Massenomics Podcast - Ep.21: Strongman Showdown Recap

Episode Date: August 29, 2016

This week, all 4 of us got together and recapped the events of this past weekend's Massenomics Strongman Showdown. Who was the strongest? Who was the muddiest? Who was the most impressive?  Also, we... (well, mostly Tyler) had some harsh words for some of the negativity in the Powerlifting community.  It was another fun evening in The Massenomics Studio...  Don't forget to LIKE and SHARE this episode on Facebook... Make sure you LIKE the Massenomics Facebook page... If you don't already have a closet full of Massenomics gear, go to the MASSENOMICS STORE and load up on swag... Also, please CLICK THIS LINK TO GIVE US A 5 STAR RATING ON ITUNES... Click this text to follow Massenomics on Instagram... Vote Massenomics for President in 2016... Have your barber shave our logo into the side of your head.. Maybe get a Massenomics tattoo while you're at it.    Or you could sign up for our email newsletter at the bottom of this page. Stay Strong, M

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Starting point is 00:00:00 M-M-M-M-M-M-M-Massanomics Welcome to Massanomics, the world's strongest podcast. Find us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter at Massanomics. Make sure you go visit There you'll find the rest of our powerful content. While you're there, check out our store and buy yourself some of that sweet Massanomics gear. Okay, so we're here in Massanomics studio, everybody. I'm Tyler.
Starting point is 00:00:31 Next to me is Professor Sean's in the house. What up? Crossway's Tommy. What's up? And on my right now is Tanner. Mixing it up. The order's all off right now, guys. Yeah, it's going to be a real mess when we try to call out Instagram
Starting point is 00:00:46 at the end. I feel like I stole Tommy's catchphrase from the beginning. It's because I'm in your spot. Tommy's going to be gone in a couple weeks. We were just talking about if we can maybe just get some catchphrases or do like the cheesy radio guy who pops in like, Wahoo! And we're back!
Starting point is 00:01:04 So we are here in the aftermath of our Strongman competition. I don't know about how you feel, Tanner, but I feel like diggity dog shit still. Tanner ended up winning, so he's requiring us all to refer to him as Champ, kind of like Mike Tyson's entourage. That's not true. My traps are extremely sore, still my neck i think that's the general consensus is that like the traps upper shoulder and neck are just fucking destroyed yeah and i think that says something about what the farmer's carry actually is and i never paid that price when we were practicing no there's a big difference in
Starting point is 00:01:43 going fairly hard in practice and then literally holding on to them as long as humanly possible. And that was really obvious watching practice sessions compared to this because everyone was literally going twice as far as they did in practice. I was blown away watching people thinking, where are these superpowers coming from? Because everyone was struggling at 50 foot. A few guys could hit 100 foot in practice,
Starting point is 00:02:10 and then everyone's smoking 100 foot in the in the thing no problem yeah and like there was no the problem was i had to go last in that event so my expectations were what i had done in practice and so everybody who was getting like half what i was getting in practice is fucking just crushing it now and i was like oh man i thought i was going to take this event i guess not and um and i don't know why this the sore i think part of it too is like just holding that it's like a you know like an eccentric load that just fucking just tears you up but i don't know that if that event wasn't in there i don't think i would be near as sore as i think that's the big one. Maybe the car deadlift added to that a little bit too. I actually didn't have too much sore. You didn't get real sore from that, yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:53 I got zero reps on the car deadlift, so I didn't really get too much fatigue from that. My favorite thing at the end of the day when we were cleaning things up, Tyler and I picked up the deadlift frame and he goes huh this thing does come off the ground i thought they welded it to the ground but no it was a really good event we had a real good turnout we'll get some we'll get some video on the youtubes for it'll be a little while before we get that out that stuff takes that's a lot of
Starting point is 00:03:21 video to process and tanner hasn't quit his day job just yet. So we'll get that stuff out to you pretty soon. But we had absolutely horrendous weather for it. I mean, could it have been worse really? The only way it could have been worse is if there's a tornado or something. Like that really, really is. Or if it actually didn't stop raining for even the 20 minutes at a time that it did. Yeah. But all things considered, I mean, with the weather being the one thing we couldn't control, it went as well as we could.
Starting point is 00:03:52 I mean, we scored a tent at the last minute. We're supposed to be out in this wide open space. And the people come out and they're ready to start staking off the area. And I think they were just too lazy to want to drive in stakes and rope it off. and i think they were just too lazy to want to drive in stakes and rope it off and they just there's this huge empty enormous like big top tent next to us that we had had our eyes on since the day before and they start dragging out their tent posts and it's morning and the guys are old you know they had no business driving there was no way they were going to drive in we would have ended up doing for sure and they come out and out and they drag the stuff out of their trays.
