Massenomics Podcast - Ep.218: The Road to 200 Podcast Reviews

Episode Date: June 8, 2020

The road to 200 5-star podcast reviews is paved with a lot of apple pies, LaCroixs, and druthers.  We made it, and it feels so damn good.  We can't wait to start the #roadto300.  Give a listen to h...ear us unveil the big surprise we have been holding in for 200. Hybrid Performance Method: and use code MASS to save 5% on all programs Lifting Large: and use code MASS20 to save on Lifting Large branded products Spud Inc.: Texas Power Bars:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 you know thanks for what you do with your podcasts and all the rest you're doing a great job hope everybody keeps tuning in you get a lot of good info a lot of insights understandings of how to get strong how to stay strong how to use your strength you do a great job you make things better than they are in real life i think if you don't follow massonomics y'all do it social media uh website everything massonomics website, everything. Massanomics. All right, we're back again for episode 218 of the Massanomics podcast, the lifting podcast about nothing. My name is Tanner.
Starting point is 00:00:36 And my name is Tommy. Tommy, are you ready to educate these fools on how to get strong, how to stay strong, and how to use their strength? This is going to be like the Wikipedia article on how to do that. Yeah, if you Wikipedia'd how to get strong, how to stay strong and how to use their strength. This is going to be like the Wikipedia article on how to do that. Yeah. If you Wikipedia, how to get strong, how to stay strong, comma,
Starting point is 00:00:50 how to use your strength, a video of this podcast podcast would, well, first there'd be the massonomics logo, but then yes, there would be a video of this. Yes. We got a lot of big things to talk about this week.
Starting point is 00:01:03 We talked about some big stuff last, last week and it led things to talk about this week. We talked about some big stuff last week, and it led to even bigger things this week. But, Tommy, nothing important went on in your life this week, did it? No, I didn't have a baby or anything. And that was the big thing I was alluding to that we would do? It was. That was it. If we got 200 podcast reviews, I would have a baby.
Starting point is 00:01:24 Have a baby. And I talked my wife into it, so we had a baby this past uh weekend i just how did you like do it so fast well you know science nowadays can do some pretty amazing things yeah it's like uh it's was anything like that arnold schwarzenegger uh danny film. It was, it was just like that. Actually. It felt like it was happening in real life. Uh, so what is, what is, what's the dad life like so far? Um, I I'll be the first to admit, I know like nothing about babies. So it's, it's been like, okay, that's how babies work. Huh? But mean babies are they eat sleep poop repeat i mean that's pretty much what they do right now um it's it's a fairly straightforward process so far you know the biggest thing probably as a new parent is the paranoia of all the time like am i doing
Starting point is 00:02:17 this right will this break the baby is the baby okay can the baby just like like you're just always me especially always second guessing myself my wife has to be like no this is okay it's a baby it's not like you have to check to make sure they're breathing all the time oh yes yes yes yeah yeah but uh so far so good you know we're uh like three days into this so yeah things are it's uh i probably don't need to go too much into the fatherhood thing either either you don't have kids and you don't care or you do have them and you're like you already know i know i get it but uh the only people that are interested maybe like that are people that have like a kid that's like three months away from being born and they're like oh okay that's right
Starting point is 00:02:59 that's good to know yeah yeah it's it's just it's one of those things it's just one of those things. It's just such an overwhelming, crazy, indescribable experience. Like you just got to be there and it just happens to you. You just got to go with it and roll with the punches. And all of a sudden, boom, there's a baby there. But yeah, it is no doubt about it, a life-changing experience. And I'm sure that's what everyone says is how everyone describes it. But there is a reason they say that, and that's because it is. That's true.
Starting point is 00:03:26 Are your nipples getting sore from all the breast feedings? Yeah. For some reason, my milk isn't coming down yet. I'm doing something wrong, I think. Just keep trying. That's what the nurses say. You just got to keep trying. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:40 Yeah. That's about as big as news gets. We both had babies over the course of the podcast now. Yeah. That's about as big as news gets. So we've both had babies over the course of the podcast now. Yeah. Just growing as people on the podcast. People get to hear us grow up over here. I wonder how many people have birthed babies while listening to the Masanomics podcast. You know, that's a good question. Or conceived, for that matter. Conceived, yeah. That's maybe a more important metric, even.
Starting point is 00:04:05 Right. How much conceiving is going on. Yeah, I imagine there's been a lot. Probably. Based off of our number of listeners. Yeah. So I don't know if that gave it away that you alluded to we're going to do something big for $200. Maybe we should do our ads before we get too far ahead of Tanner.
Starting point is 00:04:24 We had so much big stuff to talk about. Our sponsors should like this, though. We just weave them even deeper into the show, so it's harder to skip past them. Yeah, they're unavoidable now at this point. Today's show was brought to you by Spud Inc. The goal of Spud Inc. Straps is to make products that support sports performance
Starting point is 00:04:40 and help everyone achieve their training goals. They make products that last forever, won't bust your budget, and most importantly, leave no doubt about success when everything is on the line. Check them out online at The show is also brought to you by Hybrid Performance Method. They're your one-stop shop for all things fitness and online coaching. Whether your goals are training-related, nutrition and body composition-related, or both, Hybrid
Starting point is 00:05:02 has a program for you. With dedicated and experienced coaches in each strength and fitness discipline, you can rest assured that you're in the best hands possible. Make sure to use our discount code MASS, M-A-S-S, in all caps. That'll save you 5% off any training or nutrition membership for the life of that membership. Visit Today's show is also brought to you by Texas Power Bars.
Starting point is 00:05:23 In 1980, Buddy Caps was on a mission to make the best bar possible, and the Texas Power Bar was born. It was strong as a house, had the best knurling, and it was maintenance-free. Hundreds of state, national, massonomics, international massonomics, and world powerlifting records have been set and continue to be set and broken on the world-famous Texas Power Bar. To learn more about Texas Power Bars and buy one of your very own, visit
Starting point is 00:05:47 Today's show is also brought to you by Lifting Large. Lifting Large has set a new standard for customer service within the strength world. They have live website chat support and speedy email responses. Lifting Large is home of the Ground Lock Deadlift Slipper, and they are always in stock and ready to ship. Mass Anomics listeners can save 20 on all lifting large branded products by using our discount code mass 20 when they check out thank you sponsors good catch on that tommy we would we would have had some hell to pay had we
Starting point is 00:06:15 not read that you know i'm all about the money here yeah we've i don't think that them we don't we've never missed one of our reads before we wouldn't we wouldn to start that habit. That's actually kind of surprising, yeah, that we've never just accidentally done it. Because I think we've both gotten fairly far in the process, but one of us always catches the other. Right, right, right. Yep, so we're still good. All right, what else were we talking about?
Starting point is 00:06:38 So we did have some more big news. We did have big news, and you alluded to it. You decided to go ahead and have the baby because that was part of what we're going to do if if we got to 200 we haven't officially said if we got to 200 uh tommy do you want the good news or the bad news i want the good news okay unless you want unless you want to phrase it differently i actually want now that i think about it i want to give you the bad news okay Okay. It fits in better for my plan here. Okay.
