Mayday Plays - Orpheus: Book 1, Ch. 3 - "On The Beach"

Episode Date: November 9, 2021

After a hair-raising encounter, Crucible 12 returns home for a well-earned rest....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Oh, good morning. Good afternoon and good day folks. Allow me to welcome you to another episode of Orpheus events your host and storyteller for this campaign. Joining me today are Aaron as Abner Abernathy. Please say hello, Abner. Hello. Allegra as Logan Rio Mercado. Hi. Amanda as Mio. Oh, Mio. Amanda as Mia Castillo Bennett. Hello. Caleb as Colette Sawyer.
Starting point is 00:00:27 Good morning, guys. Eli as Nakoa Kahawani. Did I say that right? Hey, good morning. Or am I massacring that? Kah-uh-hane. Kah-uh-hane. Kah-uh-hane.
Starting point is 00:00:38 Yeah, we're good. Got it. We're good. Sergio as Lavinia Eileen Dyer. Hey-oh. And Zacchia as Vivian515, Paker. Good morning. For those of you just joining us in the world of Orpheus, death is no longer the end.
Starting point is 00:00:54 And the door between this world and the next has been thrown open. Our players take on the role of intrepid investigators tasked by the enigmatic Orpheus group to help the souls of the departed find peace or remove them by force. Of course, such services aren't rendered for free. And often such services are often coupled with hefty price tag attached. Words today, guys. Holy shit. It's Saturday morning.
Starting point is 00:01:19 I get you. These investigators will find that while mankind has learned to look into the void of the afterlife, they very well stare back. And some laws should never be broken. Before we begin, please keep in mind that this actual play is intended for mature audiences. Maybe adult mature is kind of up for debate. It contains elements of supernatural horror, violence, adult language, sexual situations, substance abuse, and more.
Starting point is 00:01:42 Viewer and listener discretion, of course, is advised. Music in this episode is brought to you by CryoChamber, an epidemic sound. For more information on CryoChamber, please visit And you can also learn more about Epidemic Sound at We'd also like to thank Onyx Path Publishing for their support. They've been great. And we highly recommend you check out the 20th anniversary edition of Raythe Oblivion, which actually contains updated rules and information for the campaign you're about to see.
Starting point is 00:02:12 But with that, does anyone have anything they'd like to announce before we actually kick this thing off? Yeah. We just put out the first episode of Dune to Repeat, Arc 2, Episode 11. Yes. Yay. Horizons. It's out. Yes.
Starting point is 00:02:28 This is the calmest episode of the season, so just prepare yourself for that. Mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually. Yes. It's a lot. This is the vacation episode. This is the vacation. That should just tell you everything you need to know. If you listen to it, this is the calm one.
Starting point is 00:02:43 Yeah. That's the big thing. We'll be coming out every Friday from now on. Everyone should go around also and say who they're dressed as, because I think that's fun. We dressed up for this stream. Yes. We did. All right.
Starting point is 00:03:00 So let's start with Amanda. Oh, okay. I am Michael Garen, who, if anyone watched the OG Roswell, he was the cook. So this is like my little crash-down cafe setup, and I got a whole bunch of alien trinkets from the show nearby, so. Nice deep cut. Yeah. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:19 I got my spatula. Will. What's all I'm talking about? They're going to learn. Caleb. Oh, I am Agent Semi-L from Mayday Outplays, the playthrough of Teacher Repeat. Uncanny. Yes.
Starting point is 00:03:36 Uncanny. Beautiful. That is beautiful. Nope. I didn't sign off on this. This is identity theft. That's not a joke. It's not a joke.
Starting point is 00:03:44 Merit. Eli, what are you guys? Oh, I'm just an Umbreon. I'm a Pokemon. Simple, easy. Dikio. What are you? I am giving Scarecrow the alternative realness.
Starting point is 00:04:03 I'm the love child of Whoopi Goldberg and the Jolly Green Giant. My lovelace. Incredible. Amazing. Thank you. Thank you. Aaron, did you come as anything? I'm a giant fucking nerd.
Starting point is 00:04:18 He's Merit. He's Merit. He's Merit. He's Merit. He's Merit. He needs to have a colored shirt. Just a switch of fossil prayers. We got to get your turtle in the box.
Starting point is 00:04:26 And then Allegra. I'm Andromache the Scythian from The Old Guard. Nice. I'll see you. Well, I mean, I feel like my costume should be obvious. I don't have a mask. I don't have my vaccine card. I'm an anti-vaxxer.
Starting point is 00:04:38 Why are you like this? Why are you like this? Oh, yeah. That's just my lazy excuse. Johnny Utah, man, from Point Break. Johnny Utah. Okay, I'll go with that. I'm Johnny Utah.
Starting point is 00:04:48 I'm Johnny Utah. I look dying. I couldn't. I look dying. I look dying. I look dying. I look dying. I look dying.
Starting point is 00:04:56 I look dying. I look dying. I look dying. I could have gone as Ace Ventura, but I didn't do my hair this morning. I could have been a possibility. I love that you went back to Florida and then came back and thought, I'll be an anti-vaxxer. It seeps into the brain like 5G. You're still arping out.
Starting point is 00:05:16 And now we should. Now we should actually start playing this game because I know we're all putting it off because we know it's happening. Hey, listen, it's going to be a good time. We're going to have a blast. Okay. This is going to be fun. Without further ado, let's begin and Eli, would you kindly remind us what happened in our
Starting point is 00:05:33 last episode? Oh boy. Yeah. Cool. Nikoa Kaohane, Auditorial Personnel and Field Notes in Preparation for Final Debrief and Transcription. All personnel notes, all personal notes will be redacted for brevity. Crucible 12, Case Number 0767, Client, Palmer Park Business and Neighborhood Association.
Starting point is 00:05:54 Subject, Christopher Allen, 26. Haunter, Lip Class, Green. Mission Type, Removal, Status, Complete. The subject is confirmed of investigation suspicions of causing traffic accidents and other disturbance, Jesus, and other disturbances in nearby residents. The subject would make a routine contact with Quicks, primarily a young boy, David Copeland, age four. While these are primary examples for reclassification to red status, recommending remaining at
Starting point is 00:06:20 green or downgrade to gray, with the explanation provided below. After determining the subject manifestation hours, Crucible 12 began a thorough investigation into potential tethers. Lead Investigator, Eli Abernathy, would take point as a conduit to sever the strands. Confirmation Subject, Tethers 3. Item Bound, Person Bound, Engagement Ring, Elizabeth Meary. Item Bound, Person Bound, Jeep Compass, Ethan Bell. Note, Item in Person, Responsible for Subject's Death.
Starting point is 00:06:48 Person Bound, Dirty Casuals, Gaming Troop. Crucible 12 members, Colette Sawyer, Lavinia Dyer, Logan Mercado, Eli Abernathy, myself, conducted routine interviews and or retrieval of Item in Person Bound tethers to Dirty Casuals and Elizabeth Meary. Crucible 12 members, Mia Castillo-Bennett, Vivian Aker, Colette Sawyer, worked with local law enforcement, Point Contact Detective Leila Sorensen, as well as local residents to collect secondary evidence. Crucible 12 members, Lavinia Dyer, Vivian Aker, myself, assisted in a one-year-for-bow
Starting point is 00:07:21 to locate license plates and facial evidence for further research of manifestation habits over the course of known investigation period. Crucible 12 members, Colette Sawyer, Lavinia Dyer, Logan Mercado, Eli Abernathy, retrieval of Item in Person Bound tethers to Ethan Bell, Source of Subject's Death and Primary Tethers. Members would bring the Item in Person to Subject's manifestation, which caused the subject to react in a hostile manner, was easily subdued with whale. Sever the strands went without issue, Christopher Wendt-Kees, Vitality Expenditure High, Incidentals. The following incidences occurred over the course of investigation recommendation for
Starting point is 00:08:03 Reprimand, Logan Mercado. Mercado went zero and manifested in front of PLE brother Montgomery Allen outside of procedures and protocol of Orpheus, recommending additional sensitivity training. Colette Sawyer, Lavinia Dyer, Logan Mercado, Eli Abernathy, conducted in what I would consider short of horror show-like behavior in contact with Tether Ethan Bell to secure evidence and a confession of conviction outside of the procedures and protocols of Orpheus. Final notes. Christopher Allen was a young man whose life ended shortly and violently.
Starting point is 00:08:38 Given his immature nature in life, sudden unexpected changes prior to his death, interruptions to his blip cycle and the nature in which he was left behind to die, I believe the mild outburst he expressed were only means to his communication and not a cognitive choice towards his hostility. With that, recommending downgrade to blip-class gray. Personal notes. Perhaps I am getting old, but the living is tedious and easily distracted. Crucible 12 expresses a range of unchecked emotions that needs to be curbed for more cohesive team. They were either looking for Christopher's retribution or comforting everyone he left behind.
Starting point is 00:09:19 Some demanded agency in their station as members of Orpheus. No one saw Christopher and how long he was hurting. Maybe Vivian did. She seemed to understand. Note to self, make more time for her. She's looking for something. May require a lot of work. Collette raises considerable concerns that she may not be aligned with the core values of this company.
Starting point is 00:09:41 The uncertainty and fear she raised in Rebecca Copeland, the initial contact with Neary, and the handling of Bell suggests orientation towards Quicks over PLEs, we're tasked to aid. Further guidance will be needed. Note to self. Apologize. And you know why. Logan's eagerness and earnestness needs further training to be considered useful and in the field. Ask me if she fucked that detective.
Starting point is 00:10:05 I know she probably did, but it's always better if it's coming from her. Figure out what Lavagna is up to. Maybe it's just the way puppet masters love to insert themselves into the mix, but sharing vitality with her. I don't have any biased opinion right now. Note to self also make more time for her. Ask about the void. Lastly, I don't know why Abner is playing fucking games in the middle of an investigation. But his leadership tactics and making the choice to interact with Bell concerns me.
Starting point is 00:10:29 It was cruel to bring the Jeep to that intersection and the outcome could have been dire. And while he spent time talking up Christopher for a job, he wasn't paying attention to how much vitality we're expending at one given time. And they found us. What happens next is on him. Oh snap. Damn. So you're telling me the mechanics are my fault.
Starting point is 00:10:54 Yes. Yes. I feel like we've been here before. We're always here. We're always here with. This is where we fucking live. And thrive and grow. We're living in a cabin in a sewer tank.
Starting point is 00:11:12 There's always two of us trying to get the others to kiss and then five of us have fucking ate everybody. And it rotates every goddamn show. It does. We don't change. I think you're on mute. Oh shit. Am I on mute? You're back.
Starting point is 00:11:35 You're back. Son of a bitch. Anyway. So my friends, without further ado, I know we can't put this off any longer. It's fucking go time. So gathered around at this intersection in Colorado Springs and seeing these things emerge from the darkness. Dogs. I mean, that's really the closest analogy you can think of our dogs.
Starting point is 00:11:57 Some kinds of hounds. They're big and just there's no flesh or musculature. It's just these bundled ropes. There's no eyes. There's no mouths that you can see apart from the mouths on the ends of these long, writhing trunks that emerge from their body. On the two of them as they step from the darkness and turn to regard you, one of those tentacles turns. And you can see the lamprey like mouth opening and closing on the end. And it begins to vibrate and there's a sound like a rattlesnake or like teeth chattering or a combination of the both.
Starting point is 00:12:36 And it just sends the shiver through your gauze down your spine. This is something that has never been human of that, you know, for sure. And with that, I need everyone to roll initiative. No, I refuse. You can't make me. So you're going to add the values of your dexterity and your wits and you're going to roll 1d10 and add those numbers together. That's a 14 for Nicola. 14 for Nicola.
Starting point is 00:13:08 10 for Logan. 9 for Viv. 9 for Viv. I also rolled a 9. 9, OK. It's an 18. Damn. Nice.
Starting point is 00:13:24 And yeah. OK, so I roll a 97 to 57 and a 9. No, no, no. So you count up your decks, you count up your wits. Oh. And then you just roll a d10 and add that as well. I got it. Thank you. Yep. Yeah. So like if you have a three dexterity, three wits at six, plus d10. Also, I was rolling d100s instead of I don't know what's wrong.
Starting point is 00:13:50 But anyway, it's a 9000. Super Saiyan. I'm sorry. Why did the Abner have a transformer? What'd you get out of it? I rolled a, so I got a six. Six. Beautiful. OK. And what did you get me?
Starting point is 00:14:09 I made a mistake, too. I'm a 17, not an 18. I'm sorry. Still, it's pretty good. If I'm off banging the cop in my car. Oh, that's right. You're not doing that. Sorry. Amanda, she's watching. You're still green fashion in a different way.
Starting point is 00:14:26 If you want to, if you want to deal her in, I'd love to check in during. We're good. We're going to leave those kids to do their thing. I chose lust over fighting. You chose poorly. She was better than we did. Collette, you're up. What do you do?
