Mayday Plays - Heroes You Should Know: Lozen

Episode Date: May 13, 2021

Allegra is joined by special guest Carly of Spothidden to discuss Apache warrior Lozen. This is audio from a live Twitch stream. Join us for Heroes You Should Know live at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello, friends! Welcome back to Heroes You Should Know, the double nerd show where I learn about historical figures, Jesus. Historical figures we should know, but don't for a plethora of reasons that you can infer because you're smart people. I'm Allegra and I am very excited to introduce our guest this week. It is our first guest who is not on the May Day team. It's Carly from Spot Hidden! Hello! Hi, pal! Hello, I'm very excited. I'm so glad you're here. We've said that like seven times at this point. It's been several times, but it doesn't change the fact that we're both excited. Yes. So, yes, we will be discussing historical figure. I'll throw it to Carly for their build and then I'll tell Ollie all my build and then
Starting point is 00:00:54 we'll probably be done. We'll probably talk about a couple things in between. But this week, we are going to be talking about the Apache warrior woman, medicine woman, Seer Lozen. I do want to throw a really quick trigger warning out there. There is violence against women and against indigenous peoples as a whole, so please take care of yourselves if you need to step away. That's very important. And while we're on this kind of subject, I want to say that Lozen is like kind of a classic example of a hero that we should know about, especially having lived in the United States. And it hasn't been told because the enemies that she is fighting are the controlling powers of the nation. And to acknowledge her is to acknowledge the horrendous conditions she
Starting point is 00:01:39 endured, the acts perpetrated against her and her people, and indigenous folks as a whole, as well as the injustices that the native populations continue to endure to this day with basically no consequences to the government. So the idea is how are you supposed to side with the government who is still in power if they teach you about all the horrible things they did to people that were already here before the government even existed. So they just don't teach it to you or instead they teach you a very whitewashed, watered down, palatable version of it, like Thanksgiving. So people who are not of indigenous heritage to wherever you live, it's your responsibility to learn about the history that you are intentionally denied.
Starting point is 00:02:19 Go find information from public sources. I mean, like reading Wikipedia isn't enough because I can guarantee you if it's on Wikipedia, there is public information elsewhere that is far closer to the sources and the people that are being affected. And obviously this goes for all the people we talk about on here, but it is very apparent in this specific case and much closer to home. And I wanted to say it explicitly now. So yeah, there's that. Let me... Oh, looks like I'm not there. Hmm, wild. Let's see. Oh, now you're there. Am I there? I think. Wacky. Yeah, there I am. Hey, that's me. Yes. Anyway, so now we've said all that.
Starting point is 00:03:11 Let's talk about Lozen because she's cool as shit. Oh my gosh, she's so cool. So she is the brother of the chief of the Chiricawa... Sorry, the Chiheni band of the Chiricawa Apache. So her brother's name is Victoria and he's the chief. And he is quoted as saying that Lozen is a shield to her people and he called her his right hand. So she was, you know, at his side, working with him at all, like for most of their life. And Lozen actually isn't her birth name, but it is a nickname that was given to her. That means dextrous horse thief. Her birth name actually isn't known to history. So she was born in 1840. And as I said before, she was a medicine woman, a seer, a warrior, and a battle strategist. And at the point that she is born,
Starting point is 00:04:07 it is kind of the peak of the Apache-Mexico wars. And these had started back in the 1600s, although conflicts with indigenous people and colonizers have been going since conquistadors and colonists came across the ocean. And so it kind of spurred from when the Spanish colonists from Mexico started pushing north into what we know as New Mexico, Arizona, Texas, Wyoming, Utah. And it went from the 1600s into the 20th century. And so this conflict eventually also coincides with the Apache Wars with the US government as well. So they're kind of embroiled in this like war on all sides from all kinds of adversaries. And at the height of the conflict, which is about where we're at when we're talking about lozen, there were bounties set for the
Starting point is 00:05:01 scalps of indigenous men, women, and children. They would have bounty hunters go out and murder people and then take their scalps. And that would be a bounty, which is incredibly fucked up. It's so weird too. Like that's the weirdest thing that you could get as like a bounty. I don't, I know. I mean, it's wrong on all levels, but it's also just weird. Like that. So as a child, lozen wasn't really interested in the traditional duties of a woman in the tribe and said she wanted to be a warrior. So with the Apache in particular, gender roles were defined, but not terribly binary and not terribly like hard bind either. There were women that were warriors and all the children were taught all the roles of the society in case there were
Starting point is 00:05:47 some like unforeseen circumstances that arise that arose. So many indulgence cultures acknowledged multiple genders and people who operated outside of the traditional binary were seen as blessed or special rather than like ostracized, which is cool to hear. So lozen learned how to ride a horse super early in life. I think it was like seven years old and she was riding and doing great things. And eventually became one of the best writers in the Chihene band. She was a gifted markswoman, she was skilled with a knife, and as we said before, an esteemed strategist in battle. And as a kid, she's described as athletic, intelligent and fearless and like would rough house with the boys rather than, you know, do other tasks that were more traditionally feminine.
