Massenomics Podcast - Ep.219: The Review Train Keeps Rolling
Episode Date: June 15, 2020What will we hit first... 300 podcast episodes or 300 podcast reviews? We are taking bets now. We also discuss the recent CrossFit controversy. Hybrid Performance Method: and use code MASS to save 5% on all programs Lifting Large: and use code MASS20 to save on Lifting Large branded products Spud Inc.: Texas Power Bars:
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You know, thanks for what you do with your podcasts and all the rest.
You're doing a great job.
Hope everybody keeps tuning in.
You get a lot of good info, a lot of insights,
understandings on how to get strong, how to stay strong,
how to use your strength.
You do a great job, dude.
You make things better than they are in real life, I think.
If you don't follow Massanomics, y'all do it.
Social media, website, everything.
Welcome, everyone, back to the Massanomics podcast.
Here we are at episode 219.
We're back at making things better than they are in real life, just like we always do.
My name's Tanner.
And my name's Tommy.
Here we are at 219.
Of course, the show is brought to you by Dad Jokes, Yum Yum Sauce, K-Swiss, and Spikeball.
If that was our list of sponsors, wow.
That would be something else.
And how do you get money from Dad Jokes?
How do Dad Jokes sponsor the podcast?
Also, how do you get money from K-Swiss?
And Spikeball.
No, that was last week's topics of overrated underrated this show this particular show right here now episode 219 it's actually brought to you by texas power bars of course in 1980 buddy
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visit them at that's our sponsors them and of, K-Swiss Spikeball. Bad jokes and yum-yum sauce. That's a ragtag bunch, to say the least.
I did something interesting related to the Massonomics podcast this week, Tommy.
I thought you were going to say, I did a thing.
I did a thing.
Now you have my attention.
I don't know why I did this or how I came to it but I
listened to episode one of the
Mastanomics podcast
because I was looking through reviews or something like that
and I just clicked the episodes
and was scrolling through them I just was like how long is it
going to take me to scroll all the way to the bottom here
and I got there and I was like oh it's only like 20 minutes
long and I was in the middle of
working on somewhere I was going to be listening
we didn't do our episodes yet then did we no the first couple are like 20 minutes long and I was in the middle of working on somewhere. I was going to be listening. We didn't do our episodes yet then, did we?
No, no.
The first couple are only 20 minutes long.
So I listened to that first one.
The first one that we published was not the first one that we recorded though.
I think it was the second one.
It was the second one we recorded, wasn't it?
I don't know exactly why we did it that way, but that, that was, that was Tyler's scheme.
I think.
I don't remember why, because that was intentional from the very get-go.
You know, he had more of the vision for it.
We had no idea what we were doing.
So yeah, he had some thought process.
We had no idea, though.
So the first one that was published, we talked about the gym.
The gym was moving.
We're going to be moving to our new location.
So the first one we published, which was actually the second one we recorded,
we talked about the gym, and it was about 20 minutes long and i just wanted to share my cliff
notes having uh it be four years later down the road and having recorded over 200 more podcasts
since then yep like you might listen to it thinking like oh this is going to be terrible we
sucked we didn't know what we were doing and i don't think it was terrible at all
like there was no weird silence like i thought it had a really decent flow to it and you know
we did not sound like dummies i think all three of us sounded like we knew what we were talking
about and you could uh probably view it as entertaining or informative at some level but what i would say it was not very funny it was not there was not a
lot of like character to like the character to the show is night and day different between then and
now that's the biggest thing i noticed as a difference we've really we've really developed
some commentary over the years yeah like i don't know if any one of us hardly laughed once more
than you would laugh like if you were having a conversation with someone you kind of know and someone says something that's kind of a joke almost and you kind of chuckle a little bit, whereas now the whole thing's kind of a joke.
Yeah, I don't remember laughing a whole lot in the very beginning. I mean, we were definitely having fun, but it wasn't like, yeah, all right, we're going to joke around and say almost nothing this entire time. But yeah, it has changed a lot, hasn't it? Well, and I don't think that
when that it evolved more into what it is now, of course, you know, just over time at the beginning,
we weren't going into it thinking like, yeah, let's just joke around. It wasn't like,
let's do a podcast where we joke around with each other and talk a little bit about lifting occasionally.
I think it was more like, let's do a podcast about lifting.
Yes, it was.
Lifting and our experience is lifting and everything.
And also, we've said this before, too, but the idea then of making it 20 episodes sounded like a vast, large catalog.
Like an incredible catalog of 20 episodes.
That seemed, in my head that was
like some crazy number and now um the idea of 20 episodes is like that's nothing even the idea of
having 300 episodes it still feels like oh that's that's still not much right now right right i i
did listen to part of the of the second one too you know it was like 20 minutes long i didn't catch the listen to the whole thing but uh i did that that was very much the same way and that was just kind of us
three all talking about our backgrounds and like lifting and just caught you know it was like
taking me back that tyler was talking he's like yeah i'm pretty much just getting into this
working out thing you know like it's pretty new to me and i
just like i forgot that like that almost that was surprising to me i'm like oh yeah when he started
or when we started he was just kind of like just getting into it then you know he obviously had
an athletic background you know right right it's not like he wasn't an athlete of any kind
but now he's in europe making a living doing it so it's like yeah how things
change yeah because his even you know his quote even as i'm because i just listened to a couple
days ago you know it's like i just got off the couch a year ago and i've lost a bunch of weight
like that was his thing at the time was like getting active and losing weight which is just
kind of kind of and we were both like right in the heat of you know it was in
like april of 16 so we think just done power lifting meets yep we would we always did a
meet in march so yeah we would have just finished up right uh one of our first few meets probably
yes so we were talking a little bit about power lifting meets from back then oh that's that's
funny but i do think they they were not terrible they none of
the like you wouldn't you wouldn't listen to any of it and cringe really like i it wasn't bad like
i'm like hey that is not bad for some people just like starting out i don't you know i i get to give
us some credit there i think yeah that that is good do you remember, was K-Swiss a sponsor then?
I know that we had... We were in serious talks with them.
