Massenomics Podcast - Ep.86: Massenomics Gym 2 Year Anniversary Party

Episode Date: November 27, 2017

This week, the guys sit down and reflect on two years of Massenomics Gym shenanigans. We discuss our humble origins and how hard we were able to celebrate another year of existence. We ate, we drank,... we socialized, and we mostly talked about lifting. Just like usual. Check out the Audio below audio Block Double-click here to upload or link to a .mp3. Learn more   And remember to check it out on YouTube as well. If you don't already have a closet full of Massenomics gear, go to the MASSENOMICS STORE and load up on swag... Also, please CLICK THIS LINK TO GIVE US A 5 STAR RATING ON ITUNES... Click this text to follow Massenomics on Instagram... Vote Massenomics for President in 2020.. Have your barber shave our logo into the side of your head.. Maybe get a Massenomics tattoo while you're at it.    Or you could sign up for our email newsletter at the bottom of this page. Stay Strong,  

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Starting point is 00:00:00 M-M-M-M-M-M-M-Massanomics Welcome to Massanomics, the world's strongest podcast. Find us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter at Massanomics. Make sure you go visit There you'll find the rest of our powerful content. While you're there, check out our store and buy yourself some of that sweet Massanomics gear. When he does that, it's like the sound of somebody taking like a steak. It seems really, really wet.
Starting point is 00:00:29 Yeah, it's like if you took a ribeye steak and you just dunked it in water and just slapped it on the table and drug it around. Way too much moist saliva. If you guys are listening, Fletch the Giant, Masonomics Great Dane, licks his genitals with a lot of enthusiasm.
Starting point is 00:00:49 And it makes really gross, unsettling sounds. It's a really wet sound. It's actually the sound that I, unfortunately, have to wake up to every morning. It's the sound of him licking his butthole in my bed. And it's really fucking gross. See, my dog licks himself too but just it's like the scale is one tenth so but like the noise level is one tenth i think well on speaking of dog dicks welcome to the massonomics podcast um we are oh about 12 hours after the uh
Starting point is 00:01:28 um we are oh about 12 hours after the uh massonomics two-year anniversary bash we did it we did it you sure did it oops we did it again yeah that was the theme for this year i wish it would have we we had we got some notes though for next year couple things we were talking about adding one we might add the other we won't but enjoyed talking about we need to have a bench off for sure oh that'd be kind of cool
Starting point is 00:01:56 post pork sandwich macaroni you gotta get that bloat and then obviously KY wrestling obviously but when we all decided Yeah, you got to get that bloat. And then obviously KY Wrestling. Obviously. But we all decided that we wanted to bench first so that we could really put our best foot forward under the bench. Nobody wanted to hobble injured into the bench off because of some sort of KY Wrestling accident.
Starting point is 00:02:18 Yeah, makes sense. But no, we had a good time last night down at the old, ye olde Dakota Territory Brewing Company. Yeah. It was a perfect spot for us, I think. They're in the... Is that because the building's not finished? Right, that's what I was going to say. Yeah, it's like they're in the process of putting their finishing touches on it, so it's kind of in more of a remodel stage right now which
Starting point is 00:02:45 actually works perfect for us because we don't have to pay wedding reception right we don't have to pay the prices and like there's less things for us to wreck exactly yeah i don't even think anything got wrecked except for all of us yeah yeah that was probably the extent of it i think most of the damage was done i think we had I think we had 40 pounds of pork there and about 40 people there. I don't know what that comes out to per person. I'd say half those people did not eat much either. I will admit that I was pretty excited about the drinking part, so I went light on the food side.
Starting point is 00:03:22 I couldn't fill myself up too much there i had to get to business i don't even know if we finished uh our kegs that we had there for us either really they might have been there when i left it too i'm guessing there wasn't a lot left in it but probably not but people brought enough miscellaneous yeah there was juice yeah i did have some of that after a while because for me, after you drink so many beers, it doesn't really taste very good. And it's like a taste thing where it's like, I've had a lot of these. This again. Can I put something different flavor?
Starting point is 00:03:56 When you're our size, three beers is not a recipe for any sort of new experience. That's true. for any sort of new experience. That's true. I am certain that I could probably drink 15 beers and learn to fly a plane. Because the jitters would be out there. Finally, I wouldn't be so nervous. You'd probably be better at it.
Starting point is 00:04:19 Be a little more willing to... Be a little loose if I did crash. When you have the stick in your hands, you want to be loose. Yeah, yeah. You want to be loose on the throttle. Don't be afraid to give it the business. Fly fast and loose.
Starting point is 00:04:35 But, no, we had a good time. Was there any other good highlights? No, nothing too crazy. We played a lot of Hammerschlag in this year. Yeah, Hammerschlag. We all had to wait while Ryan took the biggest shit. Yeah, that's a good kind of a funny story, actually. So out of the blue, well, Tanner, tell me why you chose that moment that we needed to take the picture.
Starting point is 00:04:57 Because I asked Tommy, and I was like, hey, should we take – you know, he brought his camera, and I was like, maybe we should take a picture because it was at a point in the time of night. Yeah, there's not going to be any point where there's more people. Yeah, we were done eating. It's only going to get to be less and less and less people. So I was like, oh, I'll catch a few people that already left. But I was like, we'll catch as many as possible. I probably should have said like 30 minutes earlier even, and it could have been a better looking picture yet.
Starting point is 00:05:15 But that's what I was thinking. Yeah, so Tanner yells and says, everyone, get in the corner. We've got to take a picture over here. So we all – was there maybe 40 of us-ish? Which that takes like 20 minutes to get everyone to go over there. corner we got to take a picture over here so we all what was there maybe 40 of us ish which that takes like 20 minutes to get everyone yeah over there everyone to commit to getting out of the seat so we all get in the corner and say we good we good nope nope we're missing ryan and this was like well where's yeah where's he at and then it's like oh i think he's going to the bathroom so you
Starting point is 00:05:41 just assume like oh yeah he'll be done in a second but yeah he was in the bathroom it was a couple minutes so so our jokes about that he was pooping became the reality that he was definitely yeah where it was like a long time and so there's 40 people waiting all all pretty house yeah tucked right next to each other and everybody so then i called ryan said hey listen i don't know where you're at this, but it's time for you to mop up and get upstairs right away. Yeah. We are all here. And even then, I don't think he, because I talked to him after, he didn't actually realize. He thought that a picture was going to be taken soon.
