Massenomics Podcast - Ep.96: Tribute Powerlifting Meet

Episode Date: February 5, 2018

This week the guys sit down and discuss The Tribute Powerlifting Meet, which will be going down in San Antonio this summer. Spearheaded by Pioneer/General Leathercraft and supported financially by the... brands and companies that make their living off of the powerlifting community, this meet is a way for those businesses to support the lifters by offering a real-deal, legit cash prize for the competitors. We hope that this sparks a new trend in the powerlifting world, and we hope you can spread the word about this event and get more and more businesses to put their money to work for the athletes.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to Massanomics, the world's strongest podcast. Find us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter at Massanomics. Make sure you go visit There you'll find the rest of our powerful content. While you're there, check out our store and buy yourself some of that sweet Massanomics gear. store and buy yourself some of that sweet Massanomics gear. All right, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to this week's episode of the Massanomics podcast. I am Tyler, joined by Tommy.
Starting point is 00:00:37 What's up? And also the ever charismatic Tanner. Hey, everybody. Oh, a little flavor on that one one it's just my personality coming out so this week we have a laundry list of show notes to get through here but we're going to start by talking about something we think is pretty fucking cool here of utmost importance actually you know what i have i do have one thing i i forgot to bring this up for a few weeks now. Okay. Remember the day we had...
Starting point is 00:01:08 Coming in from left field here. I just remembered. I always wanted to say this. Totally not on the show notes, Tommy. I know. We'll just have to be an extra long podcast today, I guess. Well, here we go. Yep.
Starting point is 00:01:17 Throw them out. Doesn't matter what was on that. I guess we're just doing this by the seat of our pants again. You know that day Sean's was here and we were talking about knee tits? Oh, yeah. Did you guys see the hashtag? I went to that. Did that? I didn't.
Starting point is 00:01:33 Oh, yes, I have. There's five things tagged under knee tits and one of them is a classic picture that I'm glad Sean's is now associated with. I have to look it up. So, yeah, if you haven't, check out the hashtag knee tits on Instagram.
Starting point is 00:01:51 So it's people, like, sticking their. Well, the one picture, it's like a 600-pound lady. And it's just, you know, when you're 600 pounds, things are in ways they shouldn't be. But, yeah, most of them are people just pulling their knees up. And then there's this one. That's the one I like. Oh my goodness. Can you put that one in front of this?
Starting point is 00:02:14 I don't think so. I don't think we need to do that. Just look at hashtag knee tits. Maybe show Tanner though so he knows what you're talking about. There you go. Hashtag knee tits on Instagram. That's weird. That's not healthy.
Starting point is 00:02:28 Seems like that would be cumbersome to carry around. Got my show notes back. Good Lord. So I didn't know if you guys had... But at the top of the hashtag Neetits... Is the Masonomics podcast. Now Kristen commented on there, there's no way hashtag Ne neat hits is actually linked to
Starting point is 00:02:45 anything and then she said she clicked on the hashtag and went oh wow moms should be proud to be part of that elite club now yeah that's good that is good so groundbreaking stuff here so this week we wanted to get into a little bit of a thing that matt down at pioneer general leathercraft friends of the podcast friends of the podcast they are putting together amongst i think i think he's kind of spearheading it but i think there's a lot of other groups and organizations now that are getting behind to support it let me pull up the official title here. They're doing a lifter appreciation meet, which is basically they're actually going to try to raise some real money. They're going to make donations through this page.
Starting point is 00:03:35 They're trying to make $150,000 the total prize money. So it would be like a regular powerlifting meet, except there's actually a prize. And there's some big money there And there's some big money there. There is some big money there. I mean, I would gladly come and get dead last. Just for a shot of everyone above me getting hurt. So this is their lifter appreciation meet.
Starting point is 00:04:00 Is this through like the IPL or something? Is that what? I don't know. I thought there was a federation attached to it. And again, this is super early like the IPL or something is that what I thought there was a federation attached to it and again this is super early in the process for these guys so there's not a ton of stuff out there on it yet um but I know if you hop on his page yeah he has this one it says IPL the tribute powerlifting meet invite only first round of invites going out soon San Antonio Texas I don't even get to just go i gotta get invited i wondered that too
Starting point is 00:04:26 what their process is for that like for the invite yeah yeah and it's like it's like my elite 1200 pound total at super heavyweight 308 plus is not gonna get me an invite well we don't we don't know that it's not still in the mail or something you know it could be yeah they said they're coming soon so yeah i'd still wait a few weeks we have have a long ways from Texas. Maybe it took a while. I wonder if Matt is doing that part of it too or if someone at the IPL... I don't know that. So that's the federation?
Starting point is 00:04:54 Yes. I don't know a lot about that. I don't either. I'm not super familiar with the IPL International Powerlifting League. It'd be interesting to see who they have i think the whole thing with the meet is to get lifters in for free you know like like this and maybe pay their way to even get there i saw some talk is that what there was too yeah pay for them like pay for travel maybe even and yeah so like actually maybe treat these guys like like they're real like they're actually in
Starting point is 00:05:25 an athletic event that's giving back you know in some way um so it could be really cool to see and i would imagine if they get some of these guys out there you're going to see some monster totals popping up too it's just it's so early that it's hard to tell now but i'll be curious to see which you know the success of the meet itself will probably depend a little bit on which guys end up accepting invitations. I'm sure they're going to invite everyone that's one of the guys that we follow. If there's real money on the line, anybody will come. That should be the incentive.
Starting point is 00:05:54 Because, frankly, you're not going to sit out on a possible $80,000 or $30,000 or $20,000. You're not going to just be like, well, I'm going to wait for – I mean, I had one on my schedule that I could have won $250 and a free meat shirt. Or a sword or something. But it seems like a lot of times with those guys, there is some things of them not wanting to do meats against each other, but the money should take care of that i think right yeah for sure good hope that was kind of the the goal with the u.s open a little bit wasn't it i think so to
Starting point is 00:06:30 just like throw some money out there get like the best performance we can across you know men's and women's classes and see what happens yeah so right now um there is a go fund me for this they're also looking for uh you know there's lots of individuals that are pledging money through there. They're also looking for some businesses in this arena to donate some money or try to get involved somehow. He's had a few posts now saying tag companies you want to see get involved. And we'll probably put some of this out through our Instagram as well, and we'll be sharing this. But as it goes on, we would like you guys as our listeners to make sure that you are, if there's any company that you're associated with in the powerlifting space, to get a bug in their ear and get them to get involved in this
Starting point is 00:07:16 because it would be pretty sweet to have more, say, like a U.S. Open type of – if there was three of those fucking things a year, there's a lot more. That's just good for the sport if there's not money in the sport the best athletes are not going to stay in the sport um or you're just making it really hard on them to stay in the sport so they're more likely to stay if they can make 50 you know you can do this and make some money yeah too and the truth of the matter is most of the money that's getting made isn't getting made out of winning sponsorships getting made out of winning. Sponsorships. It's getting made out of sponsorships.
