Mayday Plays - Delta Green: God's Teeth - "Go Forth" (Part 2) | Black Project Gaming

Episode Date: October 17, 2024

#deltagreen #horrorgaming With murder on their minds, Agent DAPHNE and her Friendlies begin their preparations to raid Cornucopia House. Their discoveries beget even more questions, and unusual enc...ounters with aggressive animals leave everyone shaken. The Teeth have been chipped, and their blood-soaked destinies await. Throughout October, we're excited to release the first four episodes of Black Project Gaming's God's Teeth campaign to the public. If you're hooked and want to continue the journey ad-free, join Mayday's Patreon at any tier to gain access to the remaining available episodes. Please note that this campaign is still ongoing and yet to be completed. 💵 Patreon: - CAST OF CHARACTERS - Brett - Robert “Bobby” Gleeckman, NSA Cami - FBI Special Agent Sarah Hart (aka Agent Daphne) Doug - Virginia State Trooper Gerrald "Bear" Swenson Jack - Father Nicolas Alvarado, Professor at Georgetown University Sonia - Captain Leah Caron, Army Physician at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center Vince - The Handler - LINKS - Delta Green - Project Gaming Linktree - - MUSIC & SOUND EFFECTS - Cryo Chamber - ------------- MAYDAY LINKS ------------- 👕 MERCH: & 📰 Join our newsletter: 🎙 Listen to us: 🟣 Apple Podcasts :…ys/id1537347277 🟢 Spotify: 🟠 Soundcloud: 🌟 Other Socials 🌟 🐦 Twitter: 📸 Instagram: 🔴 Website: 🎵 TikTok: 👾 Twitch: 🔵 Facebook: Thanks for your support!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to Black Project Gaming's playthrough of Delta Green, God's Teeth, brought to you by Mayday Roleplay. Get read in at forward slash maydayrp. I'm Vince, your host and handler for this campaign. Joining me are Brett as Robert Bobby Gleekman with the NSA's Tailored Access Operations Unit. Cammie as FBI Special Agent Sarah Hart, also known as Agent Daphne. Doug as Virginia State Trooper Gerald Baer Swenson. Jack as Father Nicholas Alvarado, professor at Georgetown University.
Starting point is 00:00:42 And Sonia as Captain Lea Caren, Army Physician at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center. God's Teeth is a campaign of unthinkable horrors written by Caleb Stokes for Delta Green, the role playing game. For more information on Delta Green, please visit Music in these episodes is brought to you by Cryo Chamber and Epidemic Sound. Music in these episodes is brought to you by Cryo Chamber and Epidemic Sound. This podcast contains veiled depictions of, and allusions to, violence against children, as well as elements of unnatural horror, graphic violence, and dubious morality. As a result, it is intended solely for mature audiences. Listener discretion is strongly advised. Last time, Agent Daphne was called to a gas station in the middle of the night by an Agent Clove, who she had not had any contact with previously, but was informed that there was a essentially an
Starting point is 00:01:45 orphanage that needed to be taken out. Daphne needed to gather this group of friendlies, a list of what she was provided, and was told to get them together, get them guns, and go and kill every adult at this compound, and not to let them speak speak and to contact her for further instructions once it was done. So Agent Daphne being the loyal soldier that she is went out and immediately gathered you all in Sykesville in Maryland for what was ostensibly a domestic violence symposium but was in fact just a cover for a meeting. Agent Daphne, of course, shared the folder that she had been provided by Agent Clove with some of you, specifically with Bobby, Nicholas, and Bear. And you witnessed firsthand what it was that you were being asked to prevent, stop, destroy,
Starting point is 00:02:40 neutralize, what have you. And Dr. Karen and her infinite wisdom was like, nope, I'm good. I'll take your word for it. So essentially the way ahead is, I mean, that was pretty much all that happened. You all were given the general details of Cornucopia House outside of Zion, Maryland, where you are to kill all the adults. Don't let them speak. And I believe a plan was developed to get cars, to get guns, and I believe to do research. So yeah, what is the plan? The main first question I have is like how many of these activities can each of us participate in? As many as you as you can feasibly do I mean at this point it's early afternoon
Starting point is 00:03:35 probably late morning early afternoon, so However much you can squeeze in in the time that you have I Think for Bobby I'd like to do research during during the day and then I'll assist with the gun. Okay. I like the breaking of the gun story at night time. Yep. Yeah, that's right. Because it was steal some vehicles or a vehicle, steal guns and then research during the day, I think, were the big two. in the day, I think we're the big two. Yeah, there's there's plan is to go to Walmart
Starting point is 00:04:10 and get a backpack, baseball hat and winter survival gear and then to to go around casing the town for a gun store to rob. OK, beautiful. Yeah, I think I was going to get some clothes and some burner phones and then figure out where the best location to steal a car later tonight would be as well. So those are so for the clothes, the burners, those are all standard expenses. And I believe Dr. Karen, you are also going to be purchasing clothes as well, right?
Starting point is 00:04:43 Yeah, she's going to help us purchase the new disguises. Okay. So, Dr. Karen, Bear, and Agent Daphne, go ahead and make N times 5 or accounting roles to see if you can afford these purchases. Definitely N times 5. Okay. Success for me. 7 out of 80. OK, beautiful. 45 out of 85.
Starting point is 00:05:10 OK. That's an 84 out of 40. So that's not a success. It's not a success. So for Dr. Karen and Daphne, you're able to afford it with no issues. For you, Bear, reduce one of your non-Delta Green bonds by one from the stress of your spending. Okay.
Starting point is 00:05:31 That's it. But you're otherwise able to afford it. You're still able to get it. You just, you know, the little stressed out. So one of your bonds is reduced by one. I think, I mean, the obvious thing here is to go with Cheryl, my wife. She's probably going to find out and find something on my credit card and I'm going to catch out for it. Yeah. No, that's fair. So, Aidan Daphne, you wanted to find a suitable location to possibly steal a vehicle and Barry, you wanted to try to identify
Starting point is 00:06:02 a gun store, correct? Right. And I mean, you know, see if I can find a few gun stores and choose the one that looks like it'd be the easiest to, to, uh, Rob. Absolutely. Okay. So both of you go ahead and make criminology roles. Oh, that's a critical fumble. That's a 66 out of 40.
Starting point is 00:06:23 That's a critical fumble. That's a 66 out of 40. Aiden Daphne, you're easily able to identify a neighborhood in which, you know, there's been a proven track record of vehicles being stolen. And so, you know, you find you would easily be able to get lost in the noise, so to speak. One more vehicle reported stolen out of many. So it will not be difficult, especially in a city like Baltimore, you would be able to go and make a vehicle disappear.
Starting point is 00:06:50 No problem. Sweet. For you, Bear, are you like casing on foot? Well, I mean, yeah, I think he would probably drive around, like look up a bunch of guns doors and drive around, like, look up, you know, a bunch of gun stores and drive there, but then get out and kind of like walk around it on foot. Check out the back alley. Maybe go in and check for for video camera cameras and stuff like that. Okay. And are you are you sitting in Maryland? Are you
Starting point is 00:07:23 looking? Are you in Virginia? What is your what area? Are you kind of or what state are you sticking? I mean the two are so close that you can drive from one to the other relatively quickly You know bear since we're already in Maryland. Maybe maybe he would stick in Maryland, which is part of the problem. He's not Not in a place that he's that familiar with That does make sense. Yes, so You're you're cruising around and you actually, along with Daphne, you kind of make your way to Baltimore.
