Mayday Plays - Starforged Ep. 12

Episode Date: December 2, 2021

Zakiya designs a space whale!...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Ground control to major Tom commencing countdown engines on it's time again for made-a-plays Starforged hi, Zakiya Hello, that was so cool. I was I was thinking today of David Bowie. Oh, he's got a great song that is relevant to our silly little show I I have to you know, we were talking a little bit behind the screen. I love that the space whale meme has really taken on Wasn't expecting that but you never really do when you play these kinds of games for the things to catch on that they do It's good to make a religion when you can't yeah, absolutely and a religion we have made with our new character nader Let me I guess kind of catch us up on what has been going on
Starting point is 00:00:47 It's been two weeks since we've played. I had a little bit of work a little busy just didn't have the time for it But we are back making the time So The last time we played Zach nader and the rest of the iron landers only being about like 34 35 left We kept sacrificing them They were boarded by a jungle ship. We were right on the Cusp of entering a new stargate and going to a different sector when the jungle showed up and they
Starting point is 00:01:21 Were described by Amanda as basically Amazon employees wearing the uniform and Having non-lethal weapons. They had these stun guns that they could very easily take over the ship and stun all of the other ironlanders and they They spoke to us they Interrogated us in a very like passive-aggressive Corporate bureaucracy kind of way and they learned that we were the iron landers We were that experiment out in the void and so they turned our ship around and started heading to return us to the homeland and
Starting point is 00:01:58 nader wanted none of that and KB and nader worked together to have KB take over the other ship kind of Sneak into the the brains of the ship and kind of take over but it took a little time and a little effort and when KB had enough control of the ship nader Using his iron speak using his sign language told KB to shut the power down shut the lights off and he escaped and nader then maneuvered through the ship to get to a part of the ship that
Starting point is 00:02:34 KB needed him to get to so that he could take full control and In the process nader learned a pretty amazing revelation He found this map room that had a Map of the iron lander homeworld and he learned that the iron landers were not just any old experiment the iron landers were an experiment to try to create a group of humans that could survive impossible situations or difficult places and probably for the purpose of colonizing other places and stuff and
Starting point is 00:03:11 Nader was shaken by this news and is now has the shaken condition And we decided that nader has a deep hatred for the jungle has kind of like captain ahab style decided that You know he's gonna make it his personal mission to see that the jungle suffers for what they've done to us Along along those lines we were able to take over the ship and nader Just kind of savagely sacrificed all of the jungle employees or crew and Shunted them out of the airlock all of them dying not before taking not before taking all of their costumes and their uniforms their weapons and their ship so we now have two ships and
Starting point is 00:03:59 Nader decided to go through the Sargate We decided to continue to explore the expanse because we want to find a home still for the iron landers In the process we gained some prisoners who were aboard the jungle ship We call it a shark class ship because it's kind of shaped like a shark, but more importantly. It's just a dangerous ship It's got a lot more weapons than our previous ship had that KB has and So we're picking up this next Game with you in a new sector of the expanse We need to define what this expanse is like what this part of it is and we need to talk about
Starting point is 00:04:38 You know, who are these prisoners that we have are they all? You know gung-ho for this Have any of them converted to space whalism? You know the important questions we need to ask this session with you. So I think maybe The first thing we should do Define what is the new sector we're in? Okay? The way we are going to do that is we're going to build a sector Normally this is used for when you start a brand new sector
Starting point is 00:05:11 But I think we can also use it for when we're just building a new one So because we're in the expanse There are only a few bold pioneers who have delved these far-flung reaches if you're ready to face the dangers of a lonely Exploration with uncharted space start here That's the the prompt for the expanse in the expanse. There's typically only two settlements which means that There can be more than two settlements if we decide on it, but really the the the main The main parts of this area are just like two
Starting point is 00:05:45 There's like something there's just two big things that we can that we can call like major influences in this sector Okay, so with all of that said let's You can decide either a settlement name the location the population the authority or the settlement project If we want to decide whether there's a settlement I suppose We should kind of maybe let's decide this the the the sector name as The first bit of kind of setting the scene Okay, all right, so I'm gonna ask you to roll a d-100 and
Starting point is 00:06:28 Why don't you roll two in fact because that will determine Okay, I Like it 28. I like that you roll it says rolling 1d hundred double exclamation mark I've never seen that before I have no idea what that means. I wonder if I just click the regular button Well, okay, maybe I've just never noticed it before either way we rolled a 26 and a 65. All right. Yeah, so We could be the Delphi As a prefix and as a suffix 65 which is
Starting point is 00:07:08 Pit Delphi pit the Delphi pit I'm trying to like to understand what I have here. So we could go prefix suffix of 26 is Delphi or deep the suffix is deep and then of 65 it's Mobius or pit So it could be the the Delphi pit or the Mobius deep. Oh They're both fun. Okay Delphi pit sounds great. Okay. I
Starting point is 00:07:40 Could tell you liked the Delphi pit Pit is such an ugly word to put in the name of something. I have to support it Yes, okay, so we'll say that we have arrived in the Delphi pit Does anything immediately come to mind as as what does it mean? What does the Delphi pit mean? Why is it named that? I'm thinking about the Oracle at Delphi. So I'm thinking spooky intelligent bitches, but the pit which means they're like rejected. So think Doc Brown like a bunch of Doc Brown
Starting point is 00:08:16 So spooky Doc Browns Yes, I'm spooky prison Doc Browns. Oh, no, not prison wrong group. Just spooky Doc Browns All right these spooky Doc Browns What are they I mean, what are they doing here is there a settlement are they on a ship? We can roll to decide that Yeah, can we roll for their project? I think that'll help. Okay, hone it in. Let's let's go to 104 and Let's see here. So
Starting point is 00:08:49 Create a sector create passages Make a connection Okay, so there's the sector trouble or I think that's probably the best way to go roll a d-100 and let's find out what the sector trouble is Maybe they're working on something here Okay Say three three a blockade prevents trade with other sectors a blockade prevents trade with other sectors Okay
Starting point is 00:09:22 That's great sectors Blockade not exactly sure what to do with that yet Yeah Maybe we should decide what type of star we can find here because I think that will also start to shape our Our idea of what what's around here? So roll another d-100 and we will decide the stellar object The main stellar object in this area 21 a
Starting point is 00:09:53 21 a Glowing orange star. So there is a totally normal glowing orange star At the center of this place Okay That didn't really give us much to work with but that's okay what about We can roll So there are planets
Starting point is 00:10:17 Settlements starships and vaults. There's also creatures Or derelicts, maybe we can roll a d-6 and decide Which of these things might be here, so we'll say a planet is one you already rolled into what you get I did I rolled a five. All right. I was gonna say planet one a settlement is two a Starship would have been three a vault would have been a vault would have been four and then I would have said a Creature would have been five. Okay interesting and then derelict was six. All right just for the future. So we remember this Okay, so we rolled for a creature Let's see
Starting point is 00:11:01 What kind of creatures are here? Maybe these creatures are part of the blockade or being a problem now? We need to decide what the environment of this creature is are they space interior land liquid or air roll a d-100 to find that out 57 57 that is liquid so it is some kind of creature that lives in liquid Now we need to decide the scale of this creature roll another d-100 Okay 27 27 is a medium person size so it's a person sized creature that lives in liquid and Now that we figured that out let's do let's see
Starting point is 00:11:54 There are We could roll a d-100 and and and there's a like a list of types of creatures you might find If you want roll one and and there's a liquid category. We can see what it comes up with Okay, I have I have an idea, but I want to see all right. Let's just see what it says 29 29 under 29 it is a fish or torpedo A torpedo shaped fish is is basically what it's saying here Uh now I think we should always lean towards what the players are thinking. What are you?