Was that what it was?
Yeah, I know we were working on it with them.
I don't know if Yum Yum Sauce was as popular back in 2016.
Yeah, so the sponsors have changed a little bit through the years, I guess.
We didn't talk about Lift Sh, apple pies, druthers.
Sparkling waters.
Sparkling waters.
JD Power Associates Awards.
No, there was none of that.
Like all of my favorite things about the podcast now, like none of that existed yet.
Podcast reviews.
Kaz quotes.
None of it existed yet.
We talked about our website that had just launched and that we have cool stuff to check out there.
We didn't get into specifics about anything on the site, but I don't think the Lyft shirt even existed yet.
So I suppose our site was like the OG shirts and OG hats.
That would have been about it, yeah.
Which at the time we were selling almost none of.
Yeah, like essentially none of yeah yeah in
some things don't change right yeah yeah the more things change the more they stay the same
that's that's the old saying but it is we did something came up about kaz like tyler even
brought up kaz and it's just really funny to me thinking like he's talking about Kaz maybe like watching him do strongman on tv or something like that and just how cool it was
and it's just so crazy to me it's like well yeah we went on to we interviewed Kaz twice after this
and like Kaz has sent us some of his coffee and like we've talked to Kaz on multiple occasions
and like Kaz is like his quote is this big running joke on our show.
It's just kind of funny to me.
It's like at the time it was just he was more this larger than life character.
And like come a few four years down the road, it's like, oh, yeah, Kaz.
You know, it's not the same.
That is funny when you think of it like putting it ahead.
If we would have known that would have been like well massonomics achieved everything it could have
ever possibly done that was it yeah if 2016 us could see it now we'd be like oh my god how did
we get there who did they make a deal with to get to this point yeah not even like it's that great
yeah no exactly that's how low our expectations were. The expectations were, yeah, absolutely nothing.
As they should be, right?
Yeah, right.
So that was my one little comment on that that I thought was interesting.
All right, yeah.
I'll take a trip down memory lane here one of these days and revisit it.
I thought maybe we should have done one of those uh youtube uh videos where
like it's me you see a video of you and me watching it at the computer and we
we talk tanner and tommy react yeah
that would be good yeah but also uh bringing the podcast up to modern day now uh road to 200 is complete yeah but uh road to 200 is
complete but that doesn't mean that people have stopped sending reviews in it doesn't mean they've
stopped at all last week we announced that we broke the 200 barrier we actually landed at 202
last week which was awesome uh you guys did it and you all know about the billboard. We talked about it last time, and everyone's been looking at it since.
I didn't tell you this.
Okay, one thing before I forget.
The president of North Dakota, the man behind that review,
messaged he and his wife were asking how long the billboard's going to be up and what towns people fly into if they come to Aberdeen, South Dakota,
because they are actively currently considering flying here sometime over this month
because they want to get their picture with the billboard.
And let's be honest.
That's not a joke.
I was going to say, with the current state of the world and traveling, we probably did more for the tourism industry in this town than any other than any other person, body or agency has done.
You mean with those two people?
With those two people.
With those two people considering coming.
But it is up until the end of July.
So if you want to get your picture with it, you better act quick.
You know, there's not going to be a lot of time left there. And in case you're wondering, this probably sounds
like there's no roads in our town, but it is on South Dakota Street. It is on South Dakota Street.
That's right. That's true. Dakota Street, south of the railroad tracks, yes. Yep, which makes it South Dakota Street.
Yeah, that's a good point.
Okay, so we did get another assload of reviews.
We were at 202.
Do you want to know what we jumped up to?
Well, you said assload.
So to me, that's got to be pretty close to 217.
That is an assload. I'm glad our our ass loads are calibrated to be about the same
yeah your ass load is uh 15 and my ass load is 14 funny how it's that close yeah um yeah we got
another 14 which is just crazy that's after we already hit the 200 and people are still
clamoring it i mean it's not
going to be long until we get to start talking about the road to 300 and then that means we
got to figure out something to do for the road to 300 so that that is true like it that's going to
be the biggest challenge is how we one-up ourselves on these uh uh what do you what are these ridiculous
publicity stunts yeah i will gladly take that challenge on though so i help people push us
because i want to know what we're going to come up
So we were talking before we started recording that with these influx of all
the reviews,
every time it's going to be get the podcast will turn into nothing but ads
and reviews.
So we've devised a pretty elaborate strategy here where we're just going to
read a few of them each time.
Like we're not leaving any out. We're just going to read a few of them each time. Like we're not leaving
any out. We're just going to leave a few. So if things keep coming in, we're going to have a lot
of podcast reviews. If things do slow down, we will get, I mean, regardless where you get to
yours eventually, just, it depends on how fast they keep coming in with the backlog building.
Right. And if we get backlogged too much, we're just going to strictly have to have a podcast
review episode where we do nothing but read podcasts.
The review and sponsorship episode like we've always dreamed of.
So do you want to hear a few?
Yeah, let's hear a couple of them.
First one is from, their name is AHA is greater than LaCroix.
Oh, AHA.
Is that aha?
Not familiar with it.
Like a delicious can of LaCroix.
Like a warm McDonald's apple pie.
Like listening to the smooth sounds of How I Met Your Mother.
Like learning how to get strong, stay strong, and how to use your strength.
And most importantly, like putting on a comfy pair of oversized lift shorts.
That kind of speaks to me on a deep level there.
Especially the smooth sounds of how I met your mother.
Yeah, yeah.
Barney Stinson, isn't it Barney Stinson?
Barney Stinson's voice piped right into your ears.
Or Marshall or whatever.
Whatever the one is that winds all the way.
I don't know.
That's Ted most people. Oh, one is that winds all the way. I don't know. That's Ted Mosby.
Oh, Ted.
Okay, okay.
Marshall's the one that went on to be in other things.
He's the tall one.
Oh, okay.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Whatever that actor's name is.
Okay, next one is from Johnson Benji or Benjamin.
I'm pretty sure that's who that is.
He follows along pretty closely.
He says, most entertaining strength podcast.