Starting point is 00:14:47 Oh, shit. That's me. You didn't say somebody. Yeah. Yeah, I'm sorry. She's shocked by all of this. She's looking around to the people who know better. But she's going to call out. I'm going for the car. I'll get the car going. We can run, right? We're running.
Starting point is 00:15:04 I'm running. She goes for the car. Got it. She's going for the driver's seat. Okay. All right. So next up are the fetches. These.
Starting point is 00:15:16 Wow. It's called fetches. That's too cute. Yeah. For being monsters. They seem to flicker. In and out of existence. They're hard to get a fix on.
Starting point is 00:15:34 They're hard to just see and perceive. One minute they're there and the next they're not. And then you blink and they're back. All of a sudden they are on you. And they're going to go. They don't seem to be cognizant of the living. Instead, their attention is focused on the dead among you. Or at least those in spirit form.
Starting point is 00:15:55 So Abner, Levenia, Viv. Nikoa. Nikoa. Yeah. So they fix in. Who spent the most vitality? Abner would have. He was the one severing.
Starting point is 00:16:09 Yeah. They see you, Abner. And they see you as that source of that energy. And one of them goes for you. And they are going to swipe out with these claws that seem to manifest from the edges of one of these appendages. Oh boy. And they attack.
Starting point is 00:16:27 They attack with those claws. So let's see how they do. I'm going to roll some dice here. All right. Let's see. They're just dogs. They're just dogs, right? You know what?
Starting point is 00:16:43 I didn't know what a dragon turtle was. It's what I found out. Abner. As this creature lashes out, you feel its claws rip through your claws as your form begins to dissipate from this grievous womb that has been inflicted upon you. You lose six vitality. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:17:05 So my vitality was really low. Well, your vitality should have been up to 10 after you. Oh, that's right. After you severed the strand. I think I forgot to mark the last ones. Okay. So I go down six, which puts me up four. Yep.
Starting point is 00:17:20 Okay. Yep. Okay. And it's three, four of these, these trunks pop up and you see these mouths just sucking in the gauze that separated from your form and that vibrating, skittering rattlesnake like sound. The other one turns to Nakoa and charges and takes a swipe. So you're going to see how that goes.
Starting point is 00:17:47 Thankfully, as that one lashes out, don't forget you can soak. I forgot to mention you can soak. If you roll your stamina rating, you can soak in that damage depending on how many successes you get. Okay. It lashes out Nakoa and you take four as those claws rip through your abdomen separating some of that gauze from your form. Unless you want to try to soak some of that damage.
Starting point is 00:18:09 Okay. So if I do try to soak the damage, what do I have to do? So whatever your stamina rating is, you roll that many dice. Okay. Yeah, I'm going to try to soak some of it. Okay. So I've, damn, I rolled a seven, I rolled a one. Okay.
Starting point is 00:18:30 So do you have one success? So go ahead and roll that roll another d10. Okay. I rolled a five. And you reduce your damage by that much so you take nothing. Okay, cool. Nice. Yep.
Starting point is 00:18:45 So yeah, definitely soaking is going to be important, especially for those in spectral form. So with that, Nakoa, you're actually up. Okay. Clot back at the edge. I'm going to use whale at vitality two. Hell yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:19:02 That's what manipulation and empathy rate. Yep. Let's see what happens. And she can direct this like it isn't just like everyone in the area is affected by it or anything. So if it's in the, I'm assuming if it's in the direction of the fetches, like everyone's going to be for the most part, either in front of or behind her, in front of the fetches or behind her.
Starting point is 00:19:31 If there's a way that I can like do that where I can step forward or something that wedges me in front of them versus the rest of the group. Absolutely. Let's see. I got four, five, sixes and a five. Okay. That's actually, you said five, sixes. I got five, sixes and a five.
Starting point is 00:19:53 Jesus Christ. Yeah. That's, that is a resounding success. Wait, hold on. I forgot one more dice. And that's, that's another five. Okay. So yeah, with your, with that, one of them, let me see.
Starting point is 00:20:11 Let's see. Let's see what your damage is here. Jesus. Sorry. I forgot what the damage is. Oh shit. Yeah. You hit one of them.
Starting point is 00:20:25 Go ahead and roll that many dice in D10. However, number of successes you got. Which was what? Like five or six? Five. Yeah. Five. Six.
Starting point is 00:20:37 Yeah. Jesus. No, there's anything over five. So if you got anything over five, so all of them, so it's seven. Jesus Christ. Okay. Yeah. High manipulation.
Starting point is 00:20:49 God, I gotta do math. Yeah, I know, right? The worst person to do math. He's told to do math. 42 points of damage. Whoa. Jesus Christ. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:24 Damn. You shout this thing apart and it loses, it can no longer keep itself together and it just scatters into darkness as your whale and what does your whale sound like? So, like, Nikoa's whale kind of is this like very high, like slowly rises into this like almost like a falsetto kind of voice and it starts to just kind of vibrate and it just kind of gets like louder and the vibration kind of just keeps rocking back and forward and almost then it gives a sound that like many people are kind of like singing at one time and it just that it's just that it's like kind of soothing if it was nice, but
Starting point is 00:22:06 it's just as a pitch kind of just rises and rises, it gets more like just very heavier and vibrates all at this point. So this creature just kind of like almost vibrates and then scatters out into just a broken spray of gauze. Nice. Yeah. I'm going to go get to the fucking car. Okay.
Starting point is 00:22:28 So, Logan, you're up next. Okay. So, Viv and I just got back from the hotel, so I think I'm still in the car. You are. I'm going to have my hand on the gear shift, my foot on the brake to keep us going and I'm just good. Okay. Can I hold an action?
Starting point is 00:22:48 You can. You absolutely can. I want to hold skimming out for if everyone doesn't get back to the car in time. Okay. Got it. Okay. So, Viv, you're up next. Okay.
Starting point is 00:23:02 If I'm still in the car. Yep. Hmm. How many people are, I know how many people are outside, like not going towards the car? Vivian, Nicola, Adner, and that's it? Just the three gauze? Yep. The three gauze?
Starting point is 00:23:19 Yeah, because Colette has already made her way to the car. Yeah. Colette and Viv are together. Yeah. Okay. Is there a streetlight nearby? There is. Okay.
Starting point is 00:23:29 Okay. I'm going to stay in the car. I'm going to use Helter Skelter. Are there bolts holding this streetlight up? There are. Yep. Okay. I'm going to start moving one.
Starting point is 00:23:43 I'm just going to start spinning one loose. Oh, God. Okay. But I'm going to stay in the car. Got it. Okay. Got it. Okay.
Starting point is 00:23:51 Lavinia, you're next. Lavinia sees these two things and one of them attacks Adner and for the first time in a long time, Lavinia is scared and so for that reason, she can't stop smiling and under her breath, kind of like trying to maintain her composure, she says the jabberbock with eyes aflame came wiggling through the told you would and burbled as it came. And as I'm saying it, I'm kind of doing a big circle close to Adner. I want to grab Adner and help him to get the hell out of there. What?
Starting point is 00:24:24 Okay. And speaking of which, Adner, you're up next. Yep. Run. Run. Get in the car. Yep. Yep.
Starting point is 00:24:34 Please stop defacing public property. Get in the car. How much will power will it will it cost you to hop in the car or vitality? To possess it. Yep. We will say probably to vitality. Okay. I will expend that.
Starting point is 00:24:52 I'm not going to drive it. I just want to get in it. Got it. Okay. So you're in it for safety track. All right. So and then also technically if I followed him, the only person left outside would be Nikoa then, huh?
Starting point is 00:25:05 Right. Yep. All right. And since I really don't need to help him up, can I just hold an action that I'm like standing in the back of the car, like, you know, the, the trunk and if Nikoa doesn't get to the car in time, I'll help her. But if she does, I just want to jump into the back of the car, like just like phase into the car.
Starting point is 00:25:23 Yep. That'll work. Oh, go ahead. Just quick clarification. Are there two cars? Is there one car? Can I get a refresher? There's two.
Starting point is 00:25:33 So we're in two, right? Two. But Mia didn't take one. Mia's been Ubering. Okay. All right. That's right. Mia's with the cop.
Starting point is 00:25:41 So there's one car with Logan, LaVenya, Abner and Viv. And then there's one with me. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Speaking of which, Colette, you're up next. Ah, I'm just starting the car. I'm getting it ready.
Starting point is 00:25:58 Is Koeh still closest to these things? At this point, yes. She hasn't moved. I want to pull up the car as close to Koeh as possible and pop open the passenger seat and then realize she's a ghost and then second guess whether I even needed to do that. But I'm going to fucking honk the car and shave in a haircut. Please. Koeh, get the goddamn car, please.
Starting point is 00:26:22 Next turn. Beautiful. All right. So with Nikoa standing there, you see this thing hiss and skitter again and it lashes out with its claws and Koeh, you take four additional vitality damage. Damn. Okay. And as these these lampremot like openings in these tentacles reach out and just suck
Starting point is 00:26:48 down the like the gauze that is, you know, ripped from your form and scattered and they just thirstily drink it up. Okay. So can we Mormon soak every single fucking time I get hit like we can just. Yeah, you can soak every time. It's a reflex. Yeah. Can I try to soak that?
Starting point is 00:27:07 Because that's going to fuck me. Please. Yes, please. No. I rolled a zero. No, I rolled a zero. No. Zero is a 10.
Starting point is 00:27:15 Oh, shit. Okay. Then I got a 10. Yep. Roll a D10. Oh, I rolled a five. Fuck. Okay.
Starting point is 00:27:23 Take shit. Okay. Cool. Cool. Cool. That was going to be terrible if that was a zero. I know, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:31 Thank God. So you're up next, Koeh. Okay. Yeah. No, I'm going to run. All right. Collect's car and I guess I'll manifest this time to close the doors. She opened the door.
Starting point is 00:27:44 There's no time. Okay. Perfect. Yeah. You get inside, you manifest just quickly. You get that door closed and we'll say, collect. You're out of there. You're booking it.
Starting point is 00:27:57 And you see this thing. You hear it screech as all of these mouths opened at once and let out this bone chilling. How scream, shriek as you drive past it. And you see it silhouette illuminated in the red of your of the rear tail lights as you take off into the night. Levinia's is in the in the trunk window staring at it like a kid the whole as we drive away. It pursues. Yeah, it pursues a little bit and then eventually you want you blank and it seems to have faded back into the darkness around it. And we're out of combat.
Starting point is 00:28:35 Holy shit. Holy shit. Well, that was exciting. No, it wasn't. It sucked. It was scary. What the fuck are those? Specters, baby.
Starting point is 00:28:51 Why though? What happened? What did we do? Well, sometimes when you use a lot of juice, these these little guys just kind of pop up and try to eat you. I've always heard of them. I've never got a chance to actually see them. It's amazing.
Starting point is 00:29:09 They told you about it in training, right? They said they wouldn't show up. They said they didn't show up often at all. Almost always when you're using the juice. Oh fuck, well that's cool. Great. Thanks for telling us the truth. Yeah, that feels like something that could have been in a safety meeting or something.
Starting point is 00:29:25 Oh, Koa, you were incredible out there. I mean that whale. Oh my. You just about saved us. Holy shit. I'm shaking. God damn. Oh, I can't feel my fucking body.
Starting point is 00:29:35 What were those things? God damn. Where am I? Take a deep breath in through the nose, out through the mouth. Also, even though Nicole is manifested, I'm down to two vitalities. So I'm looking pretty fucking rough. I look, I look waterlogged like I've been submerged in water for a long period of time. So my skin's very pale-ish and it looks like it's dripping a little bit.
Starting point is 00:29:58 And I'm just trying, but I'm still trying to keep you as calm as possible. We gotta get you home. And every time, every time Koa opens her mouth, there's water. Yeah. Running down her lower lip, her jaw, her chest every time. And her words take on this almost gurgling quality. I think that Cole is having trouble keeping her eyes on the road. She's constantly looking at that and trying, trying not to say anything, but knowing that
Starting point is 00:30:33 she should and just, she's frazzled by the entire moment. We, we gotta get you back. You don't look good. We gotta get back. Okay. Ah, GPS. Where's my fucking phone? Where's my fucking phone?
Starting point is 00:30:44 Can I, can I expend a zero vitality to, to calm Colette down? Absolutely. Yep. And unless you plan on resisting Colette, I won't make you roll like a competing roll or anything like that. I would love some calm juice. Some calm juice. That's three successes.
Starting point is 00:31:06 Nice calm juice. Yeah. Just don't start slurping up the calm juice, please. Yeah. No, I'm just going to put a, if her hands on like the stick shift or whatever, I'm just going to put my hand gently on her hand. I won't say anything because I don't want to, but I'm just going to put a hand and try to keep her calm so she can focus on the road and get us back to where
Starting point is 00:31:26 we need to be. Okay. Okay. That's better. Okay. Thank you. Thank you. That's better.