Starting point is 00:07:47 So who's got the best Instagram feed, which then becomes a totally different thing that's separate from the sport. So I think Matt's on to something here. But you should, if there's any company that you're associated with that you know, jump their shit. The link is, and we'll share this also, the link is forward slash lifter dash appreciation dash event and uh pass that along do you know how to spell appreciation though tyler you guys are just gonna have to google just tell siri to do it she'll sort it out um the other thing i noticed was uh speaking of mad at pint well what else do we have to cover as far as the event i i want to get into that later.
Starting point is 00:08:25 Yep. I just, I, I've seen some companies out there comment how they're going to be definitely in on supporting it. Like a JB boss who we've been around them before. And they, I'm sure that they'll support it any way they can.
Starting point is 00:08:37 And a list of other ones. I can't think of them all offhand, but a lot of, you know, he's had those posts where he's saying tag uh the companies that you want that you'd like to see involved in this and massonomics has been tagged several times actually and i would say we would definitely like to support it in some way we just don't have it's not exactly flush for cash we just don't have money make any money you guys
Starting point is 00:09:00 if this is one way that we're hopefully able to support it is with our audience that we do have we're getting the message out there get some eyes on it yeah we can't pay we don't pay ourselves anything i don't know if you guys know this we don't pay ourselves anything for any of this so we have a hard time like giving away money that we don't have like it would just be me writing a check that's not my truck payment that month to go to. So we just don't have the means really to do it. And we'll do what we can to get involved if need be. But that's one way we can help with this platform is to get you guys to.
Starting point is 00:09:37 Or you could just get some friends and I'll order 100 t-shirts each of you. Each of you order 100 t-shirts. We could totally start making. Or if you guys want to just donate money to us. We'll split it with the meat. Well, no. We'll keep it, and then we will donate some of it. We'll determine how much we're exactly going to donate.
Starting point is 00:09:56 But we will be supporting this event. One way or another, we're going to try and help. And we think this is one way we can. We'd just like to have you guys get out there and blow your horns and try to rally as many people behind it as you can. Companies is going to be a big source of the cash to hit that $150,000, but individuals can donate. There's plenty of individual donors that have ponied up here,
Starting point is 00:10:17 and actually most of what you're seeing here as of right now because most of the businesses have pledged but not made it official, as I'm sure most of those things take a little bit more time. yeah um if you're just a dude and you got some expendable money and you want to support something do it yeah and we know that um we can say from personal experience that what you know to consider 150 000 is a lot of money so the person in charge of that needs like you want to trust that that person is going to do the right things with that 150 000 but with matt from pioneer we can say that we know that is the case like that he would be doing the right thing with it and doing everything that you
Starting point is 00:10:57 know in the best interest of this event that he's trying to put on that they're trying to put on fact of the matter is if this is a massonomics power lifting meat and you were donating 150 000 to us we would fuck it all up well i mean it'd be pretty sweet like we'd have some really cool stuff it probably would be necessary for the meat spend about 20 grand like we'd have five thousand dollars in smoke machines alone probably you wouldn't know techniques blow it all on pyrotechnics. We would have like a Russian metal band. Like, we got a band and it speaks a language none of you guys know, but it's going to be cool. We could get like a Ramstein or something just to play Duhast over and over again. Ten hours of it.
Starting point is 00:11:39 Listen, don't even say anything. Just do that riff the whole time. Don't even say anything. Just do that riff the whole time. Yeah. That would be good. So, you know, we're looking forward to it. We'd love to attend. Our schedules are a little weird at that time, so we're still...
Starting point is 00:11:57 There's nothing important going on in August, though, is there? No. No weddings. No strongman competitions. No nothing. Yeah. We might be a little tied up, but we'll be there in spirit. Maybe we'll send some shirts.
Starting point is 00:12:09 Between now and then, maybe we'll figure out some other ways that we can help support it in ways. What we'll do is we'll just send nudes. Ooh. Yeah. D-pics. There's a lot of Instagram posts. We're going to send Matt a whole bunch of D-pics. Listen, Matt, we don't have any money.
Starting point is 00:12:26 You make money on this however you need to. But what we do have is dicks. We're rich in dicks. We have so many dick pics, Matt. If I deleted all the dick pics off my phone, it would be physically lighter. Speaking of dicks, we also wanted to get into like this transition matt's beef not beef i would say a decision pioneer announced that they will not be pursuing approval for the ipf and this this was so if you haven't been following this i think you need to read this
Starting point is 00:12:59 forum tyler but this was like very eye-opening actually the type of money that is involved to be associated with the ipf yeah so i'm gonna go into i'm just gonna flat out read matt's stuff word for word here he said uh i have some bad news y'all pioneer will not be pursuing ipf approval for 2019 to 2022 period the reason behind the decision is due to the amount of money that they're requiring to be on the list. We simply did would not want to pay $190,000 to see our wraps and belts on a list. Given the number of members in the IPF and USAPL, it just doesn't make much sense for us to pay that kind of fee in our eyes for such a small amount of potential customers. Please understand this decision hurts me, but I have to do what I feel is good for the company. Regards, Pioneer. And attached is what they have for the IPF.
Starting point is 00:13:52 In total, it would be 45,000 euros per year. There's a red flag right there. What the fuck is a euro? No one knows. Is that anything like Bitcoin? I think probably. I think so. Is that even real?
Starting point is 00:14:03 We usually kind of like to throw in a little Bitcoin conversation in each episode. Keep up with the times. Yeah, I heard it's a thing. They said, with the rules stated in the file with the fees, you'll have to pay two years in advance of your fees. And two years, the license fee for one year, the bronze package in advance, which means 60,000 euros in advance. And each year afterwards 30 000 dollars man and 1875 euros split into quarterly payments during the four-year period that's so and so either way what was it all together then 190 000 american yeah that's a lot of money like
Starting point is 00:14:42 what what company is like recouping that actually? That's my thing is if you're being real, like how many belts does he have to sell? Let's just pretend that Matt makes three to one. Like he triples his money on every belt he sells. Let's even just do like a simple calculation on just belts just even equal that, like without profit. So what do you say, $190,000? Yeah. Divided by, let's just say a belt's $120,000-ish.
