Massenomics Podcast - Ep.34: The Bowtie And The Inversion Table

Episode Date: November 28, 2016

In this week's episode of The Massenomics Podcast, we discuss our usual brand of nonsense, and debut our new regular segment, "What's in Tanner's Sack?"... This week, Tyler reaches way into Tanner's ...sack and tries on Donnie Thompson's Bowtie for the first time during the recording of this episode. You'll get to see his immediate reaction during this podcast. Read our in-depth review of The Bowtie by clicking on all of this super-clickable text. Watch this episode in full color video .....   Or check out the super-high quality audio version below..   Don't forget to LIKE and SHARE this episode on Facebook... Make sure you LIKE the Massenomics Facebook page... If you don't already have a closet full of Massenomics gear, go to the MASSENOMICS STORE and load up on swag... Also, please CLICK THIS LINK TO GIVE US A 5 STAR RATING ON ITUNES... Click this text to follow Massenomics on Instagram... Vote Massenomics for President in 2016... Have your barber shave our logo into the side of your head.. Maybe get a Massenomics tattoo while you're at it.    Or you could sign up for our email newsletter at the bottom of this page. Stay Strong, M

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Starting point is 00:00:00 M-M-M-M-M-M-M-Massanomics Welcome to Massanomics, the world's strongest podcast. Find us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter at Massanomics. Make sure you go visit There you'll find the rest of our powerful content. While you're there, check out our store and buy yourself some of that sweet Massanomics gear. and buy yourself some of that sweet Massanomics gear. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:28 Yeah, you gotta sit right up in your stuff. Alright, well, we're good to go? I'm good. We're good to go? We're good. Fresh. Green fresh. So, we're here in the Massanomics studio on a crisp November evening. Not that crisp.
Starting point is 00:00:44 Not that crisp. It's the first podcast. Fresh November evening. Not that crisp. Not that crisp. It's the first podcast. Probably a fresh November evening. First podcast inside Trump's America. None of us are super political. Yeah, that's the best part. So you're welcome. All of you listening, you're welcome.
Starting point is 00:01:00 You don't have to hear more. None of us actually give a fuck about that at all. But if you're concerned about that, you could probably head over to Facebook and I'm sure there's hours worth of intelligent material. Has there been anything on there about it? I caught a few posts here and there,
Starting point is 00:01:12 but I wasn't sure what it would pertain to. That's a lot of people's moms complaining about things. They need to take Facebook back away from, they need to make Facebook back to just college people. They can even take it away from us if they need to make facebook back to like just college people they can even take it away from us if they need to make facebook cool again yeah i have a different philosophy about what needs to be done with snapchat but i can't say that because my mom
Starting point is 00:01:34 listens to this but we got to bring we got to take snapchat back to back to its original intentions um well guys we're here this is what are we five six days removed from the I don't know what you guys heard the last two weeks on the podcast I haven't listened to it yet we haven't listened to it and none of us exactly remember none of us I don't remember much of it I have a vague idea of what happened
Starting point is 00:01:57 the massonomics party cast is what's what we've released for the last two weeks so I'm assuming that was really good and not really sad. Not pathetic. They're like, these guys have a fucking problem. What the hell happened that night? What did we...
Starting point is 00:02:19 Well, what didn't happen that night? That's a shorter list. It was a good time. You know, the Masanomics one-year party a shorter list. It was a good time. I don't, you know, the Massanomics one-year party, I would say, was a raging success. It was good. I don't know what else we could have asked for, really. We ate a lot and drank a lot. And then it got into a lot of hammerschlagen and a lot of tippy cup.
Starting point is 00:02:41 Oh, yeah. And the podcast was going, like, over the a separate room for like two hours there i think cameo appearance at the cameo it was a pretty good vibe in the old uh depot was there a bunch of famous people there yeah all of the massonomics people that are famous from instagram were there you know larry and shane shane did his guest posing just like we had on the ticket we have if you haven't gone and read the show notes from last week, you absolutely must. We'll have the photo.
Starting point is 00:03:11 The photo will be up there with Shane somehow can out-flex a room with 30 people flexing. And it's not even comparable. No. There's literally a picture. I counted the people. I can't remember how many are in the picture. If it's like 35
Starting point is 00:03:25 everyone's flexing and all you still notice is Shane flexing it's like the star on the Christmas tree is what I think when I see that it's just so much above and beyond everything else I don't remember anything all I know was
Starting point is 00:03:43 when I got up the next morning i was like fuck where's all the podcast equipment did you take it home with you yeah and i well i was pretty sure i packed it up and i just threw it in a suitcase and then i didn't it didn't come make it into my house it was in the trunk of the car when my wife drove me home but uh yeah i came downstairs and i was all looking around all frantically and uh no suitcase no suitcase and i was like damn it honey what'd you do with it sure enough it was just in the trunk and once i got that figured out i then got to spend eight consecutive hours on the floor in my living room complaining. I kind of went through the same panic of bringing my camera in
Starting point is 00:04:26 and just, oh, it's here. It's locked in. We're good. Don't need to worry about it. And then the next morning I woke up and was immediately second-guessing all of my choices with that. And I'm thinking, I really hope Tanner locked that building up because for people that don't know,
Starting point is 00:04:41 it is in a very prime-time nightlife area of town. It's dirty. it's dirty so i was just like i i could totally see someone walking in there stealing all my camera gear and i'd be in a bad spot then uh i didn't sleep very well that night so i woke up at about 6 45 and i was like well this cleaning has to happen sometime it's do i lay here for two more hours feeling crappy or just go suck it up and get get to get to it's do i lay here for two more hours feeling crappy or just go suck it up and get get to get to getting uh so i went there and started cleaning up at about 6 45 and the smell of the the room it's like a brewery that someone just abandoned you wouldn't it doesn't even make sense that like you could stink of beer that bad but it was all over we're in a it's a big building too it's not
Starting point is 00:05:25 like we're in some little tiny room party this was a this was a train depot yeah that we rented so like were people spilling everywhere i don't you well yeah we were playing tippy cup tippy cup oh yeah and i mean i know at the time the old drunk brain kicked in everyone's like we'll just put the tablecloths on the floor there won't be a mess which doesn't make any sense no there's no need i mean there it would have been easier actually to clean up had the tablecloths just not been there now you had a tablecloth covered yeah if it could have just i was mopping the floor anyways that's not like it was saving me i remember at the time being like what a good idea like i was so smart here i would say this uh for as many beers we i i carried a garbage sack after garbage sack out of beer cans and beer bottles but for as many beers that got drank i think just
Starting point is 00:06:16 about as many got half drank and left around somewhere in that building like i there was like i mean i dumped out probably 100 half empty beers that's like rule number one of hosting a party is just get used to the fact that you're gonna probably dump as much beer as you're gonna as people drink yeah it's just and it's a mix i think if people just actually don't drink beer and people set them down and just move on and forget about it grab another one yeah i don't know i i brought like four beers when i as soon as we were to start podcast i was like well i don't know how long this is gonna be so i packed like four beers drank them all before our first break and then don't know what happened after that um then then things got good right i i suppose that's the most you
Starting point is 00:07:02 know exciting hour of the podcast um yeah i don't know how did that affect you guys's monday not that bad i didn't have a real heavy i didn't have a real heavy day so i was i was pretty good on monday you know it's monday is my city league volleyball night and did you still win or did you lose it got canceled and i missed the memo so i showed up and didn't have a game and then at that point it was too late for me to be concerned about lifting so i warmed up got your knee pads i had a total you know my spandex was looking top notch but i had to ended up doing nothing monday night yeah i don't know i'm still i'm still i'm still kind of hurt so i didn't really do shit all week. From the party you got hurt? No.