Starting point is 00:06:19 So he should maybe get it together. But he didn't know that we were actually already posing. Yeah. he should maybe get it together, but he didn't know that we were actually already posing. So he comes up the stairs and there's a group of 40-some people just wondering how your poop went. Tracy got the picture of him sauntering. I didn't look through all these yet.
Starting point is 00:06:39 You should look back through that. That'll be a good one. I was trying to look through them actually right before we came here and then the program was quitting on me. i was getting annoyed so did you get some good pictures yeah when i was looking through the ones i had last night yeah there's some some i like pictures you had one shane was telling someone the story of the croissant he's literally yeah he's he's talking to matt and i'm like tanner i captured shane literally describing the size of a croissant which, and you just have Shane's hands like this. Like it's looking like over his shoulder.
Starting point is 00:07:08 Yeah, and he is sizing up a croissant which. So, yeah, in case anyone's ever wondering like what size it is without buying one, we have that documented now. Anyone that's followed us long enough knows about the whole Shane croissant which thing. And if you don't, go back and listen to our episodes about with maybe our one with Dan Bell and the one prior to that. And you can also watch the video with Shane being interviewed at the Arnold Tour.
Starting point is 00:07:29 Yes, there you go, on YouTube. He goes into that a little bit. Or even on, I think, Live Large Fitness. Yeah. Actually, I was telling Tanner, if you go to their website, Live Large, and scroll down just like halfway down the page, it is a huge full screen photo of shane's face because that is like the thumbnail image for their eat up that eat challenge video and it's shane talking is the cover so it's pretty funny that you you run into him on there do you think uh there's
Starting point is 00:07:57 there's got to be you know we have enough listeners on the podcast right now there's people out there that just know who big shane is just from just from us talking and nothing about his illustrious bodybuilding career ifbb pro do you think uh the name tags were pretty necessary yeah that was actually uh uh the real a good icebreaker for some people because there are enough people there between members and spouses that it's hard to know everyone's name even with just members and the first few as we have there's a lot of people that i've never seen yeah because some people are on different schedules yeah i think i know probably 80 90 of the people but yeah there's just a few here and there i didn't know but oh you go here tanner ran off uh name tags the hello my name is and uh
Starting point is 00:08:43 everyone with the exception of like five people, it was just their name, but it said Big in front of it. So you had Big Chuck, Big Larry, or well, Larry Legend, but yeah. So it was cool. Everyone had name tags. And then if you did... And then the blanks were still just pre-printed Big.
Starting point is 00:08:59 So people could fill in their own name. If you bring your wife, just write her name in. After Big. And we had a couple. Was it John's girlfriend was like, I wasn't too into the big thing. It's like, oh, you have to embrace that. That's going to have to be a thing. You see all these other women here, they have to do it too.
Starting point is 00:09:18 You have no options. The girls that go to the gym know, though, that that's the protocol. You'd be offended if no one made the courtesy to call you big this way like if if if if big leah went to the gym and someone went hey how's it going little leah yeah she'd be like what did you say yeah right like maybe not so many words but yeah yeah it'd be like you know if you go to school and someone starts calling you smart for going to school you'd be offended if they called you stupid at that point. That's right. It's just like that.
Starting point is 00:09:50 But so we had little Jack helping us with the name tags. We also, I think, not. Big Jack, actually. Well, it's technically Big Jack. But Big Jack, listen, Tanner. Not a great name tag. Not a great reader. No.
Starting point is 00:10:04 I'm not questioning you specifically, but there's maybe a teacher that should have to answer some questions. I guess so. Yeah, his kindergarten teacher. She's the one. And his public speaking skills could use some improvement too. That's true too. But we'll give him time.
Starting point is 00:10:20 I asked him how the, today I talked to him and asked him how the name, how it went helping with the name tags. And he's like, oh, it was really good. I asked him if he could find all of them. He's like, oh, sometimes they had to help me. Every time, maybe. We also probably gave away more prizes than most powerlifting meets do, too. That's true.
Starting point is 00:10:42 For our two-year party. That's true. A lot of barbecue sauce. Yep. That was a good filler prize to get more people to get a prize. Yeah, barbecue sauces, massonomics gear, apparel. Dakota Territory brewing gear. Yeah, Dakota Territory brewing gear,
Starting point is 00:10:57 and the grand prize was a quarter of beef from Hart Simitals. And Big Leah, speaking of Big Leah. Big Leah won it. Yeah. But that's a good prize, though. There was a lot of people that were like... I was gunning for that one. Also, were we not in that?
Starting point is 00:11:12 I don't know. Tommy and I were sitting back going, as owners, do we get in the drawing? You guys were in the beef one. You guys weren't in the... Which, yeah, makes sense. So I had a separate group for the beef one you guys weren't in the right which yeah makes sense so i had a separate group for the beef one of you know just the members and it was all members that you thought were deserving no it was uh it was uh over the last 12 months however many oh yeah once you've been a
Starting point is 00:11:39 like if you've been a member for 12 months you had the most number of is you know the highest number if you've been a member for six months you had half as much of a chance because i didn't really want to give like a several hundred dollar prize to someone that joined last month but i also didn't want to cancel next month yeah right right um that like that should go to someone that's why we do keep that private right yeah right so but i but i they still had a very slim chance. Like if you're the Golden State Warriors in the lottery or something, they probably had some sort of chance. Yeah. But, yeah, that was a good prize.
Starting point is 00:12:15 Yeah, for sure. A lot of gym members that didn't show up, they were still all in the hat. There was probably like 15 people that had won something. There was a lot of people that would have won if they would have been there. A lot of those people in the grand prize one were people that won something that didn't win something. A lot of those people in the grand prize one were people that have already won. Because I had a separate pile, like I said. So it was people that already won something smaller.
Starting point is 00:12:39 So then it's like, sorry, Larry, you already got a bottle of barbecue sauce. Shane, you already got a hat. I know you'd much rather have this. I guess you'll have to settle for that stocking hat. Someone's got to be the gatekeeper, I guess. But, no, it was a solid good time. But next year, a bench off, I think. I mean, I don't know why we wouldn't.
Starting point is 00:12:59 That's true. Yeah. And we were talking to Thick Nick. I was talking about this bench that has, have you ever seen it has like a foot button that you hit, and then the pad drops down. So if you're by yourself, it drops the bench, and then so that changes the height,
Starting point is 00:13:21 and then the spotter arms will catch the weight. That seems like something he would know about. Yeah. He's like, it was like $400 and he was, and I was like, that's fucking insane. Yeah. And he's like,
Starting point is 00:13:31 not that that sounds like it's probably worth $400. Yeah. Like, and then, and then like the next thing he said, right as I cut off about how crazy that was, it was like, he was like, I almost bought one last week.