Starting point is 00:15:10 The average is $120,000 maybe. That's 1,583 belts, which isn't an unheard of number, but that's not assuming any profit in there. I mean, you could probably double it when we're talking profit. Yeah, at least. And that's just to recoup this cost 2,500 belts i believe that's quite a few but you know that's a lot of belts that is because a belt really will last you a decade yeah and so and the other thing is that's just that's profit completely gone like that's just to get back to your base you're spending two hundred thousand dollars out there on i don't know if you call this advertising or what you call it but you're picturing that that's gonna come back to you in some way from like an opportunity cost it doesn't fucking make
Starting point is 00:15:56 any sense and then here's the other thing though is that this is for ipf competitions this isn't even like usapl thing so local competitions it doesn't matter. You can still wear a Pioneer. Yeah, and I still forget, like, at nationals, like USAPL nationals, do you have to have IPF? You couldn't wear a Pioneer belt at USAPL nationals. You actually couldn't wear it at a USAPL regional meet. Regional two is the same way. But, like, the local one that we do, you know, you could wear it there.
Starting point is 00:16:22 It's not a big deal. So you're really limited if you really talk about the market yeah like that you're really only marketing yourself to elite level lifters of the of the usapl ip and then you'd have to convince all of them to buy your stuff all of a sudden too like that's just a hard like and if we're throwing rounded out numbers it's like 2500 3000 belts just to break even. Do you, from a business standpoint, like that's, I look at this like, say my fucking gym. If I had to have twice as many members to make the same amount of money. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:55 No. Is that better? To do twice as much work? I want fucking half the members in the same, like that doesn't make any fucking sense. So I absolutely don't blame him because, you know, while they're, you know, pretty well known now, I mean, they're not a huge fucking business. Right. But it makes you wonder, like, who – so the people on the list, like, obviously SBD is probably the biggest name on the list. And, like, Titan's been on the list forever.
Starting point is 00:17:21 Inzer's pretty much been on the list forever. Then you kind of have some other people in there. I just wonder if there's some... Like, were they kind of grandfathered in with different pricing? That's what I'm wondering. Well, Matt's alluded to that before. He has mentioned that. Maybe there's some politicking going on.
Starting point is 00:17:36 When we did our interview with Matt, you can check that out on our website if you ever want to, and you can learn everything you want to know about his company and what what they're doing there top-notch journalism it is top-notch wall street journal offered us a one of the sections in there is this exact topic yeah we're talking about right here and that so that was you know a year yeah a year maybe a little over a year ago he said the exact same thing last time uh and the dollar figures are in there and they're a lot lower even two years ago i think was it around like maybe 120 120 000 and he said well it's a we would love to be on that list but it at the end of the day it's a business decision and that like that does not pencil out like there's no way for that to make any sense for us and he said that he doesn't
Starting point is 00:18:23 believe everyone has the same thing is not looking at the same price sheet for that that it's i would i would say that almost has to be the case yeah and then it in his in his case it probably makes things even harder because he's like really dedicated to the american made all-american thing where you get a lot of these companies just buying the cheapest thing they can get from china and then just marking it up to match standard prices to be competitive, where Matt is trying to source things from America. So that's obviously going to be more expensive. So he probably has smaller margins in the first place than a lot of these people.
Starting point is 00:18:55 Yep. That's true. It's a crazy number that they're asking for when he can sit in. It just makes it seem like, are they playing a game of poker, just seeing how far they can push this before someone calls the bluff here where that's what i'm wondering is if yeah i think there's one or two ways they're like let's just set this totally fucking ridiculous number and if they pay it holy shit and then the other thing though is is is there a little bit of you know let's say the types that maybe make
Starting point is 00:19:23 could be grandfathered in there who have been shaking hands with the right people for a long time, for decades and decades. Like, they don't want a new player in the mix, frankly. How many brands are approved? For, say, just belts alone. Probably SBD, Titan, Inzer. I think, like, best belts.
Starting point is 00:19:44 Like, some of those I think like best belts. Some of those I think are. There might be five maybe. So you don't want someone coming in potentially grabbing another quarter of your market. So I wonder if there just is some of that like, listen, guys, we've been with you for a long time. We need you to keep this shit out of here, which is bullshit. What's the IPF doing with that money? Because they're running an organization. But there is no prize.
Starting point is 00:20:10 There is no finance. The people running the meets are all not getting paid. I think really what it is, though, is because they're chasing so hard. And there's definitely people listening to this that know more about the stuff than we do. Guys, no, I think we are. i take that back i take it back we are the experts nobody in the fucking world knows more than we do about this like and go they're
Starting point is 00:20:32 making their like just this crazy stupid hard push to be in the olympics which i mean if that's what you want like awesome fine whatever but i think you see like you get the olympics involved and this whole level of politics gets in and then when there's politics and worlds and different countries involved in the whole world getting this all together there's money that gets involved and there's all this changing of money in hands just to see and like the worst part i think they talked about this on the juggernaut podcast so like the worst part of it all is like we're literally talking about something that's so simple of moving a weight from point a to point b and it gets bogged down with these contracts that are hundreds of thousands of dollars and you have federations and it just it gets it gets murky what what it would would you uh what do you think what's your opinion on
Starting point is 00:21:20 the olympics thing do you think powerlifting should be on in the olympics i i, like, if you just look at, like, sports, like, oh, yeah, powerlifting totally compared to a lot of sports, I think. That are in the Olympics today. Yeah, compared to some of them. Well, just there's a lot of things in the Olympics that are fucking so stupid. Yeah, right. And it's like people say that powerlifting doesn't have many people in it, but it's like some of those things, I don't, I've never.
Starting point is 00:21:42 How many people do you know that cross-country ski and shoot guns every single time? Right. Like we live in a place with snow and everyone has guns. And I don't know anybody that does that. Yeah, I've never heard of that in my entire life. And like ribbon dancing or whatever that stuff is. I've never met anyone that does that. Or bobsledding.
Starting point is 00:21:57 How many people like – yeah. Where do you go? Yeah, we were talking the Winter Olympics. The Winter Olympics is for rich white kids. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That was invented. The Winter Olympics were invented so the rich white kids could stop getting stomped in the summer olympics yeah and and so we kind of we like all got our own olympics now yeah yeah and but the thing with powerlifting is the is it's a strength sport and right now in weightlifting in
Starting point is 00:22:23 the olympics is just fucking up left and right. They retroactively are finding medals are changing hands constantly. Even at Worlds now, medals are changing hands. The Worlds, it was two months ago. So the drug testing is a big issue in which there's a pretty good chance that weightlifting will get pulled from the Olympics. And would they go to just no strength sport? Very likely. However, if the USAPL, if they do bump weightlifting out,
Starting point is 00:22:54 I think that would be the most likely scenario, probably the only scenario with which powerlifting would get moved in. Weightlifting is really dirty. So many drug tests all over the world. USAPL, I think, does a fairly good job. They seem to be doing a good job. Or at least nobody's getting caught publicly, so it's getting slit. Yeah, how do you really know?
