Mayday Plays - Heroes You Should Know: Roberto Cofresi

Episode Date: March 3, 2021

Join Allegra and Eli as they stat out Puerto Rican 'privateer' Roberto Cofresi. This is a recording of our live Twitch stream. Join us live at *Cast Allegra Shivers Eli Hau...schel *Music Aaron A. Pabst

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, friends. It's Allegra, your friendly neighborhood history nerd, here to give you another dose of heroes you should know. And this week, I'm joined by our beautiful, wonderful, talented Eli, who you may know as Agent Hyde, or Echo, or soon-to-be, our DM when we do a show, go! If this is the first time you've seen it, that makes sense, because this is the second one. So, in case you need a reminder of what's going on, these are all, I'm going to talk about historical figures that I think are important, that we don't learn about very much if at all in school, or in other places, because they're not white, because they're not, because they are men, or because they're not men, there it is, because they're not white, because
Starting point is 00:00:51 they're not straight, because they're not whatever. And I think they're cool, and the world would not be the same without them, so I'm talking about them. And then, because I'm a double nerd, I'm going to turn them into D&D characters. And Eli's also going to turn our person today into a D&D character, and we're going to compare and contrast, and just see what the other builds. Yeah. Hell yeah. So today, we're going to talk about Roberto Coffrecy, who is a pirate. Pirate. A Puerto Rican pirate. Yes. He's also known as Puerto Rico's Robin Hood. So I've simplified this a ton. There's a lot of political and economic and militaristic intrigue that's not terribly easy to follow, and that's not
Starting point is 00:01:42 even really my interest anyway. So I've cut down a whole lot of stuff, but there is so much information out there. Literally just Google search Coffrecy, and you can find so many sites from Puerto Rico, from outside, like militaristic perspectives, from pirate perspectives. It's really interesting. So if you want more in depth, please definitely go check those out. This is definitely just going to be like a basis of his life and who he was, because I think he's neat. So at the height of his career, Coffrecy was avoiding capture by no less than six nations, Spain, Gran Colombia, Denmark, France, the UK, and the US. And this is about 100 years after the height of piracy. So he just comes out
Starting point is 00:02:34 of the blue and he's like, nah, fuck all y'all. And it's great. But before that, he was born on June 17th in 1791 in Cabo Rojo, which is on the western coast of Puerto Rico. And his family were pretty much just like penniless nobles, because it's Puerto Rico and colonialism kind of fucked it up all over the place since, since, you know, people that weren't diagnosed came there. Because of course they did. His mother dies when he's four. And he always was very interested in like the ocean and the sea and like wanted to work on the sea. And as a young man, he had a little boat called Mosquito. So most of this takes place at like dead in the center of the Latin American wars for independence, which were from 1803 to 1833,
Starting point is 00:03:21 which isn't to be confused with the Spanish American War, which was in 1898. So the Latin American wars for independence were basically all of Latin America going up against Spain to be independent. At the end, Spain lost its hold over, I think, everything except for Puerto Rico and Cuba. And Cuban independence happened in 1868. And then Puerto Rico was given to the US in 1898 at the end of the Spanish American War, because colonialism is bullshit. And it's dumb. And it makes me mad. Yeah, yeah, you know, I know, I know. So, so, so there's a lot of like privateering, naval warfare that affects commerce, which sends the economy of Puerto Rico into the shitter. And it's, it's all just a mess right now, as it always
Starting point is 00:04:18 is. So we married one a career tough in 1815, but her family was also pretty poor. And they, what's really sad is they tried to they had they tried to have kids and they lost both of their sons pretty soon after they were born. And they finally had a daughter in 1821. But she was their only like kid that survived. So, so he kind of goes against like most of my rules that I've made, because he's a dude. And he's technically, at least on his dad's side, he's some kind of European, there's a lot of discrepancy about if he's like Danish, or German, or I think somewhere in there, they said Italian, I don't think he was. But there's like a whole bunch of discrepancy. And then there's a lot less known about his mother's side. So who knows. But I don't care because he's cool.
Starting point is 00:05:07 And I want to talk about him because pirates and he's neat. And I make the rules. So it doesn't matter. Oh, yeah. So as I said, he, he always loved the sea and he worked on ships from an early age, but he also had like a variety of jobs on land and like docs and in the markets and stuff like that. But he also was like, doing criminal shit, stealing cattle, causing havoc, what have you. And he was arrested in 1821 actually for a pretty big highway robbery. And it was the same year that his daughter was born. So because he was a noble, they let him go to like go visit when she was born. And then he fucked off and escaped and like was on the land for a while. And he would just like come home and visit in Zika and then he'd go off into the jungle and do his thing.
