Mayday Plays - Ironsworn Session 4 (Live Audio)

Episode Date: March 2, 2021

Amanda is in the hot seat this week! The anvil of the storm draws near as Haf enters a hallowed ruin where a lost leader of the irongmongers was left behind. Haf also knows that inscrutable iron of legend can be found here. What secrets will he unearth and can he survive the crumbling ruin? This is an audio only version of our twitch stream for you to enjoy. This episode contains profanity. This work is based on Ironsworn (found at www/, created by Shawn Tomkin, and licensed for use by © Mayday Roleplay under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license ( CAST • Amanda • Sergio MUSIC & SOUND EFFECTS • “Eye of the storm” original theme by Aaron A. Pabst IRONSWORN LINKS • Ironsworn ( MAYDAY ROLEPLAY LINKS • Instagram ( • Twitter ( • Mayday website ( • Patreon ( • Twitch (

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You You All right folks we are live playing iron sworn eye of the storm I Am very excited for our guest today You may know her as agent boomer from our doom to repeat campaign You will soon know her as snooval the the gold dragon Dragonborn from our Ashoka campaign us. Yeah, it's coming up It's none other than Amanda. Hey Amanda
Starting point is 00:01:20 Oh my gosh, I'm so excited. Okay. I'm so excited. Yes. I know you're gonna bring the right I Have you ever seen like the good place? Yes, yes, there's like this one little there's this character Jason and I the best thing I could think of with me It was just like well if there's ever a problem I just throw a Molotov cocktail and now I have a whole completely different problem And I'm like I've heard I was set up for a problem like oh, I'm about to like this on fire I'm so excited. Well, let's see. Hopefully we can like some stuff on fire. Hopefully we like this husk on fire. That's that's that's
Starting point is 00:01:58 Harassing half but before we get to ahead of ourselves. Let's go over the story so far, right? Okay, so When we began last session half had returned a champion He not only came back with some black iron that he helped my the cartographer Leader whom it belonged to bring it back. He also came back with a Stormbird and people who were amazed and it was a big deal and Half immediately went to the historians He wanted to talk to the historians to learn more about the storm bird and possibly if there's some kind of prophecy or something tied to this appearance of this storm bird and sure enough
Starting point is 00:02:44 Oh, we rolled for it and the historians were quite worried in fact that there is a prophecy That prophecy being related to the ironmongers and a and a lost leader that they believe Will reappear when a when a storm bird shows up. So sure enough that night at the the the meeting at the tribe meeting The ironmongers brought up that the storm They did the the math and the storm is in such a place that it has revealed a location a site where A former leader of theirs Is likely resting or you know stuck and they want to save them and Half got permission from the historians and the cartographers. He got it. He got their blessing to train the storm bird
Starting point is 00:03:37 But he didn't get the permission of the ironmongers the ironmonger said will give you that permission If you help us retrieve our leader Now I want to add a little wrinkle to this that we didn't do last session Let's do it. I think the historians are actually scared about this ironmonger leader returning Maybe he was very militaristic. Maybe he was just Wanting to do things that were not good for the tribe and the tribe has reached a nice kind of Evenness right so the historians don't really like that the ironmongers are so about this. I
Starting point is 00:04:14 Want I think that it's appropriate that half would have to make an iron vow to either the historians in Which he promises them that he will do what he can to ensure this ironmonger doesn't return or You can make an iron vow to the ironmongers simply to help them retrieve their leader from this place on One hand if you if you side with the historians You will kind of cement your place amongst their ranks this is currently what half kind of wants anyway and But you will forever probably taint your relationship with the ironmongers or
Starting point is 00:05:03 If you choose to go with the ironmongers you can gain a new ally in the ironmongers because right now they're kind of iffy on you Right, but you would retrieve this new leader and you don't know what kind of chaos this new leader of the ironmongers might bring So which of these two iron vows do you think that you would take? And I can't do like a Technically because what was stated? I just needed tech Retrieve somebody didn't let in help didn't mean that I have to I couldn't kill them on the way back in my correct in that Ass in that I think it's fair that I'm being interpreted that way if you want But I don't I don't think you could have your cake and eat it to in the sense that you can
Starting point is 00:05:50 So I think yeah, it's down to one valve which side are you basically taking? I I feel like with half and what they're true honest desires are I'm gonna go ahead and make the vow for the historians. Okay, that's so How do we word this vow? half vows to Have I believe have go ahead. I Think the public the safety of the tribe above all so I there
Starting point is 00:06:24 So to them he would be like I will put I will make sure like this does not come back and bite us in the behind Does that make sense? I mean, I think we could probably just I don't think half would murder someone if they were just chill You know what I mean, okay? That's the thing is if they're innocent That's why I think they would so if they're like an innocent person who let's just say got caught up in the storm typing I don't think half would Like just cold that Jason before he's this I think he would actually be like he would tell the historians That's where the vows gonna go. I will go ahead and make sure if we bring whatever back
Starting point is 00:07:02 It is safe for the tribe, but if not, I will go ahead and handle that before it they even come back. Is that fair? I think so. I think we will Will say that you judge the iron monger leader Perfect, you see if they are fit to return Because I think you're right. Yeah, that if they're if they seem sane if they seem reasonable Yeah, you're right half isn't just gonna murder somebody in cold blood, but if they seem super militaristic or crazy Maybe they've gone crazy in the storm Okay, so with that said I'm gonna mark this as a dangerous vow
Starting point is 00:07:40 Which determines how much progress we make? I think that because we found The the location the the hallowed ruin We're gonna mark to progress because the difficulty of the Vow determines how much progress you can make every time you succeed. So right now on this vow You have to check marks or two marks of progress So now that we've decided that we've sided with the with the Historians for now Half goes out half goes out with like five iron mongers and their leader named Edda Edda
Starting point is 00:08:20 That was the name of the leader They travel out and they travel to the edge of the foreseeable world I mean the the the The site the hallowed ruin is found on the east side of The storm wall very close to the storm wall, maybe only a mile or so away, so find this hallowed ruin and You see that there are these murals all around these crumbling walls
Starting point is 00:08:51 and it seems to depict a story of Something creating the storm and there is some depiction of humans and there's some depiction of elves But there's depictions of other things and there's this inference that half got that maybe something else was involved in the creation of The storm, but the problem is is the iron mongers thinks this is blasphemous anything that talks bad about the storm or imply Something bad about the storm is blasphemous to them. They think the the storm is their religion, right? So yes, what they what they tell half is before we leave this site, we're gonna destroy these murals So that's one thing Okay, right, so they rush in to the site and
Starting point is 00:09:36 Half does a circle around the site and he finds that There is one mural that just that depicts this black Figure that seems to be draining the life from everybody else and half realizes whatever this thing is it might be in That hallowed ruin, so he rushed after the iron mongers to save them Ran into them and they ran into some crumbled ruins They only found one way to go into these crumbled ruins like a long hallway They entered the hallway and then there was an avalanche or like a like a cave in They all jumped out of the hallway in time to find themselves in a new room a dark room
Starting point is 00:10:18 but the cave in had had like a Caused some of the ceiling to open up and there were these bodies like these mummified bodies that landed on the ground And one of them came to life And that's when we realized that it was a husk possibly the husk that is Haunting this place and it started attacking it started attacking half That's kind of where we last left off so I Think okay, we last left off. Let me look at the notes here
