Mayday Plays - Heroes You Should Know: Sayyida Al-Hurra

Episode Date: September 16, 2021

Allegra and Eli discuss Moroccan pirate Sayyida Al-Hurra....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Well, well golly gee we're back here after a after a quick technical difficulty. Thank you Aaron for fixing it. You're the best. I will once again say welcome to here as you should know which is a double nerd show where we talk about the circle figures that you should know but you don't for a plethora of reasons and then we turn them into dnd characters because why wouldn't And as I said and as you can see Eli's here with me this week and as we did say before but no one heard. Pirates. Yes, because you are pirates. Yes. That's like the equal plus you know when you do the math, it always comes out as pirates is fine. Pirates. Exactly. I gotta find more pirates. We'll find them by God. They're all over the world. I know there's at least another like, we're Oh, we'll talk about the woman we're talking about right now because she is a Moroccan pirate queen named Saida Al-Hurrah. She was the last queen in the history of Islam who ruled independently. She's super cool. She's super badass.
Starting point is 00:01:02 Should we we should just let's just go let's just talk about her. dive in let's take no time. Let's do this. So Saida Al-Hurrah is actually a title which loosely translates to independent noble lady. There's another there's another chunk of her title that means governor of. Oh, how do I say this work to. Oh my God, where is it? Oh, it's one. No. Yeah, that's one. Which is in Morocco, but we'll get to that we'll get there. We're jumping the gun a little bit, but she was born. Lala, which is lady in Morocco, Aisha bint Ali Ibn Rashid Al-Alami in 1485 in Granada, Spain.
Starting point is 00:01:48 So for historical context, at this time, the Ottomans had just taken Constantinople in 1453, which is basically like the hard end of the Roman Empire get wrecked. The Ottomans are like reaching their peak expansion. But when they something they did when they took Constantinople was they allowed the Eastern Orthodox Church, the Christians to maintain their autonomy. And and like land and their religious practices in return for or in exchange for accepting that the Ottomans were in charge now. So the Ottoman were an Islamic Empire. And once again, we see that like if you let people maintain their way of life and their religion and you don't force them to assimilate. It's pretty peaceable. It's pretty nice. People get along. And this was super rare at this time, especially between the three like the three major religions, Judaism, Islam and Christianity, especially at this time.
Starting point is 00:02:50 So it's super cool that the Ottomans are like, hey, we will let you we'll let you chill. If you just say that we're in charge and the the folks of Istanbul, Constantinople as the song goes, we're like, hey, yeah, all right. So that's neat. Just to just them food for thought. We don't need imperialism. But if you got to do imperialism, maybe don't suck. Also of note, the Spanish Inquisition was established a few years before Ayesha's birth in 1478 by everyone's or at least my least favorite monarchs, King Ferdinand II of Aragon and Queen Isabella of Castile, who are responsible for sponsoring that dickhead Columbus, who we all fucking hate. So I don't like them. The price.
Starting point is 00:03:44 The what? So there they've they've started pushing all the Muslims out of out of the Iberian Peninsula at large. They're a full rampage driving driving everyone out of converting them. And this is also the unification of Spain, as we know it today, because Spain was split up into a bunch of like areas like Andalusia, and I can't remember any of the other ones because Andalusia is the only way to talk about here. But this is like this marriage and the beginning of the Spanish Inquisition were what kind of brought Spain as a country into unification. And then also at this time, the Portuguese had started their colonial conquest in 1415. So it's a campaign that stretches across from like the eastern shores of South America. Hint hint the reason that Portuguese is spoken in Brazil.
Starting point is 00:04:44 This is where that begins. Around both South Eastern and Southwestern coast of Africa, and even over to like multiple multiple ports in eastern Asia, islands in the South Pacific. This is actually one of the longest lived longest lived empires in European history. It's literally until 1999 that they transfer sovereignty of Macau back to the people of China, which is insane. Yeah. I mean, like, we all know colonial colonialism still exists and like imperialism is very real and very present and continues to affect people to this day. But like seeing it continued to be written out like, hey, remember this thing that happened in 1415? Cool.
Starting point is 00:05:30 Great. Great. Great. Um, we're going to be a little bit better this episode. It's fine. Just a smidge. It's fine. Just a taste.
Starting point is 00:05:42 Hawaii, Puerto Rico. You know, you know, it's fine. It's fine. Um, anyway, so it's 1485. Asia is two years old. Portuguese sees several ports on the western coast of Morocco because they are very afraid. They like want to have control of the Mediterranean. They're very afraid of like the power that Morocco is going to have, especially in the Strait of Gibraltar.
