Mayday Plays - Ironsworn Session 10

Episode Date: April 15, 2021

This is an audio only version of our twitch stream for you to enjoy. This episode contains profanity. This work is based on Ironsworn (found at www/, created by Shawn Tomkin, and lic...ensed for use by © Mayday Roleplay under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license ( CAST • Zakiya • Sergio MUSIC & SOUND EFFECTS • “Eye of the storm” original theme by Aaron A. Pabst IRONSWORN LINKS • Ironsworn ( MAYDAY ROLEPLAY LINKS • Instagram ( • Twitter ( • Mayday website ( • Patreon ( • Twitch (

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Starting point is 00:00:30 We are playing Ironsworn, Eye of the Storm. It's made a roleplay. With me today is Aaron. How you doing Aaron? I'm not doing too bad. It's good to see you again. It's been a bunch of episodes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:06 I'm scared to be here. I don't know what's going on. I'm very unprepared. You know, I figured that might happen once in a while where you guys would walk in blind, but that's part of the fun. That's part of the chaos of our Ironsworn campaign. For those of you that don't know, we are using the Ironsworn rules and mechanics. It's a great game.
Starting point is 00:01:25 You can get your own copy for free on, but we'd like to support our creators that we use their games for. So check it out. But yeah, Aaron, let me let me fill you in on what happened last time. So Ila, wanting to test her powers, wanting to come to understand the limits of her powers, her ritual ward power, decided to head back to the mountains. The mountains were covered by the storm and then it kind of revealed them again and she just kind of felt like this was meant to be.
Starting point is 00:02:01 They she Adon, her former master, decided that he wanted to come along and went with her into the mountains and they returned to the corrupted ice reach that they had that she had explored once. She began by freeing a couple of the iron landers that are living here. We were calling them the the storm deniers because they're living here for some reason. They we figured maybe they're just, you know, want to deny the fact that the storm exists or that it has any effect. They were living near the stone tower and that was kind of the name of this area.
Starting point is 00:02:40 We freed some of them from the fungus testing our powers and they revealed that the fungus originated from underground. So we entered the stone tower and while poking around, we ended up loosening the ground and we all as a group, it was three iron landers, Ila and Adon, all of them fell through the floor and into this kind of subterranean part of the tower. We explored further and we found barrels of old fruit like fermented fruit, fermented goods and we noticed that there was no fungus growing on these barrels and it led Ila and Adon to the realization that maybe alcohol or vinegar, you know, whatever this substance
Starting point is 00:03:30 is seems to be repelling the fungus. So we dipped all of our weapons and we took, you know, kind of extra barrels of this juice and we ventured further. We found a bake, possibly the bear snake magical hybrid that had bitten Cadigan those many many years ago and it seemed trapped by the fungus. We freed it and in doing so, it seemed to be intelligent enough to understand that we were not a threat and it actually led us deeper into the subterranean layer where we eventually came upon its cubs.
Starting point is 00:04:08 I think we decided to call them snabs for snake cubs, but it kind of ran over to its snabs and we realized we were in this big cavern where a tree ant had buried itself and was now using its limbs to grow in all directions and its roots and it seemed to be the source of the corruption of the fungus. We began working on freeing it from the corruption using our blades that were dipped in the alcohol and it worked for a little bit, but when it became conscious, it kind of freaked out a little bit and it grabbed Adon, but using her intelligence, Ila took a rock and her blade and began sparking and that light kind of dazzled the tree ant and calmed it down
Starting point is 00:04:59 and eventually we were able to free it enough of its corruption that it was able to speak again and it began telling us the story of how it came here, that it came from far away, possibly to the south and on the way here, its intention always being to kind of be put to rest, to die because it had lived a very long time. It had been corrupted by this strange fungus and when it got to the mountains, it had kind of lost its mind, but it had nonetheless dug into the ground and had never really kind of finished the process of ending its life and this corruption, this fungus spread around and that's what ended up affecting Stone Tower and the Ironlanders and that's where we kind
Starting point is 00:05:44 of ended the last session. So, you know, think about Ila's situation, the fact that she is present in front of a tree ant sorcerer, Adon certainly wouldn't let you forget that fact. What is Ila's next move? What do we do now? This tree ant is kind of underground and it might need to either dig itself out or what are you thinking? I think that, sorry, I got distracted by something for a second.
Starting point is 00:06:20 I think that, I mean, so Ila's already had a conversation with this tree. She's had a short conversation where it has explained itself, it has explained where it's come from and where this corruption came from and I'm kind of adding this now, but I feel like it maybe came here because it wanted to die or it wanted to like enter the new phase of its life or something like that, but the fungus kind of got in the way. So in one way we are complete with the delving of this place and let me show our, let's see, here we go. I'm showing our map, showing our character sheet.
Starting point is 00:07:08 The site has been explored and we are free to leave it whenever we want. We've effectively succeeded, but we still have to test the limits of our power. We've got a good amount of progress on that. We still need to find our exiled parents and we do have some experience that we earned from previous adventures that we could increase one of our assets if we wanted to. And we also have an entire village of ironlanders who are slowly recovering from this corruption and we could ask them what they're up to. The whole tribe got in with the moss too.
Starting point is 00:07:46 It was the defectors, it was the storm deniers that I mentioned, they kind of made a home here on the mountain side. Okay, well, I think Ela definitely would like to ask the tree some questions. The first of which is probably going to be, hi, I'm Ela, in case that wasn't obvious. So actually, you're asking a good point, what is the name of this tree ant? Maybe we should roll for that. Let's see, go ahead and roll a D100. Okay, okay, okay.
Starting point is 00:08:28 You did that in roll 20. Let's see what you got. 67. Well, for giant, so there's other names, there's giants, veru, I don't know what the veru are and there's trolls. And for 67, we have Geron, Zevka, or Kluck. Oh, God, dude, you can't give me Kluck, it expects me not to say his name is Kluck. The tree name is Kluck.
Starting point is 00:08:59 The tree ant introduces himself. Maybe he's called Kluck because his branches make a Kluck sound or something when he moves. Oh, I like that. Yeah, let's go with that. All right, so you learned that his name is Kluck. What's the next thing we want to ask him? I mean, he is a powerful sorcerer. He probably knows a lot.
Starting point is 00:09:19 He's probably been around for a long time. Well, I mean, I think just out of burning curiosity, Mr. Kluck, how the hell are you going to get out of here? Yeah, I think the most obvious is that he's probably going to try to dig himself out. But the question is, does he want to be dug out? I implied that he may have come here to kind of rest. Do we want to ask the Oracle whether he wants to get out or not? I mean, I think, well, I think I'd have a follow up question for that for the tree,
Starting point is 00:09:52 which is for Mr. Kluck. Do you want me to put you out of your misery? Right. How do we want to do this? We could either gather information or we could just ask the Oracle. I think the Oracle is a more likely, more sensible thing. So I think it's likely that he wants to end his life. And you've missed out everything you said.
