Massenomics Podcast - Ep.73: Strongman Showdown Pre-Show

Episode Date: August 28, 2017

This week, we tease you with all the events and competitor profiles for the 2017 Massenomics Strongman Showdown. There's gonna be a lot of big dudes, a lot of heavy objects, and hopefully an enormous... crowd there to watch. There's a lot of interesting scenarios that are going to play out on the dirt-and-grass field this year, and this is your opportunity to get a behind-the-scenes look at our self-proclaimed "World's Most Awesome Strongman Exhibition". Check it out in crystal clear audio:   Or you can see our beautiful faces in the video version below.. If you don't already have a closet full of Massenomics gear, go to the MASSENOMICS STORE and load up on swag... Also, please CLICK THIS LINK TO GIVE US A 5 STAR RATING ON ITUNES... Click this text to follow Massenomics on Instagram... Vote Massenomics for President in 2020.. Have your barber shave our logo into the side of your head.. Maybe get a Massenomics tattoo while you're at it.    Or you could sign up for our email newsletter at the bottom of this page. Stay Strong, M

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to Massanomics, the world's strongest podcast. Find us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter at Massanomics. Make sure you go visit There you'll find the rest of our powerful content. While you're there, check out our store and buy yourself some of that sweet Massanomics gear. Depends on which test. Or whose testicle, probably. All right, guys.
Starting point is 00:00:34 We are back in the studio for the Massanomics podcast. This is the first time in years. Looks like a strange place to me. What is this creepy basement room? Did you rearrange? Actually, we thought about moving it out there to where there's way more room now that all my furniture is out of there. Because that's all at the gym and I have an empty house. But we need better lighting for that.
Starting point is 00:00:57 So I think we'll buy an actual lighting setup. And then we will move out there so it doesn't look like we're recording in my closet. That'd be cool. Which I think would be a good move good or we could just record in your closet like in there yeah we're out there with we have to really would have to shut off the furnace i couldn't even accidentally let that slide so we're back after i wouldn't say a long hiatus but we've had a lot of i think our last three episodes have been on the road and i'm sure everybody's tired of hearing me talk to guests well maybe they might be maybe do you have any uh now that it's all said and done and people have heard these top-notch interviews any funny stories anything off the air worth mentioning you know like the outtakes anything from the outtake reel that we could that like when we edited you know when we always edit out the bad stuff and yeah when we very thoroughly edit all our podcasts i think um probably not
Starting point is 00:01:52 i don't know i i it was kind of funny when we did julian's episode because the plan was i like everything i do i'm like all right we're gonna get in he's busy you know like i'm at their airbnb i'm gonna get this done and i going to let them go about their day. You know what I mean? They got shit to do or whatever. You know, I just try to stay out of people's way. So I get like, if you heard the episode, I get like an hour in and I'm like, Oh, yeah, we wrap it up and he's like, fuck no, we're not, we'll do two episodes. If we have my dude, I'll stay here all fucking week. I have to to and i didn't even check to see on the video at the end but at like that podcast went almost two hours long but i think i could see on the tripod camera that as soon as it got done he got julian got up
Starting point is 00:02:37 and ran inside to get something to drink and then um but as soon as it got done i'm pretty sure that was still on but but by the time i shut some things off it was off yeah so like it we literally had like an extra minute on the battery and that or we'd have lost the rest was that exactly how you planned it yeah definitely so you guys thought you stuck to the script like pretty closely then yeah yeah we scripted everything out yeah it also was hot as shit out so it was like well we'll go outside because of the lighting and and then we get out there and i get everything set up and we set up we sit down and put the headphones on we're like fuck it is hot it's
Starting point is 00:03:16 like wearing earmuffs outside oh yeah yeah yeah and um so yeah as soon as we started they're like jesus we should have done this in the kitchen i I'm like, yeah, that's fucking too late now. Did Brad look like as much of a weenie in person as he does on Instagram? Brad is very small. He's very small. How tall is he? He's about my height. He's about 6'5".
Starting point is 00:03:38 Oh, he's 6'. Yeah. So when we were, I don't know if we got into it on the podcast, but we were leaving this restaurant, and there was like, I think it was a little like Korean family or Hispanic family or something, but these little kids and the mom like tapped the kids and was like. Don't let them eat you. She was like, look at those people.
Starting point is 00:03:57 And the kids were like, whoa. And you guys both got stiffies. Yeah. Being a huge guy and getting called out for your hugeness in public is like being a hot chick and getting called out for being hot yeah like oh that's insulting to me but i'm kind of into it and then no actually we were going to do julian and richard's episodes at um at like my hotel except for when you guys watch the one with brad it has kind of an amateur porn vibe because it's just like a poorly lit hotel room that one's for the ladies
Starting point is 00:04:32 that one was for the ladies you shot it the way you know best out of the way i know best i actually we like took the lampshades because there's no light in there at all so you pull all the lampshades unhook all the lamps and drag them around so you can at least see and then i fucking broke one of them beforehand and then the other one i was putting them away so it hasn't showed up on my massonomics credit card yet you're good then yeah i think we're probably fine but it was good we had a real good three episodes so hope you guys dug that now we've got uh we'll be at home base for a little while yet uh we have this coming well you're you're listening in the future past now but for us we have in shit five days six days six days yep six days is the 2017
Starting point is 00:05:21 massanomics strongman showdown some say the most important strength event of the entire calendar year for sure i mean technically we don't even know who won the world's strongest man so that's true are we claiming this title yeah yeah without a doubt so we'll probably have a bigger crowd though for sure yes i think that is a fact that's for sure quite true i believe you're willing to bet also that our crowd has probably much higher income than all of the people at the crowd at Botswana. Yes, they have income. Because they have income.
Starting point is 00:05:53 But we have some events this year. I don't know if we quite ran them down before, but we will now that everything's set in stone and we have the implements. No pun intended. Boom. set in stone and we have the implements no pun intended boom so uh tanner what uh what is give us the rundown in order yeah the events are event one is a i guess you could call it a medley it's yoke to sandbag so 50 foot that is the first event yeah 50 foot with the yoke and 50 foot back with the sandbag the weights are going to be 600 pound yoke 220 pound sandbag
Starting point is 00:06:26 carry the sandbag however you see fit yeah you can shoulder it if you want to several people have asked me that and the way i figured that just is that a good technique um what you lose there is it takes time to get it up there see that's what i what you gain possibly is it's easier to carry if you're worried about dropping it to me 50 feet at full speed is like what 10 10 strides that's it's an option people can choose to do that if they want to i'm not going to tell people how to or not do it but i would say that that's probably not my choice to just belly it yeah on it but yeah it's hard to say but you got to get down there with the yoke first yeah so yeah um we have a really large variety of heights and weights and ages of people doing this.
Starting point is 00:07:06 So 600 pounds, um, you know, that's, that's lighter than what you would see like super heavyweights doing in a competition or, you know, like 800 might be what you would see that when our weight range varies by right to someone that's 150 pounds. Yeah. Yeah. Um, so that's the weight there. The sandbag is 220 pounds so i think there'll be some fat you know there'll be some reasonably fast times there time limit on
Starting point is 00:07:31 that one is 75 seconds this is good that's about 30 seconds more than i like to work yeah so that's event one i think that pretty well covers that one. Event two is the Farmer's Carry, and we have two sets of implements this year. So it will be... Two identical implements. A high-speed foot race. Yep, it'll be a race. It doesn't particularly matter how you do in comparison to the person next to you any more than it would normally.
Starting point is 00:07:59 Can you shoulder those? Yeah, you can if you want to do them overhead to work your stability while you go. And those are 265 each, so 530 pounds total. Last year we did that as a max distance the first time you dropped it. And what was the total weight last year? 450. 450. 225 each.
Starting point is 00:08:19 So we're 80 pounds heavier. Yep, yep. 40 pounds each hand, a little heavier. But last year we were going farther. Yep, yep. This year you pounds each hand, a little heavier. But last year we were going farther. Yep, yep. This year you're going 50 feet down and back. So 100 foot total. Yeah, 100 foot total.
Starting point is 00:08:32 Yep, there is a turn, but you can set them down. Because in this race you can set them, you know. Oh, that's the strategy there. Yeah, yeah. And you can do that either way. It's just how many times you're comfortable deadlifting 540 pounds. Each time you set it down, you're deadlifting. For me, that would be not at all. tyler's strapped in i'm gonna get that fucker up once if i'm lucky and then
Starting point is 00:08:51 the handles on these ones are slightly higher than our handles on our old ones so it is less of a the thing i also like is the the with these imp, the distance between the weights actually is a lot wider. So I think that gives you a little more room to actually move your feet. Cause I even noticed last year, like those ones, if you stride it out or took too big of a step, you were, the weights were almost on your heels.
