Mayday Plays - Godzilla: King of the Cosmos, Ep.3 "Battle at Hoover Dam"

Episode Date: January 27, 2024

Last Flag have their hands full as they attempt to lock down a giant lizard! If it isn't their less-than-stellar rolls, it's those blasted blasphemers or Godzilla complicating their plans. Can they ke...ep the Titan in one place long enough for the Summit's zero-beam array to lock onto Godzilla? Will the weapon even work once fired? Find out in this thrilling conclusion to part 1 of our story. Mayday plays Beam Saber, a Forged in the Dark game by Austin Ramsay. Starring: Sergio @surgettrpg as The Storyteller Darryl @Mr_DarrylDorsey as Ty "Judge" Walters, the Officer Allison @InsightChecked as Carol "Brain" Worth, the Scout Zakiya @zakthedrak as Cebi "Ruse" Russo, the Hacker Caleb @ginsbergsong as Roosevelt "Mayor" Freeman, the Ace Special thanks to; Austin Ramsay, the creator of Beam Saber Original theme by Maseru Sato Arrangement by Tomoyuki Minagare Godzilla is a registered trademark of Toho Co Ltd. Mayday Roleplay makes no claims to it and does not profit from any commercial items using Godzilla's likeness. The views and opinions expressed in this video are our own and do not represent Toho Co Ltd. We offer this content for entertainment purposes only. We've got Mayday merch! (t-shirts and stickers) We offer a bunch of art, music, and "behind-the-screen" content on Patreon:, including access to our discord server! Listen to us @: Apple Podcasts:…ys/id1537347277 Spotify:…73ec867215744a01 Soundcloud: @mayday-roleplay Our socials; Twitter: Instagram: Website: Thanks for your support! 00:00 Intro

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I think seeing, um, seeing Ty begin to engage, um, and he's in the middle of an activity of helping someone, which is not really his thing. I think Carol would come to assist the rover or the vehicle that he's picked up, um, to kind of take that off his hands. So I think she'll say over the comms, I got this one, I got this one. Coming in from above. And the tentacles that had been sweeping the ground
Starting point is 00:00:35 previously now kind of retract up to a like more medium height and dangle down like the things that wash your car at the car wash and they will kind of latch onto the vehicle and attempt to like lift it up and away using the speed of her mech to kind of accelerate their pace and she'll stay on the comms. Yeah, easy kid, do what you kind of do. Major, I don't want to get in the way of you're fighting. I just really want to talk to him though.
Starting point is 00:01:10 Only one side of all the visible bombardment systems opens up. It sounds like Carol, you are trying to finish the task of making sure that this reclamation team is safe. So go ahead and make a maneuver roll. Do I have any assistance on this roll? I'm just just asking for a friend. The friend is me. I'll say this, you're using your vehicle. So I'm going to say this is actually going to spend one quark. So one of your quirks has to be used, and you can roll another die. And once you explain which quark is used, how it's used and then roll the die. I think I'd like to use light footed, my quirk. It says footed, but I kind of imagined
Starting point is 00:01:55 with the propulsion of the mech, it's like a hummingbird. So it can kind of like shift direction rapidly and kind of can move with the wind. It's I think probably Rue's automated some sort of I don't know aerodynamics so that it's a little bit more streamlined. So I would use that quirk of this mech to kind of go at a strange angle and be able to pick up enough speed to scoop them up with my neck hook. And unlike Roosevelt, who has the postcard on his dashboard of the place that he loved and was destroyed,
Starting point is 00:02:32 she didn't have anything from the wreckage. So all she has is like a scrap of her report card. She was young at the time that it happened and it's like torn in half and like some of the answers are wrong And at the bottom is just like a note handwritten that says like try again next time But like with a little heart exclamation point at the end Just some handwritten note from someone that commented on her Second grade work that is a one and a six. Okay. Well a six is a success. So We're gonna say that this clock is now filled.
Starting point is 00:03:12 Why don't you describe the final push to get these rovers out of harm's way? She hooks into the car, one hook on the front, one hook on the back, and just kind of swoops it up and lifts it up. And her all of the thrusters at the bottom of the mech fire. and her all of the thrusters at the bottom of the mech fire and she kind of does it and then moves forward just kind of flies near Ruse and on the comm says we got him Ruse we got him they're not gonna die on a Wednesday not on a Wednesday you hear over the intercom the the reclamation team saying thanks thanks, last flag. We're heading back to Alphatopia now. Good, good, good. I think they just give a shadowed thumbs up from the cockpit to brain.
