Mayday Plays - Starforged Ep. 14

Episode Date: December 17, 2021

Zakiya makes some moves on this edition of Starforged....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 After a small break, we are back playing Starforged and I am with the one and only Zack the Drac. How you doing, Zack? Hello, how are you, Sergio? Zack is back playing Starforged with me. Zack, you were only gone for a single session. You, your last session marked the end of our second round of playing through everybody in Mayday. Allegra went on, she she rolled you, they rolled you and now you are here. Is this, is there a little bit of whiplash? How do you feel?
Starting point is 00:00:38 Oh yeah, I feel like I should remember more of what has happened and it's, it's, it feels exactly the same and that I've forgotten all of the bad choices I made. You actually, your last session you rolled incredibly well, so you set leg up really well. Their session went pretty well. We'll see how you do this time. We'll see if that luck sticks with you. Lex, good to see you in the chat. Eli, good to see you in the chat. If you are new to, to us, please make sure to say hi to us in the chat. Let me go over kind of what we did last time for your benefit, Zakiya, but for the audiences. So if we all remember, there is a group of iron landers, like iron age people that have found a spaceship and have been traveling through space trying to find a new home.
Starting point is 00:01:30 They discovered that they were on this experiment planet where they were being experimented on by the jungle to create this like, you know, hearty race of men that could survive colony travel or colonizing new planets, etc. And they want their freedom. They want out. So they've been traveling and they recently bumped into a sentient species, I think created by Zakiya, called the Sacro Shamu. And the Sacro Shamu don't like the jungle of this, you know, kind of bureaucracy that runs the forge, our little corner of the galaxy. And we made a deal with them. If we can kind of turn over all of the, the remaining jungle ships in this sector, they would help us find a new home. So we did exactly that. We found a courier ship that was burying the dead. We tricked them into following us and the Sacro Shamu took them and had their way with them. I believe they were completely merciless and slaughtered all of them, but not our problem. Certainly not Nader's problem. And the Sacro Shamu, you know, fulfilled their promise of telling us where to find this planet. Now it is a vital world, which means it's ideal to live in, but it's also kind of ideal for the iron landers.
Starting point is 00:02:55 Turns out that the three major biomes are glacial, cold forests and shallow oceans. And if you remember, Zach, the iron landers kind of lived in a, you know, a hearty, tundra-like environment to begin with. So they're kind of used to this. So it's kind of ideal for them. And at this point, the decision is, okay, we've got to go there, but there's one caveat. To get there, we have to go through a vault. Zacchia, you remember we were in a vault once where there were some space vampires, one of them fell in love with you. And we escaped that vault. It's kind of, it was this weird hyper geometric, you know, place like it was like almost like a dungeon created by, you know, ancient aliens or whatever. Point is this vault is the only way to get to this vital world. This is what the Sacro Shamu told us. So Nader tried to proselytize a little bit and he got kicked off the Sacro Shamu planet for being a little bit too zealous and he finds himself back on the ships.
Starting point is 00:04:07 He did resupply a little bit. He did kind of renew his spirit a little bit. It's a little low. But the point is, is that we come to a crossroads here. Nader, we can decide what ship he's on, but the decision needs to be made about what the next step is. And before we do that, I think I want to define with you a little bit more about this vault and about this planet. So think about the implications, Zac. The Sacro Shamu told us that there is a world that they know of that is a really nice world that we can settle on. That is behind a vault, which is like a, you know, we've kind of defined it as this weird alien, interdimensional type of place. What are the implications here? What do we need to understand in terms of the world building of what? Why don't the Sacro Shamu go there themselves if it's so great or whatever?
Starting point is 00:05:05 Right. Obviously it's hard to, go ahead, go ahead. No, yeah, there's something going on with this vault. Like when you said alien dungeon puzzle, it just feels like, it feels like a, like MC Escher planet. But there's something that would make them not go, I imagine, like a ridiculous lack of just like, maybe it's like super dry. I don't know. I think I might be jumping the gun a little bit, but there's, I think there is like two to three qualities about this place that would make it impossible to enter if you were one of them. I can't say orcish people, but yeah. Maybe the vault is just a dangerous place. I mean, like we said, it's kind of like a dungeon. We don't know what to, what we're going to find in there. Maybe the Sacro Shamu explained that they've never been through it. They know very few alien races that have. But why do the Sacro Shamu know about it? Did the predecessors, these alien races, did they leave behind information about it?
Starting point is 00:06:05 Because I imagine, imagine like a pocket dimension where there's a planet just existing in the vault. Like I almost imagine the vault is like this particular vault as like a, like a test kitchen where they, like the predecessors built like a planet that is habitable, but also isn't like, it's not like playing in the universe right now. It's just like in the, in the background or. I like that. I think. Okay. So they, they beta tested a planet. Yeah. It's didn't work out for them. Right. It wasn't what they like. It happens to be perfect for the iron landers. Right. But they thought it was super lame. So it's like this planet is like the kids table civilization. And that's where they're like, it's there if you need it. But like, are you sure? So, so maybe the, the predecessors, I keep saying that, but it's not as cool as like the, the progenitors or something, you know, the, the progenitor race. Like created this planet. It sounds like they also told other or left clues to other races that, that this, that this planet exists as like a backup planet or as a hideout or something.
Starting point is 00:07:22 I think they, they did the beta test planet, moved on to where, wherever they are at now, and at least spread the information to say like, this is what you do when you want to make a planet. Like it's, it's used as educational. Ah, yeah. I see. Yeah. Safety town. It's safety town. And do our iron landers want to live in the, in the safety town of the universe? I mean, I would love to think that they don't tell them that. Okay. Or they, they still think that it is so cool that it doesn't matter that this is a safety town. So this is a player knowledge kind of thing as opposed to the iron landers really putting two and two together. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:08 Okay. I just wanted to kind of better understand it going forward. So when the other players kind of, when we eventually get to this vault and find this planet, we understand what we're coming upon. It's like, it's going to be weird living on a planet that's like in another dimension. I just, I think it's going to be interesting nonetheless. It's fine. Um, okay. Okay. Now that we've defined that, I need to know from you, do we continue towards this vault or is it time to maybe retrieve all those iron landers we left behind on the original planet? Is it time for our mass exodus? I think it would be smarter if I'm playing this game like a, like it's a farming sim.
Starting point is 00:08:54 Yeah. If we were to go back and get people in case we lose people, then we don't lose everybody, but I also just want to see what this vault is like. So it would be the option if we decided to go forward, we would still have to go back and go through the vault again. If we decided to head to the vault first, we would undertake an expedition, which we would set the difficulty and it will take a certain amount of time to get there coming across perils and things like that. Um, if we decided instead to return home, we would just be, there's a specific move for this that is a lot easier, setting a course. When you follow a known route through perilous space, you roll plus supply. So our supply is three right now, not as good as it can be. We could take some time trying to increase it, but setting a course would be one move as opposed to possibly multiple undertaking expedition moves to get to the vault. Okay. Then I think, yeah, we should, let's, let's go back home and get everybody.
Starting point is 00:09:57 Okay. We have decided to shift gears. I realize now that it's like basically space Moses, returning the space Israelites back home. Nader is space Moses. He is quite religious. I think that it works quite well. Space Moses. We have to find our clay tablets and all of those analogous biblical allegories. Dreamworks next project. Space Moses. This is just Battlestar Galactica's last season, basically. By way of the great whale says, Eli, that's right. That's right. Okay. We're going home. We're returning to the planet.