Starting point is 00:23:14 I don't know. Everybody's passing must be clean. I mean, you can see. You can go into the database and see. But beyond that, if they were manipulating it or doing something. Or if it just wasn't. To us, it seems like they're doing a really good job. But if they were doing that, if they were manipulating it or doing something. Or if it just wasn't. To us, it seems like they're doing a really good job. But if they were doing that, we wouldn't know.
Starting point is 00:23:29 Like there's this Icarus thing happening behind us. But the other thing is, I think if that sport goes out, it would be a great replacement for it. You have a whole clean federation, all structured. It's still international. That would work really well. For them to just get added, it's like, well, the Olympics is already fighting this fight with weightlifting right now.
Starting point is 00:23:48 I just don't think they would bring another strength sport because you're talking, my numbers might be off a little, but not a lot. You're talking like 5 to 10 to 1, the retroactive failed drug test for weightlifting versus any other Olympic sport. It's fucking super dirty so why would they want to bring another one in until they've got this one sorted out and just recently and they've talked about another podcast too but um they kind of got
Starting point is 00:24:16 sort of approved that they think weightlifting will be safe through like 2022 or something like that but the whole thing was the iwf has to like prove to the olympic committee that are you cleaning up the sport you're making all these efforts and they come through and then they're starting they're like all right we're not gonna let any of these countries compete at worlds okay good job you you punished them except you're an off year none of them fucking care frankly they can all do steroids now for two more years and then fucking get ready to compete next next time they're allowed to compete and but then in the same breath they change ilia ilian who's like basically the best of all time they're going back and changing his
Starting point is 00:24:58 suspension so that he can compete again yeah yeah because it was like he wasn't warned twice but when he failed the second time he didn't know yeah he failed the second time but he had already submitted the dirty urine to the first one it was before he was like four days so yeah he hadn't been penalized for the first one yet so they so they charged him as just one yeah because it's like well you weren't punished you know it was like it was like if you robbed two banks yeah yeah it's like oh it was just one you didn't catch me until the second one you gotta charge me as a repeat offender i just robbed some banks and so then they're also going back and they're charging him with two or with one and then they're only going to suspend him for what the suspension
Starting point is 00:25:39 originally would have been back at the first time. Not when they caught him, but back before if he would have been caught then. So it's only like two years. They're like, well, Ilya, I guess we're going to bring you back now. And so it's another thing where it's like, what the fuck are you doing? It doesn't seem like they're really doing the things. They're not really doing the thing. Shouldn't they just make it a zero tolerance policy if that's what they they if you want to have if you want to have a clean sport like you do it once like you fail you can never come back you're done yeah that's pretty easy well because it literally
Starting point is 00:26:14 cleans itself up then because the people that are doing it they just get kicked out forever yeah and like i mean if more people want to keep doing it, like, okay, you'll come. And if you want to compete in that sport, it becomes very, you don't even want to associate with people that are using. Because if this motherfucker goes down, all the heat's going to come with me because we train together. And, you know, it just becomes problematic. You don't want a bunch of noses up your ass. But so that's what I think maybe that would be a window that powerlifting could move right into i don't know why they would just the olympics does some weird shit though remember they were going to get rid of wrestling yeah like like of all the stupid things that they keep in the olympics and they're like they're like no no no listen the original thing that happened yeah like
Starting point is 00:27:03 probably as far as in my opinion the olympics Olympics goes, the sport that is the most true to what a sport is. One man imposing his will on another man just in a goddamn ring. Not a whole lot of rules. Just take that man, like on, what is it, on Ladies' Man where he's like, pin him to the ground until he squeals like a little piglet. But like that is what a sport is. Like, a person and his competitor against each other. Like, fucking basketball is, frankly, like, a lot more bullshit that goes on in there than just like, all right, who is better?
Starting point is 00:27:41 Lock him in this fucking ring and go. And why in the fucking world would they go, all right, wrestling? Let's go. I think it goes back to the money thing. It's got to be the money thing. It had to be someone wasn't playing ball, which is odd. I feel bad for Matt, but also if the money doesn't add up, then I'm happy for him to be willing to be like, fuck you guys.
Starting point is 00:28:02 Yeah. And I can't imagine that he would acquiesce on this any time in the future. I don't even know why he'd revisit it. No, because they're not going to start charging him less. Yeah, another four years. I don't know what's not even... Right.
Starting point is 00:28:13 But it's just even the nature of these products, understanding that. These products aren't designed for you to buy them monthly or even six months. A lot of them, not even every couple of years. Especially Matt's. I mean, he's trying to make a product that's going to last. The whole point is you're building something that someone's going to have for a lifetime or at least a decade.
Starting point is 00:28:34 I understand wraps maybe. You'll need those more. But you're just pricing yourself out of the market, it seems like. Oh, that's interesting. They do have free vendor booths to all that donate towards the prize money pool. Ooh. Like what's their minimum requirement? What's their minimum donation, Matt?
Starting point is 00:28:52 You could scratch up $100. Oh, I'm going to talk to my wife. Listen, Matt, I don't know if you know this, but CrossFit gym ownership, not terribly profitable. At least not the way I'm doing it. But, no, it'll be good. We're looking forward to that. Hopefully that turns out really well.
Starting point is 00:29:11 You guys jump some people's shit. Spread the word. We'll make some posts about this. Make sure you share it. If it does go well, I'm sure they're hoping that this wouldn't be the first and only time that they do it. If it went really well, I'm sure they'd want to make it an annual thing too. Yeah, I agree. Definitely. the only time that they do it you know if it went really well i'm sure they'd want to make it an annual thing too yeah yeah i agree definitely what did we have to run into next you guys we had uh
Starting point is 00:29:36 do you want to dive into a couple reviews yeah i was gonna say i'll move through this well uh i'll pull up a few reviews here it's um the reviews are funny it's kind of like we'll go a month without uh being able to have many that we can read, and then all of a sudden they'll pack in here. So I think I've got three to read today. Three. Yeah. And you've got to bear with me while I get this pulled up here. The last review that we left off with was from Les Keys,
Starting point is 00:30:03 so I'll pull up after that big less dirty less takes me a minute to get to it here with the whole apple podcast system you're not using my wi-fi down in the dungeon are you i'm not even sure that's gonna be your first mistake i'm not sure okay i'm I'm nearly there. All right. Nearly. I'm going to sing a little tune here. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:30:36 Here we go. Five out of five stars. This is from V.A. Sweeps. That doesn't mean anything to either of you guys, does it? No. Okay. Title is Get Huge.
