Mayday Plays - Orbital Blues: Crew 1, Ep. 1

Episode Date: March 27, 2022

Orbital Blues: Crew 1, Ep. 1 by Mayday Roleplay...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to a 105MDRP, your soul sound for the Frontier Galaxy. My name is Eli and I will be your storyteller, your curator, your navigator as I regale you in an Orbital Blues. Orbital Blues is a game by SoulMuppet Publishing, a sad voice space western where the only thing worth a damn is the fuel in your tank and how fast you can draw. Orbital Blues is an actual play intended for a mature audience. It contains elements of anxiety, death, depression, gambling, mental illness, and associated traumas, poverty, substance abuse, and violence.
Starting point is 00:00:38 So as always, viewer discretion is advised. So why don't we get started and introduce our intergalactic outlaws, including our most featured guests. Let's start with Caleb. Caleb, introduce you and your character title. Okay, I'm Caleb Miller. I'll be playing Leslie and I am the outlaw. Do you want more than that?
Starting point is 00:01:03 No, that's it. OK. Surge. What's up, everybody? It's Sergio here and I am playing the goodest boy, Punch. Zach. Hello, I'm Zach and I'm playing Stokes the Mechanic. And Amber is one of our great friends here at Mayday. Why don't you quickly give us your character name and title and give us a little bit of
Starting point is 00:01:32 info about yourself? Wonderful. Well, I am playing O'Neill Bridges, also known as O. They are the left behind and about me, I call myself the TTRPG Swiss Army Knight because I do fucking everything. I stream, I write, I edit, I podcast, I do, I do everything. So I'm just really excited to finally be on Mayday role play and like be with my pals and I'm God, I'm so excited for this game. OK, sorry.
Starting point is 00:02:01 Great. We're happy to have you. Yeah, it's going to be so awesome. So some quick announcements and words from our sponsors. Music in this episode is brought to you by Soundstripe and Epidemic Sound. For more info, be sure to check them out at Epidemic Sound as well as Keep a weather eye out for all you vampires and ghosts to our socials as we welcome the return of Night's Black Agents as well as the final chapters of our Orpheus book one.
Starting point is 00:02:31 We'll be releasing those information coming soon. Today's episode is sponsored by Conglomo Shipping where their Drive 9 canines will help you get anywhere through the frontier galaxy with ease. So put your precious cargo in their paws. And lastly, a shout out to our patrons at Patreon. Your continued support helps us here at Mayday continue to do awesome content and stuff like that. So be sure to thank our patrons and yeah, we love you patrons.
Starting point is 00:03:02 Thank you patrons. Thank you patrons. All right, patrons. So welcome to the intergalactic age of the cowboy, humanity's last stagnatic stance against the stars, a retrograde of a forgotten era with a future nobody wanted. These are the regrettable tales of the music-fueled renegades of the frontier galaxy. These are Mayday's orbital blooms. So there's a certain kind of stagnation that lingers on Reno 12.
Starting point is 00:03:39 Whether it's the dust, the smoke, the sweat, or the regret, it permeates. And as the sun sulks into the west and scattered remnants of half-lit casino signs than the dented roller doors of the strip, a devil enters a cantina. He's a large statured framed in a long white suit, ring on every finger that accentuates the ruby red knuckles of a broken skinned fist, head shaved marked with an elaborate network of spider web tattoos. The devil carries intimidation that does not go unnoticed. He lights a cigarette and takes in the heat of so many bodies in one place.
Starting point is 00:04:15 The budding sweat of patrons' foreheads begin to cascade as men straighten up or lean out of sight. The waitstaff scrambles to make room where there is none. The L. Ray is usually a shit-for-nothing hole in the wall, catering to the handful moon-dusted miners coming back from Irvine. But their lack of good booze makes up for Thursday nights. And and devil alike, they're all waiting for an anticipation. For her, jubilee.
Starting point is 00:04:44 The devil takes a seat, a spotlight strikes the stage, drum rims and brass glints on the edges, a personal galaxy only interrupted by the clacks of slow-trotted heels. She's dressed in velvet red, blonde hair laced across sun-kissed shoulders, a face like heaven. She sings in a language only remembered in the songs of forgotten times of yesteryears, as if it only happened yesterday. The brass begins to croon and the snare rims and sizzles, a bass sets the tone, a guitar flutters into a sultry samba, and the crowd edge on their seats, soaking every drop. The devil waits for her out back after the show, and when jubilee exits, she pays no
Starting point is 00:05:26 mind and keeps walking into the night. She picks up a pace and takes a right. The devil stays in step, another left and then a right, a left and a right, and the devil picks up pace. Right left, she tries to refuge into a nearby apartment area weaving through the alleys. Left right, she can't seem to shake him. Right left, the devil cackles and turns the corner and finds himself staring down the barrel of a loaded gun.
Starting point is 00:05:52 Her eyes first sharp and unwavering. That's the thing about the frontier galaxy. You reap what you sow, a click, a bang, and another tune dusted to the wind. And the days aren't going to get any better. It's noon and the heat is unbearable and bright. A transport ship kicks up the red sand and earth and lands at the Buford Intergalactic Terminal, carrying only one. And as the bay doors open, the left behind spills out.
Starting point is 00:06:21 Amber, can you please describe your character and introduce them? Absolutely. Okay, so O Bridges is, O Bridges has an air of melancholy. I mean, literally just melancholy in the infinite sadness is really just the whole, the whole vibe. He, I'm sorry, they, they have like red hair, jagged falls at the, at their chin. It's kind of disheveled, like obviously home cut kind of thing, oily, greasy, as if they haven't showered or maybe they're just fucking around with too many mechanical parts.
Starting point is 00:07:06 A scar goes across their chin and it's just from, you know, previous fights, previous excursions, maybe previous lovers, who knows. They're stocky. They've got, you know, they're stocky, their, their gates is a little uneven, though, due to their, due to their robot mechanical leg, they lost their leg in a previous, in a previous shootout, but it's fine because it's also, it's fine. We got it. It's cool.
Starting point is 00:07:44 But yeah, they, they, they walk with, I mean, though their gate is uneven, it's not uncertain. They walk with determination, with power almost, knowing that the only person that they can rely on anymore is themselves. So, also always carrying a cigarette, listen, you can't have the blues if you're not smoking like two packs a day. So you exit off that, off that transport ship and you enter into the, the barefoot intergalactic terminal. It's run down, it's worn out, it's been sandblasted, it's been, it's just a piece of shit.
Starting point is 00:08:30 And you don't really see a lot of people here. And if you do, like people who are scattered around, they look kind of like miners who have been coming and going from here to Irvine, which is the moon that is orbiting around Reno 12. But you go to the terminal gate and you present your, your, your identification. The sloppy looking TSA guy just kind of just quick looks at your card and kind of hands it off. And then you exit into the terminal into the dusty remnants of Reno 12.
Starting point is 00:09:02 It's a bang and boom looking place, kind of reminds you of a dusty desert. It's got dented signs and all sorts of things. It's a fairly large town too, so you can have the choice of either huffing it, which will take you some time, or you can try to procure a vehicle at the wheels on wheels right next door. Oh, I mean, absolutely going to go for a car. Okay. Do you have a particular type of car you would like?
Starting point is 00:09:36 Does it run? It doesn't have air conditioning. The lady at the terminal kind of like smacks like her bubble gum and says, yeah. And toss, trains you a credit for, for keys. And you go to like the end of the lot. It's this old beat up looking sedan. It's nothing special, but it runs. It runs and it's, yeah, oh, I mean, I like run my hands over like, you know, the roof
Starting point is 00:10:09 of the car, you know, kind of get, take some of the dust off, hop in and crank up the radio. Turn it on, crank up the radio, AC blasting. Yeah. So where do you want to go? You really didn't come here with anything in your pockets except for some of your mementos, some weapons and a card, a singed business card to the Viper, to the Viper bar and grill at the edge of town. Of course I go to the Viper bar.
Starting point is 00:10:41 Okay. It's a place to escape the blues, at least for some time. You crank the sedan, you peel out of the Bedford terminal and the wheels on wheels and you head to the edge of town. Meanwhile, the back roads in Reno 12 are some of the most dastardly place to be and nobody really should be out there. It's home to the dead cats as well as the Reno snakes, one of the leading factions here in Reno 12.
Starting point is 00:11:12 But some things need to be transdracted while we're out in the desert and it's only at the behest of three little renegades. They've been entrusted and in charge to bring together two people, the Parazzo family as well as the Reno snakes in some revelry in hopes to bring some peace to this crazy town. But the only way to do that is to throw a party. But when you need a party, you need booze and Francine de Bois of the Viper girl won't give up her booze without a favor. So she sent you to the back roads to do a trade, a trade of credits for an item that
Starting point is 00:11:55 she's hoping to procure from some smugglers out there. So you find yourselves at an old rundown diner, broken apart, windows are busted in, boarded up, shitty place and two people push through the door. One is an older gentleman and the other a very tall woman with purple hair. Zikia and Caleb, introduce your characters. Okay. Yeah. So Stokes is pretty tall, I guess, maybe like 5'11", this huge square purple wig, dense
Starting point is 00:12:39 wig that comes down to almost like a bad Viking stereotype braid coming down the side that unites in this like iPod looking like capsule and two big white Bluetooth headphones that are they look glued to the side of her face and a white like mechanic jumpsuit that the dust that's sprinkled over it is almost aesthetic like you can't tell if she bought it weathered or if she weathered it but it's intentional. There's like this dynamic movement happening there and then her arms are covered all the way up to the elbows in what looks like like beaded bracelets but some of the closer you look the more you realize like some of the beads are like just brightly colored trash
Starting point is 00:13:30 maybe and then one hand the beads are much more dense and you can see they're like reflective parts of the beads kind of extends to the skin like there might be some prosthetics under there. I think that's it. She walks like the fact that she is standing up the fact that she is in this room is personally offensive to her and she expects everyone to apologize for that. Leslie is nearing his 50s. He's got that salt and pepper and his beard, a very prominent and starting to gray at the
Starting point is 00:14:06 roots up through his sort of medium Mapa hair. He's tanned down, he's got this trim old beard that's hiding a chunk of his jaw that's been missing from a scar that looks like something took a bite out of him. Body wise he's real wiry and skinny but he's got that old man's strength where you can just tell all he does is work. It's the type of body you can only get from eating for fuel and working just hours out of the day. He wears a navy blue cover all that's unzipped down to about half his torso and cuffed at
Starting point is 00:14:40 the elbows. It's embossed with this blue sort of Victorian filigree that dances down the cover all. He's got that classic cowboy belt in the center, a belt buckle that is an LED projection of the moon that actually sort of blinks around that belt and you can see the moon start to wane and go through the cycles as it goes throughout the day. And then on his side, I mean hanging off the thigh holster on his side is this large lever action shotgun that's sort of sawed at half and ready to shoot at any given moment. He has these really cold calculating eyes but in face he's the most stoic fucking person
Starting point is 00:15:26 in the world and it's very hard to tell what he's thinking at any given moment. Like Daniel Day-Lewis vibes, that's all you need. And as you guys kind of push open that door, in one of your guys' hands is a briefcase full of credits to trade. The door kind of flips back and forward and just like in the background you can kind of see what looks like a beat up like burgundy red looking El Camino, the kind that has like the bed in the back. And you can swear if one of the people who are kind of looking out can swear there's
Starting point is 00:16:04 a dog at the helm. Sir Joe, can you introduce your character really quick? Yeah, sure. So Paunch as the crew like to call him is sitting in the driver's seat and he's like just like strumming the top of the steering wheel and seems very eager to get out, very quickly gets out and when he jumps out he is basically a four foot five Shiba Inu anthropomorphic man dog and he has these big white ears. He's wearing a red like pilot's jacket and it's got all these different patches of different
Starting point is 00:16:49 companies and places around the solar system and the big prominent one is a very faded conglomerate sticker on it or patch and he is wearing an eye visor kind of like a, he basically looks like a robotic cyclops with this visor over his face and as he walks the sign will say things like good boy or pet me, things like that will kind of cycle through. So he would push through the, I imagine like Old Western style double doors that he would push through and even like kind of rush past Leslie and Revelle or Stokes and kind of go straight to the bar and just ask for a drinky and he just smiles and waits for the bartender and he's got these big sharp canines but he's just waiting for his drinky.
Starting point is 00:18:02 You punch spent a lot of time in town and not on the back road so you don't realize that this is an abandoned restaurant. So you literally like kick open the door, sit down and just yell on the top of your lungs, give me drinkies. I think it's like realize that and then turn to the others and be like, why are we here? There's no good shit. Take a blues for that. As you turn around you realize that Leslie and Stokes are just standing in front of like
Starting point is 00:18:36 three or four looking goons who are just about, as you were about to like begin a transaction and now they're all just collectively looking at you. While they do what they do, I just don't think Punch would believe that there's no good shit so he's going to go around the back of the bar and just like look, see if there's like an empty bottle, like a bottle, a left over something. Hey now, Punch, don't go too far, okay? Don't get lost. What is that?
