Massenomics Podcast - Ep.196: The Sleep Study Adventure

Episode Date: January 6, 2020

We all know that sleep is important for recovery, but do you know what the sleep study process involves? Find out about our first hand encounter. Hybrid Performance Method: and use code MASS to save 5% on all programs Lifting Large: and use code MASS20 to save on Lifting Large branded products Spud Inc.:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You know, thanks for what you do with your podcasts and all the rest. You're doing a great job. I hope everybody keeps tuning in. You get a lot of good info, a lot of insights, understandings on how to get strong, how to stay strong, how to use your strength. You do a great job, dude. You make things better than they are in real life, I think.
Starting point is 00:00:16 If you don't follow Massanomics, y'all do it. Social media, website, everything. Massanomics! Massanomics! science, everything. Massonomics! Welcome everyone to episode 196 of the Massonomics podcast, the lifting podcast about nothing. Today's show is brought to you by Lifting Large. Lifting Large is your one-stop online shop for powerlifters, strongmen, Highland Games athletes, CrossFit athletes, and anyone that lifts iron. men, Highland Games athletes, CrossFit athletes, and anyone that lifts iron.
Starting point is 00:00:46 Visit today. There's free shipping on any orders over $60, and 99% of those orders are shipped the very same day that they are placed. Today's episode is also brought to you by Spud Inc. The goal of Spud Inc. Straps is to make products that support sports performance and help everyone achieve their training goals. They make products that last forever, won't bust your budget, and most importantly, they leave no doubt about success when everything is on the line.
Starting point is 00:01:09 Check them out online at This episode is also brought to you by Hybrid Performance Method. They're your one-stop shop for all things fitness and online coaching. Whether your goals are training-related, nutrition and body composition-related, or both, Hybrid has a program for you. With dedicated and experienced coaches in each strength and fitness discipline, you can rest assured that you're in the best hands possible. Use our code MASS, M-A-S-S, in all caps,
Starting point is 00:01:36 for 5% off any training or nutrition membership for the life of your membership. Visit This is episode 196. I'm one of your co-hosts. My name is Tanner 196 i'm a one-year co-host my name is tanner and over here's the other co-host my name is tommy what's up not too much we're uh doing a little little podcasting trickery here actually we're recording things and different different tarantino style we're breaking up the timelines timelines. The future is the past. The past is the present. It's all. So this will be coming out that first, second week in January.
Starting point is 00:02:09 So we're living in the 2020 right now. This is the future. This is what all those science sci-fi movies are about. Flying cars are finally here. 2020 is the year that we get that stuff, right? I think so. I think Elon Musk cracks the code this year. Do you think there'll ever be flying cars?
Starting point is 00:02:25 Like, is that something that we're even working towards? I believe that the way I understand it, like, with anything we have with modern technology, I don't think that's an option just with the amount of, like, noise they generate and all that stuff. Like, unless you're doing something that's using, it can't use blades, you know, like a helicopter. Right. Because that generates too much noise. Like, that's been ruled can't use it can't use blades you like a helicopter right that generates too much noise like that's been ruled out i believe and also so generally speaking mostly everyone can drive can everyone be a pilot well i would assume at that point it's just computer systems
Starting point is 00:02:54 are taking over completely but yeah i don't know it's it's still weird yeah we haven't really moved towards having uh that i'm aware of that the technology that things fly like hovering vehicles aren't going to be yeah just you know it's yeah it's it's science is not there yet it's just not it's still blades and jet engines and and if people would have stormed area 51 maybe would have found out what was going on and we could uh got some new technology but we are moving towards just uh well i mean it's happening the driverless cars though for sure like that's i mean that essentially is a thing yeah right right it's just not fully widespread yeah yeah yeah and to varying levels but i'm all on board with that i'd love to be
Starting point is 00:03:35 able to get especially where we live where we live it's three hours minimum to get somewhere especially if it's made in a way that it means you get to take a nap and and i when i say three hours i mean that's three hours with nap. And when I say three hours, I mean, that's three hours with absolutely no traffic. That's three hours going hundreds of miles. Yeah, right. And I would love to be able to like,
Starting point is 00:03:53 all right, we're going to whatever place that is. You just hit the button and you do your thing. Watch a movie. Yeah, watch a movie. Do stuff on your laptop or your phone. Sleep. That would be amazing, wouldn't it? Yeah, that would be.
Starting point is 00:04:07 We were just talking how this holiday season, we're both going to be doing some traveling. Yeah. And that would make the holiday traveling so awesome to hop in the car and be like, all right, here's some quality time together where we're not worried about anything regarding road conditions or traveling
Starting point is 00:04:23 or any of that stuff. It's tough for it really to take over. Well, I mean, not everyone has to be doing it, though, I suppose. But for it to work best, probably everyone has to be doing it, though, right? It is. I think the idea behind it is that in a perfect world, if everyone is on a driverless car, at that point, you almost don't even need stoplights because all the cars communicate. So they just know when to go and when not to go.
Starting point is 00:04:45 But there's people that are never going to want you to take away. And I don't know. I'm sure people have thought about this way more than what we are right now. We're coming up with these questions a minute in. It's the same thing. There's still cars. You can still see people that have Model T cars. And there's always going to be collectors of old cars like that's never going to go away whether the rules change at some points
Starting point is 00:05:09 like those cars aren't allowed and on the general road with everyone else i don't know that seems so hard for it to ever really like for that to be allowed or for for enough people to get behind it for that to be yeah i don't know it's i can see it see it happening like a state, like a state trying, almost trying it first. It seems like a thing California would do, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, and what about, yeah, we'll find out. Yeah. That's what we are moving to, though, now that we're in 2020.
Starting point is 00:05:37 Yeah, I don't think it'll be that. It'll be in our lifetimes for sure, Tanner. It won't be too far away. I would think so. I wouldn't be surprised if it's on the other side of the decade, you know? That's true. We are just finishing this decade it's funny to think what it'll be like in 2030 yeah you know the world is a very different place now than 2010 already right that is the the social media thing alone is so that was such a different yeah landscape 10 years ago this is also what we covered a little bit in episode 195.
Starting point is 00:06:08 Yeah. Yeah. In our last episode that we haven't recorded yet. In our episodes out of time here. So yeah, we don't need to talk about that too much. But yeah, we'll go on and on. We did go on and on about that. Last week.
Starting point is 00:06:19 Yeah, yeah. That you guys listened to that we haven't recorded yet. So what do we want to talk about today, Tanner? Well, we've got a list of topics. This is the first one of the year. This is how we're starting 2020. That's true. We came out of 19 with a bang, so we have to go into 20 with a bang too, I would think, right?