Starting point is 00:04:27 And they go, well, you guys just want that tent? We're like, yes, I absolutely want that tent. I've wanted that tent for two fucking days since I saw the forecast. But yeah, and we've moved everything into the tent. And it really saved the event. Because I think if we were outside, I don't believe that we could have done i think we would have had to call it off the farmer's care even yeah i feel like it was raining well no one would be if if we somehow thought it was a good idea to stick it out there would literally be no one except those of us i don't think i don't think i could have talked
Starting point is 00:04:59 my mom into staying yeah it wasn't under the. Yeah. So next year we need a bigger tent, though. We did have the place spilling out. We had a pretty awesome-sized crowd, all things considered. We printed up 250 programs, and I thought that would be plenty. And passing those things out, I honestly think we would have had 500 and got through them all still. There was a lot of people that didn't get to know how big our competitors were because there was no program for them.
Starting point is 00:05:27 That's right. So that went pretty well. Tanner took the title. And you got second. I did get second. A very close second place. Well, second was very close to third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh. It was funny.
Starting point is 00:05:43 As close as it was, everything else was. Nobody was even – I didn't even know. I was like, yeah, I think Tanner did pretty well on everything. I don't think I had much of a shot. But I asked him the day after. I said, so how far was it? He was like, oh, it was like – how far was it, Tanner? 21.
Starting point is 00:06:00 21 points. Yeah. So how many points did you leave on the table? Four. Four. Because I got 65 would have been getting first place in it. Does that mean that there's in all of the events
Starting point is 00:06:14 total only four people ever finished in front of you in all of the events combined? Yeah, because I got third in the log press and third in the card ed lift. Yeah. And then three first places.
Starting point is 00:06:31 Yep. So Tanner put on an event. He hand-picked the events and then hand-picked his competition. And now he's making us all call him champ. Everyone celebrate me. And now we all have to call him champ and the dark horse did get third you weren't completely wrong yeah yeah you did sneak up um i do think we had uh i think jake heidenreich was this the uh absolute performance of the of
Starting point is 00:06:59 the day for sure um just about everyone i talked to made i think that was pretty unanimous uh i think we got to make sure that he's busy next year yeah or at least like four years from now when he's probably much stronger than all of us like yeah you don't we don't want you to come anymore but uh no i mean it everyone performed really well though like. One through 13, there was no weak links or anything. Yeah, like, what the hell is this guy doing? Yeah, yeah. Everybody looked like they belonged. When it finished, I guess I couldn't have told you
Starting point is 00:07:32 who I thought would have been fifth and who would have been 13th. Who would have been third and 13th? To me, it was like, everyone did pretty good. And the bad part about it that is for someone watching, they get the idea like oh all this stuff probably they must not be too hard like they're all kind of doing it pretty well you know but that's what it looks like if everyone's pretty good at it yeah yeah we do need to have some average joes come in and uh suck and really suck or at least just let like somebody's dad come in
Starting point is 00:08:01 and try to fix it you know but it went pretty good then we went and uh drank a keg of beer in about two hours at tommy's massonomics really mass in tommy's driveway um i did go by there the next morning to drop austin off and there was all of the aftermath still out in front of tommy's house while his neighbors were going to church which i think includes a pong table a lot of red cups an empty keg empty keg a lot of garbage really still a lot of beer bottles and cans and such too did you save the keg for the strongman you know i took it back to get my deposit as crazy as that sounds like the hundred dollar deposit i really wanted that cash back they really why is that so expensive 50 bucks for a keg deposit is it 45 for
Starting point is 00:08:52 a tap deposit seems like a lot seems like i think the keg deposit is like for people that would buy a keg and like then go scrap the aluminum but like none of the aluminum like all the recycling places have very firm policies that they don't accept or if people would just throw it away i don't know a bunch of assholes ruin it for everybody you know now that we're all grown-ups it's probably it's not that big of a deal to like part with an extra hundred dollars overnight and you can get it tomorrow basically when you're like but when i was too young to be drinking and getting kegs it was like it was a deal breaker because you'd have to raise the money for the keg and all the money for the deposit yeah it basically doubles the price and it would break me you know and then you'd have to you'd have to call all the people you don't really like
Starting point is 00:09:39 because you had to get five dollars out of everybody. Yep. And then you get everyone's $5, and then the keg runs out, and like 20 people just gave you $5 five minutes ago and got one cup of beer. Well, then you just take the empty keg and run away with the money. What else went down this weekend? My mom's feedback from the strongman was we need a bigger spot we need more bleachers and we need beer and popcorn really really complete the show off that would be ideal i haven't heard i work with a person she told me she was on her way to the strong or she said
Starting point is 00:10:22 she was thinking about heading to the strong man she goes i couldn't believe how rowdy you guys sounded like it sounded like a wild party was happening over there because i was gonna make my way with the girls but it was just it was raining too hard so i couldn't do it and i heard numerous times people like trying to walk out from the expo well i'd made my way out and i just started pouring again so we just went back and hunkered down in there and there's a people that just never made it across the path. And I think it was rowdy kind of by design or comparing it to a strongman competition where it's sanctioned. And we've talked about this. We weren't really going for that. We weren't after the whole sanctioned strongman weight classes and all that.
