Mayday Plays - Ashoka: Precious Cargo Ep. 4, "The Windspire Channel"

Episode Date: March 26, 2021

A crew can be unmade as quickly as it is made. The party makes an odd attempt to escape the territory of Hamu Kepa by cutting through The Windspire Channel. Anchor and Snuvall make a discovery about B...uran while Rad desperately tries to make amends for his betrayal. This episode contains profanity, violence, and references to drug/alcohol use. CAST OF CHARACTERS • Aaron - Trig • Allegra - Xauti • Amanda - Snuvall • Caleb - Anchor • Eli - Dungeon Master • Zakiya - Kenny • Sergio - Rad MUSIC & SOUND EFFECTS • Post Sound Supervision: Sergio Crego, Allegra Shivers,Eli Hauschel • Mixed: Eli Hauschel • Original Music: Aaron A. Pabst • Soundstripe ( MAYDAY ROLEPLAY LINKS • Instagram ( • Twitter ( • Mayday website ( • Patreon ( • Twitch (

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Ashoka Precious Cargo is a D&D homebrew campaign with violent themes and adult language. Viewer discretion is advised. Aloha Kako Friends. Happy Friday. My name is Eli and I am your dungeon master. I'm Aaron A. Papst and I am Trig. I'm Alecra and I'm playing Shoddy. I'm Amanda and I'm playing Snoobol. I'm Caleb and I'm Anchor. I'm Sergio and I'm playing Rad the Sea Turtle.
Starting point is 00:00:27 I'm Zakiya and I'm playing Kenny. Welcome back to Mayday Roleplay. In our continuation of our homebrew campaign, Ashoka Precious Cargo. We want to give a warm shout out to those who subscribe to us on Patreon. Your contributions allow us to grow and expand and we are now on Twitch. We have awesome things in the store like Arid at the Sheep Farm. Sergio leads us through Irons for an Eye of the Storm and Lake teaches us about some heroes you should know about. We got a couple of one-shots as well as a three-part debrief of our first campaign,
Starting point is 00:00:59 Delta Green Doom to Repeat, which are now available on VOD and wherever you get your podcasts. Be sure to like and subscribe and tell a friend about us. We'd love to share our stories with you. And if there isn't anything else, why don't we continue our story? Okay, Baron. Let's sit down and have the next part of the story before bed. Although maybe Enker should tell you since you can't understand me. But I suppose he's busy running the ship and I'm not talking to Brad unless I absolutely have to.
Starting point is 00:01:29 So I suppose you're stuck with me. Right. We last left off the pirates were trying to sail through a big stormy wave to get their treasure to safety. Through all their powers combined, they burst over the top of the wave and slid down into calmer waters. But little did they know there was a traitor on their boat. It was the Turtle Man. Uh, Grad. Who had sailed them in the wrong direction into the storm.
Starting point is 00:01:53 He'd taken them far off course on their mission to deliver their treasure to safety and put them all in grave danger. He even lied to his half giant friend, Koti, when they'd asked him specifically if he was lying. The pirate with the boomsticks. We'll call him Greg. And the pirate who healed people and wore a mask. Benny wanted to throw him overboard, but... Snowball and the captain or... Voice captain?
Starting point is 00:02:21 Whatever, anchor. Shit! Uh, no, sails. Sure, sails. Sails and Snowball wanted to keep him safe. They said that Grad felt bad and they'd only been trying to protect his family and his aunt, who was a single. I'm still not clear on that part. Anyway, the pirates decided to stop on a nearby island in the Roguewood and look for supplies and fix up their ship.
Starting point is 00:02:43 Benny found a special magical bird called a honey guide that led them deep into the jungle and the pirates found an oasis there with clean water and lots of plants and some special bugs that sails remembered from his home. It was beautiful, but the pirates felt like they were being washed the whole time. Snowball and Grad, the traitor, decided to blow up a tree so Snowball could learn to surf. Benny and sails and Koti, with their treasure strapped to Koti's back, followed the honey guide deeper into the forest. As they walked, Benny almost fell into a pit with sharp sticks at the bottom, but sails caught her just in time. After that, things in the jungle started to get a bit weird, so the pirates decided to make their way back to the ship. The whole way there, the treasure was talking to the wind, things the rest of the pirates couldn't see. The wind even tried to take their treasure away at one point, but once again, the pirates managed to keep her safe.
Starting point is 00:03:32 Then one of the pirates remembered that the Roguewood crossed over with the Feywild and all the strange happenings seemed to make sense, I guess. To get back on course to deliver their treasure safely, the pirates had to trick Hammukepa, the monster wave who gave Grad his powers. So with a new spell to make the arrow around them look different and Grig being pulled behind in the water to keep them on course, the pirates set their way back towards their destination. That seems like a good place to stop tonight. I hope me telling you these like a story will... I don't know, maybe it'll be less scary. Or when you remember it later, it'll be less dramatic.
Starting point is 00:04:09 You're just a baby after all. This is a lot for one person to handle. I think Kenny thinks it's silly that I do it this way, changing the names and such. Maybe she's right. I just hope you don't remember, you know, me vomiting a slug or setting things on fire or you almost being taken. And now that I say it out loud, this plan sounds entirely insane. Maybe we should do something else. But not you. It's time for Little Treasures to go to sleep.
Starting point is 00:04:43 Sweet dreams, Bron. DUSK is beginning to settle in as you guys leave this uncharted island. Resupplied with wood to fix and repair your boat as well as some food to last you for the next few days. Rad has casted Helus and Hori to rain and has made it look as if you guys are heading south as he reveals his one eye behind his eyepatch. And you guys continue towards the eastward part of the ropewood, towards the channel between Tutus and Bouquet. Anchor, I believe you were... Rad was on helm and anchor, you have spent a good part of the remaining daylight repairing what little bit of the ship needed to be after that storm. And as you guys are continuing on, Trigg, you're at the bottom of the ocean with a rope to keep me from going all the way down. Yeah, but you're dangling off the side of the ship on a string being pulled through the water.
Starting point is 00:06:26 Well, roll me a perception check because you're under the water. That is gonna be 18, much like lure. You can tell above you that dusk is starting to settle in and soon it'll be very dark. You see just wild amounts of like pods of like fish sailing through kelp fields and various amount of things of open ocean. But after like an hour or so, it looks like a tiny little silvery looking fish. And what's noticeable about it is the very thick amount of teeth it has. But it's very tiny, a very small thing, but it's by itself, but it's kind of swimming quickly towards you. But it has gigantic teeth.
Starting point is 00:07:10 Like for its size, it's got very noticeably large. I'm gonna shoot it! What? Wait, what? Okay. It rolled an attack. Jesus. That's gonna be a 19 to hit. Yeah, that'll hit. Roll damage for it.
Starting point is 00:07:24 And seven points of damage. You, it starts to like wiggle quickly towards you with its like little snapping jaw. And you quickly draw your crossbow and you strike through it as the arrow just connects straight into its mouth. It's still kind of wiggling, but it slowly like fail, like starting to like teeter and fall down. Like you hit it square and cleanly. Can I try to grab it? Yeah, I mean, it's easy enough to reach out and grab it. But as you do grab it, you notice that there's now two more of those silvery fish.
Starting point is 00:07:59 I start pulling on the line back up to the boat. And then as you're tugging on, as you're tugging on it, like more of them start to just appear as it's slowly grabbing like a whole swarm. Somebody up top roll a perception check to see if you've noticed the line being pulled. Oh, I'm so sorry, bud. 20. Chodi, you're hanging out with Barron and you're towards like the back of the boat where the steering is. And as you're like holding her up and you kind of like throw her up into the air for a second, you do notice that the line that you remember Trigg was attached to is starting to like pull and move very quickly.
Starting point is 00:08:35 It's like tugged. I'll grab onto it and just start reeling it in because that's kind of a universal sign for help. So I'm just like, oh, all right, yes, good. And I'll set Barron down and I'll start just rolling it up. As you're starting to just pull it up, Trigg, you feel the sensation of being lifted, but you just notice as you're being lifted of silvery, jawed fish or just swarming and now are trying to attack you. Does a 13 hit? No.
Starting point is 00:09:08 No? Okay. This like swarm of fish almost like swarms around you as they try to like bite at you, but your bit of your armors is not enough to rake through their tiny teeth, but there's a lot of them just like darting at you and trying to bite at you. I showed you, roll me an athletic check. 15. Using all of your Goliath strength, you have one good tug and you start to see like a bit of what looks like Trigg flailing around as you're almost very close. Trigg, roll me a perception check as you're about to breach the surface.
Starting point is 00:09:42 Nine. You get like a really hard tug as like all of Shoddy's strength has lifted you very close to the top. And as you're kind of being pulled up, you can't, some of your vision is obscure, but all of a sudden that silveriness of those fish disappear in a shadow as you're being pulled up out of the surface. What the fuck? Would you see what's down there? There's fish down there. Well, no, shite, there's fish down there. It's the ocean.
Starting point is 00:10:09 With tea. They have tea. Yes, fish generally have teeth. But like disproportionately large teeth and they was snapping at me. Okay. Well, you're here now. They're down there. You're not going to be bit by a fish anymore.
Starting point is 00:10:27 Aren't you? Aren't you supposed to be like quite the fighter and like big and strong and not scared of fish? The fish had teeth. Okay, I understand. Um, do you, do you know what kind of fish they were? I got no idea. They were silver. And as I've said, ah!
Starting point is 00:10:48 Feel a bite on your ankle. Something bites you on the ankle. I'll reach down and like grab him with an arm. As you, as you get pulled out, there's like this, this tiny silvery jaw fish. There, there, there's one of them. There's one of them. Can I try and like grab it and look at it? Yeah, with your large hands, you pluck it off of Triggs' ankle as you drop him onto the deck.
Starting point is 00:11:13 Um, it's like, it looks like a piranha of some kind, but it's like feverishly like squirming in your hand. You see, it's a fish with teeth. Oh, I see what you mean. These are quite creepy and sorry I made fun of you a bit. That was, that was very, very mean of me. I'm very sorry. Please, please throw it away. Well, I, please throw it back in the water.