Starting point is 00:07:47 No, I'm still nursing a back thing. I don't know. It's fucking me up psychologically because I'm used to like, okay, well, I'm going to go kick some ass today, and then I do it every day or else I feel like a piece of shit. So taking like five days off is like a really feel like a piece of shit momentum killer i'm gonna turn into 110 pound weak lean pretty soon here yeah i know i've been weighing myself every day like just watching the shirts together yeah so then what do you do do you eat more eat
Starting point is 00:08:16 less or like what do you what do you do with the diet when you're not expending all the calories that you were i did a lot of research into that and and I think the conclusion I came to is you're better off kind of keeping it the same. Unless it's going to be like weeks and weeks, you're better off just kind of keeping it the same. If you're going to have extra calories, you can use that towards recovering a little better during the time off. For myself personally, from a mental standpoint, if I'm not, I usually train monday wednesday friday and maybe a weekend day i usually don't trade tuesday and thursday tuesday and thursday mentally is always harder for me to eat as much as i do those other days just because i have that in the back of my mind i'm going to go lift tonight i need it yeah you know and then on tuesdays and thursdays it's like i don't deserve
Starting point is 00:09:03 it like what do I need? I'm just going to get fat today. Sometimes the way I play it in my head is like, oh, I have a big lift tomorrow. I have to get prepped today so my body can feed off of this. Or the way I always think of it, and this may not be scientifically true at all. I don't think any of this is. It's just my game. If I made the impression of anything that I've ever said had any scientific proof or backing, I'd take that. I always think of it like if I train the day before and I'm sore and I hurt, that's when I should be eating more.
Starting point is 00:09:36 And I don't know if that's true or not. I think there's got to be more logic backing that than what I was saying. Maybe. What I was saying is kind of probably the opposite of true. So what does it mean when the day before is also your day after? They're the same day. What if tomorrow never comes? That is very true. That's why I just eat a lot all the time.
Starting point is 00:09:59 I keep it at that. So speaking of back issues, Tyler, you took us for a little spin on an inversion table. Didn't even charge an admission fee for that thing. So my boss has owned some storage units, and we've had in our back office this Iron Man inversion table. If you're listening, you don't know what that is. You hang by your feet. Is it anything like the Captain America inversion table? I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:10:33 Less PC. hang by your feet is it anything like the captain america inversion table i don't think so less less pc um it uh basically you hang upside down by your feet just as you sit and you strap in it flips you upside down anyway we had this thing sit in our back office and i would use it from time to time and then finally i just said well what what's your plan for this thing and he said well i don't really have a plan. I said, well, what do you want for it? Nothing. You can have it. And then he said, well, maybe if you promise to make sure your work van is clean once a week. And I said, well, how much can I just pay you for it?
Starting point is 00:10:58 But anyway, so I got the thing for free. And I'm not going to clean my van every week, no matter what he says. But I don't know. It's cool what he says. But I don't know. It's cool. I like it. I don't know. What was your impression of it? I can see how once you get comfortable with the sensation,
Starting point is 00:11:12 like I know Tanner went first and he was at about a 45-degree angle. It's like, am I doing it, guys? I was convinced that I was like beyond vertical at that point. Like I could fall out at any time. They're like, like dude you're not even halfway there not even close but i think once you get used to the sensation of being upside down and just kind of comfortable with the head rush part of it i can see how once you relax it could really kind of ease some pressure and yeah turn into some type of rehab thing i think i mean even
Starting point is 00:11:40 nick we interviewed nick i think he said that was kind of part of his rehab. Yeah, he did. Some time on the inversion table. And he didn't have a large variety of equipment in his gym. No. The one thing he had was an inversion table. Yeah. We should have checked if it was an Ironman one, though. I don't know. That could be the deal breaker there.
Starting point is 00:11:56 This one is $150 on Amazon if you're into it. So it's not expensive. Yeah, the cool thing about it, though, is like we were talking, a lot of times these like almost gimmicky sounding things like you think they're made for someone under six foot and under 200 pounds what to go up to someone six foot six is the top height and 295 so like you're fitting most people they made it for you it's basically made for me um yeah so that that part and it's stout like it's pretty solid it's not like a piece of shit no i was really shocked i guess in my mind if someone says inversion table i always just thought
Starting point is 00:12:31 that that was a piece of shit yeah like that you just buy from walmart or somewhere like that and yeah you better hope that those i sure would boots are keeping you now i was nervous about that but i guess if tyler does it does it. So it should be all right. Now I sure wouldn't still be like doing anything fast on the fuck. Let her rip baby. And for me, like I'm like a little more used to being upside down with doing senseless CrossFit things.
Starting point is 00:13:00 So the head rush isn't as big of a deal to me as I probably, it's probably a really new experience for you i don't want it made me feel bad like not a good feeling not a head rush like oh that was a rush just makes you want to throw up yeah i did kind of want to throw up and that was my sensation was after putting down two pieces of pizza it just felt like these things are not sitting the way they're supposed to be right now um for me it fucking hurts my feet hanging all my body weight i wanted to like keep my ankles that like are my feet at a 90 degree angle hoping that those would save me if something gave out but it's like that's not really what it would even do and you get so tense just trying to try fall yeah or like i'm
Starting point is 00:13:41 uncomfortable i gotta keep my feet here and then you don't realize that you're supposed to be relaxing your spine yeah um i don't know now that i have it i'm gonna try and do it like every day for a while and see if it makes a difference i've done every imaginable thing you can do like with my back every night it's been like stretching and foam rolling and lacrosse balling and digging in my fucking back with God knows what other tools I have. I have a TENS machine that I hook up. So I've done like, I literally do all of those things every day. Do you think the inversion table,
Starting point is 00:14:20 do you think it'll make you any taller though? I think, I would think that it would have to, wouldn't it? I don't know how it could. There's no way it'll make you any taller, though? I think I would think that it would have to, wouldn't it? I don't know how it couldn't. There's no way it'll make you shorter. Exactly. No, gravity says otherwise. Exactly. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:14:34 But, yeah, I don't know. My review of it, I've used it probably a couple dozen times over the last year or so, just us having it at the office. And I would say it's moderately useful eight out of ten would try again i would definitely try again it's in my garage until it gets in the way and then it might end up down at the basement gym in massonomics but people would use it there i mean i think so some of those guys are into some i don't know some at the very freaky sex stuff. At the very least, to take pictures of each other. It would be on Instagram. What else is new?