Starting point is 00:06:06 It's a whole thing. And then a few years later in 1492, when a cursed year, Granada, Spain is taken by Isabella and Ferdinand and the Muslim folks were forced to convert or flee and Sayuda and her family or Aisha at this time were among them. So her family, the Rashid's were pretty prominent, a Muslim family of Andalusian nobles on her father's side. They have a pretty direct line of descendancy. Is that the word? That's the word from the Prophet Muhammad and her mother is a an Andalusian born Christian who converted to Islam and married her father, which I think is super interesting. Um, So they settle in Chef Chao, Chef Chao in, I listened to it being said and I still don't know if I got it right. I'm very sorry.
Starting point is 00:07:02 Chef Chao in, which is just inland of Teotuan, which will be very important shortly. And her childhood is actually pretty privileged. You know, they had to flee, but she's still like, she's still a noble and they've still got money. She gets a first class education and becomes fluent in multiple languages, including Castilian Spanish, which is the Spanish where you hear like the Z's and the C's become T H's instead of making a sound as well as Portuguese. She also studied theology and mathematics. She's like smart. Her family is making sure she's educated. Like this is, this is like, this is pretty fucking great for, especially for like the 1400s.
Starting point is 00:07:41 Yeah, for like the time period. Yeah. The place in the world and stuff like that. Yeah. It's really incredible. Like this is how she's like, like she's treated as an equal, essentially to her brother. So she gets to 16 and she marries. Okay. So she either marries a man that's 30 years, her senior, a friend of her father's, the governor of Teotuan, and a fellow and a losing refugee.
Starting point is 00:08:08 And within the Almondry family or Almondry family, a man who she was promised to as a child, which, but, you know, or she was married to his son, I'm on the second younger. But I think most people agree that it was the former. There's just like a little bit of quest, like name questioning of like, who was, who was it? But even with like a massive age gap, there still did seem to be maybe not affection, but like a genuine respect between the two of them. And she like helped rule it his side, which also very cool, especially that he's like significantly older than her and like, Hey, I see your like your brain is good. We should work together. Yeah. So cool.
Starting point is 00:09:00 Anyway, so she's got hell education. She's married to the governor of this port city. So it's just south of the Strait of Gibraltar, which is where the Iberian Peninsula, Portugal and Spain, and then the tip of Africa, Morocco, this like this little spots the Strait of Gibraltar, which is like how people pass through and from the Atlantic Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea. So the side of the city dates back to like the Berbers and the third century BCE. But Aisha and her husband basically have to build it from the ground up again, because it's in ruins, because in the early 1400s, the Castilians and the Portuguese destroyed it because they knew it was like a really solid stronghold. It was really important position in the Mediterranean, especially as a port city. It was like, like it was dangerous for anyone else to have it. So they were like, fuck it, we're going to get rid of it.
Starting point is 00:09:56 So one of the leaders in Morocco was like, Hey, your governor of this place now go fix it up. And they do. As I said, she's super involved with her husband's business affairs and with like running this city. And she's basically de facto vice governor. Her husband would like leave and then be like, Hey, you're in charge. You know what to do. And she's like, yeah, I do. And she just she just take care of the city while he was away.
Starting point is 00:10:24 Bossing it. Yeah. Like that's insane that that they were that very progressive, especially for the time. That's what it's like the one like the little sand of Jess. You can have some goodness. Here you go. The four steps. The future.
Starting point is 00:10:46 So people got super used to her being in charge. And when her husband dies in 1515, they're basically like, Yeah, like you just take you can just keep going. There's no reason for us to change like this works. We shouldn't change what's working. Fix it. Fix it. So this is her the title of Alhara, which means like she's in charge. And it's often like Alhara is often a title that's used to refer to a woman exercising some kind of public power.
Starting point is 00:11:16 So that's sweet. Yeah. And during her reign, it's one reaches like an almost unheard of level of prosperity, especially for a city that until recently been basically ruins. And it's fucking up the reconquista and doing pirate shit. It's good for the economy. Are we fucking up the colonists? Yes. Let's go.
Starting point is 00:11:44 Anyway, so it's believed that her like incredible acceptance by the people is due to the fact that she's an Andalusian woman. And a place of power over a significant Andalusian population. So like they were like a lot of people who lived here were forced to leave. Forced to leave Andalusia during the Spanish acquisition. And so they were like, yeah, we want to see a person who like is familiar to us in charge. They're seeing like the power of the monarch passing to a woman as it had done with Isabella. So that wasn't super surprising to them. And others say it was just because she was the undisputed leader of the pirates in the Western Mediterranean.