Starting point is 00:07:51 It's a bigger city, you know, the outskirts, the suburbs, you're guaranteed to find, you know, a gun store or several. And Sykesville isn't that far away. So you're easily able to make your way down there. As you're driving around, you've identified a couple of prospects. At some point though, you get out of your car and you're looking around this one particular gun store and as you enter an alleyway that's on the side of the building, you see what looks like just a mangy old German shepherd stray. It's hair matted and appears to be missing one eye.
Starting point is 00:08:35 But oddly enough, it's just sitting there in the middle of the alley looking at you. Yeah, I think Bear's gonna, he wants to get back there to check out the back door of the gun store. So he's going, I'm going to just kind of walk, approach the dog carefully and kind of speak in a low, soothing, calm voice, you know, good boy, good boy, who's a good boy? And hold out a hand for him to sniff. This dog is oddly docile, especially for a stray. It doesn't seem to be jumpy at all. Its tail isn't wagging, but its ears aren't back against its head.
Starting point is 00:09:20 It doesn't seem to be threatened. It doesn't seem to be nervous or skittish. It waits for you to approach it. And it's watching you. Again, it's very strange in its stoic demeanor. You reach out that hand, and suddenly without warning, it leaps forward and just takes your hand in its mouth and bites and clamps.
Starting point is 00:09:46 Okay, you can already feel the blood just running down your hand. But it's what's odd though, is that it doesn't, it doesn't latch on. It doesn't shake. It doesn't go in for the kill, so to speak, it bites. And then it retracts. And the dog is once again, resting on a haunches watching you as if nothing even happened take one hit point of damage okay Wow yeah I mean obviously I'm barefoot there with backup is like what what the Jesus Christ fucking dogs what's the matter with you it It just stares. And then you hear the back door open.
Starting point is 00:10:28 Ooh. And a large swarthy individual with a graying beard down to the middle of his chest and definitely a late 90s early aughts mullet walks around the corner. What the fuck's going on here I Was I was trying to pet your dog It's not my fucking dog egg beat it and he like claps his hands loud and the dog Just kind of turns to regard him and then walks off
Starting point is 00:10:58 Hey, look, you know you you can't let you can't have like dangerous animals like that on your property You know somebody could sue you, you know Hey my fucking dog ain't my fucking problem Well, it's alright And you can see he's got a he's got a 1911 45 caliber pistol on a holster on his hip What are you doing creeping around back here? Anyway, I Was I saw the dog and it looked like it wasn't in good shape.
Starting point is 00:11:30 And I thought, hey, I just wanted to check it. How about you get out of here before you're in equally bad shape? You know what I mean? All right, I'll go. I'll go. He just watches you. Yeah, I'll go, I'll go. He just watches you. Yeah, and Bear just turns and walks away.
Starting point is 00:11:50 As you presumably get back in your vehicle. Across the street, you can see that German Shepherd just watching you. Well, this is just like a normal German Shepherd watching a guy that he just bit walk across the street thing, right? Possibly. OK. Somehow I don't think so. Damn. So you said the dog was mangy. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:15 And and rough looking. Definitely astray. Yeah, definitely astray. Like the hair is all matted. It's missing an eye. It's apparent it's obviously been in a scrap or two in its life. Did I see a tag on it or anything like that? Oh, no, no collar, no tag. All right. Yeah, there's probably nothing.
Starting point is 00:12:35 And this was before they were chipping dogs. Right. Yeah, yeah, there's nothing to do about it. Damn. OK. Would Bear know where Captain Karen is? Yeah, Captain Karen or Dr. Karen, are you setting up shop back at the hotel? Yeah, I think what she is, that's what she's doing, because if she'll try to, like after getting clothes and stuff, she'll try to help out Bobby if she can with any research she might be able to do. Okay. Yeah, before we get to that, real quick, Agent Daphne, are you kind of, were you just checking your FBI resources, local law enforcement resources to kind of identify an area or were you
Starting point is 00:13:20 out cruising as well? Probably first the resources she has available and then like if nothing came up then she probably would have tried to go to some areas where she suspected car theft might be a little more common. Yeah, thankfully, you know, with you working out of the Baltimore field office, you have a litany of local law enforcement contacts and access to their systems that you're able to kind of pull down various stats and reports of stolen vehicles. So you didn't even really technically have to leave the hotel to pull that information down. Okay, sweet. So Bear, I'm assuming you're just going to go ahead and make your way back to the Sykesville hotel. Yeah, I think that's at this point, you know, with his tail being in his legs and his arm injured, he's going to go back and see Dr. Karen. Yeah, you looking down at your hand, I'm assuming you're right handed.
Starting point is 00:14:16 Yeah, so you probably would have reached out with your right hand. Looking down, you can see just like right in the webbing of your hand between your thumb and index finger, like the perfect indent of these teeth just down through the flesh and bleeding pretty freely. Well, I mean, if it's still bleeding bad, I'll definitely try and get out of a cloth or rag or something like that out of the car and wrap it around it, but put some pressure on it. But yeah, and then drive as quickly as I can back to the hotel.
Starting point is 00:14:54 Okay, excellent. Bobby and Father Nicholas, I'm assuming you two are kind of beginning your research into various topics of interest. Yeah, because we're in Maryland, right? You are. Yes. So you're I would assume unless you've left, you're still at the Holiday and Express in Sykesville. Yeah, I think unless there are other plans, I think I might head down to the Baltimore Archdiocese to see if I can go
Starting point is 00:15:22 comb through their archives to see if there might be any record of the Cornucopia house, see if there's any sort of, you know, even if it's just slivers of information, just trying to see if there's anything that is on record for them. Okay. Unless Bobby has other ideas. Well, Bobby's gonna, he's got, he does have an idea, but it would just involve him on his computer, so. Yeah, Father Nicholas, your diocese has no such information on either Cornucopia House or families without frontiers.
Starting point is 00:15:55 When you bring it up, it doesn't seem anybody is even familiar with the name of it. However, one priest, you know, mentions that he has had some dealings with a local Russian Orthodox Church, the Transfiguration of Our Lord, Russian Orthodox Church in Baltimore. And they may have had some dealings with families without frontiers. Yeah, he'll snatch that information up real quick. Agent definitely didn't leave us contact for her, Did she? Yeah, she probably would have before she left. Okay, then he will just text her to let her know that he is going to transfiguration What was it called the transfiguration of our Lord of our Lord the Russian Orthodox Church in Baltimore? But yeah, I think he'll just head straight there and if Bobby wants to to come, obviously he's more than welcome to, but otherwise he'll just go by himself.
Starting point is 00:16:49 It depends on how quickly Bobby will be able to get the information that he's looking for. Sure. So Bobby is going to see if he can get like city planning records for the building so that they can figure out what the layout of the building is like. Okay. Because I know it's sort of like out in the boonies so I'm not even really sure if that would be a possibility but he's gonna try anyway. What is your intelligence? 75.
Starting point is 00:17:17 75. Okay. Do you have anything in accounting? I've got an 80 in computer science for the searching of the information and a 70 in accounting. So with the employer identification number and with the 501C3, the tax documents for Families Without Frontiers provided to you by Agent Daphne that was in that Manila folder, not the Cartoon Cat folder, and your access to government systems, you're able to find out a little bit.