Starting point is 00:19:04 What is that? Oh, I forgot to mention, he looks like a Stan Winston like, like, you know, special effects from the 90s. Like he looks like Howard the Duff, but a dog instead of the Duff, you know what I mean? I never seen a dog do that. What is that? Yeah, well, it's not really dog, that's Punch. He's our pilot.
Starting point is 00:19:28 Right. Right. Right. Yeah, we run things a little different here on Reno. But he's good. He's good people. I checked him out before we went through this. Right.
Starting point is 00:19:41 Right. Well, Debois said that she was going to be sending some people by to do this transaction. So I assume you're the people. Yeah. It's as close as it passes for. Right. Right. Right.
Starting point is 00:19:56 You vibe, you guys, you guys snakes? No. No. No. You can call me lady. This is Stokes. Punch will poke his head out of the back of the bar and say me and spicy man 498 by two and then just go back under that spice.
Starting point is 00:20:14 He's OK. Uh huh. Uh huh. Well, the price is 100 credits for what I got here. I don't know if you feel to look around if there's anything else you're willing to trade, but that's what's mainly on the table. Eli, is there any sort of role I could do to discern whether that's a good price for us?
Starting point is 00:20:39 Uh, you can roll me a savvy check and you can see if you can suss out the haggles. Suss out the haggles. What you got? I have a five. I don't know what that means. Uh, it means you didn't succeed. Um, so the goal is for rolling 2d6 and the goal is to get eight or above, um, plus you, plus your mods, right?
Starting point is 00:21:10 You added the mod to it. Yeah. It gave me a negative one. Is that correct? Yeah. Are you a negative one in your stat? Do we have a zero, a two and a negative one? No, it should be a one or two.
Starting point is 00:21:22 Okay. Well, then I actually got a six, but I'm going to change this to a positive one. No cheating. I promise. I still fail. I wonder if I did that. That's weird. How dare you?
Starting point is 00:21:34 How dare I? Disadvantages. I still fail. I have a six total. Yeah. I mean, you, you don't know exactly what you're trading for. And Juan ever mentioned exactly what it was. So as far as you can tell, a hundred credits is fair deals.
Starting point is 00:21:57 We're going to need to see the merchandise before we hand over anything. I hope that's okay. That wasn't a part of the deal. The deal was just trade. Well, you know how these negotiations go. Sometimes things change in the heat of the moment. Are you not amenable to working with us? Good business is all about working with the other party.
Starting point is 00:22:20 Hmm. It's a show of good faith. We'll show you what we have and you show us what you have. He leans over and he like gives a nod to somebody and they bring over a very small box. And when they open the box, it's got a watch inside. But like a wristwatch, like a regular old wish wristwatch doesn't look anything special. Can I make it like a nerd check just to make sure this isn't like a like a tricked out apple watch or something?
Starting point is 00:22:57 It's like a normal. Yeah, I'll give you that and I'll let you use your, um, your grease monkey thing if you want to. Whoa. Okay. How do I, I know that means I roll with exertion, but I don't know what that means. You can roll, you can roll first. And if you need, if you fail, you, instead of, um, exerting heart, heart points, you
Starting point is 00:23:17 can, um, re-roll without it. Sweet. Okay. Cool. So it's just. Regular re-roll. Yeah. Yes.
Starting point is 00:23:27 Okay. That's a nine. I'm going to keep that. A nine? Yeah. Success is above eight, right? It's like eight. Above eight.
Starting point is 00:23:35 Yeah. Yeah. Eight plus. Except in combat. Except in combat, um, combat is determined by target, um, stuff. We'll get into that later. Um, is there a critical at all? Like if we roll a 12 or something like that, uh, the higher it goes, it's, the better the
Starting point is 00:23:52 stress. Yeah. Yeah. So yeah. So you, you open the box and I assume lady just doesn't understand why a hundred credits would be for some dinky old watch, but you stokes kind of like you catch something in like the way that the, the face head kind of ticks. It doesn't take like standardly.
Starting point is 00:24:14 So you go and you like check it out a little bit. And as you kind of like look into it, you've kind of heard of these things before. They're very rare. They're known as gambit chips. They're little devices that, um, that can affect a small electronics. And they're also known as a bookies nightmare because they're often used at casinos and at places to interrupts like surveillance feeds and, and a rig slot machines, shit like that.
Starting point is 00:24:40 Hmm. Okay. Then you're going to see her face get a little bit brighter. I think maybe just eyes and above, um, yeah, I think we're good here. I think we're very, very good here. All right. Yeah. We're, we're going to pay you, you folks out.
Starting point is 00:24:59 Pond, roll me a observation check. All right. You're dinking around towards the back. Find anything. I rolled a four. You rolled a four. You're so preoccupied by looking for the good stuff that you don't notice anything. Uh, yeah, I think probably dejected.
Starting point is 00:25:21 I'd, I'd eventually hear the, uh, the human beings talking and I would go over to them and see that they have a shiny and I certainly would be intrigued by this shiny that they now have in their hand. I'm just kind of obnoxiously like, like a child, like poking my head in between them to see it. You much for wearing watches, Paunch. You want something new on your wrist? I'll take it.
Starting point is 00:25:46 Maybe we could, we could try this out once, once we're safe in the, in, in Shippey, I think the guy. Yeah. The guy closes the box. It's like no watch without credits. Yeah. Yeah. I know how the deal works.
Starting point is 00:26:02 Um, I'm going to root through my, my belt there and try and, did they give us the credit checks or you have, you have a, you have a briefcase. Oh, beautiful. Full of credits. Beautiful. Yeah. I'll click it open and, uh, toss it, uh, you know, sort of motion it forward. Somebody, one of the other goons goes and kind of scurries by, he picks up a credit,
Starting point is 00:26:24 kind of bites it, tries to bend it, make sure that it's real. Okay. He's at him. Gives him a thing. He's like, all right, well, how are we going to do this? Well, that doesn't fucking matter to me. We just pass him over at the same time and hope nobody does anything stupid. Ken, Ken, punch as fast as he can, try to grab the, the watchbox.
Starting point is 00:26:51 Uh, yeah, you roll me a, roll me a savvy. Yeah. Roll me a contested savvy. With a plus two, if I roll poorly, it's going to determine, oh, I roll seven. So not a success. Here we go. Oh, okay. This is interesting.
Starting point is 00:27:11 You like, you like see it in the shiny and stuff and then like, literally it was about to be like a, a handoff, you know, one hand on the briefcase for each person they're going to let go, but you're like, this is too much time and you go and you swipe for it, but you miss and the guy flinches because they're not expecting you to do that. So both of you guys end up dropping the briefcase and the box and it just all busts open and all the credits go flying and the watch goes a little bit off to the ways. And now everybody's looking at each other. Oh shit.
Starting point is 00:27:47 I mean, hand down to the shotgun immediately, not to fire, but it's definitely like, Mexicans stand off. Those are standing waiting for something to happen and getting ready to die for the watch. Meanwhile, a sedan slowly rolls out of town and eventually makes their way to the Viper bar. It's an old ranchack looking kind of bar and made out of like wood and stuff like that. It's got this like nice little porch area. It's really wholesome when you think about it, but it's all the way out of nowhere, like
Starting point is 00:28:23 nowhere near the casinos, nowhere near the strip. It seems a little odd that it would be out here, but seems to be doing well as there's just several bikes just kind of parked on the outside of this bar. You pull up your car next to it and what you can see at the front of the door is this very big dude like bald heads, thickness. Looks like he doesn't fuck around. And as you approach, he kind of puts his hand out and he's like, nobody's uh, nobody's loud in the bar today.
Starting point is 00:28:57 Interesting you say that considering it looks like the bars pop in today. Snakes only. I've never seen you before, so I assume you're not a snake. You don't think that they- Bar's closed. Oh, fascinating. Well, I mean, sorry, my brain, sorry, my brain is just- Can you hear me?
Starting point is 00:29:30 The bar is closed today. We're not letting people in. Go back to where the fuck you were, you came from. If you want to drink somewhere, there's always the high roller bar out in town. I flash, I flash the business card that says like that has the handwritten stuff on it. And I'm just like, I was told to come here. Seems like possibly official snake business. By who?
Starting point is 00:29:56 Who'd you say who? Well, yeah, I give him. I mean, why else would I have this? It's a business card for the Viper bar. Diamond a dozen. Who sent you here? What about Tango? Tango.
Starting point is 00:30:18 Hold on a minute. The guy goes inside and comes back out with two other dudes. Now last time we told Tango when he came down here in these parts to never fucking come back. So if you're a friend of Tango, you're not a friend of ours. Oh no, I'm no friend of Tango. He done broke my heart, left in the pieces, tore it to bits. I want to get, I want to get back.
Starting point is 00:30:59 I heard this is the place to do it. What was the savvy check? Just try to convince them. Just, just savvy. Just strapped savvy yet. Well, that's a four. That's a four. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:22 Well. The guy gets up in your face for the upteenth time. I've said there's nobody coming in this bar today. And if you're not going to listen to me the first time. Maybe we're going to have to learn a different way. And he's going to, and he's going to just sucker punch you face. That is a success at eight. And you're going to take one point of heart damage as he just cold clocks you on the ground.
Starting point is 00:32:03 So unless you got an actual name for this bar. Get the fuck out of here. Let me, let me consult with my associates and I'll be right back to you. But you got a sick right hook. I respect that. So what are you doing ever? Back to the car. Because I need to go back and result.
Starting point is 00:32:47 I need to go back and check the notes that you done. Listen, you know, I've been through hell yesterday. I completely forgot everything we talked about. No, I know it's fine. Everybody else. Everybody else who's at the. At the gas that the restaurant in the back roads roll me initiative. Oh boy.
Starting point is 00:33:15 Why? What? Because you dropped all your shit. No, I know why. We all roll three. Yeah. All right. You all roll.
Starting point is 00:33:26 We're so in sync. Because we are sisters. You all rolled threes. Who has a stabby out of all of you? Two. I've got two. I have a one. Paunch and Stokes figure out who wants to go first.
Starting point is 00:33:41 I think Paunch go first. Yeah. I think I would go first because Paunch would probably go after the shiny. And once he has it, he probably knowing the way human beings work is he'd want to run out of the room because they're going to start shooting at each other. Okay. So that's his game plan. That feels right.
Starting point is 00:33:57 Yeah. Paunch is one of the shiny longer than Stokes has been going for it. Should I make some kind of a roll to catch it or something before the other guy does? Give me one second. Let me roll out initiatives. How many people? There was like four guys, right? Four enemies.
Starting point is 00:34:20 Four guys. Okay. Two of them, the main folks and then four guys that you've seen. Yeah, that's true. Love that. Love that. We're definitely not in that Viper bar that O'Neill's at. So that's interesting.
Starting point is 00:34:34 No, you guys are far in the back in the back roads. Amber, are you, are you good? Yeah, I'm good. Okay. So what are you going to do now? You've regrouped. You went back in the car. You got that life hook.
Starting point is 00:34:48 You're bleeding a little bit in the mouth. Yeah. What are you trying to do now? You are muted, I think. For some reason we can't hear you. There we go. Now we can. Okay.
Starting point is 00:35:03 There we go. I knocked my microphone wrong. Listen, it's been the worst 36 hours. You're good. You're good. Yeah. No, no. I was like, damn, I really, I really need to, it's been a long, long trip back to Reno
Starting point is 00:35:22 12. They flip over the other side of the car and he goes, Oh yeah, I guess I should have read this. Yeah, that's a real important, real important information, huh? And so I'm like, listen, I go back to the bouncer. I'm like, listen, brother, I'm so sorry. It's, I'm just coming back to Reno 12 and I'm just getting my land, my planet legs back underneath me.
Starting point is 00:35:44 How many times do we got to tell you old man? We're not going to play this. We'll be initiative. We'll be initiative. No, wait, brook, brook sent me. Okay. Roll initiative still. Okay.
Starting point is 00:36:05 That's yelling things out while they're beating him up. Okay. Okay. Cool. I can't even get into the bar and y'all are all like getting your ass. All right. It's going to be a one session one shot. So we're back at the back roads and all the chips have been laid out and every single
Starting point is 00:36:41 person looks at each other and goes, it's a free for all. And just at that punch jumps into the pile. Snashes. Are you just grabbing the watch? I think I think he'd be focused on the watch. Not thinking about grabbing the credits. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:58 You go and you just snake the box and just start booking it out the door. Rule me. Rule me a savvy check to see how well you do all of that. Here we go. 12. 12. Nice. That's the best you possibly do.
Starting point is 00:37:15 Yeah. You just like, like the instincts inside, you know, being a dog, you just immediately snatch it. You put the box between your mouth and you just jump over a goon, kicking them and like off balancing them and you're just booking it towards the car. I'm assuming you're trying to get in the vehicle. Yeah. I'm definitely trying to get into the driver's seat and while all this happens, at least in
Starting point is 00:37:39 Ponch's head, the song damaged goods by gang of four starts to play and he's just like, he's, he's amped. He's going. Yeah. You almost like slide over the car as you try to like get, get to it. Up next is Stokes. What are you going to do? You just saw, you just saw everybody go for the free for all.
