Mayday Plays - Ironsworn Session 12

Episode Date: May 6, 2021

This is an audio-only version of our twitch stream for you to enjoy. This episode contains profanity. This work is based on Ironsworn (found at www/, created by Shawn Tomkin, and lic...ensed for use by © Mayday Roleplay under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license ( CAST • Eli • Sergio MUSIC & SOUND EFFECTS • “Eye of the storm” original theme by Aaron A. Pabst IRONSWORN LINKS • Ironsworn ( MAYDAY ROLEPLAY LINKS • Instagram ( • Twitter ( • Mayday website ( • Patreon ( • Twitch (

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We are live playing Ironsworn, Eye of the Storm. I'm so excited to be here. Life almost got in the way and we're gonna show up late, but here we are. My hard drive wasn't working and none of the graphics were for this stupid thing we're loading, but now it's working and we are good. And I am happy to be here with my friend Eli.
Starting point is 00:00:25 Eli, thank you for showing up. Hey, what's up? Happy Tuesday. Yeah, happy Tuesday. Thanks for coming and picking up the pieces of last session. Freaking my own heart. What a doozy it was.
Starting point is 00:00:40 Let's see if I can recap it. I've actually not managed to update our document on our website, displayed below by the way. Go to forward slash Ironsworn to read what happened in the past sessions, but wait until I update it for this one and the last one. Anyway, let's see if I can recall kind of what happened here. So Eli employed half our two characters that we've created.
Starting point is 00:01:07 Eli asked him to bring his storm bird and go into the storm with her to a location that she believed she would find her parents. It was, she would come to find a corrupted ice cavern and before they could enter the storm, putting on these iron suits that would protect them from the storm, out from the storm emerged the giant frost dragon, Heka, I think its name was.
Starting point is 00:01:40 And it's, or Keha, Keha was the name. Keha, yeah. And it flew out and it swooped them up and it flew into the storm and it turned out to be an intelligent dragon. And it also turned out to be also suffering from the fungus. And it was basically asking Eli and half to find a way to cure him of it,
Starting point is 00:02:03 maybe to get rid of it in the entire cavern. And he would help them. And they began this quest heading down to this giant frozen cavern. And things went bad immediately. I think what happened was that there were these large ice stalactites, right? Those are the ones that come from the ceiling.
Starting point is 00:02:27 Began falling and half and Eli got separated and Eli sustained damage. She took harm, audio. Okay, so Eli's audio is cursed. Let me mute one of them and I think I've solved the problem. So, you know, we're trying to have our dice rolls too, but it's kind of a pain in the butt sound wise. So we might not have our dice rolls today,
Starting point is 00:02:54 but we're gonna hear our lovely voices and it should be fine. So anyway, let me continue. So, Eli got knocked unconscious and just roll after roll was against her. It went from, it went from, her being unconscious to a troll finding her
Starting point is 00:03:18 to being eaten by the troll and dying and half kind of coming upon the site and deciding that his short-term vow was to retrieve Eli, her remains, and to bring her back to the tribe. It was something he thought was important. And so he managed to do that. He got on his stormbird
Starting point is 00:03:43 and he got the hell out of there. He went through the storm. Fortunately, he still had the suit on. He had the stormbird. So he was able to reach the eye of the storm and that's where he came upon the forecasters. Once again, through a stroke of luck, his friend, Wulan was there where they had a,
Starting point is 00:04:02 they reconnected and, you know, half is just kind of taken in the fact that he let someone die on his watch. He's a little beat up about it, you know? So we start the next day. I think it's been long enough that we should roll to see what direction the storm is moving. So Eli, on roll 20, go ahead and give us a D8 roll
Starting point is 00:04:29 to see what we get. Kind of set the pace here. Okay, a six, so eight, seven, six. So the storm is actually going to move east for a long time. It's been moving kind of northwest and for some reason it makes a detour. Oh, let me see, is that correct?
Starting point is 00:04:52 Hold on, let me see. It's a bit of a pain to do this. That's too far. Bam, if I go back one more. Okay, so that's where we started. I'm gonna go here like this. There we go. Okay, that's west, excuse me, east.
Starting point is 00:05:16 So we return east and you are traveling with the forecasters. You know though that they are not going to return to the tribe. That is not their job. You are going to head out. Are you going to go alone? What are you doing before you head out?
Starting point is 00:05:35 I think, do I have any supplies with me? Or am I good on supplies? Yeah, no, I'm good on supplies. That's a great question. Does it say on your character sheet that you're good? Yeah, it says I have four supplies. So I'll be good too. So I should be good to get back.
Starting point is 00:05:49 I think half would go alone with the Iron Bird, with the Storm Bird. And though I think they are going to ask Wulan something before they leave and trek off, I think he's just going to, in Iron Speed, tell Wulan that he's going back to the tribe, but he's going to ask if he should seek him out afterwards. Seek Wulan out?
Starting point is 00:06:27 Yeah, to return back to the forecasters after he's done with his business with the tribe. So you're safe, go ahead. Because half runs with the forecasters, right? He, we never really established that. We know that Wulan is someone who kind of took his place as a forecaster, if you remember. So there was a little bit of resentment
Starting point is 00:06:50 before in the past because of that. But half has always wanted to be kind of a ranger, hunter, not necessarily on the front lines of the storm though. Okay. Then nevermind then, then he's just going to say that he's returning back to the tribe and that he could actually say that he'll relay a message to the tribe about the moving to East
Starting point is 00:07:15 because he'll be back before the, probably a bird. Yes, that's great. Yeah, exactly. So yeah, so he'll say he'll send a message to the tribe about heading Eastward and then pet out. Gotcha. I have to keep practicing my Iron Speak because I love it.
Starting point is 00:07:30 So message, right? Yeah, message. This is what, Iron or I'm going back to? Iron is when you do like this and then you just, to your chest. So I'm sending a message heading East. Uh-huh, and the tribe is two fingers. Three fingers.
Starting point is 00:07:50 Oh, three fingers, okay, got it, got it. All right. I can't wait till the point where we're just completely silently just messaging each other. Dude, it'll be the day. And everyone in chat is like, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yes. Okay, so you're heading back.
Starting point is 00:08:05 I think that because the storm has moved, this is somewhat new territory. This is more like, cause like the, if you look on the map, there are, there's like a small mountain range to like the Southeast. And this area is somewhat new cause we traveled like through the mountains previously. So we're going to have to undertake a journey, I think,
Starting point is 00:08:28 to get back to the tribe, to find them. Maybe they're behind a little bit or something. Mm-hmm. Okay. But let's undertake a journey. Let me grab my book. And we are going to roll for this. So,
Starting point is 00:08:49 where is it? This should be right in the front. There it is. So we're going to define how hard of a journey this is. I don't think I want to spend a ton of time worrying about this, right? So we are going to clear this. And we're just going to say
Starting point is 00:09:07 that this is a troublesome journey, which means that you're going to make three progress on every, on every success or whatever. So, you're going to roll plus width. And because of last session, we ended where you had a plus one on your next roll.
Starting point is 00:09:29 So, yeah, go to summary. Summary. Summary right here. And then plus width. And plus one on the modifier. We kit. A we kit, a, okay, that's still better than nothing.