Starting point is 00:10:51 The husk moves much faster than half and leaps on to him half collapses to the floor Being held at bay the husk being held at bay by half's hammer But the husk's mouth opens Revealing a black void. So what's happening now is that? The husk has initiative which means it gets to Attack and I think what it's going to do. I'll Read you the description of this creature So that you can have an idea
Starting point is 00:11:26 I'm gonna die Hopefully not we'll see Okay, here we go a husk is what remains of an iron lander whose body mind and soul are hollowed out by dark magic So they withered flesh and black eyes. They have these clawed fingernails and a horrifying whale I think that this husk is going to let out while it's staring at at half this horrifying whale And I think that it is going to Use the move clash when your foes initiative And you fight in close quarters
Starting point is 00:12:01 You need to roll plus iron. So on your character sheet Go ahead and roll plus iron all you have to do is click the iron button and it will auto roll for you It probably will momentarily oh, I didn't hit them and there's no modifier. Sorry. Just no modifier Okay, you got a strong hit. That's great on a strong hit You get to inflict your harm and choose one of the following you also have initiative Which means you'll be able to do something this turn, but Let me pull up our map here You
Starting point is 00:12:43 Inflict harm so that means we're gonna go to Let's see. I think we have the husk written here. So marking progress against this thing or when you I'm sorry when you harm him We'll say that it counts as one so you're gonna there's one check mark added to the progress of defeating this bad boy You have initiative so you get to attack next round But you also can either take plus one momentum or Inflict an additional plus one harm I'm gonna do a plus one harm. Okay, so it goes from three to four now for progress against this enemy pretty good So you now have the initiative
Starting point is 00:13:32 Half and so you can attack Now you can just continue to battle with this thing And I would imagine that last round that clash probably looks something like you know You bashed him in the face with with the mace Yeah, before it could let out like a squeal before it could start to have an effect on you guys So you can enter the fray When you have initiative you can try to strike at this thing Or you could try something unusual like you could try to gather information to
Starting point is 00:14:07 Better understand where you are because remember you're currently in a room that you don't know where the exit is All you know is that this crazy monster is attacking you so you could continue engaging it or you could Try to kind of back off like the iron mongers do some work and look for a way out Well, yeah, I was gonna say how many iron mongers are in the room with me There's probably like six of them in there and they're also kind of pulling out their weapons and trying to attack this thing So I'm gonna say this Is there a way for me to I like I would I do want to do some harm, but I actually want the others to do it Reason being is because I'm hoping one of them will get killed
Starting point is 00:14:50 So I'm not all against so I'm not surrounded completely by iron mongers But also they can also wear that thing down without me getting So is there like a way like maybe when I hit it I hit it towards an iron monger Did you get where I'm going with me? I get that I get that The best I can do is I can either give you a plus one on one of your attack rules So you add a plus one to your modifier or I Can just make the difficulty of this enemy less right now
Starting point is 00:15:19 It's formidable and I could make it dangerous Because they engage in it and make the battle a little easier because they're taking some brunt of the attack Let's do that okay, go ahead. Okay, so I'm gonna make this a little this is gonna be a dangerous encounter as opposed to a formidable Encounter, which means the progress from this point on will be faster Okay, but you are Going to I Suppose you're going to strike you're going to attack. Yeah, let's right Yeah, let's let's do like a like a
Starting point is 00:15:56 Chest like a good kick to the chest so therefore I can hit it But at the same time use my momentum because half is pretty big boom use that power towards that Okay, cool. So you are gonna roll Plus iron now I'm gonna look real quick at your assets. I forgot to show you this before we started But there are some assets You have a companion which is a hawk and it is leveled up to the point that it can give you plus one When you try to distract an enemy But when you face danger secure an advantage or compel something using thunder bringer, which is your big hammer
Starting point is 00:16:30 You gain advantages, but I think that's basically it you have trickster as well But none of these really apply right now. So let's just stick with this idea of rolling plus iron So you can go ahead and click iron again. Let's see what we get Let's go where we get another strong hit Okay, so on a strong hit you are going to inflict one harm and you're going to retain initiative now because this thing is Dangerous you're gonna mark to progress Let me open it up So under the husk
Starting point is 00:17:11 We're gonna add two check marks to this bad boy Two four so you've got six check marks total so it's described to me what this scene looks like as you Strike at this thing with the ironmongers When they tried to roar the first time I hit it with the hammer on that now that I feel like I got it up with that hammer strike Being able to get my on my feet. I'm gonna go ahead and do a Spartan 300 chest kick Right in dead center knocking that mofo pretty far let at least five feet back in my opinion And and we'll kind of right into a group of ironmongers who just ride right into it out of it
Starting point is 00:17:53 Yes, okay. Well it you can continue to fight you have the initiative so you can continue to strike this thing You could attempt to end the fight, but that's going to be A little tough because you only have six progress you want to get you can get up to ten So what would you like to do? Just I'm gonna fight this thing. I This thing is in my opinion is I feel like this is gonna haunt me if I don't make sure it's put down So while they're wailing on it, let's go ahead and I have the hammer And I'm gonna go ahead and do a running start and gonna try to like Clobber that sucker down. That sounds good. That sounds good
Starting point is 00:18:35 Let's do it. All right, so you're gonna roll plus iron again Okay, let's do that Come on A miss a miss now unfortunately you can't burn your momentum because it's a ten and a nine I think you're at like six now So when you miss your attack fails and you must pay the price the foe has the initiative So first of all you have to pay the price go ahead and roll a d100 for me to find out what happens to You or the situation 39
Starting point is 00:19:10 Uh The current situation worsens Of course, what do you think would be a worsening to the situation? Ah, so when I let's just say There's there's yeah, I I go to run and I trip On uh, let's just say let's oh like because I'm the ground's uneven uneven so like, you know like cobblestone I can't see I trip on the uneven ground and I'm gonna land Face first because it's on the ground. It's on its back. I'm gonna land on its stomach. Okay. Got it
Starting point is 00:19:48 Right on top. So so you kind of like land right on top of it I think A worse situation even still is that I would imagine like one of the ironmongers is like holding it and like waiting for you To strike it but because you never strike it like turns and just kind of snaps the guy's neck or something and kills one Of the ironmongers, right? Okay. So yeah that absolutely So if that like a fall tumble causes one of them to die for sure one one one goes down Okay, it's it's got the initiative. I think again it is going to attempt to clash with you Uh, you're gonna roll plus iron as it begins to engage with you
Starting point is 00:20:27 Okay, let's do this. Come on do better do better Weak hit but a hit okay On a weak hit inflict your harm, but then pay the price your foe has initiative. So We'll say that There are still other ironmongers attacking it But right and maybe you even managed to kind of scramble away, but you're gonna pay the price. So roll another d100 Yeah, let's see what that brings us 42
Starting point is 00:21:01 42 Let's pull up pay the price A new danger or foe is revealed You know what i'm gonna do. What are you gonna do? I'm sorry. Whoever's taking over. We're gonna probably have another husk another husk We can just we can have just maybe we can make or is there something else less? Well, think about it. Just previously there was a cave in We could make an oracle roll and decide is it a cave in is it another cave in or is it a another husk?
