Massenomics Podcast - Ep.75: Death, Taxes and Stan Efferding's The Kooler

Episode Date: September 11, 2017

This week, the guys talk about a couple recent deaths in the bodybuilding and fitness world, and then navigate their way to some less depressing topics, like Stan Efferding's The Kooler, and why we w...ish he was back at it with his Rhino's Rants. The cover image may be a bit misleading, as Stan isn't a guest on this episode. Trust us, we wish he was. So go ahead and blow up his social media and tell him he needs to get on the Massenomics Podcast. He'll thank you later. Check out our absolutely incredible video version of this episode below. There you'll be able to see why we stayed in the audio-only format for so long. #fugly  If you don't already have a closet full of Massenomics gear, go to the MASSENOMICS STORE and load up on swag... Also, please CLICK THIS LINK TO GIVE US A 5 STAR RATING ON ITUNES... Click this text to follow Massenomics on Instagram... Vote Massenomics for President in 2020.. Have your barber shave our logo into the side of your head.. Maybe get a Massenomics tattoo while you're at it.    Or you could sign up for our email newsletter at the bottom of this page. Stay Strong, M

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Starting point is 00:00:00 M-M-M-M-M-M-M-Massanomics Welcome to Massanomics, the world's strongest podcast. Find us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter at Massanomics. Make sure you go visit There you'll find the rest of our powerful content. While you're there, check out our store and buy yourself some of that sweet Massanomics gear. Filaments rolling. As much as they ever could be.
Starting point is 00:00:33 Alright guys, welcome to the Massanomics dungeon. It's a much less hungover and slightly less sore version of the dungeon than it was last week. Yeah, slightly. I think we're better on all accounts. Yeah. Pretty much, yeah. Yeah, we're only minimally hung over and mostly sore and we now live in a world where we know
Starting point is 00:00:49 I guess the age old mystery has been solved of can an MMA fighter defeat a professional boxer and that answer is no no not in boxing you guys both watched it I watched it I went to a party to watch it and left it at you didn't watch it yeah you're gonna watch it
Starting point is 00:01:06 it was taking you know what my favorite part was like the six boxing matches beforehand of that took 90 minutes each and of the people that none of us have any idea who any of them are because none of us watch any boxing ever oh yeah the first nobody watches oh the first three matches i don't know if there was 30 people in attendance. Don't count the ring and the guys' crew that was with them, the trainers and everything. Those stands had, for the first match especially, maybe 20 people there. It was laughably small. When it was 9.30, and I don't know if it was the second-to-last match or which one it was,
Starting point is 00:01:42 and they cut to Conor McGregor and he's still wearing a shirt and tie yeah i was like what the hell is going on like if he's still in a shirt and tie like is this gonna happen tomorrow i'm tired already and this isn't gonna start till like midnight like he's still wearing a tie yep yeah i old man that one pretty hard yeah um i got day drunk and then went and ate some food and started watching the preliminary fights they were so boring that we were just like we were like because nobody watches boxing i don't know anything about boxing what i know is that boxing takes forever and not much happens for most of it so it was like nine to twelve rounds these were well even those first ones at one point we weren't watching it at all.
Starting point is 00:02:26 We were doing something else. And it said 10 for 10. And I was like, I think they can do 10 rounds in boxing. But I thought 10 for 10 was like a marketing term or like a production company. Yeah. I thought like it said, or it said 10 of 10. And I'm like, oh, yeah, that must be like part of the production company. And then it finished.
Starting point is 00:02:43 And it was like, that completes round 10. And I was like, wow, I forgot boxing actually goes and then the whole i mean the main events 12 rounds so what did you think of the fight uh so the last time i watched boxing was pacquiao mayweather yeah and that was the first time i that fight was the first time i'd watched boxing pretty much in my life and it was incredibly underwhelming like so boring and that was before i knew like mayweather was like a defensive boxer that doesn't really do a whole lot and pacquiao it just it wasn't a fun fight to watch and i thought the fight was entertaining i think that's kind of how most people figured is that mcgregor was going to come out swinging and hope
Starting point is 00:03:20 that something happened and nothing happened for him but um i guess the fact that you cannot even be a professional boxer and then go against you know supposedly one of the greatest in the world and and look okay for a little while like i don't i don't know what that says about him but it either says a lot about conor mcgregor or says a lot of real bad things about the sport of boxing i think uh that it's just everything it's all related to money with floyd whether that was just on purpose and he could have um like the first three rounds he basically just didn't do anything yeah and he said that was part of his strategy and i believe it's part of his strategy because he just wanted it to drag out a little because then in the next couple rounds
Starting point is 00:04:00 like there'd be a short spurts where he'd like get after it. It's like, whoa, like if he just did that more, this would be like, yeah. And there's probably people listening right now that know something about boxing and probably we have this whole thing wrong, but I think we're probably speaking from the 98% of the population that is just watching it as an activity. It's like, oh, yeah, like, I don't know. There's just so much money involved. Boxing doesn't, they didn't make all that money off of boxing enthusiasts last night.
Starting point is 00:04:27 They made it off of us. Well, and I think, like, you watch last night, and then you realize, like, there's a reason people watch MMA now and not boxing. For sure. Because there's so many times where, like, you're watching it, and I get there's rules. It's a sport. There's rules. But there's so many times where, like, you'd get – or Mayweather would get in, and he'd, like, turn his back. And then he'd be in this weird thing where, like, McGregor's behind him, but he just has to like, let him go. And it's like,
Starting point is 00:04:49 yeah, it's like, is that really a fight? That's when you got him right where he was. Anytime I watch boxing now, I'm like, just someone throw like a baseball bat into the ring. Yeah, yeah. You know? Or do it where like after like say the third round. Like let's just stand up. We'll do it after the third round. Then you take them over and you like dip the glove in resin and broken glass.
Starting point is 00:05:18 Just one glove though. You know? And like I think we'd be on to something. Or they throw a mix of like marbles and thumbtacks on the ground to see if someone's going to slip and fall. I think all of this, because this was basically like just a total, I mean,
Starting point is 00:05:32 sham mostly just for money. Like he just talked his way into a fucking hundred. Oh, the whole thing was like marketing genius. Oh yeah. I mean, that'd be like, if I started running my mouth now,
Starting point is 00:05:42 like right now and next year I get drafted in the number one overall pick in the NBA. Like that's not any different, really. And it'd be like, well, we're going to see how Tyler does now playing against the Knicks. Or somehow you get to go head-to-head with Hafthor Bjornsson in a competition. You don't have to pay any dues. You don't have to pay any dues. You don't have to pay any dues. Screw that guy.
Starting point is 00:06:07 He sucks. I'm way better than him. You know, McGregor was like, once the ball got rolling on them, maybe this could possibly happen. He had to go like, oh, fuck, I got to really act like I believe I'm better than this guy.
Starting point is 00:06:21 And yeah, it was totally brilliant. Like it just hustled his way but he did exactly what he needed to he came out and he didn't he didn't make himself look like a total joke right there was people i saw reading some things like oh if you knew anything about boxing those like pathetic punches he was throwing had nothing behind him and he's like slipping an elbow in here because he can't even get a punch off it's like okay well maybe but as far as entertainment goes he did what he did he didn't get knocked out in the first 30 seconds like he at least made it fun to watch i don't how i can't couldn't believe how he could keep standing up like he looked so tired in days that i was like oh my god i feel bad for yeah like he it's like
Starting point is 00:07:01 12 what the fuck is 12 rounds but like the uh the like balls that it takes when you're that tired to not just like fall on the ground like to force yourself to keep standing up i'm like oh my god like that has to be terrible yeah and then he had the whole thing about oh i was just fatigued you should let me kept going like no he wasn't you're not coming back no like maybe he was teeing off on him at that point and he's not going to go into this incredible defensive stand all of a sudden. And I like when it's all over after he kind of clearly got – was beaten. You know, beaten pretty much fair and square and without doubt.