Starting point is 00:09:53 Let me make a quick adjustment here. I want to make sure everyone can see these numbers. All right. So on a week hit, you reach a waypoint and mark progress, but you are going to suffer one supply. So reduce your supply to three. And under the trip,
Starting point is 00:10:15 we're going to mark three boxes of progress. And we're going to find a waypoint. So I think the best thing to do is to roll for that. So go ahead and roll a D hundred. 31. You come upon a tree, which, you know, makes sense. You're, you're in a forested area,
Starting point is 00:10:43 but let's get, let's get a little more detailed with this tree, right? Roll another D hundred, please. This is tree one. Yeah. Hopefully it's not a malicious tree or something. 76. A lush tree.
Starting point is 00:11:06 You come upon a lush tree. I mean, we can be as lavish about this as we want in the sense that hell, you could come upon like the world tree, you know, it could be just about anything in that sense, you know, unless you think of something else when you think of lush. I think of like, I think of like,
Starting point is 00:11:29 like you ever seen a mango tree, like a giant, just like banyan-ish looking tree with just like a bunch of like different fruits. I feel like we don't get a lot of fruits being, being iron, ironlanders. I think it's hard to come by and they're rare to find. So I think it's like,
Starting point is 00:11:49 maybe it's a mango tree or a tree of that, like adjacent like an avocado tree. It's a lush fruit tree and it's got something delicious like mango, something, you know, very rare in the ironlands nonetheless, because the ironlands I would imagine are very cold and frigid and stuff. But there is this amazing tree.
Starting point is 00:12:10 Now, what's going through half's mind? I mean, obviously this would be a lovely tree to bring home to the tribe, right? Yes. I think I can maybe sweeten some bad news about some fruit. I'm sorry for your loss. Here's some fruit.
Starting point is 00:12:28 I'm sorry, Lou. Here's a fruit basket. She would have wanted you to have this fruit basket. I think this is a cool idea. I'd like this. You should probably face danger though, because, you know, surely this incredibly, it almost seems like it's an enchanted tree
Starting point is 00:12:49 or a magical tree. Maybe it's an illusion of some kind. Nonetheless, yeah. Yeah, I would say magic tree or there's somebody who also enjoys those mangoes and doesn't want me to have those mangoes and it's gonna be real mad about me. I hope there's some, once he's in the tree,
Starting point is 00:13:05 they're gonna start attacking half or something. The tree itself, like a wizard of Oz. Yes, exactly. Just smacks your hand. Okay, so you're gonna face danger. How are you doing this with edge, with heart, with iron, with shadow, or with wits? I think I wanna use maybe shadow,
Starting point is 00:13:26 be like, try to just be quick about it. Just jump up on there, just grab as many as I can and then just like dip. Okay, so you're going for, I'm just gonna get up there, grab as many as I can in one swoop. I'm not gonna be searching around and I'm gonna try to hide in the shadows of the tree
Starting point is 00:13:43 to do this as quickly as possible. Go ahead and run for shadow. And let's see how you do. You've got decent shadow. Okay, strong hit. You are successful, you may take plus one momentum. So your momentum's going up to five, or excuse me, to six. And what does it look like?
Starting point is 00:14:04 Describe to me, you know, monkeys steal the peach from the tree. You know, what does that look like? Yeah, I think half is just like riding. I'm imagining we're beyond where we can ride our, we can ride our Stormbird, right? I don't see why not, why couldn't you? Not just asking if we've earned the respect
Starting point is 00:14:23 of the Stormbird enough to ride him. I think that's part of this face danger role and yeah, you succeeded, so yeah. So like, yeah, so he like rides up, yeah, he rides up. Yeah, we both see it. We both know that we got maybe like a couple more hours to get to the tribe and we just hear our like stomach grow and we just look at each other,
Starting point is 00:14:43 you see the tree. So like house is going to kind of stretch a little bit and he's going to use the Stormbird as leverage to jump up onto the tree. So he's going to just swiftly jump from the bird, up on the tree, pull himself up, start shaking like just a branch to just allow all of the,
Starting point is 00:15:02 just all the bushels of the fruit just to fall down. And the Stormbird is like grabbing one in the process as all these fruits fall down and eventually he just jumps down and starts gathering as many of the fruit that he knocked on the floor. Yeah, I would assume that the Stormbird has like pouches on its side that he's filling up.
Starting point is 00:15:19 So yeah, you take a nice haul here of these fruits and you feel like you've got what you need. I think that undertaking a journey and continuing is the most sensible thing, huh? Yes, oh yeah. You've already made camp. Yeah, yeah, that makes the most sense. So go ahead and roll plus widths.
Starting point is 00:15:41 And this time you are not going to add plus one. Oh no. See how you do. Oh no. I'm going to miss, okay. I'm going to miss the fruit. I'm going to miss. You are waylaid by a perilous event.
Starting point is 00:15:57 Pay the price. Roll a, before you roll a D100, if something comes to mind, it's like what's the most sensible thing? We can always just do that. So like if you have something in mind, but otherwise we can roll the D100 to see like what price we have to pay.
Starting point is 00:16:14 I feel like bad fruit isn't a perilous thing. It feels like something like environmental. Well, it could be perilous if it poisons a bunch of people who eat it. True. I mean, the Stormbird ate the, ate a fruit for sure. And I would say that half would probably eat one along the way. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:16:33 So where are we? Are we still like in like a, like a, like a craggy like mountainous area? So if you were standing where we are, which is in the middle of the flower shape here of the hexagons, you're in forest. It's pretty heavy forest to the south of you and the east of you.
Starting point is 00:16:52 You can see a mountain range that the tribe once kind of climbed over. And it looks like to the northeast, there's another kind of small patch of mountains. But we're, we're at least not like, heading towards like the rim of the storm though, we're... If anything, you would be coming from, you're coming from the, the north.
Starting point is 00:17:16 So you're heading south anyway. Yeah, so, so yeah. Okay. Yeah. The only thing I can think about is like maybe like tripping balls on some fruit and then heading in the wrong, heading in the wrong direction. Okay, okay.
Starting point is 00:17:29 I think that the miss is going to represent you and the bird not starting to feel good after eating these fruit. I think you need to endure harm. Okay. And then we'll think about how we want to have the storm bird react to this as well. Either way, you're going to either roll,
Starting point is 00:17:49 so you're going to take a minus one to your health as you feel poisoned a little bit by this fruit, maybe even having visual hallucinations of some kind. But now you're either going to roll health or you're going to roll iron, whichever is higher. I think your health is higher. My health is higher. Roll that health and let's see what you get.
Starting point is 00:18:14 Okay. A week hit. On a week hit, you press on. I think what's going to happen is you're going to have gotten sick. You pull over to the side, you and the bird, shit and puke and just like, you know, take eight hours to trip balls on this super,
Starting point is 00:18:34 super psychedelic fruit. And I think time has been wasted is kind of the biggest problem and you have not yet completed your journey and you have not yet made any more progress on your journey, right? So we're still kind of only three check marks in. Okay. So let's go ahead and continue to undertake a journey
Starting point is 00:18:53 unless you'd like to do something like secure and advantage, something like that. No, I think we can just press on though. Half is going to take all of those fruit out of that bag and just start eating it somewhere into the woods. Got it. After he wakes up, like sweaty and cold and just upset. Behind half will be a trail of like ball tripping animals.
Starting point is 00:19:19 You know, there's going to be wolves and all kinds of things. That will be the next denizen. So, yes, you're undertaking a journey. You rolled plus wits, right? Yeah, looks like you did. That was a weak hit. You are going to reach a new waypoint. You're going to mark progress, but suffer one supply.