Starting point is 00:03:55 So the blasts fromers are still down there basically trying to shoot on the judge, right? Yeah, it looks like a kind of squadron of blasts fromers all in all terrain vehicles are heading towards Judge's location. So from the clouds, I think blaring into the sky, breaking all manner of stealth but giving him at least the charge on the moment he's doing it. You hear a car horn that plays the call to the post and a loud
Starting point is 00:04:27 speaker breaks up over like coming from the heavens that's sweet. Let freedom ring, you scrumpt mother f***ers. He descends completely wielding a spear that in the back is essentially the flag of the last flag. This big black banner that we probably should talk about in Icon. We shouldn't put a flag on a flag, but that's what I was saying. Yeah, no, we should absolutely put a flag on a flag. Go ahead. So the last flag is a black banner with a black flag that is planted into the earth that I guess has a black flag on the
Starting point is 00:05:09 flag. The flag keeps going. Yeah. It just continues. But it's wreathed around in laurels and this silver earth that it's pierced into on the logo. But he's wielding it as a spear and on on the end, the metal degrades into this disjointed, like pulled apart compartment of it that then exposes this red-lasered spear tip.
Starting point is 00:05:38 And he is literally as fast as he fucking can. He's going to implement his quirk, which is called just straight gas, and he is going to plummet to the earth on top of the blast-formers with that spear, and hopefully battle them until one remains. Okay, so you're gonna kind of pile drive into this group. Feels like a battle.
Starting point is 00:06:02 This is a risky position with a, we'll say, great effect because of the fact that you were hidden. And I've got a six. Incredible. Why don't you describe the scene of destruction? I think that you said there's five of them? Yes. About, yeah, I think that he lands on one of them as his legs deploy halfway through and it just crunches the center of the SUV as it contorts around his leg.
Starting point is 00:06:31 He pierces another one through the side passenger in through the driver's side with the steer. He kicks another and it just goes sailing off in the direction of a Godzilla horizon Um And with his last action if he can he's gonna try and you know secure one I would say that this is a small enough contingency on a sixth success You're able to destroy most of them There is still a large contingency of blasphemers closer to Godzilla And i'll say that this moves the clock of getting rid of the Blastormers 3 out of 6 on that Blastormers clock. Oh, Rad. Well, then I think my last action would be to wrap the hands of Daes around like the final one of that detachment and just sort of lift their car into the sky and keep it there until Carol comes to collect. Over the intercom of all your systems,
Starting point is 00:07:27 the kind of public intercom that you could communicate both with yourselves and with anyone that is on the same frequency, you can hear the person that is inside this vehicle. It sounds like a raspy old man. He comes over and says, stay away from Godzilla. He's on his holy pilgrimage.
Starting point is 00:07:46 What? You'll see when Altotopia is destroyed, we'll be able to ascend to heaven with Godzilla. He's on a, Carol, he's on a pilgrimage. I don't know how to talk to this sh**. It's a Wednesday. I hear you, I hear you. Hang on, I'm coming back around.
Starting point is 00:08:06 I'm going to do a hard turn back over once the car is clear. And I would like to think they all have megaphones on the outside so they can just mech blast at people without getting out of the mech. Yes, I think so. If you don't get out of your mech though, you're going to have to make a manipulate roll as they can't see you. They're just kind of interfacing with the mech. I do pull the car up to the mech's facing, almost like a drive-through window, just in case you did want to get out and talk to them that way.
Starting point is 00:08:41 Yeah, I think just for the narrative drama of it, the windshield of her dome will open up like a little slice and she'll clamor out, still kind of holding on to the side so that she's steadied and can kind of pop back in if needed, but she'll take her helmet off and like look directly into the face of this person in the car. I need to know how you feel about Godzilla. You're trying to consort with this person, right? Or command them? Consort. She is confused. She thought she knew everything about Godzilla. And so she's consulting another expert.
Starting point is 00:09:26 This was a risky position and I think that it would have a standard effect. You're gonna make your consort roll. I think because you don't have any dots in it. It's just a fortune roll to die and you're gonna take the lower number. All right. Over everyone's heads that you just hit. Let her do it. We've already established that she has powers beyond us. Three and three.
Starting point is 00:09:53 Three and three. You hear over the rusted intercom system of his car and he says, all you need to know is that he's God and I do anything for him and you see him reach for a button on his console and that's when the machine the entire vehicle explodes and you are mere feet away from it and I'm gonna say that because of this poor role of yours you're going to take some harm unless you'd like to try to resist that harm She'll try to resist in the just a reactive way like ducking by behind the glass of her mech But of course whatever reaction time she has to kind of try and duck and dodge some of it and for narrative flair When the blast goes off she in her way of repeating things
Starting point is 00:10:47 was going to repeat God so that's the word she yells as the explosion goes off. God! So I'm going to say at best you can make one roll to attempt to resist this. Two. All right you're going to roll dice equal to the attribute and you're going to suffer six stress minus the highest die result. So you are going to suffer four stress from this and you are going to go from a level two amount of damage
Starting point is 00:11:16 to a level one amount of harm. And we'll say that you are singed as, you know, there's this explosion and you have just enough of a reaction time to leap back into your cockpit And only some of the fire kind of rolls over you and burns your shoulder in the side of your body Carol's hair is always messed up and it's even more like sticking up on all odd ends and all of the Octopus arms on the mech are going like this and all of the octopus arms on the mech are going like this. I think this man's sacrifice himself has drawn the attention of the rest of the Blasphemers.