Starting point is 00:12:27 We're not talking about pirates yet, but we will soon. It's coming. We're doing this a little bit different. We're like cool life stuff out of the way. And then we're going to go to Piratines. Anyway, so it's 1541 now. She is married and she remarries Ahmed Al-Watasi, who is a Sultan of the Moroccan Watasid dynasty. So he travels from Fez to Tehran to marry her.
Starting point is 00:12:54 And this is fucking wild because he is like he is up like he is right at the top. He is the guy. And he leaves the capital to marry this woman who's a governor, which is hilarious because this is the only time in Moroccan history that the Sultan was married outside of the capital. He was like, hey, let's get married. And she's like, sure, you have to come here though. And he's like, I'm the Sultan. She's like, yeah, I'm the governor. I'm not giving up to be like, I'm not giving up just to come marry you.
Starting point is 00:13:29 Yeah, it's like I have things to do, dude. So it's like this huge cool power move and it fucking pays off because it's like a promise to her people that she's not going to give up on them and on being a governor just because she married a Sultan. And that has to garner so much respect with the people of like, yeah, she's technically also a guy. Yes, she's technically full queen now. And she's like, nah, I'm staying here, bitch. So super cool. That's one of my favorite facts is that she's like, yeah, we can get married. You got to come here.
Starting point is 00:14:04 My small port city. Yeah, come here. Nice. Yeah, super cool. So she points her brother as the zeer to her new husband and that basically installs her family as like major players in the effort to unify Morocco against basically all of the Iberian Peninsula. So like she's she's pulling different parts of Morocco together. I mean, she's so cool. She's got like a to do it.
Starting point is 00:14:36 So now I got a whole situation checking it off too. She's like, yep. Yep. Fuck. Right. So now it's time for pirate shit. Pirate time. Oh, my God, I love you.
Starting point is 00:14:59 Okay. So technically, I think you would qualify what she does as private hearing because she's pulling government sanctioned piracy piracy piracy is piracy with extra steps. Yeah, but it's government sanctioned. So it's technically chill. And when you are the government, you can say, fuck you, I'm not a pirate. Also, Morocco didn't have like a full unified Navy at this time and was basically relying on privateers and pirates to keep the shores safe. And they all basically reported to her. She just had an armada.
Starting point is 00:15:40 She was her own armada. She calls it how she sees it. Sure. So it's private hearing piracy. What? Yeah. What are words? I think pirate, like the pirate part of it came from like the Portuguese and the Spanish trying to illegitimize what she was doing.
Starting point is 00:15:57 And be like, no, she's a pirate. And like, no, technically she's not. You have a bunch of pirates under your, under your like employee for sure. So it's a lot of semantics that I think are very interesting. Okay. So in my research, I didn't really find anything about exactly when she started pirating privateering, whatever you want to call it. But I think it's before her first husband passes away, given that people might have accepted her because of the fact that she was already a successful pirate leader. It just seemed like that was the timeline that fit, but I'm not, I'm not entirely certain.
Starting point is 00:16:35 Nothing really gave concrete dates about when she started. But what is interesting is that if she did start pirating before her first husband died, that would have put her at under 30, because she was 30 when her husband died. She was probably like anywhere from 16 to probably 27, if I'm guessing. Jesus. It's great. Cool. Just a cool fact. I don't have anything else to say.
Starting point is 00:17:02 It's just neat. Boss bitching from an early age, she's like the first influencer. Pirate influencer, let's go. So basically, what started it from what most historians can agree on is that she never really got over the injustice of being forced out of Granada, which who would, who would, why would you, why would you get over that? You'll never forget it. Oh, you're fucking seven and you have to pick up your entire life because some assholes from the Catholic church are saying, hey, you get out of here and change to us. And he's like, I'm not going to get over that. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:17:40 So she wants to avenge herself and her people on the folks that forced them out. And that came in the form of piracy, which is smart. I mean, I mean, all of it, like, like they can't launch an all out attack on the Catholic church because the Catholic church is up and like marching through Spain. And that like they, they can't do that. Like they can't just gather people and go back into Spain and be like, hey, fuck you. But what they do have are smaller, faster ships in the Spanish Armada. And they're a port city and they're a port city which is built to be a stronghold. So it's a lot of cool shit that all works together.
Starting point is 00:18:20 It's, it's a good way to protect her town and also get revenge. Exactly. Brilliant. So at some point she makes contact with the Ottoman Admiral, Hierotin Barbosa. Yes, that Barbosa. And yes, also known as Redbeard. That's who she just casually meets up with. So remember how the Ottomans were also Muslim and also just hit Constantinople on the other side of the Mediterranean.