Starting point is 00:37:59 You're seeing Ponch running out the door and now you're starting to notice all the other goons are starting to reach for guns. What are you trying to do? Trying to book it? You're trying to grab some credits on the way out? I think, yeah. I think she was, she was going to go for the watch until Ponch got it, which is fine enough for now, but seeing all those coins like explode over the ground is going to have her frozen
Starting point is 00:38:24 for like half a second. If there's any that have rolled behind her, she's going to 100% scoop some and leave as stealthily as she can. Yeah. Does it look like Lady Stay? Right now, Lady has not quite reacted to everything. He's kind of still a little flabbergasted. He's next on the order.
Starting point is 00:38:52 Okay. She's going to just motion for him to go, but up to him. But you're going to stay. I'm going to start heading towards the door. Okay. Lady, what are you going to do? Have they pulled their firearms at all? They're pulling firearms.
Starting point is 00:39:08 They're going to shoot. They're up next. They're going to get you. Yeah. Do I get a sense of who they are? Are they all targeting me? Are they targeting some Ponch? Do I see where their eyes are going?
Starting point is 00:39:22 You know what? Fuck it. I'm going to pull the shotgun and do that fancy little roll with the lever. Okay. And I'm going to point it as best I can at whoever I was doing the most business with. Try and get it pointed straight at their forehands and everybody calling the fuck down. All right. Roll me a, um, roll me a grit checks.
Starting point is 00:39:45 Yeah. Yeah. Intimidating you are. Does my gambit come into this beast? I get upper hand against the cowardly or against the odds against those with something to prove. Apps of fucking Lutely. Roll that. Roll that gambit.
Starting point is 00:40:03 Okay. Because you don't, you don't take this kind of shit. I don't fuck this shit. Uh, so what do I do? Upper hand then? Yeah. You'll roll it at upper hand. Okay.
Starting point is 00:40:16 A 14 motherfucker. Whoa. Beautiful. He's a mean looking motherfucker. Yeah. It's like clockwork. You've done this so many times. It's almost like repetition.
Starting point is 00:40:31 You know, you just flip that, that shotgun, don't you? Like you, you flip it and rack it at the same time. That's how fucking good you are at that shit. Um, and you point it like, you don't, like, there's not even enough distance between you and the other guy, but you, so you're literally bare, like putting a barrel straight in this dude's fucking chest. As you say, everybody calling the fuck down and everybody does stop her for a fucking second.
Starting point is 00:40:57 All right. Oh shit. He's like, easy old man. You don't want to, don't pull something you're not ready to pull. I'm not, you don't think I'd point this at you if I wasn't ready to fucking pull it. You want to die for a watch? You think you're the first one I put down for no good goddamn reason? You sit the fuck down.
Starting point is 00:41:19 Oh, he's scared as fuck now. Take a blues. Cool. Yeah. So what are you going to do now? Is that all you're going to do? Just walk out. You just have to walk out.
Starting point is 00:41:33 They're making for the door, right? Yeah. I'm going to, I'm going to cool guy walk out with that shotgun. Still pointed at all of them. I'm going to trade for each of the four and just step out. Don't you ever fucking come for us. Are you going to turn and run as soon as you get out of that door? Fuck you.
Starting point is 00:41:55 All right. Cool. So you book it. Are you getting in the back? Get the fucking car! Are you getting in the seat or are you getting in the, in the, in the bed? Just so I know. I'll hop in the bed.
Starting point is 00:42:07 That's a good idea. Okay. Stokes, you're hopping in the bed or hopping in the car? If we're, I'm, I'm like not, I'll hop in the bed too because I don't have time to rep to the other side of the car. Okay. Yeah. I think Pawn's just kind of like howls in, in, in joy and kind of screams out.
Starting point is 00:42:26 Mean man named lady and just like kicking in the drive and it's off. Hell yeah. Let me, let me, let me roll some stuff. Amazing quotes already, Kay. So as soon as you lady, you're the last one to leave the, the door and as soon as those, those double doors just kind of walk back and forward and stuff like that, you and Stokes just tuck and run and like jump into the bed. Meanwhile, all four of those goons fucking just kick open that fucking door and they
Starting point is 00:42:58 start shooting as you as Pawn's just screams on the top of his lungs and books it out of there. It misses you guys, but it does hit the, the El Camino and it does take, it does take a body damage from it as like just a shotgun like blast just hits off one of the, the windows and you guys take off. Amber, you've gotten out of the car. You just yell out the name Rook and this dude who's just pissed off at you, keep coming back, swings at you again.
Starting point is 00:43:35 He misses, but he's prepared to fight you again. What are you going to do if you're on, you're on top of this initiative? Okay. Great. And I just kind of, I yell, listen, I yell, listen, I'm, oh my gosh, where, I cannot find it. It's, uh, oh my God, listen, life we're talking about. I was told that I could always find company in a viper's den and that her favorite flowers
Starting point is 00:44:19 are sunflowers. Like, does that mean anything to you? I don't know anything. I'm not, is that your turn? And then I ready my fucking like brass knuckles just in case. Okay. I don't want to fight him, but he wants to fight you. Um, when you say that to him, he's just like, I don't know what the fuck that means.
Starting point is 00:44:44 And he goes and he swings at you again. This time he doesn't like, he doesn't like hit you, but he manages to like put you in an arm lot. And then you're just like saying that shit to him. He's like, I'll find friends in a viper's den. The favorite flowers are so close. I'm very small and I have little money. And as he's kind of got you in this like headlock and you're just like trying to fight this
Starting point is 00:45:22 dude off. I just want to get in the bar. You hear, you hear a voice though. You hear a voice that says, what did you say? And that's like the muscle guy just like turns you around. Full Nelson. So you can see who the fuck it is. And standing at the, at on the porch is a woman.
Starting point is 00:45:44 She's very tall. Um, she's got like rows and rows of braids, this long coated duster dark skinned woman. And she looks at you and she says, what did you say? I said, I am very small and I have little money. And before, before that, I don't give a fuck about that. Okay. Uh, I said that, uh, her favorite flowers or sunflowers and that I'll always love her till the end.
Starting point is 00:46:20 How do you know, Rook? Let him go. Let him go. The dude like lets you go. How do you know? Thank you. We're, we're gonna go way back on the seventh son. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:36 I know he wrote the seven sons. I haven't heard from him in months. What do you know about that? I mean, we, we, we, we were betrayed by Tango. Take a blues. She looks at you kind of like a little uneasy and a little worried, but she tell motions you to come inside to the Viper bar. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:47:09 Pond, roll me a savvy check for your mobility, uh, as you drive this vehicle through the back roads. Okay. Well, ability of twos. I'll roll my savvy. Yeah. Yeah. Stokes and or Leslie roll me an observation check since you guys are sitting in the back
Starting point is 00:47:29 of the car. Um, I rolled a eight. Nice. I got six for my observation. Stokes. Got a, also a six for my observation. Nice. We're doing great.
Starting point is 00:47:51 You don't, you, um, punch books it and, and they're just going, they're dodging and weaving through some of the grittier parts of the, you know, you kind of have to drive very carefully in the back rows because like too much sand could bury you. Not enough sand. You won't get enough traction to keep going fast enough. Um, but Pont is being able to kind of duck and weave it howling on the top of his lungs as he does that Leslie and Stokes as you guys are kind of like holding yourselves in the back as you kind of like bumping up and down, uh, from the suspension in the distance.
Starting point is 00:48:24 You can't tell how many people, but you see a big cloud of dust smoke following you guys. You're not alone on these roads and they're coming for you. Um, Stokes and Leslie, what do you guys want to do? That sounds like we're going to take care of this from the back. Sure. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:49 Are you guys want to hold actions for that? Or do you guys? Yeah. As soon as I've got a beat on somebody, I want to take some shots with the shotgun. Okay. Yeah. Um, uh, Stokes is going to start unscrewing her hand in preparation and holding action until she sees them.
Starting point is 00:49:10 Okay. They're gaining on you and they're within, uh, far range of you guys and you're starting to see at least three bikes, but the rest of it's clouded and smoke Leslie, you hear the sound of gunshots and all of a sudden into your shoulder, you take three points of heart damage from bullet from away, but there are other bullets that are fizzing and flying by you guys and ricocheting off the back of the car, but they are slowly gaining traction. Ponch, roll me another, uh, roll me another savvy check for your driving.
Starting point is 00:49:57 Uh, see how fast you guys get out of the back roads. So I, I want to do something specifically, especially if Ponch becomes aware that they are gaining on them. Yeah. I mean, you can look in, you can look in the rear view mirror and you can see that people are coming. Is this savvy role just to like not kill everybody or is this savvy role to like, can I do something in particular?
Starting point is 00:50:18 Savvy? This savvy role is for your, just for your driving. So you'll have an action on this. Yeah. You'll have an action to do as well. Nice. Rolled at 11. Rolled at 11.
Starting point is 00:50:28 Yeah. You're staying strong. You're keeping Elise ahead of them far enough where they're not getting into close range of you guys. They're in far range. So they can only throw weapons at, uh, shoot at you guys currently, um, and they're not able to, to gain any more traction because you're just booking it for them. But is there something you want to do on your turn as it is your turn?
Starting point is 00:50:49 Okay. Um, yes, on my turn, I see that they're shooting at us and they're gaining speed and I think I'm going to try a tactic that generally works that, uh, Leslie or that lady and, uh, Stokes, uh, you know, we have experience with where I'm going to immediately slam the car into whatever the proper, whether it be neutral or reverse, but the point is I want to very quickly have us basically gut behind them, like almost like kind of reverse as they zip past us, you know, unaware or unprepared for it. So that's, that's what I want to know.
Starting point is 00:51:29 Yeah. Yeah. Roll me another, roll me another savvy check for your, for your driving. We got something for that too. That's going to be good. Oh, yeah. Six. Six.
Starting point is 00:51:39 Is there anything we can do? Not far from eight. You, if you want to re-roll, you can exert yourself, which is giving up a heart point for every dice you want to re-roll. I will totally re-roll now. How many dice to see 2d6? I'll roll that one. I rolled a one.
Starting point is 00:51:57 Um, so let me roll another d6 and I'll remove a heart. Nice. Nice. 12. 12. Excellent. Yeah. Or 11.
Starting point is 00:52:10 11. You can review mirror and you see that they're, they're kind of gaining on you and you know that you're no good if they're just going to keep firing at you. You notice that they hit Leslie, Leslie is kind of like restructuring themselves. So you, you know, one of your like evoc trainings from back in the day and you just like hit the brakes fucking hard, hit the brakes and you turn the wheel in a way where like all of a sudden all of these motorbikes just go right past you and then you just click it and shifted back into gear and now you're driving right behind them.
Starting point is 00:52:43 There's about five of them on bikes now that you're, you guys are now behind them. Um, anything else you want to do on your turn? I think that's all you can do. Hit them with a good shit as well. Yeah. All right. Right. Leslie and Stokes, uh, you guys are in the back.
Starting point is 00:53:01 You see this whole maneuver. You hold off. Actually. No, you hold on. Yeah. Hold on. Um, what do you guys want to do? You've noticed now that Paunch has put you guys in a position where you guys have somewhat
Starting point is 00:53:15 of the high ground, um, because now they don't even know that, you know, they're looking back now and trying to figure out how to regroup. So you have an opportunity. You have the surprise. Yeah. I definitely want to grab onto the railing of the, the back bed and sort of struggle my way up, uh, nursing that bad shoulder for a moment, sling out that shotgun and prop myself up onto the roof of the, the Camino and take shot at one of these fuckers.
Starting point is 00:53:42 Yeah. And I'm aiming for him. This is not a game where I'm aiming for the motorcycle and it goes flying back. Fuck him. Back of the spine. I'm taking this fuck around. What a paralyze these Mopos. Yes.
Starting point is 00:53:56 What'd you get? Death or the chair. Damn it. Uh, let's see. Um, Sabby, right? No, no, no. You're rolling an attack. Oh, I don't.
Starting point is 00:54:06 It's an attack. We'll give you three dice. You get to choose the two dice you'll use to make up your, uh, your attack and then whatever the remaining dice is will be your damage point. Got it. So it's just normal odds, right? Normal odds. Okay.
Starting point is 00:54:23 So choose to add appropriate staff. Um, I don't understand. Well, you rolled straight threes. Yeah. What the fuck? So I choose two out of the threes. Right. So that's six.
Starting point is 00:54:37 And then add, what is the appropriate stat, grit? I believe grit for shotgun. Um, that's still a seven. Can I exert to change one of these? Yes, you can. All right. Um, one die six and that's a five. So that would take me to a, what was a seven is now a nine.
Starting point is 00:54:58 Nine? Okay. Yes. And what's your damage die? Uh, where do I find that? That was a three, right? You, you say you rolled three threes, right? Yes.
Starting point is 00:55:07 Yeah. So yeah, you, you, you propped, you swing the shotgun over, used the kind of like the top of the cars as leverage because your shoulder is just motherfucking killing you. But you managed to just like slide the gun across enough to know where it will leverage it and then you pop it and you managed to hit the back of one of these bikers and he just like does that thing, flips back and forth and he just wiggles and falls off and just darts off. So now you're down to four.
Starting point is 00:55:37 All for a fucking Rolex. So what are you doing? Is there anything, uh, like what a, just punch out of like shit in just the bed of his truck, like something to throw. This is a rental, isn't it? That we didn't really even, it's not technically your car. You were given to go out to the back room. Okay.
