Mayday Plays - Starforged Ep. 15

Episode Date: January 19, 2022

Starforged Ep. 15 by Mayday Roleplay...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We are back playing Starforged With me is Aaron Aaron. How are you today? Hi, hello super sweaty forgot. I was supposed to be here came straight from the gym Aaron literally leapt into his seat signed on Jumped into the link and was on with me on Starforged Aaron likes to cut it by the skin of his teeth That's how we roll here Aaron. How's your week been so far? Pretty pretty good. No normal shit. Okay. Good good normal shit We are
Starting point is 00:00:39 We have come kind of full circle here, you know what nader is a character that was created by you and You returned to him and he's seen a lot of action with all the other players Most of them very what say it again today. He's gonna die by my own head most of them tend to be very Upset that they have to kind of follow what nader is, you know, he's kind of nature a Legra certainly being one of them does not enjoy doing less than savory things but they all embraced it in one way or another and Nader has made a lot of progress and believe it or not nader has gotten us close to the end
Starting point is 00:01:21 last session Zakiya was on and nader Returned to the original homeland the original Experimental planet and picked up the iron landers the remaining iron landers We've got two ships, so we spread ourselves amongst the two of them. I Didn't realize we left people behind Yes, we were unable to take all of them the first trip. So we went out we we were able to get a second ship We returned we got everyone remaining on and we learned of a vault a gigantic
Starting point is 00:01:58 Vault the size of a planet that we are supposed to traverse and on the other side is the promised land We found that Vault and along the way we had Nader suffered a little bit of stress Because the new iron landers When I say new I mean the folks from the planet don't quite they are not they're not quite taking to Nader's leadership They're not totally into whalism the way the other iron landers aboard the ship are Much get on board. Yeah much to Nader chagrin watch your your gain a little bit. I'm still getting some little bit of peaking
Starting point is 00:02:40 But so Yeah, so Nader was a little stressed about that but the rest of the trip was relatively unventful now Zakiya and I designed the vault But we did decide that when we arrived at the location of the vault we couldn't see it It's somehow invisible like it's registering on our radar But it we can't see it so we don't know how to get in So we start our session with you Deciding how it is that we find our way into the vault to get to the other side
Starting point is 00:03:16 There's no heat emissions. There's no we can see it. I mean it's in space. It's better to see it on radar and With with our sensor suite than it is with our own eyes I mean in space you don't actually need to see anything with your own eyes Chat let me know if Aaron sounds okay to you because you don't sound okay to me and it's like a It's almost like a like a reverb or a I don't know how to describe it But do you have you okay coming in from two places you sound better now Maybe it was just something on my end sounds reflective. Okay to me. Oh sounds relatively okay to me Okay, so thanks miradong that helps
Starting point is 00:04:00 Okay, so we're back to normal So anyway, I'm sorry, I completely Misunderstood that first thing you just said repeat yourself if you wouldn't mind well, it's space I mean, yeah, we can see it on if we can see it with our sensor suite We should be able to get all the information that we need, right? I guess so in that because in space you don't need to see and like when you're navigating in space You don't ever do anything by sight. That's fair. That's fair. I think that Maybe
Starting point is 00:04:32 Not being able not being able to see it. We're having a difficult find time finding the entrance So the question becomes maybe we can gather information To kind of pinpoint that location. I just think we need some kind of role to to be able to enter this place and kind of unlock it now remind me What do we what are we aiming to get from on the other side of the vault is a planet That was told to us is ideal for us to live on We met an alien species called the sacroshamu. They were basically giant Orcas orca people
Starting point is 00:05:16 created by yeah tracks tracks tracks and They told us about this place and Feeling like it's our best option in the forge. We decided to go to it now what Zakiya and I Kind of Defined about this place is that it was created this vault was created by like a Progenitor race some kind of alien race that came before us and that the planet that is left in there is like a It's almost like a beta planet or like a template planet like it's like a they created it
Starting point is 00:05:51 But then they didn't place it in the galaxy or in the forge So it's kind of just like a a safe place because nobody really knows about it That was kind of the idea So the vault Is like is like is like is like a Dyson sphere around a plant. Yeah, imagine like imagine like it's almost like a pocket dimension type of thing Okay So if it's if it's so we can't just like cut our way into it Well, I don't I don't see why we couldn't try but at the moment all we can tell is that there's this blob on our sensor
Starting point is 00:06:31 We'd have to Approach it we'd have to do some tests on it either way. I think we'd still be trying to gather information Sure sure sure sure sure So let's do let's do that let's do that and so you want to gather information. Let me go to our moves here Because there are Different stats we can use so actually, you know when you gather information You're going to roll plus widths now Just again reiterate for me how you're gathering this information. Are you using like lasers to test the the outside of it?