Starting point is 00:10:22 If you agree with that, then let's go ahead and roll a D 100. And on a 26 or greater, that is the case, 57, 57, which means he does. So he does want to bring his life to a close. He says he's been around for so long, he's seen so many things and he just wants to, you know, make room for the other saplings. How do you kill a tree and well, that's what that's what I was about to ask him. Like Mr. Kluck is there. What's like the best way for me to do this?
Starting point is 00:11:06 You don't have like a throat that I can slit. I do you want me to like burn and emulate you. I would imagine burning would be the worst possible way to die. Tree, there has to be some magical way and it would probably know like you'd probably tell you what if we roll on the action and theme table and maybe that will reveal it to us. Roll the D 100 to find out the action to debate. Okay, this is weird.
Starting point is 00:11:45 Roll another D 100 to find the theme. Oh, God, do I have to do like a Lincoln Douglas with the tree that decide how he's going to die 31 hope, debate, hope, or hope to debate, debate, hope. This isn't very helpful and I think it's okay if we can. We could ignore this if this isn't helpful. I mean, that implies them to try to talk him out of it, which to be clear, I have no intention of doing. How would you kill a tree and I mean, if if he doesn't say anything else, I'm probably
Starting point is 00:12:25 just going to chop him up and to progressively smaller bits until he stops talking. Yeah, ghost of Eli suggests dynamite. I don't think they have dynamite in the iron lands. Chopping him up is brutal and possible. Maybe maybe how about this? I think the tree would say just leave me alone and now I can finish the process of dying now that this fungus has not corrupted me. Okay, want to chop him up brutally or do you want to just let him know if he if he wants
Starting point is 00:13:04 to if he wants to just sadly die. That's that's fine. Like if he doesn't want the excitement of being chopped up the bids, I won't force it on him. But 51 or greater, he wants to be chopped up because he's a man, you're giving me a chance at that. 51. Hell yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:19 Because that's how we roll here. Oh my god. 66 doubles no less. This is like a critical don't don't don't write checks. You're not willing to cash. So I would imagine over the course of of some time, ELA asks the three iron landers along with any other iron landers that she might heal while she's here to go through the process of chopping up this guy.
Starting point is 00:13:46 So we'll say before that before that, I would also OK, Mr. Clark, we're going to put you out of your misery. Thank you. That's going to happen. Right. Do you happen to know anything about what say 1415 miles north of here? OK, I think you're asking for you can either secure an advantage or you're trying to gather information.
Starting point is 00:14:13 I think I'm trying to gather information. All right, you're going to roll plus wits and you can add plus one to this because last session we ended with you having a plus one to whatever your next role is. OK, so when you say so I roll a D 100, then I add one you're on the character sheet. You're going to go to your summer. I understand. You got a plus wits plus one. It'll give you a chance to add a modifier.
Starting point is 00:14:44 It's been so long for some players that they have forgotten how to use it, but that's all right. Get a miss on a miss your investigation on Earth's a dire threat or reveals an unwelcome truth that undermines your quest. Pay the price before we kind of decide for sure. Roll a D 100 and let's pay the price to find out. I don't like paying the price. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:10 Sixty two. It is harmful. Now. Do you have any bright ideas immediately? Because I have something. I mean, maybe you just like the information is like emotionally damaging, like it's underwater now or something and there's no way you can get to it. I like the underwater part.
Starting point is 00:15:34 Maybe another possibility is that the tree came from the north and the corruption, you know, was found there. So there's a chance your parents, if they're around, they might have this corruption. But fortunately, if that's the case, I've got this barrel full of juice of miscellaneous uncategorized juice. Yes. So maybe that's not the worst thing. Not to mention you have before used your ward ritual to split people from the disease.
Starting point is 00:16:09 So you're not terribly worried now that I think. Well, there you go. This doesn't sound like that bad of news. Well, it well, it's a miss. So I think that's what it definitely implies. There's a there's the fungus came from the north as did the tree ant. Your parents might be in a precarious situation and it could be harmful to them. I think that's I think that's realistic.
Starting point is 00:16:36 If you're saying, though, that it's emotionally damaging, then I think you should endure stress. OK, so you're going to roll either spirit or heart, whichever is higher. Let's see. Heart is pretty high. Heart is three, but your spirit is five. So you're going to click the spirit at the top of the character sheet. And you're going to roll with that.
Starting point is 00:16:58 OK. Strong hit. Nice. On a strong hit, you can shake it off so you're not going to lose any of your spirit or you can embrace the darkness and take plus one momentum. But your momentum is at max. Oh, so that doesn't really. Yeah, I'm sorry. What was the first option again?
Starting point is 00:17:19 I got distracted by the excitement of the last bit on a strong hit. You shake it off. Your spirit does not diminish. So basically, your spirit remains at five. Great. Cool. OK. So you steal yourself with the knowledge that the that the fungus could be to the north as with your parents, who knows if they've been affected by it. But you know, at least what to kind of look for when you when you head in that
Starting point is 00:17:43 direction, anything else that we need to ask or inquire from. Our friend, the transorcerer, Clark. Mr. Clark, do you think he would know the source of the storm or something like that? I was just going to ask him. What's past the storm? Great minds think I know. And yeah, I think we should gather information again. And let's see what happens.
Starting point is 00:18:16 So when you gather information, you're going to roll plus wits. Miss. Oh, you miss. On a miss, your your investigation on earth, a dire threat or reveals an unwelcome truth that undermines your quest, pay the price. So. An unwelcome truth. What would that be? I mean, it could be as simple as he doesn't know or I mean, it could or it could range.
Starting point is 00:18:50 It could range from he doesn't know to being as bad as while there's like a wall of fire or something that's just going to burn you to death if you try to cross it. Yeah, I think that like as a tree and maybe he just didn't really pay attention much to the the reason the storm is here, simply that it appeared and he kind of made his way. Yeah, I just think we don't really learn anything from him, unfortunately. However, we still have to pay the price.
Starting point is 00:19:16 So roll a D 100. Rolling a D 100. Ninety nine. Weird. That's bad, right? That was a weird effect. Ninety nine. Oh, yeah. Roll twice. Both results occur if they are the same result, make it worse.
Starting point is 00:19:37 OK, roll it twice. It's weird to get this on a gather information. OK, 30, 30 and 85. Yeah, that's some dark knowledge. Yeah, something of value is lost or destroyed and a surprising development complicates your quest. Something of value is lost or destroyed. A surprising development complicates your quest.
Starting point is 00:20:02 And this was on a gather information roll asking about the source of the storm. Man, that's a weird one. It's a weird one. Chat, if you have any bright ideas. Feel free to chime in. But I think we either leave this be for now. And as we come to realize what it really really means. A surprising development.
