Mayday Plays - Ironsworn Session 6

Episode Date: March 16, 2021

This is an audio-only version of our twitch stream for you to enjoy. This episode contains profanity. This work is based on Ironsworn (found at www/, created by Shawn Tomkin, and lic...ensed for use by © Mayday Roleplay under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license ( CAST • Allegra • Sergio MUSIC & SOUND EFFECTS • “Eye of the storm” original theme by Aaron A. Pabst IRONSWORN LINKS • Ironsworn ( MAYDAY ROLEPLAY LINKS • Instagram ( • Twitter ( • Mayday website ( • Patreon ( • Twitch (

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Starting point is 00:00:00 And hello, welcome to Iron Sworn Eye of the Storm. I am Sergio, your humble host. And with me today is a special guest. You may know him as Agent Merritt of Doom to Repeat. You are getting to know him as anchor of Ashoka Precious Cargo in our new podcast. It's none other than Caleb, hello Caleb. Hey Sergio, it's so great to be here.
Starting point is 00:00:26 I'm really excited to play. I've been watching so many people nearly die on this episode. I think it's about time that we get a full death, so that's what I'm hoping for. First five minutes, we lose half. That's the idea. I knew that you were going to be the last player. Something inside of you just knew
Starting point is 00:00:44 that we were going to save you for last for some reason. And the role is just to steal it. I, like, watching through, I just, I don't know why, but I knew I was going to be the last one to throw this in. Okay, so let me give us a recap so we can kind of remember what we did last session with Allegra. So we began the session where half woke up in the storm and had no other option other than to keep heading
Starting point is 00:01:09 in the direction he thought the storm was. And the roles were with him and he got out, but not without a token, an iron token. He had splotches of iron kind of plastered all over his body. Not enough to immobilize him, but he will forever be known as that guy with iron freckles all over his body. He made it through the wall of the storm
Starting point is 00:01:39 and eventually came upon the forecasters. And sure enough, those forecasters were, one of them was Wulan, an old friend who had kind of remorseful feelings with half. They nurtured him back to health. He had a half, had a kind of nice connection, reconnection with Wulan, and they went with half back to the tribe,
Starting point is 00:02:08 at least kind of halfway. And on the way, they stopped at this interesting site where they found these tablets, these tablets that were left behind by previous forecasters that gave advice about how to track the storm and what the general area was like. And it was kind of an interesting landmark. Half continued, made it back to the village,
Starting point is 00:02:31 and immediately went to the historians. And he spilled the beans. He told them everything he saw about the strange ironmonger leader who now had this power to control the husks. He explained that all of the ironmongers, he thinks were lost. And decides with the historians what to do next.
Starting point is 00:02:50 And the decision was to obfuscate the truth, kind of hide the truth from the ironmongers in the tribe, who are now without a leader. Eda, the leader of the ironmongers, went in with you and didn't come back. So now the ironmongers have taken a blow. And on top of all of this, the historians have kind of accepted half.
Starting point is 00:03:10 Your grandmother, Avella, has accepted you and kind of realized that this is your path, that you are good at what you do. You've survived the impossible. And everything was fine until the next morning when half realized that Char was not with him. That Char had not returned. And so no choice.
Starting point is 00:03:32 Char has helped you out of a bunch of situations. You gotta go find him. And so half went back out into the eye to look for Char. And we made a little bit of progress. I think the last we left it was we found mouse remains, you know, the tail and the bits of rat that indicate that a hawk or something like Char is nearby. And that's where we kind of left it.
Starting point is 00:03:58 Now, my question to you at the top of the game, Caleb, is we need to decide whether we are going to commit to this being a formidable vow, or do we want to downgrade it to make this a little easier? Because right now, at least six to seven progress rolls are in front of us if we really want to keep this a formidable vow. So what are your thoughts?
Starting point is 00:04:25 I think maybe we need to downgrade this. I'd like to find Char as soon as possible. And I feel like we're getting close with this mouse body. I feel like this could be a good sign that he's close by. Let's downgrade it. So we're going to make this dangerous. And by doing that, we're going to increase our progress. So right now we have four progress.
Starting point is 00:04:46 Every time we succeed, we're going to gain another two. So with four, we still want another four or five progress here. What's the next move? You found some remains of rats or mice. How do we keep finding Char? I think maybe we try and link this up with, you know, Char's eating patterns. I think that half knows his bird very well.
Starting point is 00:05:13 And maybe he knows that Char likes to retreat to a safe place to rest nearby where they eat. And so maybe I'm going back through the memories as half and trying to find, well, I know my bird finds a nice perch immediately after eating. And so I know he's within the surrounding area. And, you know, maybe a miles distance. And I want to start looking for bird perches.
Starting point is 00:05:38 I'm trying to find him in every corner. I'm looking to the tall canopies of this misty marshy forest and hoping to God that Char has found a safe place to rest. That's right. So that's one thing that we established is that this tanglewood that we are in, this area, has a heavy fog in it. So that was one of the reasons
Starting point is 00:05:59 why we were having trouble finding Char. I think you're going to gather information for this. So you're going to roll plus widths. And let's see what you get. All right. Oh, that's a lovely widths roll. I forgot about half. Oh, strong hit.
Starting point is 00:06:17 You can turn it into a strong hit if you'd like to burn the momentum. I'm dumb. Weak hit. Let's burn the momentum. I want to find my boy. OK. Strong hit.
Starting point is 00:06:26 Got it. So reduce your momentum, which is at the very bottom of your character sheet. Reduce it to two. But on a strong hit, you discover something helpful and specific. The path you must follow or action you must take makes progress clear or progress is made clear.
Starting point is 00:06:43 So envision what you learn and take plus two momentum. So you can actually take your momentum to two or, excuse me, four because the success of this automatically moves it up. Awesome. And it becomes more clear. Because you mark progress, we're going to go up two. So now you have six progress. Do you find half or do you find a clue that brings you even
Starting point is 00:07:11 closer to half? I think I find a clue. I think maybe I find a roost. I climb up on some bramble to get myself out of the swampy marsh at the lower level. I'm climbing up, scrambling up the bark on the sides. And I start to look at the canopy level. And maybe I find a little corner perch
Starting point is 00:07:30 that I know that Char would have loved. And by the time I get to it, I find some of his feathers plucked off from. But it looks like from my tracking, maybe it's a sign of distress. Maybe Char encountered something while he was roosting, while he was resting, trying to eat the rest of this mouse. Yeah, something that just turned him, yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:50 Exactly. Something is hunting him in this marsh, and he had to beat feet fast. I'm a little surprised as the creator of Apex, the character, that you didn't notice some fresh droppings and possibly test them. I haven't decided that ever since the Morgoth's one shot, I'm going to do a whole lot less shit sniffing from now on.
Starting point is 00:08:12 I'm trying to reduce that for my reputation. Such a good moment. If you guys have not seen our Morgoth versus Visigoth's one shot, it's still on Twitch. I think it disappears in a couple of days, so definitely check it out. OK, so this is progress, but we need to continue to find him. Let's switch it up, and I think you
Starting point is 00:08:32 should try to face danger, because you are journeying into uncharted territory here. You are alone. Something disturbed, Char. Let's see what's going on. So how are you going to face danger? You can use any of your attributes, but just remember, flavor-wise, there has to be a reason why you're
Starting point is 00:08:52 using one of these attributes. So I got to tell you, I'm worried about this mist level. I'm worried about the level of water at the bottom of this marsh that's covered this forest. It's not something natural. It's obviously that that rain pour that got caught in the storm has created this huge level that this ecosystem isn't used to. And so naturally, I'm afraid of what
Starting point is 00:09:13 the storm has done to this area. I'm going to use my shadow to move at the canopy level. I'm going to do my best to use half strength to do these big, hunched leaps from tree to tree branch to branch. I'm going to try and follow the path that Char made by skulking around above the trees, worried about whatever lurks at the bottom of that level.
Starting point is 00:09:34 I don't want to go stay at his level, yeah. Exactly, yeah. OK, give me that plus shadow roll. And let's see what you get. All righty. Oh, a mist. On a mist, you fail. Your progress is undermined by a dramatic and costly turn
Starting point is 00:09:54 of events. Pay the price. So please roll a D 100 for me to find out what happens. OK. A 30. Something of value is lost or destroyed. Now, it could be something on your person, or we could start talking about something
Starting point is 00:10:20 that has happened with Char. What are you thinking? We just got that new hammer, right? Did we get a new hammer? I actually forgot whether we resupplied with a new hammer or not. That's what Leg told me. So Leg could be telling what.
Starting point is 00:10:35 OK, yeah, yeah, no, I don't think. No, Allegra is not going to be lying. Leg also told me that we're rich now, and that we're at max level. Oh, I see, I see. Well, OK, let's say you got a new hammer, but I'm a little bored by that option of losing your hammer. Am I losing the hammer?