Starting point is 00:19:40 So your supply is going to go to two. Whoops, that is not what I should have done. I'm going to bring you up three marks. Okay, so now we're up to six, but we're going to find another waypoint. So we can either roll on the location, or we could just roll something more random, like a settlement trouble or a mystic backlash
Starting point is 00:20:10 or something like that. Major plot twist. I like plot twist or mystic-ness. Okay. Go ahead and roll a D100. Let's see what mystic backlash we come upon. A 15. Okay.
Starting point is 00:20:34 So, this is interesting. You lose your connection to magic for a day or so and cannot perform rituals. The problem is this half doesn't have any rituals. Unless you can interpret this in some other way, we can maybe ignore it or roll again or something like that. One second. What is his, he does do a little magic.
Starting point is 00:20:59 His combat talent is more flavored than anything, but his bird who shines whenever it eats metal, perhaps it stops shining whenever it eats metal. And that's how he notices maybe he's in a magic dead zone or something like that. Yeah. You think that's interesting? It is, but...
Starting point is 00:21:29 It's not particularly interesting for half. He's a bit more of a smashy-smashy. Just roll another D100 and let's see what the other possible mystic backlash could be. 13. 13. Okay. You destroy an important object.
Starting point is 00:21:48 Fuck. Which half's hammer has been destroyed more times and by more players than I can think of. Maybe that's not destroyed. Again, we can ignore this or we can go back to the previous idea. Yeah. Let's just press on.
Starting point is 00:22:06 Let's just continue our journey. Okay. So I'm going to say that this iron bird, which likes to eat iron or storm birds, excuse me, normally when you feed an iron, it glows and it's this really kind of odd effect. And you're just kind of passing through this patch of woods when the storm bird stops glowing
Starting point is 00:22:28 and half is not sure. So he feeds the storm bird a little more iron, but nothing happens. And he just realizes kind of looking at the area and maybe there's a sensation that it's almost, feels like a magical dead zone of some kind. I feel like that would be interesting and it might even be interesting to mark on the map.
Starting point is 00:22:46 I'm just going to very quickly put a little note here. I think half is super bummed about it because he probably uses the glowing of the storm bird for like at night and stuff like that, just like a nice faint glow as he travels. Yes. And now he's like feeding it over and over again, all the rest of his iron and it's not working.
Starting point is 00:23:09 And now he's got to actually light a torch and like carry an actual flame with him for a few hours. That's a great point. That's exactly it. And I think that he also thinks, gee, this is something that girl, Ila probably would have really been interested in, but she'll never be able to enjoy it.
Starting point is 00:23:30 Okay, one sec. There we go. I'm just trying to reduce the size of it a little bit. Ah, it's not working, forget it. All right, we're pressing on. There's a magical dead zone. We press on, let's roll plus widths to see what happens next.
Starting point is 00:23:47 Let's go home. Oh, no. Okay. I just wanna go home. You are going to mark progress, which means you're gonna go from six to nine, which is basically at home. Reduce your supply by one.
Starting point is 00:24:08 And you reach another waypoint. Now, I think that because it's taken a little bit of time, do you want to either roll for the storm's movement or do you want to roll for what waypoint you reach first? Let's roll for movement of the storm. All right, roll a D8 and let's see what direction the storm is now moving. One, true north.
Starting point is 00:24:44 It's gonna go straight north, so those mountains to the south disappear. Dude, this is crazy. The area where Eila's parents were, this frozen cavern reemerges from the storm. You are heading north following the storm, trying to track the tribe and you realize, oh shit, the storm is also moving north now.
Starting point is 00:25:09 The tribe, in fact, is going to come across the frozen cavern. Like if it keeps moving north, that's the next hex they're going to come across. So it is imperative we get to them as soon as possible. We need to find the tribe. So, with that said, let's roll a D100 to find out what kind of waypoint we come across.
Starting point is 00:25:28 Maybe it's nothing, maybe it's something important. Oh, it's everything, it's everything. 41. Would you like the location or the description of the location? Describe the location. Okay, the location is savage. Something savage. Roll another D100 and let's find out how savage.
Starting point is 00:26:02 It's going to be so savage. 58. Oh my god. No, what is it, Sergio? No. It's a savage village. You come upon a savage village. Oh shit, my foot massage just turned on.
Starting point is 00:26:17 Hold on. Okay, it's off now. A savage village. Oh no. Yeah, so is this like cannibals? Is this like some crazy thing? Is this like some crazy loss to the storm group? You know, what is it?
Starting point is 00:26:35 Do you need help? We've established that there are defectors or people who reject tribe life, right? Where we settled on the iron defectors is that their philosophy is we'd rather wait all of eternity in the storm for it to inevitably end. At some point, it's got to end.
Starting point is 00:26:57 We're just going to stay in the storm until it ends instead of like living through generations suffering. But savage souls are more proactive. Yeah, savage village. This could be like iron landers that never got a chance to go into the eye and maybe they're like literally just, we could paint them however we want, but they're not friendly. I like the cannibal idea.
Starting point is 00:27:25 Yeah. I like the cannibal idea a lot. We're thinking basically Reavers. Yeah. Okay, so I think we need to figure out whether half sees them first or whether they see half first. It's either face danger or what else we can possibly secure an advantage.
Starting point is 00:27:52 I think that there's almost like a simpler role that could happen to determine this. Let's look at moves real quick. We could ask the Oracle and say, does half come upon this village first or do they come upon him first? 50-50.
Starting point is 00:28:13 Yeah, let's 50-50. Alright, so 51 or greater, half comes upon them and has the advantage of being aware of them. Okay. Oh my God. So describe the scene as half finds this savage village. I think half's been spending a while because we're still kind of in that magic dead zone
Starting point is 00:28:38 or on the ending of it. So you're still trying to figure out what's up with the Ironbird, with the Stormbird. Maybe also kind of just checking and patting them and trying to see if he'll just like armor will turn on. He's never had to deal with it. But I think as he gets just on the outskirts of that and then the bird just starts to illuminate,
Starting point is 00:29:03 again, after he gets out of that magic field, he starts to just see the notions of village life. But the first thing he sees is some entryway or some marker in the woods and stuff like that that's just made of a fucking skull and like crossbones and like feathers, just like dripping in blood. And like now that the storm has passed over,
Starting point is 00:29:27 like it's shedding like the iron bits off of it and stuff like that. So it's just like this really crude old bone looking sign that kind of marker heads the area of this village and it puts him off. Yeah. So maybe he knows that the village is here, but he hasn't necessarily seen these villagers.
Starting point is 00:29:47 He just sees their skulls and their warning signs. So I think the most sensible thing is half needs to face danger to get out of this area. But if he succeeds, he will be clear and he could make his way home. So go ahead and all right. How are you moving? I assume with stealth.
Starting point is 00:30:05 Yes, as soon as that, I think he'll try to cover the storm bird to like dim the light even more a little bit and then try to proceed cautiously. Okay. Roll plus shadow. And let's see how we do. Okay.
Starting point is 00:30:25 A weak hit. On a weak hit, you succeed, but you are going to face a troublesome cost. You may choose one. You are delayed. You lose advantage or face a new danger. You're going to suffer one momentum. You're going to endure harm, endure stress, endure supply.