Starting point is 00:06:38 Bang, bang. Yeah, that's how we do it, you know? So we've got a lot of good stuff, of course. I mean, you wouldn't come to this podcast at this point in time if you didn't know we had so much good stuff coming. And you know what? Actually, before we even get too far, I forget. We should discuss delicious beverages, as we do at the beginning of all podcasts.
Starting point is 00:06:55 So this is of utmost importance, Tanner. I cannot have you looking at the can this week. This is key. You cannot be looking at the can. So eyes up. Okay. Like, don't look downward you're saying okay but i still have to talk like as and yeah do not look below below your shoulders okay
Starting point is 00:07:14 okay here you go try to make sure i'm still talking into the microphone ah and this is a different feel of the can is already the feel. So this is our first What's in the Can segment of 2020. So this is a segment. This is a segment. This is a real test. I'm making you guess this one. Sometimes I go easy on Tanner. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:35 I don't make him guess. Since I almost have a 0% accuracy on this game. I'm not trying to. Let's have the first sip here. See what the first idea is. Well, it's almost cheating in a way that... This is a sparkling water, of course. But the shape of this can...
Starting point is 00:07:59 Well, it's sparkling. And it has a sparkling water flavor. The first thing, I feel like because the flavor is so different, is it alcohol or not alcohol? I would say not alcohol. Okay. Like it's just a shade away from what one of these would taste like if it's alcoholic. You know, there's like very minimum difference in some of these when they have alcohol. But I'm pretty sure it does not have alcohol, but I better take another taste just to make sure.
Starting point is 00:08:23 You know, Tanner, for all you know, this is heavy amounts of alcohol and you're going to end this podcast like drunk. No, no, it's not alcoholic. It's a little, I think it's, we're dealing with a fancy LaCroix.
Starting point is 00:08:37 I don't even know what, what the technical term of those are, but the, uh, the LaCroix that are in the taller, uh, skinny can, unless it's a different brand that I'm not I wouldn't know the name of anyways not not bubbly because they're in a regular can so I'm going to say it's one of the fancy one of the fancy LaCroix's with the uh
Starting point is 00:08:56 that have the um the accent marks yeah the accent marks over the the flavors okay but so that's what we're dealing with. But the real question is the flavor then, right? Mm-hmm. It's what everyone wants to know. What are we tasting? I could be completely wrong, but there's one flavor that is coming to my mind. Okay.
Starting point is 00:09:18 And it's strawberry. But are those cans usually like a double flavor thing is what I'm thinking now. You know, I'm not well versed in the tall cans, so I can't tell you that answer for sure, Tanner. Oh boy, I can't pick out a second flavor if it was, but I'm getting a strawberry. Is that right or not? I'm not sure. I'll have to look for you here. So far you are correct, Tanner. And is there a second flavor?
Starting point is 00:09:46 There is a second flavor. I don't think I can taste the second flavor. There is a second flavor. It is the mystery. I'm surprised you got this one because I think I would have picked up the other flavor. It would have been my first one I would have picked up. I'm thinking maybe it's like lemon. I don't know. I guess it doesn't really taste it. maybe it's like lemon or, um, you know,
Starting point is 00:10:05 I don't know. I guess it doesn't really taste it, but it almost kind of tastes like maybe there's lemon or something like that. But lemon strawberry doesn't sound right. What about, well, what is strawberry? Um,
Starting point is 00:10:16 well, strawberry lime. I don't know if they'd make maybe lime. Strawberry lime is what I'll say. I still don't think that sounds good, but it is pineapple strawberry. and this is the i don't really know if i taste the pineapple though this is i guess i do i don't even know how you say it pina frazee uh it's the tall can underneath the small letters pineapple strawberry which i found much more relatable when i was trying to
Starting point is 00:10:41 pick these things out um yeah because ifCroix isn't fancy enough already, they have to have a little bit fancier. Yeah, you've got to keep riding that wave of elitism on this. This is my first tall can experience, Tanner. I've never had a tall can before. What do you think? They all do, at least at Walmart, they all do two flavors. I don't know if that's like a tall can thing.
Starting point is 00:11:03 Is there always two flavors? See, that was in the back of my mind i don't know if it it is a fact or not but i was thinking that a lot of the a lot of the ones listed there was like some cherry ones i'm not a huge cherry guy so uh i stayed away from those there was a couple other this one seemed like the most obvious one but when i was trying this if i had to compare this to something else i might be wrong here but to me it almost tasted like a red bull of sorts yeah yeah doesn't it doesn't it have that flavor a little bit yep yep it does so i do taste that a little bit i wouldn't have thought of that that's what i thought of right away when i first drank i'm like this reminds me of red bull
Starting point is 00:11:42 yep and uh i didn't know if i was just going crazy or no i if there's some validity to that i kind of that spoils it a little bit for me now that if i think about red bull that's that's what i told my wife yeah she took like two sips and goes oh this isn't too bad and i go it really reminds me red bull and she goes wow you just ruined this for me that's kind of what it's like she wouldn't drink it anymore like it makes me feel like I am drinking a Red Bull, which would kind of disgust me a little bit right now. Well, I might have did that for you.
Starting point is 00:12:11 Because I also associate Red Bull usually, I mean, as far as my life is concerned, it would be with an alcohol. I never just drink a Red Bull. Although I do see people do it. It's been many years since I've done that. Like many years. Ryan Anderson at the gym. Oh, that was his go-to. That's what he drinks.
Starting point is 00:12:29 That was his caffeine. Red Bull. His caffeine method of choice was Red Bull, yeah. So we started 2020 with the tall can, Tanner. This is going to be a fancy year for us, isn't it? I was going to say just going into fancier and fancier territory. Yeah. Zero calories still, zero sweeteners.
Starting point is 00:12:44 I like that. I just don't understand the uh and like this it says what is it karante i can't even read the words on here that's how they want it yeah i don't know if that's what the tall cans are because the flavor is already on the top i don't know what that word even is right there it's karate karate yes karate uh yeah these ones are so fancy like this is what i almost feel like an imposter drinking this well it's kind of like uh you know you drink licorice and you make fun of people that aren't as fancy and don't drink licorice but at a certain point that's not enough like you need to make fun of the people that you
Starting point is 00:13:22 need to be morally yeah yeah yeah and they did that they built the audience yes you know it's like we we made the lift shorts and for most people it's completely unattainable but some people are overachievers so we had to set the bar even higher that's where the lift shorts 2.0 came in that's a perfect to really differentiate yeah the elite from the super elite and that that's what we did. We made them more expensive, a little bit fancier. They're kind of like you're going out shorts. Yeah, that's exactly what it is. All right, so we got these tasty beverages going. We're kicking off 2020 with a bang.
