Massenomics Podcast - Ep.19: The Strongman Breakdown

Episode Date: August 14, 2016

This week, we give a little insight into the upcoming BCF Strongman Competition. We break down each competitor's strengths and weaknesses, and get in as much smack-talking as we possibly could. We open the show with an in-depth review of the Greatest Movie of All-Time: "Mad Max: Fury Road". Don't forget to LIKE and SHARE this episode on Facebook... Make sure you LIKE the Massenomics Facebook page... If you don't already have a closet full of Massenomics gear, go to the MASSENOMICS STORE and load up on swag... Also, please CLICK THIS LINK TO GIVE US A 5 STAR RATING ON ITUNES... Follow Massenomics on Instagram... Vote Massenomics for President in 2016... Have your barber shave our logo into the side of your head.. Maybe get a Massenomics tattoo while you're at it.    Or you could sign up for our email newsletter at the bottom of this page. Stay Strong, M   Here's a little video preview and breakdown of each event.... 

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Starting point is 00:00:00 M-M-M-M-M-M-M-Massanomics Welcome to Massanomics, the world's strongest podcast. Find us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter at Massanomics. Make sure you go visit There you'll find the rest of our powerful content. While you're there, check out our store and buy yourself some of that sweet, massive beer. We're just going to start. Megan's watching Mad Max in the background here.
Starting point is 00:00:38 So we are live now. But speaking of Mad Max, you seen it, Tanner? No, I haven't. You're missing out. So the story is irrelevant. It doesn't matter at all. And it's just the single coolest movie ever to look at. It's fucking insane.
Starting point is 00:00:57 When I saw it in the theater, we were just kind of saying this, but went in with, because there was almost no hype around the movie as far as media publicity of any kind. I'd seen some reviews online of people saying you have to watch this movie and i went into it being kind of excited but ready to be completely disappointed and literally got done and i was like i don't know what i just saw like something happened to me there that was insane but uh yeah you got to see it highly recommended max like who's the actor tom hard, but that also doesn't matter. Yeah, Bane.
Starting point is 00:01:26 Bane is Mad Max. Does he wear the mask? He actually does wear a mask. It's a lot like the Bane mask for most of the movie. Did anyone care who he was before he put on the mask? I think that nobody knows who... You can watch the whole movie and not know who he is at all or who any of the characters are. Yeah, it's awesome i the the whole like background
Starting point is 00:01:46 behind the story i don't know anything about the whole it doesn't explain anything there's just a road and some people are on it and they hate some of the other people and it's it's fucking just the craziest shit it's like and all the guys are like something you would see out of a like just a messed up bad dream yeah it's it's kind of a lot like watching like a Marilyn Manson or Nine Inch Nails video for two hours with way more explosions it's like Marilyn Manson from Ozfest in 99 made a movie and I wonder if Tom Hardy's gonna kind of be typecast into the role of like the big scary guy with a mask then he's not big like he isn't like he's Bane he's not big like he isn't like
Starting point is 00:02:25 he's bane he's not like that big at all like i don't think he's actually that big of a guy but uh i don't know did you guys ever see bronson with him no is it awesome where he's like charles bronson the notorious like british criminal oh and uh he like he's pretty big in that movie too he's got to be i think they said he got up to like 220 or 230 or something for it and he's not that tall of a guy so that's pretty big for him but this guy is known uh he got i think he got in jail for just i don't know if he's from like the 70s or 80s he got in jail for like just some kind of minor things but once he got in jail he just had issues with being in jail issues of being in jail so kept getting in jail longer because he kept just breaking every rule he could and basically just became a lifetime prisoner because of that
Starting point is 00:03:09 but he got known i think he actually made a book like charles bronson's like prison fitness where he was known for doing he could do like 100 push-ups in like 60 seconds or something like he had all these crazy body weight exercises he could do and that would actually be interesting to look at i remember at the time reading it like i didn't really care about lifting or fitness at all so it'd be it'd be cool to see now how that holds up and no no association with charles bronson of like death wish those no i think he just took the name though because he liked that i think that's where he where he came up with it from i think bane or bane it's bane tom hardy's always bane to me i think basically though like every role he plays now,
Starting point is 00:03:47 he just has to make sure he's like, will only take roles where he's the baddest dude in the world. Kind of like Liam Neeson where it's like, Liam Neeson's been the baddest motherfucker on the planet in every single movie for the last five years. He can't be anything now where he's not talking like, I will find you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:03 Like slow, scary talking so uh that was massonomics movie reviews here um so this week here we're gonna kind of give you guys the rundown on uh this is what this will air about six days before the strongman competition and we've been uh everybody's kind of been ramping up for that. We've all been training that stuff, you know, a little, little harder, or some people just starting to train it at all to get used to it. And we're going to kind of run through that today. Kind of go over some of the things we've learned and figured out. And I don't know, I really dig this stuff. It's been, it's kind of a fun way to train. Tommy, you got, you got out,