Starting point is 00:17:44 It is a nonprofit that goes back to about 1948 and according to this inconclusive audit in the 1980s, the organization is primarily focused on adoption, acculturation, and placement of orphans from Eastern Europe and the United States. The property itself is listed as a hobby dairy farm, but the profits are not enough to even pay property taxes. Less than a year ago, the farm sold 150 acres of its property to the state of Maryland for the development of a new state prison. You're not able to find anything regarding the structures or the buildings on the property.
Starting point is 00:18:18 Like it doesn't seem like they've filed any sort of plans or anything with either the county or the state. So it's difficult to get layouts. But with the information that you've got from the finances, go ahead and make that in times five roll. Oh hey! 53 out of 75, nice. There is something odd about their expenses. Unless they are literally throwing out all of the milk they produce, they're purchasing way too many cows to report dairy earnings so low. livestock appears to make up the majority of their expenses. And a few receipts that you're able to identify that in their tax filings suggests that some
Starting point is 00:18:58 of the cattle they've purchased aren't even from milking breeds. But then again, the farm reports no earnings from slaughter. Interesting. And so just to be clear, the nonprofit organization that operates out of the farm and then the is separate from the business that operates out of the farm is a dairy farm. Right. Yeah. So Families Without Frontiers, it owns that property and that property doubles as a dairy farm. Gotcha. Bobby, it's great to see if you can find out any information on beneficial owners for the
Starting point is 00:19:31 dairy farm because nonprofit organizations don't typically have them. They can have like associated peoples, but I think it might be easier to find out beneficial owner information for them. Yeah. It's probably going to take a few days to make some calls and some additional research to get that kind of information. But I will say, because you were specifically also looking for a layout of the property, that, again,
Starting point is 00:19:56 while you can't find exact blueprints or design paperwork for the structures on the property, you are able to find a general map of the area, which had already been provided by Agent Daphne, but you're able to get higher resolution, higher fidelity on the area. The document that we have, is that like an EIN registration document? Yes. Okay, so it's like a CP575. So you should be able to tell whether or not it's like a So you should be able to tell whether or not it's like a sole trader or like company company. Whether or not it's like an individually owned LLC or an LLC.
Starting point is 00:20:31 That's a bunch of different things. Sure. From what you're able to find and what you're able to determine, it looks like the organization was founded by and remains run solely by one individual by the name of Yelena Calmatiano. Perfect. Okay. So that's the beneficial owner information that I was hoping to get previously. Sweet. OK. What's weird, though, is that she appears to be the only employee of Families Without Frontiers,
Starting point is 00:20:54 but it's almost a certainty that she has other employees off the books based on the sheer amount of work that's going to be required to both maintain a hobby dairy farm and in a refinery. OK, it's not super unusual for companies, especially like sole owned LLCs, to only have the one owner and then just have like employees that wouldn't be listed on any information. And is Bobby texting any of us this information? I guess I think that maybe he would. Right. Like, we're probably all keeping each other apprised of things.
Starting point is 00:21:26 Well, it depends on how much you want out there. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, fair enough. And I will say with your background in the NSA, you're probably not super keen on the idea of communicating information about what essentially amounts to an off-the-books operation over unsecured lines. Yeah, fair enough. For you, Father Nicholas.
Starting point is 00:21:49 I'm just heading towards the Transfiguration of our God, then. Yeah, so you head in, and it's definitely this Eastern European Russian design with minarets and the like, and you head inside and you haven't really dealt with the Russian Orthodox Church very much. I mean, you know, one of the main offshoots of Christianity, one of the bigger ones at least, it's no Catholic Church, but you walk in and I'm assuming you look for one of the fathers. I think he's initially taken it a little back by the severity of everything. You know, it's it's aesthetically a little bit more severe than, I guess, the, you know, he's used to. But yeah, he's going to start looking for someone, someone who looks like they're in a position of authority there.
Starting point is 00:22:42 position of authority there. You find one individual, older man, with this long gray beard and in the vestments of his congregation. And he comes out as you enter and greets you and introduces himself as Father Igor. Father Igor, Father Alvarado, it's very nice to meet you and thank you for taking the time to see me today. I just had a couple quick questions about a charity organization that I think you might have some information on. Yes, I will assist however I can. Yes, I thought that you might have some information regarding an organization called Families Without Frontiers.
Starting point is 00:23:23 an organization called Families Without Frontiers. Yeah, very little. I've not had much interaction with this group, but they have some involvement in the Orthodox community here in Maryland. What do you wish to know? I've heard tell of a house that they've opened up for underprivileged youth. I think it's called Cornucopia House, somewhere out
Starting point is 00:23:47 in the boonies. But I'm hoping that maybe I was trying to connect with someone there about a parishioner of mine who was taken in there. And I'm just trying to see if I can contact them or if you have any information about how to contact them. Unfortunately, I don't have much. They are, how you say, quite an insular community. They are Russian, from what I can tell and from what I have heard and know of them. They have placed several Eastern European children in homes primarily from Russia, Belarus
Starting point is 00:24:30 but They do not have very much if anything to do with our community Have you had any contact with any of the children there? I have not no I'm afraid not. Does anyone from your congregation have any contacts there, or have had any contact there recently? I will be honest with you, Father Lotharada, we tend to avoid them as much as we can. There's many rumors about this particular group.
Starting point is 00:25:09 Oh, if you don't mind entertaining me, what kind of rumors? The unsavory kind, Father Atherondo. If this would be a more comfortable topic for your office, that would be fine, but I must say that I'm concerned to hear that... Is there anything else that you could share, any more details? Are you Catholic, are you Protestant? What... Yes, Catholic. As you know, there are offshoots. Yes, all religions have sects and subsects and cults.
Starting point is 00:25:53 Yes, for lack of a better term. Yes, are you suggesting that there might be cult-like activity there? I will say that a community that claims to have ties to the orthodoxy, that is as insular as they are, yet does not practice in our community, in our churches, who can say? I don't mean to press, but as I mentioned I have a connection to this place that I'm obviously now even more concerned about, having heard some of this information. Do you have anything else that I can go on? Anything else that I can follow?
Starting point is 00:26:37 I won't implicate you or your church at all if discretion is an issue for you but this is just very important to me on a personal level as well as a professional one go ahead and make a persuade test that's an 87 out of 70 he seems to consider it and uh eventually just kind of gives almost this regretful shake of his head and i'm afraid afraid I've already said too much, Father Alvarado. I do not traffic in rumors and gossip, and I feel I've entertained such talk with, by doing my best to answer your questions. And you have my apologies. None of this is fact.
Starting point is 00:27:23 For me to disparage a community, no matter how inceal or unorthodox, is, well, frowned upon, and I'm afraid I cannot be of any more help. I understand. Just one more thing. What if I told you that the rumors that you've heard, some of them may not be entirely just rumor? Then I would say that if you have evidence of this, I would encourage you to contact law enforcement. Right, yes.
Starting point is 00:28:00 Well, thank you so much for taking this meeting with me. I don't want to take you away from your duties at all. But thank you. And he'll start to walk towards the exit. He'll watch you leave before turning back and entering one of the inner rooms in the church. I mean, Father Alvarado isn't a forceful detective or anything like that. He's a priest and a professor with a limp. So he's a man of the cloth. I think he's feeling even more fragile though right now, given everything he's seen and
Starting point is 00:28:38 knows. And I think that he's feeling almost really helpless too. Not just physically, but just mentally and emotionally, like grasping at threads at this point and whatever kind of fabric is keeping everything together, it feels like it's coming undone. As you make your way back to your car, you notice that there is a black cat perched on the roof of the car
Starting point is 00:29:07 just over the driver's side door. Oh, my car? Yeah. He'll walk up to it and he'll just keep its eyes, he'll keep its gaze with his, as he's getting closer to the car, does it look like it's sizing him up or getting aggressive at all or?
