Mayday Plays - Heroes You Should Know: Julie D’Aubigny

Episode Date: June 11, 2021

Join Allegra and Amanda as they discuss French opera singer, Julie D’Aubigny...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Oh, what a happy Wednesday we should be having here. Just being in each other's presence. I love my friends. That's where we're starting. This is the energy we're starting with guys. So yes, chaotic, loveable, all the energy. Yes, all of it. It's a good time. Thank you for joining us for Heroes You Should Know, the double nerd show where I tell you about historical figure you should definitely know about, but don't. And then we turn them into D&D characters because why wouldn't we? This week back is my beloved darling Amanda. You're this way, I believe. I don't know which way. Hi. Yeah, no, that's why it's sometimes a little crisscross for me. I would like to first and foremost apologize to you, Aaron,
Starting point is 00:00:58 who is manning the booth, and everyone who happens to watch for my gross appearance. I got the timing wrong. And I literally just finished out working out a minute and then Aaron calls me. He's like, Oh, we're about to go live. I'm like, No, we're not. Yes, we are. So I apologize. We made it here. We're good. I'm not going to apologize for how I look because I look the same way every week. And it's I'm just giving you this low standard. So when it when it changes, oh boy, it's going to be a surprise. No, I really don't care. I like, I'm very comfortable with how I look. Yes. I'm just shower. You look beautiful. Shut your damn mouth. I love you. So I have been so excited about this person that we're going to discuss. I literally
Starting point is 00:01:43 when we I think I found a TikTok like months ago. And I just like, I call dibs and you're like, I already was 10 steps ahead of you, darling. I already marked this specifically for me. I was just like, Oh, yes. I found like a I found like a like a short article on on on this person months before I even like thought about doing heroes. And I was like, I want to learn about this person. And then I was like, Oh, I'm going to do heroes. And then I was looking through my list and I found her and I was like, Okay, Amanda, Amanda gets this, like, no one else can have this. It's for Amanda. No. The, the, the audacity, the, the petty, the, the just boss energy. The this is how I almost like I shawnda rhymes could not write more twists and turns and drama and scandal
Starting point is 00:02:31 and so I am all here for this. So who we are going to be talking about as you can see below is Julie Dabigny. I'm very, I'm going to start this off immediately as I do with every time we have French words. I'm so sorry to anyone who speaks French. The French does not feel good in my mouth. It's not well done. I'm doing my best. I will, I listened to pronunciations and I still can't get it. I'm very, very, very sorry. I'm trying really hard. You're doing your best. That's all we can ask for. You're doing your best. So anyway, so we're talking about Julie Dabigny. And one of my favorite quotes from her is I am made for perils as well as for tenderness, which is so good. Yes. Before we get into it, I'm going to say that a lot of accounts for escapades
Starting point is 00:03:24 are kind of rocked around in different orders depending on who's talking about her, depending on when they like were, were taking down all this information. So this is a general slope of information that is going to be loosely chronological, but there is definitely a chance that some things got misordered because every single source I found had things in a different order. It's also, let's, we got to bear in mind at the time of who she was, there could have been a lot of things to alter on her history here, saying all that stuff. But so yeah, mostly because those are in charge of history and that sucks. Anyway, so she was mainly her main titles that you would see her under were Mademoiselle Mopin or La Mopin. But her, her name was either, there are
Starting point is 00:04:21 discrepancies on her name already, either Julie, Emily, Julie, Emily, or in one case, Madeline, though that might actually come from a book that was written in the 18th, the 1800s, that kind of carries her title and is loosely based on her. So that might be where Madeline comes from, who knows. So she's born somewhere around 1673 to Gaston Daubigny, his name is very fitting, unfortunately. Sorry, dad is a secretary to the guy who works for King Louis XIV and, or the guy, sorry, the guy who looks after King Louis XIV's horses, he kind of trains them and it like keeps them in good health and all that good stuff. So her dad trains the court pages who are going to work in the court of the king. So his daughter learns dancing, reading, drawing,
Starting point is 00:05:17 fencing, all the things that the court pages need to know, Julie learns them right along with them and dresses like a, like a young man most of the time as well. And she also sees the trouble they get into. And on top of that, her dad is something of a scoundrel, we'll say. He's an avid gambler, drinker and participant in other aspects of nightlife. So we know what that means. And her dad was super about her doing whatever the hell she wanted to do. This just sounds like a vagus father to me. Like someone, I'm sorry, they're like, I don't care, you want to drink gamble, whatever. And I'm like, that is a fairy. That's a pretty open. He's okay. He takes her around wherever he goes and wherever he goes is sometimes a brothel. So,
Starting point is 00:06:11 you know, hey, do you do you? Big education very early. So somewhere around 1687, Julie begins an affair or okay. So, so I say she begins an affair. But if you do the math, it's very ick. Don't do the math. It'll grow. I did the math. I didn't like that. Yeah. So she's about 14. To be fair, but to to take historical context into account, it is the 1600s, age is a little more malleable, I guess, but it's still gross. Look, they were like, you got to understand like back then, people what lived till like they were 30. Yeah. Well, I mean, not like 50, I would give them 50. 30 seems like seems like earlier
Starting point is 00:07:01 earlier times numbers. 50, 50 more respectable through that point around that. Yeah, that was like 1400s. There we go. But also from most accounts, she has a pretty significant say in the matter. And like has a pretty significant like she's she's kind of a driving force in this affair. So there's it's kind of it's not great. But it's less it's less bad than it could be. We'll leave it at that. Anyway, she she begins things happen with her father's boss, Count Dominac, who is the one that is in charge of the horses, like I said. And the reason well, one of the reasons speculated for this is that on multiple occasions, anytime Julie had any kind of a suitor, her dad threatened to kill them. Just straight up. It was
Starting point is 00:07:55 like, come near my daughter and I will destroy you. And so Julie's like, All right, cool, cool, cool. You can't kill this guy though, right? She went bad. That's what I'm going after. Exactly. And she went challenge accepted. And she she found a pretty good pretty good pretty good one she that he can't kill. So yeah, so that's all happening. dubiously ick. So later in 1687, the Count has her married to I'm so sorry, sir, de me pas of Saint Germain and Les, which is a township close to the center of Paris. So he has her married off because ick. And so she becomes Mademoiselle Mopin or just la Mopin. And pretty much immediately after they're married, her husband is sent to an administrative position in the south of France while Julie
Starting point is 00:08:56 remains in Paris. It does sound like it's her choice to stay in Paris, but the count definitely sends her husband away. Literally was just like, Get at it. Ladybug. Yes, I am wearing your sword earrings in honor of our girl. I did not notice that. I love them. They're wonderful. I wore them for the key is one trot. And I love these. They are fantastic. They keep hitting my headphones and I don't care. Are they heavy? Not really, actually, I was expecting to be a lot heavier than they were. And I put them in. I was like, Oh, this is okay. I've worn hoops that are heavier than this. So I co co. Yeah, sword earrings because she's a badass. Aaron said you could kill him in with those. If you got like the right angle in an eye or in like a nostril or like an ear.