Starting point is 00:11:35 Okay. Alternatively, we can eat it. Well, too late. Well, let's go. You throw, do you tell me to throw it in the water? I throw it in the water. But then I had a second thought, which is they tried to eat me, so I'm going to eat it. Well, I can go back and try and get it if you want me to.
Starting point is 00:11:49 No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Then they're going to, then they're going to just bite you. Okay. Well, I'm glad you're not hurt or not terribly hurt. I'm struggling to remember why I went down there in the first place. I think our idea was that you'd be able to keep us on course underwater because you wouldn't see the, the hallucinatory terrain or whatever it's called. But then I realized the ocean looks the same underwater.
Starting point is 00:12:10 So I think it was just a foolish plan. I don't understand anything you, you just said, but I think that plan tracks just fine. All right, sure. Do you want to go back underwater? No, no. Okay. I'll just walk from up front of the boat. I'm going to help them steer, make sure we're not going back in the direction that.
Starting point is 00:12:28 I've also realized that we don't know if Rad is actually doing what he said he's doing because he's already lied to us once. So he could be just lying to us again and sending us back into the storm, even though he said he wouldn't, but he could be lying again. You know, you know what I, you know what I think we should do about that? Well, I know you think we should kill him, but I don't think that's a good idea. No, no, no, no, no. Well, that, sure, but do you want to know what I think we should do about that
Starting point is 00:12:55 that might be a little bit more agreeable? I think you're going to tell me anyway, so just go ahead. We capture a regular non-sapient turtle. We make soup out of it and we all eat it to send a message. That ought to keep him in line, at least for a few minutes. You know, you are standing on the back of the ship and Rad is steering. I'm talking real quiet. I'm talking in a whisper.
Starting point is 00:13:25 Well, that's certainly an idea. I don't know how comfortable I am killing a turtle because they're so gentle. Oh, I'll take care of it. You just got to eat it. I don't know that I feel comfortable even eating it because they're so gentle. Just a little sip. That's all, that's all. Why don't, why don't you get a second opinion?
Starting point is 00:13:43 I'm not, I'm not a good opinion for this one. Maybe, maybe check with Kenny or I'm just going to put you down as a yes on that one. Oh, I wouldn't say I'm a yes specifically. I wouldn't say I'm a no either, but somewhere in between perhaps. I don't think I can give you that option. Well, I've given myself that option. You're not in charge of me. Anybody else doing anything on the ship?
Starting point is 00:14:04 All right. So that's one yes. After finishing my repairs, I think I'm going to take the remainder refuse wood that I have if I have any left and I'm going to go up to trick and lay them down as feet. I believe this is for your project. I'll that's extra wood. Yes, I look forward. The load of wood, if you will.
Starting point is 00:14:24 Yes, I look forward to whatever it is you put together. Well, I need some like stuff from like a town or something to get started. So it's not going to be terribly useful until we find a port to stop over at. It's OK. I just thought I'd show my support. I want to be encouraging. I can't wait to I can't wait to give it a shot. Thank you, dad captain.
Starting point is 00:14:47 Of course. Thank you, dad mate. And then I'm going to go up to Rad to Rad. Have we hit the channel yet? Do you feel the change in wind? I think so. I think you're kind of better navigating that I am, but I was going to say we've got several hours, probably at least another 12 hours before we can see behind the illusion.
Starting point is 00:15:10 I was thinking that when it drops, I should maybe have the eye patch down. I'm like kind of like profile talking to you, you know, trying to keep the eye not really looking at your direction. But the point is, you should at least have a minute to like see where we actually are and like course correct, right? And then we can throw it right back up. Yeah, yeah, exactly. OK, I'm good with that plan.
Starting point is 00:15:37 Do you want me to take over at the helm? I think I should maybe get some rest. Yeah, perfect. You go get some rest. He starts to go, but then he kind of stops and turns and says anger. Could I get your advice? Of course, I can give you my advice. I get the feeling you're like the only dude that trusts me on this ship.
Starting point is 00:15:58 How do I win the trust of the other guys back? Well, you do it the same way that you lost their trust. It's through your actions. You demonstrate everything you do that you're part of the team. Eventually they won't have any evidence against you. You just have to keep down that path of telling us the truth and keeping us informed and doing the thing you think is right. And eventually, what will they have to say against you?
Starting point is 00:16:21 Yeah, I suppose you're right. It's as simple as that, OK? Just don't get too down on the idea that they hate you. It doesn't really matter in the long run as long as you know you're right. Yeah, I guess I've just always kind of worried whether people think of me. I mean, I do some pretty bad stuff sometimes. I don't know what's getting to me. Well, we all do.
Starting point is 00:16:44 We're creatures of choice. It's more important that the good outweighs the bad. Thanks, dude. I'll just get going. At first, start to like move towards where maybe generally everyone is usually taking their naps and just kind of look around and see that I'm not really wanted. And I'll I'll find Paunch and kind of snuggle up next to her. You find a nice little corner tucked away like off the side where you and Paunch can take a rest.
Starting point is 00:17:11 If anchor is staying up for first watch, is there anybody else who's joining? I'll stay up as well. Okay, that's when it comes navigation. So I'm just going to go to kind of like the front of the ship, but I'm going to have like my long rough piece of wood and I'm just going to slowly, very slowly just kind of like smooth it over with like my my sharp nails and just like kind of just almost like with my scale, like kind of sand it down just as like, you know, just like as like a meditative, like very calming and as I just kind of like sense out around to make sure there's nothing spying
Starting point is 00:17:49 or following us. Okay, cool. Anchor and you, Snaval, roll me perception checks as everybody else kind of settles in for the evening. Can I say I re-upped water breathing on everyone before I go to bed? I have a nap. You both notice that it's a fairly clear evening, given the fact that over the last few days has been kind of stormy.
Starting point is 00:18:15 There's not a cloud in the sky and you can kind of just see Pothorah of stars just raked across the sky and the the sea is pretty calm to the point where you can see the nice reflection of the stars above and it kind of even looks like you don't know where the stars end and where the sea begins and where the horizon meets both. Snaval, you're working on your little surfboard, you're using your claws to sand down this one piece that seems to be just a little bit too rough for your liking. And even though the stars above you got reflect more of the south part of the ropewood where you're intending to go, it's very nice.
Starting point is 00:19:01 And Snaval, you're just kind of just continuing to just work on your board when you all of a sudden just kind of feel something next to you, since you're kind of towards the front of the boat, towards the edge. And when you look over, you notice that it's Bron, who's awake, like wide awake. And it's just kind of looking out at the ocean and you're going to just see the whistling of her white hair kind of just blowing, even though it's fairly calm out. And she's kind of looking out into the middle of the ocean. I'm kind of like, acknowledge, I would say, kind of stop sanding, take kind of wipe the
Starting point is 00:19:44 wood off her hands and like gently pat Child's head and see if she has a reaction. She kind of like jolts a little bit because she wasn't expecting it, but when she realizes it's like you, she just kind of gives you like a little smile, small like smile as she kind of like looks up at you as you're kind of tossing her hair, you know, you take in her little small little four year old face and the little markings that kind of run down like the sides of her like eyes down to the back of her neck and that same matted like iron looking stone that just sits in the center of her forehead. She's just looking at you with a casual little childish smile and you kind of start to feel
Starting point is 00:20:23 some of your senses that you project emanating and radiating from from her and from that small stone in the middle of her forehead. I'm going to actually look into her real quick. Okay. You see the scales that all mortal creatures that you've sense into has and Baran is of course her, her scale is tipped more towards the life side of the scale as she is incredibly young. She has so much more life to live from what you can tell.
Starting point is 00:20:53 And you have a sense of good and good just emanating from her. But you also just see in the middle of the scale itself that matted iron stone that just sits there. And you can see it's just pulsing and kind of retracting this energy back and forth like it's alive. Like it ebbs out and like flows in and it just keeps pulsating back and forth. I'm going to, I'm going to put the wood down and I'm going to get into a sitting position and I'm going to motion or run through the same thing.
Starting point is 00:21:32 If you'd like me to teach you how to meditate. I don't think she'll listen to me but I'll see if she mirrors my actions. She sees you taking a seat right down and now like you taking that seat you kind of match her height. And she's kind of curious about it but she eventually takes a seat down next to you. It's not like Chris Cross is just kind of like you know like a kid just trying to just at least sit down and follow you to an extent but she's across of you and she's looking at you.
Starting point is 00:22:00 I'm going to take my hands and like put it like around my chest to show like deep breath in, deep breath out. I'm just going to repeatedly do it see she mimics me. It takes a moment. She's kind of like looking at you curiously it doesn't seem like you're doing much but she eventually just straightens up a little bit and kind of looks like she's breathing in and out but you know she's trying to copy you. I'm going to, I'm just going to literally just try to see if I can just get this child
Starting point is 00:22:26 to meditate because I don't have any games for her with me or I don't know what to do with her. So I'm just going to be like breathe in and breathe out, breathe in and see if she copies and falls asleep. You both sit there for a while and you're just kind of trying to show her how to breathe in and meditate and eventually like she just kind of starts to just really pick up on you and emulate you and she's taking these deep breaths in and out. It's starting to just like match a certain rhythm, a certain pace.
Starting point is 00:22:54 Her eyes just start to lull and go and close as she kind of see her mind kind of drifting off into sleep as she kind of just falls into that trance that meditation kind of brings you. You notice the stone on her forehead starting to glow. That iron color just has this whitish ethereal glow coming from it. And then after a while there's just this like bright just fucking burst that like shoots up into the sky. Roll me a perception check.