Starting point is 00:29:24 No, if anything, like it was sitting on its haunches and that kind of lowers itself down onto its onto its belly and just kind of lays there. Its tail kind of wagging lazily against the the roof of your car. Just watching you slow blinking. Yeah, I'm sitting very carefully. slow blinking. Yeah, I'm sitting very carefully. Just try to scoop the cat up and place it gently on the ground so I can get in my car without it being on my car.
Starting point is 00:29:54 Yeah, you pick it up and it just kind of stares at you. And then suddenly without warning, it rakes its nails, its claws without warning it rakes its nails, its claws across your face, almost catching your eye, but managing you manage to get your head out of the way just in time for it. It's those claws and just those nails to break down your right cheek. You take one hit point of damage. Okay, um damn, uh, ouch. But what's odd is that there's not even a yell. There's not even a hiss. There's not even... This animal makes no noise and you drop it in shock and oddly enough it begins kind of
Starting point is 00:30:39 rubbing itself against your legs, working its way in and out in between them. Yeah, he's shaken by this and he's touching his cheek with one hand and he's got his cane in the other. And I think he just very forcefully slams the tip of his cane against the ground near the cat, trying to sort of start a little way. It appears unshaken. It does move away, especially as you, I assume, reach out and open the door to your car. Yeah. But it kind of just moves away enough to sit there in the road and watch you, again, sitting on its haunches, silently regarding you as you slide in, I'm assuming, to the driver's seat. Yeah, I slide in and shut the door.
Starting point is 00:31:22 And as a buckling, I'm checking the rear view and the side view mirror. And I imagine I see the cat in the side view. Oh yeah. And I meet its eyes one last time before sort of taking a tissue and just dabbing it at the scratches. Then I look at the scratches. How bad are they?
Starting point is 00:31:39 Do they look? They're pretty deep. He got you good. Damn. Yeah, he'll just kind of keep the tissue pressed against his cheek, but he'll peel off and he's gonna head back to the Holiday Inn, I think. Okay. Dr. Karen, what are we doing in the meantime after you make your purchases? Honestly, she's at a loss a little bit because she's not, she's an army doctor, but so she's really only studied the medical side of things pretty new.
Starting point is 00:32:11 So she's not quite sure how best to help with any of the other endeavors that she does offer like, if anyone needs help doing anything, she offers an extra set of hands. You know what, make, uh, make an in times five role for me. She's smart, but she's not experienced in this shit. That's fair, yeah. 27. 27, all right, 27 out of 85. Yeah, one thing you think of, especially working in an army hospital, you've dealt with plenty of family cases before when you're dealing with active duty military, with reservists, with national guardsmen, their families. You've had to deal with social services before. And if this family without frontiers is,
Starting point is 00:33:00 as Bobby's research would indicate, dealing with the adoption and placement of children, is, as Bobby's research would indicate, dealing with the adoption and placement of children, then they very likely have interaction with the state, with the Maryland Department of Human Services and the social workers there. So that might be a potential avenue of research that you or anyone could assist with. Would you have to go in person to the department just to see like, look up the certificates maybe of the Family Without Frontiers? Families Without Frontiers? Just to see what exactly, I know this information Bobby probably already got, but maybe see
Starting point is 00:33:35 what the people at the department's opinion is of the foster house. Yeah, you know, I mean, a phone call would probably get a foot in the door, but it would probably be better to go down in person. All right, I guess she just finds the address in yellow, wherever. Is it Yellow Pages? Was that what it was way back when? Yeah, yeah, Yellow Pages. I mean, they have a website.
Starting point is 00:33:56 I mean, it is a government agency for the state. So, you know, they work out of a 10-story building in downtown Baltimore. Okay, then I think that she'll, um, if Bobby still does, she just hates heading out to do a bit of investigating in the social service side of things. I'll be back. Okay, no problem. She will drive over. All right.
Starting point is 00:34:19 So, you had, you had from Sykesville to Baltimore, it's about a half hour drive, and you reach the main headquarters of the Department of Human Services for the state of Maryland. The main thing you know is that the confidentiality of adoption records is one of the most legally binding protections provided under federal law, and since 1947, all Maryland adoption records are sealed by the state. In order for them to be unsealed, a judge would have to pass a warrant down, finding that officials have good reason to unseal it. Other than that, you know that you would need the signed consent of all involved parties, which includes the adopted child, the adopted parents,
Starting point is 00:35:01 the birth parents, and then the agency. What if she didn't go looking for records on the adoptions themselves? She's just looking for information on the foster home first. She's looking, would a prospective parent be looking to look there first for them if they potentially want to adopt someone or would they go straight to the house, do you think? Yeah, that would be tough to to the house, do you think? Yeah, that would be tough to figure out without kind of knowing more about how Cornucopia House operates.
Starting point is 00:35:31 But, you know, when you arrive, you know, you walk into the lobby and, you know, you see a, there's a public service poster dominating one of the walls and it reads, "'Every child wants a pet but toxoplasmosis is no fun. Cats can spread disease that infect your child in the womb. Paid for by the Baltimore Department of Animal Services. And the photo depicts a young boy and a puppy huddling in fear as they face down this enormous frightening house cat with giant green bacteria
Starting point is 00:36:01 crawling amongst its slavering fangs. giant green bacteria crawling amongst its slathering fangs. Uh, okay, that's quite a poster. I should just find someone to ask, um, not for records on the adoptions of Cornucopia House, but just records on the house itself, like how long it's been certified, just information in general about it. Probably the same thing that Bobby got, but it's good to get like redundant and second, I think, copies. So you find an administrative assistant, a young woman probably in her late 20s, early 30s. Go ahead and make a persuadable. Yeah, 31 out of 60.
Starting point is 00:36:38 31 out of 60, very nice. As you bring up Cornucopia House and Families Without Frontiers, she kind of motions for you to come to the side and says, you know, there's this story among the social workers that the caseload is considered cursed. What? Yeah, I mean, I don't know if I necessarily believe it, but I mean, oh god, the last social worker, they retired, they had early onset Alzheimer's all of a sudden out of nowhere. The one before that hanged themselves, and the one before that quit after a month. Oh, okay. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:37:23 So that just happens. So anyone who takes on Cornucopia House as like a liaison towards them? Or? I mean, yeah, they oversee the placement. I mean, they go and they inspect the premises. They, you know, make sure the conditions are... Humane. Humane, suitable for children. They make sure the placement process works as intended and essentially, yeah, they're there to be the, like you said, the primary liaison between the state and this particular orphanage. Yeah. Who is, is it, does anyone currently have charge of the case, like of the Actus liaison
Starting point is 00:38:04 or is there, is the position empty? Yeah, Carrie Houghton. She's been working it for about three years. Oh. Okay. Is she available to speak with or...? Yeah, she's here today. Let me, I can lead you down. We can bring you to her office. Here, follow me. I'd appreciate it. Thank you. And she leads you down to one of the offices and you see a woman who is probably in her mid-twenties, but she looks about 10 years older. Her eyes are sunken, her hair is hanging limp, she doesn't look like she's gotten a good night's sleep in
Starting point is 00:38:46 maybe ever, at least since she's been working here. Her office is just absolute disarray. It would be impossible for you to sit anywhere just due to the sheer number of stacked file folders. But she looks up and says, oh, good morning, Hi. How can I help you? Uh, hi, Carrie? Yeah, Carrie Houghton. Nice to meet you. I'm Leah. I was just wondering about your work with, um, Cornucopia House? Cornucopia House, yeah. They, uh, that's- that's Families Without Frontiers, right? Yes. Um, that's the organization that works there. Yes, they're the ones who are managing the orphanage. I was just wondering, um, just trying to get a little bit more information about it.