Starting point is 00:09:16 The only, and the only disadvantage that I heard someone else comment about that is if you did hold them while you turn, like the weights farther out, I don't know if that feels like that or not, but someone brought that up and I said, Oh, that could be, is if you did hold them while you turn, like the weights farther out. I don't know if that feels like that or not, but someone brought that up, and I said, oh, that could be. But yeah, so you can drop them as many times as you want,
Starting point is 00:09:33 but how many times are people going to drop them and pick them back up, really? Yeah, I wonder, too, what people's grips are like. This will really be a grip event still. Yeah, because if you're dropping it, like my, I mean, well, this is going out before, I guess I'm competing against you assholes, but yeah we're all we're all we're all doing this i guess i don't really care reference uh my uh i mean my plan would be i mean i know whoever i'm going against is probably going to stand it up a lot faster than i am and go but if my i've had an elbow thing but if like i could probably hang on longer than anybody there.
Starting point is 00:10:06 As long as I don't, I don't debate that. So my thing is like, but I also can deadlift. I probably the worst deadlifter out there. So, so you just need to focus on getting it up. Hang on, keep moving. They can drop it and drop it. And I'm going to turtle. Maybe, maybe when you get to the end, Tyler, you should just backpedal all the way back.
Starting point is 00:10:24 Thought about it. It's allowed. You know, if someone's dropping it at the end, Tyler, you should just backpedal all the way back. I thought about it. It's allowed. You know, if someone's dropping it at the end, that's probably a good technique is to just back it up five steps and be ahead of them. So it will be a race. One change to this that I realized in watching some guys practice the other day is it was going to be that you can get down and get set and get your grip, and then you'll give them the judge the nod, and then that's when they'll say start.
Starting point is 00:10:48 But I realized in watching some other guys do it that won't work because some of the guys setups were like so insanely long with their grip that if you were the other guy and you were down there bent over and you're like place hold your yeah for like 15 seconds that's not going to work so it's going to be from the standing position yeah i think if you want to have a ridiculous ritual that's that's your problem but it's going to be while time is running now but so that i look at that as a grip event though still basically you know it's it comes down to what you can so speaking of grip events this isn't a mass masturbatory joke either i had from hauling in those fucking stall mats into the crossfit gym like nine weeks ago now. And roughly how many are we talking here?
Starting point is 00:11:26 120. That's a few. At 110 pounds each. Oh, is that what they weigh? Yeah. And so, but they were on a trailer, so we had to haul them out, chuck them onto the sidewalk, and then drag them in. So I had like so much grip stuff. I got like what I think is just tennis elbow, but really fucking nasty.
Starting point is 00:11:44 I got like what I think is just tennis elbow, but really fucking nasty. Like right in here to where for the last couple of weeks, it'll get better and I'll try to train and then I'll fucking irritate it. The other day or last week, I was loading some equipment back into my pickup, just doing this. And all of a sudden I felt like my elbow just get longer. Like fuck. And then it was like five days of I couldn't pick up my cell phone out of the passenger seat i couldn't even grab it and lift at all so i i basically haven't even been lifting anything hardly at all and it feels okay now but i'm like fuck that is you think it was from the repetition of oh yeah definitely no i know that for sure because i a couple hundred times i had
Starting point is 00:12:22 some pain in my elbow here, like my inner. And then once after that done, it felt out here. And now it's like every week or two I aggravate it, fucking aggravate it. But now, I mean, it feels okay now. Not awesome, but I'm hoping another like five days of just not doing anything with it. But I haven't, so because of this, I haven't touched and I won't because I believe honestly that if I pick those up now there's a good chance that I legitimately wouldn't be able to compete yeah so I have to give it until then to even have a shot at being able to do a grip event at all um which is bad because if you if
Starting point is 00:12:57 I look through these events I'm like fuck like the way this is like picking anything else up is going to be a problem even the log so that we got the new log and i it's been for the we've had it for a couple weeks now yeah and i haven't even i know that i won't be able to right now grab it like grab it and so i just have to wait until i'm fresh so literally the day the time that i do it in competition will be the first time that i've handled both of those implements which is bad it's a bad fucking strategy not ideal yeah especially with it being a new log right yeah well tanner says it's way easier though easier to clean for sure easier to clean but so necessarily easier so just you can load the weight on it you're good i don't even know if i want to do much for practice reps to be honest with you because it's like like I said I was just
Starting point is 00:13:45 putting something in my truck and set me back for fucking a week so we'll see how that goes but I'm hoping that I can be totally fresh then and then I'll just uh maybe I'm just a savant with a 14 inch log we don't even know but so what do we have after so anyway the farm the carry i actually thought that was the first event yeah that's the that was the first event last year yeah so i kind of was like shit well i'll come in right away and then i'll get hurt in that event and then i'll be fucking done no you have one first one first and then i'll get one to warm me up one to warm me up so what do we have after that third event will be the car deadlift and we are using a different car than last year personal specialty
Starting point is 00:14:25 you can use straps on that though so at least sweet you know if your elbow is hurting after the yeah farmers carry which is probably ratchet straps just pinch it like strap it to my shoulders uh so that we're using last year we used a hatchback ford focus this year we're using a new chevy malibu we have a chevrolet dealership and uh i've seen the commercials on tv if you're confused that it's a bmw or something no it's just that's just how the new chevy malibu looks yeah it's just just how it is uh tommy and my wife megan are also malibu i'm i'm two generations back megan's one generation back. One generation back.
Starting point is 00:15:05 But for the event. They do not look like BMWs. For the event, I can't even remember where I was going with this. Probably something about a Malibu. Did this feel comparable to last year's? Yeah, the first car we tried was a Chevy Cruze, and it felt lighter. Me and Ryan pulled up to Tanner trying it out, and as he set it down, he goes, I could have a conversation while I was doing this.
Starting point is 00:15:31 Yeah, it just didn't feel very hard, honestly. Yeah, I know last year I struggled. That's what she said. Last year I struggled with it, and with this vehicle, I went up to it not warm at all and did five. Yeah. So we moved to the next larger Chevy car, which is a Malibu, and it feels comparable to last year. Did you try anything a little heavier just to see?
Starting point is 00:15:53 No, I would have liked to. I actually would prefer probably even to use the Impala, which would be the next heavier car. But the Malibu is that new song by Miley Cyrus. So we can put that on repeat. That's where my mind trailed to in the middle of that when I said the Malibu. But the Malibu, if you look on Google, is slightly heavier than the Ford Focus. Like maybe 100 pounds or something.
Starting point is 00:16:24 But I think there's more at play than just the weight of the vehicle when it comes to that. Yeah. But yeah, it feels comparable. So expect to see a similar number of reps on those, I would think. Well, that's assuming no one's gotten better.
Starting point is 00:16:36 Well, right. Fuck. By similar reps, I got zero last year. Son of a bitch. And then what do we have after that one? Event four is the log clean and press ladder. So we did, like Tyler said, we did get a new log. It's a 12-inch log.
Starting point is 00:16:53 Last year we were on the 8-inch. This one's the 12, and it's considered by longer. Would you say four inches makes all the difference? Sometimes that's all it takes is four inches. Yeah, that four inches is probably all you needed to begin with. Yeah, guys. takes is four inches yeah that four inches is probably all you needed to begin with yeah guys and it is i i've used it a couple times it is easier to clean definitely i in my opinion pressing it's not any it's you end up do you end up chasing it when you
Starting point is 00:17:17 press a little bit out in front of you or not yeah it might seem a little harder to press i don't know it's yeah yeah it just i mean because it's harder in the way that when after you clean it it's like really uncomfortable yeah just because it's so out there kind of well i'm like in your face yeah yeah like you're like like in your throat like i actually the one time i used it i feel like i bruised my chin because like you cleaned it yeah yeah so that's event four and that's a ladder starting at 200 pounds jumping and this is one event that really surprised me last year for the crowd getting into yeah definitely liked it yeah they did yep that last man standing thing really
Starting point is 00:17:55 gets that is cool like and so we weren't going to do it like that this year and then but then none of the events would have been that and i think it's good to at least have one of the events. That's a last. That kind of pushes people a little bit. And we can't do that with the deadlift, with the car. Let's just say, figuratively speak, last year worked out well. That basically everyone dropped off to the end. We get to the point where the top two fail in the same weight.