Starting point is 00:13:59 We need to talk about maybe the most exciting thing anyone could ever talk about, and that's sleeping Tanner. need to talk about maybe the most exciting thing anyone could ever talk about and that's sleeping tanner and you are going to be our resident expert at the moment i do know a thing or two about the study of sleep now and and or the lack of the answer the lack thereof uh at least the study is brought on by the lack thereof so i i, I did a sleep study or a sleep study was performed on me. I'm not sure what the, what the correct way to really, really look at that is, but I would say I went into the hospital and a sleep study was conducted with me as the patient. You were partaking in a sleep study and you were not observing. Right. I was supposed to be sleeping. Um, so actually,
Starting point is 00:14:42 and to back up slightly, I have, you know, I never feel all that rested. And I feel like I anymore, I don't even know what's normal. I don't know if I just feel sometimes I'm like, do I just feel like what everyone feels like? Or do I feel am I really more tired than what everyone is? And I'm like, yeah, and so everyone's probably tired. I don't know. Yeah. And that's I think you're touching on what I think is probably like the crux of the problem for a lot of people is like, some people are just so chronically tired. They don't even know what is or isn't tired anymore. Right.
Starting point is 00:15:12 I, I, I don't think I can relate to what you're saying very well because I get routinely eight to nine hours of sleep a night. Yeah. And most of those nights I sleep the entire way through i might wake up once at like 3 30 to pee or like i might cough and i just need a sip of water yeah but other than that i'm like out what about even just like waking up and like rolling over that you remember does that happen a few times or not really occasionally but a lot of times i mean i know i do move in my sleep but a lot of times i mean i
Starting point is 00:15:45 i lay down i'm sleeping within five minutes i wake up and it's morning time and i go all right and what do you feel like it when you wake up i'm always like i've started doing this thing lately where i've i probably go to bed you know i'm at a spot where my wife and i don't have kids you know yeah we have a dog that... That doesn't help. That's going to all play into your equation. Speaking from my experience, we don't have kids. We have a dog that is like, alright, we're going to bed. Cool. And my wife is pregnant right now.
Starting point is 00:16:14 She just wants to sleep. It's like, alright. I go to bed at like 10 o'clock and I wake up and it's like 6 or 6.30 and I'm tired and it's morning. And here the thing that I don't like is we live in the north where it's pitch black outside until like 8 o'clock. So that doesn't help the getting up part. But I get up, take a shower, and by that point I'm like, all right, yeah, I'm up for the day.
Starting point is 00:16:42 I'm not like, oh, I'm so tired. I'm not dying. Your body's waking up but and that's i probably have it's probably the least exciting and boring sleep story but that's mine yeah it's probably because it's i think somewhat optimal right right i would think so and like i don't mine varies it depends but a pretty common way is i would go to bed at like nine thirty at night. A lot of times I am just dead tired by then. Actually. To even go a little farther, maybe with my wife and I would sit down and watch TV at like eight thirty and I sit in my reclining chair. I really struggle to make it through like 20 minutes of even a show I like.
Starting point is 00:17:24 Like we're watching The Sopranos right now. Oh, yeah. And we'll get like 15 minutes in and I'm asleep. So I basically cannot watch television. Consciousness is just gone. Right, right. It's not an option. Yeah, and it's also not like I fall asleep and I'm like,
Starting point is 00:17:37 oh, I'm asleep for that. It's just kind of like I'm so drowsy. You're just not there. Right, right, right. So then I'll go to bed at 9.30, give or take. That would, as an average night. And I usually fall asleep okay. Most nights I would fall asleep okay.
Starting point is 00:17:54 Because I'm so tired at that point. And then, so I would maybe fall asleep by like, I mean, between 9 and 10. Then I'll wake up at midnight or 1 and not be able to get back to, and then, then kind of be awake for like an hour and then I'll, or maybe two hours on a worse night. And then I'll fall back asleep for a while before the morning and there'll be wake up and then I'll wake up. So, and I get up at six. So what's nine to six, 10, 11, 12, one, two, three, four, five, six. So that's nine hours.
Starting point is 00:18:29 But I usually miss probably like two hours in the middle of it. So I'm still getting seven hours of sleep. So my actually, I also have kids too. So that's the variable that a lot of people, if our, uh, a one year old is sick, it can completely change it where I,
Starting point is 00:18:40 you know, you have to get up like four times throughout the night and that's just what it could be like for anyone but that's not none of that what I'm talking about is really what the sleep study is for checking you know it's like not not how much it feels like you're asleep for the night or anything like that because I'm probably getting enough hours of sleep most of the time I would think or at least a reasonable number of hours of sleep um but so then I wake up in the morning and I I've I don't know if I've ever woken up and been like ah let's do this but then I'm like does does anyone feel like that ever you know I don't know if that's what people really feel like and that's the tough part and you can't you can only relate to you you only compare to
Starting point is 00:19:23 yourself it is it is really like that's what you know you have family members i feel like it's like an apparent thing like parents i just feel like i know like my parents other people's parents are like oh yeah we get up at like five in the morning yeah that's yeah that's what i can't figure out like is it just that's when your body wakes up and you're like all right let's do this i guess or is it like i'm ready to go right and i don't know because i for me the same thing when i wake up at six it's never like all right like i'm put and right i don't think i don't think anyone wakes up like that does anyone i don't yeah it's hard to say and are you talking in the first 10 seconds or the first 10 minutes or you
Starting point is 00:20:01 know like it's all a little bit different there but But I think the, the, how tired you feel, I kind of relate that to pain. You can't feel how painful something is for someone else. You only can relate it to what it really feels like to you. So if someone asked, like someone asked me, like when I tore my ACL, you know, how painful that was. I'm like, honestly, that didn't really like the actual tearing of the ACL didn't really hurt. Like, honestly, that didn't really like the actual tearing of the ACL didn't really hurt. Like, uh, two days after surgery, that was painful, but like some people I've seen them tear the ACL and you know, it's obviously apparent that it hurts, you know, it's painful. Yeah. Those things are, yeah. They're all just so relative. It's like your mileage can just vary so much based on your experiences too. You know, like You can wake up tired in the morning, and if your job is being a physical laborer,
Starting point is 00:20:47 that day is probably going to really suck. But if you just go to an office and you don't, depending on what you have going on that day, you might be tired, but it's not like your life is ending. And that's where it can vary a lot too. What do your energy levels need to be for the day to get through a day? Right. I guess the short of that part of it your energy levels need to be for the day to get through a day? Right.