Starting point is 00:21:37 You think that's fair Yes, okay roll a d100 and if it's 51 or greater, it's another husk 41 So not another husk describe to me what happens. Okay Let's do this so With the battle going on, uh, let's say because of the cave in and let's say another ironmonger is some Maybe a little too close to one of the shaky walls of the cave in
Starting point is 00:22:09 causes like a rippling Yes, causes let's say more. Let's say something falling from the roof So whether that uh, that ironmonger is killed or at least damage that thing hits him in the back Like I want to say in the shoulder or something like that. Okay, so another ironmonger goes down is what you're saying Crushes. Yeah, it's crushed by the cave. I think that's fair with that said half might um Half might also have some fall on him. You are going to Uh make an adventure move called face danger when you attempt something risky or reacts to an imminent threat
Starting point is 00:22:46 So you may decide how you like to react to this. Do you want to roll with speed agility or precision? Charm loyalty or courage aggressive action forceful defense strength or endurance deception stealth or trickery expertise insight or observation what kind of What what feels right here? In this moment, I uh, I would because if you're going to dodge something I would say the speed Uh, that one that would that would say it's either that or the strength and endurance
Starting point is 00:23:15 But I'm going to go with speed just so we can at least avoid much of that as possible. That totally makes sense You're going to roll plus edge So click that plus edge button and let's see if you make it out Yeah, let me whoop. I'm sorry Uh, is Under under your character. She's plus it go to summary. Yeah There's a tab that says summary Got it. Sorry about that and and it was edge. Let's go ahead click that and submit
Starting point is 00:23:45 Sucker a strong hit man. You're rolling these strong hits Okay on a strong hit you're successful. So you definitely dodge out of the way and you can take plus one momentum Oh sweet. Okay Now your enemy Yeah, so add that plus one momentum to your momentum meter The enemy still has initiative though So I'm going to say that you know the husk has like thrown a couple of these ironmongers off two of them are dead um
Starting point is 00:24:16 Maybe it's gonna is it going to go for the other ironmongers or is it going to go for you? Let's do another oracle roll Uh Roll the d hundred fifty one or greater. It goes for you Okay, so oh it doesn't it's it's focusing on the ironmongers and it's going to town on them. Uh Go ahead and Let's let's have you roll plus iron Because this is a clash move and we're gonna determine What the enemy does here?
Starting point is 00:24:47 Okay, so we got a miss right there on a miss you are outmatched and must pay the price So I think what happens is is that this this thing finally lets out a screech successfully And it's it like racks your brain with pain and the other ironmongers are like Go ahead and roll a d hundred. Let's determine what price you must pay As this happens 55 It causes a delay or puts you at a disadvantage. Yeah. Yeah, I'm gonna say that Oh, disoriented. Yeah, you're completely disoriented. Yes Now because it's succeeded it still has the initiative so you're going to continue to clash with it except
Starting point is 00:25:29 Currently if you look at your progress of this Of this enemy Yes, you have Uh eight progress you could end the fight Or turn the tide to gain initiative or end the fight to actually end this fight and kill this thing Do you want to risk it with eights progress? If I if I fail does it go down in progress if you fail Something bad happens
Starting point is 00:26:04 Yeah, that's probably okay Uh, not necessarily death, but like you might endure hard. You might endure stress of Another okay. Well, there's There are still two others and it's focused on those two bad There's three others three other ironmongers three others are okay. So at least I have some buffer there I'm not gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna attack it because this thing needs to be put down
Starting point is 00:26:31 But I'm not gonna try to like end it where Does that make sense or I'm gonna because it's focused. Can I come up from behind and try to strike it? Yes, it sounds like you want to try to gain an advantage Yes, that's sorry advantage is the move Um, yeah, I think that's fine What you are because I'm out of disadvantage. That's why you have to tell me what you want. Do you want to do this with? strength agility Stealth or using your wits
Starting point is 00:27:01 Let's go with stealth. Okay. So you're gonna try and I'm trying to get Yeah, I'm gonna try to sneak up on that thing and try to gather my bearings because I am still a little rattled All right. So roll plus shadow Let's see what you get Oh, come on. Oh, oh, oh, I'll also say this because you're trying to secure an advantage You could use your hawk The hawk would fly out and distract the enemy and you would gain a plus one to this roll Okay, yeah, let's see. Yeah, let's go ahead and use the hawk. Yeah, for sure roll with shadow and then you'll add plus one
Starting point is 00:27:39 Nice, oh, yeah strong hit Um, here we go. You gain the advantage Take control make another move now add plus one to your progress. So, um, we're gonna go Plus two because this is a dangerous foe Which means you're gonna be a 10 you'll be at the full progress Which is very good um, you're gonna
Starting point is 00:28:09 Take two momentum. So your momentum goes up to nine That's yes And the next move you make you can add a plus one to it. So You can You can try to end this fight now or you can attack it. I mean you basically are Going to be able to end the fight I I was gonna let's uh at this point. Yeah, we it's already practically done. Let's go ahead and end the fight Okay, and what you're gonna do is you're gonna roll 2d10
Starting point is 00:28:41 Against the fact that you have 10 check marks. So you're gonna hope that at least one of those dice is under a 10 Okay, you Hold on I got too excited. All right, too excited. It's good. Let's do this correctly. That is a strong hit a nine and an eight On a strong hit the foe is no longer in the fight They are killed out of action flee or surrender as you appropriate or as appropriate to the situation and your intent So describe to me how you finish this thing Okay, so uh, I send the hawk off to
Starting point is 00:29:24 kind of circle around to the The front the facing and to do a loud screech It he's facing up behind with me kind of like shaking it off Like kind of just like that grab my hammer and then I'm just gonna go ahead and just do like Like a run in and then I'm going to jump and I'm gonna pop that mofo right on top of the cranium to Literally smash it into the ground and imagine the head just kind of like explodes in a puff of black dust So, uh, perfect, uh now that you have done this
Starting point is 00:29:56 The dust settles and it quiets It's you Um and three others. Let's decide if edda is still alive. Do you think it's likely? Or unlikely that edda is still alive. I feel like edda would still be alive Okay, so let's just go with the fact that there's edda and there's two other ironmongers left And they're just as you know, kind of flabbergasted as what happened. They're looking at all the other bodies too But you find yourselves in a room with no visible exit So what do you think is the next move?