Starting point is 00:12:30 What's coming to your mind about what who this kind? What is this creature? I have googled what the enemy of a whale is and it is And it is an orca It's a killer whale I think that these are space killer whales Human-sized space killer whales. Yeah, so they're smaller than than the earth orcas as we understand them They're like a little bit smaller, right, but they're space orcas I don't see why they would need to look like
Starting point is 00:13:03 Well, I guess I think the black and white is really important, but I want them to have like four more fins Yeah, they've got they've got double they've got like quadruple fins on their back. Yeah, I like that I'm thinking of uh, did you ever watch that cartoon show? Uh What's the shark one? It was like shark Something there were like anthropomorphic shark men um They uh, what was the name of that show? I'm sure if there's somebody in the chat from the 80s
Starting point is 00:13:33 That remembers this show. It was anthropomorphic shark men that were you know, like They're basically like the ninja turtles basically, you know, street sharks Street sharks. That's it. That's it. That's it. Okay. So they did have a killer whale character in that show But anyway, I love this idea Are these related to The issue that the dock browns are having which is the the blockade We said a blockade prevents trade with other sectors Yeah
Starting point is 00:14:03 I think Okay, so this is it's liquid related I think that these space orgas behave like beavers And have overpopulated whatever we're at wherever we're on and have literally built a barricade From anything getting in or out of the Settlement Yeah, now we're in a whole sector. So it's not just necessarily a settlement
Starting point is 00:14:32 So you could expand it to where they are not allowing anyone in or out Of a particular star star gate. There's typically two in every sector and in and out Or maybe it's just that on their planet they are preventing or or facilitating some kind of blockade Either way because their water I want to say that if they're out of their home planet They've got to wear like breathing apparatus that like allow them to You know breathe like through their gills or whatever, you know, wait. No, no, I'm sorry They're breathers so they they can breathe air Yeah, so so I'm being silly. So that's not even I just feel like they'd have to be like in wet suits or something
Starting point is 00:15:14 Like things that keep them if you remember from free willy you had to keep them wet to survive. You know what I mean? Okay So they they have like fremen style suits that like keep them Uh, uh wet Okay, all right, so do we want to decide the name of these uh orca men? Yes, should we roll? Yes, now I'm getting a weird little buzz here and I'm not sure if it's me or you It's definitely me
Starting point is 00:15:46 Are you touching like you're mic in a weird way or something? My headphones. Oh, okay. Okay. Yeah. Well the sound is much better now Okay, cool. We'll just let it renown again, but it's fine. It's not the mic Okay, yes, we're gonna roll for the title of these Okay, I don't I don't have an orca species rolling name table, but maybe we could find one. Um I don't know, uh How I got this? Okay. What what are you thinking? I'm gonna roll I'm gonna roll a d26 and that'll guide us on our way. Okay. Why d26?
Starting point is 00:16:23 For the alphabet Ah, I see I'm looking forward to seeing you remember what letter corresponds to what number in the alphabet Oh, absolutely not lots of googling happening here. All right. All right. Let me let me google too then Okay, so I rolled a 19 Which means S okay, so they start with okay
Starting point is 00:16:50 Okay S So the let's see words that are s chat Feel free to words that are s related to like water orcas fish that could have a thing So there's seals. There's uh sardine. There's they could be the sardinians sardinians the Okay
Starting point is 00:17:16 Orcas spelled backwards is sacro. Oh, okay. Okay Schooner says Eli sewer says parker. The story says mirrored onk Oh, wow, y'all are coming through. Okay. Yeah moose. It's parker Parker I really like orcas spelled backwards as well. So it's it's down to use act. Well, what do you think you want to use? I gotta honor I gotta honor the history I don't know. Shamu is a property that we could play with but I it doesn't matter. We're on twitch. We're live streaming
Starting point is 00:17:55 We're not doing anything bad. Shamu's not a trademark's name that we can't use Although we probably use trademark, but it's not it's not a big deal. Uh, uh, so with that said Are they just the shamu? Are they the shamuzians? Like what? This is this is the sacro shamu Sacro shamu I love that name Okay, so are orbiting a glowing orange star. There is a planet that has the uh, the sacro shamu And that is their name. Uh Maybe let's decide what kind of planet they live on. Um, let me find the Planet table
Starting point is 00:18:40 Still here we go 144 Uh, let's see what we get here All right now because they are fish people it wouldn't make sense for them to necessarily be on a desert world There is the option of jungle world ocean world tainted world or vital world I like I like vital. I feel like ocean is implied. There's some like Water involved. Okay, and if yeah Uh vital world, let's go to that Uh, this diverse life-bearing planet might provide some small measure of hope
Starting point is 00:19:18 Let's decide the atmosphere roll a d100 44 44 it is breathable Uh, we are in the expanse. Let's decide the type of settlement here or we could decide there's a planet side settlement of these, uh Of the sacro shamu Yeah Let's Let's see what else is here. All right. Well, I think I think they're here, but there's other stuff go ahead and roll the d100
Starting point is 00:19:50 Yeah, there there is the possibility of having multiple settlements 71 71 under the expanse is it says none There are no settlements Which it doesn't necessarily mean like I could feel like the sacro shamu don't count as a settlement because maybe they originate from this planet Yeah, so so it's basically like it's an untouched world Kind of the first uh intelligent life, uh, uh that uh humans have come across which might Explain why there's some issues, you know some, uh, trade issues
Starting point is 00:20:30 Um observed from space. Let's roll another d100 and see what we can observe from space 76 76 is unusual day or night cycle. So this planet has a unusual Day or night cycle Maybe multiple moons maybe Oh Yes, I like multiple moons because I think that means whatever the tide is on this planet it like The ocean is rising and falling at random times. Ah interesting