Starting point is 00:30:45 He said, I love the show. I binged through 80 episodes in about a month wow that is impressive that is impressive wakes up in the middle of hours a day to the sound of our super boring voices that has to be like torture in some cultures 80 so that's 80 hours damn that guy needs like a prize yeah picking up all kinds of tips and having plenty of laughs i appreciate the time you guys put in and we'll keep listening and telling everyone else as well thank you for that that's uh that's the key is telling everyone else as well yeah he's got it figured out um this one five out of five stars from strong doc DOC, so maybe this is a doctor we appeal to all
Starting point is 00:31:29 demographics, his title is No BS, and he said he or she, I say he we just assume he there's a few ladies out there if you're a woman out there, I apologize for calling you a man a great non-filtered look at powerlifting keep up the great work guys
Starting point is 00:31:44 will do thank you thank you uh the last one here is also five out of five stars this is from tristan oakley tristan is uh the guy that runs the open powerlifting oh social medias and he said the best lifting podcast out there i'm a power lifter and i love power lifting podcasts but having a show with the perspective and input of a power lifter strong man and crossfitter really makes an interesting show that i love listening to weekly this will always be a part of my weekly routine and i can't wait to see these guys gain success look at that i mean we couldn't have said it better ourselves oh i still get called a crossfitter who's the crossfitter who's the power lifter and who's the uh strong man here
Starting point is 00:32:35 i own a crossfit gym i haven't done a lot of crossfit in a while but you still know about it's not called Fitonomics, unfortunately. Otherwise, I'd certainly be fitter. What I had to do is I had to get big so that I fit our name. So I was like, guys, I'm going to have to put my fitness on hold and get fat as fuck. We didn't do the name to fit us. We just invented a name, and then we had to aspire to be. What can we do to fit the square peg into the round hole? I guess we're all going to have to get big. Tyler's had to aspire what can we do to fit the square peg into the round hole i guess we're all gonna have to get big tyler's gonna have to gain weight tyler remember how you're trying to lose weight you're gonna get involved it's not gonna work anymore you have
Starting point is 00:33:12 to shut that down the first part of the name is mass yeah it's not called weight loss um i was gonna get into because we do have the Arnold coming up, and I don't believe that we're going to have the luxury of this competition again, because I know I talked to Nick at Live Large, and it's just a busy fucking weekend for him with the booth and all that stuff. But remember the eating contest we had? The dude who won? Yeah. Who just smoked us?
Starting point is 00:33:41 His name is Derek Jacobs. You guys all need to go. He was unreasonably under followed on instagram considering what he he also seemed unreasonably undersized compared to the people in that room yes yes uh so we'll i'm sure we've talked about this in the past but or after the event but uh we had to eat one large it's like a 17 or 19 inch pizza with one top and this was the jb boss crew yeah pretty much right and uh nick from live large is the one that yes yeah yeah yeah and um but dan bell was there uh boss and jay were there there's a whole bunch of people there and we just all all of us were
Starting point is 00:34:15 there and we all dove in and fucking got absolutely crushed this guy finished his pizza in like it was like six minutes sub sub six or something like that. He had the cup of water. Yeah, he was doing the whole thing. It grosses me out thinking about it now, but he got done and everyone's like, well, there's still sauce in that cup. And he just downed the cup with floating bread and tomato sauce in it. So I've been following him ever since then.
Starting point is 00:34:46 And I am telling you guys, he has 130 followers on Instagram. You need to check his feed because it is absolutely fucking crazy. All you need to follow this guy. He basically just goes around and does eating contests all the time. And I bet he's a tall guy maybe six one six two probably something like that i can't imagine he weighs more than 180 pounds probably less than that and i go through these things and he's so far now he's won he's finished 83 eating challenges and some of them are way impressive some of them are i think impossible um one of them are way impressive. Some of them are, I think, impossible.
Starting point is 00:35:32 One of them here is bacon, ham, sausage, 10 eggs, toast, and it looks to me like one, two, three, four, five, like seven pancakes the size of a medium pizza. Yeah. Finish that one. He goes into, a lot of these he'll have the times, you know. So, I like the weights, but you'll see things where it's like an entire fucking plate of French fries and like a three, four pound burger. Finish this in 15 minutes.
Starting point is 00:35:58 Let's see. He got win number 81 and 82 in three hours. Meaning? Like he did two competitions within three hours, do you mean? It looks to me like he did, holy shit. Yeah, so 64 ounces of frozen yogurt, but he did two of them. Like 128 ounces? Yeah, a gallon oh what the fuck um it's unreal there's this one here is a pizza 16 pound pizza eight different meats um only one person has ever
Starting point is 00:36:36 beat it in 100 attempts and uh finished it that's one thing Oh, that was a team eat here. Here's one here. Huge. Three waffles, eggs, ham, corned beef. I mean, this is a stack of shit from basically his waist to his face. Finished in 18 minutes. Just some of the actual food quantities that he's getting in. This one is crazy.
Starting point is 00:37:02 That fucking bowl of lobster pho. So it's fucking soup just a goddamn soup oh he ate that whole thing it's like two gallons of finished finished in 25 minutes i've never understood how people have that just capacity in their stomach to do like i know there's like things you can train and do all that but he did make it to the actual nathan's hot dog eating contest really or two yeah. Yeah, he said he didn't have a good day. But, yeah, some of this shit is just fucking. So he is DRock1300, D-Rock1300 on Instagram.
Starting point is 00:37:40 And just all of these things. Yeah, so here is a three-man team 13 pound pizza five toppings finished in a half hour yeah i don't know where he puts it all because he's still pretty fucking lean that's when we were doing like when we were there and dan bell pipes up about halfway when he got finished dan's like well fine what's your fucking total yeah did you guys ever see this was a while ago now but like back in the day mtv had that true life series do you remember that i'm a power lifter or something oh was there well the one i was gonna say is uh they have like i'm a competitive eater and it was kobayashi you know he was the first he was the one that kind of put like a lot of that like he i think he just crushed the records at
Starting point is 00:38:24 that nathan's Hot Dog contest, and they were following him in Japan, and he was into lifting and stuff. He would go to the gym, and he was really into taking care of his body. If I remember correctly, he was actually kind of cut, like had abs and everything. But I think his whole secret advantage was he had some genetic situation where his stomach sat lower than most people's so he could fill it up higher and that's where he had the uh the uh god-given talent to really really flip the eating world on its head yeah last one here d-rock five pound five pounds of
Starting point is 00:38:59 meat and a fucking cheesesteak finished in eight minutes that doesn't seem possible i don't even get it so i told you guys in the past about the food that the one big challenge i did which is like an eight pound burger with six pounds of meat and it took me all of an hour to eat seven pounds of it so i can't and i was fucking it's a weird day and so i can't even imagine i cannot even imagine that shit that's that's nuts i also wonder like, one of the things I read, how those people don't get super fat. There's one they don't eat like that, obviously, very often. They don't do that every day.