Starting point is 00:10:44 We are going to roll supply. Like I said, supplies at three. Are you comfortable with that? Or do you want to first give me a reason why we don't try to resupply first? We rolled it twice last session and with varying degrees of success. I think we would. I think we would definitely resupply. I don't know how that would, where we're going, but we're going to, we should try. Here's what happened. Last session, we went down to resupply and Nader spent all of his time proselytizing that kicked off the planet. He wanted to resupply again. So what he did is he just went to the other continent, like the other side of the planet and just tried to resupply and succeeded. So you need to give me the next step of resupplying. I think that just flying to another part of the planet is not a good reason or not good enough excuse to resupply.
Starting point is 00:11:36 So what, what is the other possibility? I mean, if we have, well, true. Okay. We can't just pull over a little bit further. What are the odds? We could either again, leaning into the farming sim, just try to make more supplies. We could really destroy our relationship with these people and just steal them. Yeah. That is your strongest skill plus shadow. You could attempt to steal from them. Okay. One last job. That's it.
Starting point is 00:12:19 Okay. So you're saying Nader gets word of one last job, like some kind of heist and he gets a bunch of the iron landers to help him do it. Now, what kind of a heist is it? This is fair. Okay. Because there's many kinds of heists. Is he smart? Is he a smart boy? Great question. Great question. He is wits. I mean, he's got wits. He's got two wits. Not as strongest. Shadow is definitely as strongest.
Starting point is 00:12:54 You could say he's a genius at lying and swindling. Yeah. Okay. Then I think it's something as simple as they know that this lad's about to leave. So he, he does sort of a Trojan horse. Like, ooh, perfect. You know, when you give somebody a gift that you know they hate, they will give back to you that you want. Okay. Great. That's what he's doing. But what is that? What does it look like? It looks like
Starting point is 00:13:23 We're going to give you our sewage. Well, no, Serge. Okay. How are you going to spin this? Let me, let me hear it. The sewage tube that they store them in. Take one of those. It's empty. It's clean-ish. It's ready to go. Take it. We fill it with
Starting point is 00:13:54 something meaningless like dirt, but something that we think is very special or that we say is very special. Nadeer's like, this is the coolest dirt from my homeland. It looks just like your dirt. Don't worry about it. This is our gift to you. Okay. Got it. We tried upon some useless resource that we can eat.
Starting point is 00:14:16 It's a meteorite dust or something. Try to pawn it off as something special and steal from some other group. Okay. Yeah. We just want them to take it back for us to. Oh, yes. We put people in there. Sorry. Take it back. The people come out, steal the things. They give the thing back and we have supplies.
Starting point is 00:14:35 Oh, I see. Gotcha. Okay. So we're going to roll plus shadow to gather supplies. And let's see how we do. Adventuring. We are. What are we? Yeah, we're resupplying. Let's see.
Starting point is 00:14:53 Do I add anything to that? Oh, yeah. Good question. Make sure to look at your assets because that usually tells you if when this is called resupply, I don't think there is anything in your assets. But when you steal or swindle, you can roll plus shadow. I think you're just going to just roll shadow. Okay.
Starting point is 00:15:24 Let's see. Hey. All right. This scam works on a strong hit. You can take plus two to your supply, which I believe will raise it up to five. Yes. That's excellent. So the scam works.
Starting point is 00:15:49 The one last job is worth it. I'm not even going to ask you to roll if anybody dies in the process. Nope, it's a flawless plan. Clean. Clean, exactly. We've got our supply. Is it time to set the course for home? Yes.
Starting point is 00:16:07 All right. All that's left for you to do now is to roll supply and see if we can't take her home. With a plus five, you better get a strong hit. That's great. So we are threshold combat. Here we go. Setting a course on a strong hit, you reach your destination and the situation there favors you. Take plus one momentum.
Starting point is 00:16:35 So that momentum goes up to two and we arrive out of hyperspace. I mean, we've been basically going back the way that we came through all the previous sectors and stuff. What does it look like when we return? What is to our advantage? And we can roll for it if you like. Yeah, I do. The only thing I could think of is just like, people are not mad to see us back. I mean, certainly that would be nice, but I think that's also kind of expected.
Starting point is 00:17:08 We are returning to save everybody. Maybe looking at the different Oracle tables here, let's find the focus of this thing. Roll a D100 and we'll determine the focus of this opportunity that we find. Whatever that means. 68. 68, one off from 69. A rendezvous. We find that the focus is a rendezvous of some kind.
Starting point is 00:17:42 I suppose it's obvious we're rendezvousing with the previous ironlanders. If we recall, we exist on a planet with a giant super storm that really the only habitable place was the eye. What if the eye is in a position where it helps us rendezvous easily? It's maybe somewhere that's not in the mountains or not in the ocean or something like that. Yeah, we're on like the only plateau in the area, easy to land a ship. Nice even place to land a ship, absolutely. That's where we find ourselves. I'm not even going to bother with that, I'm just going to do, never mind.
Starting point is 00:18:27 We're here, we see our beautiful planet. I assume we begin to descend. Yes. We have two ships, we have the fighter ship and we have the Chum Bucket, our ship that is currently housing most everyone. Which one is going down? Currently, I think the Chum Bucket is full of people. So it would be the Excalibur or do we change everybody from the Chum Bucket into the Excalibur? And then it's the Chum that goes down.
Starting point is 00:18:56 Yeah, especially because the Chum Bucket is smaller, right? I don't know if it's smaller, I think that it does actually hold more people than the Excalibur can. It's more of a freighter than the Excalibur, which is like a warship, it's a little bit tighter of quarters. If you think of like a submarine or something. Send the Chum Bucket down, it'll be a whole vibe, everyone will be so excited. Right, right. In that ship, that'll be good. Okay, do we move anybody to the Excalibur ship? Do we move as many people as we know? Everyone stays on.
Starting point is 00:19:38 Just the homies, if you've been in the ship, you stay in the ship. Okay, there's about 35 of us, we'll say. We've had a lot of casualties along the way. I suppose that's fine, it's going to be a really tight fit because there's at least 50 people down below waiting for us, possibly more after all this travel time. I just want to set some kind of challenge if we do want to overstuff the Chum Bucket, because we had decided there was only 50, there's room for 50 people on it originally. I think it could fly, it could definitely handle the weight. I suppose it doesn't really matter, I suppose that there's no real issue. I mean, yeah, there's like a social thing, like if you put 85 people on a 50 seat bus, someone's going to fight, it's a matter of time, but if there's no consequence on that and then maybe...
Starting point is 00:20:37 That's something to just think about, something to think about, we haven't rolled poorly yet, so there's no need to complicate things. The Chum Bucket goes down into the atmosphere, I think we should make a roll to try to land the ship without any issues, perhaps facing danger is the easiest. Let's see, it moves to 24. Alright, so we are going to face danger, you are going to, with what skill are you going to use? If you are moving gradually, to basically descend into the atmosphere and to land properly. Wits? Wits probably makes the most sense, you can't really deceive or trick your way out of this. Your next heist is Edge, but you'd be moving with speed, mobility or agility, which I guess kind of works if you are piloting the ship.
Starting point is 00:21:46 But if you want, roll with Wits. Yeah, just because it's particularly good, so I think it's just him. Double check your assets, because I think there is when you face danger, something. Nope, secure an advantage and gain ground. Heart and strike. Yeah, unfortunately there's not anything about, I always think there is, but there's not. Okay, then that's a big old miss. Yeah, that's a big old miss, I didn't even see that the whole time.