Starting point is 00:39:27 We were, my partner and I were thinking about adopting, but not, not quite yet, but we were thinking about it later. Um, make a human role. No, I'm not good at it. 34 out of 30. 34 out of 30. Yeah. That's, uh, families, I'll be honest with you, that's not even, that's not even my case.
Starting point is 00:39:51 What? Yeah, let me um, yeah, here, come with me. I'll try to get you, try to get you the right person. Oh, that was, apologies for wasting your time. What happens next is bizarre. You've never seen anything like it. She goes from office to office with you in tow, knocking on doors asking if the social workers inside handle case number 121, families without frontiers. The response is the same from everyone that she asks. I thought that was your case. And as she goes from office to office, she becomes increasingly almost manic and seems to have no memory of this being hers. I'm sorry. I don't know what's happening.
Starting point is 00:40:45 That's not my case. That's not my case. Okay, okay, Carrie, that's okay. Do you have any, I don't know if there's like pamphlets or anything regarding this house? If I could just get some general information about it, then I'll just leave you be. I can do my own research um Go ahead and roll persuade
Starting point is 00:41:12 Okay 17 out of 60 17 out of 60 um I can I Can I can look into the I can look into the filings I can I can see what I can find Don't go to too much trouble it's okay I uh I think I think you should leave I'm not I'm not feeling very well do you have a number I can I can reach you at uh sure um and she'll give her um one of the hopefully you'd already gotten the burner cell phone numbers cell phones by now I think yeah she'll give her one of those numbers you can at least give her Daphne's for the time being yeah yeah I'll um call you but I I need to go um I need to go I'm not feeling very well at all uh I'm sorry from a medical standpoint what's up with her do you have
Starting point is 00:41:57 anything in psychotherapy no it's 10 okay whatever is going on is obviously mental and she's on the verge of having a nervous breakdown from what you can tell. I make an alertness rule. Five out of 60. As she's kind of gathering up her things you do notice that there is a folder, a file on her desk with oddly enough 121 written on the on the label and you're fairly certain that you would be able to grab it without her noticing in the current state that she's in. She'll grab it. Okay. She kind of hustles you out of the office and I'm assuming you make your way back to Sykesville with the file and A. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Okay. Oh boy. Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy.
Starting point is 00:42:52 When you eventually review the folder, for the past three years, Houghton's home visit notes for Cornucopia House have given it a score of three out of four in every category. The notes read, sanitary conditions and shoreload for children are acceptable and adhere to the rigors of farm life. Children appear happy, playing often and engaging in many educationally enriching activities. Interviews reveal that the children loved their babushka. Much to do was made about her homemade cookies. The rub is that every single report ever filed on Cornucopia House since 1982 contains that exact same statement in a variety of handwritings. Same statement since 1982?
Starting point is 00:43:35 Yep. And since 1998, it has been in Kerry Houghton's handwriting. Go ahead and make a sanity roll. Oh, that's a fumble. You lose four sanity. Oh, gawd. You've never seen anything like this. Even the laziest caseworker knows to change their shit. This is not... something's wrong.
Starting point is 00:43:58 I think as she's in the car, her, like, as she's reading all of these and realizing that every single one of them is the same, her heart starts pounding in her ear. And like you get like she's getting that rush of the pulse of blood in the ears just the entire time she's looking at this and looking at it and just looking at it. And it takes the force of will just to close the folder and just throw it away from her to the side seat. And she's not looking at that anymore.
Starting point is 00:44:23 She's driving right back. As you are driving back to Sykesville, taking some of those rural back roads, you don't know where it comes from. You never see it coming. But the buck collides with the driver's side of your vehicle. Oh, my God. Oh my god. And its antlers crash through the side window and you feel those antlers scrape across your cheek the surface of your nose, barely missing, impaling themselves into your head. Your face is peppered with broken glass and you swerve. I need you to make a drive roll.
Starting point is 00:45:04 Oh god. That's a failure 68 and 20. The car goes off the road and you manage to slam the brakes on in time just to slow it down enough to where you're not sent through the windshield as it collides with the tree. You take one hit point of damage as you feel the blood rushing down your face from this buck that is still impaled through the window. It's neck broken. It's eyes lifeless blood rushing from its mouth onto your lap. The airbags deploy you feel your nose broken. I think she's crying as she tries to get out of her car,
Starting point is 00:45:45 just crawling out of there. You're able to get out. You have to go through the passenger side due to the large deer. Oh God. She kind of fumbles her way out bleeding everywhere and she's like, her first instinct is to call 911. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:04 Just because she was just in a car accident. An ambulance is dispatched. You are taken to the hospital for observation. They check for a concussion. They bandage your wounds. They seem surprised you're in as good shape as you are. They seem almost convinced that it's a miracle that you even survived, especially with how close that deer came to impaling you as it crashed through your window.
Starting point is 00:46:35 As soon as it's made clear that she's medically stable and she's going to sign herself out, AMA, because she has to get back to the others. And I think she had at least the forethought to while the ambulance was getting there to hide the folder and the rest of her belongings that are back in her car. So she receives her things and she goes back to the others. She probably takes a taxi there. We'll say by the time you get back, it's probably early evening at this point. Um, I mean, the hospital visit took hours, so you're probably, it's well after, after standard dinner hours at this point, probably pushing seven, eight o'clock. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:18 I think as she gets back there to the others, she, um, just shows up, opens the door, puts her back near Bobby and goes to just sit with a thousand yard stare. I think he's so absorbed in what it is that he's doing. He says hello to you without looking up or noticing that anything is wrong. Yeah, he doesn't talk it until you maybe say something to him and then he'll look up and. I don't think she's had something for a good long time. At this time, Daphne, I'm assuming you're back
Starting point is 00:47:55 at the hotel. Yeah, I mean, if it's starting to get dark or it's dark, I might be out getting the vehicle. Otherwise, yeah, I can be hanging out there until we're ready for that. Yeah, and Bear, I know you were planning to meet with Dr. Karen, but unfortunately she was gone by the time you arrived back.
Starting point is 00:48:14 What did you do during the interim? So actually I was thinking about it and it would make sense, you know, if we wanted to find out about this, uh, cornucopia house to check with the police and see if we can get a rundown of incident reports, you know, over the past several years, uh, at the cornucopia house, like anytime the police or paramedics or fire were called out there.
Starting point is 00:48:41 So you'd have to do some liaison a little bit with your Maryland counterparts. Right. Go ahead and make either a law or a bureaucracy. Okay. At the 59, just squeak through. Do you give a false name? If I could, I mean, it would be over the phone, right? Yeah, it would be over the phone. Yeah. so I, yeah, I would give a false name. Okay, with that rule, yeah, you're easily able to find out that there have been no calls of service to Cornucopia House ever.