Starting point is 00:39:32 Also, they, like, they will, this doesn't go for everybody, but they'll kind of, like, offset their calories throughout the week. So they'll actually eat filling food that's pretty low calories. And so let's just say on saturday you have a competition you're going to put down fucking a 12 000 calorie pizza then you're gonna you might only eat a thousand calories the week before a day and a thousand calories day the week after so if you looked at their total calories for a week it might not be for a month yeah yeah our month yeah it's probably not too totally crazy. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:40:11 I hogged out on a buffet today, but it's been the first one in a while. But I pretty much need that from time to time. Yeah, got to keep those levels up. Yeah, I can't be getting fucking... It's not smallonomics. I came across something that fits into what we've talked about a few times. Garage Gym Reviews had a post a while back where it was comparing three bars, the Texas Power Bar, the Rogue Ohio Power Bar, and then the Kabuki Strength New Generation Power Bar.
Starting point is 00:40:37 Which we have experience with all three as well. With all three. That's what makes this particularly interesting for us. Anyways, he goes through diameter, tensile strength, and price. We kind of know about that. But what was interesting about this was the comments and who was commenting on it. Kabuki Strength commented on there.
Starting point is 00:40:59 And also, I just looked this up, and I believe that it's been deleted because I can't find the comments anymore. They commented and said basically theirs doesn't even compare to any of those other bars. With what they did, it's virtually uncomparable with any of those other ones because of the steel or the strength of the steel. I don't know. I wish they
Starting point is 00:41:25 hadn't deleted it the way i remember it kind of being explained was that the numbers that they were using like the other manufacturers that got involved in the conversation were like saying something along the lines of like well they were using this number which is about whether or not it's going to bend or break yeah it's like well not only is ours obviously certainly not going to do either that that's not the important number here and that's not where the cost comes into is like yours can certainly be made much more affordable but you're marking it up to this uh-huh you know he's like we like the it's like a hardness uh-huh is what they're concerned because it's you know and about the quality of the nerve he's like basically nothing will fuck up our knurling
Starting point is 00:42:04 our shit's not gonna dang no nothing yeah and um and like that was the number that they pushed for because they both i think they're pretty realistically like listen you're not gonna break any of these bars yeah so what why is that even what's the difference if one is 10 times as strong right and i think it goes down to um you know like basically like just how hard the bar is in that there's no way it's going to ban, no way the knurling is going to get fucked up in a J-hook. So is that the debate, though, the knurling?
Starting point is 00:42:31 They weren't talking about the knurling necessarily, but what they say and the one that came in to come back at Kabuki Strength was the owner of Rogue. And he said, we've got a machine to test that. Send us one of those and we'll gladly, we'll glad we'll gladly check it out for you. Uh, because he,
Starting point is 00:42:51 he said, I don't believe that. He said, I don't believe that. Like send us one and we'll test it. Like the claims are making for how stiff it is. Because the problem, what they say is that,
Starting point is 00:43:01 that when you put the tensile strength up that high, it makes it very very strong but but but more brittle yeah so it's more susceptible to breaking i think they even talked about that a little bit in one of theirs yeah the kabuki one just saying like when you increase you know the the stiffness is that you get more brittle yeah but but they say that they did something that they did is somewhat different that they're able to increase the strength but still prevent the brittleness that would normally happen. But I don't believe the rogue guy believed that because he was saying,
Starting point is 00:43:34 he said, I don't believe that. Send me one and I would test it. I would think, though, if you wanted to call him out, just spend the money, send one. Yeah, right. It's like you're rogue. Right. You'll be just fine. $600 to. Yeah, right. It's like your row. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:46 You'll be just fine. $600 to you doesn't matter. Yeah, it doesn't matter. Get one there. You don't even need his permission then either. Right. And just do it. And then you can just do it.
Starting point is 00:43:54 Yeah. Like, instead, you're going to be like, I mean, I have no problem with any of these guys. But, I mean, if I want my competition to give me the opportunity to motherfuck them, I would not expect them to hand that opportunity to me, especially when it comes at cost to them. What I would do is take that opportunity and motherfuck them. You know what I mean? So just do that. Especially if you really believe that that's true.
Starting point is 00:44:18 If you really believe it, buy it, put your money where your mouth is, and throw it right in their face. And then they can't justify the price, they can't justify anything, and you win. Because if you can actually say that and throw it right in their face and then they can't justify the price they can't justify anything and you win because that's if you can actually say that and prove it and say here is ours here is theirs even if it's all the same and there's a pricing difference it's like well we win we there's how we prove the value bing bang boom but that should cost you some money to win that battle and after you just do it After using both bars, I can say that unless you're maybe
Starting point is 00:44:48 Ray Williams, the stiffness is never, ever a factor. It's not possible. They've been engineered past the point where you can't even, if there is a difference in stiffness, it's not to the point where a human can tell. So you can't even... A lot of people do say that the Texas Power Bar
Starting point is 00:45:04 is whippier than those ones. I will agree, though that the Texas Power Bar is whippier than those ones. I will agree, though. The Texas Power Bar is whippier. Thick Nick did say today, too. He was like, that Kabuki Bar is the stiffest fucking bar he has even imagined. But once you get Kilo Plates on them, though, the Kabuki Bar or the Rogue Bar, they're the same. The biggest difference is just how the knurling feels. And if the argument they're making is that their knurling is more durable
Starting point is 00:45:25 than the other one, they could have a point there where one is more valuable because the knurling is going to last forever. But outside of knurling durability, I don't know what really there is to argue there. Well, and also nobody's putting 2,000 pounds on it ever. It just doesn't matter. Not until this summer, Masonomics gym. But if one could hold up to 2,500 pounds and the other one could hold up to 2,700 pounds. Could we do like a five-man deadlift?
Starting point is 00:45:57 Just need a longer bar. We're going to have to face each other. Well, we could do it with two people deadlifting and two people benching from underneath. Or just a forklift. Yeah. It's one of those things though, where it's getting to the point of like arguing numbers that are, are never going to matter. But like, I think we've mentioned it before.
