Mayday Plays - Ironsworn Session 11

Episode Date: April 28, 2021

This is an audio-only version of our twitch stream for you to enjoy. This episode contains profanity. This work is based on Ironsworn (found at www/, created by Shawn Tomkin, and lic...ensed for use by © Mayday Roleplay under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license ( CAST • Caleb • Sergio MUSIC & SOUND EFFECTS • “Eye of the storm” original theme by Aaron A. Pabst IRONSWORN LINKS • Ironsworn ( MAYDAY ROLEPLAY LINKS • Instagram ( • Twitter ( • Mayday website ( • Patreon ( • Twitch (

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Starting point is 00:00:00 at long last the wait is over and we are back with iron sworn eye of the storm we're celebrating we're having a good time it is so good yes we did again out here we had a we had a brief hiatus because as you can see I am I am in a new space I've moved and for that reason I had to take the week to just grind and get the hell out of my old place but with me in this beautiful new space is my beautiful friend Caleb how you doing buddy I'm doing so good the inside of your house is so beautiful thank you so much for letting me record from your guest room yes so classy Sergio's been letting me stay here for a couple days while I get myself back on my feet so it's great a great place I think it's been this is session 11 and you were here
Starting point is 00:00:58 at session six I think so it's it's it's been a little bit a couple of episodes your ila the creation of yours has been on quite an interesting adventure we are still yeah yeah we are still with her I guess I should recap and you know the last episode we had with Aaron so ila was had ventured to stone tower up in the mountains and had gone down in stone tower after speaking with the villagers there and learning that the corruption whatever it was originated down the bottom of stone tower where she met the tree ant sorcerer that we had hypothesized had been here the tree and sorcerer what seemed to be the source of the fungus and using our abilities and using this new knowledge that fermented kind of fruit juice burns away the fungus we were able to clear
Starting point is 00:02:03 the tree ants and speak to it and we spoke to it a little bit with Aaron and we learned that it had come from the north um and that the source of the fungus was likely to the north and the tree and sorcerer um when we asked was there something outside the storm had a relatively foreboding answer they said that there if there was something out there it was the cause of the storm and maybe even worse than the storm something that no cartographer wants to hear because they just want to get the hell out of the storm so it was quite an interesting news for Adon who was with ila they eventually chopped up the the tree ant because it wanted to die that was kind of a weird moment but we we got through it and we got down off the mountain we returned to the village
Starting point is 00:02:56 ila went to the cartographers and asked if she could borrow one of their iron suits the the suits that protect you from the storm if you enter but they're they're like a stone age spacesuits and just very cumbersome so if she was going to use it she would have to have a pack mule of some kind to take her to the storm before she put it on and what other pack mule would be better than the storm bird itself so ila went to half the person that was training the the storm bird and asked and half said only if he came along because he knew that the storm bird wasn't completely tamed yet and let's face it we all know half he wanted to go on the adventure as well so they they set out and they had a little bit of difficulty they ran they ran into some marshlands
Starting point is 00:03:49 that just kind of really stressed them out it was a difficult journey but they eventually got to the eye of the wall they the eye of the wall no the wall of the storm they put on the spacesuits and just as they were getting ready to enter a wyvern a worm an ice worm a giant dragon blew out of the storm kind of did a big pass around the area ila and half did their best to hide but they were too slow in these big cumbersome suits and that thing saw them the the the worm saw them a flew down snatched them up snatched up the storm bird and they all flew back into the storm and that's where we left it so Caleb with all of that knowledge what do we think can you set up kind of the the the initial travel through the storm you know what's going on what is it like
Starting point is 00:04:50 where do we land so uh we're we're being held by that worm right now right the wyvern has absolutely so i think that ila is being gripped tight by those scaly claws and we're soaring through this iron storm it's absolutely painful because of course there's these flecks of iron slapping against against uh their faces is there remember they've got the suits on they've got the suits off yes i'm so sorry they're protecting them at least there's the the sound of iron against your suit then right the the sounds like a hail storm or something exactly the flecks of metal like twice as worse as hail too right because of the the huge sound of you know like clinking metal you're high above the clouds i think inside of those big gray storm clouds above
Starting point is 00:05:45 the horizon of the landscape below i don't think we even see the earth below and i think every so often it cuts through the the clouds themselves to reveal these huge mountainous peaks and it gives us a clue to to where this wyvern's taking us you know before long i think the storm knocks out ila in half just from the sheer velocity going through that storm and uh i think eventually through uh a breaking of the clouds and a swoop down into the the huge bout of steel iron rain we land inside of this huge domed out cavern right yes we have a frozen a corrupted frozen cavern that we know is called wyvern's rest right so i think wyvern's rest is massive i mean even large for the worm itself and what it's like it's like in like the side of a mountain or something
Starting point is 00:06:44 yes it's like built into one of these huge cloud breaking peaks and the inside is sort of marbled with this beautiful mirrored ice that frames out the entire dome there's a precipice around the area that the wyvern sort of set up as its horde or its location where well unfortunately this is probably where it feeds and if you were to fall off god knows how long half would fall or any of us would fall so you're describing it like there's like a plateau within this massive kind of empty space exactly right so this huge dome uh is sort of uh rounds out a smaller plateau in the center and then there's this huge drop off off the sides wow and i think the ice itself is being corrupted just like our delve is saying right it's being corrupted by that same uh bizarre
Starting point is 00:07:39 fungus that moss that has infected it before and it's turned some of the ice that was formerly mirrored mirrored in some of the places still but it's become this disgusting black uh sort of like um uh like black ice right like muddied disgusting uh uh cursed ice against the side there and i think there's this sort of domed up wall that the wyvern throws our bodies against and that's probably where we start on this delve okay so a lot to a lot to think about here um um so we're in this frozen cavern that is corrupted um my first question is does this wyvern speak is it intelligent is it is its main goal just to eat us uh you know what do we think we want to do first in terms of like setting setting up what happens next