Starting point is 00:04:43 it was kind of your first like full on session with it yesterday in the mix. And, uh, it's kind of nice. Cause it's, it's Larry said, when we were out last week, he said, you know, it's a little bit more interesting than just like, well, I'm going to go squat my five by three today. And you know, it's a, it is a little bit different and, and it's kind of cool. What did what did uh how many guys you guys have out yesterday i think we had eight yeah and because we did it last week last weekend and then uh we had with embarrassingly low attendance yeah we had maybe four of us yeah and uh then we did a little video of it and we uploaded that uh so then everyone else that's gonna do the competition got nervous they're like you guys are practicing that like i i want to get to practice that too so then this this weekend we did it again and we had eight of us there and uh what do we have you got you got the list of guys in front of you don't
Starting point is 00:05:34 you yeah at least like what kind of we got some guys that are pretty specialized some guys that maybe be will maybe have some awesome events and some guys with some with some disadvantages what are what are we looking at with some of these guys? Yeah. I'll, I'll let's run down the list quick and any of us can throw in anything that we might know about the guy and, talk trash,
Starting point is 00:05:52 bring up old dirt on old shit. The order of, order of this list was supposed to just be alphabetic, but, uh, Ryan, your brother, Tommy,
Starting point is 00:05:58 he asked me if this was the, in order of best looking to worst looking. I actually thought that the list was from least likely to convert over to CrossFit full-time to most likely. Because Corey CrossFit's last. And me, and then Ross in there just to jab at him. Okay, so the first guy we had is Ryan Anderson, and he's been on the podcast before.
Starting point is 00:06:22 He's the guy that builds shit for us uh and he's done competed in one uh amateur strongman competition before so he's got a little little experience with with it all and um from what I've seen him do what I know he's good at is like um kind of the odd strongman stuff that's not just like a barbell thing anything that's a little bit different he seems to do really well at like he's uh he's really good with flipping tires and i think he's probably gonna do pretty well at like the atlas stones too from what i've seen him do before yeah that sounds neat okay now now now we can we talk about how we're all going to just crush him in this event? That pussy. Then the next one is Eve Baca, and he's kind of the dark horse of the competition.
Starting point is 00:07:17 That's because everybody else is white. This is the whitest event imaginable. Maybe other than swimming. That's true but eve is an excellent deadlifter like he is the specialist yeah he he big time specialist deadlifter so like the car deadlift he's gonna put up an insane number i don't it's gonna be well over 20 and i question if it could be like 30 it's going to come down to for him it's going to come down to speed, the amount of being able to cycle it
Starting point is 00:07:51 and to put it in perspective he's at maybe 220 pounds he's probably 6'2 or 6'3 so he's a fairly lean guy what's his max deadlift? he's pulled 655 inent in a powerlifting meet before and maybe a little you know i think he's probably come close to 675 before messing around in the gym uh he he's gonna do really well at the car deadlift and he'll all around he'll do well
Starting point is 00:08:18 too you know he's he's done a couple different uh strongman events before and he's done several powerlifting meets you know he's pretty experienced but he's got that crazy strong back and in strongman that is like a huge thing yeah um there's there's no event out of everything that we're doing that he's not going to be pretty good at in my opinion so that's our dark horse gotcha who else we got uh brand brandon cole everyone he's the coors original man if you're not following him on instagram you need to be um brandon brandon will be there with cowboy hat on handlebar mustache he's our uh he's gonna be the crazy cowboy competitor he'll probably shotgun a couple
Starting point is 00:08:57 beers if there's any way we can get it allowed i'd be surprised if he didn't yep this all sounds accurate and brandon as a mechanic by trade so i think he's got like real strong man hands on him absolutely so i think uh something like the farmer's carry he's gonna do pretty well at and i i was i think he's surprised like for he's not terribly tall but i think an event like the stones i think uh i think he still is better than a guy would think yeah oh yeah he's gonna do well at it every and he's a pretty good overhead presser and he pretty much just strict like does a strict uh overhead press but he can do a lot of weight like that so he'll be good on the log too
Starting point is 00:09:35 and you know if we have to do the beer chug tiebreaker he's one to watch out for for sure for quantity or time both yes then the next one is Ryan LeFleur Ryan DeFay and Ryan came out and he basically hadn't done much of any of these things
Starting point is 00:10:01 before he's messed with the stones inside a little bit he was there yesterday and he is gonna do really well yeah started off you know i think because for him and i both it was our first time really doing any of the stuff yesterday we went through the full event listing and um ryan basically just got stronger in the events as the day went on yeah like every time he tried something again it was like he was like in the matter of five minutes he was getting such a good hang of it that he was like tripling his time or tripling his reps yeah to the point where car deadlift he just went out there and just first attempt banged out 11 reps no problem and and and here's the deal the car
Starting point is 00:10:39 deadlift i didn't fucking move once like that's the event that I'm going to get smashed on. And he had the technique down. He just went up there, hit one, and didn't slow down. It looked perfect, too. And I think he could have kept going. I think he just... I think I saw some... I don't know if it was on Instagram or somebody's Snapchats of it. And yeah, and it was fast.