Starting point is 00:11:52 Another contingency of Blasphemers starts heading in your way. These guys have ordnance. You start seeing bombs being sent in your direction and I'm going to ask somebody to make a move or else you're going to get hit by them. We got the people out. They're gone. Carol got one person to talk to, blew himself up. That's what all of them are going to do in Tye's mind. They gotta go. You are in a, I'll say, desperate position and it will have a standard effect if you succeed because they are still Shelling you so there's still a chance for your team to get hit. So go ahead and make a destroy roll
Starting point is 00:12:32 Well, I'm gonna push myself because that's a one-to-three. I'm gonna add just gonna add a die For the best Yeah Three's gonna be the highest I get with that one. So you were in a desperate position. And three, this is the worst outcome. You will not succeed and you're going to experience a desperate consequence. Me specifically, right? You specifically, here's what is going to happen.
Starting point is 00:13:04 You're going to fire at these missiles in the hopes that you can destroy them. But at the last second, they all begin to kind of spiral, some out of control. It almost seems like it's a reaction, kind of anti-bombardment or deterrent. And while some of them break off and kind of explode into the ground, many of them spin and are able to miss your Attack and they begin striking you. You're going to take three harm From a massive bombardment. I'll attempt to resist. This is what I've made my this is what I made my thing for all right Your vehicle is going to be making this resistance
Starting point is 00:13:40 What you're going to do is you're going to exhaust four quarks minus the chosen attribute rating of what you chose So if your attribute rating for destroy is one so you're going to have to spend three quarks to resist I'll get rid of military work force Obvious appearance because I just got tilted and I just I just got tilted and fly big boosters which I just tilted and thought it sounded cool. So you take, you spend all of these things, you know, you let off every rocket that you have, you begin using your blind boosters to dodge some of these hits. Some of them do hit you and so also your ominous appearance is beaten down as there's now holes
Starting point is 00:14:23 and you know know burn marks on your chassis. I'm gonna say that you're going to take a level 2 damage and it is going to be how can we describe you now? Sheld is a good example and now because you've taken 2 damage anytime you make a vehicle attribute roll you're going to be minus one die. Time to start taking these Blastormers seriously, what's the move? After seeing at this point two of us take some serious damage I think Sabi was programming something during all of this and after that second hit the whole screen just like goes negative and after that second hit the whole screen just like goes negative and you see uh like a like strokes of lightning begin to shoot off of their mech like a like a storm is coming from them and it starts like firing in the direction of Godzilla
Starting point is 00:15:18 eventually but also towards the blasphemers. I want to use an ability called Tesla that causes AR confusion. And I'd like, if there are any sort of cars that blow up, that they are convinced to blow up in this lightning storm. Gotcha. You're hoping to kind of subvert the systems and cause some explosions and some destruction. Let's destroy. systems and cause some explosions and some destruction. Let's destroy.
Starting point is 00:15:50 Yeah, definitely going to push myself. Okay. It's not great. You're going to spend that stress and you get another die. It was bad. It was bad both times too. Oh, all right. Oh my God. Guys, we have to get to Godzilla.
Starting point is 00:16:08 We're going to get there. It'll be fine. Yes, I'm going to use the second tactical genius of this, of this thing, to let them do it without adding any stress. This is turning out to be a bit of a battle of attrition. And as you are engaging with these enemies, you can see that Godzilla, who has no interest in you whatsoever, is moving right along past you. I'm going to put two ticks into Godzilla getting away. And I'm going to say now that I've revealed it, it is a clock that is out of 10, as opposed to out of 12. I'm going to say that you take a level of damage, Sabie, in that you are trying to affect them.
Starting point is 00:17:03 You are able to kind of destroy some of them as you unleash your electrical abilities, but it seems like there's just so many of them and many of them are targeting you. You're gonna take one level of damage. I wanna say that you are, you've got bullet holes in you. Gotcha. At this point, because of this kind of desperate position that you're're in I'm going to say that the blasphemers
Starting point is 00:17:29 Who are convinced that you are going to? ruin Godzilla's Trek to Altatopia They're gonna continue to attack you I Think they wouldn't know much better other than to just keep wailing away at the toughest guy, which is Judge so judge They're going to be attacking you and I need you to make a role to try to Avoid this damage or you can just try to continue to engage with them and destroy them before they do too much damage to you
Starting point is 00:18:04 Yeah, I'm just gonna destroy Or you can just try to continue to engage with them and destroy them before they do too much damage to you. Yeah, I'm just gonna destroy them. You are in a desperate position because you've been damaged and I'll say that if on a success, it will have a standard effect. I'm gonna push myself. All right, you're gonna spend another two stress. That's a three. Somebody warm up this man's dice, my god. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:37 Sorry. I think that because of the standard consequence, you're just going to take another level two harm. Could I assist him by taking some of the heat off of him? I'm thinking like I engage like an insane amount of speed to try and like get some of those missiles out of the way. Definitely picture you yelling, Yee-haw. Yeah, yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:19:01 Just trying to jump in front of the president's bullet or whatever and deploy anti-missile measures. You're gonna take one level of stress, Roosevelt, as sure enough, they start turning their weapons on you. We'll call this level two damage in this instance. So you're not going to take any damage, Ty. I try to do one thing and then I freaking shi-it the bed on everything.