Starting point is 00:20:32 Well, it seems like it's got to be something storm related, whatever it is. Right, yeah, we're asking, like, what is the source of this storm? And what they tell us is either I don't know with some kind of, you know, bad additional stuff on top of it, or they know and it's a really bad thing. Like, you know, what created it is not of this earth or or what created it is is, you know, more. Man, maybe there's like an implication that whatever's beyond the storm is somehow worse.
Starting point is 00:21:13 Yeah, maybe what maybe what started the storm is what's worse and like for our own protection, we should stay in the storm. Like there's something dangerous out there. We like you like you take a step outside of the storm and boom, Godzilla. Right. I think we did decide after looking at murals when we were with half that whatever created the storm is not human and it was not elves.
Starting point is 00:21:45 So that seems completely reasonable. Like whatever is out, whatever created the storm is still out there. And whoever they are, they are a lot more dangerous than anything we're dealing with in here. And this is certainly bad news for people like Adon. Adon is part of the cartographers and the cartographers want to get off the iron lands. So this news is that complicates like that's like an existential crisis for them.
Starting point is 00:22:09 Yeah, because like he's all about they're all about getting off. So it's like now the question is, do we, you know, does Adon suppress this information or, you know, kind of what comes next? Nonetheless, we still have the vow of testing the limits of our power. Is there any way that I can do that by destroying this tree? Well, I don't I don't think so. I'm not seeing anything on the ritual is that would suggest that I can do that. Like, for instance, when you first inflict harm against a foe within the boundary,
Starting point is 00:22:46 you can inflict plus one harm. So you could say that you build a ward and then like start, you know, anyone that attacks the tree and is able to successfully chop them up like quicker. Do you know, do you know that episode of Futurama where they have like the Rube Goldberg Suicide Machine? Yeah, that's kind of that's kind of what I'm imagining right now. OK, so we have two experience. What if we click the second box in the ward, which says as above
Starting point is 00:23:16 and improve the effect of your ward, plus two momentum or plus two harm and almost certain. So basically, we increase the damage when when a foe is within the boundary of the ward. Hell, yeah, it'll pull him out of his misery that much sooner. And it'll make everyone else terrified of me. Because I did a thing that made this tree easy to kill. OK, so, you know, you definitely use a new aspect of your of your ability. You create the ward where the the tree ant is and you invite these iron landers
Starting point is 00:23:51 and aid on to bring their axes and they start chopping and the tree. It's kind of into it and it's a little unsettling. You see, if we all take it, if we all take a swing, we all share the accountability and no one has to feel guilty. Yes. So now that you've done that, however long that takes, you guys would eventually be able to leave this this underground layer and you would make your way to back to the top. And I would imagine that once you guys exit the stone tower,
Starting point is 00:24:27 the the the iron landers that are kind of free of the fungus would would lead you back to their houses, where there are other iron landers who seem to be slowly recovering from the corruption. Do we want to attempt to forge some kind of bond with these people? Yeah. Yeah, why not? I mean, I don't want to. I mean, because it sounds like otherwise they're going to get like left behind. And now here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:24:56 They want they they were purposely left behind. They wanted to be left behind. So it's a question of you can either test the bond or excuse me, forge a bond with them. And should you ever return to this mountain? You have you have a bond with these people or you could try to help them to leave. Can I ask a clarifying question? Is this like a recent development?
Starting point is 00:25:19 Is this like something that just happened or that they've been here for a while? So the story is, is that Serven, which is one of Ila's friends, returned to this location with Ila because many, many years ago, him and his lover, Katigan, assisted these iron lander deniers or the storm deniers into the mountains and Katigan got left behind. And so that's why they had returned to this place. Does that clarify for you?
Starting point is 00:25:47 Yeah. And you know what? Like, if that's the case, I mean, because otherwise the whole tribe is like a mentality of like, oh, another mouth to feed. So it seems unlikely to me that there would be any incentive for Ila to try to convince them to come along. Because maybe, you know, maybe, maybe these iron storm deniers are more like we would rather live in the storm and let hundreds of years pass and possibly it be the end of the storm.
Starting point is 00:26:15 Like maybe these are like a small cult of people that are like, we'd rather just become iron and wait for all this to go away. Right? Right, especially from their perspective, no time is passing in between. That makes sense. I mean, that seems like a perfectly reasonable thing to do. I don't see why I would try to stop them from doing that. Yeah. So so this is what you learn as you kind of go up top. You start meeting these people, their minds are returning to them. The fungus is no longer affecting them.
Starting point is 00:26:39 And you're going to try to forge a bond with them. So you are going to roll plus heart. And let's see what you get. Plus heart. Strong hit. Nice. On a strong hit, make note of the bond. So we'll go to your bond section and we will create a new bond. We'll call this the what do we want to call them?
Starting point is 00:27:12 Oh, storm deniers. Because we've kind of settled that they're not really deniers so much as they are like realists. They're like just accepting it. They're like nihilists. Yeah. The the storm acceptors for now. Uh, tentatively, I feel like I mean, I don't know if it's a group that they haven't had a lot of contact with,
Starting point is 00:27:36 they probably wouldn't have a badass name for them. So maybe storm acceptors is that's fine for now. If we think of a better thing, we can their location is Stone Tower. And we have decided their descriptors. They've decided to live in the storm until it goes away. Q storm says Parker Woodley. OK, so those are our bonds. We're going to actually add a new bond level
Starting point is 00:28:04 because we've done a strong hit with them. Let me confirm that we've done everything on a strong hit. You can take either plus one spirit or you can take plus two momentum. I think plus one spirit. Well, plus one spirit is your only option, but it's already at plus five. So nothing happens. I will allow you to take plus one to your supply if you want. Maybe these people offer you food and stuff.
Starting point is 00:28:31 So go ahead and increase your supply to one. Cool. And sure enough, you know, they are grateful to you for lifting this corruption. They, you know, kind of explain why they're here and why they'd like to stay. And what else do you want to do? Because I think we're getting close to deciding whether the storm is moving or not. Yeah, I mean, I think that once that's been accomplished, I don't see what else you would need from any of these people.
Starting point is 00:29:03 I think you would now start preparing herself for possibly venturing into the storm to look for her parents. Did you roll a strong hit on? Actually, I don't think we did roll for that. That's fine. Yeah, you do want to go. I mean, that's what you want to do, but you're still quite a distance away from making it. So we either return to the tribe or we keep heading north
Starting point is 00:29:29 in the hopes that the storm also moves north, but that would be a bit of a gamble. Well, and now, correct me if I'm wrong, there is a way that these people are able to go into the certain select few people can are able to enter into the storm, right? Well, I think we decided that the only way you can enter the storm for a long period of time and not turn to iron is you have to wear a special suit. So we might have to retrieve that from. Yeah, I'm wondering if I'm wondering if you
Starting point is 00:29:54 wouldn't think about trying to find a way to somehow procure one of those. OK, so then if Priority is returning to the tribe to kind of get this these these iron proof suits, then we're going to leave this place. Now, we still have not finished our progress of testing the limits of your power. Um, did I not did I not kill that tree? You did kill the tree, but we we didn't really roll for it. If you wanted to, because I do think you do have to roll for your ward.