Starting point is 00:21:06 Random times so it's Maybe somewhat unpredictable and maybe it's really intense too. Like maybe like, you know Giant tidal waves like constantly wash over the the land. So maybe there's not a lot of land creatures. It's like mostly aquatic creatures Intense lunar cycle Creates big Waves tsunamis, etc. Okay Diversity
Starting point is 00:21:37 Let's roll another d100 to determine the living diversity here Did I do it once or twice? Okay, just once. Okay Complex there are at least four biomes to this planet We don't have to come up with every single one, but that means You know, maybe there's a water biome, but there's also like a small amount of land biome Maybe there's a prominent air biome since the land is so hostile. Maybe there's a lot of things that live in the air I think if it's if it's mostly an ocean planet, there's gonna be One space volcano somewhere. What do you mean by space volcano? I mean, that's fair
Starting point is 00:22:17 I said it like is a thing. Um, unless you mean like a volcano so large it reaches into space, which those exist Yes, okay, so maybe that's a biome. There's like a whole like lava biome Surge yes, yeah, okay, okay islands mostly water. All right. There's a volcano It's so big the lava goes up it gets stuck because space. So there's just a big space Almost lava lamp pancake layer Of atmosphere. That's just lava. Oh, so you're saying like almost like a ring around the planet. It is like cooling lava Yeah, it doesn't even have to go around the whole planet. It could be sure like a
Starting point is 00:23:00 40% cover. Well, I mean over the course of millennia on this planet. I feel like a a giant, um volcano like that would create like Meteors that are are circling the planet. You know what I mean? So maybe there is a ring around this planet Ring due to giant active volcano Do we want to name this planet? Is it just called sacro because that is where the sacro shamu or what? Yeah. Yeah, the sacro shamu are from
Starting point is 00:23:32 I like that. Okay, sacro. Okay Let's um We'll say that the planet is uh Planet is called sacro the, um Killer whale people are called the sacro shamu And We have our I think first
Starting point is 00:24:00 Interesting place so somewhere in this sector There is a planet that um Let's see if I can find a water planet and roll 20 to drop into our board Might be hard, but let's see Uh, if not, I might just do planet
Starting point is 00:24:20 The point is is that that is one of the locations now You know use that brilliant mind of yours like yeah, how do we tie this blockade? With the sacro shamu with humans, you know, is there a is there Are I guess we could roll a um An oracle roll to decide whether the jungle has a presence here or not Do Okay, so there's there's a big there's a big ass star Big golden orange glowing star. Yep. There's an orange star
Starting point is 00:24:53 at the heart of the volcano Kind of like this Yeah, yeah at the heart of the volcano. That's not how stars work, but it is today And that's what's motivating the volcano to erupt You're saying that like the gravitational pull from the star? Yeah, okay. Okay, cool The jungle needs that as an energy source So the planet or the star the star gotcha
Starting point is 00:25:20 So what if the sacro shamu formed a blockade at the mouth of the volcano to prevent other people from getting to the star Because the volcano is on sacro Yes, and the star is somehow an influence in the planet's history of of that giant volcano You're saying that there's some kind of power source
Starting point is 00:25:51 Between the two Yeah, in my mind like I have an a mental image of Imagine the planet imagine the star and imagine the volcano like jettisoning stuff into space And there's like this line of meteors that go all the way to the star Yeah, I don't think it would really work that way because like things would just kind of spread out over time But I'm trying to just draw that parallel between your idea That's true. Yeah, it doesn't make any sense if the star we're at we're inside the volcano I don't know. I don't yeah that I mean
Starting point is 00:26:27 Yeah, I don't think that would work unless these people are very advanced and have a A star and their planet. We've already decided that it's a planet as opposed to like a Dyson sphere that is like, you know built around the the star Yeah Parker Woodley says blockade is preventing space japanese from reaching the planet probably to kill all the whales. That's a tasteless, but funny joke parker. Thank you Let's continue I think, um
Starting point is 00:26:59 Let's read again our our little prompt here. Uh, it says a blockade prevents trade with other sectors But I mean perhaps the the sacro sham who simply don't want to trade with us and have somehow shut down one of the Star gates and is working on shutting down the other when we come through or something And now we've got to deal with them Okay, I like that. Maybe it's it's the Easy, I mean, how are we how are we doing both of our ships doing like supply wise? Well, um Supply wise we're okay
Starting point is 00:27:40 Nader has a supply of three, but that doesn't necessarily represent You know everyone on our ship Um Since we have two ships, I would assume we're doing okay I mean we're certainly better than we were last but you know at the beginning of last episode So I would imagine morale is pretty high um So
Starting point is 00:28:01 Okay So we don't need to stop, but I like okay. So yeah, we have two gates The sacro sham who have taken down one gate and they're well on their way to doing the other one So if that's the case then when we come out the other side of this star gate, we're probably going to encounter them Um Let's keep that in mind. I think we need to decide on one more settlement or thing in this area So we can roll a d6 to determine a planet settlement starship vault creature or
Starting point is 00:28:33 Uh derelict Two a two which is going to be a starship Let's go to page 164 Uh, maybe this is a sacro shamu starship or maybe it's a jungle starship either way Let's roll a d100 to determine the class the type of ship That is 11 That's a courier ship Typical roll is fast transport. So there is some kind of courier ship here
Starting point is 00:29:08 And We should decide whether let's see whether there's a fleet or not. I don't know Because there's A fleet as an option. Well, we could decide that right now. Um Roll a d100 and let's see if there's a fleet with these folks Oh gosh, a jungle fleet would be great Two Just a two just a two a battle fleet is is the type of fleet