Starting point is 00:19:26 At this point Carol sitting in her mech chart was sit on her face just breathing heavily doing her Godzilla snort and she's going to look up and see Godzilla moving forward and even though she doesn't understand what her vision entailed, she does know that she has to complete this mission. So she is going to use her sharpshooter ability. Let me do order of operations. I think I have to like take a shot,
Starting point is 00:19:57 which is an ability or an attribute. And then I intend to push myself if we're allowing like a pre-push gamble Because this sharp shooter activates on a push. So my overall goal is to level one of my like take those claws kind of come out of the front of the mech and Have this like very intense looking sniper rifle that kind of unfolds the metal from the from the claw hands unfolds and levies at Godzilla in the distance. And she's she's going to try to do a what is that? The AT AT wrap up with Godzilla but from a distance. So like, I like it's
Starting point is 00:20:39 going to be like a string with weights on it. And the intent is just kind of like slow him down from a distance to allow the team some time to Get over there. Okay You're going to go ahead and push yourself and it sounds like you're going to make this feels like a bit of a bombard Carol starts like beads of sweat break out of her forehead. She grits her teeth and rolls a three and a four All right of his forehead, she grits her teeth and rolls a three and a four. All right. Here's what I'll say, because of your sharpshooter ability, you're going to succeed.
Starting point is 00:21:11 You fire this extremely long cable that flies, arcs up into the air, and then as it comes down, kind of like, you know, unfurled and begins to wrap itself around Godzilla's tail, successfully locking onto him. Because of your, um, less than stellar role though, there has been this consistent... stomping sound as Godzilla makes his way across, and that stomping sound comes to an end. And the silence is almost deafening. Even the blasphemers kind of stop what they're doing to draw their attention to see what's
Starting point is 00:21:50 happening, what's changing with Godzilla. And what's changing is that his enormous head, 80 meters up into the air, begins to turn. It turns and it looks down at his tail and it sees this like carbon steel thing wrapped around his tail and he follows the line out into the distance where he sees your mechs. He grabs the cable and he starts reeling you in towards him. As he's doing that, I shout out to ruse do it now do it now Okay, yeah, I'm gonna ask Carol to make a
Starting point is 00:22:40 Maneuver roll to see if you can resist Godzilla getting you too close to him. Otherwise you might take some damage damage. Alrighty, that's a five. Okay, I think a five is good. Your weapons are stressed, meaning Godzilla is putting all of his effort to drag you in. I'm gonna hang on to them. I think part of her seeing Godzilla, this face of a creature that she has cut out, drawn, dreamed about every moment of the day, getting closer and closer, part of her doesn't resist that. The sparks on your tentacles are starting to shoot as the retractor is no longer able to pull you back and you are being drawn closer to Godzilla. Help! I'm going in! Can I make, can I use the projection to make Godzilla believe that he has already polled her?
Starting point is 00:23:32 There's a fake one, and the real one is sort of cloaked, so he'll do whatever he wants to do to the fake one. Okay, I like that. You are making a manipulate role, I think is what this feels like. Yeah. I'm going to push myself. If Ruse pauses when I say do it now, my first thought is oh sh** you didn't hack the system. No! Then I have to rely on those assholes and I'm gonna call it in to the summit.
Starting point is 00:24:19 Godzilla's pause for the moment. If you're gonna do it, do it now. We're still warming up the machine but it's coming along, just keep him distracted. pause for the moment. If you're gonna do it, do it now. We're still warming up the machine, but it's coming along. Just keep him distracted. Oh, you mother. Yeah, Ruz, what was your result? A three, a three. Anybody want to assist?
Starting point is 00:24:39 I want to assist, but I don't think it's Roosevelt's bag. I just don't know what he would be able to do with the projection. And he's so focused on these blast fumors that are biting at our heels. Yeah. Yeah. I think that the projection does not work. Godzilla simply kind of moves past it, walks through it, and his intent is to bring close what is trying to slow him down. And the blast f blast farmers are almost,
Starting point is 00:25:06 seems like they're almost ready for this. Like they were coming for a fight and you all are dealing with them in one way or another. I'm gonna ask that everybody needs to make maneuver or destroy rolls to see if you can manage to destroy them before they destroy you or get out of their way. And we're destroying the rockets that are coming through us? No, you can target the actual individuals.