Starting point is 00:09:49 Goodbye. No, that's like the best little hidden like you're walking in a parking lot scenario. And you got two or it's like that. It's like that. It's like, I can't remember what it's from. It doesn't matter. I'm just you get it. You get it as we do. Lex, thank you for the little bits. That's very lovely. Thank you. Oh, thank you. Anyway, so count sends him away. And then pretty much a couple months maybe after that, Julie gets bored with the count, or he gets fed up with her being like wild and crazy, you know, like a teenager is, I like to think that she just got bored. It just makes it more fun. It's also it also like narratively makes sense because consistently throughout all of my research, it was like, and she got bored. And she got bored. And she got bored.
Starting point is 00:10:46 You think she was ADD or ADHD? I got some major ADHD by a couple of times. I was like, yeah. That's what I got. I was like, oh, just from just from my own recent experiences. Um, anyway, fuck. So no, please don't apologize. Shut up. This is great. You're not interrupting. We're having a conversation. This is what we do. This is great. I love talking to you. I just, I just like to throw in my two cents every two seconds. No, continue. Annually, it's my favorite thing. Don't ever stop. So she gets bored with the count. And immediately becomes involved with an assistant fencing teacher named Deca. Sarah Nice. Sarah Nice. Sarah Nice. S-E-R-A-N-N-E-S. That's how you spell his name.
Starting point is 00:11:41 And shortly after, he goes on the run because he killed a man in an illegal duel and they together flee to the city of Marseille. So he seems rife for, for the, the, the picking of her affections, I guess. So on the road, they make money by giving fencing exhibitions and singing in taverns or at local fairs. And during these shows, Julie would usually dress in men's clothing, but she would build herself as a woman. So naturally, she got heckled a ton because, obviously, uh, exactly. She's good now to all our good male audience listeners out there. Good boys. Love you included in this. So she, uh, so she builds as a woman and is a damn fine sword fighter. So it makes sense. It doesn't make sense that she gets heckled.
Starting point is 00:12:37 Control yourselves, get your shit together. Um, but once a dude yelled that a woman could not possibly duel as well as she did, so she just flashed her like full tits out was just like, yeah, here you go. And yes, we know that tits do not make us a woman, but for the time, first, that's surprising. That's a level of like, I love the, like just the, like, damn, she didn't know fucks zero and absolute fuck it move. Yes. Great. It's like the end of night. That's it. You can't beat it. Go home. I feel like it was like mid-sword fighting too. Like, I'm going to keep going now. Fuck you. And he, and he fell silent. So I could be so broke in the gutters and I would
Starting point is 00:13:30 came in and I would have still tipped her so much money, whatever I had, because I was just like, that was so good. I'm sorry. There is no better comeback. Here you go. Amazing. So they, they pull this, these, these, these fun little exhibitions, and they finally get to Marseille and I think, I think that's where they kind of split off because Julie aboard. And so Julie joins an opera company because why not? And she seems under her maiden name. Even though she can't read music, which isn't uncommon for the time, but for being an opera singer, she can't read music, but she's got a damn near perfect memory, a really good natural voice and some pretty solid acting chops. And she's super attractive. So it's like a perfect combo.
Starting point is 00:14:20 And they're like, yes, come on. So she's there. She's singing. She's beautiful. And she falls in love with the daughter of a local merchant. And they did not hide this affair from her parents, which unsurprisingly, was a huge to do. Meg says, Hey, that's how I got through bands in school. You're right. I also could not read music. I would have Meg play things for me. And then I would play it a year later. They just like exposed you. Oh, no, she, she has all the, we've been best friends for more than how I know, it's dangerous. I don't have perfect pitch here. And I don't think that's what perfect pitch is. But okay, anyway, we're not talking about that. We're talking about Julie. She falls in love with a local merchant's daughter. They don't hide it. There's a huge kerfuffle.
Starting point is 00:15:14 And the parents send the daughter to a convent for her protection. But Julie is unstoppable. She goes to the same convent in Avignon, takes the holy vows and joins the nunnery. Doesn't get struck down by a lightning bolt. So it's pretty chill. And what else? There's more. There is more. I keep getting distracted by chat because I'm looking, I'm looking over at my phone where I have. I can kind of see it. I didn't put it on because I was just like, this is such a good person to focus on. She's incredible. Yes, Lex kerfuffle is a word and I'm going to continue. You think I'm joking? I wrote that down. I was just like, mentioned that like said kerfuffle because that was such a great word. It's a good word. Kerfuffle
Starting point is 00:16:01 is a fun word. It kind of makes me think of like an angry chicken like it's kerfuffle. Yeah, that's where you go. Anyway, she takes vows. She's a nun now. She's making out with her girlfriend in a nunnery. And they start planning their escape. Eventually. And how do they escape? Eventually one of the older nuns dies. They steal the older nun's body, put the older nun's body in the girlfriend's bed, set the nunnery on fire and piece the fuck out. I. There's so much to this. By the way, we're not even done yet. This is like only like season two of this beautiful, beautiful like experience of a show that I've just made up in my head. I'm like, that's the season two finale. My whole origin story. Oh, I'm glad we've I'm glad we've exposed
Starting point is 00:16:59 you now. So you have to think of a different backstory for for when it all comes out. What if Sam, I also reincarnation from. No, I'm sorry. I just I just I'm sorry. That was bad. That was a bad pitch. Take it back. Sorry, Aaron. No, no. Anyway, they get out, they piece the hell out of the fucking nunnery in Avignon, and they go on the run. And as you would expect after three or so months, one or both of them gets bored and the girlfriend goes back home to Marseille. I'm surprised her parents are shocked that she's alive and take the case to court because the entire point was to make it look like she and Julie had died in the fire. And then they they come to see their daughter alive in front of them. And they're like, hang on just a second.