Starting point is 00:18:46 They basically have like, hey, you have that side, right? We're going to take this side. And we can just keep things chill. And they were like, yeah, that's cool. Great. So piracy provides like quick income in the form of loot and ransom for captives, but it also keeps like the spirit alive of like one day maybe we'll get back, like we'll get to go back to Andalusia, maybe we'll like get to go home.
Starting point is 00:19:11 So like it has like a double purpose. It's brilliant. Brilliant piracy. Also during this time, the Reconquista is doing its damnedest to expand control into Morocco and like maritime trade and like keep their thumb on that. And while Barbosa is like ferrying refugees from Spain to Africa and like fucking up the eastern of eastern Mediterranean, she's full out terrorizing like the Portuguese ships in the western Mediterranean. Like aborting, stealing loot, like taking captives. It's truly wild how much damage she does with like pretty minimal folks.
Starting point is 00:20:03 Even like the like Christians had to respect her because she is basically the one who controls the Mediterranean and she's the one they have to negotiate with if they want to get their captives back. So like, like they, they can be pissy about it all they want, but they also have to like bow to it a little bit because if they want their people back alive. It's her. Yeah. One peach a girl, peach a geese. One peach a geese. It's been a long time. I need some water.
Starting point is 00:20:39 I figured out. I figured out the best way to make myself want to hydrate is to just cover my water bottle and stickers of things that I love. Buried it. Anyway, not peach a geese but a Portuguese diplomat once called her a very aggressive and bad tempered woman about everything, which is like valid because she should be pissed off and aggressive. But also, that's how you know you're getting shit done. Like if a dude is like she's being she has a bad attitude. Like most of the time that means you're doing something right. There's of course there are women who are not good people and who are going to be bad and blah, blah, blah. But like most of the time.
Starting point is 00:21:29 A lot of time. It's a specific type of wordage. Yeah, she's very aggressive and mean, a bad tempered. It's just like, man, she held her own against me and I didn't like it. Yeah, I thought that was funny. It's like, you know, she's doing so fucking right. Yes, ma'am. Unsurprisingly, they were fucking terrified of her, which is great.
Starting point is 00:21:56 So Saida rules for as queen for another 30 years until her son Muhammad al-Hassan al-Mandri overthrows her in October of 1542, which sucks. But here we are. She lives, but she survives. It's not it's not like a violent coup. I think he just kind of like forces her out. He didn't have a big force, but he did have a force that came in and kind of pushed her out. She kind of gets stripped of all her power. And ultimately, she ultimately she just retires back to her childhood home in Chef Chao'en, where she passes away in July of 1561.
Starting point is 00:22:35 For those keeping track, that would make her 76 years old, which at the time and the fact that she's a full-on pirate queen is an incredibly long life. Yeah, which makes me wonder, was it a coup or was it just a retirement party? Yeah, like, I can't step down because like, that's not my vibe, but I need you to come in. Yeah, or Pissery kind of twisting it and saying that like instead of it was just a succession, it was a tickle. A grab of power, yeah. Who's to say? But we can all agree. Fucking queen.
Starting point is 00:23:10 Queen. Reina, what's up? Amazing. Super cool, super badass. I love Sayulehara. This is why I love doing this show is because I learn about people that there's no way I would have known about otherwise. And it's crazy that I wouldn't have known about her otherwise because she's fucking neat. Anyway, I'll stop my nerding for let's talk about our build.
Starting point is 00:23:38 Eli, you want to go first? Yeah, I can totally go first. So here, let me like a new guy exited out of the tab. One second. I'm going to drink more water because I need to drink more water. Stay hydrated. Everyone else, take a sip with me. Have a sip or some water.
Starting point is 00:24:02 Have a sip or some water. I'm going to worry about it. Are you listening at home on the VOD wherever you're at? Take a sip of water. Hey, take a sip of water right fucking now. For the queen. Do it for the queen. For the queen.
Starting point is 00:24:19 Aaron, you better have taken a sip of water too. Wherever you are. Okay. So I decided not to use any of the pre-made like pirate stuff. No swashbuckler rogues, no pirate backgrounds, none of that stuff. Let's be creative here. So I decided to go with six levels of cleric and four levels of paladin. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:52 And then I picked the paladin of the crown, oath of the crown. And then I did. Oh fuck. What was it? Wow. Wow. What domain did I pick? Order domain.
Starting point is 00:25:12 I picked the order domain, cleric. Um, because I figured with the level of like studious education, her devotion to her city, her town, and, and, um, putting use, you know, being like, a noble, um, I think, uh, a mixture cleric and paladin seemed like a really nice combination of stuff. So, um, so what, what would you like me to tell? Uh, what, uh, what, let's see, what, what are the, the like, uh, what, how'd you set her out? Let's go there first. Um, okay.