Starting point is 00:06:39 So her brother sees this and her brother knows, and her brother's, I want to say her brother's 20-ish years older than her, maybe a little less. But he sees that she wants to be a warrior and do other things and he kind of takes her face value and takes her into his wing and teaches her what he knows. And so typically, in like a raiding party or a warrior band, very unattached, unmarried women weren't permitted to ride along with them, but lozen was so skilled and so passionate about and so like good at what she did that there were obviously exceptions made for her. And she was never actually married to a man. So besides her physical prowess, she's also a powerful medicine woman and seer. So she would she had like a pretty broad knowledge of what kind of herbs to use and
Starting point is 00:07:28 she would sing songs to heal people. And these are kind of gifts that were said to have manifested themselves around the time that her like coming of age ceremony. And another another kind of gift that she was said to have had was the ability to detect the approach of enemies. I mean down to the point that she could tell how far super wild. Yeah. Excuse me. So between her prowess as a warrior and her skills of healing and strategy and knowledge of where the enemy was coming, she she's invited to become a member of the council warriors. So they were like the ones who made decisions about where they would fight and how they would fight and all that kind of stuff. And there's even some reports that she was fighting back against Mexican soldiers from like
Starting point is 00:08:20 childhood from being bitty, bitty and just fighting, which I mean, if you're if you're surrounded on all sides and yeah, what like what choice is there, which is terrible because she's a kid. It's man, all the stuff like reading all of this that you spent I'm just like, oh man, oh man. Yep. Yeah. reasons reasons I put that little bit at the beginning. I was like, we have to talk about this because we we can't not. So the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo is signed in 1848, which basically ends the Mexican American War in the favor of the United States and has absolutely no regard for the people already living on the land that they're discussing. So the treaty gives 525,000 square miles to the US, which includes present day Arizona,
Starting point is 00:09:14 California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah in Wyoming, as well as parts of Texas. But again, there are already people living there and had been living there for a long before settlers ever came. But of course, because it's the government and it is the 1800s, it doesn't fucking matter. Who cares, apparently? Yeah, they don't count according to the government. So the treaty signed homesteaders and settlers and ranchers and proxpectors from the US start to push into the area. And the main reason they hadn't done this as much before. One was because of the Mexican American War. But two, because the Apache were very much against mining and would push back against Mexican settlers like with deadly force to be like, no, you're not you're not doing
Starting point is 00:10:05 this. But now that the US government has taken control of this land that they shouldn't have, they can establish more forts and outposts in the region. And after the Civil War, so the Civil War hasn't happened yet, but after the Civil War, which is later in our story. After that, they're more like ex soldiers kind of moving out there looking to work at the forts to prospects to go out for bounties, like they're like they're they're shipping people in to have control of the area. And the Chirokawa Apache are basically boxed in by enemies on all sides between the Mexican Calvary and the US Calvaries either enslaving them or killing them. And so they they moved a lot, they fought off and it was a very unstable lifestyle.
Starting point is 00:10:58 So we get to 1869 and the US government goes into negotiations with Victoria and several other chiefs of the region. And they agree to settle in Ojo Caliente, which is a traditional homeland of the of the the Chirokawa Apache. It's got a hot spring and water supplies. And so they're like, OK, let's like, let's talk this out. Like if you're going to be here, we if we have to make this agreement, this is an OK agreement, I guess. Like I'm sure it's not an OK agreement, but it's a it's one that they'll make to survive, I guess. And so Victoria consults with those and they eventually agree. But unsurprisingly, like they always do, the government goes, no, actually, we don't like this anymore. Imagine that wild, right? No one could have seen
Starting point is 00:11:54 that coming. Super surprised. Two years later, they're forced to move to Fort Tularosa in 1871. And then they are once again moved in 1877 to all to concentrate all of the Apache on one reservation in San Carlos, Arizona. So San Carlos is referred to by everyone, including the soldier station there, as hell's 40 acres. The Apache aren't allowed to allow it to hunt. They're given like really shitty nigger rations. It's super crowded. Disease and illness spreads very easily. It's it's a terrible place. It is a terrible existence. They they're stuck there. And it's awful. And so multiple times, Los Inos Victoria leave, lead their band off out of the reservation and try to find some kind of safety with their mescalaro allies at the Fort Stanton Reservation.