Starting point is 00:13:40 Yeah. Then he decided to just make one instead. Yeah. Well, he's also has a gym membership. Yeah, yeah. But, yeah, so that was a good time. What else did we have here to roll through?
Starting point is 00:13:53 Do we have much else to recap from the party? I don't think so. I don't think so. I'll be curious to see some of the pictures on those. Yeah, the pictures I did see were fun. Good ones. But are either you familiar with Wim Hof at all? Do you know who he is?
Starting point is 00:14:07 I saw Tim post something about it, and I was not familiar with it, so I did a little research. And since that time, I've seen it pop up in multiple other completely unrelated things. The Iceman. Do you know what his breathing drills are at all? I don't really know. I've actually got the app and everything on my phone. I've done them.
Starting point is 00:14:24 Is it like shallow breaths? Is that what it it there's a it's kind of a whole breathing practice yeah some of the things one of the let's just say one of the tests that you'll do early on is you'll what is like 30 seconds of breathing 30 breaths 30 breaths and then and then what you do is you fully exhale and then hold your breath when you're completely empty. Yeah. See how long you can hold. Now, I have only played with it a couple times, but my wife did it regularly-ish. And it was crazy how, like, the first time she'd do the breath hold, she could last 25 seconds. Yep. By three or four days later, she was making it, like, well over two minutes.
Starting point is 00:15:02 Yeah. Well, because each, when you do it you you do three rounds of it uh-huh so the first round you'd like you said you might last uh 25 seconds and even just you begin the second round immediately after the first round and you'll go maybe twice as long just that second time and then you you do a third round after that and almost like clockwork you'll always make it longer in each subsequent round. Okay. So I don't know a ton about this.
Starting point is 00:15:29 Like the very limited amount I know about this is that this guy like used, correct me if I'm wrong. He used these breathing techniques to like bear crazy cold temperatures, like basically without clothes on almost. That's kind of a, that's like the separate. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:15:42 That's like, it's the breathing and the cold are separate. In my eyes, they're mostly two different things, but he practices them both together. The breathing augments his cold. Alright, so then with the
Starting point is 00:15:57 regular breathing part then, what is the benefit or what's the thing of it? Have you ever listened to him talk? He sounds like a crazy mean like there's no one that's more of a hippie than wim hof like uh like but he he throws out terms that i'm like i don't know if that's a real word or if that's like because he'll just make. Yeah. And like a lot of the stuff he talks about is like, uh, you're changing your, your pH levels, like making yourself more basic and less acidic through the breathing. And that's something that I've seen that people have talked about that.
Starting point is 00:16:35 That's not something your body. I didn't think like, cause your body works very hard to keep that in homeostasis. Like the, the, the norm and like the, uh uh the amount that that can diverge is actually very little like yeah very little or else because otherwise you would just be dead yeah if you you actually changed your i became acidic so my yeah my fucking organs all failed right um that's a big thing he talks about though is that you're you're like manually adjusting your your your ph level and then he also uh there is a lot with the breathing stuff that goes along with um like kind of scrubbing co2 or like yeah you know when you do that breathing when you load your breathing like
Starting point is 00:17:15 that is you are able to oxygenate the shit out of your blood yeah basically so that you aren't in as much need of oxygen meaning you know what i mean so that's why you in as much need of oxygen. Meaning, you know what I mean? So that's why you're able to hold your breath more the second time. So like these exercises, the point of them though is to just be able to hold your breath longer. Is that what it is? No, it's kind of almost to reduce your dependence. You know what I mean? It's almost a way to increase your work capacity by taking control of your breath.
Starting point is 00:17:41 So like one of the things that i've learned from some of that stuff is if i'm doing conditioning really in any capacity because i fucking suck at it um is what i'll do is let's say for something as simple as the like the assault bike where it's just torture just sprint for a fucking minute rest for a minute do that 10 times five times five ten times something like that but you go really really really hard and what what i normally do when i do something like that is i get on the bike and i just output you know i put out put in work and then i breathe when i'm fucking underwater basically it's like oh fuck you know i'm behind and what uh one of the things i've seen is you almost you get on the bike and you breathe as though you're already finished when you're fresh.
Starting point is 00:18:29 So you get on there and you're like, you know, taking big, huge, deep breaths in the beginning when you don't need them. And I've noticed very significantly that it staves off that moment where I'm not in control of my breath, which is the way I spend most of my conditioning, is wondering why I can't breathe and waiting around until I catch my breath. So that part is interesting from a conditioning standpoint. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:58 There's skills to learn. The whole alkalinity, acidity thing is just a fucking... pisses me off every time I see it. Same thing with the alkaline water and all that mess. Yeah. All that stuff's like, listen, I don't want to. Well, I think it's scientifically proven that your pH levels actually don't like. No, yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:15 No, it'd be such an easy thing to test, too. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But when you do the drills, it does make you feel like a little lightheaded. And you'll get tingly. I noticed in my feet and hands or even my arms, you'll get weird tingly sensation. But what I think the reason that is, that's the breathing technique is in through your nostrils and mouth both. And it's big deep breath fill your what he when he explains it to people he says fill your stomach fill your lungs fill your head with air you know
Starting point is 00:19:53 fill every your entire body with air on the in-breath and then you're out exhale through your uh mouth only and as sharply and it's like you're filling a balloon it's like you're that's like the a good cue is like you're pretending like you're filling a balloon that's like you're that's like the a good cue is like you're pretending like you're filling a balloon that's not actually there and if you just do that 30 times in a row like without extreme concentration yeah you get lightheaded because you're like oh whoa like it so it feels weird so then when you are holding your breath for as long as you can after that it is a uh kind of a weird sensation because you do get really lightheaded also to me that feeling like you're holding your breath
Starting point is 00:20:31 after exhaling if i do it just now i mean we're talking five seconds yeah yeah breathe in like after you exhale is like the that's i can't hold my breath at all after i'm out so i think it think there's some value, and I think there's some sort of, like, I do believe that there's probably some science will back up the breathing side of things. Some of the other stuff I don't care for, but it's kind of like anything else. Never the be-all, end-all in one piece of information, usually. Right. The world record I did look it up for holding your breath underwater is like 22 minutes really yeah isn't that crazy that that's even possible i would have
Starting point is 00:21:10 assumed you would have said like seven and what uh what those people because that's like a big thing people like a contest yeah training this and what they do is they fill their cheeks like a squirrel with nuts in it with air. And they're able to hold that there until they need it. They'll grab a little breath later. Yeah. Really? Yes. And like by blocking off their throat.
