Mayday Plays - Starforged Ep. 11

Episode Date: November 5, 2021

Amanda and Sergio navigate the Ironlanders through a sticky situation....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We have returned to the forge, not on a Tuesday, but on a Wednesday, and I am with the amazing Amanda. How are you, Amanda? Hi, Sarge. I'm good. I'm good. How are you today? I am fantastic, because we're playing Starforged, and we're going to have some fun together. Let's do this, and I'd like to give a special shout out to Aaron, who really, really just decided to call me out last time. He just knew that you were going to be perfect for the job of saving everyone's ass from the mess that he made. Alright, so we did the mummy before, and I did another movie I can't remember. I got a feeling we're just going to keep this vibe going. I'm just going to copy. I'm going to end up ironically making another movie.
Starting point is 00:00:49 I'll ask you at the end of the session what movie you think we made here. Tip your hat down so the folks can see what you got a little alien hat on. Yeah, I came prepared. The infamously overpriced Alienware, but nonetheless, you are themed, so I appreciate that. You're going to get a thousand experience points for that. Oh, do I get a little bit more, because I actually went to Roswell, New Mexico. Did you really? Yeah, I got this from Roswell. Got it, so it's not the terribly overpriced computer brand. It's the genuine Roswell Trinket. That's amazing.
Starting point is 00:01:24 This is genuine roadside attraction Roswell hat, and I love it. I mean, we're playing a science fiction game. I might say that you, Amanda, are the closest made a member to experience the extraterrestrial. You might be an expert. Perfect for Starforged. Let's do this. Yes, I'm ready for this. You know it. Alright, let me recap what happened last session. So last session, Aaron made a new character. The tribe just kind of gave up on Nikata, not good choices overall, and they had her step down or had them step down. And they chose a new guy called Nader, and Nader was growing in popularity amongst the tribesmen and women, because he started a religion based around the space whales that they encountered.
Starting point is 00:02:18 And apparently gained a little bit of steam and was a priest of this whalism, I think it was called. The point is, is that he's really just kind of a sneaky liar and deceiver. He has a three in shadow, and he manipulated the tribe into taking over. So we have a little bit of a gray moral character here. And in finally reaching the Stargate, our biggest goal was to leave this sector. The space vampirates caught up with us. If you remember, they were the ones that fell in love with Nikata. Maybe wanted her back, but they were definitely stopping us from escaping this sector. We engaged with them, didn't really do a good job, kind of a little bit of a losing battle, and then things got worse. Coming out of the Stargate were shark class jungle ships. The jungle in the lore of our forge is this massive corporation that kind of runs the forge for the most part, usually shipping and handling of goods across the forge.
Starting point is 00:03:30 And the point is, is that the iron landers are experiments of the jungle. We were in the, I forget what it was, the expanse or the, we're in the expanse now. We're in the void, which was where the jungle was doing certain experiments and we were one of them. So the jungle managed to scare off the space vampirates, but we left with them beginning to board our ship. They have kind of frozen our ship in the sense that we can't use the engines or any of the machinery and they are about to board. Aaron rolled a miss. So I'm going to remind you, we were facing danger and we rolled a miss and on a miss you fail or a momentary success is undermined by a dire turn of events and we are meant to pay the price. So if you want a little help with deciding kind of how this boarding looks like, like what it looks like, roll a D100. Let's do that. I do have one request.
Starting point is 00:04:35 Yes, go ahead. I know you might be annoyed because I said this like right before we went live. I need everyone to know that since I'm in control now, while they're boarding, I am playing Welcome to the Jungle in my head. So it's like, no, no, no, no. That's how they board. You can hear that like that's the stomping. Right. Right.
Starting point is 00:04:55 I love that. There you go. So we're rolling a D100. I'm not going to like this. I'm not going to like this. Oh, let's see what you get. It's going to set the tone. I got a 90 for this boarding on a 90.
Starting point is 00:05:12 You are delayed or put at a disadvantage being boarded. Yeah, I think it kind of speak for itself. Yeah, exactly. We have absolutely nothing up our sleeve. You know, Aaron had described it last session as like tricking them into boarding us. We don't really even have weapons. I think we lost the space shotgun. We don't have laser blasters and stuff.
Starting point is 00:05:35 But I got us a bunch of weapons last time. I think Allegra lost us that space shotgun. I have to check the files. The point is, is this is no contest, right? Yeah, we're done. Describe to me what the soldiers or the or who is coming off of these shark class ships boarding us. What does it look like? What?
Starting point is 00:05:55 How are they dressed? Oh, okay. Because they are like the shipment of goods I would like. I don't know. We think we're going to get sued or whatever. We are not going to get sued. I want black and purple uniforms. Black and purple.
Starting point is 00:06:15 Okay. Black and purple. They, I would also say they got hand held like try quarter things. AKA like package scanners. Gotcha. So they, this is, they have like these little square rectangular things that they have to hold like that. And that's how they can stun you or they can read up on you. Gotcha.
Starting point is 00:06:39 And I think because we're getting forwarded. Yeah. Let's go ahead and like, well, I don't want them like super buffed out or military. I kind of want it more like sleek, like the 60s star. Yeah. Yeah. I love the idea of them appearing non-threatening. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:06:58 Yeah. But they control the entire galaxy. So there's this implication that they're, you know, extremely powerful. It's that falsity, you know, like, oh, we're your friends. You're like, no, you're not. Parker Woodley pointed out quite astutely in chat that William Shatner went into space today. So of course, Star Trek had to come up. So yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:18 So they, they board the ship. They're all very pleasant and nice. They're scanning everybody and like, you know, probably freezing them in place. Yeah. Exactly. That's a great. Yeah. They're using them freezing everybody kind of scanning everybody.
Starting point is 00:07:32 And also they're just, they're being, they're in it. They're going in and maybe doing inventory of what they have, everything, because they're going to rate it. They're going to literally probably strip what they can. Yeah. And even scan them. They're going to probably, if there's anything valued, they're going to make note. I think what's going to be valuable is that they're going to scan these folks and realize that, oh, this is an experiment that we have out in the void that has somehow escaped its bounds. Also KB.
Starting point is 00:08:03 Right. KB. Do they notice KB or not? That's a good question. That's a good question. We can find that out. Remind me, is KB, is KB unique in the universe? Like there is not a lot of artificial intelligence of his level.
Starting point is 00:08:19 I'm trying to remember. I think we said that he, or KB is unique in that way. And also the fact that KB is archaic because they were in. So it's like maybe seeing like the old Windows 97. You're like, whoa. Thank you. Dicedrop evolution for that follow. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:39 So you, yeah. And you know what? Ghost of Eli brings up a great point that they could just send us back. Like why, why do anything other than just return us to the Iron Land planet? Because they want to see the rest of the experiment play out. All right. Here he, there's a lot of dangerous possibilities here. But what I think would happen is that they would probably eventually reach Nader.
Starting point is 00:09:01 Nader's probably at the helm of the ship. You know, they come in, they freeze them, they scan them. What would Nader do in this situation to try to gain the upper hand, to try to stall the inevitable of whatever this, you know, much more powerful group of people, whatever they're planning to do with them. Nader, taking him like little, what is that guy, little finger in Game of Thrones? I'm trying to think like him, trying to think maliciously. Yes. The latter of chaos. Yes.
Starting point is 00:09:32 Maybe some, I feel like KB, like maybe he would do something to the ship or have KB download into the other ship. Like maybe trying to. That's interesting. Here's what I think is part of this is that they board the ship. They might not even know that the ship has artificial intelligence. If you're not, if you're not expecting it, you might not be looking for it. I think KB is going to try. I think at this point, if you got space travel, y'all got Bluetooth at this point.