Starting point is 00:07:05 I mean what that we have to have If it's visible on radar, I'm sure we have sensors that can You know LiDAR and the like that could get more accurate Dimensions, all right. We probably want heat emissions heat emissions would help us figure out where the entrance is Because presumably there's gonna be more heat leaking out of the entrance. Gotcha We're not so we're not really doing any hard probing. We're just doing like general sweeps and trying to be a pretty basic Soft scan gotcha gotcha scans do a soft scan by rolling plus widths I
Starting point is 00:07:45 Was I was briefly considering how I could make an argument for shadow, but I don't see there's a yeah I think you can literally only roll plus widths Let me shrink this down so the audience can see that is a weak hit. We care, okay? Better than a miss on a weak hit the information provides new insight, but also complicates your quest Envision what you discover and take plus one momentum So your momentum is gonna go to five, but what is the complication? I think we we definitely learned some stuff So maybe we find the door, but there's no clear way of opening it Find the door, but there's no clear way of opening it
Starting point is 00:08:29 Yeah, so maybe there is kind of heat signatures and heat emissions coming from this place But we don't know how to open it, right so If we don't know how to open it What do we do? Our options are Either keep looking I guess for like some kind of control center or pew pew or pew pew. Yeah I mean you it would either be another Gather information may be a face danger to try to get closer
Starting point is 00:09:03 Or it would be a face danger just to try to bore a hole into it. I Feel like we're not in a rush. I feel like we might as well I think the prudent thing to do would be to take as many laps as we need to try to figure out Yeah, what this thing is try to get as good of a model for this we possibly can I don't want to spam the gather information roll. I'm wondering if maybe we can spin this into a securing an advantage Possibly even compelling like maybe we can ask KB to try to like Communicate with this thing and compel it to open or something interesting or
Starting point is 00:09:43 Yeah, I mean at least see if it has any kind of If there's any kind of radio signals coming out of it that could potentially be interacted with well that sounds like an oral Go role. So how likely do you think that this thing is in me is emitting some kind of communication? There's gotta be there's gotta be some kind of control signal. I mean if it's an archaic alien Entity, I mean it's hard to tell what band of the frequency spectrum to be using but KB You could probably sweep through the frequency spectrum and try to figure out if there's any you know activity that could be exploited All right, I think that we're saying that it's likely Let's roll. I think it's if you get a 26 or greater. Let me check here real quick
Starting point is 00:10:26 Pay the price um Yeah, 26 or greater and Yes, it is emitting some kind of frequency that we can interact with and this is just a D100. It's a D100 roll Wow Wow, so that means CMYK matter. Thank you for following us. It's very nice of you That means no there is not a Way to easily communicate doesn't mean there's no way
Starting point is 00:11:02 That's interesting because that would imply that whatever it is presently doesn't have any power But then how would you reconcile that with it being invisible because that would require some kind of active System okay, I forgot to mention one thing and This can probably be incorporated into our Week hit on Gathering information we decided as a kid decided last week that the vault is closed or not Visible oh somebody else Danny Hurt just joined us. Thanks Danny Hurt for joining us. We have so many of your city. I'm excited so
Starting point is 00:11:46 Maybe what it is is that there is a moon and there's like a lunar cycle and every nine days We decided I have it actually on the character sheet every nine days the vault appears for 24 hours So there's something about the the structure itself that It appears every nine days So it seems that we just need to wait for that to happen effectively yes, and that's what we can say in our
Starting point is 00:12:18 Scans we learn the other things we learn is that it's really large like almost unfathomably large It is a geometric pyramid And it is made of a plant like material Not that it's a plant necessarily, but a plant like material So maybe the the the the sides of it are like almost like self-replicating cells, you know Plants some kind of some kind of organic material some kind of organic material And it seems to phase in and out of reality with our full moons
Starting point is 00:12:54 Well, if it's some kind of organic material You cut that's that's gonna be easy to cut right sure that's true. That's true So you can either wait nine days or you can cut through it What would you I feel like the respectful thing that the respectful and the wise thing to do is to weigh the devil of the fears Gotcha We wait nine days Actually, let's decide whether whether if it takes nine days, but how where are we in the cycle? I maybe just roll a D9 and we'll we'll decide where we are in the cycle