Starting point is 00:21:37 Something I thought's tricky doing the technique, though, because you're also supposed to be relaxed when you're doing it. And when you're doing it and uh when you're laying there and holding your breath sometimes i'll be thinking about it and i'm like did i just allow a little bit of air into my nose am i cheating right now or like i can't even tell sometimes it's hard to tell like i forget if uh if i'm actually if i'm i can't tell if i'm doing it or if i'm like god God, it's been too long. I must be letting breath and letting some air in.
Starting point is 00:22:08 Yeah. I would say to anybody that is interested in this, though, is that their app is just Wim Hof Method. And there's basically three pieces. There is kind of like a, there's the breathing on its own, there's the cold on its own, And then there's a commitment thing. I think that's basically like a journal or whatever. Yeah, that ties the whole rest of it together.
Starting point is 00:22:31 You have to – in order for the other two to work, you have to be committed to the whole system. But I think the app is $4 or something like that. And I talked to a few people I know who are who kind of live and die by this by the wim hof stuff or at least use it daily the breathing stuff and um basically my the recommendation i was given was just definitely get the app it's probably like the best source for where you can get the videos the instruction and the progression and you can go through that so if this isn't something that's that interests you for four bucks you can get as deep into it as you probably want you know so i'd say check it out he is a serious hippie though oh fuck and my thing my deal is like and you know because it became
Starting point is 00:23:16 you know after was it the book and the documentary that there was like you know he became fairly famous kind of but nobody taught the guy how to talk so like on this thing it's it was like, you know, he became fairly famous, kind of. But nobody taught the guy how to talk. So, like, on this thing, it's like, just don't even have Wim Hof talk. I think just have, like, some other instructor up there who maybe is a little more charismatic. Because he doesn't like he's hypnotizing you almost, like the way he's talking when people are. So it's, like, creepy kind of? Yeah. Yeah, and he's got a pretty gnarly accent yeah so it's also what is his accent i
Starting point is 00:23:49 don't even know i think they're out of i think he's maybe out of like i could be like sweden yeah that would seem that's kind of what it sounds like to me something like that but yeah i don't know he's kind of is one of those really really really white countries. Yeah, definitely. The cold thing, I don't know as much about that. The cold thing, I think, is actually probably the more interesting of the two. And that's like the beginner level of that is just doing it through cold, showering cold. Oh, is it? Like subjecting yourself to cold, basically.
Starting point is 00:24:22 Yeah, that's like what the, in a nutshell, that's what it is, is subjecting yourself to more and more cold. Like the beginning is taking a hot shower or a warm shower like you normally would and just at the end of it going to a cold and getting used to it. And it does roll back to where the breathing, it does end up tying into a little bit where you'll start, same deal, you'll start breathing as though you would when you're in the panicked cold water you're going to get yourself into that place already and then you get into the ice water
Starting point is 00:24:49 and you become calm okay and so it is there is an interesting and actually some of this ties in one of the guys that runs wim hoffs like his like some of his seminar stuff what's his name casper's like some of his seminar stuff what's his name casper's something or other van it's too many letters but um he was working with julian pinot for like i don't know a couple three weeks um when they were in europe kind of piecing some of the nervous system stuff with julian's training and kind of how it works with some of the wim ho stuff with the cold. So I'm actually seeing a lot of the breathing stuff now peppered in through my training stuff with Julian now that is all hard for me to sort out because I can't breathe through my nose very well
Starting point is 00:25:34 and I'm always out of breath. That's a big thing I've talked to Professor Shams about for is just that anatomically, you should be breathing through your nose much more than people are and you know people are mouth breathers but yeah and i also think gross mouth breathing for sure but i also think this part of the country it's a little different because like pretty soon here a lot of people are going to have mild colds and stuff going on for like months on end it's just like so hard to not breathe through your nose go outside breathe through your nose when it's 30 below zero with 60 below zero windchill right
Starting point is 00:26:11 right like that'll fuck your whole world up yeah it sucks you know like being there in general yeah yeah it does it really does hurt and and talking about uh sleeping like when you're laying sleeping you should be as you're trying to fall asleep not breathing through your mouth and you know breathing through your nose but uh sometimes if i found if i think about that too much i'll sit there and be like trying to do it and then i'll be gasping for air yeah well actually that was one of the training things i think that was through that i got i think it was from julian was the the notes on it was like breathe through your breathe through your nose and it's like well what if what if i can't breathe through your nose
Starting point is 00:26:56 keep your fucking mouth closed and breathe through your fucking nose yeah you'll either do it or you'll die yeah keep your mouth shut you'll breathe like you'll be just fine um but for me it's like a panic but if you think about it like with that wim hof thing you can literally go a minute or two without even breathing whatsoever and here you're breathing as much as you want it just has to be through your nose and you get that feeling like i'm not getting enough air but you're dying as we speak. You're getting continuous air. It's just coming through your nose instead of your mouth. Oh, Wim Hof.
Starting point is 00:27:33 But yeah, they should have propped up somebody else. So on the app, there's videos of, you know, it's kind of like a little video instruction of everything you have to do. And that was, and it's him every time. Every time I see one, I'm like, God, they should have definitely found someone else. He's been on several podcasts. That's what I've heard. I think like Joe Rogan and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:27:56 Joe Rogan. He was on another one that I listened to. Some of the fitness, just a fitness one that I listened to some of fitness just just a fitness one that i listened to too so he's kind of making his must be making his rounds on that thing and i've seen a lot more people lifters talking about his thing for it so i don't know trying to think of what the other speaking of though i guess speaking of the app that it's like a $4 or $5 app, right? Have we talked about buying apps on this podcast? I don't think we've touched on that before.
Starting point is 00:28:32 It's something we've probably talked about in private. But do you guys, I've only ever done this literally recently, like the last three months. I don't think I've ever paid for an app. I have very few that I've paid for. It's always funny is how often do you spend $1 on literally nothing? Oh, like just the dumbest stuff in the world. It's hard to find even anything that doesn't cost more.
Starting point is 00:28:59 Yeah, like how often do you spend $9 on nothing? I spend $50 on two drinks in Las Vegas. And I go to this app that has supposedly a wealth of information. And will literally be in your pocket with you. And it's $4, and I can have it forever because it'll transfer, you know what I mean? And for $4, and I was like, I go to it, and it's $4. I was like, are you fucking kidding me?