Starting point is 00:21:09 I guess the short of that part of it is I genuinely feel pretty tired during the day. If I drive by myself for over 30 minutes, I have a really hard time of falling asleep. And part of that is it's like Michael Scott on the office. Oh, what's he saying out there for like, Oh, I just woke up. He has his sunglasses on right right and um i i do but i've
Starting point is 00:21:29 always kind of if i get in a vehicle and there's you know we're not chatting or whatever it's pretty easy for me to fall asleep in a vehicle but maybe but that's uh like road hypnosis too or something like that that people get also where like is there yeah we're like dry like driving in a vehicle can put them to sleep but like when we drove to the arnold god we drove for hours and hours and i wasn't sleepy then because there's someone else you know we're yeah we're talking and everything but um and we're just running on pure adrenaline for a week straight yes pretty much the fight or flight response was in full effect yeah and but i just feel generally tired and that's led me to want to check into the sleep
Starting point is 00:22:05 study thing. I know a lot of people that lift, they have sleep apnea. And when you get bigger, the bigger around your neck is, is a common indicator of how much more likely you are to have sleep apnea issues. I know I have some snoring issues. It's not necessarily tied to sleep apnea, but, um, they're also not mutually exclusive i don't think either but i know the snoring my wife says i snore but do you snore like i do most men snore does dude says anyone not snore ever i know for a fact i used to snore more than i do now okay uh my wife what because we talked about your sleep study a little bit a couple weeks ago and my wife and i were discussing and she's like i feel like you used to snore a lot more and i'm sleeping so i don't know
Starting point is 00:22:49 what i'm doing i was never to the point like my snoring wake me up or anything but i i just i don't have any recollection of snoring recent and she's like i can't even really think of you doing that lately either so yeah i have lost some weight recently too. Maybe that changed some things. And I think it does. I think that makes it like, it's pretty easy that almost always that makes some sort of difference, right? The body weight. I think it's one of the primary things. Yeah. And also, so I wanted to pursue the sleep study thing and also the way health insurance works. It was an optimal time of the year for me to look into that where it was going to be of a minimal additional cost to myself. So they first set you up, at least the way my insurance worked, they want you to do this at-home sleep study thing first
Starting point is 00:23:33 because it's a lot cheaper for them. So what that is is... And remember, at the end of the day, it's all about the insurance company, right? Yes, exactly. Not our health. If you have any doubts about anything health-wise, remember, it's what's optimal for the insurance company, not you as a person. For sure.
Starting point is 00:23:48 So you go into the hospital and they set you up with this equipment. They give it to you and they tell you this is very expensive. Please return it and don't break it. Don't throw it in the bathtub. Yeah. And what it is is it's something that straps around your chest, like a monitor that's here, something that straps around your abdomen, and it's a monitor there you wear a finger i would say like one of those things that checks your pulse is kind of what i assume is what it is and then you wear a little tiny little uh
Starting point is 00:24:17 tube that kind of goes into your nose and checks your breathing and that attaches to the thing in your chest so it's not all that intrusive at the time i thought it was a little bit but that's all i had known at that point in time was this at home one but relatively speaking it's not all that intrusive but so i did that when you get up in the morning you have to fill out your questionnaire of you know how do you think you slept uh how many hours did you sleep how good was your sleep was this comparable to your normal sleep better or worse all that i am quite sure that night that i did not fall asleep i was in bed and ready to go with it by 10 p.m and i got out of bed at 6 p.m
Starting point is 00:24:58 and i don't think i ever so were you doing this to like prove a point like i don't need to sleep no no no i very much it was more of like i I lay down and like, ah, 10 o'clock. I'll be just fine. If I fall asleep here pretty soon, I'll be just fine. So were you just like that uncomfortable with the things on? Or was it just like the idea of like, I'm kind of being monitored right now? Yeah, all of it. It was a little bit of uncomfortable with wearing the stuff but it was more so the my
Starting point is 00:25:27 mind not being able to shut off where i just kept thinking like how is this gonna go am i you know and then it's then all of a sudden it's midnight and then it's like well if i don't fall asleep soon now does the test even work how many hours does the test have how to how many times i gotta do this stupid thing right right right and then like just that inability for your everyone's had that at times i think where you're trying to sleep and you if you almost sit there you tell you and then you're like okay no no more thinking about what that thing i'm thinking about like i'm i'm done thinking about it and then the next thing you know you're like oh no i'm thinking about it again yep that's if i don't sleep that is the number one culprit right there is i start thinking about like work things where i'm like oh okay wow if i do this all right
Starting point is 00:26:13 do i have the time to do this if i do this and this and you start going there it's like okay i need to think about something else oh let's think about money while i'm trying to sleep by no by no means in financial distress i mean mean, we saw the lift, Sean, so it should be obvious right there. We should be good. But it's like, let's just start doing mental math in my head. Yes, that happens all the time. And pretty soon, I'm like, I'm in this weird hypnotic state of
Starting point is 00:26:35 crunchy numbers. I'm not good at math anyways. If I'm awake, I would do this with a calculator and then be like, well, okay, we can look at this another time. And you almost have to snap yourself out of it. Yeah, it's like your brain just starts going into like this dark spiral and that that is if i don't sleep that is the number one reason it's just my brain hits the spot where it's like let's think about stuff that we don't that you can't do anything about you can't do anything about and if you're awake and in the morning you'd be like well
Starting point is 00:27:01 there's no point even thinking about right right yeah and that's what you start to go in like the state of paranoia. And then you wake up and it's daytime. You're like, wow, what was I doing last night? Those are all non-issues. That's so true. I bet like everyone experiences that, right? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:15 Yeah. Well, it's like you always see the meme. It's like trying to – or like brain trying to sleep. Let's think about that embarrassing thing that happened 10 years ago. It's like that stuff and you just – you can't can't shake it something about nighttime your brain does weird stuff it does it really does so the short of that is yes they agreed that the test was not they were not able to make any conclusions because i barely slept whatsoever and i had an event is uh it's called an event if you have a sleep apnea event throughout
Starting point is 00:27:46 the night and that that's how they kind of measure how much what degree of sleep apnea you have is how many events you have how often or how severe they are but i had such a small sample size they said like i kind of had like the minimum number of events over a period of time, but my sleep was so non-existent, non-existent that it was, they couldn't say from that test that I have sleep apnea. So then they said to be continued. They said to be continued. And that's like,
Starting point is 00:28:14 great. Before we get there, Tanner, let's read ads. So we'll do the ads and then we'll jump into part two, part two, cracking the rest of the story. All right. Today's episode of the story. All right.
