Massenomics Podcast - Ep.180: The Segment Show

Episode Date: September 16, 2019

They call us the Lifting podcast about nothing... they also call us the segment podcast.  We drop TWO new segments on you this week.  "Who Weighs More?" and "What's in the Can?" are both the hottest... thing since sliced bread.  We also talk about the Big Dogs 4 roster and The Showdown Meet coming in 2020. Hybrid Performance Method: and use code MASS to save 5% on all programs Lifting Large: and use code MASS20 to save on Lifting Large branded products Spud Inc.:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You know, thanks for what you do with your podcasts and all the rest. You're doing a great job. I hope everybody keeps tuning in. You get a lot of good info, a lot of insights, understandings on how to get strong, how to stay strong, how to use your strength. You do a great job, dude. You make things better than they are in real life, I think.
Starting point is 00:00:16 If you don't follow Massanomics, y'all do it. Social media, website, everything. Massanomics! Massanomics! Welcome, everyone, to episode 180 of the Massanomics podcast, the lifting podcast about nothing. Today's episode is brought to you by Spud Inc. The goal of Spud Inc. Straps is to make products that support sports performance and help everyone achieve their training goals. They make products that last forever, won't bust your budget, and most
Starting point is 00:00:45 importantly, leave no doubt about success when everything is on the line. Check them out at This episode is also brought to you by Hybrid Performance Method, your one-stop shop for all things fitness and online coaching. Whether your goals are training related, nutrition and body composition related, or both, Hybrid has a program for you. With dedicated and experienced coaches in each strength and fitness discipline, you can rest assured that you're in the best hands possible. Use code MASS, M-A-S-S, in all caps, for 5% off any training and nutrition membership for the life of your membership.
Starting point is 00:01:22 Visit Today's show is also brought to you by Lifting Large. Lifting Large is your one-stop shop for powerlifters, strongmen, Highland Games athletes, CrossFit athletes, and anyone that lifts iron. Visit today. There is free shipping on orders over $60, and 99% of orders are shipped the same day that they are placed. Welcome, Tommy, to episode 180 wow
Starting point is 00:01:47 tanner once again just getting that much closer to filling our entire space with ads yeah pretty soon we won't have to worry about content because we just have ads that was probably a minute right there um and we usually go for about about an hour 60 minutes 60 times three we just need 180 sponsors and then that's really it that's all we gotta do and then it's too weak well and then we'd About an hour, 60 minutes, 60 times three. We just need 180 sponsors. That's really it? That's all we got to do? That's almost two weeks. Well, and then we'd also be getting 60 times the sponsorship revenue,
Starting point is 00:02:12 so we'd be rich too. 60 times the money. Okay. I do like the math behind that. If you were paying attention to those ads, which we hope you were, you might have noticed that there was an additional one this week. And there was. And it's a good one. Spud Inc. and Lifting Large are both back again,
Starting point is 00:02:27 but this week we also added to you Hybrid Performance Method. Maybe you guys have heard of them. They're kind of a big deal. Do you know who those people are? Ever heard of any of those names behind that company? Maybe Hayden or a Steffi, perhaps. Yes. So that's pretty cool.
Starting point is 00:02:44 Yeah, absolutely. And you know, we're, we're excited to have, we said this last week, we're going to say it again. We're excited to have brands on board that we think do awesome stuff. Yes.
Starting point is 00:02:52 That isn't. And it's, and every, every good one like this that we bring on literally is just like another good feather in our cap too. Or it's like, ah, we must be something not too shitty.
Starting point is 00:03:01 Another arrow in the quiver, right? Yeah. That's right. Now we have a quiver with three arrows in it yeah the sky's the limit baby stay tuned next week there could be a fourth one if you're lucky and we're lucky you know yes and that we probably more if we're lucky yeah yeah yeah uh so that's pretty sweet this is episode 180 we're knocking on the door at almost uh three
Starting point is 00:03:22 and a half years actually is that what that breaks down to yeah well i did the math here just before we started i was like is this three and a half years it's actually 182 so in two weeks we'll we'll hit that three and a half yeah that's pretty nuts that that's like a cop you could some people get a college education and about that amount of time we got an education something i'm not sure what that is but these how to spend a lot of time how does how to acquire three advertisers in three and a half years yeah that is that's what this was just an experiment it only took us three and a half years that was it so what i'm saying is you guys should probably all start podcasts it only takes you know half of a decade and countless hours every week it yeah it's almost
Starting point is 00:04:09 too easy i know uh you know tommy i think maybe maybe i was telling you about this last time recorded that i was concerned that uh my wheels might have had a problem my 2003 buick le saver i was going to ask you this um did you notice what I rolled up in today? No, I didn't see. And this was off air. Yeah, I didn't talk about it on air. A couple weeks ago, you told me, you said, I think the Buick might have had a fatal issue here.
Starting point is 00:04:37 And I bring it up because I have bragged about my Buick LeSabre on the episode several times. Yeah, multiple times. So people are probably dying to know what's going on with it. I mean, I am. I actually am. It's a luxury sedan. People want to know.
Starting point is 00:04:50 American muscle. Yeah. So I was worried. I pulled up at home and all of my coolant. This was a couple weeks ago. This was a couple weeks ago. I pulled up at home right into my driveway. And as soon as I got out, every drop of coolant like exploded out of my,
Starting point is 00:05:06 too hot, too hot to hold any coolant in this thing. There was a lot of steaming going on. And I was like, huh? Well, was it like those old, like the old TV shows when you'd see someone pull up in the car and be like,
Starting point is 00:05:16 and then just steam shoots outside. And like, it just like barely creaked on in, into the gas station. No, it really was like uh i didn't even know anything was wrong until i got out and it must have happened right at that exact point in time so i was concerned that it could have been catastrophic yep but then you're like wait
Starting point is 00:05:35 a minute i have a buick yeah nothing can damage these no but my my wife was hopeful that it could is she not a fan she's not a big fan of the additional vehicle sitting in our driveway. Like the additional vehicle or the fact that it's a Buick? Both. Okay. It's the two together. It has two things working against it. Yeah, right, right.
Starting point is 00:05:53 If it was an additional vehicle and it was very nice, she would probably like it. Sorry, honey, I'm a bit of a gearhead over here. Just what I do in my spare time. Turns out it was like a $100 fix. Oh, of course back to normal yeah i did notice today it was the battery seemed to be uh chugging along kind of a little well it's because buick doesn't make batteries is the problem right it's just some off-brand you know putting i do think whatever interstate you know they don't have the same
Starting point is 00:06:22 engineers that buick can afford no um And especially those engineers from the 90s are probably all retired now, so they made their millions. Exactly. But the good news is, back in business. Okay. Should be good for another 100,000. I thought you were going to tell me you got another Buick out front. I was going to be like, damn, the one died, but there is another.
Starting point is 00:06:41 It'll be a tough decision to make one day when there is a catastrophic failure. Yeah. And I mean, until there is, there's no reason to get rid of it. Because I don't know if you've paid much attention, Tanner, but the used car market, used cars are worth essentially nothing. Right. Like nothing. But are those Buicks that you're talking about? Well, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:59 True, yeah. And for that, I would say, yeah, you can't put a price on something that's pr priceless right uh there is a reason it's priceless because you can't put a price on it right yeah well good to know that all things are uh alive and well on the buick front yeah i was worried about that yeah but not enough to actually remember i remembered several times but never when i was around you for some reason i guess i had more important things to think about no and now all the listeners are caught up to speed on on the Buick's at. On what's going on with the Buick world. Yeah, yeah. Well, thank you for that update, Tanner.