Starting point is 00:30:41 Or that's it. Yeah. So of those options, which do you think is the most sensible? I feel like endure stress would be a good one. Sure. As he's, he doesn't necessarily, I don't think he,
Starting point is 00:30:55 I don't think Havn knows what that symbol means, like the people who are behind it, but he's, he knows danger omens enough to know that that's not a good thing. Yes. So he's trying to tiptoe his way at it. This is all new to him. And it's terrifying.
Starting point is 00:31:14 Yeah. So you are going to reduce your spirit by one. And you are going to then roll either spirit or heart, whichever is higher of yours. They are the same. Okay. So I will go with heart. Okay.
Starting point is 00:31:30 Nothing but heart. Here we go. Heart. No. Boy. And you know, you're, you're your momentum is pretty decent, but it's not decent enough.
Starting point is 00:31:41 Unfortunately. On a miss, you are going to suffer one momentum. So your momentum is going to go to five. If you are zero spirit, something happens, but that's not going to happen. Um,
Starting point is 00:31:55 uh, you must smart. You must. Okay. Roll on the following table. Roll a D hundred. D hundred. See, I don't know. 61.
Starting point is 00:32:10 Okay. You persevere. So it is daunting, terrifying. You know, the farther into this forest you go, probably the more horrifying, uh, the leftovers, people hung, people flayed, you know, just horrible things.
Starting point is 00:32:26 Uh, but you managed to get out of the area. Now you have nine progress on this journey. Would you like to bring this to a close? Yes. I would love to bring this to a close. I would love to get out of here. Uh, roll two D 10. And as long as they are under nine,
Starting point is 00:32:44 you will succeed. You are reaching your destination. A three and a five. Both of those under nine. That's a strong hit. Uh, you reach your destination and you may either make another move and add plus one or take plus one momentum.
Starting point is 00:33:15 Um, so you could come to town and attempt to do something at a plus one. Or take the momentum. Um, now just take the momentum. Okay. Cool. Momentum goes up. You finally return to the tribe.
Starting point is 00:33:34 It's been a day or so, a couple of days. But you've managed to get to them. They are heading north as the storm is. What's the first move for half? I think half has to settle his, uh, main business, which is returning, uh, uh, whatever remains we procured, um, to, to somebody. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:56 Um, who though? So here's the thing on your main page, there is a vow return Elis remains to the tribe. I have added some progress because you've made it back to the tribe, which is a total of six. You still have to roll to fulfill this vow. The good news is that if you miss, it's just basically like a complication where someone asks something of you,
Starting point is 00:34:24 but you could right now fulfill this vow and earn a little bit of XP in the process as well. Um, yeah, I would love to fulfill the vow. Okay. Get this off, uh, off half. Okay. So what that means is you're going to roll 2d10, but they both have to be under six.
Starting point is 00:34:42 Okay. And, and perhaps the outcome will determine what it's like returning the remains. Six. And a five. And a five. Well, I'm sorry. Two, three.
Starting point is 00:34:59 Oh, even better. Wow. That's a strong hit. Amazing. Um, so your quest is complete. You are going to mark experience. Uh, you are going to gain two experience. So your experience is going to go from one to three at the top
Starting point is 00:35:14 there. Explain to me on a strong hit, what does returning Elas remains look like? Who, who, who does half return it to? I think because. Elia is technically an orphan. He would go to the leaders of the tribe, um, and present whatever remains or the effects that half had
Starting point is 00:35:37 collected, um, to them. Um, I think he would express, um, what had happened. Um, what he had found in the husks, um, and, and then hand over that affair for them to, to give it a proper barrier or to start the rights of, of, um, whatever they needed to do. Yeah. I think without a doubt who would walk up to you with
Starting point is 00:36:07 Serven, uh, Elas friend. Uh, I would imagine Serven is destroyed over the fact that the last time he spoke to Elah was on bad terms. Uh, and now she's dead. Um, the man with the iron face, you know, just having tears running down the mask. Uh, I think Adon, her master would also approach half and probably even accost him a little bit.
Starting point is 00:36:31 You know, why didn't you protect her? Why didn't you, um, keep her safe? Uh, you know, just a lot of anger being projected onto half. I'm going to ask that half endure stress because of it. Um, as Adon is not an easy guy to put up with. So you are going to, uh, reduce your spirit by one. So your spirit should go to one and you're going to need to roll heart as that is higher than your spirit currently is.
Starting point is 00:37:08 Okay. A week hit on a week hit, you press on. So, you know, you're once again, half is kind of sensitive when, when, when the leaders of the tribe kind of yell at him and just start to really do stuff as it's happened on more than one occasion, but, uh, nonetheless, he's a little shaken by it, but he, you know, he's able to press on after Adon. Um, it's the evening.
Starting point is 00:37:30 Uh, does half warned them about we should not head North regardless of what happens? Um, yeah, I think half would mention the, the formidable danger like seeing the fungus what, what he saw through his perspective. He would be incredibly in wives of him to not mention, uh, that to the tribe at least for them to make a decision. And you know, the frozen cavern isn't the entire hex. They could always go around it.
Starting point is 00:37:58 But the, the other problem is the damn dragon. There's a dragon that's probably inevitably going to go after them. In fact, I mean, who's to say that that dragon isn't going to leave that hex, you know, looking for half. So that's, that's really the trouble. So, so now the question becomes, does the tribe go around? Does it head East or, or West? How, what do you think we do?
Starting point is 00:38:25 And do we need to ask the Oracle to kind of find the true answer? I think maybe we'll ask the Oracle, but I think there is a general consensus that going towards that area, especially with the fungus, especially with the dragon may pose a big threat to, to the tribe. At least to like the, the average tribesmen or like the, or elderly or a family, you know, somebody will get affected by it. So we might have to find a safe route around. Gotcha.
Starting point is 00:38:53 So first thing for me, roll a D hundred. We're going to ask the Oracle. We're going to say that there is a small chance, meaning very unlikely that the tribe wants to press on straight north. 91 or greater. And we are, uh, uh, yes, it's not happening. The answer is yes. If it's 91 or greater, that was not.
Starting point is 00:39:16 So they agree. We can't head north, uh, left or right, basically is the decision. Um, do we just do 50, 50 on left or right? Let's, yeah, let's do 50, 50. Okay. Let's see where it goes. 51 or greater. What direction you want to go West or East?
Starting point is 00:39:34 Uh, 51 or greater. Let's go East. Okay. Go ahead and roll a D hundred. 51 or greater. We're going East. East. Okay.
Starting point is 00:39:46 So this little, um, kind of brown area that has a single mountaintop. Um, how do you envision what that area is? That's the area that the tribe is deciding to move into. Uh, what, what does that say to you? Is there just a single mountain? Yeah. Yeah. It's a single peak.
Starting point is 00:40:06 Well, the, the hex represents it that way. I mean, it could be a small mountain range as opposed to like a larger mountain range. And it's also just in that one hex. So maybe it is just one big peak. When I see, when I think of one peak, I think of like a volcano or something like of that, like a dormant volcano or something that's just a pillar. I love the idea of a big single peak that is possibly a dormant volcano. But nonetheless, they decide otherwise it's pretty flat.
Starting point is 00:40:36 It's pretty arid. And maybe we can get, uh, you know, get through there and the dragon won't go in that direction. It was an ice dragon of sorts. So maybe it doesn't like this area. Um, so they had East. Okay. So we decided that. And okay.