Starting point is 00:30:35 Um, I'm actually gonna go ahead Is there a way I can train my hawk to start flying around to see if they find Something yeah, it sounds like you're trying to gather, you know, it's Right and also is how much light is there in this room? Is there like a little bit? I think it's maybe maybe a crack in the ceiling, but it's mostly like torch light It's all torch light. Okay. So yeah, I'm going to oh my poor baby bird Um, it's for the best though, but I'm gonna go ahead and Send it off to see
Starting point is 00:31:11 Because I can hear the flapping of the feathers. Maybe it's uh, it's call whatnot to kind of figure out how big the room is Also, there's other pathways. Sure. Absolutely. You're trying to find a way out of here Now, let me also set the scene for you here in the sense that It's about midday The storm is maybe only a mile or so away By tomorrow morning if you don't get out here by tomorrow morning that storm could sweep this area And half would be lost to the storm. Oh crap. Okay. So time is of the essence here. Okay. Yes. Okay
Starting point is 00:31:47 With that said, uh, go ahead Uh, do I have a torch or who has torches if you could have a torch if you want I think it's reasonable that you would have one Um I think the iron mongers. Yeah, that's fine. We'll make a roll for that. But I I think the iron mongers also would They would still be adamant about finding their leader They don't want to leave here until they find that leader. So at some point it's going to become You know, uh a decision Anyway, if you're going to gather information
Starting point is 00:32:19 You're going to roll plus wits now. I don't believe you have a, uh You have your, uh, hawk, but I don't know if gathering information If you get a plus one, let's look now, uh undertake a journey resupply Nope, that's it. So you're going to roll plus wits Not half's greatest Attribute but that's okay Still strong. Wow, you are you got some luck on you girl Yeah
Starting point is 00:32:52 On a strong hit you discover something helpful and specific the path you must follow or actually you must take to make progress Is made clear envision what you learn and take plus two momentum. So your momentum is going to go to max I think it's going to go to plus 10 Yes, but the thing is is that you successfully find something now. I think What we can do is maybe rolling on the features of this ruined halo will help us figure it out Roll a d 100 All right 52
Starting point is 00:33:29 52 okay again interesting some collapsed architecture. This is we kind of rolled this last time So I think maybe Go go ahead and explain what you think char your your hawk finds that is like collapsed architecture Uh I let's go ahead and say there's like a little ledge not like Like you go a little bit into the room and it's like You actually have to kind of hook your way up. It's like maybe five feet So you have to kind of run jump, but there's like tunnels and but this is like
Starting point is 00:34:04 Oh like it leads to a tunnel to maybe a room that Could show us a little bit more history Sure, uh, or also maybe we can maybe smell fresher air or just indication that We can exit out this way. Does that make sense? Yeah, absolutely You could almost explain it like the collapsed architecture like reveals a hallway or something like kind of opens up So but you say it's a little it's a little high up, right? So I'm gonna ask I think it's probably easy enough using the the
Starting point is 00:34:38 The tools and the things that you and the other ironmongers have to get up to this thing I mean, you know, you throw a rope and lift every exactly or use some petons or something But the point is is you get up there and you start traveling forward you are now Going to make a new move You are going to delve the depths so what you're going to do is Depending on the way you're entering are you moving with haste? Are you moving with stealth or are you moving with expertise? Oh, that's so good, uh
Starting point is 00:35:14 Well, I hate to say it with the adrenaline that we just went through and we're collapsed and we know that times of the essence I hate to say we're gonna have to go with speed on this as much as I would like to be cautious We don't have okay. You're gonna roll plus edge. Let's see what happens We get okay. Let's go where we got plus edge Be nice Here we go. No, okay. Now. Here's the good news. You can burn the momentum and make it a strong hit I want to do that. I'm going to burn the momentum. Okay. Okay. It would just be a weak hit. Would you still a success? Oh
Starting point is 00:35:53 The weak hit is still technically a success Just there's a complication or you can just have a strong hit if you want to burn your momentum Yeah, we're out of 10 we can go down to a nine in my opinion No, no, no, you're going to go to plus two is the problem. It resets to two That's the catch Are you kidding? That was a little bit I okay Let's no because I I read I'm going to still burn something because I just don't feel like we should be messing
Starting point is 00:36:23 You just want to guarantee that you can get out of here. So on a strong hit you delve deeper You're going to mark progress and you're going to find an opportunity So on our character sheet you're going to go to Judge the iron monger leader to see if they're fit to return I think We're going to add two check marks to that. So if you want to go ahead and do that add two check marks to the progress okay
Starting point is 00:36:54 and Go ahead So start with the momentum. What should the number correctly be for momentum? Because you haven't burned it. It's still out of plus 10 Got it. Got it. Got it. So set it to 10 Okay, and then now let's go to progress and the husk is destroyed so we can Uh delete this
Starting point is 00:37:19 But let's go to the site We're still we still have to make a little bit of progress in this site because it's formidable It's only going to be one check mark of progress. Okay, so now you have three check marks. So, um Here's what happens on a strong hit find an opportunity so What that means is You're going to find an opportunity Let me just triple check
Starting point is 00:37:45 If this isn't a move. I think it's Something we roll On the uh define the opportunity okay find an opportunity when you encounter a helpful situation um You are going to uh either gain insight and take plus one momentum But you can't do that because you have already plus 10 or take an action now You and any allies may make a move which directly leverages the opportunity when you do add plus one and take plus one momentum on a hit um
Starting point is 00:38:16 Go ahead and roll a d hundred for me and we can kind of decide With the roll what opportunity we find you rolled it 38. All right. Yeah An aspect of the history or nature of this place is revealed An aspect of the history or nature of this place is revealed What do you think that means I think because it is tied to that leader. Let's go ahead and um Let's do you know how like in
Starting point is 00:38:52 Like in egypt they would have a story On walls that they would tell of the persons either accomplishments and whatnot Let's go ahead and start revealing what this person is like, which will help me determine if they're Worth it to come back to the tribe or not. So this will like That's what I think. What do you what do you think? I think that's interesting. Yeah, let's let's let's see now the the thing is is that um An aspect of the history or nature of this place is revealed. Okay, roll a um We're going to gather information it sounds like so roll a plus wits and you're going to add plus one because of your last success
Starting point is 00:39:34 All right wits Plus one come on. Give me something decent An opportunity the reason it's an opportunity is because the challenge die are both three And you rolled higher than them. So this is a strong hit with an opportunity. So this is really good Yes The path you must follow or actually must take is made clear envision what it is take plus two momentum. Okay, so ignore the momentum but I think the path is going to be made clear
Starting point is 00:40:06 But we have to roll for it because we don't really know now I think true what's really left to This building was built before the iron monger leader. So if it has anything about the leader It's only going to describe whether the leader has been corrupted or made better by this location So, okay, I think Do you think that it is more likely that the Iron monger leader has become corrupted or that they have somehow gained power by being in this place Remember that the iron pillars are meant to be somewhere in here
Starting point is 00:40:42 That's a good point Ah, we're gonna make an oracle roll just so you tell me which is the more likely which do you think is more likely Is it wrong? I'm like so I'm like being negative. I'm like this guy's now gone to the dark side I mean, let's be honest This is a place with a bunch of scary like zombie husks. Like there's something about this place Sorry. Yeah, like I don't see him acting like pattington or something like that. This This guy is gone. Yeah, he's gone sith lord. Let's do it. Okay, so we're gonna we're gonna ask the oracle Uh, 26 or greater and he is corrupted. So roll ad 100 and 26 or greater
Starting point is 00:41:24 He has been corrupted in some kind of dark way Let's see 11 Okay He has not been corrupted Not twist no Now here's what happens like I imagine you're walking down the hallway and you see like murals that depict people Maybe interacting with the pillar. Some of them become corrupted. Some of them don't
Starting point is 00:41:48 So it's still kind of a 50 50 But I think because you rolled that's cool You rolled an opportunity Um I think we can continue to delve continue to delve the depths Oh, that's a plot twist. I think that'd be funny. That'd be funny. Am I assumption? He's just like, no, my name's Chad Let's see, um It's just a himbo