Starting point is 00:49:19 Well, that's interesting. No fire, no ambulance, no police, nothing. I mean, that seems pretty unlikely for a place that has several kids under their care. Sure does, doesn't it? All right. All right. Yeah. And Father Alvarado, I'll assume you've been, I mean, you easily would have made it back well before Dr. Karen. What would you do in the interim? I think he spent a considerable amount of time at in Baltimore,
Starting point is 00:49:51 first the diocese and then at the transfiguration of our God. But I think after the talk with the father there, Father Igor, I think after talking with him and the cat and still not able to burn the images out of his mind, I think he just sort of goes to the thing that he knows will comfort him. And so I think he probably gets to the hotel a little later because he goes to confession. Oh, let's play that out. Yeah, So you go into the confessional and you hear that slide of the wooden panel as the priest on the other side prepares to take your confession. Forgive me, Father. It has been 28 days since my last confession. I do it more rigorously, more regularly, but I've
Starting point is 00:50:50 been lapsed in it as of late, and I just need some guidance today, of all days. How may I help is, that I know is at its core, good and will help a lot of people, a lot of children specifically. The things that I've seen there though, the things that I've bore witness to, I can't purge from my mind. I feel like I'm stained, I'm tainted with something. Something has attached itself to me after agreeing to be a part of this endeavor. I see. And would carrying out this endeavor, would this relieve you of that stain? Would it wash it away or would it ingrain it more into your soul? I fear that I would become even more stained by it. The things that might have to happen
Starting point is 00:52:09 to help these people, to help these children, they're not godly things. I assume you are familiar with the Old Testament, my son. Yes, yes I am. Ours is a loving God, but ours is also a God of vengeance. You will visit that vengeance upon them, Father Nicholas. He perks up at that. His ears and his eyes twitch at the sound of his name and he just spins towards the opening of the confessional.
Starting point is 00:52:42 How did you know my name? There's no one there. Roll sanity. 14 out of 60. You lose one. Yeah, he'll try to get his composure together as best as he can, but he's gonna get back to his car as quickly as possible.
Starting point is 00:52:59 But before he does, he does peel open the curtain, any other booths, just to confirm that there was no one there. And obviously seeing that there's no one there, it's startle some a bit. When you peel back that curtain to see if anyone was even there, you do see a Bible on the seat open to a particular passage. He'll just look around, make sure that no one's glaring or trying to keep him from going inside, but yeah, he'll reach in and pick it up and just look at the passage. It's open to Genesis, 27.3.
Starting point is 00:53:33 Now therefore take, I pray thee, thy weapons, thy quiver and thy bow, and go out to the field and take me some venison. He lets that simmer, and I think on the way to the hotel he meditates on that passage over and over and over. It's almost like psyching himself up with verse and it even distracts from the pain of his face, the scratches on his cheeks, which still kind of sting. But when he finally gets up to the hotel, he goes to the room that everyone seems to be congregating
Starting point is 00:54:05 in and sees Bobby on the computer, just sort of lost in research. But then I see, I assume I see Dr. Karen and she has a bandage over her nose, at least, right? Oh yeah, oh yeah. She's got, she's got a bandage on her nose. She's got bandages on her cheek, stitches it appears like. Oh my goodness. She's got bandages on her cheek, stitches, it appears like. Oh my goodness.
Starting point is 00:54:29 My goodness, Karen, are you... Doctor, I mean, I'm sorry. What happened? It takes her a second to recognize that Father Alvarado is in the room. And when her eyes go to him, you can almost see the dissociation. And as she comes back from it a little bit, there was a deer. Deer. It crashed into my car.
Starting point is 00:54:57 Bobby's going to look up now, hearing this, and see her and then his eyes are just in a dart in between Father Nicholson for the rest of of the conversation but he won't join in. Oh, I'm glad that you're alright. Is anything broken? They said it was a miracle that was as good as I was. This might be an odd question, Dr. Karen. When you saw this buck, did it look at you? I didn't even see it coming. It crashed into me, into the car, and it died basically with its head in my lap in the steering wheel. Its antlers almost killed me. Did your eyes meet its eyes though?
Starting point is 00:55:46 Did... I don't remember. Bobby is going to be watching Father Nicholas quite close to the antlers. He finds that to be a very odd question. I had a... not a similar incident because obviously you are in much worse shape than I am. But I had an incident today when I was going to visit a church. There was a cat on the hood of my car, and it seemed perfectly docile at first. Even let me pick it up. But as I was trying to place it off the ground, it just snapped. It wasn't even a hiss or warning. And he just sort of turns his cheek to face the others and they'll see the scratch marks that go down from his eye almost down to the
Starting point is 00:56:30 corner of his mouth. Would I be there too? Yeah, I'd say if you're back from making your phone calls, you could probably walk back in as the conversation is happening. I think Bear would just walk in and hear in the conversation and he'd be like, Wow, that is freaky. You got done in by a deer and you got you got scratched by a cat. That is quite a coincidence, guys.
Starting point is 00:57:01 What's wrong with your hand? Huh? Oh, oh, yeah, doc, I wanted to ask you about this. A dog bit me. She's coming back alive a little bit, like the work mode basically turning on. You wash it out, you dressed it. No, I washed it, though, with soap and water, I mean, but they always tell you to do. Was the dog rabid? Why did it bite you?
Starting point is 00:57:28 I don't know. It was just it was just sitting there and and looked like right at me and then, wham, it just bit me. This is alarming. Did the dog look at you? Yeah, he did. He looked like right at me. It wasn't even like he was like there was like malice in his eyes. It was just like nothing. Like a little flash of rage, but from somewhere else.
Starting point is 00:57:55 Yeah, sort of. The same thing happened with the cat. Holy shit, I didn't even put that together. You're right. Bobby's eyes are flicking around the room, trying to kind of figure out how it is that people are reacting to this, because he's very weirded out by it, very concerned. He wants to see if everyone else is the same. Did Bobby leave at all or did he stay at the hotel?
Starting point is 00:58:20 No, he's been in the... OK. Has anyone heard from Agent Hart? She left a little bit ago. She wasn't here when I came back? Not since she left, no. We should at least text her to keep an eye out. Get anyone to find anything, anything useful for what we're going to have to do. So while you all compile your findings
Starting point is 00:58:46 and discuss them as a group, we'll go back to Agent Hart. You know the general neighborhood where to find a vehicle and it doesn't take you long to find one. Let's make some rolls. Oh boy. With your drive, you know what, I'll wire it. Make a criminology role for me. Okay. Success 40 out of some 40 out of 71. Beautiful. So yeah, you you knew the general
Starting point is 00:59:16 area to look for a vehicle. But now you start keeping an eye out for vehicles that are probably unlikely to be reported stolen in the next few days to give you some breathing room. Now you drove, right? I think since she knew she was gonna possibly steal a car, she would have taken like a cab to like a nearby restaurant or something and then walked. Okay.
Starting point is 00:59:39 So yeah, you know, having been dropped off at the restaurant, you begin your walk into definitely one of the less reputable neighborhoods in Baltimore. I'm assuming armed. Yeah, just to be safe. You do find a vehicle, and it is a sedan that should get the job done. I mean, listen, you're not going to be outrunning anyone in this thing, but it should be suitable for your purposes. One thing you notice though is that there is this murder of crows that is circling a
Starting point is 01:00:08 dead possum in the road not far away. Is it like directly in my path? Like I have to get at least kind of close to it to get to the car or can't be avoided? You could try to go around. Yeah. Yeah, has the group texted me at all about their weird animal encounters? I would say since you left, you probably would have left right after it got dark, so probably close to 536 and Dr. Karen didn't make probably make it back till closer to seven or eight.