Starting point is 00:05:56 And he'd come back and like, fuck shit up around. So after that, he worked as a privateer, which is basically, privateers are basically government sanctioned pirates. Like, they're like, you can't be a pirate, but it's like, you give me a pirate, but like, under our rules, we're just going to take, we're just going to, yeah, under our rules, then we're just going to take a little bit off your back and you scratch my back, I scratch your back. Right. So I don't think, I don't think they knew that he was specifically on the Sipion, the ship, it was his cousin ship and Sipion. So I don't know if they knew he was on that ship, but like his cousin had a privateering contract. So he just like pulled people on and he was like,
Starting point is 00:06:39 Hey, come on, bro. He was like, I was like, it's like, I'm not cool with them, but they'll pay me. Yeah, basically. But LCPO was kind of using like questionable piratey tactics already. They like, they'd like, they'd fly a Colombian flag and then capture American and British ships when they like, cause they'd, cause they'd stand down cause they're like, oh, it's a, it's an ally. And then they take the American and British ships and like steal their shit. Cause why not? If you're not going to, like, if no one finds out at the end of the day, you'll be like, oh, the ship sank in the middle of the ocean. What do you know? We didn't get there in time, but we found them. We found some stuff though.
Starting point is 00:07:20 Everything sank to the bottom. It stores everything in the back. No, we didn't get this from them. We just found it. So there was an American ship called the Otter and a British ship called the Aurora that are pretty big for having done that. Right? The Otter. The Otter. That's crazy. So after they took the Otter, there was like a court order for like restitution and they were like, like the whole government was pissed about it. And at that point, Kofi, Kofi, I see was like, fuck it, full pirate mode. I'm out. Like I'm just going to go full pirate. Yeah. So like kind of like, like I said, at the high of his, of his career as a pirate, he was escaping six countries, the government of six countries. And he also had like several,
Starting point is 00:08:05 several small draft vessels with like rotating crews of like like 10 to 20. So he'd, like he'd, he'd have some people and then he dropped them off on land and then he'd pick up new people. And like he had- So you just never make port? He would just cycle people out? Kind of. Like he'd, he'd land and then he'd cycle people in because he had a network on land as well. So he'd just like switch who was like working the land shift basically. Which is kind of brilliant and maybe a little dangerous, but also cool. Yeah. So at the same time as that like local network was happening, the local officials were trying to spy their way into that network in Cabarrojo. But it was really difficult because
Starting point is 00:08:53 all the locals were very sympathetic to Cofresi. And they, they basically, they basically failed to infiltrate his system. And one of them even got charged with conspiracy. Like they were like, you failed, but also did you do it on purpose? You might have done it on purpose. So that was, that was cool. And the reason they were sympathetic to him was because any time he had goods or gold or like whatever he found on the ships, he would go, when he went on land, he would pass it out to like the poorer people. And, and he would share the, he would Robin Hood literally, which is super dope. Well, if you wanted to get somebody on your side, it might as well be the people. Right. Yeah. Fuck the government.
Starting point is 00:09:39 Fuck the government. Like get the people on your side. And they like, and they would, they would hide him away and they would lie about like having seen him. They'd be like, hey, have you seen Cofresi? And they'd be like, nah, it's been like three months as he's like hanging out in their backyard. I've never heard of him. Right. And especially in Cabo Rojo, which was his like home turf, like they were trying to get people in his home to roll over on him. And they were like, fuck no. Oh, yeah. It's at home. No. Everyone would know. Like you can't. Yeah. And it had been like a whole thing for pretty much his whole life that everything, you know, he was like seeing how much people were suffering and it was kind of destitute.
