Massenomics Podcast - Ep.177: Powerlifting is Coming to ESPN

Episode Date: August 26, 2019

Powerlifting is coming to ESPN... That's a funny sentence to say out loud.  But it is true.  What does this mean for the future of the sport?  We also tell you some stories from our recent gym equi...pment picking adventures.  AND do any of you remember those "Girls Gone Wild" commercials?

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You know, thanks for what you do with your podcast and all the rest. You're doing a great job. Hope everybody keeps tuning in. You get a lot of good info, a lot of insights, understandings on how to get strong, how to stay strong, how to use your strength. You do a great job, dude. You make things better than they are in real life, I think.
Starting point is 00:00:16 If you don't follow Massanomics, y'all do it. Social media, website, everything. Massanomics! Massanomics! website, everything. Massanomics. Welcome listeners to episode 177 of the Massanomics podcast, the lifting podcast about nothing. Your two hosts are back again today, Tommy and Tanner. Tommy, how goes it? Oh, it's going great.
Starting point is 00:00:39 Good. Ready to bring that heat today. Oh, that saucy heat. Saucy heat. Actually, speaking of saucy heat, right off the bat wow tanner you really didn't do that that's our all these uh segues that we have pre-planned here so well this this off the cuff one actually is working really well um have you ever watched an episode of hot ones in your life no i don't think i know what that is it is on youtube it's you've probably noticed there's always memes about it. It's a guy, and there's a ton of episodes of it.
Starting point is 00:01:10 I've never watched one until just the other day. It's a guy sits down across from a table with another person, interviews them, and they eat hot wings. And the wings get progressively hotter while they're talking to them. And so it's like you can just imagine how it would go. Man versus food meets jerry seinfeld's comedians actually yeah a lot like that cars yes coffee yes and so this uh the reason it it caught my interest or it's always popping up in my facebook or not face my youtube feed and i just never watch them but uh this last week i think it was like their season eight or season nine finale and they had stone cold on i'm like i better watch this one and it's it was like a 30 minute interview and the wings.
Starting point is 00:01:47 So everyone, before they go, it shows like the, the Scoville unit level. Yeah. They know. And they're like, what are you getting me into?
Starting point is 00:01:53 He was like, come on, just do it. And you know, some of them people have like straight up, like breakdowns once it starts going. Yeah. And stone cold,
Starting point is 00:02:01 he actually handles them all really, really well. But it's, it's just really cool to listen to him talk and go on and on about things. And you do, I guess I always forget how well-spoken he actually is on things. He does have the total showbiz presence. Stone Cold is always Stone Cold, though. The way he talks, that is a very Texas way of doing everything.
Starting point is 00:02:20 There's no doubt about that. They don't call him the Texas Rattlesnake for no reason. They do not. He has earned that name. I don't think he likes to be called stone cold in those settings though i think oh really i think he won't like steve austin steve austin yeah i actually don't know how it goes as far as i don't think he can introduce himself as stone cold steve austin technically does he not own that i don't think he does that one surprised me yeah i mean vince m Vince McMahon is a very... I also might not know what I'm talking about whatsoever,
Starting point is 00:02:49 but I think I've heard him say that before. I wouldn't be surprised if the WWE has some type of rights to that name. They did do a lot in building that up. It's funny how that all ties into something that we can't even disclose at this point, but you and I know a secret right now that a lot of people would like to know but can't we got a secret we always got a secret um but if you have not watched any episodes of hot ones um i think for our listeners especially that's probably a pretty good one to start on anything stone cold's good it is yep yep but uh he does handles heat pretty well but yeah still
Starting point is 00:03:22 check it out it was good it was Oh, I have a quick question. I hadn't thought about it. Do you know about Succession at all? Have you heard of it? I don't think so. It's an HBO series. Oh, no. Oh, I did see the preview.
Starting point is 00:03:36 I think it was on the front of, I don't even know which show I was watching the other day. But yeah, it was with the older. Was it like he's a Wall Street guy or something or an investor? They own a really big company that does a lot of things. Yeah, they're in New York City, but mainly they're like a media company. They own several TV stations and amusement parks. When you say media company, did you feel like they were kind of like Masonomics sort of?
Starting point is 00:04:01 They're like slightly above us. Okay. sort of like they they're all they're like slightly above us okay but like a big it's a like uh this fam you know the old man is in charge and he's he's old you know he's probably 75 and he has these four children that and it's all this battle over uh owning the company and all and a lot of it though is just cool about how rich. It's like you're looking into the lives of the extremely rich. Yeah, and this is all scripted, right? Yeah, yeah, no, no, no. It's not based on any real company or anything?
Starting point is 00:04:33 No, but you can just draw parallels to everything. Yeah, people have seen things like this go down or things like this have gone down. Yeah, but it's like looking into the life of the ultra-rich. I don't mean like a sports star rich, but like the. They literally can do anything they want. I mean, probably most crimes too and get away with it. That's all part of the show. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:55 Yeah. Good show though. All right. Interesting. HBO always. I mean, they just popping out the bangers over there nonstop. They do. Yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 00:05:04 Tanner, we had something go down this past week in the town we live in here and that is the county fair ah and this this year the county fair was a little different for us because we there was no strongman show there was no strongman showdown um how many times do you roughly guesstimate people asked you about the strongman show the week of the fair here and that week before i i said probably at least 100 between messages on facebook and running into people throughout the community it was a constant barrage of me having to explain yep what was going on with there not being a strongman show i would say for me the week or two leading up to it it was probably 10 to 20 yeah and then i was at the fair on fr night. The, the strongman children was,
Starting point is 00:05:45 had previously always been on a Saturday, Friday night. I had probably 15 drunk people. What time's the thing tomorrow, man? It's like, dude, we're not doing,
Starting point is 00:05:55 what are you talking about? It's like, okay, let's just not even like, yeah, it just didn't work out this year. Like, that's all you say.
Starting point is 00:06:00 But so, okay. So yeah, so there was not that this year, but, uh, you know, I still had to go check it out, explore, see what was going on. I wonder if I know where you're going.
Starting point is 00:06:11 If it's not where you're going, because there was a thing there that people told me about. Oh, this probably isn't. Okay. That's probably not it. This is just one of my observations. This is a beast. This is one of my observations to win around. So the fair, I can say that most years my experience, and I think my experience isn't unique to me, it consisted of drinking heavily on a night or two, participating in the strongman, kind of just hanging out, taking it out, eating, go eat a bunch of food.
Starting point is 00:06:37 Kind of your typical fair experience for any people that live in the Midwest would associate with a fair. Right. But this year I went on sunday i had to leave town so i didn't get to do the whole thing but i came back on sunday i was like you know what i could go for some fair food so the wife and i headed out you know hit up the whole fair did all did all did all the eating you know hit the hot spots get the lemonade do that whole thing and uh how expensive was the lemonade i think it like $5. I wanted to say six or seven. And then the refill was four, I think.
Starting point is 00:07:09 Yeah. I can't really good. Yeah. I can't remember. It was something like that. It's just like, I, you just know, like going into that, you're not like trying to like be, you just know, okay. I'm like, basically just assume it's going to be $10 a booth.
Starting point is 00:07:18 It's those lift short price. It is those lift short prices. Absolutely. So we did that. And then, um, there's also an expo building where they have a lot of, it's like a trade show kind of. Everyone has their 10 by 10 booth. And there's rows and rows because we're in the Midwest. Most things are agricultural focused in some way.