Starting point is 00:40:56 Now what do we do? Um, go ahead. I think that because it's. Offer the usual like path and or it requires deviation from the typical path that the tribe usually sets out. I would say that we would need to find maybe like send someone event like first through that area to make sure it's safe. Um, so that might be something a forecaster could do. Okay. To secure the tribe's progression forward is, is the right way to go.
Starting point is 00:41:35 There is some time. So we're, we're at the point now where half could do that. He could swear an iron bow to do that, or we could roll up a new character that would be taking charge in this endeavor. I think we should roll a new character. I think we should, we should pull. We should get a forecaster in the mix and send a posse of forecasters out to secure a safe passage for the tribe. I like the way that the narrative has taken us here. So we're going to do that.
Starting point is 00:42:07 In the meantime, we will take a short break, quick five minute break, and we will be back to create this new character with Elias. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:45:54 Okay. Okay. Okay. Alright, we are back. Half is back. Half made it back through kind of an interesting journey. I liked that first half of our game. I made sure on the map to mark the savage village and the dead zone, the magic dead zone.
Starting point is 00:48:00 And that savage village could have gone, gone places. I'm so glad we didn't go there. Had we rolled poorly on like coming home or fulfilling your vow, maybe we could have said like they, the tribe had gone through the savage village. I just like pictures. One of those horror films where like you're just walking through the woods and they just all, they're like hidden in the trees. They just all appear out of nowhere. Just becomes Iron Sworn Blair Witch Project. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:26 Okay. So we decided at the end of our break or at the beginning of our break, excuse me, that we were going to roll up a new character. I created the character sheets. We don't have a name yet, but you know, we can decide that. The way I like to do it is I like to choose the assets first and then kind of choose the, the attributes next. So there are three assets that you begin with. And you can decide if you want to start with a companion, a path, a combat talent or a ritual. I don't see the new character sheet search.
Starting point is 00:49:07 Let me make sure that I am sharing it with everybody in players journals, everyone. All players. There we go. It should show up now. Hell yeah. Beautiful. So under assets, there are these four options for the character and you can have up to three. You said you wanted to create a forecaster.
Starting point is 00:49:34 Yes. So, you know, having a path would make sense. Having a combat talent would make sense. Okay. I'm sorry. That character sheet just says bio and info and it's blank. There's no, there's no character sheet tab at the top. No, there's no character sheet tab at the top.
Starting point is 00:49:56 Let's see. Let's share. Let's see. Edit. All players can see it, can edit and control by all players. Oh, roll 20. You scallywag. All right.
Starting point is 00:50:10 You should see the character sheet now. See it? Huzzah. Yes. Huzzah. Okay. So with the idea in mind that we're creating this character, what's an asset you'd like to choose first? Or this possible forecaster?
Starting point is 00:50:32 I think definitely let's pick a weapon. Okay. We're going to go combat talent. There are real quick. One, two, three, four, five, six. There's 14 of them. So roll a d20 and we just won't count anything higher than 14. Just re-roll anything above 14.
Starting point is 00:50:58 Roll it again. We're ignoring that one. A three. So we're going to go three in one, two, three brawler. If you are unarmed or fighting with a non-deadly weapon, like a club or something, I'd assume. Now you don't necessarily have to start with just this one select. You can choose any of these to start with. So the first option here says when you secure an advantage using iron by engaging in close quarters brawling, you may add plus one.
Starting point is 00:51:30 If you score a hit, you may inflict extra harm. The next option, when you use an unarmed attack or simple weapon to strike with deadly intent, add plus two and inflict two harm on a hit. On a weak hit, you suffer one momentum in addition to any other outcome of the move. So it's kind of like you pay a little bit of a price for dealing extra damage. And then finally, when you face danger or clash against a brawling attack, add plus one and take plus one momentum on a hit. I like that last one. Yeah, I like that last one too. I think for a forecaster facing danger would be a common thing.
Starting point is 00:52:07 Yeah, totally. So when you face danger or clash against a brawling attack, so remember that something has to be attacking you. You don't count like a wolf. That's like a physical attack, right? Add plus one and take plus one momentum on a hit. Okay, cool. So we have our combat talent. This is some kind of brawler forecaster.
Starting point is 00:52:28 We're going to add another combat talent. What is another one that you'd like to choose? Oh, I can pick two out of that list. You can pick a total of three. No, no, no, no. So we're going to now choose a new asset besides brawler. You can choose another combat talent if you want. You only get three assets.
Starting point is 00:52:47 No, I would like to pick a path. That makes sense. I'm going to assume there's a lot of paths. Let's see. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. We'll say that there's, I mean, there's close to 20. Roll a d20 and let's see what you get. Nine.
Starting point is 00:53:11 One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine. Empowered is what's here. It says your title lineage. You can give yourself some kind of lineage. When you sojourn and score a weak hit or miss, you may claim the right of hospitality warranted by your title or lineage. If you do roll all dice again and add plus one on a miss, you are refused and your presumption causes significant new trouble.
Starting point is 00:53:37 So this is like, this is kind of like the, there's like a royalty or something in D&D, like a background, you know? Yeah, like a noble background. Yeah, yeah. So this is kind of like a noble background. It's interesting. It's each like lineage, like, you know, some, I would assume, like in terms of like a tribesman, like, especially with a brawler background,
Starting point is 00:54:00 it would be like some renowned warriors, like kid or something like that. Okay. Or someone synonymous with somebody who actually has title or worth maybe. Well, you know, we've always, we've always said that there's got to be art in this tribe. I mean, surely there's sports too. I mean, wouldn't, wouldn't boxing be a sport? And could this person simply be a famous boxer, you know, an unbeatable sportsman of some kind?
Starting point is 00:54:30 Yeah, totally. Do you like that? Or do you like the idea of this person, you know? No, I like that because that gives weight to the brawling and stuff like that. Because I imagine on some level, a test of prowess is a thing. And he might be even somebody who's more of like serving the tribe in terms of like hunting and gathering and stuff like that kills shit with like bare hands. Overall, like legend, like.
Starting point is 00:55:00 So his title, what would be his title? You know, iron fists. Yes, I like that. We'll call him iron fist for now. We'll call him iron fist for now. So when you sojourn taking a break and resting with your community, basically it's very hard to miss. You may claim the right of hospitality and you, I think you roll again and add plus one.
Starting point is 00:55:29 And if you miss again, then something really bad happens. But basically it kind of helps ensure that you will always be able to sojourn wherever you are. Because of your famous name. I like this. I like this kind of popular Rocky Balboa character. Maybe there's more to him than just being a person or excuse me, a boxer. We have one more asset to have. It can be a companion.
Starting point is 00:55:56 It can be a ritual. It can be another path or another combat talent. I like the paths because the path more than anything else kind of defines the character. Yeah, let's do it. Let's do one more path. Okay. Because that first path was really, really sweet. Yeah, it was interesting, right?
Starting point is 00:56:15 Again, roll a d20 and let's see what happens. D20. D3. Oh, whoa. One, two, three. Banner sworn. Banner sworn. Once you mark a bond with a leader or faction, when you swear an iron vow to serve your leader or faction on a mission, you may re-roll any dice.