Starting point is 00:31:34 I'll put, punch in the GPS for, I guess the hotel is probably where we're meeting up and I'll try to keep calm. I'm no longer looking, Koa, just the road, trying to focus now that I can breathe. And as your vehicle careens off into the night, you've eventually calm yourself to the point where you realize you're going pretty fast, you slow down, not wanting to attract any attention. Mia. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:00 Hi. That's right. What's the haps? What's going on? After we dropped off, said gentlemen, to the police station. She was there for a little bit. She's there for a little bit. Paperwork, the whole shebang, but yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:17 Oh, I know. I was there the whole time. Basically, kind of great. It's while filling out paperwork, flirting slash kind of being a sarcastic little shit. No shit. Kind of surprise. And then I'm, yeah, they basically like to go back to her place or my hotel, whichever is quicker.
Starting point is 00:32:39 Considering you're at the Colorado Springs Police Department, which is downtown and the Antlers Hotel is literally at the end of the block, probably your place. Yeah. Yeah, please, please come home. Come back home. Okay. Wait a minute. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:32:54 Maybe you're not getting laid because I know these assholes. Full Killville sirens. They will ruin the night. And I know, because at least they're respectful, but I don't know these other ones. Sure. Yeah. Even though with my hotel being down the block, I would, I would suggest her place. Okay.
Starting point is 00:33:18 And if she's going to be really resistant, then obviously I'm not going to force that. Oh, she's not. Yeah. She's not resistant at all. And I'm going to try to see if I can make her breakfast in the morning. Okay. I said it. You did.
Starting point is 00:33:30 You promised. Yes, I did. You fade to black. Fade to black with that one. Oh yeah. It's a night. It's a night. It's a good night for me.
Starting point is 00:33:40 It's a good night for you. Yeah. Can she roll for stamina or something? That's the way you say, Garen. Roll your stamina there. Good. I can do that. Okay.
Starting point is 00:33:53 Actually, hold on. Let me, let me pull up a character. Let me pull up my character sheet real quick. You have bone down stacks? We got bone down stacks. Bone down stacks. Let's go. Spamina plus athletics.
Starting point is 00:34:05 Ironically, similar sounds to the hounds can be heard. Yeah. The rattlesnake. The rattlesnake. Yeah. Where's the rattlesnake coming from? Can we do that? That's what they said.
Starting point is 00:34:19 Can we do it either way? Can I do either performance or leadership? I don't know. You're talking about your leadership skill. I have the leadership skill. Is that what you're taking charge of? Yeah. Let's roll stamina and leadership.
Starting point is 00:34:36 Spamina and leadership. Turn to the left. White wolf people watching. I guarantee this is not what you intended these rules for. But fuck you. You are. Come on. This is interesting.
Starting point is 00:34:50 This is an interesting collection. Interesting. Okay. Difficulty is six. So anything over six is a success. Oh, one, two. Oh, wait. No, that's your two.
Starting point is 00:35:00 One, two. Okay. I got, yeah. I got four successes and one to nine. Oh, yeah. It's a good night. It's a good night. She made a good decision.
Starting point is 00:35:13 So with that, with the rest of the crucible, you arrive back here hotel. You park and you kind of just, I guess, take a moment to collect yourselves before heading inside. What's the plan? What do y'all do next? Well, as far as, I'm sorry, go ahead. Is everyone okay?
Starting point is 00:35:33 We're all good. We're here. We're good. Yeah. Logan's probably looking a little worse for wear because they have taken some bashing damage to their body. So they're probably like bruised and like a little tired and, but they're, they're, they're mostly fine.
Starting point is 00:35:49 I think they just took the one right from when they, I took two. I took one from when I dropped and then at the end we, we, so we, we talked about how there was some, there was some role I made that I asked if I could instead of losing vitality, if I could take injury. So I'm hurt. That's right.
Starting point is 00:36:05 Okay. Got it. All right. Are we very far from Orpheus headquarters? So Orpheus headquarters is back up north by Denver. So it's about an hour and a half, two hour drive north. And remind me what time of day it is. At this point we're, we're, we're well past midnight,
Starting point is 00:36:21 probably pushing one o'clock in the morning. And as far as we're concerned, our, our work here is done. Yep. Absolutely. You're done. Yeah. I have to, I have to expend vitality to the manifest, right? Not de-manifest.
Starting point is 00:36:35 No. Okay. Yeah. I'd like to not be manifested anymore. Yeah. That's easy. Yeah. I didn't really take a lot of hits.
Starting point is 00:36:44 I'd be willing to stay up and keep an eye out if that would help the rest of you take a sleep. Well, the choice is up to you folks. We either go back the crucible or we stay here the night. Would you rather be in your own bed or in this bed? Well, what about Mia? Yeah. Mia can, Mia can find her own way back where I like air.
Starting point is 00:37:07 All the way back to Denver? I'd like to go back to Denver. Don't, don't over exert yourselves. Why don't you rest and in the morning we'll get out of here. I mean, we also have to return the computer and get that guy a new lock. That's right. All right. One more night.
Starting point is 00:37:24 Oh, I got you. So for our spirits, you know, of course all the living folks have their own rooms. Where are the spirits go? What's your plan? The co is going to go wander by the pool and I'm just going to kind of just casually stand in the middle of the pool like above the water and I'm just going to smoke a cigarette and content plate. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:54 You sit there and your mind is racing kind of with what just happened. What you just witnessed. You've been dead for a bit. You've never seen these things before. You know, you've heard that they've existed, but to finally be confronted with what up until this point has this been like anecdotal stories is not necessarily earth shattering, but you're, you're, you're, it was frightening. And you know, you reach down and you, your fingers feel the gauze where their claws ripped
Starting point is 00:38:25 and you take just a little bit and you, you roll a cigarette, you know, thinking of those cigarettes that have been left for you when you put it in your mouth and just go through the ritual of smoking again and you calm and you're there. And yeah, you just enjoy this sensation of being alone with your thoughts for just a minute. Trying to recenter yourself about the rest of you. So in ghost form, I don't need to sleep. No, no, you re, you regain vitality at a rate of one vitality point for every eight hours.
Starting point is 00:39:01 You quote unquote rest, which is essentially not using your horrors or any other abilities. And can I rest while inhabiting something? Oh yeah. I don't see why not. Sure. Can I inhabit the body of water? Oh God. No.
Starting point is 00:39:20 Yeah. Don't do that. Thank God. Okay. Um, you can, you can inhabit the pool pump. Fuck it. There we are. There we are.
Starting point is 00:39:32 Quote of the session. Can I inhabit a body of water? Then I'll just head out in the car. I'm good. Got it. Okay. I'll just sleep here. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:42 After, after that one expenditure, you know, to just become one with the vehicle, you can kind of just calm and relax. I want to become in one with the vehicle already. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh man. Um, how about, how about, uh, Viv, Viv, what do you, what do you do?
Starting point is 00:39:58 Viv is in that, that landing in hotels where it's just like two random ass chairs in front of the elevator. No one ever sits in. Yep. She's, she's sitting in the one closest to the window, like elbows on her legs, just like bouncing, her leg bouncing, staring straightforward, like thinking of like flashes of the case. Um, I think she could probably see Nicola being a creeper over the pool, just like keeping
Starting point is 00:40:24 an eye on anyone that comes like in and out. Yeah. But without actually watching people sleep, this is probably the best that she can do. Okay. And LaVinia, what do you end up doing? LaVinia is on like the railing of the, of the, of the hotel, you know, kind of walking, doing like a slight perimeter. And when she realizes there's not going to be any kind of thread or at least she feels
Starting point is 00:40:48 there isn't, she actually walks through the walls into the rooms of the sleeping, living people and she just watches each one of them. She kind of walks up to the beds and you know, just, just sees them up close and you know, in their most vulnerable moment and looks at them and then walks into the other room and looks at Colette, probably spends a little bit more time staring at Colette. And then eventually, yeah, just, just for your info, Colette has a sleeping disorder. So I think she'd be awake. Really?
Starting point is 00:41:18 Yeah. Well, I would, I would attempt to put my head in and like check on you. Could I roll like a stealth check to see if she would notice? Sure. Yeah. Roll dexterity plus stealth. Okay. And for you, Colette, roll perception plus alertness.
Starting point is 00:41:41 Okay. I got two 10s and a seven as my high school. Three successes. Okay. Yeah. That's good. I only got one success. Okay.
Starting point is 00:41:52 Yeah. So what is Colette doing in this room? Like what's her, what's her activity at this point? I think a lot of it is pacing at first and she's trying to think over what she just saw and it's checking your stuff in the mirror. It's trying to come down from it, but then after that it's, it's sketching. It's trying to commit it to memory. It's taking out her sketch pad and trying to get the exact capture of the appendage
Starting point is 00:42:19 and the lamprey mouth that extended and just trying to scratch it out in sketch format so she can remember later. Yeah. I think LaVinia has probably like phased into like the closet or something and like so through the slats she can see Colette. It probably just watches her for a while and then, and then eventually leaves not wanting to be caught. All right, Logan, what are you up to?
Starting point is 00:42:49 Logan is, uh, Logan feels real dumb and they don't like feeling dumb. So they are probably in a similar fashion to Colette, kind of like pacing and thinking about like their old job and like they thought that this was, that they were going to have some like applicable skills and nothing they learned from back then is useful now. And they're, they're just kind of going over and over and over in their head and eventually they're going to skim out. That's one vitality, right? Yep, yeah, just one.
Starting point is 00:43:26 And start wandering. Okay, just because it's, it's, it feels easier than being a person. Oof, yeah. Okay. I actually know it doesn't even cost any vitality. You're good, you just, you just, you do it. But you do need to spend one after an hour to keep your physical body alive. Yeah, I'll take another head.
Starting point is 00:43:50 Okay, got it. Um, where do you go? Uh, I think they, I think they go up to like the roof or just like as high as they can get and just kind of look out over the, over the mountains and kind of like an old habit of like checking for smoke, looking for where fires might be. Those old days in a fire watch tower, just looking for any signs of a conflagration kicking up. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:21 I'll, and, and as I walk past Colette's room, I'll just like tap on it twice, tap on the door twice. I'm up, so I'll run up to it thinking somebody else is dead to big scary dogs. Open it up. What's going on? Nothing, nothing, nothing. I was just, I, I don't know. I just wanted to say, Hey, I guess, Hey, Hi, are you okay?
Starting point is 00:44:45 Totally good. All good. Super good. You good? Yeah. Yeah. Did you want to come in or something? No, I was just like, I was just checking on everyone.
Starting point is 00:44:54 Okay. I saw Coa down in the pond or the pool, not the pond, Jesus. It's like, why are you awake? Go the fuck to sleep. I just have trouble sleeping, especially after all this. I mean, I mean, what the fuck was that Logan? What did we see? I mean, they told us about, they said it was a possibility and we just are unlucky enough
Starting point is 00:45:17 that it was. Right. But like, okay. So I've been thinking about it. Every time we've seen something on the other side, or at least for me, it's been an interpretation, right? Like I've seen what I am when I'm over there and I've seen what Coa is, or I've seen what your fucking uncle is over there.
Starting point is 00:45:36 But most of those are like human in some way, in some way, shape or form. I could look at it and I could say that used to be me. Did you look at those things and feel that way? I mean, there's a bunch of weird shit in the world that the living can't explain and there's a bunch of weird shit in the world that the dead can't explain it. I mean, it makes sense that like no one really knows and that's, I don't know, it's kind of the point you're going to drive yourself crazy if you try to understand everything. I don't want to make sense and I don't want to understand it.
Starting point is 00:46:11 I'm just trying to accept that there's something more than me on the other side when I go out there and I drop myself to the floor and I go and I look at the influence of the world and all these stupid little pictures I've been drawing have I been exposing myself to? I don't know. I'm not religious, but fucking devils, demons, what the fuck are those things, right? If those things were out there, then it's not just us. I mean. Just the other side.
Starting point is 00:46:43 Well, it's the same thing if you're alive, right? Like the universe is fucking massive and there's like planets and shit everywhere. So like to think that we're the only living sentient things, that's dumb, right? Because like it's vast and endless and to be the only special things, of course not. So like if the end is vast and endless, then why would why would humans be the only thing? I didn't think it would be the only thing, I just thought we'd be peaceful on the other side. You got peace from all that? Before the dogs showed up, yeah, we put that man to rest.
Starting point is 00:47:24 I just thought that maybe at some point in my fucking life I'd get to rest and whatever those things have told me I can't. Well, you're supposed to rest now, so try to. Okay, but it seems a little all fucking fake bullshit now, I'm just saying. Turn on the fucking history channel or something, drown out your brain with dumb shit and then we sleep. You have to drive back, you're gonna drive back in the morning with, you know, like- I'll just have Abner do it. He loves it, he gets inside that fucking thing, he gets so happy. Just let him do it, I'll sleep in the driver's seat.
Starting point is 00:48:04 Your uncle is like a fucking Tesla, Logan. I just sit there and I put it on autopilot, it's great, we'll be fine. That seems so unsafe in multiple directions, not necessarily Uncle Abner doing it, but like a car driving itself, that's horrifying. Can I hear them from the fucking elevator this whole time? Oh, Vince, you're muted. Moral perception plus alertness. Oh, please do. Perception is hard, I can't read.