Starting point is 00:25:55 So I started her out. I know I put intelligence low, but that's, it's like an average. Uh, it should be a little bit higher, but I wanted to pad other parts of her stat. So, um, I gave her, uh, she's got a charisma of, uh, a high wisdom set of 17, a charisma of 14, um, intelligence of 11 constitution of 14, dexterity of 10 and a strength of 12. So, uh, more towards leaning towards utilizing like her spells and her actions and kind of being more of her, um, abilities than anything else. So, um, I won't tell you all of the ability sets, but I gave her proficiency in history,
Starting point is 00:26:43 um, in insight, in performance, persuasion, religion, and survival. Um, yeah. Um, I gave her heavier armor. I gave her like chainmail armor. Um, cause I feel like if you're noble and rich, you can afford a little bit more than just the average, just leather. Um, and I think there's no reason for stealthy there for her to like. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:09 Yeah. If you're on a boat, you necessarily need to be stealthy. Um, and she didn't, she wasn't known for, she seemed to be more about being like upfront about stuff than it was about like sleuthing around and trying to get, uh, uh, your point. Um, um, I gave her a rapier for weapons as well as the war hammer that comes with being a cleric. So I sat at cleric first and then paladin second, um, cause I feel like cleric felt fit in like bringing in her like knowledge base, the fact that she comes from a household that is multi-religious.
Starting point is 00:27:46 Um, cause I imagine even though her mom might have converted to Islam for the sake of marriage that she might still have some level of influence of her upbringing regardless of, you know. I feel like it'd be hard to stop if you, if you grew up a certain way and then you did convert, but like that has to, that has to still enter into your life. Has to be some remnants of it. Yes. You know, mentioning that, you know, this was a part of, you know, that was taken over but still allowed to maintain some level of original structure and religion.
Starting point is 00:28:17 Um, you know, so it is, would be a place that, you know, multi-religion would kind of coexist. So I wanted to stutter with Claire from that. Um, let's see. Let's see. Let's see. Um, are there any like subclass, like specialty, special, special moves? Special moves. They're called right now.
Starting point is 00:28:38 Sorry. So she has, uh, a channel divinity, uh, champion challenge. So, uh, as a bonus action, each creature of your choice and 30 feet makes a wisdom saving throw or it can't be willingly moved more than 30 feet or, sorry, hold on, take a step back, must make a wisdom saving throw or it can't willingly move more than 30 feet away from you. Um, and the second divinity is turn the tide and as a bonus action, you can, each creature of your choice and 30 feet, um, regains, um, 1d6 plus two hit points, um, if it has no
Starting point is 00:29:18 more than half of its, uh, max HP. So a little, a little support, a little padding, kind of like her, her, her stick anyways. And then the other thing she gets, I think with a paladin is the embodiment of law, which is you cast a spell of enchant, uh, of the enchantment school using a spell slot of first level or higher, you can change the spell casting time to one bonus action for casting, provide the spell casting time is normal than one action. So it's like three opportunities to make a spell bonus action to just add a little extra. Um, and then also in her features as a paladin and I picked the, the protect status of like
Starting point is 00:30:00 her, her fighting skills. So it's more about supporting people. It's more about keeping them safe over, um, being just a heavy hitter. Um, let's see with her, with the chain mill armor, she gets a armor class of 18, um, though she is very slow, uh, what, with a walking speed of 20, but she's got, you know, she's a little tanky, um, no initiatives, uh, bonus, uh, but she's got 77 hit points. So, She doesn't need to be fast.
Starting point is 00:30:34 She's on a boat. Like she doesn't need to be fast. She's got people behind, you know, she's got people behind her and all of that stuff. Um, and being on a boat, let's see, what other fun stuff. Any big spells you thought of for her? Oh, there is one more thing. She also gets voice of authority, which is, uh, expend a spell slot of one level or higher, um, with that spell, an ally can use their reaction immediately after the spell to make
Starting point is 00:31:06 one weapon attack against a creature of your choice. So she can kind of embolden people, make them, It's got a little bit of like a battle master and a little bit of like quick and spell. It's got like a lot of like reaching flavor. Yeah. Exactly. The little support. And then I also like to give as a general feature or a general like feet, uh, I like
Starting point is 00:31:30 the lucky feet. I think pirates also have just a level of inherent like, especially for somebody who lives so long, I had to have had dire straights at one point and managed to like get out of it. Yeah. Some of the stuff that like was never mentioned in history. Um, let's see, spells, nothing really like crazy. Um, a lot of just like, you know, uh, with the being the, uh, being a order domain cleric,
Starting point is 00:32:03 you automatically get like command, heroism, um, let's see what another gets something else. I think like hold person, um, so on top of those spells, I added like typical stuff like your wounds, prayer, prayer healing, created to destroy water. I think it's always just a good thing to have as a pirate, as well as well as water walk. Um, I think that's generally just a good for being out at sea, just safety things you should ask. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:37 You should always have safety protocols on your boat. Always be safe. Always be safe. Um, and then some just like really nice flavorful stuff, but you know, I got a spiritual weapon, um, spirit guardians, which is like the ones I love to add for clerics, um, clairvoyance was also a random spell I thought was pretty neat. Um, she was losing it back there. Oh, she got the itchies.