Starting point is 00:56:36 When you fulfill your vow and mark experience, take plus one to that experience. Wow. So you are a, you are loyal to, you know, whatever organization, you know, you are, you are willing to simp for this organization. But when you swear an iron vow and you succeed on that, you gain more experience than if you had not used this or not had that path. Is that interesting to you? That's fucking mad interesting because I have an idea. Oh, I like it.
Starting point is 00:57:10 I like it. It says name here. What do you think your allegiance is towards? My, I think this dude's allegiance is got to be towards Ada and the iron mongers. Iron mongers. I think he might even be one of the best and brightest the iron mongers have to offer. Oh, so you're saying maybe he's like a blacksmith? Yeah, I mean, like a blacksmith or that would be interesting on top of that.
Starting point is 00:57:43 I feel like he's got the fighting thing covered, but I think it would be interesting if he was, you know, good at like making smithing weapons and stuff. Like he's like all around just useful for the tribe. So yeah, I like that idea that he's also like a blacksmith and he's forging iron. But I think he, but yeah, I think he's also allegiance towards Ada and her cause and her goals. Okay. Cool. I like that we are kind of taking on the iron monger perspective with this character. So we could start with that first option or you can choose one of the other two.
Starting point is 00:58:21 It all seems to be related to being with the tribe and doing things with your tribesmen. Sojourner may camp in the company of your banner can you may add plus one and take plus one momentum on a hit. Let's do the last one because being a being a forecaster, they can carry that banner with them into battle just by carrying it on their persons. When you enter the fray, burying your banner at plus one and take plus one momentum on a hit. That's cool. Awesome. I think that's a great idea. Okay.
Starting point is 00:59:05 So we've chosen the assets of our character. They are a empowered brawler that is banner sworn to the iron mongers. Let's choose the assets. You can have one, excuse me, let's choose the attributes. One can be a three, two can be two and two of them can be one. I think iron for sure should be our strongest one. Got it. Whoops.
Starting point is 00:59:32 Never mind. So here we go. So iron is becoming three. I think his heart should be two. Yeah, that makes sense. As well as his edge. Okay. Shadow and wits being the lowest.
Starting point is 00:59:48 Yeah. I think that makes sense. This is a physical person. You know, someone who, you know, has made his life from the sweat of his brow and, you know, has taken every punch as well as given every punch. Yeah. So, okay, cool. What is next is we need to create some bonds with this character, at least three. They can be, you know, something simple or we can fill it in at a later time.
Starting point is 01:00:20 But do you think this person has any family or any anyone that's close to him or them? Yeah, I think this dude should have some family. I think, I think sense like lineage is important. And stuff like that. I think you should at least have a like a child or a son. Especially sense with like tribe rules. I think the tribe would allow him to expand the family. Totally.
Starting point is 01:00:48 He would be one of the few, in fact, who have the honor of having children. So he's got a son. You want to roll for that son's name? Yes. Roll a D hundred. 82. Quinn. He's so cute.
Starting point is 01:01:10 So your son, Quinn. And he's, you know, he's located in the tribe. He's located in your private tent or, you know, whatever you kind of rest. Would you like to describe this kid or want to roll for it? Or would you have an idea in your head? Um, I'd like, I want to roll for it because I like, I like the idea of the, the dice adding some flavor to it. Roll a D hundred.
Starting point is 01:01:43 We're going to look at the character descriptors. Hot temper. Okay. Quinn is tempered. That makes kind of sense. Why dealing with a dad? Yeah, yeah. dealing with a dad who's a fighter who's, who's always, you know,
Starting point is 01:02:00 putting himself forward like that. I think he would be quick or he like takes on that like attribute, you know, kind of like in Thor, the first Thor where he's just like a hot headed. Like I got to fight and kill anybody. And that's what makes me great. That's like the attitude. He's trying to live up to his dad basically. Living up to his dad standards, but doing it in a, in a,
Starting point is 01:02:21 not as an ideal way, not in a way that maybe our guide did. So I get the impression also that, that maybe Quinn's a little bit older, or do you like the idea of this like little, little kid, like a little nine year old trying to punch people and stuff. That's also fun as fuck. Yeah. Yeah. I think he's got to be maybe like no older than like 13.
Starting point is 01:02:44 So he's not even like quite like even like physically developed. He's, you know, but he's got like the tenacity and he's like also carrying his dad's name. So like, like other snotty kids in the tribe are like constantly challenging. Yeah. Yeah. Kids pick on him.
Starting point is 01:03:01 You know, he's, he's, he's got to live up to his dad's name, whether he wants to or not. So he's a little hot tempered about it. Okay. I like this character. Cool. So we've got his son Quinn. Would he have a wife?
Starting point is 01:03:14 Is the wife still around? Yes. Wife. Wife. Someone, someone needs a wife. So we're going to wife up our character here. Roll a D hundred and let's find out their name. Or would you like to find out their disposition first?
Starting point is 01:03:29 Oh, let's, let's do disposition. Okay. Roll a D hundred and we'll see what we get. 64. Okay. All right. So I'm going to give you two options here. The character descriptor says dying.
Starting point is 01:03:53 The character disposition says desperate. They are either desperate or they are dying in some ways. Those are kind of the same and, you know, if they're desperate, they're not necessarily desperate for his attention. Maybe they're desperate for to get out of the relationship. Maybe they're desperate to, you know, cause now I'm thinking of, now that I've got like this boxer in my mind, I'm thinking of raging bull and, and you know, that character's life.
Starting point is 01:04:26 Yeah. Was pretty chaotic and awful. I also go that other route where he's like just a giant, like him bow like guy that the swings and like, he's got like that sweet nice lady in his life that like sweetens his soul and then like she's on like, she's dying. I think we're creating Forrest Gump basically. This, this guy, his Jenny is dying.
Starting point is 01:04:50 And he hopes maybe one day he could, he could, you know, solve her, her, her death. I mean, this is an easy. Oh, we could go, we could go to, we could go. What's his name? Freeze from fucking. Yeah. Where he's like, I got to save my wife.
Starting point is 01:05:06 Oh, so maybe, yeah, maybe his idea is I need to take her into the storm so that she can be preserved or something. Or there's something out there cause he's technically a forecaster. So there might be something out there that he might be able to find that might cure her or, you know, alleviate. You know, this is an interesting contradiction because he's got a kid and a wife, but he's a forecaster. It seems like a lot for a forecaster.
Starting point is 01:05:35 No. Yeah. True. I mean, I don't know. I'm wondering if maybe the story is that a group of people need to go scout ahead and they bring along our character because he's just so reliable. And amongst that group can be forecasters. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:05:53 But this, this doesn't seem like a forecaster anymore. Right? No, no, no, you're absolutely right. Okay. So he has a dying wife. Is her name Jenny? What's the name of the character? No, we should roll.
Starting point is 01:06:05 We should roll for a day. All right. Let's find out what this character's name is. And if it's 00, I get to name her Jenny. 62. Okay. 62. Oh, where'd all the names go?
Starting point is 01:06:21 Here we go. Every name is Jenny. Alba. Alba. ALBA. That's cute. So Alba, his dying wife, who is located in the tribe. And so it definitely seems like this is a possible vow.
Starting point is 01:06:40 What is she dying of? Is she, is she dying of old age? Is she dying of some kind of strange disease? Yeah, I think it's something that like, you know, because I feel like he's not super old. I think he's still kind of like in his prime, but like on the trade on like the tail end of his prime. I kind of like the idea of like, you know, Samson being very powerful. I'm just using the example of the mythical Samson. And then there being this opposite, like this frail, fragile wife, you know, that he loves.