Starting point is 00:18:20 We're going to drop down. Instead of adding 20, go 10. What I want to do is if it gets to two people left you know we can talk about this at the beginning of the day they can they get to choose at that point when it's your turn yeah you can pick anything that's a five pound increment so if if there's two people left that both got 280 and they don't want to jump right to 300 they can pick to go 285 290 295 or 300 or whatever they want when it gets to two people we're bringing our fractional plates if i want to go 285 and a quarter then you can't yeah but i think that would be an interesting way to do it because you'll see more
Starting point is 00:18:57 people you'll see the barrier push to where the farthest it can get to rather you know and a little strategy is always fun to watch yeah yeah so like if there's two people left if it's you two and you both did 280 uh whichever one of you is first has to choose which weight you want to do and tommy you're first you choose 285 my overhead press is not in that region so don't worry about me but so you choose 285 so be it it's tyler's turn he can either choose 285 to try and stay you and go another round or it could choose 290 to try and one up you one up you save a little energy right but then it's your turn again so you do get the rebuttal a rebuttal yeah you know but if you miss you know then you could you and you could choose to go 290 or 290 basically when it gets to those two they can pick
Starting point is 00:19:43 whatever because i just think it makes it more interesting to see like oh what's he gonna do And you could choose to go 290 or 290. Basically, when it gets to those two, they can pick whatever. Because I just think it makes it more interesting to see like, oh, what's it going to do? But not the whole weight thing isn't going to go. It's just going to go 20 pounds at a time. Until the last two. Yeah, yeah. I like that. So that'll be event four.
Starting point is 00:20:03 That will lead into the fifth and final event, which will be the Atlas Stone for reps over bar. Atlas Stone over bar for reps. What's the weight? So we're doing that a little bit differently this goes along with what i said earlier how we have a lot of varieties of sizes of guys competing in one competition against each other and it's fun to see everybody push their own personal limit whatever that be. So we're going to have four different stones. There'll be a 220, a 260, a 19-inch 300, and a 21-inch 330. So those four different stones, and there's a 60-second time limit. And each competitor, when it's their turn to go, they select whichever stone they want rolled in there to start with,
Starting point is 00:20:41 and they stand over the stone, and that's when time starts. And you begin, and time has started. rolled in there to start with and they stand over the stone and that's when time starts and you begin and time has started if you either get it very easily and want to move up you can yeah or if you are failing and want to move down you can you have that choice but the time is still running you know so it's going to chew up your time really quickly yeah but anyways you go for the most number of reps you can with the heaviest stone you can one rep one rep of a heavier stone is worth more than a thousand reps of a lighter stone yeah always that's interesting yeah i want like because i got the 300 in the gym yeah and what you're about to say is what everyone is almost everyone that
Starting point is 00:21:22 i've talked to is like that about to fucking do that about a certain, you know, whatever the stone it is. Cause everyone kind of knows what they can get. And then everyone knows what is a challenge, but what's there. Plus the problem is if I like,
Starting point is 00:21:33 I still want to get the 300. So for me, I don't know. I'm less concerned with winning. You just want to get the three. I want to get that motherfucker. Yeah. I think the biggest factor is,
Starting point is 00:21:45 you know what I mean? I would not want to burn 20 seconds throwing the 260 what if but i failed at the 260 in the competition last year but what if you're doing the math in your head and you're like oh if i just get the 260 for four i'll win the whole thing so then are you going to be like but fuck i want to do the 300 or are you going to you know i want fuck, I want to do the 300? I want the 300. So 300 for one still beats that. Right, right. I don't know. Definitely.
Starting point is 00:22:09 But there's also the factor of the last time you did the 300, you didn't do the 600-pound yoke. Right, right. And the 500, yeah. And that's where I think it just seems like, because we've done them in the gym, and it's like, oh, you're kind of fresh. It's like, these aren't too bad. But that's not after a three-hour of getting the crap kicked out of you i feel like i would rather fail attempting
Starting point is 00:22:28 the 300 because that's what i want to fucking put up fuck it oh i don't like we don't we don't want how much money are we didn't we went in here enough to retire for the year it should be enough to retire good i think there is like that guy that wins 800 and qu. Good. I think there is. I feel like that guy that wins $800 and quits his job. I think there is $625 worth of prize money to be won total. Total. What about prizes as far as barbecue sauce goes? There is, I believe what I'm going to do this year, what we're going to do this year is whoever finishes fourth place overall gets the barbecue sauce award.
Starting point is 00:23:01 Because it's like your. Is it a case? It might be a gallon this year or a case. A gallon is only like a month's worth. But see that, because otherwise getting fourth place is normally like, shit, I'm just out of the, you know, but this way it's like, well, I think so. Is this kind of snowballing into an everybody gets a trophy thing
Starting point is 00:23:21 and next year it's fifth place. Then gets like a pint of barbecue sauce. Yeah, yeah. gets a trophy thing and next year it's fifth place but i i do think um because this year the the event that they're specifically sponsoring is the atlas stone so i if we do it that way it'd be whoever win the atlas stones get it but i like the idea of fourth place getting it because then yeah you're kind of disappointed but then you're like well screw you guys at least i got this yeah yeah but that so if you went for this could apply to anyone if they went for that challenging stone that they know they they got in the gym like once and they think they could get it if they go good but then if you spend
Starting point is 00:23:55 your whole time and don't get it you get last well here's the other thing too though here's the other thing too though when i've attempted the stones like 30 seconds to 40 seconds, how long is the time limit? 60 seconds. 60 seconds. So 30 to 40 seconds on the stone is enough to get several attempts in. I mean, if you're going to break it from the ground. Like if it's not moving from the ground at all,
Starting point is 00:24:15 like you could fight with that thing for like five to 10 seconds, take a 10 second break. Five to 10 seconds, 10 second break. If you want to go for a third one, you could just really go all in. But if you're just dying. Yeah, you can roll that one in quick.
Starting point is 00:24:28 Like if I'm not able to break the ground with it. Yeah. Yeah. But what I've seen, a lot of guys can lap it. Like when it's a stone that's hard for them, they can get it lapped. And then you like struggle with the, you're like, can't get the good grip on it, you know? That's a small guy problem. Right.
Starting point is 00:24:43 So then you take like 15 seconds of like. Just shimmying. Yeahying yeah yeah so that's where you can eat it up a lot of time that's yeah that's the opposite of my high flesh out of nowhere i i do not have that problem mine is getting it to my lap once it's to my lap i think i can move it around but um yeah we'll see what that level of doll depends on how many 50 or 60 reps with the car i get you know and that's i i'm excited to like literally watch everyone do that stone event though because it's going to be like someone else was telling me they didn't you know a couple people mentioned that they might think it's less exciting this way you know that there's more build up with the little people going for the might think it's less exciting this way, that there's more buildup with all the little stones. You're going to see people going for the big ones.
Starting point is 00:25:26 Yeah, it's just last year what was exciting about the stones is when people went for the biggest ones. Yeah, and this will just be that for all 11 guys. Yeah, why not? So I think it'll be fun to watch and just really fun to see what people choose to do. Yeah, yeah. I'm less interested in winning it and more interested in
Starting point is 00:25:45 i want to put that 300 up yeah yeah yeah yeah i know there's a there's a lot of people with like especially with atlas stones like there's a number they want the hours like i just here's the problem really accomplishing to get that 260 is a little fucking wonky yeah the weight isn't right if i was gonna do fucking six or seven reps with that 260 i would just be upset about it the whole time because it sucks to get on it it moves on you weird it's like it's like our shittiest stone yeah oh i would still say if you got six or seven reps with that you should have just done the 300 well yeah but i actually think that i could get five or six of those with that thing fresh yeah Yeah. Like probably more, but it sucks.
Starting point is 00:26:26 Like that one I don't like doing because I don't like that fucking stone. If anyone picks, say, the lighter weight between the two that they're thinking of and you just are rocking it out so easy, like in the middle of it, you're going to be like, oh, shit, why am I not doing the heavier one? And you're going to put up half as many reps as you could have in that because then you're going to try the bigger one and waste the rest. But if you do just get one with the bigger one at that point, then it's worth it.
Starting point is 00:26:52 I think it's going to turn into an ego thing where a lot of guys are calling out the 300 and it's just like, get that thing. I'm going to do that thing with my ego. That's what's happening. Unless I'm hurt. So when we originally decided to do this this year, we didn't have a larger stone than the 300.
Starting point is 00:27:08 So I, since then I got that 330 so we could add that into there. So that adds a more interesting layer of it too. Like if someone's going to try that, you know. Yeah. It's bigger around, which makes it harder too. Now we had a lot of very good volunteers last year, but we had volunteers all of very good volunteers last year, but we had volunteers all at the wrong time.
Starting point is 00:27:30 Do we have volunteers to help haul equipment? To actually move things, yeah. We had lots of volunteers there to watch the show. Yeah, yeah. Not so many to carry things out there, haul them out of the gym. We'll see. Time will only tell on that.
Starting point is 00:27:41 That's what people say. If I had to pick volunteers, I'd be like, all right, half of you can help during the show yeah the other half when we need it when we actually need it well especially like so now like for real like i don't know that i'm gonna carry that yeah yeah truthfully carrying those stones up and downstairs sucks yeah like i and i don't know like i do believe actually if i did if we hauled the stuff out now, there's probably like an 80% chance that I would not be able to compete tomorrow. Yeah, right. The only things really, I've already got the car deadlift frame loaded up,
Starting point is 00:28:12 and really the only things that are going to be a pain in the ass to move this year are the stones. Yeah. Like everything else, literally, I can't. Are we using the yoke for the bar? Yes. Okay, so that's one. So it's just that.