Starting point is 00:11:04 Trying to put on a show. Yeah, it was really just a show. And I think it came off as a spectacle, a show. And like entertainment. Yeah. I think most of the competitors had that in mind too, that everybody knew like, listen, yeah, you can be here and hope that you do well and try real hard,
Starting point is 00:11:18 but don't be a dick and like, you know, make sure you put on a good show. And I think everybody did. Everybody was kind of on the same team there. I i think so too i was talking about it with tanner like what really set the pace is when we had the national guard come out with the flag rusty rocket plays the national anthem and then from there it goes straight into introductions and you would have thought you're at some professional sporting event like everyone's like giving their little wave off and i remember it turned i remember turning to austin being like that was really awesome like that was really cool and uh and
Starting point is 00:11:51 austin represented with the i'd say the shortest shorts of the day for sure absolutely flag shorts where'd you buy those at are those uh they're they're chubbies they're chubbies what they're called yeah pretty Pretty high class. We need to get probably some Massanomics branded short shorts on the website pretty soon. They have to be short ones, yeah. Maybe like some Scotchgard built in to repel stains and all that. I think I lucked out. I didn't get any mud on me like everybody else did.
Starting point is 00:12:20 Yeah, that was the other thing. The rain was outside the tent, but there was so much of it that it just all made its way inside under the tent. So the tire was a huge problem. We didn't have any major meltdowns in the farmer's carry because of the mud. I fell into the mud a little bit. Larry took a little spill too. Larry ate it pretty hard.
Starting point is 00:12:43 The tire flip was a complete mud mess. Holy shit. I mean, I think it was probably fun to watch in that condition. Unless you were in the front row. I think even some of those people liked it though. They were in the full-on splash zone just like, nope, I have to do this. Just old people sitting there just taking it. My own grandparents were in the front row.
Starting point is 00:13:03 And I went there and I said, I warned everybody in the front row and i went there and i said i warned everybody in that front row like you guys probably i know it's raining outside but you're i promise it's not raining mud water and you're gonna want to take a couple steps back and uh so i my my grandma was still sitting down she doesn't get up move around very well and i told i said you you're gonna have to move i don't they'll help you that you can move the bleacher back and you can sit down they move the bleacher back fucking like 12 inches and was it ryan went first yeah i don't know ryan went first and that first tire just slapped in the mud and my grandma just shakes mud off all her face and white hair and and uh they weren't there for much
Starting point is 00:13:40 longer after that and the thing that blew my mind about the people sitting in the mud is it'd be one thing if you knew we're going to get splashed like maybe three four or five times but the fact that there was 13 competitors and most of them went through the mud and back means you had to take that mud to the face 26 times and there were some people that were just cool with that and that's if we didn't have enough distance to get you on a couple flips too you know the one guy said he's like well i'm not moving i i'm not gonna lose my spot for when this is over you know it's like he wasn't gonna move out of he was gonna bear like 45 minutes of mud just so he could keep his spot for the rest of it it's hardcore and the thing with the tire flip we'd all practice on that same tire we actually we actually were eyeballing a bigger tire um the night before and well they don't call it a weak man competition
Starting point is 00:14:26 that is that was Tanner's go-to line how long were you waiting to hear that probably from the beginning I haven't been waiting like I've been saying that for weeks now yeah yeah I think I heard it 20 times on Friday night when we were loading up but uh the we're spotting these other tires and we just weren't warmed up we're outside and we leaned on them and they looked kind of the same as ours about the same size but they sure as shit felt fucking heavy and the problem is you can't like half ass pick up a really heavy tire you can't just kind of be like this feels a little like see what it feels like here and then it's always going to feel way too heavy when you do that yeah so so we we just went with the tire that we had because that's what we had you
Starting point is 00:15:10 know stick with what you know and if we would have gone with a bigger tire it would have been a crime scene because it would have it would have been a shitty event we'd have got three four flips yeah it would look bad yeah because if it would have been dry i think a majority a lot a lot of us a lot of the people would have been finishing in dry conditions. And I've got a couple hypotheses here. I think the first reason that it sucked was you had bad traction. You couldn't grip the tire. So the tire, by the time, really, it went through once.