Starting point is 00:22:24 On a miss, you fail or a momentary success is undermined by a dire turn of events, pay the price, please roll a D100. Just landing the plane in perfect condition. You're just going to get sucked into the storm. Already eight. And eight. You create an opportunity for an enemy. You create an opportunity for an enemy. Now, we have enemies in space.
Starting point is 00:22:55 I don't know if you can recall any of the enemies in the Ironlands. The storm would certainly be considered an enemy. Right. There were all kinds of, you know, zombie like creatures that wouldn't make much sense. I don't think we necessarily crash, we might have to make a roll to determine whether we take any damage or crash. But how do we create an opportunity for an enemy, Zach? Okay, I feel like there's something a little trippy about leaving one ship just like up in the air. That like, if the storm were to move even a little bit, like maybe it wouldn't inflict damage on that ship, because it's just kind of floating and the storm is, you know, moving around it or underneath it.
Starting point is 00:23:54 Otherwise, yeah, I mean, like the likelihood of landing and like making the ship against the storm seems pretty high. I think that makes the most sense. Let's roll to see if the ship takes any damage while attempting to land, you know, potentially getting caught in the storm or, like you said, getting hit by it. So what we're going to do is the ship is going to withstand damage on the integrity of the ship, which is, if we're taking the chum bucket, it's actually at five. I made a note that the attack vessels at three in terms of integrity. But we're going to reduce the integrity by one to four. I'm going to ask that you roll basically a plus four integrity. I don't think there's any way you can do it in the character sheet.
Starting point is 00:24:43 You're going to have to roll maybe with shadow and modify it by adding plus one, which would make it plus four. Okay. Using the getting around character sheet. Okay, we can. We are withstanding damage. Let's see. Here we go. On a week hit, your vehicle is not battered.
Starting point is 00:25:06 You may lose momentum in exchange for that integrity that we lost. What would you like to do? Current integrity is at four. We could lose momentum to bring it back up to five. I think I kind of just want to take it. Okay. All right. Let's keep the momentum just in case I see where your logic is.
Starting point is 00:25:29 So we've stood the damage, but we make it to the ground. Maybe not the most graceful landing, but you know, Nader is not famous for being a pilot anyway. We make it to the ground. We can obviously do we see the the iron landers? Do we see like the settlement might be a Oracle? We do see them. I'd like to think we, if there was a way to sort of send a message ahead of time, like get packed, everyone is as ready as they can be to go.
Starting point is 00:26:02 Okay. Got it. We land within eye shot. We see them. Do they immediately start coming over to us? Like they probably have some kind of plan. Yes. I wanted to look like when, when Thor comes with the ship of people.
Starting point is 00:26:19 Yeah. I want it to look like that. It's just running. People are exiting the ship. People are boarding the ship. There's just this mess like 30 feet out in front of the front and then everyone gets back in the ship. All right. There's something that's a little too easy about this to me.
Starting point is 00:26:36 I mean, these folks have been for weeks, possibly months alone in the storm. Some drama has occurred. You know what I mean? Something is going on. I don't want to just say something bad is happening. I think we should possibly gather information to see what the latest is and maybe the, the positive or the negative of that role will determine, you know, what's happening. That's, that's fair. I like the, the reunion scene, but the idea, yeah, if they've been in space, they're going to just check them out to make sure they're not also zombie people or something.
Starting point is 00:27:11 Gotcha. So we're going to gather information. Let me pull up what we gots to do. Forge a bond. Gather is 227. Okay. All right. You're going to roll wits when you search for clues, ask questions, analyze evidence or do research.
Starting point is 00:27:37 We're checking in with the people. Oh boy. Okay. A miss. Very interesting. A miss. Your investigation unearths a dire threat or reveals an unwelcome truth that undermines your quest. We can either pay the price or we can come up with it ourselves.
Starting point is 00:27:56 I don't want to think of something bad for the people. All right. Roll a D 100. Yeah. And we'll let fate decide what unfortunate thing has befallen the ironlanders. 58. Okay. 58.
Starting point is 00:28:12 Your equipment or vehicle malfunctions. Okay. Okay. I guess that means we have to spend momentum to fix it or spend time to fix it. Yeah, it would certainly suck if the ship stops working and the storm is on the move, moving in the direction, maybe on the short end too. The side we part closest to is moving towards us or something like that. We can only take, because one of our engines or something is down, we can only take a certain amount of people.
Starting point is 00:28:56 And we said everybody could come, but when we said that, we didn't know that this would happen. And we were like, I don't know. I don't want to leave people behind because that's the best way to make a bunch of villains. But here's the thing, the pay the price is telling us the ship doesn't work. So we probably have to fix it before we can get the hell out of here. That's the problem, right? Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:29:22 So we've gathered all the ironlanders up. Let's ask the Oracle. Maybe this is what we should have done. I want to ask the Oracle to just better understand the state of the ironlanders. Is it likely that they are in the same shape that we left them in? I think that it is likely that they have been able to self sustain well enough. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:29:50 Roll a D100, 26 or greater. They have in fact been able to largely keep themselves healthy and happy and surviving. Okay. 26 or greater. 34. Nice. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:30:05 Everything's peachy keen with the ironlanders. They are hearty folks. We just got to figure out how to solve this problem with our ship. So here we are. The storm is moving in a way that it's going to hit our ship sooner than later. And our ship isn't working. I assume maybe like the drop in gravity has really shaken the chum bucket. And KB is really having a hard time holding themselves together.
Starting point is 00:30:32 So what do we do? I want to set some kind of difficulty here. Maybe it's even maybe a vow. Maybe I think if we can manage to get off the if we can manage to get off the planet, I'll consider it progress towards our goal of finding a new home. Right. Okay. In fact, I'll even say this is progress.
Starting point is 00:30:58 The fact that we return to the planet without issue. I'll give us two points towards that. And this will make it another one. So what are we doing? What's the first move to solve this problem? How do we get the ship up and running again? The first thing I want to do is move the ship away from the storm. Move it inward a little bit just so we have time to work on it or fix it.
Starting point is 00:31:26 Can that be done? I mean, if the ship can't move up, it might not be able to move left and right. Okay. Help. Help me remember. Do we have, is there not a part of the tribe that's kind of on wheels? Definitely. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:43 I mean, I think without a doubt, we could probably lug the iron furnace and stuff like that into the ship if we wanted to. Okay. What if we just, this is okay. What if no bad idea, Zach? What if we've taken just bad roles? Take the wheels of the furnace and push them underneath. The furnace is not the size of a ship.
Starting point is 00:32:08 This is the first time where I'm like, absolutely not. Okay. That's fair. That's okay. I mean, maybe if, maybe if the tribe took all of their moving, you know, caravan stuff and tried to make it work. Yes. But at the sacrifice of all of their stuff, which is fine.
Starting point is 00:32:28 We're not planning to leave the planet anyway. Yeah. Okay. So then you just want to wheel it away. Okay. I think first we have to make some kind of role to successfully build this contraption, right? We're going to, this is an interesting move here.
Starting point is 00:32:51 What are we going to do? There's no make a big skateboard. Make a big skateboard is not a move. Unfortunately. Okay. There is the combat move now. That's not going to work. We could just undertake an expedite.
Starting point is 00:33:08 Undertaking an expedition is kind of in the vein. Yeah. Something half a mile is an expedition. Let's face danger. Okay. Or this is kind of securing an advantage as well. Yes. That feels better.