Starting point is 01:07:13 He's just, he's taking care of her like a, like a dying sparrow or something. I feel like part of me like feels that like she's been kind of this way all of her life. She's been kind of frail, kind of sickly and stuff like that, but she's very sweet. But that now whatever it is is starting to just really start to complicate things. So from experience, the last couple of days I've been moving and the dust has made my breathing really difficult and moving and cleaning and doing anything while you're like is so uncomfortable. And so what if poor Alba has lived her whole life with like, you know, a weak lung or something that has always kind of kept her behind. But here's what I wanted to find with you. Why hasn't the tribe just left her by?
Starting point is 01:08:01 She's got to be capable enough or something, you know what I mean? Um, I mean, I feel like maybe the tribe would have been like, I think nice enough to allow her to live to a certain point in her life before considering maybe she's too weak to be constantly caring for. But I feel like it's also our characters like status, like he fell in love with her. And he's kind of the reason why she's able to continue because like he in some way makes up for her inability to contribute to the tribe. And because of that reason, the tribe allows it. And maybe what it is is that she travels, you know, how we have these kind of caravans and stuff. Maybe she travels in the mobile forge, not inside it.
Starting point is 01:08:46 I'm saying like on top of it, like where the cattle and the horses draw it. Maybe she sits there and so she doesn't have to walk and tire herself the way all the ironlanders have to. What if to add to this like, you know, monster and beauty kind of thing? What if she was a beautiful singer, but like, you know, can't sing very loud, but like the tribe gathers around to listen to her. But, you know, it's just a whisper, right? She has just enough kind of strength to sing, which is a beautiful voice. And that's also one of the reasons why our character fell in love with her. Hell, yes, I love it.
Starting point is 01:09:23 And rides along with the mobile furnace that this character works for. Okay, great. Two amazing characters. Boy, she did survive childbirth because because Quinn's around. That's impressive. She's a fighter. She's a fighter. We have a final character that we need to have a bond with. Perhaps it's with a forecaster that we are with.
Starting point is 01:09:52 Yeah, totally. Someone that has asked you to come along. Yeah, no, that would be great. Okay, so they are a forecaster who is friends with our main character. Let's roll the D100 real quick and find out their name. 12. Ellie, E-L-L-I. Do you have any thoughts about Ellie?
Starting point is 01:10:25 You want to roll for Ellie or disposition or maybe their character? Yeah, let's roll. I just hope it's not like mean. How about this? Let's do a character goal. Maybe they have a unique goal that can help us shape them. Roll the D100. 34. To seize power is their goal. It doesn't necessarily have to mean the entire tribe.
Starting point is 01:10:55 It could mean they want to seize power amongst their forecaster friends. Maybe they're tired of the current leader of the forecasters or something along those lines. Yeah, maybe they're like a second command or somebody who was overlooked for advancement in that four-man group that they all have when they travel. So they were hoping to be the point man or something like that. Wasn't able to, so now they're seeking to run point of their group. And obviously, you know, bringing our main character on is part of that kind of getting in good. Like, hey, my friend who is super dependable and very powerful is going to help us. Maybe even the reason why he brings them along for this mission anyways,
Starting point is 01:11:51 not necessarily for his scale, but like just his status alone. Just to be seen next to him, right? Exactly. So Eli or Ellie is a little bit of a, I don't know. It kind of feels to me like Ellie's a little bit of a, you know, shit talker, you know, bullshit. Yeah. A little bit of a car salesman. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:14 A little lazy, but like efficient though. Yes. Kind of just wants to be snarky in the back of the class, making side jokes. The snarky car salesman. I'll say snarky car salesman. Okay. I think that's an interesting three characters. Let's, for our final kind of putting this together, we have to create two vows.
Starting point is 01:12:39 A short-term vow and a long-term vow. Maybe the obvious short-term vow is to help the tribe navigate its way around this location. Yes. Yeah. Helping the tribe forge its new path, I think would be the short-term. And I think the long-term rule would obviously be try to find a way to cure or cure. Yeah. It would be able to cure the wife.
Starting point is 01:13:11 Cure Alba's illness or disability. Find a way to, I'm going to say also like alleviate. Cause maybe like, you know, there's something that can help soothe it. She is technically dying though. So it's, so I guess it's getting worse, right? We've, we've learned it's getting worse. So it's about bringing it back somehow or, or yeah, possibly curing her. I feel like the catalyst of it is like maybe she, she's like having a hard time singing anymore.
Starting point is 01:13:43 Like the one few things that she could do is now be like the simple, one of the small joys she has is now gone. Yes. God. So tragic. We know how to make them tragic here at NDRP. But I hope he's like, it's like a burly, like happy dude at the same time. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:03 Do you remember? We named him. We haven't named him yet. No, we can do that real quick. Helping the tribe forge this new path. How dangerous do we imagine this, the difficulty of it? And remember the higher it goes, the longer it will take to kind of fulfill this, this path. With that said, I mean, if we go to the east and the storm moves in a different direction or something,
Starting point is 01:14:28 it could suddenly become an extreme or epic, you know, under. Yeah. I would say for right now it's possibly formidable just simply because we don't know where, where we're going and the potentiality of the storm shifting before they even have a chance to complete this, this search of the past. So that's a formidable vow. And then the curing of Alba's illness is going to have to be probably like an extreme vow. Yeah. It has to be extreme.
Starting point is 01:14:59 Okay. I think we've created our character. We've gotten everything we need. The bonds. I'm going to just make sure you have three bond marks because that's also part of it. But that's it. We now, oh, I'm sorry. We need to, we need to roll for these vows.
Starting point is 01:15:18 Anytime you swear a vow, you have to roll for it. So. Okay. Let's just do, let's see. You're going to roll plus heart. We'll start first with the help tribe forge new path. This is a formidable vow. So you'll roll plus heart.
Starting point is 01:15:40 That's a strong hit on a strong hit. You are emboldened and it is clear what you must do. You may take plus two momentum. So your momentum can go to four. Sweet. And it is, it is obvious what you must do. What, what is obvious that needs to happen? Well, I think it's just like a, like obviously a cut and dry situation.
Starting point is 01:16:05 The tribe needs to know where they're going. And without knowing where we're going, the tribe could be potentially in a lot of trouble and a lot of danger. So this is just a necessary mission for the, the betterment of, and the safety of, of everyone involved. Gotcha. Let's swear another iron vow for this more extreme case. Again, you're going to roll plus heart.
Starting point is 01:16:29 So. Oh, that was a miss. Oh, shit. Fuck. Damn it. I was going to give you a plus one too, because you're probably swearing this vow to your wife, which you would have a plus one on, but a four is not going to help you in this situation on a miss.
Starting point is 01:16:51 You face a significant obstacle before you, before you can begin your quest, envision what stands in your way and choose one. You can ask the Oracle if you want, but I think we've already kind of discussed that your wife is getting weaker and weaker and there is no obvious cure. She is obviously going to die. And like, you know, nobody wants, you know, your character refuses to believe it, but you know, everyone's telling them like, we don't know what to do. She's just slowly withering away.
Starting point is 01:17:24 What's going to happen is that you are either, well, hold on. Let's see. Uh, you press on suffer minus two momentum or forsake your vow. Well, we don't want you to forsake our vow. You're going to take minus two to your momentum. So you're going to go back to. So yeah, you know, the one vow is clear cut and dry. The other is nebulous and haunting our character.