Starting point is 00:56:00 Like if they're like an emergency kit, like flares and jump cables and shit in the back. Yeah. I would say there's like, you know, like, cause there, it's a two-seater. So they got that little pocket in the back of it. There would be like maybe an emergency kit. Yeah. Sure. What are those, what are those like rolling balls of plants that like roll in the desert?
Starting point is 00:56:20 Oh, tumbleweed. I want to say there's a little tumbleweed. A tumbleweed. No, I want a tumbleweed. Yep. I'm going to take it. Okay. I'm going to take the tumbleweed you keep in your truck and I'll use my, my plasmatur
Starting point is 00:56:34 arm to ignite it and then throw it like we're in Mario Kart at one of the motorcycles. Just the closest one. Cause I don't think I can get that one. It's a red shell. It's a red shell. Roll me an attack and add savvy to that modifier. Yeah. Yes.
Starting point is 00:56:51 Okay. Okay. Okay. So that's five and five is 10 plus two 12. Whoa. Yes. And that'll do three damage. Three damage.
Starting point is 00:57:04 Okay. Oh, and she's going to, for flair, she's going to throw her real hand in the front seat. Conch. That's not the first time you've seen that. He'll high five himself with it. High five it, but you, you see that that was a distraction to grab the tumbleweed as they snatched the tumbleweed out like your favorite tumbleweed set the tumbleweed on fire and you just chuck it and you managed to get it.
Starting point is 00:57:33 You, uh, you managed to chuck it and it gets to the like far enough to the front biker and it, instead of it actually hitting them, it actually bursts and explodes on their front tire, which also causes them to kind of shake and rattle and they fall, but they fall in a way that knocks out like two other people. So there's just like one guy left, Conch, will me a, will me a mobility role for driving because now you have to roll past all of these bikers who've just laid themselves down in the middle of the road. I don't, I don't want to.
Starting point is 00:58:06 I would run them over. Oh. High score. High score. Yeah. High score. I will actually score in their, in their direction to hit them. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:58:17 Well, hell yeah. Uh, everybody in the car, rule me a blues check then. Yeah. Can we just gain a blues or do we have to roll? No, you don't gain a blues. You'll roll for blues. So that will be, hold on a second. We're all fucking flying in the back.
Starting point is 00:58:36 God damn it, Pops. High score. For a blues check, you're going to roll me two D six and add your grit. If you get a total above eight, you'll take a blues. If you don't, uh, if you roll under seven, uh, you'll not gain a blues under seven under seven. You don't, uh, get a blues. So seven and above, we do get a blues seven and under.
Starting point is 00:59:00 You don't get a blues eight and above. You get a blues. Got it. I get a blues. Leslie. I got a seven. Okay. No blues.
Starting point is 00:59:10 So yeah, punch with no hesitation, Jess, Fury roads, these guys just runs them all over. You're feeling the bumps in the brew, you know, uh, and so you, yeah, and as you guys pass by like soaks, you like look out and you just noticed just like laid out by, we have to discuss the point system. He is getting a touch out of control, isn't it? It's right. People. But it doesn't seem like anybody else is pursuing you.
Starting point is 00:59:46 You've managed to get by for now as you guys weave your way back to Reno 12. Lady being a gross old man is definitely going to dig into that wound and try and get the bullet out. Um, and he's just got pure old man. And he's just got pure old man face on the whole time. Like it doesn't even bother him. Done that before. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:17 Yeah. Stokes, roll me another blues check. Leslie. Take a blues. Take a blues. I'll take a blues. I'm fine. You're fine.
Starting point is 01:00:29 Yeah. Hey, take a deep breath. It happens. And he's just rolling out the shoulder. I didn't need to see you reach inside yourself like that. Well, you can't leave the bullet in there. That'd be fucking stupid. There are specialists we could go to or just anyone that's not you actually taking out
Starting point is 01:00:46 with your dirty hands. I don't like doctors. Punch is like yelling from the driver's seat. How's tumble? Where's tumble? Oh, Jay. Oh, they're they we lost them in the fight. They got shot.
Starting point is 01:01:09 Okay. Okay. Okay. We go we go back to shipy. Back to shipy. Well, we we got to we got to go see the lady of the house. We got to go see the snakes. Don't we?
Starting point is 01:01:24 We got to turn this fucker in who wants to watch right now. We can't be walking around with this thing, especially if we just marked six people to get it. Shiny. Yeah, it's shiny. Isn't it? You like that? I score.
Starting point is 01:01:43 I score. I score. It's going to take about 20 minutes for you guys finally to reach civilization again. So you guys are just high tailing it, booking it back. Meanwhile, back at the Viper bar. This woman has let you inside. Oh, they go behind. What you see is just a beautiful like wood laden kind of bar, a typical biker bar you
Starting point is 01:02:08 would see, you know, there's pool tables and stuff, you know, a lot of shits made out of wood. They got like little leather and tapestries and stuff all about the woman goes and behind the bar and she pulls out two shot glasses and slams them both down. And then she pours you both a shot slides one to you and says, So tell me what happened? I mean, what didn't happen? It's the fucking Parazzo's added again. I mean, they were they were going for tango.
Starting point is 01:02:54 They were they were going. But tango turned us over to him as if as if everything that we'd all been together, been through together meant nothing. I think I'm the only one left. Maybe I it's been all blur, but you know, lost my leg to it. Lost everything to the Parazzo's and but but Rick told me to come, you know, before before it all happened. Rick told me if anything did happen, I came to you.
Starting point is 01:03:41 So I said, you would know. It said, said, hold on, said that I would always find. Let me figure. Hold on. So if I was ever in trouble, I can always find company in a viper stand. Yeah, which is here, my bar. Yeah. Rocco always had a soft spot for those he'd like to travel with and always wanted to make
Starting point is 01:04:02 sure they were taken care of. They were like that. She seems really sad by the news that Rook is no longer here. I'm sorry. I'm really, really sorry. I hate to be the bearer of bad news. It's just been it's been rough on a lot of us. So is the frontier galaxy.
Starting point is 01:04:28 She takes another shot back. So why are you here then? What are you hoping to accomplish now? I mean, what do you want? What I want is revenge, really. Against who? I mean, the Parazos. Like, I mean, I know that sounds ridiculous.
Starting point is 01:05:03 And then I like, you know, it's not ridiculous. Not at all. What if after you take that shot, she pours you another one. What if I told you that you have tremendous timing? Do you tell? She has it. Last night, Casey Parazzo was shot dead in the streets of Reno 12 outside the sunshine apartments near the L. Ray Cantina.
Starting point is 01:05:35 So she had it coming for her. Hmm. Exactly. Which means that right now she takes another shot back. That means that the Parazos are vulnerable. Which means that we might have a chance of taking them out for good. Would that be something you're interested in? It'd be an absolute delight to be able to take advantage of this prime opportunity.
Starting point is 01:06:13 But I'm not going to help. So you're fully down because I don't have time for chicken shit. I got to move quick and I got to move fast. I mean, I got a car. I got a gun leg. That's new. That's exciting. How can I help?
Starting point is 01:06:37 Well, there's two. The biggest thing we need to do is we need to stack up on this vulnerability with Casey Parazzo out of the way. It means that they're hurting for some muscle. I mean, Tony still has the twins, the older brothers and sisters, but we got to make it hurt. And I know how to make it hurt with his younger brother, Luciana. I think the thing I want you to do is find Luciana Parazzo
Starting point is 01:07:13 and bring him back to the Viper Bar. We can absolutely make that happen. That is not a problem at all. We're going to need some help, though. I hate for you to go alone. I got a couple of folks who are supposed to be coming back with a particular item that's going to help us further along the way. And I'll let you know about that a little bit later when you get me Luciana.
Starting point is 01:07:47 Of course. Go back to Reno as well. Find a shitty looking ship in the Buford terminal called Shippy. You'll find the crew. Shippy. I didn't name the ship. You'll figure out soon enough why. It's more of a surprise for you.
Starting point is 01:08:15 I mean, Shippy is awfully close to shitty, but... I mean, it's a shitty ship. It's not going to lie. I've seen better. I've probably seen worse. So... Bring back Luciana Parazzo and we'll talk. Do you want him dead or alive?
Starting point is 01:08:41 I would prefer him alive. Leverage is better when they're alive. Fair enough. Some people have preferences, and I mean, I just wanted to check in. He'll be dead sooner or later, but for now, life. Alright. We'll grab him. The person you should be looking for is a person named Lady.
Starting point is 01:09:09 He'll be the kind of person to talk to of the three. You'll find out why. Oh, alright. They're really a quiet taste, but... One of the decent renegades around here. Alright. I can definitely thank you for your kindness and your hospitality, and your bouncer out there is doing a great job.
Starting point is 01:09:39 It's been hard. With Casey dead, there's a lot of heat going around, and I'm definitely a target, so better keep things safe. Sorry for the trouble. No, it's all good. Again, my mind is still out in outer space, so we're taking space out to a whole new level. Well, I would get your feet on the ground,
Starting point is 01:10:08 because it's not going to be an easy thing for you to do. Alright? Alright. Kind of motions you to get out of here. Yes. Do I owe you anything for the shots? You can owe me it back when you give me Luciana Parasa. Okay, great.
Starting point is 01:10:25 I just... I want to make sure my debts are paid. Alright. And if you could, don't come back with that shit of a sedan. We don't do sedans here, the Reno Snakes. I'll get you a proper bike. Oh, that works too. I'll take a bike.
Starting point is 01:10:43 Cool. So you're heading back to town? Yeah, I'm heading back to town. Meanwhile, our three intrepid souls, you roll back into Reno 12, and you notice that at the roads that kind of lead into town, there's been a random toll booth, or that's been kind of set up
Starting point is 01:11:04 by what looks like some Paraso goons. Ponte, you roll up to it and stop. Just look out. And this burly, old-ish guy, he's got to be at his mid-40s, like, overweight, just sweating in the heat. He just kind of leans down. He's like, ah, just the pooch I've been looking for.
Starting point is 01:11:27 Do I know him? Do I know their name? You know him as Rocco. He's one of the bigger enforcers in the hierarchy of the Paraso family enforcers. Rocco, me get high score, and I reference to the very bloody bumper of Jesus. Oh, yeah, look at that high score.
Starting point is 01:11:50 Oh, he's still somebody's face, like, scrammed in it. That's real nice there, dog. It's real nice. The boss is looking for you at the High Roller Casino while three of you. You mind stopping by there for a second? Yeah, we got some business to tend to. You think we could take care of that first and then go see him?
Starting point is 01:12:11 Well, I'd hate to keep the boss waiting. Oh, won't be for more than a second. Well, you can see, well, Ponce has been busy this morning. We got to make sure the heat's off. We don't want to bring none of that back to your boss. Well, I doubt anything that's shitting around in the back roads is going to cause us any problems. So I suggest you go see the boss as soon as possible,
Starting point is 01:12:36 like, as soon as possible. Right. ASAP. Yeah, you get it. He's learning how to spell. I like that. He's getting better at that. Yeah, he's a bright boy.
Starting point is 01:12:52 Well, good boy. Well, yeah, get out of here. What are you guys going to do? Are you guys going to go back to Shippey or are you guys going to go see the boss? The boss. We have a lot of money on us. Well, we have something of a lot of value.
Starting point is 01:13:12 We have something of value on you. Watch, I grabbed some coins. OK. Credits. OK. Yeah, and those were for Francine de Bois. Yeah, for the opposite person than the bad mobsters, Italian Americans.
Starting point is 01:13:30 Yeah. What do you guys think? I think we should go see the boss first. All right. Because they might give us a better offer and I'm totally down to flip this watch for more money. Oh, shit, OK.
Starting point is 01:13:50 All right. So you drive forward and you head to literally almost the center of Reno 12, this high-rise casino. It's literally probably the best-looking building. It's got retro-fitted lights. It's just a nice little oasis in the middle of a desert. And you go in and hanging to the left is the high-roller bar,
Starting point is 01:14:16 a nice fancy, very 1920-ish-looking bar with these nice wall mirrors, Jesus, and very brisk heads of statues and shit. And standing at the back of it is Tony Parazzo and about four of her goons and Luciano Parazzo, the youngest brother of the Parazzo family, who owns the high-roller bar. And he's kind of dressed in a way like a bar back.
Starting point is 01:14:50 He kind of likes to look the part when he's on shift. But Tony is sitting at one of the tables in the back and just waiting for you, kind of has both of hands together in anticipation. She's wearing like a power suit. She's got her, she's got long hair, but it's slicked back. You know, she's got like, you know, it just looks aggressive and not to be fucked with.
Starting point is 01:15:17 She's the owner of Reno 12 and most of the settler system that you guys orbit. And you know that for a long time she's been trying to get total control over the town as she buys up various buildings and other storefronts slowly increasing her power. And she looks at you. Oh, do you want to do something?
Starting point is 01:15:41 I was just going to say that as we're kind of walking up punches, generally friendly demeanor, you know, kind of quickly starts to change. His shoulders kind of rise up to his ears or to his head and he gets a little bit closer to stokes, like almost kind of protectively. He's got this dog like rope, like this, like it's almost like a billy club size.