Starting point is 00:23:20 15. As that like burst like beams goes up into the sky you see that it kind of scatters up against the hallucinatory terrain and you can kind of see that small rippling against that spell. But you see that that light kind of spreads out into like four different points and it goes off into various directions like north, south, east, west, like it was like heading into a specific direction. And then when you look down you notice that Baran has drifted off to sleep finally and
Starting point is 00:23:47 just like now curled up on the deck right in front of you. I will take like that side sash I have and I'll like put it under, I'll put it under her head so she at least is not sitting on the very, very hard wood and I'll take tear up a piece of cloth and warm it up, kind of do a warm breath and then lay it on top of her as well. Okay. Anchor you did see this as well as you were as you were navigating and traversing but the night continues on and nothing seems to happen.
Starting point is 00:24:18 We'll do a ship switch. Who's the two people who would like to take the second part of watch? I'm gonna stay at the helm even if you know two people want watch two just so I can make sure Rad gets the pull eight because he was sailing for a while. As the night continues on Shodi you're just keeping patrol. You notice first that Baran is out on the deck and not where you had originally put her but looks like she's curled up like right in front of Sneval who was meditating but she's out like a light just curled and snoozed under a little blanket.
Starting point is 00:24:46 Other than that between the both of you the night just seems to go on as smoothly as it possibly can and nothing seems to bother you guys. Nothing seems to be out of place but you guys are continuing your course. So we have I guess one more watch because Anchor you do need to sleep right or are you gonna just power through and take an exhaustion point? No I'm gonna wake Rad up for this one. Rad and Kenny you guys don't see much. Rad you know that you're you're maintaining course and you're getting towards where you
Starting point is 00:25:17 believe like on the map you know where you're heading you're still heading towards the northern parts of Tutus and you know that by now maybe within the next few hours you'll be kind of reaching the like the opening part of that channel which is about the time. The Windspire channel? The Windspire channel yeah. We'll be reaching it when my spell drops or like around now we'll be reaching it. When your spell drops we'll be about the time that you will be reaching that channel. Kenny you kind of are looking around everybody's sound asleep the night is calm nothing again
Starting point is 00:25:49 seems out of place. Anchor as you fall asleep your mind is kind of drifts away you remember the last moments you were at Tutus and you remember the man that you had looked into his eyes you just remember those piercing green eyes between that helm and you held that gaze both of you just staring into it and the longer you just kind of like remember that gaze and you're like looking at those green eyes more that you kind of feel a familiarity about it seems really oddly familiar to you and you feel like you're just like right there in that moment where you could just reach out and like pull off his helmet and like get a real
Starting point is 00:26:31 good look at this this guy's face as he's kind of holding you in his grasp in his grip did you want to take off his helm? Well 100% I want to see you this next. As you pull the helm off of his head what you see is an image of yourself the same green eyes that you have just in this guy's armor just looking at you with just the evilest malicious looking just grin and you just I think I'm shocked for a moment almost out of rage at myself I'll strike at him Yeah I mean you tried to move you tried to strike at him but it doesn't seem like you
Starting point is 00:27:08 can actually just move you're just still just like looking at him and as you kind of try your heart to see like the fire and like the burning of the city of Tengu that you remember last seeing them and it's just a truly frightening scene to just see yourself in the place of this and knowing who's involved and your place and all of that and you just sit there for a minute and the night seems to pass Kenny as you're kind of patrolling through the night you just kind of notice that anchors kind of just shifting and moving just a little bit unsettling as he sleeps but you know eventually the night stretches into day before the end of the night Rad would probably as he's at the helm call over Ponsh and he
Starting point is 00:27:52 would just whisper and Ponsh his ear and say hey um go bother Kenny just like just act like you want something okay until until she has like no choice but to like ask me like what you want you know what I mean Ponsh gives you kind of like a curious nod but eventually she crawls and scoots her way over to to Kenny kind of just like nudges Kenny off to the like on the side like bumping up against her he's kind of giving you that same look that that bird was kind of giving you on that island but nudges you again with Ted last time I followed an animal I almost ended up in a hole so we're sailing over a big hole like be cool about this all right so it just starts barking just a little like once at you and then like pushes you
Starting point is 00:28:43 again this is bullying you're being like scooted over by how big like when Kenny kind of eventually just finds her way closer to me I think I'll I think Rad will look over and just be like hey no and I turn back no I thought it was something important what's going on Ponsh just kind of rolls over he really likes this this one kind they're called silver jaws you ever had no well the trick is I'll like try to reach in the water see if I can grab a silver jaw roll me a survival check okay you take a moment to kind of like okay yeah you just you just you then just dunk your hand underneath and you just kind of give it like a little like wiggle and you just wait for a moment and eventually just here like you kind of like do that wins when something like
Starting point is 00:30:00 pull it off my fingers and be like he likes it when you like kind of take the teeth out so I just start pulling out these sharp little jagged teeth and then I'll hand it to her and say go ahead she loves it when Kenny's knees are at do that she's gonna do that like flinching thing where you like reach for your like essentially first aid kid and like so and then takes the fish and like holds it when when kids go to petting Susan they don't want to they're just like just holding it out and keeping eye contact with Rad and just holding it out punch punch kind of like lazily like rolls over does that thing where like stretches out its neck and like sniffs it for a second gives a look to Rad and then just like bites into it didn't I see you have an animal like a little
Starting point is 00:31:05 I had a lizard I had a lizard but that's not like my head it just won me money I don't know where that lizard is blew up I don't know how that thing sorry for your loss it was fast so probably got away I assume yeah what are we doing here right I fed your fish that fish dog and that was cool it's very cute that's why I'm over here we're just having like normal conversation I guess we just accidentally bumped into each other because the punch what a coincidence oh come on yeah I'm sorry I'm trying to correct my mistakes and to prove to you I'm a cool dude I see your effort I appreciate it but I am contractually bound to hate you I'm not going to hurt you because you've given me no reason to but we're not friends like I said I'll feed your facts fish dog and we can talk but we
Starting point is 00:32:32 don't have to be friends please don't stick your hand in the ocean again well anger says you can hate me but I'm gonna be nice to you anyway how do you like that my boy yeah I guess you have a point all right well I'll go back to sailing now I'm gonna take out the map that I've been hoarding this entire time and like chess pass it to him that might be helpful the rest of the night is uninterrupted as it eventually stretches into early morning it's about seven or eight o'clock when everybody else begins to stir but it's not about an can I pick up fish teeth and put them in my seashell shower I pick up all this all the all the spooky fish teeth the silver jaw teeth over jaw teeth and they now live in my seashell pouch did we is it morning did we finish our rest yes it is
Starting point is 00:33:48 morning you guys have finished your rest collectively between all of you it's gonna be about the afternoon maybe one ish two o'clock before you guys reach the channel or about when rad had casted that spell so if we're gonna get close to the spell ending I'll definitely lower my eye patch or have it already been lowered for like a little bit and then yeah I'll just I'll just tell anchor to kind of take over and just just re steer us if we're kind of if we've been off course or something but I'll do like a countdown let let me know when there's like 30 seconds 15 seconds left before it drops oh when trick wakes up he shouts Yorika does anybody have a fishing net I have a net cannot borrow it sure dude I'm gonna I'm gonna throw the fishing net
Starting point is 00:34:40 out I'm gonna see how many of these silver jaws I can catch that's gonna be a 14 while he's fishing rad is standing next to him and punch comes up beside him not not even a little bit I'm a little busy right now you take you take rad's net regardless of the attempts of friendship and you you cast it out just very eloquently out in the open water as it kind of sails a little bit past you as you kind of hold on to it a few minutes go by and eventually you start to just feel like a wild just like moving of just like multiple frenzy of fish Romeo's Romeo and athletics check I'm gonna get them so do I have advantage yeah I roll advantage since Rad will be helping you that is a 15 yeah pull the net in how many of them do I get you start pulling like at the
Starting point is 00:35:55 last like once it like breaches and you just see like just like the frenzy of like fish rad comes down and like helps you pull it up when you do there's about 15 little tiny silver silver when they come up on the deck I'm just gonna start clubbing them with my crossbow to kill them rad takes his net back and sees like there's a lot of damage like irreparable damage to it I pointed out but I'm like it's cool you know it's what you do for friends you know I hand him a single gold and say we're not friends then I'm gonna take these 15 silver jaws I'm gonna lay out a little like an extra skin or something I'm gonna start pulling all the teeth out of the silver jaws and if anybody walks by and asks me what I'm doing I'm gonna look them up look up at them
Starting point is 00:36:58 with crazy eyes and say collect and shrapnel I've got a couple extra and I'll reach in my like my seashell pouch and I'll pull out the like handful but those are lack your souvenirs I'm gonna take those from you I'm keeping three of them and you can have the rest I don't really need that many shrapnel just one point I'm the one that started this trend they're gonna respond and they're just gonna waves off the impulse and turns back to trick trick I've actually been meaning to talk to you about something yeah what you said that you look for bad people to fight or hurt or execute okay great um what does your growing rate for that goal well this is my going rate for that go yeah for like hiring you or something it depends on who's asking usually I just roll into town I find
Starting point is 00:37:58 somebody I ask them how the people that are in charge are treating them and if they say badly I just go kill the people in charge and I don't take anything from the people that said that they were hmm now if it's more of a assassination that might be a different story well I'm not sure it's entirely an assassination it's more of a dismantling of an establishment go on um well there are some very bad people and in Susanne and they do very bad things and I am working on trying to get rid of them and I've been doing it alone for a while and it's not really working by myself but you're very capable and you're full of rage and I'm also full of rage and I would like to propose an alliance or a working partnership I don't know exactly what I'd have for you but you had me at very bad
Starting point is 00:39:03 people I'm fucking in oh obviously it'll be it'll be a bit until we can go and try and fix all the things they've done but I just wanted to put the idea in your head yeah you don't gotta say much to convince me I didn't think I was all right well that's good to know I'm gonna go I'm gonna go back to collecting my shrapnel now please do um thank you for Loki agreeing to help me we haven't fully I appreciate it you're quite a strange man but I like you I've heard that a lot I mean the first part well now you've heard the second part well I'm glad that somebody finally took an August I'm gonna stand up and pat his head and go back to doing whatever I was doing with brawn collecting shrapnel. Can I hear Jody just take a hit out on several people?