Starting point is 00:33:05 She got the itchies. Oh no. Okay. Okay. It's your baby. Mom, I don't want to blank here right now. She wants to destroy the blanket. Um, and I think, yeah, that's pretty much it.
Starting point is 00:33:31 I also gave them blindness and deafness, which is also just one of my favorite spells to just pepper in, um, and then yeah, and then she'll the faith rat a raffle smite where some of the Paladin spells that I added to the list, um, sanctuary, I thought was a really nice one. Um, because I feel like that would be something that she would be involved in keeping people safe, upkeeping, you know, yeah, taking care of them. So a lot of protection spells, a lot of just like support stuff. She'd be a really nice tank support kind of character.
Starting point is 00:34:09 I think. Nice. Oh, yeah. It's so good. Yeah. Um, I think also as a Paladin, she's immune to disease, which also kind of kind of plays her. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:23 No scurvy. No scurvy here. Um, she's got a spell DC of 15 and 14, depending on what type of felid is for what, uh, class and yeah, yeah, that's pretty much it. That's awesome. It's okay, buddy. She'll calm down. She'll calm down.
Starting point is 00:34:49 She's such a good girl. Oh, yeah. Hippo wiggles. Exactly. Hippo wiggles. Hippo wiggles. What did you do? What do you, what do you got?
Starting point is 00:35:00 Mine is nonsense. Mine is maybe the, oh, I want to know it's a tear. It's like, it's not a great build, but it's correct and it's fun. Uh, I made her a wizard to war magic wizard and a barbarian eight ancestral guardians. Um, which like, which you don't ever put barbarians and spellcaster together because they can't cast spells when they're raging. I don't care. I like it.
Starting point is 00:35:32 I think it's cool. We're doing it. It's just a little whiz, just a tiny sprinkle wizard in there and I started on wizard because like as a kid, like, you know, as, as we said, she's super highly educated. She's very, very smart. Um, and then I went to barbarian later because I liked the idea of her growing up and being like, Oh wait, I have this power now. Cool.
Starting point is 00:35:52 Let's go. Um, so her strength, uh, turned, uh, I put her strength in an 18, uh, as well as her intelligence. Uh, her dexterity and constitution are both 12. Her wisdom is 10 and her charisma is 14. Um, I also took skill expert, which is why her dexterity got to be up there. Um, and then her skills were, um, history, insight, intimidation, persuasion, religion, similar to what you had.
Starting point is 00:36:25 Um, but I gave her athletics because that was mostly utility of like barbarian, but also like you have to have the athletics to like run a ship. Yeah. So, um, and because of skill expert, she also gets expertise with one skill and that was what I gave it to, uh, so it's a 12, everything else is eight, four, six, regular things. Um, uh, she has all that, that usual wizard stuff like arcane recovery and spells. And low hit, low hit points, low hit points, just little d sixes, squishy,
Starting point is 00:37:03 I'm running ironically squishy. Um, that's why she's only two, two wizards. Um, but for war magic, she gets arcane deflection, which is you've learned to weave your magic to fortify yourself against harm. If you're hit by an attack or you fail a saving throw, you can use your reaction to gain a plus two bonus to your AC against the attack or a plus four bonus to a saving throw. Um, and if you use this, you can't cast a spell other than a cantrip in your next
Starting point is 00:37:29 turn, but if you're raging, it doesn't matter. Yeah. So if, if she did that, that would put her AC 18, uh, cause casually at 16. Um, and then she also has tactical wit, which means, uh, she can give herself a bonus to her initiative that's equal to her intelligence modifier. So instead of it being a one, which it would have been with dexterity, it's a five now. So she's quick.
Starting point is 00:37:55 She knows what she's doing. She's smart. Um, and then ancestral path barbarian, um, the usual barbarians have reckless unarmored defense, extra attacks. She gets two attacks, a danger sense, all that good stuff. She's fast. So she has a speed of 40. Um, either, either build, you're going to be.