Starting point is 00:12:57 But every time the Mexican American soldiers tail them and like try and get them back or try and stop them from, excuse me, from leaving the reservation. But they evade the soldiers for three years. And this time is known as Victoria's war. And in that time, it is just all out guerrilla warfare against the US and Mexican soldiers. So Victoria's band had a ton fewer warriors than the soldiers pursuing them. But with loads and skill to detect enemies and heal, they were able to kind of like hold their own. And they, you know, they had different ways of fighting. And so they they managed to to keep to keep their distance and keep themselves alive and keep going. So while she so while Lozen was fighting back against two different armies,
Starting point is 00:13:46 healing people, detecting where the enemies were coming from, she's also faring women and children and elderly people to safety in multiple different locations on multiple different occasions. Like through the desert, through different environments, she's, she's just leading them to keep like to get them to safety. One in particular, she they're in the middle of the Chihuahuan Desert, which is in like New Mexico, West Texas. And so she lives a swim's baby in the middle of the desert, while they're being chased by Mexican and American Calvaries. And then she's like, okay, I'm going to get them out of the desert and to the Mescalara Apache, who are our allies, they'll keep them safe, which is near the Sacramento Mountains. So it's she has like
Starting point is 00:14:32 three day supplies of food, a rifle, a knife, a cartridge belt, which is not nearly enough supplies for two people getting across the desert. So she sneaks around to the Mexican and US camps, and like just casually steals horses and supplies and gets them on their way, gets them across like on her own newborn baby, new mother. And she's like, yeah, I'm going to go steal some horses. I'm going to sell these horses. I'm going to sell these supplies. Fuck you. She's so cool. Like she is so cool. I can't even like she just and that's and that's like where her that's kind of where her nickname, not not not this particular instance, but that's where her nickname kind of comes into play is that she was she was very much like good with horses and good with like mules and those
Starting point is 00:15:21 kind of animals. And she would just she could just get them. I don't like there was there was another one that I read that she was in direct like she was under direct fire. And she just got a mule like a mule that was like loaded down with supplies and just like got him got him back to her people. And she was like, All right, cool. Let's go. That big deal. Amazing. Incredible. It's so. So it's the fall of 1880. And lozen is leaving yet another group of women, children to the mescalaro. And victorio's remaining band is ambushed by Mexican forces and the descasteos Mexico. And unfortunately, 78 Apache, including victorio are killed in this battle. And there are also warriors, elderly children, women everywhere just massacred. It's
Starting point is 00:16:07 awful. And then another 100 women and children are captured and or sold into slavery and only 17 of their band escape. So so lozen gets to mescalaro, she finds out about the ambush, and she rides right back. She's hauling ass, she steals supplies, steals horses from both armies, find survivors of her band in the Sierra Madres, and she's kind of like gathering them again. And so so she so she meets up with Nana, who was victorio's kind of successor. And so the skirmishes are continuing and they are like on on on on a tear for vengeance. So they kill at least 35 soldiers, wound tons more and take more than 200 horses and mules and supplies, all while not losing a single one of their people, which is incredible.
Starting point is 00:17:04 And after after this, they meet up with Geronimo and fight with him for about two years. So they're like they're kind of gathering gathering into a bigger a bigger a bigger band. But of course, the United States Army can't have this because have to have control of this land. I don't I don't I don't understand it. Why can't people just be good people? Anyway, they dispatch General George Cook, or George, I'm sorry, not Cook, but Crook, because he is aptly named. Yes, absolutely. Yeah, so he's dispatched to capture them in 1883. And so Lozen and another warrior woman who was traveling with Geronimo named, I've seen okay, so I've seen her name pronounced, pronunciations written out of
Starting point is 00:17:52 Tado say or Tado stay. And I think I've seen Tado stay a little bit more. So that's what we're going to say. I'm very sorry if it's wrong, I will correct it. If I am incorrect, I I tried to find pronunciations online and there was nothing. So here we are. So Tado stay is another warrior. She's a mediator. She's also fluent in English and Spanish. So she's so she's like the, like the hub of information distribution. So they're they're acting as kind of the go between between Crook and the Apache. And in 1883, they finally agree to return to the fort. But again, conditions haven't gotten any better. It's terrible for them there. It's not safe for them there. So in 1885, Geronimo leads 42 warriors and 92 women and children, including Lozen, Nana and Tado stay
Starting point is 00:18:44 out of San Carlos again. And then we hit early 1886, where another conference is arranged with Crook, where Geronimo is about to surrender, but instead flees and they they all go with him. And this time, Crook can't keep up with them. So he's got he has several failures under his belt. And finally, the US Army is like, No, fuck you, we're sending this new guy in Nelson Miles. So he's assigned to go after them in the later parts of 1886. So he sends out his own troops, but he also sends nearly 400 other Chiracawa Apache from the San Carlos Reservation all the way to a prison camp in Florida to prevent them from aiding those who are following Geronimo. You know, Arizona, New Mexico, Florida. Yeah, where it's completely different weather like
Starting point is 00:19:43 totally different was reading. I was reading up a little bit on that part of it. They all got so sick from it. Everybody was getting so sick because they weren't used to the weather. They weren't used to the atmosphere. Like there were bugs. They weren't used to bugs. Yeah, it's it's it's an just like a shock to the system, not only culturally but literally physically. Yeah. So he's so even though that Geronimo's band is undefeated in battle and they've fucked up the US Army a ton, this is a lot for them to handle. They're you know, they're they're on this fight to defend their people and their home, which is hard to do when your people are sent across the country. And at this point, their numbers are somewhere around like three dozen.