Starting point is 00:30:29 No, it's only when you want to trap somebody in the foe that you have to roll for it. Actually, no, it does ask you to make a plus width roll. So go ahead and roll plus widths and let's see how you do. And if it's if it's at least a weak hit, we'll say that it is progress. OK, it can either be real bad or it can be good with a strong hit. You'll have to burn your momentum. I if I have momentum to burn, I'm definitely going to do that. OK, so we'll say that, you know, testing these new parts of your power work,
Starting point is 00:31:03 you make the progress, reduce your momentum to two. Remind me where the momentum is actually now at the top of the character sheet. Health experience. Oh, well, I see it. Yeah. OK. So reduce it to two. Now we have nine out of 10. Let's see if we can complete this vow. What you're going to do is you're going to roll 2D 10.
Starting point is 00:31:30 And as long as those D 10 are less than nine, this will be a strong or a weak hit. 2D 10. OK. 2D 10. Let's see what we get. A one and a six. That is a strong hit, so you are fulfilling your vow. There is a role for that. On a strong hit, your quest is complete and you can mark experience. So we are going to add another two experience to your experience.
Starting point is 00:32:03 So you now have four, you've used two. So you have another two experience that you can spend if you want. And we have completed that vow. Hell, yeah. Hell, yeah. Do you want to spend your experience right now and increase that ward to the next checkbox? And thus we have completely tested the limits of our of our power
Starting point is 00:32:29 and the ward is fully actualized. I think that's appropriate. OK. Yeah, that's maxed out. Nice. So now when you perform this ritual, add plus one to, I suppose, your wits role and take plus one momentum on a hit. That sounds super handy. Amazing. We have. Spent that experience.
Starting point is 00:32:54 Our final task, if we're going to return to the village, is we need to escape the depths. This is a standard role for whenever you are leaving a site and who I have a quick question. Go ahead. Can I take any of the wood from the tree with me? Yeah, absolutely. Hell, yeah. I don't know if it's going to be useful for anything, but you never know.
Starting point is 00:33:17 It's never know. Yeah, absolutely. Maybe maybe it'll be handy for something. I don't know. You take a nice chunk of possibly magical wood. Let's have you. How are you returning? Are you going the fastest way? Stealing yourself against the horrors, fighting your way out, retracing your steps or keeping out of sight?
Starting point is 00:33:40 Well, we fell in, right? No, I mean, we're basically at the top level now. It's basically just a matter of getting down the mountain at this point. I see. Well, so it doesn't it doesn't sound like retracing our steps makes sense, though, because it sounds like that'd be potentially more difficult. I mean, I could say you're retracing your steps, like making sure you go down the mountain the right way, not to not to trip or fall or anything like that.
Starting point is 00:34:04 OK. Unless you want to go as fast as possible. Um, no, you're on a you don't want to go. You don't want to go fast on a mountain. You want to go safe on a mountain. Exactly. So let's roll plus our wits. Let's see what we get. Summary.
Starting point is 00:34:27 We can't we can't not bad. On a weekend, you find your way out, but this place exacts its price. Choose one. You are weary and you endure harm. You endure stress. You are delayed. You leave behind something important. You face a new complication as you emerge from the depths or a denizen plots their revenge.
Starting point is 00:34:51 Oh, I want I like a good revenge plot. OK, I don't know who would plan their revenge against me out of that, though. Well, the only other person besides the iron landers that stayed up there was the bank, the snake bear. You did help that snake bear. But maybe it needs to feed its babies. And maybe maybe the bank a bank sounds like an extremely sadistic creature. So I don't I don't think we've seen the last of the bank.
Starting point is 00:35:21 OK, so although you helped it, it still needs to feed its babies. And and and maybe it plots its revenge in some way. It's a it's a bear with with snake legs. I don't trust that shit. Yeah, not at all. No, it's a it's a bear with a snake head. OK, that's now see that's way better. I was imagining like a bear like slithering along on like these weird tentacles
Starting point is 00:35:45 because it would be a bear with like four tentacles. Yeah, that would be really strange. I suppose it could depend on who's playing that day. So maybe you could say. Either way, it plots its revenge. So does that mean to you that it comes after us, that it's following us? Or that if should we ever return, we might come across it? Well, I think it's going to like, I mean, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:36:10 I I'm ignorant about my bait, my bait lure. But it seems to me that maybe it would like stock us back to the camp and wait for an opportunity to strike. OK, we will we will remember that. Let's make it go to that. I mean, that's Warren, but so we escaped the depths. We're not moving quickly. So I think that it does warrant us asking
Starting point is 00:36:34 what direction the storm is moving. So with true north being eight, roll a D eight. And let's determine what happens. A to two. So that means it moves west. Which that's not where I wanted to go. Not where you wanted to go. Let's see, just do west.
Starting point is 00:36:58 It's going to look like this, I think. Yeah, I think that's good enough. We move due west. We'll say that we have. We'll say that we've headed north. So we're now entering like the foresty regions coming down off the mountain. And we eventually find the tribe.
Starting point is 00:37:29 Or I'm just thinking about this when you escape the depths. You face a new complication as you emerge from the depths. We could say that if the bait doesn't follow us, we can't find the tribe. The tribe is somewhere and we're having a hard time finding them. Interesting. Which do you think is more interesting in the moment? I mean, like in terms of likelihood,
Starting point is 00:37:50 as much as I want, you know, the bake part, too, the them finding having difficulty refining the camp sounds like it makes more sense to me. Yeah, something's up. Maybe the tribe didn't properly plan so we don't know where they are. Let's we need to figure out where they are now, right? So. We need to gather information or secure an advantage.
Starting point is 00:38:17 Try. What do you think you we should do? Face danger by just kind of exploring the wilderness. I want to face danger. OK, that makes I want to I know where I'm going. I think we're going to go. We're rolling with our expertise and insight and observation. Roll plus wits. It's not the best one, but I'll take it.
Starting point is 00:38:42 Strong hit. Still got a strong hit, though. That's good. On a strong hit, you are successful. Take plus one momentum so you can increase your momentum to three, three. And. I mean, I guess we could just say that you find them. I mean, that's a that's what happens with a strong hit. So, you know, sure enough, they are not exactly where you expect.
Starting point is 00:39:09 Are they in the center? Hacks where they're supposed to be, or are they somewhere else? I would be. I personally would be disturbed if I saw them anywhere but the the center of the eye. OK, so you you you find them. They're not exactly at the center. Let's say maybe they're coming up from the south. Like maybe they had, like, you know, found some trouble and had been a little slower.