Starting point is 00:28:26 And there's no 700-pound tire this time pound tire this time no so it is really simpler it really is just the stones that are going to be how high is the bar for the stones it's we're using the the lowest setting on the yoke which is uh about 47 inches so that lowest platform we have at the gym is 48 how tall was that crossbar we had last year 44 okay so it was fairly low last year all right you know five yeah yeah we didn't jump at two feet no no much more like that platform that we have in the gym is you know we have four feet four and a half feet and five feet five feet is really tall yeah like there's if we made this five feet it would make a difference on what stone people are doing for sure.
Starting point is 00:29:05 Yeah. Definitely. And people don't really have to walk it anywhere. No, it'll be right there. Yep. At the bar. It's just a load. It's a stone.
Starting point is 00:29:11 You pick it up and load it. Like, there's no carrying of it. I like it. So that's the five events. And that's that. Amazing. We have, yeah. So that's going to be, that has already happened.
Starting point is 00:29:27 It's already happened at this point. We'll probably be talking about it next week with tremendous hangovers. That's true. Oh, yeah, the sixth event. We actually did not cover all six. There is a sixth event, and you could argue this is the most important event. I would say the sixth event after last year is becoming the most legendary of the events. I've heard more people tell me how much they've been training for event six most legendary of the events i've heard more people
Starting point is 00:29:45 tell me like how much they've been training for event six than any of the first five yeah like a couple guys at the gym say that they've been training for event six for years now i have been yeah since i was a teenager event six does not uh discriminate against height or size no either you don't actually have to compete there is only one requirement, well, two, is that you be on the team, so to say, and two, that you be over the age of 21. So event six would be the after party. The keg drink. At the house formerly known as the Masonomics frat house.
Starting point is 00:30:23 Casa de Defe. Yeah. So now, Tommy, we had a bit of an issue last time. Is that when you get kegs, and there is a lot of people who drink a lot, what happens is you don't know, have any idea when you're running out. Yep. So what happens is there is just, is a momentum based thing, right? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:45 You're like, here we are. Things are getting better. We're having an awesome time. I'm feeling pretty good. And then now we're out. Wait, what? Yeah. And then you have to scramble, which is fortunately why even at those things, I usually bring a case of beer with me.
Starting point is 00:30:58 Yeah. So this is always, you know, I've purchased my share of kegs in my day. And there's a couple logistical concerns. One is, like you said, you never know when it's going to run out. But before you even get to that point is when you're the main financer of the keg, there's always this mystery of how much is this $120 keg going to actually cost me? Is it going to cost me $0 or is it going to cost me $80? Or I guess you should say, is this keg going to make me money, which I can just guarantee almost never happens.
Starting point is 00:31:38 Never happens. No, this one's on you, Tom. Or it's like I'm going to lose a lot of money. And I've been on both sides of that. I think last year we came out pretty good. It probably cost around $20, which I didn't really care. We're all stand-up guys. But then also the factor of once you need that second keg,
Starting point is 00:31:53 then because no one has cash ever, and if they did, it's because they gave you their $5 they had. So now it's like you've got to find the ride to the liquor store, and you need another hundred and some dollars, and is where it gets really really tough yeah but that's also the time when you get the goods and nobody's buying back in i mean i already paid you yeah i mean i paid you so that i could drink here all these other assholes drank all my beer yeah you know yeah and then yeah you get the guy well I just showed up like 10 minutes ago. Yeah, I just paid. You didn't just chug like 10 beers. You gave me $5.
Starting point is 00:32:28 Wow. If we were at a bar, you'd have got one beer. Right. Yeah. I feel like that's more of a problem when you're in college and like dollars matter. When you're older, that gets a little bit better over time because someone will be like, ah, here's 20 bucks, man. Like, thanks for doing it. You know.
Starting point is 00:32:44 And that usually happens like if round two for a keg ever comes up there's usually like those people that like we really need it here's 20 bucks yeah and it's like we get four of those people this is almost done you guys are the best yeah you don't hang out with many high rollers when you're in college no at least i't. Event six will be bigger this year than last. The first five events will be bigger this year than last. What's the forecast looking like? As of today, sunny. But last year, I started checking a week out.
Starting point is 00:33:15 Sunny, sunny, sunny, sunny, sunny, sunny. It was like the day before. The day before, it's like chance of thunderstorms. They weren't even wrong, though. The day of was sunny, and it also featured torrential downpour. For a half hour at a time yeah and then right during our yeah it was like we had like three batches of golf 80 degrees and sunny that's good um yeah what's our shirt off policy i mean is i mean if it's sunny are we
Starting point is 00:33:37 wasting tan are we gonna get weird tan lines i mean i don't know if i can but the only well the first four events have a tacky shirt yeah Yeah, that's what I was going to say. For the Stones, people are allowed to choose a different shirt. Yeah, for sure. Because nobody wants to wreck this nice new shirt. That was the same with the tire last year. It was like, uh. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:53 You guys. Well, the mud. The mud. Yeah, because of the mud. Yeah, I'm definitely not tackying up this fine shirt here. Exactly. Designed by Mr. Tommy DeFay, who is now self-employed. I'm now doing this stuff full-time.
Starting point is 00:34:10 Doing stuff like this full-time. And when I say full-time, I'm not doing Strongman shirts full-time. But you could if enough people want them. If there's someone listening that thinks that your event could benefit from something like this, hit me up.
Starting point is 00:34:19 Something that doesn't look crappy. Because, yeah. Yeah, email us at getbigatmassanomics. Just to put into perspective here, when you get a shirt like this, people want to give you money. Like, you get people excited about it. It generates a lot of interest. So it's a bit of an investment.
Starting point is 00:34:35 But, like, any good investment, it should pay off. And I believe it already has for us. It does. It has. We actually don't have very many left to sell. No. I mean, by the time this is out. It also.
Starting point is 00:34:47 We'll sell them all at the event. It also. I think your sponsors kind of feel like they got something out of your sponsorship. When they see something like that. Yeah, you can see some bad event shirts out there where it's just like. I mean, I'm cool with wearing this thing around. Yeah. That's the goal.
Starting point is 00:35:01 I'm not going to brag about a lot of the stuff we do. But like as far as. I mean, but we do all the time yeah our stuff is awesome but as far as like the sponsorship thing we provide more than your average silly little yeah you know yeah it's not like you you spend 700 and you get a two inch spot on a t-shirt right like right we also do it we do a good job of we feed the dj the mc yeah like you got to keep hustling these sponsors all day. But no, it's... Yeah, so Tommy's out fucking straight up just freelancing now.
Starting point is 00:35:31 Yeah, we didn't really discuss that, but I have quit my job. So your last day was just... Friday. Yeah. So I'm closing in on a career of close to 10 years in the print and graphic design industry. And I've decided it's time to do my own thing so scary i'm you know me and tyler both in that quit your job boat right now tell me actually not i wish i quit it was a coincidence i mean it was it was a complete coincidence but both of us
Starting point is 00:35:58 quit our day jobs it was i mean we didn't we didn't walk in and be like fuck y'all on the same day but like the last day was friday and we found out about that like the week before we're like i'm like yeah next week's my last day like next week's my last day and you know this started on completely different timelines but uh yeah mine was supposed to be about six months from now or so i was like i'll just part-time it till i get here and then it was like fuck i gotta manage this thing and then tommy was just like it's always been something the back of my mind and so by the time this comes out i'm either
Starting point is 00:36:29 going to be thinking like i made the worst decision of my life what's going on or i'm going to be uh be loving it and falling yeah designing all types of cool stuff what tommy has that i don't have is the ability to sleep in and then do his work i do have that luxury have to get up at four o'clock in the morning to go coach class every day so maybe you could hire like a stand-in or something my uh my like self-employment life or something yeah oh yeah like if i if i didn't do other things like in a day i could basically go home and nap from like quarter to 10 to almost noon. And then again from like one to three 30 every day if I wanted to,
Starting point is 00:37:11 but there's also shit to be done. Yeah. So what do you do? But yeah, so me and Tommy are, uh, it's either going to work or we're both going to be in the poor house. That's right.
Starting point is 00:37:20 So buy some motherfucking massonomic shirts. You guys have been doing a good job of that though i will commend yeah we have sold a lot of shirts yeah a lot of support out there and we appreciate that it doesn't go on it is it is exciting really cool i don't even understand how these people are finding us anymore it's magic yeah i'm like what is going on is someone telling people about this people just get attracted to cool, and when we put out cool things, people respond. Yeah, apparently. So what do we have here?