Starting point is 00:07:37 And then there'll be randomly a guy selling a set of pans that's out there with the mouthpiece on. And so that's kind of where I'm starting to go with this. pans that's out there like yes okay yeah and so that's kind of where i'm starting to go with this is i had never ever gone into that building to see what are the wares they're peddling here and like what is this market i'm going to be walking into there's a lot of snake oil stuff in there yes so i was going to say it kind of felt like a fitness's finest segment came to life and where it really hit me so i walked down the first aisle and all right, there's like a seed company, agricultural. There's an agricultural that really fits well in there.
Starting point is 00:08:09 That's real legitimate. Some of the actual like equipment manufacturer seller. People that build grain beds. So that whole thing would make sense. And then there's a few kind of, all right, your local politicians. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:22 There'll be like the highway patrolman will have some of that and then um there was a few i think they were chiropractic they weren't local because there's not that many chiropractors in town i go to recognize the name yeah but kind of like chiropractors but i couldn't actually tell if they were or not and so the first thing i saw is i see i come around the corner and there is this guy i think he he was a chiropractor. I don't know what it actually was. And there was a lady, if I had to guess, she was at least 70. She was probably, probably right. Yeah. Right around 70. And she was definitely overweight. No doubt about it. And I see him having her put her arms out and he's like, okay, now get on one leg and I'm going to try and force you down. It's like a power balance bracelet thing. So I'm wondering, yeah, where is this going?
Starting point is 00:09:06 And cause like she's 70 and overweight and you want her to be on one leg. Like that already is asking a lot. Like I, it's obvious to see everyone would be like, well, it's probably not the best position for her to be in. And then he's like, and then I see it. All right, put this bracelet on. And I'm like, okay. And it was so awesome because he's like, all right, let's get get you back on one leg and she couldn't even get on one leg and he goes I know getting started
Starting point is 00:09:28 sometimes is the hardest part and I kind of was like trying to walk by but also pay attention to be like I want to see this sales presentation just crash and burn and be like ah yeah you got got man like but so I watched that don't even walk down four because i'm kind of you know watching this whole thing out of the corner of my eye finally i'm past that and i look ahead and what is it straight from fitness's finest vibrating platforms and you know this has been around a long time you know but also two old ladies i would guess probably around 60 and they are on these platforms just vibrating away you know on the hand like like they're holding on for their life like it's just gonna like end them yeah and i'm thinking god these
Starting point is 00:10:11 really do exist still it is crazy um and then we kept walking and i saw some uh you know some crystal things yeah um just there's like uh supplement stuff you know maybe not supplements that are marketed to what we usually think of. No, not fitness supplements like, you know, these are going to boost your memory, vitality, all of that stuff. You know, like kind of like traits and characteristics that are really hard to quantify in any way. A lot of creams and oils. Yes, yes, absolutely. Yep.
Starting point is 00:10:41 Anything topical you could ever think of exists in some fashion. And then I thought, God, these people, they got to be selling this stuff or they wouldn't be driving these things. And they're there every year. It's always like that in there. So they must be just making the circuit, selling these goods from who knows where and how old they are and how safe they are. But it's funny how the people really are. and how old they are and how safe they are. It's funny how the people really are.
Starting point is 00:11:07 A lot of them, they're wearing a headset, and they're talking to a little speaker or something like that. I think some of them just wear a headset for the look. I don't really know. I think it's that infomercial look with the Shamwok, Vince from the Shamwok. He always had the headset on. I'm like, dude, you're on a set. Why do you have a freaking headset on?
Starting point is 00:11:22 What's going on here, man? What about Billy Mays Hayes? Billy Mays, yeah. Rip. Gone too soon. Yeah, that's our rest in peace segment this week is Billy Mays. We don't know if you know, but he died. Was Billy Mays and Harambe, was that both the same year?
Starting point is 00:11:37 I feel like I saw a lot of memes that year. That could be. About how, God, what was that? 2015 or 14? Probably. Because I always remember the recap was like we lost a lot of good ones this year it was like harambe billy mays and whoever else was lost that year but would you like to be uh you know a person that your life like when you die it's like a giant joke to
Starting point is 00:11:58 everyone like not more than for a day will people be like but it's also see he was really good at what he did there's no doubt about it and that's why even today we're still talking about him because he was good and he knew how to freaking be that salesman for that stuff um i think it's fun i think in his situation like i when we're joking about it i'm not like saying it to like rag on the guy like it's like no that guy actually had a presence and something to be remembered by. You can't say that for a lot of people that died five years ago. The Seinfeld episode is The Wiz. You might not have ever seen it before. No, I have not.
Starting point is 00:12:31 The guy, they think they recognize him from somewhere. And he was on the commercial where he's like, I'm The Wiz. Doot, doot, doot. And he's wearing a crown. And it's talking about all these low prices. Oh, really? Yeah. It's a seinfeld good
Starting point is 00:12:45 seinfeld episode did you ever like as a kid watch infomercials at all yeah i like to watch the ones about knives oh like i was gonna say this one is 440 stainless steel ryan and i we would watch the freaking miracle blade yeah the miracle blade on repeat like what are they gonna cut like this we're talking like second and third grade probably it's tough to meet a good knife infomercial knife infomercial we could watch that one all day and i remember multiple times trying so hard to talk her parents into getting them and they're like call in the next 60 minutes and get this free extra rock and chop and like the rock and chop 60 minutes and my dad's like they don't know we're like yes they do dad like this is a big deal and uh yeah so we never got him to
Starting point is 00:13:33 call in and get that extra rock and chop but i do remember at one point uh we were in a store and we saw like in like an as seen in tv section like the miracle blades were there and i mean we're talking this is probably 15 years ago. I'm like, oh, it's the Miracle Blades. And they actually bought them. And I could be wrong, but I believe if I went to my parents' house right now, they would still have a few of those Miracle Blades. And it truly was a miracle.
Starting point is 00:13:56 They're not really sharp at this point, but they would be there. Yeah, yeah. And then, of course, Billy Mays. That always goes down in the classics. Yes. Do you remember growing up, I always, you know, you'd have some sleepovers with your friends, you know, probably be seventh or eighth grade, Comedy Central after midnight.
Starting point is 00:14:14 That would just turn into eight hours of Girls Gone Wild commercials. And now that's insane that that's a thing. So were those VHSs? Oh, yeah. They were selling V was dvds they were selling vhs tapes that you would buy yeah girls gone wild of girls gone wild tapes that was obviously um well before the internet has become what it is now oh yeah and you could almost be like well that's what instagram is now you know like instagram's work more graphic oh it
Starting point is 00:14:41 is because yeah when they like girls would lift up their shirt and it would just be huge huge like girls got wild thing over and it's like yeah instagram is way more graphic than that now that's true i forgot about that girls got wild existed that is funny too that that do you think it's a still exists as a i don't know how i because i think the guy was getting a lot of legal trouble i'm pretty sure which oh you just You mean by putting all these naked girls on VHS? Yeah, exactly, and probably having no waivers for any of them. There is a podcast, I thought this was really funny. They're talking about Girls Gone Wild, and the guy's like,
Starting point is 00:15:15 I can't hear a steel calypso drum without getting a boner, because I was like, and it'd go, and you would just hear it, and it's like, yep, yep, that's the Girls Gone Wild soundtrack soundtrack there without getting a boner when that steel calypso drum comes out like you know you know something's about to go down so i'm sure i'm sure there's some people out there that can relate to what we're if you do if you do remember like you'd almost have to be of a certain age though, right?