Starting point is 00:10:56 Yeah. It was bang, bang, bang. Not hard. It didn't look hard. Yeah. He just has that down. It's like he's been doing that one for a long time. How did he do on the stones? Because he's been doing that one for a long time how did he
Starting point is 00:11:05 do on the stones because he's good he's pretty tall that was the other one he was the only one that got 260 and then i think that inspired larry larry highly through the 260 up but nice so he's gonna do well on that event too and the tire he did really well he he's gonna hit the tire good his uh weakness is overhead pressing that's the only event that he's gonna have a hard time at and it's i mean he just hasn't been lifting heavy for that long like it takes time to build up chest yeah body strength and i've kind of heard that with anything that like overhead is a thing that just takes a really long time to to move those numbers up like you know i'm i'm decent with that but it's kind of one of those things that's's just, uh, you just kind of arrived at that point. Yeah. And like, I don't think I've got any stronger overhead in six months, you know,
Starting point is 00:11:49 it's just, you know, those numbers don't just fly up like other things, but who else we got Tanner? Uh, next is Jake Heinrich. And, uh, he's a little bit, one of the, one of the two youngest, or he might be the youngest guy in the competition and uh he's about 5'8 and I think he's up to 220 now and he's put on a lot of size and strength in the last year even too you know I say a year ago he probably would have had a hard time with some of these things and he's put on so much strength since then that uh he'll be able to go out there and crush I think he'll be pretty well rounded too. Has he made it in to handle some of the implements? Yeah, he's got to mess around with the stones.
Starting point is 00:12:27 He came and did that with me one day and then the log also. So he hasn't done the others yet. And Tommy and I were talking too, and it's, take Ryan for an example, just like he said he was improving so much, like the second or third time he was trying something. If you go out there that day and you've never tried it before, you're at a little bit of a disadvantage because. Well, and it's almost like just kind of system shock. The first time I picked up those, the farmer's carry, it's like, God, this is really hard to just get from the ground.
Starting point is 00:12:59 And then once you do it, it's like the crushing weight of these things ripping you to the ground and trying to walk with them. And I, you know, five steps in, I realized realizing i'm just holding my breath i'm not even breathing at this point and you're just not used to it but then you know you try it once and you kind of think it over in your head a little bit and do it again and already it's that much better than you were the first time like the farmer's carry the first time you grabbed it you moved it like 10 feet yeah i would like part of it was because the clip slid so the weight moved forward on me and the belt fell over but after we did that excuses yeah exactly after that was the very first thing today and i'm thinking okay yeah this stuff is terrible not gonna do this but uh kind of regrouped put it back and then got everything tightened up again and took it down to 50 feet
Starting point is 00:13:38 but that was i mean that one that's a tough one it's not easy the first time i did it i didn't know if i'd get off the ground because it's like pert near my max deadlift. So I didn't know if I was going to get up with it. And once I got it up, I'd kind of go with it. But I got like silly gorilla hands. But that's fucking heavy. And I felt at my traps for like two or three days after that. And the turning part, like I didn't even really make much of an attempt
Starting point is 00:14:02 to even try and turn. But that's not easy either. That's the hardest part as far as the grip parts yeah because it's hard to get it to get the momentum going and then near impossible to stop it yeah yep and that's today i'm really feeling that uh the soreness in my forearms like upper forearm from doing all that grip stuff yesterday i've never had or i haven't had that burn in a long time and it's it's there today i i did a fairly decent squat and leg workout on friday and then we did this yesterday and i am last night and then all of today i am the most sore that i've been in like months yeah like i i for the first time in my adult life, we, we, we have a, like a jacuzzi bathtub
Starting point is 00:14:46 at home. And I took a bath last night for the first time in like 20 some years because I was like, I am so sore right now. This, maybe this will help even just a little bit. And it's, and it's just, it's from the strong man stuff because it's, it's all odds, odd positions and odd movements that were not. Did you, did you use the jets? I did.