Starting point is 00:10:05 So I think they're saying they have an artificial intelligence like detector. Because if they, if they don't, we could also get some time. Say it again. That it takes, may take time. If KB is going to try to get into the ship without being detected, that could be like he's setting it up in the. Maybe he has to, like, you know, like a fob or something has to go and insert it into some port in the station itself. I like that you're kind of giving us the starting point of an adventure. But I think we need to, we need to make our first role here.
Starting point is 00:10:45 We miss with facing danger so they've completely boarded us and taken us over either. Nader needs to take some kind of action to gain an advantage from these folks. Maybe just distracting them long enough for KB to do his thing. I think that's distracting. Okay. So Nader is, how is Nader going to distract these guys long enough for KB to transfer? Let's, okay. So if they come in, he could, because if he's frozen, he could be, I would say.
Starting point is 00:11:23 Let's say he could talk. Let's say they could, you know, he can still speak. He's frozen and he's just like, I'm the leader of these people. What's going on? Who are you? Did you disrespect our space whales? I don't, forgive me. I'm going to get Nader down.
Starting point is 00:11:39 I don't have this voice down yet. But he's like, in the name of our space whales, who are you? That kind of shit. Uh-huh. So he is proselytizing to them or maybe he's like trying to give them a good word? Yeah. He's going to actually, he's going to do something even meaner. I think he'd be like, let us go.
Starting point is 00:12:01 If not, I will put a curse on you via space whales who are angels and guardians. He could just literally be ranting and then probably try to do like whale sounds like that's their version of speaking in tongues. He's like, there's something like that. I think you are. It's distracting. Compelling them, persuading them. Yes.
Starting point is 00:12:22 But you are, yeah, I guess at the heart of it, you're just trying to distract them. I suppose you are facing danger or you're trying to secure an advantage. Secure an advantage, I think. Yeah. That makes sense. You are deceiving them. You are rolling with shadow. So let's check real quick your skills here.
Starting point is 00:12:44 Under devotant, under the path of devotant, when you kind of bring up your deity, you can add plus one to that. Oh, sweet. You're going to roll shadow plus one. Let's do that. There we go. Shadow plus one. Oh, I got a good feeling.
Starting point is 00:13:07 I hope so. I want a good. Okay. A weak hit is a hit. It's a hit. Let's see. On a weak hit, you may choose one. You can either take plus two momentum or add one to whatever your next move is.
Starting point is 00:13:25 That is not a progress move. Hmm. Now, something I'm forgetting is we need to add kind of a mini, a mini adventure here, which is that we want to upload KB to the Jungle Shark Ship. Now, is your intention for KB to take over the ship? Oh, yeah, I want it all. Okay. Nader's going to expand his fleet.
Starting point is 00:13:57 I think this is more than just dangerous. It's a formidable task. KB's never been in this ship who knows the kind of difficulties of an AI to kind of take over it. So this is going to take a little bit of time to successfully do. But if we can do it, it's a big deal. We will suddenly have a ship with weapons and it'll be a lot better. That's right.
Starting point is 00:14:25 I mean, we could too. We'll still drag the other one behind us. We'll toss everyone outside, but whatever. So do you want to make progress or do you want to gain momentum? If you make progress, we get closer to this goal. I think progress is the better. Okay. Because it's formidable.
Starting point is 00:14:40 It's only one box. That's right. But yeah, you know, you're seeing that you are distracting them. KB begins the process of uploading. Maybe Nader doesn't even know that he's doing this. This is just Nader rambling. You know what I mean? Nader's rambling, but I would think also like if KB is going to talk to the captain,
Starting point is 00:14:58 maybe there would be like a screen like I need time or just like give it like he doesn't know exactly what KB is doing, but he's like distract them or distract them. If you want to live or something like that. Yes, but it was a weak hit. So the jungle employees are at least paying attention to Nader. Maybe it's like almost like a condescending way where they're like interesting. They've developed a religion since they've been in space. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:15:31 Like they're scientifically commenting on our reactions to stuff. Nader has a mission. He needs to help KB. What else can Nader do right now to help this keep going? He would be like, bring me to your leaders, your management now. Yeah, he says take me to your leader and they go, oh, I think he's talking about management. He wants to speak to the manager. He wants to speak to the manager.
Starting point is 00:16:00 Okay. I think in this case you are compelling them. If you want to lie or swindle, you'd have to, if you want to roll shadow, you'd have to figure out how you're lying or swindling to them. I suppose you are kind of keeping up a ruse. I do think Nader generally does actually want to speak to because I feel like Nader also wants to know the hierarchy a little bit like who's who he like wants to know the players like knowledge is power type.
Starting point is 00:16:27 Sure. Yeah. That makes sense. There is a truth in it. However, there is the big underline of I'm going to take, because he knows I have to take as much time as possible. So I'm going to stretch this out. What if, what if he is also lying or swindling by saying, you know, he starts emphasizing
Starting point is 00:16:49 the fact that, you know, they might have illnesses or space born viruses that they need to be careful of. I have sick people. I have sick men, women and non binary people on board that need help. Yes. Now I need help now. Isn't there a commercial like a JG went worth commercial or something like that? Give me my cat was like, what is it?
Starting point is 00:17:16 I mean, I want my cash and I want it now. Yes. All right. We are using lying and swindling. We're rolling shadow. Roll shadow to compel these guys to do what you want. And before you roll just to confirm, are we trying to go to the leader or are we trying to like waste their time because they think we might be infected?
Starting point is 00:17:36 Waste their time. Okay. Waste their time. But the Nader does actually want to see the manager. I'm just going to call him the manager for now. But it's like, they're like this. I want to see the manager, but I'm going to take my time to take like the side route. Gotcha.
Starting point is 00:17:53 You're going to try to waste some time. Go ahead and roll shadow. We can't another week hit. It's better than a miss. That's right. On a week hit, they'll do what you want. You can take plus one momentum. But the agreement comes with a demand or a complication and envision their counteroffer.
Starting point is 00:18:15 When asked for the manager. And I think what's going to happen is they'll agree. But they will only take me and leave everyone else behind. Okay. With guards. Okay. Love it. Love it.
Starting point is 00:18:33 They begin taking KB. Do they have to like unfreeze him or can they like pick him up and like carry him? You know what? Let's give this guy a little bit more reason to be pissed off and humiliate him. They're going to, because the way he's standing, they're going to like tilt him on the side. Using a mag liner or something. I am straight up that. What is it?
Starting point is 00:18:56 I'm going to Amazon prime this. Right. They bring out a dolly. They just slip it under his feet, tilt it on the side at a nice angle and then just roll him out. And to add salt to the wound. Let's have him do it in front of the whole crew. Yeah. In front of everybody.
Starting point is 00:19:11 The stroll of shame. So this happens. This is a weak hit. We'll, we'll call it progress. So I will increase our progress of KB taking over the ship by one. That's two out of 10. What's next? You're being led into the, the, the shark class ship.
Starting point is 00:19:37 What does the ship look like on the inside? Do you think? Oh, yes. Okay. So I think we should do it in a way where you'll have like maybe like more rounder halls. And I would, this is just me being extra. Can we go ahead and have it look like we're inside of a shark, but like that? Like, I don't know if they have like bones or.
Starting point is 00:20:00 Sure. They definitely have like ribs. You could probably. Ribs. Like that's it. That's on the edges. Everything's, I would say no really sharp corners type thing. Okay.
Starting point is 00:20:11 Gotcha. It's very rounded. Almost like kind of like that Battlestar Galactica. Yeah, totally. And this is, you know, it's called a shark class ship. We decided because it's kind of like a hunter assassin ship. It's got powerful weapons. It's fast.
Starting point is 00:20:25 And it's about this. I want to say it's about this. It's a little smaller than our ship. Okay. So. So I think longer for sure, like a shark. It could also resemble that. You board the ship and you are taken to their leader or their manager.