Starting point is 00:48:36 Okay, good. I suppose that Lavinia might still be in the closet. Oh yeah, Lavinia is here in all of this, all of this. Okay, that's three successes. Yeah, you hear. Okay, then- Come join the party. Do it, do it.
Starting point is 00:48:53 I'm wondering if it's worth the vitality. Yeah, I think it's just gonna unscrew the light above them where they're talking. Yes! So it just goes dark. And just peek from the ceiling. What the fuck, what the fuck, they're back. Okay, okay, fine, fine, fine. Go to bed.
Starting point is 00:49:15 Go to A bed, go to any bed, find a bed and be there. Wait, can you sleep? Me? Yeah. No, but you can. Okay. What am I? Two years old?
Starting point is 00:49:33 It's two in the A.M. Find a blanket, a pillow, a soft spot. It's something warm to cuddle with. He told you you should go to bed, so listen to Viv, Viv's right. Good night. Can at least somebody stay in the goddamn room? I don't want to be alone in here. Logan ripcord's back into their body immediately.
Starting point is 00:50:04 Wow. I'll take the damage. What happened to the puppy? What happened? In a different- Look, there are things. Yeah. Emotions.
Starting point is 00:50:18 Logan, you just slam back into your body and you just- I'm at four games right now. The wind is knocked out of you. Some of my ribs are certainly cracked. Yeah, yeah, you're fucked up. Well, Viv, the braids out, are you in? Yeah, that's fine. I'll just shout in my room, good night.
Starting point is 00:50:41 We don't have time to unpack that at all. And with that, unless there's anything else anybody wants to do during the course of the evening, what time do you all plan on getting up, hitting the road? I think as soon as the sun starts coming up, you all just hear the horn go, honk, honk, honk. You tell a hole, they don't hear that. Someone's car alarms going off. Well, what does Mia do?
Starting point is 00:51:20 Oh, after her night, she would have made some at least French toast, whatever's in the fridge. If there's nothing, then I'm taking her out. And then I would say like we would part in really good ways and I would just come strolling. I'll come strolling back to the hotel. And if the hotel has one of those like those fake Starbucks, like a faux bucks. It's actually got a real Starbucks in there. Oh, excellent. So I'm going to go ahead and because I'm going to go ahead and like get a bunch of like coffees.
Starting point is 00:51:56 I'll be like, yeah, I'll get some coffees or some iced lattes. Well, I am curious. What time what time would would Mia have gotten up and done the right way? What time do you foresee her getting back to the hotel? OK, well, check out time. No, I would want to be there. Yeah, that's 11. But I would. But I figured there will be a debriefing.
Starting point is 00:52:17 So I would have gotten up. Oh, I'm probably like around eight o'clock. I would have been strolling in around like 945 to 10 a.m. Are they gone by then? Yeah, I think we probably call out before then. And no one would have called me. I would have. Someone might have.
Starting point is 00:52:36 Let's do that. Yeah. So who calls? Who takes responsibility for calling Mia? Not me. I guess I'm the person that lets you know that we're leaving. We're doing it now. I would have asked like, all right, I'm at the would you like some Starbucks? Me, the ghost.
Starting point is 00:52:56 Well, ask the living. OK, I get orders from people. So just for my identification, you want the smell of coffee? Would you do like that? Would you like the smell of coffee? Yeah. Guess because I'm curious to the answer. Whose phone does Viv use and does she manifest to use it?
Starting point is 00:53:17 I'm guessing yes. Oh, yes, she does manifest to use it. I don't. I guess I'm in Colette's room in the morning. So I got you covered. Yeah. So you make arrangements to get back Mia before that. I guess the group takes off.
Starting point is 00:53:33 It's a very rushed breakfast. You know, obviously you explained to Layla. I'm sure that you've got to hit the road. Yeah, I've left it on her nightstand quickly. If anyone is eating, they notice that LaVinia watches them eat and is like kind of transfixed. Like even kind of like chews as they chew. You want some?
Starting point is 00:53:56 Logan. What? That's very rude to ask or offer. What? Logan, eat your breakfast. What if it was like, OK, hold on, hold on, hold on. You can't kill, you can't kill breakfast food, right? But if I chew it first, is that kind of like killing it?
Starting point is 00:54:12 Chewed food is not ghost food. We can't eat. Logan, you can't physically eat it. It does nothing for us. Were you thinking the food would have to have a soul? Unless you offer it. Oh, we lost Amanda. That's all right.
Starting point is 00:54:30 They'll be back. Holy shit. As this conversation continues, keep rolling with it until Amanda gets back. Yeah, we can see you. We can see you. I'm trying to update your video so you can come back. Got some technical difficulties, folks. Wouldn't be a Mayday role play.
Starting point is 00:54:55 Actual play without it. Vince, do you see it here, Amanda? I do not. OK, that's really weird. I do. Are we talking about the act? On the Twitch stream, I don't. Amanda, why don't you just try to restart this OBS link
Starting point is 00:55:12 and see if you can get in? Great pause. Dude, while we work this out, do we want to take our break now? Come back after 10. That's a good idea. Let's do that. OK. We'll be back in 10 minutes, folks.
Starting point is 00:55:25 We are in this out and then we'll kick this off. So see you soon. All right. BRB. I want to feel that corn. Hey. Hey, folks. Fuck.
Starting point is 00:55:42 God. Damn it. Thank you for that, Caleb. I appreciate that. That was beautiful. I can feel that corn. My OO to loop is all fucked up. Anyway, OK, we're back.
Starting point is 00:55:57 We're going to kick this back off. So let's just say everybody reconvenes and we begin our drive back to, I'm assuming, Orpheus headquarters in Denver. I'm sorry. Oral Vada. Yes. I have one last thing. I'm really sorry.
Starting point is 00:56:11 I want to go put the computer back in the storage locker and get him a new lock. Got it. And really awkwardly drop off the new key for the lock at his work. OK. Easy enough. We'll say you're able to easily accomplish that in kind of that
Starting point is 00:56:25 downtime between waking up and then everybody finally reconvening to leave, especially since, you know, we're kind of waiting on Mia. So in that time, easy, easy enough to do. Still early enough, you're not dealing with traffic too much. It is a Tuesday. But yeah, you should be fine. And with that, we head on back up to Orpheus headquarters.
Starting point is 00:56:49 OK. And as you all begin the drive, you leave Colorado Springs behind you and you kind of get to that open country in between Colorado Springs and Denver. You pass suburbs like Castle Rock and you continue on. And it's a beautiful drive. You just stop and kind of think about what happened. Think about what you've been through.
Starting point is 00:57:12 I mean, all in all, this was a successful operation. That's really hard to dispute that. But you head home. And I think with that, after you check in with Kate Denison, your lead, you all are put on leave for two weeks. Put on a pay vacation for two weeks. Abner, you are resuscitated. We're returned to your body.
Starting point is 00:57:39 Yeah. So what do we all do during this time? And we'll start with whoever wants to kick this off. So the name of the episode is on the beach. Beach is a slang term used in the Orpheus University to refer to the downtime in between missions. So in this case, you all have the next two weeks to kind of just relax. Who's up?
Starting point is 00:58:06 You might have to pick somebody, Vince. Yeah. All right. Let's roll. Let's roll. Let's roll for it. You want to roll for it? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:15 Everybody roll a D100. Okay. That gives us enough of a spread. Sorry about that one. 59. 59. 59 for this. I rolled a six.
Starting point is 00:58:29 Six for Nicola. A 21. 21 for Collette. LaVinia rolled a 32. 32 for LaVinia. Oh. 72. 72 for Abner.
Starting point is 00:58:45 And I think, Mia, what did you get? Did I get like a crit success because I got a one? Or is it a hundred? A one. I think it's a one, right? Yeah. Yeah. So you'll actually go first.
Starting point is 00:59:02 Ah, shit. So order will be Mia, Nicola, Collette, LaVinia, Viv, and then last but most certainly not least our friend, Abner. So Mia, what do we do during this time? What we're going to do this time, the first couple of days I'm going to mostly be in my own, I will definitely get a nice deep tissue massage because things are getting a little tight on the left side for sure. So there's going to be a spa day.
Starting point is 00:59:39 There's going to be a spa day for sure. And I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to like Portland, Oregon. So I'm going to take a train. I'm going to just go to Portland, Oregon for like a week and then I'll be returning slightly a couple of days early so I can just sleep at my house, kind of grab errands and then just relax before I call back in. Nice. Okay.
Starting point is 01:00:04 Little camping or hiking. Okay. Camping, hiking. So if we were playing Delta Green, the equivalent would be returning to nature. Yes. Return it to nature and definitely going to a lot of different like eateries and stuff. Beautiful. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:18 Okay. Awesome. So in that case, yeah, Mia is largely off the radar. Kind of just, yeah. Definitely. Except for Nicola. Oh, okay. Because the only one that would know.
Starting point is 01:00:28 And if they want to join me, they are more than well to come along. And speaking of which, what does Nicola do? It's really tempting. I probably wouldn't go with you all the way to Oregon. That seems too far for me. I don't know. Nicola would probably be somewhat hanging around Orpheus. I mean, there's nothing better for me to do.
Starting point is 01:00:53 But I definitely, I definitely since we'll be gaining like vitality or have vitality be able to expend what vitality we need over this. I don't know. I think Nicola just to kind of kick shit off would probably do what she normally likes to do when she tries to like think about things and like think about some of the ultimate goals she wants. She wants to forbode. I want to forbode.
Starting point is 01:01:22 Let's see how many years into the future. Let's do. You can forbode forward. I can. Oh, I can. I can predict the future. I don't tell people about us about anything. Not anything I want to.
Starting point is 01:01:37 May I ask during the week? I guess I'll spend the five vitality to do 10 years. Fuck it. Jesus. I don't know. Holy cow. Okay. Stand by one.
Starting point is 01:01:51 Or 10. Or 10. So yeah. Rassily reads whole manual. Yep. Yeah. So up to 10 years. Okay.
Starting point is 01:02:01 Future relevance to the question on your mind. Okay. So what what would be the question most on your mind? Since I've encountered the specters and all of that, I've been thinking more about like the point in time in which kind of ghosts disappeared. Like Nicole was one of the first ghosts to manifest after that event. And it's been a thing that she's been contemplating and she's two and a half years old and she's on the pre-epis of three.
Starting point is 01:02:31 So she always kind of goes back to that question about what it is. So she wants to just see what 10 years or throughout 10 years might look for for that. Okay. Roll perception plus empathy with a difficulty of six. What do your ghost eyes see? Right. I got four successes, but a one. So three.
Starting point is 01:03:15 Okay. So three successes. Got it. Okay. So let's see how that impacts your, your vision. So with three successes. Okay. You see an event relevant to the question on your mind, whether you realize it's relevant
Starting point is 01:03:32 or not. Okay. It's, it's strange. You close your eyes. You phase out. You begin recalling home during the holidays, a holiday party, a gathering at your folks place and you smell fresh roasted pig. You smell and taste sweets, the treats from local shops, the poi.
Starting point is 01:04:09 You experience joy here singing your laughter, your dancing and your home, which is strange. This is, this is a memory. And it's odd why you would be experiencing something from the past, future for Bode. You found in your experience that sometimes for both early reliable doesn't the way we always intend it, but there's got to be something in there's got to be a message. There's got to be something here to tell you, or at least reflect on the answer of the question you're asking yourself. And so as you're there and you find yourself walking amongst your family members, you see
Starting point is 01:04:48 everyone, you can hear the sound of rolling thunder the hills on the backside of the farm and you turn and look. And there's a figure standing there. Rowed in black, tattered rags. And then a second and then a third. You smell blood, coppery, strong, freshly spilt. You smell gunpowder. And one by one, these wraiths.
Starting point is 01:05:29 You see that they're holding these stabs in their hands and these hands are gnarled, gray, modeled. They slam them on the ground and there's a peel of thunder. And these sites extend from each staff. And you step back. I don't know what the fuck that means. Roll perception plus alertness. I rolled. Three sexes.
Starting point is 01:06:31 Okay. Right before you return to your body. And I mean, what sensations are you feeling when you see these things and these sides standing on the hillside? I can't help but feel a little both in awe and also just a slight bit of fear. Because I don't know what these are and I don't know what that means. I don't know if this is a literal expression of that or something that is more abstract in need of interpretation. But but I just feel a little scared towards it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:11 And as you look away, you look down and at your feet is an orpheus employee badge covered in blood. Do I know do I know the name or the face on the badge? It's an almost instantaneous view and then you're back in your body or back in the present. Okay. I think on that note, like doing that, I've been we I've been kind of needing maybe help on it. So if Levunia is around, I'd love to ask her a question. She definitely be around. Okay.
Starting point is 01:07:59 So yeah, I'll probably find Lavinia, whatever you're doing that particularly if you hang around orpheus. And I'll just kind of walk in. I'll like light up a cigarette and kind of just lean back. And I miss those. Well, if you learn how to do the memorial, right, you can get them. Not bad. You can actually taste it. It's not really a taste more of the sensation, you know, the feel of the drag.