Starting point is 00:15:04 That's the first time i've ever turned them on and i was like i had it all the way on low yeah and it was almost like a volcano of water coming hitting my ceiling i was like how is this low did see mine we don't i never used mine but i filled it up and turned it on one time to check it out and all this gross shit came out of the jets did you run into that i was worried i was guessing that was going to happen so i like wasn't getting in first i was trying it out but it took all the water from my water heater to first of all fill it enough in this tubs yeah you could get turn them on but it didn't when i it didn't look gross but it uh yeah mine i have enough hot water to get it kind
Starting point is 00:15:41 of full and then the rest is cold yeah like i have to get a half full and then hope the water heater catches up and then fill it the rest of the way yeah or so it's it's not even it's just not even worth the hassle so what was your review of it tanner good bad candles not needed my review is those are a waste of money i used it this one time and like i probably will use it again in my life, but I don't know. If you're building a house, I could think of a lot better way to spend a few thousand dollars for sure. So you don't feel like you've been missing out after all these years? No.
Starting point is 00:16:12 And also, just taking a bath is gross to me. Yeah. I was kind of dirty from the day. So I was like, so should I go take a shower first before I get in the bath tub? As much as I'd love to soak in my old like fill all sweat it's like all the smell you've been trying to get away from you're dumping on your face you're gonna dip a rag in it and wipe it on your face it's one of those things that makes way more sense to shower before you get it i felt like i was like an old roman or on game
Starting point is 00:16:44 of thrones or something taking like a bath with just like this is as good as we can do yeah i didn't see a lot of uh like frothy bubbles in game of thrones but uh all right next on the list is uh dylan knutson and he's a out of towner i have competed with him in strongman events uh two different times and he will be one of the physically largest looking guys there he's i'd say he's maybe about 5 10 and head to toe really really solid and thick like big chest and big arms and big big legs and uh he's done pretty well he does really well on some of the events he's really good at like the barbell kind of like the opposite of what i said about ryan like this guy's really strong on like when we did a squat before
Starting point is 00:17:39 and he just crushed that and he does pretty well on deadlift and everything and um i don't know him real well but i know a couple people that have worked out with him. They said over the last year he's gotten really, really strong too. That's cool. What I've heard his numbers is that now he's deadlifting over six real easily and that he squatted 565 for a set of 10. Oh, man. So I would say definitely watch out for him.
Starting point is 00:18:12 And the only reason we're letting him compete is for the fans watching. Because we could have capped this event and not allowed somebody who's stronger than all of us to be in. I didn't want to do that. So now you know know we're not doing that and he's also a strong overhead presser uh like he he's done really well one or tied for the win on overhead press every year that we've done that so nice he'll be good top to bottom uh the next one is troy and then i'm knebel i guess i i just always call him troy so i'm not really exactly sure on the pronunciation The next one is Troy. And then I'm Kenebel. I guess I just always call him Troy.
Starting point is 00:18:50 So I'm not really exactly sure on the pronunciation of his last name, but Troy, Troy might be our oldest competitor. That's kind of interesting. We, we range from about 20 years in age to, we have three guys that are about or a ways into their forties. So we have an age spread of about 25 years from the youngest to the oldest, which is kind of cool.
Starting point is 00:19:07 And Troy, Troy's very solid. Also. He's another guy that's going to be real. He's real, real thick head to toe. Not real up on his lifting, but I just know he's pretty strong on everything.
Starting point is 00:19:19 So he'll be interesting to watch too. Tanner's big into, into, into thickness. I just have a thing for thick dudes. The next one is Grayson Phillips, and he's our shortest competitor and our lightest. He is 5'5", 175. I would say about negative 2% body fat.