These guys, Tommy and Tanner, RIP Tyler,
will keep you laughing during the podcast.
Honestly, these guys make things better
than they are in real life.
Excellent sound quality with voices for podcasting
and faces for YouTube.
These guys keep it lighthearted while cracking,
open a crispy boy, and opening a bag.
A great easy
lifting podcast with the best segments.
Five out of five underrated.
We do
make things better than they are in real life. There's no doubt
about that. Yep. We didn't
have someone say that on accident. That's for sure.
Next one is from
Conrad Rosales
and his title is SI.
He says, if you like inside jokes, high quality gear, maybe some expensive shorts, then this is the place for you.
Ever wonder how to use your strength or listen to something that's better than real life?
Listen to those two Kings of Aberdeen chit chat over some warm LaCroix.
Kings of Aberdeen.
Kings of Aberdeen and the warm and hot LaCroix I don't know why but that gets me every time like I just that is just really funny to me yeah that's
something that's really gained some steam lately yes this okay okay yeah I I pre-read a couple of
these in this one I like this um title is the Show About Nothing, but the killer part of this guy's review is his name.
And his name is Poon Slayer 69X.
Okay, okay.
I'm interested to hear what this guy has for us.
This show is literally about nothing.
I have never learned how to get strong, stay strong,
or use the strength I've never received,
but I keep coming back for more.
Thank you, PoonSlayer69X.
You know, if he plays his cards right,
his name could be up on a billboard someday too.
That would be something if we put up PoonSlayer69.
I wonder if there'd be issues with that.
The printing company might fight us on that one a little bit.
Okay, this is the last one we'll read for today.
This will be number five.
His name is MattIsAwesome.
Title, Road to 300.
It says, how many pods could a podcast pod
if a podcast could cast pods?
It's a classic riddle.
Yes, it is.
The answer, though, is 219.
For now.
So those are the ones we got to today.
We didn't get to some years, but we will get to them eventually.
Thank you.
Thank you again, everyone, for those reviews.
Special thanks to Poonslayer.
Mr. Poonslayer. Mr. Poon Slayer.
Mr. 69X.
That's Dr. Poon Slayer to you.
Yeah, yeah.
So last week we did mention that the billboard was going up.
This week we got it out for the world to see,
and we got some reactions out of it.
And most people, I think we're pretty shocked for the
most part that we had a billboard. It's real too. And that it's real. Yes. And also that it is real.
There was a lot of those going, going back and forth of people debating whether it is a real
thing, but it is in fact real. People have seen it. And, um, I think it, I think it was a good
idea, Tanner. It was was i think it even turned
out to be a better idea than what we when we laughed about it and originally thinking of it
i think it was i think it was actually a great idea that's what i would say we don't have many
of those but every once in a while we have a great idea that that was one of them for sure
it was big it definitely it definitely delivered on the big too there's no doubt about it yeah we did not let down there at all no
wow so um i guess that means we're done talking about masonomic stuff now right
oh that's the only reason i came today i think the i think the podcast is done that's everything
before we started you were talking about a show that i'd i'd recommended on the podcast before and you said you've watched it a little bit it's uh the prophet oh yeah you
said you checked it out yeah we didn't talk so what you were saying you did like it then i yeah
i've only seen two episodes but um it i've i'm getting to the point where i think i've seen
almost every episode of shark tank now like to the point where to the point where it's almost like okay this show you get the formula like you get the
formula you get how they're gonna act and sometimes you're like all right these they're just being
annoying rich assholes sometimes now too well and the longer that show goes on it's the problem that
a lot of shows have like uh impractical jokers is a popular show i was never that into
it i don't know if you know it like these guys four guys do these practical jokes yeah i never
liked that show no i didn't either but at a certain point everyone in the world note recognizes those
guys so how do they even continue to have a show because it's like everyone gets the shtick and
knows who they are before they even start and my thing with shark tank is like after a while everyone has watched shark tank they know like what the what happens on the show like i mean
there's like so few surprises anymore like okay they're gonna bust my balls on the numbers like
at that point if you don't know the numbers like why are you even coming on the show yeah you know
kevin's gonna say your valuation sucks mark's trying to defend you and say, it's not that bad.
Lori has,
you're going to say Lori's the perfect partner because I want to get this on
they're going to argue that I can get things on QVC too.
You know,
Kevin's going to try and cut a royalty deal.
Everyone else is going to say that that's a terrible idea.
Someone else will go for some more,
a bigger percentage of your business.
Everyone else will tell them that they're being greedy.
And it's like, or everyone's just going to say your idea sucks.
And they're going to beat around the bush way too long to get to that point.
Yeah. Mark gets so pissed when anyone is coming in there as a snake oil salesman.
Like if you're doing something, anything like supplement fitness related and it's not science backed.
I do like how he's like, no, you like he, that's like
a really hot button thing with him. If you're trying to do that, he is all on top of it right
away. He is quick to get on that, which some of those like, why, why do you even, why do you even
give these people a platform by putting them on TV? Like you want to say that to the producers,
but anyways, though, so after it, I always see the ads for the profit. I'd never, I had never
actually seen an episode and I've caught one and a half of them
somewhat recently. And to me, that is a show that I think a lot of business owners should watch.
The guy comes in, in the limited amount I've seen, he's not making unsound business decisions.
He's basically saying like, hey, your business is lacking process. Your business is lacking roles. You don't have people doing these things. You're making unsound money decisions
and you need to do this, this, and this. And also there's some marketing advice in there.
There's some sales advice in there. And a lot of the things are very actionable items. It's not
like, Oh, pie in the sky, just sit around and talk and you dream and you have if you if you want it bad enough.
It's none of that stuff.
It's like, no, you need this, this and this.
And I've I've enjoyed the little bit I've seen.
I actually want to watch more episodes.
So that's something I'm going to going to try and do here.
I think I think I think he's a pretty he's pretty intelligent, too.