Starting point is 01:08:30 But you have to the secret is getting people to offer it to you. People offer something to you in your name or your honor. It translates into your essence, your cause. A little quick trip. Question for you. Or maybe a riddle. Maybe just kick it off because I know you're like riddles. Yeah, we like phrase it.
Starting point is 01:08:57 Lavinia is just enraptured at you trying to come up with a riddle. What comes for us all? Death. No, obviously not for all of us. The void. Have you ever heard of it? I'm aware of it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:16 Do you ever hear the rumor about maybe back in like, I don't know, what is it? 2015, 2016, I think 2015, where like people disappeared. All the ghosts. Vanish. I've heard those rumors, yes. It's a real thing. It's not a rumor. It's an actual event that happened.
Starting point is 01:09:37 Were you there? I wasn't there. But I was one of the first that were able to manifest after the point, which was a whole big deal, apparently. How long have you been a ghost spirit? Dead. I've been about, I want to say two going on three years now. Same, same.
Starting point is 01:10:01 Yeah, so I'm trying to figure out why that is a thing or what happens. Oh, I have a good inkling it will happen again. I think it's a pattern. I think it's an event that occurred. I don't know how long in between it is, but I know that it's a thing that will reoccur. Have you had one of your visions? I've been dabbling over the last week or so. And I saw something.
Starting point is 01:10:35 I don't quite know what it means. And then I'm going to explain to Lavinia the vision of the rate. I'm not going to talk about the family part because I like to keep that to myself. But I'm going to talk about the large rates, the sites, the slamming of it. And I'm going to express like how I felt about it. I felt a little scared about it and it seems alarming. Vince, does any of the imagery that she describes trigger anything in the long history of me studying puzzles and enigmas and strange tales?
Starting point is 01:11:16 Right. You, well, intelligence or wits? So you're breaking up a little bit. You said intelligence plus enigma or... Intelligence or... Intelligence or wits? Charisma? No, we lost them.
Starting point is 01:11:40 Charisma. Okay, charisma. So intelligence or charisma, they're both the same for me. Can you hear me? Yes, but you'll come out, you'll just kind of drop at the end. It's weird. All right, so sounds like charisma intelligence. I'll wait until we get the full story.
Starting point is 01:12:02 This is the real puzzle you have to solve in here. I think it might have been wits and enigmas. Okay, well, that would be good because enigma is one of my highest. Intelligence or wits plus enigma. Okay, great. Got you. So I'll roll intelligence first. That's a nine, a four, and a two.
Starting point is 01:12:23 And then I'll roll enigma. Two sevens, a three and a two. So that seems like three successes. No, now you're clear. Yeah, am I still breaking up? Yeah. Yeah, awesome. Okay.
Starting point is 01:12:40 For you, Lavenia, the thing that immediately stands out is that the appearance of these robe-clad, scythe-wielding figures, it is definitely important of death. You know, these are the historical representations or depictions of death itself as a character, as an individual, as a manifestation. So that, coupled with the blood, I mean, obviously it is a warning. Tidorfius, but to what extent, I mean, there's just not enough really there to figure out a when or a who or even, you know, but there's, it's not good. It's not good.
Starting point is 01:13:19 Yeah, I think that's pretty obvious. And I would probably just, you know, explain to Nikoa that it sounds like it's clearly important of something dangerous, deadly happening in the future. I don't exactly know what to do about it, but I can assure you if you need me to do something, I'll be here for you. I just need to figure out what it is, the chain of events that occur to the cat, you know, what catalysts this whole thing off. If it has to, I don't know if the badge of Orpheus is the start of the problem or the
Starting point is 01:13:54 end of the problem. Or the problem. Or the problem in itself. Yeah, you're absolutely right. Vince, would I have known exactly in the 10 years where I stopped in the timeline and saw that vision? No, it would have been hard. Okay.
Starting point is 01:14:14 Because it was, you were wanting to essentially tell future events. Yeah. But you were shown a, like shown, like kind of an amalgamation of past events. Okay. And I will say, Lavinia, with what, how would you have described like the family gathering? Would you have described that at all or just described? I wouldn't have explained the family gathering. I don't want to talk about my family.
Starting point is 01:14:42 Got it. The timeline table would have been tough to tell. Yeah. From what I've read about visions, it's hard to interpret and probably the best thing you can do is just wait it out to have it reveal itself to you. We'll have to keep our eyes out. I guess. I mean, if you find anything or hear anything, I guess, let me know.
Starting point is 01:15:05 It's a new puzzle. I appreciate it. Yeah, you're welcome. I figured you would be intrigued about it. You seem that you seem kind of aptitude towards that. So, but anyways, I thank you. I appreciate you. Do you do anything else at that time, Akoa?
Starting point is 01:15:24 I'll just probably hang out and just do any, unless I have to go anywhere, just fulfill any typical Orpheus obligations, do any training, debriefing. Yeah. The usual shit. For all of you, yeah, there is a debriefing, obviously, when you return back to Orpheus headquarters with Kate led by Abner, you kind of each individually recall or at least document your experiences during the investigation and separate reports. So, obviously, for the spirits, it's a little bit tougher to write up a report.
Starting point is 01:15:59 You do have to manifest in order to use a computer. Paperwork never dies. Terrible. Yeah. Yeah. I will say for my spirits, the night after your return from Colorado Springs, the completion of your operation, which of you would say you're near a TV or a radio? Yeah, everybody.
Starting point is 01:16:28 All right. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Dead ones. Yeah. Those of you in spirit form that night, wherever you happen to be, whether it's in a room or walking past somewhere in a vehicle, just kind of wherever you may find yourselves,
Starting point is 01:16:48 the radio, the television, something springs to life and you hear static and through the static, a voice. This is Radio Free Death, the voice of the afterlife. You may have heard last night in Colorado Springs, another one of those orpheus crucibles found themselves face to face with a group of the dreaded specters plaguing our community. They pulled their respective resources, managed to get it out of there alive, but it looks like there's another group on the scene, my dead friends. Keep an eye out.
Starting point is 01:17:25 And for those of you fighting the good fight with Orpheus, keep asking questions. This is Radio Free Death, signing out. Hmm. Interesting. It's okay. We have our own radio station. This is very Beetlejuice S and I just love it. Interesting.
Starting point is 01:17:49 So cool. All right. What do you do during your deadline? I think that the first week is spent back in Colorado Springs because I think that I take that business card that was given to me by Elizabeth and I call her up and at first it's just to check in. It's just to see her through and to help her through the process and I think we spend time together just trying to get used to the idea of what happened and trying to talk
Starting point is 01:18:25 with her over everything. And then I think at the end of the week, if she's amenable to it, I think I offer to take her portrait. I make sure that she understands it's not for any monetary gain, it's not for anything other than a project I'm working on that's a part of my life. But that'll be my first week. Okay. Perfect.
Starting point is 01:18:50 Yeah. She is definitely amenable to you doing her portrait. I mean, it's an odd request. Nobody's ever asked to pay her before, but she's willing and I think you all would have built up a good report at this point. I think you could even venture to say that you're approaching friendship to an extent. You communicate well with her and she is able to talk to you about things that she really can't talk about or doesn't feel comfortable talking about with anybody else like the fact
Starting point is 01:19:17 that her boyfriend's spirit was hanging out and proposed to her in death. So yeah, easy enough. That's easy enough to do during your first week. What about that second? The second, I think coming back to Denver on that Sunday or Monday, whatever day I choose, I think that I go to the nearest bank. I guess the nearest bank that I'm connected with and I'm going to pull a considerable sum out of savings and pay two months' rent on the first and last rent on a warehouse
Starting point is 01:19:54 is somewhere in Denver, close to the facility, but not so close that it's within spitting distance but enough that I can commute and that warehouse, I'm going to spend some time cleaning it out and everything. It's a piece of shit place, but I spent the money on it and I'm going to lay out canvases across the entire studio space, sort of like a walking path almost. All of these different sizes of canvases that I've sort of sewn together and stapled through the supports to make this sort of almost like puzzle piece shape of the canvases themselves. And I'm going to start working on my new series.
Starting point is 01:20:36 I think Colette's really worried about it. She's still thinking about all the things that happen with the case, but she takes the time to lay herself down on where she sketched out this portrait and it is the bigger version of the one she did of Elizabeth. And what she does is she lays completely prone on the ground and she raises her hand with her brush positioned just right and it is the brush that Jamie gave her, but she's positioning it just so. And then she skims out of her body to allow the hand to fall to the canvas and then drop
Starting point is 01:21:15 the paint where it is. And then she repeats this process over and over of bringing herself in and out and in and out so that each brush stroke is while she's in that spirit form and then she repositions her body and she continues. She finds that over the process it's not working, in fact she hates it and she starts over maybe three times throughout that last week because none of it feels like it used to. But she starts work.
Starting point is 01:21:44 Got it. Okay. I love that. Lavinia. Probably the first night that we returned to Denver, the first thing Lavinia does is follow Colette home. So I would like to be as stealthy as I can in that process. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:08 Oh my God. Oh my God. So Dexterity plus stealth and Colette are you I'm curious would Colette be would she be the type of person to be looking out for somebody following her? Because of her past. Absolutely. Yeah. She's got it.
Starting point is 01:22:31 So then you go ahead and roll perception plus awareness awareness. I rolled two nines of four and a five. Two. So that's two successes. Okay. I failed both times. Got it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:43 So in that case it's yeah go ahead Lavinia. So all I do is I follow her home I assume you have like a are you going to that warehouse or do you have like an apartment or something Colette? She does have an apartment so during the first week she would have been at the apartment and then out in Colorado Springs but during the second you'd find her in that warehouse so I think you'd probably follow her. I immediately like once we're all done I just follow Colette home and I watch her for a bit in her home and then I go to the front door and I guess I have to manifest and I
Starting point is 01:23:14 know yeah I have to manifest and I knock on the door. From the outside or the from the outside as if I wasn't as if I wasn't creeping on you for the last hour. Okay. Okay. She jumps in a jolt and she goes through the door and she opens it up. Oh. Oh.
Starting point is 01:23:33 Hey. Vin. How's it going? Let I come in? Yeah. Oh. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:41 Of course. If you want me to. I was going to put coffee out. Just come in and shut the door behind her. This is nice. It's what they gave me or at least what I they told me to get a place in the city so I did. I wanted to talk to you.
Starting point is 01:24:03 First of all I wanted to say that I well you did a good job in this last operation. I was not expecting well when the outcome is as positive as it was I can only attribute it to you and your insistence that we do things humanely. You're being serious? You're not fucking with me. Well I suppose more than anything I'm just curious as to how you're going to inevitably butt heads against Orpheus protocol but I don't know it was out of the box and so it surprised me.