Starting point is 00:19:43 He came in practice with us yesterday, and there was a couple of events. I was worried if his biceps were literally going to explode out of his body and spray everywhere. It was getting there. I think Ross called it dick thin skin is what it looks like. That's what people call it. Hashtag dick skin but so he quote-unquote by height and weight standard is the smallest but he looks like a freak like he's like strong as shit yeah yeah and uh he did really well when practicing the car deadlift too he was he was repping that out he repped him out easy he was getting better and
Starting point is 00:20:27 better at the log overhead press too like he hadn't really practiced that before and you could tell just with a few times he was getting better and better at that so i think he could do pretty well at that and the farmers group he yeah or the farmers carry he can find there too yeah hang on to that like it wasn't too much for him the the stones like the one place he has a disadvantage on height is because that crossbar is like actually kind of high for him yeah like he's kind of ryan could go over and just like plop it over and same thing with you ty yeah yeah you're at the point where you get it about waist height you can just roll them over basically and he's at the point he needs to get up up there needs to get him up up on
Starting point is 00:21:05 his chest i think that's when that's when you see too like when that when the deal gets higher people end up reaching and he shorter people too you can't go around or under the stone at all you have to go basically go over the top and they pull it back and they kind of kind of have to roll it up their chest as they come to think and he's definitely gonna have to do that and that's one of the things that makes strongman interesting you know with with power lifting being shorter basically means a shorter range of motion which technically means you should be able to move more weight and it should make things easier whereas with strongman a lot of times you need that extra size six inches to a foot of arm length to get around things and to be able to handle them and right and control the stuff so he'll be cool to watch but yeah he definitely has the strength i
Starting point is 00:21:51 mean he yeah he's gonna put up a good fight for sure for sure then uh we have the wily old vet larry larry shook uh he's another guy he's about he's about 40 and he's done i don't know between strongman and powerlifting well over 10 competitions before in his life. And the thing with Larry, he went first on everything yesterday. Yeah. I always kind of make him.
Starting point is 00:22:14 I always am like, Larry, you've got to kind of break the ice for it. And so to start off with the farmer's carry, he just picks it up, goes down 50 feet, comes back 50 feet, and towards the end, it's like, yeah, he's probably, like, this is getting kind of 50 feet and towards the end it's like yeah he's probably like this is getting kind of tough and so i think oh yeah this isn't too bad and then i pick it up and realize that larry just has hands and grip strength like no yeah he makes it look like it like oh that must not be too bad yeah then you pick it up it's like oh shit well how's he
Starting point is 00:22:40 doing that and that's i just had to kind of rethink larry's got a really big time motor on him like he does like uh if he sees someone do something like that yeah then he feels like there's no no reason in hell the classic example yesterday being ryan getting the 260 pound stone larry tried it maybe three times couldn't get it then sees ryan gets it has to try it again doesn't get it steps away comes back gives it all he's got and then gets it and it was a fight to try it again, doesn't get it, steps away, comes back, gives it all he's got, and then gets it. And it was a fight to put it over. Yeah, he got it up and had it wedged against the crossbar and had to body it up and over. So Larry can do it all too.
Starting point is 00:23:17 Next we've got Ross, who he's been on the podcast once or twice before. Yep. Also, and he can do it all. And one I know that he's going to be good at too is the overhead press. For sure. With the log, you know, when we have like 225 on there. He was strict pressing.
Starting point is 00:23:33 Yeah, for multiple reps. And he just pretty much stands up and like reverse curls it. Nice. And strict presses it. So he'll do really well on that one for sure then we have crossfit cory crossfit cory doesn't actually do crossfit but that's a nickname we've given them is that a story we need to get into or are we going to hurt somebody's feelings no it won't hurt his feelings this is not that good of a story we
Starting point is 00:24:04 just started calling him that kind of pissed him off you know there's two c's it just has a certain ring to it crossfit tyler sounds totally lame yeah you do crossfit and it would make sense it just doesn't sound cool that's good and it's got to sound cool and cory uh he's been practicing on everything a little bit here too uh he's getting really good at the tire flip he can he does that really efficiently looking and he's got a technique down i would say it sounds kind of very different athletically but they're uh kind of like ryan and that he came in and cory just kind of picked up on everything right yeah for sure you know just first couple tries on a lot of things basically
Starting point is 00:24:41 everything like there wasn't really much of a learning curve for him on anything too you know he and he he does everything he does he does really technical and with good form and stuff so uh you know he goes about this the same way with trying trying to do everything the most efficient way possible even with the stones like that's a really odd thing that nothing else that we do is really like the stones and he just picks up on that pretty much right away too yeah Yeah. Yeah. Some of that's just kind of a movement pattern thing. You know,
Starting point is 00:25:07 once you get, once you're used to moving the right way, like, you know, when you're fucking up, when you're lifting it for sure. Um, last two would be you and I,
Starting point is 00:25:19 Tyler. Hmm. Clash the Titans. I would say I'll give the reviews here you guys you cover tanner tommy so tanner's obviously done a few of these things he has a few a few titles to his resume you could say really really super prestigious very prestigious some of the most sought after in the upper midwest i think they say uh but tanner's got a few wins under his belt he's obviously very familiar with all the implements at this point,
Starting point is 00:25:47 being that you've been a part of every training session. Yeah. Built the event that's going on. So I would say you are one of the favorites going into it. You have a lot of opportunity. You actually have a lot of opportunities to blow it here because you have a lot of people gunning for you on this one. opportunity you actually have a lot of opportunities to blow it here because you have a lot of people gunning for you on this one and and uh you know i did build most of the competition and everything
Starting point is 00:26:10 like that but i i purposely wanted like people from outside like dylan and you and everyone else to come in because i don't want it to be like i'm just making a competition and i don't think i know see i've never been to the state one where you guys have to compete there but i think probably more than ever this is not anybody i mean this is anybody's game for sure not a clear favorite and because also event wise i did not pick events that i'm all good at the overhead log press i am not going to do well at relative to the guys that do the best at and the stones anyone could do well at that in my opinion opinion. I'm going to do well, just for myself, what I know I'm going to do probably pretty well on the farmer's carry because I can hold on to those for a pretty long time,
Starting point is 00:26:52 and I should do pretty well at the car deadlift. Then you factor in the whole day and the fatigue. Oh, and there's so many other factors. That changes it all, too. When it's a field of five or six guys, you might be able to sandbag and get in the middle more on one event. But on this, when you have 13 guys and you sandbag, that could put you way in the bottom.