Starting point is 00:15:37 It was completely covered in mud and wet, and there was nothing you could do about it. So it was hard to get under, hard to hang on. And then the whole course was a mud hole. So it's tough to dig in hard to hang on and then the whole course was a mud hole so it's tough to dig in tough to get any traction um the other thing is i think the tire would actually like dig into the mud like if you know if you picked up a cinder block off your concrete driveway it's just comes right out you drop it in a mud hole and try to pull it out there's some suction there yeah and that's honestly what it felt i have never when we practice i had never once got to the point where i couldn't lift the tire and that last my last round through when i got into that mud i i could not lift it off the ground it wouldn't
Starting point is 00:16:17 fucking move you know what i mean and i had and you know it always sucks flipping the tire but i was never at a point where like this just wasn't happening right i totally thought someone was gonna lose their footing and slip out nobody did that i was very surprised yeah i thought someone was gonna get it up halfway try to give it kind of the knee push and just slip under and let that tire is gonna come right back on it was what i was thinking i do think part of the problem too is when you flip the tire you rely on the far side of the far underside like digging into the ground and stopping at a specific point so it can pivot there yeah but when it's in the mud it moves when you go to push on it it doesn't want to and it almost becomes at that point then like you're
Starting point is 00:16:56 just lifting it yeah instead of driving it forward and that's that is what it felt like it felt like that by the end of that you're tired and i I was just, I didn't care how I finished. I couldn't move anymore. It was over. But that was probably the event that was most affected by the weather, for sure. Yeah, I guess the other ones were the stones. Because we weren't necessarily doing it in the mud. We had some rubber mats out and stuff but they were wet
Starting point is 00:17:25 and where the stones were sitting had gotten wet yeah they're basically sitting in puddles yeah and so and so that your tacky didn't seem to hold up that well once the stones are wet because you're just you're not hanging on to anything and that uh yeah that's i was yeah i was certain i was gonna hit the 260 on that and that fucking thing wouldn't move. I just couldn't engage it. I was pretty smoked at that point, but I'll blame everybody and everything except myself for that one. I do think that rain or the stones being wet
Starting point is 00:17:59 cost everyone about a stone on average that they would have completed that they didn't because of the wetness but um the other thing was like during the farmer's carry i was surprised i was like i was worried that in walking carrying all that weight through the mud that somebody's feet would go out from under them yeah i didn't see that at all and i that's why i had no plans on wearing cleats for the farmer's carry and at the last minute i was like had this vision of me slipping with my flats slipping in the fucking mud and having 400 pounds fall on me yeah yeah i think that was the most surprising thing for me for the entire event that nobody
Starting point is 00:18:33 got hurt with that rain i was waiting for something that's like oh it's gonna be a disaster because i talk about the person that got hurt you know not how successful the event was or whatever so that was kind of a win yeah no one no one, I don't think, got hurt even minorly. Which is impressive considering no matter what you do, the lack of warm-up. You know what I mean? We don't put a lighter car on for a little bit and then a little heavier car and then the real car.
Starting point is 00:19:05 You're just, all right, max effort. effort let's go same thing with the stones you have one rep with a lighter stone and then you go to a heavier one but it's not that it's an appropriate warm-up but it feels like to me after the first event is over and you just get physically pretty tired yeah you're basically ready to go for whatever is i, I never really felt where I was like, man, I need to get me 10 minutes here. You know, it's like,
Starting point is 00:19:28 well, if I'm gasping for air, I'm probably also warm in some way. Once I started, once you start with that kind of stuff, you just want to get it done. Like we need to just power through this until it's over. Um,
Starting point is 00:19:39 and then I'll pay for it all tomorrow. And because of the, uh, you know, we had really solid judging and announcing and guys helping to move things along it was it was so quick between events too you had to be ready to go for the next event uh as soon as you got done yeah yeah that overhead press it was just like a like this crazy frenzy of people just pressing throwing the weight people yelling like
Starting point is 00:20:01 that thing was that event seemed a lot cooler to me than i than i thought it i kind of envisioned that that would be the least cool event like the farmer's carry has kind of a bit of a build to it once people establish a high water mark you know there's like okay now and they're like oh shit he's still going you know there's a little excitement to that always but the log is just a guy comes out hits a lift and and eventually and then they don't and then somebody else comes out and hopefully they do i think is it people see like one guy struggle with it and like kind of fight it and people get excited then the next side comes up and makes it look so effortless and people get like fired up for that again yeah yeah that went really well the winner of that you know put up a pretty pretty impressive press, too.
Starting point is 00:20:46 285-pound log press, which is... I think they're safe to say there was at least 20 more there. I think he would have been close to pushing 300, and that was a... Was he doing a push press? I think it was a push press. It was a pretty strict press. It was borderline a strict press.
Starting point is 00:21:02 Yeah, and I mean, he got some dip in it, but he didn't... When I do it, I push jerk it. Yeah. So I get under it as much as I'm pressing it. So that's just fucking brute strength there. That was pretty impressive to watch. I was hoping you were going to hit that because you were the only one that also got to attempt 285.
Starting point is 00:21:20 I honestly, I had never even got 255 cleaned with the log in practice. So when we jumped from 245, which I knew I could get, to 265, I kind of thought I was screwed there. And I got that. So I knew kind of that that was – Yeah, I kind of knew at that point that like, let's just see how this goes. But I have a pretty good idea how it's going to go. But I can't remember.