Starting point is 00:33:28 We're attempting to gain some leverage while we fix the ship. We're trying to move it. You can roll with edge heart, iron shadow or wits. Heart. Okay. So you are with resolve command or sociability. So Nader is trying to convince everybody this is a good idea. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:51 Because he's not a strong lad. He's just yelling and pointing. Yes. Again, I think there is an asset this time. I say this every time, but I think there's an asset that securing an advantage. When you secure an advantage by studying a new found place or when you secure an advantage bringing up your God. I mean, it easily be the will of the whale.
Starting point is 00:34:19 Yeah. So just you, you just call upon the will of the whale to make this happen. Not only do we have the Moses, now we have the Noah reference. We're, we're building a flow. It's just, it's just on wheels instead of water. Intentional. All right. You may add plus one to this role.
Starting point is 00:34:39 Okay. That's one. Okay. Oh, this is very good. A strong hit with a match. This is a critical hit effectively. So what happens that makes this plan come together? Okay.
Starting point is 00:35:02 I think disassembling it from the iron furnace. Super easy. All right. It's the tools that they already know how to use. I think our boy is excellent at quickly teaching these people how the ship works enough to lift it and get it on there. And I don't know. I mean, how, how far did we say the storm, like the diameter of the, of the eye of the
Starting point is 00:35:26 store? God, it's a little bit bigger than that actually. It's, it's, it's big enough that if we can manage to get it a little bit more to the center, it's going to be fine with a strong hit. I completely think that's what we accomplish. Okay. So sure enough, you know, we get out of harm's way. We still have the trouble of getting the ship fully operational.
Starting point is 00:35:46 So I think that's going to require some kind of appropriate role for this. Because you secure the advantage on a strong hit, you can either take plus two momentum or a plus one on your next move. What would you like? Plus one on the next move. Yeah, that makes sense. We can attempt to face danger and fix it. You want to try to do that?
Starting point is 00:36:10 Yes. All right. So actually because it's more to do with the ship not working, there might be a, a not with stand damage, but a, I lost it now. Adventure. Oh, a repair. We could either make a repair move or a face danger role. What would you prefer?
Starting point is 00:36:37 If you do a repair move, you'd have to roll with wits or supply. If you do a face danger, you could roll with any stat you want. You just have to justify it. I feel confident in wits. I think we can do it with wits and we have a plus one. Yes. I think we can. All right.
Starting point is 00:36:58 You will roll. What is it? With wits to repair the ship plus one and hopefully it gets fixed. All right. Barely. Barely. We'll see. On a week hit.
Starting point is 00:37:14 In vision surgery and roll. If you're making your own repairs, you'll roll with wits on a hit, which we did a hit. You gain repair points is appropriate to this situation. If you're in the field and it's a week hit, you gain one point. Our ship is at four, so it actually goes up to plus five. So managed to repair it. And we'll say that that counts as getting it up and running again. So it's now fully operational.
Starting point is 00:37:44 Everybody runs on and we start going up, right? Yeah. Sacrifice everyone stuff. Yeah. I mean, hey, we're moving on. We're moving to a world where we won't need a traveling furnace anymore. Is the is the descent painless? Do we need to face danger as we ascend?
Starting point is 00:38:07 No, I think leaving is fine. Okay. Landing in the in the vault is the problem. Gotcha. We now have every remaining iron lander. We have fulfilled the promise of finding a home. I'm going to bring our progress now to four total four out of 10 in the goal of trying to find a home. And our task is to get everybody finally to the iron lander home, the new vital world.
Starting point is 00:38:38 So bring the iron landers to the vital world. Okay. To do this, we need to undertake an expedition. I'm going to. That's a new vow that we can create. Let's see. I'm going to say this is get to the vault is kind of the first task. And we are going to undertake the expedition.
Starting point is 00:39:14 Let's decide how difficult this expedition is. This requires this not necessarily going the exact same direction. We can kind of decide by asking the Oracle, but how difficult is it going to get to just to get to this vault? Probably not that hard. Yeah, I don't think so. All right. So we'll say dangerous. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:37 Okay. The more difficult stuff is once we get into the vault with that said, that means every time we succeed, we're going to mark to progress. And so we're going to start by undertaking expedition unless you'd like to do something else. You can attempt to sojourn and reconnect with all the iron landers, maybe bring your spirit or your health back up. Take that opportunity. I think yeah, I do want to bring the spirit back up. I don't know who it feels dangerous being that low. I'm confident with everything else.
Starting point is 00:40:12 Yeah. If you're going to sojourn, which it which allows you to make a choice of two of the, you know, repair moves, heal to resupply. If you're going to do that, then you need to hold on. I keep losing my place here. You need to roll with heart and you currently have a plus two in heart. I think let's look at your assets. See if you have a sojourn. Sojourn take decisive action.
Starting point is 00:40:46 When you harden specifically, there is a thing. So you can either harden specifically or you can sojourn and have a couple of options. Okay. So. So what's the difference? What's the difference between harden and sojourn? So imagine sojourn as the major category and harden resupply and whatever the other one is are like the subcategories within sojourn. If you roll well and sojourn, you can make two choices.
Starting point is 00:41:18 If you choose harden, you can only harden. I see. Right. So sojourn allows you to do more than just one thing. Let's do sojourn, then. Just in case. I believe you're going to roll with widths. No, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:41:39 You're going to roll with heart. Cool. And hopefully you will roll well. Yeah. We can. We can. On a week hit, this is a safe refuge. You and your allies may choose to recover moves.
Starting point is 00:41:59 But time is short or resources are strange. You and your allies each make one recover move instead of two with no more than three moves total among the group. Point is, is we can only make one recover move instead of two. It's worth it. Do you want to heal or do you want to harden? If you harden, you have a, you know, an asset that kind of assists you when you do that. Yeah, let's harden. I feel like we have enough health for this.
Starting point is 00:42:29 I agree. When you, I'm going to look at your asset here, when you heart and through contemplation or sharing of your faith, you may roll a linked stat. If you do take plus one spirit or plus one momentum on a strong hit. So you're going to actually roll with shadow for your heart instead of heart. Okay, so that should better your odds. Let's see how you do. I got scared and accept the character sheet shadow.
Starting point is 00:43:06 Okay, here we go. Strong hit on a strong hit. You find companionship. You can bring your spirit up to two or buy two because you hold on. Let's see if you make this move as a soldier and take plus one more. Ah, interesting. Because you sojourned, you can actually take plus three spirits. So you might actually go to full spirit.
Starting point is 00:43:35 We have four now. Okay. Amazing. And that's exactly what I wanted to do. Amazing. So we've done that, but there's one additional benefit because of our asset, which is take plus one spirit or one momentum. You may choose whether you want to take it to five or take it to the momentum of three.
Starting point is 00:43:59 Momentum. Definitely. All right. Raising that momentum. Amazing. We have reconvene with the iron landers. It's probably good to see everybody. Even Nader is like finally I can share the word of the whale with all of these folks.
Starting point is 00:44:19 And you begin your journey. We're going to undertake an expedition, but are you interested at all to see how the other iron landers take to the new whalism? Yes. Do we want to ask the Oracle or do we want to make a roll? Maybe Nader tries to compel the other ones. Or do we want to just ask the Oracle, hey, do they get along with this new religion? Let's roll for it.