Starting point is 00:13:35 D9 does not appear to be an option if you do forward slash roll Space D9 it automatically Rolls it for you There you go, so we're two days in we have another what seven days Yes, so we are going to wait seven days That gives us some time if you notice on your character sheet, you've got three health three spirit five supply The Excalibur, which is the the fightership The shark class ship that has taken some damage
Starting point is 00:14:15 So we have a couple of options of while we're waiting around if you want to do anything We also have two experience that we can put into one of our assets Yeah, so we should absolutely use that okay Let's see Looking at assets We haven't used the gunner asset at all by the way That is unfortunate I feel like that is a travesty of justice I
Starting point is 00:14:54 Will I think we absolutely must put a third point into whalism though I feel like that is that is mandatory Okay, so we go down to devote into the last option when you swear an iron vow and service to your faith Roll plus the link stat So you'd be rolling with shadow to do that You are now a true devote and all points should be to whalism says Eli Okay, so that's what we've spent that experience. We've got eight now that has been spent and
Starting point is 00:15:28 And You know that that but how in the seven days does that increase like how does the devotant acid? Become stronger in that time. I feel like It's because nader is doing the whalism equivalent of Bible thumping on the new iron sworn. Oh, huh folks like just really Really working on indoctrinating them and he's like practicing his preaching You know, maybe maybe reinstall like some new priests or something to keep control of the population Yeah, I think so I think he like he's finally starting to get to them
Starting point is 00:16:08 Certainly after this crazy trip through space, which you know, none of them have ever experienced before He's starting to break ground And maybe can we say that nader orders the construction of a great divine statue? Oh the common area of the ship and is it of a whale? Yeah, like a big like the golden ball in the Bible, but it's just What what is it made of like what materials are we sacrificing? Well, it's okay, so we're in space. So there's a shit ton of iron. So probably iron. Okay. All right We could probably roll this into heartening. We have plus three spirit. We could try to make it plus five
Starting point is 00:16:52 Let's let's make this a heart and roll and and maybe get something out of it. Let's see We are going to There are the suffer moves and then there are the threshold they're here recover So when you socialize share intimacy or find a moment of peace Which maybe for nader this is but I'm sure it's very noisy building this statue. You're gonna roll plus heart Now I think with your assets As a devotee and go to your assets real quick so we can look at it when you roll when you roll the hearten You can roll the link stat which is shadow. So you can actually roll shadow instead of
Starting point is 00:17:38 Heart So let's see how you do all the manipulation Is a miss all the manipulation in the galaxy cannot save you Um, that's a miss that's bad unfortunately on a miss you take no comfort and the situation worsens pay the price. Oh No, does that mean I need to roll a d-100? Yes, please mirrored on says imminent domain 92 a 92 to pay the price You are delayed or put at a disadvantage
Starting point is 00:18:15 Advantage So how does building this statue in the middle the middle of the common area of our ship? Put us at a disadvantage or popular uprising What do you mean a popular uprising? Like people are like what the fuck now? He's making us build like an iron-fucking idol to worship And maybe there's just like a little bit of a rebellion like nothing. That's not easily quashed But like it takes time to deal with you know, so they're they're into the
Starting point is 00:18:44 Religion maybe maybe they're into nadir. They're like warming up to nadir, but this whole like Extreme religion thing. They're just not into May yeah, but like a few of them maybe like like there's a Visible like I mean come on not everyone is gonna be 100% on board with the space whale god thing So yeah naturally, I mean we're this is a totalitarian society So people just throw those people out the airlock Right, which we'll get to
Starting point is 00:19:17 Yeah, a big group of them are like hell. No, we're not building this thing Is nadir going to throw some of them out the airlock to make an example of them? Yep, that's I think I think failure to I think heresy is going to become a capital offense This is quickly becoming like a war hammer 40k situation So all right, so nadir is going to order that people be thrown out the airlock. I think this is a compel role You're compelling those who are loyal to you to kill those who are not You are either Lying or swindling and if so I need an explanation
Starting point is 00:19:58 threatening or encouraging People what which of these so nadir's angle is going to be that we must throw these people out of the airlock to appease the mighty space whale Right, and if we fail to do so, we will be Cursed for a thousand years or so. I see because these heretics will curse us. Yes, okay to be they need to be Excised from society. You have convinced me that you can roll your strongest stat roll shadow The the chat is loving this. Let's see if we don't self-destruct in this first hour. Okay a Week hit okay on a week hit