Starting point is 00:29:35 Um, okay, so a courier which is fast transport I guess we could decide see we're I guess the option is do we want to decide a starship? or a fleet? um because Yeah, I think I think that's probably Let's decide whether it's just one ship a courier or whether it's a battle fleet. Which which do you prefer
Starting point is 00:30:01 It would be A courier would be easier Okay, true But a fleet would be fun right If it's a courier, I guess we need to decide whether it's the Sacroshamu or whether it's the jungle, you know, maybe maybe the the the jungle has a courier ship in here trying to you know make a
Starting point is 00:30:25 It was trying to you know get from one sector to the other before the shamu shut it off. You know what I mean Oh, it's like stuck inside. Yes Yeah, so maybe it's kind of on the run in this sector If you like that idea. So there is a jungle courier ship Uh somewhere in here. Let me add that to our list of stuff jungle Rescue mission it's low key a rescue mission. Well, if we decide, I mean nader doesn't have a very good opinion of the jungle Uh, but who knows what what advantage we could have if we help them or something
Starting point is 00:30:59 Um, so there's also an initial contact and a first look Maybe we just roll on these to see what what inspires us. So roll 2d hundreds Hmm Let's see what we get 25 and a 16 So with a 25 we have a neutral or automated as the initial contact The initial contact is neutral or automated and then what is this? What is the second roll you made? Uh 16
Starting point is 00:31:27 16 is dark or stealthy We can choose to keep these or not But the first look is that there is something dark or stealthy which makes sense about a courier ship And or it's neutral And or automated I kind of want to re-roll neutral Okay, feels a little middle. All right roll another d100 for our initial contact with these folks 64 64 that is hostile
Starting point is 00:31:58 Nice, okay, you asked for it. You got much more interesting So I guess what we can decide is that when we have initial contact with them They will be hostile. We haven't necessarily met them yet. You know what I mean fair hostile first contact And that uh, they are dark and stealthy dark and stealthy first look With all of that said There is a starship mission that we can roll on but we kind of already decided that it was a courier ship trying to get out Um, there is the option to one of the missions was trying to break a blockade listed here of the starship mission
Starting point is 00:32:40 Or blockade a location Roll till to locate the blockade. No, basically, I'm just telling you upfront that we could decide Um that these folks are trying to break a blockade. They're trying to Help with the blockade. It kind of seems the thing that makes the most sense is that they're just stuck here And they're just trying to get out. So they're probably trying to break a blockade, you know, yeah Um, they are trying to break the blockade Uh created by the sacroshamu Uh, we could decide the starship name roll the d100. Let's see what the starship name is
Starting point is 00:33:23 22 22 Excalibur Uh You like that name beautiful beautiful. All right. All right Excalibur it shall be so the jungle courier ship Excalibur It is stuck on a stone. Yep Oh, that might even be kind of interesting if there's like a meteor wedged into it or something That's cute. I like to find starship. Let me try to find an image for that. That'll work Uh
Starting point is 00:33:55 No, no, no Let's see. It's harder to find than you'd imagine Well, we'll use this. This is a random internet image that we'll say is The Excalibur. I'll name this Excalibur Has a name plate and our planet is called sacro Name plate. Okay, great. All right. So we have our two major Things in this sector
Starting point is 00:34:24 And we have a pretty good idea of what the what's going on in this sector There is an intelligent species that is trying to keep humanity out by shutting down the gates We however are coming through one of the gates Do we want to ask the oracle if a sacro Fleet is here sacro shamu fleet is here or are they not yet here? Yes, I think I think it's Likely that they are here or would you rather better odds of 50 50? This is the this is the one open stargate, right?
Starting point is 00:35:01 This is the one stargate that we are coming through that is open that led to the previous sector Yeah, then they're here. That makes sense. Okay. They're actively trying to close it. Got it. So we'll just decide that they are here Um Let's ask the oracle. How big is this fleet? Is it a small fleet a medium or a large fleet? D 100 a D 100. But before you do that, let's just let me pull up um The move the ask the oracle how certain are you that
Starting point is 00:35:33 Obviously we would prefer a small fleet. Uh, is it a small fleet? If so, I feel like it'd be unlikely. It's a small fleet Yeah Because i'm pretty sure if these are the only dudes on the planet And they they're they have access to all the resources and no one else I think they have a lot of time to build up. Gotcha. Especially they like want to take it for themselves now So a 76 or greater. Yes, it is a small fleet. So roll a d 100
Starting point is 00:36:01 76 or greater A 68 that's not it. So it's either medium or Large i'm going to say 50 50 for medium Roll another d 100 51 or greater. Yes, it is a medium fleet. I don't think that's much better to be honest, but Let's see what happens 30 no, so it's not A medium fleet which only leaves one. It's a large fleet Great good and safe. So could you paint the picture for me? We come through the star gate and what do we see on the other side?
Starting point is 00:36:37 Okay, I think the gate opens and it is It looks like It looks like a stage Because I think I'm I'm picturing sacra shim who was just really buff orcs the dance. Yeah. Yeah, um, but I think they I think they have like legit water Waterbound ships, but as you go back the ships start to like float and fly
Starting point is 00:37:04 So it just looks like you're in it looks like you're in a theater in the round and it is hundreds hundreds of ships all like I mean some of them are like busy Like moving supplies back and forth so they can actually close this gate, but a good like 40 to 50 percent of them are just like someone is opening the gate and turning their attention toward our ship Which does our ship have a name?