Starting point is 00:20:46 And do we want to make any decisions about this person? I'm trying to find our next move. Like what is the next logical move? A nadir needs to continue helping KV. And that might mean facing danger by going face to face with this leader. I feel like it would be like maybe not the leader right away, but like the assistant manager. Okay.
Starting point is 00:21:13 All right. Get the number one. Gotcha. Gotcha. Assistant manager. Yeah. If we, if we attempt to face danger and we want to roll with our best stat, which is shadow, we have to somehow deceive, use stealth or use trickery.
Starting point is 00:21:28 I have to go to the bathroom. You. That's. You're going to literally be presented in front of the leader. You're going to be presented in front of the grand assistant manager. And the first thing native is going to say is, can I go to the bathroom first? Well, he's going to probably be like, Oh, is this the manager? They're like in the assistant be like, no, you don't get to see him.
Starting point is 00:21:48 I'm, you deal with me. I'm the assistant manager. He goes, well, what? Well, I want to speak to the manager. Like there is a little back and forth and he's like, well, I need, I have medical issues. I need to go to the bathroom. Can I just do that?
Starting point is 00:22:01 Like, I think that's great. I think that's great. Yeah. You're going to attempt to deceive them. Go ahead and roll shadow facing danger. I don't think your assets allow you to face danger with any kind of advantage. One second, Amanda, let me look at our assets just to confirm. Uh-oh.
Starting point is 00:22:23 There we go. Kind of phrase for me. Take decisive action, secure an advantage. Yeah. No. So you're just going to roll shadow. Okay. And I apologize.
Starting point is 00:22:34 Oh, there comes my cat. Sorry. Let's roll shadow. And actually it was Parker, not Evans. Did I get another week hit? Another week hit. Uh, on a week hit, you succeed. Patrick.
Starting point is 00:22:54 But at a troublesome cost, make a suffer move. Oh. So basically they agree. Okay, fine. You got a pee. We'll let you go pee or whatever. We're going to the restroom. But there's a troublesome cost.
Starting point is 00:23:09 Perhaps what that troublesome cost is, Nader doesn't actually have to go pee. This is extremely stressful and he doesn't know what to do. And you might have to endure stress. I think you should endure her stress. And he may be trying to force it. Maybe he just wets himself. I don't mean to make this like that kind of like a toilet humor thing, but I'm really trying to like, okay, I did this.
Starting point is 00:23:31 Oh, I messed up. Well, it's the next thing to do. Try to force it. Look, Amanda, you are making an incredible impression. The iron landers first time interacting with the jungle is certainly going to be a memorable one. You are going to reduce your spirit. So on the character sheet, reduce the spirit by one. Very fair.
Starting point is 00:23:51 And then you're going to either roll spirit or heart, whichever is higher. And I think you're... They're even. Yes, but did you reduce the spirit? Yeah, I just did. So it's now out of two. They're even. Yeah, go ahead and roll either one.
Starting point is 00:24:06 Whichever you feel is luckier at the moment. Let's go spirit. Another weak hit. Whoa, I'm starting to think there's something wrong, because literally the last hour of the last session was nothing but misses. And the entire first half hour of our game has been nothing but weak hits. Do you not remember like, I think the last session we did, I just did nothing but weak hits, except for like the critical moments.
Starting point is 00:24:30 It was just missed. I was like, great. WTF mate. All right. So you endure stress. If you are not shaken, which you're not, you either lose momentum. So you'll keep that minus one, or you can gain that spirit back by losing momentum. I misspoke.
Starting point is 00:24:49 So you can either stay at minus two spirit, or you can go up by one, but lose one momentum. And you're currently at two. I'm not that negative two spirit. I'm not just two. I think I'm just going to keep as is, because I don't want to lose. I can handle a two spirit. I just rather keep my momentum in case something, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:25:09 Sure, totally. So then in that case, otherwise you're going to press on. All right. Yeah, we're doing that. We're committing. How are you committing? Do you success? I mean, let's say they take you to the bathroom or the equivalent they're on.
Starting point is 00:25:25 Am I unfrozen? Or am I still frozen? Let's say you are unfrozen. Okay. I don't think a jungle employee would hold your member as you relieve yourself. They can just like figure it out. I think they would unfreeze you and let you go into the bathroom. You are alone in the bathroom.
Starting point is 00:25:45 How do you get out of this? Do you climb up into an event? Do you call for KB? They're going to make sure that the thing is locked. Sure. All that. They're going to go ahead and yeah, let's say they're going to go ahead and do a call like for KB to see, like, how do I get out of here?
Starting point is 00:26:08 All right. We're going to ask the Oracle if KB has downloaded enough to be able to interact with us, right? So how likely do you think it is that he has downloaded enough? You only have two? Actually, hold on. Let's see. You rolled another weak hit. We'll call that a success.
Starting point is 00:26:26 You have three out of 10 successes. Okay. How likely do you think it is? I think that it's pretty 50-50 at this point. Honestly, I think that's 100% accurate. It's 50-50. If you roll a D100, 51 or greater, KB has downloaded enough to interact with you. I hope he has because this will be cool.
Starting point is 00:26:51 34. So you get no response from KB. So what do we do next? Okay. I'm going to look around to see if there's any kind of vent or, yeah, let's go ahead and see if there's another way out. That's what I would like to do. I think that there probably is another way out.
Starting point is 00:27:11 But I think that it's unlikely that it's big enough for you to crawl out of. Roll a D100 and let me pull up these Oracle moves here. Whoops. I got a 42, just so you know. Okay. Good to know. Let me get to the Oracle. It's unlikely.
Starting point is 00:27:31 So 76 or greater is a yes. You rolled a 42. So again, there is not a hole big enough for you to escape from. Okay. Okay. Let's think. I'm in a bathroom. Oh, is there anything nearby that I could possibly, like, is there hand sanitizer?
Starting point is 00:27:48 Is there soap? Okay. You want a weaponized something. Is that what you're saying? Yes. Okay. I think it's probably 50-50 that there's something you could use like soap. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:59 Yeah. I got soap. Roll a D100, 51 or greater. There is something caustic like soap or something. 26. No. That means no. There's no soap.
Starting point is 00:28:13 The jumble employees are lucky that they're allowed to pee because they're not even allowed to wash their hands. Oh, my God. That's disgusting. Okay. Okay. Do I have anything on me? I just have my suit.
Starting point is 00:28:28 Like I have, like, a vest or anything like that. I mean, I think that maybe Nader's option is either try to go distract the leader or fake that you're having a seizure or something to, like, get you to continue to delay. You know, another move of some kind, you know? Yes. Okay. We're going to do this. We're going to fake a, I'm going to take, is there like a sink?
Starting point is 00:29:00 I'm assuming there's a sink, even though there's no soap. Sure. Okay. If not, I'm going to get some, yeah, sink first. I'm going to go ahead and take some water and like spill it near the entrance. Okay. Okay. So at least it gets a little wet.
Starting point is 00:29:12 Uh-huh. And I'm going to kind of step out of that. So I'm not going to be, and I'm going to pretend to be like, oh, I fell. Oh, my back. Okay. I like that. I call HR. Before we come into this idea, I will give you one other, which Aaron gave in the chat.
Starting point is 00:29:30 I think it's pretty good. Clog the toilet. Uh-huh. Fuck up the water. Recycler destroy the ship. Easy is what he says. All right. I mean, it's fair.
Starting point is 00:29:41 It's an interesting idea. I kind of like your idea of I fallen and I can't get up and seeing how they react to that. Aaron, that was great. I may still kind of use that later on. Okay. So let's go ahead. I fallen. You are securing an advantage or facing danger.