Most of his ideas are probably pretty sound too. And it's, it's not, um, I don't like shows that are obviously most people probably don't like that
are overly staged, like a reality based show. That's a little too staged. And it's been a while
since I've watched it, but I don't remember it being that bad. Like, I think it's, I didn't
think it was, yeah, it's not like I I'm to the point. I basically, I can't even stand to watch any type of talent show
right now because they're so produced and fake.
I almost started laughing at how, how, how over the top it is.
I was, um, I was at my in-laws house last night and America's got talent was on.
And there was actually scenes in the show where I couldn't tell if they had filmed it
Like, they're like, I'm pretty sure that at some point the producers say, all right, everyone stand up and throw your hands in the show where I couldn't tell if they had filmed it prior. Like they're like,
I'm pretty sure at some point the producers say, all right, everyone stand up and throw your hands in the air because we need to get this footage we can splice in. And it just, it's such a disaster
of fake footage, just terrible. We're pretending that this is cooler than what it is. You can't do
those shows. And then on top of that, you know know most reality tv is just awful too so it was maybe of to me it felt like a breath of fresh air yeah i just had a thought cross my mind like
we're in two separate rooms so it's the giant elephant in both of our rooms is were you driving
a buick earlier today i was driving a buick uh what was what was that sweet ride well you know the funny thing is is i did have i
we we own a mercedes and the mercedes was in the shop and they they know i'm a man of luxury when
the loaner car they give you is a buick they know it's not just anybody coming in there they say
all right this person demands the finest get the buick out and like any good Buick it was silver obviously because of what
what other color would it be it felt like it had some power to it though I do got to give it that
it does it does have some oh they're snappy they're snappy little units I will agree with
the snappy part I don't know if I'll agree with the little part of that statement and yes it is a unit too though yeah but uh yeah i did i did
get to drive a little bit of american muscle i actually haven't seen it i actually have it sitting
in my garage right now so news on my front is i'm i'm still i mentioned months and months ago i was
considering selling the buick le sabre yeah do we have an update there? No, no update. The update is I have not sold the Buick LeSabre.
It's a really hard decision for me.
I've waffled and gone back and forth many times.
Well, you wanted to go to someone that would appreciate it.
Oh, that's the thing.
It has to go to a good home.
Otherwise, I'm just not going to do it.
I'd be sick to my stomach if I went to a bad home.
Yeah, you don't want that.
But it is not sold yet.
It's actually in the shop right now, if you can believe that.
Are you getting a footprint gas pedal installed?
Yeah, footprint gas pedal, some lights that go around the outside
so when it's dark and when I pull up.
The underglow.
Yeah, the underglow lights uh a light
that goes off with my subwoofer okay okay yep yep these these should all help these should all help
and the book value too because i'm bumping a couple sets of 12s in the back of the
vehicle saber so i like it i like it very cool no it's getting a check engine light fixed nothing as
cool as all that it is a light just a different kind of light true true yes all right is that
enough for the massonomics auto corner this week i think so uh it's we have to choose each week
between either automotive or weather.
It has been raining a shitload.
It has been raining like crazy lately.
We did have some tornadoes not far away too, so we would be
neglecting our duties if we didn't tell people
about that. I watched Twister
last night.
My favorite
Helen Hunt movie? Yes.
That's a fat bastard line for anyone's not up on their austin powers we do like to bring up austin powers whenever possible here um that movie is i struggle with
some of the it's not very realistic the twister movie i i struck that's i hadn't seen that in
probably 10 15 years and a little disappointed in twister i probably hadn't seen that in probably 10, 15 years
and a little disappointed in Twister.
I probably haven't seen it since I was in elementary school.
I'm guessing, okay, do you think that movie came out in like 98 or something?
I thought it was 94, but maybe I even saw that.
Oh, really?
Okay, let me check because I want to know this right now.
Twister movie, 96.
Okay, I remember seeing this in the theater i would have
been seven then and being absolutely terrified of tornadoes when i left because we live in the
midwest we get tornadoes for several years after that anytime a tornado warning was on tv i was
very afraid yeah i the other note from that is that phil i didn't know philip seymour hoffman
was in twister and And I was like,
that's Phil.
You know,
I was like,
he played like some stoner guy on the crew,
like a young stoner guy.
And I was like,
that's funny.
Oh really?
You know,
that's funny that you say on the crew,
like the,
the storm chasing crew or whatever.
I was picking up some food at a restaurant here a few days ago,
right actually before the big storm hit.
And in,
in the, the parking lot at this restaurant,
there was a very large tour van.
And on the side, it said Storm Chasing Tour.
And their license plates were out of Kansas.
So that's how you know you had a good one coming through the area.
And it was Helen Hunt's crew.
They had a picture of Philip Seymour Hoffman
and Helen Hunt on the side of the
All right.
We're going to read some ads here.
All right.
This episode of the massonomics podcast is brought to you by hybrid
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you by Texas Power Bars. Buddy Caps first started lifting weights in the late 60s and began powerlifting in the mid-70s.
At the time, he was working for Image Barbell, building gym equipment.
Around 1976, a local machine shop started making Olympic bars for them, calling it the Image Bar.
In 1977, Image Barbell became Champion Barbell.
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Thank you to the Mastonomics sponsors.
Thanks, sponsors.
Also, this is sponsored by the new Mastonomics 8-Bit Powerlifting T-shirt.
Yes, yes. We released that. that yeah release that to rave reviews we're not joking when we say rave reviews people really liked it
they were raving ranting and raving about how much they liked it and in the in the off chance
that you tried to buy it immediately and you didn't get it, we did. Our website platform is Squarespace.
It is a very big website platform.
And they had a slight outage the night we released our shirt,
which is the absolute worst time something like that could ever happen.
So yeah, if you tried to order it and it wasn't working,
there was a few hours where there was some issues.
We're very sorry about that.
Absolutely nothing we could do about it.
there's nothing we can do other than,
other than I got really,
really annoyed by it the whole time.
That's going on other than just like frantically checking their status page to
see what's going on.
that's the most we could do is just repeatedly check it and,
and be,
and text each other that we're pissed that it's happening.