Starting point is 00:27:12 You're giving up a lot of points. A ton of points in one event. And what's interesting, though, is, you know, you've got a few titles. But the thing is, is you're probably not the favorite, I would say, in a one event. No, for sure. No, I don't think you're. The Stones are, I would say, in a one event. No, for sure. No, I don't think you're. The Stones are, I think, generally a toss.
Starting point is 00:27:29 I wouldn't be surprised if any number of eight of them, it wouldn't surprise me one bit. Eve's the dead favorite for the deadlift, for sure. Without a doubt. The tire is kind of anybody's you're pretty good at that but i i would not call my like uh that's such a cardio like that becomes a cardio thing that sure just like yesterday i went three quarters of the way real fast probably as fast as anyone could and then the last quarter i'm like as slow as slower than anyone on the
Starting point is 00:28:06 last quarter because like i hit you know i red line where it's just like oh can't do it much more yeah so how did we settle that how are we doing that again is that for it is a hundred foot course 50 down and back if but there's a two minute cap time limit so if you make the two minutes to go 100 foot you're done yeah but if you don't make the 100 feet, then it's your total distance made in the two minutes. And the farmer's carry is the one that's for distance only. Yeah. There's no time element to that. So you're going to pick them up.
Starting point is 00:28:36 Pick them up. It starts when you pick them up. It'll still be pretty fucking fast. And then it's when you touch the ground. Yeah. Yeah. Obviously, I mean, it relies on your grip quite a bit. So you're not wanting to just doddle with it.
Starting point is 00:28:46 So that covers me, and then how about Tyler? You know, I haven't seen Tyler do anything, so I think you have to give the reviews. Yeah, I know one for sure that you'll be, you are the favorite on is the overhead press. Tyler can clean and jerk, whereas all the rest of us are. I keep telling these guys, well only the guys that i am sure i can still beat i keep i keep telling it's like you need to learn to do like a push
Starting point is 00:29:12 jerk you just you have to like some of these like as strong as ross is at just fucking strict pressing cole the same way yeah it's like we'll just shove it up use your strength and then get your ass underneath it. Like, why are you doing all that distance with your fucking arms when you can just shorten that range of motion? You push it halfway, and you're there. And if those two could get that down, I think they'd be doing over 300 pounds. Yeah, I think so, too. Because they can strict press, I think.
Starting point is 00:29:41 250 plus, you know. My big hole is with the like cleaning the log for some reason i just have like a hang up around like 250 or something like that 255 as far as i'm just can't get the fucking thing to my chest if i get it to my chest i can put it up all day but i can't i don't know i gotta practice it is awkward too though having those handles facing the other direction it's weird it's not like a barbell and when you're a big kind of roll it into you too and when you're a big guy it's actually because that's a fixed commodity if it's a barbell i can put my hands where my hands need to be um it's narrower than i want it to be
Starting point is 00:30:13 so like you're at a strength disadvantage if you're in if you're trying to use your hips yeah and pulling with your biceps a little bit like if my arms were wider i'd have a lot more you know be able to be able to pull on that a little more so that kind of evens things out a little bit um that that'll definitely be my best event my worry is that i will shit the bed on every single other event i'd say farmers here you're gonna do really well yeah uh because of your your your grip strength and your hand size and everything yeah once you get moving on that it's gonna be a while before they have to be set down the deadlift tanner's been real real nice about it he keeps telling me that he's pretty sure i'll be able to
Starting point is 00:30:53 get it once for sure and i think when i did it yesterday i thought the first one was the hardest one and that's what that's what ryan said it doesn't really make a whole lot of sense because you come to a dead stop but it is the hardest one the first one did feel like the hardest one it's something i gave it 100 of my effort like many times and it's a bit of a technique thing that i lack and it's maybe i need some more practice it also is a shitty way to train in that like if that is near the top of your threshold it's like you get warm some like i can't bring like a little bit lighter car on first and then park that car and then like maybe get one that's a little heavier and a little heavier. You can't build up with cars. Corey wouldn't let me take the back door off the hatchback to warm up.