Starting point is 00:20:38 They'll do what you want or agree to your conditions, but their agreement comes with a demand or a complication Envision the counter offer Hmm What would they what would the people want in exchange for throwing their own out the airlock Maybe like What might the quid pro quo be there because we're kind of bargaining with like the whole Society right this is a situation where Ultimately enough the majority, which is probably all the people that like run the ship agree with you
Starting point is 00:21:24 But what's the counter offer? I mean I Mean the counter offer is that the the the new Ironlanders are like this guy is fucking nuts. I mean, maybe they call for a vote for a new leader. Oh Oh Okay, yeah, they probably would I'm surprised they haven't done that already All right, so first We're stuck. We're shooting some people out the airlock so I
Starting point is 00:21:55 Don't think you necessarily have to make a move for this but There is like a I do think there is kind of a morality like This affects morale in some way Ghosts of Eli likes this idea of a coup Let's maybe endure stress as We know that this is going to incite a Request to question your leadership. Let's endure stress and see where that takes us Um
Starting point is 00:22:30 We're going to make a suffer move Unless you have unless you'd like to protest for some reason No, all right, so Well, actually, you know what I would actually argue. Maybe this is a loose momentum Sufferage, you know, this this is this is completely against what the plan is We you know, what if we're our eyes are not on the prize and we miss the entrance, right? That's true. I mean, this is a lot of Domestic unrest to be dealing with at you know, given the gravity of our broader situation. All right, is this a minor setback or a serious setback I
Starting point is 00:23:11 Feel like it could go either way it could go either I'll say that maybe it's minor just because if we do miss the window We just wait another nine days true, right? So we're gonna reduce our momentum by one Suffer minus one momentum When your momentum is at its minimum and you must suffer women choose one envision how the price is paid Envision how this undermines your progress Then clear one of you to progress on the track. Ah interesting so our our
Starting point is 00:23:43 Progress goes to four I Already dropped it from six. Oh you did. Okay. Thank you. Thank you. All right When the momentum is at its minimum, which it's not and you must suffer Minus momentum choose one envision how the price is paid and apply the cost to a different suffer move or Envision how this undermines your progress and then I would reduce our progress in getting into Finding our home world. Basically. We'd reduce that by one, which is a big deal on an extreme Val which we have made I Would almost rather suffer than lose progress
Starting point is 00:24:20 I absolutely would because I feel like I feel like from data's perspective He's gonna do whatever he has to do to re-institute control of the situation Got it. So no matter what it sounds like we need to endure stress Let's reduce our spirit by one will go our spirit to two and then you will roll spirit or Heart and I think your heart is the same as your spirit. So you just roll plus two Yeah, and let's see how you do Miss oh boy. All right, okay Automys it's worse than you saw it than you thought suffer an additional minus one spirit
Starting point is 00:25:04 and That's that So we go to one spirit. We go to one spirit. Yeah, so it's even worse So with all of this headache in mind, I Think we still need to get to the next step, which is the vote of no confidence It's 50 50 because I think you've got at least 50 allies 50% allies, I mean let's roll a 50 50 51 or greater. Um, yeah, go ahead Can Nader pull like like a Vladdy and try the rig the vote. Yeah, I think
Starting point is 00:25:42 Let's have you You're trying to get an advantage, so I think securing an advantage makes the most sense and you are using shadow Let's quickly double-check that under your assets when you secure an advantage. Ah Well as an explorer when you secure an advantage with a newfound place you can add plus one That's not what we're doing. So you're just gonna look at the look at the first entry of devote into when you secure an advantage By calling on son of a bitch for by calling on your Faith for guidance roll linked stat on a hit. Well, but that really just helps us if we succeed it seems
Starting point is 00:26:23 Yes, but we can still roll shadow to to do it. Yeah, and you will gain plus one momentum and plus one spirit if you succeed at this Alright, come on strong hit Kill democracy Nader This is where democracy dies So it's a weak hit. Okay That's better better than a miss on a weak hit you may choose one Take plus two momentum or add one to your next move
Starting point is 00:26:55 So you could add one to your Actually, how would we do this if we're basically just rolling a like how do we vote for the the tribe? You know what I mean? See take plus one momentum or plus one spirit Right So I think I mean regardless it says on a weak hit you bumped your spirit up by one or your momentum up by one We probably momentum by two or you get a plus one on your next move for securing an advantage But then you also have your asset which will also give you a bump Right, okay