Starting point is 00:10:54 Like, what else? I agree. Well, we have all these iron fleckings, right, in our skin that there's parts of us that have become true iron. What if we take a hit so bad, like, you know, what if half is leaping across to the other half of the branch and he collides with his ribs, that it actually
Starting point is 00:11:15 knocks some of the iron free from the skin and brings the skin with it? Oh, shit. Rips open the arm or something like that, you know, takes away a part of our skin there. I like that, and it allows us to make a roll for it. I think you're going to have to endure harm. When you suffer physical damage,
Starting point is 00:11:35 you are going to take the hit in health, so I think you should decrease your health by one. Why is your health only plus two? God damn. I don't know. That's, I guess. We're a plus one now, though, baby. We're a plus one now, yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:52 This is, oof, OK. So you're going to take some harm, and then I need you to either roll health or iron, whichever is higher. I think your iron is higher. And we'll go ahead and roll that iron. Let's see what kind of hit you get. OK.
Starting point is 00:12:08 It's a miss, but if you want, you could burn the momentum. I'm burning all my momentum, though, right? You are going to burn it back to two. OK, burn it back to two? Yes. I could live with two momentum. You know what? Why would this give you, because you have three?
Starting point is 00:12:25 Oh, I see why, because it would ignore. It would basically negate that three. The challenge, guys. So if you want to burn the momentum, just set it back to two. I will, because I think that it's a little dangerous. Yeah. On a weak hit, you're going to press on.
Starting point is 00:12:41 So what happens to half? So like I was saying, I think half makes this big leap for a branch he thinks he can make. He's always been a little precocious, always thinking he had the upper hand when he doesn't, and this is no different. He takes this big leap, this big frog, jump to the other side, and it collides with his ribs.
Starting point is 00:13:01 He loses the breath, and immediately on the way down, the branch of the tree in the fall, you know, maybe he hits some branches on the way down. He could feel this big glob of chrome, this huge piece of iron, fleck off. And you know, you can see into the tendon of his shoulder, and he's aware of how his muscles work on the way down. And I think he falls to the bottom floor of the marsh.
Starting point is 00:13:24 He's in the water now. He collides. Thankfully, nothing else destroys him, because the flood level sort of preserves the fall. OK, OK. Fair enough. He gets up, and he presses on. How does he want to press on?
Starting point is 00:13:39 Just another face danger rule, or try something different? What are my other options here besides a face danger? Facing danger is pretty much the standard we're just going to keep moving. We can secure an advantage. We can gather information. We can attempt to resupply or heal. We can make camp.
Starting point is 00:13:59 You can also, under the delve rules, you can delve the depths, which will possibly have us come upon something within the marsh that might help or hurt us in progressing the narrative. Let's do that. Let's delve. OK. I think there's not enough time to heal as much as I want to.
Starting point is 00:14:17 I think Char's too close. Let's delve and hope we come upon an advantage. How are you delving with edge, shadow, wits? Those are your three options. Um, let's go with shadow again. I know how dangerous this is. I know I've made a lot of noise, so the canopy screwed me. I think maybe the marsh is the best alternative now
Starting point is 00:14:39 that I'm stuck here. I'm going to make as little waves as possible moving through that flood level. I'm watching through the mist. I'm hoping that, god, there's nothing in the water here with me. All right, to roll that shadow, let's see what we get. OK. A weak hit.
Starting point is 00:14:55 Not bad. A weak hit. On a weak hit, you are going to roll on the following table. So because you rolled with shadow, give me a D100. D100. 37. You are going to mark progress. So that's good.
Starting point is 00:15:12 So that's awesome. That means that your finding bird is going to go up two points, which means you now have eight out of 10. It's almost there, folks. You could roll or you could continue trying to roll. But what happens? What is the progress that is made? I think that moving through the water
Starting point is 00:15:38 and coming through these trees, I think I come to maybe a clearing in the marsh, a much deeper area of water. Maybe this used to be a pit of some kind, but with the water that came down from the rain, the huge amount of storm weather change here has created a small pond or lake even, depending on how large we think this is.
Starting point is 00:16:02 So the trees have come free, except for maybe in the very middle of this lake, there's a small island and outcropping, a single large oak or something like that that sits out of the lake itself. And if I may, I think Char is sitting on that tree, on one of the branches. That's brilliant. He is not resting.
Starting point is 00:16:23 He's not roosting. His wings are up. I don't know how hawks work. But the hawk is hawking. He's terrified. He's in a state of caution. OK, OK, gotcha. I'm in the lake.
Starting point is 00:16:36 All right, so you see him. I assume you approach him. If you'd like, you can attempt to fulfill your vow right now, or we can make one more move to make some more progress. What do you think is the most likely thing or what you'd like to do? I mean, really, we would only be making a role if we think that there's a possible threat around here
Starting point is 00:16:58 to make this a challenge. I think there's a possible threat. I think half has already been cautious about this terrible place. Now, he sees his bird is in caution. He sees this deeper part of water. He's not a great swimmer, I imagine, being a nomad. How often do you run into water like this?
Starting point is 00:17:18 Yeah, I bet the cartographers don't even know how to swim, and they want to build a boat. Right, exactly. It's going to be a miracle that he can traverse this. So I think he's looking for information. He's trying to assess the situation. Gotcha. So getting across the lake would be a face danger role.
Starting point is 00:17:37 But I also just wonder if we shouldn't just ask the oracle. Is there something dangerous here? 50-50, if it's 50-1 or greater, it's like a living thing, a possible wolf or something. If it's 50 or less, then it's something else, something else we don't know about. So go ahead and roll a D100, and we'll find out. Oh, fuck.
Starting point is 00:18:02 OK, so there's definitely something here that is agitating Char, and it's probably alive. Do you want to decide what that is? Do you want to look in the Iron Sworn Book about what kind of creature it could be? What do you think? We could roll on the Denizens table, because the Delve mechanics have Denizens that
Starting point is 00:18:28 exist at this site that if we roll a D100, it'll determine what we come across. I am all about that. Let's see what Denizens and we can pull out. Roll that D100 and 81. 81. OK, it's a mountain lion. Oh.
Starting point is 00:18:48 So set the scene for coming upon Char, you make it across. I think it's not a very deep lake. This is just like some flooding. You get to the single tree branch, but then where does this complication arise? OK, so I think he swims out. He finds that the pond's not nearly as deep as he thought he was as he comes to the tree line.
Starting point is 00:19:16 He's so excited about seeing Char. He's not uniquely thinking about what might have him in this state. He's aware, but he's too excited about having his bird back. He comes to the shore, and just as he starts to approach on the tree, from around the other side, the trunk blocking its view, mountain line steps out into view underneath the same branch.
Starting point is 00:19:42 And I think that there's this dead stop between the two. And both of them are sizing each other up as half is stuck, desperately trying not to move and draw its ire. It's huge. I mean, bigger than any mountain lion he's ever seen. I'm glad you decided that about me. Yeah, half the size of this tree, basically. And that's why Char is so scared,
Starting point is 00:20:07 because this thing could leap at the branch that he's on, or it could leap at me just as easily. I think we're both in danger. So do you imagine that half is halfway up the tree at the moment, and the thing is down, or is he down at the floor of the tree? I think half is at the floor. Char is at the branch.
Starting point is 00:20:24 And it's about the same pouncing distance to both for the mountain lion. Gotcha. So I am going to, within your progress section of your character sheet, I'm going to add mountain lion, which they don't really have the stats. There's not really stats in Iron Sworn, but the point is that the closest thing to it
Starting point is 00:20:45 is a cave lion. So the cave lion is a formidable enemy. Its features are feline grace, and it has a tawny striped coat. I don't know what tawny means, T-A-W-N-Y. I think it's dark. Okay, so it's got like a dark tan striped coat. Its drives are to hunt for food,
Starting point is 00:21:07 its tactics are to stalk prey, leap and bite, and intimidating roar. So these are kind of the things it can do. So keep that in mind as we roll to determine what kind of happens next. But the lion is there, you see Char, you don't necessarily have to have this big battle with this mountain lion, you could try to figure out
Starting point is 00:21:29 how to get out of this situation quickly as opposed to just fighting, how do you want to proceed? I think that half has learned better from the things that have happened over the past adventures. Every time that we've ran into a situation we have got our ever living ass beat by, whatever has been on the other side. And you only have plus one health.
Starting point is 00:21:56 And he's bleeding, he can feel his arm streaking down his side. He has accepted that the universe sometimes just wants you to get out with the people you love. And in this situation, it's Char. So I think he's going to call Char to his arm and run as fast as he can, just get out as fast as he can. I think maybe throw a distraction at the mountain lion,
Starting point is 00:22:23 whatever he has, I don't know, maybe if I have some dried meats or whatever I can from my pack and offer it and just say, please, not today. It sounds like you are trying to secure an advantage. So I'm going to ask that because you are trying to do something that is intelligent and has some expertise and observation to it, you're going to roll plus wits.
Starting point is 00:22:49 Thanks, thanks for that. I appreciate that. As soon as you said the word intelligence, I was very worried for us. Oh, we can't. We can't is still a success. Your advantage is short lived. You're going to take plus one momentum.
Starting point is 00:23:03 So increase your own momentum by one. We'll say that, in fact, you call out to Char, Char flies down to your arm and you just start running. Now you have a short lived advantage, which means this mountain line is most likely chasing after you. I'm going to mark progress against this creature, which is only because it's formidable.