Starting point is 00:28:26 Today's episode of the Massanomics podcast is brought to you by Spud Inc. and the axle wrist straps. Measuring in at 30 inches in length, no axle bar is too girthy or thick for these straps. Built from our incredibly strong woven nylon, you won't be able to blame these straps when you miss a lift in front of all of your used to be friends designed with strong men in mind,
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Starting point is 00:29:14 online at I do have those. Yeah, I was going to say, I thought you did have them, yeah. Because, you know, you start doing strongman things, you need that extra length, don't you? I've used them for axle deadlifting in strongman events. I can quite honestly say that those work very well. Those are really heavy duty, too.
Starting point is 00:29:34 Yeah, they are. They are beefy. I couldn't remember if that's what those ones were. They're not going to be the ones, you know, where you see they break. No, I don't think it would be possible to break. They're just too thick to break. Right. Yes, definitely.
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Starting point is 00:31:52 and associates awards out of this one uh it's probably a three and a half for me i was gonna give it a two and a half or a three i just it's not my favorite after after you said the red bull thing i just i taste yeah i put this one above Key Lime, which is probably my least favorite liquor I've ever had. It also doesn't fit nicely inside our Mastodon koozies. It doesn't fit. We don't have the skinny cans because, you know, we're all about things being bigger here.
Starting point is 00:32:17 So, yeah, that is a con when you're developing the list of pros and cons. Yeah, that's like a half a star. That costs it like half a star to me. Half a JD Power yeah yeah half a jd power and associated word so i'm going to give it two and a half it would have been a three but goes to two and a half because yeah you know what i should i should recalibrate i give too many things three and a half this does get a three okay yeah so back to sleep yeah so they said i had to do the in hospital sleep study which i wasn't really against because i'm like if we're're going to figure out the sleep, let's get the experts on this thing. Yeah, let's do the full Monty.
Starting point is 00:32:51 With the B-rate items. Right. Exactly. So that was about a week ago that I did the test. Maybe a little less than a week now. I guess it was earlier this last week. Went in. And so you go into a hospital. and they set you up with your own
Starting point is 00:33:08 room it's not a hospital it it is a hospital room because it's a room in the hospital but it's not your exact hospital room it's like this creepy uh thing they set up that's like almost like a hotel room inside the hospital and this will vary why yeah yeah i'm just it just happened to be the hospital that uh in our city this was the setup that they yes yes i'm just it just happened to be the hospital that uh in our city this was the setup that they yes yes i'm just speaking from my purely my one experience here and uh you didn't go to the the sleep institute for people that can't sleep very good and want to sleep better like it was just like yeah this is a hospital and we have a small portion of it that tries to try to take care of these problems yep um so you're in the room
Starting point is 00:33:45 there's a camera in there so they watch you through via the camera they're not in the room with you and they're not looking perfect i sleep great when i know someone's recording me on camera and i wasn't sure beforehand if they were going to be like on the other side of a piece of glass watching you dude like which have been just like a lab rat yeah yeah back there with a clipboard just writing notes the whole time while you're sleeping right no but they they do watch you through the camera and they let you know that and they have a speaker right there by your bed where they talk to you if they need to but uh the prep for it probably takes 45 minutes where they paste all of these wires to you i probably had you know throughout my head and neck probably about 10 wires that they um use like a a paste
Starting point is 00:34:28 that that is malleable until it gets in place and they get the diode there and then it's like they just have like this putty on your head yes yes and on your in your hair like for you like they have to do it like in certain spots in your head too so they have to like pull pull apart your hair and like, they like exfoliate the skin right there and scrub it. And then they get the paste in there and get the, the diodes on. And then they have to hook some up to your legs.
Starting point is 00:34:56 And those also, I don't wear pants and a shirt when I sleep normally, but when like the 30 year old lady at the sleep lab is like setting all this stuff for up for you for an hour be pretty awkward to be sitting there in your underpants yeah just while she's tending to you so she even asked she's like do you are you gonna wear your shirt and i was like i said normally i wouldn't but like i feel like i'm just going to tonight is what I said. And so I just wore my shirt.
Starting point is 00:35:28 And it doesn't help make me sleep better, of course. It's another thing that's just out of the ordinary. So all this stuff is hooked up to your legs. You're wearing the thing on your finger again, which normally when you just have to go to the hospital and they put that on there, it's not that bad. It's for a minute. When you wear that for eight hours, it becomes pretty uncomfortable. Yeah yeah anything out of the ordinary for eight hours yes tends to be uncomfortable right you wear that and uh all these wires you kind of get like a braid of wires out the back out of the back of your head and it all hooks up to this i would call it it looks it's kind of like our podcast uh
Starting point is 00:36:02 our podcast mixing board only the wires are smaller, the board is smaller, and then that all feeds into their machine. So then they go back and you lay down and do these tests. They say lay down with your eyes closed and breathe out of your mouth. Lay down there with your eyes closed and breathe out of your nose. Roll your eyes from left to right. You do all these things and they're seeing, making that we are inside your brain right they're making sure these things do you have so is it just the stuff glued here do you have anything like around your also
Starting point is 00:36:32 yeah something around your chest so that's probably like measuring like respiratory things and and something around your abdomen again and then also tubes into your nostrils you know really small tubes not like a big but still it's something's in your nose yes yes and around around your ears and in your nose and then you get laid down there and you can they don't tell you you can't move but you really can't move because you're you're not going to be just rolling around it doesn't make sense you know you sometimes you maybe you put your like one arm up or like underneath you you can't do any of that you kind of have to lay there pretty like a are you are you a back sleeper a side sleeper or i usually i sleep on my back or my side never my stomach i don't know how those i don't know how anyone does that is
Starting point is 00:37:22 i remember being in college i had a friend that would talk about sleeping on his stomach, and I literally thought he was joking. I didn't know that was actually a thing because I used to, when I'd wake up in the morning and I didn't want to fall back asleep, I'd roll over to my stomach because that's so uncomfortable. You're not going to fall asleep that way. I am still shocked to this day that people sleep like that.