Starting point is 00:27:39 So regardless your your spirit or your momentum go up by one We probably want to up spirit that makes sense. So spirit goes to two and You also gain either plus two momentum or plus one on your next move I think I'll take plus one on our next move. All right, so keep that in your back pocket We need to now make some kind of move to To remain in power, maybe it's a speech that Nader gives so it's like a compel speech or it's just a face danger And the danger is that you lose your position of power. I
Starting point is 00:28:18 I feel like I feel like let's do some chest bounding Let's give like a big rousing speech About how this is like a make-or-break moment for us and we need to stay the course and this is not the time to be Switching up our leadership structure. Okay Doesn't seem like you're necessarily lying to them. You're not really threatening them You're just kind of encouraging them to make the right choice in which case you'd roll plus heart Plus hearts, okay
Starting point is 00:28:53 Yeah, that's I mean if you can convince me how you how you roll shadow. I Don't think that I don't think there's really anything that we could do unless we can use maybe I don't know the compel is a part of it You could maybe argue if you use shadow you're lying swindling. What if you like? What if you try to You know lie or swindle about your opponent, you know, there's a someone from the Irish Alliance tribe that wants to be the new leader
Starting point is 00:29:30 Will you like dig up some dirt on them or yeah me or their character? I like it Okay, so roll shadow plus one because you spend your entire campaign as a smear campaign Okay, so that's a strong hit very nice On a strong hit, they will do what you want or agree to take your to your conditions You may take plus one momentum Momentum goes to six. So at the end of the day The votes are cast and although there is a large group that do not want you as leader the majority Rules and you are still the leader. Perhaps some of those converts are the ones that
Starting point is 00:30:21 You know kind of swayed the vote Do we can help you did we miss our opportunity to get into the the vault That's a good question I mean, I guess how long do you think all of that if that took more than seven days we did yeah I mean an election is you know, I know it's hard to imagine them throwing together. Well, it's not a very big population Yeah, yeah, the iron landers do things pretty quick and you know, they got their methods We'll say that it doesn't really we'll say that it that the majority of our time has spent doing that
Starting point is 00:30:57 You don't really gain a lot of spirit or anything like that in this time, but you managed to dodge the bullet So this the the ninth day comes and what does it look like? Like how does it reveal itself to us? I? think Maybe it's almost like an eclipse lips lip thing What thing what thing like as the moon comes into phase almost like that like the Orbital path of the moon has like an effect on you know the the invisibility or whatever. Yeah Or maybe like Yeah, so it's like as the the moon comes into phase with the thing
Starting point is 00:31:35 It just kind of gradually unveils like the Sun Yeah, I almost imagine like the opposite of like when you think when you think of the shadow of the moon It's like the opposite where the as the shadow as the moon like passes over it It kind of just reveals itself, you know and is now visible and it's this gigantic planet-sized pyramid that we see and We assume opens up like you know some kind of entrance reveals itself
Starting point is 00:32:07 It's big enough that we can fly our ships through it Is that what we're going to do or do we want to send all the ships? Maybe Maybe do we have like? I'm sorry. Do we have like probes or anything? Do we have probes? I would say that the the the the battleship does so I think yeah We could probably send a probe into it. We'd be gathering information Yes, okay Yeah before we go in you know we want to make sure that it's somewhat safe in there. I like
Starting point is 00:32:41 That you are willing to Risk your leadership by sending people out into the airlock, but you want to be you want to cover your bases You want to send those well you can you know, there's nothing to lead if you kill everybody so So roll plus wits As your Explorer path, I don't think there's a gather information. Yeah Secure an advantage Yeah, no, so you'll just be rolling the stat of wits
Starting point is 00:33:16 We can a weak hit when gathering information The information provides new insight but complicates your quest and vision what you discover take plus one momentum So you go to seven I Mean I think what's obvious is we learned that there are dangers within the vault There's some kind of Complicating factor that we get back in the the data that comes back the last. I don't know like there's maybe I'm sorry. Go ahead. I was just gonna say the last vault We were in was almost like an MC Escher painting like it was always changing and stuff and
Starting point is 00:33:55 Maybe you know, we run that risk of like something smashing into us or something like that You know sure cuz I mean like the way you described it if it's like some kind of Pocket dimension or something there's probably there's gotta be like a wormhole or something in there Maybe it's like not stable or whatever effect it is that some maintaining that space Is not Eminently passable like we're gonna have to do some we're gonna have to take risks to pass through yeah We did say it was a plant like material. So maybe it's kind of growing in places and changing Or maybe it's alive sure and it move like it moves like maybe