Starting point is 01:16:04 And he's just kind of got it in his hand and he's clearly like running it around in his hand, like nervously, but he's suddenly a lot less friendly as they enter the den. And as you guys kind of approach, Tony kind of speaks up and she's like, well, look, well, looky here, boys. Isn't it nice to have such well-fined neutral party members
Starting point is 01:16:27 here in Reno 12. So interested in the benefactors and benefiting everybody here, the Parazos, the snakes, anybody they can get their hands on. Ain't that right? And she looks at all of you. Well, Miss Parazo, we like mostly to keep to ourselves
Starting point is 01:16:48 as a group. I hope that doesn't mean that we've offended you by our neutrality. How could I offend you? You guys are friends of Gugush. I love Gugush. Yeah. By the way, where is Gugush?
Starting point is 01:17:03 She's been on vacation. Yes. As of late, she's been away on business off-planet. She's not going to be at the party? Probably not. Maybe she's just resting up. We don't want to have her burn out. You can never really tell.
Starting point is 01:17:24 With her, she promises to be at each performance she throws. So I imagine you're in for a surprise if you stick around. She is quite the promise and quite the get. I wouldn't count her out. As long as I've been working for her as short as it's been, she's always kept a promise. Punch just blurts out. Gugush sleep on shipy.
Starting point is 01:17:47 That's when she needs a place to go. She's got a room on the ship. Yeah. Punch is saying she's got to come back sometime. She lives there. She knows where home is. That's what we're saying. Gugush.
Starting point is 01:18:05 I'm sure that's the main draw for your interaction with our entertainment business. I was hoping to see Gugush, especially if you guys are hosting such a party. Me can show you Gugush. Oh. We could, I mean, basically what we've been saying, we'll stay tuned.
Starting point is 01:18:27 We don't want to spoil anything. Yeah. We're just getting things ready in her stead because she's a very important business person. We want to make sure that the back of house is run. You know, Gugush is up front. It's really me running things out back. You know, I'm the ugly face they put on the party preparation.
Starting point is 01:18:44 Mean lady. Yeah. Well, who are you pointing at? Oh, me. It's confusing. Fair. Good. Good.
Starting point is 01:18:57 We got to be very clear about that. I'm the mean lady. That's a nice lady, right? That's nice. That's nice. Very nice. So you guys wouldn't happen to know what has happened over the last evening then being so neutral and.
Starting point is 01:19:14 Out of everybody's pockets and hands. Eli, would we have heard about this whole. Is this. Yeah. Casey going down. No. You wouldn't have. You left early in our earlier in the day.
Starting point is 01:19:30 Before work got out. Yeah. Well, I don't rightly know. We were on some business in orbit. So we haven't been around for whatever the hot gosses. We're not really. It's interesting. I haven't seen.
Starting point is 01:19:45 I haven't seen your ship leave or leave the terminal. It's a matter of speaking orbit about the planet. We've been traveling today. We missed whatever is happening to. That's a very convenient story. We'll ship with wheels. Yeah. There you go.
Starting point is 01:20:07 I know about. My brother's death. No. And as she says that like you see like the other goons kind of. Take a step up like get out of their seats a little bit. All right. All right. All right.
Starting point is 01:20:25 We don't need it. Come on. You ask us here on account of this meeting you're excited to be a part of our revelry and see what Stokes is all about. You're going to step to us like we killed you. You know damn well if we would have done that would have been a lot louder. Look at us.
Starting point is 01:20:42 You think us the conspicuous type. Well if you don't know it if you didn't do it who would. Have the balls. I don't want to ask basic questions but do you have any enemies. Yeah. Maybe a whole Dana snakes. I don't know. Do you have any DJ.
Starting point is 01:21:00 As far as I know you can work a day in any job. Very very funny. Yes. I do. But I know I know them. I know where they go and I know their names. DJ me good shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:17 Yeah. With all due respect we are in your place. We're trying to play by your manners but please watch your words around my DJ. Thank you. Are you threatening me. I'm not threatening. I'm promising.
Starting point is 01:21:32 Now you know we've done right by you so far. We haven't done nothing to step into your ring. Don't make us. Roll a roll a grit for me. Please don't we can't fight again. Yeah. Is this a normal great what kind of great is this. We're good.
Starting point is 01:21:52 True great. Not an attack. You're not you're not attacking. Okay. Does my gambit come into this. I'm intimidating. I'm going to use that and get wherever I can. But is she intimidated.
Starting point is 01:22:06 Yes that's very true. I know that against what is against the odds do exactly. Against the odds is essentially so it's essentially technically what advantages and disadvantages are. So when you roll with the upper hand you would get an extra dice and you take the highest two. But against the odds you roll three and you take the lowest two. So against the odds is disadvantage essentially.
Starting point is 01:22:30 Yes essentially. Okay. Got it. For this one you will roll straight progress not intimidated by you in eight. Okay. Good. By the way thanks to dungeon glitch into a mirrored on who just
Starting point is 01:22:45 gave us a bunch of subscription here one subs. Thank you guys. Thank you. She takes your words and takes a nod kind of like snaps her fingers and everybody settles down. Take it easy. I believe you. I want to believe you.
Starting point is 01:23:08 Good. Want to. I need you to do something for me. On top of the other stuff you need to do. Yeah. God damn. A vagabond rolled into town today. Goes by the name of Oh.
Starting point is 01:23:30 A little weed in the grass. I need to be taken care of before it gets out of hand and grows and flourishes. Bring them back to me. I need a word with them. This is just an escort. We're not to send any message. We're not breaking bones.
Starting point is 01:23:50 Breaking bones means getting them back here. I don't care how you do it. Just do it. But they need to be alive. Right. Alive. I think it's a very coincidental that somebody would roll into town like that.
Starting point is 01:24:06 Don't you. I don't know. Everybody comes to arena. Oh. Oh. Oh, Pontius starts saying, oh, like over and over again. Oh, Romeo. Oh, oh, oh.
Starting point is 01:24:23 Consider it an act of good faith that you aren't involved. And in exchange, you, we just get your belief. Is that what it sounds like? You can't imagine how much belief gets by here. Is there a direct sort of currency exchange rate for belief to credits? A bullet is a straightforward currency, don't you think? Understood. Thank you very much.
Starting point is 01:24:52 Yes, ma'am. I think that makes perfect sense. Do it quickly. I'd hate to start a party with unsavory guests. No, no, we got to make sure that the party goes off without a hitch. I mean, consider it done. Oh, person brought in. We can do that.
Starting point is 01:25:10 Right. Have a good day then. Yeah. You got any idea where we find them? I got what they look like and show you a photo of what O looks like from a like a CCTV image. Oh, shit. They fit right in. All three of you wrote me observation checks as we leave.
Starting point is 01:25:42 And 11, 7, 6. Lady, during the whole transaction as you were talking to Tony Parazzo, you saw Luciano kind of just within your peripherals, but you were kind of noticing throughout the transaction. Luciano seems a little uneasy, especially when it came to talking about the death of their brother, Casey, and he seems a little agitated and easy. And then as soon as you guys like leave or like walking out, you notice him go to like the back area of the bar and just kind of strut out and rush out. But the process throw you out of the high roller bar back to your car. And I think that's a good time to take a quick like five, 10 minute break. Okay. So we'll be back in 10 minutes.
Starting point is 01:26:37 We'll see you soon. Oh, hey, welcome back to 105MDRP as we continue on our tale of orbital blues. As we left off, Amber O was given a task to find a ship down back at the terminal called Shibby. And so you take your sedan and you hit the drive and you make it all the way back there. When you park your car, you start kind of going through the various terminal ports and stuff and you eventually find this raggedy ship. You can see that Shibby is crudely painted on the side out of made out of like the original label of shipping. If you take more than a second, you can clearly see that it says conglomerate shipping, but all that's been scraped off except the S-H-I-P-P-I part. The remnants are still there.
Starting point is 01:27:44 And it's, you know, give it a hard look, you know, it's kind of been worse for wear. But, you know, we got it. At one point we have to release the other names we almost called it. I have the list. I have the list. We will, we will, we will. Well, yeah. I mean, from the outside and the exterior, it doesn't look like anybody's around.
Starting point is 01:28:08 But what do you want to do? I, I definitely, for some reason, life is a highway is going through my brain as I'm walking around looking at this thing. But like specifically the rascal flats version from cars. You didn't even specify which, are there other songs? Yeah. Yes, there are multiple. That song was a cover. But yeah, so specifically, yeah, so, yeah, I'm like approaching shipy and like, I just, I always feel like I have to almost to ground myself, like touch whatever I'm, you know, I'm about to enter
Starting point is 01:28:56 be it a ship or a car. And my hands along the side of shipy and kind of like, maybe some like rusted off bits of paint flake off under the fingers. I'm like, all right, well, this is, this is she. Well, can I find like a door? Is there a door? Roll me an observation check. All right. Hello, that's an 11.
Starting point is 01:29:33 Beautiful. Yeah, it doesn't take you long. I mean, you've seen liner, you've seen ships like that, they're pretty much most ships are the same. So you're just kind of looking for the mechanism that will like open it. Most ships would have some type of password, but you just kind of push the first four buttons. One, two, three, four, and you just hear a click of beep and it just opens. You can just see like where one, two, three and four are like worn off more on the button. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:02 Like the scratch, yeah, there's weird scratches on it that like you don't expect scratches like that to be on it. Yeah. But yeah, yeah, the, the, the bay door lowers to the cargo area of the ship. You're going to go inside. I before growing inside a yellow. Hello. Is anybody there is lady here? You like yell it and you can kind of hear yourself echoing through lady, lady, lady.
Starting point is 01:30:39 You get a sense that nobody's here. Well, all right. Well, someone's bound to show up this sack of John Casablan somebody rude. Okay, you're going to go inside. You're going to just wait outside. I'm going to, I'm going to wait outside. I don't necessarily think it's of. I remember when, I mean, it's flashing back to me of, of the memory of the, you know, our, the invasion of our ship.
Starting point is 01:31:13 And I don't want to do that to somebody else. So, all right. With the bay door open, you kind of did like kick some of the dirt and kind of just sit down, take a blues as you contemplate that. Um, yeah. So you kind of light a cigarette and just let the smoke kind of just wait. Yeah. It's, it's kind of like, you know, when like, you know, dads, you know, hang out in front of garages, you know, waiting for their buds to show up. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:47 You know, the thing dads do. Shout out to the dads watching. Damn straight. All right. So as you, you kind of wait, the, the rest of you are leaving the high roller bar and kicked out of the casino back to the street. Hey, did you two clock that and sit in there? You guys see what was going on there? Clock clock clock clock.
Starting point is 01:32:16 And I'm pointing at the wristwatch. Yeah. That's good pause. Good job. Luciano, you see how fidgety you got. I mean, I figured it was just because of his brother. Well, no, you felt something else. Well, yeah, you left as soon as it was done, like learn something like, I don't know, like you knew something.
Starting point is 01:32:37 Ponce, you smell anything on them. You got that sniff, huh? Smell like, uh, like, like cologne. Good Ponce. So yeah, that's what I was looking for there. Meanly, so it's mean lady get high score on feelings about this guy. Yeah. High score on a few, I mean the highest.
Starting point is 01:33:00 I think we ought to go around the corner here, see if we can follow through and I don't know, maybe do some reconnaissance. Try and see where he's going. I think he's up to something. I always knew when somebody was in the crew was stepping down a line. I was sort of my job and Lucy's taking a step point this way, boy. I'm just going to see if I can come around the corner, see if I can catch what he's doing. We'll be an observation check at upper hand. Also, Caleb, take a blues since you're remembering a time long ago.
Starting point is 01:33:41 I've fallen into old routines. You're just going to casually say that. Stand by, I'm just fixing something real quick with roll 20. Okay, here we go. Rolling observation at the upper hand. Oh my God. Well, wait, wait, wait, I'm rolling for the ship. Never mind.
Starting point is 01:34:01 Not the ship. Observation, observation, upper hand. Here we go. A nine. That's much better. You like lady points you in a direction and you kind of just like instinctually like sniff because you you smelled Luciano's cologne. He wears a little thicker than he should. And you kind of like take a moment because it's really dusty and stuff like that.
Starting point is 01:34:28 But eventually you get just like a tickle of the smell and you go and you walk all the way like all the way around to where probably the back like area of the bar would have. Then like the back like going into like an alleyway. And you don't see Luciano, but the smell has gotten stronger and it seems like he's come out of this door and headed down the alley further somewhere in a different direction. That away. Point in the direction. Okay. Yeah, I think I'm going to follow Paunch's nose. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:03 What, what do you guys say we get a look at whatever it is he's doing or do we give up the trial? Just a quick look that we can we can do a quick look. Yeah. Yeah, we can do a quick look because it's a hole in your shoulder. Yeah, let's make an agreement now that we're not going to kill anybody when we get there. Yeah. No high score on killing. Got it.