Starting point is 00:07:08 We are not at 200 Apple, five-star Apple podcast reviews. What? That's the bad news. We were really hoping that at the end of this week, we would be at 200. Do you remember last week we were at 182? And the biggest week we had ever had, I think, was about 10. So we were thinking maybe we could get this done in the next two weeks or so. Yep, that all sounds correct.
Starting point is 00:07:30 Yeah, so we were at 182. We did not land at 200 in this week. But do you want the good news? I do want the good news. We're at 202. Oh, even better. We made a 25-star podcast review jump in one week. If that's not putting us on the hot charts at Apple,
Starting point is 00:07:52 I don't know what can. 20's got to be fairly significant for fitness podcasts in one week. I would sure think so. I'm going to try and just do some really quick looking here. I'm probably just going to be completely shocked how wrong we are. Yeah, I think we're a ways off probably. But I have checked. You can go through Apple Podcasts and you can look at the categories.
Starting point is 00:08:21 And you can scan through fitness. And a lot of the most popular ones i don't even recognize still yeah but there is like i look through it and it's like right oh it's like it's not what we as type of stuff yeah it's not what we associate as uh but some of them are in there like um 50 facts is in there uh there's a few like you know there's a few, like, you know, there was a handful of them. I would recognize ours is not in there, but based on the ones that I do see in there, I don't feel like we're terribly far off and being lumped in with some of
Starting point is 00:08:54 them. Yeah. And the, well, the first one I clicked on does have 5.8 thousand reviews. So I guess we're nowhere close to that. Yeah. What,
Starting point is 00:09:02 and what's the name? What is that one? That was a mind pump and i believe that they did something with like hybrid recently is why that one sounds familiar i could be okay that sounds familiar to me too but that's also like the name like kind of the name of half of the lifting podcasts is mind pump that just sounds really familiar yeah but anyways though we are at 202 we're at 202 incredible accomplishment yeah we made a 20 review jump which is unprecedented in our uh how many how many years have we been we've done four years over four years
Starting point is 00:09:37 in our four years we got 10 of them in one week. Yeah. Yeah. That's crazy. So we did hit it. We also have a bunch of them to read. And we've been promising something big once we get to the road to 200. And I guess now is the time to reveal it. What the big prize is, we get to start the road to 300. Hashtag road to 300. So on to bigger and better things. Now we to start the road to 300. Hashtag road to 300. So on to bigger and better things.
Starting point is 00:10:07 Now we're on the road to 300. Great start, though, with that 202. We're over two-thirds of the way there already. Yeah. No, there actually is something even bigger that we have to unveil. But do you want to, first, before we do that, do you want to hear some of these new 20 reviews? Yes. Yeah, yeah. Before that, do you want to hear some of these new 20 reviews? Yes.
Starting point is 00:10:25 Yeah, yeah. Before we actually do. Because we do have something and we got to just keep drawing it out. Yeah, yeah. But if you listen, you will be rewarded. Right. Yeah, let's hear some of these reviews. Okay.
Starting point is 00:10:35 And this is by far the most reviews there's ever been to read. I think I counted there's 18 new reviews to read this week. there's 18 new reviews to read this week so i i i won't draw each one out quite as much as i usually do because otherwise that would take up the entire rest of the episode yeah um and also someone sent a screenshot of me i'm not i don't have these because i didn't save them but uh for our uk listeners they have a whole separate um set of reviews like they there's like there's like uh there's they don't they're not go accounted in our 200 they have like 25 reviews out there and they're all ones that we can't read here because like geographically for apple podcast depending on where you live that's what you get to see for the podcast reviews wow okay well maybe we'll have
Starting point is 00:11:24 to do some digging see we can maybe there's just this whole foreign language of our foreign uh slang of words that we have out there that we could be you know there's some talking about things that we don't even know about right it was interested to see that there even was like 15 reviews out there from uh the uk region i was like oh that's better than what i might have uh i went to guess that so this 200 number really is even sandbagged because we're not that's not the worldwide number of podcast reviews okay here we go number one this week it's five out of five stars and it's from Nutter. And the title is trying to get in before they, and then it trails off.
Starting point is 00:12:08 And he says, at the rate they charge for lift shorts, it won't be cheap. Still need to pay interest I collected for looking at the lift shorts. Yes, that's interest accrued for even browsing our lift shorts on the site. He's got a good point. A lot of people forget about that part of it. Yes. Okay, next one. These are all five out of five stars,
Starting point is 00:12:28 so I'm not going to keep repeating this every time. This one's from Big Joe and the Boys. He says, I was lost. As I sit in traffic in my 99 Buick LeSabre, enjoying my fifth McDonald's apple pie, I wondered, how do I get strong? How do I stay strong? How will I use my new acquired strength? Well, I wondered, how do I get strong? How do I stay strong? How will I use my new acquired strength?
Starting point is 00:12:47 Well, these guys had the answers I needed. Stay crispy. That's good. That is a good one. He's a man of class when he's in a Buick. 99 Buick LeSabre. That's a classic. That's like American muscle right there.
Starting point is 00:13:00 Yeah, that's a trophy car. Okay. Next one is titled road to 200 and this is from buttons and buttons is uh out of he works with uh kind of fit kind of fat okay um am i saying that in the right order i always i always get that switch that around or is it kind of kind of fit now that you say it i'm not even sure i think it's kind of fit kind of fat but i always kind of kind of fat yeah yeah yeah but he he's a big supporter of massonomics and he he uh does does a whole bunch of stuff for them over there so thank you to big buttons and he says if you're not listening to this show already you cannot
Starting point is 00:13:41 imagine the life-fulfilling satisfaction it brings kings of the dakotas and creators of the new world currency of the 0.005 percent elites lift shorts obviously good luck on the road to 200 from one company to another awesome yeah so that's good so go support uh kind of fat Say it again, Tommy, what's the correct order? Kind of Fit, Kind of Fat. Kind of Fit, Kind of Fat. Everyone knows what I'm talking about. I just don't know how to say it right.
Starting point is 00:14:10 Okay, next one is from Stoked Joey. Breaking PRs is the title. And he says, weather updates are always on point. That's what we do. Yep, that's it. Next one is from Todd J. Olsonson and his title is one of the best he says love the pod keep representing south dakota fellas we will that's also something we're kind of okay at i guess yeah we do we do that well
Starting point is 00:14:40 this next one is from poop jomez and his title is highly underrated and they say i listen to the podcast to help pass the time while my la croix are in the oven fresh baked la croix the hot la croix thing is something that really makes me laugh now i've been latching on to that one lately too some someone else started that that follows us and i just think it's funny but that's how lacroix's are best served as hot uh-huh okay next one is from let's see ad gradao title jd powers and associates umives five out of five J.D. Powers and Associates awards. I agree.