Starting point is 00:15:11 So I wanted to say, you know, I was on my way over here. It's a Friday night. Finished up my squat session at the gym and had to get a few pieces of pizza, you know, in my rush. And drove by the bar and i just thought to myself you know i don't know what myself four years ago would think right now of yourself today yeah you know get done with your workout go sit in a guy's basement do some podcasting talking about lifting weights and then i just thought how far i've come there's probably some deeper life meaning in there but i don't know if i want to know that right now
Starting point is 00:15:44 just means we're not very cool people to hang out with. This isn't pertinent to the podcast, but I'll ask it now anyways. Was it busy in the gym down there on a squat Friday night? You know? I figured maybe it was a little less busy. It was definitely less busy tonight. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:59 Oh, I was going to say holiday, but Veterans Day. Veterans Day, yeah. I don't know. Do I say Happy Veterans Day, Tanner? Is that the correct? I think that's a good nomen Veterans Day. Veterans Day, yeah. I don't know. Do I say Happy Veterans Day, Tanner? Is that the correct? I think that's a good nomenclature. I actually spoke today. I was the keynote speaker of a primary school today for Veterans Day,
Starting point is 00:16:14 and I had those little kids going. About the horrors of war? Yeah. It was like apocalypse now. It was like, war is hell, kids. So many weights and did they take anything away from it um i i taught them to yell something there's about 10 different vets that came and spoke and uh i'm not gonna say everyone else's was boring isn't the right word but it was just like they don't know how to play a crowd no they didn't play the crowd at all they didn't i mean the kids were five to eight years old so the what they were
Starting point is 00:16:49 saying that is that's your wheelhouse right there yeah i was like i can relate to that you know so i i just started with like a fart joke to really get them all no i should have but i i got them going like yelling this chant thing. And I just, I had them worked into a really good frenzy. And I was like, well, I'll just explain it really quickly here. In the army, they teach you like if a drill sergeant or whatever, they ask you a question as a group. You reply with huh. Like you don't say yes. That sounds great.
Starting point is 00:17:24 Yeah. You're not like yeah everyone says huh so i taught them that and then i got them going on it and you know when you say oh that was pretty good but i think you can do it louder and we did that a few times and then i really had them going and i rapid fired like six questions and i was like and do you love this flag and they all were like and do you love this flag? And they all were like, and do you love all these veterans? And they were like, and then I dropped the mic. And then some poor Korean War vet was after you, and you were like, suck it, Elmer.
Starting point is 00:18:00 It wasn't my grandpa, was it? I don't know. It was a Korean vet in kind of a wheelchair walker. But he laughed. He could tell it was funny that he had to go next. He had to follow that accent. So that's what I did for Veterans Day. We do have quite a few veterans at the gym.
Starting point is 00:18:18 We do. This will come out later than that, but happy Veterans Day to those guys. Do we have five? I think probably at least. If not active duty currently. Yeah, I don't want to count out loud because I'll probably miss some and they'll feel left out. But, yeah, we've probably got at least that many.
Starting point is 00:18:36 Yeah. So happy Veterans Day to those guys. Another cool thing is I work at a bank, so that meant no work today. The bank's not open on Veterans Day? No. Really? My wife's bank was open today. Oh.
Starting point is 00:18:49 But she just took today off anyways. I just can't keep straight how many days banks have off. The Federal Reserve Bank is not open today, so their banks really... Is that your guide? That's everyone's. That's the next star? Generally, yeah. Not that anyone cares about this on the podcast.
Starting point is 00:19:06 What did I interrupt something you were saying? No. He straight called you out on it. He just asked you about veteran-ness. Because I had something else now, if we're done with that, that I could do. Well, we might not be ready for this thing. Oh, I think I was talking about something else. I do have a you
Starting point is 00:19:25 were you were asking we're gonna go back here you were asking about how the gym was oh yeah we did have so i did interrupt for friday it was very slow friday i like to think of fridays as being the squat party because they typically are but we did have um a new person there trying it out yeah here we go and it's really interesting when you you kind of after you know being down there a while you kind of get used to everyone more or less knowing what's going on it's just at this point it's just kind of minor minor tweaks in technique and just getting stronger most people basically squat with a relatively solid technique yeah their forms more or less down at this yeah unless Unless I'm down there.
Starting point is 00:20:05 Or me. I was just going to say, except for me. So tonight I had someone down there that is brand new to it. And you don't realize that brand new, do you think he's ever went in a weight room? I had mentioned in high school, which was over, I mean, close to 20 years ago. So it's been, you could basically say brand new. Went in the weight room. I had mentioned in high school, which was over, I mean, close to 20 years ago.
Starting point is 00:20:27 So, you know, it's been, you could basically say brand new. And you realize that a squat is not a natural position really for people to get into. Like it's not. It is at one point. Yes, it is. But most people cannot get into it. After you haven't done it for 30 years, it's no longer natural. And maybe a squat's natural. I think maybe just dropping into a squat might be natural assuming you have the mobility but now throwing a bar on your back and that takes out of the whole the
Starting point is 00:20:54 whole natural so like watching someone i forget like you know we all do have a certain level of skill we're not all complete morons so uh kind of coaching that through was uh it was pretty interesting and uh i guess my tip to kind of reinforce the squat was people think i think most people think uh it's knees the squat is all knees when the way i like to think of it is kind of you know breaking out the hips hip hinge first yeah it's a lot more hips and sticking your butt out and going from there and uh we ended up getting the box involved and i think once you give someone that box to know that they can sit on it and sit back into it they can get the you know put more weight on their heels and it just it clicked just like that and uh i mean the guy made pretty good progress like he by the time he left technically yeah technically progress yeah by
Starting point is 00:21:38 the time he left um with just a barbell going to the motion it was it was a perfectly fine squat so it's it is kind of it's just interesting you know we get so into this and everyone moving hundreds of pounds that you forget how far probably we all have come in this journey just what what people don't know that aren't exposed to that yeah yeah and even trying to explain something like an rdl or like a stiff like a deadlift you know that you still kind of are bending up the hips. Your back's not really doing much. Your back's kind of staying flat more or less the whole way through.
Starting point is 00:22:10 It's just your hips. And that's not natural to teach to people either. You know, you don't, in your regular life, you don't really have to do anything with your hips. So like teaching your body to make that connection of how to move those things through you can like really see people like focusing like it'd probably be like if someone took us in a room and told us like try to teach us how to dance and be like no it's not happening those pathways don't exist i i'm probably the worst dancer that i know of like anyone that i know i'm the worst so i did take an eight-week ballroom dancing class once could you do it could you Could you go do it? I could get it down. It took me some time.
Starting point is 00:22:46 I had a funny story. It was my wife. When we first moved back here, she just didn't feel like working because we were staying at my brother's house while he was overseas. Moving to High Life? Yeah, but we were looking for a house. And I said, well, you're going to have to get a job before we can buy a house. And we ended up finding this house that we wanted to buy, and I said, well, but I can't put in an offer if you don't have a fucking job.
Starting point is 00:23:15 And she said, fine. And this was on like a Friday. She's like, if I get a job by the weekend, and we're able to then get the bank to send the stuff off so we can get the house. And if we get the house approved and we end up moving into the house, you have to take ballroom dancing classes with me. This is before we were married. So you're still trying to like. She wanted me to learn to dance so we could dance like real people at the wedding. And sure as shit, she goes and gets a job.
Starting point is 00:23:44 After four months of not working, I realized that she just wasn't even goes and gets a job like after four months of not working i realized that she just wasn't even trying to find a job until she had to so then i yeah then i got conned into then at that point i was tricked and i had to had to take ballroom dancing so did you do it at the wedding yeah yeah and you looked like a freaking star like a a boss, yeah. I don't know if I still would have it in me today. Did you do the Ramba? I only learned how to, what is it, the waltz? Sounds right. I think that's the only thing I learned how to do
Starting point is 00:24:14 really fundamentally. Sounds really classy, though. With a few accessories. A couple of twirls. Now you've got to spin. Yeah, yeah. But that's the extent of my dancing. And just the white guy, hands in the air stuff.