Starting point is 00:39:58 Roll me a perception check. I mean you guys are like all there like waking up and stuff. Not a big boat. Not a big boat. They weren't really trying to hide it that much. I was gonna say they weren't subtle. Yeah it's a 21. Yeah Kenny you're kind of like at the like you were like laying down like crisscross like sleeping when you just hear this conversation and you kind of like looked over and up and you definitely heard everything that they said okay for later I was gonna say making sure after a bronze like with shoddy or just taking care of I actually want to approach anchor really quick but before I pass is trick like eating the fish or is he just like discarding the actual fleshy parts. No I'm just like all the like all the parts that
Starting point is 00:41:01 would be useful to like 99.9% of people I'm just carelessly casting aside. I'm gonna grab like the chunks of actual edible fish and I'm gonna go ahead and like grab a couple pieces and I'm gonna kind of like far away blow like like a little bit of fire and smoke on it cooking raise them. Like smoke salmon. Yeah smoke salmon all day. I mean I'll pass out a couple to everyone in route to anchor but I will extend when I want to approach them and be like did you see that thing last night the lights in the spine. I did I was wondering what that was I assumed it was something you did. No I just it came from the child but I'm not a navigator by nature so that's why I wanted to know more about that. I don't know that I could give you any more information than you have to
Starting point is 00:41:53 be honest with you. Right Eli would I have any inclination here? You do remember that knock at the beginning who commissioned you guys for this had mentioned that Baran had something was tied to something known as a soul render but between the collective cold you guys didn't know quite what that was. Right and maybe this has something to do with her origins. Can you just be extra alert when it comes to anything because I have faith in love but I just with what was just shown I just want us to be extra cautious when we try to run around. I promise you Snowball I would not let anything happen to you people I care about you deeply. I have a favorite ask of you in return though. You have a sense for things it seems a sight that sometimes feels
Starting point is 00:42:43 much better than my own. Do you have any idea who that was that we fought on that dock? Eli did uh going backwards did I pick up on anything that was about to say what I don't remember I remember vaguely like that person on the dock when I sensed it was it uh what was that were they other Warblade or something? This will make a history track to see if what you remember because that was she's smart no not today she is okay I got a four okay with everything with everything that went on at Tengu at all and and the fact that you had a more jarring experience than some of the others you can't quite remember about those that you had engaged towards the end. You do remember there was like a sensing of fear and that was about it I'll give you that that's right
Starting point is 00:43:36 right uh okay I'm gonna extend in front of the piece of fish and I'll be like that's not being on the dock he is definitely one I don't experience this often but I tell you I felt fear in the very bones this that's pretty I don't know mom whatever he is definitely one you should avoid at all costs I felt the the same way I have just one more question do you think there's any way that he could have been Sisonian? Just a possibility. Does he look like a like a person underneath there anyone you recognized? His eyes I remember seeing his eyes and yeah I believe he could but then again it's been with everything in the last couple of days I wish I could say my mom is sharp but it's actually quite everything's kind of fuzzy and it's rushing out I feel like we could be more
Starting point is 00:44:41 detailed. That's okay Sambal this is enough for me I'm glad we both saw what we did last night we can keep a good eye on these people between the two of us. I agree. Do you want more fish? You know what yes yes I'd love some more fish only if you split it with me of course. How done do you like it do you like it extra crispy or do you want it extremely almost black if you could as as inedible as possible would be good for me. I'm gonna do this I'm gonna toss the fish up and then like like really put a roaring fire under it and let it let it burn for a second and then when it falls to my hand it's like black and crispy. So how'd you guys burn the boat down? Unlike some people I know where to at least stuff is on the ship I'm angling it upside so it's like
Starting point is 00:45:37 not under any kind of situation like that. That's that's an exceptional grill you got there that's just before Ashi it's perfect. Here we go. Grill dad. I'll take a help. We got it. I'm your portable barbecue guys. Yes oh we're two grilled dads just having a good time. So the remainder of the morning into the the early part of the afternoon goes pretty uneventful you guys are just steering your way trying to navigate under what looks to be the opposite direction in which you guys are traveling but Rad eventually you start to feel that the spell is on its way out and here it comes everyone brace just in case we hit something okay I'll pick Brian up. Trink is gonna stand in the middle of the deck and crosses arms okay I'm gonna prep to break. Grabbing onto things takes more
Starting point is 00:46:40 lives than it saves. My poor boat. Oh boy. Come on come on. I'll take it 22. The hallucinatory terrain fades away as what looks to be the south parts of the Rokewood eventually melts away into partially open sea and just two different islands which Rad you would know as the island of Tutus and the island of Bouquet as well as the entering of the windspire channel. Surprisingly you are on course. It works. Oh thank god. Big surprise. When the hallucinatory terrain fades the calming looking sea is actually a little bit more choppy there's a there's a big gust of wind pushing away from you guys but yeah you see the two channels are you immediately going to cast hallucinatory terrain again Rad are you gonna keep it? I'm gonna wait till somebody tells me because I'm
Starting point is 00:47:37 assuming that you know anchor probably wants to readjust the ship and we all might want to assess where we are. Yeah I'm definitely gonna pivot until we're down the very center of the channel to avoid all possibility running into these islands on either sides and as soon as I get into a position like that I'm gonna try and like commit it to memory I guess you know yeah we have a map yeah we do have a map and I'll just position myself like that and try and get in a muscle memory just start rowing a little bit down the center with the eyepatch down just so I'm aware of where to position myself where the wind is gonna push me and I'm trying to adjust the best I can. Anchor and anybody who was from Odenow roll me a history check about this particular channel before we
Starting point is 00:48:22 continue. Yes. I have a 16. 16. 17. Those of you who who are from Odenow and those who have traveled throughout the Rokewood know about this particular channel that straddles between Hukkei and Tutus. The Odenowans know it as Renuhana but it's also known as the wind spire channel. What's known about it is that an unknown phenomenon occurs where wind kind of breaches constantly through the sea in little columns and spires and shoot up at various heights and the Odenowans tend to like to use this channel as a test of their prowess and their abilities to traverse throughout the sea. It's a very semi-dangerous place to be. We're gonna fly it blind. Fly it blind. Knowing that I think we should second guess this plan. Never second guess your plans. Commit. Is there any way that
Starting point is 00:49:29 somehow we could hallucinatory terrain the columns into something else like into. No. It's just an illusion dude. If we get hit by one of them we'll definitely feel it. Can you keep your eye patched on then? Sure but he's gonna get curious. Maybe if we can clear this place in time. Take us up again. I can try and push the speeds if you guys are ready for it. Maybe we can try that trick we did back with the wave. Do you need me to go out back and push again? I mean no requirements or anything. I'm not gonna force you but it might help. It was very cool before. Are we doing that? Let me cast Waterwalk on you first. Don't jump. I'm just limbering. I'm doing squats and kind of warming up my legs. Yeah let's game plan and see how we can get the
Starting point is 00:50:21 most speed out of this. Do we need to stop at an island of the port and get actual things or are we just trying to make it through? I think we should probably get out of this immediate vicinity so that we don't get eaten by whatever fucking monstrosity rads got waiting for us. I know going back now would just double our time. We've got enough to survive that. I'll do whatever all my friends want to do but we should both get out of here as soon as possible. How many friends have I missed? Oh one. Whatever his one friend wants to do. Alright. He's so petty. Actually Rad knew that Trig didn't like him but the moment he realizes that also Shotty doesn't like him he just his shoulder is completely slumped. I will tap our rad shell. I mean like I've never really
Starting point is 00:51:28 had friends before but I will consider you one. He's got two now. And then I'll just walk. I would say to everyone here if you're gonna be gonna be holding on to that and it's going to cloud your judgments. You should probably not be doing that at this particular moment as I walk past everyone to get ready to run. Clouded judgment is how I make 99% of my decisions. Chef's kiss snowball with the hair flip and walk by and everything. I love it. Yes. Oh snowball snowball snowball. Can I help you? I could run real fast. I think I can only cast watermark on one person. I can still help. Okay that's good too.