Starting point is 00:15:29 Perfect five-star rating. Next one is from Logan Kramer, and his title is Legit. He says, you had me at LaCroix. Overpriced gym shorts and apple pie. The trifecta. Yep. Kind of our podcast in a nutshell right there next one is from fish flopper this title is great content wish i could drink a crispy
Starting point is 00:15:52 beer with these fine gentlemen there's you could always road trip yeah nice road trip or maybe next year at the arnold or something yeah there you go there you go okay next one is from nick rolf who i think actually won crispy boy summer shirt of the day today now that i think about it i think he was actually uh june well actually yesterday is nick rolf he said big things are coming i just need to know what happens when the road to 200 is complete maybe the discount code to increase the price of lift shorts i need an excuse to give these guys more of my money in the meantime i will keep listening to the podcast to learn how to get strong stay strong and use your strength thanks for what you do with the podcast and all the rest i like that people still mention the discount code to increase the price of things squ Squarespace will not allow us to do that.
Starting point is 00:16:46 We're waiting for that update. For some reason, our web platform doesn't allow you to increase the price with coupons. No, but if you are like Nick and you're still looking for a way to give us more money, a great way to do that would be through our podcast supporting membership option on our website in our store. Either the Apple Pie, LaCroix, or lift short level, whatever fits your budget. Great way to give us more of your money. Okay, this next one is titled Podcast
Starting point is 00:17:12 of the Year, and it's from none other than the president of Wyoming. Wow! That is an honor. Yes, great. And he says, thrilling, breathtaking, heartwarmingwarming exhilarating will leave you on the edge of your seat a motivational story about two south dakota moguls who tell you how to
Starting point is 00:17:32 get strong stay strong and use your strength all this and more in-depth lacroix reviews perfect to listen to while enjoying a crispy boy listening to the thrilling segment overrated underrated and most importantly the first podcast to be purchased by both spotify and apple for a total of one billion dollars and don't forget this is the only form of media to be nominated for an oscar tony grammy sb and most importantly a jd powers and a jd powers best in class rotten tomatoes score of 100%. That's good. That's good. That's a top-tier review right there,
Starting point is 00:18:09 especially getting another state president in the mix. Yeah. I'm always happy to see state figures on board with our support. That was a hell of a review right there. Okay. This one is from NotStrongJustFat, and the title is HashtagRoad200. Do you like beer?
Starting point is 00:18:30 Do you like powerlifting? Do you enjoy mythical garments that put pounds on your total? Then this is the podcast for you. And in all seriousness, don't we all need a little levity and laughter right now? These guys deliver. I have never looked forward to conversations about local weather and apple pies. A break from the madness.
Starting point is 00:18:46 Lastly, for those waiting for the reviews to hit 199 so you can ride in on your Lyft shorts and be the heralded 200th review, stop being cowards. This is only the beginning. Hashtag road to 300. California contingency checking in. See, that guy's got some vision. Road to 300. He knew what this was about.
Starting point is 00:19:06 That's smart. He said, stop being cowards. 200 isn't the end. 200 is just the beginning. Yeah, I like that. That's some motivation right there. That is. Next one is from Jackson Karnosky.
Starting point is 00:19:20 He says, great podcast. The Massonomics podcast is often compared to warm LaCroix due to its watered-down but refreshing content. However, I believe that a cockroach is a much more accurate comparison. Like the cockroach, the Mastonomics podcast has been around since the beginning of time and will persist until the heat death of the universe. The Mastonomics podcast can also lift over 20 times its weight like a cockroach it is not called the world's strongest podcast for nothing very good yeah that's that's
Starting point is 00:19:53 heavy we are the cockroach of podcasts we just won't die okay next one is from jd powers top associate history awaits I've never actually heard of this podcast but I noticed they were closing in on the ever prestigious 200 review mark I am leaving this review solely to be a part of history awesome
Starting point is 00:20:17 next one is from Jim Riley 427 5 JD Power awards whether you are looking for how to get strong stay strong and Power Awards. Whether you are looking for how to get strong, stay strong, and use your strength, or you're looking to purchase an overpriced pair of lift shorts, or need to know the weather in the Midwest, or what fast food dessert you need to try, these are your guys. Nothing but the best. Next one is from Mr. McCheese. Great job, boys. Today's show is brought to you by L large lifting large has set a new
Starting point is 00:20:45 standard for customer service within the strength world they have live website chat support and well you know the rest congrats on the big milestone keep showing people how to get strong stay strong and use your strength that i like how they threw in just the ad read there so they just they just gave us an ad that's great lifting large owes these guys for sneaking another ad read there. Yeah, they just gave us an ad. That's great. Lifting Large owes these guys for sneaking another ad read into the show. A second, a second, a third, actually a fourth ad. Yeah. This one from Blazer Dakota. Big.
Starting point is 00:21:17 Simply put, big. Spot on. And the last one. Not wrong. No, the last one from today is from Crispy King of California. Whoa. Not just presidents. Now we have kings of states.
Starting point is 00:21:32 And his title is 201. He says, 200 five-star review might be the world record. I'm not quite sure if it counts if it isn't live. But if I had my, I think that's a uh is that a like a thor bjornson um oh okay but if i had my druthers you'd be aiming up aiming for 201 keep up the great show guys that is it wow that was a lot that was that was a lot but they were all very well very well put no doubt that they were listeners of our podcast they understand the ins and outs the jokes how to get strong how to stay strong all of it that was a lot of reading i'm kind of tired of reading now i don't know if i
Starting point is 00:22:16 uh if we had that many every week i think we would probably have to start not reading them all yeah we would have to we would really have to fan it out to the best of the best at that point yeah but as for now the policy state it stays as stands if you leave us a five-star review and it shows up that we're able to read it we're going to read it because we are on the road to 300 now so tommy phil we talked about the baby that was one of the one of the things we agreed to do when we got to 200 uh but there was something even bigger than a brand new baby because a baby isn't actually that big like it's yeah i mean you know eight pounds ish right it's really in the scheme of things relatively small exactly we had something even bigger we did have something even bigger and that something that was even bigger that now exists in northeast south dakota is the
Starting point is 00:23:07 world's first massonomics billboard that's right and um you know we we realize you know what's missing from this world and it's we don't let our local neighborhood know enough about massonomics so yeah and the massonomics podcast We now have a billboard in town. I got to pull this up so I don't get it wrong exactly. But if you've been following the podcast closely, this fits in very well with what we've been doing. Right away, I have to give a shout out to the president of North Dakota for leaving us such a spot on podcast review.
Starting point is 00:23:44 Well, and since we're, we're on the road to 200 podcast reviews, that was the big deal we were chasing. We figured it would be fitting to, for this billboard to choose one of our favorite podcast reviews. Yeah. And because it was such a well-written podcast review, we couldn't get it all to fit.