Starting point is 00:15:46 I would think. If you were under what? If you were very much under 30, I don't think. I was going to say, I'm 30, and I feel like if you're even a few years younger than me, there's a good chance. I mean, because VHS tapes weren't. I kind of wanted to see if I can find the sound of that.
Starting point is 00:16:01 That's Steel Clip. Just in case people don't know what we're talking about here. Every time I think of that Steel Clypso drum that's just how they started too uh okay okay come on youtube you know youtube has to have the things we get to remember because of having a podcast yep yep yeah i i want to know if that's still it's probably a website to me you know like a porn website theme song yeah i don't know if you guys can hear this yeah I mean, that is festive. Yeah, that is.
Starting point is 00:16:48 I feel like there's 30 to 40-year-old men out there listening right now getting boners. Oh, I got to pull over the car here. I got to turn this down at work. This is getting a little too. And warning, not safe for work. Calypso drum, not safe for work. Okay, the theme song has 65,000 views on it. And the description, the hard to find Girls Gone Wild theme song. And first comment right here.
Starting point is 00:17:18 Five years ago, I'd wake up when I'd hear this at night, leaving the TV on Comedy Central. Warning, this video contains adult content not seen over children. They almost like flaunted that warning like because as a child it was like, say what? You have my attention. I like this one.
Starting point is 00:17:41 Where is it? Oh, volume down, blankets up. When you wake up at 5am.m to go to high school and turn your tv on such an ironically innocent vibe created from the steel drones it is we we need to have a meme of some sort of that incorporates girls the girls have gotten wild thing yeah there's something there i just don't know what it is yet that's related to lifting. Wow. Good times, good times. That was.
Starting point is 00:18:12 I love this. Makes me feel happy. Those comments alone are totally worth it there. So our county fair is a fitness is finest come to life, though. Yeah, yeah. That's what I'm trying to get at here. I walked through the halls of fitness is finest. Our county fair is a Fitness is Finest come to life, though. Yeah, yeah. That's what I'm trying to get at here. I walked through the halls of Fitness is Finest.
Starting point is 00:18:34 Tanner, where are the notes here for this dang show? Of course, I close out the show notes, but keep the theme song up. Something that you and I have both been up to since the last time we recorded, was it since last? Yeah, in between now and the last time we recorded, is we have been picking up a bunch of equipment for the gym. We have. Like, we both have.
Starting point is 00:18:56 Yeah, we both have. Like, not just you. I even got in on the action here. Yes. On this last Saturday, I went on a 13 and a half hour excursion. Just a very modest 13 and a half hour trip. I went to Minneapolis and then some other northern parts of Minnesota and was digging up lifting equipment. First, I went to Minneapolis and I met with Big Brad Neitzel. What's his Instagram handle?
Starting point is 00:19:24 Kind of fat, kind of strong. Kind of fat, kind of strong. Kind of fat, kind of strong on Instagram. He's competing at the Arnold in Barcelona here. Yep. What's that, a month away? Sometime in the beginning of September. And the roster for that, I'm getting sidetracked here, but once I got there to get the equipment from him
Starting point is 00:19:40 that he was storing for him, we were talking about the Arnold, and the roster for that gets better and better better all the time is it still god if i can remember martinez shaw matthias was pritchett i think i think he is yes he is too uh uh mikhail shivlyakov really ronald heinle wow so there's six guys that are all like some big names there six of the strongest Mikhail Shivlyakov. Really? Ron O'Heinla. Wow. So there's six guys that are all like. There's some big names there. Six of the strongest 10 guys in the world, you know? I mean, that'd be really cool to compete with those guys. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:15 Yes. Yeah, that's the big dogs for sure. Yeah. So he was training. Actually, so from him, I picked up a hammer strength ISO row machine. And he was just holding on to it. Yeah, I'd found it through someone else, and he picked it up for me because he's in the cities, and he was hanging on to it.
Starting point is 00:20:32 So he was doing a training session at someone else's garage gym, and there was about 10 strong men that were doing an event stay there. So I butted in on that for a little bit and got got the equipment he was doing like a big deadlift i think he did an 805 for a double or yeah yeah i saw it on instagram shortly after i left was that the one that was on instagram yes yeah yes that one was um but the real reason i went is uh wanted to give him a lift glass pint glass and i wanted to hand deliver it well yeah you got to have that personal right right Anyone can throw one in the mail. So if you order a lift pint glass,
Starting point is 00:21:07 I will drive out to deliver it to you as long as you're within about a 15-hour drive. And you have equipment that we need to pick up from them, right? Those are the only two stipulations. So I picked that up from him. And then I drove into a little bit more northern Minnesota, and I picked up a Cybex 45-degree plate-loaded leg press. And that thing, like all leg presses are, is pretty beastly.
Starting point is 00:21:35 It is pretty beastly. Our gym is in the basement downstairs, so it had to go down the stairs, and that's always less than enjoyable experience for heavy stuff but we got did get it down there it's just another thing that i'm like well i don't want to take that back up this will be down here forever yes yes exactly and that was you know i haven't used a leg press in if i had to guess six years yeah because we haven't had we've had the gym for about four and i haven't I didn't use one at the gym before. Like, I was like, well, I'm trying to learn how to squat.
Starting point is 00:22:07 And the leg press isn't helping me in that. And I was like, I got to try this out. And it is really weird feeling using one. Yeah. I used it too this weekend. I liked it. It was. You forget how much of a pump you can get through the whole quad area.
Starting point is 00:22:21 Yes. Like, if you never take a full, like, lockout break. And you kind of always just keep steady. Like, I think Stan Efferding talks about it a lot. You know, area. Yes. Like, if you never take a full, like, lockout break, and you kind of always just keep steady. Like, I think Stan Efferding talks about it a lot, you know, like, how he'd put bands on just to, yeah, keeping the constant tension to stop knee pain. And you can feel that, like, once you start hitting, like, rep 12 of any weight, it doesn't matter how much weight's on. What's all this blood in my legs doing? Yeah, once you start hitting rep 12, it's like, what's going on here? I've not felt this in forever.
Starting point is 00:22:43 Yeah, it's tough to get that feeling squatting even belt squatting it's tough for that it can it just belt squat hits it a little different yeah i think it almost hits it more like way down on the quad on the bottom where this seemed to be getting it like basically from my knee like almost up to like my groin like that whole that whole hunk of meat there you know yep and then did you also try the new Hammer Strength ISO roll? And I did try the Hammer Strength ISO roll. That's a really sweet piece of equipment. It's anything Hammer Strength, you know, it's solid.
Starting point is 00:23:13 No doubt about that. But, yeah, it is really nice. So we did have to rearrange the gym a little bit. Actually, quite a bit, really, to the one room of the gym. The lap hold-down got moved again. Yeah. And so what that means is that Co's garage gym reviews tour of our gym is now obsolete yeah wow but mention note on that that uh by the time you're listening that to this
Starting point is 00:23:36 that video will be available is it going to be ready by then yeah but on garage gym reviews you say this is one of the most awaited videos of the fitness industry for 2019 yes that's exactly right i think it'll actually be available tomorrow is what i was told Garage Gym Reviews YouTube channel. Did you say this is one of the most awaited videos of the fitness industry for 2019? Yes, that's exactly right. I think it'll actually be available tomorrow is what I was told. Okay. I'm excited for this thing. Me too. Yeah, we've been waiting a few weeks now.