Starting point is 01:24:41 You got my attention. I'm glad you were looking. I mean at least somebody was. I'm glad. I'm glad. I don't know that's just how I operate and if Orpheus doesn't end up liking it I mean I'm sorry but they hired me what are they going to do fire me and then I go back to painting. Just between you and me fuck Orpheus if they don't like it fuck Orpheus oh you're so right
Starting point is 01:25:12 oh oh Vin I didn't expect this out of you this is incredible. You didn't read my file you don't know about my history. I didn't read the manual so the odds of you reading the file is fucking astronomical. I know you though and I gotta be honest on the surface you don't strike me as the fuck authority type but I am here for it and I am all for fucking Orpheus. When I was alive I considered myself a bit of an artist like you too. What was your medium? My medium well I suppose my medium was technology computers do you remember in 2000 whatever
Starting point is 01:26:01 the last election was and they had the issue where all the Republican donors accidentally were hacked and given to the Democrat donors and the Democrat donors gave all their money to the Republican donors that was me. I like to your oh my god that's fucking incredible have you ever heard of the there's a anonymous hacker group called are we cool yet have you ever heard of them? Why a handler is how into the news was Colette I think that she was totally with it definitely with it I mean she's weird and she's a recluse herself but she likes to know what she's getting into got it okay then I will say it is likely especially after all the the the snafu surrounding
Starting point is 01:26:55 the donor issue that are we cool yet definitely had it's it's 30 to 45 minutes in spotlight never mind 15 it was basically like an anonymous type internet group of hackers that focused on chaos more than necessarily a message it tended to be you know ironic type stuff very you could argue artistic in its own way and I'll say another one that stands out to you as soon as she says are we cool yet your mind snaps back to something that you thought was a particularly amusing was when they hacked into face the NSA is public facing website so yeah you you are you are aware of this group oh I know him I'm a big fan you're telling me you're with them they are created because of me I ran it when I was alive you're kidding
Starting point is 01:27:46 every once in a while you'll see something in the news and they're basically trying to pay homage to me then you need to tell more people how fucking cool you are what the hell you just been hiding this I can't really it's a orpheus thing they they don't want me you know I think if the public found out they hired me there might be issues that's why I don't really manifest very often isn't that so interesting that they want us for what we can do but they hate us for who we are at a stew point speaking of hating us I I don't know I guess I'm coming to you because I just got a weird vibe from the other members of our group I I feel like there's a little bit of apprehension to get close to me and I thought maybe you being
Starting point is 01:28:35 such a good people person maybe you could give me some pointers about how to interact and not creep them out well okay so here's the thing I don't think they like me very much either but I think that was after they got to know me I disagree listen the best you can do is open up like you just did to me I mean you just told me so many things that tell me exactly who you are and now I have that awareness I mean that's all human connection is it's how many things I know about you that I can relate to and relating is all it is I mean those puzzles are yours the thirst for knowledge you have the things that you love to solve you can share that with them and maybe avoid the I'm gonna climb inside
Starting point is 01:29:21 you talk just a touch even if you could change the wording maybe don't say I'm going to skin ride yes skin right it's just a tough concept in general like if you were tell me this if a freshman in college walked up to you and you were a freshman in college and he said to you in a very general casual way I'm going to skin ride you the feeling would be not a good one right yeah well it's a shame because it's an incredible feeling have you ever had anyone skin right no no I can't say that I have would you like to is yes I think Lavinia puts out her hand and says just just a hand okay okay listen I have a very addictive personality so this is this is something that I should be worried about it's not addictive well then wait
Starting point is 01:30:36 one second and she goes into her bedroom and she comes out and she puts up a sketch pad on her coffee table and she sits sort of crisscross on the couch and she puts her hand out onto the sketch pad with a pencil and she extends it out she says okay if you're gonna do it let's do it so I sit beside her and probably using I probably need to use some vitality I just want to have control of her like hand like you know from hand to like forearm so that'd be a one vitality okay so I'll expend that and I already forget what the role is but I do know that because she is complicit or consenting it's she can add with her meditation role I think to it right so for you you're gonna roll charisma plus leadership yeah and for you Colette even though you may be
Starting point is 01:31:30 willing the soul kind of instinctively rebels against surrendering to someone else's will so for you role charisma plus meditation boy okay um I have one success okay I have four successes so it's a total of five yeah you uh it you eventually you you can still see LaVinia and LaVinia you become cognizant as you know having done this a few times you become cognizant of these silver threads that you see kind of drifting from Colette's form and you reach out and you kind of your energy becomes one with one of those threads and you pluck and you strum and you pull and you can feel
Starting point is 01:32:29 her will as your arm begins moving on its own yeah and I would imagine it's interesting for Colette to like see and feel that her hand is moving but not like have the brain connection of like making it move and and LaVinia will pick up on what she's doing and and probably grab whatever pencil or or whatever you you put by the canvas and LaVinia isn't very good so she'll just draw like a happy face you know using the hand oh it's so weird it's it's like i'm right there with you but it's none of me the nice part comes that I can feel everything you can feel and I'll start running my hand down her other hand very softly and sensuously come on what did you not hear what I just said Vince
Starting point is 01:33:24 and I'll just kind of I I think that that that Colette lets it linger longer than she expects to and enjoys it more than he expects and then immediately he's like okay okay okay that's okay I'm gonna yeah I'll I'll break out once I see her you know trying to straighten up um and she's just staring down at her hands fuck that was whoo thank you for letting me do that I um of course thank you I'll I'll leave you back to your work I just wanted your advice I'll see you in a few weeks but if you want to stay for a drink you're welcome to I mean I was just going to paint it's been a long time since I've had a drink sure I'll if you're offering it
Starting point is 01:34:21 I'll take one absolutely I don't know how to I don't know how but just pour me one and put it on the table okay okay I'll go into the kitchen and I'll pour she is gin on hand yeah and pour a handle in and and kind of using Nikoa's method I'll I'll grab at it and I assume like manifest one do I need to do anything special to like also I'll say if you're I'll say if you're manifested you can actually even taste it oh interesting okay yeah yeah I think even even though she's not a gin drinker she'll still savor the fact that it's any kind of sensation thank you sorry it's it's all I have I usually keep a dry house but I keep a bottle around just in case guests I'm glad you're part of the team Collette I'm glad I am too Ben it's really good you came
Starting point is 01:35:15 over I was starting to worry it was only Logan that liked me so that's good if you want to come by anytime you just let me know drop in I'll take you up on that offer okay I think eventually Lavinia will leave and taking Collette's advice about trying to someway connect with the others she's going to start first with the easiest which is she's going to go back to Orpheus and she's going to try to get Viv and Nakoa together the three of us the three girls will be sitting somewhere and I'm going to say um I brought you all here because I I don't like to manifest and it's kind of a pain in the ass to do the reports and to just do what I need to do my own personal projects without having a body to use um and I was thinking maybe the two of you could help me
Starting point is 01:36:21 find a member of Orpheus that might be willing to give up their body for I don't know a couple hours what I'm trying to say is that I want your help to hook me up with someone that would be into this sort of thing you see what I'm saying like listen you mean listen to you debrief your notes no no not listen I they always get it wrong and they you know half of them can't spell I'm saying I want to be able to skin ride someone how regular are we talking like I mean it'd be lovely if you could be a couple hours a day hey I could get a lot done that way huh so you're looking for what is it the word amalkovich is that the term you're looking for
Starting point is 01:37:12 somebody you're looking for amalkovich for a puppet I suppose so yeah I I mean I just figured there's so many employees here so one of them is bound to be somewhat into it could I could I ask why you don't like to manifest because I I'm not like the two of you I don't have a lot of vitality to spare and if I'm going to spend it I'd rather do it where I can actually get onto a computer or hold a gun or whatever it is I need to do it's it's it's what I am it's it's my horror we're work work friends and everything and I want everyone on our team to make it to the end
Starting point is 01:38:03 or whatever but what's in it for us a little right you understand is it just like the power of friendship or what what are we doing well I would never offer I would never request something without an expectation of something in return viv I met your disposal like you said we're work friends I'm happy to help you in any way that you need I know that we all have our reasons for lingering I might have someone who might be able to help you but that comes with a lot of strings someone in Orpheus in a way they're part of Orpheus
Starting point is 01:38:53 but they're very well connected well that's why I wanted to put our heads together because it can't just be some random person they I mean first of all they have to find me attractive it's just the whole kind of connection thing okay and secondly they have to kind of be up for it I figured since we all kind of haunt Orpheus or you've all met some employees surely you might if you come across someone just let me know okay yeah hang on somebody use yeah I mean I might be able to find somebody who might connect you outside of Orpheus but it's a difficult road if you want to go down it I I'd rather keep it in the building only because I don't know I just feel like I can get away more with Orpheus what I'm saying is that the person
Starting point is 01:39:45 I could potentially offer might be somewhat outside of Orpheus where you don't have to worry about the strings of bureaucracy because I don't see see you as the type who likes Orpheus or you know you what I'm saying is that like if you get somebody in Orpheus you know they have the capacity to maybe accidentally let that slip but you want discretion fair but I can't be bringing a non Orpheus member into the building to do my paperwork true we need a forgettable entry level weirdly horny person okay now you're heading in the right direction yeah yeah I got it somebody that won't be missed stays here for eight hours only works for three someone who isn't offended by the word simp I got it we're good don't worry about it all right as long as it's the mutual
Starting point is 01:40:36 transaction Lavinia of course that's the only thing that's why I'm bringing it up I only it can only work if it's consensual okay thank you girls you're welcome I think that's basically all the video wants to do that was her attempt at connecting with her thanks okay right um what is there is there any uh any to any point in the evenings or the days even when Lavinia's time to herself where she just walks around the city oh yeah yeah okay um at one point uh you're walking through Denver and you walk by the intersection that you have been briefed many many times to check on a regular basis and you see the black ribbon tied around the lamppost that you know is the signal that you need to meet
Starting point is 01:41:40 and based on the communications plan that was briefed to you by your handler you know where and when and so you make your way that evening to uh lake mary up in uh the wildlife refuge outside of Denver and when you arrive you see the black sedan running idling and standing next to it an older man probably five ten five five nine little on the shorter side older probably 50s 60s uh close crop almost buzz cut silver hair clean shaven uh dark suit and you know this man this is mr cross who is the reason you're with Orpheus I will manifest about 10 feet away you know I'm walking towards him manifest and kind of walk the last couple of feet and just say cross miss dire what can I do for you
Starting point is 01:42:44 well I heard you had your first out with Orpheus yes uh a resounding success in certain ways I certainly have a better idea of who I'm dealing with got it who we is on the crucible I'll give him the names of everybody that I work with good good now I'm curious uh miss dire how is the name flatline come up at any more time I can't say it has it's good I need you to do me a favor do I need to know that name you need to know when you hear it it's like pornography can't describe it you know when you see it in this case you know when you hear it the second you hear anybody other the words
Starting point is 01:43:42 project flatline you need to let me know I will keep my ears out good good any other events that I I need to know about nope I think everything is happening exactly as you hoped it would your team trust you I'm working on that as you can as you know from experience I I'm a little prickly uh and uh but I'm finding my way in I think if I find myself to be useful to them they'll eventually warm up to me oh I agree I want to see you leading your own crucible one day miss dire I want to see you comb the shots as much as you can being dearly departed I I don't remember us discussing me leading anything I I prefer to lead from the shadows
Starting point is 01:44:52 leading is access miss dire leading is influence I know what leading is I've been doing it my entire life I just oh darling darling you couldn't lead a block out of a soaking wet paper bag with a jot hole in the middle I sometimes forget about where you're from and you're delightful sayings I have faith though I trust that you can lead and you will I need someone that I can trust calling shots we can pull the purse strings we can blackmail we can manipulate all day long but the second the soonest not gonna have someone that I trust telling people where this company needs to go oh boy we off the races well as long as you keep your end of the bargain I'll keep mine
Starting point is 01:46:03 well having you heard the NSA always does what it says it will that's why I agreed to this mess it's gonna see again it's not good to see you again but nonetheless here we are does that need to see yours down I hope she's doing well I don't get a chance to see her very often that's why I give you everything I earn to make sure she's okay oh and she is her family's well compensated let me ask you cross what can you break even if you never pick it up or touch it I promise you're getting better
Starting point is 01:46:51 never forget miss dar I can break you I bristle at that comment and I will demanifest and just walk away y'all take care now and with that let's go to viv yeah okay so I think she she takes care of the meeting with um with Lavinia and Nicola first sure and then just as she's about to like get into her regular rhythm of just kind of fucking around until they ask her to do something um the the radio starts talking about the
Starting point is 01:47:47 she's been up to and that's the final straw like she's been doing really good job uh keeping the worst of the poltergeist um understanding together but after that um I think she finally lets the anger sort of come out um she fully just starts shaking and heaving and manifests um goes straight to downtown Denver if you're around you're probably here just the hours of snapping and breaking just destruction noises um in the street and she takes she she takes these those um those scooters that you can like rent with your phone and it's just obliterating every single one that she sees beautiful every single one two pieces non-stop and I think being on this mission this is probably the most dead she's ever felt
Starting point is 01:49:01 so she just wants somebody to remember that she's not and she spells out her nickname with the with the scooter pieces um and I think she goes to Nicola next I feel like I would have heard you do all of this and probably just casually follow you I don't want to pee oh that should be in the news yeah um yeah where were you managed like when you were when you manifested because you could do that de-manifested um were you like there at the scene like physically yeah well yeah here's the thing I think after a while the manifestation because it says that there's a manifestation that's just built from nearby parts so it's just made of scooter she's just a scooter part person got it um and just ripping