Starting point is 00:39:30 So they're in the center. Hacks, but kind of like towards the south of the center. Hacks. You make it back. And everything's OK. I think we should either sojourn or make camp. I think sojourning makes more sense since we are with our tribe again. Can you read the right to me what mechanically sojourn means?
Starting point is 00:39:54 When you spend time in the community seeking assistance, you roll plus heart. So basically we can resupply. We can heal if we're hurt. I think Ela has taken some damage. Yeah, she's only as a health of plus two. You only have a supply of plus one. So there are things we can do. We can recover and recuperate from ailments.
Starting point is 00:40:18 I mean, so my so health can't go up anymore. Health can go up. Health can go up if you roll well enough. Then I think that is the priority. OK, we're going to roll plus heart and you can add plus one because you share a bond with the tribe. We can. On a week hit, you can choose one. If you shoot, if you share a bond, choose one more.
Starting point is 00:40:49 Hmm. Choose one of what? You can either clear a condition. You can take plus one to your health. Take plus one of your spirit. Take plus one of your supply or you can recover, which is within that. There's take plus two to your health, plus two to your spirit, plus two to supply, plus two to momentum. I think you're going to probably recover.
Starting point is 00:41:14 Yeah, that sounds like the best option. And you want to increase your health and your supply. Yes. OK, so your health is going to go to four. Your supply is going to go to three. Sojourn complete. Sojourn complete. You are feeling better.
Starting point is 00:41:34 What is going on in Elah's mind, though? What is her next move? What does she want to do next? God, I just think she's really straight. You know, she knows now her parents are a stone's throw away and they're like they're covered in this moss, maybe like their iron form was like damaged by the moss or something. And they're just going to be dead. I think Elah probably doesn't rest very well, if at all. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:01 And she's probably really. Bruin. This is this means thinking, I guess. Yeah. On how she's going to convince someone to give her what she needs to get up there. Well, if she wants to if she wants to wait it out and see what direction the storm is moving, we could just roll again to see what direction the storm moves, or she can start making moves trying to convince people to let her borrow that storm bird and borrow those suits of anti armor or anti. I mean, plan plan for the worst, like best worst case scenario, she gets the stuff and then the storm goes in the right direction. That would be a win win.
Starting point is 00:42:43 Right. So we are trying to. Gain this this this anti iron suit that we know they have will say that the who do you think would have the iron suit would it be the historians the cartographers. I think ironmongers. I mean, I don't think the historians would would care because they they're pretty pro they're pretty pro I true. I feel like the cartographers I definitely think would have one because, you know, they're always they're always ready to go. Yeah. So I think that if because like if they had like a situation where, you know, there was like a potential crossing where they could get out somewhere and maybe see the edge or something.
Starting point is 00:43:25 They're probably ready to do that. So I'd assume that they'd have some. Okay. And it's good that you have aid on as a bond so you could kind of lead with him going to the cartographers. Now, here's the question. Does aid on drop the fact of what the triant told them that there is something worse waiting for anyone that tries to leave the iron lands. I mean, from Alas perspective, that seems above Alas pay grade. Like that's like, I mean, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:43:57 I mean, maybe she would like influence him in some way. But so you're saying that ELA thinks it's best if they say something. Although I think ELA doesn't know. I think ELA is probably looking at it. And if I'm ELA, I'm looking at it and saying, OK, well, we should tell people this. But on the other hand, what's the cost of that going to be socially. Right. Would anyone even believe it if, you know, why bother just going to freak people out?
Starting point is 00:44:26 Yeah, because aid on. Let's let's ask the Oracle. 51 or greater, aid on feels compelled to tell his cartographer brothers and sisters. 78. So he feels like he needs to tell them this latest bit of information. Do you think that ELA would keep him from saying it? Would you try to? No, I think in this case, ELA would defer to him.
Starting point is 00:44:53 OK, that seems that seems more up more his speed than it than it is for me. OK, so they have a meeting with the cartographers. What? How are the like, how do the cartographers meet? Is there anything special? Are they just meeting? Oh, I it's probably super cool. It's probably like inside the boat that they have ready.
Starting point is 00:45:13 I imagine it's like some kind of like Knights of the Round Table, like ready room situation where there's like a like a like a semi circle that's hollow in the middle that they all like sit around. I imagine they make a show out of it. So they sit and aid on tells them what they've learned. Is there a role that needs to be had for that? Do we need to face danger or possibly fulfill a new vow? It seems dangerous in the sense that you're the first dude that said that the
Starting point is 00:45:44 earth is round and not at the center of the universe. Like even if they even if they believed it, it seems like that they might have a desire to suppress that information. So it does seem dangerous to me. So I think that would be appropriate. OK, so we are going to he's saying this with courage. So I think we're going to roll with heart. And although this is Elastats, I think we can still kind of count it.
Starting point is 00:46:11 So we'll roll with heart facing danger. Let's see what happens. We can't. OK, you succeed but face a troublesome cost. You either suffer momentum, endure harm, endure stress or suffer supply. So I lose I lose momentum. Like one of the options is to use momentum, right?
Starting point is 00:46:32 Lose momentum, endure harm, endure stress or suffer supply. I think I think I'll lose momentum. OK, so reduce that momentum back to two. How is that symbolized? Perhaps they are quite wary of what you're saying. Maybe it's just one of those things where it's like an argument. They're not going to believe it the first time you hear it, but you still have to make your case for it being true.
Starting point is 00:46:59 So at the end, they might come to kind of like a tenuous like, OK, we'll look into it or we'll kind of explore what that might mean. But you're maybe mentally tired. I like that. I like that. Basically, Adon doesn't get the progress that he wants in revealing this to them. So we've revealed that now it's time to ask them
Starting point is 00:47:20 if we can use their iron suit. So you need to compel them. Let's see. Are you charming them, bartering? Are you threatening them or are you lying or swindling to them? Roll plus heart if you are bartering and convincing. I think my only hope is to try to convince them that there's some other reason I need to go up there.
Starting point is 00:47:45 Roll plus heart. Let's see what happens. OK. On a weak hit, they'll do what you want. You're going to take plus one momentum. So it goes back to three. But they ask something of you in return, envision what they want.
Starting point is 00:48:07 There's probably something up there. Here's how I see that. I mentioned I need to go up north to do a thing. And then they're probably like, oh, that's perfect. We want to check X out up there. Right. Now, how can we tie that into the last fact that they're kind of flabbergasted by this whole outside the storm?
Starting point is 00:48:30 Maybe there's a way. Maybe there's a way to either verify. Maybe there's a way that would indicate whether or not that that's actually true or not. Maybe there's some additional piece of information they could gather there that might either confirm that that is the case or prop up their own views. I like that idea.