Starting point is 00:10:13 So he was like, well, if I have this, like, why don't I fucking share it? Yeah. That's not to say he was like a fully like kind and benevolent being. Oh, no. But so, so he, his ship, he chose ships that were like fast and maneuverable, rather than like heavily gunned and like armored. And there's so a lot of a lot of, I have to say a lot of like Cofresi's history is kind of steeped in folklore because he because he was such a hero on the island that like things things have been like skewed in his favor and skewed and also and conversely the other way around like government government documents kind of try to paint him as more violent and more evil than he was. So there's like a weird construct of like where
Starting point is 00:10:59 where's the truth line? It's somewhere in the middle. But there is there is one kind of like lore that that he once took over and plundered eight ships in a like in a single go at the same time, which honestly, I wouldn't be surprised. Yeah. So at the start, he went after the US ships and Spanish, sorry. So he went after the US ships at the start at the start because they were the ones that were kind of fucking everything over the most. And the Spanish would kind of ignore it because they're like, well, if it's not, if it's like fucking over the Americans, it benefits us. And like if it went after other European ships, too, they'd be like, okay, I don't see. But eventually he did go after the Spaniards. And so they like wind to the crown to get him to stop,
Starting point is 00:11:42 which is when they kind of leaned on the local authorities to go after him more, even though they didn't have, you know, a ton of resources. Yeah, totally. Yeah. So those were the two he went after like the most harshly. Yeah, that was kind of his mode, which go off, dude. So he operated out of La Mona Island, which is between the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico. So it's like, it like floats in between. And the locals there would protect him too, because that was his hideout. And so he'd store stuff there, but he'd also spread stuff around. There's also a pirate base in the Dominican Republic Island of Sauna. And there's also reports of him being on Vieques, but that's on the other
Starting point is 00:12:29 side of Puerto Rico. Like if Dominican Republic's here, here, I forgot it's mirrored, Dominican Republic's here, La Mona's here, Puerto Rico's here, and Vieques is all the way over here. So like there's a chance that he bopped around all of them, but who knows. So he had a pirate code that was just, we take a ship and anyone who wants to join the crew, cool, you're in. We're bros. If you don't, you're dead. That's it. I mean, that's pretty fucking straightforward, you know? Yeah. Like lead no witnesses, but like you can join us if you want, you know? Yeah. I'm going to take your shit. And if you want to join me, cool, you can keep some of your shit or buy. In 1823, there was like a physician and a politician named Pedro
Starting point is 00:13:22 Goycol, or Goycol, sorry. And he was like 15 at the time and he was traveling on his own to get like secondary education. I think he was heading for the U.S. and like mid voyage, go for a sea, like intercepted it, boarded it, and he got all the passages together. And when he learned that Goycol was among them, he changed the course, took them back to the island and dropped him back off at home. So basically it was because he knew Goycol's father, because they also had association with pirates. And he was also from Cabo Rojo. And eventually he, the physician kid grew up to be an abolitionist. So good choice. Good choice, go for a sea. So he was finally caught in the early spring of 1825 by collaborating Spanish and Danish ships in like a surprise attack, basically. It
Starting point is 00:14:13 looked like there wasn't anyone there. They rolled up on it. They popped up. He tried to fight them. It didn't work. He tried to flee, but he like couldn't shake them. So eventually he kind of ran the ship aground and went inland. He was hurt. I think he lost two of his crew members. And like half his crew was captured as they were getting on land in the first day. And then he was caught the morning after. And even then he tried to like fight them off with a knife until they subdued him and took him in. He tried to bribe the mayor of San Juan with 4,000 pieces of 8, 4,000 pieces of 8 for his freedom. But obviously the mayor didn't go for it. And so like the story goes that he, like as he was being captured, he said, do you think I'm scared of you? Do you know how many of
Starting point is 00:15:03 your people I've killed? Because he's kind of a badass. Yeah. Well, if you're going to go down. Yeah, definitely. Don't ever let them see you cry. Go down as badass as you can possibly go. And he does. God damn, he's so cool. So he's killed March 29, 1825 by firing squad in San Juan with the rest of his with the rest of his crew. And so first off, he refused to have his eyes covered. And then after and they had to blindfold him only after he was tied to a chair. He was talking about all the all the like Spanish and American dudes he killed in his time. And then he supposedly said he killed 400 persons with his own hands, but never to his knowledge, he killed a native of Puerto Rico because he's a bro and it helped them. And
Starting point is 00:16:03 that essentially actually includes my family. I will tell you that story in a minute because it's cool. But his last words were reportedly I've killed hundreds with my own hands and I know how to die fire. Like what the fuck? Like a G like any badass should go down, you know, just, you know, just fucking do it, bitches. Do it. Fuck it. Fuck you. And the network that he had of people on land took a further 14 years to dismantle. It was so like deep and ingrained in Cabo Rojo that it took them 14 years to take it all the way down. As I said, there's obviously like varied reasons that he became a pirate in reports. Some people say it's because he hated all like the naval bullshit that was going on and he wanted to relieve like the destruction of the
Starting point is 00:16:51 people. And then there's like obviously the governmental side of it that's like he wanted just to be a pirate and have all this gold and take things and raw he the bad man. And then there's the third kind of camp, which is he sold his soul to the devil to be loved by women and to get supernatural powers, which basically enabled him to make his ship disappear mid battle. I want that option. Honestly, if I could, if I, if that was an option for me, I'd be like, yes, that's the way to go. I want to be known that way. Yeah. Yeah, sure. Sure. I stole my soul to the devil. Yeah. Women love me. Women love me. I get to disappear whenever I want. But fuck yeah, let's go. Let's go. So there's a town in Dominican Republic named after him as well as
Starting point is 00:17:41 a statue of him in Cabo Rojo, which is the picture that's over here. I mirrors are hard. That's him. You can see his titties. You can't see 4,000 year old and had you wanted titties though. He does have a well placed something. I don't actually know. I don't know if it's supposed to be swords or what the bottom of it is, but, but obviously from that statue, you can tell that he's pretty well loved all over within the Caribbean as in like he, you know, he was, he was, he was, he fought for them. Yeah, exactly. Talk to your motherfucker. Yes. So there's a, there said to be a cave in Cabo Rojo where all his treasures hidden, but no one's ever found it. Of course, other people think the rest of it's on Vieques or La Mona. There's tons of like songs
Starting point is 00:18:27 written about him. There's store like stories all over the place. He's, he's like, he's a legend pretty much in Puerto Rico. And okay, so one of the reasons I want to talk about him because is because my grandmother told me this story recently and like, she was like, we are like, we had pirate gold. And I was like, what the fuck are you talking about? We had pirate gold. And she goes, no, no, listen to me. I'm like, okay. And I'm driving to work and she's trying to tell me this story. And I'm like, on the one on one, like, what the fuck are you talking about? So it's either, I think it's her great, great grandmother. Two, it's two or three. Oh, is it one great? No, it's got to be two or three greats. Anyway, her name was Agatha Luna, we'll call her Agatha Luna.