Yeah. And to watch sales come in and sales just disappeared. Not know why. and text each other that we're pissed that it's happening.
Yeah, and to watch sales come in and sales just disappear, not know why.
Actually be notified by Brandon Campbell that things aren't working right. Yeah, Brandon's like, yeah, your site's down.
Yeah, and then just sitting there waiting, waiting, waiting,
and then all of a sudden orders start coming in again,
and all you can think is, ah, how much money did that cost us?
Yep. So hopefully we didn't lose anyone we apologize for
any uh frustration it might have caused people but please go back on and buy it if you haven't
yep do it to it all right tanner we're gonna do something very unusual for this podcast
and that's have a somewhat serious discussion about,
about the state of the world right now. And I'm actually, which is pretty rare for this podcast.
Yeah. I'm actually overgeneralizing a little bit. When I say the state of the world,
I'm going to say the state of a few current affairs. And before we even get started, like
mass and not we in mass and obvious, we intentionally avoid talking about almost anything serious.
Like, our, kind of our unofficial rule, we haven't sat down and developed a firm rulebook of what you do and don't talk about with massonomics.
But there's so much seriousness, negativity, bad things, everything happening in the world.
Like, this is our one chance.
We feel like the hour where
it can be everyone's break from all of that. We can talk literally about nothing and somehow
there's certain people that still want to listen. You know, there's always this element of lifting
to it, but there's just, it's almost to the point where it's unavoidable now, the amount of stuff
going on. And the one right now now how this became even more real in
the fitness world was um the the ceo of crossfit um greg glassman right yeah yeah and i think i
don't really follow cross the crossfit ins and outs this is one neither of us do obviously neither
of us do we don't go to a crossfit gym um you know
we're aware of what's going on with crossfit from a peripheral point of view just because you know
it's in the space they have tons of money behind the company and uh earlier on uh one of the former
members of our owners of massonomics tyler who was on the podcast for the first hundred and some
episodes he owned a CrossFit gym. So
we were fairly in the loop on what was going on. And I think Greg Glassman has kind of had
a reputation as maybe having a bad streak of saying, yeah, being a little bit of a nutbag.
Yeah. And just, yeah, not being exactly who you would want to represent your company and at times being a PR nightmare.
And this latest one for him was you would have to totally live under a rock to not know what's going on with the Black Lives Matter protest and George Floyd and everything happening with that.
And he had a tweet.
I think he was trying to make a joke.
I think he was trying to make a joke. I think. I mean, it would take like the intelligence of a kindergartner to know like you.
It was a very off taste joke.
Like it wasn't.
It wasn't a good taste at all.
And to think like you wouldn't get any backlash on it, you would have to be incredibly stupid.
And then to think like that people would think it's like funny.
stupid. And then to think like that people would think it's like funny. I mean, the demographic you're going after, if you want people to laugh at that is typically not the demographic you want
supporting you. So rightfully so he came under a lot of heat for it. And this is a situation that's
unfolding while we're, while we're talking here. Um, the first thing that started happening is
sponsors started dropping them like crazy. And the one that actually shocked me is rogue was out
like almost right away. Weren't they? Yeah. I heard they were super upset about it and it was
like immediately they're like, no way we're parting ways with this guy immediately. And I don't think
it's a stretch to say part of where actually both of those companies
are at today crossfit and rogue is because of each other oh for sure definitely rogue has probably
gained more from crossfit than crossfit has gained from rogue even i would i would think right i think
so just because they have a they have actual merchandise that anyone can buy you know if
you're not a fan of crossfit there's not much that that brand does for you but so rogue has gained a
lot for being partnered with CrossFit.
And this was serious enough and idiotic enough that they knew immediately.
They were like, oh, no, we want nothing to do with this man from this point forward.
So CrossFit dropped it, like, dropped him, like, immediately.
So it's no longer, like, the Rogue CrossFit Games or however they had that branded.
Like, that's out.
And then quickly after that
i think reebok was out too yeah reebok has been there for quite a while haven't they not only
been there but probably fending like warding off nike and other companies like i i'm pretty from
what i understood nike wanted in on that and it was almost like a matter of time until they were
gonna get it is what i i don't know how accurate that is but i'd heard that at times but i bet now nike would want nothing to
do with it also at this point i i or i wouldn't be surprised if a few years down the road things
right over and someone comes in but yeah for the time being though they have shot themselves in
the foot like that's right um as of today i just saw that now greg glassman has stepped down
as ceo and uh retired or whatever the name is yeah and dave castro now has stepped in i think
that that's pretty much just a symbolic thing i think he still he still owns what he owns like
yeah when crossfit does well he's still making money like i don't think the brand has severed all ties with it with
him i think they had to at least do that you know you know yeah to show like hey yeah we we know like
he said stuff he shouldn't and yeah like we're trying to make a change here so um yeah like that
that's quite quite a shock and then i also just before we started recording i thought i saw a
post on instagram that i think something like 1200,200 affiliates have dropped the CrossFit name.
Yeah, that's what I was going to say.
And that's one of the bigger ones, too, because there's a lot of money, I believe.
Affiliate fees.
A lot of money is made through those affiliate fees.
There's a lot that goes with that.
And have you seen some of the athletes that have said that they are not like froning separated from i'm pretty sure he said that he is not going to have anything to do
with uh the crossfit brand at this point in time so that's pretty huge and yeah i mean that guy
that guy's livelihood and who he is is directly tied to his success in crossfit um those affiliates
though i think that that's huge and i bet that that's
like the bleeding hasn't stopped there i bet there's a like i bet there's a lot more that'll
continue down that path too which um probably rightfully so like if i think if i was a
crossfit box owner i think that would have been i would have probably went that same approach i
would have been like no i don't think so i't, not going to be affiliated with this guy.
And like, what do we need it for at this point?
You know, like we don't, it's not, it's not benefiting this much.
And by maintaining that affiliate, we have to be partners with this guy to a certain extent.
And I don't think it's any stretch to say that a lot of affiliate owners
probably have been looking for a way out for a long time.
It's just, ah, we kind of need that brand behind our name.
And it's tough.
