Massenomics Podcast - Ep.174: Listener Q&A

Episode Date: August 5, 2019

You guys and gals asked them, and we answered them... kind of.  You will find a lot of the usual nonsense Massenomics questions in here, but there are a few serious nuggets of information thrown into... the mix.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to Massanomics, the world's strongest podcast. Find us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter at Massanomics. Make sure you go visit There you'll find the rest of our powerful content. While you're there, check out our store and buy yourself some of that sweet Massanomics gear. Welcome, everyone, to episode 174 of the massonomics podcast, the lifting podcast about nothing. And we're breathing a sigh of relief today because coop, uh, from garage gym reviews is finally gone.
Starting point is 00:00:38 So we can go back to being a podcast about regular programming. Yeah. It was pretty nerve-wracking having to be a podcast about something for a week. It felt like there was pressure all of a sudden, like something to live up to, expectations. You know, when you're interviewing, there's like questions you have to ask.
Starting point is 00:00:55 You can't just sit there. No. The pressure's off. And to make up for that, we're going to do just 40 minutes of just dead air. Starting now. Well, maybe not quite that much but um it might i don't know maybe it will turn into that in a hurry here i don't know tanner it's always possible i'm hoping you have something to talk about because i got nothing we do have a few things to talk about
Starting point is 00:01:18 uh well part of what we're going to do today we we have done this maybe a few times, but not all that often, is like a Q&A, a little Q&A session. So we put that out on Instagram today to ask us some cues so we could AM. And after having our interns go for hours to funnel down only the most pertinent questions, we finally have a list. We came up with them. Yes, we do have the list of very pertinent questions they've been screened to make sure that they only make us look good yes of course okay it's just like talking about uh overrated underrated last week that we don't we don't put things in overrated underrated that could make us look bad exactly i mean yeah you got
Starting point is 00:01:58 to set yourself up to win we're not going to open the door for anything like that yes uh should we jump into the the q's and As, do you think? I don't see why not. All right. Let me find this list that the intern did put together so expertly here. Okay. Here we go. And I did actually look at a few of these beforehand,
Starting point is 00:02:23 and I do know there's some pretty good ones. See, I always get worried with these because I know that Tanner, you had some time to prepare for the answers here, and I'm always caught completely off guard. I didn't really prepare on the answers, though. I really didn't. But there are some, just like what you'd expect, there's some questions in here that are catered pretty good
Starting point is 00:02:44 to our form of nonsense that we normally do, and there's also some real questions in here that'll catered pretty good to our form of nonsense that we normally do. And there's also some real questions in here that'll be interesting, too. I like it. Okay. Question number one. This is from Marshall Buckler. And he asks, when are y'all coming to the West Coast? That is a good question.
Starting point is 00:03:08 Probably the biggest obstacle there is just how far the west coast is away from us like what we're talking i don't even know what the closest point in the west coast would be but it's probably well over 20 hours yeah um you know we've talked about like the current it'd be cool to go to us open but also like we're not sure what the value is in there for us other than purely going to spectators right because we would like to be a vendor at an event like that but for us to be able to get all our stuff there we kind of have to drive and that's not really a doable drive it's it's not well and then to like still make money right at the end of the day um yeah so maybe you know marshall if you can come up with a great idea for
Starting point is 00:03:45 us to get there maybe that's maybe that's just the home we need is that really good uh that really good uh motivation we could you know we could go there not if we're not being a vendor you know it's not unreasonable that we could fly there for something but if someone wants a sponsored trip out there for us we will gladly yeah yes we can make that happen for sure i i personally have never been to the west coast i just don't think i've ever been there say the west coast is the best coast and i'm not sure if you're familiar with that but i have heard that before i've been there a few times always been a blast yeah so i you've been to california a few times i mean when people say west coast are they just talking about california because you'd say like pacific
Starting point is 00:04:23 northwest if you're talking about going to yeah i guess when i think when i think west coast are they just talking about california because you'd say like pacific northwest if you're talking about going to yeah i guess when i think when i think west coast i always think california but you know technically yeah you have like washington and kind of that area but it just doesn't seem like that doesn't seem like west coast california seems like west coast right someone probably has a complaint about that but yeah you're right the one is west coast and everyone's like pacific northwest yeah there'd be certainly be a lot of cool gyms to go to out there and a lot of cool people that we could have the potential to podcast with yeah but yeah that could that could be a good time yeah so yeah if someone wants to sponsor our trip uh we will gladly uh take applications that you are submitting to us yes and we'll review the best ones Maybe someone wants to sponsor a trip for us like what Coop was doing for Garage and Reviews.
Starting point is 00:05:06 Exactly, I know. And we can come review their squat racks for them. Or we can just talk in their general living area about things that we might not know about at all. That's probably what we're most suited for. We could do the live podcast tour that we've always talked about. Yes. That people have always clamored for. That maybe 10 people would ever see at one point.
Starting point is 00:05:29 Yes. Okay, the next question. This is from Benson underscore Thor. And I don't know the context of this question. All the question is, is who wants it? Is that something? It's a very ambiguous question. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:05:44 But I don't know how to answer that. Is that a song ambiguous question. I don't know. But, boy, I don't know how to answer that. Is that a song or something? I don't think so. Okay. All right. I think there's some innuendo there. All right. I think we all want it, right?
Starting point is 00:05:56 You've got to want it. You've got to want it. Yeah. That is the old saying. You've got to want it. Yeah. So, yeah, we all want it. All right.
Starting point is 00:06:01 That's a pretty quick one. Next one is from 07RAV1S underscore M. And he asks, favorite IPA, Coors Light or Bud Light? I was going to say, is he going to be serious with this one or not? Coors Light or Bud Light. Which of those two is your favorite IPA? So he knows that what I consider an IPA is any beer that I'm drinking. A nice, nice, crispy boy.
Starting point is 00:06:26 Yes, yes. And he's limiting the choice to Coors Light or Bud Light on these IPAs. Actually, I don't even have to think about that. I just always say Bud Light. I think for some reason Bud Light says burn into my brain that when someone says beer, and you have no idea, that's just the fallback. That's the default. Yeah, the default fall
Starting point is 00:06:45 back um so i would say i would say bud light what would you say tanner i like coors light i do like coors light still not completely sure i could ever tell the difference between them if they were in a glass a blind taste test yeah full disclosure yeah they don't taste different um so when someone makes a complaint that yeah oh man it's coorsors versus Bud, I say you are a crazy person. People like to, mind you, this is people that also drink other light beers. I have heard before from a few people, like if I'm drinking a Coors Light, they'll be like, oh, you're drinking that water beer? Like is it? I feel like almost any domestic beer, like not like a craft beer falls under that category.
Starting point is 00:07:25 But have you ever heard people classify Coors Light as that as more than others? I haven't really. The one that I hear more is when someone's like, oh, no, I'm drinking the heavy stuff. And it's like Budweiser or Coors Banquet. It's like, well, yeah, I get it's a heavy beer. But percentage-wise, we're talking like 1% more or something. Like it's not like an IPA or something like that where it is a considerable amount more of alcohol. So that's more the one that I think is funny is people be like, whoa, careful on those.
Starting point is 00:07:55 You're going to get crazy. Yeah, yeah. I did have a banquet beer the other night when we were out at that. They are tasty. I would pick, so I would pick just the way my brain works. I would say Bud Light over Coors Light, but I would always pick Coors Banquet over Budweiser. Ah, it is the banquet beer.
Starting point is 00:08:11 It is the banquet beer. And I mean, what can replace that? Nothing. So, but between the two IPAs of Coors Light IPA and Bud Light IPA, you say Bud Light IPA and I say Coors Light IPA, although we're probably in the same boat where not a huge difference. But we have very decisive taste buds here and there's no substitution. Okay.