Starting point is 00:19:10 So Agatha Luna lived up in the hills, you know, it was Puerto Rico, we were very poor. And every time Cofrecy came to town, he would like swing through her town and give her a little bit of gold or a little bit of goods or whatever he had. And so she'd store it somewhere. I think, I think my grandma said it was under the house, like she just like stick it under the house. And she left it there and she didn't really tell anyone about it, except like a couple family members knew. And then time goes on, Cofrecy passes away, Agatha Luna gets older, and she dies. And, and so they set her up in the living room, you know, how they do like reviewing and everyone's kind of gathered around and they're praying and whatever you do. I'm not great at funerals, clearly.
Starting point is 00:19:56 So everyone's like having their moments and telling memories and all that stuff. And eventually as like time goes on, someone brings up the gold and they're like, okay, well, like who gets the gold and where is it? And then one of them is like, it's under the house. And then they get into this huge fight about like who gets it and who gets how much and where it is and all that. And like at the height of their fighting, Agatha Luna sits up in the middle of the fucking living room and screams at them all to get the fuck out of her house. Apparently she wasn't dead. She had, I don't, I don't, I don't, we don't know like that many details about it because it was ages ago. But yeah, apparently she wasn't dead. She's arrived another couple years,
Starting point is 00:20:34 died for real later. They made sure she was dead before they argued about the gold. And when they went to look for it, it was gone. Presumably washed away in a flood. Yep. Part of me wants to go like back and be like, is it there though? Could it be there? That's the temptation. That's the, that's how you get sucked into a ghost story. Exactly. So yeah, that's, that's a very basic overrule of Coffrecy and all the cool shit he did. Obviously I'm telling it from a perspective of like, I, I'm definitely coming from more like a folk hero perspective because I, he took care of my family. Like of course I'm fucking on his side. Yeah. So do you, do you want to, you want to go first and tell me, tell me what
Starting point is 00:21:24 you, what you built for him? Yeah, sure, sure, sure. Um, I kind of kept it a little simple. I fucking love pirates. I love everything about pirates. Like every, every story about a person who is a pirate is always just like, like they're infamous. They did something crazy, whether it was breaking out social norms or like, you know, either you're a rich person that just said, fuck it, I'm just going to go be out at sea. You know, like the whole collective like thing is like they, you know, loving the ocean, being a part of that stuff. But then also like saying, fuck you government and fuck whatever you want to do. I want to be a free person and I'll do whatever it takes to do that. Um, so, but you know, you can't deny that, you know,
Starting point is 00:22:09 Fressy was a dastardly dude. Oh, for sure. So I went with this one. I decided to go rogue with him. And I chose the swashbucklin rogue. Fuck yeah. Fuck yes. So that's the class and subclass I picked for him was, was all that. I statted him out at with high charisma and high dexterity. They feel like getting like convincing someone to let you out of jail. Right. And then proceed to manage to duck and weave from the government, you know, having, even having that whole chain of, of people and like switching out crews and stuff like that, like you got to have like charisma to like convince a butt ton of people to be on your side. I mean, like gold helps for sure. Like, you know, paying them off helps for sure. But you know, being a little nice at the same time and being a little
Starting point is 00:23:08 charismatic, I think goes a long way. So I have it at 19 for dexterity and 17 for charisma. Hell yeah. I decided to give him 14 for wisdom. Because I feel like being a pirate and like doing all of that stuff, there is like an air of intelligence. And of course, he's probably had some form of education if he was considered noble. But like surviving and, and eluding things and being out at open sea, I think requires more wisdom than it does intelligence. So I gave him a 14 for wisdom and a 10 for intelligence. So just average him out. Yeah. And then I gave him a straight 12 for strength. And then the dump stat, I ended up giving him for constitution, because no one survives a firing squad. Yeah. And if we're going as a human, you know,
Starting point is 00:24:07 human beings and bullets don't get along together. Right. But in, but for this one, I know that you normally just want to like straight human beings or human as the stat. But I decided to give him a variant on the same reason of that like pirates are infamous, and they have to do a lot of stuff. So I feel like they they're a little extra. Yeah, they're just like normal, regular Joe, just chilling in a human plus. Yeah, human plus, like there's like an extra bit of, you know, you got to do. Yeah. And so with that, he gained a feature, which I chose to be lucky. I love the lucky feature. I love to try to throw it on my characters when I can. And I think you need it also as a pirate and escaping and eluding, you know, all that hiding