Starting point is 00:08:39 well the Tolkien head in me desperately wants to give this dragon uh some intelligence i mean in in stories growing up i always love the idea of these huge powerful godlike beasts who are you know intelligent to a certain extent right they have a mind and they think they're above us i think this worm is the same way this wyvern thinks the same way gotcha um it it can speak it's probably very old and very big uh you know if people know of it you know if these ironlanders who are within the storm know of it it must have been around forever um you know what okay first things first um i think well no we're not going to mark any progress yet we're we're kind of already marked progress because this this dragon just took us straight
Starting point is 00:09:37 to our our destination but let's let's come up with a name how does this thing introduce itself would you like to roll for it uh yeah let's roll for it okay roll the d100 i don't know if i have any good dragon name books but maybe in the iron sworn book there's a good one let's see there's other names uh yeah go ahead uh go ahead and roll that d100 and let's see what we get here i've got a 63 all right so let me make sure we see it yep we see it 63 keha ke eha keha or keha keha keha keha the the the frozen nightmare or you know something like that you know it's got to have a an infamous name and that's certainly how we would introduce itself you know my name is keha the the the night the frozen nightmare you know something like that the
Starting point is 00:10:45 the black ice the black ice yeah i like that when keeping with our with our fungus corruption thing exactly would it have like fungus growing on it or is it clear of the fungus well i think it's almost entirely infected by it the storm hasn't caught up to this uh this wyvern but the moss absolutely has i think it maybe has the same sort of glossed over eyes that we experienced when we were trying to save cat again um interesting uh you know i think that it's adopted that uh but i not nearly as insane as the people that caught him right i think he still has his mind and he's walking about the cavern hasn't ate us yet thankfully uh but talking to himself i think he's gone as mad as we have or or as the the people yeah yeah so he's a little off kilter when
Starting point is 00:11:39 he introduces himself uh seems a little strange now why is he talking to us as opposed to eating us is he curious about the outside world or something yeah i wonder if uh maybe it's the the storm bird maybe he's run into ironsworn before and he he recognizes what we are and he's curious as to what brought us out here maybe had positive experiences negative experiences but he knows what that armor means and he knows what that bird brings okay so he's attracted by the storm bird um he i guess you know i'm obviously fishing for what the next role is going to be i think what's obvious is that he's asking ila and half questions about the storm bird about what's going on in the outside world and you're trying to convince him not to eat you i think
Starting point is 00:12:31 we need to make a compel role here uh that makes the most amount of sense to me so let's see um let's pull out the handy dandy guy here so are you trying to pacify barter or convince threaten or lie or swindle i think pacify is my word here i think that ila is speaking very softly she's being truthful she's trying to tell him exactly what got her into this mess because she has an understanding that any mis-move or trying to trick a dragon is just going to end up getting her killed makes sense you're gonna roll plus heart uh so go ahead and you're gonna go to summary to the summary page and you're gonna roll plus heart and let's see what you get oh okay it can either be real bad or you can burn your momentum and make it a strong hit
Starting point is 00:13:27 um and real bad doesn't necessarily mean get eaten it could mean like hey go scoop the poop in the back room or something you know right right right i think actually i'm gonna burn the momentum okay let's let's play dangerously okay burn the momentum make it a strong so set your momentum to two you're gonna go back to two uh but it is a strong hit on a strong hit they'll do what you want or share what they know you may take plus one momentum so you can actually go to three momentum okay um if you use this exchange to gather information you may make that move now and add plus one so that if the next move is gather information you can add plus one to it but uh you know with a strong hit what do we learn uh it's it seems intrigued enough not to eat us maybe crazy
Starting point is 00:14:20 enough not to eat us and it hasn't quite you know maybe doesn't like to eat things that talk i don't know yeah i i think that maybe it's fine it's trying to search for information out of us as much as i'm trying to survive the situation because they think we might be able to help them they've realized how far off the deep end they've gone and if we can't help they'll eat us but if we can't help we're useful i see i see so he has enough of his mental faculties that he's like i've gotta get this off of me i've gotta get this get gotta get rid of me uh or or this fungus that he has um okay so do you want to ask this dragon any questions that might help us in our quest any gather information i i think illa is sympathetic to the situation and she's half interested in this moss to begin
Starting point is 00:15:11 with because not only is it exactly where her you know parents are somewhere around this area but it's also a situation where she was asked by the cartographers to right to bring some back right so so it interests her as well so i think she's definitely trying to find out how it happened to him um and what we can do about it you are going to roll plus wits plus one because of that last roll gotcha plus wits plus one see what you get a strong hit on a strong hit you discover something helpful and specific the path you must follow or actually you must take is made clear envision what you learn and take plus two to your momentum so you're going to go to plus five so this dragon definitely tells you something useful uh you know in your quest
Starting point is 00:16:09 so i think that he informs us that the uh the troubles lie deep below and he you know gestures to the precipice outside of his plateau right and shows this huge cavern that you know looking over the edge with him and ila and half of course uh we look down and we see this huge bed of moss that disgusting fungus that has grown it's incredibly fast at the bottom um and he informs us that the answer lies inside is the dragon the cause of this fungus because we've yet to actually find the source of this weird fungus um right we we had some sort of inclination for the treant that it might have been them right yeah and but the way we kind of ended it it almost felt like the treant contracted this fungus but wasn't necessarily it was the source at stone tower but it wasn't
Starting point is 00:17:04 necessarily the the progenitor of this fungus if i can leap i think the dragon would maybe be in the same category and what's happening here is that once the fungus begins they all become part of something larger like a almost like a hive mind seeping in uh think like mushrooms with like mycinid colonies and uh the way that they all combine yeah for sure and we've been kind of hinting at that like the sheer fact that um uh ila is able to extract the fungus from somebody using her ward abilities you know you can only do that with a foe a foe i you know we would categorize as like a sentient thing so yeah maybe there is some sentience to this fungus um and and yeah maybe there's something deeper down we did decide uh when we were discussing this site with erin