Starting point is 00:08:33 Next question comes to us from Barrett Turnquist. And he asks, how soon is too soon to sign up for your first meet? I started powerlifting six months ago. So here we have a serious question. Yeah. Wow. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:08:49 I got it. We're at least moderately qualified to answer this question. I got to change gears a little bit here, Tanner. Wow. I would say how soon is too soon? I honestly, the only way it would be too soon is if you don't know how to do the three main lists. Right.
Starting point is 00:09:02 That to me would be the only time that it's too soon. Or if you don't know the to do the three main lists. Right. That, to me, would be the only time that it's too soon. Or if you don't know the rules. Is it the rules? Is it kind of like the rules of Underrated, Overrated? Like you have to know them that well? They are a living, breathing thing. But even there, the rules, you don't have to know the rules that well because I guess every meet I've done,
Starting point is 00:09:19 they go over them very explicitly on meet day. It helps if you're not surprised by any of them. But if you're not sure on any of them, they're very, very clear about it on meet day it helps if you're not surprised by any of them but if you're not sure in any of them they're very very clear about it on meet day too so how soon is too soon i would be like more like how late is too late yeah and it's like you almost like you can't do one soon enough because people get stuck in this thing where they're like i'm not strong enough yet i just gotta get a little stronger like oh i gotta have like set this record yeah my first meet it's like well no one really cares what your first meet well like we do rookie cards and we have people that have done over 2 000 pounds on a rookie and done like 800 pounds and yeah and it's like both of them have gone on to do really i guess if that you plan on that being
Starting point is 00:09:58 your best meet then maybe it does matter but yeah if your first meet is just that a first meet it shouldn't matter no and the experience i know we've talked about it and other other things that we talked about the experience of actually doing a meet helps you for future meets it it yes that absolutely does it makes the next one it just sets you up to have a better meet the next time and also you don't progress like yeah you don't have progression like you do when you're prepping for a meet. Right. Cause it's much easier. It's much easier to make excuses or like to not grind out these tougher reps or to just, to just not make yourself accountable. But when there's that deadline on the calendar that it doesn't matter if you don't feel the best that day or just whatever's
Starting point is 00:10:40 going on, it's there. You can't change it unless you're just not going to show up, and that's kind of dumb. Right. Yeah, I don't think you can do a meet. My first meet ever, I think I broke 1,100 pounds. I think I did 1,105. Yep. And to me, I was like, okay, cool.
Starting point is 00:10:57 Yeah. That was fine. That was your first meet? And then the last meet, and I'm by no means an expert in this field, but then my last meet I did, I did like 1,415 it's like okay still not a enormous total but i put 300 pounds on my total over that course in the course of a few years a few years and like that wouldn't have happened if i was just always like if i would have just waited for like if you're very last meet what you would have waited that for that to be like you know i'm just gonna wait out three
Starting point is 00:11:22 years yeah i know i can get stronger like well, even then, why is 14 good enough now? Like, what number is good enough in your head? Because it's some weird arbitrary number anyways. And like, honestly, if we weren't talking about what I did my first meet, like someone asked me a week or two ago, don't know why I was talking about that. But if I didn't have my memory recently, like, refreshed, I would actually have to think hard about what it was. Because do you really remember your very first meet off the top of your head, your total? No, I don't have my memory recently refreshed, I would actually have to think hard about what it was because do you really remember your very first meet-up,
Starting point is 00:11:47 top of your head, your total? No, I don't know for sure. Yeah, and I think that's how you want it to be. Why would... People just wait way too long for things to be perfect and you just need to jump and do it because that's when you make progression and just get better. And six months definitely is not too short of a time period you know i don't
Starting point is 00:12:05 know what the ryan is probably the best case of yeah uh you know how long was he lifting your brother before i start did that probably about six months i mean he'd been going to the gym but not doing like not squatting and deadlifting split by any means right he was just kind of going and like oh today's kind of like an arm and back day and yeah like he was and then just you know we were gonna do a meet he's like okay yeah i'll do it yeah and he just got out there and you know now he's done what he's also done four or five yeah he's done quite a few after that and um well it's worth going and trying it to see how much you you know to see if it's something that you're going to be super interested in. Anyways, you might go and do your first one and love it. And then like that might motivate you that much more to keep going. Or you might also go and be like, so this is the sport. Yeah. And
Starting point is 00:12:52 then you're like, Oh, well, I'm not going to waste my time on that anymore. Like that could be a realistic outcome. And I would totally understand both reactions. Yes. So you're telling me the best people also compete with everyone else like and this is the crowd huh like i would totally understand that reaction be like well i'm gonna go somewhere where there's just more to it yeah i would get both yes um but yeah so i yeah you can't do your first one soon enough uh get out there and do it yep i would agree with that. Good question. That was a good question. Okay, not a question is how this question starts. So kind of missing the rules so far.
Starting point is 00:13:37 Did we have a frequently asked questions section, though, for the Q&A? No, we don't have an FAQ. We should have put that in the slides so that people weren't confused on the rules. They should have had to know that they had to ask the question. We'll work on that for the next one. We'll still allow it to slide. And this is from KirchsideBP. He said, not a question, but I'll be a massonomics athlete one day. I like that.
Starting point is 00:13:59 Yeah, that's reach for the stars. The worst that can happen is. Next question, is it ever too soon to be a massonomics athlete can you become a massonomics athlete too soon no definitely not i mean look at you know james strickland is a massonomics athlete and look at where he's gone now since he's become one yep he did over a i think over a 2100 pound gym total this week and would he have done that without being a massonomics athlete it's really hard to say yeah really hard to say i would lean towards no he probably wouldn't have been able to i would even go as far as to say is like would he have done that if he didn't string
Starting point is 00:14:33 together weeks and weeks of first comment like there could be some power in that too right so again there's just so many variables and unknowns here. We can't give a definitive answer, but the massonomics athlete status for sure did not hurt. That is a good goal to have though, I think. Yeah. That's a good goal. I like it. I like to know that there's people out there that actually want that. Yeah, yeah, absolutely. That's a good feeling. Okay, we've got another serious question here. At what point would you guys quit your jobs and do Mastanomics full-time? Well, it would, first, that is a good question because we've actually never even talked about this before. So let's say for both of us to quit our jobs and both be doing mass economics full time.
Starting point is 00:15:26 It would have to make a lot of money. Yeah. Whereas with maybe a more traditional job, assuming some crazy economic factors don't take place, your job will be there year after year. Right. Whereas like we know with this, this is somewhat entertainment. It's somewhat social media. It's somewhat content production. Yep.
Starting point is 00:15:51 You know, there could be some crazy expose in the powerlifting world that comes out next month on a Netflix documentary, and now everyone hates powerlifting and everything to do with it. And you just, like, we don't know how long this will last. Right, right. We thought for sure when we started it
Starting point is 00:16:04 that there's no, absolutely no way that the podcast will make it past 30 episodes right let alone once yeah and you know we've had a ton of fun doing it but the idea of like massonomics being completely my i just don't see that for me ever especially with the type of work that i'm like yeah because i'm well because you could almost you could always be doing it like no matter what you could always what whatever happened for me is like because you could always be doing it. No matter what, you could always be. Whatever happened for me is because I run my own design business. Yeah. It just so happens that massonomics, what I do with massonomics is a picture. You do a lot of designing is what you do.