Starting point is 00:20:27 Oh, awful. Yeah. So Miles is first lieutenant. Charles Gatewood is sent to negotiate with Lozen and Ted Elste to surrender on behalf of the US Army. Or they surrender to the US Army. But of course, General Miles takes Miles takes credit for it and sends Gatewood up to Dakota Territories so he can't he can't talk. Side note about General Miles, who continues to suck his ears go on. He plays a role in the capture of Chief Joseph in the death of Sitting Bull, and in the Sue Massacre at Wounded Knee. So he's just an unpleasant character in history. And I yeah, I don't like knowing about him. Yeah. So in this truce, the Chiricahua, Apache and Geronimo's band are sent are also sent to
Starting point is 00:21:20 exile in Florida, where they're to remain for two years before they can come back to the land that is been their home forever. So the last part of it is a whole last lie. They were never intending to let them return. The exile was just to get them out of the area. And like the promise of oh, in two years, you can keep and come back is just to keep them quiet, which anyway, so this exile even extends to Apache scouts who are allied with the US Army. They have they have Apache scouts who are like working with them. And they're still like, actually, no, you go to, which is so dirty. Yeah, that's, I'm getting angry. I'm actually getting angry. I'm trying very hard to keep my emotions in check because it's not my place to get angry about this.
Starting point is 00:22:18 So none of the leaders recognize this as a betrayal until it's too late. And so this is meant to be like a show of good faith. 24 men, 14 women, including Lozen and Tutto say are in the first group. So they're like, they're, they're sent in these overcrowded cattle cars and shipped east. The camp in Florida is overcrowded again, full of illness and disease and things that they are not used to, including environments and bugs. Oh, there's a big old fire truck. Bye friends. And, and, and like they're, they're not supplied well to live. At this point, there are varying reports that Ted Oste and Lozen are living together and potentially have like a deeper relationship than that of just friends. It's, it's been, it's been discussed in multiple,
Starting point is 00:23:11 like in this multiple parts of their life. But I think this is the, this is the one where they, where they're like, no, they're like, they're living together in this, in this POW camp, essentially. Um, there, it's not, you know, like certain, but they're, they're like, I, from what I was reading, it sounds like, like they were like together and cared, but also history is much gayer than everyone makes it out to be. So like probably, probably. Um, yeah. So, yeah. So they're, so they're in Florida and then Lozen eventually gets sent to a different POW camp in Mount Vernon, Alabama, where she unfortunately passes away of tuberculosis on June 17th, 1889. And then she is buried in an unmarked grave with 50 other Apaches who died at the camp around the same time.
Starting point is 00:24:01 I'd see, I always get so excited when Alabama is mentioned in something because I'm like, I'm from there. And then I always immediately get disappointed because it's always something like that. I'm the same way about Arkansas. I'm like, I love Arkansas. But I was reading about, I was trying to look into Mount Vernon and all the accounts were people like saying, oh, they treated these people so well. And I'm like, did they though? Did they though? I would love to hear actual reports. Which side of history are you learning this from? Yeah. From the government? Probably. So Taroce, for a little bit of a hopeful, not hopeful note, but a more of an up note, I guess. Taroce is eventually allowed to return to the Mescalara Reservation in New Mexico,
Starting point is 00:24:47 where she remarries, but is said to have mourned Lozen for the rest of her life until she passes away of old age at 95 in 1955. And that is, that's Lozen. She's cool as fuck. She deserves better. And she should be known. So know about her. Like usual, this is, this is, this is like base layer. There's so much more information you can find out about her online. Please do it. She's cool as shit. Oh my gosh. I went, I told you earlier, but I don't know if I said it on stream. I went down like a rabbit hole, like reading about her and then reading about the just the Apache people in general, and then Mount Vernon and then Geronimo. It's so easy to go down that like rabbit hole of like, this connects to this connects to this connects to this. And like finding
Starting point is 00:25:33 out the actual history of it is so much cooler than anything we halfway heard in high school. And I was telling my mom about it. She's like, oh yeah, we learned all about Mount Vernon and stuff in Alabama history. And I'm like, we didn't like that was back in the 70s. Apparently, they kind of talked about it. But I was like, I had no idea any of this was a thing. So so yeah, that's lozen. Um, Carly, do you want to show us your build for her? I will. Um, so I went through so many different versions. So very, very many different versions. And I finally ended up on multi class fighter and cleric. We have seven levels in fighter three and cleric and just to kind of get the specific abilities that I wanted to kind of have.