Starting point is 00:29:18 Where's the free version? Give me an ad or two. And then I started running into it with productivity stuff for the gym. Like, video editing and you know photo editing and stuff like that and if you're gonna do it for your it's one thing to dick around and make a post on your instagram that has a watermark on it but for the business it was like uh i can't have like they purposely make the free ones look so shitty but then i was like wait what are you doing, Tyler? It's a dollar. It's a dollar. Like if the thing says,
Starting point is 00:29:48 if the watermark drives me nuts and to remove the watermark permanently from this app is a dollar. And I was like, absolutely not. But once I opened that floodgate now, now I'm like, cause the apps are so much better when you pay for them. So now I'm just like looking through only paid apps.
Starting point is 00:30:07 Like, what can I fucking buy now? The wallet is open. But even if you buy 10 at $3 a piece, that's $30 that you spent. But just like nothing. And $3 apps are probably actually, there's probably a lot of usefulness in that. Oh, yeah. $3 apps are already getting into that like higher quality well that's the i got one app the that i use for cutting some stuff into the like instagram stories that cuts everything into the exact seamless time frame and that was like a nine dollar app which
Starting point is 00:30:36 i think if you were to scale it out to vehicles that's like the ferrari that's like that's like at least a quarter million dollar app yeah and then so the one dollar must be like a chevy malibu commitment yeah or something but yeah so it might be a class a bird i got to that i saw that like nine dollar app and i was like but since i had already been in the habit of buying apps, my mindset had changed. So as soon as I see nine bucks, I'm like, I bet this thing's fucking awesome. A level of luxury I've never seen before. I mean, I couldn't even imagine.
Starting point is 00:31:16 And it actually isn't. I mean, it does that one thing that it says it's going to do and it does that really well. And it does nothing else though. You can't do any other things, but it does that really well. And it does nothing else, though. You can't do any other things, but it does that one thing really well and easy. So I guess, but for $9, I kind of thought there'd be more features. But I only got it for the one thing,
Starting point is 00:31:38 so now I got that covered forever. Yeah, it's the whole paradox of phone buying. It's like, oh, this phone's $900. People are like, yeah, that's what phones cost. It's like, would you like to install a $1 app? I can't swing that here. Yeah, it is funny. I've got to buy a new phone every year.
Starting point is 00:31:58 What's the most expensive app you've bought? Well, I mean, for my phone, you know know i don't know if i have well final cut pro is the most expensive well that's pretty yeah how much was that it's like a couple hundred bucks or something yeah i mean i pay for like my adobe apps like those are 55 a month for all those is the monthly deal like worth it on those see i think is. A lot of people love to complain. Well, you know, anything in life, people love to complain about it, and people love to just crap on Adobe and all that stuff. But my mentality is if you are actually running a business,
Starting point is 00:32:37 the fact that you can have pretty much all the tools to run your business for $55, if you complain about that, you are not running a business at all. So if you're a hobbyist, yeah, okay Maybe it's expensive but also a lot of people spend way more than $55 a month on hobbies Yeah, so even on that end of things it's not that expensive either and you always have the newest one everything What about buying where I see the comparisons if you bought this year's everything, right? well, so this is what would happen though was like you'd buy this year's everything, right? Well, so this is what would happen though. It's like you'd buy this year's everything and this year's everything was $3,000. And with the software updates, like you,
Starting point is 00:33:12 you might be able to use that for, I don't know, six, seven years maybe. But at that point, it doesn't work anymore. And then you're just going to drop $3,000 more. So yeah, I suppose over time, if you wanted to miss out on updates and stuff, yeah, you're probably saving some money. And back in the day, a lot of people wouldn't buy everything. They'd just get a few here and there. But it's, yeah, I don't know. People like to complain, so I'm just, I can't worry about that.
Starting point is 00:33:39 Yeah. I've seen things like on some of the software stuff I bought for the house, it's like they'll want like $20 a month. and then i look at what i can buy it for and i was like there's no fucking way that i'm gonna get locked in monthly on this forever yeah for a goddamn word processor yeah but yeah that final cut pro is a hefty bite i think it's 300 bucks or something but it is a pretty works yeah well pretty yeah pretty schnazzy program i mean people there's major motion pictures like yeah movies are literally made with it yeah it's i mean it is the you're only limited by what uh what you know how
Starting point is 00:34:17 to do or don't pretty much basically why our youtube is so awesome yeah Yeah. I saw that Kaler Wollum has started his full YouTube channel now. Did you see that? I haven't hopped on it yet. I saw he's been pushing that a little bit though. Yeah, he's been moving it out there.
Starting point is 00:34:33 I think, I'm guessing he had a talk with Mark Bell when he was there to make sure he's getting out there a little further. I don't really closely follow
Starting point is 00:34:40 much of any YouTube channels. I don't really either. Do you guys have the YouTube app on your phone? Yes. Oh, yeah. I was talking to... I can't remember who I was talking to now, and they didn't have the YouTube app on their phone, and I was almost offended. Yeah. I was like, how do you even...
Starting point is 00:34:53 Does it come automatically? What do you do with your phone? I don't know. I assume it comes automatically. It seems like it should. If it doesn't... It's on my first page, that's for sure. Yeah. So I was blown away that... So they go to a web browser yeah and then look at it on there i was i was amazed i didn't know that that how archaic yeah well it's like where do you where do you save your subscriptions and everything and to keep check up you know to update on things
Starting point is 00:35:15 yeah speaking of youtube uh stan effortings we talked about that he's been rolling out his uh 10 minute walk i don't think we've talked about those at all. Yeah, he's been. I just caught the one, but I'm just glad that he's doing something again. Makes me wonder if the cooler version 3 is coming out soon. Getting ready to push something again. But we're happy to have Big Stan out there making stuff happen. Yeah, those are always enjoyable. And even this, what was it, a week ago or so, he was on was on the power cast and he is still one of the best guests on there always because he's not you know
Starting point is 00:35:50 riding some crazy social media success and an expert all of a sudden like he's been there done that so right he is always one of my favorite people to listen to on there i think on if i have to go back on like all right let's do this. Strength podcast guests. Who would be some of your favorites? Stan Efferding would be one of my favorites that's on anything ever. Oh, yeah. Listening to him. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:16 He was just on Mark Bell's. And he's going to, the second part of that episode will come out here. And I'm looking forward to that. And I'm assuming he'll be on our podcast, you know, whenever he makes his way here. Yeah. Well, whenever we can fit him into our schedule. I think that's the problem. That's true. It's more we're the ones holding him back. Yeah, sure. It's on us.