Starting point is 00:25:32 I'm gonna spin another two-stress. This went downhill so poorly that somebody flans. Wow! How you doing? Doesn't sound good. Did anybody succeed? Did anybody roll a five or six? I rolled a five. I think unless you roll a six, you are still going to receive one level of damage.
Starting point is 00:26:01 All of you are going to receive under fire, where there's this kind of constant bombardment from them. Just to fill you all in, we have one out of 12 filled to keep Godzilla in the same place. You have three out of six to force the Blasphemers to retreat. I think that Roosevelt has seen that the Blasphemers are just keeping us from doing anything that we actually need to get to
Starting point is 00:26:27 and while ducking out of the ways of the the missiles to to help tie is Beneficial here, but they're just gonna keep firing and we can't keep dodging He's gonna fly in as fast as he can to get up in front to the other blast-former detachment. The spear is, the flag is back on his back and instead his arms are going to almost double, at least at the fists, and become these massive big hands that he's just gonna go up and start fucking decking people in the face, you know, punching cars out of the way. He's going to take the fight to them. I will offer you a consequence role or a consequence die.
Starting point is 00:27:11 You can wipe them all out by having a greater effect. I will increase the effect on this attack. The result, though, will be that Carol makes it to Godzilla. How do we feel about this gang? I mean, in one hand that puts one clock off the board completely and we can better focus on Godzilla. Godzilla, excuse me. On the second hand, we're kind of trapped right next to him and he's very dangerous to be this close to.
Starting point is 00:27:43 I'm going to spin my spark to negate that consequence. That's my ability of mastermind. It's like you may spin your spark to negate a squadmate's consequence, push yourself when you gather information or work on a long-term project. I will take that. Word! This is a risky position with a great effect. We've got it, thank god've got a one and a six.
Starting point is 00:28:07 Okay, alright. So swooping in to save the day, you're just cutting through the remaining forces. I think the first action he takes is to take the remnants of the dude who exploded in his hand and just pelt that sh** down onto another car. But yeah, he's just going wreaking havoc. He wants the Blast Framers gone so he can focus on the car. It is too much for these folks who do not have the same level of machinery
Starting point is 00:28:33 that you guys have. And sure enough, Roosevelt is able to overwhelm them. The remaining forces just begin scattering to the wind. Godzilla is pulling, reeling in Carol. What's the move? I would very much like to either use command or sway to get them to get off their asses and make this thing work now. You're telling me you don't have someone in there typing up a storm that
Starting point is 00:28:58 could actually get past the freaking 10 count? You do it now. Go ahead and make a command. We'll say that you tap into the communications with the the satellite array. Folks that are involved and you try to intimidate them into moving faster. And I'm going to say this while the world is we're out here. F***ing riskin' our ass for you and you're doing you're going to do us like that. Not on the judges watch when you fuck with the judge. The law comes down.
Starting point is 00:29:25 Four. And you know what? I'll spin this too stress to increase the effect to make that better. Alright, this was from a risky position and you've gone from a standard effect to a great effect. I think what happens is the guys on the other line with voices quivering say yes mr judge sir we think we found a couple algorithms to make this move faster and i'll say that you now have three out of 12 of the ticks filled in the keep Godzilla in one place clock as the the array makes whatever it can to move faster because of of the four, I think what makes sense is that Carol reaches Godzilla. You see this 80 meter tall that's 250 feet for
Starting point is 00:30:12 Roosevelt, a beast. Thank you. You are, you know, floating, you know, several meters below it and its eyes are now locked on your machine. It almost seems to be taking pity on you. What are you doing? I'm going to use my mech's ability of psychic amplification. And Carol will just repeat what the judge has told her to just stay calm and breathe. And it's like time slows down.
Starting point is 00:30:42 And right in front of this very dangerous creature, she closes her eyes and breathes and tries to recreate that connection with Godzilla and hopefully convince him not to crush her. You're spending a quirk, your psychic amplification, which will give you an extra die or whatever else you'd like to use if you want to improve the effect. But you're going to have to use a vehicle attribute for this unless you want to open the cockpit and look directly in Godzilla's eyes with your own. Man, didn't work last time, but you know, what's what are the odds that's going to happen again?
Starting point is 00:31:18 She'll do that. She opens up the singed and battered door and stands there. Again, helmet off, just like, like loose at her side and she closes her eyes and says, scrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr or sway roll, I think, would be appropriate. You have no dots in it as far as I can tell, correct? That is correct. So you can use this quirk, you can spend this quirk, to roll one die. I'll take it. Holy s***, she's doing it, it's cold! This is a desperate position with a great effect if it works.
Starting point is 00:32:03 I'll use my Nimble and Light Quirk to make it happen, but I want to buy them a few seconds to just like, like to where they're like searching for their eyes. I'm going to jump in the air and use the reflection of the sun to just try to like shine like a reflection in Godzilla's eyes where they have to look down. Those anime sunbeams. Yeah. Yeah. All right. With two die, make that roll, Carol.