Things could be tough if we leave.
Well, now at this point, CrossFit is fairly well established.
You leave the brand.
If you're in with CrossFit, you understand why people are leaving.
And so I think for a lot of people, like, this is, all right,
this is our chance to, like, get out of here
and just be our own thing going forward.
So if the name of your gym switches from CrossFit whatever,
generic box to just generic box fitness, who cares?
You know, like, they don't care. I don't think many people do. know like they don't care people do yeah they
don't care why would they i mean nothing has to change at that you know nothing changes i don't
think and um it's just weird that that how the word crossfit it like how the company is called
crossfit and that word is just so synonymous with like everything that they do that like people's
language isn't going to change like
you know i mean people will still use that word and but i i don't think any of those gyms will
suffer a bit from that i don't i don't think that that's i don't think they're out anything
they're saving themselves money on the affiliate fee yeah i i don't i don't think so either i think
they'll be fine and i mean realistically i think the company cross the company crossfit is rolling
in the dough.
So I would have a really hard time believing they're not going to be fine.
But this is definitely a blow.
Like this is a sign saying like, hey, quit doing stuff like this.
And then it's just like we were saying, massonomics is always about fun.
We don't want to be serious.
We don't want this to be the hour where we lecture you about our political beliefs and what's right and wrong in the world but it's just like what there's so many things at this that just frustrate me and it's one is like
why can't people get along like it blows my mind how people don't get along like i just how like we we are like tanner we're
definitely outsiders to this we're white males in south dakota right and i i could pull up the
census data and probably for the town we live in it's probably i'm sure 92 white probably four
percent native and probably two percent black And whatever percent I have left would be
other, whatever, whatever, every, every other race I didn't cover. So we are about as undiversified
of an area as you could ever live in. And so like, we are so removed from so much of what's going on
in the world, but like, I just, the fact that there's still racism in the world,
I guess there's always going to be,
but the fact that there's such a blatant racism in the world at times just
blows my mind that,
that people are okay being that shitty to other people and that people are
still doing just for the color of their skin too.
And I don't,
it makes my head hurt.
And I see the stuff on TV and I don't understand it.
I never will.
And like, even I, I like to think of myself as not racist.
I don't think I am.
I really like, I believe that everyone should have a fair chance at things in life.
And, you know, these preconceived stereotypes and biases that people have, they're not good.
They don't do, they don't do anything for us.
And I think for the most part, most of my friends have that same belief too. At least I haven't,
any of my personal friends, I haven't came across an instance where they say something, I'm like,
whoa, man, is that actually what you believe? And so I just kind of start to think that everyone I
associate and everyone I know or everyone in my community thinks the same way. I just start to think that.
And then things start popping up in the news and you read the comments on Facebook and it's like,
whoa, not only is this a dumpster fire, but there are some straight up racist people around here.
And it's just shocking to me that in the year 2020 people still act like that and i mean it's upsetting i don't like it and
clearly i don't have the answer for this i i don't i don't and i i don't know what what what
it takes for the world but it's just one of those things we want to say like why can't we just get
along like what happened that there is this going on and and then the other thing that really frustrates me too is you have these protests going on and by and large these protests i mean yes that they're
it's trying to call attention to um black lives and how people black people are specifically being
treated and probably even more specifically being treated by police so you get these
route these rallies and protests of people uh protesting police brutality and they're met with more police brutality and it's like what is
that like when did the police become this military force that's you this that's not a branch of the
military but this domestic military force where the enemy is fellow American citizens. And that makes me, as an American,
why do you want to see your police
beating your fellow citizens?
There are cops out there that are not bad, of course.
And there's actually probably a lot of cops
that agree with us even,
and that are aware enough that know
that there's a problem in some places
and to some degree you
know whether how widespread it is and stuff we don't know i don't nobody knows of course but
it's without a doubt that it exists like i mean and that it is a problem and i think a lot of
other police officers that are self-aware with that would would agree with that too right like
i mean they they agree i would hope so but i also see stuff on tv of them not and like that kind of i'm just at a loss for words when
when i when i see that too of like of cops straight up like abusing shooting tear gas into crowds and
shooting people with rubber bullets that for more or less are peacefully protesting. And I'm like, ah, why is this happening?
And it's getting to the point where it's so tough to just make it through life with this stuff.
And that's kind of what I struggle with even personally too,
because my main focus, not specifically related to this,
just always in life, like I'm more concerned,
like I purposely try to be this way.
I'm more concerned about me and my family and the immediate things that I control within my life.
And that's always my primary focus.
I care the most about my family.
And I want to make sure that my family is doing the right things and is well taken care of and everything there.
And I probably devote 95% of my time to that. And then it's
like my, my friendship circle and that stuff. And, but like you said, that's probably is like,
then I struggle because it's like, well, is that a privilege issue that, you know, I don't have to
worry about that other stuff. Well, I know. I think it is a bit of a luxury that we can sort
of bury our heads in the sand here. i that's not to say like if i
see someone if i see someone being racist like i'm not gonna be like oh yeah right right the racist
out it's like hey man that's not how you treat people in the world right there's no room for that
in modern society that shouldn't exist anymore but it does and this is the massonomics podcast
it's supposed to be the hour of fun and we i think we've spent now maybe 15 minutes probably to some people we're probably ranting some people we're probably not doing enough but
black lives do matter to me and yeah i i think it wasn't it's important for us to say something and
you know that people know that uh it's important to us and um you know i mean if we never say
anything that's probably that's probably a problem like
we can't act like nothing's happening oh yeah and i don't think i don't think that instagram like
instagram i don't think are the answer either like has anyone this is like something i legit
have wondered all my life yeah has an adult looked at something on social media was like
i changed my mind yeah like you, you know what?
You persuaded me young man with that, uh, with your arguing. Yeah. I don't know if anyone will
read anything. They might see a video of a cop beating the shit out of someone and be like,
Whoa, that changed my perspective. But very few people will ever read anything and be like,
ah, okay. I'll take that fact. And then my mind has been changed. I just did a 180.