Starting point is 00:24:32 Oh, I can rock that. White boy, a lot of beers deep. Letting the music go and just jumping like a crazy man. Just feeling it. I'll do that all day. You let the music flow through you. You let those mustard beats get on, and it's game over for everyone. I usually do avoid it at all costs until I'm just that drunk.
Starting point is 00:24:56 And then it's fun. It's just right. Yeah, and then, like, you just hit a certain threshold, and it's like, oh, wait, that does look, maybe that is fun. I'm really doing it, guys. You just hope there's not a video camera out at that point in time. I got, yeah, see, the same way, I won't actively go to a nightclub and be like, oh, I'm going to fucking dance tonight. You're a bottle service guy, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:27 The last time. Did I tell a story about when we got drugged when we were in mexico i have not heard okay no so the last time we went to mexico we went to wait which time that you got drugged in mexico the this was the last time that i got drugged okay accidentally um but we uh we were there and we were staying at this resort and we go into the place and we, it was all inclusive. So you don't have to buy any of your drinks. And we got there like right as the place was kind of starting to tip off. So we got our spots right by the dance floor and we were already pretty housed and our, our little, we went up and each of us tipped the bartenders like $20 and there was quite a few of us.
Starting point is 00:26:07 And then our server came over and we each tipped him like, so he probably got like, they each probably got like 150 bucks out of us right when we walked in just as a tip so we didn't have to worry about it. And didn't realize with the conversion rate apparently that that's an impactful amount of money. Month's salary. So they're down there and uh and i think they misinterpreted it as like oh we should give these guys drugs oh because i have partied a lot in my
Starting point is 00:26:36 life and i've had a lot of awesome times but about probably 45 minutes after we got there we are all out on the dance floor dancing like fucking lunatics and everybody else in all the pictures that we took everybody else out there looks like normal people and we're all just dripping with sweat we're just sweating to beat all hell and i think at some point i had leaned over to uh someone else that was there with this and i was like this is the most incredible night of my fucking life. So do you think it was like some Jack 3D that they put in there? The good stuff? The pre-band.
Starting point is 00:27:13 Is this where your tequila pre-workout concoction grew from? No, no. But whatever it was that they gave us was probably pretty awesome. I'd pay for it again, I guess. probably pretty awesome. I'd pay for it again, I guess. But, um, but yeah, that, but that night for real, we danced for like six hours, like six hours, like that's a workout. Yeah. It was pretty intense. Did not feel that good the next day either, but we were able to drink through that since it was an all inclusive place.lusive place yeah uh you gave me the recommendation barbell shrug they recently had on uh the squat university guy dr aaron horshig
Starting point is 00:27:53 dr aaron horshig aka the fucking man yeah did you listen to that at all no i just saw the clips of it i think they had they did a few videos on instagram or something and i saw it pop up there which i'm like hey cool i know both of these people yeah so i watched it listen to it actually and he said the word right i don't know i wanted to count but i bet i saw that in the comments actually they made a meme of it even like they just had a picture of him and it just said right question mark yeah how many times do you think he said the word right 300 yeah i was gonna say 500 times i don't know at the end of every sentence right yeah right that's how he finished every sentence right what he said was he was like that's yeah that's what happens when i have a whole bunch of coffee um really he actually confronted him about it actually yeah yeah like they were making a joke they made it
Starting point is 00:28:45 they couldn't not bring it up because it was there was a right like every five seconds there was a right in there but i actually made a joke of it i actually didn't catch it until like halfway through because it just went right over my head and then and then once it started once you know once i noticed it i i was like oh my god he's been saying this the whole time but they actually went they did a few other things other than just the podcast they got some videos on youtube that they had done with like um like kind of how to break down people squat foot mechanics you know ankle mobility and some of those other things that was fucking really good like as good information as what he puts out um that i would highly highly recommend checking out made me again look at it
Starting point is 00:29:31 like god damn it my ankle mobility shit you know but yeah he's he's awesome he knows his stuff he's really interesting to listen to and i don't bring that up to make fun of him what i was actually thinking is i say it reminded me how i say you know a lot i use you know like he says right to fill in the gap yeah like i entered enter end a sentence with you know you know i don't remember what it is that i say but i say it i probably have like four things that i lean on all the fucking time um i don't say um but i just make the noise like sometimes I'll listen to the podcast that we did and I'll be like did I just say ah for like 10 seconds there? why was I saying ah?
Starting point is 00:30:13 he locked up somebody hit him what else did we have for today you guys? Tanner has something that I do have a really big surprise waiting to drop. I've been warned about this two weeks ago, and I've just been patiently waiting. If you're watching on video, you're going to see this here, too.
Starting point is 00:30:32 Well, maybe we should talk about something else first. No, no, we need to do this. I don't know if I'm ready for this. No, because what I'm about to show you guys is going to take us a little time to do something with it, so I need to make sure we're not too close to the end of the podcast oh no we got time yeah so this in this bag oh god uh i've got a very special surprise is it a snake because i hate snakes it is a trouser snake no this is i bought this recently oh the is that the bow tie yeah this is, I bought this recently. Oh, is that the bow tie?
Starting point is 00:31:05 Yeah, this is the bow tie made by Donnie Thompson. And I talked to Donnie Thompson. Oh, we're name dropping. Yeah, me and Donnie are pretty good buddies. Hashtag BFFs. I told him that I was thinking about maybe doing a review on this for the website and wanted to put it out there and stuff and i he his suggestion that was that uh on the podcast i should have one of you guys try it on while we're doing it because you wear it for about uh 10 10 minutes at a time or so he said
Starting point is 00:31:35 and then uh just when you take it off just say what you feel so tyler you should probably put it on because it's about your size you can try it afterwards but it's going to be a little bit bigger yeah so you won't get like the full effect but i was thinking tyler could throw it on and then when he takes it off just say like what you just say one word just just describe but i'm gonna come over there and help you put it put it on yeah because i have no idea what i'm doing okay i'll fill in the gaps for anyone that can't uh can't see this. All right, Tyler, again, I don't know why your pants have to come off to put this thing on. Is this some weird sex thing, Tanner?
Starting point is 00:32:11 It depends on your definition of weird. Okay. Pull these into you a little bit. So it kind of looks like the top half of a parachute almost. Like that. Like that? Does that feel fairly snug? Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:32:28 You look pretty upright right now. Yeah. So say what you feel just going on to begin with. I mean, it goes on pretty easy. But once it's on, I feel like my... I mean, it's weird because it's just across my shoulders. But my posture... Yeah, you're sitting up like all of you like tyler you can't relax man yeah like you it seems like you can't slough off and it's not it's not uncomfortable or anything like that but like
Starting point is 00:32:57 this is okay what is this thing called the bow tie the bow tie and there is two versions of the the bow tie this one is the formal okay and there's also a casual the bow tie. This one is the formal. Okay. And there's also a casual. The formal is made out of a stiffer material. So this is probably the stiffer of the two. And I knew how you liked them extra stiff. I knew it was a weird sex thing. But Spud Inc. manufactures it.