Starting point is 00:42:22 Yeah Okay, so I think the most likely thing is just to again delve the depths you guys just I agree We're gonna keep going. Yeah, you you find this long hallway again with with uh, uh stuff on it Depicting and so now you're still unsure whether the leader has been corrupted or not Right, I'll say this because I just matching the dice like so we're like half is Uh, let's like they already have a bias and all this because of uh iron mongers and all that so there I think that let's let's go ahead and do that like they Automatically were uh being presumptuous in certain things
Starting point is 00:42:56 but with what we're seeing it Makes them double guess and kind of be like, okay I've got to be less judgmental. Maybe I don't I don't know everything So let me get a little bit more before they actually make a final decision. So does that make sense? So it's more of like an emotional thing that they're gonna. Yeah, absolutely It totally makes sense. So we're gonna continue to delve the depths of this place You are going to tell me whether you are rolling with haste stealth or expertise
Starting point is 00:43:26 Uh, yeah, we're gonna still go with haste. Okay, you're gonna roll plus edge No plus this time No, my edge isn't like it's okay. Let's see come Huh interesting. Okay. So here's the thing is if you don't burn that momentum Um, it's going to be a really bad complication. Yeah, we're gonna burn it and we get a strong hit out of it. So Yes, that's awesome. So on a strong hit You delve deeper mark progress and find an opportunity. So again, let's
Starting point is 00:44:03 Find what this opportunity is by roll by, um You can either gain plus one momentum we go from two to three because you've already burned it or You can make another move of some kind Uh First of all, what are the moves it well first roll the d100. So let's see what we find. Yeah That's sure. Let's do that 75 75
Starting point is 00:44:34 This area provides an opportunity to scavenge forage or hunt Oh To scavenge forage or hunt Um, I think scavenge you're gonna find some really cool. Shit here You think we might find like something magical or I want to so bad But I I also let all right, so we're entering it. Could it be
Starting point is 00:45:04 Like for what? It could be precious metals. It could be magical. I or elf related. Okay artifact. Let's let's say that you Go down this long hallway and it leads to a new room and there are precious like things, you know Finally made goblets finally made armor Different colors of of metals and such It's like that scene in the mummy where they just walk in and they just are like, holy crap. Yes that I love that um I think I want to add a wrinkle to it though, which is that
Starting point is 00:45:43 There's probably a chance that this is like a trap of some kind Absolutely Are you going to ignore what's going on? You know kind of everything around here and kind of press on or are you going to explore this place? I am not going to explore because I'm thinking also We don't have time. We don't have like the man Bodies to like carry all this stuff. It's it's a distraction
Starting point is 00:46:12 but if there is some like Like precious iron or something that's very distinctive like a weapon or rarity or something that within the culture Is that's the only thing if it was like Okay, black iron. Do you know what I mean? Do you want to gather information? And look around this area to see if you can find something or do you want to just press on? I want to you know, uh, can we gather information without Oh Without touching anything that's like that half is like
Starting point is 00:46:48 Because it is I'm assuming a big room So they probably want to make sure they're like something that they're not missing But we're not going to spend like all day. Okay You're going to roll plus widths to gather information and you're going to be able to add plus one because of the last Good roll that you did Okay, also, is my hawk still with me or is it still with you? I would imagine if I flew back with you once uh once you moved on Come on We kick hit
Starting point is 00:47:15 On a weak hit the information complicates your quest or introduces a new danger envision what you discover and take plus one momentum So you will add plus one to your momentum, which is good But a complication arises. I think that complication is that maybe some of this stuff might be trapped I think and also we're we're not putting to the account the other people in the party So let's I think a complication. I feel like one of them Especially would go and maybe set off a trap. Okay. All right. That's cool Um, maybe I took it too far. No, no, I think it's interesting Roll roll a d100 to see kind of what happens when this person does this if he dies. I don't care
Starting point is 00:47:58 That's where I'm like 46 46 I'm rolling on the mystic backlash Uh, so 46 you affect or damage your surroundings causing a disturbance or potential harm that okay, so how about this so uh Dumbass number one behind us Maybe see something and is like, oh Okay, like this is like a lot of gold or just something jewels or something
Starting point is 00:48:27 Maybe they go to grab like that chalice. They do that And it sets off. What is it like that root gold burger Fett work? It caused like an avalanche and it caused like a Crump and he's full on gets crushed. Oh by By a lot of the thing like by the things that he wanted. So it's like just like So I think that There is that chance that he could die Uh, but I think a role needs to determine that. Um
Starting point is 00:49:00 A trap is definitely set off And I think I like the description of how like it's like a an avalanche Maybe it's an avalanche of gold Maybe sand starts pouring into the room or something because I think everybody would be probably screwed by this So yes, absolutely because of that you need to decide what you need to do next are you you're definitely facing danger But are you going to do it where you're just worrying about yourself or are you going to try to save this guy? in the process Yeah
Starting point is 00:49:36 Yeah, if you're worrying about yourself you would roll plus edge if you're trying to be courageous and help somebody you would roll plus heart I feel yeah, I just gotta I would try I have to at least try okay, you're gonna roll plus heart Yes To determine what happens Oh Oh nice strong hit on a strong hit you're successful. You're gonna take plus one momentum So increase that momentum plus one and describe to me how you save these guys how you get out of this room I I would imagine you managed to escape the room
Starting point is 00:50:11 So let's go ahead uh That one grabs the child starts getting that avalanche. Let's say It's happening so fast I I let's just say and there's a lot of gold and metal. It's just adding more and more weight before they get crushed It's like a one two heave hoe Drag him out of that thing and then I'm like, uh, we're gonna just go ahead and drag and hopefully the other people will see Because this person's still injured because they got took on a bunch of pressure like that That we're just gonna go ahead and carry this
Starting point is 00:50:42 Guy out. Okay, so you get out of the room And you know the the the sand starts kind of filling the area where the guy was but you're safe now You all look at each other like this place is dangerous as hell And I think this is a good place to take a break abanda. All right, so we'll be back in five minutes to finish the session So So So So
Starting point is 00:53:15 So So So So So So So We are back playing iron sword. Yes, this is hella exciting. You are rolling really well. You are on fire
Starting point is 00:56:37 Hopefully hopefully this break and break your stride. Let's see what happens. I know We'll see so Describe the new situation now. You're you're out of this crazy trap room You've saved one of them. Although one of them is taking a little bit of damage. What's the next move? Yes Uh, we're gonna go ahead. So we're now we left that big massive room. I feel like we would uh enter into another hallway because I don't think we would just go straight into another room I feel like we were gonna get into a hallway and
Starting point is 00:57:09 I'm debating about if I want to add another wrinkle, but I'm just gonna do it We're gonna go down a hallway if there's any more art there is but we're gonna probably enter a room with A couple passageways. Maybe okay, so you're gonna try to continue to delve the depths Oh, yeah, we in it. We're going Now at this point, let's see because the ironmongers are aware Of the time limit as well. But one of them is now injured and I think they might argue that we need to Stay for a bit and heal this guy. We need to wrap up his wounds or something That's fair. That makes it. I would yeah, no, I would make I'm going to say
Starting point is 00:57:49 You can compel them not to do that Or you can make camp, but it will take time off Uh, I would say we um Think of it this way. We just left one trap for another We don't want to be staying here for as long So if he wants to we're gonna have like if we have to move Let's move because if not, we die and hopefully they listen to me on that Papst is saying you need to delve those depths. So you are going to compel them first. You need to compel these guys
Starting point is 00:58:26 and The way you're going to do it is We have a poll going right now. Should the group make camp or delve the depths? Oh What did they say? We'll see in a second what what chat wants to do. But in the meantime, let's try to compel these guys To make camp you are going to roll
Starting point is 00:58:46 um, if you're trying to Convince them you're going to roll plus heart if you're trying to threaten them You're going to roll plus iron or if you're trying to lie to them. You're going to roll plus shadow What do you think uh, well, I actually don't want to make camp I want to keep moving so that's I understand that they want to make camp. So you're trying to compel them. How are you? Oh, I see I'm looking at my numbers like lie or be nice lie or be nice I am Now I feel like half is actually a good
Starting point is 00:59:20 Person. Let's go hard. Okay. Roll that plus heart and let's see The uh, the poll has ended and it's 50 50 of delver make camp. So this is why we are rolling for it Okay, so you roll a week hit On a week hit as above but they ask something for you in return envision what they want So you will take plus one momentum And They do what you want But what is it that they want in return?