Starting point is 00:31:38 We did take the spare tire out yesterday. Did you? Yeah, so it was a little bit lighter. Corey just did it without even. He also had a bunch of fucking parts in the back he got rid of those so it probably was honestly like a little bit lighter and we talked about it like with some of those things like you know an odd lift like that if it's 50 pounds over your max it might as well be a 10 000 pounds yeah that's the weird part
Starting point is 00:32:01 about it and you guys said this that you you would say you kind of compare it to close to a 500 pound deadlift which i think is fairly accurate but the weird thing is like ryan's max deadlift is i don't know 525 maybe and he did 11 he's not ever going to bust out 525 for a lot i don't know if he could in the you know if in the gym he could bust out 450 for 10 even like that that's a lot if you put 500 on the bar he's not going to do it for 11 rounds i don't know if he would get it for three even yeah and uh so there's definitely a technique thing to it because i still think he quit before i think he could have kept going yeah oh he just quit because like well i've done a lot at this point i this that's enough this is enough well i did 10 so he did oh yeah that's it yeah so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna
Starting point is 00:32:43 i'm gonna really give it my best and i'm gonna hopefully get one rep on that thing and then i'm gonna rest while you assholes go out and just smash yourself and you're gonna be up for the i'll be i'll be super fresh for the stones so and that stone event as as shitty as that is to say it's probably how it's gonna be because i'm definitely not gonna like bang out 10 reps of that for sure so that'll be my weakest one for sure the stones are a toss-up you should do good on it though we named it after you yeah yeah actually that's i think that's the stone that's that's what the world's strongest man did and everything so um but ryan did mention also that uh he got to uh or he said i saw the one day you guys were in the gym training with your your sandbag
Starting point is 00:33:25 and he said he said just picking the sandbag up holding it and then doing squats with it he said felt like really helped with getting the form down of the stone the atlas stones yeah in my opinion that's the i i didn't get it because it was to to help train with the stones but the movement is the same and it doesn't jack you up as bad like it's a little soft for arms plus there's like more you can do with it training wise so i bought a sandbag because i could do other things if i had 180 pound atlas stone like i'd fuck it i'd lift it and then i'd not do anything with it yeah so the sandbag i can you can pick it up and squat it and um but yeah that i think to teach anybody that's a weight that's
Starting point is 00:34:04 kind of manageable once you're strong to be able to, but learning to get, if you can get that to your lap and then get stood up with it, you're pretty much where you need to be to start messing with the stones. And you can do that for volume. You know, you can do it for reps. I'd like to get some heavier bags, but, um, you know, then you can start probably building strength with that. But if you were to do
Starting point is 00:34:26 that much volume with stones you'd be ripped up all the time your forearms would be shredded yeah you get like you have no skin looks like you have these rashes on your arm yeah you just you couldn't do it what are we going to do as far you and does anybody actually have sleeves and stuff for the stones or i don't i i've wrapped with athletic tape before and i'm going to do that because it does help yeah like it doesn't help me lift it but it helps my forearms from being obliterated it kind of like i don't shave my arms so it kind of hurts to rip the tape off yeah um tanner also is the is the owner of the only tub of tacky that we have. I am going to let everyone use that. When it comes to the day of, I'll be like, oh, sorry guys.
Starting point is 00:35:11 I don't know where it went, but I do have to go grab something. My arms are sticky as hell, so figure it out. But the stone event, more so than what I was thinking before we had really it, uh, just in the gym, I'd only trained with one stone at a time, you know, just trying to pick one stone up. But now that like yesterday we, we brought three of them out there and trying to do three in it in succession is real is tiring. Like it's, and when we were going to have five in a row is going to be really tiring. What are the, what are the, you've got, have you actually stood up the 300 before you have? Yeah, I have. How many people have? Just, I'm the only one that has. Now I haven't messed with it. I've got 260. I think I'm capable of getting the 300,
Starting point is 00:35:58 but do you think, do you think anybody's going to get the 300 over after doing all those other stones? My opinion after it's also the last event and it is the fifth stone of five. My opinion is if I had to bet the farm on it, I'd say that nobody's going to get it over. But I hope it does happen. I hope five guys get it over. You really want to hope that somebody early on gets it over so that everybody's like, so Larry is like, no, I'm fucking getting that stone. Yeah, if someone gets it right before Larry, Larry's going to either die or get the stone. That'll either be his headstone or...