Starting point is 00:33:21 Is that his company? No. No, it's not. But he kind of is an inventor okay and he also makes uh the thompson fat pad yep which is a very wide large pad people use for bench pressing yep and then he also makes the fat bells which are the kettle bells that you stick your hand into he and like a fucking superhero fist yeah it's like it like wraps it's just a cannonball that you put your hand inside i haven't seen those so it's funny you'll see people do curls with it yeah it's like you see their arm just right here it just looks like a badass fist
Starting point is 00:33:56 yeah it's like a hulk can't like one of those toys i was kind of wondering if they wouldn't make some that are like colored yeah that's a good idea i don't know if we had talked about it before like the captain america bumper plates that they had that looked really badass but to do like a hulk hand version of the of the fat bell yeah pretty sweet so uh he invented all that stuff royalty check for that idea when it comes out that's right with that you heard it here first so you can buy these uh now rogue and elite fts are both marketing these for him now you can buy it at either site so it's something is there a version of this that you would wear like around the the casual one you could wear you could wear around either of these
Starting point is 00:34:38 you kind of could probably couldn't wear it like with a t-shirt yeah the strap like in that actually it chafes you after a while like it's in your armpits in a weird place you know it's not comfy so it's not supposed to be what's the like usage guidelines like 10 minutes at a time half hour that's interesting like there you maybe when i bought it they weren't being marketed yet by rogue or elite fts you had to go sign it kind of like spud inc's own, which isn't like an awesome website with good information. Actually, to find out what size I needed, I had to message Donnie and be like,
Starting point is 00:35:10 I'm this size, like, which one do you think I should get? Yeah. Because there wasn't even a sizing chart yet or anything. And he told me to get, that's a 2XL. So that's probably the size he would tell for you to wear too. But I asked him, like, how long am I supposed to wear this? Or what do you do with it? You know what?
Starting point is 00:35:28 Can I just, I want to buy it just because, because I was like, should I wear it for like an hour at a time is what I asked. And he said, well, maybe, uh, do it like an hour throughout the day. So maybe about four or 15 minute sessions. And he said, usually, uh, people don't use it to train. You don't train while you're wearing it but sometimes people do that you he said you can do that yeah that's not typically the use but i have seen people doing that on instagram seems like it'd be in the way a little bit of that yeah
Starting point is 00:35:53 i think so but his recommendation was wear it for about 10 to 15 minutes on doing anything sitting standing uh what he said it's it's not a brace it is uh therapeutic through it's a couple ways one is just through the basic compression it's just tight on your shoulders yeah so when you take that off uh because of that compression that's there for 10 or 15 minutes it's gonna increase blood flow to that area oh yeah and you'll be able to feel that i think and then besides that it's uh for humoral alignment so does that mean it's funny to look at puts your humor right in line it puts it right in line with like massonomic style but you just it's putting your arms your shoulders where they need to be
Starting point is 00:36:38 where they should be yeah they're not there because we all do this and this. Just die and chain to a computer. Yeah, exactly. It reinforces you being in that position is the basic thing. The position you should be in. So this is the formal bow tie. That's the formal one. And the other one is the casual. I haven't touched it, but it is black.
Starting point is 00:37:04 Is that a racial thing uh I don't know why you had to bring the color into this I usually try to do that like once an episode so I'm glad someone did but no I don't think so if you're asking seriously. So that's kind of what I know about it. And his recommendation is just try it in a few different ways. Maybe try it doing a few different things and just see what you like. But he did emphasize to me that it's not a brace.
Starting point is 00:37:41 So it's not something you're going to wear all day. No, exactly. the let me see the back here and uh you can put it on yourself that's that's why i went over and helped him put it on it's got those straps in the front because you want to you you kind of did it naturally you know you kind of grab onto those and you can pull it up and but what's nice to do uh he kind of recommended it if you do have someone is pull down the back and i saw what someone even said is gets it down below your in your lats yeah you can even that's what he said if pull those down under your lats almost if you can on the back and it really
Starting point is 00:38:16 puts it in a pulls you yeah nice position that's pretty cool yeah yeah just make my my boobs look huge no it just really looks like it just really has some exceptional posture yeah it does that is what it's like the interesting thing that i feel at least at least with having it on is that you don't um i think some of your shitty posture sometimes you think it will start with your the lower back but once this is forced to be in like the correct place it'd be really hard to have a really upper because you have to yeah yeah like you can't fall apart and let your lower back yeah it would it would be interesting to wear this like to drive like like because i drive all the time at work so to just drive for like 15 minutes with it somewhere
Starting point is 00:39:03 and then take it off just so i have a reminder of like that's exactly how you're supposed to say it is a remote that's what you said is exactly a thing that he said to it is a reminder of how you should be yeah yeah it's pretty cool i can i get to keep this right no no no fuck so how much does something like this run um i i don't know you can pull it up probably if you wanted to. That might be complicated. Oh, okay. Let's see what we can do.
Starting point is 00:39:29 Do you remember what the website is again? Well, you can go to Rogue. Okay, yeah. And just type in both at... It's Rogue Fitness, right? You're the one that does CrossFit. Here's the deal.
Starting point is 00:39:44 In our dungeon, in the Massanomics studio dungeon, my Wi-Fi signal doesn't reach very far. So the last couple days we've been doing it, I've had the mobile hotspot on my phone, which I don't have on right now. I was going to say, because you did it really snazzy. Yeah, I was a little more prepared. You were bipping and bopping all over the
Starting point is 00:40:06 place pulling up screens connecting the interwebs across the room no uh but i think it was about 50 okay you know yeah some 55 maybe i can't remember exactly yeah and i would also say this item certainly is not a necessity for anyone but uh hey it's a cool thing to try out it is a cool thing to try out i mean you're gonna spend money on stupid shit at some point anyways and i'm not saying it's stupid shit but like there's a lot of worse things you could spend yeah i spent 50 at the bar after our party and I don't remember hardly being at the bar. Right, right. And I kind of have a shoulder thing going on anyway, so I was just like, yeah, this is a shoulder thing. So how much have you used it so far?
Starting point is 00:40:53 I try to use it at least once every single day, and I usually wear it. Sometimes I actually wear it two or three times a day, and usually at least 10 minutes a time, sometimes 20 minutes a time. Uh-huh. And there it is there's 60 bucks yeah there's the formal okay does it have a sizing chart um there's a 4x the only thing that they have left is 4x oh oh flying off the shelf jesus tanner got in early got in early I was and that's why you know i was going to bring this to the podcast like they do have a fit guide okay it's just your body it's just body yeah whatever which is kind of yeah based on this i would be a 3xl but i would not recommend you know i don't i think you want it to be pretty tight i would think so you know i mean too tight
Starting point is 00:41:43 might be an issue but not as much as too loose. Yeah. If it's too loose, it's just not going to do what you too tight is going to make it more uncomfortable. But so it's just a different material. You can see that that probably looks quite a bit stretchier. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:57 It looks pretty comparable to what you see with like wraps. Yeah. It kind of looks, that's what I thought you were pulling. It kind of looks like the, uh, it actually kind of looks like the slingshot, the hip circle material. The casual one does.
Starting point is 00:42:10 I thought it was a pair of SBD wrist wraps right there because they're that same red material. Well, what I think the one Tyler's wearing, the formal one, I think that material reminds me of the slingshot knee wraps. It's like a little bit stiffer almost canvas yeah canvas like material that's pretty legit but you can't buy it on rogue basically unless you're fucking huge really what was the weight for 4xl let's see what their sizing chart is how much do you have to weigh to get a night now for the sake of of four 300 plus 300 plus well fuck i could eat
Starting point is 00:42:43 a big meal and be 4X. Go from a 2X to a 4X. But no, that's the only size they had. It does say they'll notify you once it's back in stock if you sign up. I've seen it on Instagram a lot now in the last week or two. I think it's gotten pretty popular. And for anyone that doesn't know Donnie Thompson, if you're into lifting and then interested in anything recovery wise
Starting point is 00:43:06 he's for mobility and different uh improving your mobility and recovery he knows his stuff for sure and he's got a lot of different uh things that you probably haven't seen before that would be interesting and you know might be worth a try if you're having issues on something what's his does he have a website? I don't know. He's SuperD is his nickname. I think... What's his Instagram? He's a former powerlifter.