Starting point is 00:59:55 What would they want to return we can think about that we don't have to I was gonna say the only because I don't think they want anything in Possession of me because the only thing I have is my hammer. Yeah, you're just causing one of them You're causing one of these guys to just have to endure like a broken leg. So I go ahead. What were you gonna say? Let's let's kind of do something in the middle like where maybe I'm trying to push them further and they're like, no No, no, let's go ahead and I we relent and we meet in the middle So we're gonna have to go we're gonna go to slower pace. So unfortunately Like we're cut in half in speed. I like that. So therefore
Starting point is 01:00:35 So we can at least do that. So it's like because I mean in this situation. I feel like that would be the most sense It's like that compromise of like, okay. I don't want this but This is the best way. We're just gonna go at an unfortunate slower pace. Yeah, sound kid Eli says you're responsible for this man's life And I think one way is maybe they even put one of his arms over your shoulder So you're like helping him walk along, right? Yeah, I'll do that. Okay, so I'll like do that You you did successfully compel him. You're moving at a slower pace. You are going to delve the depths Are you doing with haste with stealth or with insight? Well haste is gone because we're gonna go slower and what's insight
Starting point is 01:01:16 I think insight is like using your wits to Dissern what might be dangerous what might not be dangerous what might be a good direction to move And what was the other one? I'm so sorry. The other one was uh with stealth. So you'd be rolling plus shadow Uh, you know what? Let's go with stealth. We're gonna go with stealth because I feel like if I'm going to be that that way It's like we uh, I will try to be as sneaky as possible without setting off traps since we just set one off So one of the reasons you are moving slows because you're also trying to be real quiet You are going to roll plus stealth or plus shadow. I mean Let's see what you get
Starting point is 01:01:57 Come on You and these okay, you could burn momentum if you wanted and get a strong hit, but otherwise it's a big hit I think we should go ahead and burn one. Let's go ahead and burn one. Okay, you're gonna go plus to back to plus two momentum uh, you know what actually I think um You you have a 10 because you haven't changed your momentum since the last time I had you reset Am I wrong about that because there's no way you're back at 10 I think you have no no no. I don't think yeah, I'm gonna say you have like a plus four right now You have a plus four to your momentum. I'm gonna move it to four. So yeah move it to four and regardless
Starting point is 01:02:35 It's gonna be a weak hit. So on a weak hit Roll on the following table according to the stat that you rolled. So give me a d hundred Let's do this. Let's see what we get What what mystery is on 36? I'm hitting a lot of 36. Yeah I think I was like 37 39. You are simply going to mark progress So under the site We're gonna go from I think it's four check marks. We're gonna go up one check mark
Starting point is 01:03:07 We're half we're getting there. We're getting there getting there halfway there. You're right. Uh mark progress. Um Let's roll on the uh, the site features itself. Give me another d hundred to see what we come upon done 17 17 Dwellings or gathering place a dwelling or a gathering place now. I'm gonna chime in here one obvious gathering place Would be where the iron pillars are right? Yes, we've talked before about how people worshiped around these pillars. Sometimes we leave things at these pillars So maybe you come upon the the room
Starting point is 01:03:54 Where these pillars I think we've come upon the room. Okay, let's do it. I think we're in the room with the pillars Dwellings or gathering place now you Describe what this room might look like because these pillars are like maybe 10 feet tall. So it's got to be a pretty high ceiling Okay, so let's go ahead and do this so Think like a dome type structure. So we're gonna have a dome roof Um How many pillars are we thinking like four or five? I think at least six iron pillars And they're like thicker than people, you know what I mean? They're like wider than people
Starting point is 01:04:31 Yes, okay. I have an idea. So we're gonna do it this way If I can draw decently which I can't go. Oh, well, y'all suck it up So it's like think of it in like Yeah, a circular type of motion that way. Sure. Okay So Sound kid Eli asks a very interesting question. Is the leader here Do you want to ask the oracle or do we want to gather information or some other kind of move?