Starting point is 00:07:28 I want to do something this week, Tanner. Oh. And that is going to be the first ever segment of What's in That Can? So, you know, we talk about beverages a little bit on this podcast. I don't even know anything about this. I know you don't. I know you don't. This isn't like pre-
Starting point is 00:07:44 No, this is a catch-off guard here. I don't want to let you think you know what's in that can so all right tanner we've got a lot of good things this episode you can you might be able to see the very top i don't want you to look at this too much so don't look or do look you can look don't try to overanalyze though because i want this to be based more off of taste okay so don't really look at the can yeah and besides it's in a one of the beautiful massonomics deadlifter koozies yeah so um this will be something maybe we'll start doing where i'm going to introduce you know um something probably in a can but with our rule system it might be in a bottle or something too um it could be of the alcohol variety it could be of the non-alcohol variety um really that'll be part of the guess as of right now really the biggest thing is can you drink it outside of that i'm pretty fluid on the rules but
Starting point is 00:08:30 what's in that can is going to be the name is that a pun intended that you're pretty fluid on the rules that's very intended yes very intended so um this will be the first uh segment here tanner so do we have to get the... Definitely want to get that. Everyone's mouth just started watering right there. It's a refreshing beverage. Do you have any guesses? First guess, alcohol or no alcohol, Tanner? I'm worried that I can... that I recognize the can too much is my first thing.
Starting point is 00:09:07 But I'm pretty confident no alcohol. You're correct on the no alcohol. Let's go back for the second flavor test. Can I make a guess on the flavor? Yes, you can make a guess on the flavor. Give me more than one guess if I'm not right. Don't tell me right away. I'll give you three.
Starting point is 00:09:20 First is strawberry. That is correct. It's a strawberry uh sparkling water yes is that what is the brand tanner well that's where i was worried that i thought i knew what it was just when i saw it is it bubbly you are correct and is that the right pronunciation i or is it maybe it's buble yeah it could be french you know michael buble um so you know this is i feel kind of bad because we're such a LaCroix-based podcast. Even though they're not one of our official sponsors.
Starting point is 00:09:48 No, they have nothing to do with this podcast. We were in the grocery store the other day. My wife, they were just calling her name. I kind of put down my foot like, no, we're LaCroix. I said, we're LaCroix House. And she said, shut up, that's stupid. Did you actually tell her? I said, no, said no this is la croix house and she is like this makes no sense which we've been saying like wouldn't even humor me on the joke
Starting point is 00:10:12 um she's like like no we're trying to get groceries like don't be dumb right now i don't care about your stupid podcast yeah no she didn't even know it was a podcast i don't even know she knows we talk about la croix the podcast she might know that I say it once in a while. But yeah, that joke totally made no sense to her. But they were on sale. So I will at least say that in this case, they were cheap. I don't know if they normally are, but they were cheaper than LaCroix. Got them, tasted it. I can say, I don't know if it's a strawberry, but the flavor is quite strong compared to LaCroix.
Starting point is 00:10:42 That's what I was going to say. It's a much more intense flavor yeah like so now if uh the average person would say on uh you know the flavor rating of zero being pure water to 10 being i don't know something so intense you can't handle it um la croix is probably a 0.5 on that scale yeah this is probably a one maybe yeah maybe a two one or a two but um this is considerably more flavor yeah i don't know i don't know if it's just the strawberry flavor because there's definitely flavors of the croix that have more flavor than others but this has a that's what that was going to be my comment even before you went on that i was like
Starting point is 00:11:15 because i don't think i've had this before i've had this was this is actually my second can ever but yeah it does have a strong i mean relatively speaking it has a strong flavor and it could be this uh beautiful koozie that it's in to contributing to the strong that's the best part of this segment isn't it is that we get to get to like uh pimp our own uh products i was actually worried i was looking for the koozies everywhere i couldn't find them went to grab the little cooler they were all in the cooler ready to go so i did myself a favor the last time i was consuming beverages and kept it all ready to go it is good though yeah so i mean i'll give it a i give it a thumbs up if you if you enjoy that part of the segment
Starting point is 00:11:56 then we have i guess we could give it a quick review yeah how many uh so but not just thumbs up or thumbs down how many massonomics, what would we give massonomics? What's like stars? That's a good question. We'll have to come back on that part. We've got to flesh this whole thing out. But what about on a five-star rating? Five-star rating, as far as sparkling waters go,
Starting point is 00:12:23 I don't know if I've ever had the perfect sparkling water. So I would say this is a three and a half or four. Yeah, I would. I would agree. It's pretty good. Yeah. And you have to like if you don't like strawberry, you will not like this at all. Right.
Starting point is 00:12:36 Isn't it funny how flavors don't taste like the actual fruit, though? I mean, essentially, you know, it's strawberry flavor. Yeah. But it's like the... It's more like it smells like a strawberry. The most extreme case might be grape to me. Is that supposed to be imitating the taste of grapes? Because I don't think they've had a grape before.
Starting point is 00:12:57 Or purple things. Yeah, you could also just replace the word grape with just purple. It's purple flavored. Purple, yeah. Pretty much. That's kind of usually how that goes. good beverage though and well yeah we got to stay hydrated on this segment that is also part of our part of you know our overall arcing nutrition theme and wellness theme is hydration is huge so hydration is the key that's what they taught me in
Starting point is 00:13:19 the heart well good we didn't get booblies but that's just how it goes sometimes i'm happy to have that though gosh we got a lot of good uh first time segments this week actually you know you start getting that sponsor money and just the sky's the limit you know you have so much money to invest into r&d and marketing and segments we did get called out a little bit on uh us you know of course being the fat capitalist that we are on on our lift short scam that we've been running for months now. We got called out now also sponsoring the podcast that we aren't in it for anything other than the money. To which that would imply, you know, all you got to do is put in a cool 170 hours of releasing content for free. And then you can just really cash out on it, you know.
Starting point is 00:14:04 And cash out we are. Oh, baby. Does it ever end? The rich get richer, I think is what they say. What about a sack segment? Ooh, I also like sack segments. Yeah, Tanner sack segment. You know, I brought something to the table, Tanner.
Starting point is 00:14:20 Maybe it's your turn to bring something to the table. I don't want to be left out here. We have a lot of segments this week. It's going to be hard to prioritize all this stuff. Welcome to the segment show. Yeah. What's in the sack? And by sack, this week is actually a big box.
Starting point is 00:14:34 First of all, I'm going to unwrap this, this little beaut. If you're watching us on YouTube, you'll see what I'm doing here. But we got a banner from Obsidian Ammonia ammonia lovely uh that's going to be hung up in massonomics gym here i was actually just holding it good in there too after this segment it it it will find a home in there and along with that they sent us uh some more smelling salts for the gym here's the one that you'd want to look at specifically their their new new uh pumpkin spike lobotomy because tis the season yep it is the season psls we've talked about psl psl has been on underrated overrated before correct i think so yeah i think so um i believe they even have updated their label
Starting point is 00:15:18 since this haven't they i think there's a uh also maybe in addition to it there's also maybe in addition to it, there's also maybe a more, oh, Starbucks theme. I'll just come out and say it. It's not us this time doing a parody. So we'll call out the parody by name. But I like it a lot. It is really good. Yeah. I like the name.
Starting point is 00:15:38 That's good marketing. It almost doesn't matter if the product's even any different, but I really like their marketing. I don't care if it is any different. They're putting more effort into the design and marketing, which makes me like them way more because it means they're trying harder than everyone else. Their design stuff is always pretty good, too. You're the expert on that, I guess.
Starting point is 00:15:56 No, I'm on board with it. I would say the ammonia, the few players in the game, most of them, you can tell tell don't care about design at all so the fact that one company does it really does differentiate them there's and that's always appreciated yeah there's good creativity there for sure yeah so thank you obsidian ammonia that was our sack segment quick little whipped it right out of the sack just like that uh tanner on instagram this week there was something that that I really, really was enjoying. On the grams?