Starting point is 00:23:27 It's only one progress. But every time you succeed, you're going to get closer and closer to getting away. So what do we do next? Are we hiding? Are we still running? What are we doing? Yeah, I think that first I'm going to give Char
Starting point is 00:23:45 like this international sign we have between each other. If I was better at iron speak, there'd probably be a hand movement for it. But I'm going to send Char to look for a good hiding spot while I'm running from the mountain line. First I'm going to pet him, I'm going to give him some love because finally I have Char back.
Starting point is 00:24:03 But then immediately, he knows just how dangerous this situation is I do and he knows we have to work together. So I send him out for some sort of location above the march, whether it's in the canopy or a clearing, whatever it is, where can we get out of here, Char, buddy? Gotcha.
Starting point is 00:24:18 So you are now your hot companion, if you look into your assets, when you undertake a journey or when you resupply, you can gain a plus one thanks to your friend Char. When you secure an advantage, you can roll plus edge and use your hawk to harass or distract your foe and add plus one. I think that's maybe the more relevant.
Starting point is 00:24:44 Yeah, no, I totally see that. I had no idea. Yeah, I think that's great. So maybe, you know, Char causes a distraction. We send the mountain line one way and then Char doubles back to me so we can run the other. Okay, okay. So you are going to secure an advantage.
Starting point is 00:25:00 Pink lemonade rangers, as I can see that Caleb has already gotten himself into some shit, which is par for the course for our game. Hey, I got the bird back, didn't I? He's here, he's alive. You're going to roll plus edge and you're going to take plus one momentum
Starting point is 00:25:16 thanks to Char. So let's see what you get. So edge, edge, edge, edge. Ooh, I have a miss. A miss, okay. You are trying to secure an advantage plus on a miss, you're going to pay the price. Let's roll a D 100.
Starting point is 00:25:37 Yeah, okay. She's laughing at you in the chat. Evil, evil. A five. A five, geez, that's low. A person or community you trusted loses faith in you or acts against you. A person or community you trusted loses faith in you
Starting point is 00:25:55 or acts against you. Doesn't necessarily have to be Char, but... I'm just saying, Char is the only one here. There's no one else to witness this. It'd be so ephemeral to use anyone else, right? It's got to be Char, don't you think? So why?
Starting point is 00:26:10 Why does Char lose faith in you? What happens? Or acts against you? I don't think it's acting against me because I think he's too kind of a bird. I think these birds were trained for all of these things. I think it's definitely loses faith. I think I send him a way to double back
Starting point is 00:26:29 and to make this great play. And again, it's another one of halfs hair, right, skis to make something happen. And I think because of that, maybe the mountain lion gets a piece of his wing. Maybe the mountain lion swipes and catches him just barely, enough to hamper his wing, not to destroy him or hurt him,
Starting point is 00:26:47 but enough that he loses momentum in his flight and coming back to me. He definitely has a little less trust in me because I got him hurt. I think that's a great decision. However, what you are saying triggers a move, which is that your companion is going to endure harm. When they face physical damage,
Starting point is 00:27:05 they are going to suffer a minus to their health, equal to the amount of harm inflicted. This is a formidable enemy. I think he's going to really get hurt. We're going to reduce, if you look at his, if you look at the assets that you have, at the bottom of him, there is a plus three, plus two, plus one.
Starting point is 00:27:30 I think you need to move it to plus one because this is a big fuck off mountain lion, probably just takes a nasty swipe, a bunch of feathers go flying. So go ahead and reduce the health of your companion from plus three to plus one. Okay, so I hit it with the plus one. Oh, you hit it?
Starting point is 00:27:50 It didn't seem to change on my end. That's fine. Here, I'll click it again, maybe it'll... Oh, good. So right now, Char is out of view. He has flown off somewhere to tend to his wounds and it's just you and the lion, what's next? I came here for one singular reason,
Starting point is 00:28:09 and that was to get Char. I feel so bad going forward with this plan, but we did make the plan. I'm going to try and just make some distance between the mountain lion before I look for Char. So the first step is, let's use this advantage, even if it hurt Char, even if I hear the birds screech over
Starting point is 00:28:28 and the next two trees over, I know for a fact that my buddy knows the plan, like I know the plan, and if we're going to make it out of here hurt or not, I have to use this advantage. So I'm going to make some space and hopefully catch Char after I've gotten away from this mountain lion.
Starting point is 00:28:44 I think facing danger makes the most sense. If you are trying to be stealthy or trying to get into a place of stealth, you can roll plus shadow. Okay. I will do that. Strong hit, strong first one. Very nice.
Starting point is 00:29:05 A strong hit, you are successful. You are going to take plus one to your momentum. So your momentum goes up. Your progress on the mountain lion is going to go up by one. Okay. And however this is a formidable foe, we, I'll say that you probably get away
Starting point is 00:29:31 in the sense that it doesn't currently know where you are, but it's looking for you. So how do we, how do we get out of this? Because this is an enemy that it's going to require something else. Now here's the thing, you can right now if you wanted to try to clear the progress of this mountain lion,
Starting point is 00:29:52 meaning you would roll 2D10, you would likely fail, but it doesn't necessarily mean that you would die. Let's say you failed this progress, there would be some kind of circumstance or some kind of result of this, you know what I mean? Right. So we can continue to try to make progress or we can try to just book it out of here.
Starting point is 00:30:17 And in fact, I will say that the Delve rules allow you at any time to leave a site, you just have to make a roll for it, but failing will just have certain consequences. Okay. Yeah, I think I want to go for the 2D10 because I think getting Char out of here is way more important than facing down this beast.
Starting point is 00:30:36 I'll take whatever circumstance it is. Okay. Saving my buddies more important. Gotcha. So we aren't delving the depths, we are, let me see if I can find it. Not reveal a danger, we are not checking our gear. We are escaping the depths.
Starting point is 00:30:52 So first of all, we could right now try to fulfill your vow and we could say that, you know, while you're up a tree or something, you wait for Char, you call for him, he arrives, you fulfill that vow of getting him back and then we escape the depths. That is my hope is that Char is what I get out of paying the circumstance
Starting point is 00:31:13 for this mountain line destroying my life. Gotcha. So you have eight progress in this vow. You are going to roll 2D10 and just hope that you don't get higher than eight. Oh, great. You did not get higher than eight. You got a one and a four because you rolled 2D10.
Starting point is 00:31:33 That is a very strong hit. You fulfill this vow because we downgraded it to be a dangerous, I think you only gain two experience but that's still pretty good. Okay. I'll double check that, but yeah, go up to experience and change it from four to six because now you have six experience
Starting point is 00:31:56 and it's at the very top of the character sheets among supply and spirit and health and such. All right. So our experience is a six now. And now the next logical thing is we're going to escape the depths which is going to be how are you doing it? Are you doing it quickly?
Starting point is 00:32:13 Are you doing it stealthily? How are you escaping? I think it's quickly. I think me and Char are in a bad way, both of us. We're looking down the same barrel, both sort of clipped at our wings. I think it's, you know, we're trying to let the world take mercy at us
Starting point is 00:32:29 and just beat and feed out of there. Okay, we're going to roll plus edge to see what happens next. Okay. So plus edge. A weak hit. A weak hit. A weak hit, you find your way out
Starting point is 00:32:45 but this place exacts its price. You may choose one. You are going to endure harm. You are going to endure stress. You are delayed and it costs you. You leave behind something important or you face a new complication or a denizen plots its revenge.
Starting point is 00:33:05 I think let's do a new complication. Oh, you know what? Now the mountain line is not going to take revenge on me. No, I don't think so. No, not necessarily. Yeah. You didn't kill us young or anything. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:20 It's not going to like, it's not like Delta green. We're not going to have a, you know, this will go across America to fuck us up. Okay. So with that then I want to do a complication but I want to do a complication with back home. Okay. So we have been away from the storm bird
Starting point is 00:33:39 for quite some time. Yeah. We told some nasty lies to the iron mongers. We've created a lot of situations at home and we have this vital, beautiful thing back at the home, right? So I think the complication and maybe you can work with this with me Sergio,
Starting point is 00:34:00 I think something is coming for the storm bird at home. Now I've got two choices. I want to know what you think is more interesting. One, the iron mongers have found out that we told some lies and now they're exacting revenge for the dead brethren we left in that ruin and they're going to take it out
Starting point is 00:34:21 on dumb old half storm bird. Or two, the entire village might be in trouble including our storm board because big guy from the ruin is making his way there or something in that. Maybe the husks are on their way there. What do you think? I think it's certainly an interesting idea.
Starting point is 00:34:43 We just have to decide whether we, how definite is this? Because like on one hand, it could just be that Eda eventually got out and returned to the tribe, just not at the same time as half. Yeah. It could be that, yeah,
Starting point is 00:34:58 like there's something going on where the former iron monger leader who was hidden in that hallowed ruin is now on the march or something. You know why I love Eda so much in that opportunity is not only does that mean we can sort of play with the idea of what that old iron monger leader has become,
Starting point is 00:35:18 but we can also keep them alive and away from the fiction so that later down the line when we run into another character, we come back to half, there's something to fulfill there. So I think Eda comes back from the ruin with stories of what happened there. It enrages the iron mongers against the new historian,
Starting point is 00:35:36 revitalizing this feud and calling all attention to the storm bird at home. Now it's up to half to get home in time. Now, I think that it wouldn't take much to get back to home. You're not under any kind, you're like basically in the middle of the eye. So returning to the tribe is not gonna require a role,
Starting point is 00:35:56 but it sounds like we're going to come back to some drama, right? Yeah. And we'll find out exactly what that drama is after our five minute break. After the break? We will be right back guys. Awesome.