Starting point is 00:44:51 Let's roll for it. This is really close to being like a really weird sci-fi Thanksgiving story. Well, we didn't have a Thanksgiving episode. So maybe this is, you know, we're making up for it here. Exactly. By having a very special Star Forge Thanksgiving. Okay. Now I'm rooting for the iron landers.
Starting point is 00:45:10 Okay. Are we asking the Oracle whether they jive with it or are we trying, or is Nader compelling them to be into it? Nader's going to try. All right. He's going to try to compel them. He's going to try to compel them. Sermon to the iron landers.
Starting point is 00:45:24 The Sermon on the Mount. The Sermon in the Hanger Bay. Let's compel. You are going to either roll with heart, iron, or shadow. Shadow. If you roll with shadow, you're lying or swindling. So talk to me about that. What does it look like?
Starting point is 00:45:41 That's true. He doesn't want to lie to his family, but he's so good at it. I mean, he's so good at it. He kind of believes it himself at this point. You know what I mean? Yeah. I think he knows that he has a special relationship with the whale. And his whole like con is convincing people that they also have the same
Starting point is 00:46:00 degree of relationship with the whale that he does. Gotcha. Go ahead and roll with shadow. Okay. Okay. We can't. On a week hit, they'll do what you want or agree to your conditions. You may take plus one momentum, but their agreement comes with a demand
Starting point is 00:46:23 for complication in vision, their counteroffer. So what do the iron landers from planet iron land need? What is their condition to truly fall in line? I mean, hell, if I was one of them, I need to see a miracle. I need to see a space whale miracle. You know what I mean? Yeah. I need to taste the flesh of the whale.
Starting point is 00:46:49 That's terrifying. Okay. I need my communion. Yeah. I mean, it seems right. The just talking is not going to be enough to commemorate this, this sermon in the Hanger Bay. I like the idea of a miracle.
Starting point is 00:47:04 There needs to be either like a weird communion where they eat a whale or they see something magical. Well, you tell me, Zach, I mean, you know, Nader being the scum bucket that he is, would he say we need to catch a whale and eat it? You know, do we need to take communion or does he need to come up with a miracle? And in that case, with the what? I mean, say this boy can't do magic. I mean, they are iron landers.
Starting point is 00:47:26 They don't know much about the ship. You could probably easily trick them. Again, being one of your strong suits is going to say he's also grimy enough to eat a whale and be okay with it. Let's do. Yeah. Okay. What's the way back when like space vampires, wasn't there like a like a almost borderline
Starting point is 00:47:55 magical way of presenting how to understand the ship? It was like something like like esoteric looking. Maybe I may be making this up in which case. Okay. I mean, let's say there is where were you going with it? Yeah. I don't want him to like go back to that like wall of of explanation of how the ship runs and it's a bunch of like symbols and glyphs and stuff.
Starting point is 00:48:19 I mean, KB did have to teach all of the iron landers that were on the ship how to operate it. So there is probably some kind of cipher, you know, that they use. Yeah. He takes them there, doesn't explain the cipher part that it's easily translatable. One thing does meet another, but maybe he just explains that through the vision, like how he understood the cipher was through a vision from. I see.
Starting point is 00:48:47 So basically he maybe he sells it like everything is through this kind of religious context of like it's not technology. It's it's a gift from the whale gods. It's, you know, et cetera. Okay. I think if you want to roll with shadow, that's fine. But I think you should have to face danger. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:08 Because you're the complication is that they need to see a miracle. You're going to attempt to show them a miracle. And in doing so, you risk putting your neck out there. Right. Does that make sense? Okay. So you're going to roll with shadow. You are facing danger.
Starting point is 00:49:24 I think no, no, no, I'm sorry. Your asset. There are no face danger assets that you can use. You also have a gun asset, but we never ever use the gun. It's always the religious angle. Yeah, it doesn't feel right unless we're killing a whale. All right. So you're going to roll shadow to try to convince these folks that you have the holy word that
Starting point is 00:49:47 is piloting the ship. Let's see how you do a miss beautiful on a miss you fail or a momentary success is undermined by a dire turn of events. Pay the price. Um, roll a D 100. And let's just see what that price might be to give us an idea might not necessarily mean a be heading might start 79 might start the road towards being kicked out as leader. You are harmed.
Starting point is 00:50:22 You are harmed physically. If we don't use that, then what else do we come up with? Why this doesn't work? I mean, there, there is a chance that he could just do it wrong and hurt himself. It's giving like, um, like if the snake bites you, that kind of thing. All right. So you're saying like, I mean, he could in his attempt to deceive them purposefully hurt himself to like show them the power of the ship.
Starting point is 00:51:09 But it fails spectacularly. I mean, I don't, I don't know if there anything other than now terrified of touching the ship, you know. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. He tries to like read, like read the cipher and complete a task that the cipher describes and it goes really, really wrong.
Starting point is 00:51:28 If he like breaks his arm or something and now like that part of the cipher. Right. Well, okay. So have people that are like, yeah, I think basically what happens is that that half the iron landers are just like, yeah, this is a little sus. We're going to need a little time with this religion. It's not a, not a success. So you have to endure harm is what we're getting at.
Starting point is 00:51:51 You are going to endure harm. We'll say that it's a minus one to your health and then you need to roll either health or iron, whichever is higher. Your health is going to be higher. So you're going to, did you reduce it already from four to three? Yes. Okay. Gotcha.
Starting point is 00:52:12 So that was a weak hit on a weak hit. You are not, if you are not wounded, which you are not currently, you either lose momentum in exchange for that one health that we lost. Otherwise you press on. So you can burn a momentum to gain that health you just lost. No. No. He's going to hold on to it.
Starting point is 00:52:33 You're embracing it. Okay. Got it. Yeah. Yep. That's a lesson to learn. Okay. So we have to now undertake the journey.
Starting point is 00:52:44 It's really all that's left at this point. We need to get this show on the road. We have, I think, marked the difficulty. It's dangerous. Not off to a great start. You've now got a broken arm, but we'll get past that. We're going to undertake the journey. Let's do that.
Starting point is 00:53:02 You're going to either roll edge shadow or wits. Okay. If you move with edge, you're moving at speed with shadow under the radar and with wits with vigilance. Vigilance. Vigilance always. Okay. Roll with wits.
Starting point is 00:53:26 It's a weak hit. Not too bad. A weak hit. Okay. Let me go back to... Yeah. I think especially after breaking his arm in front of all of his friends and family, he's just trying not to fuck up.
Starting point is 00:53:40 Keeping it together. All right. With wits on a weak hit, you reach a waypoint. Envision the location and mark progress as per the rank of your expedition. But this progress is going to cost in some way. So we can decide the waypoint. Let's see. Let's go to page 138.
Starting point is 00:54:05 Roll the D100 and let's figure out what we find in space. 88. Now, where are we? That's an interesting question. We're technically in the expanse, I would say. We rolled an 88. So if we're in the expanse, rolled an 88. We come to a dense nebula cloud.
Starting point is 00:54:34 All right. So we are in some kind of dense nebula cloud. But the problem is that there's a peril that we have to deal with here. Roll another D100. Let's find out what that peril is. 43. A meteoroid storm fills the sky. Put two and two together.
Starting point is 00:55:07 What are you laughing about? Sorry, to leave a storm and fly directly into another storm. These people are so mad. Yeah. There's a lot of folks being triggered amongst the ironlanders when they realize this. So this is the trouble we find ourselves. We've made progress, which I will mark as two on our character sheet. But we find ourselves in a meteoroid storm in a nebula no less.