Starting point is 00:07:35 And he's like, well, he didn't punch that fast or that hard or anything, but I'll give it to this. He's kind of got – he's kind of got it figured out. The whole backhand compliment. Yeah, it's like, well, he kind of sucks at it all and stuff, but, yeah. It's because he knows that he's the real winner. Yeah. Like, we're all the fools for spending our nights watching it.
Starting point is 00:08:00 So now what I envision is going to happen with the sport of boxing because nobody's watching boxing. I think that was it. That's how they were going out. Is that it? That was like the retirement party what i'd like to see is some sort of box because boxing is less i suppose like could be less brutally violent than if these things happen in an mma ring but now you could have anybody call anybody out right like like let's just be real like shaquille o'neal brock lesnar 2018 at the fucking dallas cowboy stadium with eight ounce boxing gloves like and a ton of people would pay to watch it i'd spend 60 on that yeah yeah like for sure yeah and so let's just do that i think we could just make boxing into that if they never have like a heavy a real heavyweight
Starting point is 00:08:43 well that's the thing like it's never gonna be that exciting like you need and that's why you need that yes exactly because like you're watching it and the ring girls are bigger a foot taller than these guys and i get it they're they have massive heels on and stuff but the ring girls have a like their build is the same as these guys like their arms are like during all these photo shoots in the in the hype videos and stuff i'm like did mayweather even bother like doing some push-ups before he's pulling his shirt off? He looks like the softest, skinny, fat, fucking, like, elite athlete that you'd ever see. And at 145 pounds, like, are you even – should you even be famous as an athlete?
Starting point is 00:09:20 And we'd catch some of the earlier ones, and we'd be doing whatever, and then you'd look in. Oh, there's two guys boxing. We'd watch a little bit. The thing would get done. Everyone would come out, and you're like, what are they letting these children fight each other in the ring? They're so small.
Starting point is 00:09:34 And they have ridiculous shorts. Yeah, they do. That fucking fight before they made it. The one I left on the sky had blue poofy fur shorts that were like down to his mid-shin. And they were like four foot wide. That looked ridiculous. Well, here's the thing. So that's the last pre-fight before the biggest fight the sport of boxing has seen in a really long time.
Starting point is 00:10:01 And nobody was like, hey, dude, don't. Don't fucking do that. What are you doing yeah that's how you know that guy doesn't have he doesn't have really good friends yeah you know what i mean they're all yes men like oh yeah those look really cool those look great i would definitely wear those go get them champ in front of like how so how many people watch that i mean i didn't even see what i i don't know i just saw a lot of people complaining about, like, how they couldn't get the pay-per-view or how it are like how the service was cutting out, which still amazes me that I didn't either. Well, other than the fact that to get it like we were at Chuck's house and like he had to be on call with Midcontinent. We just left it.
Starting point is 00:10:39 It was an hour before we could get through to them. Really? And their answer is basically, oh, we don't know. It just happens sometimes, but we'll let you buy it now. And so that was annoying. But it's just amazing that in this day and age, there can still be technical and server issues.
Starting point is 00:10:52 People know this is going to be the biggest fight you will probably ever have, and they still can't have the server demands to keep up for it. You know, much like any live stream to a powerlifting meet. Yeah, yeah. Trying to find what the numbers...
Starting point is 00:11:07 I mean, this is a recent article, but as of Friday night, the minimum amount that each fighter will earn... This doesn't seem right because I heard the numbers. Minimum at all was $100 million for Floyd and $30 million for McGregor. That's what I heard. But it was looking like most likely that it would be about 300 for floyd and 100 for mcgregor um not a bad payday not bad yeah um they're talking more than 400 million dollars easily in pay-per-view alone and then advertising and stuff like that that it could definitely be like a billion dollar
Starting point is 00:11:45 event yeah that's more like if they made 300 and a million and 100 million that's more than basically any other athlete so you know like a baseball like they're like five six year contracts aren't like a rods was more than 100 million dollars and his was records Record sales. Yeah, yeah. So, like, holy shit. Is this real? That's the crazy thing. It's like, why is there so much money in boxes? Yeah. So, check out this.
Starting point is 00:12:10 I never saw this. And also, then, they say, like, $70 to $100 million will be made on ticket sales alone. I heard it was like $6,000 for the cheapest ticket or something. Yeah, ringsides up to $40 or $50. Sponsorship. Here is Floyd Mayweather will make more than $20 million in sponsorship from a tire alone that night. Robe, $1 million.
Starting point is 00:12:37 His boxing shoe, $1 million. Weigh-in trunks, trunks that you wear when you weigh in, $1 million. Victory cap, $1 million. Ring sponsorships, $5 million. His walkout cap, $5 million. in trunks trunks that you wear when you weigh in one million dollars victory cap a million dollars ring sponsorships five million his walkout cap five million shorts 15 million which breaks down into front side seams 3.5 front top waist 3.5 rear top waist 2 million rear center three front thigh 1.5 and rear thigh 1.5 i would legitimately love to know if any of these companies do like some type of like roi thing and find out if that investment paid off in any way at all would you spend here's my well do you remember any of no i don't know like a day later do you remember
Starting point is 00:13:15 any of what the sponsors were if if anything if it was a name i knew it's because it was like good year tires or so i don't even know if that was one of them. But it's super generic. I think we could pool together rear top waist. We're talking waistband, right? On the shorts. We could get together $2 million to put Massanomics on Floyd Mayweather.
Starting point is 00:13:37 And then because boxing and all the pictures are taken above the waist, you won't be in any publications. So we'd go, what, victory cap? Robe? Like, all right, if we had to spend money from Asinomics to sponsor Floyd Mayweather's... Oh, the cap. We'd get a cap for him.
Starting point is 00:13:52 Victory cap? Oh, yeah. The lift. The lift. Yeah, he's going to have to actually lift. Yeah. I can't show up looking like he looked like fucking mashed potatoes. We'd sponsor McGregor.
Starting point is 00:14:00 He at least... I mean, he's still also really skinny, but you can see his muscular definition on there at least. Yeah, ring sponsorships, I can't imagine they get any money back from that. Like just being the guy with a band. It just seems like it's a donation. Yeah. Like boxing feels like it's one of those old boys clubs where it's. If he got a Massanomics tattoo on his face, I would raise a million dollars for that.
Starting point is 00:14:24 If he got a Massanomics tattoo on his face, I would raise a million dollars for that. That would probably be like a $100 million sponsorship at that rate. That's true. He probably... Nike. No, I was... Yeah, I don't know. I just saw some recap stuff because I old-manned it and left early. Did you see quads like Rob was denouncing all sponsorship?
Starting point is 00:14:42 Yeah, I did see that. Did you see anything behind that? No, not really. He's just like, I'm justcing all sponsorship. Yeah, did you see anything behind that? No, not really. He's just like, I'm just cutting all ties with all my sponsors. I'm assuming it's because he feels conflicted because he wants to wear a massonomics gear all the time, but he feels obliged to wear everyone else's stuff. I was thinking we better send him some more stuff.
Starting point is 00:15:00 He's probably, though, there's probably a lot of other people with this exact same thought. Mark Bell's comment on there, did anyone see that? No, I didn't see that one. It had like 150 likes when I checked it. He said, I think that's great. That's a really good idea. You're going to really get a lot of people talking.