Starting point is 00:52:37 Help me above the water. Also can you make it water? I really do hate it when my it's just gonna be the bottom for you. I can't do anything unless you have like a sham well or something to put on your feet. You don't have anything for you. Sorry. A famous wizard. Yes. Sham well. Sham well slippers. Slippers of rhinos. Yeah. Slippers of rhinos. Anything for you. But I'll cast watermark on you. I bet you will. And then I'm just gonna run gracefully do a somersault off the back and then turn on the step of wind key point in hands breathe and start pushing. Brad if you could I know that you did it back at the port but the way you move those waves was perfect if we get close to these columns could you keep me out of the way? Sure dude. Perfect thank you. I'll
Starting point is 00:53:39 not cast it but I'll have control water. What else is everybody else doing? I can do the big thunder thing and push us forward a bit if we need a quick burst of speed. Perfect I would love that. That's really cool. Shony doesn't even acknowledge. Kenny trick. I'm gonna go stand by the sail because I know that we tend to have problems with that. Yes if you could be our sail man again just let us know if you're somehow suspended again. I think you will know. If there's no other place for me to go I'm just gonna hang around trick in case something bad happens. Of course. I think that's a good place for you. I think it's a matter of wind. That's what I was thinking. I'm gonna get Baran settled in the in the little hut and give her like some of my
Starting point is 00:54:35 seashells and like part of that taffy that I gave her last time we were asking taffy and some like charcoal and stuff so she can draw and not get into trouble. Okay yeah we tuck her into the corner as you guys continue into this channel. Anchor roll me a perception check. As you're looking ahead pulling onto the ore and steering you deeper into the channel eventually ahead you start to see this weird bubbling coming out from the water and it's still ways away from you so you don't have to roll anything else but you just see this giant wind tunnel call and just like shoot out of the sea out of the ocean and you just see water splash out from the sea spray and it just goes up about 20 feet and just goes back down and as hard parts of water just slaps back down
Starting point is 00:55:24 to the sea but you're now getting into the part of the channel where you're starting to know why they call it wind spire channel. Roll me another perception check. Now that I kind of know what it what it looks like with these geysers erupt could I send punch into the water as kind of like a scout staying close to the boat but like maybe having a better vantage point of seeing when these columns are coming up. Yeah you you kind of call out to punch and punch jumps into the water are you gonna just look through her eyes is that's how you're gonna do it? Yeah y'all probably take a couple turns just to kind of do that. Okay I have a 23 on that perception check. Yeah you keep pushing through eventually you see that bubbling going up again rad you would see that like you
Starting point is 00:56:14 can't see where it's coming from it's like deep down in there but you you see a bunch of bubbling occurring beforehand before this just stream of what looks like air but just like bubbles that just shoot up from what punch can tell and see as your your your good eye is like covered over that. Yeah I'll definitely call it out you know whether I'm early or late but yeah I don't see anything other than what punch sees you. Anker roll me an athletics check what is everybody else doing you guys are just noticing these spires kind of shooting out from the sky it's Naval you're pushing on the back of the boat and it is kind of giving a little bit of speed but not a lot but you're pushing. A 25. Right up against the boat about like five feet off the left side you do
Starting point is 00:56:57 notice bubbling occurring it's actually like behind where even punch can see but you notice it quickly enough and you kind of turn the oar hard enough as a spire just like right up against you guys just blow as you manage to kind of push you guys off course but you guys are now like veering a little bit to the left and it jostles everybody else who's standing on the platform. Is everybody up there still good thank you. Rad will probably drop his looking through punch his eyes and I think at this point now that there's bubbles closer he'll probably cast control waters to have it ready for the next 10 minutes using every round to push forward and kind of give the ship more speed but getting ready to also like ship the ship suddenly if there's a problem or like we're not
Starting point is 00:57:47 sure he's going to be similar with like Thunder Wave off to whatever side Rad isn't on they're gonna they're gonna take that side so that we have a little bit of balance. Yeah you go towards the back of the boat Rad and as you cast control water pushing off on like around the boat as you kind of use it to kind of shift back and forward as like multiple spires start bursting up between you guys and as you guys collect between anchor you Rad kind of shifting the boat back and forward you guys are kind of weaving through these columns and these spires in one moment you see like two or three kind of burst up at the same time and that's when Shodi uses Thunder Clap and like claps through giving you just a little bit of extra momentum as you guys kind of hard turn
Starting point is 00:58:28 almost drifting again pass through this column. How much does that hurt me by the way? Oh yeah all of like you're pushing the boat and all of a sudden like you just go white as you're kind of want roll me a deck save. Thunder Wave's a con save. We're just a lever in our fucking way. No no we want a deck save everybody we want a deck save. Trust me on that. Actually do the do the do the con save first and eight yeah now roll me the deck save and roll give you that damage Shodi. Okay a very unfortunate 14. 24. 24. 24. Okay so for deck save you take all of the damage as Shodi mental fort. Fort so that's 14 damage but but it causes like this is a sudden like burst of Thunder's energy from Shodi's hands knocks you off your feet but you manage to with one hand
Starting point is 00:59:36 grab on to like the rail of the ship so even though you've like lost your momentum you're still at least clinging on to the back of the boat. I'm so sorry I didn't mean to hit you I've trying to get us out of the way of the stupid geyser thing I'm so sorry. Roll me a d20 Shodi. I'll use a big one I'll use the big one come on big one we're fine it's a five. Okay all friendly. No we're just gonna leave her in the wake it's fine it's fine. In hindsight we probably should have like tethered you off or something. It's too much thinking. Yeah upon seeing that I've done damage to her can I actually like hand her a rope like I'm so sorry here's here's a rope in case you need to hold on to us or I can tie it around you if you want them to or we can tie it around your
Starting point is 01:00:31 arms so your arms are latched to the ship so you don't get you know thrown off anymore. Whatever makes you comfortable really I'm so sorry I heard your great stuff. Great stuff, great stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff. Like like I'm trying to like grab like like I'll give back on the ship but like my head and like my side it's just like it's overwhelmed right now so it's like I just kind of go to the floor and just like get to meditative position I'm just like put my one finger claw thing up and do just maybe just a few minutes. I'll be quiet and just kind of hover around it's like low key protection. You've done fucking me up a little bit. Rat as you as you are using control water as you've been helping anchor navigate through these columns inspires that
Starting point is 01:01:19 continue to just burst up every now and again you start to feel that itching festering pain behind your eye. You did look into the eyes of Paunch who was a former seeker what Paunch saw underneath the water you don't know but he wants you to he wants to see what you see. I'm gonna try to ignore it for as long as I can. It hurts it's festering it's itching it's you're fighting that instinct but for now you're able to hold off. Kenny, Trig, are you doing anything? You guys are kind of being tossled back and forward as anchor and and rat are helping to weave between this channel. Yeah well there's not a whole lot practical that I can do so when Trig sees these spires shoot out of the water he's just gonna shoot at them just because he
Starting point is 01:02:07 doesn't know what else to do. After seeing that I'm gonna start making my way back towards where Schuval and Rat and everybody are. I'm your perception check. As you're as you're walking closer towards the back of the boat where anchor and rat are kind of positioning themselves and navigating through you hear this kind of sudden burst of like wind move overhead and kind of rattle through the sail. But you don't see anything just the sudden movement the rushing of the wind. Not to make things worse but I think bronze people are back. I'm gonna slowly get back up. The thing that was on the island is here. That's I'm trying to get it. I'll get it. I started shooting while I leaned to the air. Everyone on the island has followed us. I don't know
Starting point is 01:03:07 what it is. It's just here. That's all the thing I know. Get the child in the hut and then let's get you to guard the door. As you kind of mentioned that all of a sudden you get slammed with just a giant burst of wind that kind of like knocks you off your feet and pushes you into the hut. You can take a shot at disadvantage Trig as you don't see what not Kenny off of its off of her You know what? Sharp shooter. Okay. Okay. With disadvantage that is going to be a 19 to hit. Yeah that'll hit. And I am gonna make this a trip attack. Don't know if that's gonna help but I'm gonna give it a shot. So in addition whatever this will have to make a DC 14 strength saving throw and if it fails it'll be knocked prone. That will be 21 points of damage with the
Starting point is 01:04:09 sharp shooter bonus. Your arrow seems to make purchase on something but when it hits it it kind of spins in a spiral and just kind of juts out. It seems like it took some type of damage but it neither was prone nor did it seem to do a lot. Well we know it don't got legs. I'm gonna run up and just do another war of our breathing so you have to do a listen saving throw or whatever. What's the DC? 12. That's a natural 14. Just as a as a reaction to seeing Kenny like getting shot into the kind of that middle building that we have on the ship. I'm just gonna cast Ane but I'm casting it at level four so Kenny, Shoudy and Trigg have 15 additional hit points and their hit points increased by 15 for the entire duration. It lasts for eight hours. It's
Starting point is 01:05:15 absolutely excessive but it's really trying to make a impression. Not my friend! Uh, Radroll me a concept. You do manage to cast aid out to those who you had blessed it upon but as you do that the pain in your eye just gets so severe that it's almost like taking me kind of situation as it just starts to burn and fester and it just hurts and you know it really really wants to see what you're looking at and it breaks your concentration. Yeah, I'll probably like cast and then physically like react to it so if anyone notices me it definitely looks like I'm in some way taking damage and I'm like putting my hand over my eye and I'm really struggling with the decision to keep it down. Should we roll initiative? Yes, yes, yes we should start rolling initiative. I was just trying
Starting point is 01:06:13 to find a point to where we could do it. I got a 22 with a nat one. A 30, 20. I got a big fat eight. 14. Um, I got a nine. 16. Oh, uh real quick Eli did I take damage for being like pushed into that? Oh yeah, you did, you did, you did, you did, you did. You took seven points of bludgeoning damage. But then you feel the healing life force of Rad's love kill you. You know, I don't mind the little jealous Rad didn't heal me a little bit. You already like him. Kenny, as you're, as you're like kind of knocked, been knocked into this wall and you're trying to get your bearings, you do notice that baron is in the same room as you. And as you kind of notice that as you're getting your bearings, you notice like the sound of that rushing wind and you just
Starting point is 01:07:02 see little baron being just pulled out of this hut and is like now levitating into the air as it's, as this creature is attempting to leave the ship with baron in its grasp. I'm going to go to grab her like full body. Yeah, roll me an athletic strike. That's a 12. You, you do manage to grab onto her ankles as the creature is now dragging you on top of baron out of the hut into onto the deck. And that's about as far as it can go with both of you attached. But it's still like you, all you hear is just like a tunnel of wind around you as you're kind of just holding onto baron. And you just hear baron starting to kind of cry as this sudden change of her situation is making her upset. But you have, you have a hold of baron for now. Next is anchored. Roll me a perception check
Starting point is 01:07:55 before you start. I have an 18. You do see about 10 feet ahead of you, the starting of the bubbling of the water in front of you. What do you want to do? Okay, would I have time to take a longbow shot and avoid the column or is it sort of like I'm going to get one, I'm going to get the other sort of thing? I will allow it to be your bonus action, but you have to roll that athletic check as disadvantage to steer yourself out of the way. Okay, I'm going to stay prioritized then. I'm going to fuel full on into sailing and hope my friends have baron. So I'm just going to avoid that column. Okay, yeah, roll that athletic check then. I have a 21. You go to try to grab your longbow to try to but that sudden bubbling and stuff like that and knowing that there's not a lot of
Starting point is 01:08:43 time before it bursts, you know that you have to sacrifice priority of the ship. So you take a hard steer turning right to avoid that column as it burst up against you and as you guys pass through it, anything else you want to do? I'm going to take a free action to take both my longbow and my blow gun and set it behind me towards the others in case someone, I don't know if everyone has a melee weapon, but they can grab one of those if they don't have some range. Okay, yeah, you pull out your weapons, you set them somewhere safer, someone might be able to access them, but you're waiting to see what is next for the sailing portion of this. Snowball, you're up. Kenny still has wrap down like high up. Kenny hasn't left the ground, but you can see that baron is kind of
Starting point is 01:09:30 being stretched between this creature and Kenny. Okay, so I'm going to go ahead and do, I'm going to do an unarmed strike, but I'm going to basically kind of run and then like use the side railing of the ship to go over Kenny, so therefore I don't like them. And I'm going to go ahead and kick the area above baron and all that, where most likely I would see a however high that would be, I'm going to think like 15. 15 hits. Seven points damage. You go and you take a strike at it and as you, as you kind of assume where it would be in Jason to like, all you see is really is baron, but you kind of take a wild swing above it. You do feel like a force behind it, the wind you pass through. It doesn't seem like it does much, but you do lay a hit on it. Okay, I still get one more
Starting point is 01:10:26 action on that, so what I'm going to go ahead and do is above baron again, so therefore I don't hurt. I'm going to go ahead and use my weapon and you have to do a deck saving throw. That's a natural 19. 23 total. 23. Okay, so you succeed, but you still take some damage. Instead of 12, you're going to take six points of damage. Yeah, you blast that into its face, but it doesn't seem to move it. It doesn't seem to waver, as it's still kind of yanking baron away from Kenny's grasp, which is your turn now, Kenny. What do you want to do? You're holding onto baron, baron is crying, and you just feel all you hear around you is just wind just blowing at you. I can't see the like wind creature or anything.