Starting point is 00:23:55 Yeah, it's probably been a month since he's been here. Probably close to that, yeah. So that Garage Gym Tour is now inaccurate because of the issue. It is. I kind of want him to come back and be like, hey, we have this stuff now. We'll have to talk someone else into sponsoring a trip for him to come back. That's true. We'll get a hold of those guys from Fargo again and be like, could you have him come again?
Starting point is 00:24:17 We have something we have to discuss with him, so you're going to need to get him up here. Yes. But I did go get both those things in in one day and I was on the road. I left at 5am and I got home at about 6 30 PM. It was pretty brutal. Yeah. That's a, that's a lot of time,
Starting point is 00:24:32 especially when it's you're driving basically that entire time. That is a lot of time. Yeah. It's like 10 and a half hours of driving basically. It's kind of like going to the Arnold a little bit. Yeah. Not as bad. I mean,
Starting point is 00:24:44 actually going to the Arnold wasn't bad. It's like the coming home from it where you're like, ugh. End it now. Yeah, we got to just count all this money. Yeah. All this sweet lift short cash. I mean, we had the van, the Suburban was packed. We sold all of this apparel, so we thought we had room.
Starting point is 00:25:01 But then we put so much just cash in it that all of a sudden we didn't have room anymore we didn't plan on bringing just stacks and boxes of cash back with us built like 20s were like fluttering out the cracks in the doors did we rob a bank or go to the arnold that is what it was like you know that is true like is that the cops chasing us i can't even tell when i with the guy that i picked up the leg press from he's in uh elbow lake minnesota his name's steven and he has a home gym setup that is ridiculous yeah because he kind of buys and sells equipment he does but i think he hoards a lot of it for himself i'm not sure how much of it he sells like he has you can see how that trap would easily happen right he has like three or four storage units that are chock full of stuff that i know he has intentions to sell and then at his garage which is about a two-stall garage
Starting point is 00:25:54 one door but about a two-stall garage you literally have to climb over stuff this is like he says this is his garage his gym that he currently uses really and i should show you a picture of it i took a few pictures i mean you have to crawl over and around and duck and stuff to get through to use these different pieces of equipment he has like every plate loaded machine imaginable he has tons of old york plates and Marcy plates and all these cool, cool plates. And then he said his, we didn't go in, but his basement is also jam packed. Like to me, it's almost not a usable gym because it's so it's like, like we walked in and I had to like crawl over this beast metals belt squat to like get to where he was at. And then, uh, yeah, that's a collection for sure.
Starting point is 00:26:44 I I'd struggle a little bit i need a bit of just space around yeah yes oh there is no space you know how like our uh mass dynamics gym 2.0 was there wasn't much space in there it was not even comparable to like it was on a whole there was no you couldn't see the floor anywhere yeah hey i mean it's there's no space that there's nowhere there's enough room that you could physically bend down and like touch your toes oh really no he probably had in that garage over fifty thousand dollars worth of machines it was like all these machines that are all these like night cool hack squats and all these different yeah hammer strength i mean that'd be cool just like a like a couple hammer strength tibia machines which i'm not sure i even know what that is like you know a calf raise would
Starting point is 00:27:30 be pushing your toe down uh-huh a tibia machine is yeah really they made a machine for that yeah it's it's not very big oh my god but is it still is it like it's a hammer strength but do you sit in it like you sit in the cow it's more like, it's more like, no. It's like the thing that sits on the ground that you can like. Oh, you just go up to it. Yeah, yeah. So is it weighted though? Like is it plate loaded? Yes, it has little plates.
Starting point is 00:27:51 I assume the biggest plate you could put on is a 25 because it's not that far off the ground. Yeah. I mean, he has like every machine known to man. I kind of wanted to buy it from him even. Just to be like, we have this. Yeah. Look at this thing. Now you know you're at a real gym yes we have
Starting point is 00:28:06 a tibia a plate loaded hammer strength tibia machine that actually sounds like something that would that we would make up yeah and like put out yes yes wow they beat us to it yes and they even rubbed in our face by making it actually going through those bastards uh so that was my experience and what what what was your equipment well i had to head down south to sioux falls south dakota and uh picked up you had purchased a rogue ohio power bar yep the what's black cerakote yep 45 pound variety 45 pound variety we had the 20 kilo ipf approved version yep um but yep we had to add in the the old quiver of barbells adding the uh black cerakote yeah i like to think of it as like it's like a bag that you can just throw over your shoulder just barbells you can pull out yeah which one for this application
Starting point is 00:28:56 this will do just fine yeah you could have the strength yeah yeah like i just like to think of that that is possible but yeah um see i picked it up, and it was really cool. Like, the guy's name was Jason. Yeah. He's a judge. Yeah, ADFP. Got that order right? ADP.
Starting point is 00:29:16 That's it to me. The letters all start. But he's an actual judge for that. And I pull up, and he was in his garage gym lifting, and he had kind of been moving to some rep fitness equipment. And he had said that in the past he'd had an Elite FTS rack, he'd had a Rogue rack. The rep fitness one was the 3x3 steel.
Starting point is 00:29:38 I'd never seen one in person. It seemed like the real deal. It seemed really, really nice. The finish on it all seemed good. I was impressed. And then he also had a rogue echo bike and i've never i've never been around that product or really i guess what's a comparable product does like concept have a bike or not um well schwinn airdyne would be one of them yeah but like this the uh assault yeah is that the brand i think it i don't know i don't yeah i think it is those are definitely like the two you hear of probably the more especially before the echo bike came along but yeah um that was a nice piece of
Starting point is 00:30:18 equipment too i was i was actually really impressed by that someone's told me before they've said it's like if someone took a rogue rack and like disassembled it and made a bike out of it yeah it was it was and i was like because it's been so long since i stepped on an exercise bike but usually it seems like there's at least like an inch or two of like play where you push the pedal and then like that gear or belt or whatever it is catches and then it kind of all catches up and goes And this was like, you could tell the tolerances were just like machined to perfection. Like the whole thing was perfect.
Starting point is 00:30:49 And so that thing, it was cool. I could see how like having one of those would be like, all right, I don't really like cardio, but it just feels so nice using this thing that I guess I have to. But no, his wife was there too, and they were really cool people. And so we made the transaction on the barbell. I just saw the bar here tonight for the first time. You just saw it?
Starting point is 00:31:09 Yeah. It looks really nice. Yeah, you don't realize. You do not realize. We have multiple Texas Power Bars that have the black shaft but the bare sleeve. I don't know what you would call the sleeve. Yeah, they're not bare steel, but they're like nickel-plated or something like that. Yeah, but it's not colored at all.
Starting point is 00:31:27 Yeah, no, no. And so to see a barbell that is completely black, it's kind of like, whoa, this does look different. This looks pretty cool. And it's used, obviously, but in really good condition. Yeah, it was in great condition. Also, he was like, yeah, I'll wipe the whole thing down. I'll hold it for you and everything. And I can't imagine a lot of people go through that trouble when they're selling equipment.
Starting point is 00:31:48 Something used out of a well-taken-care-of garage gym can be really nice. Oh, yeah. I'd be willing to bet the way that this will look after being in our gym for a month will be a little bit different. Oh, it's going to be. It'll show up one day, and people are like, ooh, new and shiny. All right, let's build this sucker with chalk. Let me grab the chalk and just rub it into the nearly. Let me see how much chalk she holds over here.
Starting point is 00:32:12 Like, oh, is that a white finish on that bar? I cannot tell. Now it's white. So yeah, we both got to pick up some equipment and meet some cool people, do some chatting, socializing on the way. Yeah, you can never have too much gym equipment either. You cannot. And that was the thing is I pulled up and even in my head I thought, oh, I'll just run out and grab the barbell quick.