Starting point is 01:50:01 out the more parts and almost building herself with parts oh they're so full of that that makes the rounds um and uh yeah Nicola you definitely catch wind and so you yeah you and Viv catch up yeah I'll find Viv I'll do that I'll do that thing where you knock on the side of the door it just kind of lean up on it what you doing hey hey there hey whoo okay I feel I feel better that must have felt really nice huh it felt great got a little hot a little heavy that happens a um how are we with that uh with the with the going back thing can we do that now can we do that now well I don't for can I can I try to calm her down with a vitality rule yeah go for it absolutely with a zero vitality um spend oh yeah
Starting point is 01:50:58 and I'm spending a lot of vitality what's your what's your willpower there um Viv right now it's a seven seven your willpower okay what's your baseline rating uh eight eight okay that is uh three successes okay um fortunately with uh that eight willpower it's it's she is such a force of nature at this point um that it's it's tough to kind of break through and calm her you find it's it's easier to calm people outside of the crucible um unless unless they're willing I mean do you allow her to calm you or do you want to kind of okay yeah it is like especially during the past operation right the people that were either entirely willing or they just did not have that much willpower to begin with but this is a force of nature that
Starting point is 01:51:53 it's been a while since you felt um it's like pressing up against a concrete wall trying to tell it to relax yeah this is not happening um yeah it seems that Christopher's uh case resonated much with you so yes I have time absolutely for you if you take at least a deep breath for me yeah okay great still mad but you're welcome you're welcome to be mad it is okay to be mad how far do I need to go back to see uh one year three months two days what time is it it's the middle of the night right yeah we'll say it could be the middle of the night yeah sure how much vitality would you want me to spend on this one Vince um so for this one and I will say for you you would want to build a better connection with um
Starting point is 01:52:53 um it might be better to go back to are you trying to do you want her to see a pretty specific event Viv or do you want to see there's a tie to a location um it's a specific event because we're not where that happened currently got it yeah okay yeah okay so in that case there um let's do you oh give me two seconds I'm gonna say um let's do four what let's do yeah let's do four I'll give you four because it's just over a year okay I can I can use it my vitality then I don't have to lean on okay so I'll um I assume we're at like a like in an office or something like that um are you just are you still just manifested as like parts yeah okay we're probably
Starting point is 01:53:48 outside okay we're probably outside like we can be by the office building if we need to be I'll just in yeah no I just need to I just needed a gauge where we were at wait just so I make sure I'm understanding there's there's a physical amalgamation of scooter parts walking around Colorado yeah oh my god yeah yeah I mean she's being like looks like about it but yeah yeah so I'm just gonna then I'm just as yeah yeah I'm just gonna I'm just gonna crisscross applesauce in front of scooter golem uh and I'm just gonna hide your ankles and I'm gonna just put a hand on on it on a scooter part or whatever so I must say you need you need to know what it is you're looking for so there has to be a very specific question in mind you need so you're gonna need details
Starting point is 01:54:50 so I need you to tell me exactly what I'm looking for and what you would like me to see and maybe even why it's a little painful but it helps the clarity okay um I'm looking for a face a person driving actually and I used to I used to I used to work on my bike a lot and they very close to what happened to Christopher just maybe they weren't paying attention maybe I don't know I don't know I don't like to think about it too much but I think I just I flew from my bike and that was sort of the end
Starting point is 01:55:39 of it the end of all of it and I want to know who did it okay um I what is the the the level the DC yet is it still six it's still six yep then I have five successes with a one so four successes total damn beautiful okay the character clearly sees and hears what took place and she may move around to watch the action uh from different angles this is good where did this happen again viv I wrote it somewhere it's it wasn't um it wasn't Colorado right it was it wasn't Colorado but it was um it wasn't downtown I think it would be somewhere like I don't know closer to like a freeway entrance of some kind I don't have the closer to the interstate yep yeah got it so
Starting point is 01:56:37 you you your eyes go dark and you see this viv and all of a sudden you're right alongside her a living breathing vibrant vivian acre as she rides her bike and the wind is is rushing past her that surge of adrenaline as she just bucks it on this side street running next to the interstate that cuts her Denver um you don't see the SUV that hits you that hits her this black vehicle crushes into her there's no squeal of brakes there's no attempt to stop there's just the impact and the crumpled form of vivian acre sliding across the pavement skin being rendered by the pavement
Starting point is 01:57:32 the first thing that's roll perception plus uh alertness I want to see how much you see you said perception plus alertness correct yeah I have three successes okay the first thing you notice about the SUV is there is no real license plate that's been removed the SUV comes to a stop it's like an escalade and two men get out they're wearing suits and they're wearing ski masks get the fucking package one of them says to the other the second the one who gets out of the passenger side moves over to vivian's body
Starting point is 01:58:29 fuck she's still breathing put two in her fuck that she's gonna die anyway get the fucking package let's get out of here before she calls cops he reaches down into her bag and pulls out a package no indication of an label apart from a very basic p.o. box he grabs it hands it off to his partner and he holds his hands over the nose and mouth of vivian acre until she stops moving fucking next world piece of shit let's get out of here
Starting point is 01:59:18 and they leave can i walk around to the to the inside of the car and get any details of what what they might have inside the vehicle you can you see a laptop bag and i'll need to make i'll need you to make another perception plus alertness rule on this one the dc is going to be seven dc is going to be seven yeah then i one success okay you that success is a 10 i don't know if that matters i'll take it yeah you see an employee badge or what looks to be an employee badge or the lanyard of one and you think you make out the letter t but that's all you can see
Starting point is 02:00:21 no details of the men's faces they're under the masks there are no point in no one point where i can see them take them off and not from this scene let me see um yeah only this scene only this event at this location but you can see they're wearing gloves they're wearing masks this was clearly an intended hit do i have enough time in this for bow to potentially see vivian manifest for the first time or no i'd say yeah i'd say yeah it's actually pretty quick um you can see i mean what would she see the first time vivian manifests i don't want to speak for you i think she's still in shock she still is acting like she just got hit by a car so she
Starting point is 02:01:17 just starts like getting up like dusting herself off i don't think it clicks for her until she starts to grab her bike and she can't to like put it up right again and then i don't even know it would just get it would get bad i don't know i don't know maybe she would just start screaming i think yelling at the people or anyone really you see her screaming you see her shouting at them you see her lashing out trying to land blows and them just passing through their physical forms until eventually these men with the pack and you get back in the scv and take off okay they'll come out then i think viv probably dropped to her normal form so there's just a pile of parts
Starting point is 02:02:18 like a nest of parts that she's on now she's just staring ahead nicole is gonna get up so that i'm now face to face with with vivian and the first thing i'm gonna say is thank you for sharing with me i know that it was probably very difficult i didn't see who did this to you unfortunately they were covering themselves what i do know is that they had every intentions to harm you and they took the package in which you were carrying i saw a badge with the letter t on it and that's about all i saw no license plate thank you of course okay okay that's fine we can um we can work with that we can work with that okay how are you or how are you feeling right now
Starting point is 02:03:34 i was feeling about halfway done when you showed up now i feel like i need to start over um but i understand that that's not feasible at this moment so i'm probably just gonna go in my car and scream until the sun comes up honestly um but thank you i owe you for this don't owe me anything i'm here to help you it's what i'm here for if this brings you closure and some level of peace that's what i want for you i understand above all how alone one can feel nicole i i want to kill these people is that gonna be a problem i don't see it as a problem per se
Starting point is 02:04:30 i understand that most people think that i'm following the orders from the the book but it's just simply what we're asked to do and how we need to do it i'm not going to stop you from getting what you need to move on especially now knowing why if if they want to be cool you have every right to be cool back i just want you to do it in a constructive manner that doesn't ruin you at all there's a cost for being so hateful and it and it's not a path i want you to go down either so if there's a way that you can navigate this so that you can come out finding peace that is what i want for you i will keep that in mind but okay i will try i'll try and also try to not walk around the
Starting point is 02:05:33 streets in a scooter form that's not a good look you know we're gonna it's gonna find out and we're gonna have to actually deal with this on a on another basis if they find out it was you it's it's not a regular thing i it was just it's not i know i know i just have to say it so that the mindfulness is there it next time yeah more than welcome to find me i'm always around i'll listen to you okay okay well we at least do it like somewhere inside maybe in a warehouse or something we'll find the warehouse where they know they have they do have those things where you can just go to a place and throw like objects at walls to kind of let you know maybe we should find something like that where we can just go off hours rage room rage room i bet colorado has one
Starting point is 02:06:23 somewhere in denver we'll find it we'll go do that sometime okay okay well i'll leave you to go screaming in your car but you know i'll be hanging out if you ever need an ear okay okay i will all right i'll take care i'll see you soon see you monday or whatever finger gun walk away okay logan and abner you get called in to see miss uh keith enison interesting
Starting point is 02:07:08 keith kind of just she has her own office she just received off a seat what happened with the brother what happened with the brother well logan do you care to explain what happened with the brother okay yeah i mean it made sense to me so here's the thing okay look honestly i'm going to be i thought you were gonna you said that like you were gonna continue with like honestly and then you were gonna have something to say which is why i stopped talking but i it's going to be honest here's the thing look so he was asking like if we're for real and i was like yeah we're for real and he was like like he definitely didn't believe us and like it's not
Starting point is 02:07:57 like it's a secret everyone fucking knows that we're for real and so i was like do you want to see and he said yeah i think i don't actually remember he might have not said anything maybe he said no i don't think he said no i wouldn't have done it if he said no for sure he if i said no i definitely wouldn't have done it but he didn't say anything and or he said yes and so i was like boom here it is here's what's up here we're for real you want to you want to try and like say that we're not real we're fucking real dude and then i came back when he obviously freaked out and i tried to calm him down to do that thing that that coa does really well where she just like talks and it comes i don't have that yet i just i you know and he honestly doesn't mean verbose
Starting point is 02:08:42 we're being sued i'm like what grounds though um you know mental anguish and injury he wanted to know i gave him the information he wanted that's bullshit we're going to settle because that's what we do because the last thing we need to do is drag how and what orpheus does out into public court what if i go talk to him like he wanted to know and i can go you will stay far away from him i mean i need to apologize i take full responsibility for this i allowed myself to get locked up uh on the other side of a wall while that happened in the future i will keep better control of my investigators i assure you it will not happen
Starting point is 02:09:37 again it's good to hear you don't do you don't control what i do first of all i'm a grown-ass person second of all he wanted to know why is he what like what that doesn't make any fucking sense he was the one that wanted to know i gave him answers just because he didn't like the answer doesn't mean he gets to sue us they have nor can you do you mind i'll deal with it k no no no i mean oh i'm sorry no step right now close the door behind it i closed the door how you doing honestly fine i'm fine i'm pissed that he's suing you for something he wanted to fucking know do you know how many times i've been sued what does it happen a lot yeah it's not too or if this has money
Starting point is 02:10:37 and we're paid to scare the shit out of people yeah we've been sued i wasn't trying to scare him i know i know i know you weren't you're not stupid you know that right don't make stupid decisions it wasn't stupid decision he did you're right he he i get that you're saying he asked for it i'm not saying one like that when you say like that it sounds like real shitty like okay okay okay no he wanted to know was that the best way we could have done that i mean it was the quickest way the quick there it is you're kind of a bull in the china shop
Starting point is 02:11:24 aren't you that's not the first time i've heard that i like that about you don't get me wrong i like that about you but this the job requires a certain amount of finesse at times and so if you had gone back to a there are other ways we could have handled this that's all i'm trying to say so we're gonna settle out of court probably for a little bit of money you're gonna have to go through some training but it's gonna be fine this isn't gonna be a career killer morale may take a hit let's take it up chalk it up to a learning experience all right okay do me a favor don't make my job any harder than it has to be your fucking uncle does that more than enough i make no promises to family trait oh i'm noticing
Starting point is 02:12:20 why'd you join me for this honestly answer um i uh thought it was the right thing to do i guess i don't know i couldn't do my other job so you want to help people yeah is that accurate yeah right now there's no better place to do it and i think you saw that with chris for now in case you all did good don't question that for a second especially once those things showed up yeah what the fuck i thought they didn't show up that often it's getting more frequent didn't tell that in training would have liked to know that
Starting point is 02:13:20 we didn't really see it missed the force for the trees and whatnot the bureaucratic bullshit that chokes this organization is does this more harm than good sometimes that's not as bad as it gets this there's worse things than those dog things i would tell you to ask the rest of my crucible they're not here anymore right you are strong and you are smart don't be stupid i'll do my best
Starting point is 02:14:12 uh after that oh no kate says don't be stupid and logan spends three days trying really fucking hard not to be stupid they be like stay home they try to read the handbook they don't get very far at all they hate like they are it is like a grind their eyes are like what like glazing over they try to like drink and do it that doesn't work they try to put music on and do it that doesn't work uh they try to like go to the gym tire themselves out that doesn't work they try to like flirt with the girl at the gym tire themselves out that way that doesn't work it's like a whole mess they eventually they just get super uh antsy again and they get on uh online and at this point in time in 2018 there were three wildfires burning
Starting point is 02:15:05 in colorado yeah uh because everything else had mostly been put out yep and logan packs up their car uh and drives first to the uh the silver circle fire and they're gonna they're gonna park far enough away that it's it's not gonna it's not gonna cause an issue with like um evacuations but they're gonna hike in uh skim out of their body and hike all the way to like the front of the fire um and it's probably nighttime while they're doing this and they're going to use a ton of willpower and vitality to wail and try and cut like trenches and cut down the trees and like uh basically use the training that they had to put like a stop gap to the fire at least on one front and then the next night they'll go back and they'll do it again uh and then they'll drive over to the