Starting point is 00:17:55 Um, so to take the case to court, Julie is sentenced to death in absentia because they still can't find her. And the crimes that she's she's called down on are arson, desecration of the body. Definitely fair. Yeah, like two of them are very fair. The third one is like questionable because it seems like the girlfriend was super into go along with it. It I'm gonna. Yeah, I think there needs to be a judge ruling on that one, like a secondary look on that. But definitely the desecration of body. That's that would be like the desecration. Yeah, that was that was that was in poor taste. That was definitely in poor taste. Not great. I got it. Ball and like some towels to art. Anyway, so the the plan is to
Starting point is 00:18:43 try her as a man because either because they can't fathom that a woman could do such a thing or because they want to despair the family the shame of having a daughter and a gay relationship. Oh, why not have both? Um, yeah, so Julie's on the run. They're still trying to catch her and like, what's the sentence her? But Julie is just kind of sorry, what is she just fleeing she? Yeah, she's just chilling out in the French countryside, wandering and singing and dueling and dodging the law. During one such duel, she defeats a young man by stabbing him through the shoulder. And he turns out to be a Grandi, which is a Spanish or Portuguese nobleman named
Starting point is 00:19:32 Louis Joseph de Bert de Louis nice. Also, can we talk about the fact that we know the exact rank and name of the dude that she stabs and then later sleeps with? We have no idea what the name of her girlfriend that she burned down a nunnery with is. They took that to the grave, honey. They were not releasing that info. Damn it. I want to know. I just I just I just think she deserves a little credit too. I'm just saying. Uh, much. Yule just says history and you're right. You are correct. Um, anyway, so she stabs him. He's, you know, in the hospital. And through some turn of events, Julie goes to see him and ends up nursing him back to health after they bone in a hospital bed. Just because she's like that, she just can. I love a good
Starting point is 00:20:27 chaotic bisexual. There's just something about it like it's a chaotic sword bisexual like she's hitting all the markers. Yes. Oh my God. Okay. So we're at the hospital. Lady, Mike says it's quite a highlight HIPAA. You're not wrong. Although HIPAA was probably pretty lax in the French countryside. Uh, yes. So they're, uh, they bone. Some people say they become lovers. Other just say that they're just lifelong friends because what's a little stabbing between old chums? I could kind of see it though, either or. Yeah. I just think that would be hilarious friendship. No. Oh yeah. I would love it. I'm okay with it. I'm sorry, my friendship. I'm just saying. Oh yeah, she stabbed me. What? Yeah, we had a duel. She stabbed me. I deserved it.
Starting point is 00:21:20 She made it. I mean, like we totally did it to make up for it, but yeah, we just realized we were really good friends afterwards. She likes to duel. She likes girls. She likes this. I mean, what's not to love? I like to duel. I like girls. I like sword fight. Match made in heaven. Friendship forever. Uh, so she's been traveling like around Marseille and she's been traveling around the French countryside and she decides to head back to Paris because why not? She keeps making a living while singing on her way back to Paris. She trains under an old opera opera actor called Merchal and he teaches her until his alcoholism gets really bad and he either sends her away or she leaves. She takes another lover, another opera singer, Gabrielle Vincent Févinard,
Starting point is 00:22:13 uh, for a short time when she reaches Paris. Um, I think this seems like like a, like an opportunistic boyfriend of like, Hey, I just got back. I'm dodging the lock. Can I hang out with you for a little bit? Um, so at the time there's obviously still a death warrant on her head. So she goes to her old flame count Dominiac, uh, and she's like, Hey, I did this thing. Can you please petition the king for me to be pardoned? And Dominiac's like, Sure, why not? So he goes to the king, he goes to King Louis XIV, tells him the story and King Louis XIV had a, uh, a notoriously rocky relationship with the church. So he thinks this is fucking hilarious. And he's like absolutely full pardon. Get the fuck out. You're good. It's one of those like, it's like how you, like especially
Starting point is 00:23:01 when you did the campaigns, you're just like, technically I shouldn't allow this, but this is, this is like tickling me in a great, funny way. I'm going to this go. I say yes to you guys whenever I run games because you come up with crazy shit and I'm like, I want to see what, what happens. That's what he's like, I want to see what else happens. Go get out. You're free. Yeah. Yeah. So she's back in Paris. She's pardoned and the Paris opera hires her in 1690. Now, if you've been keeping up with the math and all the crazy shit she just did, she's 17. God dang. She's done all this. It's too much.
Starting point is 00:23:44 Back in shit. And she's like, yeah, all right. I'm going to be like a professional opera singer at the Paris opera. I'm 17. She's ADHD. No, she has ADHD. There's no way. There's no way. You cannot, this couldn't even fit into a movie trilogy. There's so much, so much content. You could have as many episodes as the Simpsons and you would still not reach all of it. So I'm just saying I love her a lot. I want to be her when I grow up. I'm 26. She was 17. I want to be that cool. Damn. Yeah. So, so the initially, but she befriends an elderly opera singer named Boulevard who
Starting point is 00:24:27 convinces the opera director, Jean Nicolas de Francine to accept her. And they are very happy they did because she is, as we said before, incredibly talented, very beautiful. Some said she had like close to a photographic memory, but for sounds, is that idetic? I can't remember. I can't remember what the phrase is for when it's like a sound memory, but she had that. Oh, yeah. You know what I mean? Yeah. No, I got this. Someone in the chat. Say what it is. Help, please. So she first appears in the opera later that year as Palace Athena in Cadence et Hermione by Jean-Baptiste Lulé. And that's the only one I'm really going to talk about because she does a lot of work with the opera and that's great. But it's not terribly interesting.