Starting point is 00:25:00 in plain sight, being a private tier under your like, your cousin's flagship and stuff like that requires a level of luck that no normal human can muster sometimes, you know. Yeah. Let's see. What else? What's what's like skill proficiencies? Did you did you try to like muscle up with him? Skill proficiencies, I picked athletics, history, insight, perception, persuasion, stealth and survival. Nice. Oh, you get he gets he should get expertise if he's a rogue too. Which ones did you like? Expertise in perception, persuasion and stealth. Nice. I feel like it'd be village vigilant, persuading people to convince them and then trying to elude and invade wherever you can. I think like, like the history one comes from
Starting point is 00:25:54 I chose the noble background for him because I feel like that's the appropriate place to kind of sprinkle in the fact that he came from a level of where he started a level of a level of influence, even though he wasn't, you know, well off, but at least in stature. That gives him that little oomph to, you know, and plus that gives you like abilities to like, you know, convince people to rally behind you and stuff, I believe. Yeah. So that's why I wanted him to have that background. And then see how about, did he have any feats besides besides the lucky one? No, that was the only one lucky was the only one. And then I just beefed up his charisma and dexterity to to as high a level as possible. Yeah, makes sense. What are like sort of some of the like cool
Starting point is 00:26:47 things he gets with with Swashbuckler? Let's see. Because I also did a little bit of Swashbuckler for mine. But I think I think you get a little bit more than I did from Swashbuckler. He gets panache. So you get, you can make a persuasion check contested by a creature's inside check. And then hostile creatures will give you disadvantage. Let's see what else you get. You get is cutting action a rogue? Yeah, cutting actions, cutting actions a thing and candy dodge, sneak attack. I think you should get I think you get fancy footwork and rickish audacity too. Yes, I get fancy footwork, rickish audacity. Evasion and then yeah, and then panache. Oh, yeah, evasion, God. Evasion is the best,
Starting point is 00:27:39 dude. Fucking love evasion. Evasion saves lives. Yes. And only lives. Only. And yeah, that's pretty much for like features that I get for that. I chose a rapier for weapon because I feel like that's appropriate just in general for period and for a pirate like a short sword is not a pirate sword. No, unless you're like a like a grunt pirate, like I feel like if you're a captain, you have like cool shit, you got the rapier, you spent a little extra money, you want that fancy hilt, you know, you want that spring in your fucking sword or you let took someone down for it. Exactly. You want to fucking like, you know, crisscross and fuck people up. Yeah. So that was his main weapon. And then there's just like standard leathers. No spells
Starting point is 00:28:32 because he's just pretty much more of the just a fighter brawler, brawler type, which I feel is appropriate. Yeah. Did you have any languages for him? Because he's, does he get an extra language for being noble? He does get an extra language. I mean, I didn't know, I'm always into sure of like what to put for languages. So I just put I put dwarves in elvish because I feel like those are of like common languages or like languages that would be like of the people kind of thing. Of the people, you know, or at least like in proximity of each other when you look at like D&D lore and stuff like that, you would find dwarvish and elvish together with like common. So he would kind of have those languages on on boot on top of these, can't you
Starting point is 00:29:17 know? Yeah, which of course he knows. I gave him I gave him a dice set. I feel like pirates just play dice, like instead of like that, I feel like dice are more durable, or they like last you longer, you fall in the water. Yeah, exactly. Totally. Yes, exactly. And then like standard leather armor. What's his AC at? Because his, his deck is pretty good. AC is at 14. Okay. But initiatives that, but initiatives that's plus seven. So he's, you know, the go getter ready to go. And then in terms of like saving throws, the decks is at eight. My deck save is at eight and like intelligence at four. Hell yeah. The highest ones. But yeah, that's pretty much where I went with them. I think simple, you know, because I feel like, you know, sometimes like building a class, like simplifying
Starting point is 00:30:11 and stuff like that allows the character to like be and like do the thing like, you know, he's great on his own accord. And like, he didn't need like magic abilities or like special skills in order to do it. So I feel like keeping it simple, but like upping those like details of him, like his persuasion and his ability to survive and adapt and stuff like that was where I was hoping to go for it. Yeah. Oh man, it works so well. I love it. I also did part swashbuckler for him. But I gave him, I gave him Paladin. Hear me out. Paladin oath of the conquest. I love the conquest. Yeah. Like I realized that that seems a little bit counterintuitive to him being like fuck colonialism. But I think you can do it in like I think you can be like fuck