Starting point is 00:16:29 On the grams. And let me get it pulled up here. I spent a little time on the grams before. The account was the Masonomics account, actually, Tanner, is what I liked. And actually, I shouldn't say there was one thing I liked this week. There was a lot I liked this week. But we're going to start with this one first. And that was, we'd publish this, Dr. Deadlift, chronic sumo puller.
Starting point is 00:16:51 Maybe you could say reminiscent of Dr. Dre's album cover. The chronic. The chronic album cover. And we posted it, which, you know, it's funny enough on its own. Dr. Deadlift, Kayla, one of themself, said, guys, I genuinely appreciate this. I love this song like you wouldn't believe. And there was something
Starting point is 00:17:13 in the comments that I really liked. Well, this could be comment of the week. This actually could be comment of the week, too, if we want to keep this going. But actually, this is usually comment of the week is that term, that segment is sarcastic yep these are this is actually a this this is one of the first comments of the week that is actually a good comment yep and it yeah so yep so when you do uh cool stuff like this
Starting point is 00:17:35 you get a shout out so uh i actually think there was a couple yeah there was a couple people that contributed to this but the first one uh thunder lips underscore susa uh he says one two three into the four snoop doggy dog and dr deadlift is at the door ready to make okay so yeah he does the verse but then um tanner you gave him the mic emoji yeah so now you gave you gave him the clearance to take off yeah i passed him the mic and he took off he said ain't nothing but a kg thing baby hook grip sumo puller because i'm crazy herb strong is the label that pays me unliftable just means i'm gonna lift it that is pretty good it was pretty good and then uh scott dodds had to get in there too he said give me the microphone
Starting point is 00:18:16 first so i can bust like a bubble lift shorts on so you know you're in trouble ain't nothing like sumo baby pulling 1000 going crazy uh so i was i was pretty damn good yeah and uh someone had a jake jake wilson 71 also had the full track listing yeah uh track one intro the setup track two fuck your thumbs that hook grip. Track three, pullin' fo' hunnit keys. Four, half dat total. Five, I can bench two. Six, Slender Man. Seven, hang my head and squat. Eight, fuck calibrated plays.
Starting point is 00:18:54 So are those plays on the, does that line up with the actual song list? I would imagine. I don't know. I can't think of, I don't know the whole track listing off the top of my head, but even if it doesn't,
Starting point is 00:19:08 hey, you took the album theme and ran with it. And I never actually, when I was putting this together, I forget, does he, he has an Herbstrong sponsorship, doesn't he,
Starting point is 00:19:15 Kether Willem, or not? I honestly can't remember. Because if he did, I mean, it makes it way more fun. You could all of a sudden start doing like CBD jokes. Yes, he does. B. Amos, okay, B. Amos 51 says, insert Herbstrong reference here. more funny yeah you could all of a sudden start doing like cbd jokes uh yes he does be amos okay
Starting point is 00:19:25 amos 51 says insert herb strong reference here um you know that was that was referenced earlier but yeah it's it's uh those are some good uh i like it we all like it when the comment section yeah you know when people are bringing that heat in the comment section. That's because when I, you know, you created that, you created the picture. And when I was making the comment, I wanted to do what they were doing, you know, like to do that. Oh, yeah. Because you kind of did a little bit. A little bit. But when they did that, I was like, damn, you guys hit home runs on it.
Starting point is 00:20:01 I definitely missed in comparison to what they what they had going uh those are good that they were good and those are really best comments of the week yeah and tanner you also came through with the uh the willy wonka themed meme the golden ticket yes and uh also bringing that heat which i which i enjoy and a lot of other people did too so yes i like i like how many people are just like basically coming out and admitting their steroid use in that post. Like everyone goes,
Starting point is 00:20:30 I got to get this off my chest, guys. Like, yeah. This one really hits close to home. Yeah, there was a lot of that going on. And hey, you know, I think they say it's a good meme when you can see a little bit of yourself in it. That's what we were even talking, we were you can see a little bit of yourself in it.
Starting point is 00:20:48 That's what we were talking about this a little bit today. It's really funny on those. We've been doing several of those video clip memes. So we're just taking a 15 to 45 second clip from a movie, usually a pretty famous movie. And then we're just adding a little caption on top of it. And someone made the comment about they use this one, but it's true in all of them or even anyone else's that does the same thing. But they just said, it's so funny how you can take this otherwise meaningless and otherwise unedited clip from a movie and put that one caption of a few words on top of it. And it completely changes the meaning of that little video clip the meaning like how you how you watch it you just watch it under a completely different lens yeah and that's you
Starting point is 00:21:31 know it's just framed different like you just got two different words it's just a completely different setup to whatever it is like this one it's grandpa joe you know getting out of bed and he got singing he's so he's like been down and in the gutters for years and now now he's suddenly ecstatic and sees the world as a whole new better place. Because he got the golden ticket. And then you read that it's Masters Lifters when they try testosterone replacement therapy for the first time. And then when you watch him singing, you're just thinking that that's what's... Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:22:00 Yeah. But yeah, I mean, that is what meme culture is. It's just finding something funny and then just changing the context of what it is but right it's like god the format never gets old it just it doesn't get old no it doesn't and instagram agrees with us because those always instagram is on board with that yeah i think i don't know if we ever talked about on here but there was a meme i saw a few weeks ago and it was it's very very true and it's so funny it was like before i can't i i'm gonna mess up the how that actually goes but
Starting point is 00:22:33 it was something like yeah before memes existed it was just a bunch of guys sitting around quoting anchorman and that is like a hundred percent like it's like yeah that's what high school was like for me yeah just yeah oh. Oh, Anchorman. Yeah. That movie that came out four years ago and we're still quoting like it was. What's the Will Ferrell movie? Old School. Old School.
Starting point is 00:22:51 No, Old School. No, that's exactly. Quoting Old School. Or Stepbrother. Yeah. Basically just, you could just say quoting Will Ferrell movies. Yeah. Old School was the exact one though.
Starting point is 00:22:59 Yeah. I was thinking it was like, if I had a nickel for every time I heard an Old School quote or an Anchorman quote, I'd be very, we wouldn't need sponsors for the podcast. Also, an awkward movie for a mother to take her children to. Did you experience that? Yeah, my mom took my brother and I and one of our friends to old school because we were like, Go, we got to see this movie. Because I think I was probably in seventh grade when it came out.
Starting point is 00:23:23 And you had to have an adult to go to an R movie. And so she was like, okay, I'll take you guys. And kind of a weird movie to go to with your mom. I mean, especially as a seventh grader. Because at that point, the world's very different. But old school, though. Classic. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:43 Maybe we'll see that on underrated or overrated someday. Just Will Ferrell in general. Good point. That's a good point. I don't want to create my own topics here. I don't want to have my brothers. I was going to say that's topics. We did catch some hell this week
Starting point is 00:24:00 that we haven't been reading the rules all that specifically as we should be. We should probably do that. There's a little bit of confusion in that arena so we'll have to probably correct that going forward yeah yeah we we will definitely have to do that uh tanner what can you tell me about uh strongest man in history ah we did we have talked about the history channel show uh the strongest man in history a couple times on here um we've given our official review yeah i actually got a little bit of insider info i talked to nick best about it one of the stars of the show and by talk to i mean there was instagram messaging but i'm just
Starting point is 00:24:36 gonna say talk to uh-huh because then it sounds better like hey nick yeah remember that time you had the piano on your back oh he's like so cool that was pretty cool that's saturday night live or something isn't it i think so yeah they're talking about famous yeah yeah that's cool yeah uh but nick did say that uh it's looking like there will well he said they're gonna find his exact words quoted they're going to find out about season two by mid-September. So we're about at mid-September. Actually, by the time you're listening to this, it basically will be mid-September. So I don't know exactly what he means by they're going to find out about it. Like if there is going to be a season two,
Starting point is 00:25:17 I took it more as they're going to find out more of the details about a season two that is going to happen mid-September. Ah, okay. So it could, in your mind, it might. And if you had to put your money on, you're saying it is going to happen mid-September. Ah, okay. So it could, in your mind, it might. And if you had to put your money on, you're saying it's going to be in existence. And I'm basing this on this other fact that Nick said, because I had told him I'd heard a lot about the show
Starting point is 00:25:37 from people that don't even care about lifting, so I was like, that's got to be a good sign, right? And he said that season one finished 14th out of 150 shows that air on wednesday nights across all networks i guess so he said 14 out of 150 i don't so i mean 150 shows is a lot that is yeah so but i don't know what all you know i assume that includes ABC, CBS, Fox, and all those shows too, but I don't really know. But the number 14th out of 150, that sounds pretty good, right? Yeah, and that's top 10%. Right, yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:14 I would assume that's what any TV exec is looking for. Yeah, so I guess what he was getting at is that it sounded like it was received pretty well. But now the thing is, have they, is there any strong men left in history? Have they covered every strong feat ever done? Well, for for all i know i think they were just making up those guys as they went this last year so they should they could get into even real ones that people have heard of this year they could get done with the fake ones and go on to the real um paul anderson
Starting point is 00:26:39 was the only one that meant anything to me yeah from this last season yeah i didn't i guess i didn't catch any one was uh i heard the name because of the dinny stones yeah because rogue kind of made that uh popular so that's kind of all i had on that uh season two on the strongest man in history according to nick it sounds like that it's probably going to happen inside source well you heard it here first yeah you heard it here that it could there could be a season two. We're kind of, you know, we got our fingers in the media industry. We're just all over the place.