Starting point is 00:46:18 It's kind of like, you know, buying a car that can go 700 miles an hour. It's like, well, yeah, but you're not gonna. Yeah. So what does it matter? Right. As long as it's not a pain in the ass to do 80, you're probably fine. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:31 Yeah. But that's been, yeah, that's, I mean, I've actually, today was the first time I ever deadlifted with that Kabuki bar. That fucking thing just chewed up my hands, though. Man, my soft, sensitive hands. And I always have the problem more with the Rogue bar. For whatever reason, the Rogueed up my hands though man my soft sensitive hands and i always have the problem more with the rogue bar for whatever reason the rogue bar cuts my hands up way worse
Starting point is 00:46:50 than the kabuki bar i don't know why i think we're pussies i don't hear anyone else complaining about those things you like have you ever listened to podcasts people like you know the knurling really really grinds my hands up my hands i grinds my hands. I think, yeah. I do want to get into something, though, that we have been talking about that's near and dear to our hearts. Bitcoin. Bitcoin. Listen. You know, here's the deal with Bitcoin.
Starting point is 00:47:18 I don't think that you can fit. There's no such thing as a physical Bitcoin, except for somehow now because of these conversations, I'll get an Instagram ad that'll say, the first physical Bitcoin. I'm like, that's going to be, I don't want that. I don't think that's a thing. But think of if there were how many physical Bitcoins
Starting point is 00:47:42 you could hide into the Massanomics Flex Flask. Oh. Yeah. What a segue, you guys. You see how I did that? Yeah. But what would be even better than fake pretend kid money in there?
Starting point is 00:47:53 Water. Water's great in there. Why put things that don't exist in there and just put water? I put water in mine every day. Do you? Yeah. Do you drink it too? Usually. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:08 Those work great. That's really good. You guys drink water too? That's pretty cool. I want to share something with you. I also drink water. And I also drink water out of my Massanomics Flex flask. You and me, we're not so different after all.
Starting point is 00:48:21 We're not so different after all. You and your majestic hair and me with my sad-ass hairline. But both of you drinking water. Out of the same flask. Yeah. I mean, not at the same time. And not literally the same one. But it's got the same stuff on it.
Starting point is 00:48:33 Yeah. They look pretty cool, too. So you can get those at the Massanomics store at It's pretty much the coolest, basically. They're selling like hotcakes. I don't know how many do we even have left now probably none with how many we've been selling you're gonna want to check right away and if they're in stock you're gonna want to get them i think we this particular one i'm holding in my hand we are getting a little lower on we may only have one of this in this color left so and it's not this one i'm it's not that i'm not gonna send you this one i've been drinking
Starting point is 00:49:06 out of for a few months here send you the one that we've been peeing in it's a long drive over here this is an excellent product though we're also fully stocked of uh the weekend warrior t-shirt oh yeah extra small all the way up to 4xl we still have some 4xls so and we want to hype you guys up here we cannot unveil the details yet but i will say that we are going to have pretty soon here in the next by the time you're hearing this i would say within a month a new hot shirt design here new design which is part one of us becoming a full-fledged fashion company basically we can leave this lifting thing behind and get get to our fashion what we really need to get into next after this okay let's go back to the shirt uh it's gonna be awesome super awesome
Starting point is 00:49:55 you guys are gonna love it you're gonna buy millions of them if not dozens of them and or even ones of them too it is a design that we have not put on a shirt yet. No. So it's not going to be us putting this on another different product. Nope. Even though we probably will also put that on other products. It's been good to us and good to you guys, but this will be something completely different. Yep.
Starting point is 00:50:17 It's going to be pretty fly. So keep an eye out for that. The main reason we're telling you this a little early is we want you to save your money yeah so you can buy as many of those as possible when they come out now if you've saved enough money to get maybe a t-shirt you got a little extra well buy that right away buy yourself a flask um but yeah that'll be coming up pretty soon here and uh that'll be awesome yep we've got this in a very few uh number of sweatshirts left the weekend where your lift sweatshirt in stock yes it'll let you add it to the cart we've got now the only sizes would be large or extra large that you could possibly purchase so get your shit together so you're gonna either have to
Starting point is 00:50:56 learn to fill one of those out or squeeze down to that if that be the case we'd rather you just fill one out yeah so if you're a large buy the extra large yes and if you want one go buy that right now because there is very few of them and there probably won't be more right there will not be more after that so so on chance limited edition stuff it's good stuff so well we are about out of content here, except I did have on reserve, since Mark Bell is gone, I have a fairly embarrassing poop story. Since the PowerCast is no more, I guess do we get to take over the poop story, Nitch? I think so. All those people that found out about that from our last week's episode and have now migrated. Jump ship.
Starting point is 00:51:38 They're like, yeah, all of their listeners are now our listeners. Yeah. That's what we need them to give us, just one shout out. Like, hey guys, we're shutting it down. Just listen to Masonomics instead. It's been real. They're doing better and will always be better than we ever could be. So I have a little poop story here, and this is not a pretty one.
Starting point is 00:51:59 If you think that I'm not a disgusting person, I'd like you to keep it that way and just tune out. But if you already think of that... So the other day, I'm taking a pretty serious one in the morning. I had had a few drinks the night before, so things were not the most put together, if you will, from a hardness
Starting point is 00:52:17 standpoint. Yeah, I think I get what you're saying here. I'm following so far. We're talking hashtag soft stool. And then, now, in my main floor bathroom i have a bidet in the main floor and the upstairs however from your french heritage for people that don't listen it's no big deal it's just you know you have a clean booty keep the butthole clean guys and gals um so but anyway i the problem is it, mine is the, is a cheap one. So you don't have a lot of directional control, meaning I have to, it basically got knocked
Starting point is 00:52:50 off center. So it misses. So you have to move. No, meaning, no, meaning, meaning you got to find it. No, meaning I have to, what I haven't done in months is take three minutes to unhook it and adjust it. To realign the old poop shooter. And adjust it.
Starting point is 00:53:02 And that's it. But I haven't done that, which means the bidet on the main floor i don't use problem number one that's red flag right there so um i'm finishing up no bidet worst case scenario right just a fucking mess showers running though we're just we're gonna clean up what we can and we're gonna get in and we're gonna do what we got to do um first wipe you know you go and you and then you kind of you kind of you kind of take a peek what are we working with how many more of these what am I in for does everyone do that
Starting point is 00:53:31 I just assume you gotta know because you don't know do I need to wipe seven more times but you know that's never the first one if that happens you know how good that feeling is I have evolved to a higher level what i do then if then to repeat then i like i like shut the shower off and i'm
Starting point is 00:53:52 like see you next week buddy but no so so i get i get there's there's fucking and i'm like whoa it was really alarming i was like that is like I should have let it hang for longer even. Because I was like, so much. We're like, we'll fucking restart. And I go and go and go. And we're talking a dozen wipes here before I'm like, I'm pretty comfortable with this. I was going to give it a second and then, you know,
Starting point is 00:54:20 come on the turning. That gets tired. And I was going to give it one more shot. And then I look on the, I have a, well, probably because the turning, get tired. And I was going to give it one more shot. And then I look on the, um, I have a, well, probably cause we're just garbage people.