Starting point is 00:37:49 We recapped the Strongman stuff. Tanner, we didn't even get a chance to talk about your Strongman competition. It was a while ago now. We had hyped it ahead of time, and then we never podcasted. We just haven't podcasted for so long. Yeah. So you went to the, what is the black hills uh rushmore state strength classic now before you get into it i had talked to one of the competitors this week who said that
Starting point is 00:38:11 they're actually may have that actually it is going to be at mount rushmore next year really like in the background that's really cool which that so so is like in the parking lot or like i don't know the specifics they said like the background viewing area i don't know really cool i don't know if it's that but they said like the backdrop will be the faces that'd be really cool yeah which would that is like cooler than that is like a fucking strength sport photographer's dream yeah you have like you know you basically have the premier spot yeah in the country to have one. Yeah. And that's way cooler. That's going to look way cooler than the stage at the Arnold or World Strongest Man final.
Starting point is 00:38:48 Yeah, or like an airport runway or something. You know what I mean? Right, yeah. Short of the Brown County Fair. No, they did announce that that is going to be the case. That's awesome. So that'll be super cool. So talk to me about how some of the finer points of that.
Starting point is 00:39:07 Yeah, it was a cool event. It an nas north american strongman event so also the same one non-alcoholic uh strongman yeah but that was the same organization second favorite strongman next to the ours is definitely not doesn't fit that uh same organization as the one that megan did okay in minnesota a while back here and it was cool there was a lot of really strong guys there uh big jacob uh dagel from sioux falls uh he's a super heavyweight he was there he knowing that he was going to do it i would have certainly and not knowing the rest of the competitors i would certainly predict that he is going to win yeah, I would have certainly, and not knowing the rest of the competitors, I would certainly predict that he is going to win. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:45 Like if there's an event in South Dakota and he's doing it in the super heavyweight class, I would guess that he's going to win because he's really big and really strong. Yep. And he didn't win. So that puts a little perspective in there. He came very, very close, but he lost to Tex Martin from Colorado, who is also very strong, obviously. He's very big. Yeah. First event, I'll just go through the events of that really quick.
Starting point is 00:40:11 The first event there was Viking Press, which we used the exact same implement that Tyler and I used on the Viking Press in Sioux Falls. Just more weight was the only difference. So did you feel pretty good the second time now? Yeah. I had to do 35 more pounds than I did the first time. It also is significantly heavier, but, uh, actually before the event started, I was standing around with some of the other competitors that I know, uh, Alan Larson and a couple of other ones. And we were trying to figure out Alan Larson competes against me in heavyweight class. And we were trying to figure out, Alan Larson competes against me in heavyweight class, and we were trying to figure out the other competitors, what class they're in.
Starting point is 00:40:47 And we knew everyone except for one of the other guys in our weight class. We're like, who is that? And we're looking over this crowd of guys that we thought it could be, and we're like, that cannot be any of them. Those guys are all super heavyweights for sure. The cutoff of that is 265 pounds. are all super heavyweights for sure. Like the cutoff of that is 265 pounds.
Starting point is 00:41:13 And I would have put all of them at 285 to 320, you know, very large. And when they went through the kind of starting announcements or announcing the guys and the one said his name and we recognized that as the other heavyweight competitor under 265 and like you could have seen visit visibly seen both of our jaws drop like to the asphalt because we were like no that guy cannot weigh under 200 pounds and he uh chris chandler is his name it just came to me right now and he has been a i don't know the line a professional bodybuilder you know and he looks like a professional body like the arms and the the delts on this guy were just i mean he looks like he looks like someone you would see kind kind of like someone you would see on the Arnold stage. He has some of those same proportions and everything. And before the event, this was before this when we were just warming up,
Starting point is 00:42:11 I saw him and we were introduced, you know, everyone was meeting each other. And I said, well, I see you brought your biceps today because his arms had to have been like 22 inches around. I mean, just insane. So when they announced him, after we got over the shock of how he could ever weigh under 265 pounds yeah we're like trying to lie to ourselves and we're like well maybe he's one of those guys that you know they just we got really big muscles but you know they're all for show like those don't lift anything you know those are pretend muscles 30 inch arms are just like just for looks, you know.
Starting point is 00:42:46 And that wasn't the case. So first event, he was the first one to go on the Viking press, which we did 310 pounds. And he did no push press or jerk or anything whatsoever. He just like grabbed it and started going like this. Like that was certainly his event, you know. And after he went, I was I was like well I wonder how I can get what I have to do to try and get second on this event you know and so that was just my
Starting point is 00:43:12 goal on that event was to get second I thought I did that I thought the guy that was in second at the time had nine and I could have sworn I counted nine so I went and did ten and that bit me a little bit because he ended up scoring ten so we tied there and I'm pretty sure I could have sworn I counted nine. So I went and did 10. And that bit me a little bit because he ended up scoring 10. So we tied there. And I'm pretty sure I could have done one more if I would have, you know, maybe. Maybe I could have. No, you had to. Right, right.
Starting point is 00:43:36 That was that one. So everyone else was light years away from him on, like, there was, like, when he went, I literally said that. I was like, well, I wonder what that i was like well i wonder what like second place reps is gonna be on this you know uh event two was a husafil stone carry which that was my worst all events for me went as i think i could have done for the most part maybe i could have improved some things here there but i was happy with them husafil stone carry was the exception where i'd never practiced that. You know, I don't have that.
Starting point is 00:44:07 And 375 pounds, I was worried about that being heavy. And the second I picked that up, I was like, holy fuck. This is really heavy. It wasn't like, oh, not so bad. It was like immediately like. It was coming out. Yeah. So I took some steps.
Starting point is 00:44:23 And I made it like 25 feet. But every step was like, please don It was coming out. Yeah, like, so I took some steps, and I made it, like, 25 feet, but every step was, like, please don't drop, please don't, you know. I could feel my fingers just, like... Losing it. Like, constantly falling farther away from having a good grip. It was really heavy, but... And you can't, with that much weight, it's not like you can be like, all right, shake it back up.
Starting point is 00:44:40 No. You know, it's not like... I picked it up off the thing, and I was, like, panicked Literally, I picked it up off the thing and I was like panicked immediately. Like. Oh, no. Oh, no. I was like, whoa. It would have benefited me to be able to practice.
Starting point is 00:44:50 Like, I can't say that I'd be great at that, but you would want to practice that. You had no expectation. And yeah, that's. So I didn't do well on that event. Alan Larson, who I mentioned earlier, he made his own several months before, and he won that event. I talked to him this week. I didn't ask him this.
Starting point is 00:45:11 Is he like weld or something? Yeah, that's what he does for – Because the shit that he makes looks super legit, to where I'm like, I feel like you should make things for me. He does metal fab stuff kind of for his job. He said he's not a great welder per se but like sure looks good yeah instagram he said he's a good he does like has to do quite a bit of grinding and stuff to get things right but yeah he makes a lot of his own stuff so since he had i no doubt believe
Starting point is 00:45:35 he practiced that more than anyone else because he built like the exact same yeah implement it paid off and he was he is good at it he went a long ways he did he did really well that's a shitty event to train oh that is the hold on to this thing until you want that that is a really crappy event to do too like it just sucks yeah it's not fun at all i don't like some people i'm sure he likes it he's good at it so yeah i mean maybe he likes it i don't know it still does suffering third event was a keg toss for distance. It was fun. Yeah, it was fun, and it was really fast, and it was also not. Wait, did I?
Starting point is 00:46:10 No, that's wrong. The third event was the ambulance pull. So I got ahead of myself. The third event was the ambulance pull. I believe the ambulance weighed like 15,000 pounds or something. Everyone asked me that. You didn't have a rope there either, right? No, there's no lead rope.
Starting point is 00:46:25 So it's just you're hooked up to a harness, and you lean over to pull it. First, second, and third in my weight class, I got second. I missed first by a second, and I only got second place by one second. There's one second that divided each, first, second, and third.
Starting point is 00:46:43 If I would have been a second faster, I could have got first. A second slower, I would have been a second faster, I could have got first. A second slower, I would have been down a place. Really? And it was – a lot of the guys there had rock climbing shoes, and I see why because of the beginning. You're just – When you don't – you just – you like – it's so easy to spin your wheels on that.
Starting point is 00:47:00 Yeah. And I keep telling myself, oh, if I would have had rock climbing shoes, maybe i could have gone a second faster and i do think i maybe could have but you know if i was to do one again i would maybe see who i could borrow rock climbing shoes from yeah um but the only bad thing i i the pavement it was like 95 degrees out on black pavement and a lot of people were wearing gloves and i was like well i don't have gloves and i should be okay. I'm not going to cut my hand on like a couple of rocks on some paper, but I burned my hand because the pavement was so hot.
Starting point is 00:47:32 Yeah. It scorched it. Like, cause I was on all fours. I thought you cut them. Those are like blisters. Yeah. Yeah. I burned like these three, like the pads of my fingertips.