Starting point is 00:26:19 So I put her at her subclass for fighter is the Cavalier, because I mean horses, she stole so many horses. She was super into horses. Apparently she was the original horse girl. Oh no, not in a bad way. Like in a good way. Horse girls are fun. Cool horse. So yeah, I put her as Cavalier and she has like this ability that's called born to the saddle, which I just love the name. Yes. Let me pull it up. Um, because I have like the full version on my phone. So I can say a little bit about the abilities and then I'll get into stats and stuff. I just want to say born to the saddle, because it's just so cool to hear about. Um, let me pull it up. Uh, you have advantage on saving throws to avoid falling off your mount. If you fall off
Starting point is 00:27:09 and to send no more than 10 feet, you land on your feet. If you're not incapacitated. So just getting knocked off and just landing on her feet is just very good to me. Yeah. Like falling off and being like, I'm still here to fuck shit up. Like, yes, like another horse. I also, I gave her nature domain cleric because she was a medicine woman and she knew like the herbs and stuff to heal. I felt like that kind of fit. Um, yes, but for her stats, I went with 13 strength. And then dexterity. I have her at 18. Okay. Ooh, nice. Because I basically tried to get dexterity as high as I could. Constitution is eight because I had to have a dump stat and she died of tuberculosis, which is sad, but I feel like she would have had higher constitution than eight,
Starting point is 00:27:52 but I couldn't really, the other stats were more of a priority for me, if that makes sense. No, it's so hard to pick a dump stat for a person. Like that's the suckiest part of it. It's like, I really, and like she was super intelligent, but her intelligence for this, I've only put his 12 because I put her wisdom at 17 because I feel like a lot of her stuff came from experience. So it would kind of make sense to me to have wisdom rather than intelligence. Plus she's a cleric. So we still have to kind of put D&D stats and her charisma is 10 because once again, semi dump stat. Um, I gave her a club for one of her weapons because I was reading up about the Apache people and apparently one of like their weapons they would use, they would take the job
Starting point is 00:28:40 on of a buffalo and make it into a club. And like, it wasn't mentioned that she specifically used it. I know it said that she like used a knife, but I just love, I don't know. I just thought that was very interesting that the Apache people use that. So at some point she probably, I'm sure she knew how to use one. I'm right. Because everyone was trained like for warrior purposes and for like home purposes. So exactly. And I also gave her a long bow because obviously, sorry if I'm going on too much about this. No, no, please go on as much as you want to. I love hearing this stuff. So her like, I just kind of picked a couple spells that she would always like have prepared or whatever for her cleric list. I gave her bark skin because her AC is only 14
Starting point is 00:29:23 because I didn't get, I just gave her basic leather armor because I mean, that's what she would have worn. So, uh, so I gave her bark skin and spare the dying because she could heal people. Detect poison and disease kind of protection for poison. Trying to go along with it. And then prayer of healing because I was reading about how she would like do like these songs and she would like sing to the God. I don't remember what like the deity God's name was. Yeah, I knew I started with you, but she would like sing and kind of do this like healing song prayer thing. And I was like, that fits. I wanted to do a bard for that, but I don't know, Claire, because she's calling to me. So yeah. And then I had to get an artisan's tool proficiency because she has the folk hero
Starting point is 00:30:09 background, which I forgot to mention. I just, I thought that fit too, because I mean, yeah, she is. So I gave her, uh, weaver's tools is her proficiency because, um, the Apache people, like they made a lot of baskets. That was their big thing was like basketry. So that was kind of, I know weaving is not the same thing as basketry, but that was kind of as close as I could get. So yeah, same, same like general movements, I suppose. Yes. Oh, and then I forgot feet. She just has medic just to give her proficiency in medicine. Nice. Um, animal handler, because I mean, she stole so many horses. She was good with horses and then sharpshooter. So yeah. Yeah. Um, let me see. Um, yeah, I think you, like you had, oh, what are her, like, what are her like big scale
Starting point is 00:30:56 proficiencies? Like, I think she's super good. Yes. Um, so she has plus eight to acrobatics. Nice. Which is awesome. I wish I would have given her stealth, but I couldn't like make it work with the rest of it. Yeah. Um, animal handling, obviously. Uh, I gave her insight. That's, that's really good for like, uh, mediating, I guess. Right. Plus her whole thing about like being able to detect like people out. So she also has plus seven perception, which gives her 17 passive perception. Um, and then she has athletics, but since her strength is not super great, it's not super high modifier. Uh, nature, obviously medicine, I said perception and survival. Nice. So nice. Yeah. I love that. That's a really, I like, I feel like you don't see