Starting point is 00:34:39 maybe it's Maybe it doesn't like things going in Well, it's like almost like like a Cerberus type of thing. It's a good thing. We didn't attempt to bore a hole into it All right, so the entrance is there we can go in we can venture forth do we want to undertake this expedition and just kind of See what's on the other side Yeah, I think we probably want to like said one ship in first All right, so that if there is a problem, you know, at least 50% of the folks interesting interesting Maybe we send the battleship in ahead before we bring the
Starting point is 00:35:18 The weaker ship is nadir on the battleship or is nadir on I think nadir is gonna be in the one that goes in first Okay, so he jumps on the onto the battleship probably for probably a good idea to to have all the weapons And he goes forth. All right, so we're entering a vault, which is a little different than Normal stuff normal just moves. Let me go to page 190 that describes them and We can go into some more detail so If you enter the site check the inner first look table delving the sanctum, okay, so the inner first look I'd like you to roll 2d hundreds and it will give us a better idea of what we find on the first look
Starting point is 00:36:07 So it's a 50 and a 63 50 and 63 on a 50 There is an intense smell In space Whether we can smell it or not if we could take our masks off we'd smell it Reactive lighting responds to your presence. That's kind of cool. So maybe as the ship enters Lights kind of turn on and and follow us. Yeah, like maybe some kind of bio Luma I'm blank. You know by a luminescent. Yeah. Yes
Starting point is 00:36:41 I like the idea of that and it makes sense that if it's a living thing if it's a plant if you if there was an atmosphere To smell within it probably doesn't smell very good If it's a plant there might well be an atmosphere in there. Oh true. That's exactly that's that's a good point Is there an atmosphere let's I think that it's kind of likely I Mean it yeah, it's I mean it would have to have um Yeah, well either roll a d-100 26 or greater there is in fact Yep, and 80 so yeah, so there is breathable air and KV warns us by the way, it's pretty smelly
Starting point is 00:37:25 But we'll get used to it. Yes so We kind of know the vaults purpose it it's holding a planet that we can live on Free of the jungles, you know machinations Let's define Let's see we have the interior feature which maybe we can decide in a little bit Sanctum feature that's more for once. We're a little bit deeper. Let's do Let's see. I'm we're kind of delving the sanctum so we're gonna undertake an expedition into the vault
Starting point is 00:38:03 You can use a progress track. All right, so we're going to do that. So first I want to Under our vows We're going to Survive the vault Get to the Get to the other side. That's kind of our goal with this We decided that this was a Pretty well, we haven't actually decided the dangerous or how dangerous this place is is it dangerous?
Starting point is 00:38:34 Is it formidable? I think because we only have four progress in our big vow of finding a home We need to make this a little tough so that we make a lot of progress. So let's let's maybe decide formidable. I think that's appropriate All right, so that's one check. That's one full box for every bit of progress We are going to undertake this expedition and We are going to roll either with edge shadow or wits Are we moving fast? Are we keeping under the radar? Or are we staying vigilant? I Would love to argue in favor of shadow
Starting point is 00:39:13 But if this thing is has any sapience to it, it probably already knows that we're there So I think it's more just moving Slowly and really watching where we're going like if there's any kind of like moving debris or anything We can start having, you know KB start coming up with like orbital dynamic models To track all of those objects. We just very carefully plot our path. I'm on board. So you're gonna roll plus wits You are undertaking an expedition, let's look at your assets quickly Undertake Take decisive action. No. Nope. You're rolling just
Starting point is 00:39:56 Just wits I'm terrible stat. Okay. We can't let's good start on a week hit you reach a waypoint But this costs you in some way. We either have to make a suffer move or face apparel What if The door closes behind us It could it very well could that would certainly not be fun We're stuck in here now for at least another nine days if that's if that happens make Separated from the other ship. Oh
Starting point is 00:40:34 Oh interesting interesting We did decide kind of lore wise that it would be open for 24 hours, but I'm also okay with I Mean, it's a week. Well, so it's not a miss. I feel like that means more towards a miss. So you would be separated Right, right, right Okay, well, I mean we kind of maybe having the door get sealed behind us But maybe everyone's in there, maybe like we were in there for long enough that we were like, okay other ship
Starting point is 00:41:08 Come on in seems to be relatively okay. I think that's a good compromise and we can roll on the Parallel table for the vault. Let me find what page that is There it is page 190 and Fault purpose an interior peril, please roll a d-100 and let's see what interior peril we come across Eight and eight Change in atmosphere or environment a change in the atmosphere or the environment Well, we do you know, we did we did say maybe this place changes Maybe it's growing and that kind of stuff