Starting point is 00:48:53 Or they want a sample of the fungus. That would also work. That seems simpler. If we go with your idea, I'd like to roll. Maybe, you know, because they're the cartographers and they keep track of everything. Maybe once you tell them, look, this is where I want to go. They look at their maps and they decide, oh,
Starting point is 00:49:16 maybe they tell you what kind of place this is and maybe we can roll for a delve site. We can kind of define what it is. And they say we want to retrieve something from there. So it's a little bit more of a complicated process, but it might get us more information about this location. It seems like it can be both, you know. Get us a sample of the moss and also, you know,
Starting point is 00:49:34 go check this out while you're there. Gotcha. So they want a sample of the moss. So you're going to make a vow to return a sample of the fungus to the cartographers. This is a vow we're going to make. Let's first complete this. Because we're fulfilling or because we're making a vow,
Starting point is 00:50:00 we have to swear an iron vow. You are going to roll plus heart. Good thing you've got a lot of heart. I do have a lot of heart weekend on a weekend. You are determined, but begin your quest with more questions than answers. That makes sense. Take plus one momentum and envision what you do to find a path forward.
Starting point is 00:50:21 So we know that we need the iron suit. We're giving it to us. Let's decide what is there because it has that fungus. Maybe we already know that it's corrupted. Do you like that idea? Or do you want to just kind of roll for something else? The suit is or the site is so the site has two parts to it. It has a theme and it has a domain.
Starting point is 00:50:50 The theme that it could be is corrupted and it would signify that this place is possibly corrupted by the fungus, just how the mountain scape where the iron lander defectors were. Or we can roll for something completely new and the fungus is just a part of it. That seems completely reasonable. Alright, so we'll keep the theme that this place is corrupted, but we're going to roll for a new domain. So with that in mind, roll a d12 and we'll ignore 12.
Starting point is 00:51:34 We have a frozen cavern, a place of deep caves and enduring cold. It's interesting because it's similar to the ice reach, which was the mountain place. So there seems to be a theme where this fungus can grow in cold places. That's something to keep in mind. Now, does the iron, the storm space suit, does it come with an instruction manual or something? Or do I just put it on?
Starting point is 00:52:05 Does it look like a real astronaut spacewalk suit? That's all up to you today. You are the leader of today's session. So I would imagine, yeah, it's like a... What is it, medieval space suit? Yeah, I like the idea of it being made out of bronze or something, but it has all of the constituent parts of just a regular-ass NASA space suit. And it's really big and bulky.
Starting point is 00:52:33 Yes. It's big and bulky, which means I don't think she can wear it traveling. So she's got to put it on a pack mule or something, and then when she enters the storm, she puts it on. Is the pack mule she wants to bring along with her the stormbird? If I can get it. Okay, I like this. I like where this is going.
Starting point is 00:52:56 Correct me if I'm wrong, but the stormbird can also enter the... Yeah, the stormbird is completely unaffected by the storm. I just want the stormbird again. We are going to add a new site to kind of complete this. The domain is a frozen cavern. The theme is that it is corrupted. The site name, we can kind of decide, but we're basically saying it's frozen caverns. We can maybe make up something.
Starting point is 00:53:32 The objective is to what? Retrieve your parents? Retrieve my parents. Side note, acquire sample. Acquire the sample, that's right. So we need to decide the difficulty of this site. Is it troublesome, dangerous, formidable, extreme, or epic? It's probably, I'm not sure in terms of the odds of this character dying,
Starting point is 00:54:00 what exactly all of that means, but it seems like this is going to be pretty tough. We're going into the storm to get somewhere. True, maybe the sheer fact that it's still in the storm is what makes it... So we'll call it an extreme challenge. That seems fitting. On top of this, we need to decide the denizens that live in this corrupted frozen cavern. What are some very common denizens that might exist? Well, they all have to be storm-friendly, right?
Starting point is 00:54:34 It has to be something that's going to be active. No, not necessarily. Basically anything in the storm is turned to iron, so it could be whatever lives there. Ghost of Eli suggests an ice worm, which would be cool, but that's... If it's an ice worm, go ahead. That seems maybe one step. I don't know if we mean worm or worm. Well, worm as in dragon is a possibility for sure. A why worm, which could be there.
Starting point is 00:55:04 An ice cave in the middle of a storm? Why would it not be a fucking dragon? Let's just make it a dragon. So an ice worm lives in this place. Do we want to say that it's a common? It's definitely going to be there, it's definitely its home, or is it rarely there? I think it's kind of cool if it is a common denizen. I think it's like its lair. Okay, awesome.
Starting point is 00:55:30 So we will say the ice worm lives there. Any other denizens that you think might be able to cohabitate with this ice worm? Well, it's going to have something to eat. So maybe it has like... Okay, hear me out. What if it's like a cattle herding dragon that raises its own livestock in order to feed itself? I like that idea. So what might it keep in this place?
Starting point is 00:56:07 I think maybe like... I imagine it's going to be like whatever it can find for the most part. So it might be... You might have like a... Or the dragon. I don't want the gender, something that doesn't need to be gendered. But it has... You know, like it's pulling in like sheep and cattle, maybe horses.
Starting point is 00:56:23 Maybe it has a stormbird or two. Maybe that's like... I don't know, maybe that's whether it's on Christmas or whatever. I don't know. We need to think about these denizens as things that are potentially dangerous. So we'll say cattle. That's fine for very common things. But now we need to think about things that are kind of potentially dangerous.
Starting point is 00:56:43 There could be... What about like a bull? That's dangerous. Yeah, yeah. Oh, okay, okay. Say bull. Or it can be dangerous. It can be dangerous.
Starting point is 00:56:55 What else kind of thrives in the ice? Ghost of Eli is not happy that we have turned her W-O-R-M worm into a W-Y-R-M one. But that's the way it goes. We can say that there is a dire ice worm just to make it... That does sound terrifying. That does sound terrifying. I didn't mansplain it to Ghost of Eli Parker. I mansplained it to Aaron, thus making it just a spleen.
Starting point is 00:57:25 Another uncommon denizen. Maybe like a troll. Trolls live in ice caves? Yeah. Yeah. What else lives in cold? Alpacas. Alpacas?
Starting point is 00:57:39 Not dangerous. I just like the word alpaca. They could be rabbit alpacas. They could be vampiric alpacas. Rabbit vampire alpacas. Rabbit vampire alpacas. They're a little more rare, but they exist. Finally, I just want to add something completely unforeseen.
Starting point is 00:58:01 Let me just look at what we have here. Maybe a husk. Maybe some other kind of creature. A husk sounds like almost some kind of zombie creature of some sort. We'll put a husk of some kind under unforeseen. Because we have come across husks before. Alright, so we have a frozen cavern. Let's name this place.