Starting point is 00:32:32 But then it's like, oh, we're talking equipment now over here. Like we've got to see what's going on. Yeah, you can't get two people together that both appreciate. Yeah, especially once you start to know what the things are. Yeah. You know, understanding, you know, what is a big deal. And it's not like there's a pile of bars over there and i don't know what that is do you know what the uh what's the echo bike uh do you know what that costs i had to look it up after you said that what's your guess 2000 750 oh it is 750 oh what's the what's their big uh that pull-down thing that you see in like CrossFit gyms?
Starting point is 00:33:07 That's a SkiErg, isn't it? That's a Concept2 SkiErg thing. Oh, okay. See, I thought Rogue had one like that. I'm probably mixing them around, though. What's a Concept2 Rover cost? That's like $800 to $1,000. Oh, it is?
Starting point is 00:33:19 Okay. I was thinking that was $1,500. That's why I thought that. I'm like, oh, it's a bike. It's probably got a cost for it. But I think the Assault bike was... Because I looked after you said it, and I think Assault was like a grand,
Starting point is 00:33:30 but then this Rogue Echo was like $750. To me, that seems pretty fair for what it is. My 10 seconds of riding it. And then the fact that it's Rogue 2, I just assumed that it'd be even more than that. Right, right. I guess that it's Rogue, too, I just assumed that it'd be even more than that. Right, right. I guess for how rock solid it seems, 750 seems, I could understand that, I guess. Get it on the list.
Starting point is 00:33:55 There is a list. I know a guy. He has one. Maybe we could buy a used one from him. Maybe you'll get tired of it like he did this nice Rogue power bar. Let us take that off your hands you don't want that old thing yeah um there was uh do you have anything else to add to the equipment thing tanner that's about it other than the fact that you probably don't want to do another equipment
Starting point is 00:34:18 road trip again for at least a week yeah it was a relief to get that out of the you know it's been hanging over my head that knowing i have to make that trip at some point in time to go get that stuff. And now that I have it, I'm relieved and want to not buy anything from the cities again for a while. But I know it's the next time something pops up that I'm like, oh, man, I need that. It makes you realize people that live in heavily populated areas do not have a right to complain about this ever. that live in like heavily populated areas like do not have a right to complain about this like ever like hunting equipment down like your resources are so much so much deeper than ours when it comes to this like yeah you had you had to drive what you drive probably six seven hundred miles if not more i suppose yeah probably six hundred just to just to make the loop to pick up like two things
Starting point is 00:34:59 yeah right you know i was 400 miles round trip i mean I didn't go down just to get that barbell. It worked out that I could get it. And from a dollars and cents, it makes sense because, like, that hammer strength machine that I bought and the leg press both are, like, less than half the price of what they would cost new. Yeah. You know, so you're talking thousands of dollars. In savings.
Starting point is 00:35:24 Yeah. And some people don't know this, but if you buy something new, the minute you own it, it's used now. That's right. Yes, yes. And then it's a used market price. Yep. So, yeah, you've got to cut out the middleman on that.
Starting point is 00:35:35 Or you've actually got to add the middleman on that. That's true. So that you can get in there. Yes, yes. That is right. The one time you get the middleman. Yes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:45 One thing lifting related, you know, since this is kind of a lifting podcast. Kind of. The WPO is going to be on ESPN3. That's right. Which is kind of surprising. When I first ran across that, I had to do like a double take. Like, is this a real thing? Or is it like, you know, catch dodgeball on ESPN?
Starting point is 00:36:03 Right. Like, is this actually real thing, or is it like catch dodgeball on ESPN? Right. Is this actually a thing? But according to, like you can go on their Facebook post, it looks like Monday, October, Monday really? Did I read that right? Monday, I might have wrote that down wrong, but October 28th, it looks like they are going to have some WPO meet. Is it like a special one?
Starting point is 00:36:23 I don't know. No. So Michael Fahey is the director, producer of West Side vs. the World, is like one of the main guys behind this. When you say behind this, you're saying of getting it broadcasted or the meat? Well, it's not just a meat because that's what I asked him. I said, what's the format going to be? My. I said, what's the format going to be? My exact question was, what's the format going to be like? Is it one big special or will it be multiple meets making up like a season, in quotation marks?
Starting point is 00:36:55 And he said, this is Michael's quote was, they didn't call me to do it once, LOL. So it's not just like one show it's not like he said and then he said there's a reason the wpo is back at the arnold and uh so i asked if filming has already gone gone on and he said i've been filming a wpo doc and espn producers were at the wpo at the arnold last year so they've been looking at this for a while and like it's going to be um okay so this is i'll just read the one other thing he said because i because i asked like is there because i still don't completely understand what the format is that's what i
Starting point is 00:37:37 was trying to get out with him is what's the format of the show yeah like is it like well is it like here's a live stream with better cameras? Right. Right. Yeah. I don't, I still don't understand that exactly. And he's just the other thing that, uh, he said, we've got some awesome mad matchups, a ton of 1100 plus squatters, a few women who hold raw all time world records, some amazing, uh, throws out some names there. And then he says hoff chasing the unknown crystal tate chasing the legend of becca swanson uh and then he goes and uh he's got a few more tricks coming is what he said so i still don't exactly understand the format but from what i took of it it's it's
Starting point is 00:38:19 going to be multiple it's not just that one day like you're going to almost get like a season right then that's what i wonder if it's like if it's following or if it's more like a documentary like you're like what you said or is it just like is it going to be world's strongest man we're like all right here's uh it's going to be these five weight classes next week we'll just show these five weight classes we filmed them all in one day but it's going to take us so i still don't know the answer to that i don't i'd have to talk to him on the we'd have to talk to him on the phone to understand, really, because it's hard over messaging to figure out what the hell's going on. But I'm for sure interested.
Starting point is 00:38:53 I don't have ESPN3. Yeah. How do you watch? ESPN3. I think you can download the app for ESPN3. Is that like a – I think that one's free, yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:39:01 I mean, I'll be doing it then because I want to see what it is. Yeah, I'm not even sure if, like, most cable packages even have espn3 and i think it's usually like just download the app because that's like that's what espn3 is then i think so yeah because that's where you catch a lot of like weird college games whether it's like d2 or something that it's not usually on right the normal networks so what are your thoughts um i think anything to like get it some real exposure like i don't know if if they have like a legit camera crew there and they're gonna do replays like maybe that doesn't look good for the wpo in some situations maybe well yeah and i i guess to me it's interesting that
Starting point is 00:39:36 if you're gonna i mean i know the wpo is what was what had made it like into that espn stream before back many years ago. Because they kind of had clips of that on West Side vs. the World. Right, right. So I guess I understand it from that point that it's bringing that back to it. But to me, and this is biased because it's the part of the niche that we're involved in. Like, I'm just surprised that if you're going to put powerlifting on ESPN3. That it's that and not like a USAPL national meet. Like, I'm just surprised that if you're going to put powerlifting on ESPN3.
Starting point is 00:40:08 That it's that and not like a USAPL national meet. Right, or IPF Worlds or Big Dogs or, you know. I still get why companies, like a company like ESPN, would stay away from certain meets just with kind of the drug thing around it, you know? I can see how it's like, oh. Yeah, but. But also World's Strongest Man does it too. Well, yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:31 But also like the WPO, I don't know, like, you know, they must not be too concerned about that. Well, no, that's what I was going to say. I can understand why it's like, oh, yeah, if they said we're only going to show a USAPL Nationals, I'd be like, yeah, I get why they're doing that. But, I mean, they obviously just – they're cool with it, which I think is fine. And I think probably part of it is the connection with Michael Fahey.