Starting point is 00:16:35 Yeah, it's a part of my. So the more realistic thing is let's say massonomics just absolutely blows up. Yeah. Just my. It's just a way bigger portion of your time. Yeah, just the amount of work I'm doing with my other, the amount of time spent pursuing other clients is going to go down drastically and the amount of time that I spend on massonomics will increase. So it is possible though, if it got
Starting point is 00:16:54 so big that it could be, you know, like where you don't officially say I'm not in business anymore. It's just like, no, I, my time, we're making so much money on it yeah i guess i guess that could be what would happen but for me personally what could happen is it got so big that i would quit pursuing new clients and even when other clients came in i would be like sorry man don't got time for this yeah um do you ever see that ever being a thing for you tanner it would be no i mean like sitting here today the answer would be no but also if you'd go back three years ago and would ask us well do you think you'll be uh selling the volume and dollar worth of of apparel that we are right now i also would have said no i really don't see that i really can't picture the road that leads us there you know yeah that is the thing
Starting point is 00:17:45 there's just so many unknowns and it's like there are companies out there where i know that that's all you know that are not that much different than us like uh the brothers that own eight man strong they don't have other jobs i'm sure they just eight man strong is their is their career and i think the bigger thing though is when you look at some of these companies you'll find out that the people are maybe a little more diversified yeah even with it you can have a booming business with this but it's not their sole right like i think those guys are pretty different like investing yeah because they did it yeah that's weren't they big into the that prior to eight man you know that's just one example obviously but i don't want to like generalize but typically if people are somewhat invested in real estate it's making money for
Starting point is 00:18:28 them you know like it's uh so like these other things can become just like a bonus on top of that right it makes it like a much easier to take chances and just kind of play loose and hope for the best you know whereas all of a sudden like if we are relying on this as our source of income for our families and everything like that's the and everything, the stress level goes way up. It's really hard in a creative environment to have good ideas when you're stressed. That goes out the window. You're not having fun anymore. So that kind of magic component just disappears.
Starting point is 00:19:00 It turns into work so I guess yeah if people buy just a stupid amount of stuff maybe we'll tone something back and for me it is a financial thing because like you know having a family you know having a house having a mortgage
Starting point is 00:19:20 all that stuff I have a job where I you know where I collect a salary that's... It's a career. Yeah, right, right, right. It's not like, oh, I just picked up this position. Yeah, that's right. It's fine for now.
Starting point is 00:19:32 Right, where realistically, like honestly, realistically, we would have to be taking home more money than... If it was just like tomorrow, we said we said all right we're going to be making enough that you'll be massonomics will make you profit you as exactly as much money as you are at your job now well i'll just work exactly it's like i'll do both and get double the money double down well that so that's what i mean like just making as much money wouldn't even be enough it would have to be like and also like you said the risk of not of the uncertainty of the future like it would have to be where we're maybe each making
Starting point is 00:20:11 twice as much as what we make at our but even then no matter what i always think well i also want that money to like i still want to do both i just want to double down yeah and but like the thing is that when you look at this like if you really like step back and look at the bigger picture like the number of fitness related companies in the fitness industry that had just gone out of business yeah it's probably just a stupid number like you look at equipment companies supplement companies apparel companies yeah i bet if you got a list of like just exhibitors at the arnold every year i bet even year over year there's probably like a 20 to 30 percent turnover in a business distance yes you know yeah it is a very fickle industry in that way yeah that's and i don't think that's this isn't either of ours goal is to like it's not very realistic at least at this point uh like to put it this way if we
Starting point is 00:21:02 all of a sudden next year could sell 10 times as much as what we sell this year, it's probably still not enough to... Yeah, I still don't know if that would be enough for me to really, like, yep, this is a safe investment now. Right. It's possible. Yeah. Like, that would be the spot where you're really thinking hard all of a sudden. You're like, wow, because 10 times would be, in my mind, 10 times the amount of work and effort and everything. Right, and that's to the point where it's like,
Starting point is 00:21:28 can we do both our own jobs? Yeah, something is at the breaking point then. Yeah, right. Yeah, that is a very, that is a tough question. Yeah, it's probably not something we have to worry about anytime in the real near future, but thankfully because of all listeners and customers and everything that we've had the
Starting point is 00:21:46 last few years the last year we've seen a ton of growth so it is at least going in the right direction yeah and that is the other one is we are always like overly like conservative estimates for the future like in the way that we always surprise ourselves like how did we do that it's like well also we just lowball ourselves really like we just think like well we're not going to have any more ideas and we're not going to come out with any new apparel or any new designs or any new anything but somehow we always do yeah and like we've had a history of uh at least from sales like every year like doubling or tripling the previous year yeah if we were if if in 2020 we were able to double or triple what we did in 2019 which probably isn't real like the number is getting high enough now
Starting point is 00:22:32 that doubling it or tripling it it would be starting to get get really hard to do like it would be a legit small business yes like there's definitely small businesses that have employees at that right right right exactly but like i probably wouldn't have guessed that this year that we would have you know that we wouldn't have done that and we we have found a way to get there if if we did that next year if somehow 2020 don't you know doubled or tripled what we are then at that point we're like this that conversation would be like not so pie in the sky it's where it's like well geez what if we do do that one more time you know what if like yeah we found a way to uh but also being in like the niche that we're in and i think that's the big factor being in the niche
Starting point is 00:23:18 that we're in it's always a little bit limited like you, you're the sky is not the limited when the sky is not the limit when your customer base is just, uh, people that like to lift heavyweights and maybe power lift and that sort of thing, because that portion of the population is tiny. It's very, you know, and also it's a portion of the population that doesn't spend a ton of money. Right. Or I say like in the hobby, like, right. I'm not saying it's not people not people with money but yeah it's not like if you're marketing to people that golf it's like right if i'm gonna golf i just expect to spend thousands of dollars a year on the sport like or if you sell a coffee bean or whatever like there's like well almost everyone might purchase that consumable like that yes yes yeah it is a limited market which does have its pros and cons yeah
Starting point is 00:24:02 yes yeah so i guess we answered that like yeah i think we did but yeah that is a limited market which does have its pros and cons yeah yes yeah so i guess we answered that like yeah i think we did but yeah that was a good question yeah like that i would sure i wouldn't turn down the opportunity if it was so good though that uh yeah yeah okay um which one here first i want to save one of the best for last yeah got to okay we'll go best knee wraps and slash knee sleeves so we could answer that as two questions best knee wraps and best knee sleeves well i can i should probably sit out the wrap portion being that the only time i ever had my knees wrapped in my entire life was probably episode, like, what, 80 or something? You wrapped Tyler and I's knees.
Starting point is 00:24:49 Yeah, back in his basement. Yeah, and that was the only time in my life that my knees have ever been wrapped. Sleeves, I also, okay, so I've had the SBDs for a long time. I really don't know what more you could ask out of a pair of sleeves. I've been very happy with them. I want them to actually squat the weight for me. Yeah. Uh, they've like, I have a zero, uh, like durability issues with them. Like as far as I'm concerned, the seams and all that are just as good right now as they were on day one. You know, they definitely smell way worse and they're not as new and shiny but uh to me they've
Starting point is 00:25:26 been an amazing pair uh we've seen going back through the years you know we've seen some people with like some of the earlier slingshot ones yeah the generation one uh those weren't quality i don't think you know like even the reband like it's a different product yeah even i wouldn't even really put it in the same it's not really now that reband one is more of a put it on and wear it for your whole workout yeah it's just it's not I don't think it's the same product no so I guess when it comes to knee sleeves I always like SPD I think the newer strong ones are yeah I say we do it when I say newer it's like what they are right right not that first generation they weren't strong sleeves those were just those were the slingshot When I say newer, it's like what? They've been around three years now. Not that first generation.
Starting point is 00:26:06 They weren't strong sleeves. Those were the slingshot sleeves. Yeah, the slingshot knee sleeves. I think the strong ones are fine. I just don't have experience with other ones because I've had no need to ever venture out. Right. So you're basically – wraps, you say, never worn them. I don't have – So you've never done a squat before?
Starting point is 00:26:23 I've never squatted with a pair of wraps on and uh I've never used uh I guess we've used like the spud ink uh yeah those are that's kind of a different product too like you're not gonna wear that in a meet yeah and so if someone is gonna get knee sleeves I would probably just recommend that you get ones that you can wear in the meet yeah otherwise you're gonna drop probably 40 now which isn't bad but then at some point another 70 to 90 whatever they call yeah just do it once and just get it over with right so sbd yeah i'm trying to think of what what ones i've seen other guys in the what what sleeves other guys in our gym have and there's a ton of sb knee sleeves, some of the strong sleeves. There's like one pair of reband sleeves that have been floating around that people have worn.