Starting point is 00:27:11 We like to dip our fingers into a little bit of everything. All the pies. Yep. Those sticky situations. That's what we're all about. Yep. We do have other lifting related things going on. How about, what about the showdown meet can we talk about that um people know what the showdown okay let's save that one for just a second that
Starting point is 00:27:33 one's that one's that one's pretty that's a pretty important one a pretty important maybe just just because we got a quick one here um the big dogs roster was announced tanner do you uh do you have that pulled up i think i put the link down actually you know what i don't have to say you pull it up tanner i can pull it up myself actually you know what that's assuming a lot out of me right now i gotta i gotta open an app hope it's gonna load it's great for people to listen to just dead air, though. But so Big Dog's roster, that's what we're looking at. And some of the big names that I know for sure as we're getting it, we talked about Uri Belkin is on the roster officially, correct,
Starting point is 00:28:15 at this roster that you... He is officially on it. Okay. So that's probably the most exciting new one as far as I'm concerned, probably as far as a lot of people are concerned yeah so this list which um i have no idea where it came i just found it on reddit i don't know how legit it is or if it's a real thing i would think it's probably pretty close yeah uh it says big dogs for competitors from pro powerlifting and these i believe are ranked by the person's
Starting point is 00:28:42 highest total yeah highest total all time, yeah. And I'm going to totally butcher some of these names. But first one on the list, Odell Manuel, which... He had a big performance last year. Super strong dude, yeah. Next up, Dylan Hellereagle. Who he was the first, just this year, to squat 1,000 and deadlift 900 in the same meet. And I do remember talking about that.
Starting point is 00:29:08 And that still is one of those stats. It seems like really well, but yeah. So that, I mean, that's, that's a big deal. Uh,
Starting point is 00:29:14 number three on the list, Josh Morris, number four, Yuri Belkin. So that's a pretty big deal that he's, uh, Josh Morris. I'm excited.
Starting point is 00:29:21 And Josh Morris too. Yeah. It's been a little while since he's competed. No, it has been quite a while. He's had some injuries. And he's one of those guys where, like, if he just added each of his best individual lifts together
Starting point is 00:29:32 when he's not injured, he could, you know, he has the potential where he could, like, put up the biggest total of all time. It's just a matter of being able to. Just bring in the whole package. Right, right, right. We also have Burley hawk another person i'm excited about because he is a west side barbell guy oh he is a west side barbell raw
Starting point is 00:29:52 lifter so that's kind of like what everyone wants it's almost an oxymoron yeah well i think it's what people want to see like let's see some of these raw west side barbell guys absolutely let's see him judged to the same standard that all these guys are and and just raw on top yeah right right yeah so that's exciting uh and this already starts to get where i just i'm gonna screw up names uh gawain johnstone yeah he's australia i've heard of him uh risk keen rice keen i don't know how you say i have to say i don't know him eric car nobody can pronounce that sound yeah correct sunday i don't know a couple of these are just a random jumble yeah some pavlo skyler brand warwick eccles and uh graham hicks graham hicks is an interesting one too uh strongman competitor so
Starting point is 00:30:40 that's i know they've you know but in the past there's been talk talk about like Eddie Hall. Don't think we're going to see that happen, but at least you're getting Graham Hicks, a different UK world's strongest man competitor coming over to hopefully do it. It sounds like he's signed up for sure, I guess, actually. And I don't think he's put together a powerlifting total before, so that will be pretty interesting. Yeah, definitely. Anytime, anytime you can get someone just, just in the strength sports world to change their discipline, whether it's from powerlifting to strongman, strongman to powerlifting, or some other combination.
Starting point is 00:31:12 I think people always like to see that. Even going from raw to equipped. I think it's cool to see people get into different fields, different challenges within the sport. Interesting that Andre is not on the list. I'm assuming it's got to be just well, I shouldn't say it's got to be. Is it him? Is he saying, you know what?
Starting point is 00:31:35 It's getting to be enough. I got to start slowing it down. Or is there an injury? Or is it him just saying, I'm just not interested in doing big dogs this year? Also, what about Peter Petras? Reading through the comments, they had... Did he not win last year? If he didn't win, he was in like second.
Starting point is 00:31:51 Yeah. In the comments on Reddit, it said something about financial issues for him. Okay. And he's from one of those weird countries too where they're, who knows? Yeah, I don't know. I guess the other big names missing too would be like eric lillybridge you know i think he has already said that he was taking a little break yeah so here not i mean i think people have stopped talking about that even being a thing at this point i think he competed here a little while back i saw but
Starting point is 00:32:20 i don't know yeah so it it kind of does feel like we are sort of witnessing almost a little bit of this, I don't want to say changing of the guard, but almost like the roster is changing a little bit. Like the guys that you really started watching on the internet, they're disappearing more. They are. Andre and Eric would be two good examples.
Starting point is 00:32:44 Especially when you look at the big, big ones that have been around for a while. Andre, Eric would be two good examples. Especially when you look at the big, big ones that have been around for a while. Andre, Eric, Zaheer. Those are names that you just kind of always just assume that go with these meets. And you can't blame the guys to be at that level for so long.
Starting point is 00:33:00 I mean, Eric Lillie Ridge could easily come back in a year or two and set an all-time world record. Brandon Allen would be still in there, but he has I mean, you know, Eric Lillie Bridge could easily come back in a year or two. Right. Set an all-time world record. Like, it's not. Brandon Allen would be still in there. In there, too. He has, you know, pretty severe injuries that's keeping him away from it. But I don't know if he'll ever be like he got, was on a motorcycle and got.
Starting point is 00:33:17 And that's the other one, too. It's like totally understandable if you're never normal after that again. Right, right. When I say normal, I mean at absolute peak performance. Right. You you know that is the type of stuff that really does set you back yes no kidding so i don't know it'll be interesting to see i'm not even sure when big dogs even is completely but it'll be interesting to see um you know what this what this newer crop of guys put out there for totals yeah i wonder if there's we kind of talked about the guys that we kind of know those guys aren't doing it we know eric's not going to do it know
Starting point is 00:33:49 that brandon allen's not going to do it is there anyone else that comes to your mind that it's like it'd be really nice if they could pick up him well the guy that could vlad oh yeah he's not doing it either because he was on it last year wasn't he i don't think he did it last year did you not no he didn't compete last year so he would be a. So he would be the other really big one. Well, they should get the Canadian guy in there. The guy that got popped. Oh, Kelly Brandon? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:14 Well, yeah. It's like at this point, what's he got to do? Right. Yeah, just go do some. But I suppose he has hopes of. Probably would be my guess. Yeah. So yeah, that one's probably not happening.