Starting point is 00:24:02 But what it now exists on a fairly busy street in our town is a large red billboard we'll have a picture of it it'll be yeah you'll see it today if you're listening to this you can see it somewhere at this point but but the billboard says easily in the top five of lifting podcasts to ever come out of northeast south dakota quoted from the president of north dakota and then on the bottom, it says the Massanomics podcast with the Massanomics M logo. So we know how awesome we are. You guys know how awesome we are. I don't think anyone in our town knows how awesome we are. So now everyone in our town will know how awesome we are when they see our massive billboard. Yeah. And it went up June 1st
Starting point is 00:24:40 is the day that it went up. It went up the morning june 1st i had bet we knew which billboard it was going to go up on and i had been monitoring it to see when you know we knew about when it would go up to and i uh drove by the morning of it wasn't there and i came back later that afternoon i was like huh it's even though i knew it was going to be there at some point in time when i first saw it i was like there is a massonomics billboard that is something and and i like it we have a group snapchat for the people in the gym and uh someone had mentioned like uh what the hell is this because we didn't say anything to anyone and if you're just driving down the road and you feel like you're seeing a massonomics billboard and then if you read it talking about how it's the best it's in the top five of pod lifting podcasts out of northeast south dakota
Starting point is 00:25:25 and it was reviewed by the president of north dakota the whole thing makes no sense at all and that's part of why we chose that because we knew uh putting up a massonomics billboard we're not like in our town uh we'll do nothing no no no it's yeah like there's no way you live in our town and are interested in power lifting strongman and stuff like that and don't know who we are. That's not possible. Right. So, yeah, local advertising doesn't really do much for us, but this is more of a way for us to celebrate ourselves and for all of you that have been along for the ride. And especially the president of North Dakota.
Starting point is 00:26:01 Exactly. It's only one person's review that gets to be up there, but really collectively everyone that's left to review, you can feel like you're a part of that billboard. I think like you played a part in that billboard existing. If you chose to leave a review on the road to 200, it's all of our billboards. So keep those,
Starting point is 00:26:20 keep those reviews coming in. We'd love to do more billboards. I think we would do a, if we get to 300 someday, we'll do, we'll pick another, our next favorite fitting one and we'll put it on a billboard too. Yeah. And I mean, by that point, if we get, if we get to 300, even relatively soon, we might even just run a contest for best billboard idea and we'll just make it and do it for you. So that's a good idea too. I mean, we don't, we don't have anything to uphold over here. So if you got a great idea, um, leave us a podcast review, too. I mean, we don't have anything to uphold over here. So if you've got a great idea, leave us a podcast review,
Starting point is 00:26:48 but then also shoot us some ideas, and we'll put the money behind it to do a billboard. Yeah. I do like you mentioned the Snapchat group. The guy that first saw it, even he said, I literally had to stop and turn around and drive back by it because I wasn't sure what I just saw. Yeah. You know?
Starting point is 00:27:05 Yep. I, I, I, I drive down that road relatively frequently, or I could choose that road or other roads, but lately I've been going down there just because every time I have to look at it,
Starting point is 00:27:15 I'm like, huh, there it is. It's, it's still there. Let's go. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:22 It was, uh, for me, it was really, it really felt like I had two babies growing up. You know, I I left the hospital with my newborn. And while I'm driving from the hospital, I drive down the road and I see a massonomics billboard for the first time in my life. I'm like, oh, this is like two first for me.
Starting point is 00:27:38 Yeah, this is special. How did your baby like it? He's like, Dad, you're so cool, man. You like, yeah, you're so cool, man. Like, yeah, thanks, baby. You're like, dad, you have a, your company has a billboard in town? Dang, I was born into the right family. I'm like, baby, you're going to learn something about lift shorts.
Starting point is 00:28:00 It's not going to make much sense now, but trust me, one day it will all come around. One day when you're older, we're going to sit down with with la croix and an apple pie and have a little conversation so thank you for everyone that made the road to 200 a success made the billboard possible and like like we say with this podcast we're just gonna keep going so who knows what could happen on the road to 300. The cockroach of lifting podcasts about nothing. Actually, in the top five lifting podcasts of Northeast South Dakota. Yeah, that's not easy to do. One of the guys from the gym was asking me about it, and he's asking about it, and he's like,
Starting point is 00:28:38 is that supposed to make sense or anything? I'm like, no, it purposely doesn't make sense. And he's like, top five of lifting podcasts in Northeast South Dakota. You have to be like the only one in Northeast South Dakota, right? And I'm like, I'm pretty sure we're the only one in the state of South Dakota. I would say there's maybe five in the Midwest, maybe. Yeah. Like maybe our three or four state area here.
Starting point is 00:29:00 Right, right. Yes. That's awesome. Yep. All right. We're going to hear from our sponsors now all right the massonomics podcast is brought to you by spud inc and the master blaster ruck pack sled this piece of equipment is going to be your new favorite enemy a combination of cardio punishment and muscle endurance is what you have in store for you when using the ruck pack
Starting point is 00:29:21 sled simply strap into the weight and put the pack on to do long ruck hikes, lunges, stairs, runs, etc. When you want a little different type of punishment, simply take the pack off and put a sled strap on the pack and start sled dragging just by flipping your harness around the plates. This will be one of the most versatile tools you have in your arsenal for building muscle, burning fat, and getting in great shape. Check out the Spud Inc. Master Blaster Ruck Pack Sled online at Today's show was also brought to you by Lifting Large. Lifting Large is showing up in the show again. Add number three and we're not even done yet. Lifting Large sets the new standard for customer service within the strength world. Get email responses in hours, not days. They now have live website chat support available during the weekdays so you can get advice from a real power lifter with actual platform experience.
Starting point is 00:30:12 The Lifting Large team wants to help you achieve new PRs in the gym and on the competition stage. When you're ready to try single ply and make your way to the dark side, give them a call. Lifting Large is home to the Ground Lock Deadlift Slipper, and it's always in stock and always ready to ship. Massanomics listeners can save 20% on all Lifting Large branded products by using discount code MASS20 at checkout. That's M-A-S-S-2-0 to save 20% on all Lifting Large branded items. Place your orders at and you can follow them on Instagram at That's lifting large D.O.T. C.O.M. This episode is also brought to you by a hybrid performance method. If you've been training
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Starting point is 00:31:42 Buddy Caps first started lifting weights in the late 60s and began power lifting in the mid-70s. At the time, he was working for Image Barbell, building gym equipment. Around 1976, a local machine shop started making Olympic bars for them, calling it the Image Bar. In 1977, Image Barbell became Champion Barbell. It was then that Buddy started looking at the bars with an intent of changing them for the better. In 1979, Buddy bought his first lathe and began addressing the known issues. By 1980, his passion, drive, and purpose now had a greater mission. Buddy set out on his own to make what he believed was the greatest bar he had ever seen and trained with, and the Texas Power Bar was born.
Starting point is 00:32:19 It was strong as a house with the best knurling and was maintenance-free. Hundreds of state, national, massonomics, international, massonomics, and world powerlifting records have been and continue to be set and broken on the Texas Power Bar. To learn more about Texas Power Bars and buy one of their legendary bars, visit Thank you to our sponsors. Damn good sponsors. Great, great great great sponsors okay tanner so we've moved on from the road to 200 we're starting our journey on the road to 300 which means we got to talk
Starting point is 00:32:55 about stuff now ah damn i was just hoping to talk about podcast reviews for the this whole episode podcast reviews and ads well we're gonna work our way there but um today we did almost half of the episode is that so we're getting we're getting better every day but now we'll get into we'll get into some happenings in the world of of lifting and and all of that good stuff the first one that i want to talk about is i see i think this was yesterday, Open Powerlifting released a graph of sorting. They took all the people in their database. This is just men now, sorting them by how much they can bench and seeing what percentile that places you in. So right off the bat, Tanner, you are in the top 1.29% of all bench pressers that have ever competed. How does that feel?