Starting point is 01:11:24 You can't see it at all, but like since baron is like being held by it, you kind of can at least tell that there's something there around you and her. It's invisible to your eyes. I'm just going to do my best to cast guiding bolt in the direction that she's looking. Okay, so it's a one. It's fine. I'm gonna use my movement to try to find the ground and walk backwards. You like holding onto like baron, it's very difficult for you to kind of cast any type of spell. So you try to cast guiding bolt, but it just goes way out of the way. So you decide to double down and try to brace yourself and try to pull baron, but between the two of you, you're not able to really do any type of pullback as the creature kind of yanks harder and pushes
Starting point is 01:12:20 you like a step forward. So my ally is upright up on it and I have subtle spell. I don't know if we've talked about this yet, but since I am part rogue, can I technically get sneak attack damage because if I'm casting a spell, because my person's up on it and I have subtle spell, or is that? Yeah, if the spell's an attack, then yeah, I would allow it. Amazing. Then I'm also going to use tides of chaos to give myself advantage on this because I have one once a day, I can do that. It's a straight roll because you can see baron, so you can kind of get an idea of where it's at. Okay, so even with tides of chaos, it's a straight roll? Yeah, even with tides of chaos, it's a straight roll. Okay, then Shodi's gonna like run up and throw their hand out and a bolt of fire is gonna
Starting point is 01:13:13 come out 14. 14 will hit. Yes, okay. 20 points of damage. Wow, nice. Hell yeah. And they, Shodi looks incredibly angry and they're gonna run up and grab onto Kenny and keep a weight down and keep us on the ground. Romy did that. Romy, you're on wild tables. Romy, D100 first before you do that. And 88. 88. You cast that spell and you're just like full of rage as you just that whole burst of fire slaps up against this creature causing it to let go of baron as Kenny and baron kind of slam down onto the ground as the whatever it was disappears into the wind. But as you just like hold that pose of that fire just coming out of your hands, you just start to just get filled with just an uncontrollable rage. As you are driven mad by
Starting point is 01:14:25 the just a sheer rush of power, you've gone into a barbarian rage for about a minute. Yeah, you're like mad as shit and you're just uncontrollably angry. Anything else you want to do on your turn before? I will. So like all the things that barbarians have to rage, I now deal with. Yes, for the minute. Then I'm just gonna go and stand by Rad right now knowing that he is okay. I mean, Rad's on the ground. I'm just standing over it. Just like like heaving with chest heaving, shoulders heaving, they're like shaking and just standing over you. And they're usually pretty gentle and they look monstrous for a minute. Rad, it's your turn.
Starting point is 01:15:24 So Rad is like has taken a knee and he's got a hand over his eye, but he looks up and he sees that Baran is being taken by whatever this entity is. So he's got to focus on that. So he just musters all of his energy. His hand is shaking. He reaches into his kind of bandolier that he has. He pulls out this big chunk of molasses. He takes a bite, stretches it out and then with his other freehand cuts it in half. And the moment he does, he casts slow on the entity. I don't know if you have to make a save, probably. You need to make, first of all, it's a 40-foot cube, so Baran might even be affected by it, but they need to make wisdom saves. The rule was 14, natural.
Starting point is 01:16:12 Then I believe it's unaffected. Yeah, you attempt to chuck this molasses into the air, but given that it let go of Baran and Kenny, it's very difficult to see it as the molasses ends up just crashing down onto the deck. Roll me a conce. So you cast another spell. Natural 20. You still feel the residual pain of that you already feel, but it hasn't intensified, but you're constantly getting that feeling and fighting that urge to open your eye patch. I'd imagine by this point it's probably smoking even a little bit. Yeah, it started to get really crazy. There's a ranger behind that eye patch. Anything else you want to do, Rad? I think that's it.
Starting point is 01:16:57 Cool, cool, cool. Trig, you're up. So remind me, I cannot see this thing right now, is that right? No, now that it has let go of Baran, you hear wind blowing around, but you can't see it. I'm going to close my eyes and I'm going to feel the wind blowing across my face, and I'm going to try to extrapolate its position relative to me, swing my bows in that direction, and then I'm going to start popping eyes. Okay. You can roll me a perception check at disadvantage, and then we'll go from there. Natural one. No, no, no.
Starting point is 01:17:38 You hear the wind blowing, but it's all around you. Roll me, you can roll attack at disadvantage. Okay, all right, first attack bucket, Sharpshooter. Natural one, second attack, replace those dots right now. Second attack, Sharpshooter. Unholy heck. Okay, well it's natural 20 and a 14, so that's going to be 19 to hit. Yes, 19 hits, and I am okay, so then that is just going to be a regular attack.
Starting point is 01:18:10 That's going to be 17 points of piercing damage, crossbow expert, bonus action attack. Forgot to say Sharpshooter, but that's okay, because I might have been a good thing anyway, that's going to be a 17 to hit. I am going to make that a trip attack, even though I know it's not going to do anything, I just want the extra damage, and that will be 13 points of piercing damage. It's still nothing drops to the ground or anything. Okay, action surge. So I'm going to do one more attack, Sharpshooter.
Starting point is 01:18:48 Even with advantage, that is a 21 to hit, four. You're rolling a disadvantage, right? I just have a crazy attack bonus. And that is going to be 18 points of piercing damage. Final attack, Sharpshooter. Natural one, but that's okay, that's still a pretty good turn, and I'll end it there. Triggy, you like close your eyes and you try to listen to the sounds of the wind, but you don't, you just hear wind and you just can't really pinpoint what it is,
Starting point is 01:19:26 so the first shot misses wildly. But then you just start to hear something kind of dart across your peripherals, and then you land a purchase, and just like one bolt after the other, you just ch-ch-ch-ch land into it. As you just fire off and off of the earth, and then like the last one, you just kind of like try to do some weird off, like barrel kick move, and like let loose the last one, but it just darts straight into the ocean. You hear like this kind of like, like screeching like sound of wind and
Starting point is 01:19:59 of this like creature, as you kind of feel it like, like fleeing like the general area. As you do, it took some damage, but it was enough to not kill it. But all of a sudden you hear that screeching like stretch away, and all seems quiet. Rad, I mean Anchor, roll me a perception check since you're on the helm still. Okay, about a couple seconds. 15. 15. You again start seeing like off like the left side of the ship, that bubbling that's coming again up ahead. You're gonna navigate around it?
Starting point is 01:20:36 Yeah, I'm gonna make for the opposite direction. With enough time, you're able to just do that. Baran is kind of laying on the ground, just kind of crying at your feet, Kenny. As you see there's like streaks of just like wet on her face. Looks like she's a little bruised from being like dropped on the ground. Are we out of initiative? No, the kid is dropped then on the on it, but all seems quiet. All seems you just it's quiet.
Starting point is 01:21:10 Nothing seems to go on. Rad and Anchor are still working towards getting you through the channel. You're about halfway through for the most part, just almost on the tail end of it between you guys doing all of that. Again, you hear Kenny's at your feet, just the sound of the rushing of wind as all of a sudden again, Baran has just gotten swept up again by this wind around you as it starts to lift her up into. I'll give you a reaction, Kenny, if you want it. Yes, I'm going to, I think you're just going to hear Kenny like in the
Starting point is 01:21:46 a while ago, the way her voice sort of like split into two different voices. That's going to happen again. And she's going to just say drop her and she's going to use channel divinity orders to man. I think we're just going to do the wind person make a wisdom saving throw. It's the DC 14. That is nah, that is a 13. They are charmed until the end of my next turn and they instantly drop anything they're holding. Cool. I'm just going to catch run back into the hot pit possible.
Starting point is 01:22:20 What you guys can feel is like this circling of wind just standing on the deck as it lets go, Baran, and you catch into your arms, but it's just standing there just blowing, just Anchor, it's your turn. Okay. Do I see any pillars coming around? Full perception check. Natural one. The sudden invidity of what Kenny does and you can kind of see this blowing of this monster. You can see that like it's translucent form a little bit now at this point as it's kind of
Starting point is 01:22:48 forced to stay still. It's kind of taken your attention and you haven't noticed any of the columns. Then in that case, I'm going to take my longbow behind me since fuck the columns now. It's going to go bad anyways. And I'm going to take a shot now that I can see the translucent figure. Am I at disadvantage at all? No, I'll give you a straight one for this. So 23 for the first attack.