Starting point is 00:41:55 what if as that that 24-hour period comes to a close and You know, what whatever it is that makes this thing not Be visible to the naked eye. What if the interior? Just starts like Baking with radiation. Oh Which makes interesting if there's some kind of wormhole or something or you know, whatever it is that's maintaining that extra dimensional space There might be a like an insane amount of radiation that even our ship has interesting
Starting point is 00:42:25 So we got we have to get past this bombardment of radiation to survive We're either facing danger or we're in taking harm or the ships with standing damage one of those three options I think what we're gonna do is face danger because if you encounter an extreme radiation event like that that's Subverting the shields of your ship basically the only way that you could survive is either wait it out and hope that you don't get a lethal dose or what you do is you start pulling as much material around people as you can so like in in You know one option for shielding from radiation is you encase yourself in water So it might be like a situation where we have to figure out how to jam as many people as we can either like
Starting point is 00:43:08 Under like concrete or metal We probably have like some lead or something we can hide people behind or even just like to the point where we're just dunking people in water You know with with an oxygen tank and say you got to stay you got to stay under there until this passes Reckless attack. Thank you for joining us. Thanks for following us guys You were not expecting the science lesson, but you got one on this episode of Star Forge. You're welcome We are facing danger. So it sounds like we want to get out of this space Like you said, maybe there's a wormhole on the other side that we just have to get to so we're either moving fast or What what what other asset do you think we might be using?
Starting point is 00:43:49 This is probably going to be so remind me what exactly edges used for again Edges basically speed when we basically say we're about to cook in this radiation We got to get the hell out of here and we would try to fly out of this interior Honestly, I think our only option is to try to get people into shelter So it's probably gonna be edge or or a heart or whatever it is that we would do to try to rouse people into interesting position Because what it would really be is building like emergency radiation shelters in the ship. Ah, all right. Well, we're gonna be rolling with heart. I Don't think your assets provide you anything when it comes to that, but I don't believe so So you're gonna do it with heart and if this fails, this is probably a mass casual
Starting point is 00:44:38 Into the so strong hit Wow And we are still okay We are facing danger you are successful take plus one momentum momentum goes up to one and I guess it's temporary, huh? Like everyone has to get into shelter everyone. It's a hunker down But I guess the sensors indicate that this extreme radiation goes away Maybe yeah, maybe there's like Like a saturation effect like when it's first
Starting point is 00:45:12 Becoming invisible again or whatever Yeah, maybe it passes after like like 24 hours or whatever We come out the other side. We're still we assume in the vault But I assume it's maybe like teleported us somewhere else or or it's it's just a new part of the vault now Yeah, I mean I don't know I feel like we probably wouldn't have moved anywhere Um while that was going on, you know sure well, I mean just because our ship isn't moving doesn't mean the vault can't take us somewhere, right? Okay, yeah, if that's how it works, then yeah, maybe we maybe right maybe we do cross into that extra dimensional space Maybe let's continue to undertake our expedition
Starting point is 00:45:57 You're gonna be rolling either with edge shadow or wits to do this And your shadow or wits How would how would shadow apply here? It's shadow would apply keeping under the radar meaning like we basically start to move our ships But we are avoiding contact with anything that might okay Right, let's do that. Okay roll with shadow See how we do we kit on a week hit a you reach a new waypoint But the progress does cost you now real quick. I'm gonna before I forget we have some progress to make
Starting point is 00:46:45 under vows That's one Two yep, that's two for the two week hits We're either gonna make a suffer move or we're going to face a new peril at this place Well Peril it seems like there's gonna be some kind of fresh peril waiting for us wherever we wind up if you wanted Maybe we can better define what is happening in this space. I think that would be beneficial. Let's see We can maybe decide a feature roll a d-100 and let's decide an interior feature
Starting point is 00:47:24 about This place 83 That is a vertical shaft. That's all it says. There is a vertical shaft a Vertical shaft you say Maybe there's a beholder live here Vertical shaft I'm mostly like a shaft of light Okay, yeah, sure. I was gonna say like maybe a space station or something
