting point is 01:03:03 Wow. Okay. Okay. Underrated or overrated? Mayonnaise. Mayonnaise? Yeah. Mayonnaise.
Starting point is 01:03:14 I'm going to say underrated because I've never heard anyone freaking out about how much they love mayonnaise. It's not like pizza or donuts or any of those foods that's like, oh, I love it. Or like, oh, I'm a girl and I love video games. You're like edgy because you're doing something that everyone actually loves, but you're making a point of it. I've never heard anyone make a big deal about mayonnaise, so I'm going to go underrated. Do you like mayonnaise as a condiment? I like mayonnaise, yeah. Do you keep it in your refrigerator and put it on things?
Starting point is 01:03:45 I mean, I... Okay, I never make sandwiches. Yeah. Because you've got to buy the bread and the deli meats. Would you rather use... If you were making one and had your choice, would you rather put a nice butter spread on it or mayonnaise? I'd probably do both. I mean, if I was really going to go for it.
Starting point is 01:04:00 Is it like one exclusive to the other? Like you don't do both? I think a lot of times, yeah. I think. See, and I never, if I'm making a sandwich, I'm never just buttering bread for a sandwich. Yeah. Like the lubrication is coming from the condiments and I don't consider buttered, not saying butter's not a good ingredient, but I'm not even thinking, I'm thinking of like the mustard
Starting point is 01:04:18 I'm going to be using. The mayonnaise. And the mayonnaise. What's the hot sauce in the green bottle? Sriracha? Yeah, yeah. Yeah, there you go. I don't put that on sandwiches, though.
Starting point is 01:04:29 But yeah, I think mayonnaise is underrated. Underrated, all right. Settles that finally. Underrated or overrated? Microplates. Microplates? Yeah, for lifting. Oh, like the incremental plates.
Starting point is 01:04:44 Yeah, the incremental plates. We had a segment on Watson-Taynor Sack back in the day. We did the microplates? Yeah, for lifting. Oh, like the incremental plates. Yeah, the incremental plates. We had a segment on Watson-Taynor Sack back in the day. We did the microplates. I think those are pretty underrated because I think a lot of people don't even know they exist. When we say microplates, we're talking like, what's the smallest weight? Like a quarter pound or a half pound? I think we have like quarter pound, half pound, three quarter pound, one pound. Do we have a two pound one?
Starting point is 01:05:03 I think we have one and a quarter. You could make it out of combining yeah that's right okay so that's if you know you don't want to for the people using pounds and not uh not kilos it lets you hit something other than a zero and a five yeah you know um i think they're underrated like so many people's training consists of zeros and fives that is that is where your prs live that's where everything lives you're either rounding up or rounding down if you're doing anything percentage based um i think they're underrated i don't like to use them because i forget they exist i don't rarely use i've actually i've actually never used them now that i think about it i've
Starting point is 01:05:38 held them and they look cool yeah but uh i've never used them they're relatively inexpensive too which should be if you get the pound ones. Like with a kilo set, you get the weird, like, I don't even know what all those little ones are with kilos. But those are probably expensive just because they're kilos. Yep. So you said underrated? I think microplates are underrated. What did you think I meant by microplates?
Starting point is 01:06:00 I didn't know what it was. Go on. I was like, is it something to do with your blood cells? I don't know. I had no idea. Underrated or overrated? Fanny packs. Fanny packs. Well, see, fanny packs are getting pretty hyped right now.
Starting point is 01:06:17 It's very popular, again, for guys to have them. Not so much in the fanny pack position as much it is to where it kind of slung around a shoulder you know like cross body it yeah uh see this one's tough now it's tough because as a guy i don't really like keeping things in my pockets um some pants stuff doesn't even want to stay in your pockets let alone like the size of phones and things now um like i try to keep my wallet as slim as possible because I don't like sitting on a wallet. I hate having things in my front pocket.
Starting point is 01:06:48 So there's a lot of problems with pockets right there. And I don't really want to carry a purse around, but enter, you know, the fanny pack, the man bag, whatever it is. It kind of solves this problem. It gives you a thing. You can dump all your stuff into it. You're free. It's, like, strapped to you,
Starting point is 01:07:03 so you really don't even have to worry about falling out or like losing it yeah but it's like such a like a stylish like hyped up like thing for guys that unless you're like uh i don't know unless you're like a rapper that just makes crazy amounts of money that just like you kind of like get paid to like look like to have a just a ridiculous look. It almost doesn't work with most people. Yeah. It almost looks like you're trying too hard. It's what it ties into.