Starting point is 00:27:11 Yep. Larry's got those Inzer ones that have like the Velcro that wrap. They're kind of almost like a wrap. But that kind of is a different product too. Yeah, that's a little bit different too. It's kind of like emulating like a loose wrap is what that one's doing. And then I have a pair of the spud ink uh dual double ply knee sleeves and those i can tell there is more compression on
Starting point is 00:27:33 those than uh it's still nothing like a knee wrap you know it's definitely not a knee wrap but it does feel like more than your regular neoprene knee sleeve so if you had have the reason to want a little bit more out of a sleeve and maybe if you're like a strongman competitor you know i could see that but if you're training to lift in a powerlifting meet where you're only going to be able to wear knee sleeves i wouldn't want to depend on those dual ply knee sleeves too much and get too used to that yeah yeah because yeah it is a different thing right uh but yeah i guess i've had the same pair of sbd knee sleeves for like five years for i think i bought them in 2015 or maybe even 2014 so they kind of do suck now like which they should yeah right right yes i've wore you know if i wore wore them to squat one to two times a week for five years.
Starting point is 00:28:26 That's 400 or 250 some sessions. Right, right. So I guess personal experience, I could say the SBDs held up very well. Tanner, I think my math is still wrong. I think it's closer to 500 and some sessions. Yeah, and it depends on if I'm saying once or twice, but overall probably 1.5 times per week well i can't do that again that's too much of math it gets tricky
Starting point is 00:28:51 it's like converting to kilos just like that um so i would say spd is there any other ones that in the gym i mean there's a lot of other companies that make them but there's just spd ones are so calm spd and strong ones are both really common around there they are and they're allowed in the most places yeah um you know you you do see other ones but i just i i don't know i can't i can't there's any manufacturers out there listening that want to send us some to try we'll certainly try them out too we'll give them once over for sure what i do like about the spud ink ones though that i always liked those handles on them those are nice for putting them on yeah that is really nice for putting on the sleeves and i know
Starting point is 00:29:34 like tyler always had the elbow sleeve that he really liked and that did those handles work really good for putting on the elbow sleeves too perfect for yeah and i'm taking off part too yeah and i do have a pair of spd elbow sleeves too that i i like those are those are nice high quality too i can't imagine those ever needing to be replaced yeah that's one especially it's like how much your elbows go through that right ever to be replaced right on knee wraps i have competed in two powerlifting meets where i've worn knee wraps and for both of them i wore the slingshot record breaker wraps they're formerly the lillibridge record breaker yeah they're all red and for both meets i probably wore the wraps in training either once or twice prior to each meet yeah right once or twice prior to each meet just to know that i
Starting point is 00:30:26 can actually get them on and perform a squat with them but i they made me be able to squat more than i could without wraps but i don't have a lot of other wraps that i've ever used to compare them to yeah we don't have very many guys in our gym that use wraps hard it's pretty rare yeah it's it's like not i think we have a pair like titan wraps somewhere down there yeah we have the the record breaker ones i honestly don't know if there's a pair besides that if there is i haven't seen it i don't yeah i don't think i have either no so we don't we don't have a we're probably not the go-to guys what a barbell recommendation we do have a lot of different barbells, yes.
Starting point is 00:31:06 That's more up our alley. But that's our answer on the sleeves, SBD basically then. Okay, this question may be a little similar to the prior one, but not exactly. There's more choices here. Favorite beer. Favorite beer. It's one of those, how do you pick just one, Tanner? That's of those how do you pick just one tanner how do you pick just one right i can list some of my okay i do i've just really been on an actual ipa kick like
Starting point is 00:31:36 the last six months wait a second what do you mean by actual ipa like the bottle does like a ipa like a make golden light yeah yeah no like the bottle actually does the bottle does have the letters IPA on it somewhere. Like a Mick Golden Light? Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, like the bottle actually does. The packaging does say IPA somewhere. So I just really have been on an IPA. I don't care for like the fresh squeeze. That's probably my least favorite IPA is like the fresh squeeze, Deschutes or something. That's like the only IPA I don't really care for.
Starting point is 00:32:00 I do really like IPAs. I think I've said it before this time of year, actually all times of year but summertime especially i do like uh big wave by kona yeah that's a good one nice and even uh even uh what's it sam 76 you know if you know the summertime summertime isn't really the time that you're drinking like the the extra um i don't, the extra dark ones, you know, like with whiskey, barrel-aged, all that stuff. Like I love those beers. It's just not quite the summer fit, like stouts, things like that.
Starting point is 00:32:34 You know, not quite. Like I'm not going to drink an oatmeal stout in the summertime. Like that's just not going to be what I'm doing. So, yeah, get more into the lighter side of things. And, of course, you know always the your uh um you know coronas and things like that in the summer always nice but yeah a little lime yeah but then when it does get you know around here you know when uh we start to hit our 24 hours of darkness and our weeks of negative 30 degree weather you like that really dark bold flavor and beer and so yeah i do
Starting point is 00:33:01 like uh um is there i think in wisconsin is it central waters brewery there's there's a place in town that gets a lot of the more of the micro brews and yeah yeah i think it's central waters out of wisconsin they have a lot of uh kind of crazy like whiskey or like they've been aged in whiskey barrels you know they're like 12 percent things like that i do enjoy like something really crazy like that Really the only beer that I don't go, that I don't get pumped about, I can be a little hit and miss on Sours. Those ones are still,
Starting point is 00:33:33 I don't mind one, but outside of that, it has to be a really good one. Otherwise, I'm fair game for anything. But what is your favorite then? Favorite? I'll say this. The last beer I had that I really liked i can't remember who was by it was called big doinks it was an ipa i really like that one so that's your favorite i'll say that was my favorite beer big doinks um what about white claw what is white claw what's the saying uh when there's a when there's claws there's no laws
Starting point is 00:34:07 but uh my wife has some at home and i'm not sure it's like the lacroix of beer well yeah okay that's what it is then but she my wife the other night gave me something that she said it wasn't a white claw it must have just been a different brand at the time and she hands it to me and says this is a lacroix only it's uh it's it's like the they call it like seltzers usually yeah yeah yes yes and the one she gave me was like cranberry and I was like hmm this is the LaCroix of beer they're usually like five percent yeah they are stronger than like most light beers especially um it was good too the one she gave me that is to be kind of like a summertime refreshment one like yeah oh you know what also this is kind of a dumb one something about bud light limes in the summertime i don't know why it does it for me i don't know if it's just like got drilled into those like on
Starting point is 00:34:55 because i was the first one i had a bud light lime like this is the worst thing ever made it's someone took soap shot a shot a thing of lime soap into a beer, and tried to sell it to you. And it just got awful. And then I think when I had my boat, like just being out all the time in the summer, having a good time, there was always Bud Light Limes in the cooler. And like slowly I kind of warmed up to it. And now there's something about Bud Light Lime that makes me feel like, all right, it's a summertime party. It's probably more of the, I'm probably more romanticizing the past with Bud Light Lime than anything. But hey, if it gives me that.
Starting point is 00:35:26 You know, it's like that thing. You smell that smell and it takes you back. You taste that Bud Light Lime and it takes you back to 90 degree weather and being on the water. So I do have a special spot in my heart. So Bud Light Lime is your favorite beer of all time? No, no. Not my favorite though. Not my favorite.