Starting point is 00:37:08 Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh.
Starting point is 00:38:08 Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh.
Starting point is 00:41:30 Oh. Oh. And we are back playing Iron Sworn Eye of the Storm. I am with the amazing Caleb. We've been able to save Char and return with our lives. But what happens next Caleb? Set the scene for me on the return home.
Starting point is 00:41:52 So I think it's a long-limped journey back into the tribe. I mean, it's not too far, but it is far when you're as heard as the two of these boys are. You know, him and Char are limping into the threshold of the tribe. And people are already given looks. You know, it's like an old Western
Starting point is 00:42:09 when they come down the main pike and everybody's like, oh, we know you're in trouble. Right. People are shutting doors and closing tents off. And I think immediately, they're noticed by a group of ironmongers that are arguing amongst themselves. And as soon as they see half,
Starting point is 00:42:25 there's this long down the stretch pike point at them. Before long, they come rushing up to half. Half is so tired, he can't even say no to their interrogations, to their bring them bringing him to the ironmongers place of existence, right? I think they're taking them into custody. I think they go as far as slapping ironmanicals on him
Starting point is 00:42:50 and bringing him through. I mean, maybe he sends Char home or something like that, but he's drugged into the ironmongers palace, whatever it might be. And I would assume their waiting is Eda, who has survived the storm beyond what we thought. We thought we were the only survivor. What does Eda look like?
Starting point is 00:43:10 What has happened to him in terms of the iron? I think Eda's maybe half of his body, his, right? I'm getting the pronounciation. Yeah, yeah, I think Eda was a guy. Okay, so Eda's half of his body is iron now. So much so that like, you know, basically from the shoulder
Starting point is 00:43:30 and maybe creeping up into the cheek itself and then climbing back down to the thigh, so much so that when he walks and pivots to look at half as he comes in, you can see the sort of like robotic movements because he's aware that he can't flex his leg completely. He pivots himself over. And I think maybe he throws down something they found in the ruin, right in front of half
Starting point is 00:43:55 as they position half down. And it's sort of the statement of, yeah, I came back, you know? Like, you left me for dead. Yeah, exactly. A ghost of Eli points out, Eda is hostile to half. So he would have absolutely spilled the beans, told the ironmongers the truth that he left us behind, that we found our leader,
Starting point is 00:44:15 but our leader was corrupted or whatever. What happens next? This isn't very good for half. I don't know, you know, he's not by his historian friends. Like, how does he get out of this? Yeah, I think that, you know, just as they're reading all of these rights to the ironmongers, you know,
Starting point is 00:44:35 as the ironmongers are sort of talking over what's to be done with half next, I think we notice that when they've taken the iron or the stormbird hostage, I think the stormbird is kept within the ironmongers place right now until this judgment is passed. And just as, you know, Eda's getting up in half's face
Starting point is 00:44:54 and talking about all the things they're going to do to him, I think at that point, our new historian friends, who was the person who helped us lie in the first place? Yeah, there is a, one of your bonds is a member, her name is Mona, and she is a member of the historians and kind of your confidant. I think that Mona understanding the situation that's going on comes in with a team of historians.
Starting point is 00:45:21 And all of a sudden there is this conflict that started with half from the beginning of, you know, who claims this man? Who can take ownership over the things he's done? And there is immediately this debate over what's to be done with half. And because this debate is so large, I think perhaps this is taken to our triumvirate
Starting point is 00:45:46 and has to be decided amongst the tribe. And it's a sort of trial of half and what's to be done. Yes, that only makes sense because I think the historians would certainly argue that it was out of his hands. I mean, you know, you can't blame somebody for running from an impossible situation. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:46:06 You know, he never did anything necessarily to outright betray the ironmongers. Not at all. And both him and Ed, if Edda wants to be an honest person, you know, we can debate that character choice or not. They can both sort of decide that in the end, it wasn't half that attacked them.
Starting point is 00:46:27 It was the ironmonger leader. So maybe part of half's defense is arguing to the triumvirate that we're arguing over something that doesn't matter. What matters is that this person was living out there. We don't know what he is. We don't know what he does. But, you know, there's a bigger threat here, obviously,
Starting point is 00:46:45 and we had to escape. So we'll say that the tribe is collected in the evening. You know, the triumvirate is brought together or maybe it's just the three members of the triumvirate. And, you know... I like the idea of it being this huge sort of like odium of a circle of the entire tribe sitting in these high seats that look over with the triumvirate
Starting point is 00:47:09 sitting behind their desks. Either way, you're going to have to make a compel role. And I think that it makes sense that you would probably have a plus one because the historians are on your side and they are kind of helping you through the trial, right? They're kind of coaching you. Okay.
Starting point is 00:47:27 Are you going to charm, barter, pacify or convince then you will roll plus heart? If you are going to threaten or incite, you're gonna roll plus iron. If you're going to lyre, swindle, you will roll plus shadow. I am not lying this time. It has fucked us up.
Starting point is 00:47:45 We always lie and it always fucked us up. It's like Mayday rule number one is we do not tell the truth and then we get screwed. Okay, so you're going to roll that plus heart plus one. Yeah, yeah. And hopefully you'll roll decently. I think either way, it's logical that you'll be able to convince them, you know, that you're not in,
Starting point is 00:48:08 you're certainly not worth being put to death, but we'll determine kind of how good this comes out. So you just rolled and you rolled a weak hit, right? Yeah, not a weak hit. So on a weak hit, they'll do what you want. You're going to take plus one momentum. Okay. However, they ask something of you in return,
Starting point is 00:48:29 envision what they want and we can ask the oracle if we're unsure. So basically what the mechanics are implying is that you get away with it. You're not going to be put to death, you know, nothing particularly bad. The iron monger certainly have a bad opinion of you, but what do they ask of you in return?
Starting point is 00:48:49 What is the payment for this? The iron price? Okay, I've got two ideas. Maybe you can help me sift this out, Serge. So the one is physical. The one is maybe I turn over the bird to the track. Bird is no longer halfs. Meaning char or the storm bird?
Starting point is 00:49:10 The storm bird. Gotcha. Because the storm bird is probably of a lot more importance to the tribe than half, rather than char is. So I think that could be a physical price of, you know, this is what this whole thing was for. And now I don't get it because, you know, of everything that's gone through it.
Starting point is 00:49:26 But I also think there could be an interesting idea of this concept we've been working through in half story this entire time, which is the historians against the iron mongers, your supposed family lineage against your real destiny, what you truly believe. And I think maybe he continues to be able to be a part of the historians, but he has to owe the iron mongers
Starting point is 00:49:49 a great debt in the tribe. Okay. I think maybe he's, you know, I don't know, made a representative between the two tribes or something where he is forced to pay back what he did by running away from the people who lost their lives. So we're going to come up with a vow here because we've solved the one vow of finding char
Starting point is 00:50:13 and we have an empty slot here for a possible more short-term vow. This vow would definitely, what you're suggesting would definitely strengthen half's position in the tribe, thus helping our larger, more extreme vow of gaining a position of power within the tribe. What is that vow? What is the vow to owe the iron mongers?
Starting point is 00:50:35 You know, is it a vow of I will work in your shops or in your furnace? I will get something for you. I think maybe, I don't know. I think maybe this is like the triumph for its way of calming half down a little. I think half has been this like rambunctious energy in this tribe that has caused a lot of strife
Starting point is 00:51:03 on some crazy adventures. And I think that maybe because of that, they want him to work on the sides of him that are not quite as refined. So I'm thinking something almost political where he's been put in this sort of peacemaking position between the two. So it's a vow of, I don't know, amnesty or...
Starting point is 00:51:23 Let's kind of pick a certain goal, you know, an attainable goal. So if the vow is for some kind of treaty or amnesty, then it would be something like help the two sides resolve an issue that they have between each other, right? And we'll just kind of have to design what that is. So let's go with that then. I think it is for half to resolve relations
Starting point is 00:51:50 between the historians and the iron mongers, or at least work towards that. I think most notably with Eda and his grandmother on one side and then obviously with him and Mona on the other. Let's just see what we get. Let's roll on the action and theme die. So roll a D100. Okay.
Starting point is 00:52:15 And then that's a 12. 12. So for action, we have risk. Roll another D100 and let's find out what the theme of this risk is. 36. World, risk, world. It doesn't have to be exactly within those constraints,
Starting point is 00:52:35 but what risk is affecting our world or what risk must we take to help, you know? Of these two. Yeah. How do we reconcile that? Well, my immediate thought is that maybe it has something to do with those ruins because that was the most immediate thing we learned.