Starting point is 00:33:45 It's all right, but I've really been shooting for the top 1.28%, so it's a little bit of a letdown. Yeah, a little bit of a slap in the face, a punch in the shorts. I would say that seems more elite than what I would have guessed. Like if you just asked me to guess where my bench would put me, I wouldn't say at 1.29%. That seems like a really tiny. It does. Like I was actually shocked by the two. Okay. One thing though, I should, have you benched over four 50 in competition? Yeah. And that's what I was going to say. So in the gym I've done four
Starting point is 00:34:19 75, but in competition I've done four 40. So what does that actually put me at? Okay. So then you're in the top 3.9%. Okay. But even there, you're in the very top end of that range so you're probably really still are in the top like two point two percent you know right um but yeah i was a little shocked by that my my highest yeah where do you competition bench ever is i think like 325 or 324 whatever that kilo break is there uh but that puts me in the top 21.1 oh sorry top 24.4 percent and in the top I even thought that seemed a little high yeah I even thought that seemed a little high but I guess once you start doing it you know you get used to just being like especially if you're around bigger people right um you just get used to well you're bigger um benching 350 ish in there or anywhere 300 to 350 that's like oh that's just what people
Starting point is 00:35:12 do when you weigh around 200 ish pounds right and uh um you forget that there is also a lot of weight classes below that where things getting over 300 is a is a very respectable bench right right for sure and really by all by all measures over 300 is a very respectable bench. Right, right, for sure. And really, by all measures, over 300 is a respectable bench at any time. You know, there's, that's nothing to, that doesn't happen accidentally. No, we've said it many times before,
Starting point is 00:35:37 you just get desensitized, A, from being around people that are really strong, and, like, B, having Instagram, where you just see the most ridiculous stuff in the world. Like you start to... Everyone benches 500. Right, right. You start to be like, well, 300, like that's... I just watched 10 people bench 500 on the internet today.
Starting point is 00:35:54 You know, like you do... It's easy to forget that that is a lot more than what most people are doing. But we do have numbers to prove now that approximately 98 percent of people are on the road to 500 for a bench press so those are there yes 98 are on the road hashtag road to 500 yeah hashtag road to 500 so yeah it's um it's big benches are much harder to come by than what you think they are, I guess, is the takeaway from this. And the biggest takeaway is in the 700 to 749 range, pounds we're talking, there's only five people that have ever done that. And 750 plus, Julius Maddox is the only one. And he is shortly here going to be going for 800, which is like, okay, the line is 700 to 749 and then potentially 800.
Starting point is 00:36:51 Did you see, though, that maybe he is a human being? Did you see what he did this week? Yeah, he had a miss at what, 790? 790, I think, yeah. I don't know that missing 790 still qualifies as making someone human but like a barely missing 790 as loose as you could possibly ever use that term right but it was interesting to note like I'm sure he's missed reps before in his life but I can't recall in this let in over this run of his ridiculous benching like I can't remember seeing him do
Starting point is 00:37:24 something where it's like even like oh that was looked hard or you know that uh yeah and it didn't it wasn't like he just completely bombed out on it like he didn't bring it down it just sat on his chest he just didn't lock it out like his other ones but with how easy his things move i wouldn't be surprised if on meet day he just shows up and throws it up like that wouldn't surprise me at all yeah uh i wonder like mentally that's a little bit of a challenge i suppose for someone if they you know i i'm sure he didn't want to miss that obviously no yeah that's that's never ideal to be missing a big lift
Starting point is 00:37:55 under what you're going for right into a meet right but i suppose you know they're still peaking to be done and that sort of thing so i i i by no means believe that the 800 is ruled out because of that, but I imagine that does not help. Mentally. It's just, it's a hurdle probably mentally more than anything. Right? Yes,
Starting point is 00:38:15 I agree. So that's, that's actually, that's our, uh, open powerlifting stat of the day segment right there. It's been a while since we had one of those. So the open powerlifting stat of the day segment brought to you by our friends over at open powerlifting stat of the day segment right there. It's been a while since we had one of those. So the open powerlifting stat of the day segment brought to you by our
Starting point is 00:38:28 friends over at open powerlifting. Yeah. Thanks for that. And also in lifting related news, as, as the world slowly decides to start opening up in, in various capacities here due to the Corona virus, uh, Tanner, you ran across like the USAPL has released a formal. to start opening up in various capacities here due to the coronavirus.
Starting point is 00:38:50 Tanner, you ran across, like the USAPL has released a formal set of rules for competitions going forward. Yeah, and I think, I don't know, I'm not sure if it's effective immediately or effective relatively soon here. I don't know what the date was, but they, competitions, they have a plan for competitions going forward that they will be allowed to go on everyone there including the competitors will have to wear a mask so even as you're squatting you know you'd be you'd be wearing a mask that don't you know cloth and homemade masks are allowed uh i did think it was interesting they did note that there was some rules about like
Starting point is 00:39:23 branding on the masks just like there is with everything with them like of course yeah yeah i'm like oh no brands yeah no brand rides for free right i'm like oh come on like even on the mask like my god um we are in unprecedented times but we stand true to our corporate overlords yes uh and then what else there was rules about they were going to waive the equipment check-in which is interesting it makes sense completely it does make it's it's the most touchy-feely process of the whole thing yeah but interesting to think that in us apl that they wouldn't but they did say that they would spot check if they wanted to so if you look if something looked fishy they would get get you i'm sure but it's funny to think that they wouldn't but they did say that they would spot check if they wanted to so if you look if something looked fishy they would get get you i'm sure but it's funny to think that they would
Starting point is 00:40:07 just completely waive that for how particular like i've been at meets where and you have too where they they check everything pretty closely and like you've yeah there's been certain wraps at times i remember for a meet where i like it took some convincing that i would even be allowed to use them and they were and they were just wrist wraps. It was nothing. Nothing at all. Right, no, no, no, not at all. And what are some of the other rules?
Starting point is 00:40:34 The weigh-ins, they really laid everything out from start to finish. They kind of had a plan for all of it. The other thing was these sessions could only be up to two flights at a time of a max of 14 each and they that those two flights would have to run all the way through all their lifts and have like an awards and do everything and drug testing and then they could start another um session of that but to me i'm, how are you doing more than one of those in a day? Maybe that's what I think it like in my head, that's got to just murder the timeframe to get these things done. Like it's so hard. It's obviously the most efficient way to do things
Starting point is 00:41:16 is just batch them together so you can do them all at once. And so to like run a whole meet, get done, shoo everyone out, and then be like, okay, we're going to start up and run another meet. Oh, that's got to be so slow. Imagine that for spotters and loaders and stuff. They've got to switch out all the events more than once. All right, now that the platform's cleared off, everyone's done deadlifting, bring the combo rack back out.