Starting point is 00:31:02 colonialism as a conquest in reverse. And I think that's like a mood he was going for. Well, I feel like conquest doesn't always have to be like a like in that colonial perspective. Yeah, that's true. I think you can conquest in the in the scope of like winning over the hearts of the people, which ends up being like the most important thing at the end of the day, government's fall, you know, at, you know, when the if the people say that they want, you know, they decide one day we must want to destroy it, we all could collectively just go and do that, you know. So winning the people is so much more better, conquering their hearts and minds and and their will. Yeah. So he's a he's a rogue, he's a rogue sex paladin for
Starting point is 00:31:43 because he's definitely more of a rogue. Yeah. He I put his strength at 17, his charisma is at 16. And then I, I had a really hard time giving him a dump stat, because I feel like he's pretty well rounded. Truthfully, that was a weird way. That was also the problem I had. I was just like, well, it was like I could dump intelligence, but like, he's not seems like a dumb, he's not a dumb dude. And like, you know, then you ignore some of his background. But like, you know, but I imagine he's fairly strong because of working on ships for working on ships, you know, he's incredibly wise, dangerous. You know, yeah, he's totally well rounded.
Starting point is 00:32:28 So it was hard to find a place. So what did you end up dumping? So I might my first ASI went to intelligence and wisdom to pop them up a little bit. So his intelligence is a 10, his wisdoms are 12. The only literally the only reason his intelligence is a 10 is because he like, he went to school, but he didn't go to school long. And intelligence is so like involved in like book learning and like knowledge knowledge, whereas wisdom is a little bit more of like, world knowledge. So I was like, okay, yeah. Yeah. So that was that was the only reason his intelligence was technically as dumb, even though it's a zero. His strength is at 14, his cons at 13, because you got to you got to
Starting point is 00:33:09 have some kind of wherewithal to fight off scurvy. True, true, true, true. And then like, I had the same reasons for his charisma being up there. And also I needed like the strength to be a little bit higher. So I could so I could double him in Paladin. Yeah. For his expertise, for me, I gave him slight a hand perception and intimidation, because scaring people into joining your crew takes I think a lot. Yeah. Let's see, what else did I did you have a God per se that you would have attached him to in like the D&D world? I had a couple. Where's my oh, it's over there. Hold on. I forgot. That's fine. I think I wrote them down. Yeah. So I found mask, umberly, tritherion, the traveler, and Yadro. Those were like the five. I'll raise my bitch.
Starting point is 00:34:07 They all seem to like line up with his his interests the most. So I think I think any of them would be a really cool kind of direction for him to go. Totally. Let me see. Oh, man. I also I wanted the only reason I didn't give him the alertness fee or I have two reasons. The one reason was I couldn't leave his I couldn't leave his intelligence that low and it just didn't fit. So I had to double my ASI, which was fine. And I wanted to give him alertness, because with alertness, his initiative would have been plus 11 at level 10, which is dumb. So but but he also got got in a in a sneak attack. And with alert, you literally can be sneak attacked if you're if you're conscious. So I was like, I guess, but I really wanted
Starting point is 00:35:05 to throw alertness on there so bad. Let's see. Oh, for his so for his his background, I also kind of I kind of mixed things. I gave him like half sailor half folk hero. So he has like the the sailor like the ship bit from sailor. And I think I gave him what did I do here? I can't remember. He gets he got he got survival from from folk hero. So I just kind of melded them together. What a DM let you do that? Maybe probably. I make the rules on this show, though. And so that's what I did. Why was your DM? I probably said, cool. It would make it doesn't make sense. It makes sense. And if you're splitting the stats and stuff, I wouldn't I wouldn't like bust you on it. Yeah. But I mean, I mean, when I build pirates
Starting point is 00:35:56 and stuff like that, that's usually the school thought they're either going to be swashbuckling rogues or they're going to be like whatever fits the story and with a background in the sailor so that you can at least tie the ship aspect to it. Pull it in somehow. Well, there is a variant in the sailor feet, right? For pirates, right? I'm pretty sure there is. Yeah, I would be surprised if there wasn't. Yeah. So either way, you get your you get your pirate licks in. Yeah. Let's see. So yeah, so I get so he like you said, he got fancy footwork, rake of latitude. I didn't get panache because I think that I think you got a level seven and he's only six. And I think the footwork is so cool. Yeah, with rakish audacity. It's dumb. And I love it.