Starting point is 00:38:22 Super slow, or you're going to be wicked fast. Like there, there's no in between. Uh, she can get across that boat like that, like a, like a mom piss that you've done something wrong. She is there. Well, what's her, what's her AC's? Cause like being a barbarian probably pads or AC a lot better. Cause neither the wizard can wear armor.
Starting point is 00:38:47 It's a 16. So it's like for being, for her being part wizard, pretty damn good. Yeah. Um, but she then, because of path of the, uh, ancestral guardians. Um, so she, when she enters a rage, like a spectral warriors appear. And when you're raging the first creature that hits you with an attack on your turn becomes the target of those warriors, which hinders their attacks. Uh, until the start of their next turn, that target has disadvantage on any
Starting point is 00:39:15 attack rolls, uh, that aren't against you. And when it hits a creature that isn't you, uh, that creature that it hits gets resistant to that kind of damage, uh, for, to, they have resistance to damage that they would take. So it's, that's a little bit supportive. Um, and also, so like in, in certain sects of Islam, people don't really like reach back to their ancestors for like guidance or anything. So I, and I couldn't find like what specific sect of Islam she was from.
Starting point is 00:39:46 So I decided that instead of like reaching back to like ancestors themselves, she's reaching back to like past versions of herself. So like imagining like a spectral seven year old, like tear streaked and pissed off bucking you up on a boat as like the older version of her wields a scimitar above. That's cool as hell to me. Yeah. So that's really interesting.
Starting point is 00:40:08 Yeah. Yeah. I, I wasn't, I didn't want to like step on like cultural toes, especially when I couldn't find like specifics. So that's kind of where I led, linked with that of like ancestral protector. So works, but in a different special way, that's really cool. Uh, she also gets spirit shield, um, which is if you're raging and a creature you can see with M 38 feet of you takes damage, you can use your reaction to
Starting point is 00:40:33 reduce that damage by two D six. So again, very like supporting, um, useful, like protect your, protect your, protect your crew, um, yeah, super, super cool. Um, she has a few spells because of those two levels of wizard, um, message just because that's useful, uh, on boats. Uh, and I gave her shocking grasp and chill touch because I feel like if she had to shake any Portuguese or like Spanish hands, she could just like mess them up a little bit.
Starting point is 00:41:06 Plus being, uh, a barbarian, like close court, quarter combat is, uh, the priority. So being able to get in close and then still be able to use some type of spell being close is also, also nice touch. Um, she has churn person, um, unseen servant, which I just like the idea of an unseen servant going across and fucking up a boat or like taking loot. Um, fog cloud and old, an old family favorite fog. I love the fog cloud.
Starting point is 00:41:35 I'll, I will die using fog cloud. It'll be the only spell in my spell slot. Um, thunder wave because I like thunder wave and thunder waves a good spell also a classic, um, jump because I love the idea of a pirate queen casting jump on herself and then bounding between ships and just bringing down like a someone's head mid rate. It's, it's all for like the cinematics of it in my head, but it works. Yes.
Starting point is 00:42:05 Um, and then I also gave her expeditious retreat, but I feel like she would not use it to retreat, but instead to close distance. Um, because fuck running away. Yeah. Never again. Um, she, she, she, anything else big and fun. Uh, I thought about giving her like Mariners armor, but the DC would have been, or her, I'm sorry, her AC would have been lower with Mariners
Starting point is 00:42:32 armor than it was unarmored. So, um, that was mostly for like water breathing and swim speed and all that good stuff. Um, but yeah, that's, that's really it. That's all I got for her. She's got 73 points, which is really good for even part wizard. Yeah. That's like the take is wizard.
Starting point is 00:42:56 Just this a kiss of wizard, but like all the wizard, but also rage. Yeah. But like eight levels of barbarian back behind it. That's the kind of wizard I will play. I'll never play a wizard unless it's a, I might have to build that too because I can't also imagine being a wizard. Like bless anybody, first of all, who wizards, you know, and does it well
Starting point is 00:43:21 because that's a lot of notes. Brandy mother fuckers. That's a lot of studying. Not for me. I came to be a ranger. I came to be a druid. So this tracks for us. We're here.
Starting point is 00:43:35 We know, we know what we're about to do. We, we study. I've just, I touched the dirt and then I got powers. I find experience to be the best form of study, but anyway, well, that's a, that's about it for our girl. So you know, her, she's super fucking cool. Oh, no. So I love her.
Starting point is 00:43:58 It was very good to learn about her and all the cool things she got to do. I'm very happy. I got to share her with all of you friends and with you, my friend, Eli, is there anything you want to, you want to drop? Well, I don't, I, this part's always weird for me because I never know how we got things. Well, we got, you know, we got tons of stuff going on in general. Friday, we definitely are probably going to be doing something.