Starting point is 00:25:17 It's all operas that I'm sure if I said the names of, none of us would actually know what they were. And it just, it'd just be like a string of facts while I could tell you a fun story instead. So she does a bunch of operas. She's very well liked. Everyone thinks she's incredible. They think like her like vaguely androgynous look is very sexy. She's well loved as a performer, but the cooler stuff she does is offstage. So that's like the first one we're going to talk about because she's Athena, which rocks. And then we'll just continue on. So she starts out performing as a soprano and then later as a contralto. And it said to have the most beautiful voice in the world. And actually in the future, some of the operatic roles that she takes on
Starting point is 00:26:02 are rewritten to accommodate her lower natural range, even though she, even though she can sing soprano, like contralto is definitely like her, her bailawick as it were. And so, so they're like, yeah, you, you sound great down here. Let's put it down here, which is cool. Her stage name is Mademoisal Mopam. Erin says, list the operas. No. No. Thank you. Gotcha. So, unsurprisingly, she takes several lovers in her time at the Paris Opera, both male and female, as expected. Most of her castmates, because no one knows how to avoid show mances yet, apparently. God, I love a good show, man. They are painful friend. They are rough. Oh, I know. Well, it's good when I get to watch it. Yeah. No, no, that's great. Interesting. I remember like,
Starting point is 00:26:58 tween years. Now it's like, don't do it. Not this one. Go back to past, baby, me and be like, hey, I know you're having a lot of feelings right now. Shut that shit down. Time out. Time out. We're going to come back. Did you have a showmance? I had multiple and it was unfortunate. I never had a showmance. And it was when I thought I was only into men, so it was just terrible. Oh, this is even more interesting. Okay, not that the case. We won't, we won't air this out. We'll talk about it. We're not going to air this dirty laundry. Suffice it to say show mances. If there are any little baby theater babies watching, run away from show mances. They are not for you. They work well in your brain. Do that in your brain. Yeah, you could write that fan,
Starting point is 00:27:44 write that self fan fiction, that OC headcanon fan fiction, and then throw that shit away, wait until after the show. And if after the show and after an amount of time after the show, you still have feelings for that person, fucking go for it, bro. But not during the show. That's the sleep deprivation talking. Nah, just change the character names to like something from Twilight and you'll get a book deal. And I guarantee people will still read it. That was very, very personal tangent. So unsurprisingly, she continues dueling and fighting and brawling and doing all that she does. At one point, she challenges a creepy fellow actor named Dumanil to a duel after he harasses some of the other actresses, asks her out and she nods eyes him and then he calls her a slur.
Starting point is 00:28:36 So she's ready to fucking throw down. And all the other actors in the company are like, no, no, no, no, no, don't do this. Interviewing at the time. They pull them apart. They don't fight. But then later that night after the show, she waits for him outside the theater and steals his watch in his snuff box. Amazing. The next day, he comes in all like battered and fucked up and tries to tell the story about how he was mugged by multiple men and he tried in vain to fight them off. And then in comes Julie. And she hears him doing this shit. She's like, nope, that's not true. Pulls out his watch and a snuff box and is like, it was me, bitch, just me alone. And everyone laughs him off the stage. Yeah. It was me. What was I and taking trinkets actually becomes kind
Starting point is 00:29:33 of a practice after her duels, because men simply refused to admit it was her alone who beat them. So she's like, I got fucking proof. I got everything. Great. I actually made that. I made that kind of a part of my shit. Why? Thoughts about what I think. Yes. I'm after the beat there. Oh, what do you do? Did you do bar road? I did. Oh, for the first time. Are you ready? A multi class. Yes. Okay. I've been always like, I've been like, oh, is it Sergio who's like, no, stick with one class until the end. And then
Starting point is 00:30:21 like, I kind of follow his route. I'm like, I love him. But yeah, like for this one, this one was too. Yeah, I had a multi class. This one, there's so much. We'll get to it in a minute. Yes. Anyway, so shortly after this incident of kicking this dude's ass, she has to flee Paris again. Oh, why? You ask? Well, it is 1695. She is now 22. And King Louis XIV's brother, Philippe, holds a ball and Julie goes, dresses a man, and kisses a young woman on the dance floor. And then she is immediately challenged to a duel by three entire men who have been trying to court this same woman. And she's like, let's fucking go hell. Yes. Take some outside fights them all by the same one after another.
Starting point is 00:31:14 Or there are some counts that have her fighting them all at once. I almost like that. I almost like the idea of one after another. Because when you get to the three, the third dude, he's got to be shitting his pants, because he just watched her destroy two other dudes in front of him. Look, it's either that or she's taking them all at once, which would either way. That gives me like Elizabeth Swan and like Pirates 2 in that bar scene. And that's where I'm like, I Pirates 2, Pirates 3. I have a lot of feelings about pirates. I think we all do. Yes. So she kicks all her asses, either wounds or kills all of them. There are conflicting reports.