Starting point is 00:35:40 And you do like White Claws? The LaCroix of liquor. I've only had a... To be honest, I think i've had it's a white claw am i saying the right yeah okay i think i've had the lime i've maybe had like the like maybe the raspberry well i've only had two or three of them i just usually like those that's not something i'm like super yeah i did think it was funny like last year i think those things were just kind of coming around like last spring at At least that's when I first remember seeing him. And when I was at my
Starting point is 00:36:08 bachelor party, uh, one of my buddies brought, or he had a few cases of white claw and I had not seen it at that point in time. And I don't think many people had either because we were all kind of unfamiliar with it. And because the can doesn't now, now they're out and about enough that, you know, it's a white club, but if you weren't familiar with who they were, like you would in no way think that's alcohol. And so he just kind of used that as a free pass to walk anywhere with an open white claw. And I'm like, dude, you're just walking around the city with beer. It's like, no, no one knows what it is. It's fine.
Starting point is 00:36:39 It does just look like it. He spent a whole weekend walking around with white claws in public and never had anything said to him. But I don't know if that would work anymore. I think that was like there was a very brief point in time when that would work. He spent a whole weekend walking around with white claws in public and never had anything said to him. I don't know if that would work anymore. I think there was a very brief point in time when that would work. That, I think, is different now. Yeah, it definitely doesn't look like you're walking around with a Bud Light, though. No, no, it doesn't. It looks like, okay, that's some fruity drink or something.
Starting point is 00:36:59 Right. Talking about LaCroix, have we talked about it on the podcast? Do you know where LaCroix is based out of? It's LaCroix did I have we talked about it on the podcast you know where LaCroix is based out of LaCroix Wisconsin isn't it uh is that or or Michigan or whatever I think it's Wisconsin okay okay um and anyways they've been a lot around for a very long time yeah like very like more than 50 years uh maybe that long or if that maybe more than the one day I looked it up I was I do remember being surprised that it was a while and yeah and like it's just that they so recently got caught on as like this the hip but they were like uh for some reason michigan's popping my mind but wisconsin michigan
Starting point is 00:37:35 same idea it's like just like these old people from there would have it in their refrigerator like it's uh you know and it's like oh what's this lame old person drink it's not okay i i know for a fact la croix would have been like not something i would ever drink when i was young right no way when i there's not enough sugar in it i would just like instantly turn it down when i was a kid my mom always had mineral water uh-huh like do you remember mineral water when you were younger i guess so like i wouldn't want to drink it i don't even know what that like i would be interested to like go back and even try that now and like have my taste allowed that yeah but that wouldn't taste absolutely disgusting it would still be the worst thing ever i don't know
Starting point is 00:38:13 but yeah there's i think there's kind of always been these drinks of like they've just been around forever and yeah at some point in time they catch on i don't know why yeah and then la croix became cool yeah just it's like you know we made the massonomics podcast for such a long time it's becoming cool yeah now it's finally super cool it was like so cool to not like yeah and now it's cool to like right now so yeah you know things come around as far as my favorite beer uh my favorite ipa at the moment is sam 76 it is a good one oh it's i had one today actually even uh i've been occasionally have it and i don't do this very often occasionally just having a beer i have been occasionally having one of my new favorite ipas which is the sam 76
Starting point is 00:38:57 sometimes it's nice just to get a different flavor in the old suck hole yeah the the uh when i when we toured the sam adams brewery we had a few different ones on the 76 really stuck with me that i was like i really like that it is a refreshing i don't even know what they consider do they just consider it a lager i'm not it says lager on it but to me it's an ipa but because i mean it's a beer yeah because why not and i like to feel cool like if i'm going to be drinking a beer i want people to know that i'm a little bit cooler than your average oh yeah i mean a little more than no a little more sophisticated and the sam 76 can is a little bit different than your normal can it does have a little bit more of a lip to it the way it funnels the liquid in it is a it's
Starting point is 00:39:38 a different experience there's only one place in town i know that you can buy them though so yeah it's it's pretty limited it's it's and i'm i'm concerned what my what i'm worried about is that once like we get a few months down the road here and they're not going to have them anymore i only remember seeing it i remember having it for the first time last summer and then i didn't see it at all over the course they came out with it in 1776 i think yeah so it's a fought a long road to be you know accepting the way it is but yeah i don't remember seeing that thing in the winter at all, so it might even be a bit of a season.
Starting point is 00:40:07 Yeah, I'm worried about that. Yeah, you might have to stock up. That's true. It is kind of expensive, though, compared to some of my normal IPAs. Well, compared to a 30-rack of stones, I mean, everything's expensive. Well, that's a cheap IPA, though. Yeah, it is. They say that the stones are just made from the bottom of the barrel
Starting point is 00:40:23 of the other IPAs in the factory. i don't complain about it uh besides sam 76 uh one of my other favorite ipas is uh mickle of golden light actually prior to uh my sam adams if you don't live in the midwest mick golden it's probably a completely foreign set of words. Yeah, it very well could be. That would be my next. What I like about Mick Golden is the bottle's clear and it has ridges on it. It does. The cans used to have ridges, too. Yeah, do they not anymore? I think now it's just printed ridges.
Starting point is 00:40:56 Oh, that's lame. Yeah. Most people, okay, so if you don't know. Two of my favorite things about Mickolden Light is the bottles clear. That was also the funny thing about the marketing about Coors Light forever. The marketing around Coors Light was the technology in the can. And it had the little vent thing. The venting, the technology in the can.
Starting point is 00:41:17 I think at one point it had two vents. The mountains turned blue. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So you're doing everything to talk about this beverage except for the part of enjoying the beverage. It comes in a cooler package is really what they were marketing. But almost like if you're marketing Bud Light, Miller Light, Coors Light, any of those at this point, the product isn't any different than the other one. No, you just basically have to develop skits around it. Whatever skit is the funnier one, it's like, well, that's the one that gets more talked about.
Starting point is 00:41:45 That's what it is. Have you seen those Budweiser frogs at all? Those are pretty funny. Yeah, when I was like 10. Yeah, when I was 10, they were awesome. What about when the guy was like, wazzah! Or like when they had that camel, that cool camel that would be a spokesman for cigarettes. That still makes me want to smoke.
Starting point is 00:42:07 Oh, man. Just me chilling with Joe Camel as a six-year-old. Did that ever seem cool to you? Like, I know that was the controversy, but to me it's like, that's not cool anyways. I don't remember being a kid and being like, that camel's really cool. That's such a weird character. Because I'm sure, like, it was a thing when we were kids. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:24 I remember being like i remember seeing joe camel yeah in a gas station yeah like pictures like with sunglasses on and like a popped leather jacket yes yes and but my whole thing is like the face of a camel is so weird like the way is like it just yeah it's such an odd mascot and then to one like it's so funny to think of like now an actual company that sells a product to adults uses a cartoon camel to like sell them so what is the thing like they don't have the cartoonish camel anymore well i think i think the idea there was that uh like those mascots are too appealing to children right and so that's sucking them in but yeah now there's
Starting point is 00:43:01 just like a more uh you know traditional camel looks like a camel on a realistic camel yeah yeah yep uh so that's our favorite beers so yeah what's your favorite cigarette cigarette man i am not the person to ask i see well it is funny though because uh ryan started working in that gas station. Oh, yeah. And he has said the number of cigarette varieties that exist will absolutely blow your mind. I would have struggled to name a few. Yeah, I'm just not a smoker. So I don't know. Outside of like Camel and Marlboro, I don't even see anyone smoke cigarettes besides those two.
Starting point is 00:43:42 So like the idea that there's it could be 50 other brands just blows my mind yeah and no we will not be doing a cigarette a cigarette style shirt anytime soon just not not a market we care about at all so sorry smokers you're just gonna be stuck doing your own thing still have to look somewhere else it is by the idea of a uh cigarette parody shirt that doesn't make it actually does it is kind of funny yeah because it is so like really this is where we're at now yeah uh it does make me laugh okay um i think we're down to maybe even the last good question for now. Okay. Well, we are kind of getting down there in time. All right.