Starting point is 00:21:45 Did you clean that one up? No, no. Couldn't get it up? If I could clean it, I'd have it all day. Because every one of your jerks or your presses or whatever you want to call it wasn't hard. Even that 265, that part wasn't hard. No. So I was really concerned that when 285 came out, that if he didn't get 285 that then it would be settled on
Starting point is 00:22:06 something really boring like time on the previous lift and shit which is not very entertaining yeah but um but no dylan come out and fucking won that event and like you could you could feel the crowd there are certain moments where you could tell the crowd was could realize that something pretty cool is going on because at that point everybody else had fallen off and i was next so i still had to go but it was just him and i at that point um and when he when he stuck that i was like all right good now i don't have to worry about well how fast did i press it last time am i going to win on time yeah he just come out and took that event and everybody knew that that was pretty impressive
Starting point is 00:22:45 because there was nobody fucking left. Yeah, right. And yeah, that was strong. Everybody's got a lot of practice to do on that event, I think. For sure. Next year. So what was each of your guys' favorite to watch or do you think was the most exciting to see?
Starting point is 00:23:03 I like the stones. That's what I was going to say too. With the white whale that no one can get at the end i think i think probably my i think yeah i would agree the stones was pretty cool to watch especially when you'd see the guys that got that were right about to get them and didn't you know jake with the jake with the 260 and i don't think jake got 260 in practice yeah he did he did get it but but he got that fucking thing up wet and all and almost stuck it and you could they everybody saw everybody falling off at that weight and so as soon jake i think was the first one to get it lapped and he got that thing lapped and that freaking tent lit up man um jake was the
Starting point is 00:23:43 fastest to go for through the first three stones dude he he did the first three stones in 18 seconds which is like a that's like that's fast it's like throwing them yeah that is really fast it is and then uh and then tanner almost sticking the 300 even in spite of the conditions that was pretty impressive that was really the we last no there's still a couple people there's two after me. But that was, you know, right near the end of the whole day. And that was at the end of a long event. Crowd was pretty much all dialed up for that.
Starting point is 00:24:19 I could feel like when I had the 300 pinned against the against the rail, against the rail. I could really feel the crowd like in my ears, you know, like like, holy shit. I better like i better really try as hard as i can here didn't pan out and then what'd you do yeah tell us and i didn't get it and it felt like you like you let all the air out the entire tent everybody was just like nobody would look nobody would look him in the eyes. So, no, it was a really good turnout for sure. And something we'll do next year. Next year, absolutely. Bigger and better?
Starting point is 00:24:53 I'd say much bigger and much better. We're going to do it in the Thunderdome or something next year. It'll be a death match. Anyone that doesn't win has to die. Turnout should be really good. It'll be like blood, but, but,
Starting point is 00:25:15 uh, yeah. So that's kind of our, kind of our wrap up for that deal. We have, um, what else do we want to cover today? We did,
Starting point is 00:25:22 uh, last week we published a little little ditty given given shout out to uh some female power lifters that we've come across and um for the most part it was pretty well received i think you know our our intention behind that was basically you know female power lifting is significantly i would, less popular than male powerlifting. And male powerlifting is far less popular than mostly anything. So you're talking about a percentage of a fraction of a percent. But some of the things that these ladies we highlighted were, I mean,
Starting point is 00:26:00 just staggering. Really, really, really impressive stuff. And our intention was really just to you know give props to these ladies and spread the word a little bit and let other people see kind of what's possible and what's out there so for the most part it was all really well received and then some people decided that and what did you do tanner you were pretty open in at the beginning like obviously we're going to leave somebody out if there's anybody yeah like the way the biggest issue is that people
Starting point is 00:26:30 didn't even read the criteria for right they didn't read the article the article was most are like 10 it wasn't even like the most important people it was just like 10 power lifter 10 power lifting women that you don't follow and should be that have less than 10 000 subscribers like trying to you know get some notoriety on people that don't have a lot of it we don't got to promote somebody who has a hundred thousand they're already popular you left this person off the list she's the greatest female power lifter of all time yeah and everyone knows that already like we don't need to confirm that fact there's already you can look at the record book and find that list already of the strongest women.