Starting point is 00:52:55 That's what we're talking about in this situation, right? So maybe you can help me, because I'm sort of lost here on how they would risk the two without half having to go back out there or something. Maybe it's an agreement between the historians and the iron mongers to find out what happened in those ruins together. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:16 It's kind of a pledge to just look more into it. You can't return to the previous place as the storm has already covered it. Yeah, there's no way, but maybe he is put in charge of a task force that bridges the historians and the iron mongers on one team that should we ever find anything like this again, it is up to half and that team to go back and investigate.
Starting point is 00:53:42 So really the vow is to unearth the secrets behind the pillars, behind the husks, behind the husks. The connection between the pillars and the husks. Yeah. And in doing so, we would kind of help bridge attention between the two of them. The two groups. So we're going to investigate the relation
Starting point is 00:54:09 between the pillars and husks to help us find out resolve tensions between the historians and the iron mongers. Okay, that is our vow. How difficult of a vow do you think that is? I mean, it's certainly not going to be troublesome because you've got to come across another set of pillars. And every time we go, it's pretty dangerous.
Starting point is 00:54:46 So maybe my, go ahead. I'm thinking maybe extreme. That's what I'm thinking because what are the odds you're actually going to find the same circumstances within the storm. So I think this might be half like sort of lifelong, what is the future of half? This might be it.
Starting point is 00:55:08 Yeah. This vow that we're saying would be at the same level of difficulty as him gaining a position of power within the tribe, which is pretty reasonable. I mean, certainly it would help towards that. Could we trade it and say that the task force, the being the leader of this could be the answer to that vow or are we too far off from experience?
Starting point is 00:55:31 No, because the vow is, because the gaining a position of power is an extreme goal. Okay. The one, this one can also be an extreme goal and it can help the other goal, but it's the actions you take. And right now one vow has more actionable steps than the extreme one.
Starting point is 00:55:56 Like the extreme one, like everything we're doing is kind of helping towards this goal of gaining a position of power. So I don't think we have to change the level. Maybe we'll end up deciding whether it's a formidable or extreme goal. Because basically what this means is we're going to gain half a box
Starting point is 00:56:12 every time we make progress. So this is a 10 to 15 to 20 progress roll before we are close to solving it. Finishing that out. But that's reasonable, that makes sense to me. Yeah, it does to me too. I mean, it's a pretty big ass. All right, so half swears an iron vow
Starting point is 00:56:32 to bridge the gap between the two groups and figure out what is happening with these strange pillars and the husks and how they're related. But he is not killed. He is not punished in any other kind of extreme way. He is allowed to walk away with his bird. He is allowed to continue to deal with the storm bird.
Starting point is 00:56:54 What's next for half? Well, I think it's something we established pretty early on. I mean, he understands that now his life has pretty much been pivoted and he's been given a higher purpose that might take him to brand new heights. But in order to do that, he's got to put buttons
Starting point is 00:57:14 on things that didn't have buttons before. So I think taming the storm bird would be a really small, easy, I think that's what's next. Okay, that's a more actionable vow because he could even take a vow of a dangerous level to try and tame the storm bird. Okay, well, dangerous doesn't take nearly as long, right?
Starting point is 00:57:40 Yes, does not take as long. It's probably something he could do in the meantime while he's waiting for the next appearance of pillars. Right, so he makes an iron vow to himself to train the storm bird and we will leave it at dangerous. But we'll say that the day has basically come and gone and he's safe back at the village. What's next?
Starting point is 00:58:10 I don't know. I was sort of trying to find conclusions for half and I'm trying to find things that we haven't done already that we had set out to do from the beginning. So I think with the new day, I think it's spent with the storm bird. Unless you have something different, unless you have something I'm not thinking.
Starting point is 00:58:33 Checks in with grandma, Vella. You know, he would probably have to heal a little bit. 100% he's got a patch up. Which we could make a roll for it if you wanted. Yeah, let's start with that. Let's start with the basics. Let's get him some health. All right, so the new day comes.
Starting point is 00:58:50 Let's make a sojourn roll, which is to spend time in your community seeking assistance. I will say you do share a bond, so you're gonna roll plus heart, plus one. Let's see what you get. Weak hit. Weak hit. On a weak hit, you can choose one of the following.
Starting point is 00:59:10 You can either clear a condition, you can recover, or someone can provide aid for you in some way. It sounds like you wanna recover. Yeah. And do you wanna take plus two to your health and any of your companions, plus two to your spirit, plus two to supply, or plus two to momentum?
Starting point is 00:59:28 I think plus two to health for both me and my companions is the way to go. So you are going to go up two, Char is gonna go back up to full health, so during this time, you're able to mend the wings and tend to his injuries. Yeah. And also, half has six experience right now.
Starting point is 00:59:48 You could spend, the rules are three, to gain a new asset, to spend two experience, to increase one of the current abilities of one of your assets. Okay. What was the plus three to gain a new asset? Plus three is to choose a brand new asset.
Starting point is 01:00:08 Like you can literally have a fourth asset as opposed to just the three that you currently have. Well, I think I wanna add, I wanna use two experience, which would put us at four to get, when you gather information by investigating a devious scheme, you may roll plus shadow instead of plus width.
Starting point is 01:00:27 Okay, so on your trickster path, you're going to gain the ability to gather information and you'll gain, you can roll plus shadow and you gain plus momentum on a hit. Okay, I think that's a great move. I think it's clever. We're, it's not like there's not going to be nefarious plots ahead of us.
Starting point is 01:00:44 Yeah. So you now have four experience left if you'd like to use it, or you can save it for the next person or whatever you wanna do. I think I wanna save it for right now. I don't think the hammer strikes true because we just got beat up.
Starting point is 01:00:58 I don't think we're gonna be swinging that hammer anytime soon, or if we are not nearly as well. And I don't see any new assets for him gained out of this situation. So I think we're good there. I will say that the Stormbird is considered an asset. So- Let's add the Stormbird then.
Starting point is 01:01:15 If you'd like to add the Stormbird, we can. We are going to, this is a custom one. That I don't think I built, but I will add it. We'll call it the Stormbird. Have you, do you wanna name the Stormbird? Yeah, I was thinking now half is Iron Fleck. And so I want to name the Stormbird Fleck. I like it. Fleck the Stormbird.
Starting point is 01:01:44 Fleck the Stormbird. He's part of the reason why we're the way we look now. Okay, so I will fill out Fleck. One of the things that I definitely wanted for the Stormbirds, cause I had, cause there's three basically abilities that the creatures can do. One of them is that if they eat iron,
Starting point is 01:02:03 they glow in the dark. One of them was that they would give you some kind of advantage if you are in the storm. It would give you like a plus one. Love that. And I think one other one was that you could ride him and be intimidating if you were riding him. So that would be a plus one in that reason.
Starting point is 01:02:21 So I'll fill that out. We'll make Fleck the Stormbird a reality for the next session. But now that means there is only one experience left. So we're basically done with upgrading half. Gotcha. Awesome. Okay.
Starting point is 01:02:37 So what's next then, Caleb? I think we need to spend some time now that we're healed up researching this new position that we've been given. So I think maybe we've just got in with the historians. We've just come to this sort of awareness that this is what we have to do. I think it's very important that we go and we learn as much as we can about the ruins,
Starting point is 01:03:03 whatever information they have and sort of get ingrained in the historian way of life now that we've got some downtime. Sounds like you want to test a bond. When you spend a significant time with a person, you forge a bond. When your bond is tested through conflict,
Starting point is 01:03:20 betrayal, or circumstance, you test your bond. Or you could try to gather information. It kind of depends on what your goal is. If you're just trying to learn information, gather information makes sense. I think gathering information is more what I'm doing. I think Mona and I are pretty close already. They just got us in the middle of the day.
Starting point is 01:03:38 I think we're going to be able to do that. They just got us out of a huge jam. I think it's more important we start looking to the horizons, what we have to do next. Okay. You are going to roll plus wits and because you share a bond, you can add plus one to that. Okay.
Starting point is 01:04:02 Strong hit. A strong hit, that's excellent. You discover something helpful and specific, the path you must follow or action you must take is made clear. Envision what you learn and gain plus two momentum. So go ahead and add the momentum and, you know, what do you think happens?
Starting point is 01:04:22 Do you want to roll for kind of knowledge that you gain or do you kind of have an idea in your head about what it is you're trying to learn? I have an idea that maybe he learns that these ruins are commonplace or at least the iron monger ruins is something that we've come across before in the historian maps and, you know,
Starting point is 01:04:44 sort of the tracking out. I think we learn that they're commonplace. Maybe we learn that they have some sort of function for putting specific powerful iron mongers to peace or whatever it might be. But I think we also learn that the next one is not for a very long time, that they're very spaced out amongst the map itself.
Starting point is 01:05:07 And so I think half is busy in these books and Mona comes over and gives him something to drink and eat while he's reading and he's caught up in all these books and they're sharing books and looking together and researching and it's hours upon hours of trying to find the locations and, you know, tracing out where the last one was.