Starting point is 00:15:14 And he's like, by the way, would you be interested in a slingshot? So for anyone that doesn't know what we're talking about, Quads Like Rob, we'll talk about this more later, but there was the Boss of Bosses meet this weekend. Quads Like Rob competed. He had a pretty good event. And then this morning, Sunday, he posted a photo on Instagram that said he is leaving all of his sponsors.
Starting point is 00:15:37 And I think that basically is what he said. He said, I have dropped all sponsors. Going to do me for a while. Deuces. And when I found it, it was like he had just posted it, so it was like five or eight comments, so there wasn't much there,
Starting point is 00:15:48 and I haven't gone back and looked. I think his primary sponsor is Feed Me, Fight Me, was Feed Me, Fight Me from what I've seen. Doesn't sound as cool as Massanato. No, they must not treat him good like we do. Yeah. That's funny. Yeah, and I would guess guess too that probably like a lot of those deals are like way shittier than you think oh i think most sponsorships in a lot of professions are here's
Starting point is 00:16:14 some t-shirts and yeah well i mean we can be real about it like we sent rob some shirts and fuck he posts a video of him wearing one and we sell some shirts like a bunch of shirts yeah it's like and so like, he was just being cool about it, I think, because he liked the shirts and shit. Right. And he kind of,
Starting point is 00:16:29 and we're from a state away. Yeah. And it kind of, you know, we. But like, I mean, we didn't pay him any money.
Starting point is 00:16:33 No. Because we don't have any fucking money. But we're not, we're not sending it to him with the like, Intention. No. Yeah, with the pretense that you have to wear this.
Starting point is 00:16:40 We're just like, hoping. I mean, yeah. And we're kind of fans too. So it's like, hey, just.
Starting point is 00:16:44 And he understands, I think he knows that we like it if he wears it, but also there. We're just like, I mean, yeah. And we're kind of fans too. So it's like, Hey, just, and he understood, I think he knows that we like it if he wears it, but also there's no, but like, I'm assuming that actually a lot of those deals are like, we'll give you a free shirts. And, uh,
Starting point is 00:16:55 I don't know. We might give you a hundred bucks when you go to a competition or they're basically doing what we're doing. Only maybe giving them a few more instead of sending them like a shirt and a hat, they're sending them like four shirts and two hats. And the supplement companies I heard are just terrible where they're like, we'll give you free supplements.
Starting point is 00:17:11 Yeah. What do you do? That our supplements cost to us is probably 50 cents. And then like, also like those are supplements that that person probably wouldn't be taking. Right. And like, doesn't care to take and maybe would rather take something else.
Starting point is 00:17:29 And now you're stuck hustling some shit. Well you're then if you're if you have to feel obligated to post about it like if that was me i wouldn't want to have to do that because i'm like in all reality i don't care that much about most supplements most of the time so i'm like i don't want to be like oh this is why i'm doing good right like here's me lying and or people are like kicking you apparel but you're not really that hyped on it and you gotta make posts to pretend to be excited about right apparel that's not your thing i wonder if uh eight man strong also i was curious if maybe they had something to do with it if they were like uh maybe making a play on him like a more significant sponsorship yeah and that he just needs to break like wipe this like get a little space for a while instead of like it's like a breakup you
Starting point is 00:18:11 need just a little space before you go with your i would assume yeah that there's a lot of and you you can't have five t-shirt companies right you can't have three supplement companies so at some point if the ones you got maybe aren't doing right by you you can't just pile more on top of more. And he's probably grown a lot in followers and everything. Obviously. And he's good at what he does, and he's marketable about it too. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:36 Especially when it comes to powerlifting. There's a lot of people that are good at what they do, but they're not good at producing value. And he is. Value to the end user in the social media world is providing content that people find entertaining. Yeah. And he's great at that. If you follow his page, you're going to find stuff.
Starting point is 00:18:50 And the type of power lifters who aren't good at that are the type that hate on that shit. Yeah, right. I don't know, man. That's what you have to do to get paid to do what you love. Yeah. Like, fuck. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:03 But yeah, good for him, though. So do you guys remember what his numbers were to me? I think he squatted 920-something. I'm getting his numbers. 926, maybe. So, what was this yesterday, Saturday? It was boss of bosses.
Starting point is 00:19:15 Boss of bosses. 922.6. At Dan Green's gym in California. Yeah, I think so. Is that where this goes down? Yep. Yep. 922.6.
Starting point is 00:19:30 Sleeves. In sleeves and in a pair of nike metcons fucking like i was really surprised he's wearing those shoes because he usually wears like those pink flat he has like some supra sky tops and he like from what i see he like just got those sent to him like i think they just appeared in his videos a couple weeks ago maybe nike's making a play for him and that's why this is their break into the hey if nike wants to get into power do it like get some money in this thing yeah but yeah so 922 he squatted um trying to think of what i don't remember if i saw his bench i want to say it was around five he hit 722 on the deadlift missed 760 yeah total was 2179 so that last the last deadlift would have gave him over 2200 and his 722 was fast as fuck so yeah that was a pretty big day. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:26 Who else? Yeah, so they had some other big lifters there. Steve Johnson. Is that Forsaken Warrior? Forsaken Warrior. Had a 903 deadlift. American record, 909, I think. 909, okay.
Starting point is 00:20:37 Yeah, and that's an American record. I don't know who would have held that before. And that was at like 300, what's that, like 305, so what's his name that kind of is a little crazy? George Lehman? Yeah. He did 903, I believe. So this probably, I bet this broke his record. But this is where I get so confused with the deadlift records because, okay, so he broke that record.
Starting point is 00:20:58 I think he had to have been around that 300-pound class. And I know George Lehman, I think, was in that like super heavy. Yeah, over 308. Is yeah over 308 308 so is it over 308 okay so he had if I remember correctly George Lehman had 903 maybe it was 904 but I also thought like at the time because he kind of had some ties to Vince Urbank yeah you know with his dating his sister and everything I think Vince Urbank also had like a 903 or 902 deadlift maybe it was 901 it was right in that 900 mark yeah and so he kind of like just chipped it or got him by a pound or two and then that's been kind of standing for a little
Starting point is 00:21:30 while now i think there was that uh what's his instagram it's like the big podolsky or something like that yeah and he was right in that 900 area too not okay super long ago but then this weekend what's there like four three four guys pulling 900 plus? Yeah. Yeah. At least three then. Because then. But see, that American record is just in Forsaken Warrior's weight class.
Starting point is 00:21:55 Like he got out deadlifted by two 220 pound guys. Which is the most insane part of it. Yeah. Right. Yeah. which is the most insane part of it. Yeah, right. Yeah, so, Kaler Wollum, your boy, Kaler Wollum, deadlifted 9.27, weighing 2.11, competed at 2.20 and under,
Starting point is 00:22:17 which is fucking insane, just like being 9 pounds under. Yeah, that's... Yuri deadlifted 9.26, yeah did you miss one yeah not 948 jesus yeah that's a big jump that's what people say like yuri so yuri misses third deadlift and like you read around online people like oh just wait until next week when he does another meet because he's notorious for doing meets he's probably done six seven meets this year already he's done a lot of me what's's crazy is Wollum missed his opener. Yeah, like 880.
Starting point is 00:22:49 And I heard, I think that was, did they say it was a grip issue? Yeah, I think the grip went and it hitched out. Did you see a picture of his hand? Yeah, he had a picture on, I think on Instagram, of his hand. That must have been on his story. Just tore up, like the calluses. Yeah, just skin. Looks like it went.