Starting point is 00:37:40 There's some psychopaths out there that do that. But I also almost always sleep flat on my back, and a lot of people seem to think that that's crazy too i land my side i fall asleep on my side quite a bit but this i could kind of land my side but i was just i was nervous about it like i didn't want things to come unplugged and then to have to come back in there and then to be a bad test and all that so i'm kind of thinking about all that stuff i did sleep better at this than i did at the the at home one i fell asleep and probably i i it took me a while to fall asleep but i i did sleep better at this than i did at the the at home one i fell asleep and probably i i it took me a while to fall asleep but i i did fall asleep in a decent amount of time and i slept
Starting point is 00:38:11 until like two or three and then i woke up at three and i was like oh no i am not getting back to bed like i was like awake and i laid there probably for an hour and a half or something like that. And I did eventually fall back asleep, got out of there. They don't find out that you don't get the results for seven to 10 days until the actual sleep doctor looks over your results. So I really to be continued. Oh, so you still haven't got. Yeah, I still actually haven't gotten the full results. So to be continued a little bit, you know, there's's holidays and stuff going on it could maybe extend out to a month
Starting point is 00:38:47 or something and also there's an issue of you know the first thing she said when she came in at 5 30 in the morning after this pretty shitty another pretty crappy night of sleep was like well i don't know if there was certainly some events there it did take you a very long time to get into your rem sleep but once you were in REM sleep we did notice there was a decent amount of events uh maybe though you'll have to do it again and I was like no no I'd be like don't just casually throw around maybe I'll have to do it again when you don't know like you don't say that you don't know what that's doing to me saying that I might have to do it again um So I don't know yet. But that's, I guess, the technician was her, what she noticed was that it took me a long time
Starting point is 00:39:30 to get into REM sleep. When I was in REM sleep, there was events. There really wasn't events prior to that. But she said the occurrence of events wasn't severe. It wasn't like off the charts of something they'd never seen before. So do you know then,'t like off the charts of something they'd never seen before so so do you know then looking at possible outcomes is it are the outcomes either going to be like you either do or don't need a c-pap and like that's about it or is there other possible things they could tell
Starting point is 00:39:56 you yeah the one other one that they talked about was that that's the big one for sure yeah is the c-pap that's the big you know whether you look at negative or positive of needing it or whatever. But at this point, I look at the CPAP as a positive. It was like, can this help me sleep better? That sounds great. Like if it's going to make me feel more recovered, I would be all for it. But the other thing they talked about is sometimes people just they don't need a CPAP. They just need oxygen.
Starting point is 00:40:21 Oh, like the CPAP is like forced pressure okay i believe and i don't know how yeah because there there is because like the hoses have right right and it's there's actual like uh there's suction to the mask you know if you pull it off it's like but some people just need oxygen sometimes she said too so that was possible okay i didn't know that was yeah that happens for some people so in that case that would just be something as simple as like hoses or but you have to have the oxygen tanks then yeah yeah yeah yeah wow so i don't know or maybe i maybe they'll say um that you just you just feel how everyone else does yeah right right yeah that right and that that could very well be
Starting point is 00:41:02 the outcome and i'll be like well, that kind of sucks. I guess it's good. I don't really know. Yeah. Wow, it'll be interesting to see what the turnout of this is then. Yeah, to be continued. That's about, I'm kind of just really curious, waiting to find out, and it is almost the end of 2019
Starting point is 00:41:23 as we're recording this. Insurance runs off of, calendar years so i'm also waiting to see how that plays out of if they're like well maybe you do need to do a one more test and i might be like well too bad it's 2020 now we'll see what happens in 2020 we'll see if i hit our deductible again maybe i'll be back here uh you know in august of 2020 when we hit our deductible again yeah or maybe we won't and maybe i won't be back here in August of 2020 when we hit our deductible again. Or maybe we won't, and maybe I won't be back here. I'll just suffer not knowing. I'll just have to limp through this like all the Americans do.
Starting point is 00:41:52 And isn't that so funny? And she made the very comment that I asked how busy, how many they have per night and that sort of thing. And she said, right now we're really busy because everyone is trying to get this taken care of before the end of the year when their deductible starts over again i'm like the whole system runs around uh insurance yeah screwing you over yeah yeah and or and people trying to maybe screw the insurance company over or you know back and forth or not screw the insurance company over but you have to like game the insurance oh you do your whole your whole health your well-being for the most part yeah if it's not life-threatening depends
Starting point is 00:42:30 on where am i at in my calendar year yes yes assuming you don't have just unlimited money that you don't care about stuff right and i have no idea what i'm not even going to pretend to think that i know what the fix for like our health system would be. And I don't, wouldn't even want to have the conversation with someone for the most part. It's a super political topic. Yes. But I just do know that it is pretty screwed up. I can honestly say that. I have no.
Starting point is 00:42:55 Yeah. I think that is the one thing I think everyone can agree on that. I think so. I don't think anyone says like, it's almost like beyond screw. Yeah. I don't think anyone says like, Oh,
Starting point is 00:43:03 health insurance is awesome right now. I think everyone, I think it's a it's almost like beyond screw yeah i don't think anyone says like oh health insurance is awesome right yeah i think everyone i think it's a majority will say yeah this thing doesn't work but then it's like well what is optimal and people seem to just that is a political question as to what is optimal optimal seems like if i have something wrong with me i should be able to get it looked at and not be just charged out of my ass to look at something. But that already goes against some people listening right now. That, for some reason, will probably go against their political beliefs, which seems crazy. And the other thing is people shouldn't get to feel like, I've met my deductible. Now I get free run of the whole system.
Starting point is 00:43:46 But that is how it is. That is. And that's what you have to do because you're like, well, screw it. You screwed me the last four years. Like this year, we're going to get you back. And like, we're going to go to the doctor for everything. And someone else is paying for it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:58 Like I know looking ahead to 2020, we will be having a baby. Oh, yeah. I'm assuming that means the hospital at a certain point is going to turn into free almost yeah yeah it does it will so that's something for me to keep in mind for the new year it is and you will and then and you'll be like oh okay we'll go to the doctor you know we don't care it's not costing us anything and yeah and i don't blame anyone for thinking that way because i personally do the exact same thing but i'm saying that the system is like that is That's a problem. It seems like a problem.
Starting point is 00:44:26 Yeah, yes. Like maybe if the prices were just more normal, then we would all just go when we need to. Right, right. Yes, I agree. But also there again, I don't know how to, I wouldn't. Well, I don't think we said anything that's out of line. No.
Starting point is 00:44:41 All right, if something's wrong, it seems like we should be able to get it fixed or at least looked at and not like just be totally raked over the coals right that's not the case in this day and age we'll see how this ages in you know 2030 like we talked about maybe this next decade is the uh maybe like oh man you thought health insurance was expensive in 2020 just you guys are gonna be able to afford to be alive see what they do in the next 10 years. You never know. No, it's very possible.