Starting point is 00:55:35 So maybe vision is impaired. What color is this nebula? Pink. Pink. Definitely pink. And we're flying around trying to avoid these rocks. Sounds like we need to face danger. Oh, yes.
Starting point is 00:55:51 Okay. With what attribute are you using to face danger? Let's use, I think edge. All right. It's not the best stat, but I think he's just like making snappers. Yeah. No, I think that makes a lot of sense. We're just trying to avoid these things.
Starting point is 00:56:10 Go ahead and roll edge. Not the best of your stats. Let's see how we do. Tis a miss. Oh, it's a miss. Jesus. So fast. I don't even see them on a miss.
Starting point is 00:56:23 You fail or a momentary success is undermined by dire turn of events. I mean, I think what's obvious is that maybe the ship just withstands damage. Right. Yeah. All right. We've got two ships. Do they both take damage? I think that if one does, it's kind of likely that the other might as well.
Starting point is 00:56:45 Right. We could go ahead. Do they, I was going to say, do they both take one? Or if we just choose one ship, does that ship take two? I think I'd like to first ask the Oracle whether both ships take damage. If they both do, we have to withstand damage for both of them. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:57:03 So first, we'll make it nice and even, 51 or greater. Only one ship takes damage. So roll a d100. And let's hope we roll over 51. 65. Nice. So only one ship takes damage. You may decide which one does right now.
Starting point is 00:57:22 The attack ship is at three and the chum bucket is at five, I think. Sorry, chum bucket. Yeah. All right. Bring that on down to four. Roll however you like a plus five modifier. You can roll shadow plus two to see. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:57:41 It would actually be a four because first the ship has to take damage. So roll shadow plus one to see what a plus four would do for our integrity. Strong hit. Getting back with those strong hits. All right. We are with standing damage. Let me pull that up. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:58:03 On a strong hit, you bypass the damage. And if your vehicle is not battered, take plus one to your integrity or take plus one momentum. Momentum or integrity. Up by one. What would you like? Integrity. Okay.
Starting point is 00:58:20 Tegrity farms. We are going to continue with, we've gotten out of, you know, now we're on the other side of the Nebula. We're going to keep undertaking this expedition. What stat are you going to use? Okay. I can, of the five. Edge, shadow and wits.
Starting point is 00:58:44 Edge with speed, shadow under the radar and wits with vigilance. Under the radar. Roll shadow. Try to not draw any attention as you try to make it here. Yeah. Weak hit. Weak hit. Excellent.
Starting point is 00:59:03 Here we go. On a weak hit, you reach a way point, but we're going to after, we're going to have to either make some suffer moves or we're going to have to face another payroll at this new way point. Okay. Let's do suffer moves. All right. So first I'd like to, to decide what is this way point we reach.
Starting point is 00:59:24 Um, if you want, we can roll some D hundreds to find the theme and action or the theme and focus of this place. So give me two D hundred rolls and we can figure that out. 77 and four. So for 77, the theme of this place is safety. The, uh, focus, you said was 44. Just four. Oh, just four.
Starting point is 00:59:54 Apparition and apparition. A, what did I say? A, uh, 88. Nope. Wrong. You said 88, right? No, 77. Oh, 77.
Starting point is 01:00:11 I'm sorry. Safety. So a safety apparition or an apparition of safety, an apparition being like an image or like a, a hologram or some kind of safety. It's giving space Casper, but okay. Space Casper. I mean, maybe it's just a big billboard in space or something. You know, uh, that's like this way to, you know, this place to repair your ship or something.
Starting point is 01:00:43 Okay. It's like a way point. And this is, this is, this is supposed to be like a, what did you say, like a suffer? Well, we rolled a weak hit. So it's not the place isn't necessarily malicious, but it's that we have to make two suffer moves while we're here. Okay. Or you make one suffer move at minus two.
Starting point is 01:01:04 So two suffer moves at minus one or one suffer move at minus two. Okay. Let's do one big one. I have an idea, but I want to give me that idea. That's right. What would happen? It just feels bad. Like cause it's, it's a place of safety.
Starting point is 01:01:20 So I don't think it's going to do us any harm. But if there is this big space billboard that says that there's a, like a sci-fi Walmart this way, and we are very much so not going that way. And it makes it seem like we're going down some like fucked up street in space. Like going very much so the wrong way. I think that's enough to sort of at least affect spirit. I see. Or at least the, the like morale of the ship.
Starting point is 01:01:50 Okay. I like that idea. I like the idea that maybe, you know, the new iron lander see this and they say, why aren't we doing that sign? Or why aren't we going in the direction? And there's a big back and forth and this stress is nader. This, you know, puts him under stress. Okay.
Starting point is 01:02:06 We're going to reduce his spirit by two, bringing his spirit to two. And then we roll. I have to see what use, you know, when we make these moves, we are enduring stress. We roll either heart or spirit, whichever is higher. And I believe they're both the same. Yes. Okay. Make that plus two roll to see how we do.
Starting point is 01:02:32 Oh, not good. A miss. It's worse than you thought. Suffer an additional minus one spirit. So your spirit goes to one or you can lose two momentum. What's it going to be? We'll keep the spirit. You're really hanging on to that momentum.
Starting point is 01:02:57 Yeah. Just for the future person. All right. So you're saying the spirit does go back up to two and you're going to reduce your momentum or no? No, we'll keep the spirit at one. Got it. Why is it even worse than we initially thought?
Starting point is 01:03:13 I think he was probably always planning on making this decision. Like in his brain, it was like very much left at the sign that says right. Always. But it feels worse given what's already happened in this episode, like the shitty landing, the having to get rid of everyone's stuff, breaking your arm in public. Like all of this is just sort of stacked on him and like crushed. Like he's been following the will of the whale by himself this whole time. And now it's just like, maybe it isn't for everyone.
Starting point is 01:03:47 Maybe it's just like 35 people on his ship. The new iron landers are having a hard time adjusting to his leadership. Yeah. Yeah. All right. So things are a little tense aboard the chum bucket and the Excalibur. We are going to continue our expedition unless you'd like to do something else. Is there a way to like, I just, I feel like doing things as a group is going to be a lot harder.
Starting point is 01:04:16 Do we have, is there a way to make it harder for me to succeed? Or is that just something we keep in mind for like, like flavor? Something to think about. I think it's more of a flavor thing at this point. I mean, you know, effectively you are still leader. Everything is technically okay. You know, just kind of in terms of the overall travel, it's more just like, you know, probably to alleviate tensions, you would have to like put as many people on both ships, like, you know, make enough space for everyone. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:04:50 But nothing too bad has happened yet. But yeah, something to just keep in mind as we continue. So are we moving with edge shadow or wits? I will mark, wait, we totally missed that last undertaken expedition, right? Oh shoot. Yeah. We did. So we can't mark any progress on getting to the vault yet.
Starting point is 01:05:11 We have to roll at least a weak hit, I think. So we're going to keep going with edge shadow or wits. Which one would you like to use? I've been rolling really well with edge. It's my lowest step. Okay. All right. You're going to defy logic and roll with edge.
Starting point is 01:05:29 Go ahead and try it out. Hopefully moving fast will help. A weak hit. Hey, not bad. On a weak hit, you do mark progress. You know what? I take it back. We did a weak hit.
Starting point is 01:05:44 That's why we did these suffer moves. We did make a weak hit. So it is progress. So I'm going to go to our vows and I'm going to mark two. And we just did another one. So that's another two. Okay. We find a new waypoint.