Starting point is 00:36:31 What about any other big ones for you, Tanner? Ones that I have heard or ones that I wouldn't? Yeah, ones that you've heard. Where people can look for them as guests on other stuff that's tough i i like uh listen i don't necessarily follow everything he does but i like listening to matt winning would be one i enjoy uh hearing his perspective pretty
Starting point is 00:36:58 much like anybody that's like been around a long time and like kind of been through all of it and like has had to really work at things and been like oh yeah like my deadlift was stuck here for five years before i figured out how to move it like those are the people that i always find way more entertaining as far as lifting goes i agree and i don't think it's a matter of having to like uh drink the kool-aid on necessarily every one of their opinions or yeah their systems or processes but when they have done that that what they say carries a lot more weight than versus people that haven't done anything yeah yeah you know who else so god there's on the spot i can't really think of them but i bet there's several
Starting point is 00:37:38 other ones that i'm missing that are in like uh well if we would have prepared for this literally at all like you know with juggernaut with with, like, Chad Wesley Smith and, like, Max. What's his name? Yeah. Like, they're both really good to listen to. And the fact that they have their own podcast just makes it easier because, you know, they're the same thing is that they have a lot of, like, really in-depth experience, like, coaching a wide variety of top-level people between Olympic lifting and powerlifting. I also really like Chad and Max because they'll they'll like they will actually take a stance oh yes yeah you know i mean yeah kind of they'll they'll roll out the fuck west side yeah stuff you know the you know
Starting point is 00:38:16 or talk about how ridiculous things are yeah like they're not worried about that um you know mark mark bell kind of seems like he has to tow a bit of a political line now with some of that stuff yeah about the hardest stance really popular yeah about the hardest stance you see him take is like hey keto is really awesome but it's not for everyone basically everything he says he caveats it with something like that which i think is probably the like the way things are yeah It's probably the right approach. Like moderation. Like somewhere in the middle is usually.
Starting point is 00:38:51 But sometimes I'd like to see somebody dig themselves a hole. You know what I mean? A really hard line stand. A really hard line. Well, I've noticed that someone does do that a little bit. I've noticed Donnie Thompson kind of has some more stuff like that. Donnie Thompson is not afraid to pull. He's been putting some stuff out there like, I've been doing this first. And everyone can like i think even recently had some posts like anyone can get some tests on their
Starting point is 00:39:10 hands and then become a social media star and he's like but i've been doing this you know through years of hard work and all this and so he is kind of firing shots at people a little bit he will fire shots all day long and he fires shots like you have to read through his, uh, the comments or even like his, uh, subcontext or like you have to look beyond his message. A lot of times if you were just maybe someone that's kind of into lifting or something and you read his, uh, post, you'd take it at face value, but he actually means the opposite. A lot of times he's being facetious or, know like he's throwing a curveball in there and then you read the comments and a lot of people aren't getting that yes and then he'll you know he'll comment back at him all the time well even today i think it was this morning he had one and it was like if you're well liked in your field chances are you're not doing very good yeah yeah yeah i mean that's one
Starting point is 00:40:03 way of you know whether that's true i was thinking about that too i was wondering if that's true or not and i some it's probably sometimes it is and sometimes it isn't true i don't you know yeah because there's probably in certain fields you have to be liked in order to be successful too maybe not universally but yeah at least everyone it helps yeah it helps to not have everyone hate you when it comes to be doing yeah speaking of stan efforting he he lost his world record then here this weekend to larry wheels yeah in the 275 uh raw with knee sleeves class yep larry beat it by 49 pounds oh it was that much that much? Yep. So what did he bench?
Starting point is 00:40:45 I think it was 610. Yeah, was it like an 8? We did just have the numbers up here. I think it was like an 810 squat, like a 610 bench, and an 880 deadlift. So he's pretty strong. Yeah, he's getting strong. What was his squat again? I think it was like 810 here.
Starting point is 00:41:04 And what was his injury like a couple months ago, right? That was at the U.S. Open when he was squatting. When was that, this summer? I think that was the spring, a few months ago. Was it Easter weekend? It might have been. Was it something like that? April, yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:21 Yeah, it was 810 squat, 610 bench, 855 deadlift. And also the really crazy thing about him is the fact that it says here his deadlift, I think, last. Well, he didn't deadlift at the US Open. Either way, the last deadlift he had to meet was like 780 or something. So he's put like 80 pounds on his deadlift in less than a year, which when you're already kind of a top level person to be getting improvements like that yeah yeah jumping up a weight class i think made a big deal so like here the the thought is is like that's larry at 275
Starting point is 00:41:55 and he's you know the best strong he's ever been will there be like a 308 pound larry or 303 whatever that class is up there because i don't know if he i don't think he would ever get fat i think he's just getting more i wonder is there ever Because I don't know if he, I don't think he would ever get fat. I think he just keeps getting more muscular. That's what I'm wondering. Is there ever a point where he would get fat? I just don't think like his body allows that. I just think it sees whatever food enters his body and it says, yep, this is muscle now. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:15 And I just think he's going to keep getting bigger and bigger. That's what I would like to see. It would just be a matter of battling injuries at that point probably because the weights get heavier and heavier all the time. That squat that he fell on on looked like that was bad. Really bad, yeah. I mean, like when you're flat out falling. And he's already recovered and better since then.
Starting point is 00:42:34 That didn't slow him down for very long. I was kind of, in my head, the timeline I was thinking was that it might be a year before we see Larry Williams at that level, let alone better. And he's like 24 or something. Or that shit hurts my feelings. And that's what was interesting. You know, we were talking about,
Starting point is 00:42:52 um, born strong. Was that last week? The documentary, they were like, we don't ever have to worry about some young 20 year old, 18 or 20 year old coming in. You're just not going to be that strong.
Starting point is 00:43:03 But Larrys is the exception he's just like came in at 20 21 22 it's just a fucking freak that did you guys see the post he had where he was like was it like 16 like 19 20 21 22 it's like oh my god yeah like yeah there's like a year in there where you gain like maybe 100 pounds and none of it was fat. It was a big year. Yeah. He is natural though, right? That's a hard no.
Starting point is 00:43:36 Naturally talented. He pretty well advertises his stuff. Yeah. He has posts where he'll actually spell out exactly what he takes. And he's actually advertising for trying to get people to purchase their steroids from the place that he purchases his steroids. I'm not exactly sure all the legalities of that. It seems like it shouldn't. What if you're online and like, I love meth.
Starting point is 00:44:03 I take meth all the time. Here's the exact amount of meth I take. And here's the person I buy the time. Here's the exact amount of meth I take. And here's the person I buy it from. Here's my discount code. You can get 10% off meth if you buy it from this guy. Wouldn't the police be like, wait a minute.