Starting point is 01:05:04 Yes, we're gonna ask if the leader's here. Okay, so How likely do you think I think it's pretty likely that they're here Yeah, so if it's I mean from the location if it's if it's very likely We'll say that it's almost certain you're going to roll a d hundred and eleven or greater the leader is probably here 77 77 they are definitely here now are they The same as they were the last time the iron mongers left them We've talked about how the pillars can either corrupt or strengthen someone We can do a 50 50 or we can
Starting point is 01:05:48 I think we could Try a different kind of roll You can maybe Roll on the the the person's disposition Or maybe a plot twist Oh god My my my dramatic self so wants to do a plot twist. Let's do a plot twist. Let's let's just see Let's do a plot. We know that he's here, but let's just see what the what the twist about him being here is
Starting point is 01:06:21 So roll a d hundred Yes 73 73 A new danger appears I I did this to myself. So I think I have no one to blame. I think it's fair to say that He's here If we follow the rules of the way Being in the storm works
Starting point is 01:06:43 He would be a danger. He would Actually, this is an interesting problem If he's alive It's because it had to because he was turned to iron during the storm covering him, right? Yes, if he's If you're inside a cave when a storm passes over you, do you turn to iron or do you just not Turn to iron, but you remain alive Because the storm isn't touching you in the rune. He's within the runes right the storm isn't touching you
Starting point is 01:07:19 Maybe because the runes are also magical as well That could be So either the runes either the runes have have kept him alive Or he's gotten really really old and like survived in here the whole time, you know, he's like, you know Close to a hundred or something like that Or he's been corrupted, uh, or has changed somehow I think this is what we can do
Starting point is 01:07:47 Because of the think of it how the like the runes are almost like in a circular way Yeah, if he learned some magic with that he used the runes to enhance it to kind of like protect him as a shield But the second he almost either leaves that's worth. Let's go ahead. I think he would be Alive he would be preserved He'd be preserved. Okay, and let's have him be but because of that time gap He would be I think he should be Old like really old and frail So somehow he's been kept alive, but he's aged nonetheless or he hasn't aged today
Starting point is 01:08:27 Oh, okay. Okay. Okay. Yeah true true true that true that Now that implies that yeah, that implies that the the iron pillars are somehow able to keep people alive or preserved Or he found something that has kept him alive I feel like there would have to be a magic ritual you would do to activate that Does that so that's where I would feel like if as long as you're Doing other chant or maybe you do a sacrifice or something like that to sustain Therefore, it's like the iron Because iron is magical honestly. It's enhanced. Yeah the iron
Starting point is 01:09:03 And also we're in this runes Alrighty, there's a probably stuff that we're not seeing like probably the stone itself is pure black iron for all we know Because we haven't really examined it. So I'm gonna go with the fact that homeboys alive. Okay And I do think oh, you know what? No, he that's Every dad the old frail. He's young buck. He's he's as is He's as he was the last time they left him which leaves everybody stunned. They were expecting to find Well, I guess they I guess they weren't sure what they were expecting to find but they weren't expecting to find him Like I like to imagine like you guys walk into this room and in the middle of this circle
Starting point is 01:09:44 Is the man he's like sitting uh like meditation style facing away from you like his back is to you or something, right? Yes, that's a great way like he's at a trance. So my question to you is what is half's next move Does half walk in does half call out does half inspect the area? What's what's the next move? well Half would because they're going stealthy too. They are not calling out. I think they'd be stunned My fear is the dipshits behind because that would possibly be them where I'm going and I'm also carrying this guy true. So that's a so I'm gonna call I'm not gonna
Starting point is 01:10:23 I'm gonna be quiet and stealthy and try to actually go around to get a visual look of this Whether the people behind me follow my lead. I don't think that's I don't think they would and I think you can use that to your advantage So you can either secure an advantage or you can gather information um depending on what you do You I think you can roll with stealth for both of them or or with your shadow for both of them but
Starting point is 01:10:53 You're also kind of you're kind of facing danger. You're walking into a place. You don't really understand I think I think the key thing is to maybe secure an advantage at this point because I know this this is Ain't good. No one's coming at me with like, oh, here's a plate of roasted potatoes This is some guy in a freaking like no, this is not good. So I'm gonna go ahead and try to secure an advantage So you're gonna kind of try to be quiet sneak into the shadows while the iron mongers possibly distract this guy So you're gonna roll plus stealth you're gonna. I'm sorry. You're gonna roll plus shadow I hope you fail because then we just we just turn it into this guy's like an evil evil sith and just starts like electrifying these dudes I got a weak
Starting point is 01:11:40 How do we get you succeed so we'll say you definitely get into the shadows But you face a troublesome cost. You may choose one You are delayed lose advantage or face a new danger You are tired or hurt. You are dispirited or afraid or you sacrifice resources. Which which do you think makes sense? I think it's going to be We're gonna face new danger that that to me is the most logical sense of I go ahead and sneak around Maybe the dipshit That's injured
Starting point is 01:12:13 They're calling out and that it's going to activate the new danger. Does that make sense? Yeah. Yeah, so The new danger for my bad. You're gonna suffer one momentum. You're gonna reduce your momentum by one You're going to lose whatever advantage you had And you're gonna face a new danger Um, yeah, we've already we we previously rolled that you came across a Something dangerous here already. I think a move or two ago I I I think the danger is this iron monger guy
Starting point is 01:12:51 Yeah, that's it. Like that's it. How do you imagine it playing out? Like does he look at them and attack? Does he have some kind of powers? I think we're gonna okay, so noise gets off and we're gonna actually see him Just move his head slightly that he hears and acknowledges it and then Because we don't really know exactly what his mental state is at this moment He's going to go ahead and stand up
Starting point is 01:13:21 and face the crew Maybe not me because I I did sneak away. Yeah, but he yeah, his attention is definitely drawn to the iron mongers so he's going to go to the iron mongers and Kind of curious like do we have to roll to see what his response would be to them or well? We know that it's dangerous We know that it's dangerous the the chat actually has an interesting suggestion. He controls So like he puts his arm out and all of a sudden like husks start coming out of the walls or something Yes, and oh my god. We are fulfilling my mommy fantasy. Yes. Okay. Y'all don't understand. Okay, so Let's go ahead. He faces the crew and then
Starting point is 01:14:05 He could be like I'm not thinking of a cool one liner. I gotta think of a cool one right now He just says something we'll come back to that. I wish we could roll for one liners, but I don't have that He could be like Oh good, they were hungry and then snaps his finger and let's go ahead and let's how how many husk would you like to have come out the wall Uh, that's a good question. Let's Hmm How how likely do you think that it's more than two because I think two is a lot because because they're formidable enemies
Starting point is 01:14:41 They're they're they're heavy. They're hard to beat. I would say let's I think that it's it could be 50 50 Or I think it's unlikely that it's more than two Let's stick with two Let's stick with two. All right So I think we can just decide that two husks kind of come out of the wall and are like clamoring towards the iron mongers This is this is a problem. This is a problem. No, she and half has to make a decision They're either going to jump in and fight with the iron mongers one of whom is probably injured and like in the doorway I imagine the guy who's got a broken leg is probably in the doorway
Starting point is 01:15:19 You can either face danger You could try to get the hell out of there, which still might Require a face danger role, but you could try to gather information or to secure some kind of advantage to get out of here Because I made a promise That they wouldn't bring back. Well, good news is these iron mongers are dead practically, so They're not bringing them back. You can also make a delve move where you just attempt to leave this site You can straight up just nope out of here
Starting point is 01:15:52 If you want you can try to take the guy who's got a broken leg But it's pretty obvious that two husks plus this dude who controls them. That's pretty dangerous It's just like probably not a fight. You're gonna be able to win. No, I and and I think have Understands that instantly especially with what they faced what they have honestly, they're gonna go ahead and Take their hawk and they're gonna I'm debating if we need to take an advantage or just dip out because we're gonna still face danger regardless So if we get an advantage on the dick you get where I'm going
Starting point is 01:16:27 I'm trying to think of that so you could secure an advantage with your hawk And gain a plus one and then try to escape the depths. So you can do two moves instead of one I think that would be So just as things get extra hairy you are going to try to secure an advantage by sending your hawk out ahead of you to Kind of let you know when to make the right turns Um, are you doing this with speed and agility? Aggressive action deception stealth or expertise probably insider expertise, huh? Yes, you're going to roll plus wits
Starting point is 01:17:03 and um Again, let's look to see if your hawk gives an advantage I just realized surge if my wits is kind of okay Almost like What does shadow get what a shadow Shadow Let's see. Can you do it? Yeah, you you could do it with deception stealth or trickery You could kind of say that you're using like your your deception to like throw the other ironmongers to the wolves
Starting point is 01:17:34 and Well, also because I'm using oh wait. No because the hawk's not distracting that guy because that's Yeah, you don't use that when you're combating against them Right, right, right. Okay. You're right. Okay. So let's go ahead and you you could try to secure an advantage by hitting or breaking an inanimate object and gain plus one You want to how would you flavor that? How would I how would I break this big thing? I um If there is I always think you're like Kool-Aid man like bursting through walls
Starting point is 01:18:12 I'm just trying to find a way out. I'm about to I'm gonna uh, this is what we're gonna do. Okay Yeah, because I don't think that hammer is great enough to literally take down a whole Pillar because this thing is thick of iron now. We're okay realistically what we're gonna have to do is I hate to say we're gonna have to speed it hasted out Honestly, okay I would like to do others trust me, but I'm trying to think in that moment. It ain't it doesn't make sense
Starting point is 01:18:39 Absolutely, you can roll with speed. You're gonna roll plus edge, but because you You are using your hammer also to like knock down some walls. You can add plus one to that roll Yes, see what you get because maybe I'm gonna maybe try to do a cave in as well on top of this guy So remember how so remember how we had that where the walls were shaking and all that So if I can start like hitting some key points and we cause Well, what am I doing? I'd like that dome cave in type thing. We'll do it. I hear you What what am I gonna roll in my edge heart? I Plus
Starting point is 01:19:15 Your Plus edge plus one Okay, that'll get me. Yeah edge is not bad. You got a plus two an edge All right This is very good you that is a strong hit with an opportunity. So On a strong hit you gain advantage. You may take control first of all add plus one momentum Done You may make another move or you may take plus two momentum. What do you what do you want to do?