Yeah, most people are only seeking out
what they already agree with.
For sure.
And that's why it's like,
and there's already so many other places doing that.
I don't think Masonomics has anything
to contribute online on Instagram.
On Instagram especially.
We talked to trying to.
Yeah, we specifically talked that us voicing something
on the podcast is a much more worthwhile use of our time and anyone that consumes our content than putting something on Instagram.
It allows for more nuance.
Everything on Instagram turns into just a right and wrong, black and white, this way or no way type of discussion.
And I guess it doesn't invite any type of thing that feels productive, I guess.
We'll just keep on going and try to be positive and just be better people, right?
I think that's what we all got to do at the end of the day, be better people.
I agree with that.
Without turning this into some motivational podcast.
Mark Bell already has that side covered, so we don't need to worry about that, right?
Not only can we cover not too many serious topics,
we also can't get too motivational because that's also not our forte.
So I don't know, Tanner, do we have anything else to add to that conversation?
No, I think that that's, I think that that says what we have to say.
You know, if, if maybe down the road we'll have more to say, you know, maybe there's, we, we feel like there's more, uh, with that we can contribute to, contribute to it at some point in time, then we'll do it.
But I think for now, that's all pretty fair.
Well, should we move on to more lighthearted things?
Yeah, back to what we're good at, I suppose, right?
Something we know something about, which is nothing.
That sentence might not make sense on the surface, but if you are familiar with us, it makes perfect sense.
It actually makes really good sense.
One thing we do know a lot about is a segment we like to call Overrated Underrated.
We know so much about it that you probably already remember the rules, don't you?
Topic number one this week on Overrated Underrated for episode 219 of the Mastanomics podcast,
the lifting podcast about nothing is stuffed crust pizza.
Stuffed crust pizza.
Part of me, part of me likes to think of myself.
I don't actually don't even, I was going to say this.
I was going to say part of me likes to think of myself as a pizza purist, but I'm like,
I don't even know what the hell a pizza purist is.
I don't know what pizza in its most traditional sense is.
There's too many factions, really.
There's too many factions.
My favorite type of pizza is the thin crust
that really focuses on the toppings,
the sauce, all of that.
And I like that nice, thin, crispity crust.
And get the bread out of the way
and let the other stuff be the
star of the show that's my type of pizza right there uh stuffed crust pizza again it's trying
to bring the crust back to the forefront yeah but but with cheese bringing the fact that it's
bringing basically a cheese stick to the to the party is what gives it some redeeming qualities yeah i do think though
it is that mozzarella yeah i still think like i never am gonna really given the choice i'm almost
never ever ever going to order stuffed crust pizza so i'm gonna say stuffed crust is it's a little
overrated my thing and i mean we we, when you talk about stuffed crust pizza,
I think it's synonymous with Pizza Hut, right?
I think, isn't it?
Were they the ones that invented it?
I believe so.
I mean, certainly the ones that popularized it.
But my theory always on this was,
and I don't know if this is valid,
but it's always the way I felt,
is that they did something to the rest of the pizza
to make it more inferior
than their traditional hand-tossed pizza when you
got the stuffed crust sure the stuffed crust part of it is great but the regular pizza i think
there's i don't know what it is i could never put my finger on it but i think something was something
was skimped in the like you're saying like you're getting inside the crust like it cut out that
outer circle okay like our normal pizza is our a game yes you see stuff
crust on the order like all right bring the b game to the right like like you know those top
shelf ingredients there's something a little less we can get away with here and i really felt i
this is kind of a joke but i really always felt that way that there's something lesser to the
rest of the pizza i i think there could be something to that argument i i would buy i
would buy that yeah we'll see what the people say.
Okay, overrated or underrated Oakley's?
Oakley's, it's really interesting as a brand.
Oakley kind of rides the line between like preppy douchey,
between being a brand known as like a preppy douchey brand
and also being a brand known as like cool.ppy douchey brand and also being a brand known as like cool.
Like they a hundred percent.
When I think about it, I'm not sure that there's many companies that can like ride that line as good as they do because they, they absolutely in certain circles do have that prep.
Oh, this guy and his fricking Oakley's came over and tried to talk some shit, you know like chad chad came over and like they absolutely
had that monster energy and yes yes a hundred percent like like they absolutely have that
men are that image but then they also have like the oh yeah you have the snowboarders
in the x games wearing their oakley goggles and then they can get done and throw on oakley
sunglasses and that's kind of considered cool still yeah
not many people can pull that off oakley as a company though if we're talking premium sunglasses
the the very limited amount of oakley's i got to put on they're they're a they're a good product
i don't think it's an inferior product but um i think that
there may be a little overrated that's fair i kind of i would agree i i was just shocked at
the way that brand basically a sunglasses brand gets people so 100 bought in where it's like
like you could say the same thing about like an energy drink right yeah energy
drink monster is a great example too like i would categorize them together it's like how are you
getting them so bought in on like your product is an energy drink like but people just love your
thing i don't know yeah yeah and yeah but i think some example but there again i do also think oakley
has some probably really nice sunglasses so they do
yeah i if someone was offering up free oakley's i would gladly take there's some styles i want
but i would gladly take quite a few styles right i'm just when i think of but i think about it
like i own ray-bans i would still probably say ray-bans are a little overrated but i would also
buy another pair i have ray-bans i love my ray-. Yeah, they're nice sunglasses, and they're timeless and classic.
You couldn't say that about a lot of Oakley styles.
That's true.
I'm still sticking with overrated.
Overrated or underrated, Rob Dyrdek.
Oh, I was going to say, Rob Dyrdek, he did not have an Oakley sponsorship.
He did have a Spy sunglasses sponsorship.