Starting point is 00:31:47 fighter and cleric together a lot. And I like it. I never considered it until this. And then I thought there is no, there's nothing else I can do. So that's it. Yeah. Uh, awesome. So yours is very lovely and succinct. And I'm so, I'm in love with it. Mine is a chaos basket. I'm so excited. I started this build with 12 different subclasses open, ranging over six different full classes ish. Um, and it took me forever to land on, uh, on a four way multi-class. Um, so three in rogue, three in paladin, three in ranger, one in cleric. I also considered paladin. I was right there with you on that one. Yeah. So, so I kind of, I tried to build it kind of chronologically in a way. Um, so I started out with, um, rogue. So I
Starting point is 00:32:52 gave her, um, scout for rogue, um, which, which would give her like, which she has 2d6 sneak attack. Um, and then where's, oh, I didn't click on the, hold on. Sorry. User error. Big dumb dumb. Um, so she has skirmisher, which means she's difficult to pin down during a fight. And you can move hatch your speed as a reaction. If there's an enemy in five feet of you, and they don't get an attack of opportunity, which is so good. Well, she also gets survivalists, uh, which means she's just proficient in nature and survival as skills if she doesn't already have them. And the proficiency bonus is doubled for any, uh, check you make with those. Uh, speaking of, speaking of her, her stats and everything. So, so, so her strength is at 14, uh, because I need it
Starting point is 00:33:46 up there for paladin and for paladin, uh, dexterity is a 15 for a rogue and ranger. Uh, I, I waffled back and forth about constitution and intelligence too. I gave her a 13 in intelligence just because she has such an, like an incredible vast knowledge of like herbs and stuff and nature and nature's like a nature's a nature's an intelligence skill. So I thought that was probably most important. Constitutions and 11, which is nothing just needs that. It's just not special. Um, wisdom's at 16 and charisma is at nine, uh, because you have to have them. So, so I realized that because, because I did this ridiculous 3, 3, 3, 1 thing, I don't get any stat bumps. Oh no. So she's just at these base stats that she gets from being a human. Um, and I did make her a variant, uh, I,
Starting point is 00:34:33 which, which, which would give her lucky, um, which I thought fit really well for her, her, like seer abilities. Um, so yes. So she's got scout for, uh, rogue. And then for Paladin, I gave her oath of the ancients, which is literally had that, and then I completely remade it. It's so perfect for her. Cause it, cause she's like her, her devotion to her people until like the land and everything is such, such like a innate part of her that I was like, okay, well, we have to have something that has to do with this. Um, and then Ranger, I did monster slayer because go after those soldiers, baby. Go. Um, and then, uh, her, her cleric is a war domain cleric. Um, have to, uh, I tried to build it as like, okay,
Starting point is 00:35:30 what are the two classes that she would have had if she didn't have to deal with fighting these two armies for her whole life? And then what would she have taken when she had to like, make the, like change and be like, I have to like be a part of this. So I tried to balance it in that kind of way. Um, so, so she gets, yes, I already said sneak attack, cunning action, skirmisher and survivalist. Um, and then for Paladin, she gets, you know, divine sense, lay on hands, a fighting style, which I gave her defense just to pump her AC a little bit. It's, it's still only a 14. Um, but anything helps, uh, divine health so she can't be poisoned or, um, divine smite. And then her channel divinity is, uh, nature's wrath, which means you can
Starting point is 00:36:14 basically, uh, have, you have a spectral vine to spring up on a creature within 10 feet of you that you can see. Um, or they have to succeed on a strength or deck saving throw or be restrained, which is cool as hell. Uh, and then turn faithless, which is, uh, um, sorry, you kind of emit this holy presence, basically. Um, and your enemies within 30 feet, or I'm sorry, Faye or fiend within 30 feet of you have to make a wisdom saving throw. And if they're not, they are turned for a minute or until they take damage. So they just have to get the fuck away from you. Yep. Which is awesome. So good. Um, Ranger, um, Ranger, she is a monster slayer. So she, uh, obviously her, her favorite enemies are monstrosities. There's natural