Starting point is 00:32:32 Might make a break. This character is. A five and a three. A five and a three. All right. I could hear the silence and I hate it. Yeah. The complication is you exude. You're so scared.
Starting point is 00:32:49 You screech out to Godzilla. You can see the reflection of Geneva getting in his eyes and his eyes kind of flutter for a moment as he's looking down at you and maybe it's because of the reflection, maybe it's because of you, maybe you do have a connection, but he seems kind of taken by you, doesn't feel threatened by you. I'm going to increase Godzilla's clock in that he is able to get away by three, so he will now have five out of ten filled on his clock to leave as he turns away from the rest of the squad and begins walking with you looking down at your machine just kind of studying I say over the headset
Starting point is 00:33:38 so I didn't tell anybody I may or may not have had some ejection parts put into your mechs, so if anyone feels the need to escape right now, there is a button hidden underneath your seats. Specifically for Roosevelt, it is in the 8. Do not press the 8. I knew you wanted for... Okay, I was going to press it. Carol, as you are carried by Godzilla, you see up close the beast is ferocious and angry,
Starting point is 00:34:19 but his eyes are almost human. There's almost this quality where you have this sympathy for him. He's a monster because he doesn't fit in anywhere and never has. And for just the briefest of moments, even though you know he could crush you at any second, he just is kind of amused by you and doesn't seem to be threatened by you at all. What is the move squad? I'll let everyone else go because none of y'all are experiencing this, so... What would happen if you saw Carol in this position? I can't hack a lizard. All you have to do is keep them in one place.
Starting point is 00:34:56 Can I throw, if there's any empty vehicles from the people we evacuated, I'm going to throw it in the back of his head. Okay. You can make whatever action role you think is appropriate for that. I would love for it to be engineer, but let's maneuver. Manoeuvre works. I think that because his attention is no longer on you, you are in a controlled position, and this will have a limited effect.
Starting point is 00:35:29 Okay. Six and a one. Amazing. I'm going to increase the clock of keeping Godzilla in place by one, so that's four out of twelve. And sure enough, you lob this thing. It's probably something that's still full of gas because when it lands on his dorsal fins, it shreds in half and explodes. And because of the success, I'm gonna say that Carol UC Godzilla grimace
Starting point is 00:35:56 and begin to turn and it looks like his attention is drawn back to the squad. But because of your controlled position, you guys have controlled the initiative right now. We said we have a PA system, correct? Oh, yes. Hey, this is Brett. That's my friend.
Starting point is 00:36:15 You got to carry him. You carry him right there. I put it down before I show you who the real king of the Lost is. Are you trying to intimidate Godzilla? You know what? Yes. That is adorable. If you're just talking to him, you can attempt a manipulate role.
Starting point is 00:36:39 Because he's not close enough, so me coming outside wouldn't matter. Unless me standing outside and then using the P.A. system. I'll allow that. I'll allow that. If it works, all of Godzilla's attention will be drawn on you. Yeah, this is part of the reason why I got that escape pod built in. Forgive, this is intimidation. Yeah, I will stand outside and say this to him.
Starting point is 00:37:01 Okay, make that command roll. I'll say that this is a risky position with a standard effect. Yep. And I'm, yep. No, five. Two ones. Two. Two ones. Terrell. Wow. Holy s***. Okay. If you don't want to push yourself or anything like that I have oh wait. No, yeah, I can't my stress is maxed out now Alright, okay, that'll be fine. Yeah, that'll be just totally fine My crew is crumbling around me I would be stressed I would be stressed I
Starting point is 00:37:42 Rolled again, and I got a four that time, which I will take over two ones. The clock to keep Godzilla in place goes up by one because four isn't as bad as it can get, but it's not a complete success. The problem, though, is that you see one at a time starting at the bottom of Godzilla's tail, the dorsal fin begin lighting up, up his back, and you know what this means, unless you do something quickly, he is about to fire his atomic breath directly at you, Judge. Uh...
Starting point is 00:38:27 I think seeing this at such close range, Carol will shake herself as if from a stupor. This humanity that she saw is kind of counteracted by the inhumanity of what is happening in front of her, and she'll throw herself backwards into the cockpit and the door closes in front of her and she'll just start blasting away with all of those little guns that come out of the shell of her mech and just screaming, It's a Wednesday, Scrocker!
Starting point is 00:38:56 And she's going to just keep firing at point blank range up as this is charging. Because you decide to assist, you're going to add two stress to your pool. That takes a new maxed. I established in session zero that Godzilla's atomic breath does an automatic level three damage.
Starting point is 00:39:14 I'm gonna say that that level three damage is negated as you begin firing into his chest basically, and the distraction is enough for his beam that fires out shoots towards a judge just misses by a few meters as his head turns to react to the fire of your cannons and your weapons. The judge has been spared any level three damage. He's gonna see a parachute going down the background. We've got five out of twelve to keep Godzilla in one place.