Starting point is 00:23:04 You'll be able to see this, guys, but we'll give it a shot. Kind of looks like his hand got peeled like a potato. Yeah, that doesn't look fun at all. That looks like it hurts. A lot. Yeah. Poor bastard. But, yeah, you have Yuri Belkin and this Kaler going at it sumo.
Starting point is 00:23:20 The race to 1,000. Yeah, both pulling hook grip, too. Yeah. Hook grip sumo both race to a thousand yeah both pull and hook grip too like yeah hook grip sumo that apparently there's hook grip sumo is like if you're 220 and you want to be the best in the world that's apparently that's the thing that's the route you should start working on i wonder what and this is where powerlifting gets tricky because it's kind of hard to track down like records of who's done what and under what conditions and everything but i wonder what the heaviest deadlift is by someone in that
Starting point is 00:23:45 220 pound class pulling conventional yeah that's a good question i wonder if there is any like over nine or not i would be just really it just doesn't seem i mean it doesn't seem possible that someone should be able to pull sumo that much but that seems to be the kind of the trend is that the lighter people can get more sumo because if you look at them like the heavy classes, they're all conventional. Yeah, it's pretty much non-existent. I don't know. And I don't know if that's a mobility thing or – I think it's nice to have all that tissue to push off.
Starting point is 00:24:14 Yeah, and I think having a bigger frame – Like I do feel that honestly. Like when I had more gut, there's a lot of tension down in there that you have to use. Yeah, but then then again if you're looking at really the biggest pulls of all time it's almost like conventional yeah yeah and they're the but and they're the biggest guys they are like it's the biggest guys yeah like getting an extra 100 pounds on that like on that deadlift requires about another 200 pounds of body weight. Right, right. I think I saw a post earlier this week on Instagram. It was talking about – it just had a list of a bunch of –
Starting point is 00:24:50 He came and scratched himself and left. Still here. It had a list of a bunch of like strong men, like your Hathor Bjornsson and Brian Shaw and Jerry – was it Jerry Pritchard? Yeah. Yeah. And it's talking about – it had their heights listed, you know, like 6'5", 6'8", 6'9",
Starting point is 00:25:10 and it's like you can't use the excuse you're too tall to be able to deadlift. I'm like, there's also a common thread here of they all weigh close to 400 pounds. Yeah. There's more factors at play than just you can't use the excuse that you're not tall. Right. Yeah, more factors at play than just, you can't use the excuse that you're not tall. Right. Yeah, that's my excuse still. I'm too tall. You just got to get to 400, Tyler.
Starting point is 00:25:33 Road to 400. Yeah, so there was, but that was, I mean, that was most of the news out of Boss of Bosses, wasn't it? I saw, what's her name? Steffi Cohen deadlifted. um yeah i saw that too what did she pull something fucking crazy let me look it up real quick because she weighs like 120 pounds 125 pounds something like that there was uh also a guy in the 220 class that benched 600 pounds i did see that and he's just like it not arch. It's not a super wide grip. Wearing tennis shoes.
Starting point is 00:26:06 No belt. Also, Yuri Belkin didn't wear a belt. Deadlifting all those. He wears no belt. Yeah, he doesn't wear a belt when he does. Which is crazy. But yeah, that guy benching 600, it looks like he's just kind of laying on the bench. Steffi Cohen at 121 pounds body weight.
Starting point is 00:26:22 Deadlifted an all-time world record and four times body weight, 485 pounds. That's a lot. That's fucking crazy. Yeah. But was it sumo though? Oh, yes. Does it not count? We're just talking about the 900 pounds sumo. What was the weight
Starting point is 00:26:40 she deadlifted? 485. That's not bad for full-grown men. If you're a man and that's she deadlifted 485 it's not bad for like full-grown men that yeah if you're a man and that's your deadlift that's that's pretty yeah that's pretty respectable you're better than 99 point something percent of the population already yeah and as at 121 pounds body weight are there any 121 pound men there's got to be that. What is the lowest weight class? Well, I know that guy from Russia that wins it every year, like the IPF, is it Fedor something? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:12 What is that weight class? I don't even know. It's the smallest one. Like 140? He is a very – I think it's less than that. Oh, really? He's a very tiny man. Like I don't know if he's –
Starting point is 00:27:22 I wonder if there's like 63 kilos or something. I don't know if he's i wonder if there's like 63 kilos or something or i don't know but i i thought that here he's like five foot even like something like that like when he deadlifts it's it looks strange because he's going sumo too and how how richard hawthorne he deadlifted up or lifted at boss of bosses and he weighs like 135 or 140. Yeah, I think it's 135. And he pulls 600 pounds or 606. Yep. And he looks like in person seeing him at the Arnold. Yeah, you would never guess that he lifts. He looks like 114.
Starting point is 00:27:54 That's really small. For guys or for girls? I think that's guys. Men's weight class is 114 up to 114.6 and below. And then from there, it's 123.4. Man, at that point, are you technically still a man? I get it if you're really short. I mean, that's talking like five foot or under.
Starting point is 00:28:20 I don't know. I couldn't even imagine what it would take to be that light. Yeah. How much does your son weigh? I think Lincoln weighs like 97 pounds. He's fucking nine. You know? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:34 I always wonder, though, with guys like Richard Hawthorne, he's very lean, crazy strong for his size, no doubt. But if he decided to gain like, gain 20 pounds, would he just pack on the muscle, or is he at his sweet spot of leanness to muscle to weight for Wilkes-Royce and all that? Yeah. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:28:57 It's the age-old question. We'll never know. It should just get huge. I don't know. What else went on this week, guys? Oh, we had some sad news in the world of bodybuilding. I don't know. What else went on this week, guys? Oh, we had some sad news in the world of bodybuilding. Dallas McCarver, who we talked about when we got back from the Arnold, he passed away.
Starting point is 00:29:16 Did you guys get the consensus? Is the consensus now choked on food? Everything I read kind of hinted at that. My first inclination was like, man, there is about to be a steroid discussion. And I was like, you're going to get a bunch of regular people involved in a conversation like that. And you're like, ah, damn it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:32 And then like, and then it was like choked on food. And I was like, this guy has eaten a lot of food in his day. Cause he was like three fucking three 10 on stage. They said it was like three 60 something in the off season so like eats and i think he's like my he's like six five he's a fucking truck uh-huh um but yeah died choking on food was 26 that's crazy it's it is it's also crazy that he was that big he's 26 like i didn't realize he was that young when we saw him yeah Yeah. Cause I mean, that's what it takes time. It's yeah. Yeah. To be that big in that amount of time.
Starting point is 00:30:07 I had a friend that, uh, on prime rib, he like took like a really big bite of it and I got caught in a esophagus and he had to have it like go to the doc, have it surgically removed. And it was like a piece of on chewed meat that was like that big around. Yeah. I mean,
Starting point is 00:30:24 but it happens. Yeah yeah how did he stay alive until then i can't he could like breathe around it yeah like i think it was probably pretty miserable you know like awesome no yeah no but like it was like stuck in there and i'm kind of a little fuzzy on the facts but i remember that was kind of the case and the they had to remove a piece of meat that was like as big around or bigger than like a quarter i've only ever like almost choked on food maybe like once or twice and it's a panic feeling even when you just like barely almost choke for just a split second you get something in and you either get it back out or you swallow it you're like let's go better go all the way fucking now even when you just
Starting point is 00:31:02 swallow like any type of liquid wrong and you just can't stop coughing. When I was a kid, we were eating fucking hot dogs one time and my sister started choking, like really choking. But my dad was on the phone and so she's trying to grab him, grab his attention,
Starting point is 00:31:21 and she was like full on choking. Yeah. And fucking, and my old man's on the phone. Didn't have any idea what was going on. Otherwise, it would have been a different story. But he's just like, getting away. And I think he caught it and ended up, you know, kind of smacking the head of her.