Starting point is 01:35:24 You good. Good. Good punch. All right. Lead the way though. I will definitely try to get as close as I can to the scent of this man. So you go around the side of the alley and you you're the scent is getting stronger to the point where like you guys have caught up enough where you you can at least see Luciano
Starting point is 01:35:45 in the distance. You know what he kind of looks like. He's walking down the strip because you know the heart of the high roller casino and stuff like that is in the middle of the strip. So he's walking just down the street casually or in a not like casually in an awkward way. You know, like he's trying to be fast, but he's also trying to draw attention to himself. It's obvious that he's like trying to get somewhere inconspicuously bored. Just say that to the two of them.
Starting point is 01:36:19 Yeah. You done with this punch? You don't think this is anything? He's not doing anything. He's walking. He is walking. You're right about that. He's going somewhere.
Starting point is 01:36:28 Yeah. As he gets to the almost to the end of the street, he goes into what looks to be like a gold shop or a pawn shop. He kind of looks around enough. Doesn't seem to clock you guys as he scurries inside this gold shop. All right. Who among us looks the most inconspicuous? Looks at all three of you.
Starting point is 01:37:01 Well, maybe punch you out of going there. You're kind of short to the ground. You're quick, huh? You think you could watch what he's doing in there, huh? Yeah. Me watch. Yeah. You get the high score on watching.
Starting point is 01:37:12 Okay. Just don't get caught. Okay. Me get high score and watch. And you take some notes. Okay. Spice a man. Notes.
Starting point is 01:37:22 Just pay attention. Pay attention to what he's doing. Okay. Yeah. Quick two scritches behind the ear. Go ahead. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:37:35 I'll walk in and I'll try to mimic the way Leslie walks into a room where he walks in. Then he just kind of stands in the doorway for a bit. What's going on in this pawn shop? So once again, you just kick open a door. Like you like staunched out, like trying to look like a cowboy. Like me lately. But what you see is like it's not even like a big like building. It's like literally like you got one glass like counter on one side, one glass counter
Starting point is 01:38:09 on the other that kind of wraps around. And that's it. Like there's a tiny door that looks like it will lead somewhere in the back. But at the end of that thing is just this old jeweler man who's like got like those glasses with the multiple lenses in and he's trying to like tinker with a piece of jewelry and like set some gold. And where is this Paraso that we've been following? What are they?
Starting point is 01:38:32 As you looked, as you looked in there, you don't see Luciano Paraso. You just see the old man tinkering with the, with the jewelry. Well, punch is reciting in his head, get high score on watch. And he looks down and he sees he has a wristwatch. He's going to go up to the counter and he's going to go watch and just present it to the to the pawn shop owner. Oh no. Oh no.
Starting point is 01:39:03 Can we see this? Can we see this? No, you guys didn't go in. You guys are outside. So yeah, see the old, the old man all of a sudden like, like looks up and like you see this eyes are just like giant because of just how many lenses he has like in front of his eyes. And he looks at you and he's like, you see him blink because he just, he doesn't even
Starting point is 01:39:27 know what the fuck he's looking at. He's looking at you. And then he looks down at the watch and he's like, oh, and then he kind of like leans forward. He kind of like grabs your arm and tries to inspect it a little bit. While he's inspecting it, do I like if I just like look around behind him, does there seem to be like a door open or any activity that I might notice? Roll me a observation check. Okay.
Starting point is 01:39:52 A straight observation. Straight observation. Here we go. Nine. Nice. Um, you're like trying to listen in like you're trying to smell like for the Cologne, but there's like, he's got like jewelry chemicals out. So it's kind of hard for you to smell it.
Starting point is 01:40:08 But you have very good ears as well as a good sense of smell. And while there's a door closed right behind him that would lead to like maybe a back room area, you do hear clattering and clamoring like someone's quickly moving in the background in the back. Yeah. What do I want to do? Um, okay. Punch will, I think that punch is going to go through with the transaction.
Starting point is 01:40:45 If the guy like offers him something. Oh, well, I mean, okay. What does he offer? Punch. The old man is like, like looking at it and just trying to examine the whole thing. Like it's got, you know, the face itself is made out of like pure gold, like made out of gold. There's some nice little inlays and stuff.
Starting point is 01:41:09 And there's a little level of detail, but the band itself is made out of like leather and it's kind of worn. So it's not necessarily the best looking thing. So he looks at you and says, why don't I give you a, I sell you that for 20 credits. 20 credits. 500 credits. My boy. I don't think you understand what money is 500 credits.
Starting point is 01:41:37 That's preposterously insane for me, consult my constituents and I'm just going to walk out the pawn shop and return to, uh, to lady and, and DJ and say, he want 500 for the, for watch or he wants 20 for watch. What? What do you mean? Why are you selling? Why are you selling the watch? We're not selling the watch.
Starting point is 01:42:02 We are doing to give the watch to them. Oh, me want high score on what should. Oh, well, fuck that's on me for communication on my part. Right. Perot, perazo in there. Me hear him. Yeah. He's in the back room.
Starting point is 01:42:20 What? You think he's sticking around for a while? Maybe he wanted by watch. We're not going to sit on the watch. All right. All right. We know where he is. We know he's coming here for something.
Starting point is 01:42:33 Maybe we can come back if we need this info or maybe we sell it on over to the vipers. We got information we can use. Ponce, you did the best job and I am so goddamn happy you did not sell that thing. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. High score. Ladies going to reach into his belt off the side and take out some like scratch pad that
Starting point is 01:42:58 he uses to keep numbers and write down his little thoughts and goes to a brand new scrap of paper. He's going to write 1000 punch points. Nice. And take it out of the notepad and give it to him. Now you did good. You keep that. Okay.
Starting point is 01:43:12 This, you know, he's been kind of trying to run. He's really trying to remember people's names. So he's been saying, Oh, in his head a lot. And then he starts seeing it to this tune of Jimmy world sweetness. Oh, yes, yes, yes, yes. So where are you guys headed now? You've clocked where Luciana might be. What do you want to do?
Starting point is 01:43:36 What are you guys saying? What are we doing? Well, maybe we go back to home base. Shippy, we try and figure out who we can call about tracking down this old person. That feels right. We like Shippy. Be right back. So it sounds like we're heading to Shippy.
Starting point is 01:43:55 Yes. So, yeah. So you clock where Luciana is. You guys walk all the way back from the script to the strip back to the casino where you parked your car. You get in. Oh, dear ladies, dear ladies, Charlotte. And you guys head back home to Shippy.
Starting point is 01:44:16 You're spent a day probably getting hotter now. It's probably maybe I'd say four or five o'clock. So the sun's really setting that heat in and you kind of really feeling it. But you pull up and you and punch you can see, because you know the ship well enough to in the distance that the Bay door is open. Oh, hell no. And you see like a small person sitting at the edge of the Bay door. Shippy being disassembled and I'll probably like jump out the car and race over to see
Starting point is 01:44:47 what's going on. Yeah, I'm going to rack that shotgun and climb out the side there. Yeah. Oh, you you're just sitting there and eventually you see like this like beat up burgundy brick red looking El Camino chugging towards your car and out comes this anthropomorphic dog person who's just yelling at you. He like stops halfway and is just like growling at you. Hey, hey, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:45:19 I don't mean no harm. I'm just looking for the people who run this ship. I'm looking for lady. Well, you just go opening somebody's ship without their permission. You looking to get killed. Well, name business occupation. My name is Oh Bridges. Oh, you got to be fucking.
Starting point is 01:45:42 Wow. Oh, wow. I'm just like pointing and stun that that's Oh, how many points is that worth? Yeah, I don't fucking know. Okay. Just sit there. I got to think. Well, yeah, I prefer to sit.
Starting point is 01:46:02 It's a lot of hard. Well, I don't know if y'all are going to kill me. Or not. I just had a shotgun in my face. So maybe I should go. Yeah, punch like already recognizes you as a friend and like comes over and like starts kind of like hugging your leg. Yeah, I'll sling the shotgun back to my holster.
Starting point is 01:46:22 Am I allowed to pet you? Is that weird? No pets. Okay. No pets. Pets. Pets. Pets.
Starting point is 01:46:30 Pets. Pets. Exclamation port. Okay. Let me make a funny. Okay. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 01:46:38 So, yeah, I like give good scritches behind the ears like right in those like ear sockets right there. Like, but as the other two were walking up, I say to you quietly, you am good boy or bad boy? Lay it out right now. Lay it out right now. Am am good boy. Me am good boy.
Starting point is 01:47:00 Me am good boy. Okay. Spicy man 49852. Fabulous. We just call him punch. Yeah, he seems like a punch. Yeah. I'm so sorry.
Starting point is 01:47:17 I couldn't find like no one seemed to be here. I, you know, knocked out the door and then I, you know, wanted to, I didn't go inside. I just, I should have closed the door. I'm sorry. Yeah. Future tense. That, that gets you killed on Reno. That gets you killed everywhere.
Starting point is 01:47:34 I've seen people kill for less. We did that a couple hours ago. Get in the fucking ship. Let's talk. All right. You did that a couple hours ago and yet you're still alive. Hold on. There's some contradictions going on here.
Starting point is 01:47:48 Just point to the front of the truck with all the blood and the air. Yeah. Chippy and Poncho kind of like happily run back into the ship. Why did you guys describe to Amber what she looks like currently on the inside as you guys have been? Well, it's like a big shipping ship. So it's very open. Like a, like if it was a big hall and looks like it's been retrofitted, like if it's like
Starting point is 01:48:18 a, like a party barge almost, you know what I mean? Ooh. Definitely some, some art and like some stuff to make it feel like a party. For as ugly as the outside is, the inside looks like it's been like had a lot of money thrown at it to look nice. A facelifted John's incredible pizza. Yeah. If they clear, they try to build their own booth.
Starting point is 01:48:47 Yeah. Well, I'm sorry to roll up on your, on your turf here. I just, um, I was just over at the Viper bar, the Viper room, and they sent me out here looking for y'all to see if we can find Luciano Palazzo Braco and bring him back. You're a Viper? I, not officially. No. No.
Starting point is 01:49:22 Uh, I enter. Well, I'm going to Braco's took out. Well, I mean, cannot trust y'all. I'm going to shut the bagelers and lock them. Yeah, you can trust us. I mean, you can make a savvy check. Yeah, actually, I'll do a savvy check because I don't know if I can trust. Roll savvy check.
Starting point is 01:49:48 Never lie. Oh, we got a 10. Does anybody want to contest that with a grit? Or a savvy to appear untrustworthy or, or to pre appear trustworthy. Oh, yeah. I'll try for a great. Yeah. I won't look up here though.
Starting point is 01:50:11 Yeah. No, I got an eight. And this will be as, as Stokes brings them a glass of water. Oh, thank you kindly. You get a sense of hospitality from that, right? That puts you at ease. But as soon as lady shuts the doors of the cargo bag and now you realize that there is no clear exit for you.
Starting point is 01:50:35 You get a sense that there's something potentially up. It really just feels like lady sings the blues goes through my head. Yeah. And, and it just is my ice squint for just a moment. But as I take a sip of the water, I say, well, y'all. Basically, the, the process took out my entire took out my entire previous crew. Hmm. It just, just a big old mutiny, betrayal, heartbreak, you know, every story ever told,
Starting point is 01:51:22 you know, but you never hurt your family. They hurt your family. More than hurt my family punch. They disassemble your family. They disassembled my family. I think it was the kindest way of putting it. Uh, they broke my family. Broke.
Starting point is 01:51:51 So, yeah, I, so basically all that, all that to say, I need to find Luciano Pirazzo, take him back to the Viper Park, I mean, the Viper room. And then whatever Francesca wants to do to him, that's fine. She can do, I just, I want to get back at him. And they asked you to find us to help you do that. Yeah. They said you had some kind of like watch or device or something to make it that that could help.
Starting point is 01:52:30 I don't know. I don't know. Watch. I'll show it on my wrist. Amber, will me, uh, will me a savvy check as Pawn shows you the watch. Thanks to Parker Woodley, who subscribed to us for 12 months. Welcome. Wow.
Starting point is 01:52:50 Yeah. That's awesome. A full year. Good Lord. That's amazing. Um, yeah, I rolled a nine. Um, as you, as Pawn shows you, um, the band, you clock that it's not just a typical watch that there's something a little bit more to it.
Starting point is 01:53:10 Hey, Pawn, do you mind if I take a look at that? Okay. I can hold your paw. 600 credits. I can squish your toe beans. Okay. Sorry. You look and I'll just kind of like show it.
Starting point is 01:53:31 Yeah. What do I notice? You notice that like the inlay in it has is a little unique and it looks like an electronic device that's set inside this watch. You're not quite sure what it is, but it seems like something much more valuable than a, than a watch. You know what that's for? Do I know what that's for?
Starting point is 01:53:59 You kind of, you've seen criminals use it. You've seen people in the outlaws and stuff like that. You're not quite sure exactly what it is, but you have a hankering that it's just, it could do something. Besides tell the time. Well, Pawn, you're a very good boy for getting this watch. Thank you. You're welcome.
Starting point is 01:54:24 But I'm sorry. I don't think I actually caught everyone's names can. Oh, I'm, I'm Stokes. Rebel Stokes. Just call me Stokes. Okay. Yeah. Pawn should introduce himself like immediately.