Starting point is 00:39:45 You're nearly there. What's the move, guys? I haven't heard from Roosevelt in a while. I would like to fly up and punch Godzilla in the face, please. Okay. That's that's what I've got. Sounds like you're battling. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:57 Yeah, I want to get in close. He's trying firing that beam. It's distracted him long enough to charge that thing up. You know, Carol gets in the way. I think it's a perfect opportunity to zip in when he's not looking and punch him. He hasn't really paid attention to you much, so I'm going to say that you are in a risky position and that you would have a standard effect. Okay.
Starting point is 00:40:19 And I've got a six. Amazing. I'm going to increase our clock. I'll give it two points since it's a standard effect but was successful. So you have seven out of 12. Godzilla fires his atomic ray. It's off and in his reaction to getting shot, the atomic breath goes away and you hear the scree-onk powerful roar of Godzilla as he raises his head in the air. Just before he's about to react to Carol, he gets a left hook from Roosevelt and from your machine, Deus.
Starting point is 00:40:58 And you are now just kind of flying around his head because even what is Deus, a medium size? Or is it a light? Medium size, yeah. around his head because even what is day as a medium size or is it a life? So you're still only about you know 80 feet in height you're still half his size and he's beginning to swat in your direction. I'll say because of that six he let go of Carol and he's now his attention is drawn to you. Seven out of twelve you're close to the end here. Maybe you get a call in from Summit headquarters. We're nearly there, just a little bit longer. I'm going to see, I have two, let me,
Starting point is 00:41:33 I'll tell you what I'm thinking. I would like to use some of my load to produce a series of mines. Okay. To sort of sprinkle around Godzilla, but I also think that I would have had like your displays can tell you where these mines are, so I don't blow you up as well.
Starting point is 00:41:55 What role would you like to make? Either maneuver or, not really manipulate, maneuver or battle would probably be right. I don't have a dot in battle, but that also makes sense for what I'm doing. Make maneuver if you would prefer that. Okay, cool. Six and a three.
Starting point is 00:42:12 Amazing. This was a, again, a risky and standard effect, so I will increase it by another two that we now have nine out of 12. We see this battlefield where all four of you are now finally engaging Godzilla, firing your weapons, dropping mines, and he's kind of reacting, occasionally swatting at you
Starting point is 00:42:34 or going to power up his atomic breath only to get punched again by Roosevelt. Okay, oh yeah, yeah, yeah, then I'm shooting. Oh, my array is just all targeting Godzilla and they're getting X'd off as just like friendly fire so my so my smart missiles or whatever the I got just go straight for Godzilla. Do it. Oh, you're about to do nice. Okay, that's a five. I rolled a one and a five. There we go. Okay, with a five, the clock is going to go up by one, so that's gonna be 10 out of 12,
Starting point is 00:43:09 but there is a risky consequence. You are all within close vicinity of the Hoover Dam. And I think Godzilla is occasionally shooting his atomic breath trying to get you. And one of those times, it actually strikes the Hoover Dam. And the, the cement explodes as all the water begins to rush out of it. Maybe you find yourself in the water, you know, during this moment, I'm going to say unless you choose
Starting point is 00:43:39 to resist it, you're going to take a level one damage, which is you're going to be waterlogged as you are you know thrown from an explosion into Lake Mead. I'm gonna resist this as best I can. I'll spend some armor. So what you can do with this armor is you can negate the damage basically you will not be waterlogged if that's what you'd like to do. Yes that's what I would do hoping for. All right, you are not waterlogged, but you now have used your armor unless you decide to use your vehicle load to have additional armor. Okay, mine is not to do this clock.
Starting point is 00:44:14 I'm sorry, I'm doing something dumb because I know we're getting towards the end of this session and I'm doing the math for the last session. I'm gonna do a flashback. And the flashback is related to the long-term project and it is like a vision of him in the the hangar bay constructing these very large attachments that are like Kite-ness like thorns almost that are made of this very large steel and they're attached to these carbon fiber
Starting point is 00:44:42 Cables that run back up into a portion of the deus in that flashback. And so he's testing the features of that shooting back in and then shooting back out. And it's him like, you know, basically with a specimen from the R&D development or biological field of Altatopolis. Yes, that's our name. Altotopia. Altotopia, sorry. Where like a scale of Godzilla had been discarded or whatever, and he's using this, you know, fraction of it to see if the precision pointers will connect with it. And then coming out of that flashback, I'm going to hopefully extend my long-term project goal a few ticks by shooting these things into Godzilla right now to see if I can start step one
Starting point is 00:45:40 of what we are calling God-Parenthesis-Zilla-Killing-Weapon. Yeah, right, okay. Yeah. Right. Okay. Nice flashback. I forgot we could do that. So, having nothing to do with the mission? It has everything to do with the mission. We're killing Godzilla, goddammit. This is a complicated flashback, so you're going to spend one stress.