Starting point is 00:36:33 The sun will set on Larry still trying to get that stone. But that is one of those things I do think, like you said, fresh, there's probably a few guys that would get it. After all that fatigue from the day, it's going to be a struggle. But the one upside is the crowd. think like you know like you said fresh there's probably a few guys that would get it after all that fatigue from the day it's going to be a struggle but the one upside is the crowd some people play off the crowd really well very much so and that that's a big variable that is that is a really big variable i agree and speaking of crowd you guys all need to show up you definitely got to come it's free so if you're in the area how many free for the first
Starting point is 00:37:05 20 000 people yeah so and and prices are negotiable after that so we do have a confirmed mc no yeah we have uh uh the local radio disc jockey rusty rocket if you're from the area i'm sure you're familiar with him he is going to be the mc for the event and running the music also bumping tunes getting people hyped up on men hucking weights around thick men doing thick men things he asked me kind of what we wanted for the uh music and stuff and i said well mostly slayer i was like i was like slayer with some kind of your expertise katie perry's greatest hits i'm not gonna step on your toes too much yeah it's tough to treat it like you you want to just treat it like a power Katy Perry's greatest hits. I'm not going to step on your toes too much. Yeah, it's tough to treat it like you want to just treat it like a power lifting meeting.
Starting point is 00:37:51 Like, well, we basically just want only Pantera. So the tunes are probably going to be directed more towards the audience than pumping us up. Because an average person doesn't want to listen to Pantera for two hours. Not your average county fair goer, I'm afraid. They'll find their way over to the goat barn real fast. Velcro gloves. But yeah, well, that is Saturday. That's going to be this coming Saturday, August. Is it the 20th?
Starting point is 00:38:19 Yes, the 20th. August 20th. Starting at 12.30 p.m. We'll be around there before that, making sure everything is set up correctly. Should give most people enough time to nurse their hangover from the night before. Yep.
Starting point is 00:38:31 Get their act together. It could easily be extremely hot. And that's just part of it. History says it will be extremely hot. Yeah. But I just hope it's not raining. That would be the only thing that would really piss me off and kind of yeah yeah then nobody's getting the 100 pound stone yeah exactly yeah so that'll be uh that'll be saturday at 12 30 uh be there b square brown county fair um
Starting point is 00:38:58 tommy's going to be help running the show we're going to have some some massonomics shirt and hat giveaways going on between events um not too many though just enough to keep you interested but we're gonna do you know maybe do some neat things with some maybe some smaller fun like grip testing events and stuff like that where we'll get uh you know a few members of the audience to come out and try some something some little like fun strongman stuff uh we're not gonna do anything that's gonna risk getting you hurt because our insurance ain't gonna handle it but um yeah come on out it should be a lot of fun we're going to make a pretty cool little what for out of it so um once we wash the tacky office afterwards
Starting point is 00:39:34 and get everything loaded up you'll be able to find us at the beer gardens so um autographs autographs for sure yeah bring your bring your your massonomics shirt some markers or just your boobs and uh and we are we'll sign them up we are giving away some cash for the winners too you know For sure, yeah. Bring your Massanomics shirt, some markers, or just your boobs, and we'll sign them up. We are giving away some cash for the winners, too. So that's kind of cool. I think it's $250 for first place, $150 for second, and $100 for third. And then each individual event winner gets another $25.
Starting point is 00:40:03 And when Nike sponsors next year's event, I think it's going to be probably tenfold. Maybe a free pair of shoes or something. A Glock. One Glock. One Glock. So make sure you stop on out. If you have any other questions, hit us up at In the meantime, make sure you go to our Facebook page.
Starting point is 00:40:20 Make sure you're liking the Facebook page. If you're still listening this late in the podcast, make sure you've gone to iTunes. If you haven't gone to iTunes, left us a five-star rating and you're still listening 40 minutes in, you're really missing out. So hook us up with that. Go to Instagram. Tanner, what's your Instagram? At Masonomics on Instagram. At Masonomics. Tommy? At Tomahawk underscore D. And I am Tyler F. Stone. That's Tyler E-F-F-I-N Stone. We've got some new gear in at the website. Make sure you stop and check it out. Hats, shirts, all the goods. Scroll to the bottom of our website webpage and sign up for our email newsletter.
Starting point is 00:40:52 And make sure you find us at Masanomics on YouTube. In the meantime... You just heard the Masanomics podcast. With your ears, you're welcome. Check us out on Facebook, find us on Instagram at Masanamics and make sure you visit and buy some of that sweet Masanamics gear from your friends at Masanamics Studio, home of the world's strongest podcast. Stay strong. podcast stay strong

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