Starting point is 00:44:27 We're probably going to hang out. We're going to shoot the, shoot the shed. Well, we'll be here. It's just me daying it up. But, you know, we have our typical schedule. We got Aaron on Mondays at the sheep farm, you know, Sergio and Star Forge. This is really dope. If you haven't checked that out, it's really good.
Starting point is 00:44:44 And the return of, and the return of heroes, you should know, which is my favorite thing. I can't wait to learn more about other stuff and what everybody else gets to build on this next, like, I'm going to say this is the second season. Of heroes, heroes, because we've, we've all gone through. So, you know, yeah, it's at some point I'm planning on putting together like a one shot of either like historical PVP or historical team up where you have to like fight a Tarask or something.
Starting point is 00:45:12 I'm not sure, but I think it'll be cool either way. Very excited for that. Um, Orpheus is happening very soon. Yes, weeks from now. Uh, it's coming up. It's coming up fast. We have Vince from Black Project Gaming who's going to be DM-ing with the whole cast of Mayday.
Starting point is 00:45:31 We're all going to be playing some really spooky friends. I feel so bad for Vince, but I feel like Vince is going to have a lot of fun either way. Oh, for sure. But like all, like we did that, we did that Delta Green one shot with him. And it was also another story. So he knows, he knows what he's in for. But this time we're just going to be spooky ghosts. And I, you know, we're attempting to, to run the whole entire modules,
Starting point is 00:46:02 which is several books. So it's going to be very, it's going to be a very fun time to do that. And with it being September 1st, we are very close to wrapping up a Patreon campaign. We, we have gotten stickers, which like, where is it? Oh, look at that beautiful sticker. So good. It's so beautiful.
Starting point is 00:46:24 If you join us on Patreon and subscribe to us, we will be giving you said sticker. We'll deliver, we'll hand deliver it to you. The mailbox. We'll hand deliver it to the mailbox. In the mailbox. I will hand deliver it to the mailbox. It's very, I'm actually really enjoying sending people stickers. It's very fun for me.
Starting point is 00:46:42 It makes you really happy when it gets like, all right, here's this address. And here's a sticker. Here's a little note. And here we go. Oh yeah. We've been, we've been getting, we've been getting photos back from our Patreon subscribers of various all around the world getting stickers. It's really nice to see.
Starting point is 00:46:58 But yeah, so if you can join us by the end of September on September 22nd, we, that's the wrapping of that. And you joining us on Patreon helps us do awesome stuff like this and more. We were also anticipating our return of Doom to Repeat arc two, which should be coming in the upcoming fall. So keep a weather eye on that. And yeah, we'll be doing more one shots. We'll be continuing to do our constant shenanigans as, as our year of 2021 is on its way ever.
Starting point is 00:47:32 No, no, no, it's not, no, it's not. I mean, I haven't processed last year. I'm supposed to catch up this year. No, no, Erin agrees. No, no, yeah, no, I know. Yeah, what is time, you know, soup, time is soup, stew, salad. Remember the conversation we had where everything is either a salad or a sandwich? Was that it? Either it says no.
Starting point is 00:48:00 I think it was everything, the salad or a sandwich that we decided the soup was a salad. Yes, soup is a salad. Erin, Erin stands by his staunch denial of this. And I stand by. Tune. Yeah, tune in on this Friday as we discuss salads and sandwiches and how everything is one or the other. But other than that, I think that's, I think that's what all we got our hands in right now.
Starting point is 00:48:27 I just wrapped up the show perfectly. I don't need to host anymore. Like I'm just passing it over to you. Yeah, thank you, friends, for joining us for this super nerdy show. It makes my heart so warm, learning about cool new people. If you have any folks you want me to try and cover in the coming episodes, please hit me up with those suggestions in chat on Twitter. In Discord, if you're in our page, Trion, hit me with those those those people
Starting point is 00:49:00 you want me to to look at or send a raven if you have to send a raven, a pigeon. Pigeons are in, but like a raven. That'd be dope. Or if you think of a different system that you'd like us to try and build these people in, I'm always down to trying new things. As I said, the first time I'm always building in D&D, because that's what I'm the most comfortable with and seems to fit with like historical scenarios. But if there's someone else or some other system, I'd love to hear about it.
Starting point is 00:49:30 I also just like learning about new games. So, yeah, just hang out, be chill. We're cool. I hate signing off, so I'm just going to say take care of yourself, friends. Have a good week. Thank you for joining us. Bye.

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