Starting point is 01:23:13 That'll hit. And 21 for the second. That'll hit. So with the longbow, I've got 14 points of damage total that's with both attacks. Kenny, does that break your channel divinity if the creature is attacked, the charm? It doesn't say, oh no, yes it straight up does. Until my next turn or until the charm creature takes damage. Sure enough, it does take damage.
Starting point is 01:23:41 I had no idea. I'm so sorry. Two arrows into it kind of like goes through its form, but it still makes some type of like purchase from what you can tell. But that creature just shrieks and you hear it just go back up into the air and disappear out of your all of your sight. Anything else you want to do, anchor? No, I just feel bad.
Starting point is 01:24:04 I'm kind of sail straight, I guess, because I don't see. I'm so sorry, Zakiya. No, it's okay. I didn't even realize that. Toss the ball, it's your turn. Can I see it? Because of the way the wind is moving, I would be able to see vibrations. Can I lock in on its location?
Starting point is 01:24:22 Roll me a perception check. Give me a seven. A seven? All right, so yeah, from my perception of where it last jumped off. And my guesstimate. I'm going to go ahead and do, I'm going to do a stunning strike. Straight up, see if I knock the motherfucker. I will get a disadvantage.
Starting point is 01:24:42 That's one, but I get two actions. There we go. We're doing it again. All right. 12. That's none of your, none of your strikes here. So I'm going to, as my bonus action, just in case this little bastard decides to come back, I'm going to hold and do like patient defense for later on so I can dodge out of the way.
Starting point is 01:24:58 That's for sure. Yeah, you swing wildly, nothing hits. You decide to recenter yourself as you take a defensive fall. Kenny, creature in front of you is gone. Cannot see it currently. I'm going to stay in the hut with Baran and just like try to like wrap her. I'm very short too, but I'm going to try to like wrap her in my limbs and just start like rocking back and forth and cast mass, mass healing word, which I think we'll still get
Starting point is 01:25:37 everybody, even if I'm in here. And everyone including Baran will take four points of healing. Everybody including Rad. Here's the thing, it's not in the contract. If Rad is within 30 feet, then I guess unfortunately it will also affect him too. Okay. And that may be why she's doing this instead of using other spells. Okay, cool.
Starting point is 01:26:03 Then everybody will regain hit points. Cool. Then that will end your turn. You cast mass healing on everybody on the boat. You're holding on to Baran. But again, you hear that rushing of wind and all of a sudden just another slam like strikes into you, pushing you over. You hear, you feel like another like force of wind pass through you, but it's not enough
Starting point is 01:26:30 to like do any damage to you. You get 13 points of damage from that first hit though, as you've let go of Baran just by being pushed up against the wall again. And Baran has been like separated from you. Yeah. It manages knocking you over Kenny to grab on and grab Baran as this creature is now making its way out with Baran up into the air, going about 30 feet and making its way up higher. As you just hear the screaming of Baran going up higher and higher.
Starting point is 01:27:09 Shodi, it's your turn. So I can't do magic right now. This is fine. This is super cool, super fine. Sure, sure, sure, sure. How tall is the, how tall is the, the, the like hut that's on the, on the ship? The hut is about like a little 10 feet tall and about like 30 feet across. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:32 And how tall, how high up is the, the wind again? Baran is about 30 feet up. Well, then I will, I don't like this. I'm mad. I will. I'll climb up on top. No, that's going to take an action. Never mind.
Starting point is 01:27:52 I'll just fucking shoot it. Just fucking shoot it. I'm going to shoot it with my, my short bow because that's all I can do. Oh, disadvantage. Disadvantage. Fucking mystery. Oh no. Uh, yeah, I roll out a disadvantage.
Starting point is 01:28:03 That's still a 15. 15? Yeah. 15 will hit. Yeah. All right. Don't get damage on range, but no one's close to it.
Starting point is 01:28:14 Okay. This, uh, six points of damage. Six points of damage. Yeah. Your arrow makes purchase onto something as it kind of like tunnels and, and eventually falls out of this creature. Um, I'm still holding on. And then I will not do any magic and I hate it.
Starting point is 01:28:30 I'll just like use whatever movement I have to stay underneath in case Baran gets dropped so that I can catch her or whatever action movement I have. And I'll use dash if I have to. So, yep, that's all I have. I guess I, that's easy enough for you to do. You, you managed to get right above where Baran is, but she is significantly higher than you. Rad, you're up.
Starting point is 01:28:50 All right. I'm going to run up to Shoddy and say, throw me at Baran. I'll catch her and I can protect her under the water while you finish this thing off. And I'll hold my action to attempt to, to catch Baran once Shoddy has thrown me potentially at her. That's it. That's all I'm doing. Okay.
Starting point is 01:29:07 So remind me while I'm dealing with here. I'm looking up in the air. I've got this creature. How far up? 30 feet. No. Next question. How heavy is the sail?
Starting point is 01:29:17 Looking at it, do I feel like the sail is heavier than me? I would say with its size and material. Yes, it would be heavier than you if you folded it. Great. I run at the mast. I grab the line that's holding the sail up. I'm going to cut the line and try to launch myself up into the air. I'm trying to move.
Starting point is 01:29:37 All right, chest sparrow. Yeah, roll me an athletics check. Don't I need that to sail? You do. You do need it to sail. You do, absolutely. 11. Yeah, I mean, you, you go and you grab the, uh, go and you grab the sail.
Starting point is 01:29:59 And you, you take your knife and you slice it. And you hear just the, the whining sound of, of the pulley system. And you weren't prepared to be like, you launch that quickly up. But you, you are up in the air. Roll me a deck save to see if you can even like do anything. As you've been snapped up into the sky very quickly. Oh, six. Oh, yeah, I mean, you, you get snapped once
Starting point is 01:30:31 you hit the end of that sail. As the sail collapses down and all you just, everybody else just sees trig just flailing into the sky and then falling. This is not going according to plan. Oh my God. Falling, falling, falling. And he misses the boat and slams into the water. You take 15 points of, of damage.
Starting point is 01:30:56 And you belly flop straight into that water. Oh, I can't go back for you. But the sail has been cut and the wind and your speed starts to drastically slow. Oh man. We're going to have a child bottle year. Before we continue, everybody roll me a deck save as, as anchor was not looking out for. Prepare for columns. 18.
Starting point is 01:31:22 18. I also rolled an 18. Another natural one. 19. Back to back now. 30, 20. 30, 30. Trig, you're in the water.
Starting point is 01:31:32 You don't have to roll. Yep. So it seems like everybody. Okay. So everybody but anchor. As the, as the boat starts to slow, now that the, you can hear just the folding of the heavy sail collapsing onto itself. Now that Trig has launched himself into the sea.
Starting point is 01:31:55 Um, all of a sudden on the, on the right side of the ship, all of a sudden you just hear the bubbling anchor. And at the last second you go to attempt to like push the ore, but it just bursts like right down here underneath the right hole of the ship as it just teeters it. You just let go of the ore and you two fall into the ocean. But everybody else seems to manage to like secure themselves on, on the ship. But two of your crew members are now off the boat. And your, and your boat is now slowly coming to a very slow halt.
Starting point is 01:32:31 The tracks for us too much. This is classic. Rad, let me a perception check. You try to like see how far you guys are out from the channel, but that's that painful stinking in your other eyes, just making it hard for you to, to focus. It's still just scratching up against, up against your face. And you just, I don't know how much longer you can. Hold on.
Starting point is 01:32:56 But you all are starting to get your bearings. You guys all can hear the crying of Baran 30 feet up in the air. And it's just like the crying just keeps getting louder and louder. It's unhappy with the situation, not wanting to be there. She doesn't feel safe. She wants to be back down with the people that she at least knows. So you kind of just feel that, that energy that you had felt in that one evening on watch, like coming like above your head as you can tell kind of gauge where Baran is.
Starting point is 01:33:23 And you just feel it just building and building and building and building. And the sounds of Baran's voice continues to just cry, like louder and louder, almost in the way that like Kenny's voice kind of expands and grove and amplitude and sound. As you guys just hear it, eventually like you can hear the sound of the creature that's kind of like holding onto Baran is starting to equally just start to like screeching and pain. All of a sudden you see just this like flashing like pulsating burst coming out of Baran. As you kind of can make out the form of this creature, as it kind of like expands out of this light and then just be sucked back in the middle forehead of Baran's stone.
Starting point is 01:34:05 You guys can also hear another kind of screeching from another one of those creatures above, as it kind of seems to like run and flee out of your vicinity. And Baran is now just toppling from the sky about 30 feet up. Shodi. Yeah, let me an athletics check. Oh, I had an advantage on that because I'm raging. Rage. Rage mom. Rage mom got a natural 20. That is my baby. And that is, no, that is my baby. That's what Shodi's yelling down. That's my baby. Give me back my baby. That's mine.