Starting point is 01:00:34 Probably not. Okay. Still going to give them a bit of a birth just because she doesn't want to like spook the crows and cause like a bunch of noise on the off chance that someone looks out their window. So yeah, not planning to get too close to it. So with your with your skill and with your drive at 50 or higher, you know how to break into and how to hotwire a vehicle. You manage to get in. And with the door kind of open,
Starting point is 01:01:00 you begin to cross those wires together underneath the steering column to get it running. And soon it kicks right up. But when you look up, there is one of those crows perched on the door on the edge, kind of looking in at you. Um, can I just close the door and see if it'll battle, like the movement will make it spook and fly off. As soon as your hand touches that handle, it ducks into the car with you and begins flapping and crowing as it claws at your face. Like getting the hell out of there. I don't want to be stuck in there with a bird, that's for sure. Its claws rake. Your hands, as they come up to defend your face,
Starting point is 01:01:50 you feel its talons rip into the flesh on the back of your hands. You do take one hit point worth of damage from this assault and you dash out of the car, the door open behind you. And almost as soon as it started, it's over. And the crow is perched on the roof of the sedan. Just watching you. Cautiously making sure it's not going to swoop again, getting back in the car and then just driving off, getting out of there, not like speeding off, but like getting out of there.
Starting point is 01:02:22 Yeah, it doesn't budge as you approach again, and you settle back into the seat, you close the door, and only then does it take flight and land on a nearby streetlamp, looking down directly at you. Cool. Yeah, when she gets back to the hotel, she's gonna... she has a first aid kit like her inventory, she's just gonna patch it up really quick before she goes in. When you arrive back in the Holiday Inn Express in Sykesville, everyone is already gathered there.
Starting point is 01:02:54 I'm assuming you all have set up shop in one of your rooms, obviously because the conference room wouldn't have been set up for the whole time. for the whole time. But when you arrive back, everyone is gathered and Dr. Karen looks a mess. Father Alvarado is nursing these cuts to his cheek. Bear has gauze, bandages, a rag, whatever, wrapped around his hand, his right hand. It's definitely a strange sight. And you all see that the backs of Agent Heart's hands are scratched all to hell, along with some scratches on her forehead. Before she went in, she had grabbed her first aid kit and at least bandaged it up, so it's not like actively bleeding or anything. Yeah, so you've got some band-aids on some of them. You've kind of taken some rubbing alcohol and some g gallows to them and stopped the worst of the bleeding.
Starting point is 01:03:47 Yeah. What happened to you? Crow. Alvarado turns his cheek and says, cat. Yeah, Barrow pulled out his hand and said, dog bit me. What the fuck is it with animals attacking us? Maryland? I don't know. That's too many...too many incidences to be a coincidence, but I'm not really sure what else it could be.
Starting point is 01:04:14 It's...I don't...and you see that he's like stammering and struggling to reconcile something within himself as he's starting to talk. and struggling to reconcile something within himself as he's starting to talk. And I think he stops himself from saying what he wants to say, because to him it's too ludicrous. He's a religious man, but he's still somewhat modern and scientific. So I think he keeps from saying the things he wants to say. But he says, I agree, this is far more than just mere coincidence. But if it has anything to do with Cornucopia House, I can't say. I don't know. Well, unless there's a vast amount of animals attacking regular civilians in the city tonight, it likely does.
Starting point is 01:05:04 of animals attacking regular civilians in the city tonight. It likely does. I mean, I know I was the one that just said that it was too many to be a coincidence, but no matter how odd something is, I guess a lot of probability is that it'll happen eventually, right? Can I give you some advice? Baby steps. Just do whatever you have to do to reconcile the weird animals and then move on from there. Don't try to pre-line your understanding of reality all in one night. That might come later, but right now, baby steps. With all due respect, Agent Hart, you pushed us off the deep end. This is not mere baby steps we're able to take at this point. You've shown us something that, well, except for Dr. Karen here, none of us have any real comprehension or grasp of,
Starting point is 01:05:58 or really any real understanding of. We are miles beyond baby steps at this point. She almost looks sympathetic, like she understands, but she also knows herself that worse is likely coming. But she doesn't say that out loud. Has this made anyone change their minds? Dog biting me in the hand is going to stop me from wanting to get rid of those motherfuckers. Good. Is something going to attack me, do you think?
Starting point is 01:06:27 I'd give animals a wide berth for the time being. I don't know if I know how to do that. I don't think we can worry about that right now. We have to focus on the task in front of us. I got more information on the Copia house from its case manager at the social services. I think Bobby had some information as well. Leah just has her eyes closed as she's digging through this.
Starting point is 01:06:56 Oh, yeah, I did. I found out the property that the nonprofit has run out of is actually owned by a different company, which is a single member LLC registered to a woman named Elena Kalamati. I wasn't able to glean much from my visit. It did happen upon a father at a Russian Orthodox church in Baltimore who has had some minor interactions with people associated with families without frontiers, but nothing that he was willing to share. Oh, I also looked for city records for a layout of the building and I wasn't... I'm sorry, I wasn't able to find anything.
Starting point is 01:07:41 Well, it's all more than we had before. Well, it's all more than we had before. Yeah, I was I was going to look for for a gun store we could visit tonight, but I got bid at like the first one. So you guys just want to go there? The guy didn't seem too friendly, but I mean, nobody's going to be friendly if we rob their store. Nobody's going to be friendly if we rob their store. With my knowledge of kind of similar like I did with the cars, just kind of knowing areas where crime is frequent,
Starting point is 01:08:11 cars are stolen regularly. Is there any similar neighborhood that will correspond with like a gun store as well? At Roll, Roll Criminology. So the 65 to 71. Yeah, you you're able to kind of similar what you did with the car, like you said, find a neighborhood where either law enforcement has less of a presence or where break-ins and robberies and burglaries are not abnormal. And it's not far from where Bear first started scouting locations. So that was at least in the ballpark.
Starting point is 01:08:52 All right, yeah, this looks like a promising location. Before we head out, I don't know if any of you are religious, but there's a Bible passage that comes to mind, if you don't mind by sharing it. What do you guys share with us, Padre? It's Genesis 27.3. Now therefore take, I pray thee, my weapons, thy quiver and thy bow, and go out to the field and take me some venison. It's from the Old Testament for those unfamiliar. It's the first half of the Bible when God was a more vengeful God. Well, yeah, let's go get some venison, guys.
Starting point is 01:09:37 I mean all of this to say that I don't think we can afford to be passive instruments in whatever is going to happen tonight. I have never been one to enjoy confrontation or conflict, but I know that at least my God tells me that if forces need a righteous force, that is, then sometimes it must be dealt and I mean now he's looking at at bear says so whatever tools weapons you're able to secure for us I will I will take one as well I want to make it very clear. I don't like violence. I don't like using it. But after looking at that folder, I'm not opposed to its application in this instance. I'm not very good with weapons, and I'm worried I would be more of a danger to those around
Starting point is 01:10:42 me than to the people who are attempting to harm if I was to have one. Maybe some... I can... I'm pretty strong. If we give me something that I can use like that, I might be able to help. And his voice gets progressively quieter as the sentence goes on until he's like... He's not whispering. He's kind of like hunching it on himself. It gets more and more difficult to hear. Beryl go to a gym bag that he has that he got at Walmart and open it up and he pulls out a
Starting point is 01:11:17 baseball bat and he holds it out to Bobby. He says, is that what you're thinking about? I think this is it would be harder. It would be harder for me to accidentally hurt one of you with this. Yeah, I think that would be good. Thank you. All right. Are you ready, then? Ready as I'll ever be. Go steal some guns.