Starting point is 00:17:55 the types of things that you might find here we said there might be cattle from the the from kehas uh you know going out and getting food there might be trolls there might be rabid vampire alpacas that was erin's edition uh there might be another storm bird and there might also be a husk a husk would be would be interesting if if they were the progenitor of the fungus if they were a you know a practitioner of some kind that like created it or something exactly yeah i was thinking the same thing that that it may be an invention of the husk or they were the original contractor patient zero gotcha so so maybe the dragon doesn't completely know or we we will find that out but nonetheless the dragon has made it clear if it's going to help us it we
Starting point is 00:18:46 need to help it first we need to go down and and delve this place so sounds like we want to delve in this frozen corrupted cavern let's make a delve absolutely do let's do it how are you moving into this site um are you moving go ahead go ahead no i want to hear you the options are edge shadow or wits how are you moving about this place so i think that illa's being smart here she's looking for the best paths along the cavern uh descent you know there are some ramps or or not really ramps makeshift rock formations that come off the the cavern walls and look you know sparsely enough uh from the fungus that maybe we could track a path and so illa spends the time to move carefully make deliberate decisions and make the ones that make the most sense uh to stay
Starting point is 00:19:43 away from the fungus to avoid being touched by it and to avoid falling to our okay before i'm sure that that half is very disappointed that we're going slow and thinking with our minds here right she's probably grumbling the entire way about how we could jump to a shorter path right whatever it might be uh before we make this roll do you think that illa would ask the dragon about her parents because that would be a surefire way of knowing whether they're here or not i think that's absolutely something that uh she considers i think she even asks it i i think it may be a situation where the dragon turns and says you know you scratch my back i scratch yours fair enough uh he he mentions that he's seen many people through many years and he can't remember the last time he remembered
Starting point is 00:20:30 what time it was you know but he may be more inclined if this disease was uh freed from him gotcha so we're gonna roll plus widths okay to delve the depths let's see how we do a weak hit all right on a weak hit you are going to roll on this table so please roll a d100 okay and what you get will determine the outcome 85 85 interesting uh okay um take both you're gonna mark progress and find an opportunity so okay progress within the site is represented this is a this is a danger no no i'm sorry i'm looking at stone tower uh this is an extreme location so marking progress means we're just going to fill up one check box so now we have one box completely full instead of only half and we're going to find an opportunity
Starting point is 00:21:35 which is a roll in it of itself let me pull that up roll a roll a d100 okay 23 the terrain favors you or you find a hidden path oh okay uh i think that maybe like we agreed earlier maybe the iron sworn or the people who usually come with storm birds uh that the dragon was referencing earlier actually carved a path down here and and she finds some excavation made by them to get to the bottom faster okay like maybe some remnants that someone before her tried to stop whatever was happening here i like that i like that now uh because we rolled so well you may choose one gain insight uh or
Starting point is 00:22:33 prepare in which you would take plus one momentum or you can take action now and you and allies may make a move not a progress move which directly leverages the opportunity when you do you may add plus one and take plus one momentum on a hit okay uh if i took that that move to leverage uh our action could i get down the the path faster maybe it just comes down to what move you want to do next right and oh i could do another delve roll right you could do another delve roll i i don't think let's see because a delve roll might be a progress roll uh right uh yeah it is so in in that case let me just take the insight it makes more sense got it so add plus one to your momentum got you and we get to the bottom what what is the bottom
Starting point is 00:23:27 like do you do you want to roll forward or do you have an idea of what the bottom of this frozen um i think that it becomes almost like a uh like a forest made of different fungal cultures like it is completely embedded in the moss so much so that that that fungus we found is the only ground you can walk on so ila has to abandon all fear of it uh and and just hope the suit is going to protect her yeah yeah it's she's she's she's i mean the suit is still working even outside of the storm you know keeping her from contracting any of this fungus exactly and i think the growths form almost like a downward mine shaft so it's this forest but it's uh relatively small only as large as that tunnel might be okay so it gets increasingly and increasingly more claustrophobic
Starting point is 00:24:23 the the deeper that her and half uh make movements down into the the fungus got it i think the most obvious thing is that we're just going to continue to delve the depths unless you have an idea about doing something else no i i think that's the way to go okay are we moving with edge shadow or wits um you know what uh i think that uh ila is put off by this situation and so is half and in a moment of sort of fear half fear and and and consciousness she lets half take over as leader and of course half's idea is to hack through the cultures you know one swing at a time let him in the bird uh lead and ila takes up a back position as he clears away through the the culture forest down into this banded mine shaft so you're saying we're gonna move move with edge
Starting point is 00:25:22 move with edge absolutely so go ahead and roll edge you're still pretty decent stat for ila oh this is a miss not like that it's not no you are going to reveal a danger let's uh roll for that uh please roll a d100 okay 59 you face an environmental or architectural hazard you know what's funny is we roll this all the time every time we reveal a danger in a place we always roll this environmental or architectural hazard it's cold there's fungus it's underground there's ice everywhere you know what could possibly well the the armor itself um if it breaks there's a serious threat to both of them for the situation where this fungus gets into it so i'm thinking that either it's so cold
Starting point is 00:26:26 down here that the armor is starting to to crack and there's a danger that the fungus might get through if we don't make it through past this culture okay or the culture itself is starting to move towards our bodies and threaten to pull off the armor one by one what what do you think i think there need how like i'm trying to think in terms of um almost like a trap like i'm like i'm thinking you know as you guys are moving there's like icicles that you know if any sound that they can snap and fall down on us you know something like that yeah oh yeah i love that um and they have the they have the mold like the fungus on it you know so you would get the the double dose of a piercing and uh uh exactly and the mold is put so much weight on them that
Starting point is 00:27:15 they're starting to buckle and fall just from our footsteps okay so we uh need to face danger i think as we traverse through this minefield of of sensitive shards of ice uh these icicles you're gonna either roll uh with edge heart iron shadow or wits you'd be moving with speed if you were using edge courage if you were using heart um aggressive action if you were rolling with iron stealth if you were rolling with shadow or inside an observation if you were using wits i think she's going to take over since edge didn't work so well for us got us in some trouble she's going to use our wits and she's gonna hop onto the back of the storm bird and hope that that added mobility of having the bird to escape from these falling ice picks will be enough to get