Starting point is 00:36:51 And the fact that you can use a different way to sneak attack. This is so much options. I need to actually play like I have yet to play a rogue in a game. And I need to. You're going to be such a good rogue. So dastardly. I need to be the next thing for his paladin. He you know, he gets divine sensely on hands, divine smite, divine health, which is also helpful when fighting against scurvy. He really concerned about the scurvy. As a kid, that was something I was always really concerned about getting myself. I wasn't a pirate. I didn't live on a ship. I had plenty of access to vitamin C, but God was I terrified of fucking scurvy. I think the main so he was doing he has
Starting point is 00:37:47 a dueling fighting style. So he if he's wielding a melee weapon in one hand and nothing else, he gets plus due to damage. Nice. Makes sense for a swashbuckler. And since he's a paladin, tracks there to the main things I get from oath of the conquest, though, are conquering presence, which means anyone in 30 feet that I choose makes a wisdom saving throw. And if they fail, they're scared for a full minute. And then guiding strike or guided strike, which is a plus 10 to hit. So makes sense. Both of them make sense. For his spells. So he only has three spell slots, but he knows five spells. And he gets two of them because of he gets to them because of paladin. So he gets armor vagathis and command,
Starting point is 00:38:38 which fantastic. I also gave him purify food and water, because, you know, going out into and the scurvy and the scurvy and the scurvy, but also like going out to help people and like making sure that they're like food and water were were good, like potable, compelled dual, which is a cool ass spell. And I like it. So they have to make I think it's a wisdom saving throw. And if they fail, they have to fight you. They can't do anything else. They have to fight you. Damn, I wish I knew about that spell. I like that one. And then I gave him all three smites, thunderous searing and raffle, because how could I not? Smite, smite, smite. Yes. For his his stuff, he also has rapier. I gave him a cutlass because because it's because I see
Starting point is 00:39:33 other that's the other pirate sword. So I'm down. Yeah, I was like, he could have a short sword, but like for flavor, it's a cutlass. Fuck off. Yeah. I also gave him a musket. That's right. Buskets would be around during that time. I didn't even think about muskets. Give him some long range if he doesn't want to get off his bow and wants to fuck people over. Better than a crossbow. Hell yeah. No, no, no, no. Fuck yeah. Yes. I think it's like a D12 too of damage, which is not too shabby. Yeah. So I also I looked up, yes, just like distance, like goodbye. I looked up a few items that I thought would be cool for him to have to. These aren't like ones that I've specifically given him, but I thought Candle of the Deep, which is a candle
Starting point is 00:40:24 that stays lit underwater even and gives you like vision underwater, boots of haste because he's a rogue. And of course he needs that because all rogues should have a boot space. We should go fast. Must go fast and sneaky. Yes. In that same vein, Cloak of Displacement. Yes. Why should I get hit? Because fuck you. The dreaded helm or or of direction, walloping ammunition, which is just like knocks people back. An alchemy jug because Ale. Cloak of the Manta Ray, which would let him have like a pretty good swim speed and also breathing underwater. Damn. I can't remember. There is a which since we're talking about items that would be fitting there, there's a ring. I can't remember what it's fucking called, but it like it allows you to control your ship and it
Starting point is 00:41:21 allows your ship to move at your command. And then at the same time, I believe there's like a like a like a iron stone or something on it that like allows you to like fire off like a cannonball from that ring. No. Yeah. Yeah. That's so cool. I think I have it on my fucking Pinterest board. Fuck yes. Oh man, can you imagine? Yeah, because it was a thing in my home brew in my in my home home world. Yeah, I'm a home game. Yes. One of my character player characters. Where is my TV board? I'll go through more of them as you as you look. Tell me when you find it. Dust of disappearing because he was said to have been able to disappear in battle.