Starting point is 00:41:39 We've got to get everything set up and ready to go. To me, that's more so saying that the meats are going to be limited to 28 competitors if you're going to hold one is the way i would look at that because otherwise it's kind of what it seems like yeah um that's not very practical and also also like you know if you're having a meat and i don't think it's unreasonable for a lot of people to say meats take eight hours or so yeah more or less depending on how full the meat is but i don't think eight hours is an unreasonable time frame um to now have to think that uh you're probably just with all the extra messing around if they want to get done in eight hours that means a whole flight the whole lifting is gonna on your end is gonna have to be done in three hours yeah that that's a lot of lifting to get done
Starting point is 00:42:18 maxing out and warming up in all three things in three hours that that's a fairly tight time frame yep yeah it is so it's interesting eventually here we're going to actually see some meats go on probably and julius's thing is a meat to the where he's planning on doing the 800 you know i think it's just a bench only uspa meat but i'll be curious to see footage of that first meat that goes on and see what it actually what it actually looks like and how things go. Yeah, I will be too. And I mean, it's good and be proactive and have some type of plan and don't let it just be like, Oh, whatever people feel like doing is fine. Like I get to me, that
Starting point is 00:42:55 kind of is the point of a federation is to offer some guidance and rules on, okay, this is how we should be doing it. And safety is a concern. So we should be watching out for this stuff, but yeah, it'll be interesting to just, I I i'm not sure is there going to be that many people competing even going in the next six months you know a lot of people have had gyms closed right yes um a lot of people i'm able to train like normal yeah i can't imagine there's a huge demand for people to be like i need to get to me right now like that just doesn't seem like it is but i mean there's always gonna be people that you hold a meet they're gonna show up it doesn't seem like it is. But I mean, there's always going to be people that you hold a meet. They're going to show up. It doesn't matter if they're going to have a PR or significantly worse than a worse performance
Starting point is 00:43:30 than what they've done in the past. Some people just like to do meets. Right. Yeah. So I guess we'll see. Interesting, too, as I just thought about this right now. Did you hear what the NBA is doing for the rest of their season now? Well, so I was kind of catching just pieces of this um
Starting point is 00:43:45 on tv are they is everyone going to disney world is that what orlando well not everyone 22 teams 22 of the yes sorry yes 22 teams and is it like they did they take the top 10 or something or 11 in each conference or what were they yeah yeah i think it's the the 16 is what will go to the 16 will go to the 16 will go to the playoffs like normal and then they decided to take you know an additional what what's that leave then uh uh six more so like the next best six that have a shot of uh making the playoffs so they can play these remaining games and have a shot of still getting in and it's yeah it's in like the this complex in Orlando and
Starting point is 00:44:25 I don't know if there's maybe like three or four different arenas there that they'll play these games and they're all kind of on semi-lockdown there even though even the Orlando team you know Orlando would be one that's there but they'd still be in the bubble like quote-unquote yeah they'd be within the bubble yep yeah and like the some teams that would come in especially like the New York teams they will have to be quarantined for like two weeks there before they can whatever
Starting point is 00:44:54 play are they is this going to be like any type of regular season or is this going straight into playoffs they're finishing the regular season the schedule is loosely based off of what the remaining schedule would have been but they're basically jam-packing these games in to a shorter amount of time and i'm not sure a normal nba season is 82 games i don't think that they're going to go for 82 games uh you know to
Starting point is 00:45:22 finish out the season with the full 82. But they, I don't think they've really completely released the schedule of what these games are going to be, but they're going to be tighter, compacted. They're going to play like multiple games in a day in these arenas. Like there'll be like the same team. No,
Starting point is 00:45:36 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 00:45:38 no, no, no, but they'll play like cycling a lot. Like you're in a tournament, right? Your kids. Right,
Starting point is 00:45:42 right. Yes, exactly. Which, but it's funny because it's instead of like your fifth grade ymca basketball tournament it's lebron james and right you know the los angeles lakers and the boston celtics and and i'm assuming like no crowd right i think so i didn't really see the specifics on that but that was certainly my assumption is no crowd it'll be they'll be video televised i'm sure you know there's a certain number of people
Starting point is 00:46:06 required to be there to just like i i would be shocked if even like this bare bones crew is less than 100 people between all of the well they're just the broadcasting people can you do i mean full broadcast like that and not have a hundred people i would say it'll be like 500 people probably like honestly because the team the trainers the the trainers all of the support staff security everything yes security do you still need people to open and run the venue right i honestly there's going in i figured if their game's going on there'll be like 500 people there i bet but it is a huge stadium so theoretically most of those people would be on top of each other i suppose but right yeah it would
Starting point is 00:46:46 require hundreds of people there for sure like there's no way around it i don't think and that's the thing it's like you can't quarantine all those people right yeah they work yeah especially like people that work there but um what else about i just thought is really interesting and then they'll go into the playoffs and they the playoffs won't finish until like october and then the oh so they are going that late yeah and then the next season would normally start in like a week or two after that so they're the next season is going to have to be like pushed back a little bit because they're going to need some sort of break after the playoffs you know but yeah it's I'm really curious to see how it works out and everything like I'm glad that they're starting to do something but I'd be curious to see
Starting point is 00:47:31 it's like a wake it's such a crazy circumstance like for these NBA players like it's normal if you're a fifth grade eighth grade basketball player but like that your game gets uh get snowed out and you have a reschedule your game but yeah that'll be i mean it i'm all on board for creative thinking and ways for people to figure out how to make this stuff work um it's it'll be really interesting to see how it plays out with this whole thing i've never been like recently the last few years i haven't been a huge fan of the nba i do think there's some really really talent. I just haven't followed it super close, but with no sports going on, I'm like, I want to watch something, give me something to watch. So I could see myself watching quite a few games if, if it gets back on here. And they have said, which this, some of these people, like people just by averages or
Starting point is 00:48:20 the numbers, somebody is going to get coronavirus, you know, like it's going to happen. you could and they're they said they're not shutting down if that happened you know i suppose if things got wild you know where like yeah the whole league is getting it they would they would change but uh in the case of someone get you know an individual getting it they're not going to shut this down there you know that person will be you know they'll handle that on a one-off basis but i they did have a plan for that which you would have to like you can't go into it assuming it's not gonna happen they also have the the old ace in their sleeve that most people don't and that's they're super super rich and well yeah so when things don't go right you have like unlimited resources for things to get fixed which everyone else in the world and it sounded like the players are going to get tested every day like they'll be
Starting point is 00:49:05 testing them every single day for coronavirus which something like that i may be blurring some of the stuff but that's kind of what it sounded like is they'll be tested almost constantly while they're there yeah and it makes sense but for the players you know this i think this is was technically an owner's decision or a league decision, but for the players, some may not play. It'll be up to their decision, but as it is now, they're not getting their normal game checks because they're not playing. Yeah, I saw that. So a lot of them are going to want to play games
Starting point is 00:49:39 because they want to start getting paid like normal, I'm sure. Granted, they're rich. They want to start getting paid like normal, I'm sure. Like, granted, they're rich. Most of the, or, you tend to think, like, with sports, you tend to think of the really rich guys. Like, oh, LeBron James, what does he need another paycheck for? Yeah, that's not, he is one of a couple guys,
Starting point is 00:50:02 like, literally a couple guys in the league that's at that level. And, like, the people that league minimum granted are still making a lot of money but a lot of those guys probably have a lot of bills and like you know and a lot of money is relative like there's probably and family yeah and with that comes an inflated uh lifestyle so it's and like there's some of those guys that are probably making a you know a few hundred thousand dollars a year i suppose which i mean seems really silly to say like it's not a lot but i mean it's just not what you sometimes think of like as these rich professional athletes you know it's not like um so i'm sure a lot of them want to start making money again yeah i'm sure they are and well your same thing your athletic window is right in the scheme of life, relatively small.