Starting point is 00:29:59 I'm trying to secure an advantage. I'm trying to get this guy. Yeah. You're also attempting something risky. Yes, I am. And you're reacting to an imminent threat. So I think you are deceiving them. You'll roll shadow.
Starting point is 00:30:13 Let's hope that you roll well on this crazy nader scheme of yours. I've got ideas, man. All right. Shadow. Oh, Lord. Here we go. Oh. Noose.
Starting point is 00:30:28 Okay. On a miss. You fail. Let's talk. Or a momentary success is undermined by a dire turn of events. Pay the price. Roll a D 100. 91.
Starting point is 00:30:38 Of course I get the 50. Another 91, which is you are delayed or put at a disadvantage. I think they come in and they don't block. They don't buy it. You know what I mean? Oh, they could be like, get up. No, like, no, seriously, help me get up. They could be like, ugh.
Starting point is 00:31:02 Like it could be like, because I am also stretching out the time. Yeah. Um, if they're there and they're standing in the water, I would like to cash. Because I'm God, I would like to try to go for this guy. Yo, okay. Okay. I want to try because if I'm like down on the ground and he's like not buying that.
Starting point is 00:31:26 Yeah. I'm going to try to nut punch him so I can get him down, grab him by his shirt and put him in the toilet. I'm not joking. I love the initiative. I love the attempt to maintain the high ground. You're basically I'm on the ground. So he can easily subdue me.
Starting point is 00:31:45 Sure. Sure. But you could easily like trip him up or something. So I like the idea when you fight a battle and it happens in a blur, which is kind of what's happening. If you are fighting in close quarters, you roll iron. If you are befuddling your foe, you're rolling shadow. If you're using tactics, you're using wit.
Starting point is 00:32:06 What feels the most advantageous to you? Definitely. I think I'm going to lean towards the bottle because let's be honest. This makes no sense. This is not a smooth. This is not like a tactical move. We are not dealing with the Navy SEAL right now. Gotcha.
Starting point is 00:32:24 So you are rolling with what then? Shadow. Okay. Roll with shadow and let's pray you do it. Come on. Come on. Come on. Give me this.
Starting point is 00:32:37 Give me this. Oh my goodness. Yeah. You are defeated or the objective is lost to you. I think that they managed to freeze you again. Yeah, they froze me. Yeah. And I'm in like water too.
Starting point is 00:32:48 So I'm like, I'm like, I'm on the ground in a very awkward position. And now you're now you're frozen in place and wet. You are taken back to the assistant manager. What do you think the assistant manager wants to find out from us? I think that an experiment of theirs has gotten out. Yeah. This is very interesting. They probably want to know how we did it and all that kind of stuff.
Starting point is 00:33:11 I think an interrogation for sure. Okay. So they're interrogating us. How does Nader handle this? Does he tell them everything? Does he try to deceive them in some way? I would, I think Nader is going to request that they get unfrozen and see if they allow it and is going to also request some water for their parched throat.
Starting point is 00:33:41 And if they can't, then can he have someone stand next to him and help him drink water by doing that? He's going to request stuff be brought to him like snacks or drinks. Gotcha. You are bartering with them. You are trying to compel them. You need to roll plus heart. Okay.
Starting point is 00:33:58 This is no. All right. Hearts decent. Two in heart, I think a strong hit. That's when I get it on the thing that does not matter at all. So it's snacks. I don't get my nuts, yeah, they are extremely pleasant in an obnoxious way. They give you everything you need, but there's just no way to escape from them.
Starting point is 00:34:21 Yeah. Again, they continue to press you. I think you are maybe facing danger. You are maybe enduring stress because of the grilling. That's probably asking a lot of questions. Yeah. Honestly, I don't even think they can comprehend some of it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:42 They're like, they're saying words that don't make sense. I'm like, I just know space whales and I'm like, what are you saying? I'm getting frustrated. Go ahead and reduce the spirit by one. Yikes. Okay. And you are going to roll plus heart. Pleasant.
Starting point is 00:35:01 We can. Okay. On a week hit, you are, you can either press on or you can reduce momentum to gain that spirit back. Pretty shaken at this point. I think you have only one spirit now, right? Yeah. I mean, this is a pretty, this is a low point for Nader.
Starting point is 00:35:24 Nothing's working. I think we need to reduce the momentum just to get the spirit up. Okay. So momentum goes to one and spirit can go back up to two. This means what, what did we just roll? Endured stress. We still haven't decided whether you lie or not. Since you didn't roll that.
Starting point is 00:35:49 Truths. Yeah. I don't say everything, but be truthful. We need to decide whether the best course of action that the jungle believes is either to return you to the planet or is there something else? Maybe, maybe when word is gotten out that we escaped, maybe upper management doesn't want us to go back, but wants, they want to see us for themselves and they want us to be taken to the core of the forge, deeper into the forge as prisoners.
Starting point is 00:36:23 What I'm saying is we can ask the Oracle unless you really feel strongly about one way or the other. No, I kind of almost want to be like, I feel like they would want to know a little bit and if they're going to decide once they see, like, I don't know whether it's a tape or call, they're like, get some information, say there, get some info and then from the results will determine if we just want to exterminate or return them back. Well, this is not a, this is not a science vessel. So I would argue that if they go that route, then they are waiting for a science vessel
Starting point is 00:36:55 to show up to do all of that questioning. That could be it. That could be that we're, they're, they're just like hold tight because it is just a smaller one. We're setting another ship your way to assess the situation and they will make the decision. All right, that is the best case scenario. I think we need to ask the Oracle because I think another more realistic scenario is that they just say, go back to your cage and they start heading back the way we came.
Starting point is 00:37:23 So we'll say 50, 50, 51 or greater. Yes. They are going to stand by and wait for a science vessel to come. They don't really care that you're only giving them half truce and the probably like, look, you are an experiment and you need to return to once you came. There's like an instant notification that says return the units back to the experiment. So our problem is that the ship starts turning around, probably still connected to our ship and start heading back in the direction of the, of the last Stargate we were in.
Starting point is 00:38:04 Back to the void. The good news is, is that we still have time. We just haven't made any progress in a while. So I think that maybe Nader, he needs his freedom of movement. So maybe he needs to try to compel them to put him in a cage or something that he can still try to get out of to help Katie. I think, I think he's going to either request to be brought back to his people or at least because he's like, I answered all your questions.
Starting point is 00:38:34 Can I just go back or can you at least set me in a place where it's not like. Like this is unacceptable. Like, yeah, I didn't realize you treated your managers like this because he is the leader of his group. Right. He explains that he is the manager of the tribe. And they're like, oh, I see. Which one is it? Do you want to go back to your ship or do you want to go somewhere else?
Starting point is 00:38:59 I think because we need to stay on so he can try to get a hold of Katie. So I think he's going to, again, try to demand to go see the manager because he's like, I've answered your questions. I don't think I think the decision has been made. And so I don't think it can really roll for that. We are in a situation that we have to solve the problem here. Take me back to my group. Take me back to my group.
Starting point is 00:39:23 All right. I think that still deserves a compel role because they might have other plans for sure. Make a compel role. You are not really lying to them unless you can figure out how you're lying to them. Otherwise, you're rolling heart. Yeah, I think we'll just go ahead and roll hard. All right. I'll say even a weak hit. Strong hit. Strong hit. They definitely do that.
Starting point is 00:39:44 They'll do what you want. Agree to your conditions. You could increase your momentum by one. Let's do it. All right. We have three out of ten progress for Katie. It's only a matter of time before he can start talking to us. May I while we're walking back, I'm going to ask questions like what's that? What is this to see if anyone is just like inquisitive?