Starting point is 00:45:06 Wow. All right. So that is to be continued. Yeah, to be continued. When we follow it up, it'll probably be much less in depth, but we'll touch on what I found out. I suppose some people might be interested. And I'm sure there's people out there that have thought about themselves about getting a slip study done.
Starting point is 00:45:20 There's probably several people listening that have done that. Yeah. Oh, I guarantee it. And a lot of people I've talked to have said just based on the lifting and, you know, size and stuff that everyone's like, oh, yeah, you're going to end up needing to have a CPAP machine. So I don't know. We'll see. Yeah. And I've talked to some guys that love theirs, you know, that say they feel so much better after having them.
Starting point is 00:45:40 The people that we've talked to about it, it sounds like it's like, well, once you get used to it, it's pretty awesome. Yeah, that's right. The pain of getting used to it. Wearing a mask on your face while you sleep or in your nose. I would not dread that whatsoever. If they said you needed to handle it. They said if you
Starting point is 00:46:00 wear a CPAP, you will have more recovering sleep. I'd be like, sign me up. I'll go through a month of not enjoying wearing this thing to get towards the end goal there. I'm almost more worried about them saying, no, you're good. Don't even need oxygen, actually. Everything's perfect. I'm like, God, I'm just going to have to make up a different problem.
Starting point is 00:46:24 Invent something new here. Wow. Well, I'm excited to see what the final outcome of this is, Tanner. Yes, me too. And I'm sure all the listeners are going to be anxiously awaiting what the diagnosis is. So that's our episode on sleep. That is everything we know about sleep. We're going to have Stan on next week.
Starting point is 00:46:41 Yeah, that's true. Going a little more. Tell us about rice and hamburger and beef broth and sleep and walking. All essentials. 10-minute walk. We are actually, Tanner, getting down there on time. Okay. Do we want to do overrated, underrated?
Starting point is 00:46:58 We should probably jump into that. Okay. We don't get to review last week's because we really. Oh, yeah. We are out of time. We're actually way off really... Oh, yeah. We are out of time. We're actually way off track on that. Yeah, we are out of time. So, yeah, we can't do that one.
Starting point is 00:47:09 So people will just not know how things turned out for a while. You're just going to have to follow that along directly on Instagram in order to know the results of last week's. But this week's topics, more importantly. Got to make sure I'm on the right... I got a lot of weeks of topics here to make sure.'m on the right i got a lot of a lot of weeks of topics here to make sure okay so our topic people don't realize but overrated underrated is planned out for the next four years already so it's yeah it's set in stone nothing can be changed no no hopefully
Starting point is 00:47:36 there's no new technologies or anything that come out in the next four years or they're not getting crazy current events that we need to chime in on topic number one on overrated or underrated we're going to go with i'm thinking so this is episode 196 because there's one or two topics in here that have some that have to build off okay so no no i'm gonna go overrated or underrated topic number one nest thermostats nest thermostats. Nest Thermostats. I don't believe it's been on overrated. I don't think we have talked about this.
Starting point is 00:48:10 Okay. To me, Nest Thermostats, it's part of a bigger thing, and that is the smart home automations. Right now, I may be a little on the paranoid side, but I just have a hard time letting Google and Amazon into my home, into the level they want to be. I also think that, I think it is becoming more and more of a thing, but I think the public is going to be more aware in the coming years of the massive privacy violations and rights that you're not allowed to through companies like Facebook, through companies like Google,
Starting point is 00:48:45 through companies like Amazon. They are at the point where they almost make their money taking everything they can possibly know about you. And that's why I'm just super hesitant to have Alexa devices in my home, Google devices in my home. Anything that listens to me, I'm just on edge about having that.
Starting point is 00:49:03 And part of that is now looking at what some of those devices are. The Nest thermostat. It's by Google. Google owns Nest. It's a Google device. It's chiming into that. It's connecting into that whole system. And I think those things all, I don't have them,
Starting point is 00:49:18 so I can't say from experience, but I think they all integrate with Alexa, things like that too. So you're not stuck on just Google. But Google is without a doubt collecting data about how tons and tons of people heat their homes and what times you could say theoretically, all right, it's not unrealistic to think that your home has a number in their database, your home number 1,278,000, whatever it is. And it's not unrealistic to think that if they wanted to, they could go in and say, all right, home number, whatever. We see that they heat it from this time
Starting point is 00:49:51 of the day to this time of the day. They don't heat it this time. Someone could logically draw the conclusions of, we know when you're in your house. And someone might say, well, you could also do that by driving by someone's house and see when the lights are on i will yes but the person sitting in their office in california can't do that they actually have to be driving by your house and i just don't like where we're going with yeah with a few big companies essentially owning everything that all the information i mean just owning everything at one in yeah that's one literally they literally own everything but then knowing everything about you. Knowing everything about you. People like to come cry and complain
Starting point is 00:50:28 about the government knowing too much. It kind of be like, they're the government. That is what they do. These private companies having unlimited say in things. And this starts to even go into the bigger conversation now. I've seen a lot of people posting about stuff like this on Instagram. Is Instagram having this fake news warning on things popping up now?
Starting point is 00:50:51 I haven't seen it. I think it's a feature they're rolling out or it's coming soon. And some people are like, on the surface, it sounds great. Instagram is not allowing fake news to be out there. Yes, that sounds like a great thing. But now it's turning into Facebook and these companies. not allowing fake news to be out there right yes that sounds like a great thing but now it's turning into facebook and these companies they're determining also what news is and you might say well but it's just the facts but we also live in a day and age where it's not just
Starting point is 00:51:15 the facts there is a spin to everything and when these companies are based out of silicon valley in california right California, it's not hard to say that they tend to have a more liberal bias. If you have liberal beliefs, that's probably perfect. But if you're more of a conservative person, that's maybe cause for alarm. And you might say, well, I don't care, I'm liberal. But the scary thing of that is,
Starting point is 00:51:41 well, what's stopping our next company from coming around that has a conservative bias and doing the same thing? And it's like, I don't think that's the world where anyone wants to live in is where a private organization gets to filter what they think is okay for you to see. Right. And that is kind of a scary thing. Now, I'm really going off into talking from Nest thermostats. So I can tell you're going gonna say that they're very underrated but the thing the thing that is nice about them is that yeah it does give you some control you can
Starting point is 00:52:11 but also it is kind of a fancy programmable thermostat is that's not new not complicated really it's you're getting a thermostat that gives you some options that you can control remotely right right this one happens to be made and manufactured under a Google arm. Yeah. I don't know. I think they're overrated. You don't have one? I do not have one.