Starting point is 00:44:18 But if you're Larry, you're like, hey, I'm not the one selling the meth. Let's talk about the meth. It is interesting though the where someone i was listening to a podcast someone was talking about larry wheels and they said that um he's a person that has kind of all of it where like he is genetically very on his own very able to you know just be strong get strong strong, build muscle, stay lean. But they said part of the whole package is...
Starting point is 00:44:50 He could probably jump high. I have no doubt he could jump high if he wanted to. But I think they say the genetics versus nutrition versus working versus drugs. And it's like well his genetics though overreach every one of those things like his work is he's able to put in so much work because genetically he's a freak yeah i think he adapts as well to the drugs like that's another genetic component i mean the drugs are what they are on their own you could take the same things that larry takes and train as hard
Starting point is 00:45:25 as larry trains yeah and you are not gonna look like larry right and you are not gonna yeah you're not gonna bench six six ten yeah yeah um it's just not the way it happens so i think you know he's just really really gifted and so when people do throw the drugs thing back at him it's like listen larry Wheels off drugs would fucking smash. For sure. Almost anybody who would call him out for it. As far as in the strength. We'll never know, though, because he also said he started taking them at like 16 years old.
Starting point is 00:45:57 16, 15. From what I know about it, that's not a safe practice. You wouldn't think. No. Recommend it. Yeah. Yeah, that's not a safe practice. You wouldn't think. No. Recommend it. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. That's just.
Starting point is 00:46:06 Like, imagine yourself at, like, 17 years old, how much natural changing your body is, And then you're just going to fuck and jack it all up. Yeah. Plus, like, when people are 17, like, you don't know anything about anything at that point. Oh, my God. So, like, to be, like, in charge, like, to be administering yourself with, like, hormones that can, like, totally alter your body and you i would assume then at 17 also with all the hormones you already had that at what
Starting point is 00:46:30 point is your dick just leading you around yeah you know what i mean like yeah that would be no bueno but larry doesn't have to worry about that old larry williams no No. That last thing you guys were just talking about, though, that we were all talking about together, reminded me of a really important question that I've been meaning to ask you guys for days. It's been on my mind for days now. Do you guys think that hydration is important? Honestly, this time, do you think it's important?
Starting point is 00:47:01 It's funny that you mention that, Tanner, because I've been thinking a lot about the importance of hydration myself lately it seems like it might be kind of a big deal i think you two are onto something as you two were just talking i did a quick search on ask jeeves turns out 80 of the human brain is made up of water and good hydration can actually help reduce cavities and tooth decay and everyone loves a clean mouth i actually doubt the truthfulness of that no that's true so it was the first thing that came up there is so there's that that is pretty astonishing it really is tyler but how are we supposed to stay hydrated all the time what could we possibly put our water in that would keep it cold,
Starting point is 00:47:46 be portable enough for our busy schedules, and look really, really stylish all at the same time? Well, I happen to have this 32-ounce Superman cup. Did you find that in a garbage can? I got it from a movie theater during the Man of Steel movie when it came out. I got many of these these these are my big cups so anyway i think that would probably be a pretty good vessel for some no no you're wrong you're wrong i can't let you go down that road anymore style point yeah you need to be uh getting a
Starting point is 00:48:20 flex flask by massonomics what the heck is the Flex Flask by Massanomics? It's this amazing liquid container that holds 41 ounces of anything you choose. It's made from double-wall stainless steel. It's this very one right here in my hand, Tyler. Oh, shit. And it helps keep your drink colder longer. Under our nose the whole time. Yeah, and it also has a wide-mouth lid for easy drinking.
Starting point is 00:48:40 I really wish that we would have maybe invented or monetized these things. That all sounds really, really, really good, actually, but I'm worried. It probably doesn't come in any cool designs or any different color options to mask my personal taste. Oh, wait. Look at that. Yeah. It does come in a couple different options, I guess.
Starting point is 00:49:00 Yeah. I mean, I just checked on and there's three different Flex Flask designs and each one really takes my breath away. And they come in your choice of brilliant white or a stealthy matte black. Well, fuck it. I'm convinced. I'm going to go to right now
Starting point is 00:49:17 and buy myself one. You better hurry, Tanner, or I might go there and buy up all the sweet Superman cups instead. Ha ha ha ha ha. You better hurry, Tanner, or I might go there and buy up all the sweet Superman cups instead. Guys, we are super good at advertising. Yeah. So that was just a normal conversation we had. Those are things that we just say.
Starting point is 00:49:37 It's no big deal. Yeah, you guys didn't even realize you were getting pitched. Yeah, that was an ad. That's how good we've gotten. Yeah, you're in the matrix you took the blue pill some things you cannot unlearn so something uh i was i had mentioned this to tommy before that i was uh want to add and i don't always have the tanner sack anymore because it's just sometimes i don't always have something to put in my sack but
Starting point is 00:50:05 something i thought we could do a quick thing maybe in most episodes is just a quick uh massonomics mentions which would could be one thing from each of us we're always on instagram social media checking stuff out and just like one either either person or bit of content or something that we've seen, you know, it could be a podcast. We always recommend a lot of podcasts, but something we've come across that we think our listeners might, might find valuable because,
Starting point is 00:50:32 uh, I know that that, this could be a valuable thing for our listeners because just this at the party last night, uh, big Kevin, Jim member said, Hey,
Starting point is 00:50:43 I listened to your guys episode where you're talking about all the podcasts you listen to. What were they? S-Town. S-Town, Mike Rose podcast, and the History one. And he's like, I've listened to all of those. He goes, I listen to Masonomics for the podcast recommendations. It's like saying, like, I go eat at McDonald's because they recommend really good other restaurants for me to go to.