Starting point is 00:40:16 And I'll be like, have you ever heard of anything? Like, isn't there something called KB? Is there a KB here? Like he's like he's asking questions, but he's also going to slip that in. He's kind of talking a lot. So maybe that can all right. So are so is he is his goal trying to determine if KB is able to speak with him? Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 00:40:34 Determinative KB is there. You're gathering information. Yes. Roll plus wits. I love that this game is basically me trying to decipher what it is the player wants to do, telling them what to make. You're like, you're there to like, Amanda, what are you doing? No, I love it. I love it. It's great.
Starting point is 00:40:58 We kiss. So you did a week hit. This information provides new insight, but also complicates your quest and vision what you discover. Take plus one momentum. So something good happens, but I think the complication is maybe you have to be on the ship. Like maybe he needs you to go somewhere and hit a button or something, you know? Yes, I agree with that.
Starting point is 00:41:22 Also, like. Is KB on like the loudspeaker nearby? Oh, wait, do we wait? Do we have anything on us like that could be like a radio? I don't think so. It would need to be in a space suit, and I know you're not wearing the space suit. No, it's not. Yeah, you're right. So there's like a little loudspeaker to be like, I'm here.
Starting point is 00:41:41 Would he give himself away like that? No, that really there would be a little signal. There would have to be like a little signal. It would certainly raise alarms within the ship if that was the case, and you could maybe use it to your advantage. But now you're on a ticking clock. They might think the lights flicker. You know how like the lights flicker?
Starting point is 00:42:00 Maybe there's like an SOS or, you know, the iron landers have like a code of signals like that. I like that. OK, so he signals us in that way. KB signals us. OK, right. So then we know that he's there, that he can communicate with us. We need we need to get alone. We need to somehow we need to get alone on this. I'm going to ask because they've been like any time I've asked something
Starting point is 00:42:26 apparently like snacks or like chatting that has been working. So they're really obligated to do it for you. Yeah, it's kind of like I'm annoying, but it's not like I'm. Like pissing them off too much. So it's just like I get maybe like an eager little kid. They don't understand me or something like that. So they're like I'm going to ask for questions and I'll be like. So do you like where do you go when someone fixes any like cuts?
Starting point is 00:42:55 Or like I'm just going to ask them questions on like maybe can I have a tour? I've never seen this before. What is this? And I want to point to simple things that are like a light switch. Or be like, what's that do? What's that do? Can you show me this? And I would be amazed by the simplest things like I'm an idiot because I am. I think you have rolled enough times up on this subject to determine that they probably would comply for whatever ridiculous
Starting point is 00:43:19 bureaucratic reason that they are legally obligated to do so. They start showing you around. Explain to me how you get alone. I'm going to say like, let's just say our guards, like the two God, let's say the guards that have been with me. They're the ones that have been with me all around. And you could even have the one that took me out of the bathroom. They're just like, you dumb.
Starting point is 00:43:40 Like they're just like they don't think I'm at all smart. So that's why they're like, all right, whatever. Let me show you this. So they're like, oh, this is our game room. I'm like, oh, my gosh, what are the lights and all that kind of getting distracted? You're explaining the same thing. How do you how do you get the next advantage? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:43:59 I'm going to see if I can go into a room and like get lost. I want to get lost. All right. Gotcha. Um, how do you do that? You would either face danger or maybe secure an advantage. We could also attempt. I left something in the bathroom and I need to go back to the bathroom. I left something. I left my precious whale.
Starting point is 00:44:27 Artifact, that is to the gods. OK, I'm going to mention the gods again. I'll be like, I left my my whale chain that that that I can't as a leader. It is holy to us and I must retrieve it. Please, please, please. If not, I will be executed. You are facing danger, role plus shadow. And let's hope that you can get a moment alone.
Starting point is 00:44:49 Please, please, not even a little. I get a miss. Jesus. You fail or there is some kind of undermined by dire set of circumstances. Rolly D 100 and let's pay the price. Yeah, OK, let's see what we got. 68 68, at least it's not in the 90s. Your vehicle suffers damage. Oh, what if there is?
Starting point is 00:45:17 OK, when we got boarded, remember, I think I don't know if this ever really, truly got repaired, but I think in a previous one, whether I was on or something like the ship is like it was like it took damage really on the so let's go ahead that maybe the air pressure. Like maybe there's just some holes in a space has to break. Yeah, it was already brittle enough and it's like the vacuum seal is like it started to crack, so it's like some of the air pressure. So it's going into like an emergency so it can fix itself.
Starting point is 00:45:47 The ship is withstanding damage. That's a move. So we'll go to our ship page and we have to decrease the integrity by one. So bring it to four and we will then roll integrity, which is four. So I guess roll shadow plus one, which will be a total of four. OK, and we'll see how you do. Last one. Oh, Lord. Strong hit. Nice, with a match.
Starting point is 00:46:19 So it's a like it's a critical success. Oh, so. You are going to bypass the damage. So you can will bring that integrity back to one. And I'll say that because it's a critical hit, you also take plus one momentum. We can say that maybe KB did that. Yeah, KB caused that. OK, gotcha.
Starting point is 00:46:45 KB is looking out for the ship. So our momentum goes to three. Sweet. And we. Did we did we get a loan? No, we did not. We didn't get a loan, but I think this could be a good opportunity, because if that's causing that kind of issue, I feel like that would give me at least the opportunity to try to slip away
Starting point is 00:47:10 or to allow KB to turn off the light like. Oh, I see. Yeah. Maybe maybe, you know, both ships kind of shake. You are going to try to get away. Again, again, it feels like either facing danger or securing an advantage. Securing an advantage because I'm going to sneak away. Because I'm not to gain leverage. Yeah. OK.
Starting point is 00:47:36 You are sneaking away quickly. You'd have to roll edge. And just crap, but we're still going to do it. Yeah, you could roll with shadow if you could figure out how to deceive or trick them. The only way is if I could be like, I would have to I would have to like some kind of way to say lights. Also, you could have a plus one if you could figure out how to make it about your religion.
Starting point is 00:48:03 Wish. Yeah. OK. I'm going to drop to my knees, put my hands up to the sky. Now, remember the Ironlanders did sign language a lot of the time? I'm assuming KB, no sign language. Yeah, you probably thought I'm going to put my hands up and I'm going to sign, turn off the lights. But it's going to look like I'm obviously I'm. Oh, this is brilliant, Amanda.
Starting point is 00:48:28 I love this. You finally brought back the the the Ironlander language that we had came up with. Iron speak, I love it. You are you are securing an advantage. Roll with shadow plus one. You have a plus four. There's no way this is going to go wrong.
Starting point is 00:48:46 Let's turn our luck around. All righty, let's do this. Shadow plus one shadow plus one. Come on, come on, come on. Yes, our luck is turning around. You drop to your knees and you do the sign language and the lights turn off. Yes. OK. On a strong hit, you can gain plus two momentum
Starting point is 00:49:10 and plus one on your next move. Mm hmm. What is your next move? You are in pitch black. How do you get away from these guys? I am I'm going to go ahead. And I'm going to be like, see, you must get down on your knees and pray to the that I'm it be a moment of silence to the lords.
Starting point is 00:49:32 And then I'm going to go ahead and slip away. OK, you are going to I think just face danger. Yes, using shadow. You are being stealthy about it. Roll shadow. And I still get that plus one from. Yes, yeah, you do. You do. OK, let's go ahead.
Starting point is 00:49:50 It's amazing. Wow, this game is turning around. First of all, I will say that this deserves a point of progress. We have four out of 10 now. You do manage to slip away from them and you get out and you are by yourself alone in the ship. What are you doing? How are we saving the day? OK, so this is what we're going to do to save the day,
Starting point is 00:50:15 because now I know KB can see me with sign language. I'm going to I'm not going to speak at all to give away my location. So I will go ahead and sign. OK. And I'm going to ask KB where to go because they consume and whatever lights ahead, whatever he flickers, that's the direction I'm heading down. Amazing, amazing. OK. All right, we are.