Starting point is 00:45:58 Okay. I'll say that this is a risky position, but can have a great effect. Can I expend my quirk, unique manual transmission so that he's like whipping the stick shift and going around the second that Godzilla tries to attack him for stopping him from doing this? I'm gonna add an extra die to my roll. Yeah, go for it.
Starting point is 00:46:18 I want him to succeed. Okay, I'm gonna go with battle. Two sixes and a three. That's a critical success. Is it really two sixes is a critical success That's why you're the ace Describe these kind of final moments as you are pummeling him. I think that like It's that hyper engaged engine as he is flying around the hands and everything and and Forgoing the fists as he remembers this project of his and from the base and you know the undercarriage of his car these big large cable
Starting point is 00:46:54 appendages shoot out Connect almost like zip lines into Godzilla's body And it just manages to hit the chink of the scale correctly to pierce underneath the flesh and find good purchase into Godzilla. And he's doing this on the back scaling just behind the neck. And in four different juncture points, one at those collar bones and then just under the ribs. And he manages just by zipping across some of those punches, some of those claws from Godzilla to get four junctures into his back. I love the image of you with your, you know,
Starting point is 00:47:29 things holding him on his back, kind of reigning him backwards. And it's right around that time that you all hear over the Intercom system. We're in place, the beam array is set. Get away from Godzilla, it's firing now. You see above you the clouds suddenly split as this very narrow beam of energy begins flying down from the atmosphere. I'm gonna ask all of you to make maneuver rolls.
Starting point is 00:47:59 I've got a five on my maneuver. I think this is worth pushing myself on this one. Great. I don't have the ability to, so I'll probably get a die because this is two and drop, and choose the lowest for me. Yeah, I was going to ask, can I spend a quirk to add another die on this? Can I spend my redundant system to do this?
Starting point is 00:48:21 Sure. For description purposes, I basically use the redundant systems power output to like increase my my max ability. I use my intermittent optical camo to roll a five finally because the first one was a two. And I flicker in and out and take the opportunity when he doesn't see me, just scoot away. Nice. Everybody rolled at least a five? Yes. Four. Okay.
Starting point is 00:48:52 This beam from the heavens comes flying down and strikes Godzilla on the back. Just as Roosevelt releases the tethers and flies out of harm's way, you all are tumbled backwards by this enormous rush of oxygen that is pushed away from Godzilla. This kind of sound wave pushes you all. Those of you that rolled a five, I'll say that you're able to get away, but you're all kind of discombobulated. Some of you come crashing to the ground as your mech is dragged away.
Starting point is 00:49:25 Judge, I'm gonna say that you are going to take this level 1 damage and will say that you are concussed. I'd wrap it better than just being dead in the water. It's fine. Instead of a kind of nuclear explosion where you can't see where it would blind you, you can visibly see the beam striking Godzilla. And there is this kind of warping effect that begins to happen where he's almost kind of shimmering in and out of existence. And for a moment it looks as if he's trying to resist it, but then his body just begins to kind of relax his eyes close. And the moment he begins to do that, the ground, the dust that was settled begins to rise as does he.
Starting point is 00:50:23 His enormous feet begin to touch off of the ground of the earth and slowly begins to rise into the air. Godzilla entering a kind of fetal position in reaction to this beam. And you can hear over your intercom people cheering in the command center. You've done it, blast flag, you've done it! And you get the final order that those of you that are able to travel up into the atmosphere follow Godzilla.
Starting point is 00:50:44 There's no way that Roosevelt's letting this thing get off without his eye on him. I mean, he retracts his legs and goes full car and drives out following into space. Same, same. A full thruster is up there. We're so close, Garo. We got this. We're just moments away. We're so close, Carol, we got this. We're just moments away. Well, what if I told you that Godzilla reminded me of my family and not just the killing part, but my family family?
Starting point is 00:51:15 What? Over. I would tell you that I've never taken a ruse test, but that sounds like you need therapy Listen Carol are you saying what are what are you saying actually? I didn't even have a guess I'm saying I'm saying that People are complicated Maybe maybe maybe Godzilla's complicated
Starting point is 00:51:43 Maybe he's maybe he's more complicated than I thought He took everything from me Roosevelt everything that could be I don't know though I Don't know And as you think about what Carol is saying, what it means that there's something more to Godzilla than meets the eye, you just begin to break the atmosphere. Now the beam is clear, this kind of golden light that is transmitting down to Earth and Godzilla is rising up in the middle of it. And now you can see it, what was once secret
Starting point is 00:52:26 now visible to you. You see the zero beam, it is this very large satellite, and as he approaches it there is this massive dish that is luring him ever closer, just as he's about to make contact with it, these enormous retractable arms reach down and kind of encompass Godzilla in this mechanical array system and he seems housed inside the satellite system. I think that is a great place to stop for today. Buc-wile. Buc-wile. Hey, congrats guys. You did it.
Starting point is 00:53:03 So much happened. Good. Well, next session we are going to space gang. So We'll see you next time. Thanks everybody for tuning in. We'll see you in the next episode you

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