Starting point is 01:06:01 We can decide what that waypoint is. We can do a space encounter. We could find an opportunity. We can find a derelict, a creature, or a space encounter. Would you like to roll for this waypoint? Settlements, starships. Okay. I feel like we're good with everything but spirit and stopping to spread the word of the whale.
Starting point is 01:06:39 Might be important. Yeah. It sounds important, but it's not really dumb. So do you want to see maybe we come upon a settlement? Yeah. All right. Let me see if there is a roll here to decide. Pull that up.
Starting point is 01:06:56 Actually, yeah, there's some. Give me, just give me three D100 rolls. We'll determine the first look, the settlement project, and maybe the settlement name. Okay. 84, 3, and 91. 84, 3, and 91. So for 84, toxic or polluted habitat, under settlement projects, agriculture, and then would you say 91?
Starting point is 01:07:34 Yeah. The name of it is Tyson. So this is settlement Tyson. They're trying to grow agriculture in a polluted or toxic habitat. Spin me out. Spin that for me. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 01:07:55 I just want to confirm before I keep going on the Thanksgiving metaphor. Tyson is a company that makes. Be glad we didn't roll Butterball. Okay. Cool. Cool. We're super close. All right.
Starting point is 01:08:11 Yeah. So we have a lot of toxic plants, agriculture. And these are just describers of the place. Like we can still land there and interact with them. But. Okay. I just want you to paint a quick picture. Well, you know, what does it look like here?
Starting point is 01:08:26 What is Tyson like? Yeah. I want Tyson to feel like a, like a mining town, like a sci-fi mining town. Gotcha. That. Like is leaning into the toxicity of the area. And it's like, we definitely harness or harvest fucked up plants. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:08:45 And sell them. Maybe, maybe like mining, they have to go into the ground to find plants that are like underground. And maybe these plants are poisonous or maybe they're radioactive or something like that. You know, they serve some kind of purpose. Yes. Okay. I like that.
Starting point is 01:09:02 I like the idea that we can replace evil toxic plants. So sounds like we want to go down and preach to these folks. Um, uh, when you heartened through contemplation or sharing of your faith, you may roll a linked stat. So you may roll shadow. Um, then if you do, you take plus one spirit and momentum on a strong hit. Okay. Come on, shadow.
Starting point is 01:09:26 Please, please. Please. Don't get kicked off another planet. Oh, yes. A strong hit with a match, a critical success. Uh, let me pull up heart and real quick to remember what it is you do. But I think you're going to increase your, um, your spirit by two. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:50 Increase your spirit by two. Hey, great. Okay. Excellent. Back up feeling good, spreading the word of the whale to the will of the whale, to these random minors who live miserable toxic lives, but they feel a little bit more at peace. And we continue on our way. I love that.
Starting point is 01:10:13 Uh, we can make, we have six out of 10 progress now. If you wanted, you can roll right now for us to land on or to find the vault or you can make another undertaken expedition role. I want to roll. Wait, what? I do want to roll, but what, what would I be rolling again? I mean, we, you can do whatever you want. You can either undertake an expedition to continue and hopefully roll well and make some more
Starting point is 01:10:43 progress and get closer to a stronger hit when you do the final role of arriving. Um, or you can arrive right now and just, you would have six out of 10 as opposed to eight out of 10 or 10 out of 10. Okay. We'll do one more role. Okay. To rule them all. One more role to rule them all.
Starting point is 01:11:04 You're going to undertake an expedition with wits, shadow or edge. Which of those are you using? Shadow makes the most sense. However, I don't know. I did just roll really well with the show. He's going to think his way through it. Let's use wits. Split the difference.
Starting point is 01:11:26 All right. Roll with no, no modifiers. Just straight. I don't think so because, um, uh, I don't explore way points, secure an advantage. I don't see anything about undertaking an expedition. Okay. Giving you some kind of advantage. So just wits, just with Nader's wits, tries to make this final stretch home.
Starting point is 01:11:48 Zakiya is covering their eyes. Hey, you rolled a strong hit. Okay. Beautiful. Maybe, maybe averting your gaze helps. Um, you roll a strong hit, you reach a way point, envision the location and mark progress as per the rank of your expedition. Now you are not going to suffer at all because of this, uh, but you are going to mark to
Starting point is 01:12:15 progress. Okay. What do we come upon that brings us a little bit closer to the vault? I almost want in preparation for the next person as well. Just like a, a moment of complete calm. Like the first time in this entire trip that it is just space and like half of the, or more than half of the Irlanders are like, see just raw space for the first time. Right.
Starting point is 01:12:48 And the other half of the people are fucking sick of it because they've been doing it for days now. Right. But like, they get this one moment of quiet to understand they're not going back home. It's done. We're in space now. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 01:13:02 I like that. That's like, that's the last one they're going to get. Gotcha. Gotcha. So it's relatively uneventful. No, we're kind of in, in, in a zone where there's just not a lot to see besides stars. Yeah. We have eight out of 10 progress.
Starting point is 01:13:16 Do you want to try to bring this to a close and bring us to the vault? Or do you want to make another role? What, what are you thinking? Yeah. We'll do one more to see if we could get, we can start pulling it. If this goes really bad. All right. So are we, are we fulfilling the vow or, or, or finishing the expedition?
Starting point is 01:13:39 Or are we undertaking the expedition still? Let's fulfilling the vow and undertaking expedition. Finishing an expedition is what we would be doing if we want to arrive at the vault. Undertaking expedition is if we just want to make more progress to guarantee a stronger outcome. Okay. Then finish the expedition. All right.
Starting point is 01:14:01 That makes sense to me. You are going to roll 2d10 and you hope that at least one of them is under your progress, which is eight. So you want at least one of them under an eight. In fact, if you go under vows, if you click fulfill, it will roll it for you. It will roll the 2d10 against the eight. Okay. I think we've ever done this in the history of our game, but you might be the first.
Starting point is 01:14:29 Okay. Again, scared and deleted the character sheet. Okay. Here we go. Fulfill. Click that fulfill button. Here it goes. Fulfill your destiny.
Starting point is 01:14:41 Oh, a weak hit. Okay. On a weak hit, you reach your destination or complete your survey. We will mark progress as per your legacy track. But you face an unforeseen complication. The legacy reward is one rank lower and envision what you encounter. So first, let me go to the legacies. We have a quest, which I think we can mark this under.
Starting point is 01:15:10 It's going to go up by one and we hit, you face an unforeseen complication. So we arrive. We arrive at the vault, which we will describe in a moment or we can maybe just find it now. But something, there's a complication. Maybe it's as simple as we don't know how the hell to get in. Yeah. I think, yeah. I think they arrive at the vault and it's like looking at a radar.
Starting point is 01:15:45 Like it's spinning and pulsing. It looks like something is in front. And then when they look, it's absolutely nothing. It's void. Ah, interesting. So to the visual eye, there's no apparent object or planet or anything like that. We don't know where it is. We just know that it's right here somehow.
Starting point is 01:16:02 All right. So maybe let's end the session by just kind of defining this vault a little bit. Let's go to page 190 in our manual, our handy dandy manual that talks about the vault. So first of all, there are locations. We've already kind of decided it's in deep space. There is the scale. It would have to be a vast, unfathomable complexity or world spanning or megastructure, right? Yes.
Starting point is 01:16:36 Okay. Roll a D. How would we do this? Basically, there is, well, we could say a large. So roll a, I want you to roll a D 100, but I only want to count 66 to 100. So how would we do that? Could you roll? Could we roll a D 100 and just re-roll if we get under 66?