Starting point is 00:50:38 Here's what we're doing. We're kind of undertaking an expedition to, you know, get to whatever it is he needs to get us to. Yes, for him to take control of the ship, right? So you are rolling either with edge, shadow or wits. Are you keeping under the radar? Then you'd be rolling under the radar. But if there's I'm going to also if I can sign, maybe getting a uniform,
Starting point is 00:50:59 if I can get a uniform so I can be more incognito. OK, so you so you tell him, help me get a uniform and then I can go wherever you need. Roll shadow. Let's see what we do. Things have gotten very interesting. There we go. Come on, come on, come on, come on. We can't, but it's still a hit. Still a hit.
Starting point is 00:51:18 As above, you will reach a way point, envision the location and mark progress. But it costs you in some way. So the first thing I'm going to do is increase. We now have five out of ten. We either make one suffer move at minus two, two suffer moves at minus one, or we face apparel, which is just a D hundred roll. Oh, goodness, OK. Nobody likes those suffer moves.
Starting point is 00:51:48 Remind me, suffer moves. Suffer moves is like indoor stress, indoor harm. OK, can I just toss my supplies? OK, no. Yeah, either suffer. Oh, you could do that. You could lose supplies. I mean, yeah, we'll say that. OK, because here's the thing. I'm going to switch uniforms, right?
Starting point is 00:52:08 So because the uniforms are like that sleek Star Trek thing, there's no pockets. I had pockets. I see. So what like maybe if I had any kind of device that I brought with me, like communication or. All right, so you're going to do this suffer move at a minus two. So you're going to reduce two from your supply. Also, if there's a thing that identifies me as the leader,
Starting point is 00:52:35 even though it doesn't matter to the jungle, it would matter to Nader, especially amongst the people there. So if we're going to do that, like they can't, like whether it's like a trinket or something that would obviously give it away, that would kind of piss them off because they can't take that with them. Got it. We have sacrificed our resources. We now have three out of five, but we are continuing on.
Starting point is 00:52:57 And we do find the uniform. Yeah, yeah. So you have to lease some stuff by after getting the uniform. But that's great. That's a great advantage. Now you look like the other guys, right? Yes, he continues to show you how to get down. So obviously you you've just found like a locker room or something like that. Locker room, any kind of supplies, if they happen to have one of those tricorder thing, like a belt or anything that would make me look like
Starting point is 00:53:25 or anything that would make me look like every other Joe. I think that, yeah, I think a weak hit allows you to do that. Now doesn't mean I'll understand how the tricorder. Sure. Yeah, good point. Remember, I just, but I think we have to continue undertaking our expedition. Absolutely. Keep going. Continue. Now, are you rolling with shadow or are you moving at speed with edge? I will say, because you have a uniform,
Starting point is 00:53:50 we'll say that you can have a plus one to either an edge or a wits roll. I think, honestly, at that point, let's go with edge, because I feel like that would be, yeah, because we want to, because it's like, OK, we don't know how long I can stretch this out. Let's do edge. You're going to roll with edge plus one. I'm going to move fast. Strong hit. Oh, nice.
Starting point is 00:54:15 Very good. Wow, I got really hyped and I don't care. On a strong hit, you reach another waypoint, envision the location and mark progress. And this time, there's nothing bad about the location. We have six out of 10 progress. What? Where do we? Where do we find? We, whoops, we can either find where we need to go and then we would finish our expedition with six out of 10
Starting point is 00:54:42 or it's just a waypoint on the way. We can roll also determine what this waypoint is. I feel like the 10 would be the manager. That's not where we're at yet. I'm almost tempted. The 10 is like the manager at that point. This, I feel like, is like like a resource desk, you know what I mean? Like it's still has computer terminals.
Starting point is 00:55:08 OK. Yeah, I feel like this is like a resource general area where how they obviously shipping receiving it like, you know, oh, you know, Barnes and Noble's like bookstores. You always have like that desk in the center of the. Yeah, sure. The information like some. Yeah, like perfect. We find an empty information desk.
Starting point is 00:55:31 All right. Do we want to take use this in any kind of advantage or do we want to continue our expedition? Oh, shoot. I kind of want to ask KB if this is where I need to go or if KB is like, no, no. I think KB would probably tell you, no, keep going. Yeah, because I haven't made enough progress. Yeah, I'm keeping going. All right, I'm going to keep going.
Starting point is 00:55:53 Are we with Ed shadow or wits? Question, though, if we're going to even know we hit the spot, is there anything that could help us like is there anything that's to determine? It is an information desk. So I think the most likely thing is that you would be gathering information at this desk unless you want to make a discovery. And maybe there's something here that we're not expecting. Let's make a discovery really quick.
Starting point is 00:56:15 Roller D hundreds. See if there's 32, 32. Lost or hidden people. Lost or hidden. I already know what's going to happen. Well, what is it? I can't I can't think of what I already. We're going to find.
Starting point is 00:56:38 Other iron landers. Oh, yeah. They're in a holding cell. I don't know why, but we should see find other iron landers in a whole. Like that's where the computer terminal is. And that's where I'm going to end up going. Because maybe KB found like maybe not other iron landers, but we should find whether maybe other experimented people in like a cage.
Starting point is 00:57:02 You remember Buffy season four, like the initiative, they had the underground bunker with all those like them. We're going to find like holding cells for other humans, space elves, whatever. But KB is like, we need these people or like that's the objective. Got you. So we don't actually come upon an information desk. We come to like a holding cell or something.
Starting point is 00:57:25 Yeah, or like, yeah, like that where we can see like, OK, near security. So are we going to possibly waste time and try to free these people? But it would be to our advantage. Or are we going to continue on to try to find what KB is trying to take us to? Let's try to do this. But let's try to do the advantage by unlocking whether maybe they don't need to come with us. Maybe it's just like this to help buy us some more time or to like, you know,
Starting point is 00:57:56 definitely keep to get faster and get away. They're distracted with something else. I love it. We are. I think using observation so we be rolling plus wits, like we're realizing the advantage we have here. If we just unlock it, right, lock the cages, unless you want to lie to these people and say, hey, if you distract everybody,
Starting point is 00:58:19 I will free you or something. I don't know. I feel bad. It's like one of those things that you feel bad, but Nader doesn't feel bad. That's true. But you could know. Yes, but then he could he could appear like a god to these people. That's why. So it's one of those.
Starting point is 00:58:34 I almost want to ask the Oracle if they are people that can comprehend him or they're just like space creatures. Does that make sense? Yeah. Fifty one or greater. Yes, they can understand. Roll a D 100 and we'll find that out. They're either Ironlanders or others. Oh, OK.
Starting point is 00:58:51 So that's a definite yes. They can understand what you're saying. OK. You know, yeah, you maybe you can convert them all. Like I'll free you, but you have to become part of my religion. You yeah, I'll do that. I'll be like this is your savior, Nader. If you would like to leave.
Starting point is 00:59:17 These shackles, you want to leave this jail of not only the body, but of the spirit as well. Drop to your knees. And give thanks to our lords and saviors, the gods of the whales of space, space, whales, yes, role, whales, shadow. Plus one, because you are bringing up your religion. I will always bring that up. Always bring up this.
Starting point is 00:59:45 Now on. That is a strong case. OK, on a strong hit, you can take both plus two momentum and plus one on your next move. So we'll say that it works. They they say, yes, you unlock, you know, you managed to figure out how to unlock and get them out and they run off to go cause chaos. I will also be like, cause chaos in this.
Starting point is 01:00:10 But I will also tell them the general direction to where to head to. Like they need to be like, go, my people, I will save. Go cause chaos, blah, blah, blah. Let me save the others. I don't know if there are, but I'm bullshitting and but show them where the ship is and let's let the flickering lights guide you for they are space whales communicating with you. We have a plus one to play with.