Starting point is 01:17:49 We need to come up with our character's name. Do we want to roll for that? Do you have something in mind? No, let's roll. Let's roll that name. We're going to roll for our lovable brawler. Uh, roll a D hundred and let's find out who they are. An 89.
Starting point is 01:18:08 Ishanna. It's plural. It's ah and Sean and not plural. It's it's feminine ishanna. It could be ishanna or ishanna or something like that. Oh, it could be a woman. Technically. Sure, sure it could.
Starting point is 01:18:24 Oh, no, they couldn't have a kid. They could have adopted Quinn. We could have adopted Quinn. We can add to the kit. No, I think ishanna is fine. Actually. So ishanna the female iron iron monger. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:42 Okay. So I think we'll say that in terms of the bond Quinn is adopted. Um, you know, there was a moment where some folks had a child and, you know, there was, you were able to, you know, ishanna had to say to say, no, no, no, I'll take on the child. Even though it sounds like Batman. Oh my God. All roads lead to Batman.
Starting point is 01:19:12 All roads lead to Batman. Ishanna is adopted. Ishanna is a beautiful woman, a buff and strong warrior woman. We've got a, we've got a yasha and not bow, but, you know, like a limp noodle lover. Nonetheless, we have our character. They are created. Could you give a little bit of a physical description? What's our hair color, eye color, that kind of stuff?
Starting point is 01:19:44 I think, yeah, I think Ishanna is definitely like super beefy. Got like straw, like thing Amazon, Amazons. She's got her hair like, she's got like dark brown hair that's like just nicely braided. She's covered kind of a bit in like soot and stuff since, since she's also a part of the forging. But yeah, super swole probably carries like a weapon that we give her. Her, her bare fists. I think, I think because her nickname is iron fist that she's got like these like just like hard ass gauntlets on her, on her hands. She just carries that she just has.
Starting point is 01:20:27 And that's why she's also called iron fist. I just randomly found a really hot cosplay of some kind of iron black woman. Exactly. That is the, that is just static. That's the energy. Yes. So, always hard looking. Yes, very hard looking.
Starting point is 01:20:47 And they have decided to have their, or to help their friend, their friend. What was their name? Ellie. Ellie. So to help their friend Ellie do this. So this is a journey that is going to be undertaken. We assume you would leave early Ishanna and this group. How many people do you think would be in this group?
Starting point is 01:21:12 I think definitely the, the four forecasters mainly is the party. And I think maybe just one or two other members of the tribe just so for, so I think it would be Ishanna and then like one other person. All right. So six people total. Yeah. The one other person, you know, could be just like another iron monger or it could be maybe a representative from the historians or the cartographers. Cartographers handle the map in terms of like where everybody goes. So yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:47 Yeah. They're in charge of kind of like making notes and stuff. So yeah, it would make sense to have. I think, yeah. I think a cartographer would be coming to, to map the landscape. Gotcha. And then it comes along. You guys head east ahead of the tribe into this kind of more arid place with a single peak that we suspect is a dormant volcano.
Starting point is 01:22:10 Let's end our session by rolling a, let's see, do we want to undertake a journey, making it a formidable journey? Or do we want to face danger and kind of have it determine the first leg of this trip? Possibly. You could also possibly gather information or secure an advantage. All of these kind of first moves. Or you could just undertake a journey. Let's just undertake a journey because we'll probably face danger once we get more closer to the actual peak. Well, you are going to roll plus widths.
Starting point is 01:22:59 This is not Ishana's greatest stat, but that's okay. Let's see what happens. I think because you are leaving from a community that you share a bond with, you can add one. So it would be a six. We'll just say that you roll the five will add one, which makes it a six, which still makes it a weak hit on a weak hit. You reach a waypoint and mark your progress, but you will suffer minus one supply. So your supply goes down, but let's mark progress on formidable. It's only one box.
Starting point is 01:23:33 Okay. Let's roll the D 100 to find out what you come upon. Let's do the location descriptor. 26. 26. Fertile. Roll me another D 100 to find out what fertile thing we come upon. 15.
Starting point is 01:23:57 A fertile camp. A fertile camp. C A M P. What does that mean? A fertile camp. Is it, is it a camp full of women giving birth or, uh, or thriving camp, thriving camp. Right. A fertile camp.
Starting point is 01:24:18 A farm. We could come upon some kind of strange farm. A fertile camp is it could be somewhere where there is something that is fertile, whether it be food or something like that. And an encampment has been made near it or around it. Mountains would have rivers. Like water resources would be as a good place to secure. Um, cause then you can do air. You're saying like somewhere.
Starting point is 01:24:50 Yeah. Like something like that. Okay. So, so they come upon a, a, um, where this place is mostly arid. You're saying they come upon a river where there is grass and things growing. Uh, and they're able to kind of get a little bit of respite there. Um, I think that. Oh.
Starting point is 01:25:14 Eventually we're going to have to make camp, but maybe it's still too early in the day. I think maybe you just kind of, you know, fill up your water packs and, and continue on from this point. Right. Yeah. Just running the river, uh, cause it's the safest point. Gotcha. So you begin following the river thinking that it's going to take you kind of the fastest way. And I think that's kind of a good place to bring the session to a close.
Starting point is 01:25:38 We have Ishana on their way. Uh, the next person is going to have some fun with them. Uh, speaking of, we've done this cycle twice now with all, uh, of the players of Mayday. I think it would be fun if next week I brought on a special guest outside of our group. What do you think about that? I love that. All right. My, our, uh, friend Vince from black project gaming, uh, has said that he is interested.
Starting point is 01:26:09 So I'm going to invite him next week. We are going to have Vince on, I think his Twitch debut, uh, uh, playing Ishana playing Iron Sworn. And, uh, let's see what chaotic direction he takes it into. Oh my God. Uh, it'll be fun to be living the repercussions of Vince's session, you know, for sessions to come. But, uh, this was a great one.
Starting point is 01:26:30 Thank you, Eli, so much for being here, creating Ishana. I had a great time. Yeah. Thanks, man. Of course. I fucking love art. This is such a great fucking campaign. It's been some hella twists and turns.
Starting point is 01:26:45 Yeah. There's been like high moments, low moments. It's, it's, it's so good. And you, you have been with us, uh, faithfully in the chat every session. I appreciate that. Yes. Uh, so guys, we are currently on break, uh, from releasing episodes for our show Ashoka, but it is coming back.
Starting point is 01:27:02 How, how is the editing going, Eli? Uh, it's going. We're, we're working, uh, tirelessly to get our back half going. So I can't wait to show off the next leg of, uh, of Ashoka and what, what you guys are up to. Yeah. We're excited, but, uh, that's going to be coming May 14th. So, uh, in a couple of weeks, uh, in the meantime, stay tuned for our regularly scheduled shows.
Starting point is 01:27:25 Tomorrow, uh, Allegra is going to have a special guest on as well. They are having on Carly of spot hidden. So that'll be a fun cross promotion thing where we bring Carly on and they talk about some cool person from history. So expect that tomorrow. Um, and yeah, maybe we'll do another jack box or something like that, but check us out. Check out our podcasts and, uh, thanks as always for listening and tuning in guys. Awesome.
Starting point is 01:27:50 Yeah. Have a good one guys. See you later. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.

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