Starting point is 00:37:32 The og ship of ours, I don't know if it has a name I feel like we may have named it at some point. Let me see. Let me pull up Would it be half a shana? I think it might have been a shana or nakata that we may have written it down. Let me let me look here real quick summary I don't know if i'm going to find the answer. No What about nakata? This is such an important pressing question. We've got to get the answer
Starting point is 00:38:01 If not the og ship is a great name for a ship. Yeah, just the og iron lander ship and the shark ship I don't think we got a name if you want we can roll for a name Yeah, okay, so roll a d100 and let's see what our uh It's basically like a corvette light attack ship 60 60 is The photon That's beautiful. So the ship name is the photon. So now we know i'm going to write that down under nadir's info So we don't forget that
Starting point is 00:38:38 Okay, elie Said the ship was called kb. But is that a person kb is the artificial intelligence aboard our old ship right um, so we'll call it og for now And we'll say photon Is the corvette shark class that we have taken control of So both ships come in we see that yeah the the uh the the shamu are
Starting point is 00:39:05 Deep in the middle of whatever they were doing to shut the stargate down What's the next move do we need to decide whether the the shamu are successful in shutting down the gate Or is that something that will come with time is that relevant to us at all? I think right I Yeah I mean, I guess what if we roll and they're successful. Does that mean we're stuck on the planet too? Like well, we're close the other gate. We're not stuck on the planet
Starting point is 00:39:41 We are in space on a this stargate. Don't imagine like the stargate from the movies Imagine like a stargate in space. So our ships come through we're in space We're surrounded by a fleet of them. We're nowhere near their planet their home world. Uh, it's a matter of Deciding do we try to run from them? Do we try to interact with them and then kind of going from there? because Um, I'm going to imagine they're going to be somewhat hostile towards us Yeah, I I think I just kind of want to say hi All right, because if we act too strange with the ship that we stole that seems like making more trouble
Starting point is 00:40:19 Yeah, not to mention they see and probably recognize the uh the jungle ship that we have so they're going to probably be Hostile towards us, but you're saying nadir wants to try to reach out to them before they shoot at us or whatever and make peace now Uh nadir's uh strongest attribute is shadow Let's look at his assets real quick. We have explorer gunner and devotant um If you ever try to secure an advantage or gain ground by bringing up your religion Uh, or if you try to hearten using your faith you get bonuses
Starting point is 00:40:56 um You have a favorite gun of yours and you Whenever you come across a wondrous site or an extraordinary planet or phenomenon You can roll plus one When you secure an advantage by studying a new found place you can add plus one None of these are particularly relevant to the moment But what i'm saying is is that if you try to compel these guys not to kill you
Starting point is 00:41:22 It would be best if you try to use shadow, which generally means you're going to lie or swindle them in some way Yeah So with that said, how do you think nadir will approach this? I think he's going to Make it seem like I mean, I guess they are space pirates, but that's not what they set out to be so he's very much going to be like Pulling a black beard. This is a part of the plan Would you like to join in on this? Maybe like a multi-level marketing you steal ships for me
Starting point is 00:41:58 And it trickles down the wealth of all of my ships trickles down to you The nadir is also a zealot. So he might also try to preach about the beauty of whalism Oh, yeah, it's absolutely the will of the whale She You see how it just rolled off your tongue so naturally that's that's the brilliance of zikia is that you just come up with stuff like this The will of the whale. It's the will of the whale If we roll well enough, maybe these sacroshamu already worship space whales in some way, you know what I mean? Like we might already have an advantage
Starting point is 00:42:33 So it sounds like we're trying to compel these folks unless you would like to form a connection with them Forge a bond make a connection Something like that. Which which do you think is the better role? I think I want to make a connection. Okay. I like that Um, when you search out a new relationship or give focus to an existing relationship You will roll plus heart Uh, before you do that, let's just triple confirm here Uh worship a god. You're not really securing advantage. So you can't do that
Starting point is 00:43:09 I think you pretty much just have to roll with heart. Which is not a terrible uh stat for you But let's see how you do Okay Hey The will of the whale very good with a strong hit You create a connection give them a roll and rank whenever your connection aids you on a move closely associated with their role Add plus one and take plus one momentum So let's write that down. So we remember
Starting point is 00:43:40 Um, we need to Let's see connections. We're going to create a connection They are the sacro shamu We're going to add some details. Um Their home is sacro descriptors. They are I mean, we rolled a strong hit. Do you want to decide that they like are already like Devotants of the whale Yeah, I think they know of the whale
Starting point is 00:44:06 And I mean I picked orcas because they're the natural enemy of the whale. Oh, yeah, good point Maybe it's like a Like a yin and yang thing like they don't hate the whale. They're just the opposite of the whale I see so it's almost like whatever It's almost like you want to do the opposite of what the whale does like I guess You know like would be the creed I want yeah, it's like it's like trying to Like religions that are based off of getting out of your body
Starting point is 00:44:34 Okay, and like ascending. Okay, so They We convince them or at least some of them already have the notion That as whales they are incomplete and me and need to ascend As orcas they are incomplete and need to ascend to the will of the whale. Oh man How do we find ourselves in these interesting places? Okay, so we create a connection. We're going to give them a rank
Starting point is 00:44:58 I think that because they're relatively Um xenophobic of humans. It's at least a formidable rank like it's it can be easy to piss them off We just have gotten an advantage, right? Um Whenever they aid you take plus one on a roll. So I'm just going to say I'm going to copy that over um Whenever here we go copy Oh
Starting point is 00:45:25 Whenever you whenever your connection aids you in a move we can roll plus one So we've made a connection with them on a strong hit sounds like you know, they are Game, you know, they like that we worship the whale. They like that. We've stolen a ship from the jungle I think that even if nadir describes our plight. Hey, we're just trying to find a home Would the orcas offer their home or would they offer help in any way? I think they would at least offer help they kind of seem like they don't want anybody else There sure, but yeah Now here's the thing they've shut off one of the star gates. They're working to shut off the other
Starting point is 00:46:10 How can they help other than to? Find a home or or I don't know Just give give us the the right to move along without being attacked Would they can we ask them if they are If there are any Like if there are any good places nearby other than that, I think they would it would have to be here All right I don't think in this sector there would be but maybe they know of another sector where there is something that would be useful to us