Starting point is 01:00:33 Do you want to undertake an expedition with plus one? We're going. All right, I feel like let's go. And are you rolling with shadow edge or wits? We're going with shadow still. And because I still got that plus one from the previous one, I'm going to add that sucker on. All right, that's going to be shadow plus one.
Starting point is 01:00:49 To get to the next location. Strong hit, strong hit, strong hit. We reach another waypoint and we mark progress. We have seven out of 10. I think we are definitely in safer territory to try to finish the expedition. Yes, I think we should keep going because the chaos is still going. So you're saying we you don't want to try to finish this? No, I do want to finish.
Starting point is 01:01:20 You do want to finish it? Well, first, before we do that, yes, I want to make a discovery. Roll another 100. Let's do that. Well, you know, we'll find out where we are. Good point. Sixty six. Sixty six.
Starting point is 01:01:36 New understanding of an enduring mystery. A new understanding of an enduring mystery. I have an idea. I want to hear your idea. Can I? I don't have anything right now. So go ahead and let me hear. Here's what I'm thinking. KB is leading us somewhere.
Starting point is 01:01:53 They lead us into a room that maybe has like. Projection mapping and and like shows different planets and stuff kind of like navigation, like a real depth navigation. And it shows that the ship is changing trajectory and hitting heading back to, you know, the iron lander home world, right? And maybe there's all this information scrolling about it. And it turns out that. The iron lander experiment is deemed a success.
Starting point is 01:02:26 And as you continue reading, you later comes to realize that. The experiment was that humans were put on an extremely hostile world. Or if you remember, the world we had had this magical super storm, which is not really magical anymore. It's obviously some kind of scientifically made super storm, right? But it created a race of humans that were extremely adept at survival. And, you know, just kind of like thinking on their feet and thinking with minimal things, the jungle was like.
Starting point is 01:03:06 Manufacturing like a stronger human, a more resilient human, maybe super soldier, a super soldier, maybe for colonization. Like we have this group of people that can survive any environment. We're going to send them off to colonize other parts of the universe. It's a way for them for the jungle to take over more territory because everyone because I feel like when you get close to the core, there's more stricter rules. But like, think of it like the Wild West, right? They're like, at this point, who can ever claim it, who can stand on this glacier?
Starting point is 01:03:41 It's yours at this point. So maybe that's why the jungle is doing it and kind of making the void places for them to use as not only for making, you know, selling and bringing more merge and all that, you know, capitalism. But also space capitalism, yes, space capitalism, all about that money. But also to get advantage on adding new bases, hiding things more securely because not that many people can stand these worlds. That's why they're going to use them as like hidden vaults in a way.
Starting point is 01:04:10 So Nader learned that the the iron landers were an experiment to create colonizers, you know, people that could go and colonize other planets for the jungle, for the human race, I guess. But this is obviously like, you know, a big revelation for for him. I think it might be necessary to endure stress as this is such a kind of like a bombshell, you know, Nader now has a probably the most clear idea about the purpose of the iron landers and anyone else. Oh, yeah, let's let's do our stress real quick.
Starting point is 01:04:51 And then we'll move on because we can then now finish our expedition here. Reduce your spirit by one. We're now at one. OK. And go ahead and roll heart because it's higher. Miss on a miss is worse than you thought you're going to suffer an additional minus one to spirit shoot. Then if we do that, then I'm at zero. OK, if your spirit is zero, you must also mark that you are either shaken
Starting point is 01:05:24 or traumatized, or you can roll on the the hundred table. Trot shaken, let's look up shaken. I feel like go ahead and shake in. I just want you to know, you know, like what the the options are here. Let's see. Shaken. Shaken. Marking impacts. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:05:53 But you are despairing or distraught if you are. It's a misfortune. And what did I say? What was the other one? Shaken or. Oh, shoot. Traumatized, I think I saw. I'm a guy's. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:13 Am I right about that? Jeez, I completely blank. Well, if you think about it, yeah, go ahead. I mean, yeah, it's it's traumatizing information, right? Or, you know, to at least be the carrier. This is where I would say not only that, but it's like you feel like a pawn. I honestly feel like this would rage him against the the jungle. If you think it's traumatizing in a way where it's just like you,
Starting point is 01:06:40 you know, like we're. Yeah, I know what you're saying. They're not people. That's the thing. And it's just like everything you like you did that to us. We like we're just nothing but experiment like that kind of thing. It's like, yeah, I do think this is traumatizing for sure. OK, we are traumatized, which let's just find out for sure. What that means, because it does have an effect on us.
Starting point is 01:07:08 Let's go back here. Traumatized. Here we go. Lasting effects. Traumatized may be marked when you're at zero. Lasting effects are permanent. They forever impact your character through a momentum adjustment. And more importantly, through narrative impact, you are permanently traumatized. You should factor this impact into how you perform and vision the nature
Starting point is 01:07:29 of the lasting effect. You may have physical, emotional or mental factors. It sounds like you just described it that basically Nader is just kind of Captain Ahab hates the the jungle. There is nothing you can say now that will make him even. There isn't. Oh, this is going to sound bad. I don't want to go that far. But basically.
Starting point is 01:07:54 Apple. Yeah. Burn them. We take no, they go on. We have they permanent enemies. We have seven out of 10 progress for uploading KB to the ship. Do you want to finish this? We're now that this. Yeah, I think this is going to like we're going Ahab now. We ain't Moby Dick ain't going nowhere now.
Starting point is 01:08:14 Love it for that manager. We're going to keep going further. We are going to finish an expedition. When your exhibition comes to an end, roll the challenge dice and compare your progress. So you're going to roll 2D 10. You want to hope that at least one of them are we going to go further in the are we going to go further? That's my question.
Starting point is 01:08:36 Like deeper, trying to find that manager so we can get more. Only if you want to only if you want to. I the only reason why I ask is if that info hits them and it's like not only traumatized, it's like that kind of thing. They're like, where is this guy? I didn't mean to answer. So I feel like they're going to go ahead and go further. All right, I think it is unlikely that this is what he wants you to do
Starting point is 01:09:03 because KB probably is like, I've led you to the room. I want you to hit the button. If you want to continue, you can. But we can also ask the Oracle whether it's unlikely. Yeah, let's ask the Oracle. Maybe I'll ask KB like before, like, let me ask, can I get to him? Yeah, 76 or greater. Yes, getting to the manager can help KB take over the ship
Starting point is 01:09:26 because that's our ultimate goal. OK, 37 new. So KB just shuts the door on me. All right, hold in your rage and finish the job. I'm going to hold in my rage when I finish the job. So we'll go ahead and roll four. Roll 2D 10. 2D 10. And at least one of them's got to be below seven.
Starting point is 01:09:49 I've got good feelings. I got a one. I got a one. OK, I got a one and a 10. A one and a 10. That is a weak hit. I'll take it on a weak hit. You reach your destination or complete your survey. We will mark a reward according to
Starting point is 01:10:07 the the the type of challenge this will under our legacies. I'm going to increase our quests by one. That's good. And then I'm going to say that you face an unforeseen complication at the end of your expedition. So the point is, is that KB can take over the ship? But what's the one complication? I mean, I think the obvious thing is that there's still
Starting point is 01:10:35 jungle employees running around. You know, we got to get rid of them somehow. Yeah, they're there. KB is taking control of the ship, but we still have. Quite I don't know how many. I don't know how big the crew is. Aaron established that there's about 20 of these employees and there's about 39 of us as iron landers.
Starting point is 01:10:58 And now with this new influx of prisoners, there might be even more. We actually have more on our side because they they swore to the whale gods. I think this also will fit into character. We've got to get rid of the crew. Got to get rid of the crew. How are we getting rid of them? Are we going to try to overwhelm them with our numbers? I think we're going to try to overwhelm them.