Starting point is 00:51:08 They direct me to something better and more entertaining. So I did have something I've seen. It's not a brand-new piece of content, but it had been mentioned is Matt from Pioneer. He, on his YouTube channel, might be able to find it some other places. I know there are shorter versions of it on instagram but he reviewed all of the different uh maybe not all but most of the different companies that manufacture belts and he literally sliced them open there's a video for each each one probably went through like 10 different brands yeah he cut them all open and talked about what they're made out of and basically whether they're shit or good and he was very honest i thought like the ones
Starting point is 00:51:43 that he thought were really good yeah like uh best belts yeah he looked at he's like this is really as good as my belt honestly you know he's like i'm still gonna tell you to buy mine over theirs but this is probably you know they're doing the right things right and we finally figured out like why some of our inser belts are always like the way they are yeah Yeah, yeah. Like why is mine always hard and not like everyone else's? If you watch those, you will know way more about belts than before. I kind of get why the strong belt is like that and why the Inzer belt is like that. And like you know kind of subconsciously if you pay any attention that some of these belts, even though they are supposedly the same size
Starting point is 00:52:20 and everything, there's something different about them and you can't quite put your finger on it. You don't know why, but he does a really good job yeah i would say if you if you are thinking at all about buying any kind of uh power lifting belts the most comprehensive yes watch those and maybe take you 30 minutes or something and by the end of that you will certainly have opinion of which what and he talks about price and and everything really unbiased too i thought yeah someone that's one of the 10 yeah i think it's a really good resource for anyone interested in buying and you know we're lucky enough that we have a gym where there's a lot of different belts
Starting point is 00:52:56 you can style sizes thicknesses colors like we can get a lot of hands-on experience but yeah if you're just sitting at home and you maybe know one or two other people that have a belt, it is a really good tool to help narrow that down for you. Yeah, for sure. So that was my mention. I've been recommending, obviously, the Pioneer stuff ever since I got my super dope plain white one. I really, really wanted the custom deal. And I was like, okay, I just don't have the money right now.
Starting point is 00:53:22 But I looked. I was like, shit, that belt I got was like $90 by the time it showed up. Yeah, if you go not custom, they're super affordable. They're really cheap and fast, too. White leather, black suede on the inside still looks fucking clean. It's a dope-looking belt. $90, good for life. Now I need two.
Starting point is 00:53:44 That's the tricky part. I think that's how it works it's like yeah well now i need a 13 yeah prong and then i need a 13 lever and yeah and one of those should be custom or all of them or all of them yeah why limit yourself yeah i need to do that sometime but i think that could be a uh gym business expense right there you go absolutely i don't see any reason why it couldn't be well you need it to do your job safely so yeah i can't be getting hurt demonstrating air squats oh shit also our nose torque at the gym's getting a little little little dull yeah did you try both bottles?
Starting point is 00:54:25 All three. Okay. The one with the black lid is still hanging in there. It's still got a little bite. I had Megan now has become like fully wants nose torque anytime she's lifting anything heavy. It is a fun experience. It's hard to argue against that.
Starting point is 00:54:42 Clears the old sinuses. Something else I just thought of kind of related to all that, at the time that this comes out, check out our recent article that came out. If you've got a power lifter in your life that you're interested in getting them a Christmas gift at all, we've got an article out there with about 15 different pretty good suggestions. Nose torque being on the list, Pioneer belts being on the list, and a bevy of other items that in all price ranges probably as cheap as about $10 and as expensive as $500.
Starting point is 00:55:12 Yeah, and I think we'll have the same article for the CrossFit stuff should be up by the time you're hearing this too. I think a lot of times people think, people that go to the gym, like I have no clue what to get them or they don't want anything. But not true. You just got to know what to get them. And we put in the work. Definitely. We put in all the leg work.
Starting point is 00:55:31 Hours. I don't know how many man hours of research went into that thing, but we did it. Multiple man hours. So check that out on the website. Speaking of shit that you should also buy for people for christmas um you should definitely go to and buy a bunch of stuff from our store hats shirts or anything new other than the flex flask the world famous flex flex flask
Starting point is 00:55:59 we stocking hats are restocked and uh crew neck sweatshirts are restocked so if you're into more of a cold weather thing you know we got something to cover that we'll have the Mastodonomics Yeezys for sale pretty soon Kanye was a hard sell we've got those blankets that have like arm holes in them oh the Snuggie
Starting point is 00:56:21 we got a collaboration that works there I could be into that. Anyway, no, we're going to probably wrap up. Do we have anything else we got to pin today? I don't think so. Also, the Flex Flask, pretty hard. But no, go to, buy some shirts, hats, flasks, banners. If you send us a very specific email,
Starting point is 00:56:42 maybe we'll sell you some of our socks, used sweaty socks, PR socks. That comes at a premium, $700 a pair. And you won't know which of the three of us socks it is. Surprise. It could maybe be one of each even. I mean, you'll know as soon as you open it, but you won't know before it arrives. While you're there,
Starting point is 00:57:04 make sure you go and subscribe to our email newsletter at the bottom of the page. Yeah, do that. Yeah, definitely do that. We keep forgetting about that part. Yeah, that's a good value for us. Yeah, we actually give you guys, we'll put out coupons and promo codes through that too.
Starting point is 00:57:21 So it's good to keep an eye out. Make sure you follow, go to forward slash massonomics and follow subscribe to our page we had anything new on the youtube other than the weekly podcast which are up to date again are they the other one finally go through yep yep youtube wasn't like an episode number 84 for some reason so the man was trying to keep us down but i got but four or five different messages that uh by the time tuesday or wednesday rolled around that like hey where's the uh there's no there's no youtube video so i was like oh which is someone's actually watching four or five people watching it
Starting point is 00:57:57 so i guess every one of them messaged me and it's like hey they're that diehard yeah so i guess we can't get rid of that because those six people really like one person even said i listened to it uh in audio but uh it was the one where we had all the flex flash here where we debuted them they're like i couldn't see them i want i'm gonna re-watch it with the video because i want us to check those out nice i mean there is a website yeah yeah but anyway but uh so what else? We covered YouTube. Make sure you follow us on Facebook.
Starting point is 00:58:28 Like the Facebook page. Tell all your friends about the podcast. It seems to be the only way that it's working, right? Yeah, it seems to be working. Podcast seems to be blowing up. We're going to hit a new PR this month again for subscribers, listeners. That'll be great. We'll be coming for the title pretty soon.
Starting point is 00:58:48 That takes us back to just Instagram now, right? Yeah, the Grams. I am Tyler. You can find me on Instagram at Tyler F. N. Stone. That's Tyler E-F-F-I-N Stone. You can find me at Tomahawk underscore D. And Tanner. The Mastodonomics Instagram page at Mastodonomics.
Starting point is 00:59:05 Right on. Well, that'll do it for us today. Thanks for listening The Masanomics Instagram page at Masanomics. Right on. Well, that'll do it for us today. Thanks for listening, everybody. We'll talk to you next week. You just heard the Masanomics podcast. With your ears, you're welcome. Check us out on Facebook. Find us on Instagram at Masanomics. And make sure you visit and buy some of that sweet massanomics gear.
Starting point is 00:59:26 From your friends at Massanomics Studio, home of the world's strongest podcast, stay strong.

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