Starting point is 02:16:09 three wash and boom gulch fires and do the same thing i like it and that's that's at least most of their first week if not all of their time so we'll just assume you spend the the amount of requisite willpower and vitality um just do me a favor and make three um you know what fuck it just make one um one manipulation plus empathy rule oh boy all right let's see if i need this one two three i think i have four do i have three no i just have three cool i should have chosen better guys hold on i have to pick a great dice to do this that's all right yeah this is yeah these three that's two successes okay i will say you're not able to stop the fires completely in their tracks but you actually are able to get them moving away from populated areas
Starting point is 02:17:04 yeah and you're able to better yeah you're able to better contain them for the fire crews to get in there and put these things out um yeah it's every time they report back to their body rather than walking back to it okay yeah yeah you'll be bruised you know you'll knock when not but nights rest and you're fine yeah that's fucking cool anything else you want to do during that time um i think i think if they have i think that that's most of their time and then any like handful of days that they're that they're back before our two weeks are up i think they go back to to the orpheus headquarters and they've got this tennis ball that they just throw against the wall and try to read the handbook uh doesn't also doesn't work
Starting point is 02:17:55 they're trying to like be in the place but they have to be doing something else so like throwing the tennis ball and trying to get energy out and then like reading it i just want to throw the tennis ball i think they like dropped by nicoa's office and they have a little basket that's got like licorice and cheez-its and apples and like a couple other just like like finger food snack things and a note that says smoking's really bad for you you might try that instead i'm already dead i will say during this time as well kate actually works with you oh cool to help you figure out your whale sick because she too is a banshee yeah and so she takes you under her wing that works with you a little bit i definitely don't tell her what i've been doing the last week
Starting point is 02:18:44 and a half yeah yeah that's fair that's fair um but she definitely works with you in that regard abner last but most certainly not so um first of all uh upon getting back to the orpheus building there's a bunch of uh boxes piled up outside of abner's office from amazon uh he kicks them all into his office opens them one by one each individual package contains a large print of Mount Rainier and he spends a good day going through the process of hammering nails into the walls in his office and covering them in pictures of the mountain so it feels and they're like it's like pictures from like you know different close-ups and angles so it feels like he's almost surrounded by it so not the same picture it's just right i get what you're saying yeah and
Starting point is 02:19:39 this probably like the frame sizes don't match up a little bit so it probably looks a little bit like a serial killer's den with all like the newspaper and bean cans piled up because they wanted to kill him out instead of a person um and then um abner is gonna stay in denver pretty much the whole two weeks um he is going to uh make sure the schedule meetings with kate denison okay um and also with uh the sketchiest security guard he the sketchiest security officer he can find uh i want to find the sketchiest person in security that i can get the hold of or that i know of uh using my influence and i'd like a meeting help them um so first with kate uh i think the first thing that abner says is hey i want to apologize again
Starting point is 02:20:32 about that that thing with logan i really want to reiterate that that was my fault and i really hope you're not going to punish her on my account no it's fine i'm gonna work with her we're gonna help her kind of get to where she needs to be that's good you know i've been sued you've been sued i think we've all been sued i know i know i just you know i don't want the it was it was my fault really i don't want the kid punished for me appreciate that there's gonna be a letter that's some people where she's gonna have to deal with and it'll be out of her record and what here i'm sure thank you thank you kate uh listen um i wanted to talk to you a little bit about uh levinia okay uh i'm sure you've uh read everything about her that i have i have now um
Starting point is 02:21:22 do you uh do you get the weird vibe off of her do you know what i mean oh yeah she's fucking creepy wow now um kate you know i have a she is and she i i will say she is you were right about her she's an incredible asset i'm happy to have her but listen kate you know i have a certain sense for people right i don't get any less creepy every time you say that but yes yeah there's um there's something not right there i'm very concerned i think she's a serious security risk how she's displayed manipulative tendencies she's already tried to one up my leadership uh on one occasion um i don't think that she has an ability to follow any kind of order
Starting point is 02:22:23 i don't know i i i guess i can't uh i can't prove anything at this point but i uh i want an eye kept on her okay well uh i hate to i hate to tell you it's you're gonna be the one doing the eye keeping i know but kate what i'm saying is is there any kind of additional insurance policy to make sure that the known criminal in my crucible is under control there are options but she has top cover what kind of top cover is that if you don't mind me asking people believe in her abilities to be an asset to this organization and they are staking their careers on it and i agree with that perspective but you have to
Starting point is 02:23:19 understand how dangerous that that can be right that's a serious vulnerability if she turns out to be problematic i don't disagree um keeping on it document accordingly we'll discuss and there's a wide range of options available to us okay thanks for your time kate good work out there abner thank you thank you see you later yeah we'll see you um and then uh i would like to uh how much do i know about the security division um i so it would depend on how much time you spent with them they're really it's like any other corporate kind of security force they check ids they monitor the cameras they walk the grounds um you do know that uh you do know some of the personalities i would say so um with these folks let me pull up
Starting point is 02:24:20 my my notes here um and of course you do know that um sorry my computer is taking a dog shit um here we go i found it um okay so you do know that the security force is led by one tyler ford he is the uh head of security um i'm his title is director of security you also have seen silvia margolis around uh who's another one of the security guards um as well as um um actually those are really the big two and then of course there's any variety of security guards that you could make contact with if you're looking for somebody who's particularly shady um roll roll charisma plus either i'd say manipulation um to kind of work your uh connections with tyler ford to see who his problem employee is okay let's see um charisma plus manipulation is gonna be
Starting point is 02:25:26 um two three four five eight whoa d ten okay wow and what's what's your um you've got status in the organization right three i do i have uh i have status uh four my shit set got it okay i'll give you another dice to that okay so that's nine d ten and he says i'm gonna be lit and is a so a six and lower is a success in this case six and higher or yeah six and higher yep six and higher so that's one two three four five six successes yep um he gives you the name of a guy named um uh shit what's a really douchey name um chat yeah chat greer cool yeah that's a business major um achieve that's a business major yeah who's kind of he's had some problems with him showing up late disheveled not really professional in his appearance and um you know tyler being a former
Starting point is 02:26:37 military uh does not like that fucking one bit he likes to run a professional outfit and um he's just kind of counting down the days so he can fire chat uh so what do you do with that information um i will um schedule i will uh schedule a meeting with this chad uh off the orpheus campus got yeah easy enough i'll probably uh i'll probably you know i'll do whatever i have to do what is whistle whatever um to get them to come to the uh uh visit me at the old um avernanthe warehouse okay um and uh when he gets there um hey uh hey there mr mr greer uh thanks for coming to meet me this is fucking weird i know it's i know it's fucking listen hey listen um i just wanted to talk to you i hear you've been having a little bit of uh of an issue with your supervisors oh my
Starting point is 02:27:34 god ford is such a ball buster dude i know i know i know um say uh hypothetically um what if uh we could pull some strings and get you um transferred to a different department a little bit higher status a little bit better pay what would you think about that maybe a little less workload what department whatever you want do something easy pr communications hr whatever you want uh i mean i don't really know how to do any of that shit that's okay now there doesn't anyone there what do you want i just um i thought maybe i could uh help you out a little bit in an exchange you could uh you could help me a little yeah man i'm real confused you know jad i was just uh i was just having a little bit of uh we're having some concerns with a member of my crucible
Starting point is 02:28:34 and i just wanted uh nothing nothing weird or anything i just wanted an extra tentative i kept on them and i was just hoping to find someone in security that'd be willing to give me a little extra assistance on that like ad orpheus ad orpheus yeah yeah maybe you know if you could uh check in on them every once in a while outside of orpheus too if you know what i'm uh you understand what i'm saying nothing illegal nothing nothing that gets you fired just a little just a little extra just a little extra i what do you think about that jad a grand a month and i'll take care of it oh that's so easy jad we'll get that taken care of and get forward off my ass i can do that too i got in good with the guy so do we have an
Starting point is 02:29:21 understanding that for a grand a month you want me to follow some some fucking yeah hell yeah okay her name is uh levinia i'm sure you've heard her uh around the uh the office uh she's one of our she is dead you know i can't see them right fuck they can't see them even when they're in the headquarters they can't unless she manifests the only people who have that default ability are the ones who can project fuck i feel like i i feel like i probably would have known that though you would um okay um that might um invalidate everything that just happened is there anything that like like vince you you tell me is there anything that i could could do that that he could
Starting point is 02:30:17 um hypothetically almost go on i mean maybe maybe instead of trying to find the skevious guy you find somebody within security that can see the dead maybe chad can see the dead you know what yeah well fuck it we'll say we'll say that chad has never been he's envious because he's never been able to make it onto the investigative consulting side um just not the brightest bulb in the chandelier i mean so um definitely envious has a bone to pick with orpheus about that and so uh but he does have certain abilities thanks to some of your death experiences yeah we'll say yep he can follow her let's do that okay so then do we want to say that the the kind of quid pro quo is i help but maybe get it as an investigative consultant let's do that let's do
Starting point is 02:31:03 that okay yeah and barring that a grand a month will be good okay maybe uh he probably wants both he's skeevy enough that i'm guessing he probably is gonna okay oh yeah no this dude is skeevy he's got like the permanent five o'clock shadow the shitty haircut like the uniform it's like three sizes too big and he just doesn't tailor yeah he's a he's a piece of dog shit that's exactly what i want damn vince has opinions and they're showing yeah chad in a frat i feel like he was definitely the cat was totally in a frat before he got kicked out of college for hazing oh now the is that good chad are we uh are we gonna be uh are you gonna be able to handle that for me yeah yeah that's good just uh you know i'm gonna sell you up the river if this comes
Starting point is 02:31:46 back and bites me in the ass well uh that's my uh that's mine to deal with but i'm uh i don't pay for uh i don't pay for sloppiness you understand me now seems like beggars can't be accusers in this case huh and you're definitely begging well you uh you keep me happy and i'll keep you happy how about that you're creepy but i kind of like that oh my goodness that's a weirdo all right all right yeah let's uh i'll keep an eye on oh god so then i'll i'll let him go um and after uh you know probably doing some hiking around like pikes peak and stuff like that the very last thing that abner wants to do before we're all reconvened is he would like to call um logan and colette to his office like right before we're about to reconvene yeah you do get you do get notified on
Starting point is 02:32:50 october 1st your report to a briefing room for your for your next operation so the so the day before that yeah that'd be a sunday so yeah yeah easy enough okay or you know the friday before or whatever yeah whatever you want to do and when when they get there uh abner's office abner's desk has been cleaned which anybody that works at the orpheus knows that that's very unusual and when logan and colette show up there's two copies of the orpheus training manual sitting out on the desk uh and abner says oh good you two are here come on sit down sit down sit down hey be redecorated wait hold on is this the fucking mountain is this a mountain from your wedding oh it's not really oh my god so okay hang on i have questions about this now um sure we got a
Starting point is 02:33:44 little time so so you so we like came to the fucking washington and we were like yeah we're gonna go to a wedding it was super cool and then and then i kind of like look at colette and then i'm like i realized what i'm doing in front of her and then i just see brother um and then like the lady didn't show up and they did the ceremony what are you talking about there was there was there was no or like man the person didn't chop i'm sorry that was super superheader norman of of me i'm really sorry i'm oh my wife many times oh no you you got married at mount rain year oh sure the ceremony was was right there and i liked one of the pictures on that's crazy you know i live like 40 45 minutes from there we oh well we've been very close to each
Starting point is 02:34:29 other i don't remember her like i don't like i remember you i don't remember her oh well you were so little you know these things happen i was 11 yeah so little i okay but i i have other memories from before i was 11 and when i was 11 so like i well you know things tend to skew with age i i don't mean to pry i know that this might be rude but is your wife still with us oh of course she is yeah i was really bummed i couldn't go out to see to see your you know over our vacation here but i'll i'll spend some time with her next time wait do you guys live out in washington yeah she's still up at the cabin somewhere but i never took you for the domestic type baby i think it's so cute he's not but there was no one
Starting point is 02:35:19 there you would do a whole ceremony by yourself on this fucking mountain there was no one there there was a there was a pert like an officiant and my dad looked really fucking pissed i don't remember why he was so mad logan i think you're a little confused there don't fucking gas like me old man oh i'm sorry uh should i be here oh no it's okay oh it's okay listen the reason that i called you guys in here today is because you guys uh you guys made of the parent to me that you've never actually read the handbook before i don't know what you're talking about i looked at it i definitely yeah so the remedy that i made sure that i'd have two copies ready for you and the three of us we're gonna sit here all day until you've read through every last line
Starting point is 02:36:11 oh there'll be a quiz after logan just slops down on the floor and takes out their tennis ball and starts throwing it at the closed door oh sure you can study down there that's fine uh that abner just peels a can off of uh off of some refried beans and and goes to town tend to be watching logan and colette this is hell calling colette yeah you read one chapter out loud i read the next chapter out loud i i think this is hell i think this is hell i think we died i thought the i i think the dogs got us where we are chapter one vince you're muted vince you're muted hi hi i think this is a beautiful place to
Starting point is 02:37:09 do no phenomenal work everybody that was a great session it was a phenomenal session so good um thanks for watching everyone join us again on uh we got a little bit of a break due to scheduling conflicts and you know the the things that typically happen uh when you're playing live but join us again on november 20th uh same time same place as we kick off our second investigation as crucible 12 if you weren't able to catch a full play through today don't worry you'll be able to watch it on demand here on twitch it will also be available on youtube and in podcast form one week from today for more information on mayday role play and these incredible individuals
Starting point is 02:37:49 to include all of their previous campaigns please visit to learn more about black project gaming where i'm currently running impossible landscapes for the delta green rpg check out and with that does anybody have anything else before we we turn them loose gtr2 gtr2 holy shit what a start uh phenomenal work folks that was amazing but uh thank you again everyone for watching and never forget don't look back bye

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