Starting point is 00:46:42 A an empty planet of some kind I think we need to compel these guys Now that we have a relationship with them When you try to persuade someone or make an offer envision your approach Are you going to charm them threaten them or lie or swindle to them? And remember you can add plus one because we are associated with them now I'll just try to charm them charm them you're going to roll heart plus one Heart plus
Starting point is 00:47:19 Hopefully another strong hit All right, well we kit we kits better than than a miss on a weak hit They'll do what you want or agree to your conditions and you may take plus one momentum So go ahead and increase our momentum But their agreement comes with a demand or a complication and envision their counteroffer I was hoping for this because I don't think these guys are going to let us through without Helping them in some way Right. We we need to make a vow to to have these people
Starting point is 00:47:55 Help us What do you think that vow might be I think immediately coming to mind might be Go find that couriership for us and deliver it to us Yeah, that's a vow. I like that. You like that. I like that. All right. So we are going to make a vow to find and return The couriership lost in the sector
Starting point is 00:48:26 Okay, the jungle Couriership and I think nadir would be totally down because he already hates them How difficult of a vow do you think this is? Dangerous Troublesome formidable Extreme I think it's at least I think it's formidable. It's not it's not too wild. Yeah, right? It's not too wild
Starting point is 00:48:50 I would maybe even argue for dangerous because it's a couriership It probably doesn't have a ton of weaponry and right now we're outgunning them Okay, so for for the sake of it. We'll say it's a dangerous quest or dangerous vow But we need to make a vow we need to um What's the roll here? Uh It's under Quest swear an iron vow You are going to roll plus heart
Starting point is 00:49:16 If you swear a vow to a connection you can add plus one So go ahead and roll heart plus one If you swear this iron vow Okay We kid we kid you are determined but begin your quest with more questions than answers You may take plus one momentum and envision what to do to find a path forward Which makes sense, you know, we're like You know in the middle of a sector we aren't familiar with they tell us to just go find these people
Starting point is 00:49:46 We don't know where to start um What are your thoughts if We technically have a jungle ship that we stole Is there a sort of find my friends feature on the ship that we could use? I mean, we've never used it before so you have to learn how to use it But that might be able to sort of help us. I love the idea. It's either an oracle roll or we just do a
Starting point is 00:50:14 Secure an advance a secure an advantage or gather information roll Gather information feels right. Let's see when you search for clues ask questions analyze evidence or do research You're going to roll plus wits. However Nader, I do believe has an asset that helps him with this. Let's see Uh Bubba buh, no, this is for gaining ground. You could secure an advantage Uh and pray to your god and possibly have a plus one for that Have a plus one for that
Starting point is 00:50:46 But it's a little different than the gathering information Yeah I mean if we do secure an advantage for explorer Is a newfound place the ship we stole at this point because we've been in it for a while This is when you secure an advantage by studying a newfound place I feel like you'd have to find that place first Maybe we could argue that it's uh the place is the entire sector. Maybe we do just like a radar sweep Yeah, okay, then go ahead and secure an advantage. You're gonna uh roll plus one
Starting point is 00:51:25 And when you secure an advantage you are rolling Well, it depends on what stat you want to use. Uh, you can roll wits for observation Uh, yeah Go ahead and roll wits plus one Wits plus one We kit we kit. All right, all right Uh, um, we are on a weak hit you may choose one You can either take plus two momentum or add one to your next move
Starting point is 00:51:57 Which is pretty handy Yeah, I I feel like we're gonna be okay. We can add one to the next one. All right But because of your asset you will still be able to add one to your momentum because you did hit so now we're out of four Or a five. Excuse me. Well, did you did you increase the momentum for the last roll because you should have? Yeah, yeah, we were at a three. All right, so we're at a four. We're good. Yeah Great. So we have a plus one to start with which we could if you wanted use it on a um undertaken expedition We're gonna go out into this sector to find these foes
Starting point is 00:52:31 So with that said let us Undertake an expedition We can move with speed under the radar or we can stay vigilant I don't think we need to be under the radar Uh, let's stay vigilant. Okay roll with wits plus one Uh, let's double check as an explorer if there isn't anything Yeah, no explorer waypoint Uh, when you find something when you secure an advantage. No, I think you're just gonna roll wits plus one
Starting point is 00:53:11 Yeah, whoa strong hit with a match. That's a critical success On a strong hit you reach a waypoint envision the location and mark progress per the rank of your expedition So i'm going to increase your Uh, let's go to your vows real quick. We're going to increase this by two It's a critical success so you can either Decide for yourself what the best case scenario is well We can still maybe roll as to what we find or i'll even allow you to gain another two progress In return for making it the best possible outcome
Starting point is 00:53:49 Okay, you have a total of four progress as opposed to two or whatever we roll you can decide the best possible outcome Let's do the second one. All right, so we're going to keep our two progress Uh, let's decide what we come across. We're going to find The space born opportunity Why don't you roll the d100 and we'll find out what that opportunity is 44 44 a friendly settlement in range a friendly settlement in range. So we find a friendly settlement
Starting point is 00:54:30 Is it the sacroshamu? I what it It immediately i'm thinking that the courier is hiding out with these people whatever this other settlement is Okay, but i don't know I don't know if they would be sacroshamu. I think they're united people So I don't think it would be them So it's not sacroshamu Yeah, okay, it's uh someone else
Starting point is 00:54:58 Is it jungle forces or is it some other kind of alien species? I don't know All right, we can we can decide um, yeah, let's ask the oracle if it's How likely do you think it is that it's jungle forces of some kind By the way, I don't know if you can hear the zack, but my neighbor is blasting Uh, uh, uh, uh, what's their call they're they're from canada Anyway, I don't know if you can hear it. Hopefully not. No, I can't blasting music right now
Starting point is 00:55:38 Anyway, let's continue you're all good, uh 51 or greater or how likely do you think it is that that these folks are jungle related or are they something else? I think let's let's keep it simple. I think they're jungle related Jungly likelihood. Okay. Yeah, the likelihood of them already being on this planet is Or already being in this area is really high. Yeah, and I think it makes sense that there's not just one couriership Here, you know, there's probably other little pockets of jungle related forces However, a friendly settlement. So they are friendly to us. I would assume being the best case scenario