Starting point is 00:32:03 And they just go straight back into the party. Just like, cool, we done here? Bye, I'm going to go make out with that girl again. A legend. So the thing is, honor dueling has been illegal for a while. Julie's been doing it this whole time, but honor dueling is very much illegal and punishable by death as it is seen as a direct challenge to royal authority. And this was the brother of the king's ball. So she can't really get away from it. So she just pieces out. She goes to Brussels, where she becomes the lover of the Elecator of Bavaria for a while. But she unsurprisingly proves to be too much for him. While there, excuse me, while there, she does very much stab herself
Starting point is 00:32:53 for real on stage with an actual dagger for the art, I guess. She black swaned it, basically. Essentially. So she does that. And then he's like, okay, okay, I'm done here. And he tries too much too much for me. I didn't sign up for these. He offers her 40,000 francs to leave to go. He's like, please, I will give you this money to get the fuck out of my house. And that pisses her off. She throws it at his crotch and then runs off to Madrid. There are also some accounts where she pushes him down the stairs, who's to say, which is true, both hilarious. The fact that she just said, fuck your money, just threw it at him. Could have just like gone off and lived a life somewhere else that wasn't
Starting point is 00:33:41 Paris. And then was like, now my pride is worth way more than that. Amazing. In Madrid, she is a lady's maid to a Countess named Contess Marina. But apparently, actually, surprisingly, they hated each other. And Julie doesn't stay there super long and leaves pretty quickly. And it said that on the night that she leaves, she puts slices of radishes in the Countess's hair. I think, to like try and, I think it's, I think it like dies at different colors. Or is that turnips? Damn, I don't know. I was just like, what is that for like ants or something? Or it could be ants. That's also a good thing it could be. It could dye her hair a weird color or give her ants. Both. It's not great. I mean, both petty as fuck. I love it. It's petty. It's annoying. And it could
Starting point is 00:34:36 get worse. So you know what? It's not like she's going to lose out. So she dips. She's out. And she goes back to Paris. Where unsurprisingly, either the king or his brother pardoned her, citing the laws only of men. And she just go hilarious. Because he's like, you're back. I knew it. I knew you would do some shit if I let you go. It works in your favor. Great. I love getting news about this woman. I guarantee some carrier every day had a letter and he was just reading. He was like fully just like a patron for her. He was like, what's Julie gonna do next? Go play. So it's 1702. She returned to the opera and she performs in an opera that is written specifically for her. I like that she's been gone for years. And they're like,
Starting point is 00:35:35 they're thinking about her so much. They're like, oh, when will Julie return for more? And then she comes back and they're like, Julie, we have this perfect part for you. We wrote it for you. Please come back to us. Amazing. Lex says he only he said only gays deserve rights. We'll actually talk about that in a minute because 17th century France was very interesting. So hold that thought. We'll come back to it. So she returns to her husband for a hot second. Did you forget she was married because I sure did when I came back to this. But she's still out there brawling and dueling and being chaotic, which we love. And unsurprisingly, the reunion with her husband does not last long because she falls madly deeply fully in love
Starting point is 00:36:18 with a woman named Madame Lamarquille de Florencezac, who was called the most beautiful woman in France. And they fell into a relationship that actually lasted a lot longer. I think it lasted longer than any relationship. But technically her husband, which can we count that as lasting relationship? I don't think so. I don't think we do. So it's probably her longest relationship. And they they're like, proper in love, like they live lived in perfect harmony for two years, like they were it for each other until Florencezac dies of a fever in 1705, which is heartbreaking. And the death of Florencezac kind of wrecks her. Like she's she's done all this shit and seen all the shit and gone through all this shit. And the death of this woman just straight up destroyed her.
Starting point is 00:37:08 Dang it. Even in history, the lesbians never went. I'm sorry. Now I was bisexual. The gays always got to suffer. It's a barrier gays in real life. It's horrible. It's so sad. She like she can't even perform with the opera anywhere. She leaves the opera which hires. And according to history, either joins a convent for real or goes back to live with her husband until she dies at age 33 in 1707. I don't think that's the case personally. But it might be. To be fair, not to be fair, actually, to be correct. This could very well be a rewriting of history by her male contemporaries, because her male contemporaries are the ones who are keeping track of the history. And they're probably real pissy that this bisexual badass one can pull
Starting point is 00:38:08 more girls than they can. And two, never loses. So I'm sorry. This feels like the ending almost to how Game of Thrones is. You get this big thing and then a quick rap and then a quick shitty wrap up. And then you're like, this happened. You're like, wait a minute. Wait a minute. I'm missing a whole big chunk. This is a big character arc that all of a sudden all what's going on. I don't believe you. Exactly. So the narrative that it seems like they're trying to push is that either she joined a convent to repent for all her sins, or she saw the error of her ways and went back to her husband, her true love. Like, fuck that. No. The girl she was in love with died two years ago. And she quit doing the other thing that she loved. Like, I don't buy it. Like,
Starting point is 00:38:59 maybe she went back to her husband, but I don't think it was like a, I want to go back to my husband to go back to my husband. I think it was. Yeah. We'll know what else to do. I think she went through a little bit of like, she went back and went through a funk. Because that was it. That was it. That was the one OTP right there. And then she was just like, all right, I want to rebound a lot, do my stuff. And then eventually she did die. And they're like, okay. And then she went back to her husband and then repented. There's no real like solid answer on what she did, but it feels like that's the kind of narrative that male contemporaries would try to push. So lazy writing. So it's 17th century France,
Starting point is 00:39:46 17th into 18th century France. And this is actually a really interesting time and place and kind of the perfect place and time for her to be. So she has King Louis XIV essentially as a patron, because he is using the arts to try and undermine the political power of the church. So his main move right now is to project himself as a divine right monarch, which basically means he was picked by God to rule. So before King Louis XIV was born, his mother had a series of silberths and miscarriages for years leading up to when he was going to be born. And so when he was born, he was seen as kind of like this divine gift. And that's kind of the narrative that the royal family pushed. And then when he came into the throne, also he was four when he took the throne.