Starting point is 01:05:26 And then half comes to this conclusion of, oh my God, they just gave me this huge responsibility and it's gonna be, God knows how long before I even see this thing again. You know, I'm just gonna be waiting, I'm gonna be stuck. I can't, you know, what am I gonna do, you know? Because you rolled a strong hit on that, I would give you permission if you wanted to
Starting point is 01:05:49 to mark on the map, on the hex map where this next set of pillars is. Would you like to do that? Yeah, yeah, I would love that. Okay, let's make, if you look at the map, you'll see that the center of the storm is where we're at. We're basically in that center area right here. And you can, you know what, my map doesn't show me
Starting point is 01:06:12 where the storm is. Ah, probably because it's on the GM layer. Let me put it to the token layer. You can probably see it now. Oh, thank God, okay. So, I can see it. I'm gonna remove it so that you have an idea about where it is, but, you know,
Starting point is 01:06:28 this is the center here, right? And if I move it to the GM info layer, you will not be able to see it, but then you can kind of decide where we want to go. So, you have all this area, there's some forest to the north, there's some valleys to the south, there's the mountains to the north.
Starting point is 01:06:50 Well, I think that up in these northern snowy mountains is where it's headed. I think maybe right here. Do you see where I marked right here by the coast? By the coast, let's see. It's this little like Archipelago, or whatever they call those, the little dip of the water
Starting point is 01:07:09 into the snowy mountains in the corner here. A little, press the thing one more time, like where I can see. Oh, you drew a little green? Yeah, I drew a little green square. All right, so I'm just showing it to the audience. So, there it is. Jesus Christ, Caleb, could you think of a more impossible?
Starting point is 01:07:29 That's the next closest? I think it's got to be closer than that. Closer? Because that's hundreds of miles away. I think it should be either just on the edge of this region. If you noticed on the map, there's a thick black line that kind of separates. It should either be at the very edge of this region
Starting point is 01:07:48 or somewhere within the next region. Okay, I like that too. Because there would most likely be an iron, a set of iron pillars somewhere a little closer than that, because we have established that they're kind of scattered throughout the land. Yeah, yeah, I was just meaning in relation to the, where they keep the actual iron monger,
Starting point is 01:08:05 like heroes or whatever. But like, I agree, it should be closer. I was just going, I like these little snowy mountains. That's the only like conclusion I came to. All right, draw me a new square where you'd like the new spot to be. I think that I did. You should see it right next to where the storm circle is.
Starting point is 01:08:23 It's right from the right of where you're looking now. It's over by these gray trees and it's basically another little archipelago. You're right by it right now on the- Oh, I see it now, I see it now. Yeah, it's close to the ocean. Okay, there it is, okay, great. So we're gonna put a P there to stand for pillars.
Starting point is 01:08:47 And that's where that's going to live. And we know that at some point, I'll put it as close as possible. We will put it in that little snowy area. And at some point, we might come across it, especially if we keep heading north with the storm. But we know that it's there. And that's what Hath learns about
Starting point is 01:09:06 in terms of the next closest pillar. Gotcha. Very cool, okay, great. We will mark progress. I think this is worthy of marking some progress to investigate the storm. This is an extreme goal, so you're only gonna gain half a box.
Starting point is 01:09:26 Okay. Okay, what's next? Awesome. Oh, I have no idea. I think- It's also, we've established that Hath is safe at the village. If you wanted to, we could roll up another character
Starting point is 01:09:42 or we could do something like that. I gotta say, I really feel like we've been Hath for a while. I would love the opportunity to create a character. That's an opportunity. We absolutely cannot do that. I think with this adventure for Hath to, I think this might be the next big thing for him. And so it's in a good place that if we had to return to him,
Starting point is 01:10:04 that's something we could consolidate. I love it. All right, so we are going to close the books on Hath for now. He is safe, he has survived many harrowing adventures, but it's time for a new character. A new character by none other than our friend Caleb. Caleb, let's start by rolling up a name for this character. You can either decide or we can roll a D100
Starting point is 01:10:28 to figure out what their name is. I had a name in mind. Okay, give it to me. I like Ila, E-A-L-A. Ila. E-A-L-A. L-A. Ila.
Starting point is 01:10:42 That's the one. Ila, sounds like a woman. All right, so we have Ila and we are going to start rolling this character up. So the first thing I wanna do is I wanna choose the assets for Ila. Now, first of all, talk to me a little bit about maybe what your idea is for Ila.
Starting point is 01:11:04 How is she different than Hath? So I think personality-wise, they have a big difference in that. I want to play someone who is mind and heart-based rather than heart and beat the shit out of things-based. A little smarter, a lot more focused in the heart and the mind. Gotcha.
Starting point is 01:11:27 And personality-wise. Also, concept-wise, I was thinking it could be interesting if we could explore the idea of being a storm orphan and the things that come throughout that. And so that sort of isolating lifestyle would bring more to the idea that they are cerebral and of the heart. Got it.
Starting point is 01:11:48 So the backstory is that they are an orphan of the tribe and why are they an orphan? What happened that they lost their parents? I think they're an orphan because I know in session zero we had a discussion of how important it is to the population of the tribe that we keep it small for the nomadic nature of it. And because of that, there are some strict rules
Starting point is 01:12:11 on whether you can have children or not. You have to go through an approval process of whether that can happen. So I think Ila is a victim of some star-crossed lovers who skipped the process itself or were denied maybe even and had a child not just out of wedlock, but out of tribe lock. And because of that, when Ila was born,
Starting point is 01:12:34 she was accepted by the tribe and cast out. Her parents were cast out, essentially. I love the concept. Let's decide what assets Ila has. Now, we have the rule that if you want, you can choose one of your assets as opposed to randomly choosing. You have a companion, a path, a combat talent,
Starting point is 01:12:57 a ritual that you can choose from in terms of your assets. Could you tell me what a ritual might be in this concept? A ritual is magic. A ritual is basically a spell that you know and as you continue to progress, you will get better at that spell and gain new abilities. Let's do ritual. I think it's interesting.
Starting point is 01:13:17 We haven't had magic yet. I wanna see how that goes about. And magic is very solitary in this world anyways. So I like the idea of Ila being this individual person anyways because of her backstory. Do you? Yeah, for sure. And possibly having some latent powers or something.
Starting point is 01:13:35 Yeah. You can choose whatever asset you want. Only one of the assets I will allow you to choose specifically what you want. So under ritual, there's a series of rituals that you can decide one or you can roll for it and make it random. If you have a question about one,
Starting point is 01:13:54 I can explain what it does. We haven't rolled yet and half the fun is rolling for this stuff, let's roll for what magic it is. Okay, so there are, I forget how many rituals there are. Let me look here real quick. One, two, three, four, five, six. Roll a d20 and we're gonna ignore anything above 17. Sounds good to me.
Starting point is 01:14:23 17. Oh wow, okay. So you get the, whatever the very last ritual is, which is ward. When you walk a wide circle, sprinkling the ground with salt, you will roll plus wits on a strong hit. You may choose two. When a foe first crosses the boundary,
Starting point is 01:14:39 you may take plus one momentum. When you first inflict harm, they will take an extra plus one harm or your ward is likely to trap the foe within the boundary. So you could probably roll the oracle and if you succeed, they are trapped within that ward. That's kind of cool. Yeah, that's really interesting.
Starting point is 01:15:01 Okay, so we've chosen our first asset. It's time for the other two. Companion, path, combat talent, or another ritual. What do you think? Path is kind of what defines somebody as a person. Yeah, let's go with path. I think it'd be interesting to see where they put an orphan in that respect.
Starting point is 01:15:29 One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 30. Okay, so you're gonna roll a D 100 and we're gonna ignore anything above. Like a perfect D 100. We'll ignore a perfect 100. A 12. 12. Okay, so let's go 12 down. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11, 12.
Starting point is 01:15:50 You are honor bound. When you turn the tide, which is a move you make in combat, envision how your vow gives you strength in this moment. Then you may make your move, add plus two and take plus one if you momentum on a hit. So this is all about like, when it's time to turn the tide, flavor-wise,
Starting point is 01:16:13 you say like, Lila looks back at her vow of doing this and it steals her and you gain plus two to your next roll, which is pretty amazing. Perfect, that's awesome. All right, that's number two, time for one more asset. Okay, I'm trying to think of my choices again. I mean, a combat makes a lot of sense. Yeah, be able to be useful in combat
Starting point is 01:16:43 or gaining another ritual if you just really want to be a full spooky bitch. Oh, don't tempt me. Don't use the title, spooky bitch, because I know you've been meaning to make one for a while. Let's do combat talent, let's roll it out because I want everyone to be able to have something to pull from Lila.
Starting point is 01:17:06 Lila is tempting me in the chat too, no, I gotta save it. Yeah, yeah, roll that talent, let's do it. Roll a d20 and we'll ignore anything above 14. She's insisting, God, geez, you got a 14. All right, okay, so it's Thunderbringer again. It's at the bottom of the list. I'll allow you to reroll that. That's the big hammer, right?
Starting point is 01:17:32 That's the big hammer. I'll allow you to reroll that, we don't need another half. No, we'll ignore anything. Guy's lucky he's live anyways. 11's better, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11, slinger, if you wield a sling, when launched from a sling, a simple stone inflicts deadly harm, which is too harm.
Starting point is 01:17:54 When you enter the fray by barraging your foe with sling bullets inflict harm on a strong hit. It's pretty cool. I think that's so perfect for her too. That's so like David Goliath, marching out into the storm with just a slingshot. Yeah, I think that's super cool. So we've chosen our assets.