Starting point is 00:37:10 explorers, so she doesn't get slowed down by anything. Uh, Fighting Slayer, I gave her archery, which is a plus two for any ranged weapons. Um, which, you know, she use a rifle and a knife primarily. And if you're throwing a knife, it's ranged and the rifle is definitely ranged. So it's just a lovely little extra. Yep. Um, and then so Hunter sense, um, you, Hunter sense is basically her being able to tell where the enemies are. It's, you learn where, whether the creature has any damage, immunities, resistances, or vulnerabilities. Um, if they're hidden from you, you know where they are. Um, like, like you can basically tell where they are. That, along with a primeval awareness,
Starting point is 00:37:55 basically give her like the same ability she would have, have had in real life. Um, and then Slayer's prey. So, um, you focus your iron on one foe and increase the harm you inflict on it. And as a bonus action, uh, you can basically pick one, one creature that takes an extra D six of damage. Um, so good. Yeah. So I, so the, and this is, so Slayer's prey is the reason I didn't give her Hunter's mark as a ranger, which I like am abhorrently against. I'm like, if it's a ranger, you have Hunter's mark. Exactly. You have to. You have to know what you have to, but I don't want to give her Hunter's mark cause she has this. Yeah. Um, this is so much cooler than Hunter's mark, like as much as I love it. It's very personalized
Starting point is 00:38:41 and very like particularly fuck you. Yes. Um, did you do, and then for war domain cleric, she only has one or I guess two things from it for right now. There's a bonus proficiency, which is you get martial weapons and heavy armor, which doesn't really apply to her. Um, but war priest, which basically lets you use a bonus action to do another weapon attack, which is cool. Uh, especially for like being a first level, like if you, if you're just like a first level cleric and you're a war cleric and you can attack on a bonus action too, that's pretty fucking cool. So yeah, so those are, those are like her main abilities she has. Uh, like I said, I gave her a rifle and a dagger, both of which are plus eight
Starting point is 00:39:26 to hit. Um, so because of expertise as a, as a rogue, I already know this is going to be stupid and it's so excited. It's so, it's so, I was like, this is dumb. This is dumb for a 10th level character. Uh, her stealth is a plus 10 and her survival is a plus 11. So good. Right now. And then I gave, I also gave her a sleight of hand, uh, cause she, you know, great at sealing shit from, um, perceptions plus seven, natures plus five, um, insight is plus seven. Why did I put an asterisk next to that? Hmm. Can't remember. Oh, well, who knows. Uh, past me had an idea. Oh, I think it comes from, is it from being a cleric or from a paladin? Don't they get that might be it? That might be it. Ranger. It might be from being a ranger. No,
Starting point is 00:40:20 it's something, something gets something for insight. I remember reading that at some point. But brain, brain squish. Um, and then her animal handling is plus seven in, oh, and also because she is a folk hero, she has proficiency with vehicles and I took vehicles to mean horses and mules. So there's that. There's that. And so now we come to the part where I have a stupid amount of spells for no apparent reason. I have, so 10, I have 15 spells and six spell slots. Yep. Um, I don't have, I don't have anything that's a second level spell because of the way that things worked out. I'm only technically a third level spellcaster and according. Oh, I think I don't, yeah, I'm only first. So she wouldn't have prayer of healing. Oops.
Starting point is 00:41:15 It's fine. It weren't, we're not playing with it. It's fine. Yeah. It's, this is all, this is all for our purposes of making cool things out of cool people. Yes. Um, so. Multi-classing, man. It, four-way multi-classing is the dumbest thing I've ever done. That sounds painful. I, I would never. I was sitting at lunch. I was like, what am I doing? What is, why did I do this? Why did I pick four? But also I'm glad. It's so worth it. Yes. Yeah. Um, so for cantrips, she has guidance and thaumaturgy because I think thaumaturgy would be super useful in like guerrilla warfare. Um, and then so she, she has, for paladin, ranger and cleric, she has spells that she automatically gets, um, that don't count against like her known spells or anything like that. Um, so for, for paladin
Starting point is 00:42:01 she has ensnaring strike and speak with animals. Super helpful. Um, and then for rangers, she has protection from good and evil. Also super helpful. And then for cleric, she has divine favor and shield of faith. Um, and then for her cleric spells, I picked bane and bless for, for maximum help and or destruction, uh, cure wounds and create and destroy water, especially because they're hanging around in the desert and, and, and, and, or in these terrible conditions, like she needs, she needs access to that. And if she can just create it herself, awesome. Perfect. Um, for paladin, I gave her heroism, wrathful smite and purify food and drink. Um, and then for ranger, animal friendship, good berry and alarm.