Starting point is 00:40:36 So his mom, obviously his mom was reading for a little bit and then he took over. But so that's like, that's the that's the narrative they're trying to push. And cardinals and popes and pastor, or I don't know if pastors is the right word, priests, are all trying to like exercise their right. They're like, they're not their right, their power over the political world of, you know, 17th and 18th century France. And a lot of it isn't anything that he agrees with. And also he thinks he should have all the power. So so this is kind of why like this is this is the the the context for why one of the reasons why he thinks her burning down the convent is fucking hilarious. And also she's in the eyes of the church kind of a degenerate and kind of,
Starting point is 00:41:26 you know, all over the place and wacky and doing doing all these things that the church isn't really going to follow or like sanction. So she's so she's immediately like high in the standards of like, yes. And he you know, he did a bunch of stuff with the opera where he would like have them make satires of the church to the it was he was not about the church. And he also takes a pretty lax stance on homosexuality, especially for the time, because his brother, the Duke of Orleans Philip, whose party that she was at is openly gay and gender non conforming, which that's pretty familiar. So basically she knows how to use her connections that she has in the time and uses the time that she was born to her advantage, which I think is super fucking
Starting point is 00:42:13 badass. I ain't gonna fault her. Yeah, I mean, like she's she was definitely born into a position of privilege station and all this stuff. But she fully uses that to kind of live her own authentic life, which I think is very cool. And also like using the the the system against itself is badass in my book. So that's, that's our girl. I love her. Also, I kind of think of her as a as a lady Han Solo, or technically, actually, he's just dude her. Come on, think about it, queer, all over the place, chaotic shoots first. I can see that. Yeah, yeah, the only but like I need a little bit more of a spicier personality because Han Solo is very kind, because he's scoundrel. He's like the cool. He's like, well, he's not even cool. You remember in my episode for where he's like,
Starting point is 00:43:15 this, everything's fine here. How are you? And then shoot him at your right panel. He's not. Yeah, that's true. I'm trying to think of him like when he's saying like I love you type shit. Yeah, I'm like, oh, he's trying to be smooth the groove right there. But yeah, you're right. You're right. Orlando or Leia, very smooth or honest. Other than that, not so much. Oh, one last thing. Theophile Goetier, I don't think I said his name right, took the stories of Julie and use them as the basis of his 18th century novel Mademoiselle de Mapeau, or sorry, I'm sorry, his 19th century novels, the 1800s, which is which has her name Mademoiselle de Mapeau. And she or I'm sorry, the book is a pretty radical view of like love and
Starting point is 00:43:58 gender and sexuality for the 1800s. I think the core like relationship is a polyamorous bisexual one, like the main characters with a woman and a man at the same time and they're all chill with it. It's very interesting, especially for the 1800s. So yeah, there's that. And now we're done talking about Julie and we can go on to our bills. And now we'll go to our bills. All right, who would like to go first? Would you like to go first? You go first. I want to see what you did. Yeah, okay. So I, like I said, I did a multi class of Bard. Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, with fighter. Yeah. Okay. So, but I also, I actually, I even one up did for her for human. I actually
Starting point is 00:44:52 made her like a mark of the passage human like from Eberron. So yeah, so it can give her basically you get a little bit extra special traits, which should have been the smart thing for me to do is have it up as I slyly bring up my PDF. But the reason why I was kind of going with that a little bit is the fact that she was kind of always on the run and slipping in and out and was able to travel so effectively, because I'll be very transparent. I would have gotten caught and I don't know how to navigate through this, that and all that in between. So the fact that she was able to, oh, I already killed three dudes went to a party. Oh, well, it's going south. I need to go skedaddle. So that's where I was going with the market passage because they do get some, they get with their
Starting point is 00:45:46 transportation and all that. So I actually got her up to level 14 bar. And then you do a full level 20. Oh, I okay, this is what I did went straight to level 20. And this is why and I even did more. Oh, my God, because do you know, no, no, no, I gave her more feats because you can do that later. Yes, yes, yes. The reason why I did that is because this woman is so OP and powerful in real life. She has surpassed normal men. She has surpassed the point of history. She has become a legend almost to this to that kind of ways. So that's why I made her into a legend in D&D. I love it. You can't touch this. And I don't care if you want to argue with me on this. I don't care. You're level 20, hon. I will because it was just like it's you can't beat her. You want to,
Starting point is 00:46:44 but you can't suck it up. It's just that this is how it is. So yes, I made her level 2014 level barred. And then afterwards, I did six levels of fighter. So it is the college of eloquence. That's what I did for her. And the point and the reason why I chose that is obviously more singing and all that, but actually for fighter, I was, I made her a battle master with her martial archetype as like mostly for combat superiority. So I really focused her with swords on all that. So it's very adamant about like certain feats that she did. That's why I wanted her to at least be mostly barred. And then the last part is all fighter. That's why I built the way it is. And because I am that a hole who decided to give her all the fun weapons, we can
Starting point is 00:47:46 delete that. But I was just like, I'm going to make it all rapier, but I would gave her a nine live stealer, which basically it's the best thing. It's like, it's a sword that you could do so much more damage, but you have to have a. So if you get hit with this, you must secede Constitution saving throw of DC 15 or be slain instantly by the swords here, it's life force from his body. Or construct or the under it's like, it just, it just takes it from you. It's like a soul stealer. And I was thinking of men's egos in here. So it's like, so that's why also she gets the lucky blade because there, I do believe this chick had some luck. She's talented. No, I know it's like a legendary thing or whatever, but like, it's cool as fuck. Oh, no, no. Yeah, absolutely. I was just
Starting point is 00:48:38 like, yeah, there's like the way again, it's so miraculous. I had to give her weapons that were worthy of her in her hands. Exactly. So yeah, so I got obviously some hire on that. And also the fact that because I'm still learning a lot of this, like, I don't know everything, but I was like, for her fighting style, I was like, very much like, Oh, okay. So for her extra feats and all that, like how she would attack and spells, like, because I didn't realize what was it superiority die. I was going into that. So fainting like, or like a little offing, like she would psych people out. So I was very thinking like psychological stuff where you can spend one die and basically you gain an advantage on your next target when you hit and let's be honest, she never missed. So she