Starting point is 01:18:12 It's time to kind of make a decision about what our attributes, where they lie. So we have, whoops, we have edge heart, iron shadow wits, and the way this works is, one of them has to be one, two of them, no, I'm sorry, two of them are one, two of them are two and one of them is three. So how would you like to assign the attributes?
Starting point is 01:18:39 So, well, we use wits for our magic, right? No, for magic, what is important is that you put your stats in the moves that are benefited from your assets. So for instance, with ward, it's nothing. With path, it's turn the tide. And turn the tide is a... I think it's a combat. Yeah, you would just make a move, not a progress move.
Starting point is 01:19:10 Okay, so that doesn't really matter. But eventually there is a secure and advantage and compel, which I think they use any of the stats. Compel is a heart, iron shadow. Okay. And at secure and advantage, it can be any of the stats. I think heart and wits should be the highest. If we don't have anything tied to attributes,
Starting point is 01:19:38 I think that might be... Because enter the fray is also one. A combat, right? And yeah, enter the fray you would roll plus heart. Okay, awesome. Yeah, so I think heart and wits are highest. Okay, so heart, which one do you want to be a three? A heart or wits?
Starting point is 01:19:57 Let's do heart at three. All hearts. Okay. So heart is... Whoops, I didn't mean to do that. I wanted to just change it. How do I update it? Let's see.
Starting point is 01:20:10 Oh, edit, here we go. So heart is gonna be three. And then that means wits is two. You can make another thing two, whether it be shadow, iron, or edge. Let's do edge. Edge is good because edge is like slingshot, like that'll come up.
Starting point is 01:20:26 Yeah. So your iron and your shadow are at one, which means she's not very sneaky and she's not very good with weapons and such. Strength, yeah. Yeah, okay. I think that fits her. Okay, so we've gotten the stats, we've gotten the assets.
Starting point is 01:20:42 We need to choose three bonds. Give me three bonds that are related to her. Okay. So do I just come up with these? If you'd like, we can make a roll for it. Yeah, let's make a roll. I like the idea of rolling for those. Roll a D100.
Starting point is 01:21:02 Okay. And we'll find out this NPC's roll that might help define who they are. 51. 51. They are a forager. This person is a forager. I like that. Does anything come from your mind?
Starting point is 01:21:20 Do you want to roll on the theme die or maybe their disposition? A descriptor of them? Oh, a descriptor of them. I think they're sort of an outcast. I think that Ela probably, you know, keeps herself near outcasts. So maybe that's a descriptor for them.
Starting point is 01:21:42 So they are a forager, not necessarily for the tribe. Like maybe, yeah, they bring back the occasional potato or something that, you know, they throw into the pile, but they really, they're foraging for themselves. Yeah, I think I view it as sort of like scavenger. Like they're looking for the next coolest thing they found in the storm. Right.
Starting point is 01:21:59 And so when Ela and them are spending time, it's usually away from the tribe. It's usually like they're showing Ela the newest thing that they found or whatever it might be. Okay, so this is not a family member because we've established that Ela is an orphan. This is just somebody they know. Did they grow up with this person?
Starting point is 01:22:20 Anything, any particular details? I think maybe it's another orphan. I think that's the only sort of relationship you have in terms of the tribe or at least the closest you can get in a relative. So maybe that's how they knew each other. And is this person touched in some way? Are they a little slow?
Starting point is 01:22:39 Do they have any weird quirks? We could probably roll for that. Yeah, yeah. Maybe we can roll for that. Would you like to determine their goal? Their goal, I think is to find a piece of treasure, forge something that the tribe will give them respect for. I think that's what they're out to do.
Starting point is 01:23:01 I think they want to find the next big piece of gold or whatever it might be that brings them a lot of respect in the tribe. Right, so this is literally the old guy that's combing the beach with his metal detector? Exactly, they're picking up, I don't know, like hunks some metal and going, maybe this is something.
Starting point is 01:23:22 What new invention did I find in the storm here? This is gonna be the next big thing. A little bit of a, like I imagine they probably have a big pack full of junk that they've collected. They're a little bit of a junk collector, junk seller. Do we want to determine a name for this person? Yeah, can we roll for that one? Absolutely, give me a D100 roll.
Starting point is 01:23:43 Do we want it to be, I guess it doesn't matter. We have male names and female names. Do you want, you can ask the world. I got a 30, so maybe just whatever a 30 is on either one. So either Becca or Vezna. Vezna for sure, right? And Vezna is an old man, an old woman. What do you think Vezna is?
Starting point is 01:24:06 I think maybe the same age as you are. Yeah, I think they've been growing up together. And I think maybe people look down on Ela for even cavorting around with Vezna. Maybe people have higher hopes for Ela than they ever do Vezna. Sure, sure. And so Ela's sort of the person
Starting point is 01:24:27 that doesn't count them out, you know? All right, that's one bond. Can you think of another? Let's roll again. I kind of want to roll for all these. Yeah, that's fine. Let's do a, let's have somebody with a goal. Go ahead and roll a D 100
Starting point is 01:24:46 and let's see this new NPC's goal. Okay. Oh, that's not it. Yeah, that's not possible. A 54. This character's goal is to collect a debt. This character's goal is to collect a debt. Okay, that's really interesting.
Starting point is 01:25:09 Would you like to determine a descriptor of them? Maybe some more details. Roll another D 100 and let's see if we can get a description of them in some way. Yeah, let's do that. A one. This person is stoic. I think maybe Ela is friends with the local,
Starting point is 01:25:34 we don't really have law enforcement or anything like that, but maybe the local, I don't know, I'm thinking like a Mandalorian situation. I like that idea, like the local bounty hunter, the local guy who's willing to do it. The bounty hunter, and so maybe it's like a casual relationship between them where like she's really interested in what he or they
Starting point is 01:25:57 or she does for a living, right? And go ahead. And that relationship is sort of like they care for Ela as much as Ela's interested in what they do. And I even think it would make sense that maybe Ela came to this person and asked about finding their parents or finding out more about how they could find their parents.
Starting point is 01:26:19 Yeah, I think that'd be awesome. We got from Angel here in the chat says, an ironbound whose bond is to protect the tribe. That's cool. That could be pretty good. I like that too. Do we want to replace that or just make that our third connection, our third NPC bond?
Starting point is 01:26:36 I think maybe replace that. I think that works for us. I mean, cause that works in the context of a bounty hunter too. Maybe his bond to protect the tribe is he goes and fetches the people who were, you know, doing things they weren't supposed to. And so it just takes on the air of a bounty hunter. I like that.
Starting point is 01:26:54 So his goal is to collect the debt. His bond is to protect the tribe. But Aaron asks, but whom in this small tribe will they be hunting? I think that's an interesting question. Yeah, and maybe it's, maybe we flip it on its head where it's not necessarily hunting criminals, although that could happen,
Starting point is 01:27:15 but maybe he's just hunting people that have disappeared or are in loss. Yeah, yeah, trying to bring people back. I think it'd also be interesting because in this era of bounty hunting, maybe he's waiting for criminals who ran out into the storm. Like, he has a map of people
Starting point is 01:27:32 that will come up in the next few miles and he's like, oh, we're coming along Greg from 20 years ago who stole and then ran off into the storm to save himself or whatever it might be, right? And so, you know, maybe he stops those people. I don't know. Okay, yeah, so, okay.
Starting point is 01:27:48 So he's stoic, he is iron bound. His goal is to collect the debt. His bond is to protect the tribe. What is the debt that he can be trying to collect? Maybe is it a debt between him and ELA or is it a debt that the tribe owes him, that someone who's lost to the storm owes him? I like that it's someone who was lost to the storm.
Starting point is 01:28:14 Maybe, you know, maybe he gave someone the benefit of the doubt, right? Like, let them go on a crime that they perpetrated against the tribe and he saw pity on them and then released them into the storm and now he's hoping to bring them back and, you know, call on that debt or whatever it might be.
Starting point is 01:28:34 What do you think? Yes, so it's kind of like, I need to track down this person. I think that he would probably know where that person is, just like, not able to get to them right now because the storm isn't necessarily there. Because of the storm is, yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:51 Collected debt, an ally went into the storm with something of this person's and never returned, right? Yeah, I like that. So it's something of his that they carried into the storm. Okay. Maybe someone with a vow who needed a sword or something like that. Maybe it's his family's sword because we do those ancestor weapons or whatever.
Starting point is 01:29:15 I think Un Angel Verde has a very interesting idea. Maybe he's bound to marry someone and that someone has been lost to the storm. I love that. I love that too. Yeah, holy shit. So the debt is that a lover was lost to the storm and they hope to find them and collect that love debt, whatever that means.
Starting point is 01:29:40 But I think that's a good place to build on. Okay, that's cool. I think this character's cool. Does this character live within the tribe? Is he on the outskirts of the tribe or is he? I think he lives, I think that's maybe Ela's connection to the center of town. Okay, so if Vezna is the person they spend a lot of time with,
Starting point is 01:30:02 then this person is maybe the most connection that Ela has to regular life in the tribe. And I like also that Ela has asked this person before their advice on how to track their parents, right? Yes, the idea that maybe Ela has even joked around that when Ela finds their parents, they're gonna bring him with them. Okay, let's find out this person's name.