If you remember for a while when
robin when robin big was really god robin big that that show that show was that was a good one
i loved i loved robin i actually bought several big black t-shirts i still have them a couple of
them you know the b and the backwards b next to each other black rest in peace yeah rip i i had several of his t-shirts because i i loved that show it was like nothing
better than that at the time to me and it was just fun like that was a straight up just fun tv show
they weren't manufacturing dumb crazy amounts of drama it was just these two guys going out and
having fun and i loved that show and then even fantasy factory
i didn't like fantasy factory quite as much but it just basically took what they had built and
yeah i think everyone could still entertain no everyone could agree fantasy factory wasn't as
good as robin big but it was still good but then what about good what about uh what's the
ridiculousness yeah yeah hate it don't like it i don't like it i really because i do believe rob dyrdek is a smart
businessman um i think his his mentality or his thought process was i need to get a show that can
like go into syndication forever like america's funniest home videos right i will do this i will
always be able to because you could put a video of ridiculousness on now or 20 years from now it's
still just people getting hurt and doing dumb things.
Their clothes are going to be different,
not smashing.
It's fairly,
it's fairly timeless.
Whereas a lot of the stuff in like fantasy factory and Robin big,
it kind of was of the times a little bit.
So those won't hold up as good many,
many years down the road to two new audiences,
I think.
So I think that I wouldn't be surprised if like that was his
attempt like all right this show could live in perpetuity like forever and like i can always
collect some money with it but rob what was it rob dyrdek was that the original one yes rob dyrdek
yes rob dyrdek he's probably kind of underrated i mean the guy is pretty accomplished for what he's
for a guy that started life as a skateboarder for i think he was on like alien workshop or habitat or something
like was and dc shoes like not many people can can pull off what he did so i think i'm gonna go
underrated he's pretty cool it seems pretty cool like it's pretty fun to hang out with, right? Yeah, it was fun to watch his whatever he had going on that week.
Last topic, then, overrated, underrated.
This is an important one.
I don't know.
Crocs were, Crocs kind of went, I think Crocs almost got in full circle
where they got cool right away.
They got really uncool, and I think they're kind of picking up again.
I think so.
What about Crocs with socks?
I just don't care about Crocs at all.
I don't.
I'm not on.
Hey, if you want to wear Crocs, I don't care. Have you ever put a pair on before?
I've stepped in a pair, and that's it.
I never have.
I think someone showed up to my house one day,
and I stepped in them.
That was it.
You want to wear them, that's fine.
I don't like them.
That's a style I don't care for, so I'm out.
I saw it say overrated, but you do you do you man yep um they sure look hideous right
they got that going we can all agree on that can't we like that they're yep they're absolutely
hideous you know kanye west uh tanner i know you're not a huge shoe guy but are you familiar
with the yeezy line of shoes i am mostly from from Huck Finn wearing them at the Arnold last year. And I was like, okay.
And I said, what are those?
Yeezy, Kanye West does have a shoe.
You could almost say it's the modern day Croc.
And I'm trying to remember what they're called.
I'm trying to wake up my computer.
Either way, just look up the Kanye West like slide.
It's not the slide.
It's just a crazy...
It's like the Yeezy take on a croc.
You might be blown away by what you're looking at.
All right.
Overrated, then, was the answer, though, for crocs.
Overrated was the answer.
All right, that wraps up overrated and underrated.
I would also like to touch on our sponsors again for this show, though,
if that's all
right with everyone and the first sponsor being texas power bars and by now you probably all know
the story about how texas power bars were born so i was just going to tell you about their product
line there's of course the texas power bar the texas deadlift bar the texas squat bar we have
all three all three get used all the time i just watched someone in the gym today squatting over 500 pounds
with the old Texas squat bar, and she ain't bending.
So that's what it's built for.
That's how you know it's the real deal.
Yeah, we've got that red Cerakote Texas deadlift bar,
and that thing's pretty sweet.
That's been my go-to one every time.
It looks the coolest, and it's the newest.
So got to go with the Texas deadlift bar for me.
And you can check them out at
Next, we have our dear close friends at Lifting Large.
And, of course, you know that Lifting Large has set a new standard
for customer service within the strength world.
Their website chat support is live, and their email responses are speedy.
Lifting Large is home of the Ground Lock Deadlift Slipper.
I've got a pair of those in my locker at the gym right now that I've been using.
Those are always in stock, and they're ready to ship.
And because Massanomics listeners are so important,
you can save 20% at Lifting Large on any of their Lifting Large branded products
by using our discount code, which is MASS20 at checkout.
And then Spud Inc., of course, our good friends at Spud Inc. Straps.
They make products that support sports performance
and help everyone achieve their training goals.
They make products that last forever, will not bust your budget,
and most importantly, leave no doubt about success
when everything is on the line.
Just saw one of our followers posted that they purchased,
what was it, safety safety squat bar straps
and because of a recommendation on our show that so that was cool to see
and then last but not least this show is brought to you by hybrid performance method i would say
if you're in the market for uh training or nutrition coaching go to their site
the programs are pretty affordable and there's programs out there for
just about anything regardless of what your goals are you'll find something that fits those goals
they're reputable and probably the best part is you can use our discount code which is MASS
MASS in all caps and that'll save you five percent off any of those memberships on their website
Those are our sponsors.
Of course, you guys know about all the great Mastodonics stuff.
We've got a whole store full of it, and our website works again now
like it's supposed to.
We've got the 8-Bit Powerlifting shirt.
It's the newest and coolest.
And then we've got all our other favorites.
Don't Curl and Me flags are back in stock.
They were out for a little while, and those just showed up here, so get on those.
Oh, the other last thing I would mention is our supporting membership.
What do we say?
Supporting podcast membership options.
We've got the big three options still.
I don't think we have.
We barely even said the word apple pie in the show.
We have not said apple pie nearly enough. No, there the word apple pie in the show but we have not said
apple pie nearly no there's the apple pie level your entry level the LaCroix level your mid-tier
and then for the ultra elite there is of course the lift short level of support and if you like
the show and want to support it and watch it continue to grow to these high heights that
we're achieving you can uh that's one of the ways you can support us.
Well put, Tanner.
All right.
Well put.
So, Tommy, where can they find you on Instagram?
You can find me at Tomahawk underscore D.
You can find me at Tanner underscore Baird.
Most importantly, make sure to follow Masonomics at Masonomics.
See you later.
Later. at Massanomics. See you later.