Starting point is 00:27:07 Like you just look at the records. So-and-so holds all the world records. Well, no shit, Steve. She set every world record last year and you didn't include her on the list. And it was a lot of like, almost every time that someone mentioned that, it was like a personal thing. It was either their friend that they lived with or their girlfriend or their you know like and they're taking that as like a personal attack that they weren't on the list and hey when you make a website that's gone to the notoriety of
Starting point is 00:27:36 ours like i can see feeling slighted that really is part of the issue though is we're finally like getting enough exposure that we're starting to get some criticism more criticism in return things like they actually think we're some type of authority well that's four idiots that are on a table that is exactly what what we think for sure because it was like well we're just going to do this because and you know hopefully some people see it because it's cool anyone's allowed to make a freaking list like go make your own if like it's like if you don't like ours that much make your own and try to get a hundred thousand you could write a list called 10 women that the morons at massonomics left and actually we intended on doing pretty much that we plan on revisiting
Starting point is 00:28:22 these things and give another 10 more. We asked for it. Yeah, all of that is in the article. It's like three paragraphs of writing to read. I mean, it's 10 sentences. And it says, the preface of it is, we're obviously not going to cover every strong woman in these 10. But these women still are unquestionably strong so someone making snap judgments on the internet the best was tanner like handling all these like
Starting point is 00:28:51 very diplomatically like well why didn't you do this and you could write well if you read the first sentence of the article you would have answered your own question they're like the next person but what about this well if you would have read the second sentence of the article you would know that answer too. And most people, I didn't give them a snappy response. I tried to explain it as gently as I could. Yeah, and you completely did that. And almost every one of the people after I did that, then they're like, oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:29:20 So it's just like, but I wasn't really telling them anything that it wasn't stated in the article itself if they just would have read that they just saw the they just saw a list of 10 and they're like my friend isn't on there or like the other classic like response was people being upset that someone wasn't included on the list which maybe they have a good reason but then the whole point of the list was to promote people and their instagram pages and the person like doesn't have instagram or they do they have one that had had made like 12 or 15 instagram posts they have like five posts and then none of it's lifting and then the guy's defend him is like well we don't give a fuck about fucking instagram phone we just care about lifting heavy well that's wonderful but how are we supposed to let our readers and people follow this person if they don't have a fucking place to follow them
Starting point is 00:30:10 like like you want me to just like give you their fucking schedule when their next local meet is gonna be and let them all these hundred thousand some people that read this drive on to see them i can't fucking do that dude and like part of the problem too is it wasn't fucking the women themselves who were like you screwed me with our men's list it was the men themselves who were like well i fucking did 600 pounds this and that but so the problem with the people complaining about the women's article is it's the men complaining yeah about the fucking women's article yeah it was and like i think that kind of uh is a little bit disrespectful to the women we did choose to put on the list right it's like can't you just say something positive about them yeah or like and you know and there isn't nothing that can be taken away from any of those
Starting point is 00:30:56 10 and that's what kind of pissed me off is like every single woman on that list does some pretty incredible shit and you get some people well so-and-so lifted more than this person on the list and it's like well yeah but there's fucking weight classes in lifting dude like it's not just all the highest number at the end like you know what i mean we were we're gonna only put super heavies are we only put christ just and it's it's that type of fragmentation that's and and like shittiness that is the reason that the general public will shy away from power lifting and that in the grand scheme of things that nobody the collective everybody nobody gives a fuck about power lifting you know what i mean and it's that
Starting point is 00:31:37 type of shit it's it's when somebody that's the same you know that's the same people that somebody posts a video of them squatting oh i fucking missed depth or oh you're fucking this oh yeah what are you doing that for you know what i mean the shit's on it instead of encouraging people yeah and that's exactly the problem and they have this what was the other by oh well you guys are just biased these are all so and so and so and so i have we didn't know bias we had no idea what federation most of these people were in. Right. I mean, like, so half of them were IPF. Five of the 10 were IPF lifters. Which you could make an argument is the most popular federation. And half of the people on our list were a part of that.
Starting point is 00:32:16 Like, is that, that seems normal. I would say they probably have 50% of the market share. You should have done a pie chart for them. Because it's like. Every. Yeah. probably have 50 of the market chart for them because it's like every yeah it's just there's several things that upset me about that but like a couple of the specific arguments i would say so one of the things like well that one guy that really got upset about he was saying uh that we were biased and what else you just brought it up that uh um oh shit i've got so many things going through my head
Starting point is 00:32:46 at one time the ipf lifter part or there was there was the federations there was that so and so lifted heavier than another person um it was just there was just a lot of shit but none of them were like you know like i don't it just i was what i wanted to be is like well okay well you you give me a list of then you listed four people who you think should be on this list. So why don't, will you contact the four people that are on this list and tell them why they shouldn't be? You know what I mean? Like, why don't you just fuck off?
Starting point is 00:33:15 Write your own fucking list. You got 100,000 people listening to you? You got 100,000 people going to your fucking website for your fucking article? No, you sit in a fucking corner and you quote, only give a shit about lifting heavy weights. And that's why nobody gives a shit about you, your stupid little federation, or whatever the fuck it is that you do. And you're holding the whole sport of powerlifting back. You know, this is a time of year.
Starting point is 00:33:36 There's a lot of people that talk about why powerlifting is not in the Olympics and how, well, man, what can we do to get that type of sport in the Olympics? Well, maybe you all should get your shit together and on the same fucking page you know you got your stupid little clubs and you shit on everybody else who's doing the exact same thing as you just like one one little detail different and you think they're fucking assholes and they're oh fucking fucking usap you know jesus man like like you could you could like at least it's the same sport it's like getting mad at tennis because there's doubles tennis fucking losers you know yeah it just it makes me really really mad and i and i'm an outsider to power lifter to begin with
Starting point is 00:34:19 so like when i when you see that it's, no wonder, like you can't even ever enter into the community. Like you just, you try to dabble in it and someone fricking slaps your pecker. Cause you mentioned something. And it shows how much of that attitude exists. Because when Tanner, when you made your article about a power lifters observations of the CrossFit games, like a fairly regular comment was,, oh, they're not bashing on it. They were surprised.