Starting point is 00:58:29 Surely if a worm lives there, there's a name for it. Something involving ice. So I just looked at one. If you want to roll, we can. But I just found one called Wyvern's Rest. Hell yeah. Why would we do anything else? Why?
Starting point is 00:58:49 It's called Wyvern's Rest. So we know of Wyvern's Rest because the cartographers have come upon it before. We've decided the difficulty of it. And we know that we are going to have to traverse it. Now, before we leave, we have the suit. Do we want to gain any help? Do we want Adon to come with us? Do we want to bring that Stormbird with us?
Starting point is 00:59:16 What do we want to do? Well, the Stormbird for sure. Adon, if you want to come. I can care less. Definitely the Stormbird. Definitely the Stormbird, which means you're going to have to compel the person who is currently in charge of it, which is half. Well, I brought the Stormbird into this world, and I'm going to steal it back. So yes, let's go.
Starting point is 00:59:39 I would like to go try the steal. Maybe not steal. Maybe just borrow the Stormbird from us. So set the scene for us. What does it look like approaching half when he's training the Stormbird? I like to imagine he still has like a hole where he got pecked. But I mean, I don't know. It's Pokemon shit.
Starting point is 01:00:05 He's out somewhere doing Pokemon shit with the Stormbird. And Ayla walks up and says, hey, nice Stormbird. May I please borrow your Stormbird? Simple enough. You're going to make a compel role. You are trying to barter or convince them. You're going to roll plus heart. Let's see what you get.
Starting point is 01:00:31 This will decide on a weak hit. Weak hit. They're very malleable apparently. They'll do what you want, but they ask of something in return. So increase your momentum to one. What do you want? What do you want? Half.
Starting point is 01:00:46 Come on. Half wants to come along. I don't think half wants to just give a random member of the tribe control. That's even better. Stormbird. That's great. Come along half. That's awesome.
Starting point is 01:00:58 I'll let you die instead of me. That sounds great. You've had your time in the spotlight. This is my turn now. So worlds collide. Half is convinced by Ela to help her and journey with her to the north. Let's look at the map real quick and just understand where your parents are. So we are here and your parents are to the north this way.
Starting point is 01:01:32 So you're going to have to travel through about three hexes, which is, yeah, it's like, you know, seven times three, because each hex is about seven miles. Ignore what it's saying. We're going to have to do like a marathon to get there. So let's do this. Let's first decide is the storm, where does the storm move? Because I think this has probably taken a couple of days. All of this.
Starting point is 01:01:59 Sojourning and gathering information and compelling. What did I do with the storm? I lost it. It's on the GM layer. Huh. Interesting. Well, problem solved. No more storm.
Starting point is 01:02:18 I figure this out. GM info layer. Interesting. Let's see. Let me zoom out here. Oh, man. This is an interesting conundrum. Map.
Starting point is 01:02:38 Map. There it is. Layer. Take it to the token layer. And this. Hmm. It's the kind of hard hitting entertainment you come to us for. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:51 Yeah. Exactly. Thrilling stuff here. Oh, there. Layer. Take it to the token layer. There we go. Just saved it.
Starting point is 01:02:59 Okay. Go going back here. Go to objects and tokens. Zoom in back in again. Everything's fine. Here we go. Let's roll a d8 to determine what direction the storm has moved over the last couple days. That's a d20.
Starting point is 01:03:18 Roll again. Oh, what a roll a d8. I can read. I swear. Eight. Eight. That is great news because that it means it moves true north, which means if we look. Put it on the GM layer.
Starting point is 01:03:38 We are now very close to it. So, so in fact, the hex is up here. We're basically within reach. So we would only just have to enter the storm to get a little bit. Yeah. For just a little bit. So you head off in the direction. I think it's only fair that we undertake a journey.
Starting point is 01:04:02 But since we've already chosen the theme in the domain of this place, but we're not there yet, let's undertake a journey. We're going to undertake a journey and we'll decide that it is a troublesome journey only. So we'll be able to make progress quickly. So on your character sheets, we are going to go to progress and we're just going to say undertake the journey to Wyvern's rest and we'll call it a troublesome journey. We'll make our first role to undertake that journey. Role plus wits and you are going to add plus one because you are leaving from the tribe
Starting point is 01:04:49 from which you have a bond. We hit on a week hit, you may choose. Oh, oh, wait, wait, wait. On a week hit, you reach a way point, but you suffer one to supply. So decrease your supply to two and we're going to find a way point to determine this. Let's roll on a location. Roll a D 100. 37.
Starting point is 01:05:25 37. A marsh. We come upon a marsh and roll another D 100 to determine the description of this marsh. 28. It is blocked a blocked marsh. So what does this place look like a blocked marsh? Is it just flooded? I think it's flooded, but maybe there's like, I'm almost imagining like on the trees.
Starting point is 01:05:59 There's like, I over the years, like iron obstructions have been formed almost like there's a buildup of iron like between like all these boggy trees and they're really dense. So you got that the deal with. And then you also have, you know, all this really deep murky muddy water. Maybe there's a bunch of like iron bog bodies strewn around. That'd be interesting. Okay. So let me confirm.
Starting point is 01:06:24 We can't you reach a point mark progress. So we can mark progress, which means we will add three boxes of progress to our journey. Let's face danger as it's probably going to take us some time to traverse this place and who knows what's here. Are you, are you going quickly, courageously, aggressively, stealthfully or with insight? So are we, we're not in the storm yet, right? We are not in the storm, but I don't want to miss my window. So I'm going to go quickly because I don't want to miss this, this window. Roll plus edge and let's see what happens.
Starting point is 01:07:02 We can we hit on a week hit. You succeed, but face a troublesome cost. You will either suffer momentum, endure harm, endure stress or suffers one to your supply. Oh, I think what happens is, is it some like he gets caught or she gets caught in like some mud or something. And maybe has to like kick like a boot off or maybe she loses like a backpack or something full of stuff. So we lose more supply. Yeah. I like the idea of the boots getting kind of suctioned off your feet from the from the gross mud.
Starting point is 01:07:37 You're going to decrease your supply to one. We'll say that you are able to kind of get past this marsh. We're going to continue our undertaking a journey unless you'd like to do something else such as gather information or secure an advantage or make camp. Oh, I think I like it again. I mean, I think Eela recognizes that like the storm could go any direction. True. She has a very, very limited window to try to get in there. True.
Starting point is 01:08:07 She's just going to go. Sounds good. You're going to roll plus wits again. But without a plus one this time. Strong hit on a strong hit. You reach a way point if the way point is not unknown to you. You can envision it, but you may choose one. You can either mark progress or you can take plus one momentum but suffer minus one to supply and mark progress.
Starting point is 01:08:34 That one. All right. Your supply is going to go to zero. But you're one. Go ahead. Are there any like seriously negative ramifications of that? Well, what happens is you gain the condition known as unprepared, which means that you can't make certain moves. Let me look up exactly what unprepared means.