Starting point is 00:34:28 Probably not. And then Thor's obviously not spending his time on it. Right. He's the golden ticket of getting him on it. He's the golden ticket of viewership and excitement and all that. So yeah, I would assume just having him in the meet is going to quadrupleple if not 10x the number of eyes on it that it would yeah yeah not unreasonable to think that at all yeah hopefully that still happens someday yeah i don't think it's i mean he did the one kind out of nowhere last year right i don't think it's unreasonable to think that he
Starting point is 00:34:58 would do another one at some point right maybe not anytime it's probably pretty hungry for the world's strongest getting the world's best band title yes i would think getting that one back would be last year maybe it was more like i kind of winning everything what else can i win just you know yeah you gotta hit while you're hot but now he's probably like oh okay wait a second yeah maybe i am sort of human yeah i mean not really but maybe a little bit right so that's probably how that goes. Yeah, I think so. Do we got some more ads, Tanner? Oh. We've got more ads. There's more where that came from.
Starting point is 00:35:30 There's always, you know what they say, there's always more ads. Today's show is, what am I reading here, Tanner? The Massonomics Podcast is also brought to you by Spud Inc. Straps. Spud Inc. now offers the Car Carry Strap. If you train strongman then you need this setup the sput ink car carry strap is an easy to use setup to train for a car carry event without the huge expense all you need is two barbells some plates and with this setup you are ready to train the car carry strap is a great way to train for a heavy-weighted
Starting point is 00:36:01 carry or to train the lower body while training around an upper body injury. The car carry strap adjusts to fit most any athlete and can carry the heaviest weights imaginable. It's great for people with limited space or home gym car or home gyms. It's great for training any strongman carry event. You can set it up in minutes and it stores away in a small bag. It's also easy to adjust for any height athlete any height of athlete easy to use for training yoke carry zurcher carry and many more awkward carry events check out spud ink online for their car carry strap and other great products at spud hyphen ink hyphen and be sure to follow them on instagram at spud ink straps you know i had to look up that the the car carry strap because i honestly wasn't familiar with that myself and pretty interesting uh i've seen the car carry
Starting point is 00:36:50 done like in world's strongest man and giants live and stuff like that before and i had never really imagined that there was even like a a way to simulate that yeah it kind of the i guess the event it reminds me of is the one where they're actually in the hollowed-out car. I'm assuming they probably used, if it wasn't these straps, the exact thing. Right, right. Would be interesting to try that and train them. So I guess this is your answer to be able to do that. Yeah, there is a way.
Starting point is 00:37:17 This episode is also brought to you by Hybrid Performance Method. If you've been training without a coach and have been looking for a competitive edge, remember to check out HybridPerform Hybrid has 15 different strength and fitness programs covering everything from powerlifting and strongman to gymnastics and general fitness, all included in one training membership. That's not all. Hybrid also offers one-on-one personalized nutrition coaching that uses lifestyle habits and a flexible approach to shape your nutrition plan around your current lifestyle instead of turning your lifestyle upside down in order to support unsustainable habits
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Starting point is 00:38:21 Because we have seen through Instagram a lot of people that use hybrid performance, especially for nutrition, that become very, very shredded. I don't know if you've ever seen Hayden or stephy they're two very prime examples the proofs and the pudding yes uh and today's show is also brought to you by lifting large lifting large is your one-stop online shop for power lifters strongmen highland game athletes crossfit athletes and anyone that lifts iron they have over 2100 training tools from the top brands like titan support systems er equipment spud ink skull smash pro lock collars kabuki strength texas bars pioneer belts and more than 15 other manufacturers lifting large has been serving strength athletes around the world through their online store for over 15 years owners mike and
Starting point is 00:39:00 teal ottoman have over 55 years of experience competing in powerlifting strongman and highland games they hold multiple world and american records so you can rest assured knowing the Mike and Teal Adelman have over 55 years of experience competing in powerlifting, strongman, and highland games. They hold multiple world and American records, so you can rest assured knowing the products they carry are the best in the industry. Visit today. There is free shipping on any orders over $60, and 99% of orders are shipped the same day they are placed. Listeners of the Massonomics podcast can save 20% on Lifting Large branded items.
Starting point is 00:39:24 Just use discount code MASS20 at checkout. That's M-A-S-S-2-0 at checkout to save 20% on Lifting Large branded items. Place your orders at, and you can follow them on Instagram at That's Lifting Large, D-O-T-C-O-M. Thank you to our sponsors. And Lifting Large, as us also being a company that sells products online, the shipping, 99% of the orders on the same day that they're placed.
Starting point is 00:39:54 That's the real deal. I can really appreciate that. That's no accident. No, there's a lot of companies in the fitness space that do not you know come close to that and it's a pretty important thing uh in the way that people have been accustomed to what amazon is like i think amazon has like changed the expectation that everyone has i've waited five days for shipping for something the other day not from amazon and oh yeah man i feel like i was living in like 1999 again right so lifting large obviously uh is pretty aware of that same fact,
Starting point is 00:40:27 and I think that's pretty cool. That's a good job. Yeah. For sure. Okay, Tanner, we can get back to the regularly scheduled programming here. You may have mentioned this earlier, the showdown meet. Yes. What do you got for me here, Tanner?
Starting point is 00:40:42 Okay, so. What do you got for the people? I guess it's important to know. If you you're not you might not be very aware of this and you're saying the showdown meet what the hell is the showdown meet yeah why should i care about this yeah uh so the showdown meet is what will be replacing what we have come to know as the tribute meet so in 2020 there will not be a tribute meet there will be the showdown and the the tribute not existing is not the surprise matt already made that clear that the he was no longer going to be doing the tribute meet like himself it might exist in some way
Starting point is 00:41:19 but he said i'm out and you know here we are what a month later and it's already been announced yeah and so they have the there is now an instagram page and that's at the underscore showdown underscore meet you can hop along and follow that looks like it's really new they've only posted a few things but they have been posting quite a bit so that right away just the fact that they are having an instagram account that's a positive it is there's going to be somewhere to go to find out things about it like someone is promoting it rather than matt talking about it on the pioneer right page which is a big plus yes so that's good uh they already set the date i think that's pretty a pretty good thing that you're setting the date this far advanced and what is the date uh september 26th 2020 so it's still over a year out right now and um it's no longer going to be
Starting point is 00:42:12 in texas uh an interesting thing it's going to be in buffalo new york what i think's interesting about it is we're going to have a big east coast meat and i don't think i don't think there really has been uh i think rum raw unity meat i think maybe that was in florida and that was one of the big original uh raw power lifting meats but so it's it's slated to be in buffalo new new york and their tagline here this is also interesting largest raw without wraps meat ever wow so the tribute to where it has been both wraps and sleeves in the past and they split that prize money
Starting point is 00:42:50 amongst those two groups and the US Open is a wraps only meat. So there really hasn't been one really big sleeve only untested meat yeah which i think it's smart yeah yeah do something different yes go and go specific say we're not going to be the wraps meat that's if you want to compete for the big meat in wraps that's the u.s open or some other meat you know wherever else we are going to be the untested sleeve, the big meat for anyone that wants to compete in sleeves untested. To me, that's smart.
Starting point is 00:43:29 Because I think that sleeves thing continues to grow to it. It is big. Nothing new at this point in time, but I think it even continues to get more and more popular. Yeah, but make it the platform to shine. It doesn't have to split a day with a wrap thing. Exactly. Water it down with half of the meat being one thing and half of the meat being another.