Starting point is 01:54:42 Spicy man. Yeah. I'm Leslie, but everybody calls me lady. Perfect. Thank you. Stokes lady Pawn. Thank you for letting me share. I'm sorry to just barge in like this.
Starting point is 01:55:00 It's, it's been a rough. You know, those blues, they really settle right into your bones, you know, replace the marrow. Damn. No. Pawn is like going to like nuzzle his head under your arm. Like he's really feeling bad for you. Take a blues and everybody blues.
Starting point is 01:55:24 Yeah. Yeah. Cause this has been a tale. 2D6, right? 2D6, no mods. Oh wait, 2D6 and your grit. Absolutely. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:55:35 2D. Yeah. 2D6. I gained a blues. I'm good. Oh wait. 2D6 plus my, my grit. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:55:44 Plus your grit. No, no. You, you, you take a, you take a blues cause you're, you're dabbling in your troubles. But everybody else. So yeah. Pawn, you like Pawn's and Leslie, like something about that just resonates with you. Like, and you feel like this wave of sadness. You, especially the Leslie, like, you know, you, you've been a rough and tumble kind of
Starting point is 01:56:06 guy. You've, you've done bad deeds too. And you've also had to witness the fallout of that and you're witnessing it right there and Pawn's, you know, you've come to love the family you've gotten and they give you the good times and the high scores. And you hate to think that that could just end. And her story reminds me of the good boys I left behind. And the good boys you left behind.
Starting point is 01:56:31 Yeah. So true. Oh. So you're a ganger on the run. You left, you were running. Well, I guess you could say I'm left behind. Who'd you use to run with? Well, hold on.
Starting point is 01:56:53 It's, it's hard to say, you know, it just brings it back all the memories. But I mean, the seventh son was the name of our ship. Does that strike anything for me? Yes, you being in the Zenith group would have heard of various outlaw ships that patrolled in this part of the sector. The seventh sons was run under the captain of King Lee, Wesley Kingsley. And you have met some of the members of the seventh son here on Reno 12, specifically a man named Tango Fontaine.
Starting point is 01:57:36 You ran with Fontaine's group. You could say ran with Fontaine. All right. So you came back, you, you're thinking you're just going to Mosey and to this, you're going to Reno 12, find Luciano, put a bit in his chest, and then climb the top to Tony. You're just going to take out every peg in the machine? Well, I mean, sometimes you have these cinematic and beautiful, you know,
Starting point is 01:58:11 revenge plots when you're sitting in bed waiting for your surgery to end, or you're, you don't cover from your surgery. I don't think that's necessarily what's actually going to happen, but it did feel nice to pretend that it was going to happen. You know? Yeah. Oh, do you mind giving us a chance to speak to each other, just the three of us real quick? Absolutely.
Starting point is 01:58:43 I can leave. No, no, that's fine. Just go enjoy the refreshments. I'm going to point over to where the DJ strobe lights are still going in the corner. Those are the refreshments. You can turn on immediate, yeah, the whole time. And then I'll call a group huddle to us over the, you know what? Let's go talk in G's room.
Starting point is 01:59:07 I just like sadly do like the backpack kid dance. I'm just kidding. Don't punch treats on you very sensitively. It's like me be right back. Okay. And I therapy dog therapy dog. Yeah. So I guess we step into that freezing cold room and shut the door behind us.
Starting point is 01:59:39 Before you, before you guys get into it, Amber, are you going to stay put? Yeah, I'm going to stay put. Okay. Cool. She probably like sees the or O'Neill sees the door open. There's like this gust of like cold air that comes out of like fog machine. Yeah. Like you're in a hot park because like it's like technically like the cargo room.
Starting point is 02:00:00 So it's not really a seat here. So it's a little warm. Well, it's, it's the perfect spot to have like a flashlight rave. That's what I stay every day. I still don't understand what that is. Oh, they're pretty cool person. Yeah. Good shit.
Starting point is 02:00:22 I mean, it doesn't matter, right? We're just going to turn them in. We turn you know, isn't that what we were asked to do? I don't know. I kind of like the kid. I know, I know, but listen, I don't know. When you get into a situation like that and your face will losing everything you knew, you get crazy dreams like taking down a whole gang.
Starting point is 02:00:50 I understand it. I mean, we are in a good position for what they're trying to do. And we're working with these two groups regardless, aren't we? Viper's bad boys and Parazzo bad boys. So punch gets it. I get it. But this is just a wild thing to just decide to do. We're talking about being a double agent.
Starting point is 02:01:15 So what we can take Reno? What are we, what are we, what are we lying for? Well, we have been pushed around by these people since God damn second one since the Cortech came together. We got two groups thinking they can tell us how we live. I am sick of being given orders, aren't you? I mean, yeah, I hate it. But it just feels, I didn't wake up today thinking I'm, we're all going to take the throne. And that just feels like maybe we should let it sit for more than the time it takes for us to huddle up and decide.
Starting point is 02:01:49 Paunch puts his hand like on Stokes' kind of arm because he can't reach her shoulders. It's just the elbow. Yeah, yeah. She's like, Cortech meant to fly, not walk. Shipping meant to fly. It's beautiful. I mean, I can't argue with that logic. Well, we still got to ask our fourth.
Starting point is 02:02:18 I won't reveal that, but we're going to ask our fourth. But you guys, we're okay with taking this kid in. Yeah. As long as Googooches. If she judges my shit, I'm a killer. That's, I hope that that's clear. And then I think we go back into the lobby, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:02:41 I was just sitting there. They're just having the time of their life waiting. It's gotten to a point where though it's been a couple of minutes, so you're starting to get a little concerned. But you're just vibing. She come back. We were about to have a feline visitor, but we changed this one. So, yeah. Well, yeah, it's just like, listen, I've been spending a lot of time the past however long to, you know, just sitting around and waiting.
Starting point is 02:03:21 I've just gotten used to it, got accustomed to it. So, yeah, when they come in, I'm just like, all right, well, I know that this is a lot to handle, but, you know, if you decided no, I get it. Are you in with the Vipers? Is that your crew? Are you deciding you're going to run off with those? Or are you open for business? I'm open for business. Okay.
Starting point is 02:03:56 I have no allegiances. We run a party service. We call ourselves the Cortech. Okay. We're going to take this barge out in a couple of days with two of the most important families in this fucking dump, one of them being the people you're trying to mark. It's going to be big party. Like a literal party? A literal party.
Starting point is 02:04:21 Wait, that rules. That rules so hard. They're all going to be here on Shippy. At least some of the most important players. Now you could go out, you could get Luciano, you could throw them at the Vipers den, you could say bully and wait for the next order. Wait for them to tell you how your revenge should go. Or you could throw in with us. We decided we like you.
Starting point is 02:04:50 Ponch seems to love you and he's got a good intuition about people. And we could take a run at the Parazos together. With the Express understanding that then we turn and we tell the Vipers to fuck off too. Reno 12 has been controlled by land barons for too fucking long. I am sick of somebody with some fucking animal's name and an icon on their denim jacket telling us that we get to live a certain life. If you don't want that, I'm going to kill you. But if you say yes, you're with us. I mean, I've been to the brink of death and back.
Starting point is 02:05:29 I would rather not be there again so soon. So I, yeah, I just, I don't want to be sold out again. I don't want to give my whole self out again, only to have it literally cost an arm and a leg. Well, oh, I threw my entire life away to decide living for myself. I don't have any intentions of selling you out. I appreciate that. I 100% had intentions of that, but my friends have convinced me otherwise. Well, I appreciate the honesty.
Starting point is 02:06:12 That is actually very, I respect that. Ponch is, Ponch is going to come over to you and say, Ponch, escape conglomo and leave good boys behind for new family. And maybe you can be part of new family. That's Amber saying that. We need fourth member of quartet, right? And I look to the others like, right? We're missing one.
Starting point is 02:06:45 Yeah, yeah. There's always been four, right? We've never actually lost one, have never been without. There's never been three. There's always been four, but it would be. Since Gagush is on vacation, we might as well get some of their sub in while they're resting. Sleepy. And if you're willing, sir, it'd be great.
Starting point is 02:07:02 Yeah. Well, thank you. That's very kind of you. I appreciate it. Yeah. Yeah. If you'll have me. I think it might, I got a gun for a leg if that helps.
Starting point is 02:07:15 Ooh. You got a bus? Yeah. I like roll up. I roll up and it looks like a foot and then you, uh, it's all, but it's like a gold foot and the whole leg is, hold on. My cat is trying to wait. I thought he was trying to like knock down this plant.
Starting point is 02:07:33 No, he's about to knock down this plant. And, and like, uh, I, you know, you bend, you like with the big toe, you like open the big toe and it's like a little pistol. It's, it's taking everything for Stokes not to just get like way too close to your legs and feet. Um, that's great. If you need any help, sort of just talking to the prosthetic really, but if you need any help with that, or if you just want someone to sort of get like a full look at that, you
Starting point is 02:08:13 just come see me about it. I'm sure it'll be maintenance, but you know, the, the upgrade was available to me during that surgery and I said, fuck it. That's a cool talking piece. It is. It is. That was a good call. Stokes is an artist with, with a wrench.
Starting point is 02:08:32 So if you ever need anything done, she's the one. I might have to take you up on that offer. Please do. Well, so we good. So we were good. I think we're good. So what are you going to do? I think we got some things on the table.
Starting point is 02:08:54 You said you were sent to get Luciano, huh? Yeah. So we just conveniently tracked them through Reno 12 to a pawn shop that punch found. We think he's doing something shady behind the bars. No kidding. Yeah. My, my guess is that we could take him and have that turned out of the way we were sent to collect you for the Parazos.
Starting point is 02:09:25 That was our whole conversation back there was on whether we were going to send you to die or bring you into the fold. Well, all right. It worked out. No, don't worry about it. Okay. All right. Yeah, man.
Starting point is 02:09:42 Laguna ciabatta. We're good. Laguna ciabatta. Yeah. Laguna ciabatta. Laguna ciabatta. Yeah. So my plan is if we, well, if we take this Luciano fellow and find out what the fuck
Starting point is 02:10:00 he's doing. We can take care of that for the snakes. And then we could do something about turning you into the, the Parazos. See if we can play something as a double agent there. Why not invite him to party? Hey, now that's, that's an idea. Luciano to the party. Makes sense.
Starting point is 02:10:24 They're going to be Parazo and Viper. Yeah. I think that's smart. Absolutely. Maybe I could, you know, I could go back to the Viper room and be like, Hey, there's, you know, we, I don't think I can bring him here, but it'd be a little sketch to bring him here at the, you know, he'll be at the party. I could let her know that if you can get him over there, you know.
Starting point is 02:10:53 Yeah. They can pick him up at the party. Drunk people get lost all the time. All the time. Yeah. They can get people into airlock me open airlock. Right. Well, shit.
Starting point is 02:11:05 Yeah. The Viper's picking up, but we might need that airlock thing for later. Yeah. Uh, so I think we should head on to that pawn shop. See what it is. Lucy's got in his pocket. So we have information. Vipers get their person and we got you in our pocket in case we need to pull one over
Starting point is 02:11:26 on the Parazo. Do we plan for this party to be tonight, tomorrow? What was the timeframe for it? You know that the party is going to be, um, not today, but the following day. Okay. Okay. So we, we got some time then. We wanted to do that.
Starting point is 02:11:46 Cool. You still do need to trade that watch for the. Oh yeah. That Francine Dubois promised you. So we have to meet up with the Viper's anyway, right? Supposed to. So we should go with O to the Viper's. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:12:04 Or we break off two and two and some of us go check out the Parazo. Francine Dubois did tell you, oh, that not to come back without Luciana. Oh shit. Yeah, you're right. So maybe we hit Lucy first, then the Viper's. We'd have to come with Luciana though. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:12:27 If we, well, yeah. They know that he reached out to us already. Okay. Yeah. If we take them during the party, like if the party gets real rowdy, we could maybe, maybe Jettison off like in an escape pot or something and like head to them while the party's happening. I don't know.
Starting point is 02:12:49 Is it distraction? Yeah. There's a chance that we could just put all of the goods in one shipping container and just have it almost shipped in two days to the Viper door. There's also this. Oh, that's interesting. This thought that if we give them Luciano now, when we get to our party, the Viper's are going to have something the Parazo's want.
Starting point is 02:13:11 If we can get both parties to have something against the other, we can get them to kill each other on our ship and we get to watch. And then during the fray, we can take whatever the fuck we want. That's, you want to watch? That's genius. I mean, it's a little violent. Listen, if we have to do this one final act of ultraviolence to release Reno 12 from whatever the fuck it is that they think they have control over, I'm okay with it.
Starting point is 02:13:42 I'm okay with marking every fucker in this ship if it means that people get to be free. Me too. But if they get high score on hurting Shippy, Pontch is going to be mad at you. Pontch, you know I would never let that happen to your shipping. Just think about Shippy. Of course. Shippy is the end all be all the most important part of Pontch's existence. Oh, gets it.
Starting point is 02:14:09 Oh, gets it. So you're heading back to the Pontchart. I think so, right? Yeah. So you're all going to get in the Alcamino. As far as cooler, I think there's more room in Ambers now. Because the sedan. Yeah, it's a sedan.