Starting point is 00:49:26 would always get an advantage. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And basic and I want to go into some of the other fun stuff her like eats and all that. Would you set her out to what her stats end up being? Oh, so I her strength is actually her lowest. That is 12 with a plus one for dexterity. It's 17. Nice. Because I think because she was very little my point of view, Constitution 15, very strong will intelligence. I gave her 13 because of how like we were talking about footage memory, all that stuff. She was very smart wisdom, a little bit lower. It's actually true. I kind of made her strength and wisdom lower because I was just like, girl, she doesn't need them. She's just that good. Yeah, exactly. Also, she's very rational wisdom
Starting point is 00:50:20 feels very like low is feels very rash to me. Right. I feel like she is she's extremely intelligent and she knows it that carries a little bit of like an arrogance a little bit, where sometimes wisdom would have really helped her out in certain moments, but who cares, I'm not judging. And then of course, charisma. I max the out for 20. There was like, it has to be charisma. So her armor class with everything I souped it up. It just went to 16 and all that. So it's like near is hard. And then her HP max is 189 because I yeah, because like I said, I added some feats that definitely probably maybe I not should have like tavern brawler and tough. But I was just like this chick is on the run and France, she's tough. She gets it full HP. Yes, let's do this. Tavern
Starting point is 00:51:14 brawler, basically you improvise weapons and you just like just grapple. And I'm like, yes, you don't flash your tits at a tavern and you're not getting into a fight at one point in your life. Yeah, she's just like, here we go. It was a savage attacker. I was just like, I was adding Yeah, you probably gave her more feats than she technically should have. But also it works. I don't care. But the reason why I say that is she's such a legend. You give a legend what they're do. And that's how I see it. Now, will I be able to play this character? Absolutely not. No way. We can cut her down to make her playable though. Like if it comes if it comes around to the one shot that I want to run, we can cut her down to make her playable. God, please do. Because I'm like, I want
Starting point is 00:52:00 this one. I was playing I fell in love with it so much. Like defense duelists and all this stuff. And I also with the barred aspect, which is something I haven't really kind of delved into yet. But like her spell slots for her cantrip, I gave her vicious mockery. Good, she deserves it. To unleash your string of insults lace with subtle enchantments. I can see her like just just in the fight. Come on. I feel like it wouldn't even it wouldn't even need to be said out loud. She could just just vicious mock them with her abilities. Exactly. And then compelled duel, which I just thought that that that's her. I wanted compelled duel so bad, but none of the classes I gave her had that in the spell list. And I was like, really?
Starting point is 00:52:47 Mm hmm. Oh, absolutely. Compelled duel. Oh, misty steps and pass without a trace. And that's due to her mark of the passage. So that that's one of the reasons why she's able to get her dexterity and just literally eat the f out. So I really made I really made her so she can get in and out of places super fast. But she's very like precise with her swords and all that movement of freedom pass without trace. We said that. What else we got? Don't we have any others? Oh, I know some ones. I have a ninth level spell. I do have one. And that is a part at 16. So this is because of the lucky blade. Wow. And with it, you get one wish. Yes, you get a wish. I feel like like that would be that that sort does give you a wish. I forgot about that. So that's
Starting point is 00:53:50 like to performance and persuasion, 17 acrobatics, 15 wisdom. I know I survive. Okay, 13 is still very good. And then you have like, obviously medicine in me. Oh, I don't want to say that because her her favorite, like girlfriend died of that. And that makes sense. Her medicine is four. So it's because it fits. She's not she's not a medicine person. She's not a cleric. No. And then it's like the whole band and the what a special common to call it Dorbis Elvish, whatever that this matter. Yeah, the language I gave her Elvish because that seems like the most French, the most French dignity language. It's like aristocratic and then everything. So am I missing any other thing? No, dude, that's
Starting point is 00:54:38 fucking great. I love that. Oh, I'll send you the rest is like my inventory of like equipment. I was like, yeah, we're gonna do the Ring of Invasion Ring of Featherfall. Like I had like a whole bunch of shit ready to go. For sure. I have a few of those myself of just like, if she had an item, it would be one of these. Exactly. Yeah, I think that's everything I have. What are you guys do? That's so good. I also did battle master, but I nice foreign battle master. Oh, damn it. It's fine be it's your biweekly reminder to medicate your cat go medicate a cat. He's asleep. It's okay. I'll medicate him after I'll ask Bailey to all right. All right. He's fine. A couple, a couple minutes will make a difference. He's okay. Anyway, so fighter I four monk four
Starting point is 00:55:31 and warlock two. Wow. Okay, wacky. So walk me through this. Yes. So for fighter, I also did battle master. And I gave her what did I give her so she gets I gave her dueling style so she gets plus two to damage when wielding only one melee weapon she only ever needs one. So that's what she does. Second wind actions are all that good fighter stuff. And then her three maneuvers that she has for right now are Perry and repost, which are both fencing fencing work. Okay. And then evasive footwork so she can get around and do her do her things. Let me see. Why did I put a star by that? Do I have a reason to put a star? Oh, when you move, you can expend a superiority die and add that number to your AC until until you stop moving, which is super cool. Nice. Keep her
Starting point is 00:56:32 keep her keep her safe. And then I did way of the drunken master for that. That's that. Yeah. She you know, the idea of like jerky and unpredictable movements. You can't pin her down. Yeah, can't pin her down. So from that, she gets drunk and technique, which is you learn how to twist and turn quickly as a part of your flurry of blows. So whenever you you use flurry of blows, you gain the benefit of a disengage action and your walking speed increases 10 feet until the end of your current turn. So she can flurry blows, disengage, get out and then move an extra 10 feet, which has to be useful. That totally works. Yes. Okay. So that's pretty cool. Was there anything? Oh, and also deflect