Starting point is 00:34:47 They saw the title and they were like, probably click on it like, let's see what this dickhead says. This prick. And then they're like, oh. He's showing props for people that are at the top of their game. I think that everyone was seriously like,
Starting point is 00:35:01 they're ready to get mad and start typing those comments. They're like, oh. The comments mad and like start typing those comments they're like oh like the comments would be like actually pretty funny yeah it has to be actually actually that power lifter is pretty good with words it just shows how much that attitude exists though people that think that and i'm better than you and it's not about one thing being better than another like can things just all be awesome? So can these 10 girls be awesome?
Starting point is 00:35:31 And we left also those 1000 women that were deserving that we left off. They're still good. Like, this doesn't mean that they're not good. The list wasn't the 10 best powerlifting women of all time ever. And everyone else sucks. We'll do that list next. There shouldn't be any controversy. I don't think so. I don't think so. I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:35:46 But one thing I thought of is the social media thing. A guy is complaining that we were even talking or using social media as a criteria in our list. But here's the deal on that. You know, Tommy and I have both competed in powerlifting before. But we're not like hardcore elite level powerlifters we're fans of the sport yeah and in order to be a fan of the sport of powerlifting in order to have even a remotely an idea of what's going on just dvr weekly yeah you just it's on abc every day so what we don't need social media right except that how else are you supposed to be a fan of something exactly if
Starting point is 00:36:24 there's no content or anything or nothing to follow we would get to know nothing about anyone that we like to follow if social media didn't exist like in this sport like right that say and apparently the these people don't realize that themselves but i guarantee they're using it in some way shape or form i'm gonna guess that the type of people that complain about power lifters using and i understand the the other side of it where you make it like a beauty contest for the women's power listers and stuff like that that people can be offended i also got accused of that yeah and it's like and it's like that's that wasn't even and that was like kind of the point of the article was that was that like we we absolutely made that a non-factor it was really based upon fucking performance and not and not and that's why we did a lower instagram following too like
Starting point is 00:37:11 you know the ones who lift with their tits hanging out already have a shit ton of followers yeah so we don't really need to promote them their tits have done enough for them at that point but like but we just want the ones who are strong that was the whole point of this list point but like but we just want the ones who are strong that was the whole point of this list and um yeah it's it's just it's frustrating to see that type of feedback but the type of person i think that that complains about that is the type of person that probably still buys a lot of cds you know what i mean like what's what's the correlation there you're gonna have to explain that i just think i just think that that person was power lifting 20 years ago and and and i think that that person got a really nice walkman a discman at that time with the anti-skip protection and would tuck it in his back pocket when he'd
Starting point is 00:37:57 squat yeah i don't know i don't like addressing haters directly but but fuck all that that was some bullshit people that were upset about that can all go to hell that's true because we were just trying to make sure that shit you know we're trying to actually offer positive exposure to some of these athletes yeah and then they shit on the 10 that by by complaining about those that aren't and what one last thing i'd comment about how the 10 got selected is uh when we were making the list we were thinking about different types of women that are impressive in powerlifting you know there's moms there's teenagers there's college athletes there's women that also do crossfit there's women that also compete in strong
Starting point is 00:38:39 man um different body types maybe some people that are trying to improve their body composition through power lifting and so then there's just about a list of 10 that i named off yeah so then we go through and obviously there's a pool of thousands of women that meet that criteria and also going in cold how do you find them yeah you have i mean it takes a lot of work. So we found what I think is 10 impressive women that all fit a vast array of that criteria that shows women that might have seen our article that, hey, I can relate to definitely two or three of these women. They're like me. Like powerlifting could make sense to me.
Starting point is 00:39:19 So that's just something I think that someone that had negative things to say should consider. Now, what I think we have done here, unfortunately, is put a whole bunch of negative energy into something that was like a pretty cool thing, I think, for a lot of people. Because on the bright side, there was a lot of people that liked it. Yeah. A lot of people that shared it. And I think. It was a small percentage of the bad stuff. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:39 It's easier to pick out the bad stuff. Yeah. And it's easier to be mad about the bad stuff than it is to be like happy that a lot of people felt good and i think that goes to show that what that's not just the problem with this article but that's is the problem with the powerlifting community is you know in any community people like to be inclusive to what their community is but in the powerlifting community there seems to be this thing to be inclusive to only people that you know that are only in your federation that only lift the same way you do with the same equipment you do and like you know it's like oh he used a monolift
Starting point is 00:40:10 lift sucks it's like i mean it's the same thing yeah it's the same it's the same mindset as the person like oh he's using straps you know like well yeah but like i don't we're not setting world records here you know what i mean it was just a thing that somebody did right i got that comment on my deadlift a lot really yeah well you use straps and i'm like well yeah that's the only reason that shit came off the floor right that's okay you take someone that that has a 400 pound deadlift you put straps on them but they're probably going to deadlift about 400 pounds. Straps don't make you deadlift more. Right.