Starting point is 02:14:30 It's like a it's like a Dodge Neon 1995. Yeah. With like the with like the fucking like vapor wave striping inside, you know. Yeah. Pontch is going to struggle to get in that sedan. My mom's boyfriend definitely had one of those growing up. I'm looking at it now. We can't get in this car.
Starting point is 02:14:52 Okay. Hop in the back. So yeah, so who's driving the car? Who's going to be in the passenger seat and who's sitting in the back? Pontch driving. Pontch is driving. I'll be in the back. Back.
Starting point is 02:15:05 You're going to sit. Shotgun. I'll get the passenger seat. All right. Yeah. I'll like put my leg up on the like roll the window down, put my leg up outside the rest on the window. Nice.
Starting point is 02:15:17 Window open. Nice. Nice. Literally shotgun. All right. So you punch hits drive and starts heading back down towards that pawn shop. Is there anything you guys want to talk or say to each other as you guys are barreling towards your task?
Starting point is 02:15:33 Yeah. I don't think Pontch, you know, having O in the passenger side will try to like connect with him in a way and, you know, he'll say something like he'll just like out of the blue start talking and say, oh, Pontch, Pontch leave home long time ago and leave other good boys behind. Pontch get high score, but Pontch want high score and freedom. So Pontch leave me miss my good boys. We understand.
Starting point is 02:16:11 Well, could you find the good boys again? I suppose Pontch could, but meet me afraid they're going to take me back. There's too much good shit out here. Me. You don't want to go back. Yeah. Understandable. I mean, all the good sniffs are out here.
Starting point is 02:16:32 I'm sure. Let me do miss those good boys. They deserve freedom too. And roll me a police track. All right. Do I just gain a night? Night users just amber. So 2d6.
Starting point is 02:16:52 Okay. So a seven. So you don't get the blues. You start to kind of feel a little bit of heaviness kind of trying to relate to him, but you push it back because, you know, get an attached like that. It's never a good idea. No. Well, the good boys would be proud of you.
Starting point is 02:17:15 Yeah. Me. Me say that too. So me. Me think we have much as much party as possible in honor of good boys. Hell yeah. We're going to bring the one day we're going to get those good boys and bring them back to this party.
Starting point is 02:17:32 Okay. Maybe. While we're while they're planning this good boy party, Stokes is just going to not looking at Lady just say, I don't know. We don't talk. We're mostly business, but I just want you to think about what Kings do. When they're on the throne, it's not peaceful. It's not one last violent act.
Starting point is 02:18:01 It's it's the start of a lot of violent acts. And if we're doing this, we're doing this, but we're not going to lie about it. Stokes, I just I am so sick of seeing people taking advantage of it used to be my entire life to see someone less fortunate and take every last dime they have. And people have made it a way of life, a way of doing business, exploiting everything a person has. If it takes taking myself down to take it away. I'm okay with that.
Starting point is 02:18:47 This is when Alice DJ is better off alone starts playing in the background. Oh, my God, you're not going to do this by yourself. It's going to be me with you and punch with you and now oh with you for as long as we can keep old life, which honestly, but it's not just going to be you. I don't want to lose anybody. We just no one's expendable. Okay. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:19:22 Just so you know, it's not professional. You are my favorite. You always have been. I just don't physically understand how to tell a person that. Besides, well, I guess I just did. I don't know. You did your favorite. Your favorite.
Starting point is 02:19:45 As close as I get. Yeah. Favorite business partner. Favorite DJ there. You don't have to. You're putting a lot of labels on things now. I don't like labels. Okay, I just because I have a sort of a brand to hold up.
Starting point is 02:20:01 Well, to rebuild rather. And if if I could get a quote, that would be great. This is far more than I planned on saying. Anyways, this is I didn't pay for therapy. No, you didn't. No, you didn't. Take a blue stokes for reminding yourself about the good old days. So you guys arrive.
Starting point is 02:20:26 Are you? How are you guys? How are you guys going to do this? Are you going to be stealthy about it and not park the car like right out front of the pawn shop? Or are you just going to kick doors down? What are you? What's the plots and thoughts?
Starting point is 02:20:38 How are you guys going to confront? How are you going to confront Luciano Parazzo? You know that they're possibly still in this gold shop. I mean, I can just drive the car through the wall. I think we're here to collect him, right? So we should go in a little hot. But well, yeah, but here's the thing. If we're playing double agents, we cannot make any action
Starting point is 02:21:01 that makes us look against the Parazzo. Yeah, we can get loud, but we got to be loud with no one watching. They're just one human being in the front. OK. Are you saying human being? Human being. OK. Human being.
Starting point is 02:21:17 You like it. I love it. That's what you are. Human being. Human being. Human being. That's what I say. That's what me say.
Starting point is 02:21:28 OK. Yeah. So stealthy. Let's walk in. Just say we need to talk to him. Yeah, maybe we act like we know he's here, like we were sent to meet him or something. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:21:44 See how that goes. If it goes to shit, we put the guy in cuffs and go backstage. All four of you are going to do that. Yeah, fuck it. OK. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, fuck it. OK.
Starting point is 02:22:00 Who's going to go through the door first? I'll go. OK, yeah. Go for it, Stokes. I'll go first. No, I don't have anything like blingy on me, except for I got candy. Shut up.
Starting point is 02:22:16 OK, let's go. Stokes walks in, sort of largely looking for and immediately starts just talking really loudly about jewelry and wanting something expensive in a big chain or something and then makes their way up to the counter. OK, yeah. You're loud and stuff. It's a very small booth stall looking,
Starting point is 02:22:41 building with glass counters on either side and an old man tending to some jewelry. You're loud. Come up to him. I assume you're just like, just like a magician style just like showing. So you're looking for something. Looking for something to finish the collection.
Starting point is 02:23:01 And maybe something else if you can help me. OK. Yeah, he looks up at you with the big glasses because he's still got those lenses on. And he examines all of your candy on your arms and looks at you, looks back to the candy. And I was like, well, I mean, I got a lot of stuff. How much are you trying to spend?
Starting point is 02:23:25 I mean, from that, I mean, like what? A credit, two credits? Like you're not looking for anything special? I'm looking for exactly something special. Maybe something that you don't have multiples of. Maybe it's not even. I mean, yes, I'm looking for jewelry. But quite as it's kept, I'm also looking for maybe
Starting point is 02:23:47 a person you've seen. I've been here in my shop all day. I don't know what you're saying. I mean, I saw a dog man. Have you ever seen a dog man before? That's so crazy. You know, they're more common than you think. I know it's the normal reaction.
Starting point is 02:24:02 I mean, I've heard on like TV on the radio about it. Yep. Never seen one in person. If you see it, if you see him, you got to see it. You got to say it at least high. I will. If I see them, I will say high. If that's the person you're looking for.
Starting point is 02:24:19 That's not the person I'm looking for. They might actually, I don't know if they work here. We got word that they might be here. A Lucy, Luciano, Parazzo. I would know if a Parazzo would be in my establishment. All right. He asked me to meet me here. He's actually the one that's funded
Starting point is 02:24:42 this little candy expansion. So if you see him, let him know that we're looking for him. Roll me a savvy. Come on. Ten. Yes. Yes. When you start mentioning that like Luciano set this up,
Starting point is 02:25:02 like he starts to like have a look on him that is a little confused. He, it wasn't something necessarily told, but he's not quite sure if that's like right. Yeah. Lucy's not that big about his sugar hood, but he does like to sponsor the occasional entertainer. One.
Starting point is 02:25:23 Let me see what I have in the back. Can I scope out the building while this is going on? So you didn't go in the building? I mean, am I in there? It's a little place. You guys all said all four of you are going in there, but if you guys don't want to, or you're in the back of the pack
Starting point is 02:25:39 and want to step out, you can. Yeah, I'll step out. I want a Mosey. Okay. So yeah, I'll probably lead O in unless they want to go outside too. But I think eventually I would walk in with O. And just like,
Starting point is 02:25:52 I actually like signaled the door that I heard the noise coming from. Yeah. I will kind of slowly, but surely like work my way over to that door. Just trying not to be noticed. Roll me a savvy check. Lady, roll me an observation check
Starting point is 02:26:15 if you're going to go snooping and punch also roll me an observation check. Okay. I rolled a nine. Nine, me too. I rolled a six. Six. Can I exert, actually?
Starting point is 02:26:30 Go ahead. Search away. How do we heal, by the way? You have to actually get treatment. So somebody has to get you a med kit, actually heal you. I have a nine now. I have a nine?
Starting point is 02:26:51 And I'm sorry, Serge, what was your observation check? Nine. Nine, nine's around, cool. So in this bit of confusion, he says one moment, looking at all three of you and then goes and slips into the back.
Starting point is 02:27:10 At that point, O, you decide to kind of get to the back of the counter, lean yourself up against the door and listen in. Punch, you start hearing conversation from your ears. You're picking it up. It's loud enough where you can kind of hear two voices murmuring between the walls. And then as,
Starting point is 02:27:36 oh, you get like just closer and stuff. So you also can hear this stuff. Lady, you circle a back around because something feels off, right? So you circle back because you know all, every building has a back door. So you turn the corner and just as the old man attempts to come back out of it,
Starting point is 02:27:56 he opens the door wide and you O make eye contact with Luciano Parazzo who is in the back of the storeroom and you make eye contact, he makes eye contact with you and he tries to book it out the back door. Oh snap. I definitely just give him like a little,
Starting point is 02:28:21 in that moment our eyes meet and I alert, no, I turn to Punch, I'm like, hey, you wanna go play fetch? Yeah, yeah, yeah. All right. I think, okay, go play fetch out through the door. Our boys out, our boys running out.
Starting point is 02:28:47 Bad boy? No, I'll just, Bad boy. Bad boy. Go fetch that bad boy. Give me a, give me a savvy check. Punch, if you're gonna go after Luciano,
Starting point is 02:29:03 just taking a run, you're gonna go pass O. I rolled a six on my savvy check. I rolled in eight. So yeah, Luciano takes just books it, the moment O just winks at them and starts climbing. He throws like one of the like back shelves
Starting point is 02:29:24 that are there and like tosses it over. So Punch, you try to like jump over it, but it still requires you to kind of clamor a little bit. So he's got a little bit of distance, but he's making his way for the back door. Could I actually pull out my, I have the nine millimeter pistol on my person. And I want to like aim at Luciano's like ankle
Starting point is 02:29:51 to like immobilize him. Awesome. Okay, cool. And I rolled at it with your hand. Roll it, yeah. Roll with that pistol up again. When you're careful she gets his upper hand, you can change it.
Starting point is 02:30:12 Okay, cool. Yeah. Okay, so I won a four and a four, I guess. So that would be an eight. Oh wait, yeah, choose to add appropriate set. Yep, yep, yep. That'd be an eight. Do you have any modifiers?
Starting point is 02:30:36 For grit? For grit, yeah. Oh, then 10, then it would be 10. Nice, okay. So the whole like shelf goes down. Clammers, you're seeing like jewelry bits, chemicals, whatever was kind of stashed up there. Sponge is trying to clamor over it,
Starting point is 02:30:55 but it's like a wide shelf. So it's taking him a couple of moments to kind of get over it. Meanwhile, Luciano is moments to just pushing out that back door and riding into the sunset. But you pull out this particular pistol, a pistol that you've been carrying with you and you, or is it, that's your foot pistol, right?
Starting point is 02:31:14 No, no, this is just my- This is a different pistol. That's what you're doing. Yeah, this is just my usual weapon, the foot one. And you pull out this old school six, six barrel Smith and Western six shooter. And you just clock it, like you got your shades on, you don't even like see you like aiming
Starting point is 02:31:31 and you just fire it like effortlessly. And it hits Luciano in the back leg, but it hits him in the way where like, he's still running with the momentum. So you just kind of kicked him a little harder with a gun. And he pushes himself out the door of it. But Pontch is now deep in pursuit. It's obvious like, you know,
Starting point is 02:31:50 you just hear a man screaming out in pain from just being clipped. Lady, you're close to running the bend of the back, right? And that's when you hear the sound of a person crying and a gunshot being shot inside the building. So you, you rack your shotgun, you try to get around the bend, but as you turn the corner,
Starting point is 02:32:17 you've signed yourself looking down the barrel of a gun. And what's staring at you is a woman with long blonde hair that seems to lace around her skin kiss shoulders. And it's Jubilee who's now staring with the gun right in hand with that same unwavering gaze. And that's where we're going to leave it today. Oh, I hate it. Oh snap.
Starting point is 02:32:44 That was who was introduced in the very beginning, right? Yes, it was good. It was so good. Interesting. Very cool. Awesome. That was fun. Yeah, it was wild.
Starting point is 02:32:58 I'm so excited. So we have two more of these, right? With this crew. Yes. We'll have two more sessions and then another three with the other Maydayers plus a special guest. So that's exciting.
Starting point is 02:33:12 Absolutely. So yeah, thank you guys for joining us today at 105MDRP. We will be tuning in for more orbital blues in the next couple of weeks, but be sure in the meantime to join us on Mondays for Aaron at the Sheep Farm. We'll be returning with Knights Black Agents soon and the return of Orpheus.
Starting point is 02:33:33 So stay tuned. And leave your dream spaceman. Bye.

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