Starting point is 00:50:46 And then you could go into a game and get hurt and that paycheck's gone forever. Yeah. Whatever happens with all of this stuff, you can get in a car accident, you know, and it's like, okay,
Starting point is 00:50:54 I can't play in the NBA anymore. So it's like, I'm sure while the, while the window's there, you want to take advantage of it. for sure. Well, it'll be,
Starting point is 00:51:01 yeah, it'll be really interesting to see if they can get something going and what that looks like in this day and age. Yeah, it'll be really interesting to see if they can get something going and what that looks like in this day and age. Yeah, for sure. Tanner, we are getting down towards the end of the podcast. Should we hop? Well, luckily for you and everyone else here, we have a little game prepared,
Starting point is 00:51:19 something I like to call Overrated Underrated. I do have one bit of follow-up on Overrated Underrated. I like to call overrated underrated I do have one bit of follow-up on overrated underrated I was um Wheel of Fortune was on the other day oh and one of the sponsors on Wheel of Fortune was like a Margaritaville Margaritaville kept coming up and I like I had to do a double take there is actually a Margaritaville senior plan community you can live in. Did you know that? No, I did not. And I have it pulled up here.
Starting point is 00:51:48 There's three locations. One of them is called, so this is Latitude Margaritaville in Daytona Beach, Florida. That seems like an appropriate place. Inspired by Jimmy Buffett and his iconic songs, this new development will feature restaurants and bars that serve cheeseburgers in paradise and plenty of frozen concoctions. So if you want to live in the real Margaritaville, you can actually do that now. Prices range from $250,000 to $400,000 for the villas and single-family homes.
Starting point is 00:52:20 A family home? Are you going to move there with your family? I think when it says, it does say age restricted. So I'm assuming you probably have to be like over 55 to live there. And single family, just meaning it's not a townhouse or a condo or whatever. Yeah, I think it's like you and your spouse live there probably. Can't imagine people wanting to move into a place like that. That's called, I mean, it might be all right and stuff, but it just seems so gimmicky for what you want to base your entire life around.
Starting point is 00:52:50 It says right here they're claiming they are one of the 50 best master plan communities in the United States. And I suppose it could just be really nice. If it is just really nice and not overly... A gimmick. Over the top. Overly like they don't have just just life size statues of Jimmy Buffett. Yeah. Right.
Starting point is 00:53:10 So something to strive for. And I thought you were going to say maybe one of the main sponsors was McDonald's apple pies. Yeah. That would be even better. Margarita brought to you by McDonald's apple pie, the McDonald's apple pie. Yeah. That I think maybe we should pitch that to McDonald's apple pie. The McDonald's apple pie. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:26 I think maybe we should pitch that to McDonald's and then collect a finder's fee for giving them that matchup. Yeah, I think so too. Okay. Topic number one this week. Are you ready, Tommy? I am ready. Overrated or underrated?
Starting point is 00:53:41 Dad jokes. Dad jokes. You may be looking at this in a different light now. I know. I was going to say, I would say they were a little overrated, but now that I'm formally a part of the club, I probably have to go underrated. They have a whole new take on things, I guess, now from my perspective in life.
Starting point is 00:53:59 So I think I'll say once you've crossed that line, it's now underrated. Have you been brushing up on dad jokes yet or anything like that? I haven't, no. I've only been a dad for like three days, Tanner. You've got to give me a little bit of time. Hasn't anyone given you the handbook yet? I have not, actually. I have not got it yet.
Starting point is 00:54:18 Usually, as you leave the hospital, they hand one of those out, I figured. Yep, I must have missed it comes with a pamphlet full of dad jokes and a pair of uh nike uh what are they air monarchs and they're like here you go you're lame now or like a list of like if these aren't available see new balance 504 whatever it is but you did say underrated on Dad Jokes? I did say underrated. Is that really how you feel or is that...
Starting point is 00:54:50 For now. Okay. For now, it's how I feel. Overrated or underrated? Yum Yum Sauce. I hate the name. The name sounds... That has to be the most...
Starting point is 00:55:04 There's no way that yum yum sauce. Okay. You're talking for people that don't know you're talking about yum yum sauce, like in the, go to an Asian restaurant of some kind and the sauce that they use there. Yeah. Not only that, you buy it at the store in the bottle now and it's called yum yum sauce.
Starting point is 00:55:16 Yeah. That has to be something that like somebody, some savvy food marketer was like, Oh, if we named this yum yum sauce it'll really catch people's attention right i think i don't know what the origins is there any way the translation was directly just yum yum sauce well that's what i so i i i know so little about it i don't know is like yum yum like is that was that the oriental name of this sauce or was it was just
Starting point is 00:55:44 when these restaurants came over and they started popping them up in uh america they just called it yum yum like it's yummy sauce i really didn't know i i don't know i've wondered the same thing because i wasn't to be honest super familiar with the name yum yum sauce until maybe the last year or so i feel like it's really blown up in the number of places you see it but um it's good i think it tastes great i'd. I feel like it's really blown up in the number of places you see it, but it's good. I think it tastes great. I'd love, that's one of, to me, one of the awesome things about Asian cuisine is that it's so, the sauces like rule it, at least in the Asian restaurants I go to, the sauces are what it's all about. Like that's where all the flavor comes from. And you get some really crazy, fun intense flavors i think yum yum fits
Starting point is 00:56:25 in there too i'm not a fan of the name but i do like the sauce so i guess i'll say underrated underrated we have a bottle of it in our refrigerator refrigerator right now my son will pretty much eat anything if it has yum yum sauce on it i should get one for at home here. Yeah. All right. Overrated, underrated, K-Swiss. K-Swiss. K-Swiss. And I guess I'm kind of saying the brand, but essentially I'm saying like the white shoes, you know. But I'm saying the brand. But you are talking about K-Swiss though.
Starting point is 00:57:03 You are talking about K-Swiss. This is one of those, I am, I will admit, I am a fan of sneakers and shoes and all that, but I'm like one of those people that sits on the sidelines of it. Um, like I've followed numerous sneaker channels on YouTube where they talk about the shoes and review them. And I've always loved shoes. I just hate spending $200 on shoes. Like that's my thing that I always struggle with, especially in our part of the country where you could leave the house. You could have a really nice white pair of shoes that it's like, I don't, these are special. I only leave on nice occasions. You could leave the house on the most beautiful day. And because of where we live, you could get caught in the most craziest storm.
Starting point is 00:57:43 That's like blowing wind and mud and dust everywhere and your shoes are ruined yeah so that's why i have such a hard time with and then don't even i mean winter time is just essentially eight months of the year is off limits for wearing shoes that you care about around here it really is yeah it's just you're walking in mud salt and slush and disgusting stuff for so long so the upper midwest is a really tough place in my opinion to be a fan of nice sneakers yeah um with that being said k-swiss how do they fit into the equation i would say k-swiss is i mean i don't like k-swiss i think you suck i don't care for them at all um that's in your bad person if you wear them. I just think that they're really lame.