Starting point is 00:47:43 So if you were to commit a crime now this is just like the movie seven i've seen this yeah i think i've seen this yeah but that that was a fun event that was really cool um i really i was most excited to try that you know because it just looked really cool i think the best super so our times were like 34 35 seconds the best super heavyweight time like jacob and tex Tex Martin and those guys, I think someone pulled in like 24 seconds. So they were like flying and it, it was hard to get moving. It's like jogging.
Starting point is 00:48:13 Yeah. I, I pulled my pickup in practice and that is nothing like that was very easy, you know, weight wise versus what this ambulance was. And they, it was really hard to get moving and they uh i don't even know i and i think that weight makes the body weight really makes a difference on that when you're yeah like to get that much momentum yeah yeah once you got it moving everyone went faster but the difference was with them is they could get it moving much sooner yeah um so aside from burning my fingertips off on that it was a fun event uh but at that point they were just blisters, and I was like,
Starting point is 00:48:46 oh, not a huge deal. That doesn't feel great, but I guess my fingers are blistered. Fourth event, we went into the keg toss for distance, throw it over your head as far as you can. How did you grip it? You could either choose to do long ways of the keg or tall ways where you grab both handles. I had practiced both, and to me, the tall with the handles was much better.
Starting point is 00:49:07 A lot of the guys threw it the other way. And I think I, out of all weight classes, this was one where I felt I knew I was going to probably do pretty well on it just because I could tell when I practiced it seemed like, I was like, I think that's going pretty far. Like it would be hard to throw it a lot farther than that I thought yeah so up to the point of me going um no one had I knew kind of how far I could throw based on practice and I was like well geez I'm doing I know I can throw it quite a bit like several feet farther than that so I threw it and I did I had like the farthest by five feet or so. Yeah. And then Chris Chandler comes up. Like giant Chris.
Starting point is 00:49:48 Yeah. He was, I think he's like 6'1", but literally just like the Incredible Hulk, only not green. Like in a group of enormous, you know, strong, really strong guys, he stuck out out not just a sore thumb, but a neon glowing sore thumb where it's like, whoa, that guy does not look like any of the other people here. He ended up throwing it three feet farther than me.
Starting point is 00:50:16 I was like, damn it, I was good at that one. I still got second to you on that. I thought I might beat you on that. That was event four event five was the atlas stone series four stones. And, um, I had the blister finger thing going on, which hadn't really affected me up to this point. And I wasn't, wasn't even a thought, but I got all my tacky on and everything. And the two 60 stone was, I got that easily it was good the 300 stone i got that easily also and the 325 stone the first time i bent over to pick it up it didn't feel heavy but i didn't grab it center and it
Starting point is 00:51:14 rolled like forward on me and i was like oh shit so i took a second and regrouped and that cost me some time you know because i if i would have got right away, my time would have been quite a bit, bit better on that third stone, but I had to bend back over, pick it up again. And once I got at that time, it, it felt good. You know, it certainly felt like I was going to get it and I got it loaded. And then the last, and that's what I felt like I could do. I was like, I know I can get, I'd never done more than 300, but just based on the way my 300 had gone, I was like, I think I can get that three 25. and then if I get that at that point I'm like playing with house money I think
Starting point is 00:51:50 is what I would think and if I I'm going to give that last one a shot and I bent over and got a grip on it and my hand slid so at this point my hands felt fine and everything but I tried to give it another grip and i got like my tacky stuck really good and i was like oh i think i got this and it came up like where it was getting close to where i could roll it on my knees and i got to like a gravelly part on the stone and i could feel what felt like my fingertips like falling off falling off and i was like and i just and it dropped it obviously then and i walked away and i was like oh yeah i was like and i just and it dropped it obviously then and i walked away and i was like oh yeah i was like all my skin fingers like the skin from my fingers is gone
Starting point is 00:52:34 so i don't know if i could have got that stone or not but i i think i felt good and i felt like i was i could have got it lapped and then from there it would be a guess you know i might not have been able to but I would have liked to have a chance at it yeah importantly I would have preferred not to rip the skin all off my fingers because so then what I have is bare flesh fingertips full of gravel and tacky the question is though what do you do for a living uh mostly yeah yeah sit at a keyboard um but like seriously like if that would have been one thing to disinfect that okay but it was full of gravel and tacky yeah like and if you've never had like getting tarred and feathered right yes so i'm like trying to clean that off and it really hurt bad well you know like it's like but they were worried you know i didn't want to get like
Starting point is 00:53:24 a staff infection you know yeah so that then they had to do the old uh like hydrogen peroxide and all that stuff yeah i was really being a bitch at that point where i was like this hurts i don't care like can i just just stop touching them you know don't don't do it anymore but that was the end of the event that was event event five jac Daigle crushed those four stones like he did them in. He's good at stones. Yeah, it was fun to watch. And it was like you were watching Brian Shaw. Like he gets done and he just spits flying.
Starting point is 00:53:58 It was cool. He was really impressive on the stones. Him and the other super heavyweight ended up a dead tie after five events. So they redid the Viking press event because they tied in reps in that. That's how they tied because they split points in that event. So they each had exactly 47.5 points or whatever it was. So they met and decided what they were going to do, and they decided they would do the Viking press event all over again.
Starting point is 00:54:23 Fuck it. Yeah, we tied on this one. Someone's got to win. Yeah, and Tex went first, and he did more reps than he even did the very first time around. So that's like he did pretty well. Jacob tried, and he gave it a good run. It was 330 pounds, which is a lot of weight on there. And he gave it a good run but he you know he was worn
Starting point is 00:54:46 out at that point too so that was tough uh one other note on that chris chandler i got back to the gym and uh cory from massonomics gym said i recognized that guy that uh i saw it on saw him on facebook he posted something and i looked him up and i was like i recognize that guy from someone have any of you guys ever watched pulling John on Netflix? It's a documentary on the best arm wrestler of all time. John Brzenk. Okay. If you haven't seen that,
Starting point is 00:55:13 that is a really good documentary and really cool on arm wrestling. It follows this John Brzenk. He only weighs like 220 pounds, but he is the best arm wrestler ever, ever without question. And, uh, Corey pulled up YouTube. He's like, oh, here he is arm wrestling John Brzezink. And he was a professional arm wrestler also.
Starting point is 00:55:33 And he pulled up this video. It had like 55,000 views. And they announce John Brzezink comes out and everyone's like going crazy and stuff. And then they're like, Chris the Freak Show Chandler. And I was like, like yeah that's a good nickname yeah i should have put that on his application yeah uh that was about all my takeaways it was a cool competition to watch i really liked that super heavyweight battle we were talking about the throws i just don't remember this offhand but do you guys remember at the arnold
Starting point is 00:56:01 what the record what what it was that Half Thor threw over the bar? The weight over bar? The weight over bar? Was that like 100 pounds? Oh, that's 56 pounds. 56. Or do you, which event? Because he came in on.
Starting point is 00:56:13 This was for the record breakers. The record where he's just the weight over bar? Oh, no, no, no. Not that one. Not that one. That one. No, this wasn't for the record breakers. You mean in the competition?
Starting point is 00:56:21 In the competition. That was a 100-pound bag. It was a 100-pound bag. Do you remember how high that was? Was it like 20 feet? I was going to say it was really close the competition. That was a 100-pound bag. It was a 100-pound bag. Do you remember how high that was? Was it like 20 feet? I was going to say it was really close to 20. I was going to guess around 18 or that. So here's the deal about that.
Starting point is 00:56:32 I've got now a whole set of sandbags. Not that style, but you could do the same. You actually could probably grip these ones even better. And we were just playing with them when we were in Minneapolis before, like 60-pound bags. And we were just playing with them when we were in Minneapolis before, like 60-pound bags, and trying to get them over like 10 foot, 60 pounds, and 80 pounds.
Starting point is 00:56:56 Like 100 pounds over 20 feet is basically fucking impossible. Now, we were watching. I remember watching those guys do that at the Arnold, and I was like, I don't know. I feel like I should take a crack at this, because I don't know like I feel like I should take a crack at this because I don't know what they're missing but now after having tried that with like a 60 pound bag you're like holy fuck yeah that 100 pounds over that height is in my opinion now having experienced is is the most impressive feat of strength that half floor has I don't know if it's 20 feet but it was it was around there it was 16 20 yeah yeah i think it was i think it was at least 18 but what put
Starting point is 00:57:30 that into perspective for me was the celtic fair weight over bar there what's that 56 pounds and that thing it's like you can't get it to leave your hand oh yeah it's like the minute you let go it's already coming back down and that's half the weight yeah i mean granted you're using both hands on the sandbag but i don't think that's it's not yeah i mean granted you're using both hands on the sandbag but i don't think that's it's not like a double and no it's not like no you're not gonna double your height right extra hand i'm gonna try and find out what that height was that that uh that was the only one that did it because shaw shaw did miss like the 90 or something 15 foot yeah oh it was a 100 pound sandbag toss And that's where he ripped his shirt off afterwards, wasn't it?