Starting point is 00:56:22 How do you justify that? Ooh Maybe they're just like completely outmatched and an outgun. So they're just like We they're just trying to like survive. Yeah, they're not trying to overtake anything They just want to make it through And the fact that we aren't sacro shambles is nice. Sure. Yeah, they're they're probably very happy. They probably Are not even questioning, you know, that we're human or not. Let's decide, you know, this friendly settlement. Where is it? It's location roll a d100
Starting point is 00:56:56 84 84 it is in deep space Although that doesn't make much sense. We've already decided that let's go with the expanse. There are Thousands of them it says for 84 The population is in the thousands First look if you'd like to roll a d100 for the first look Uh to decide maybe maybe a little bit more detail about these guys 18 That is built within a repurposed ship
Starting point is 00:57:28 So this settlement is built within a repurposed ship And there are thousands of them that makes me think of like a um, you know, maybe there was a A settlement ship like a colony ship that was sent here before they knew there was the sacroshamu Yeah, and then I mean, they probably didn't probably like a row and oak situation Did not go well for them. Um, but the survivors the people that did survive
Starting point is 00:58:00 Are just here to make it to the end of the day and then this couriership has just been Like absorbed into that group. Ah, I see. Okay so There were maybe once millions of uh, these folks but now there's only thousands Um, Eli says this is reminding them of raised by wolves. Um Here's the challenge if the couriership is with them Our mission is nowhere near completion. We've only have two progress out of a possible 10 Um, there's got to be some complication
Starting point is 00:58:36 Maybe we find these folks as friendly settlement But the couriership has left to go do something or something. You know what I mean? There has to be a reason why we can't complete our task yet So we have to we we've honed it down to a certain area But we need to convince them to tell us where they went in this area. Okay. All right. Got it So The ship is not here. We've decided that for sure, but we need to try to compel these guys to tell us where they've gone, right? Right. We need to make a compel move
Starting point is 00:59:06 What stat are you using to make this compel move? I think we're definitely lying to these people. Yeah, and how are you doing that? Uh, I think The fact that we've made it this far and haven't been because we still have like like the Mm-hmm the um The smiley face as it were on the side of our ship that let's this is a jungle ship. Mm-hmm but
Starting point is 00:59:33 The fact that we've gotten this far is very much like these people have at least talked to the sacroshamu It's unlikely that they've killed them all so it's weird It's weird that they're here and on our side. So I think Well, actually it makes total sense because we forget we have this jungle ship So we could lie and swindle by pretending we're like here to save them or something. Yeah. Yes. Okay So nadir helming the the the corvette class ship the shark class Uh tries to lie and swindle to these folks. We're here to help. We just need the courier We need to find the courier ship. So roll shadow
Starting point is 01:00:10 And let's see how you do Okay, we can't oh we can't all right um They will agree to your conditions, but they have a demand or a complication And vision their counter offer So there's something complicating the situation where they can't give you the exact information without something What if they i'm trying to think we don't have much to give them Maybe
Starting point is 01:00:48 Maybe they demand some kind of help there's probably a lot of injured a lot of dying people Maybe Do we give them like some of our supply or I know we have prisoners But they're like The prisoners to the jungle. Yeah, we don't need to move them around right I like your idea of you know, maybe maybe making a a supply roll to see if we can sacrifice enough to appease them Yeah, but then that means okay. All right. So they know so we're deciding that they know where the the cour the courier is But they they need our help first before they'll tell us
Starting point is 01:01:28 Yeah, all right. I like that idea Let's make a There's a particular roll for this We're going to Where is it withstand damage Sacrifice resources when you lose or consume resources You're going to reduce our supply I'm going to say this is a serious loss because there's a lot of people that probably need help
Starting point is 01:01:51 So we're going to reduce it by two So our supply goes down to one And um If your supply is exhausted mark and prepare when you suffer a loss of resources Envision how this causes your hardship and apply the cost to a different suffer move Uh, if you're at if you're unprepared, which we're not So basically there's not anything we have to roll on we just lose to supply Okay, all right
Starting point is 01:02:18 They agree to tell us where it is. Um, how do we decide where it is? um We can roll on the action and theme table to maybe Get an idea I think yeah. Yeah, I like that. All right. So let's see what they tell us. Um Uh action theme descriptor and focus So between action theme descriptor and focus which of those categories would you like to roll on first and we'll just roll two Let's do focus all right first
Starting point is 01:02:58 I like that theme. Yep. Roll the d100 and let's see what the focus of wherever they've gone is Maybe they had a mission of some kind 36 36 is grave Grave like you're digging a grave So the focus is grave Let's unless you have a brilliant idea. Let's just roll one more. There is folk. There is
Starting point is 01:03:23 action theme and descriptor Okay, let's do oh I mean, it's a grave to grave. Yeah, go ahead theme could be weird It might conflict with it a little bit, but maybe not. Yeah I don't I don't know. I feel like if we get like like joyous That would be that would be a lot. That would be interesting. Um, well either way roll the d100 and let's just see what theme we get It might help it might not
Starting point is 01:03:52 95 oh, that's a big one War is the theme So grave war a war grave I'm kind of thinking like the courier went out to like Like like perform a ceremony and like get like like shoot out the dead into space You know how like that happens in star trek and stuff? Yeah Okay, okay Yeah, I see your face you're like not a hundred percent on board
Starting point is 01:04:20 I'm like I'm just thinking that's really We have to capture them and they're in the middle of Yeah, I kind of want to roll a different theme So you don't like me Yeah, I know it's me but also you got to remember nadir is like hating these guys That's true. He he he he he would not care that they're trying to do some kind of ceremony Probably does not respect any jungle ceremonies
Starting point is 01:04:45 So we learned from these guys that the the couriership has gone off to Jettison their their best warriors into space after their deaths or whatever So that's what that's what they're doing and and and I would assume this also includes like the rough whereabouts of where they are So I think we need to continue our expedition To now get to them Um, where are they doing this? Are they doing this in deep space or are they doing this on a planet? We can roll for it if you'd like
Starting point is 01:05:16 Let's do it on a planet Okay, so they they they want to find some kind of planetoid. It's not anything too major Because there's not a lot in this sector. So we'll say that there's some planetoid that they want to Land these bodies on. Um, let us continue to undertake an an an expedition By Where are we we're going to There we go. So are we rolling with edge shadow or wits?