Starting point is 00:43:36 He's a real big guy. He used to be a lot bigger, and he doesn't compete anymore, and he's gotten a lot smaller. He does the body tempering stuff, so he has the ex-wife, where it's gotten a lot smaller but he's got that he does the the body tempering stuff so he has like the ex-wife where it's like a 150 pound steel like piece of round steel i want to get one of those after watching him use that stuff kind of like that boom stick yeah that's a that's a larger even than the boom stick uh yeah these things it looks it looks pretty odd there's a lot
Starting point is 00:44:03 of times where i've had something where it's like, oh, I just need a massive fucking steel thing. Just make it hurt. Do you just put it on you basically just to get the muscle to just give? Yeah. Usually someone has to help you with body tempering or whatever he calls it. But usually you're laying there relaxed and someone is doing it for you and it's extremely painful because it's a 200-pound thing rolling over your bicep or whatever.
Starting point is 00:44:29 It hurts you. Okay, I think it's been on for more than 10 minutes. Yeah. So I just take it off? Yeah. We'll see how graceful you are at that. You're just going to leave this up to me. You weren't going to tell me how this was going to go.
Starting point is 00:44:45 That wasn't so bad. Well, you're not out yet. Oh, fuck. I got a thumb stuck. You talked a little too early there. All right. All right. So what do you feel?
Starting point is 00:44:56 I feel really loose in my shoulders. Like, really loose. Like, yeah, I think. I think it was going to be too big for me. That's what she, really loose. Like, yeah, I think. I think it was going to be too big for me. That's what she, never mind. Yeah, it's just too big. It looks too big. Yeah, it's not, is it even tight?
Starting point is 00:45:14 If I really wedge it in there and slide it down. Yeah, have Tyler pull it down. Yeah, if you pull it down, then it can get some tightness in it. There we go. That'll help a little bit. And even, like, pull each one of his straps individually and try and pull those down if you can i'll pull down while he pulls the straps or pull these down well no like on the side yeah on the sides of the bottom pull those down like
Starting point is 00:45:34 that yeah that'll help a little bit yeah okay yeah my shoulders feel like and also like i can move in so many places whereas i felt for a long like my shoulders just are where they are yeah i think but like right now i'm having kind of anxiety that i want to put it on after like you talking about the way because i know how it is and i'm like i kind of want mine to feel like that again yeah i can already see you know this is not properly fit for me at all but i can already see like it's almost like someone's just performing like kind of a stretch on my upper back almost yeah it's just kind of putting me into place i dig it can you feel uh like what i was talking about by what he said is like the compression
Starting point is 00:46:17 almost where it's actually sitting a little bit but i think a lot of that was that i got was like my arms started tingling too from cutting off a bit of circulation. Yeah. So I'm getting this kind of like rush of blood to my whole. Yeah. All my extremities. To do everything? Maybe not everything.
Starting point is 00:46:35 This rush of blood. There's only so much blood to go around at once. So what do you think? Did you like it? I like it. I'll probably have to get one. Yeah. I'll definitely have to get one yeah i'll definitely have to get one and it's like i mean do you feel like you have a shoulder problem or um not really um but this made it feel made my shoulders feel better and i don't have
Starting point is 00:46:57 like shoulder pain on the regular you know i have some rotation issues with squatting but like I have some rotation issues with squatting, but I don't feel like walking around. I've been wearing it. I do too. I've been wearing it prior to my back squat days. I wear it on the way to the gym, basically a little bit before and on the way, just because I think it helps a little bit. Helps you open up a little bit. Yeah, I think so. I think this kind of feeds into the thing, at least this is kind of how i feel about the squat is um i think one of the reasons
Starting point is 00:47:29 that i feel like i can stay so tight and upright is because i can bring my shoulders in so far and i think if you know this thing does help you get back and give you that mobility so i could see how that could even be i mean carry over to helpful helpfulness with the squat even right what would you guys think about wearing that while you perform a squat? I never have. Like, honestly, for me, I feel like it just puts me naturally in the position I want to be in. Yeah. Because I naturally want to be arms way back in here.
Starting point is 00:47:57 I think if I were to, I would do it just as I'm working with, like, a barbell. Yeah. And then maybe, like, throw a platebell. Yeah. And then maybe throw a plate on. Just helping you get. Just mainly to be set, to have a cue to be fully set. Yeah, it's a cue. As you get back underneath the bar. And then I think I would take it off just for me because.
Starting point is 00:48:18 It's in the way. It would be in the way. But no, I dig it. I dig it a lot. You want to pull me down again? Yeah. Yeah. Since I can't quite feel this bad boy out.
Starting point is 00:48:29 When you're done with him, can you give me a couple of tugs over here? A real good tug over here. You can wear it when you drive home. No, I didn't mean on the... Oh. Oh. No. But I'm glad you asked. I would say, say though like the weirdest thing about this is why you feel like
Starting point is 00:48:49 you sit so much more upright when you're like i feel like my lower back is really upright but i think it's just the fact that my i'm just my shoulder blades are like retracted and not hunched forward so you work at a desk uh all day do you think this would do you what do you think this would be like if you threw this on once every two hours or something? Do you think it would help you? So this is actually kind of – this is almost very timely that you brought this up because at work amongst our department this week, we've talked a little bit. Ergonomics? A little – a decent amount about ergonomics, standing desks, getting monitors at the correct height because you don't realize that you put that thing down at the wrong level and all of a sudden you're just hunched over yeah yeah and you just you
Starting point is 00:49:29 don't even think about it it's just you just kind of revert to that top of the monitor even with your eyes top eyesight pretty much yeah and so i got that thing raised up yeah raise the roof on that baby this weekend but um i even i have a hard time just doing massonomics things with like, cause I just do all our shit off a laptop. So it's like, but if I'm doing shit for an hour or two, having it just on a fucking table is the worst. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:55 Well, that's why it's so hard for me personally to do massonomics stuff. It's like to sit at a desk for eight hours and then to go home and be like, all right, let me crank out this for another two and a half hours. All right. I got 10 hours in at a desk today. I've the standing desk thing that you bring that up i work at a desk all day too and i have hip insane hip tightness with squatting and stuff and i've been thinking
Starting point is 00:50:16 for a long time about just buying my own standing desk at work and just or or like they make it for your regular desk that you can put on there's a crazy amount of options that you can put on top of a desk actually one of the more interesting ones we saw this week because we did talk about this a decent amount is there's a company that makes a cardboard one and it's like 25 bucks and it's uh you know obviously it's not adjustable it's just but it's made of industrial cardboard and uh do you got it there on stand that might be it let's see let's i'm gonna read this article here it says screw those 300 stands the the downside of this one yeah that's what it is right there no shit so it's just like collapsible yeah and your keyboard goes on the one level and then your monitor and everything goes on the next level which get on my level seems i mean 30 25 bucks
Starting point is 00:51:04 like that's a pretty solid deal but that's i think that's their marketing plan it's like yeah yeah i'll give it a shot yeah that's what ever that's what it means yeah that means their cost is like a dollar and a quarter yeah so interesting it's called the or stand or I stand. And once you enter the world of standup desks, there is limitless. Oh yeah. Whether you want to go like up,
Starting point is 00:51:33 like stuff that already goes up top where like the Vera desk, that's like adjustable. You could go from sitting to standing in like 10 seconds to, I mean, there's tons of like wood. That sounds like a really easy way to like fuck up all your cords. Well, see the, my, my biggest fear is that at work, being a graphic designer, all of our stuff is on Macs. And currently, the setups we use is an iMac where the whole computer is built into one. So it's not like you make a mistake and you drop your monitor and you're out at $150.