Starting point is 00:40:56 It's got to be. I think it's probably why this is going to be what's – because it's obviously what he's kind of into, and he's the one doing it, and with the apparent connections there. So that's probably as much of anything as why this is what's going to be on ESPN, I would think. Yeah, my biggest thing, I think two things with it. I think you're just going to see a way better production value. I would hope, at least,
Starting point is 00:41:18 that they don't have some intern team working on it, and it's like, oh, okay, that was the shoestring budget. So one, I hope we get some actual production value and then two i hope they come up with either a format or whether it's editing or just something where it's like really entertaining to watch and you know exactly weights and the situation of what's going on what any records involved you know yeah like and if anyone has the budget and the know-how and the means to do that, it is ESPN. Your whole job is to communicate sports on TV in a way that is entertaining to keep people interested. So hopefully they can do that.
Starting point is 00:41:54 Yeah, whether there's announcers or they're just showing clips and then there's a narrator guy that comes in. I don't know. I just hope that it's entertaining. Yeah, for sure. So I guess at this point we just have to wait and see what it's going to be because everything right now is just kind of speculation. Yeah, well, October 28th. We'll find out.
Starting point is 00:42:14 Right around the corner, actually. It's getting close. Yeah, yeah. Not too far away. Okay, Tanner. You know, we were talking about Girls Gone Wild and the Calypso drums and that Caribbean lifestyle. Yeah, you've had something on the list here that I wasn't familiar with. Well, yeah, you know, we were talking about all those things, and I thought,
Starting point is 00:42:36 God, you know what would be refreshing? A nice cold pina colada. But unfortunately, I don't have one of those. But I do have, this is Tommy Sack segment here I do have for the first time ever this would be the Zeus pre-workout from our good friend
Starting point is 00:42:54 Perseus Black it's Perseus it's Perseus Perseus was nice enough to drop this in the mail I just got it so I haven't had the chance to try it out yet but yeah it's still sealed
Starting point is 00:43:08 it's still sealed that's all you know it's good but Perseus he set some world records or he set some all time federation records yeah some USPA records so you know it's got to be good I guess the thing is you get really really really strong and like make it to like near the top of the list of 275ers,
Starting point is 00:43:28 and you get your own pre-workout. I think that's how it works. That's how they reward you. Yeah, so I'm just going to keep working, try and put on like 50 pounds of just pure muscle mass, see if I can get to the top of my game, and see if I can get that supplement to my name. Maybe there is something we can do about that.
Starting point is 00:43:44 If only there was a way to. You never know. You never know what could pump out of the old Masonomics brain trust. But in the meantime, I got Zeus Prebar to hold me over. Thank you, Perseus. That's much appreciated. And what flavor did you say it is?
Starting point is 00:44:00 Pina Colada. Bring me two. I need one for each hand. Jimmy Buffett. Real, real American treasure there. A real hit at corporate office parties. Just get that Margaritaville blender going. Little Jimmy Buffett. And everything's going to be all right.
Starting point is 00:44:32 We did have a best Instagram slash youtube comment of the week oh did we this isn't the best one ever but it still fit fit the uh fit the bill yeah there were some other ones this week that were even better but sometimes i i try to block them out of my mind out of the out of the annoyance that they are and then i don't think about it it's like actually giving this attention would be letting them win yes yes uh but this week's best instagram slash youtube comment of the week and the the the post that this was on was the the meme where it says uh gym owners and he says what is it what is it i got this new bar please use it responsibly yeah and then it's members colon and then the video of the the west side barbell guy just which i've never seen anything like that before so it was like it was really funny just to watch that and then also think of
Starting point is 00:45:18 just like some shit had been like oh fuck this bar like the guy is doing some exercise or it's yeah the band yes obviously but to me in my head i picture what you said where it's just a guy just like yeah i hate this fucking gym owner suck it like i'm just gonna ram this against steel here constantly as hard and aggressively as fast as he can yeah that's what makes it so funny is just like how just over the top yeah yeah okay but so the comment on there and obviously this was a joke and i think obviously we're smart enough to understand this was a guy that was doing this for a real reason we just took the video and
Starting point is 00:45:57 made it funny because i think it was funny um but the guy says unfortunate that they don't understand the mechanics behind this but what can you do shrug and when i read that i was like how are you interpreting that we don't know the mechanics behind this and what a weird what a weird way to phrase like your distaste at this meme yeah and also like the idea that you should never make fun of an exercise for being funny looking. And because we make fun of it for being hilarious, how can you assume that we don't understand the mechanics behind it? Like the post has nothing to do with us like a misclaim at how we view the mechanics of this lift. It's like I understand the fucking mechanics of it. And at no point did pressing it yeah and at
Starting point is 00:46:45 no point did ever actually say it was never like a video of like look how dumb these people are it was actually framed as hey jim i'm a gym owner and here's a bar treat it nice and like what would be what what could happen if someone's like just be good to it yeah unfortunate that they don't understand the mechanics behind this yeah i'd never even responded to that but my thought was unfortunate that you don't understand what the fuck we're going for don't understand the mechanics of how an instagram account works with memes yes yep that's how it be sometimes tanner it do be like that sometimes uh well i'm glad i'm glad we got that cleared up there.
Starting point is 00:47:26 Yeah. Sometimes we just have to clear the air on Best Instagram. There is some air clearing. Yep, there's always an element of air clearing there. Yes. Do we have time for underrated or overrated? I think we can fit it in the schedule this week. Do we have time to quickly review the results of last week?
Starting point is 00:47:43 Of course. Of course we do. We do have to do that. That was review the results of last week we of course of course we do have to do that that was on the instagram poll this week the first one from last week was bars of soap you said underrated the people also slightly said underrated 55 okay okay quentin tarantino you said you took it took you a while and you said underrated. Yep. The vote kind of reflects that, 54% underrated. Wow, even closer. So kind of about what you said, Uri Belkin. I also said underrated.
Starting point is 00:48:13 Yeah, and 80% underrated. Really? Yeah, so very strongly. That's pretty resounding. Yeah, I think he gets a lot of credit, but people still. Yeah, I think that's fair. Uri Bel king is what i accidentally put but then i was like yeah it kind of makes like you could take that as a it's like
Starting point is 00:48:29 oh yeah that was definitely yeah you know it's like because he's the king yeah uh last one from last week pop tarts you said overrated 53 overrated just barely wow i'm surprised it wasn't a little a little higher than that but me too somebody told me uh i made the comment about toasting them someone said they freeze them in really i suppose it'd be like a frozen actually ryan used to throw oreos in the freezer a lot and they're actually pretty good in the freezer i've never saw a little little insider there for you yeah are you a dunker no i'm not a dunker i i think dunking things in milk is disgusting i love dunking things hate actually things i don't just pure i just i don't like just dunking them in milk i like
Starting point is 00:49:19 getting them a full-on soggy soak in milk oh i don't. I like my cereal to be soggy in the milk. I mean, I don't eat cereal. I'm not really usually that picky about things, but I do not like one, food particles in my beverages. I hate that. That's so gross to me that there's food particles in my beverage. I do not like
Starting point is 00:49:39 that part. And then I also almost never, ever, ever prefer, like if a food comes in a soggy or a more firm variation i'm almost never going to pick the soggy the soggy variant there my wife gets disgusted at me of the various things that i will dip into a glass well and that's obviously why you have to do it right that's part of being married is like repulsing your partner. Like making them second guess what they ever enjoyed about you in the first place. Oh, this was a really bad decision. I do really like that though.