Starting point is 00:44:30 So timing is probably okay then. I saved a good one for last, though. This one may require a little bit of thought. That last one, maybe I haven't been saying who these are all from. That last one is Professor Steven, and I probably missed some of the other guys, so too bad for you. But the last one is from 80 and Company, and he said,
Starting point is 00:44:51 one sandwich for the rest of your life, what would it be? And I assume that you only can have one. Maybe it's the only thing you can eat, period. Well, but is this the sandwich you're making, or are you ordering a sandwich from a store? I think it would be whatever. It just says one sandwich for the rest of your life.
Starting point is 00:45:09 What would it be? To me, let's say the parameters are, do we want to say it's the only thing you ever get to eat in your life? No, I think it's just the only sandwich you can order. As far as sandwiches go, it's the only sandwich you can get. I think it's the only sandwich you can order. Okay, whether made or ordered, whatever your perfect sandwich would be, knowing it's the only one one you're not going to get to have any other kind of sandwich
Starting point is 00:45:28 kind of do you know your answer to i'm kind of thinking i had to think a little bit uh do you want me to yeah you go maybe you'll maybe your answer will make me think of some things that i'm not thinking about but okay i'll get you go first but you'll get a rebuttal yes yeah right the first thing well i thought about it for a couple minutes i'm not a subway guy i can eat subway in a pinch it's fine yeah i dislike jimmy johns you do i dislike jimmy johns i do not like cold sandwiches so jimmy johns is 100 out the window for I get something at Subway, it's going to be toasted. So that's what brings me to my favorite sandwich shop, Quiznos.
Starting point is 00:46:10 And Quiznos, I don't know why they disappear. Anywhere that I've ever knew there was a Quiznos. I don't know the last time I saw a Quiznos. You know the one place I get Quiznos almost every time I go by it? Where? The Minneapolis airport. Do they? Yeah, it's close.
Starting point is 00:46:25 You know, our terminals to get to Aberdeen are way down that last. There is one in there. Like F or whatever that terminal is. You go right before you get there, there's a Quiznos right there. And I often almost always get one right there. Wow. Because it's like one of the last surviving Quiznos in my life. It might be the last one in America.
Starting point is 00:46:42 Right. You could do a Netflix show just on that thing. And someone could correct me on the name but i think it's like the classic italian you know it's got uh pepperoni you know whatever kind of cheese you want and then i like it with like pickles and black olives and banana peppers and lettuce and tomato and then it's got like three different i would say it's probably like pastrami uh pepperoni salami something like that on there and that toasted and then they have a really good uh vinaigrette that goes on there yeah and a really well toasted quiz no sub i really like the toasted bread on a quiz no sub they have people talk about how much they like the Jimmy John's bread. And to me, the cold bread doesn't do it for me.
Starting point is 00:47:27 I want the like toasty edges of a Quizno sub. So that's my answer. Unless you can say something that makes me think differently. And my only other question would be, is a cheeseburger a sandwich? I will not consider a cheeseburger sandwich for this segment. Because I would maybe just say a cheeseburger, like a cheeseburger off my grill would be pretty high i will not allow that okay so that that was because then it goes we'll do allow open face sandwiches like a roast beef combo or something but i'm not i don't think that's allowed either yeah i think if the idea is something that's in between two yeah yeah all
Starting point is 00:47:59 right so my this even to date this has been going on for almost a year now this is my favorite sandwich to order and it is from jimmy john's tanner yeah and i like they have a wheat sub now and i really like their wheat sub so is that the bread when you say the wheat sub or is that the sandwich well so they have you know they have the white sub okay whatever they call that just white bread you know in that old shape that's old cold stale yeah which i don't mind that thing either and then they had for they used to have a uh or they still do i think have just like sliced wheat bread like you can get wheat bread oh bread like not the like like if you got a little because the quiznos is kind of like a or the jimmy johns is kind of like a when i say Jimmy John's is kind of like a roll almost. When I say sub, I'm talking like the footlong kind of baguette thing.
Starting point is 00:48:46 Right, yes. But then they also had wheat where it was like sliced, like a sliced loaf. Gotcha, yeah. But now they have the wheat sub. It's like a 10-inch wheat sub. So I get that, and it's the number nine, the Italian nightclub with peppers on it. They do the same thing. It's like there's some type of vinaigrette or something on there.
Starting point is 00:49:07 And I don't even know. I think it's roast beef and something else. And to me, that thing just, it is good. Does it pop? Yes, it does pop. And you got to have the salt and vinegar chips. Got to have those things. The juxtaposition.
Starting point is 00:49:23 You know, that's my go-to sandwich. Will it be good for the rest of my life? I don't think I could complain about that. So, yeah, I think I'll go with that one. I think I'll go with that one. My only other thing I'm thinking is I'm obviously in the – I would say out of the people listening, apparently 80% would be in favor of what you said just based on the fact
Starting point is 00:49:44 I see Jimmy John's everywhere I go. I see quiznos nowhere i've never well and that's the thing i don't know if you said go to a quiznos i don't even know where i would go i would require like research to find one actually uh but i've also like ran across a fair number of people that don't like jimmy john's oh you have i've heard people say like no i hate their bread won't yeah yeah there are other options now so if that's something you're into there are there is the wheat sub which i do enjoy maybe that would be i what if you want it toasted though well that's what gets me is the cold because they don't have any hot options there correct no i don't like spending money on a
Starting point is 00:50:19 it's also where i wouldn't order just a salad because not because like oh it's just a fruity you know it's just a salad and i'm tougher than that but it's like i don't want something i want something oh and i want my meal to be have some heat to it like it was like uh i can i can do more of a i can i have yes i'm of the same mentality but i allow more of a pass for that in the summertime when it's hot out uh-huh where it's like oh's 90 degrees outside. I don't care if this meal isn't super hot. Like that's where I let it. It is tough though. When it's really,
Starting point is 00:50:48 really cold. Yeah. Also eat cold food. Right. Right. You know, it just doesn't slide. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:54 Is there a hot dog, a sandwich? Is there anyone that can consider a hot dog, a sandwich? It is a hot dog. Yeah. No, that's,
Starting point is 00:51:01 I hate that argument. It's a hot dog. Not that I would pick a hot dog as my choice. That would be a sickening rest of your life. That was the only sandwich you could have. Yeah, you'd die of something at that point. So there's nothing else that we're missing. Like, is Panera, is that a place that you get sandwiches,
Starting point is 00:51:18 or is that something different? I mean, yeah, you can get that, but there's, like, none by us. So the number of times I've ate there in my life is like four. Yeah. Right. Yeah. I mean, if we're talking burritos. Burritos.
Starting point is 00:51:31 I could talk about that now for a long time. That's a whole, like that's a fun discussion because sandwiches are lame compared to a burrito. And it was like, once we went at the Arnold, once we found, because it was always the debate of where do we eat? Yeah. Like, cause you're so, you don't want to walk anywhere, but like all the places are full too. And once we found that burrito place, that Mexican place across the street, that was like –
Starting point is 00:51:50 Oh, it's like we're going there. There's not even a point to going anywhere else. Like this is the spot. It was relatively cheap. It's pretty cheap. It's ready in minutes. Good big portion. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:59 If you want to go back and get another one, you don't even have to feel bad about it because you didn't even spend $10 on the first one. Well, I did that. Yeah, yeah. get another one you don't even have to feel bad about it because you didn't even spend ten dollars on the first one i did that yeah yeah and like uh i that place is like a 10 star review for me and so fast boxes yeah if you're ever at the arnold uh basically like from where the arnold yes from the arnold statue is it basically straight across the road yeah yeah if you're ever there and you need some food that is is a great spot. Yeah, and I could eat that every day. I could not.
Starting point is 00:52:29 Let's say there was a Jimmy John's or even a sandwich place across the street. I could not eat at a sandwich place every day. I just can't. No, but I could eat at that Mexican restaurant every day. Oh, yeah, I could eat Mexican food. Yeah, I really like Mexican food, too. I'd be totally fine with it. But that still isn't our best eating recommendation for Columbus.