Starting point is 00:54:29 Instead of having a shower mat, Matt out in front of the shower, which I think is gross because it always gets like feet and water and it sits there forever. So I don't know how often people change a shower mask. What I do is I just take a towel, like an, a towel that maybe I showered with once,
Starting point is 00:54:45 because I don't like reusing my towels to shower with. I think that's how the zombie outbreak is going to happen. So what I do when my wife gets mad at me for not reusing my towels is I take the one that I used yesterday. And it's demoted to the floor. And then I put it on the floor. Because I got one of them shower doors that, you know, it's a total first world problem. But anyway, so I got this towel there right out in front of the shower,
Starting point is 00:55:05 which is right next to where I'm at. And I'm getting ready for my last wipe, and I look over, and there's looks like a little chunk of shit on the towel. But we are talking a good three feet away from the toilet and at an angle. What? And so I'm like, there's no fucking way that was me. I'm like, you know, Lincoln's 10. Dog, get over here. I'm like, you know, Lincoln's 10.
Starting point is 00:55:26 Dog, get over here. I'm like, Lincoln's 10. Like, he shouldn't be shitting his pants. But, like, maybe something squeaked out. You know what I mean? Maybe he didn't wipe when he got out. But I'm like, no, because I'm not a very good dad. I know he hasn't showered in, like, two days. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:55:38 And I was like, it's not Fletch because his turds are so huge. And I'm like, maybe it's fucking food. because his it would be so huge yeah and i'm like maybe it's fucking food so you hate it so not my first not my first thought it was food at one point in time and that's where i went wrong so what i did then was i was like well i gotta find out so i reached out and i just scooped it up with my finger and i was like that sure looks like poop and then but i was like i still couldn't fucking believe that it got there i couldn't do i just the math didn't add up i mean it it did everything except turn a corner to get there it just didn't make sense to me aliens so i go i was like is it chocolate like it was that thing where sense to me aliens so i go i was like is it chocolate like it was that thing where i was like well here we go i go totally poop totally smelled like the poop
Starting point is 00:56:34 i just took meaning that was my poop that first fucking wipe where you go like that where you came up to take a little gander i just must have there must have been so much on there that it just flung some of it off like a fucking catapult yeah and uh it was like a uh yeah it was it was i mean like like the size of my thumb thumb print you know just laying there and uh and then i'm like sitting there i still had another wipe to do had i planned you know yeah i was like fuck so you can clean this up and wipe again and wash my fucking hands again and get in the shower and be like and it's one of those things you get in the shower and you like lean your head against the wall and you're like i am a real piece of shit what did i do to get here it's like good lord like it's a good thing that i'm not gonna
Starting point is 00:57:20 say this on a podcast in which thousands of people are gonna hear uh because that would be super embarrassing what the best thing to do tyler would be to not tell anybody nobody has to know you're just gonna keep that inside and you're gonna hate yourself for this forever bury it deep do that yeah so i did that for three days and then here we are i just can't keep it in but that's my poop story so are you more cautious in the whole wiping process now? No, I got to fix that. I got to fix that bidet. You just got to hose that shit off like the underside of a truck.
Starting point is 00:57:52 Yeah, with taking a pressure washer to the bottom of an old dirty truck. Just get in there and just blast it all off. Yeah, that's the only way. So guys, get a bidet. I think the moral of the story is keep your butthole clean and uh buy a merit buy american made yeah clean and tight so on that note i think that's going to wrap us up for today did we have anything else we want to get out i think that was all of it yeah i think let me look through the itinerary here we got we had the uh lifter appreciation meet we've got matt's ipf
Starting point is 00:58:25 stuff we've got the thing tommy interrupted with we have reviews we've got that and tyler poop on the floor yeah i think we that was it cover the show notes really flawlessly yeah well perfect order to preparation really is nothing was out of order we come correct here we don't we don't half-ass this at all. Well, thanks a lot for listening, everybody. Do us a favor between now and next week. Again, make sure you get out there and hustle every company in this industry that you know, anyone that may somewhat be related to strength sports,
Starting point is 00:58:58 and go to the General Leathercraft page either on Instagram or on Facebook. They have their GoFundMe information there. If they have any questions about that, Matt is pretty good at being out in front of that too. So try and get them on board with that. Also, while you're out dicking around, go to They're going to find our store, the Flex Flask, the Superfly hat Tanner's got on, the shirt that Tommy's got on. Tommy, common correct. And that's going on. Yeah. Tommy, common, correct.
Starting point is 00:59:26 And that's going to be there. Also, all our articles and videos are going to be there, including the not-updated list of the strength sports podcasts, the ever-shrinking list of strength sports podcasts. But anyway, all of our archived articles are there. Our old podcast episodes are there. So if you want to catch up, that's the place to do it at. Make sure you like us on Facebook.
Starting point is 00:59:49 Go to forward slash massonomics. Subscribe to the page. Click on notifications to the page if you'd like. And make sure you telephone, tell a friend, tell everybody about us. We really basically, what we want to do is get all of the PowerCasts listeners, just all of them, to just come listen to us. So I know there's, what, 12 or 13 of them. It shouldn't be hard.
Starting point is 01:00:11 So if you know Steve, Dennis, Carl, and their 10 friends, send them our way. But anyway, that'll be, but spread the word on that. If you have any business stuff you'd like to talk to us about, email us at That's where you can talk about sponsorship. You can send us money. You can also send us money that way. And is where you're going to want to go
Starting point is 01:00:37 if you want to send us money. Other than that, we're down to just Instagram now? Instagram. I'm Tyler you can find me at Tyler F. and Stone that's Tyler EFF
Starting point is 01:00:48 I N Stone Tommy you can find me at Tomahawk underscore D and Tanner the official Massanomics
Starting point is 01:00:53 Instagram page at Massanomics tremendous so thanks a lot for listening everybody we'll talk to you next week and stay strong
Starting point is 01:00:59 Massanomics you just heard the Massanomics podcast with your ears you're welcome. Check us out on Facebook, find us on Instagram at Masanamics and make sure you visit and buy some of that sweet Masanamics gear. From your friends at Masanamics Studio, home of the world's strongest podcast. Stay strong.

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