Starting point is 00:31:36 But yeah, I think I've been there once or twice. And it is not a fucking awesome feeling. I do think if it happens to yourself and there's no one around you're supposed to like throw yourself in the over a chair or something but this just as a public service announcement yeah doing what we can to yeah if you guys are doing what we're telling you to do it means you should be eating a lot of food and if you're not or if you aren't eating that much you're at risk. But yeah, it was too bad. The other one was Rich Piana died this week as well. Also someone we kind of saw. We saw him.
Starting point is 00:32:11 Ross talked to him. Ross tried to get a picture with him. He was like, you got to get to the booth. But Rich is an absolute freak of nature. Chemically and otherwise. In all ways. But Rich has, like, fucking, like, millions of followers. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:31 And he's been in the fitness game a long time. Like, at the Arnold, I mean, our experience is at the Arnold, he is as famous as anyone that's at the Arnold except for Arnold. Yeah, it's crazy. And I don't know, know actually if you ask somebody who doesn't know bodybuilding or anything at all like like even he's not even really a bodybuilder like he doesn't compete he's a persona yeah he's yeah that's what he is and he looks insane well my my wife who doesn't follow this stuff she's like did you see that uh rich piano like when he
Starting point is 00:33:02 got in a coma she's like did you see rich pianos in a coma and i was like how do you how do you know who rich piano is you know what i did like about rich piano was that like as fucking far out there as this guy is wasn't looked like he was pretty actually he was honest about everything yeah yeah so like rich piano was not one of those guys on instagram who obviously took steroids and then would like avoid the topic right like he was actually probably almost irresponsibly open to where he was like telling people what he was taking and what he was taking was not fucking safe and so other people would be like well i guess i could take that um but he didn't you know he didn't he always was was pretty open about all that stuff but he uh they said no this is my understanding of it
Starting point is 00:33:46 they said that they found him there was like vials of like anabolic steroids at his house well of course there would be any 365 days a year yeah they's like they're like they found like 20 bottles i was like well what did he fucking eat them yeah you know what i mean so but i think uh then there was a bunch of like an unidentified white powder out of the thing. And like Rich was very well known for doing recreational drugs. Yeah. And I think at his size, having a pretty serious recreational drug problem.
Starting point is 00:34:17 They said that he had like fallen and hit his head and then like had a pretty gnarly brain bleed. Oh, yeah. Steroids will get the bad rap for even with alice mcarver complete probably as far as we know him dying is 100 unrelated like anything to do yeah anything to do with steroids but as soon as people hear he died they'd be like he's on steroids like like back that doesn't didn't like help him you know that didn't, like, help him, you know, that didn't, like, make him choke on food. And even in Rich Piana's case, even for a probably very unsafe amount of steroids that he was on, I still am guessing there was a lot more to it, like, all those other.
Starting point is 00:34:56 All the other drugs. It was probably just the mixture of everything. He was probably a walking science experiment. Exactly. But steroids catches the, even though, you know, maybe he was on prescription painkillers,
Starting point is 00:35:09 you know, for all we know that just like many more people in America are on prescription painkillers than they are steroids. I would guess people tend to have the issue. Like when that it's just like, yeah, that's how those things go. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:20 Right. People's right. Exactly. Yeah. But, well then I think i'd seen something in rich's case too where they were like what was the one of the sayings like well they they had a hard time getting his heart back up operational or whatever after they put him in the whatever i
Starting point is 00:35:38 don't know the details of it but then they were like it's because his heart was so big from all the fucking growth hormone he was taking you're like well maybe but also like he hit his head and had a brain yeah right yeah what kind of conclusions are you drawing yeah and uh you know he's i don't know how tall he is but he's like a 300 pound enormous man like he's probably predisposed to be a pretty big guy to begin with you know like maybe his you know some of that maybe he's an outlier with some of that stuff anyways. You know what I mean? Yeah, I mean, if you're going to be 300 pounds at all in any condition, like there's a price to be paid for that.
Starting point is 00:36:18 Yeah, exactly. That's not steroids. That's just being big. Right. And whether the steroids got you big or whether mcdonald's got you big like being big is probably the issue yeah yeah more than what got you there yeah so now i have to ask did you guys were you guys like consumers of rich piano content i was i subscribed to him on youtube i didn't i was i would guess that i have watched maybe one out of
Starting point is 00:36:43 every 10 of his videos. I don't consume them as they come out, but there would be, like, sometimes. You know, you'd search for someone on YouTube, and it'd be like, oh, Rich Piana weighs in on this subject. And I'd be like, well, I'm going to have to. Because he's always in suggested videos for me, like, all the time. And the thing that always surprised me is I just assumed, like, you see him, and he is an absolute freak. Cartoon character. Yes.
Starting point is 00:37:09 There's bad guys in movies that they do hours and hours of makeup on that don't look like he does naturally. Yeah. And I was just amazed. Like, when we went to the Arnold, and, like, someone had mentioned, like, yeah, Rich Piano will be there. I just assumed, like, he'd just be a dude that you can walk up to i did it because i never i never really watched this stuff like it just didn't click with me uh even watching his stuff you don't think he's that big of a deal yeah it's his following is so huge that that there was a line a perpetual line i would say probably a couple hours there was at least a two-hour line to I would say probably a couple hours if you want to talk to him.
Starting point is 00:37:45 There was at least a two-hour line to get up there for a goddamn handshake. And that was for, what, three, four straight days? Yeah, constantly. CT Fletcher was kind of probably the only other one that was on the same. And maybe it's because I watch more CT Fletcher stuff. I get where people are coming from because CT is really focused in the attitude and you can do this and the weight. Almost dying. yeah yeah all that stuff motivational but rich beyond is not a motivational guy well and that's what the other part is like because ct fletcher is like known or
Starting point is 00:38:14 was known in his day for like his strength thing yeah and i just i didn't realize like how big of a crowd bodybuilding could still draw like Like, I... That just... Yeah. The interesting thing with Rich Piana's fans, too, is that, like, now I'm not going to say this, like, as a wide-sweeping comment, but a lot of the ones that we saw were not fit people either. Yeah, and that just, like, speaks to how good the guy was at what he...
Starting point is 00:38:40 Which was just producing entertainment. A regular dude who just likes how huge that dude is. I think C.T. Fletcher's role a lot of times is motivating people to go and do the thing. Rich Piano was just like really entertaining and an absolute freak show to watch. And that shows like how good he was at, you know, marketing himself, producing stuff, and just getting out there that he could find people that really probably don't even care about lifting, but they still are like interested in following this guy's life around and what he does and what makes him him. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:11 When I first got more, first started to kind of get into following people that had to do with lifting, like C.T. Fletcher and Rich Piano were both people that I followed and I was interested in. But then as I got more seriously interested in powerlifting and following people like that, I was like, oh, well, these guys don't really do anything. Yeah, you want something with a little more substance. It's like Blaine Sumner and Rob Philippus. Guys like that. I personally like following people that really do something.
Starting point is 00:39:46 I mean not to say that they don't – But that's kind of like the natural level of progression when it comes to like following personalities. Like it's really easy to catch and find the like super in-your-face, really loud-spoken, crazy-looking guys. And like you kind of get introduced to them. Through there, you find like the big YouTube personalities. And then eventually you start to go on to the people of more substance right right some people never make it to those levels because they're fine with that you know just that entertainment but yeah at some point with lifting you start to then make your way to like yeah like you said like those guys and like the lily bridges and stuff like you want to see some big lifts right why hasn't stan efferding released a rhino's rant
Starting point is 00:40:27 in so i want to know that too drives me fucking yeah yes he was like on fire with those good person to follow that he'd be in the line of the person you'd get to and oh here we go he's actually one of those that kind of transcends the gap of yeah it could be your an entry level guy and uh yeah a real high level content stan has has some, I would say like 9 out of 10 of Stan's stances, I'm pretty much in full agreement on. There's still a couple where I'm like, Stan, for real, he'll go anecdotal as opposed to what unanimously science was on board with. Like on creatine is the one thing he digs in on.