Starting point is 00:42:49 I love it. Yeah. I'm very pleased with it. Again, chaos basket, but I was, I was looking at, um, like scalp, subclass, rogue, multi-class into an oath of the ancient paladin. Like that was like, there, there were so many cool options and cool directions you could have taken this. It was really hard to like tally it down. I even had like a mock at one point thrown into the frame. I like it. It was like, oh, that doesn't really fit the weapons, but I had like, I had like wild fire drew and I was like, that doesn't totally, like she doesn't do anything with fire, but like the idea of destruction to like make things better. That was kind of where I was like, there's also vendits paladin because the whole thing of like her just
Starting point is 00:43:34 murdering, as she should. Oh, what was her, what was her HP like? Mine was 70. Oh, mine was 72. So pretty close. Yeah. Um, and then just because I, I can't help myself, if I had been able to give her a feat, I would have gone with either alert, healer, mounted combatant, mobile or a sharpshooter. See, I didn't have to worry about the mounted combatant because I had the cavalier. So cavalier was one of the ones I had pulled up. And then I was like, I, I want other things though. Yeah. I forgot to mention too. There's one called warding maneuver. Uh, she can, uh, at seventh level, you learn to fend off strikes directed at you, your mount or other creatures nearby. If you are a creature, you see within five feet of you is
Starting point is 00:44:21 hit by an attack. You can roll one D eight as a reaction. If you're wielding a melee weapon or a shield, um, roll the dice, add the number to the targets, add the number roll to the targets, AC against that attack. If the attack still hits, then it has resistance against that damage. Oh, shit. That's cool as hell. It's stupid. It's so good. I've never played a fighter. I've never played, I have played a paladin. I haven't played, I haven't played a fighter or I haven't played a fighter or a cleric. I played ever like the other, the others we've mentioned I've played, but those two I haven't played. And I'm like, now do I have to play the dammit? I have to play these now. I never have played. The only thing I've never played is a wizard and I never will.
Starting point is 00:45:01 I have one idea for one wizard and that's it. Like I have one idea for one wizard and one idea for one bard. And that's all I'm ever going to play either of us. High charisma, high intelligence, scare the shit out of me. Damn good old bar. I have named Edmund Fitzgerald is just, you know, Oh, I love him. I don't know what he does, but I love him. He's dumb. He's just a dumb man as he should be. Um, yeah, so that's basic. That's basically our whole, our whole, our whole gig here gang. Um, thank you, Carly so much for joining me. This was fantastic. Yes. Thank you for having me. I'm so glad you're here. Is there anything that you want to like plug or talk about or any of it? Um, spot hidden. Yeah, I'm, I'm on that. Uh, if you guys don't watch that, you totally should.
Starting point is 00:45:51 It's, we do it Tuesday nights at, um, I'm trying to do Pacific. I don't know. It's seven central, eight Eastern. So five Pacific. Yes. Five Pacific time zones are awful. They're doing, I'm not going to be in it, but Friday night we're playing with Mark. They're playing with Mark Muir, which is so cool. So Commander Shepard's going to be there and he sent, uh, pictures of his character inspiration today that I will not mention, but it is not at all what you'd expect for a gothic horror thing. So it's, it's going to be something else. So yeah. We're still going with dark academia, right? With, with, with Rowan. Yes. Rowan, get all Rowan Kirby. Yeah. She is, Oh God, she's getting worse and worse at everything. As we do in Calcutta Thulu,
Starting point is 00:46:39 like Delta, like, like, there's no, there's no getting better. It's only worse. It's only getting worse because you just get more desperate. So yeah, I, Sergio has been talking about like certain things about the second arc of Delta doom to repeat. And I'm like, hi, I'm not ready to finish the first one. Like I got to a point where I just had to pause and I'm like, okay, I'm going to come back to this later. That's fine. I would sometimes I wish we could pause and I could be like, okay, I need to, I need to gather myself from this. Can't keep going. This is the highest compliment. You guys trust me out. Thank you. Um, yeah, thank you guys for joining us on this, this lovely Wednesday evening. Um, check out Carly and the whole gang on spot hidden. They're lovely humans. Um, and as
Starting point is 00:47:30 for us, we are still in our Ashoka hiatus, which we'll be returning from on May 14. Um, but Mondays you can hang out with Aaron on the sheet farm. He's still going through, um, what's it called? Assassin's Creed. I think it's three. He's in the Revolutionary War. Um, it's thank you. Um, Tuesdays, Sergio does some iron sworn stuff. Um, Wednesdays, alternately, I'll be, I'll be back in a couple weeks with another, another friend and another cool person you should know about. Uh, the list continues to be super hella long, but please give me more. If there are more people you want me to, to, to talk about, I love, I love hearing them. So hit me with, hit me up with them and chat, hit me up with them in, um, what's it called? Uh, social media. Jeez. Uh, just let me know. And also I say this
Starting point is 00:48:21 every week, I do DND because it's the one I'm most comfortable building in. But if you have a suggestion of a system for me to build in, I would love to try something new. Um, I'm woefully unaware of many, many different types of TZ RPGs, but I'm trying to learn more. So if you have thoughts about ones that would be important to do, let me know. Um, and then Fridays, we've been doing kind of a, kind of a smorgasbord of, of content. I think this Friday we're going to be playing some kind of game on the computer together rather than, rather than a chaos one shot. It's just going to be chaos computer games together. Um, yeah. And that's, that's about it. Thank you again for being here, my friend. Thank you again for inviting me. Yeah. All right, friends, have a lovely evening
Starting point is 00:49:10 and we'll see you later. Bye, bye.

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