Starting point is 01:08:59 Let's see. Look in the glossary here. Unprepared page 37. Here we go. Unprepared is marked when you are at zero supply. You and your allies share the same supply value and will mark unprepared together. Actually, you might have to make a roll for it and out of supply roll too. That sounds sketchy.
Starting point is 01:09:24 Never mind. Yeah, I don't want to do that. All right. So I want to go. That's fine. You'll just gain progress, which is still good. That's three more check boxes on your journey. Well, we have a new way point.
Starting point is 01:09:37 Roll another D 100 to find out what this location is. 25. Where is our location? Second. Here we go. 25. A FEN FEN a FEN. Roll another D 100.
Starting point is 01:10:05 29. An 89. An expansive FEN. A FEN is one of many types of wetlands and other being grassy marshes, forested swamps and PD bogs. Fens are a kind of mire. So once again, we kind of come across a more marshland. Just more fucking swamp. And it's expansive.
Starting point is 01:10:29 It's expansive. We can continue, but I think we should either make camp or try to resupply or face danger. I don't know. Making camp in the middle of a swamp sounds pretty, pretty sketchy. I think they faced it. I'm feeling, I'm feeling relatively reckless. And are we still moving with edge? Yes.
Starting point is 01:10:59 Okay. Roll plus edge to see what happens. We can. You face a troublesome cost. You are either suffer momentum, endure harm, endure stress or suffer your supply. I feel like I can afford to lose some momentum. You could lose momentum. You could also lose spirit.
Starting point is 01:11:22 You know, you could afford to lose it because you could say like, you know, coming upon another like marshland. It's like, Oh God, it's dispiriting. You know what? Let's do that. That makes sense. Cause you know, you clear one swamp and then it's more swamp and you're just like. Yeah. Like just as they were cresting a hill, they see that there's another marshland.
Starting point is 01:11:40 So decrease that spirit to four. We have under our progress. We've got six progress on this journey. We can either undertake another journey role or we can try to complete this journey to reach your destination. I want to finish this. Okay. Let's complete it. You are going to roll 2d10 and you hope that those d10 are under six equal to or under.
Starting point is 01:12:09 Well, a little bit of a risky shot. Yeah. Nine. That's not good. Okay. So already. All right. This is a weak hit.
Starting point is 01:12:19 That's okay. One for. On a weak hit, you arrive, but face an unforeseen hazard or complication. Vision what you find and we can ask the or before unsure. Maybe the dragons come in home and they see us. Oh snap. So let's look at the map here. So we're just entering like that.
Starting point is 01:12:44 That hex is just available to us like with the curvature of the storm. And maybe. Yeah. Like we come there. We're getting ready to put on the suit, getting ready to enter the storm. And that's when maybe we see the, the, the, the wyvern. And it knows we're coming. It sees us.
Starting point is 01:13:05 Does it see us? I think it does. Maybe it doesn't know what we're doing, but I think it's, it sees us for sure. It's a dragon. Yeah. Yeah. Eagle eyes. We need to, I think either face danger because if we succeed on the face danger,
Starting point is 01:13:23 maybe we can get away from it and it doesn't see us. If we don't succeed on the face danger, maybe it sees us and it's like, Oh, I want to add this to my horde. Oh, sounds like a play. Hey, maybe that's a direct ticket though. Maybe, maybe I want to fail this. Okay. It's a, uh, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:13:40 When am I rolling again? I think we're going to face danger and we're going to try to be stealthy. So we're going to roll plus shadow. Not our best at my wish. You can either be a miss or you can burn the momentum and make it a strong hit. I kind of want to get caught. Yeah. That sounds way.
Starting point is 01:14:06 So on a miss, you fail or your progress is undermined by a dramatic and costly turn of events. So what is going to happen is, uh, we have completed our journey so we can clear that. We can clear this, uh, but set the scene. What happens when this ice river sees us? So me and me and my boy half, we're hanging out, we're hanging out with our storm bird and we're pulling on our magical iron space suits. Uh, we get like, Oh, what if we don't finish pulling it?
Starting point is 01:14:40 Okay. So for the sake of my sanity, I'm going to say we finished putting the suits on. We're about to step in. Dragon flies overhead. We make like a half hearted attempt to hide, but like, you're slow, you know, you've got these big suits. Yeah. And we're in like a fucking swamp, you know, an open swamp.
Starting point is 01:14:55 There's probably not really anywhere to hide where we're not going to drown. Um, so I think the dragon sees us. Swoops down. Swoops down. Yeah. Grabs us all in like one talent. Including the story. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:15:10 Including the storm bird because that's a catch. It's not going to leave that behind. So all three of us, I imagine we're in like the same class. So we're like, Oh, good thing we got these spacesuits on. And we'd be crossed to death. Yeah. And the bird is carrying us off to the. The worm, as it were, is carrying us off to its layer.
Starting point is 01:15:30 Interesting. So two things to note. One, I do think that this is technically progress for our goal of returning a sample to the cartographers. So we got there. We will mark progress, um, because he is likely bringing us to his layer. Um, I also think this is progress towards finding your exiled parents. Uh, we will mark half progress for that.
Starting point is 01:15:54 Um, because this is an extreme goal. And so it's a little, it takes a little more time to mark progress, but this is a fabulous place to leave it as, um, Ila and half and the storm bird are swooped up by this big ice drag. And I imagine it's got like big icicles growing on it and it doesn't even bother to speak to us. It just picks us up and it goes right into the storm. Um, and we'll see what happens next time.
Starting point is 01:16:23 I'm so happy to be punting this off to grow. Always out of the fryer and into the frying pan with us here at Mayday when we're playing iron sworn. This was a great session. Aaron, thank you so much for, uh, participating. I hope you had fun. I sure did. So is there anything we want to say or plug before the end of our session
Starting point is 01:16:45 here? Ashoka, Ashoka, Ashoka, Ashoka. That's right. We are releasing episode six, uh, this Friday. After that, we're going to take a short break just a couple of weeks off for Eli's sanity for our sanity. And then we'll start releasing more episodes. Uh, but guys, we have a Patreon.
Starting point is 01:17:04 If you haven't already, consider subscribing to our Twitch. Uh, either of those options always help us grow and expand the channel. But thank you so much for listening and, uh, we'll see you next time. Bye. Why the hell not wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, stop the presses. Okay. We're back. I forgot to mention we have to figure out who the next person is for next week.
Starting point is 01:17:54 So there's Eli and there's Caleb, Caleb on odds, Eli on evens. So roll a D four and let's see what we get Aaron. We said odds for Caleb, right? Sorry, buddy. All right. Caleb's coming back. Caleb's coming back for next session. That's it.
Starting point is 01:18:13 Now we're leaving. Bye. Bye for you. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 01:20:29 Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.

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