Starting point is 00:52:50 Not that place. what am i missing our old favorite what oh yeah yeah i'm thinking um yeah what's the the polish place yeah what uh hubert is it hubert's yeah yes and we get to talk to him every year and he's like we tell we tell him every year that we we come and we come here every year and we always tell people about it and he always is like oh yeah i i picture like he's polish but like he's like italian to me he's like oh yes we love you just an accent i know yeah right right yeah yeah but yeah sandwich that one was tricky but burrito i would really have to think long and hard about, like, if you had to do one burrito, like, what that would be. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:28 So we don't have enough time. No, no, no. Because that could be a whole episode. That might be episode 175. It's just, what is our favorite burrito? That does wrap up our Q&A for the week. So those were good questions. We'll probably do that again someday.
Starting point is 00:53:42 It might be a little while here, but be on the lookout. If you missed your opportunity to ask a question you wanted on air, we probably do that again someday. It might be a little while here, but be on the lookout if you missed your opportunity to ask a question you wanted on air. We will do that again someday through Instagram and give you that opportunity. We did have a podcast review to read. Did we? Yes. Wow. So I wanted to make sure to get that.
Starting point is 00:53:56 This one's been out there for a little while, and we haven't had so much to talk about on the Lifting Podcast about nothing that we haven't been able to get to this podcast review. Yeah, yeah. So I wanted to make sure we did that today because it was a good one it was five out of five stars the question is why or the the title is why question mark and this is from expat underscore commuter and the review is i'm overseas this summer and the back catalog has been a great way to get a taste of home then i got to the spud ink episode where i heard about the kai green grapefruit video for the first time i watched it now i don't know if i can go back to the u.s and look my family in the eye so do you remember that
Starting point is 00:54:38 that was a long time ago i think tyler mentioned it i believe yeah because we've kind of had a few spud ink episodes and that must have been the the first one where we maybe looked at the knee sleeves and stuff like that yeah that would have been way back yeah now there's definitely gonna be a bunch of people that google kai green grapefruit yeah during this episode right i did hear all of that one but um yeah wow well that's a good review that is a good review and he made the the statement there that he's went back to the beginning has been listening through the whole back catalog i've heard that from multiple times like this last couple weeks we just we just had an order go through the other day someone started
Starting point is 00:55:14 on episode one and they're on like 86 yeah like damn i think if i if that was like me i think i would have just been like well i'll start around like 100 and work my way up from right right the people starting at one are crazy yeah like that's nuts yeah and if you're doing that that maybe there's someone that's listening that just caught up live that's listening to 174 right now that just is like it could be it could be god that's awesome that people do that i just like it's that is just a lot of content to consume that is like we're probably talking because especially the ones that run over an hour we're probably talking close to 100 i mean 200 plus hours yeah yeah and it's funny for those people like if you if you've been a fan in real time ever since the beginning you followed along along real time and
Starting point is 00:56:00 maybe you don't notice the changes and stuff like that as much but if you just went back back and are listening to all of them and say like a year like you're listening to four years worth it probably's like oh damn it's like oh there's a lot of things different but you know there's their their company's different the podcast their time spent about talking about training and like nutrition has like basically disappeared yeah didn't they used to have topics where they could sign up yeah they lured me in with that stuff and then i don't even know what it is they do talk about now that was a good review though and i would ask for more reviews oh we always want more yeah we we do want more we want to see that number go up because we think it's good yeah right it's absolutely good we still have all five out of five
Starting point is 00:56:43 star reviews so let's keep that trend going. Give us a couple more, and we will read it on air. I did notice something else today, that Open Powerlifting, they released their Open Lifter today. That's pretty cool. I think we've mentioned it several times now, but I guess today was the official release. So does that mean that it's available for download download yeah and it's it's a browser you can download it i believe but really it's just meant to just run out of a browser window and uh yeah let's go on the website there's a ton of work and uh and you did some stuff helping i helped with like the uh the
Starting point is 00:57:21 interface design of the program a little bit and uh it's got it's got some really cool features you know like the next loading thing where for uh plate loaders can see what the next person coming up is so they already know what plates to pull and yeah um you know supposedly they've ran it at a bunch of meets and supposedly it helps the meats run faster and then also just the the results are in a format that open powerlifting can just work with. So if you don't like waiting a long time to see meat results appear somehow online, maybe tell a meat director to get on this and open powerlifting can run with it. And it's free. And it's free on top of that, yeah. Would you say it's safe to say it's the best thing out there as far as meat stuff?
Starting point is 00:58:04 Maybe as far as just running a meat you know there are different there's always those different use cases like if someone has like a live stream and they're trying to integrate a bunch of stuff into it maybe in that case it's not the best but as far as just like a local meat you know when you look at the competition like a local meat that might be running what's it uh what's the spreadsheet one i can't even think off the top of my head yeah i don't i can't think of it next next lifter i think that's probably you know compared to that it's like it's it's like oh it's just insanely yeah you know you're not worrying about excel and yeah just all the issues that go into that and one having someone that knows what
Starting point is 00:58:38 they're doing with it like it just it just works good yeah um yeah that's that's really exciting and uh i think it has a lot of potential yeah sweet so good job uh open power lifting team yep for sure do we have time for overrated underrated today we can we can i mean we're right at an hour here tanner we better do it okay i mean i wasn't sure if we were going to sneak it in there how many episodes have we gone now with with we haven't not had overrated underrated for a long time it has been a long time you are right it almost wouldn't be the podcast now if we didn't do over it really wouldn't i would say last episode we did spend a fair amount of time on the rules because we we worked on that with coop quite a bit it was not understanding the
Starting point is 00:59:19 i mean it's not to be fair it is a very game. So it's you don't expect someone to just sit down and be a poker ace the first day. Exactly. Exactly. I figure out the rules here. But because we did do that in such detail last time, we'll skim skim over that a little bit today and hop right into it. I think that's fair. Yeah. But hop back into 173 and listen to us.
Starting point is 00:59:40 Try our best to explain it to Coop. I know I still don't know if by the end of it he even understood. Probably not. But we tried. So topic number one, overrated or underrated Tommy, Matthew McConaughey. I'm thinking right now. Yeah. I'm thinking. Running through a lot of scenarios.
Starting point is 00:59:59 Matthew McConaughey may be best known for his voice. It's kind of weird because I forever thought of Matthew McConaughey as the romantic comedy guy. There was the Dazed and Confused Matthew McConaughey. And I don't know, did he have more than two romantic comedies?
Starting point is 01:00:20 Or just in my head, was he in a thousand of them? There's one with like... It's How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days. Yeah, that one. Maybe that was the only one he was in, but in my mind, that he like in a thousand of them? There's one with like... It's How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days. Yeah, that one. And maybe that was the only one he was in. But in my mind, that's just all he did for me. Which that would have been when I was in high school. And so I totally, my perception of things was probably wrong.
Starting point is 01:00:35 But like, okay, yep, this guy clearly doesn't matter to me as an actor. And then when True Detective came out, True Detective season one in probably 2012 i think like blew my mind like it's still one of my favorite tv shows of all time if you haven't watched true detective season one it's just an anthology so one season is its thing uh-huh uh you have to watch that but um i mean based off of just of that show i want to say is underrated because that is one of just the craziest performances ever. But you also still have to factor in the Lincoln car commercials.