Starting point is 00:43:50 Right. And they have said it is going to be USPA Federation. Okay. Again, so that's unchanged. And according to their post on Instagram, they already have a prize pool of $30,000. Pretty impressive. Over a year out prize pool of $30,000. Pretty impressive. Over a year out, already having $30,000. I would assume there's a couple sponsors really dumping some money in right away.
Starting point is 00:44:11 Yes. That's the case. Yes, for sure. All that, what we've said here so far, that sounds pretty good. Yeah, sounds awesome. You know, the devil is in the details or like the execution, you know. Not just the details but right all of it yeah right right so there's a lot of things to go down between now and then but uh at least
Starting point is 00:44:31 conceptually or or the idea of it all it sounds pretty good to me yeah i like it it's got me excited yeah i saw john hack and some other guys already commenting on did they yeah yeah and like i mean he's a perfect fit for something like exactly yes yes him and kevin oak and all these guys that are used to to squatting in in sleeves are gonna love it it's basically doubling the prize pool potentially for them to be able to to take home yeah i don't know that much else about it yeah i know that's the thing it's still really early right how many meets do we talk about over a year out right you know especially a meet that has like we can talk about the u.s open for two minutes because we know it's probably going to happen again in san diego next year and you know what to extend you know boss of bosses is going to be yeah a year from
Starting point is 00:45:17 now happening too but um yeah for new meets to be announced a year out that's somewhat unusual in this day and age that is that is really close to bosses bosses though potentially yeah well i mean the tribute meet is too though yeah you had those people were having to choose between one of those two as it was um one thing i thought about though is there any conflict there that that they took the name showdown they kind of maybe took that from us we always had the mass atomic strongman showdown strongman showdown but i suppose maybe they think that us we always had the mass atomic strongman showdown strongman showdown but i suppose maybe they think that since we retired that this year that they take it yeah
Starting point is 00:45:50 well i guess they got really big shoes to fill on that one that's true i can almost guarantee their crowd will not be as big as ours i'm curious that's not a stretch but um that's the big thing though how they promote the meet. Are they going to do a better job of that? Well, the question there would be, are they going to promote it? So in which case it would probably be doing a better job. Starting an Instagram page is a good start. It is a good start.
Starting point is 00:46:17 I mean, we did almost as much promotion for it as for the tribute meet as the tribute meet did. Right, right. Yes. So only time will tell meet. Right, right. Yes. So only time will tell. Yep. TBD. But that's what we know so far. I'm sure we'll get back to that once we do know more.
Starting point is 00:46:33 Probably. Okay. So what about this, Tommy? Are you ready? We teased earlier that there would be another new segment. And we actually came up with this on the fly in episode 179. You could see the gears turning. You could see the gears. You could hear the gears turning last week.
Starting point is 00:46:47 Yes. And we knew it was a home run from once those gears were turning last week. We said we knew this was something we had to do. So we're doing it. The new segment. I almost forgot the word for what we do here. The new segment this week is Who Weighs More? Well we do here. The new segment this week is Who Weighs More.
Starting point is 00:47:07 Don't say the new segment this week. We've done a few new segments this week. The newest segment as of this second in time. In this part of the episode. Who Weighs More. It's pretty clear by title what goes on in Who Weighs More.
Starting point is 00:47:23 We always like, I think we're both believers of this, make the title obvious as to what the segment is. That's rule number one of a good segment. The title can't leave any doubt about what you're getting into here. Right, exactly. But what we are doing to hammer it home a little bit more is pitting two people against each other.
Starting point is 00:47:42 This week I'm going to ask you because I came up with the list here and i i when when we came up with this last week we took two power lifters against each other yep they might be some of that um also strongmen could be involved and also just pop culture people wow okay i think that's where it gets even more interesting okay i was not expecting this that's that's where it gets even more interesting. I was not expecting this. That's where I think we could do even more here. A tricky part, so what's tricky about this segment is knowing
Starting point is 00:48:13 for certain someone's weight. With the powerlifters, we have open powerlifting. It's essentially documented and official. Just to clarify, that's what we're going to go by with the power lifters probably their most recent meat uh body weight body weight unless we know otherwise unless you want to say the 2014 version of someone right right and for some of these other
Starting point is 00:48:37 people we're taking using wikipedia and just our other basic knowledge. So there could be some ambiguity up to these weights, but what we say is law, so don't argue it. Yep, don't even think about correcting us. It is absolutely correct. So are you ready for the first one now that we know? I can do this thing. Okay. Who weighs more, J.J. Watt or James Strickland?
Starting point is 00:49:02 or James Strickland? J.J. Watt being a tackle defensive end. Does he still play for the Texans? I'm assuming he probably does. James Strickland being Mr. First Comment. Yeah. Mr. Strickland's really big. At swim hack.
Starting point is 00:49:27 I'm also assuming J.J. Watt's probably taller, though. I think J.J. Watt is taller. And also, NFL people are really tricky because their body doesn't play by them. Yeah, he has a weird body. The rules of normal laws of physics don't apply to them. So the top level is picking who weighs more. So the top level is picking who weighs more. Yeah. Also, you need to give a little, when you do that, kind of give your best.
Starting point is 00:49:51 Yeah, my best weight range. Yeah. I do think, well, okay, here's the other question, though, because Mr. Swimhack does cut. Oh, this last meet he didn't cut, though. I don't think he really cut. I think he was probably building up. I don't think he really cut. I think he was probably building up.
Starting point is 00:50:12 I'm going to go with Mr. James Swimhack on this one. And I'm going to say he's probably, he was around 300, I think, for this last meet. And J.J. Watt's probably like 290. Very good. On your first installment of Who Weighs More, James Strickland weighs more than jj watt james strickland weighs 300 uh jj watt 289 so you are basically essentially exactly correct on awesome the first uh who is that's probably as good as it's ever gonna get for yes Okay, number two. Who weighs more? Zion Williamson or Andy Huang, that huge Asian guy? Okay, I do know. Actually, I shouldn't say I do know.
Starting point is 00:50:52 I thought I remember reading that Zion was like 275. He's a big boy. He's also what, like 6'8 or 9"? Yeah, I think he's a little undersized. Yeah, so he's probably actually between six six and six eight yeah i'm sure he falls yeah um something like that maybe or that huge asian guy andy huang um i'm gonna goion williamson weighs more than that huge asian guy really zion listed at 285 285 okay andy huang competes in the 275 weight
Starting point is 00:51:40 class uh and he does not cut this last meet he weighed in at 272 oh okay so he really does he really hovers right around 275 i could not remember what his weight class was for sure so zion williamson weighs more than that huge asian guy oh so how huge are you he might have to look into bulking yeah yes okay this last one i think you're gonna i may have saved the best for last this week i always like best for last yeah who weighs more lil wayne or jen thompson oh lil wayne is really small he's little he's a little man for sure uh i think jen thompson probably weighs more he's so small like lil wayne is like what five three or four he's so little and he's so skinny. Lil Wayne is like, what, 5'3 or 4"? He's so little. And he's so skinny. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:52:28 He's been on these. And we've met Jen Thompson before. We have. I've been to a Lil Wayne concert before, so I got to see him in person from really far away. So you do have a good. You got to really size him up there. I think Jen. I mean, she for sure has bigger arms.
Starting point is 00:52:46 Right, much, much more muscular. Muscle development is not even a thing. I think Jen Thompson weighs more, and her weight class is right around, did you tell it to me or not? It's right around 135, I believe is her weight class. Lil Wayne probably weighs like 130. You're right. You are correct on this last
Starting point is 00:53:06 who is more jen thompson i've got as last meet which was just here this last weekend in south kota bench nationals 137.3 okay little wayne wikipedia answer 134.5 so she's got him on a given day it's it's almost a toss-up but according to what they've been doing earlier in the day according to our statistics jen thompson does way more does in fact way more yeah lil wayne i guess that's why she's not little jen though that's right that's right we would call her big jen wow tanner thank you uh thank you for bringing that uh first ever yeah who weighs more segment so. Thank you for bringing that first ever Who Weighs More segment to us. So what did you think of that segment?