Starting point is 00:42:07 And like, why wouldn't he be able to do that? Of course he can if that's the myth. Fuck it. Yeah. Yeah. A folding boat, which is a boat that you can unfold. Yeah. Fuck yeah. Gloves of swimming and climbing. Mariner's armor and a ring of evasion or a ring of free action because rogues. Because rogues. Yes. I love them so much. Yeah, no, rogues are the tits. God damn it. If you can't find it, if you can't find it now, drop it in chat later. Yeah, I'll drop it on chat on Wednesday. Fuck yeah. So look out for Eli sending us the coolest item ever. I can't remember where I found this on the internet somewhere, but it was
Starting point is 00:42:57 Man, that's so that's so perfect. Oh, no, I got it. I got it. I got it. Okay. Okay. I found this. This is why an Instagram person by called Nine Spiked Mountains. And I believe that's who made this. Actually, no, I'm sorry. It's a bonus action is the person. It's called the Ring of the Lone Captain. So it's got two things to it. It's got enchanted rigging, and it's when while attuned to this ring, you can bond to the rigging of a ship you are standing on. It takes 30 minutes to bond to the ship. And when the ring is bonded, you can adjust the sails and steering wheel by shouting a command word. And you can only do so within 300 feet of the ship. And when commandeering a ship in this way, it erases the need of a crew
Starting point is 00:43:51 to perform these particular tasks. And then the second one is called Open Fire. And it's as an action, you can point to a target you see within 500 feet and speak a command word. A dark, pearlescent cannonball appears in front of you and you can shoot towards your target. All creatures within 15 feet have to make a deck save. And on a failed save, they take 5d10 force damage. And on a successful save, they take half damage. The damage is doubled against structures and you can use this feature once per long rest. Yeah, it's dope. It's dope. It was a really fun item that I had found and given to a player. You're basically just attuned a whole ship. Exactly. It's so fucking dope. Like if you're going to be a legend, it might as well control
Starting point is 00:44:48 you on ship. Get some disappearing dust or whatever. You could disappear that ship. It'd be great. Fucking go down in history. Yes. Oh, so cool. Fuck, I love pirates. I love gopresi. I love rogues. I love it. Amazing. Yeah, so that's basically it. That's gopresi. He's incredible. Yeah, he deserves some attention because he's neat. And I think so. And I hope you thought so too. Exactly. Yeah. Learn more about him. Learn more about pirates in general. There are just amazing people who ended up being pirates from all over the world and shit. And it's great to know about somebody like gopresi. I didn't even know he existed. And I've learned a few about various people, but no one from this part of the world. Even to the point where being in a point of time when
Starting point is 00:45:51 you're dealing with US ships and stuff like that, that's so fascinating. The history is so recent for us. Exactly. There's songs about him and they're really good. The one I listened to was Tony Kroato's song. I think it's just like lapirato gopresi. And it's a bop. It's good. Oh, yeah. And man, I just like, I wouldn't have known about him if my grandmother hadn't told me about him. And I'm definitely very biased because he protected my family and he tried to do right by Puerto Rico, which hasn't been done really very much at all. So yeah, I love my pirate dude. I love you. Thank you for doing this with me. This is so fun. Thank you. This is great. Yeah. If you ever think of a person that you want to talk about, Eli, you are more than welcome
Starting point is 00:46:48 to hijack and we can switch jobs. And if that ever sits in your little bonnet and park lights and no, I'm talking about history and history is totally a dead thing. But yeah, I'll think about it. I'll find somebody. I love history. I love telling people about my history, my culture as well. Please, please. So yeah, thank you for having me. It's great. Thank you to Aaron for running this. As always, we could not do without you buds. And that is, that's it on cofrecy for this week. In a couple of weeks, I'll come back with someone new, both from history and hanging out with me. Join us. I guess you have already joined us, hopefully, for good old sheet farm with Aaron. I think he's still, I don't know if he will,
Starting point is 00:47:41 he will have finished crisis. We'll find out if he finishes crisis. Eli is going to be or will have been. Future for me, pass for you. Eli will have been on Ironsworn. Taking on the Irons. Taking on the Surgeo, taking on the Irons. So excited. It's going to be great. And then on Friday, you can join us for debrief. Yes, it's debrief. I had to make sure. Debrief number three. Yes, we'll be talking about episode nine and 10. Nine and 10. And yeah, we'll be wrapping up. It's not in there. No, it is a part of 84, but yeah, we'll be wrapping up with Dooms Repeat. Yes. That show will actually be live too. We will be actually in person. So if you join us, you can ask whatever questions you want from the cast and
Starting point is 00:48:35 Sergio in chat and we'll be happy to ask. So hopefully you guys will tune in. Yeah. And then the Friday after that, you can catch Zacchia's phenomenal one shot. Malgoth versus Visigoths. There's the other way around. I can't remember if it's the other way around. It's a very hard sentence to say. There will be Malgoths. There will be Visigoths. There will be chaos because of course there will. Yeah. Thank you again for joining us and we'll see you next time. Bye.

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