Starting point is 00:50:16 But I do know that it's – I also am self-aware enough to know that it is weird and not normal. Like you wouldn't be doing it like at a company outing. No, right, right. Guys, look how wacky I am over here. Just going nuts. I do this in the comfort of my recliner. Yeah, you don't want to be a guy at the office that is known for just dunking
Starting point is 00:50:37 everything in milk and being so over the top with it. Right. Now should we get to this week's underrated or overrated? Yeah, let's do it. Quick brief on the rules. Underrated or overrated consists of lightning round questions asked by myself to Tommy. The questions come from a variety of topics, including but not limited to pop culture, current events, food, and technology.
Starting point is 00:50:59 There are also lifting related topics just sprinkled in occasionally. It's important to remember that the questions are in fact lightning round but the answers are not necessarily tommy has his druthers when it comes to the length of his answers all that being said there does have to be a final answer this initial issue of overrated or underrated must be clearly resolved in the end those are the rules wow those are the that's the portion of the rules i chose to read today thank you for that it was it had been a little while i may have glanced over some areas but uh you got the highlights at least yep that makes me think of maybe i've read this on the podcast before but uh an advertisement when i worked at uh this is maybe a little regional, but Menards is a home improvement lumber yard.
Starting point is 00:51:47 It's the upper Midwest Lowe's or Home Depot. Yes, right. And I worked there for several years while I was going to college part-time. And for a while, they would go back and forth on this, that they would want the people working to read these advertisements over the loudspeaker. Yeah, which is also weird because it is one of those stores.
Starting point is 00:52:05 It doesn't sound like it's that common of a thing, but most stores, they have some light music playing in the background, and then it will just cut, and you'll hear this 10-second ad of some kind. They still do it, don't they? Yeah. I don't know. I haven't heard them do it for a while,
Starting point is 00:52:18 but I got really good at it. There was this one ad that I had memorized, and I still have it memorized to this day, and every once in a while I'll think about it and say it to myself and i read it in a very particular way and i can't remember i mean that's the first lesson of salesmanship there is you but you gotta deliver right something and i wanted to take this opportunity as long as we have a podcast please do talk to a microphone so attention menards guests stop by our plumbing department and check out our hunter air purifiers they're whisper quiet and come with a filter change indicator light
Starting point is 00:52:47 and a high-performance ionizer. And as always, thank you for shopping at Menards. The high-performance ionizer really got me there. I didn't know if I wanted it until I heard that part. And I would like to read that and then look around and see if anyone is... I was like, oh, shit, I got to get on that. You read my mind uh so that was kind of like a running joke with uh people that work there as i would read that you know is how damn good you are at that yes why is it air purifier in the plumbing department um heating and cooling it was in with like um furnace. I mean, also other things.
Starting point is 00:53:25 I don't know why it's in the plumbing department. But like the heating and cool HVAC, that's the HVAC and plumbing would be the connection. Okay. They all counted them together. It is a stretch, I think. But like it has to be somewhere. By the way, the departments are. I guess appliances would probably be the better choice to me.
Starting point is 00:53:43 That would be out of the other departments that they have there is appliances. Yeah. I guess HVAC, though, that makes sense. If they're lumping and plumbing with HVAC, then I could get behind that, I guess. Yeah. But I probably will be on my deathbed and still remember that thing. It's just burned into your brain. Yes, it is.
Starting point is 00:54:00 Okay. That was probably overrated, but now we'll get to the first real topic uh we have talked about this on the podcast before but it was pre overrated underrated segment okay so it has not it's been a long time that i could have changed my opinion anyways yeah we'll see what you remember about this topic as it relates to the podcast i believe you remember the very specific thing so overrated or underrated pizza rolls it was actually funny because just this weekend we were talking about bagel bites quite a bit okay this is one that's tough because i want it to be very situational where there's certain times where pizza rolls are very overrated and there's also certain times when pizza rolls are very underrated and I don't feel
Starting point is 00:54:49 like that applies to a lot of things on the over under list um I mean if I need to go into details I would say they're overrated in just any regular walk of life any any situation in which you're alive they're overrated right but that situation when you're barely alive coming home from the bars and it's 3 4 a.m i mean they might as well be a magical elixir from the gods you know they're they're amazing um i still think i have to say pizza rolls are overrated, though. More of a bagel bites guy. More of a bagel bites guy. Hold it against me.
Starting point is 00:55:31 So you're saying overrated on the pizza rolls. I'm going to say pizza rolls are overrated. What's your preferred method of cooking them? Baking them or tossing them in the microwave for the quick fix? That also is the other thing, too. Quick, soggy fix. Yes, that is one food that does get soggy in a hurry. Also filled with molten lava, much like the toasted Pop-Tarts. Also filled with molten lava, just like that, or a Hot Pocket.
Starting point is 00:55:53 Just waiting to scald your tummy for a week. Yeah, the comedian Jim Gaffigan has a very well-known piece on this. If he was at a restaurant and the waiter's serving it, he says, we have the Hot Pocket, because he's like, that would never happen at a restaurant. And he's like, oh, wow, is that served hot? He's like, oh, yes, very much. Will it hurt my mouth?
Starting point is 00:56:11 Oh, it will destroy your mouth. And like, oh, that sounds great. I'll have that. Yeah, if you guys haven't seen Jim Gaffigan, I mean, just – actually, have you ever heard that before, Tanner? I think you've told me about it before. I meant to look because it does make me laugh. He's a big time comedian.
Starting point is 00:56:32 You know, he's one of the biggest names. But it's such a well-known bit that my brother, he saw him last year and he said during his stand-up, people were yelling, hot pockets, hot pockets. And he said it got done. He left and came out and did an encore of hot pockets. And he came out and did an encore of the hot pocket bit. And he said people were losing their shit, like going crazy to hear this guy tell jokes that they know how it's going to end. I bet I would impersonate.
Starting point is 00:56:58 It would still be, especially just how just amped up people are getting to hear someone tell a story about hot pockets. Oh, it sounds... Will it hurt my mouth? It will destroy your mouth. Oh, that sounds great. Filled with molten lava. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:13 So you said overrated. I still think they're overrated, yeah. Overrated or underrated? JD Power and Associates Awards. All right. These are overrated. And there was... I don't know if this was real i'm trying to remember i did see a tweet of like hey jd power and associates like does anyone know what the
Starting point is 00:57:33 hell you are or something and i i don't remember if it was like chevy does and then it showed like they've received like over but yeah like who what is it like it's like how do they have so many damn awards to get like and how are they such a prestigious thing like i don't hear anyone besides really all i think of is and maybe this electronics too don't they or not just when i when i hear and you could say maybe there's a good branding on chevy's part but i hear jd power and associates i think chevy It's probably just an arm of General Motors. As far as I know, I mean, yeah, it's literally just General Motors Research Department,
Starting point is 00:58:10 and they're like, we're going to award ourselves again this year because I never hear BMW or luxury brands talking about their JD Power & Associates awards. There's some really funny memes about the JD power and associates. Really funny that I can, it's like, uh, falls right into kind of that middle class clan. Yeah, it does. Class fancy. Like, and I don't know if I've ever seen them on middle class fancy, but they should put
Starting point is 00:58:36 them on there because they're so hilarious. And also I always love the ones on the Chevy commercials of people like, is that a BMW? It's like, no no you dumbass that's clearly a chevy like like no we we asked 10 people that know nothing about cars what they thought of this car is that a bow tie it's got i don't know a mercedes a lexus it's a chevy like whoa i'm getting me one of these like i think they should do that with my 2003 Buick LeSabre. They'd be like, wow, what is this? They'd be like, no, idiots. It's a shitty old 2003 Buick LeSabre.