Starting point is 01:34:39 You rage and then as you like even seeing that jet the whole moment and doesn't waver you from seeing Baran just kind of fall from the sky as you just take one giant like bound up and you just catch her, hold catch her and you just kind of slam down and it kind of makes the ship kind of rot and sway back and forward as you all kind of are now left again to the sounds of silence. Baran is out like a light. She's unconscious. Yeah, she's unconscious. Kenny, fix this. Kenny, fix this. Nice. Okay, put it down. No. And we're going to do cool. We're going to try cure wounds at second Logan. That's 2d8 plus three. Almost like involuntarily rad with one hand over his
Starting point is 01:35:28 eye patch knowing that Trig has blasted off again. He's actually going to run and jump and jump into the water and go swim after Trig to retrieve him. But as he's doing that, he's going to lift the eye patch just for some relief. Underwater? Underwater. Yeah, underwater and then when he gets with an eye shot of Trig, he'll probably bring it back down. Seven points of healing. Seven points of healing. As you like Kenny, as you kind of lay out Baran, you hear the splashing of water as you kind of see rad jump over the edge and start swimming out to Trig who's a little bit further. Anchor, you are easy enough. You didn't fall like too far away from the boat, so you can easily swim up and climb. You bring yourself back up on the deck now that the boat
Starting point is 01:36:11 isn't moving. I actually, when I want to help pull Anchor up really quick and then I'm going to discreetly whisper in his ear, there were two of them. There were two creatures as I pull him onto the deck. Do you think it was them? Yes. And I'm just going to tell him and then kind of walk over and check on the rod. I'm going to leave a little like, I don't know, wrap up a smaller anchor with a little string of rope like 50 feet or something and I'll throw it over the side just in case Trig and Rad can't find the boat underwater or whatever. And it'll be a little war that comes Rad, you kind of under the water kind of alleviate the pain that you feel in that eye as you lift the eye patch and you swim as the eye kind of just like juts around and takes in
Starting point is 01:37:06 as much of its surrounding as it possibly can telling that you're underwater. But eventually you get to Trig and you cover yourself up. Are you going to grab him and like pull him like a lifeguard or are you? Yeah, yeah, totally, totally. I'll have one arm on him as I start swimming. I have a swimming speed of 30 feet, so even if he slows me down, I'm still moving pretty fast. Trig, you feel like you feel Rad's arm kind of like grab you around the upper part of your torso as he's pulled. I can breathe. Yeah, I mean, you're above the water, so yes, you can. I'm not. But you eventually, Rad, it's easy enough for you to drag Trig along with you and you see the rope that has been casted out and you're able to pull both you and Trig up onto the deck. Kenny,
Starting point is 01:37:57 I think I also would have just like mentally commanded Pange to kind of return to the ship as well. Surely after you guys pull up Pange will also climb up the side. Kenny, as you kind of lay down Baran, you notice that like the that matted little stone on the middle of her forehead is kind of like burning like white hot like metal that's kind of like smoldering and as you're kind of healing and eventually the stone turns back to its iron looking matt itself as you regain health to Baran and her eyes slowly kind of open up as she's looking at all of you. And like you start, you start seeing like like, you know how like a little kid like is about to cry and like her eyes are trying to get wider and like the tears are starting to fill and she looks
Starting point is 01:38:41 like she's just gonna say like just break out into tears. I'm just gonna hold her in my arms in the middle if possible. It's quick if I can. Yeah, quickly embrace her and she starts to sob, but yeah. Yeah, just the bouncing and rocking. It's okay, you just absorbed a weird wind spirit into your forehead and that happens all the time. It might be a little hectic for a minute. Shodi's hovering uncomfortably close to you. By now Shodi the Rages slowly has started to subside and you just kind of have more of a numb and empty feeling now that that anger has kind of been washed over you. Yeah, they're still gonna say they're still gonna hang pretty close and then they'll pull out like the taffy and rip it in half and give part to Baran and give part to Kenny.
Starting point is 01:39:28 Well, I'll go fix the sail. That went totally planned. I wanted to spill myself into the ocean It went well. We were all impressed. Thank you. I tried very hard. Is everyone feeling okay? Yeah, I'm good. Good. Well, you're all officially sailors now. You just made it through the winds by our channel. Not anyone can say that. Those things, they followed us from the island, right? There was another time a couple days ago when we were almost talking to them before we went to the island. So they've been, they've been with us for a while. Oh, I think it's possible they could have been with those folks at the dock. Do you think they're the same people or agents of them? I don't know, but it's easy to assume that more than one party could want her. I could see well
Starting point is 01:40:15 how it could go both ways. I don't think it rattly matters. All that matters is that someone's trying to grab her. It doesn't really matter who they lend their allegiance to. Agreed. It's gonna make it very difficult. You can't even see where they are when they come back. Yes. What if we gave her lack a little bit of a disguise job? What if we lack dress brown up a little bit so that she doesn't look like brown anymore? I have a feeling they're like chasing her essence. Not so much what she looks like. And they already know what we look like to wear with her. So that would be a dead giveaway. So we all wear disguises. Wait, I hate to say this. That's actually not a horrible idea. Is there a way, does someone here, is there a way we can actually have ourselves make us invisible
Starting point is 01:41:02 so we can't be sensed? Yeah, I've been here a million times. All you need is a little fake mustache. Okay. That's all you need. I've got some makeup and paints and fake things like a disguise case, but I don't have much in the way of actual magic that does that. I think I have scarves. Two people will make perception checks as you guys are mulling over your next next plan. I got it. 23. Oh, thank god, I got a nine. Oh, a trick. Roll me an intelligence check to try to fix the sail. There it is. I need to roll intelligence, the tire rope. Oh my god. I mean, you severed a whole sail like it's more than just a squad of dumb timbos. The one and only time we're smart. I love you dumb so much. It's great. So, you guys are mulling over like the next part of this plan as you
Starting point is 01:42:05 kind of notice Trigg is also trying to reassemble the sail and it's easy enough for him. He kind of looks at like the piece of rope that he severed and he grabs it like a new rope and he kind of starts to sling it through the pulley and getting it reattacked and he starts to kind of re-raise the the sail back up. You don't see it, but you just get this sudden feeling in the back of your next nevol of just that weird sensation of fear, but you don't know where or where it's emanating from. Trigg, though, as you are pulling up the last bit of the sail, you can actually kind of look out onto like the horizon and see like where you guys are actually at. You guys have completed like the end of the channel and you do kind of see an island off in the distance, but you also
Starting point is 01:42:52 notice something else kind of within on that horizon and you see a ship. You see a galleon-looking ship that seems to be making its way towards you guys in your direction. Do I recognize the colors at all? I assume Trigg is noting this to everyone. Yeah, I shout out, we got company. As Trigg does that, Anchor, you you go off to the side and you kind of look out to the sails and you do recognize those sails. They're Sasanian navy sails on the horizon making its way towards you guys. Hold on, I know how to deal with these guys. I put out a bear trap on where I think, out of where I think they would step onto the ship first. Nobody step in this spot. Only let them step in this spot. I think we should make for the island or something, yeah.
Starting point is 01:43:41 I think we need to get away from that ship. Don't you think they're going to want to get away from them? Anchor, how's your stone? Can we use your stone to get to the island? I think so. I think it's a way to go. I think we need to, we need to go. I highly advise that. I'll happily blow up a ship full of Sisyons, but no, just to be clear, you said this is a Sisyon naval ship. I assume, I mean, there's a piece, but that's certainly unusual for these parts, or am I wrong about that? I mean, various eclectic ships do sail across the Rokewood, including Sasanian ships as trade is common practice, but this is like a, this is like military royal, like royal navy, not like a merchant ship flying under a Sasanian flag.
Starting point is 01:44:30 Right. So, I mean, it's somewhat unusual to see a battleship here, huh? I wonder why, that doesn't matter. Let's get the fuck away from them. We don't want any part of this. I mean, if experience could lend us to make any conclusions, they probably want Baran. I don't know how or why they would know about Baran, but given our luck, we need to go before they signal for boarding. They give us that signal and we deny. So, what's the decision we're going to try to land on Gallen, the island, or Ivelis? I say we break for Gallen. You're going to Gallen? Yeah, we can get lost there. Maybe I have to guess, because I was told we could only see one island. Which island do we see? You saw
Starting point is 01:45:13 this island, but you technically would see both of them. Just on whatever side that trig was on, he could see an island, but you guys are straddling between these islands. So, you would, on the other opposite side, see this island as well. And the Sasanians are going through to Ivelis. Are we going for Gallen, everybody? Yeah, they're, they're, yeah, they're rounding about Ivelis, about right here. And what, what do I reckon the ranges on that ship? Oh, they're on the horizon. They're very far away. It still takes time for you, but you guys have, like, completely stopped, because you had to re... We got a while, but we got a, we got a while, but we got a peel out of here pretty quick. You have to assume that if you
Starting point is 01:45:53 can see them, they can see you. Our sail is repaired though at the moment, right? Yes, Trig has finally pulled it all the way to the top and it's, it's been re, re-shrung. I think I have an idea about how to get rid of at least one of our problems. This, this is a big ship and they probably have a lot of, like, expensive stuff on it. Exactly what Hamukepa might want. What if I did a little recon and maybe I could draw his attention to, to that ship and, and not ours? Or we could be proactive and we could just take it out ourselves. I don't want anything to do with that ship. I don't want you guys to, to risk your lives for it. I, I think this is something that, that I can correct. Can you get back to us? Can you make, can you make it back
Starting point is 01:46:45 if you go over there? If you're heading to Galen, I know where to swim. I'm all for the sinking of a Navy ship. Yes, please. All right, well with, without much more of a word, he throws you a shaka and then just jumps into the water and punch, follows him and he starts swimming in the direction of the naval ship. He's not coming back. And everybody, and, and everybody else is, you're turning the ship towards Galen. I'm going to keep my eyes. Yeah, I'm going to swim out for a little while, but then I'm actually going to stop. And I'd like to, I'd like to take a short rest, if I can. I can breathe underwater. I'm just going to kind of float there and watch it, you know, approach. And I'm hoping to get some spell slots back if I can. And you jump into the water as
Starting point is 01:47:30 anchor, you, you turn the oars as you start setting a course for the island of Galen. Rad, you eventually make it about halfway out as you kind of sink underneath the ocean waves. Are you keeping your eyepatch closed? I am going to take a short rest, but in that short rest, I'm going to, as ritualistically as possible, open the eyepatch and like just mind talk telepathically. You know, in the same way that Humble Keppa talks to me, try to reach out to him and just be like, I have a delicious present for you. You sink underneath the water and the waves and punches alongside you is kind of like circling around you as you kind of like suspended in the water. Eventually kind of just close your eyes and you kind of just
Starting point is 01:48:18 slow your body down, slow your heart rate down, try to take that, that rest. Your mind just starts to kind of wander in the way that you do when you try to connect with, with Humble Keppa. Once you've taken a long enough rest, your unclosed eye just opens up and you can just see it kind of pointing in the direction of that naval ship that is now no more than 50 feet away from you as you can kind of see the underbelly of its ship kind of moving towards you. And that's where we're going to leave it today. So you

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