Starting point is 01:11:40 So you all make your way in this stolen sedan back to Baltimore, the epicenter of your crime spree. And the shop, one of the shops you identified, Agent Hart, is actually a pawn shop. It's Apex Pawn. And you, I'm assuming, park a good distance away. You I'm assuming park a good distance away. Oh, yeah. Like if we can be closer to like a bar or something for, you know. Yeah, we went to the bar. We didn't go there. Kind of deniability. Yeah. Good enough. Do you guys mask up?
Starting point is 01:12:17 Did we get masks? I was assuming during the clothing shopping masks were purchased. But if I'm wrong wrong please let me know. Yeah, at least that much. Especially if Leah and Sarah Asian Heart were going at the same time, they would probably have gotten everything that Asian Heart probably thought we needed. Yeah, so masks, gloves, the whole nine yards. The whole caboodle, yeah. Including latex gloves, so like you guys gotta wear those. Good. You approach the pawn shop. First, Bobby's gonna have to defeat the security system, which is gonna be Sigint or Craft Electrician.
Starting point is 01:12:55 I believe I have both of those, but my Sigint is significant. My Sig second is 80. Yeah, I will say if you guys are if you guys are are masked up and gloved up and you just if this is gonna be a snatch and grab Are we going for stealth? Are we going for speed? I? Think speed might be better Yeah, I mean assuming you've got the security system. I think speed should be fine Yeah, you're not gonna have long I think speed should be fine. Yeah, you're not gonna have long. But the security, disabling the security system should bias it. Yeah, and I'm assuming Bobby is also masked and gloved up.
Starting point is 01:13:34 He would do whatever it was that Agent Hart recommended that he do. So he's following everybody's lead. Yeah, anyone that's out of the van is getting fully covered. You Bobby, you work your way around to the back of the building, having identified the electrical box. And as you open it, you notice that something has made its home in there. The rat launches itself out at you. I knew this was coming. Leaps at your face, its teeth bared and buries itself into your cheek.
Starting point is 01:14:15 Bobby screams. Yeah, he definitely shouts. He's very surprised by that. Yeah. I mean, like having a rat jump at your face out of a box in the night. I don't know if he could keep quiet about that, even if he knows he's supposed to. Yeah, you take a hit, one hit point of damage as you have this almost perfect rat bite in your left cheek. Go ahead and make your second roll. I'd also like to push for a Sanity rule here. I know that's not something we normally do, but I feel like closing the circle of animals attacking everyone is just proof to him.
Starting point is 01:14:53 That makes sense. Yeah, go ahead and roll Sanity. 44 out of 50, that's a critical success. You lose nothing. You're able to miraculously stay focused enough on the task at hand that I will even say you succeed at disabling the CCTV and the alarm without having to make a roll. Right. Okay, cool. I think maybe he's like, he's surprised, he shouts out, and then as the rat sort of becomes not a threat anymore, he disassociates the weirdness from the information and just sort of like catalogs the information. Like, okay, this is a thing. This is abnormal and abnormal things are going to be happening and I need to just like see it, catalog it, and deal with all the other stuff later and get to work.
Starting point is 01:15:42 Love it. Yeah, that makes sense. Sarah and and bear. How do you get inside? What kind of lock system? I think it's like a pretty basic lock system. Yep. And there are bars on the windows. Yeah. What's lock picking?
Starting point is 01:15:57 Is that craft? It is special training or it is a craft skill. I could also give you the option to try with dexterity. Mine's 55. I don't know if yours is any higher, Doug. Oh yeah, mine's 65. All right. For Dex. All right, I'll go ahead and see if I can jimmy the lock. Okay. Alrighty. That's a 61 out of 65 for success.
Starting point is 01:16:22 Yeah, you haven't picked very many locks, but you're able to, whether it's the adrenaline, the focus, the severity of what it is that awaits you, you are hyper focused on the feeling of these tools working their way up against the tumblers and until they all are aligned and you're and you hear that click as the lock disengages and you're able to get in the door. All right. Open the door and quickly go inside and close it behind us. Okay.
Starting point is 01:16:55 We're the only two inside going inside, right? You are. Yep. So I just want to look around really quickly to find, you know, like some guns specifically looking for shotguns. Okay. Yeah, and I'll look for ammo. Yeah, you were able to find two shotguns, two 12 gauge shotguns.
Starting point is 01:17:15 This is a pawn shop. So they're, they're, you know, they're not brand new, but they're in good enough shape. You're able to find 12 gauge ammunition for those, Daphne. Any pistols? Yeah, you find a revolver, so pretty much a light pistol and then a medium pistol as well. The medium pistol appears to have been a custom job and along the barrel in this kind of old English font is engraved, bring only death. Well, we got to take the weird one. Yeah, I'll grab that. Okay.
Starting point is 01:17:52 I'll grab the light pistol too for just in case anyone decides they want to also be armed. All right. Yeah. So you got you got a light pistol, a medium pistol, two shotguns, and I'll say you're also able to grab a hunting rifle, a heavy rifle. I'll call out the ammo types for Agent Heart. OK. Obviously, the 12 gauge is easy, but the other ones. But they have any, like, bests? I don't know if they'd have like full on Kevlar or anything here, but any kind of protective gear? They do not.
Starting point is 01:18:29 You might have to check with like a military surplus or something along those lines. But yeah, that makes sense here. Not so much. All right. Too late. Yeah, I think once we identify these and get the get everything we need, we're going to look out of there quick, right? Yeah, definitely. OK. With guns in hand, you make your way back to the idling sedan where Father Alvarado and Dr. Karen await. And I'm assuming, Bobby, you would have made your way back there as soon as the alarm was disabled.
Starting point is 01:19:01 Yeah, I was going to say, as soon as as soon as he's finished his thing, Bobby is going to head back to the car and also ask Dr. Karen if she can help him treat the room down the space. Yeah, Bobby returns to the sedan and it's clear something has he has had his encounter. Like everyone had like he'd seen everyone else in the room that they were in at the hotel do. When he enters the vehicle, he points at his face and says, Rat.
Starting point is 01:19:33 Makes sense. Yeah, she breaks up with her first aid kit and starts washing, disinfecting what she can. It's gonna stink. It's gonna stink like a bitch, man. But then I don't think it'll need stitches, but she does wash it out with saline and otherwise basically doesn't pack the wound but seals it and put some tape over it. Thank you. And Agent Hart and Bear come darting around the corner with the duffel bag in their hand and with that, as the five of you make your way into the night towards Cornucopia House, I think it's a great place to end tonight's session. Thank you for listening to Delta Green, God's Teeth, brought to you by Mayday Roleplay and
Starting point is 01:20:27 the cast of Black Project Gaming. If you like what you heard, be sure to check out Mayday Roleplay and Black Project Gaming's catalogs for even more Delta Green content. You can also follow Mayday Roleplay and Black Project Gaming on Twitter for updates on future releases. Until next time, I'm Vince, your host and handler. With Brett as Robert Bobby Gleekman with the NSA's Tailored Access Operations Unit.
Starting point is 01:20:51 Cami as FBI Special Agent Sarah Hart, also known as Agent Daphne. Doug as Virginia State Trooper Gerald Baer Swenson. Jack as Father Nicholas Alvarado, professor at Georgetown University. And Sonia as Captain Le Alvarado, professor at Georgetown University. And Sonia as Captain Lea Karen, Army Physician at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center. Thank you for your patronage and remember, we'll be seeing you.

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