Starting point is 01:19:48 Probably just make another move and add plus more to make another move. All right, so you are going to attempt to escape the depths You are going to add a plus one as a modifier But are you trying to find the fastest way out? Are you trying to steal yourself against the horrors of this place? Are you trying to fight your way out? retrace your steps or keep out of sight It's either fight your way out or keep out of sight because I don't just find the fastest way out too Find the fastest. Yeah, we're gonna do that. Okay on the fastest way out roll plus edge plus one This is going to determine how things are left with this site
Starting point is 01:20:29 We can't On a weak hit You find your way out, but this place exacts its price choose one You are wounded You are shaken. You are delayed and it costs to You leave behind something important or you face a new complication as you emerge from the depths or a denizen plots the revenge I I think I know Well, think of it this way because I've been banging on that thing the whole time
Starting point is 01:21:03 I'm gonna probably get injured in the way out That's how I like maybe like if things are falling. I do think I'm gonna get hurt That makes sense. You are going to make an endure harm roll This is a suffer move. So when you face physical damage Suffer minus health equal to your foes rank or as appropriate to the situation so Your health I think is four right now
Starting point is 01:21:32 Yeah and When they say We'll say we we decided this was a formidable Place. So I think you are going to take three Farm let's check here. Oh, no What were you gonna originally do? So, so what were you originally? Hold on. We're not we're not done yet So you're gonna take minus three to your health, which means your health is going to go to plus four to one, okay?
Starting point is 01:22:02 And Let me just switch so that everybody can see your character sheet here Um, yeah, so you're gonna go down to one. It doesn't mean you're dead though No, now you're gonna roll either plus health or plus iron, whichever is higher And I think your iron is higher. So you're gonna roll your iron and let's see what we get All right, buddy, just stop crying go away. Sorry my cat is arguing. That's okay iron And in no modifier, correct? No modifier I got a complication
Starting point is 01:22:38 God So hold on. I was rolling so good and they're like, hold on. We go We'll surprise you at the end. Why does all of our sessions always end with a complication. This is hilarious on a miss You suffer minus one momentum. So reduce your momentum by one Done um If you are at zero health, you are wounded, but you are not at zero health, but you are going to roll a d100 What did you do? What did I do? I got a 40 a 40
Starting point is 01:23:12 You are reeling and fighting to stay conscious if you engage in any vigorous activity Before taking a breather for a few minutes roll on this table again. So You're fatigued. I think I'm gonna you've taken damage. Yeah. Yeah, like stuff has fallen. Maybe I got hit I got hit in the back of the neck and I got concussed. Let's just go with that. I'm concussed. I have a concussion You're still conscious enough to just keep moving And I like to imagine that maybe like, you know, because of the the ceiling caving in the structure being very weak It just kind of opens up to you and you're able to escape Yes
Starting point is 01:23:51 But are you you are so in pain and beat up from this experience that if you try to undertake a journey to get out of here You could pass out. You could fall unconscious. Are you going to rest? Or are you going to continue on and you can hear the storm in the distance probably Not far at all from you and it's deafening. Well We don't press on I guess and we're gonna have to see If you're gonna press on roll ad 100 It's 47 You get the same result again, I'm gonna say
Starting point is 01:24:33 that half passes out from the exhaustion And We don't We don't know how long it's gonna take for him to wake up But I think that when half wakes up It's just this incredible noise like so loud And he looks and he can see that the storm wall has already passed and he is inside the storm
Starting point is 01:25:04 And he looks at his hands and he can start to see the iron starting to stick to his fingertips Oh, no, no, no, and we will find out if half can make it out of the storm next session Oh my god I didn't think he could ever get this crazy, but of course leave it to amanda to leave us On this note chaos I tried I tried so hard. Hey, man. You were rolling incredibly well. I cannot believe how well you were rolling But always every session always has to end with a complication. So here we are
Starting point is 01:25:42 And I love that maybe the storm wall is only a couple dozen yards away and you can find it I know But you are in the middle of the storm slowly turning to iron and we will find out my poor bird I hopefully he went uh, yeah, we can we can decide next session whether he maybe got yeah, you know, he moved ahead and is safe But that's that's that's the next person's problem That's the next person problem and speaking of the next person Let's roll a um, let's roll a d4 odds Allegra evens calib. So they're the only two people that are left
Starting point is 01:26:19 Roll the d4 for me If it worked Okay, odds. I know the first one is odd. We'll take the first roll. That is Allegra So next session the amazing Allegra will Either attempt to save half's life or be rolling up a new character. We'll find out On the next iron sworn. Thank you guys for checking in. Thank you guys. Amanda. Thank you for being here. You were so much fun Likewise, sir. You were amazing. Thank you. How did you like the game? Did it feel relative? Oh, I'm easy to understand I love
Starting point is 01:26:55 Oh, yeah, I would say when you're in it. It's so much fun Also, like like writing and all that stuff if this is I love how it's so collaborative And we can actually just build on it. So like two seconds and like, oh, I'm in it I'm totally seeing it and it helps so much to to have the tables that you can roll on that kind of help you make a decision Absolutely, you did a fantastic job. Oh, thank you. Amanda. So did you Amanda? Is there anything you want to plug or say before we wrap tonight? Uh, everybody, I know I just want maybe as of right now if you can like we have other great stuff coming out with legs, uh historical and also, uh, Aaron's streams on Mondays I do watch it. I think y'all should as well
Starting point is 01:27:41 But I'm gonna really say if you can just wait till Ashoka comes out I think you're gonna be pleasantly surprised And very delighted with what we came up with And let's not forget this coming Friday where, uh, Amanda plays Brunhilda one of the Visigoths of Maugas versus Visigoths It's a super funny, uh, one shot that Zakiya ran for us Can I give one hint to that one shot? It's Britney, bitch. That's all I will say
Starting point is 01:28:15 And you know exactly what I'm talking about with that one So, uh, expect that Friday, guys, if you like what we're doing give us a follow Uh, if you'd like to, uh, subscribe on our Patreon, please do if you prefer to subscribe on, uh, twitch That's also awesome But, uh, we're only able to do this because you guys are supportive and, uh, watch our streams But thank you guys for checking in and we will see you next time. All right. Thanks, Amanda Thank you guys. Bye You

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