Starting point is 00:59:10 It comes with over 100,000 miles on it. You don't have to worry about bringing it in. Is that a Plymouth? Is that an Oldsmobile? Did they collaborate with Lazy Boy when they made these seats? No, it's a Buick. No, it's one of our other brands that don't exist won so many jd power and associates awards we retired up
Starting point is 00:59:33 you have the chevy headquarters their uh jd power and associates trophy room gotta be extensive you could just it's like uh raiders of the lost ark it just goes on and on yeah that's what they pack it into those big uh wooden crates and it's just uh yep yeah about 20 the 2020 equinox did good for us well overrated on the jd power because nobody knows what the fuck it is nope okay back to a topic that we've also talked about pretty extensively on the podcast but pre-dating overrated or underrated tom brady the goat it's i think it's okay we talked about him trying to sell training programs.
Starting point is 01:00:26 Yes, and this really isn't the context of... That seems insane to think like, this guy that's definitely not known for his athleticism that I want to be on his fitness routine. The TB12 method. The TB12 method, yes. I still think when you're just that freaking good, like as much as I want to hate him,
Starting point is 01:00:49 just because it's like, why does someone have to be that good all the time? You almost just have to say underrated at that point. Like you can't. And there is a lot of people that shit on him still. Oh, yeah. And I'm still like, I hope they don't win. I want him to lose.
Starting point is 01:01:02 But just there's a point when you're that good it's hard to say he's overrated when when you have that many rings and championships yeah you know so i'll say underrated yeah i bet the uh what do you think the poll will be this one will be like 50 okay if you're a football fan and you're not a patriots fan you're gonna probably overrate it that's not really playing the game right. But that's what will happen. But you could also say, if you want to look at it too, you could also say that he is probably the highest rated quarterback ever. Right.
Starting point is 01:01:32 But it's a hard argument to like. Like with The Rock, you could say like, okay, he's like the biggest movie star of now, but he's the biggest movie star of all time. Right. He's kind of up there in The Rock position though. Yeah. I'll go. I'm'm still gonna go underrated on this one underrated or overrated last one for this week orange juice oj with pulp way overrated that
Starting point is 01:01:56 goes right back to i do not like chunks in my liquids when i'm drinking them do not like it i don't really drink orange juice that much anyways but yeah pulping my orange juice no i'm not doing it not having it the reason that one came about is because uh my wife and i were in the grocery store and i usually don't drink orange juice but i just walked by and i said oh i kind of want some orange juice like i want it right now so i'm gonna we'll buy some and i do like pulp i like a little bit of pulp the the like moderate well did they say medium or well this is the thing so we looked and i was like and i was looking and i was like where's the one that has some pulp in it because i looked in there it was pulp free and there's like seven different brands which i don't know why that is first of all and it's pulp free or then i was like super
Starting point is 01:02:42 extra pulp or ultra pulp and i'm looking looking and looking and moving ones to the side. And then my wife had gone ahead of me and I called her back over and I was like, do you see one here that's just normal amounts of pulp? I can just drink this. Because these ones were like ultra pulp and you could see it. Just the sediment. The top one third of the bottle was just pulp. Really?
Starting point is 01:03:03 And I was like, I don't want – Like it floats to the top? Yeah, yeah, it did on some of them. Some of it floated to the bottom, so I don't know what the difference is. But I was like, I don't want that. That would be like chewing my orange juice. Yeah. But I do like a little pulp.
Starting point is 01:03:14 You need that agitator before you even – Well, and we looked all around, and she agreed. There was like, oh, there does not seem to be a regular one. And I was just shocked. A real middle-of-the-road option, nothing to – seemed to be a regular one and i was just just a real middle of the road nothing too yeah dude did you ever have and does it probably still exist i just never looked for it sunny d i know i remember my mom when i was a kid we'd be like these tubes of frozen like i think it was like oh yeah yeah is that do people still drink stuff from concentrate anymore i don't know because
Starting point is 01:03:44 i remember that like oh yo whip up some orange juice and being like, oh, mom, I just want the Sunny Delight. She's like, no, no. Mom got Sunny D. Yeah. She's like the commercial. Yeah. But no, we'd always have the from concentrate stuff. And then it's like, ah, it was like in the freezer and it kind of thawed out, but it kind of didn't.
Starting point is 01:04:01 So you kind of had this watery drink that also didn't taste like much and yeah i don't know that that that people do do that anymore yeah because it's just kind of gross kids just had a rough back in the day you know it's true we had to drink our own juice from concentrate after staying up all night watching girls kind of wild commercials just need a glass of juice mom didn't have any sunny d we'd have the oj yeah that's great god things are not working out for me right now sunny d i think people most people agree it like will make your tongue like have a sore on it like it has like a really well like oh there's just got to be just a crazy amount of sugar yeah that and like tang tang was pretty popular for a while too yeah i don't know if that's even really a thing anymore that was always from powder wasn't it yeah i think so i know that was the astronaut thing is where that came from
Starting point is 01:04:48 what do you mean the astronauts had had tang powder in space oh really yeah i think that's i just remember the commercials with the monkeys yeah yeah yeah but like i think that that's where tang maybe started oh really yeah and because they had powdered you know powdered drinks in so they wouldn't have liquids just floating around. Right, right. Okay, I could see that. So it's like space age, basically. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:05:11 Yeah, the most advanced orange drink available. Yes. Wow. That is the end of Overrated, Underrated. And for that matter, I suppose it's the end of the podcast. It is. It's always bittersweet when it comes to this point. It kind of is, but it's getting late it is late you guys are probably gotta enjoy a fine nighttime LaCroix
Starting point is 01:05:30 and snooze off a nice sipping LaCroix some people complain that the podcast isn't long enough and we've been going consistently well over an hour most of the time but we have you know we're just at a natural big I mean we can talk about LaCroix for a while you know i did notice i think someone said we hadn't been talking about lacroix enough lately so that is true we and i mean they're not wrong we haven't been talking about lacroix enough we haven't we haven't been talking about lacroix enough lift shorts uh we haven't been talking about that enough either no wow there's always next time yeah we'll get to that next time yeah uh the usual things we would ask for is subscribe on YouTube, like us on Facebook, go to our store, purchase anything on the store. We are having the Lyft pint glass sale.
Starting point is 01:06:15 If you order over $75 and use the proper code, which I think is pint, if I'm remembering right. I believe that is the code. One penny off your order plus a free pint glass. That's through the end of August. And we don't offer the one penny off discount very often. So you do got to take advantage of that when that happens. And then thinking of other sales based on when this will come out. So this will hit on the 26th.
Starting point is 01:06:40 I guess I would just say watch for another sale Labor Day weekend. A little small thing that we might be putting a couple items on sale. So keep your eyes peeled for that. That's about it. I think that wraps us up. Last thing would be our Instagram handles. You can find me at Tomahawk underscore D.
Starting point is 01:07:00 And you can follow the official Massanomics page at Massanomics. I'd be really freaking shocked if you weren't following us on Instagram, but I guess we'll say it just in case. Just in case. So that does wrap us up. We'll catch you next time. See ya.

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