Starting point is 01:07:32 So although I do think they are very practical and after years of being a fashion faux pas, I believe they've come back to an extent. I think I still got to say they're overrated. Yeah. i would agree with you the practicality thing that makes a lot of sense it does it does like and guys don't girls get purses bags all that stuff like but you could you could carry you know with it you could carry like a battery for your phone a charger you have your wallet in there you could have just wads of cash you know because i always want to carry lots of cash on me but i just never have anywhere to safely put it so i could finally carry thousands of dollars on me all that lift short all that lift short money uh you know you could have a lot of stuff on you
Starting point is 01:08:14 that'd be nice yeah but i just don't know if that's something this is probably what it comes down to most guys can't pull it off probably for the for the most part the guys that are wearing them aren't the guys that are i recognize myself to be in that category daniel you shut up with one i'd be like you look really weird right now man why are you doing that and that's me that probably ties into why they're overrated is most guys can't pull them off yeah they will try to they can't do it um so you need some self-awareness you gotta you gotta proceed with caution on that yep that is very tricky territory to be to be going into so you said i will say overrated okay underrated or overrated uh tiger winning the masters um
Starting point is 01:08:58 okay if you're a huge golf fan you're probably not though i know yeah if you're a huge golf fan you probably are like yeah it's probably pretty underrated like oh he's back um even if you're a huge golf fan, you're probably not, though. Yeah, if you're a huge golf fan, you probably are like, yeah, it's probably pretty underrated. Like, oh, he's back. Even if you're not a huge golf fan, you probably are pretty excited about it because he's back. I'm going to say underrated. It's kind of the classic underdog story. Everyone likes one of those in sports where you have a guy
Starting point is 01:09:19 that's not a favorite by any means. A lot of people would call it like a wash-up, a has-been, and to show up and prove the people wrong. So I'm with that i thought it was underrated too when i don't uh watch television much and like i think you know it happened over a period of time where i wasn't around my internet i wasn't either i just like it yeah i think my mac popped up a news notification which i get one of those every four months i don't know why does your phone ever give you noise yeah really randomly sometimes yeah and so it's just like i i don't know why apple decided this is the notification i need to get and i got that on my computer and i was like
Starting point is 01:09:53 that's really weird and also yeah tiger one like well that's my my wife we're sitting in our living room and my my wife goes oh tiger woods won the masters and i i was literally i was like my response was like are you sure no and she's like yeah it says you won the Masters. And I was literally, I was like, my response was like, are you sure? No, he didn't. And she's like, yeah, it says he won the Masters. And I was like, oh, my God, that's, you know, I don't care that much about golf, but I just know it well enough. I was like, wow, that is a big deal.
Starting point is 01:10:16 Like, that is huge. And I have no idea if it was because everyone else golfed really bad or if he golfed insane. I don't even know. He's really good at Augusta, too, i don't even know he's uh really good at augusta too the course like he's that's his best he's one like what was anyone even five times was he anyone even close to him though i think it was close i think it was relatively close but that's that's his best course i think but the big thing is and i didn't know the numbers at the time i
Starting point is 01:10:39 had to look it up it puts him at 15 masters so it's just three off of uh 15 masters or 15 uh 15 like majors majors yeah and uh so five masters 15 major tournaments so it's just three off of the the record jack's record so that's really a big thing which people gave up talking about that like 10 years ago yeah and now just with this one win it's back to like oh my god is he gonna do it yeah he's 43 which isn't that old but you know the way people talk about it it's like it's old yeah like he's washed up to me a sport like golf is that a detriment to you but apparently it is i know i don't follow it close enough to know but so yeah tiger tiger under last one this ties back into the first one it comes full circle here you remember mayonnaise right yeah oh it's okay the last one is It comes full circle here. You remember mayonnaise, right? Yes, yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:25 Oh, it's okay. The last one is underrated or overrated. Ranch dressing. I think ranch dressing. All right. We live in the Midwest. Yeah. If you don't live in the Midwest,
Starting point is 01:11:37 I don't think this is like this everywhere else, but in the Midwest, people love ranch. Ranch dressing around here is not just something you put on your salad. No, no. Ranch dressing literally, I mean, it's basically, I have a lot of friends where ranch dressing around here is not just something you put on your salad no no ranch dressing literally i mean it's basically i have a lot of friends where ranch dressing is ketchup yeah it's yeah actually tyler even said it on the podcast if you guys haven't been around a long time there used to be another guy on the podcast named tyler and he basically said he decides what he eats by what condiment he wants and that's ketchup or ranch or barbecue sauce but yeah he's like i
Starting point is 01:12:04 pretty much just pick the condiment I want, and that's how I decide what I'm eating for food. But a lot of people, like, dip their pizza in ranch dressing. Oh, growing up, I have friends that they'd make a pizza, pull the pizza out of the oven, and just douse the whole top of it in ranch. I mean, you can get pizzas that, instead of, like, a marinara sauce or anything or a tomato-based sauce, you use ranch, which that isn't as crazy because I feel like
Starting point is 01:12:25 it's portioned a little more correctly but um you know i'm just trying to think like fries and ranch i've seen people do popcorn and ranch i've seen wings and ranch that's not as weird um wings and ranch makes more sense it does it does i'm still more of a blue cheese guy but uh that pretty much any fried food people will do in ranch on top of any, obviously, salad or vegetable. But, yeah, people love ranch in the Midwest. And because of that, I think it is so overrated. The only thing that I – even a salad. I almost never get a salad with ranch because there are so many other dressings to not have to do right like
Starting point is 01:13:05 it's like i when it comes to salads i don't get them unless i have to basically and when it comes to it i don't i'm like i don't know the dressings i'll just get ranch because that's usually where it comes down to yeah it's like uh yeah um see even yeah if I can pick a salad dressing, ranch is like number 10 on the list. Yeah. And, uh, really the only thing I'll routinely eat ranch with is I will do sweet potato fries with ranch. If I'm in a restaurant, I think sweet potato fries and ranch go good together. Outside of that, I almost stay away from ranch on the principle that I don't want to be someone
Starting point is 01:13:42 that has ranch on everything else. So way overrated i agree i wasn't sure what your stance was on that but i and i also this is another midwest thing that i think is so overrated and i can't stand it and this is going to sound insane wait a second are you adding topics i am adding a topic here i don't let me check the rules that to me i'm oh, you can't stop me now. To me, people around the Midwest drink red beers. That is light beer with tomato juice in it. And it is disgusting because how do you take a beer that already has, hey, I like a Crispy Boys much as the next guy, but Crispy Boys, I don't know if you've had them lately.