Starting point is 00:41:04 I'm like, whatever, Stan, you can have that opinion i guess but for the most part i fucking love the rhinos rants but he did he took like two months between his last one and then one that was basically told the story of the um shark tank shark tank thing so i and then it's been like three months since then. And I was spending a little time thinking about this. Should we call him? Trying to get in Stan's head. Should we get him on?
Starting point is 00:41:29 And I really think this is what it is. And he kind of hinted at it. I kind of took the Shark Tank one as kind of like his this is it, we did it, guys. Because he talks about how with every business venture, like you have to, you know, you have to have an idea. Everyone can have an idea, but it's acting on that idea and having, putting in the work to support it. And he basically talks about how coming up with the ways to market it and all this stuff is what sells it. And those videos were made to market the cooler. Like that was very obvious and every single one was the cooler.
Starting point is 00:42:03 And you suppose that now that's just not necessary. And I think, yeah, because he did his 20 videos that kind of got the more hardcore people engaged. That launch into Shark Tank. Right as he started rolling out the rants, you saw Stan Efferding on about five or six podcasts. Yep. Got an interview in with us. Yeah, he hung out with us. He gave you a walk through demo of how the cooler works cooler i stood behind his booth when he wasn't there and acting like i was him yeah it was the best you learned that it's the world's only cooler within
Starting point is 00:42:36 a cooler that can hold your pulse pre i also was not certain that there was a man for such a thing there's coming out with a carabiner a carababiner? Well, it's like, whoa, what are you going to do? You're not going to clip it to your cargo shorts? A pill pouch for pills and supplements. But that's what I think is I think that the – That's probably it. When he sat down, he got – he had some experience with the cooler. It was getting some traction, and he's like, okay,
Starting point is 00:43:01 I need to think of the marketing plan to make this thing, get it to the next level. He probably thought I'll do these free videos because he even mentioned it in videos that people would complain about him talking about the cooler for 10 seconds. And he's like, I'm sorry, I'm giving you 20 minutes of high quality premium content. You have to listen to me talk about the cooler for 10 seconds. Like that was what that thing was made for and yeah i think he it was mission accomplished and for now for now those don't need to exist in his marketing plan so then i think the only way we can get more of that is we're just gonna have to hang out with stan efferding more often yeah do you think maybe we should come up with a cooler within a cooler so that he just can't
Starting point is 00:43:40 say that it's the world's only cooler within a have an idea. Have it not be one that you can drink of, but like an actual food cooler with a smaller cooler inside. It'll be like those Russian stacking dolls. They'll just be more and more inside it. Yeah, like 12 coolers. And then inside that, you have an actual shaker. You can just put two shakers. It'll be an enormous cooler that gets so small that eventually there's a little shaker cup inside it. I'm like that 55-gallon cooler.
Starting point is 00:44:06 We'll put a carabiner on there. We can put a carabiner on every single one of them. We're going to put two carabiners. It'll be the world's only cooler within 10 coolers that also has 12 free carabiners with it. It would be sweet. It's like when they started making razors that had two blades and then three blades. And then Saturday Night Live made a joke about some with nine blades. And then eventually people were making seven blade razors.
Starting point is 00:44:30 And the fourth blade is there just to make the first three look ridiculous. And then Dollar Shave Club, they did it right. They came out. Then they just have a single razor. We only need one blade. Who needs more than this? And then at that point, you're like, we only need one blade. Who needs more than this? And then at that point, you're like, yeah, you're right. I'm no longer spending $30 a month for razors.
Starting point is 00:44:54 Well, you're going to be spending $1,000 a year on coolers now, though. Yeah, I mean, there's going to be like 13, 14 coolers within coolers. A few of the coolers will just be to hold ice to keep the other coolers out there in and around cold. Yes. None of them are going to be made well. But with that many coolers, by the time you get through, they're just going to protect themselves. And we'll actually offer leasing options for like $400 a month. Maybe one that has wheels that you can hitch up to the back of your car and you can pull it around.
Starting point is 00:45:24 But there does need to be like a pill pouch in there at some point because inside the last responsible guy as far as like with supplements and stuff yeah he doesn't just take right well like randomly like i need those pills right now and this is where i think that stan the businessman comes in because he knows better he talks about he routinely says and i don't want to sound like we're crapping on stan because i would if we could have an interview with him fucking loves yeah he's probably in our top three people people would ever want to have an interview with he's absolutely one of my favorite guys to listen to because like it's like yeah he's not talking bro science and stuff like crap like he's like speaking from experience and he's it's like yeah he's not talking bro science and stuff like crap
Starting point is 00:46:05 like he's like speaking from experience and he's telling you like what he's seen work and his experience is also so well-rounded from like yeah bodybuilding good and being huge business and then also being strong yeah like he didn't you know it wasn't just show muscle so like there's no area you can be like well yeah but he's kind of really if. Really, if in any way we could be one-tenth of who he is, that would be a very successful thing. I could have only Stan Efferding's lats. Yeah. So I have to laugh.
Starting point is 00:46:36 And I think this is where the businessman kicks in is that he always in his rants talks about there's no pill, potion, or powder that's going to save you. And then he comes up with this cooler that provides carriers for your pills, potions, and powder. But I think that's him listening to that there's a market for it. People need this. And he provided it to him. And he is still saying, like, no pills.
Starting point is 00:47:00 Yeah. He's not saying, like, yeah, if you use the cooler and put shit in it, you're going to automatically have PRs. Right, right. He's just like – this is a problem people are having and he's providing the solution because no one is. Why have we not actually bought them just to have here to try? We should get a cooler just to put like on the table. No, I think –
Starting point is 00:47:21 We should ask Dan if he'd send us a cooler. Actually, we should – does anyone have should know. Does anyone have a cooler? Does anyone have a cooler? If someone does, please. Also, review of it. If you have Stan Everything's Cooler, send us a review of it. Now, here's what I think we should do, you guys. Get one and review it.
Starting point is 00:47:35 Yes, that too, but we need four. At the very least, we've had a good month or two in the world of massonomics, but we still have not made a penny. Maybe we should just expense ourselves coolers for review. Personalized coolers. How much are they? I think they're like $30. Oh, is that it? I think they're pretty reasonable.
Starting point is 00:47:57 I just assumed. I don't think they're bad at all. Could you ever get yourself to use the cooler? I wouldn't because I can see how some people would. I don't know. It's too big. I would try it. Yeah, but the situation worrying at the gym, I now work from home, so I have a water faucet feet away from me, so I can just fill up a cup.