Starting point is 00:53:47 It was pretty fun. I was thinking we were just going to go based off of historical meat data numbers. I mean, we could still do some. No, this is way better. Yeah, I think it's better to throw in. Relate it to the everyman now. Yes, yes. That's good stuff.
Starting point is 00:54:00 Yes. Ah, just picturing the future of where we could go with who weighs more a lot of places you don't think it could overtake underrated overrated do you oh man that that's kind of our anchor segment it is i also can see people having a lot of fun in the instagram voting section of who weighs more yeah yes yeah a lot of things that could happen with that. Speaking of underrated or overrated, should we speak of underrated or overrated? We probably should. Okay.
Starting point is 00:54:30 We can recap last week's because we did have that in the Instagram story here just today. So we can see what the people voted in comparison to what you said. The first topic last week was Capri Sun. And before we even do this, I just, every every week i have to there's at least one if not two of these where i go i don't even remember what i voted i remember thinking about this a long time i don't remember what i voted i am pretty sure that capri sun i
Starting point is 00:54:56 didn't say was overrated because i just said it's way too small of a polish that's i think that is what you said um the people said underrated, 65%. Wow. People like Capri Sun. There's some nostalgia on Capri Sun. So based off of that, there's a 65% chance if you want to surprise and impress someone, get them Capri Sun, and they will be appreciative of it, actually. The perfect gift. Mick Griddles.
Starting point is 00:55:18 You said overrated. I said overrated for sure on that. 56% underrated. Really? Yes. People think they're underrated. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:55:26 It must be the syrup in the in the bun that's dessert bicep curls i think i think this one i went back and forth a long time i think i said they were still underrated i that might be right uh the people said 51 overrated wow that's a pretty even yeah very even very. I don't think we've ever had a 50-50. I don't think this one has gone back and forth, hovered right around 50-50, but as of this second, it's 51% overrated. Last topic was N64 Golden, I007. And that was very underrated.
Starting point is 00:55:59 Very underrated. That's also what the people said, 74% underrated. That's pretty resounding right there. Yeah. I'm curious what people thought would think it was well i guess it was really popular so maybe you can make the case that it was kind of overrated you know i can see that but great game yep that was last week's underrated overrated and and the the way that the people uh decided but let's get a little little more current here looking at this week's underrated overrated i probably should read the rules because we got called on it.
Starting point is 00:56:26 Every time we get called on it, it's a good reminder that we have to read the rules. Underrated or overrated consists of lightning round questions asked by myself to Tommy. The questions come from a variety of topics, including but not limited to pop culture, current events, food, and technology. There are also lifting related topics sprinkled in. It's important to remember that the questions are, in fact, lightning round, but the answers are not necessarily. Tommy has his druthers when it comes to the length of his answers. All that being said, there does have to be a final answer.
Starting point is 00:56:57 This initial issue of underrated or overrated must be clearly resolved in the end. Those are the rules, and we're sticking to it. Topic number one today, underrated or overrated. Let's do it. Let's do it. Avocados. Avocados. Avocados are great.
Starting point is 00:57:14 I don't know if this is just our part of the country, but certain stores here, avocados are insanely expensive. I believe there is one local grocer that charges like $2.50 for an avocado. It's a lot of money for a little avocado. Also, those are hard avocados, so you spend the money on the avocado, then you have to wait some random number of days before it's hopefully okay, but you didn't wait too long. Also, though, you can go to Walmart and get significantly cheaper avocados.
Starting point is 00:57:49 But are you getting what you pay for? Well, they also tend to be significantly more damaged and bruised, too. So it kind of is a little bit of a trade-off. I do like avocados, but man, they do get hyped up. You know, there's the whole avocado toast thing that old people like to blame millennials on for why no one in this age range has money for anything
Starting point is 00:58:10 because clearly it's the few dollars they spend on avocado toast. Nothing to do with economic issues or student loan debt or, you know, stagnant wages and rising costs of living. You know, none of that. It's the avocado toast is the scapegoat. But yeah, you know,ant wages and rising costs of living you know none of that it's the avocado toast is the scapegoat but yeah you know once i could once i consider the pricing of avocados
Starting point is 00:58:30 uh kind of the trendiness and also how they do get blamed on things there's just way too much hype around avocados uh i think i'm gonna say avocados are overrated i think that's fair when you when you uh buy avocados are you just making guacamole or do you i almost only buy them to make guacamole yeah i'd like so the question could have even been guacamole i do really like guacamole though i do so would you have a different answer if it was if we were saying guacamole i might because i don't hear a lot of people freak out about like people like guac but i don't hear a lot of people freak out about guac i don't hear guac talked about a ton right but avocado especially yeah because when you start
Starting point is 00:59:08 talking about avocado toast like that to me is like the one of the peak hype things of yeah uh you know i think i think that's the right way to look at it okay this next one i just literally wrote it right now because it just came to me a fresh fresh aha moment yes uh underrated or overrated the white claw shortage is that actually a real thing i don't know see is it a real thing or is it a marketing this just goes right back to i think white claw's entire existence is based around memes yeah and i just somehow that's the question i would ask you i was hoping you knew is it real and i don't know if we really like is it real Or is it just fabricated by?
Starting point is 00:59:48 Whiteclaw I Would not doubt for a second that it's fabricated by them because someone in their marketing department clearly understands the power of internet culture Yeah just all right make one catchy saying about your product and then kind of make some jokes about it and kind of Whether you're doing it or like encouraging it or just like not having an issue with it spreading which i mean they're doing all the right things but the shortage i actually did think the shortage was fake but i think a lot of the white cloth stuff i saw with that pop-up was fake too like there's no way this and it got really really popular uh the white cloth well if the white if the white cloth is
Starting point is 01:00:24 in an actual shortage then i mean white claw itself is overrated for sure if there's a seriously a shortage of it right um but the the white claw shortage itself i i mean if there's if they're making me i mean it's overrated again like white claw yeah you guys are doing your thing but i don't care enough about white claw to uh so you're saying the shortage is overrated yeah i'm saying everything Like White Claw, yeah, you guys are doing your thing, but I don't care enough about White Claw, too. So you're saying the shortage is overrated. Yeah, I'm saying everything White Claw related is overrated right now. Okay.
Starting point is 01:00:52 All right. Overrated or underrated? Lion King, the remake. So I did see it. So did I. First movie I've gone to in the theaters in like five years. I did watch mine. That's interesting.
Starting point is 01:01:07 There is a regional drive-in movie theater. Oh. And I saw it at the drive-in movie theater a month or two ago, when it first came out. The drive-in movie theater where we, I mean, they're not really even, I would guess most people listening to this have probably never been to a drive-in movie. I've heard before that there's only two in South Dakota.
Starting point is 01:01:29 Yeah, and I can't imagine, they're probably more common maybe in other places where it's nicer. But still in general, I would assume most people probably don't go to drive-in movies. My biggest complaint with drive-in movies, especially the one we go to, is that the sound quality is nowhere near a theater. Nowhere near it. I mean, the picture isn't as good either, and it's just smaller because you're farther away and all that. You can tune into it on your radio in the car. You can, but then you're kind of like that asshole that's sort of messing with your car. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:57 And at one point, you're like, I don't know, is my battery dying? So you turn your car on, then your lights come on. And there's always that whole thing, and I don't understand how that part of the process goes i don't get i don't know maybe there's some way that i just don't get what you're supposed to do but uh the movie itself okay i get torn i get torn on this one i was even telling my wife about it when we're leaving like i get torn because like you watch it and it looks so good like yeah are those real animals yeah no i know like that's right like my wife even said the same thing like like are some what's real anymore i honestly yeah i mean given the fact that they're talking i'm assuming none of them are real but they look real they look real
Starting point is 01:02:41 they do so it is super impressive what they can do with that stuff. But the music, yeah, sure. Okay, they did some cool music things. They get all the biggest names in. Yeah, Beyonce. Beyonce. I mean, it's just this huge Hollywood production, Disney doing its thing.