Starting point is 00:40:50 I mean, I don't know. What about the thing about activating the posterior chain a little better? That's true. It does make your back and glutes and hamstrings way stronger. I think that actually... It squeezes your wrists
Starting point is 00:41:00 and helps you get that pump in your butt a little better. I actually use... When I use straps on that car deadlift that was the first time i'd ever use straps i think that's why i didn't actually that's where i think straps are more beneficial as higher rep like moderate like pushing moderate weight to higher reps that's when straps are helpful when you just can't hang on i don't think it's i don't think it's a difference maker on a max effort lift at all for me it's not whatsoever in my personal experience unless you have really tiny hands hanner does have pretty tiny hands well the world has tiny hands compared to you but uh but no i mean big big props to the 10 ladies we put on the list um and a big shout out to all the ones that didn't make it to be honest with you you know we just uh we're just trying to spread the word and do our thing so
Starting point is 00:41:48 we'll make another list uh so keep on grinding so yeah i think i think if we do 10 more we'll catch everyone then and everybody will be happy yeah honestly i honestly think if we did another list of 10 that there would be people defending the people on the first list of 10 that didn't know that they were on the first oh yeah it's like they would call us out like oh you fucking forget and it's like well no we did that already yeah yeah we'll get we'll make at some point massonomics will make every single person in the fitness community happy everybody you'll get on the list if you go into a gym just send us a picture in your instagram handle top 10 lifters on instagram
Starting point is 00:42:31 that don't post lifting videos follow these people yeah just pictures of your pets and the cutest dog pictures you've ever seen from lifters like oddly like oddly specific they only apply to like it's a list of 10 people we can only find two that fit the criteria like best power lifters with porcelain doll collections and people would still probably find a way to they'd be like my girlfriend she has a youtube channel about this so did we have anything else we needed to cover guys i think we got
Starting point is 00:43:13 a lot of good info out do we have anything coming up we want to we need to plug i don't think so i think we've done all the awesome stuff down for the year yeah we've done it all let's go out on top so well that'll do it for us today i just want to remind you make sure you go to our website check out the store you can buy yourself some sweet massonomics gear scroll to the bottom of the page and sign up for our email newsletter we won't hassle you we're just going to send you let you know when when things, awesome things start happening. Um, make sure you go to iTunes, give us a five-star review, um, go to Facebook, like our Facebook page. I can tell you for certain that if you are listening to
Starting point is 00:43:55 this podcast, not all of you like us on Facebook and not all of you follow us on Instagram and that's on you. Um, go to, go to YouTube, Make sure you follow us and subscribe to the page. I'm Tyler. I can be found on Instagram at Tyler F. and Stone. Austin, you have a colossal social media presence. I still can't be found anywhere. You're going to be on our next list.
Starting point is 00:44:19 Austin can be reached via email at Maybe they should, if anyone's got any, ask the professor. Yes, actually, we did an article on the positives and negatives of metabolic conditioning and doing too much or too little. We'd like to get more of that stuff out there. So if you have any questions via training drinking jogging cowboying i think that's another dancing the jitterbug or anything that just wants someone to do some more
Starting point is 00:44:50 research on yeah if you have any questions at all you'd like to have run by austin just email them to uh get big at massonomics and we'll put together a nice pretty little colored article for you with pictures and everything i think you have another one coming out fairly soon that has to do with alcohol consumption. Binge drinking. Binge drinking versus moderate drinking. I have a lot of experience in that area.
Starting point is 00:45:16 There's one thing I know a lot of. It's a biography. That's how you can get a hold of Austin. Tommy on Instagram. You can find me at Tomahawk underscore D. And Tanner? Instagram at Massonomics and my social security number is
Starting point is 00:45:31 509-421-876. In case you want to steal my identity. I know that's not a real number, but I know that that is... I'm certain that that is somebody's real number. You rattled it off so effortlessly. I'm like, maybe it is his number. I try to end with a different idiotic thing.
Starting point is 00:45:55 Tanner's got LifeLock. He pays that $9 a year membership. Try me, I dare you. So, well, that'll do it for us today. Thanks a lot for listening and peace out. Later. See ya. You just heard the Masanamics podcast.
Starting point is 00:46:10 With your ears, you're welcome. Check us out on Facebook. Find us on Instagram at Masanamics and make sure you visit and buy some of that sweet Masanamics gear. From your friends at Masanamics Studio, home of the world's strongest podcast, stay strong.

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