Starting point is 01:05:43 Wits We are staying vigilant. We are rolling with wits Uh, go ahead and do that And let's see how you do We kid you've been rolling good this game on a weak hit, uh, you will reach a waypoint But this progress is going to cost you. So first we're going to Mark progress on undertaking the expedition which is going to be Uh, it's under our vows. It's going to be two. So we now have four out of ten
Starting point is 01:06:17 But uh, this progress costs us. We either have to make a suffer move At minus two or minus one two separate suffer moves or we face a peril Which is just a d hundred and we find out what that is Let's do one suffer move Well, it'd be one suffer move, but you have to make Excuse me, it would be two suffer moves at minus one as opposed to one suffer move at minus two Ah, okay. That's the difference Okay, then no
Starting point is 01:06:52 Generally made airs pick face apparel because it's just a d hundred and it's just a little bit easier to deal with But you could make a suffer move if you like if you like to suffer I do I do. Okay. Yeah. Yeah, let's let's do The one suffer move for minus two All right, or is it definitely No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, you can make one suffer move at minus two. So with that said I guess we should find what the waypoint is before we figure out what kind of suffering we endure
Starting point is 01:07:27 So Let's do Let's see What is it again, it's a A waypoint we have to decide what kind of waypoint um Let's just roll See 138 page 138 is a encounter. Um
Starting point is 01:07:49 Let's roll a d100 I don't know if this is exactly the right roll for us, but let's just try it 75 75 on our space encounter table Is a fiery energy storm Which like a volcano? Well A fiery energy storm. It could be debris from the volcano that would mean we're we're close to the uh Homeworld of the sacroshamu
Starting point is 01:08:23 Um, maybe it's just like yeah, it's like jettison debris that you know, we come across So it sounds like we are um The ships might be withstanding damage Yeah, that seems to make sense So that's great when we do that Let me pull up uh that um All right, when your vehicle faces a damaging situation and and I think we should decide
Starting point is 01:08:51 Which ship takes damage in fact would we have left kb? Back with the settlement or something like would we have kept them out of the fray and just sent in this uh this shark class ship I think so because that's the one with all of the weapons in the armor And the other one sort of has majority of like people and soft goods and things like that Gotcha. So there's a limited number of crew on this shark class ship as we go hunting So this ship is going to withstand damage. We'll say that it has full uh integrity. Let me pull up the ship um
Starting point is 01:09:30 We'll it's at five We're going to reduce it to three because of the minus two and then you're going to make an integrity role Which is just uh plus three, but let's look at your assets real quick. Um, sorry We we share a uh a character sheet. So sometimes this happens. Um, we don't have any kind of special Modules for the ship and as a gunner There's nothing there Secure an advantage. Yeah, no, so we're just going to roll plus three So use use whatever stat if you want to use shadow
Starting point is 01:10:03 We're going to roll plus three to see if we can withstand our integrity Yeah, we'll call that shadow Well, what what what i'm saying is we're just using the plus three modifier. That's all that's important. Okay Strong hit All right On a strong hit you may choose one you can either bypass the damage And take plus one integrity Actually ignore that or you can write it out and take plus one momentum
Starting point is 01:10:35 Plus one momentum. All right. We want to make sure we raise our momentum So that goes up to five, but our ship now has taken a couple of hits Maybe some lava is still sticking to the ship not in the best shape certainly for entering a battle But um with that said, I think we can make another Undertaken expedition roll as we continue. Oh wait. No. Yeah, I guess we kind of decided everything about this way point um We're going to take another expedition are we moving with speed under the radar or with vigilance Let's try moving with speed if the storm I mean we took some damage. I think it's more like
Starting point is 01:11:18 Let's go. Let's hurry this up. You're going to roll with edge Okay Edge happens to be one of your worst stats Yes, it is a miss. Yes, it is a miss our first bad our first miss of the game On a miss you are waylaid by a crisis or arrive at a waypoint to confront an immediate hardship Or threat do not mark progress and pay the price. So please roll 80 hundred for me For us to pay the price Eight and eight
Starting point is 01:11:51 You create an opportunity for an enemy You create an opportunity for an enemy What are your thoughts? Create an opportunity for an enemy The We don't really have any outright enemies in the situation. Well, the only enemy would be our it would be the couriership Yeah And maybe we have found ourselves in a situation that gives them some kind of advantage
Starting point is 01:12:20 I mean if they're if they've been out here and they're used to doing this ceremony like I mean it seems like they would have more intel about how to like steer and get back And avoid the like worst end of this firestorm and at this point it's like we just need We just need help Yeah, we're stuck out here. Yeah, like we had it all together and now it's very bad So I think giving an enemy an opportunity is like the dynamic has changed for sure We're still hunting them, but we also need them now. Okay. So maybe What it is if you want to decide that is that they get a they get tipped off about us like they now know we're coming for them
Starting point is 01:12:59 Yeah, I like that. So so how does that happen? How do they learn about us? I think If we're close enough to be picked up on there because we've been tracking them this whole time, right We've got to be close enough for them to see us now too. Um, and we've been swerving in space Yeah, yeah, maybe that's what it is is they've noticed like our pattern like our our Flight pattern is odd and they can immediately tell that it's a ship of some kind. Yeah. Okay. Interesting. So with the jungle courier ship
Starting point is 01:13:35 um getting the the uh These up on us. They now know that we're after them I think this is a pretty good place to bring our session to a close because the next person is going to have to figure out How they're going to outsmart these guys because I assume when we find them they're going to be ready for us Oh, yeah, interesting. Well great sessions Akia. Thank you for helping Of course. I mean it's so much worse You know every you could say that about everybody's uh session it always ends up getting more complicated We have to know a bit about the shamu. Yeah, no, I I love the sacro shamu for sure. I was not expecting to create that race
Starting point is 01:14:15 Could we let's decide who plays next? We're back at the top of the initiative. I guess we could call it You are let's say for now that you are six So if we roll a six we'll just re-roll, but we'll say one is who who do you want to put in the one slot? Um, okay, who just went last? Uh, Amanda Amanda went last. Okay, then Just number them down give me the numbers. Yeah, okay, erin, elie My
Starting point is 01:14:50 leg Caleb Amanda. Mm-hmm. Amanda. Roll a d6 and let's see who's next Tree tree is leg So a legra. Sorry leg. We'll join us next time. Don't apologize It's gonna be fun. Yeah, it'll be fun I made it fun for you Every player makes it fun for the next player. That's why we have so much fun here on star forge
Starting point is 01:15:19 Zach thanks again Is there anything we need to talk about before we end our session today? um, no Right, I don't think that there's anything. I mean other than we're releasing episodes of doom to repeat. Yeah That's exciting doom to repeat season two is out. We're gonna take a little bit of a A little baby break for orpheus, but we'll be back But you can definitely watch those episodes on youtube if you want we have three right now Take this time to catch up or hoard episodes before you go home to your families. True also good
Starting point is 01:15:49 Yep, we'll we'll have the next episode november 20th for orpheus I think that's everything. That's pretty much it. Yeah, we always have our our wonderful monday night streams with uh, erin as he plays through games and maybe if we're lucky leg will bless us with another heroes you should know This week or next week, uh Maybe we'll do a one shot on friday. You never know But uh, thank you everyone for watching uh guys if you like what we do remember we have a patreon If you want to subscribe to twitch, it's also a wonderful way of supporting us Um, thanks again, and we will see you next time
Starting point is 01:16:25 Good night. Good night

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