Starting point is 01:02:59 They followed the storyline pretty much, too. They followed the story. I mean, it really was a very faithful remake. They didn't change up a bunch of stuff and like the didn't totally change this character's arc and like
Starting point is 01:03:08 all of a sudden like so they kept it very very faithful and so that's where I get torn into this because I usually hate people just remaking stuff just for the sake of
Starting point is 01:03:16 what I feel like is just cashing out and making more money it's like yeah you're Disney you have every resource in the world do something original
Starting point is 01:03:22 but the fact that they just did such a polished, good job on this makes me want to say, like, I mean, they did it right, I feel like. Yeah. Was the original question, though, was it underrated or overrated? Yeah. The remake. And it's tough, too, because we come, like, Lion King. I remember being a little kid.
Starting point is 01:03:43 That was the movie. Yeah, that was, like, one of my favorite movies as a kid growing up being a little kid that was like yeah that was like one of my favorite movies as a kid growing up like every kid about our age that was like you also forget
Starting point is 01:03:49 how heavy the themes of that movie are I mean you're talking like okay yeah my dad there's some serious serious stuff I grew up in a royal family
Starting point is 01:03:57 then my uncle like yeah tries to murder me and my dad yeah and then he like basically
Starting point is 01:04:03 overthrows my family kicks me and puts me in exile yeah And then he like basically overthrows my family, kicks me and puts me in exile. Yeah. Those are some pretty deep themes for most kids to be taking in. Yes. Yes. I guess I'm,
Starting point is 01:04:15 I'll say it's, I'll say it's underrated just cause they did such a good job with it. Okay. And you struggled with that one. I did. I did struggle with that one hard. I'll say underrated though. Okay. Cause I can appreciate the work that went into it.
Starting point is 01:04:24 Okay. Last topic for the day on underrated overrated country trap trap country all right so with this tanner you're probably referring to the genre of music um there's probably different names um i've heard of uh there's there's other i can't think of the names off the top of my head. That's what I knew to call it because we talked about it. We're talking like your Old Town Row with Lil Nas X. I can do the Tuesday.
Starting point is 01:04:57 Whatever the hell that song is. I can't even think of it. There is one that I really like right now. Hopefully I don't unplug the audio cable here. I'll play just a quick, quick, quick second of it here. But it is a growing, a growing trend when you take
Starting point is 01:05:13 one of the most popular genres in the country, hip hop, music, and mix it with one of the other most popular genres in the country, country. And you can get some very interesting very interesting results one of my favorites right now is tampa bay bus down by young gravy and this thing freaking slaps man here let's just get to the point here we'll get that going Uh-oh.
Starting point is 01:05:46 Uh-oh. Did it go away? I think we're, well, that was probably. It didn't want to let the beat drop. Oh, okay. Here we go. Here we go. We'll try this one more time. No. and we probably can't play too much or it'll get flaked somehow but um young gravy chief keith
Starting point is 01:06:18 y2k you know it's just a fun song it's fun it makes fun music um it's kind of amazing that it took this long for uh this i think it's becoming more popular you music um it's kind of amazing that it took this long for uh this i think it's becoming more popular you know where you get kind of mix your your hip-hop trap trap vibes with uh some country some good old-fashioned country tunes right but uh i kind of like it you know some of it's going to be really corny and cheesy some of it's going to be pretty good i was i was pretty uh i was pretty on board with, I believe, Old Town Road was also an over-under item way back in the day, and I was pretty on board with that from day one.
Starting point is 01:06:53 I think any time you get people to cross the genres, mix things up a little bit, do some new things, I think that's always good for everyone. And it probably gets people on both sides of their musical world subjected to new things that they probably wouldn't have been originally. So I am all for it, and I'm going to say underrated. Underrated. Very good.
Starting point is 01:07:15 Yeah. That wraps up our overrated, underrated segment for this week. And also that means that we're approaching the end of episode 180. But before we get there, I think it's worth noting, which we've been so busy talking about all these segments and talking about all of our new sponsors that we haven't talked about Masonomics all that much. Yeah, gosh.
Starting point is 01:07:36 You just start talking, the next thing you know, it's an hour later. What were we even doing here? Have we even said the name Masonomics yet this time? But on the subject of Masonomics, check out our YouTube channel. That's where we pump out the name massonomics yet this time um but on the subject of massonomics check out our youtube channel that's where we pump out the video for all these podcasts make sure you subscribe on there uh like us on facebook we do sometimes use facebook uh that's very sometimes yes uh on apple podcast leave us a review we've seen i've seen that number ticking up but uh haven't haven't uh Apple has not disclosed those with us.
Starting point is 01:08:05 It hasn't been popping those up to me, no. So keep leaving those reviews. As soon as they pop up to me, we will read those on air, as long as they're five stars. Tell your friends about the Massanomics podcast. We don't always remind you to do that, but that's probably still one of the biggest ways to help the show grow is any of your lifting friends that might enjoy a lifting podcast about
Starting point is 01:08:25 nothing let them know that we are we all know someone that could use that yeah if they like segments we're probably and you know if they like guessing who weighs more what's in the sack what's in the can whether things are underrated or overrated yeah um man we we have got a home for them yeah people quit saying that things are appropriately rated. That needs to be more explicit in the rules. Do people say that? Every week someone has to DM me that, oh, it's rated correctly. We're here to make decisions.
Starting point is 01:08:54 Yeah, it's not appropriately rated. That's a whole riff of another subject. Just thinking out loud, that's got to go in the rules. It's very explicit that you cannot say that things are appropriately rated. just spits in the face of the whole segment it does um make it a mockery yeah and then our store that's probably the the most important part for us is supporting us through our store all of our uh hilarious shirts that we sell and the spinoff products of those shirts, including flags, pint glasses, flex flasks, stickers, hats, koozies. Is that a majority?
Starting point is 01:09:32 Sweatshirts, tank tops. We have a lot of stuff in our store in comparison to what it used to be like three and a half years ago. Even a year ago. Yeah, that's true. That is true. So check out the store, buy any of that stuff.
Starting point is 01:09:44 We do have new things in the works, several new things in the works. A handful of products never before seen. In the business world, they say Q4 is looking pretty exciting. Oh, yeah. Q4 is looking good. And we are in the business world. This is a business. Yeah, we are. So yeah, Q4, looking good. Yes, it is looking good. And you can follow us on Instagram. Tommy, what's your IG handle?
Starting point is 01:10:08 You can find me at tabahawk underscore D. And of course, you can follow the official Massanomics Instagram page at Massanomics. And just to let you know again that today's episode is brought to you by Spud Inc. The goal of Spud Inc. Straps is to make products that support sports performance and help everyone achieve their training goals.
Starting point is 01:10:25 They make products that last forever, won't bust your budget, and most importantly, leave no doubt about success when everything is on the line. Check them out online at This episode is also brought to you by Hybrid Performance Method, your one-stop shop for all things fitness and online coaching. Whether your goals are training-related, nutrition, or body composition-related, or both, Hybrid has a program for you. With dedicated and experienced coaches in each strength and fitness discipline, you can rest assured that you're in the best hands possible. Use code MASS, M-A-S-S, in all caps,
Starting point is 01:11:00 for 5% off any training or nutrition membership for the life of your membership. Visit caps for five percent off any training or nutrition membership for the life of your membership visit and today's show is also brought to you by lifting large lifting large is your one-stop online shop for power lifters strongmen highland games athletes crossfit athletes and anyone that lifts iron visit today there's free shipping on all orders over 60 and 99 of those are shipped the same day that they are placed. That wraps us up for 180. We'll catch you next time for episode 181. See you later.

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