Starting point is 01:30:32 Love it, okay. 82, who's my buddy? 82, blah, blah, blah. Servin, S-E-R-V-A-N. Servin, I think that's awesome. Servin's a pretty cool, yeah, pretty cool bounty hunter name. Okay, so we've got Vezna and Servin. Let's come up with one more.
Starting point is 01:30:57 All right, I'll roll the D100 here. All right. We've got a flat 100 for whatever table we're putting that on. Well, do we want a descriptor, disposition, goal, or their role within the tribe? I really liked the goal. Let's go with goal again. I feel like we found a good answer.
Starting point is 01:31:20 With a 100, roll twice. So you're gonna roll two more D100s and let's see what happens. They're going to have two goals, it sounds like. A 39 and an 82. Restore a relationship is 39 and then gain knowledge is 82. Restore a relationship and gain knowledge.
Starting point is 01:31:43 I think maybe this could be the person who took Illa in, right? And so they used to have a very close relationship because this was a caretaker. But I also think maybe they were half caretaker, half researching Illa, trying to look into these magical effects that she can bring from being an orphan.
Starting point is 01:32:06 So sort of like a Doc Brown, not Doc Brown directly, but a researcher type who said, I'm gonna take you in, I'm gonna look after you, but when you're not looking, I'm studying you. And maybe Illa has this moment where she discovered she's a test subject and not a daughter and ran off to live on her own. I love that idea and I love the idea
Starting point is 01:32:28 that since Illa has a ritual, since she has a power, she would probably be under another spellcaster of some kind. So maybe the tribes shaman or something to that effect, somebody that also has powers. So they will say that they're a shaman, will say that it would be interesting if there's,
Starting point is 01:32:54 go ahead. I was thinking we've done the iron mongers and the historians a lot with half story. Maybe this person could belong to- The cartographer. Who's our third? The cartographer. For sure, for sure.
Starting point is 01:33:08 I think that makes total sense. Obviously gaining knowledge is an obvious one for them. They're trying to gain their power as a shaman or as a ritual user. Restore a relationship though, define that for me. Are they trying to- Go ahead. I think they're trying to restore
Starting point is 01:33:26 the relationship with Illa. They thought, because I think it was a loving relationship. The work was second to the love of Illa, but they still had this code to the cartographers who are pressing them and saying, you need to find an answer to the Orphans. And if you don't get us that information, we can't find the way out of the storm.
Starting point is 01:33:47 So it was less of like, I wanna break Illa's heart and learn what I have to learn. It was more that there's remorse for the fact that Illa found out. And so the working on the relationship is recovering them. Gotcha, restoring relationship with Illa, due to the way she was raised, right? You know, maybe in the process
Starting point is 01:34:09 of trying to bring out these ritual abilities, they were a little stringent or a little hard on Illa. So the relationship with Illa, due to the way they raised her, they're kind of seeking redemption. And they want to still gain knowledge, however, certainly being a cartographer, certainly having ritual powers. This is interesting.
Starting point is 01:34:35 And I think this is something we can work on. Let's roll a D100 to determine the name. Okay. Also, if you wanted, we could roll a descriptor and maybe describe something physically about this person. Yeah, let's do a descriptor too. So for the name, it's 23. And for the descriptor, it's 69.
Starting point is 01:34:55 Yeah. For 23. Okay, this is interesting. I pronounce it as A-D-O-N, A-E-D-D-O-N, A-D-O-N, or added. A-D-O-N. I love that. A-D-O-N's cool.
Starting point is 01:35:09 And then you said 69 for the descriptor. Manipulative. Manip... Ooh, I think that's perfect. Yeah, I think it is. So we'll have to remember that, although they raised you, A-D-O-N tends to be a little manipulative.
Starting point is 01:35:25 I think that's very interesting. Okay. I think they're still loved there, but I think definitely A-D-O-N has other motives in that. If there were psychiatrists in the tribe, maybe they're a little selfish, a little egomaniacal in that way. Yeah, narcissistic, yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:45 We have chosen our bonds. We've chosen all of our stats. We just need to choose a short-term vow and a long-term vow for ELA. Short-term vow, long-term vow. So I think long-term vow, and this is purely because you and I were discussing it during the break,
Starting point is 01:36:04 I want to know what an epic vow is like. So I want to know what that huge journey is like. How can May Day accomplish that? I really want the vow of find our parents and they're out there somewhere in the storm, yeah. Yeah, okay. So our long-term will say, I think that epic implies almost impossible.
Starting point is 01:36:30 I think it's just a matter of time and danger. I think extreme is the more reasonable. Extreme, right. Yeah, let's go with extreme then. Okay, so your extreme vow is going to be find the parents you lost in the storm due to, well, we'll say find the parents you lost in the storm or that were, what's the word for like being cast out?
Starting point is 01:36:58 Excommunicated. You lost in the storm due to excommunication. I'm sure I'll revive that at some point, but we'll say it's an extreme vow. And now what's a more tangible short-term vow that ELA can do? I really like what we did with Serven, our buddy. I think maybe the easier vow is that Serven's lover is close.
Starting point is 01:37:28 He remembers where they lost them, right? Ah. And so the short-term vow is ELA has agreed that they're gonna go out with him and find that lover. Okay, so we'll say that what it is is that the storm has moved into a position to where Adon, oh no, what was his name? Serven, I think, right?
Starting point is 01:37:55 Serven knows that his love is near and that if he can just head out and find her and retrieve her, then all will be right. So he asks ELA to do this and ELA makes an iron vow to help him, I think that's a great idea. How difficult is this? I think formidable. I think that's reasonable, yeah, formidable.
Starting point is 01:38:21 The vow is to help Serven find his lost his love. And I think that's super cool. We'll make some decisions about where this lover has been lost and kind of the details of that stuff next session. The last thing I wanna do is I think at least two days have passed since we were with half and now we've created this new character.
Starting point is 01:38:53 Let me ask you to roll a D8 and we are going to determine where the storm moves next. Awesome. A two. A two. So we decided that true north was eight and then winding backwards from there. So north west is one, west is two.
Starting point is 01:39:15 So the storm is going to move west. Accords. Hold on, I have to think about how the math of this is because it's due west. I don't wanna go too many hexes, but that doesn't make sense. It would have to be something like this. That.
Starting point is 01:39:37 Yeah, I'm always looking for the little flower pattern in the center of the storm. Okay, so that's our new position now for the storm. It is moving west. When we begin again with ELA next session, it will be moving west and we'll find out what adventurous ELA can get into with our new character, very excited to see this.
Starting point is 01:39:56 But I think this is a good place to bring the session to a close. Caleb, thank you for joining us today. This has been a blast. Of course, thank you, man. I've loved every minute of this. I can't wait to get back in. Yeah, yeah, I'm sorry now
Starting point is 01:40:11 that you might have to wait several sessions before you come back. Oh, you're totally fine. So here's the thing though. We have gone through the cycle of everybody. You can roll a D6 and determine who's next, or if you can think of some other cockamamie way of deciding who would be next, I'm down for that.
Starting point is 01:40:28 But letting the dice decide is always welcome. Yeah, let's let the dice decide. Okay, you're gonna roll a D6, you're gonna ignore two because you stand for two. We've always had you as the number two in the D6. Five. A five, so it went Amanda, you, and then Zacchia, Erin, that's four,
Starting point is 01:40:52 and then finally five was Allegra. Of course it's Leg. So I think Allegra is going to come back if she can, or if they can, next session, and we are going to see what they do with Ela. Leg is gonna smack this out of the park. I feel like I wrote this for leg. This is a very Allegra character.
Starting point is 01:41:15 Yeah, I think this is great. Let's see what happens as they return. But yeah, that's it, that's the end of the session. So Caleb, is there anything you wanna say or do or mention before we end our session? I wanna mention that right now we are on the push for our new season, that Ahsoka needs so much love,
Starting point is 01:41:36 and it deserves so much love. I wanna thank Eli just for running that game in general. I'm so excited that people liked our first episode and that they're turning out for the new one this Friday. Our first episode is up on Twitch now. Exactly, and to just keep following, keep supporting, and hopefully check out the rest of Ahsoka, because I know I'm so excited
Starting point is 01:41:56 that people are talking about Anchor and Rad already. I love that relationship so much. I listened with our stream this last week, and I just kept thinking like how much fun it was to get to play off you and have that relationship. Yeah, it was a lovely change of pace to be a player. Yeah, exactly, yeah. Very cool, okay, so that's it for Iron Sworn session six.
Starting point is 01:42:21 Awesome, awesome stuff. Guys, thanks for checking in with us. Remember that wherever you hear podcasts, we are on YouTube, we are on Twitch, but we wanna thank our Twitch fans for checking us out and showing us love. We will see you this coming Friday, which is the next episode of Ahsoka will be released.
Starting point is 01:42:45 There we go. Awesome. Okay, guys, we'll see you later. All right, thank you, Serge. Bye-bye. See you, guys. See you, guys.

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