Starting point is 00:28:12 them out of this situation okay uh you're gonna roll plus wits and let's see how you do oh jeez on a miss you fail or your progress is undermined by a dramatic and costly turn of events pay the price i i think we know what happens um you know you you kind of buck the uh the storm bird is you know it makes too much noise and it yeah it causes a huge avalanche of them oh i think in that avalanche what happens is we're separated from half oh interesting i think it falls through i mean i'm totally cool with taking harm too because you're definitely going to have to endure harm uh let's do that roll but i love the idea that you know like you're both running as these icicles are falling and maybe you have to go different ways to to get out of this exactly
Starting point is 00:29:10 let's endure harm you're either going to roll your health or your uh let's see when you face physical damage suffer health equal to your foes rank uh the rank of this place is extreme so it's actually pretty intense um let's see this site is a extreme site that that means technically you would take for health damage wow okay yeah i have a plus four health what would that mean bud well it doesn't mean you're dead but you're gonna endure harm and um let's see what happens so uh reduce your health to zero okay but now you're gonna roll health you're gonna roll iron because your iron is higher okay iron is plus one for you oh my god on a miss you suffer minus one momentum we're going to go to plus five momentum did i killer search if you are at zero health you must mark a
Starting point is 00:30:18 wounded or maimed and you will roll on the following table so uh your momentum is going to go to five you are you're not unprepared i don't know why that is but you have a uh you are maimed in some way let's roll the d 100 and find out what what what kind of maiming you take ours are cool it's okay 33 33 you are unconscious and out of action if left alone you come back to your senses in an hour or two if you are vulnerable to a foe not inclined to show mercy face death fortunately there's no obvious foes at the moment with that said i think we need to ask the oracle is it half that finds you first or is it a denizen of this place that finds you first 51 or greater it's going to be half so roll the d 100 one d 100 yep oh no no you got a 33
Starting point is 00:31:22 no okay no no i got it not a d thousand 30 30 a 30 is a denizen my friend a 30 is oh shit oh boy wait so i could die right well are they finding me unconscious well let's first find out what the denizen is if we go to the site um we have many options why don't you roll the d 100 partners convince that you are throwing this game yeah i was paid this is the jake paul fight i was paid to take the out okay 44 44 is the ice worm so that's keha i don't think keha wants to kill you i don't think keha's impressed would keha be down here well that's what we got um if you want to re-roll i think it's fair to re-roll as well unless you can justify why keha has come down
Starting point is 00:32:27 you know i guess keha have heard the avalanche yeah and has yeah i guess that's true it's just interesting he would send us down here and then decide to come you know what i mean like he's like you go do this because i don't want to oh wait i'm going to because you're down i agree and that's why i'm offering you the chance if you'd like to roll a d 100 again well let's roll a d 100 again because i don't think just yeah we don't always have to stick to the rolls let's see what happens but you'll be keha again if you six six is keha again roll again we said that he was a common element of this uh science just roll again let's go ice worms 90 much better uh 90 is a troll oh i would argue the trolls are not particularly friendly no i definitely not you're gonna have
Starting point is 00:33:24 to face death yeah yeah now when you are brought to the brink of death and glimpse the world beyond you will roll plus heart now fortunately heart is one of your strongest assets all right ila okay ila all right ila oh no no what the fuck on a miss you are dead oh shit oh my god god damn it's not even eight o'clock i think i think what happens is that half eventually you know like traces back to where ila was left but she's not there and i think he follows some footprints right and eventually
Starting point is 00:34:26 kind of finds this offshoot cave and he sees blood trickling and and what do you think what is does he come upon the troll in mid-feast or what i think the the troll has just cracked ila's back clean like she like it's picking crab uh and i think half has to watch from behind oh my god and he has to stay completely silent or cause more icicles to fall so he's stuck there watching his friend be cracked clean open okay he let's see you're either you either need to face danger or endure stress and if you roll poorly on stress you you know you might yell out or or you know it might notice you or something right i think the the obvious thing here is that half's trying to endure stress he does not need this fight it's already in a tense
Starting point is 00:35:27 situation he's trying to stay as quiet as possible and just try not to think of ila cut cleanly in half as the troll picks at her spine all right so first things first we need to pull out half's character sheet open up half's character sheet because we are now taking over as half do we have a new objective well let's let's discuss that first let's deal with the danger of right so you said you want to face danger i i want to endure stress endure stress i he's staying as quiet as possible he just wants to make this moment pass you need to either roll let's see when you face mental shock or despair suffer minus one spirit i'll say minus one is is fine so his spirit is going to go down to four okay and uh you now either roll your spirit or
Starting point is 00:36:19 your heart whichever is higher which i think your spirit is higher it is so roll that spirit let's see what we get okay okay we hit on a weak hit you press on so you manage to cover your mouth you don't squeal out eventually the troll you know stops munching and goes quiet maybe it's sleeping or something but yeah you you brought up a good question does half pick up the vow that illa illa had which was one to bring back a sample uh uh two was to find illa's parents what what is half realistically want to do i think and know also that at any time half can attempt to escape the depths and succeed regardless so you can leave at any time okay and effectively i could finish the vow of collecting the moss sample right now if i wanted to i would say that the only way to truly
Starting point is 00:37:19 complete it is to return to the tribe right that's the only catch so you would definitely make progress if you if you scooped out some now or whatever but then it's the head back to camp yeah um i just listen to me i would absolutely pick up this vow for taking to to the parents but the level of that vow rivals half's journey to reach power to find the relation between the ruin like all these things that half has to accomplish and illa ends up exactly like her parents do lost to the storm i think this change i think this changes haps completely i think he's terrified at the notion that he's gonna end up like this um but in a way in a way he swore an iron vow to help illa surely there would be shame to return to the tribe empty-handed like this there