Starting point is 01:01:09 I do have to factor in the Lincoln car commercials. They're funny to me. Yeah, they're very out there. Do you ever see, like, the photos of him just because he's always at, like, Texas sporting events? Oh, what are the photos of him just because he's always at like texas sporting events oh i mean what are the photos though he's just always like chilling like uh like because i think they'll do like put a lot of you'll see like captions of like from days and confused uh because he's clearly older than everyone yeah yeah but he's like yes they do you know he's kind of skinny now he has kind of like a weird posture to him and he's really uh we keep getting older and they stay the same yeah
Starting point is 01:01:41 really strutting it out there um but it really funny, like, those car commercials and stuff, he almost says stuff that just says it in his voice in such a serious way, and the joke is it kind of doesn't even make sense. It's like, what are you saying? That's almost how his character in True Detective acts, is just saying things like, what the hell is wrong with this guy? Is this man possessed? What's going on here? I don't know, a part of me wants to say he's underrated.
Starting point is 01:02:05 He's like a national treasure, I think. I'll say underrated on this one. Did he play some really serious role in a popular movie where he had like a... There's Dallas Buyers Club. And then he had like... Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And he got like super skinny for that, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:18 There's a certain level of dedication there. Yeah. I'll go underrated on this one. Underrated. I could be easily persuaded to say overrated, but I'm going to say underrated. Okay one underrated i could be easily persuaded to say overrated but i'm gonna say underrated okay underrated or overrated cruises going on a cruise ship i've done a cruise uh one was enough for me i'm not saying i would never go on one again but uh one was enough i i can i don't think i i don't think I was just on the worst cruise.
Starting point is 01:02:47 I think cruises are overrated. I really do. Like to me, I want to go on vacation somewhere where I'm on land and like just chilling and having a good time because the thing about a cruise, at least the one I was on, is that you're on that damn boat forever, which is essentially you're just trapped in a hotel. It's like you're trapped in a hotel where like you can't ever go out leave the hotel like you're just trapped on this hotel and like
Starting point is 01:03:11 you start to see i mean there's thousands of people on it you start you start the same people all the time because you have the same drinking habits or like social habits where you're going to the same places and i don't care that much about gambling like some people there's a casino so some people will just be in the casino. Like that doesn't keep my interest that long. I've never been on one. I do think it's something everyone should probably do once. But the Carnival Cruise I went on, it was a beautiful boat.
Starting point is 01:03:38 I think it was almost brand new. Did you go somewhere and get off somewhere? This is how ours went too. And maybe this wasn't ideal we left from galveston texas all the way across the gulf which takes like three days get all the way across the gulf first stop was in uh key west florida which that was cool but also you only get to be there for like nine hours yeah and then you got to get right back on the boat and then we stopped in the Bahamas, NASA, which was really cool too. But by the time you kind of shuttle around
Starting point is 01:04:08 to wherever you need to get to and... It's just about time to get back. Yeah, you get to a beach and you're at a beach for a couple hours and then it's like, well, we're hungry. So you try to find someplace in town to eat and then you want to see like one, maybe do a little touristy thing,
Starting point is 01:04:20 like see some sites of what's on this island and then you already got to get back and that's it for there. And I want to say we stopped say we stopped one more oh we stopped at one other island in the bahamas i don't remember what it was the weather was super shitty that day so that turns that stop into just yeah like a waste and then it's all the way back across the gulf for like two more days yeah so you're just on this boat for so long um it was an interesting experience i think everyone should do one but i do think cruises are overrated okay overrated on the cruises overrated or underrated virtual reality vr i think vr is very underrated uh have you ever got to like have a a vr we have like no i mean we my son has like
Starting point is 01:05:01 one that you put your phone in it you know that's the VR I've ever done. I think VR is very underrated when you look at all of the applications for it. To me, it has been a little slow to take off because I remember... Ow, the dog's here pawing at my foot. I remember when the PlayStation VR came out. This was probably four years ago. My roommate at the time had pre-ordered it, and we were so jacked for it and it is a cool when it when it's at its best it's a really cool experience um i guess i there are you know like uh the oculus and some other uh what's it like the not the vine the vibe or whatever it is um the hcc one and there are a few different ones
Starting point is 01:05:42 and i haven't got to try any of those and i think those are even better but uh once you have like a good vr experience it's really cool like how immersive and crazy it is and once you start to look at the potential for like training experiences to like put people like in real life situations or like even just the way you can i think this was a thing was it the nba finals had like a vr seat and so you could just be like, you're sitting watching the game, which that'd be kind of, I don't think I'd watch a whole game that way, but it would be cool to like, to like, just try that, you know? And once you also start to look at like applications of like, you know, like really getting out there into future stuff is like you walk into your office for the day and you can put your
Starting point is 01:06:20 VR headset on and your computer is still there, but your environment can be whatever you want it to be. So you could feel like you're on a beach working at your computer for the day and you can put your VR headset on and your computer is still there, but your environment can be whatever you want it to be. So you could feel like you're on a beach working at your computer for the day. You could feel like you're wherever you're up sitting at some cafe. Like there's a lot of like really crazy possibilities with this stuff. So I think VR is super underrated. Underrated. Last topic.
Starting point is 01:06:44 Last topic. Overrated or underrated skim milk skim milk is well i was gonna say it's way overrated but does anyone think skim milk is good that's what at one point in time i think so but i at this point i don't i still think skim milk is over it like the fact that it's still makes it seem like there's enough people buying it like and also what is the difference in fat between skim and two percent is it really that much i don't really know like if you're if you're worried about calories is the difference between skim and two percent milk really like well i think the problem is when if they're they're pulling out the
Starting point is 01:07:25 fat that but they're maybe replacing it with more sugar or something like that anyways like so i yeah it's kind of just like kind of pretend dairy right right right like the nutritional benefits of that there would be in milk are no longer there at all um no i think skim milk's way overrated yeah i do not like skim milk either. I'm just, yep, that one, I won't even hear arguments. I like whole milk. It's really good. We have that a lot of times. And I also like 2%.
Starting point is 01:07:50 Yeah, I usually just go with 2%. It's usually my go-to. Yes. Wow, skim. Skim, way overrated. Jeez. We'll see that one on the, that one will probably be off the charts overrated. I would think so.
Starting point is 01:08:04 That one will probably be pretty polarizing in the results. i think that was maybe a like a 1990s thing or when people were thinking that fat was like the yeah because fat's what make you fat same thing like butter and like margarine right yeah like i still think it's weird because like just is butter are you eating that much butter that's right that that's what's breaking your diet that's always the thing that i think is funny with these is like you're gonna save a few calories here like yeah no i agree well that wraps up overrated underrated here on episode 174 and uh as overrated underrated goes so does the podcast so that means we we put a bow on this one but check out our store all the everything we've got on the store we've got the don't curl me flag behind me we also have the shirts uh the new item that we have out is our lift pint glasses though we haven't talked about the lift pint
Starting point is 01:08:56 glasses on the show at all uh we've shipped several of those out and crispy boy not included yeah we'll get that all the way up yes crispy boy no none of my favorite ipas come with this but they are great to sip on yeah you can buy them in a we're selling them in a two-pack so you can buy yourself a couple of those and they are very nice glasses they're quality pint glasses yep with the lyft logo on them uh so get just get you a couple of those we've been shipping them out and so far as far as i know none of them have broken in shipping. So hopefully that stays. That's always a bonus.
Starting point is 01:09:28 That was a baptism by fire once we had those and then put them on the site, and then it was like, oh, well, how do we get these from here to there without shattering them into a thousand pieces? Yep. And it seems to be working. So go there and get you some of those. Like us on Facebook. Subscribe to our YouTube channel. That number is still creeping up all the time yep we'd like to see that yeah and then uh
Starting point is 01:09:51 most importantly follow us on instagram tommy what do you got for a handle there find me at tomahawk underscore d and you can follow the official massonomics instagram at massonomics see you next time see ya you just heard the massonomics podcast with your ears at Masanomics. See you next time. See ya. You just heard the Masanomics podcast. With your ears, you're welcome. Check us out on Facebook,
Starting point is 01:10:14 find us on Instagram at Masanomics, and make sure you visit and buy some of that sweet Masanomics gear. From your friends at Masanomics Studio, home of the world's strongest podcasts, stay strong.

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