Starting point is 00:48:18 So that's not an issue there. With literally the worst tasting water in the Midwest. I have a good filter on it so i don't have that issue but um when it comes to the gym same thing i can bring my hydro flask stuff's gonna stay really cold if i drink more than 32 ounces while i'm working out we have a faucet right there just fill it up not a big deal so like that's not that's not solving any problem that i'm having that's why i don't have one but i'm sure there's people that maybe go to a work site, need to bring two gallons of water with them if they
Starting point is 00:48:47 want water for the day. And then they're going to go lift right after that, so you need your pre and your post and your pill pouch. The cooler is like $30 to $32. So it's really not that bad, because that is another thing. Is it carabiner standard? I don't know if this is the 1.0
Starting point is 00:49:04 or the 2.0. And the premium cooler market, I feel like, is a growing thing when you look at your Yetis and Yakovs. Yeah, that is definitely a hot industry right now. So the fact that he was able to come up with a product that can in some way even have any success there, it's pretty good. up with a product that can in some way even have any success there it's pretty good my dad might like a cooler because i mean like he's been a guy that's taken a cooler and a lunch pail to work every day with them for like 40 years so like they just have all this other shit well he'd be like what do i need a shaker yeah i was like i just need the cooler like can you take out the middle part of it like can you get rid of that?
Starting point is 00:49:46 I'll try one. I'll buy one and try one. Where are we at? Where did we get? Oh, we just got to Stan Efferding being awesome, but hasn't done the rants. We think he's done? I think he's done for a while until he comes out with something new,
Starting point is 00:49:58 then we'll see some more rants. That's how I feel. Maybe he should start selling a cooler that has two coolers in it. Yeah. We need to get a patent on it. Yeah. So that's that in the world of people dying. Basically,
Starting point is 00:50:20 I think we got all that out. I'm trying to see what else I had in the, in the Instagrams here this week. We've also got some reviews, too. Do we? Yeah. Everybody really stepped it up. Every time I've, like, if, I can't remember what the other post was.
Starting point is 00:50:36 Something about reviews. I like the one you had this last week. Yeah, that got, I'm pretty sure that got two reviews in. We had another one a while back. So are you going to make one now that says, I need you to spend $29.99 on the Mastanomics shop? This one got several likes, and when I posted that, we got a couple reviews that day.
Starting point is 00:50:57 And the one of me and you were fist pounding it. And I say to you, did you see we got a new five star review on itunes and you said that makes me very happy i'm pretty sure you'd say tyler i'm pretty sure we got and then we just found yeah so most of our fist bumps are about i'm pretty sure that got us two reviews so like we have to keep uh experimenting with we have to meme our way to podcast reviews because apparently our podcast everyone loves a good meme is not enough to get us there do you guys want to hear the reviews let's dive in okay these aren't as good as as well thought quite as well thought out as the ones we had last time because they were the people last week they said a high yeah yeah um we are up to
Starting point is 00:51:47 37 total wow are we famous yet that's at least rich both neither okay probably neither this one is on august 24th title massonomics is numero uno we have have a shirt that says that. That's a weird coincidence. Buy those at at the shop. Five out of five stars from Big Sleeves. I think we might know who that is. I have a hunch. Sleeves are huge. Great podcast.
Starting point is 00:52:17 Tremendous quality. Fantastic content. God, what more could you ask? We'll take it. I'm pretty sure people didn't say things like that about S-Town in some of the reviews. Alright, we're going to talk about that when we're done with our part. Did you finish? I'm a little upset with you guys.
Starting point is 00:52:36 Masonomics FTW. That means for the win. Oh, okay. I thought it meant F the world. Fuck the world. It can, but it's usually for the win oh okay five out of five stars august 25th from coach spanton nice why is it coach um i think there was a time i can't remember if it was someone didn't know how to play golf and he was helping them
Starting point is 00:53:00 and i think it came up in a bar after they got done okay it's something along those lines but he has a good i like his review here they talk a lot about lifting heavy things for a political podcast but it works somehow also they said seriousness a lot one time that was fun listen to it oh yeah uh speaking of political stuff uh next week is our abortion um our abortion episode episode 70 will be 75 that's where we all push our personal beliefs on everyone else we just we wanted to do 69 episodes of just like you getting to know us and now that we've got you at least half of you and every episode until we do until like. Everybody away.
Starting point is 00:53:46 We'll get down to like five people that really like what we have to say. I just connect with every single one of their core beliefs. We'll let you know that this is not based on any science or actual factual knowledge. Just purely how we feel on this. And actually those feelings are not based upon any principles. No. Or like education. Or are we dug in on any of them?
Starting point is 00:54:06 We're just going to spout from the mouth. Or with the understanding of what the ramifications could be for those beliefs. I have no idea. Well, like abortion is a good example because we're all men, so we're going to act like we. Who is better to make policies on that than us? It's no different. I'm going to start making policies for short people.
Starting point is 00:54:23 You have to have someone detached from the situation to remove the abortion from it. Yeah, you can't be too close to it. Yeah, we're clearly, and I'm not even married, so that makes me probably even more qualified to handle this stuff. Yes, definitely. I don't even know any women. I personally don't know any women. But they either should or should not be allowed to have abortions. They definitely either should or should not. They either should or should not be allowed to have abortions
Starting point is 00:54:45 they definitely either should or should not yeah they either should or should not be allowed it's one or the other so we straight up went there so um is that the that's it that's it for the reviews though that's that's it we still had two and you know i think we come up with more more sweet names maybe uh maybe just stick with the cartoon like two people saying really really boring things like oh great yeah i actually have some good ideas that's good now that i think about it um well that almost has oh that's yeah i want to hear your opinion all right You guys... So maybe we should... Do we need to say spoiler alert if anyone has...
Starting point is 00:55:27 Yeah. Okay. Well, I'm not going to... Here's the deal. I'm not going to spoil it fully, but I'm going to partially spoil it. So if you haven't started at all, I'm going to be very vague here. When you guys talked to me about S-Town, had you listened to the whole thing? I listened to the whole thing twice.
Starting point is 00:55:42 At the time when we talked about it on the podcast. I had listened to the whole thing twice. All right. So here at the time when we talked about i had listened to the whole thing twice so here's here's my opinion on what happened with s town is like you're like we're going to this place because there's this thing that probably happened and we're gonna find out how this thing happened and it goes deep and you get there and then you're like well that thing probably didn't happen and but this guy's weird and then you're like well this other thing maybe happened and then there's like all of a sudden it kind of goes where there's these like 10 other hypothetical scenarios and one of them probably is what happened but then it spends the rest of the fucking time just being like well no that one didn't happen and that one didn't happen
Starting point is 00:56:20 and neither did that one and neither did that one and basically just nothing happened yeah and then it's over and it's like wait and basically just nothing happened yeah and then it's over and it's like wait wait nothing happened fucking nothing it's more of an autobiography than it's life
Starting point is 00:56:30 kind of I shouldn't say autobiography so the guy was just weird and there wasn't anything crazy that happened there wasn't anything really happened yeah
Starting point is 00:56:37 it was the guy was just weird and he got weirder and then that was it but like there was no like no yeah there was it. But there was no like... No, there was none of that. There was no like...
Starting point is 00:56:48 Super conspiracy. There was like five possible bad guys, but they were all like, no, just kind of regular guys. And everyone that I've talked to falls in two camps. They fall in the me and Tanner camp of, hey, this is really fun. I liked it a lot. And they fall in your camp of,
Starting point is 00:57:01 the thing didn't happen that was supposed to happen. Well, even after that thing, camp of the thing didn't happen. That was supposed to happen. Even after that thing, we found out that didn't happen. I was excited about the other possibilities. Oh, geez. One of these things. That'd be interesting to find out which one of these things happened and
Starting point is 00:57:16 fucking none of them happened. See, I was so interested in the character of John B that I could have, I could have listened to 15 podcasts episodes talking about that guy, because to me, just the character of John B. That I could have listened to 15 podcast episodes talking about that guy. Because to me, just the character development there, someone could have made it in a Hollywood movie and I'd have been like, okay,
Starting point is 00:57:33 they just put five writers in a room and said, come up with the most ridiculous character ever that would never exist. But this guy does exist and he's insane. Honestly, yeah, maybe. I don't know i and have interacted with a lot of kind of crazy people in my life but i don't know that that guy was all that unique i i think what makes he's also really smart from a lot yeah there's a look now at the end when they started tying in some of the clock workers yeah which still didn't fucking relate to any of the hypothetical scenarios like if they would have just biographied the guy what
Starting point is 00:58:11 about like the homosexual nipple piercing all the tattooing turned into a sadist yeah but that's like it's probably weirder shit than that going on on my blog probably like but i feel like we live in a part of the country where there's some weird people like this around for sure, but I feel like a lot of them don't have high-level intelligence that this guy definitely did.