Starting point is 00:38:22 has to be something that can be done or or am i simply being uh in denial am i simply in denial about this no no i think you bring up a really good point trust me i'm as conflicted about this is as possible i mean there is no currency with the iron landers their currency is their vows is vows promises to do things you know and and and in his own way he vowed to um to to help illa now we can make a new iron vow for half maybe it's return illa's remains or do something that's what i was thinking is that half is looking at this and thinking well i don't want what happened to illa with her parents to happen to her body you know right i don't want someone to wonder where illa went at least bury her with the storm or cremator um so i think i
Starting point is 00:39:15 think that would be the vow i don't think it would be the extreme hunt down her parents because he already has so much to accomplish and like two extreme vows like that's too much right i i agree so we need to return illa's remains to the tribe that's the vow huh yes yeah the the threat um i don't know if i want to necessarily create a threat yet uh uh we'll say the storm slash the fungus um and and i will put one progress on that menace because an ally has died so um let's decide how how difficult this vow is is it going to be dangerous for minnable for him to return to the tribe or basically to get her remains and return to the tribe i think dangerous okay what do you think i think dangerous is realistic um because
Starting point is 00:40:11 really the danger is just how the hell do we get whatever is remaining of her from this troll and how do we get out without keha that's right keha's gonna be like i don't care if one of you died i still need this problem fixed yeah okay okay we we've got it here so you know some time has passed he has made a vow let's um roll for it because we actually do have to roll for our iron vow um yeah you are going to roll plus heart for half what a turn of events oh okay it could be a weak hit or a strong hit whichever you like um let's make it a weak hit let's just keep what we got you are determined but begin your quest with more questions than answers that makes sense take plus one momentum so you'll go up to eight
Starting point is 00:41:09 and envision uh what you do to find a path forward so i think we need to kind of assess the situation right is the troll asleep has it left the cave so so i think either a gather information or secure an advantage no i think a gather information role makes sense yeah i think he's trying to lean out from the boulders and get a good look as to what what the situation is all right you are gonna roll plus wits oh great oh what the fuck all right it can either be a complication or a strong hit you got to burn that momentum if you want it to be i'm gonna burn that momentum because man all right we what has been happening today yeah no all the the luck has run out of this game i can tell you
Starting point is 00:41:57 that much yeah all right on a strong hit you discover something helpful and specific the path you must follow or action you must take is made clear envision what you learn and take plus two momentum so your momentum goes to its max which is 10 and what you know what's the situation is it there is it not there is it asleep well i i burned momentum though right you burned your momentum i'm sorry yeah so you're gonna go to four your momentum's at plus four okay so i think it's actually that um i think he's had his fill and left the remains and has sculpted back down the mine shaft okay seems like uh there's maybe a congregation maybe he even hears the call from another troll down the mine shaft and he goes you know gallivanting after them um you know
Starting point is 00:42:50 being called back by his tribe okay all right so there's a moment of respite um i assume you go over to to see what can be left i think you need to well that was a strong hit i'm just deciding whether you need to roll for this i think it's easy enough to kind of sneak up and just kind of see what you have there um yeah you can either let's see what what do you think would be left of 40 or trinkets i mean what you know she was a shaman well i think maybe like a portion of the upper half maybe a fourth of her he's gonna like carry the body oh i was i was thinking maybe we do a pyre uh once we get out of the like maybe his thought is to incinerate her before going back into the storm because she might become iron otherwise yeah i mean it's pretty risky to light
Starting point is 00:43:56 a fire in here like i think best case scenario is like find a locket or a charm or something of hers because he's basically just getting something to to to give to a loved one of hers you know yeah i'm i'm trying to think because the ideal death for someone from the tribe is to be buried in the the eye right so you become the ancestral weapon yes um i want to i want that for you okay okay and i did that i did that yeah okay so so you you're just gonna take whatever is left yeah i guess we're gonna like see three p o her to the back of half's pack yeah i i'm sorry guys it was a few misses i didn't think we were gonna die dammit so half says a couple of kind words uh you know that that ironlanders speak when someone is dead and you know kind of scoops her up and um
Starting point is 00:44:55 it's time to get out of here right yeah now i will say this half has a goal or a vow which is to investigate the relationship between the pillars and the husks to help resolve tensions between the historians and the ironmongers do we want to commit to the idea that the dragon has warned that there's a husk down there and that he wants to investigate that is he willing to let that go yes okay he's willing to investigate he wants to go down here and see if this has anything to do with his uh exist oh so so he is going to continue to delve this place just uh for you know just enough to know you know okay uh we're going to delve the depths with half uh let me pull up that got me all discombobulated here here we go so are you rolling with haste with stealth or with intuition
Starting point is 00:45:55 stealth uh he saw how bad that troll was he understands the risk roll plus shadow please oh thank god okay on a strong hit you delve deeper you may mark progress um which we will do on the sites uh the site is three two we're just gonna make one full progress uh oh i'm marking the wrong one i have to stop doing that uh here we go well oh interesting uh we have to add as we don't have yeah so i'm gonna i'm gonna have to add it real quick here the site name is wyvern's reach let me make sure everyone can see it uh the objective is to uh leave with illa's remains uh it is a corrupted frozen cavern all right um now what was it that we just said uh was that a weak hit it was a strong hit
Starting point is 00:47:04 it was a strong hit you delve deeper you're gonna mark progress uh which i will do now we'll say that there was two progress for half because he it's a it's an extreme place actually so it's a half all right so um you're gonna find an opportunity roll a d100 please okay okay 87 you locate an interesting or helpful object you locate an interesting or helpful object um we can roll on the features of this place to get a better idea of what this object might be let's do it all right roll a d100 it's the ambulance is coming for for illa um yeah a maze of icy tunnels
Starting point is 00:48:08 now okay this doesn't immediately seem helpful but what if this maze of icy tunnels is like clearly made by someone you know intelligently designed and you know it implies that you've reached some kind of layer maybe of the husk yes uh that's what i was thinking is maybe it was carved out by whoever used to be the husk and or i'm sorry used to be the person that the husk is now okay you know adopt yeah for sure so you come upon these maze of icy tunnels clearly designed to disorient anyone that kind of comes in um if you're just going to go in i think you're going to face danger but you can also try to secure an advantage to kind of figure out how this place works i think half knows the danger of this place and he doesn't want to end up like illa