Starting point is 00:58:26 They had their time of, you know, they had their time in the spotlight in what, like the late 90s maybe? I had some at some point, you know, when I was in the. Yeah, lots of people did. Lots of people did. Actually, I think I did probably in middle school. I think I probably had a pair then. That probably would have been right around 2000-ish. But I think the
Starting point is 00:58:46 company sucks so that but and i think most people would say the same thing too so that would wouldn't you say that that means that they're underrated but i just i can't give i can't give k-swiss an underrated i can't do it like i can't say that so i have to say k-swiss is overrated overrated on the k-swiss the iconic white sneaker the iconic five-stripe okay last topic for today of overrated underrated overrated or underrated spike ball spike ball um i've only played spike ball once i got spike ball as a wedding gift and haven't actually taken it out of the box and played with yet i'd love to that's one that brings me to why spike ball is a topic today one time at your house i saw it sitting there and i always thought oh i'll use that as a topic someday and i forgot about it and then thought of it again one day yeah i have
Starting point is 00:59:43 played it one time and the one time i played i'm like this is this is fun i had a good time like if you're just if you're outside and you're gonna set it up and do it um it can be a fun little thing to do but it's probably it's probably have you ever seen people play it on tv correct me if i'm wrong i think it was a shark it was came from through shark tank at one point in time oh it could i think i remember seeing it on shark tank someone can fact check that but i think it's what you get some pretty good ball these rallies however you describe is it like that when you play it or is it more like oh everyone sucks this isn't any fun no i've seen some pretty good ones go like that that go for
Starting point is 01:00:22 like some hits like like you do with volleyball. I mean, you get several hits back and forth going. You can also see, though, too, when people do get really good, like on the offense it can be really hard to stop it, which is how a lot of things go. When you've got the serve, it can be hard to have any defense against that. Spike ball, it's probably underrated. I don't think many people know about it, do they? I know i'm not really i'm probably not because i don't feel like i don't
Starting point is 01:00:50 feel like i've ever heard anyone talk about it or if people don't know what we're talking about spike ball it's basically like imagine a mini trampoline and then you spike a ball at it and the ball bounces into the air and you play it with four people you you know you you and a teammate versus two other people that are on a team together and you pretty much have unlimited volleys i think if i'm remembering the rules correctly you pretty much have unlimited volleys to get it back to the trampoline and then you have to spike it and as soon as it spikes the trampoline the ball hits the trampoline it's now the other team's turn to you know put a rally together on it but um how much does that thing cost do you think is it like 100 bucks or 50 bucks oh no no no no i think it's like 50 yeah let's see i'll tell you
Starting point is 01:01:32 right now spike ball you can get the entire setup for spike ball the little trampoline net thing a bag the balls to go with it for 60 bucks okay pretty uh pretty cheap cheap way to have some fun in the backyard so I will say underrated underrated for spikeball all right that brings us to the end of overrated underrated and brings us close to the end of episode 218 what a ride this one has been there was new it was new babies billboards
Starting point is 01:02:02 eight case with Swiss those are probably the equal three highlights, all equally important in our lives. What about our stuff? Actually, there's a new shirt coming out. By the time this episode comes out, hopefully that new shirt is available. Should we talk about it or not talk about it then? We should, actually. If it's not out, it will be out day i mean they are on their way here so yeah it is the 8-bit power lifting t right and this is a uh it has some nods to the classic um video games of of yesteryear and it's it's just
Starting point is 01:02:39 got a cool it's got a cool flair to it it's it we got a guy squatting in some really old school video game style graphic and uh it looks like something that you would see on a cartridge from back in the day i it's a it's a different shirt for us but i i think it's really cool it is it is uh way different than anything we've done right like i mean it's it's not it's probably not it's different yeah it's way different i think it's still i think if you look at our brand oh it fits it yeah yeah yeah I think it fits in perfectly, but we just haven't done anything quite like it before. So it's pretty cool.
Starting point is 01:03:10 We're both excited for it. As of the time we're recording it, we still haven't actually seen it, but it is very close to on the way and getting here really soon. Yeah, it should be showing up any day in the off chance it doesn't show up tomorrow, then it should be here right away next week so there is a chance if you listen
Starting point is 01:03:27 this podcast really early it's not live yet but it will be any day now and it's printed on the same shirt that we did our white lift and our white uh blue ribbon shirt on which a lot of people have said they really really like the fit of that shirt so or maybe just slightly more fitted than our than our regular shirt a closer fit in style to like the don't curl in me and the curls yeah or yeah the curl shirt yeah just just but it is it's a very nice shirt it is i'm excited to see it and i'm excited for all of you to buy it out of stock yep uh get them so that's our stuff, of course, have to talk about our sponsors again. And if you've noticed, Tommy, maybe you've noticed this.
Starting point is 01:04:10 Everyone that sponsored our show, they've always continued to be sponsors of our show. They have. They've had a lot of chances to get out, but we just keep pulling them back in. That's a good sign. I think it's a good sign that the Mastodonics podcast is doing something right. And it shows that we're working with four pretty cool companies, I think, here that are all pretty. And I think it also shows that our listeners get what's up when they're supporting these brands. That's right.
Starting point is 01:04:35 That's right. So the four of them, the fearsome foursome is Spud Inc. The goal of Spud Inc. Straps is to make products that support sports performance and help everyone achieve their training goals. They make products that last forever, won't bust your budget, and most importantly, leave no doubt about success when everything is on the line. Check them out online at This episode is also brought to you by Hybrid Performance Method. They're your one-stop shop for all things fitness and online coaching. Whether your goals are training-related, nutrition and body composition-related, or or both hybrid has a program for you with dedicated and experienced coaches in each strength and fitness discipline you can
Starting point is 01:05:09 rest assured that you're in the best hands possible use our code mass m-a-s-s in all caps for five percent off any training or nutrition membership for the entire life of your membership visit today's show is also brought to you by texas power bars in 1980 buddy caps was on the mission to make the best bar possible, and the Texas Power Bar was born. It was strong as a house, had the best sterling, and was maintenance-free. Hundreds of massonomics, massonomics, massonomics, and massonomics records have been set and continue to be set and broken on the Texas Power Bar.
Starting point is 01:05:39 To learn more about Texas Power Bars and buy one of your own legendary bars, visit There's also world records, I think, too. Today's show is also brought to you by Lifting Large. Lifting Large has set a new standard for customer service within the strength world. They have live website chat support and speedy email responses. Lifting Large is home to the Ground Lock Deadlift Slipper, and they're always in stock and ready to ship.
Starting point is 01:06:03 Mastodonomics listeners, because you're so special, can save 20% on all Lifting Large branded products by using our discount code MAST20 when you check out. Thank you, sponsors. That's pretty much 218 in the bag. Tommy, where do people find you on Instagram? You can find me at Tomahawk underscore D. You can find me at Tanner underscore Baird,
Starting point is 01:06:24 but more importantly, check out Monomics at Massonomics. See you later.

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