Starting point is 00:58:08 I think so. Yeah, I got that picture, yeah. I got real sexual up front with Tommy for a minute there. Well, was that one, though? Because I think he had the, didn't he have the kilt on when he ripped his shirt off? Maybe he did. Well, the kilt, I know he wore that for the 56 pound over record breakers yeah yeah yeah but we didn't see no i don't remember us watching we didn't know we were we were on we
Starting point is 00:58:31 were on the other side yeah on that part maybe i'm getting real life confused with youtube now at all the splints together what's the difference but no so one of these days we'll have to go out and fuck around with that go to discourse have handles like that? No, no handles either. Yeah. They do have handles. Don't you remember Mark Henry said that, you know, they would be seeing those in every. This will be the newest rave catching on in all the gyms. Mark Henry has said a lot of things there.
Starting point is 00:58:55 Which, by the way, they're not available for retail. Yeah, right. That was the thing. But, yeah, they did have handles. You can get these for Rogue. He's like, next week after this, every gym in the country is going to be doing it, except for the fact that you can't do it.
Starting point is 00:59:08 Cannot buy those. But no, mine don't. So maybe that has something to do with it, but I promise you won't get even close. Yeah. Like just trying to get – like I throw the 60s over like our little 8-foot rig, and that's doable. But if I do like try to do 10 in a row, I miss a couple.
Starting point is 00:59:27 And that's almost half the weight and almost half the height. Yeah. And I'm not old and weak. That's right. That's what's fucking nuts. But there was a lot of guys there that struck. Yes. There was, you know, Thor was not the average.
Starting point is 00:59:41 There was a lot of guys there that struck. Yes. There was, you know, Thor was not the average. That's actually what is probably, like, he was so far ahead of everybody else on that one. Like, the field, like, 80% of the field was out halfway through. Yeah. I don't know. Is there an event that they do that height benefits you more than that, though?
Starting point is 01:00:01 Probably not. I mean, just like when you line him up next to uh god what's the guy with the crazy head dimitar dimitar like already he when he their release point is what probably three to four feet different already yeah yeah and i don't think dimitar has i don't know if anyone in the world has the power to make up that distance no but thor doesn't have the hot dog rolls all over he does not his head doesn't have those aerodynamic grooves in it. Also, since I've been following Dimitar, and I think I might be friends with him on Facebook now,
Starting point is 01:00:31 just for fun, but he, he is very active on social media. Is he really? Yeah, it's weird. I don't think so. It's,
Starting point is 01:00:39 it's, yeah, like, like from a guy who like, at least maybe up there, I'm only judging him from what I've seen on stage, he just looks so upset and so uncomfortable. Uncomfortable is the perfect word for him.
Starting point is 01:00:50 What country is he from? I don't know. He's a former circus strongman. Yeah. I can't remember what country, though. I'll make one up. He looked like so close to a heart attack all the time. Just sweaty and purple.
Starting point is 01:01:06 And he did. His face. It looks like he's always making this noise. He looked like this. He did this. He had like a tic. So he was like. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:14 Like he was just trying to keep his blood pressure up the whole time. And now he's probably a real sweetheart. And we shouldn't talk shit about Dimitar, friend of the podcast. But speaking of talking shit about friends of the podcast, we got some reviews. Yeah, we've got four reviews to read today. Holy. That's a new review PR. Keep these up, too.
Starting point is 01:01:38 Damn, these are good. That's good. Yeah, and also send us money. All right. Title, Beastly Podcast for Beastly People by What's Uptin. Five out of five stars. We know who you are, What's Uptin. I have a feeling of how this could go.
Starting point is 01:01:52 I don't know. Not like who you might think. He said, no BS. Straight facts and awesome insight into all things mass. Their sense of humor makes it easier to stay interested. I don't know how I got that last sentence is that a backhanded compliment
Starting point is 01:02:09 or it's like a backhanded opposite of a compliment like a backhanded diss their sense of humor makes it easier to stay interested because it's like a chore we'll take it hey it's 5 out of 5 stars
Starting point is 01:02:24 it's because we make him listen to it. Yeah, yeah. Okay, this one is titled, Farmer's Walk and French Fries. It's a Lifestyle. I like it already. Five out of five stars from Meek Eagle. I don't know who that is for sure.
Starting point is 01:02:36 Maybe you guys do. Nope. All right. Production quality and banter outweigh the host's best lifts. Which is the opposite. Is this another one of these backhanded comments? I do know who this is now. Not personally, but since. But I really like that.
Starting point is 01:02:52 That's right. Production quality and banter outweigh the host's best lifts, which is opposite of the normal formula in this category of podcasting. So that's a compliment. We'll take that. We'll take that. Because you can always get your lifts better, but you can't. It just means that our production quality and banter is world class.
Starting point is 01:03:09 Fucking top notch. Right. That's how I take it. Our lifts are also top notch. Just maybe not. Not world class. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 01:03:16 Or even headed that way. And then listen to this part. Discovered via a web search for strength training podcasts, which led to reading the massonomics article where they of course, themselves, it worked. You guys, we got one. Gotcha.
Starting point is 01:03:32 I have no idea what this review is worth to them, but after listening to all episodes, except for the party cast in the last three months, they finally guilted me into it. Not an easy task for a non, uh, non Apple listener. Yeah, that's where it's at.
Starting point is 01:03:48 It took me a while to leave a review on my own podcast. Yeah. And that guy, I'm pretty sure he's, if that's the one I remember right, he is from Ireland. Oh. Really? Yeah. Oh, gee.
Starting point is 01:04:02 I like it. Yeah. Because he posted on Instagram also and said, hey, I left you a review there today. Did you see it? Yeah. And he's from Ireland. He just randomly, he posted like a screenshot of listening to the Massonomics podcast on his phone on his Instagram and said, my favorite lifting podcast.
Starting point is 01:04:18 I like him already. And this actually brings up a thing. I didn't even know until I recently listened to another podcast that people, there's like a service that you can, I don't know if you just sign up for it or you got to pay for it, but I guess all the iTunes stores reviews, they don't all go back to the American one. So there's an Ireland iTunes.
Starting point is 01:04:32 There's a Great Britain iTunes. So it's like there could be ones all over the world that we're missing right now. He mentioned that, and I didn't know if that was a joke. I'm sure most likely there's not for us, but we're going to say that that's where most of them are. Yeah, that's where they're getting hidden, all of our yeah uh this one's titled shirt idea from frank the tank 8560
Starting point is 01:04:50 i look forward to the podcast oh why did that guy say he listened to all the episodes but the party cast i just it was maybe his way back and we talked him out of it? Yeah, I guess so. That's probably not a bad idea. You didn't miss anything. But Frank the Tank. We weren't even on most of them. I look forward to the podcast every week, and I think you fellas do a good job at finding interesting things to talk about. I usually listen to the podcast when I'm walking my dog,
Starting point is 01:05:19 and I started to wonder if you're going to add a shirt for your mascot, Fletch. P.S. Here's an idea for Tyler's sign-off. Smashing weights and drinking shakes. Oh, snap. So that's from Frank the Tank. Yeah. Yeah. Okay, and this is the best one I saved for last.
Starting point is 01:05:37 This is just like the gift that keeps on giving. This is the longest and the best. The title is You Have No Excuse. And five out of five stars and his name on here big brad was taken already so that's a good i like that name okay i have never owned an iphone i have a surface for a tablet my computer at home is a PC. I haven't used an iPod since I thought I was cool in high school when I was 16 driving to the gym with trying to catch me riding dirty,
Starting point is 01:06:13 blasting through my cheap S10 speakers. S10 that he still drives. No, not anymore. He showed up in it. I know, but just the other day he posted that. Oh, did he? Yeah, he finds it. That doctorate i had to download i had to download itunes and restart my computer it's okay i wasn't doing anything important i had to create an apple id and put a credit card in
Starting point is 01:06:36 dot dot dot i did this all just to review the podcast you should listen to this podcast it's entertaining and it's a bunch of guys that love strength sports and want to spread that passion what the podcast really start to watch this podcast really start to grow soon and oh the first day i wore the weekend warrior lift shirt deadlifting i hit a pr deadlifting 660 pounds by five coincidence i doubt it no coincidence there so that's a good review that is a good review i love his like when he goes through all of the apple things yeah also all of the steps like you mother i had to put in my credit card 72 73 episodes yeah i would have i would have probably quit at the restart my computer part.
Starting point is 01:07:26 And then once I got through there and then I had to give up my credit card, I would have just like, ah, sorry, guys. Pwned it in. That was awesome. Good reviews. Let's see. Well, if you're listening to this, that would have been Big Brad, who was our guest last week.