Starting point is 00:57:26 missiles, which I don't think she was having any missiles at her. But I still think it's useful and fun. But like the idea that she could just be like, in the D&D world, it is. Oh, in the D&D world, it's very useful. In her world, maybe not so much, but still very cool. You only need it once. Also, she gets unarmored defense. Her AC would have been the same either way, but she never wore armor. So I was like, if I can have an unarmored defense, I'm going to take unarmored defense. And then she also has where was I looking? Oh, she gets unarmed strikes as monks do. And she was a tavern brawler as a human being. So being able to swing a punch is pretty badass. And then I gave her, sorry, I need to flip through my book and find my words. I gave her
Starting point is 00:58:23 hexblade as a warlock. I love hexblade. I think hexblade is real fun. So for hexblade, you get hexblade's curse. I have to look over here. I'm sorry. You didn't do Eldridge Blast? Oh, she does have Eldridge Blast. Don't worry. No warlock can be a warlock and not have Eldridge Blast. Are you kidding? I'm just there. I'm learning and I'm like, that's the number one. That's it. That's the one. You got to pack it always. That's right. Get a packet. So hexblade's curse is super cool. You can curse as a bonus action a creature that you see within 30 feet of you. They're cursed for a minute. I'm sorry. It's a curse, not a hex. I'm sorry. And while that creature is cursed, you can gain bonus damage to the target creature,
Starting point is 00:59:21 which is your proficiency bonus. So that would be an additional four damage. Any attack roll you make against that creature is a critical on a 19 or a 20. And then if the cursed creature dies, you regain the hit points equal to your warlock level and your charisma modifier, which for her would be six hit points if she killed it, which is pretty cool. And then there's also hexwarrior, which is, there's extra proficiencies, but they don't really matter. But you can touch a particular weapon at the end of a long rest. And until, I'm sorry, I think it's until the next long rest, when you attack with that weapon, you can use your charisma modifier instead of your strength or dexterity when you're doing attacks,
Starting point is 01:00:09 attacking damage rolls. And then you can just switch it to a different weapon if you want to, too, which is cool. Yeah. So, so instead of it being like a plus two or a plus three, it's a plus four on top of everything else. So that's pretty cool. She doesn't have a patron because she's not a third level, but I was going to make King Louis the 14th or patron because he basically was very fair. And then she has eldritch invocations, which is agonizing glass, which adds charisma to your eldritch blast and beguiling influence, which gives her proficiency and deception and persuasion. Speaking of all her proficiencies, she has a good deal of them. She has acrobatics, which is a plus seven athletics, which is a plus six. And then deception, intimidation,
Starting point is 01:00:56 performance and persuasion are all a plus 10. Yes, they are. And as a level 10, that's pretty dope. Yep. That's really good. She has three key points where she can do all the things you do with key points, which is very useful in a fight. And let's look at our spells. I gave her eldritch blast and also press the digitization because cleaning yourself up after like a fight, especially at a ball, press the digitization would be very helpful. They would. Yes, they would definitely. She gets shield and wrathful smite from being a hex blade. And then I gave her charm person because you have to and then witch bolts because I like which bolt and I think it fits her very well. Yes. That works really well. And then yeah, she has proficiency with a disguise kit.
Starting point is 01:01:55 And she also has one with alchemy kit because I thought alchemy kids were the closest thing you were going to get to an arsonist's kit. Her hit points are 74, which is not bad. Her AC is pretty low at 13. But she also has shield. And I was like one of the items I thought was a ring of evasion for her. I also thought about giving her the luck blade. Also, bracers of defense and boots of speed were other ones that I thought of for her. Nice. And her initiative is plus three and her base speed is 40. But if she does that, that lovely drunken drunken technique, it's up to a 50. That's crazy. Yeah. Oh, and she has an entertainer background, because that was how I pulled in the like opera. I also thought about Bard.
Starting point is 01:02:42 How did I write? But that was how I wanted to. Yeah, for her background, I wrote entertainer. I got entertainer. I will say, I got to ask, you know how like there's like, what was the allies in the organizations? What did you write? Oh, organizations. I gave her like the opera, King Louis XIV Philip. I put her husband in there. I also put Count Dominic in there. I was such a smart ass in mind. And I was just like, I couldn't think of anything. So I just, I don't know. I don't think you can see it there. But it just wrote the gays and the days, him bows, chaotic bisexuals, non problematic breeders, a straight people, the whole alphabet
Starting point is 01:03:32 mafia and a dragon. And then her organizations, the no fucks giving club. They should have my money tribe, mistilia girl society and consent is fucking important troop. Fucking hell, man. Her motto is here for a good time, not a long time. I love you so much. That's fantastic. I was like, I gotta think how you would roll play. This is what her. Yes, I'm that extra. I love you for it. I loved talking about this person with you. Thank you so much for joining me. Ah, no, no, med your cat. I will. He's fine. He's still asleep. He's on his little pillow. He's just a peaceful boy.
Starting point is 01:04:25 Meg says, medicate my nephew. I'm getting to it. It's fine. Oh, you got a warning tag. Meg, we're in trouble. Well, then we will close that out before I get my butt kicked by my best friend. Thank you guys so much for joining us for all of this extra, extra chaos. Amanda, is there anything you want to plug right now? Oh, God, why do I always fail at this part? You don't have to say anything. You can just say. We have we have new stuff coming out Fridays and then Monday's Aaron, who is so great,
Starting point is 01:05:03 like gracious to help us with the stream right now. Even though as always, thank you. You should watch him Mondays. He's actually very, very good. And then obviously Sergio's Iron Sworn on Tuesday. Who's coming in next week? Do you know yet? What are you doing? Oh, no, no, no, no, for this. Oh, no. I'm sorry. I thought you were talking about Iron Sworn. I'm sorry. I got. No, no, no. Yeah, we still want you on Iron Sworn. And we're looking forward to it. But I thought Kayla was coming in next week for you. Oh, no, I have I it'll be my gap week next week. And then got to get a week after we'll be back with a new person.
Starting point is 01:05:44 Oh, I just want to say thank you to everyone for kind of rolling with us as we kind of navigate all of the the perils of returning to the world and work. That's why our schedule has been a little funky lately. We're all trying to figure it out. Thank you for hanging in there with us. We're some of us have been called back into work. Others not. And some are dealing with the in-betweens. Exactly. So thanks for hanging with us. We'll try and get a more specific idea out to you guys at some point. But for now, please take care of yourselves. Enjoy the rest of your week. And thanks for joining us for here as you should know. Yeah. Thank you. Bye. You

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