Starting point is 00:52:00 You drop it, you broke a $2,000 computer. It's a pretty big deal. So something, I still haven't found that perfect solution. Well, I mean, there are some, but they would be fairly expensive. So I don't know what the perfect option is yet. I guess just get a bunch of Windows computers, and then you can wreck 10 of them. They're disposable at that point.
Starting point is 00:52:26 I can't get there. Okay, so Oristan's website is dog shit. It's nothing like that. Have you ever been to that The website, I bet, is going to load up fast as shit. Look at this. Boom. Yeah, it's there.
Starting point is 00:52:43 Look at that, guys. Wow, how fast did that load? You're getting into the lay on the camera because it's so fast. Look at how. Boom. Yeah, it's there. Look at that, guys. Wow, how fast did that load? You're getting the delay on the camera because it's so fast. Look at how fast that loaded. We did it. We do have a couple new things as far as articles that have been out. This one even
Starting point is 00:52:56 slid under my radar. I just put it on there. I had made it and I was like, oh. It hasn't been beta tested so i don't know if the link's gonna work or not yet but we do have a spreadsheet for uh all sorts of magical things you want to explain that tanner yeah it's a uh spreadsheet that you can tanner loves spreadsheets i've been known to like spreadsheets before it's a real number cruncher.
Starting point is 00:53:26 Yeah. Common passion that Shane and I share big Shane from the gym. We talk spreadsheets sometimes when we're not talking heavy bench presses or something like that. Uh, but it's just, uh, there's other of these on the internet,
Starting point is 00:53:38 but I just wanted our own. Uh, and I hadn't seen one that, that gives you times body weight and Wilk's score all in one. Oh, there we go. And then I also threw a Watts formula in on that too. Oh, that's what it is. It's times body weight.
Starting point is 00:53:51 When I first looked at it, I thought it was a calculation to, like, figure out what your ex-girlfriend's body weight was. It says ex's body weight. I was like, huh. Yeah, she's gotten real fat since you know that. She's two times her old body weight. If your numbers are really big, they'll be heavier. I see.
Starting point is 00:54:14 So, yeah, that red lettering, a little higher right there, a little higher right there. I think that's what I haven't actually checked yet. Oh, there. It all works out. That's going to ruin my computer. Yes little higher right there. I think that is, that's what I haven't actually checked yet. Oh, there it all. That's going to ruin my computer. Yes. Okay.
Starting point is 00:54:29 Uh, it's malware, phishing, other things, other things that our it department sends me at work, not to click on Tanner's Tanner's really good at spreadsheets, but not so much at, uh,
Starting point is 00:54:43 virus scans. No, no. So that's it. And you can, but not so much at virus scans. No, no. So that's it. And you can do it in either, you just select pounds or kilograms, and then you can fill in your info and see what everything comes out to. And does this give them all access to the secret Masonomics cloud files also or not? I think just this one. Okay.
Starting point is 00:55:06 Wait a minute. I assumed it wasn't going to get clicked on a ton. I thought just maybe it would look cool if someone stumbled on it. Honestly, nobody's listening to this either. So that's that. Yeah. Tommy, you want to take your shoulder straps off see how you feel I would love to
Starting point is 00:55:27 yep I got the thumb stuck too I'm telling you it's a trap you know it wasn't as tight on me so I don't think it's as immediate but it does feel like why do I have so much mobility in these things like like after it's i'm ready to do like some dancing over here and uh they didn't pay us for this and they certainly didn't give tanner this for free
Starting point is 00:55:55 so uh this is at least fairly objective oh yeah i mean yeah wait that's i mean that's what he wanted they didn't pay us yet when when i talked yeah when i talked to him that's what he wanted. They didn't pay us yet. When I talked to him, that's what he wanted. He's like, just put it on and just say what you think because he's confident enough about it that he knows when you take it off, after wearing it, you'll be like, oh. Oh, shit. That does kind of, at the very least, that does kind of feel nice. And even now, it's probably 10 minutes after I took it off,
Starting point is 00:56:21 I can move my shoulder blades, which I kind of is a problem for me, you know? Um, yeah, I dig it. I get, I give it a, I give it a definite would use again. Would try again. Yeah. Yeah. I would too.
Starting point is 00:56:37 That's, that was, that was kind of cool. And I mean a better fitting one. Yeah. Better fitting one would obviously probably really, really impress me. So if someone wants to like send me one, me one, I'll demo that for you. Spud Inc., Rogue, Elite FTS, Dunny Thompson. So did we have anything else to run down today, guys? Anything else?
Starting point is 00:56:57 Oh, no, no. We do have probably some articles coming out maybe by the time that this. We actually have a huge backlog of articles that we're just finishing up for you and figuring out what to drop. Just waiting to drop on you like a bunch of bombs. It's actually a lot. Yeah, we do have like four pretty damn good articles that are coming your way. So, prepare to get your face blown off. And in the meantime, you can still go to and check out all our old super shitty articles.
Starting point is 00:57:33 Yeah. So, I've been listening to some other podcasts, you guys, and we're going to not do this now. But from here on out, we're going to start splitting up the wrap-up fucking responsibilities. So someone's going to have to pimp the website. Can we vote on this? And then someone else is going to pimp the Facebook thing. And someone else will hustle the Instagram and such. I don't think we should just make major changes.
Starting point is 00:57:58 We should probably talk about this out there. No problem. This is going to sound kind of weird now. This is why I brought it up on here. It's because I fucking mess it up all the time oh no you do it so i'm gonna eventually we're gonna hand off something but that's like at home if my wife tells me that uh you need to start doing the dishes like no you're you but you do it so good you're so good you do a way better job than me like i could i suck i'm suck. I'm a shitty human being. I'm a dumb man.
Starting point is 00:58:27 I could never wash them as good as you. She's just talking about you wiping your own butt, right? That's a whole nother story. But really praise them and really put yourself down. What I do, actually, is I just do such... Don't get any ideas either, guys. But I do such a shitty job when I'm asked to do something new that I don't want to do that she'll never ask again.
Starting point is 00:58:53 There's a lot of little tricks you learn after. Yeah, or it's like you're going to fold and put away those clothes until the clothes pile and pile, and I'm content with living out of the pile. Oh, yeah, that's how. They're clean. That's how they're clean that's how god they're fucking clean they're just in a pile there's two or three baskets but they're all in a corner but they're all clean i how about this i don't know if there's enough time for this or
Starting point is 00:59:15 not but what about the i have a theory that um clothes aren't it's not black and white where they're either clean or dirty there's a gray gray area. There's a way gray area. If you're a man, your clothes, like 90% of my clothes live in that gray area where it's not dirty. It's not physically sweaty or dirty. Even denim. Like a lot of people say like denim should not be washed regularly. I'll wear jeans. I'm doing good, Ben.