Starting point is 01:07:39 Episode 72. Is it 72? 73? 72. Yeah, 72. Yeah. Yeah. 72 yeah so 72 73 72 yeah 72 yeah yeah so big brad soon to be dr big brad big brad was already taken so he couldn't use that dr big brad was already taken so well that's about it for today anything else we gotta we gotta pimp we got pretty ourselves we got pretty schwifty today
Starting point is 01:08:02 by the way i've had massonomics fans who get the rick and morty get schwifty today. By the way, I've had Mastanomics fans who get the Rick and Morty, get schwifty thing message me some funny Rick and Morty stuff. So if you're not watching Rick and Morty, get your shit together, by the way. Both of you guys. I'm not. I didn't even know what that was from. I already know how you feel about this.
Starting point is 01:08:20 Basically, our friendships are going to be on some sort of a hiatus. This isn't like Game of Thrones where it's like you don't have to watch just catch up yeah but like you definitely have to watch rick and morty or we're not going to ever be able to connect on any sort of personal level ever so kind of like family guy only not at all and way better uh anyways on that note that's your ultimate that's your homework for this week watch all two and a half seasons of rick and morty um and while you're at it don't watch icarus that was good not bad did you not like it oh it was all right see okay okay this is amazing i didn't know you guys got time i didn't
Starting point is 01:08:56 know you guys watched this so this is great that you i i the reason i haven't found it never heard of it i was on reddit and someone was complaining about you know the olympic world games whatever going on and all the people with drug tests and someone goes watch icarus i'm like oh i always like to watch a good movie talking about steroids and corruption and sport so it starts and this cyclist guy and here here's my whole issue with this thing it starts with this amateur cyclist who wants to be the best so he decides you know what i'm gonna take steroids and he's gonna just i think it was just like an experiment yeah yeah yeah but then how much better could i get the scope of it
Starting point is 01:09:30 completely blows out into like he's kind of caught in the middle of this russian sport like that almost turned into like a afterthought and it almost didn't even matter in the end anyway so it's like by the time it's all sundown it's like oh this guy went and did a cycle of testosterone for like nothing and then it actually almost didn't even matter for the it really was not relevant yeah no my thing with it was like that part is the part that i don't like the part where he's gonna try to do it and all this stuff and it gets convoluted and there's some real holes and how he ends up with he's kind of like well i didn't feel good i think he's kind of rich that gets him yeah because that seems like he was buying plane tickets from people like yeah so i think he's a rich guy which
Starting point is 01:10:10 but like he's talking to a guy who's gonna help him beat the drug test too just as a part of the experiment but he doesn't want to do it so instead he connects him with the guy that ran the doping program for the entire Russian Olympic team forever. Yeah. Like, what kind of fucking access does this guy have? Like, out of the blue. That's the hole that I don't get. I'm like, well, I feel like this might have been set up. And it's not even the access.
Starting point is 01:10:38 It's the fact that the guy's like, yeah, let's do it. And they're just like best friends. Yeah, they're like best friends. Getting like this world-class steroid like advice so aside from the fact that i think the setup and stuff might have been set up you know how they got there the actual story with which they told the russian doping stuff with like how they were doing it the scope of which of that portion of it like the last half hour to 40 minutes like remove the first 30 of it because it's not even relevant to the rest but that i thought was super interesting and
Starting point is 01:11:10 fucking crazy what the lengths that they what it actually was and how like every team in the olympics is supposed to have their country has to have an anti-doping and russia's anti-doping program was actually their job was to to figure out to give them drugs yeah and make sure that they pass yeah forever and like that putin is like the he's like your head at the top obviously we don't want people failing drug tests so yeah i i i liked it for that part but no i the the cyclist thing in it i'm like i don't care about this at all yeah it was it was kind of like two stories and then they they made the mistake of keeping the first story in. Yeah, that part, I think they should have just done away with it completely.
Starting point is 01:11:50 I didn't like it as well just because I went into it hoping it was like bigger, faster, stronger. See, that's what I thought it was going to be. I was like, oh, it's not really bigger, faster, stronger. And I got to be honest, I even had to fast forward a few times because I couldn't. I liked it as an expose. Like if you want to find out about russians yeah that's like that's the movie that's what i went into it wanting to hear anyways and i think
Starting point is 01:12:10 honestly if they would have just marketed the movie as that it would probably even do better too was it the wall street or whichever the article that broke in like 2014 or 15 the times i think you're new york times like that was i remember you hearing all of that and you were like holy fuck is it's crazy. And they're not going to let Russia be in the Olympics like at all. And so that was what I wanted to see. So I kind of got what I wanted to see. But if you went into it thinking it was a cyclist who's going to start doing it,
Starting point is 01:12:37 and you're going to see how that goes, you're like, oh, yeah, you're not getting that story at all. And so I didn't want to see that. So I was glad when that fell off. So we went into it with very opposite. I got the second half of the movie that was didn't want to see that so i was glad when that fell off but um so we went into it with very opposite i got the second half of the movie that was what i wanted to see and the portion you went into it disappeared very quickly yeah yeah but i don't know it's worth checking out yeah now that you know what to expect check it out yeah probably i just thought some of it was boring yeah it's like kind of boring You have to get the first half.
Starting point is 01:13:06 Because the first half of the movie, there was no... Where is this going? I'm just watching a guy stick a needle in his leg and then his butt repeatedly. He's talking about how fast he's cycling. They should have almost gone all the way to make him be awesome.
Starting point is 01:13:23 Really get this guy awesome. The thing I thought was kind of funny too in the beginning is after he does all these... gone all the way to like make him be awesome like really get this guy awesome and then the thing i thought was kind of funny too though in the beginning is like after he does all these all these or he does his steroids to get better and he's like oh they're like oh man you just like your watts increased by 30 percent they're just like doing all these calculations and then he goes and competes and still ends up like 24th and he's like i still he's i still just can't hang with the best it's like yeah because you're not the best like jesus christ man yeah like what did you think was gonna happen right yeah it's like with any sport like just because you start taking
Starting point is 01:13:53 steroids you're not all of a sudden gonna be the like there's certain people that are always going to be better no matter what especially if they're also on steroids yes yeah like what are you gonna catch up to them whatever but yeah i don't know it's worth checking out not a lot of strength sports stuff on right flick no right so we all watched it yeah we all watched it i think pumping iron's still on there i don't think it's on there i had to watch it is it really i had to watch it on youtube the other day no yeah big shane would know all right so any more that's like a 10 minuteminute movie review. I like that. We should do that more often, but they don't make any movies that are strength sport related.
Starting point is 01:14:29 Ryan told me to watch the CrossFit documentary. I watched that too. I didn't watch it. Oh, I'd rather watch that than Icarus. No. Yeah. Well, obviously. If Brooke Wells was in Icarus, I'd have watched that one too.
Starting point is 01:14:40 Actually, she wasn't in that one very much either. All right. So that's going to do it for us today we have some homework for you to do don't watch icarus just read an article read an article about it get everything you need to know and then um we need to go to go to the store uh buy shirts hats i if you're really lucky if you're really lucky there might be a couple of the strongman showdown shirts but i don't think so yeah maybe if you're really lucky, there might be a couple of the Strongman Showdown shirts. I don't think so.
Starting point is 01:15:06 Maybe if you're a small. If you're hearing this, take a stab at it. Otherwise, buy something else. Definitely buy something else. But you're also going to find all our articles, videos, all the free content we put out there. Go to forward slash massonomics. Make sure you subscribe to the page. All our videos are there, including all the video articles, interviews from the Arnold.
Starting point is 01:15:27 What else do we have? We've got the Facebook. Like us on Facebook. We are on the Facebook. And, yeah. If you want to throw Tommy any work, if you like our sweet logo, all our awesome designs, email us at, and we'll forward you Tommy's way.
Starting point is 01:15:44 At this point, I should have a full portfolio website up. This is me telling myself to get it together. Now Tommy's got a deadline. You will have that. Two weeks from now, Tommy, you will have that done. But yeah, let's work together. I can bring this charming personality that makes up for my lack of lifting skills.
Starting point is 01:16:00 And I'd love to work with you. This is what you get. And since I quit my job and am owning a CrossFit gym, we just need you to mail me money because now I'm broke forever. I'll take money. Yeah, just send us money. Send Tyler money directly. And then what else do we have?
Starting point is 01:16:17 Follow us all on Instagram. I'm Tyler. You can find me on Instagram at Tyler F. and Stone. That's Tyler E-F-F-I-N Stone. And Tommy? You can find me at Tomahawk underscore D and Tanner, the massonomics Instagram page at massonomics and anywhere else. Just my house.
Starting point is 01:16:33 And you got an address. So that'll do it for us today. Thanks a lot for listening. We'll talk to you next week. You just heard the massonomics podcast with your ears. You're welcome. Check us out on Facebook, find us on Instagram at Masanamics
Starting point is 01:16:50 and make sure you visit and buy some of that sweet Masanamics gear. From your friends at Masanamics Studio, home of the world's strongest podcast, stay strong.

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