Starting point is 01:17:05 I feel like there's a better mathematical way of doing this. Yeah, that's okay. So, I mean, I could just Google a D 44. You just add 66 to it. Okay. You're, you're melting my mind a little bit. I don't know how you, I mean, as long as if you want to roll a D 44, but, but doesn't that mean you're like comparing the 66 is 44? Is that what you're doing?
Starting point is 01:17:32 Or are you? It has to be 66 to 100. I'm really looking like a dummy on today's stream. No, it's okay. It's okay. It has to be 66 to 100. Uh-huh. That means our, our zero is 66.
Starting point is 01:17:43 Right. So we roll a D 44 and add it to 66. It'll, it'll put us in that area. You're a genius. Roll a D 44 in roll 20 because it does allow you to do that. And let's see what we get. No. Okay.
Starting point is 01:17:58 Wait. I don't use the commands. Forward slash roll D 44 will do it. Okay. I just rolled. So it showed mine is 44. That's terrifying. Which is hilarious.
Starting point is 01:18:16 Nope. So forward slash roll, no space. And then a space D 44. That's the problem. Beautiful. It rolled. 30. A 30.
Starting point is 01:18:32 66, 96. A 96, which means that it is a vast site of unfathomable complexity. Big enough to probably fit ships in. I know you're laughing at the, the debacle of us doing math. Aaron would be so embarrassed. Let's talk about its form. Roll a D 100 to decide its form. Could be a structure, a vessel, a monument, a machine or incomprehensible.
Starting point is 01:19:05 Did we do it? Okay. No, it's happening now. That's 27. All right. So I'm going to make some notes here for this vault. It is a vast site. The mobile complexity.
Starting point is 01:19:26 And you said you rolled a 30. What would you say was the number? 27. 27 is a structure. So it is a structure of some kind, a massive structure. There is the issue of we currently cannot see it under shape. There's a bunch of different kinds of shapes it can take. Maybe that doesn't matter right now because we can't see it.
Starting point is 01:19:56 Let's see. Unless you just want to roll and know it for yourself. Yeah, true. Roll a D 100 and let's just determine its shape. 31. With a 31, it has a geometric pyramid like shape. Okay. This is stupid.
Starting point is 01:20:18 Our Prince of Egypt themed pyramid maze. Let my people go. All right. So we have a pyramid shape geometric shape that we can't currently see. Let's decide what material it's made out of. Roll another D 100. Are you okay? You froze for a second.
Starting point is 01:20:39 So I wasn't sure if you were still with us. Oh yeah. Yeah. No, I didn't even notice. That's a 83. 83 is plant-like. It is a plant-like material. Interesting.
Starting point is 01:20:56 I'm getting Feywild vibes here. Yeah. Space Fey. Space Fey, plant-like material. The outer first look. Now the outer first look should just be that we can't see it. We're trying to find something that mimics this. Phasing in and out.
Starting point is 01:21:19 Oh, there is phasing in and out of reality, which is kind of like Algernon, the Fey island of Ashoka lore. So if that's the case, then that means it eventually comes back. So can you think of a reason why it phases in and out? Is there something that affects it or triggers it? I mean, if this is huge, I want it to have like a moon that could work in a different schedule. It doesn't have to be like every 30 days or something.
Starting point is 01:21:53 But when the moon is full, you can see it. Oh, interesting. The full moon reveals the vault. Okay. All right. So there is a moon. We decided that it's kind of circling. Exploring cursor vaults.
Starting point is 01:22:16 Okay. That's kind of all the prompts for deciding it. Okay. We could roll to see how many days or what the time frame is for when a full moon is and how long it would last, or whoever's next can do it. Let's make that our final roll. Let's just kind of put the final icing on the cake, defining this structure, and then we can decide how we find it because currently we can't see it.
Starting point is 01:22:43 And we kind of have to decide how we even learn this information. You know what I mean? So we have to kind of solve this puzzle in game. But yeah, let's decide. So we can just roll like a D100 and that's how many days or if you have a better idea. No. All right. I think that's yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:04 We'll just do that for days. D100 and that's how many days the cycle is. Nine. Nine. Wow. I'm so glad it's not 100 days. Yeah, I know. So every nine days it appears, does it appear for hours, minutes, days?
Starting point is 01:23:20 Is it like on a week off a week? It's only one. I mean, full moons only last what one evening technically. Yeah. So maybe only one day. Yeah. One of the nine days. What are we divide nine by 30?
Starting point is 01:23:35 24 hours will say roughly it stays open. Plenty of time to go in to see it. You know what I mean? But once we're in, it disappears for nine days. So we'll be stuck in there for nine if you don't like it in there. Amazing sessions, Akia. We made it to the vault. We have finally made some damn progress on this vow of finding the vital world, bringing
Starting point is 01:24:01 all of the iron landers there. I can feel the finish line. I can see it. Yes. Good. For the first time in a long time because we've been putting around the forge for a while. Yeah. I'm glad we finally moved, but I'm sad.
Starting point is 01:24:21 I'm sad to see. I mean, I'm glad Nadir didn't die, but I'm sad to see. Well, I mean, Nadir is still hanging around. He might lead them to the Promised Land. He might be replaced with another player when they come on. I think really the only thing that is left is for us to decide who comes next. Who's next? I've got you on a D6.
Starting point is 01:24:42 You are six and I've got Allegra on a five. So we want to basically roll a D4 to determine who's next. Sweet. Here we go. Three. On a three. L. Who is L?
Starting point is 01:25:03 Why did I put L? There's A for Amanda, E for Eli. Four was Caleb. It's got to be Aaron, although... Oh man, we'll say it's Aaron. It's been too long. Okay. I'm making the executive decision.
Starting point is 01:25:19 I want to see Aaron in the hot seat to see all the chaos that his nadir character, nadir was created by him, has re-tracked whatever the right word is. You can tell him of our great math and I think he'll enjoy this. Yes, I think so. This is rare. Yes, exactly. Zach, thanks for coming on. Zach, thank you for all the amazing artwork you do.
Starting point is 01:25:42 I was just putting together a Patreon exclusive showing some of the looks of the costumes of the agents. That'll be coming out this coming week before we release episode four. I was just admiring your talent and how lucky we are at Mayday to have you creating this cool art for us. Yeah, thanks. Thank you. Guys, if you like Zach's amazing art that they release every time we release an episode, we have some exclusive stuff on our Patreon that you can check out this coming week. You can join at the $2, but at the $5 level is where you get all this cool exclusive Patreon stuff.
Starting point is 01:26:20 At $2 you join our Discord. All of it is fun. Please check us out. You can join us on Patreon. Also, joining us on Twitch is a lovely way of supporting us. But Zach, any last words? No, that's it. Happy holiday winter solstice cold time.
Starting point is 01:26:39 Yes, absolutely. Happy holidays to everyone. This might be, let's see. No, we're going to have, I think, at least one session more before the holidays. I'm just going to triple check that. Yeah, at least two, I would assume. Yeah, actually, probably a handful. Anyway, never mind.
Starting point is 01:26:55 But we're in the holiday season. Everybody loves it. We're having a great time. We're going to be doing some one-shots and some other fun stuff, certainly ramping up our Patreon content. So take a look and keep an eye out for that. Cool. All right, Zach, we will see you next time, guys. Bye-bye.
Starting point is 01:27:13 Bye.

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