Starting point is 00:59:39 Three to four times for sure. I'm not throwing on jeans and just sweating and I'm like I'm at the gym or anything. times yeah i mean i'm not throwing on jeans and just sweating and i'm like i'm at the gym or anything now i will if i and i now don't get me wrong guys i have what would be categorized as just somewhat subpar hygiene like it's not terrible but it certainly is not exceptional but like if i if i work out in the clothes they they're certainly dirty, every article of clothing. But that's just because I'm kind of disgusting. What about if you're wearing tights and your shorts are pretty... For me, I would still be done with them. Shorts are all on you.
Starting point is 01:00:15 For me, anything I work out... Well, with the exception of my sweats, I wear over the top to warm up. I'll let those things get kind of grimy because it's at the gym. But everything else, I work out in it like it gets. Yeah, and then it's dirty. But that's white, black, and whiteimy because it's at the gym but see but everything else like i work out in it like it's gets yeah and then it's dirty but that that's about that's that's white black and white then it's dirty but yeah not working out clothes but nothing else falls under that yeah right basically yeah if i wear a i mean t-shirts i'll usually wash after one time but like if it's something that i might have to fucking iron like if i'm wearing a shirt that i have to button up i'm definitely not doing anything too nasty in it so it's something that I might have to fucking iron, if I'm wearing a shirt that I have to button up,
Starting point is 01:00:46 I'm definitely not doing anything too nasty in it. So it's going back on the hanger when I'm done, for sure. Good. I think most men agree with that. And hooded sweatshirts are good for at least 10 wears. Are you even supposed to wash those? If they have a zipper, it's annually. It's a coat.
Starting point is 01:01:01 It's annually. It's annually. It's a coat. It's annually. Yeah. I have like a Carhartt jacket for work that I haven't washed in four years. I mean, it's a coat. Yeah, a coat.
Starting point is 01:01:14 That's the whole point of them. I wouldn't know how to wash it if I had to. But at the same time, that thing probably gets a lot of like fresh air, like air blown on it. Oh, yeah. I mean, that's almost like hanging it out. Plus, it spends the whole summer stuffed behind my driver's seat no that's good that article is in like a perpetual gray area for the forever existence yeah yeah it's just it's not clean but it's not dirty like it needs to go through the washing machine no and it probably never will be no no i don't know if i've ever
Starting point is 01:01:43 washed a coat in my life, to be honest. Are we really disgusting? No. I mean, someone out there is going to say that or think that, but they're just lying. They're just wrong. Yeah, well, they're just making a point. They do it too. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:59 Plus, it gets so cold around here, I think that the cold takes off all the stink. For sure. That's a fact. it gets so cold around here i think that the cold takes off all the stink for sure that's a fact um well send us all of your poor hygiene pictures oh one other thing not about poor hygiene god damn it tanner you here's what happens every episode i am just about to finish i say you guys have anything else just keep teasing him you know what no i think we're all good and i'm like okay that's gonna wrap it up tanner's like oh think we're all good. And I'm like, okay, that's going to wrap it up. Tanner's like, oh, wait.
Starting point is 01:02:29 We're on our third Tanner interjection. No, speaking of really poor hygiene, the This Is Female Powerlifting Girls had their first podcast episode out. Yes. Speaking of really poor hygiene. No, not really. That's not very nice. No. They would appreciate that joke i think
Starting point is 01:02:45 but no and i i listened to that and that was pretty cool but i was just gonna say anyone uh that listened to the podcast that you did with them and thought that was kind of cool they should probably check that out yeah and they'll have they have that now theirs is on itunes as well and they did they jumped right to video too as well So they'll have it on their YouTube channel also. And I, everyone listening, I went on iTunes and gave them a freaking review. And it wasn't that hard. It was pretty easy to do. It was pretty easy. So.
Starting point is 01:03:17 Like a civilized person. Yeah. I know there's more than 13 people that listen to our podcast, but we have 13 reviews. So. 13 people that listen to our podcast, but we have 13 reviews. And if you've listened to us try to end this podcast three or four times, and we're still going now, and you're still listening. And you haven't given us a review. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 01:03:34 Get it together. You are the worst person. Let's say the next option would be just send us money, Ben. If you're not going to leave us a review, just send us $150. Yeah. I really were just asking 20 20 seconds of your time yeah like you don't even really have to write anything you can hit the five star button and just say good i like that that's good or just hit five stars and say and you can say say these guys for yeah so say these guys forced me to do this and i hate them but just give us five stars still. Yeah. I mean, maybe don't do that, but we'll take the stars.
Starting point is 01:04:09 Yeah. And if you feel like leaving us a one-star review, go ahead and go fuck yourself. But that will do it today. Definitely leave us an iTunes review. Go to Go to the store. You can buy some stuff. We have all sorts of cool shirts.
Starting point is 01:04:29 We have some new shirts coming out as well, including the Massonomics' new wear Uno T. Son of a gun. We have three really hot designs piled up next that we're going to be coming out with. That is true. That'll be pretty legit. Also there, if you scroll to the bottom of the page, you can sign up for our email newsletter, which we still have yet to bother anybody with. So if you're worried about us
Starting point is 01:04:53 harassing you, it's not going to be too frequently. Um, Facebook, we have Facebook. Tell us about it, Tanner. Uh, we have Facebook. Go to Facebook it, Tanner. We have Facebook. Go to Facebook. I don't know if you guys are familiar with Facebook or not. It's where people yell at people that they would normally be nice to in person. It's where you're supposed to talk about politics. Yeah, I'll promise you this. We're not going to get political on you. It might be funny.
Starting point is 01:05:20 It might not be, but... But you'll know what's going on in the world of Mastanamis. So like the page if you haven't. sure like the page what's wrong with you um that's is that everything youtube you're watching us on youtube yeah click the subscribe if you're not watching us on youtube go to youtube click subscribe we do have other videos and such there as well um that'll do it. I'm Tyler.
Starting point is 01:05:46 You can find me on Instagram at Tyler F. and Stone. That's Tyler E-F-F-I-N Stone. Tommy? You can find me on Instagram at Tomahawk underscore D. And Tanner? Check me out on Instagram at Massonomics. And I did think of one other thing quick. We just did the mannequin challenge.
Starting point is 01:06:01 We did. God. Here's the deal. This is two weeks delayed, which means the mannequin challenge we did god here's the deal this is two weeks delayed which means the mannequin challenge is probably so as you're hearing this fucking played out the mannequin challenge is dead but but moms out there you might like it right now for all you people that are not quite with it the mannequin challenge is pretty awesome right now. Go do it with your friends and see what we did. We just did the Harlem shake. For everyone else. And the running man challenge.
Starting point is 01:06:30 Yeah, for everyone else, we got on it. We got it over with so we can say we're done. So at Massanomics on Instagram. That's right. And that's where you'll find us all doing the Macarena and whatnot. Hey, Macarena. Next week we're going to juju on the beat.
Starting point is 01:06:46 Yes, hopefully. I leave for Viva Los Mexico. I think that's how you say it. Is that in Nebraska? I don't know what that means. So we're going to be gone all week. Hopefully, if I get back in time, we'll get another episode in for you next week.
Starting point is 01:07:01 Otherwise, there might be a lag. Otherwise, the show's done. The show's done. I guess we've been canceled. We did it. So thanks a lot for listening out there, everybody, and stay strong. You just heard the Masanomics podcast.
Starting point is 01:07:13 With your ears, you're welcome. Check us out on Facebook. Find us on Instagram at Masanomics, and make sure you visit and buy some of that sweet Masanamics gear. From your friends at Masanamics Studio, home of the world's strongest podcast, stay strong. Thank you.

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