Starting point is 00:48:55 he wants to secure an advantage first all right here we go um where are you there you go um how are you securing this advantage with what attribute um i think shadow i think he's going to stealth out the area and try and get a uh you know a secret view of the place roll plus shadow let's see how we do this has become a a fight for our lives and you're rolling much better as half that's good yeah on a strong hit you gain advantage uh this is this is an adventure move yeah choose one you may take control which is the next move you add plus one or you can put plus two to your momentum um let me take the one that gives me advantage on my next move all right so you have plus one on whatever your next move is uh describe to me what the advantage is that he secures
Starting point is 00:49:53 um i think that maybe he gets an eye on the threat before it gets an eye on him maybe he you know comes down the caverns and he starts to hear something deep uh in the you know depths of those uh maze of hallways right and he comes to understand that it's a familiar sound like the ones the husks made originally in those ruins and being who he is he he recognizes it immediately you know yeah the expert on husks anyways okay so immediately he yeah he like follows the sound right yeah he follows the sound oh you're saying that the the sound is coming towards him oh well no it's like centered at the bottom and so he comes upon the where it is okay got you uh do we want to roll to find out what this next place is do we want to delve the depths what's the next
Starting point is 00:50:45 move um i think delve the depths because we we still want to find this guy yep go ahead and you are going to roll uh depending on what you what attribute you want to use edge shadow or wits i'm gonna keep using shadow all right use shadow and you may add plus one to it because of that last roll weak hit uh are you hearing the dice rolls i'm not sure if i saw yeah i am okay good good that's a good sign so on a weak hit roll on the following table roll the d100 please okay 58 58 you may mark progress we will uh go to our site we're going to mark progress at wyvern's reach so we now have two full check marks um i think this progress because it's related to the husk i think we can add it to
Starting point is 00:51:54 the investigate the relationship and um but not anything to do with illa so all right so talk to me about what we come upon do you want to roll for it or do you want to kind of just define what it is we find here let's roll for it actually all right uh go ahead and roll the d100 and we'll find out 40 43 a glistening cave a glistening cave so the ice is glistening in here but maybe there's like something more than just an empty cave maybe this is the layer of the husk or or you know the laboratory or whatever or yeah um i think it's it's definitely related to the layer similar to how uh kera has his feeding trough up on the top of the plateau i think this is a feeding trough for the husk and i think it
Starting point is 00:52:53 gives half a shock realizing you know just exactly what happened to illa because there are in the mirrors of these ice all of these pictures of corpses that line the floor they're the reflections of everything the husk has been eating in these past days so at first yeah at first you're just kind of like you know enamored by the glitter but when you get closer you see what's in the ice yes exactly piles of half eaten corpses and skeletons and all all manner of things he's been chomping away i mean you do a great job of describing how awful it is i think you need to endure stress yes i do uh you're so i think that your spirit is going to be reduced by one to three okay and you're going to roll a spirit because that's higher than your heart and let's see what we get
Starting point is 00:53:44 strong hit very nice you shake it off or you can take plus one momentum uh i want to shake it off all right so your spirit goes back to four you steal yourself from the the site it's not like it's half's first time seeing dead bodies yeah but you know what else is here what you know is this um if this is the husk's layer where it feeds is there anything but just dead bodies is the husk here do you want to roll to find out if the husk is here yeah let's roll if he's feeding how likely do you think it is that he is feeding i think um it's unlikely okay if it is unlikely then you are going to uh just roll a d100 and 76 or greater he is here so anything lower than 76 it's not here it's empty it's not here it's not here um
Starting point is 00:54:42 but let's let's decide how we want to resolve this you know do we want to go after this husk do we want to investigate the area to see if he can find any clues regarding the its connection to the pillars or its connection to the fungus so i think he wants to gather information find out you know it's feeding tactics see if there's anything here that might indicate anything we want to know about the husks okay we're going to gather information uh you are let's see you're gonna roll plus wits plus wits gosh boy oh boy here we go oh fuck a miss on a miss your investigation unearths a dire threat or reveals an unwelcome truth that undermines your quest you may pay the price or you can tell me what you think happens next
Starting point is 00:55:34 um shit an unwelcome truth i like i'm just trying to think of what we might find in this feeding trough yeah um to me go ahead go ahead no i want i want to i mean to me the options are the husk you know surprises you and it's like returns or yeah there's something genuinely you know um something here that reveals something quite dire about the situation that you're in oh i i got it all right i got it okay very dire situation the husk uh well first of all let me drop this there's evidence of two husks i don't know what it is he finds in amongst the ruins but two different bite marks whatever it is okay a good tracker okay i can discern that but what's worse uh is he finds a necklace in amongst the feeding trough that reminds him exactly of the
Starting point is 00:56:34 one around illa's neck and half becomes aware that maybe the husks are her parents oh my god i oh snap yeah that's that's that's devilish i love it um i think that i think that what we can say is that on their journey maybe illa described her parents what she remembers that the little that she remembers you know she wore a golden necklace and he had this or something you know what i mean yeah yeah and and and yeah it matches it matches exactly but but that would mean that they'd have to see that half would have to see the husk so maybe you know they look over somewhere and they see these two husks and they match the description let's go with that absolutely they they climb up into the the area all right are these husks involved with the pillars uh if not
Starting point is 00:57:33 then half has kind of learned what he needs to learn from these people or are these people in some way doing something that is is relevant to to his understanding well they were sent out because they had a child yes against the tribe right do you think that we would still put uh you know betrayers of the tribe along pillars like we normally do you know time honored guests and people we honor are they still uh you know uh uh memorial pieces for the i think they are when it's appropriate like when like when you're close enough to a pillar or when you know they're a particularly high status or you know worth like you know like animal you know cattle and stuff like that um i think these people were just cast out and they happen to be close to wyvern's rest