Starting point is 01:11:25 And this is what I would like to do. Overwhelm them, put them in an airlock and open the door. Wow. So they have he's gone. They have. Yeah. Ruthless savage. Yeah, hates them, hates them. OK, let's open. What are we going to do here? I think we are going to battle when you fight a battle and it happens in a blur.
Starting point is 01:11:49 So we'll just say that this is just, you know, you going on the on the loudspeaker and telling the iron landers we have control of the ship, you know, try to take them out or whatever. And also, I think KB could have could have like unlocked, made us have the best event. Yeah, everything's to our advantage. I'm going to give you a plus one because KB is basically like helping in every way to kill, you know, and dispose of these guys. Right. You are fighting.
Starting point is 01:12:16 You're effectively fighting in close quarters to overpower your foe. So you're going to roll plus iron plus one. OK, I think. Let's go to one. OK, and let's see how it goes. All right. Oh, wow. OK, wait. If I burn momentum, I could get a strong hit. Yes. So this is the time to use it.
Starting point is 01:12:41 Let's burn that momentum. Let's quickly burn the momentum on your character sheet, because yeah, so I think with being traumatized, our new momentum like baseline is one instead of two. Whereas before it could be a two. Now it's at one that that that makes sense. We're a little broken inside. Yes, we are.
Starting point is 01:13:03 What does this battle look like and what is the outcome? All right. I would say KB actually because the little handheld freezing devices because they're all again, Bluetooth is able to not only basically make them not work. So the advantage that the jungle has is now gone. Yeah, they have no weapons.
Starting point is 01:13:26 Yeah. And you've got a bunch of basically islanders in space, they still like they they strong. They have their spears. They have their, you know, old weapons. Yeah, it's honestly they just they get an old school jump these four. Wow. They just they just they whip their ass. I mean, they whip them in a way that's like
Starting point is 01:13:48 what is it, across the street, off camera. You didn't see nothing old school playground. They just beat your ass to the ground. You successfully overpower these guys. We'll say that the ones that aren't killed in battle are eventually ejected out of the airlock. I think they'd probably be like, you know, they'd probably be pleading with you not to finish them off, probably saying, if you do this,
Starting point is 01:14:11 the jungle is going to come after you. You know, they know you have our ship now. It's just going to get worse. We'd be like, this is my jungle now. Wait, I want to do that to the manager because eventually that manager is going to come to me. I'm going to be I want him to be the last one and he's going to be the threatening.
Starting point is 01:14:29 And I'm going to be like, this is my jungle now. And I'm just going to hit that airlock and let him sit on that. You're going to start to kick him into the airlock and then he gets ejected out, right? Right. Wow. Sparta kick, slam the door close and then what a what a turn of luck for the iron landers. You now have effectively two ships.
Starting point is 01:14:51 One with weapons, one without. Yes. What's the move? Are you ditching one ship and just no, I think we're going to keep two ships because also KB can assess and be like, what can if we can upgrade the because the other ship is small. But I'm assuming if we can upgrade it, we can have like a little like scout mean ship. I want to convert that into like a scouting ship. It's a scouting ship with a lot of like good weaponry more more than we have on our ship.
Starting point is 01:15:19 So basically we have a ship with weapons and a ship that's like holding all the iron landers. Well, we got a bunch of new people here. That's why we still have we're bringing all the iron landers here. I would say we're going to roll a D20. Sure. And that'll determine how many new people we gain. D20, D20. All right. Seven. So there are seven new individuals added. I'm extremely bad at math, so I'm going to use my ability.
Starting point is 01:15:53 Here we go. 46 members of our team now. Although, to be honest with you, we might need to make some roles to determine how loyal these people are, right? I mean, we free them. I think so. They are probably somewhat loyal because it sounds like they've converted to whalism. I would I would be if anything, first things first, I would have KB like get us out of the area even at a slower pace with the two ships. But I would say the next thing is to round up like the new the new comrades, if you will.
Starting point is 01:16:24 Here's what I'll say. Yeah, the goal all along was to get out of this sector. Do you want to get out of the sector or do you want to go back another way or what? No, I want us to take these two ships and get out. OK. We're going to escape this sector. I believe we have. We've done this. We had like.
Starting point is 01:16:52 A certain amount of progress, but I guess it doesn't matter. We've kind of just won this. So we'll say that we go through the gate with the two ships. Um, looking at the core or looking at the the the forge like map. Let's see what you need. I have to find what page it's on. I basically want to find out from you. Are we moving deeper into the forge?
Starting point is 01:17:22 Or are we moving to another sector of the expand? So are we going in a circle or are we going down deeper in? Oh, so we can get closer to Terminus, which is like the center of the forge. The next closest is called the outlands, the the the area. Right now we're in the expanse. So do we continue to explore the expanse or do we move closer to the outlands, outlands where there is more jungle control? Oh, yeah, we got a jungle.
Starting point is 01:17:57 I think this. Oh, OK. Because we do the ship, let's say KB needs time to erase the data like to a erase data or block signals from the jungle to recognize their ship like a tracking. Right, right. So I think we're going to if we go deeper in, it's like it's too soon and it's easier to spot. OK, like we have a stolen car right now. Yeah, basically. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:22 So we're going to high tail out, still keep it within out the range. So I think the good circle. OK, just get out of the sector. We are moving to a new a new sector of the expanse looking for a new home world, because that's kind of been our goal all along. We are looking for a home world. Now we have a weapon, a ship with weapons and another ship holding people. We can probably learn how to use those freezing weapons.
Starting point is 01:18:50 Absolutely. And we also have uniforms that we can pretend to be the the jungle. Somebody runs by the way. We did strip all those people and I made sure to take the manager's uniform, OK, that that needs to be so established. This is very on brand for Nader. And if possible, I would like. A lot of the crew, because we pulled off this.
Starting point is 01:19:16 I would like them to start putting like images of the whales on the inside of the shark. We start drawing the whales on the inside. OK. Well, I think this is a wonderful place to end the session. You know, we started this session pretty sure we were going back to square one and you just did an incredible coup d'etat. That was amazing. We started off doing dumb and dumber and then went straight to taken. And that's what ended up happening.
Starting point is 01:19:44 Well, you wanted to you wanted to know what movies it was you were doing today. Dumb and Dumber and Taken. I mean. I think I think this is great. All right. So really, I think the only person left on our roster is a key, I think the key is the only one that is not gone yet. So next session, we will explore the continuing adventures of the Ironlanders with Zakiya as they are now in space now with two ships.
Starting point is 01:20:15 Two ships and weapons. Well, Amanda, thank you for joining me. Hope you had some fun. Thank you for bringing me on. Yeah, for sure. Fun. So fun. We are going to bring our session to a close, but I wanted to remind everybody that we have a bunch of other shows
Starting point is 01:20:31 usually on Wednesdays. I think next Wednesday, we will have heroes you should know. Mondays always. You can join Aaron as he plays through some video games. I think he may have finally finished that that Half Life game. Aaron, let us know if we're wrong about that. Yeah, let us know, please. But then we have sometimes on Fridays, we're doing one shots.
Starting point is 01:20:53 And then on Saturdays or every other Saturday, we are doing our Orpheus campaign, which is going really well. Two sessions in, we got another one coming up. That was a good session. It was a good session. I was so happy with how my feet turned. I'm like, y'all got screwed.
Starting point is 01:21:12 And I just went, that's where I was just like, OK. The best decision you made was just to stay in your body for the session, you know, not to say it goes. Yeah. Guys, if you like what we do here, remember, we have a Patreon. You can also subscribe to us on Twitch. That's a lovely way to show your support. Thank you. We will see you next time on Star Forged. Bye.

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