Starting point is 00:52:33 I don't have one either. I can see the benefit of having a thermostat you can control remotely, but I don't want Google that into my life. Google already... Is it that much more beneficial than one that you can just program you know more of a analog programming so i've heard the argument of some people say things about like rentals like if you have a rental property that's yeah maybe not in your town or you know not not a convenient one to get to i could be like okay maybe then also
Starting point is 00:53:03 then you don't care as much and then also the privacy thing doesn't really matter because it's like well all right it's just other people yeah so i could understand that a little bit more in those situations but as far as my housing is concerned i do believe that nest is overrated okay overrated or underrated lucky charms cereal to switch gears just like ever so they're always after me lucky charms cereal to switch gears just like ever since they're always after me lucky charms to to to reference austin powers again yes i would actually the the cereal category in general i think is really pretty overrated i think it's pretty agreed upon now that for the most part it's bad dietary advice to just start your day with a huge bowl of carbs yeah sugar
Starting point is 00:53:45 those carbs mostly in the form of processed sugars so marshmallows yeah like you just you basically start your day with a bowl of candy that really is what it yeah what you're doing and it's a it's a big marketing ploy like to ever like think that that was a way that it was legit to ever start your breakfast right i'm yeah lucky charms are overrated i think they even didn't they make for a while a one that was just the marshmallows too like a lucky charm probably it wouldn't surprise me bowl of marshmallows yeah it's just it's it's candy you know it really is just sugary puffy dried dehydrated marshmallows overrated or underrated i don't know if we've done it before
Starting point is 00:54:26 it doesn't matter overrated underrated trap bar deadlifts trap bar i don't think we've done it before i think it's underrated you know anything unless you're actually competing to do competitive deadlifts why does the bar matter right you could also say why does deadlifting even matter what picking up things from the ground is important i think in the training but how that's done there's a thousand different ways to do it yeah yeah and it's not just the bar the standard barbell in front of your legs you know 10 inches off the ground we know that the optimal way is a standard barbell between your legs like that's already obviously well documented by us but uh trap bar i think they're just fine where where it gets overrated documented by us but uh trap bar deadlift i think
Starting point is 00:55:05 they're just fine where where it gets overrated is people saying well i trap bar dead i can deadlift 600 pounds it's like on that trap bar it's like well okay you're not it's not an apples to apples comparison here right some people especially people that aren't super in the uh gym power lifting with the gym yeah i don't want to say culture but just understanding the environment of powerlifting in the gym and all those things some people i think it's because the trap bar is usually the easier one to do for most people yeah so they like to use that number interchangeably it's like the same thing like oh i leg pressed 500 pounds it's like well that's not squatting you can maybe squat 225 i don't know you know it doesn't it doesn't stack up but i
Starting point is 00:55:45 think trap bar deadlifting is underrated you know people like to uh maybe give it a bad rep because it's not deadlifting right right and i don't think that's the it's a legit way to build muscle and strength so it's underrated underrated on the trap bar deadlifts overrated or underrated bailey's irish cream wow okay i really have to do some thinking here uh i have bailey's irish cream maybe a couple times a year and many years it's probably zero times a year uh is it a holiday thing or not really yeah well two holidays i feel like christmas and st patrick's day are the times that bailey's their their sales have to just go like straight up for like a couple weeks every year
Starting point is 00:56:31 yeah and then after that they're like well guys there's nothing we're getting ready for that next year let's just prepare for the next cycle because no one's buying bailey's in july yeah that's not a thing but uh my outside of like an irish car bomb i don't drink baileys you know all right we need baileys jameson and a guinness and we're gonna chug it all in as quick amount of time as possible so i'm not enjoying it i'm not like sipping and like getting the taste for it is it a liqueur yeah which irish cream is like a category there's different companies that make like irish like an irish i don't know if irish cream is the technical word for it but that like irish liqueur there's different companies that do that bailey's is just the best at branding and marketing themselves bailey's i'm still probably gonna say overrated i think
Starting point is 00:57:19 it's probably still overrated okay yeah it's not i don't think it's an essential piece to any liquor cabinet seems like it's around quite a bit though it is yeah you don't really see people drinking it you just have it just ties into those two holidays like those are two holidays it's still there from saint patrick's day like drinking yeah you know getting people together at christmas time drinks usually are involved in some point and yeah saint patrick's day that is a holiday that exists for abusing alcohol yeah at least in current times that seems to be what what it's for so uh i think bailey's was probably overrated yeah i think i think that's fair um that is going to bring us to a uh close to a close on 196 make sure to check out our store we haven't talked about our store all that much today
Starting point is 00:58:02 at this point in time you would be able to get the new jefferson deadlift t-shirt if you still have any left the the jefferson deadlift league jdlt the sizing is probably picked over so if they see something that's going to work for you you're going to want to get it by now we probably um give it sent out we picked our winners and stuff but we can't officially announce them now because in real life we haven't picked out those winners yet but by the time you're hearing this the winners will have been announced uh through the through the gram and we should have the shirt itself for sale for those that didn't win so yeah so if you want to follow up and see what the actual winners are make sure to check us out on instagram yes yes exactly um we do have the crispy boys banner that's in stock now that we've started already sending some of
Starting point is 00:58:42 those out so that would be our newest stuff. And then all your favorites are still there. So check out the store, like us on Facebook, subscribe to us on YouTube, and then we've got our ads here to cover one more time before we close out. Today's show was brought to you by Lifting Large. Lifting Large is your one-stop online shop for powerlifters, strongmen, Highland Games athletes,
Starting point is 00:59:03 CrossFit athletes, and anyone that lifts iron. Visit today. There's free shipping on any orders over $60 and 99% of the orders are shipped the very same day that they are placed. Today's episode is also brought to you by Spud Inc. The goal of Spud Inc. Straps is to make products that support sports performance and help everyone achieve their training goals. They make products that last forever, won't bust your budget, and most importantly, leave no doubt about success when everything is on the line. Check them out online at This episode is also brought to you by Hybrid Performance Method. They're your one-stop shop for all things fitness and online coaching.
Starting point is 00:59:39 Whether your goals are training-related, nutrition and body composition-related, or both, Hybrid has a program for you. With dedicated and experienced coaches in each strength and fitness discipline you can rest assured that you're in the best hands possible use our discount code mass in all caps that'll save you five percent off any training or nutrition membership for the life of your membership visit thank you to our sponsors we really appreciate having you on the show tommy what's your instagram handle you can find me at tomahawk underscore D. And you can, of course, make sure to follow the official Mastodonics Instagram page at Mastodonics. We'll catch you next time for 197. See you.

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