Starting point is 00:58:27 i agree that's what i was going with i think that this is about all i'm going to get in terms of the husk and the the ruin i don't think there's a pillar here what a what an awful way to end illa's story of all of this journeying to find her parents only for them to have turned into husks you know this is also it also justifies the the progress that we just made on your vow because you learn that not every husk is related to the pillars not every husk has the same intentions right exactly so half has this correlation that some of them are drawn to the pillars but not all so it must be something unique to those husks we found what's next for half i think um i think half is struck by the vision he's made uh he's going to try and well let me
Starting point is 00:59:21 ask you this do you think the husks made half well i think the husks by him we can face danger uh with stealth to find that out or you can escape the depths and if you roll poorly you know maybe something happens like they are giving you chase or something i really want to do this not because it's smart but because i can see it in the movie you know like i could see it i think he's going to face danger with stealth he's going to hide among the corpses oh god pretend that he's one of them exactly he's going to get this beautiful reflection of his face alive in the reflections of the ice this huge domed out you know mirror of all these corpses and he'll watch the reflections of those husks start to move in and out of the crowd yeah
Starting point is 01:00:11 shifting through they smell something on the air all right you're going to roll plus shadow let's see how you do the next couple of rolls are going to determine how he does all right strong hit you're successful you take plus one momentum so you're going to go up to five and yeah sure enough like the husks like walk in the room you know kind of sniff the air but they walk out again or they walk past you know not not noticing you and you are able to kind of backtrack your way um the next logical step is to escape the depths unless you'd like to do something else i would love to escape the depths all right let's do that um how are you moving out are you moving with shadow heart edge iron heart i don't know if i said that again um i think that he's going to take
Starting point is 01:01:01 the courage filled move get on the the back of fleck uh try and be as brave as possible and run full force out of here you know chariot's a fire back up the the uh the ramps and out of here before any troll can pay him mind okay you're going to roll plus edge okay if you do well this will be progress to getting illa's remains back to the tribe oh thank god okay we hit you find your way out but the place exacts its price so first i will mark progress for you this is dangerous so you'll get two full check marks um you are either going to endure harm endure stress you are delayed and it costs you you leave behind something important you face a new complication or a denizen plots its revenge i think um denizen plots its revenge right yeah plots the revenge like it's coming
Starting point is 01:02:02 after me right now not like it's coming after you write this second but it's it could return plots my revenge or plots their revenge and it's uh it's kera okay i think we we well would i make it back to the plateau with this escape the depths you i would imagine what it is is you come out of the caverns and you basically just run along the bottom of the frozen cavern to the the entrance and right you're able to get out maybe before the dragon but before it's you know the dragon notices you before it's too late and when it comes after you right you're already in the storm and right right right like i'm coming through the entrance he takes wing to try and find out what's happening and flecks screams at the last moment drops the icicles back behind closing off
Starting point is 01:02:54 the door oh i like that yeah yeah some icicles fall on kera and it's not able to to kind of get out yeah all right so he knows we betrayed him so so half once again finds him out in the storm um he is in the middle of the storm he knows he's not terribly far um i think you're going to have to face danger yeah go ahead and how are you moving with edge heart iron shadow or wits um shit man how would moving with iron work well it's in it's an aggressive action of forceful defense strength or endurance which kind of makes sense in the sense of like you're wearing a big heavy spacesuit you know it's the endurance of just kind of walking through the storm with the storm word i think he's going to take the obvious path you know ignoring whatever
Starting point is 01:03:49 iron flecks might come his way he's trying to be strong in the face of it and just go straight lying back to the tribe and hopefully that constitutes an iron roll all right so you're gonna roll edge roll yeah you're gonna roll with iron half is a big tough boy so he is able he's been in the storm before this is not his first rodeo big tough boy gets a weak hit you succeed but face a troublesome cost you are delayed so you suffer some momentum you endure harm endure stress or you take a one to your supply um when i take one to my supply what exactly does that do well it just reduces your supply to one thematically or flavor wise you know we'll say that you know you have a backpack that gets blown off because of the storm or you know something
Starting point is 01:04:40 ah it's kind of boring i've never taken a boring option before i think maybe kara takes uh comes out the top of the mountain uh you know exacting his revenge maybe it becomes a delayed uh run back to the tribe it's not so easy because now i have to dodge him on the way oh i see interesting so you're in the storm and and and kara right now is like kind of like looking around in the area doing circles uh you are in you are so your momentum is going to go down to three yeah he's going to slow down he's going to try and hide from him and take the stealthier approach now that we know kara is above us at this point a lot of time has passed um yeah you need to either get out of the storm or risk it moving uh while you're still in it um and if you are going to move
Starting point is 01:05:32 water you know are you going to try to secure an advantage are you going to just try to face danger stealthily let's secure an advantage let's try and make this role successful okay um how are you going to use what stat are you going to use to try to do this i think shadow right i think that he's looking for a path if you're trying to secure an advantage you would be using this deception stealth or trickery so right you could do something like you know maybe you're trying to cause noise or something to distract the dragon yeah uh let's go with trickery because we're trickster anyways uh oh i think we get something oh yeah let's look at our assets here when you face danger secure an advantage compelled by lying bluffing stealing or cheating plus one
Starting point is 01:06:20 i don't think that's us here though right yeah you're not lying you're not bluffing you could bluff like bluff i i think that it's close enough like we really haven't gotten a chance to use this asset so go ahead you'll have a plus one and uh what what what uh what attribute are you god uh i think shadow okay roll your shadow plus one hopefully this is good yeah oh i'm so sorry i didn't i didn't add the okay go ahead and go ahead and roll again then okay oh we can't boy yeah the dice the dice wants you to make a weak hit all right so you succeed but face a troublesome cost you are either going to lose momentum again you're going to endure harm endure stress or suffer supply stress probably makes sense like yeah the stress of evading a dragon