Starting point is 01:14:22 They're not notorious for their flavor. Very light on the palate. Yeah. So you add in tomato juice, it literally tastes like you're drinking tomato juice. Yeah. And that makes no sense. You're already taking like a, what, a 4% beer and watering it down to like what? Whatever it is.
Starting point is 01:14:37 Yeah. No, red beers, no. And then people throw in pickles. They throw in olives. That's not how a beer should be. And my wife does this. Her friends do it. A lot of my friends do it.
Starting point is 01:14:50 No, not okay with it. I'm okay with Bloody Marys. Not okay with red beers. Yeah, it is a good point. If you're using half tomato juice, then you've cut the alcohol content down in half. Well, God, I mean, hopefully no one's doing it to half. But even if you do it to a quarter, well, you have a 3% drink, and you actually pay more for it because you're getting extra things in it. So it costs you more money.
Starting point is 01:15:10 You get less alcohol. The flavor has been completely ruined because it tastes like watered-down tomato juice. Red beers have to stop. And then the best is when people from the Midwest go somewhere out of this area. They're like, oh, I went to a restaurant and ordered a red beer, and they looked at me. It's like, yeah, because you're insane. Just because people here think it's okay doesn't mean it's right.
Starting point is 01:15:34 So, yeah, red beers need to end. Bonus topic. Overrated, whether we wanted to know it or not. Now you know. I once had a friend that said uh ranch would make a dead baby taste good not my position on that but not mine either but now you know how people feel about ranch yeah i can i can see uh how some people would feel that way uh that wraps us up on underrated overrated. We do have something we're probably not going to get to.
Starting point is 01:16:06 I just remembered it. Now we'll tease with this, that we have a new massomics athlete to announce, but maybe let's not announce it. We'll talk too long about that. We're already an hour. But you can, you can start to guess of who that might be.
Starting point is 01:16:21 That's a joining the massonomics team. Yeah. If you're, if you're a fellow listener you have a good guess yeah yeah uh hint they power lift so ah okay now i'm interested but we'll we'll cover that next episode so that's a reason to come back next week yes absolutely uh other cliff notes make sure to uh stop by the store actually not really cliff note because i didn't we didn't talk about it at all yet but just uh you know what i mean tomato tomato yeah red beer uh stop by the store and purchase anything and everything you'd like to on there uh big lift segment one other quick thing just thought of this roberto garza was
Starting point is 01:17:06 starting centering maybe we need to say that for next time okay yeah we'll save that another teaser yeah who was what wait i just said the name but we'll still save it for next time that's all you get is the name yeah roberto garza more to come next week let's stop by our store uh check out any of our apparel and purchase anything you'd like. We always really appreciate any of the listeners that are purchasing stuff. Drop us a note when you purchase that. We always like reading those.
Starting point is 01:17:34 Let us know if you're a listener. Say something stupid or just say hi. Whatever you want to. We like hearing that. Subscribe to our newsletter when you're out there on our website too like us on youtube we were talking about that earlier we want to get to a thousand leave us a podcast review on apple uh the what is it the apple podcast yeah leave us a review on
Starting point is 01:17:57 there if you would be so inclined uh we read all of those on the podcast that we can so if you drop one in there we'll read it as long as it's five stars. I think that's about it though. Is that the best? I think that's the rundown. We're finished with that rundown. Finally, finally,
Starting point is 01:18:12 you can also like us on Facebook if you want to. And then most importantly, our Instagram handles. Uh, and you can find me Tommy to Fay at Tomahawk underscore D and make sure to like the official Massanomics Instagram account at Massanomics. That's it.
Starting point is 01:18:30 Later. You just heard the Massanomics podcast. With your ears, you're welcome. Check us out on Facebook. Find us on Instagram at Massanomics and make sure you visit and buy some of that sweet Masinamics gear. From your friends at Masinamics Studio, home of the world's strongest podcast, stay strong. Thank you.

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