Starting point is 00:58:32 Yeah. I don't know. You'll have to... You should probably listen to it. It's a quick listen. It's a fairly quick listen. It's like 10 hours. Very well produced.
Starting point is 00:58:41 No, I think it's... What is it? Seven episodes? About an hour each. Yeah, yeah. So it goes fairly fast. I listened to it on my ride back from Minneapolis in like almost one chunk. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:52 And then I was like fucking furious. Maybe that was the problem. Maybe if I'd have broke it up. But I was like, I am fucking. If you have that feeling. Six hours in, some shit better start happening. If you have that feeling, listen in some shit better start if you have that feeling listen to uh serial season two have you listened i haven't listened to that's how i
Starting point is 00:59:09 felt and that was like oh you haven't listened to that was like 12 episodes of like just let's start with here and it just goes on serial two about the prisoner of war yeah it's not related it's just about a guy that he walked this This is a real story. He walked off his base in Afghanistan. Yeah, okay. I forgot about that. Open a shoe store. He wanted to kind of like stir up some attention, and he ended up getting caught by the Taliban.
Starting point is 00:59:35 No shoe store happened there. Gets tortured and captured for like four or five years, something like that. And then it just goes into the whole political thing of all. And it's like god i just listened to 12 plus hours of the political ramifications of the situation i did not sign up for that all right guys here's a podcast you need to listen to dan carlin's i saw you i was gonna ask you about this i saw you talking to this has isn't he related to george carlin i don't believe so
Starting point is 01:00:01 and who is this dan carlin he's just a guy he's like don't believe so. And who is this Dan Carlin? He's just a guy. He's like a historian. Okay, so he is smart. Very smart. The amount of research that goes into putting these things together fucking hurts my feelings. Like how well done each one is. He has many. More than our podcast? It actually makes me want to quit doing the podcast because I'm like, I can't believe that we are technically but does he have
Starting point is 01:00:25 the same app does he have fun witty off the cuff banter actually yeah he has a dance really good at what he does but it's just him and so he has many different topics that he gets into some of them are very long some of them are shorter but um this is actually episode 59 is considered a blitz because it's faster it's it's a shorter story than the other but it's called the destroyer of worlds and it is about like the advent of the atomic bomb and then how that went all the way through kind of through the cold war and how the what it was actually like for the presidents involved and the it is the coolest fucking narrative on that shit that you like so good and told very theatrical so it goes from like world war ii on to then you know fucking
Starting point is 01:01:12 truman and then eisenhower to kennedy to like all this shit and it was it was just so good but i would enjoy that and tanner you're kind of a history guy too yeah yeah i would like this is five hours and 53 minutes long and but it's it covers such a long amount of time, you're kind of a history guy too, aren't you? Yeah, yeah, I would like that too. This is five hours and 53 minutes long. But it covers such a long amount of time that you're just like two hours. If you listen to it for an hour, you're like, oh, that was like a really good hour. And I can't wait to hear the next. Because it's not six hours talking about one year. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:39 Anyway, that's really good. My other favorite ones of his, I mean, he has like a blueprint for Armageddon series, which is like the lead up into World War I. Does this guy have a heavy political stance that he's trying to push on me? No. Well, how do I know how I should feel about things then? I don't know. You're going to have to go to YouTube for that.
Starting point is 01:01:56 Oh, okay. Which is like one, two, three, four, five, like six parts that are four hours long each. That's fucking deep. But it's really good. parts that are four hours long each that's fucking deep but it's really good anyway but the the destroyer of worlds would be the best one to start because it's one big piece and uh and it's awesome dan carlin's hardcore history my favorite one of his which is i think you have to go back i can't i can't get it on stitcher so i don't know what his story is on it but is he does a whole thing on gangas con and the mongols It's like a five-part, 15-hour thing.
Starting point is 01:02:27 And the sheer information that you get on that, you can't believe that those things are actually true. Yeah, I've had a buddy that was – Like the 60 million people that he killed. Yeah, and I had a buddy that was telling me – With shotguns, swords, and fire. Don't they say – and I could be completely wrong here, but isn't like he can't people of
Starting point is 01:02:46 that part of the country that region thai like are like 70 percent of them can't they count their ancestry back to him yeah back to him specifically yeah it's crazy like there's a massive drop in the carbon footprint in like ice core data from the amount of human beings that he killed like you can quantify it based upon the carbon in the fucking air for those people breathing it said like like baghdad in iraq basically never quite crawled back from when the mongols fucking completely burnt it to the ground like they would kill everybody. They'd roll up and they'd be like, option A, all of you surrender right now,
Starting point is 01:03:31 and then we're going to kill all of the men, and then you'll be okay. Option B, you fight, and we're going to kill everybody when we win, and we're going to burn everything to the ground. Did they deserve it, though? If you were just in their way, or you were just there. It was crazy. That one's really good, too. That's a really long, deep one. everything to the ground. Did they deserve it, though? If you were just in their way or you were just there and they were there.
Starting point is 01:03:46 It was crazy. That one's really good, too, but that's a really long, deep... Start with that fucking Destroyer of Worlds. Does he have a filthy mouth like George Carlin does? He doesn't quite have as colorful a language.
Starting point is 01:03:57 He's very articulate, but that's good. Dan Carlin's Hardcore History. Tell him I sent you. And, Dan, if you're listening, we expect to get a shout out back yeah definitely yeah obviously he's been on like the rogan podcast once or twice too yeah he's he's out there but well that's gonna do it for us hustling other people's podcasts
Starting point is 01:04:16 time to start hustling our own so most important uh make sure you give us a five-star review on itunes or apple podcast as the kids are calling it now it makes us really happy makes us really happy tanner will make sweet memes yeah yeah the sweetest that's great we're right um make sure you also go to uh forward slash massonomics subscribe to the channel there um we should have sometime in the next year some video footage from the strongman competition will be up there it's in the works all our videos from the Arnold are still there that you haven't watched what else do we
Starting point is 01:04:53 got Facebook make sure you follow massonomics on Facebook and go to there you're going to find our store you can buy shirts hats banners socks gold, and jock straps. Coolers. Jock straps and Russian doll coolers.
Starting point is 01:05:15 All the good stuff. Also, while you're there, you can find our articles and videos and all of our past podcast episodes as well. You can follow all of us on Instagram. I'm Tyler. You can find me of us on Instagram. I'm Tyler. You can find me at Tyler F. and Stone. That's Tyler EFF, I am Stone, Tommy. You can find me at Tomahawk underscore D. And Tanner.
Starting point is 01:05:32 The official Masanomics Instagram page at Masanomics. All righty. Well, thanks a lot for listening, everybody. We'll see you next week. You just heard the Masanomics podcast. With your ears. You're welcome. Checkanamics podcast. With your ears, you're welcome. Check us out on Facebook, find us on Instagram at Masanamics
Starting point is 01:05:51 and make sure you visit and buy some of that sweet Masanamics gear. From your friends at Masanamics Studio, home of the world's strongest podcast stay strong

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