Starting point is 01:07:16 yeah yeah all right go with stress your your spirit is going to go down by one and i think you should endure stress because it went down by one so yeah now you're going to roll let's see hold on i always lose where it's supposed to be um you need to roll either spirit or heart and i think your spirit is higher so roll spirit okay here we go strong hit oh my god okay you can either shake it off or you can take plus one momentum uh plus one momentum okay uh so your spirit is not going to go up but you manage to trick it eventually and that kind of you know gives you the the umph to kind of keep going on your way so i think that
Starting point is 01:08:21 half half 51 or greater the storm has not moved yet uh i'm sorry 51 or greater the storm has not moved yet yeah yeah okay so you continue moving and sure enough eventually you come out the other side the iron that has stuck to the suit kind of slipping off and falling off once you're back into the eye drop to your knees because you've made it out what's next what's next are you are you returning to the tribe or what um yeah we are close to the wall of the storm so there's a chance that there are um uh forecasters not far away if you want to look for something maybe make camp with i think yeah let's make camp with the forecasters all right we got to find them first so go ahead and do a um let's see
Starting point is 01:09:20 either gather information or um we could do a make camp roll and if you roll a strong hit that will say that maybe you find the forecasters okay so you're gonna roll plus supply it's not bad it's plus four right now where oh there it is at the very top strong hit strong hit you and your allies may each choose two you can take plus one to your health um plus one to spirit plus one to momentum plus one to your next undertake a journey roll which you probably will have to do or you can suffer one to supply but takes plus one to your health uh let's do a plus one to the next undertake a journey okay and then you have one more that you
Starting point is 01:10:16 can choose and then we'll we'll take one away from supply and add one to health okay so supply is going to go to three you could go plus one health uh and not have to worry about this whole supply thing oh oh well then i'll do that instead so four and four yes okay so you find some forecasters that are not far you show them the remains of ila you know they pray over her body you guys make camp um i don't think ila knew any forecasters so did know oh but half knows a forecaster do you think that um that what's their name would be here uh let's see bonds uh wool on wool on you think they would be here you want to work for it yeah let's roll if wool on how likely is it there's a one in four chance that she would be here yeah um yeah let's go with likely okay
Starting point is 01:11:18 uh go ahead and roll a d100 and if it's 26 or greater she is here is there a middle ground besides likely well there's almost certain likely 50 50 unlikely and small chance let's do 50 50 instead all right 51 or greater and they are here okay all right wool on sure enough uh you know twice now half has met wool on on interesting circumstances one was escaping uh that strange place that the iron mongers had taken him to and now it's with the the dead body of one of the tribesmen um what what do they have a discussion is there anything that kind of relevant that happens here i think uh wool on is who he makes camp with and maybe that's why he uh he chooses the forecasters anyways because he knows that this is wool on's camp or at least he came out on the side
Starting point is 01:12:21 that he figured they'd be working in um i know that they're they've been tense in the past and they've always sort of treated each other both like friends and rivals i think this is a rare moment around the campfire where half unloads just tells her everything that happened and explains ila and her parents and the husks and he talks back to the ruins and he he actually confides in wool on and for once wool on is sympathetic to his experience i think i think it's a very quiet moment after he gets the whole story out and um you know they make dinner and they don't talk the rest of the night yeah and he sleeps next to you know the bundled up uh body yeah yeah so uh kind of a uh a grim night but half is able to make it out with his life uh probably feeling a little
Starting point is 01:13:18 guilty as well i mean this you know the smaller framed you know member of the tribe who who had these magical powers but wasn't necessarily as strong as half you know went out um i think this is a great place to bring our session to a close because i think the next player will undertake the journey of returning to the tribe uh i will remember that there is a plus one uh to that undertake a journey because of your strong hit uh for their next role but yeah you know the the fight's not over yet they still have to get home uh the other thing i will say is that because he found wool on we'll add another progress to uh the returning elis remains to the tribe so you are or you're like six away from you know potentially completing this vow but first
Starting point is 01:14:19 got you the half has got to got to return so with that we will bring our session to a close the only player left is elie so ghost of elie you've been watching you have been a part of this just as much as we have and you will be here next time we play to bring half home to bring illa home and who knows maybe roll up another character maybe continue with half for a little while we're not sure but it was elie i'm so sorry i killed our girl i'm i mean one time i get to play her yeah and i killed her damn it you made her and you ended her yeah but uh uh you know it goes to show you the iron lands are a tough place to uh to live but uh a great session i wouldn't have asked for for uh anything more or less i loved it um it was awesome kaleb is there
Starting point is 01:15:11 anything you want to say your plug before we wrap up tonight uh you know i just want to say that we're on a break right now but uh you know in a couple weeks here we're going to continue with the isoka episodes coming out every week uh i think we're doing a one shot this friday yes from allegra that i'm very excited about where we'll be playing a flock of birds murder of ravens or whatever i think of murder of crows right i have a few unkindness yes and unkindness on ravens yes the their teenage ravens specifically so hopefully it has a little bit of that maul gough uh energy you know what i mean i i was planning on bringing a little little bit of that stink for sure maybe maybe instead of a human that wants to be a dog it's a
Starting point is 01:15:53 raven that wants to be a human you don't think about that surge oh if if you don't want that i may just take that you're you're the master of that you should no you should do it that's that's absolutely a great all right all right maybe that's what i'll play on because i really hadn't come up with anything yet so so maybe now that's killer yeah all right so uh expect that on friday we will have uh next week we will continue with ironsorn we will have a new episode with um heroes you should know with allegra who will actually have a special guest we will have our friend uh carly from uh spot hidden uh she will be joined as a special guest of uh that so make sure to check that out next week but uh in the meantime we'll see you this friday thanks guys
Starting point is 01:16:40 for checking us out thank you sir it was great yeah absolutely thank you so much we'll see you next time bye guys bye guys um you who who who who
Starting point is 01:18:45 who who who

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