Starting point is 00:47:57 Of a space is the bottom shaft of life light would be interesting Either either the shaft or either it's like you said it's like a ship a cylindrical ship or something a Vertical shaft when I think of vertical shaft I think of like a passageway more than I think of a ship or something or a you know something like that and what if yeah like a Hmm almost like so, I mean if it's some kind of extra dimensional space I imagine there'd be no starlight like no source of light once so ever and then there's just like there's a vertical oh Seemingly like no source almost like a pathway to follow. I love it. CMYK though suggests no no guys
Starting point is 00:48:42 It's just shaft from the 70s, but standing up I don't Don't get it. Oh you you might be too young to get it. Sorry CMYK. I get the reference, but The zoomer does not so we see this light. We we decide to Possibly venture through it But what is the trouble that we come across either? We endure stress because we don't know where it's leading us or Maybe if our ship touches the edges it takes damage. What do you think? Well? I think that
Starting point is 00:49:18 After all of that and seeing on the other side. We were promised everyone was promised a planet Yes, you know Pete This was like the the land of milk and honey that people were expecting right and they got Darkness and a weird shaft of light like people are probably Freaking the fuck out right now And especially since we have no apparent way back true true. All right. We're enduring stress. You're saying Let me pull up the stress
Starting point is 00:49:50 Confront chaos we are enduring stress I'm minor stress or a serious stress the problem is this like it this seems pretty serious like this is some existential Like shit here. This is gonna reduce our spirit to zero Lose momentum equal to any remaining stress. That's fine. We don't have to do that roll heart to see How you do now that your spirit is at zero Okay, first the spirit goes to zero and then you roll hearts
Starting point is 00:50:24 We can't burn momentum to make it a strong hit. I'm gonna do that. Okay You're gonna burn that momentum on a strong hit. You may choose one If your spirit is zero you choose to resist the stress So you can either shake it off and gain plus one spirit or you can embrace the darkness and take plus one momentum I think Let's take let's do the spirit option on our spirit stain at zero spirit although lowered a little bit is still existent But we find ourselves in this shaft of light and we are traveling down it
Starting point is 00:51:00 Nothing seems to be happening as we go down, but we continue yours. Go ahead an interesting question If it's just a vertical shaft of light, I'm imagining it extending infinitely in both directions Or seemingly infinitely in both directions, which way you do go. Oh, oh, yeah, that's to be go Do we go up or do we go? I mean which way is up? It might not matter because it might end up being a Circle or something. You know what I mean like that would be trippy No, I guess we just have to pick a direction and you it might not matter in fact I think it probably doesn't matter so we don't have to roll for it other than you deciding do we go up or down captain?
Starting point is 00:51:40 I mean We'll go I mean, what's the reference frame? We'll go down whatever good point down from our current So the ships begin traveling down this shaft of light hoping hoping to come across some clue as to what the next move is I do want to define because there are deeper parts of these vaults and I wanted to find when we can cross the threshold so If you went to the site you are in the interior if you explore further To define what you find if you undertake an expedition within a vault check this table As you delve deeper into the vault the corruption and strangeness of the place takes hold you sanctum features to represent the abrid nature Hmm, so let's see as a vault
Starting point is 00:52:29 Perilous I Guess we kind of just decide when we get to the deeper parts fault purpose the interior interior peril If we have a total of ten possible Progress on this vow and we're at two we'll say we'll we're still in the interior. We're still exploring Let's roll another undertaking expedition Which attribute are you using wits? Shadow or edge I Don't think shadow makes sense
Starting point is 00:53:18 Probably probably wits, okay Because this is probably like an all hands-on deck like science mission at this point trying to figure out what the fuck is going on very uh, Star Trek, which is the Star Trek that they find the The satellite and it's like connected to to the the AI and stuff. I don't remember that one All right. Oh, no, I think that's I think I'm thinking of the one where Spock sacrifices himself and he goes into like this weird 2001-esque thing. Anyway, roll wits and let's see what happens to our Spock It's a weekend I do kind of imagine Nader having a little bit of a Spock look not necessarily the eyebrows and hair But just kind of the stern face. I think he's like that other world Spock where there's like an evil version of the crew
Starting point is 00:54:08 I think he's that spot. Oh, right, right with a mustache. Yeah. Yeah mirrored onk. You are correct. It's Star Trek the motion picture. Yeah Okay, we kit Let's see Okay, same as the other two times we're going to either make a suffer move or we're gonna face some kind of peril With this progress so suffer move would that be something like your supplies? Start dwindling. Yep, because I imagine after our water supplies might be running low after that radiation thing okay, because if we were using our if we were using our water supply as like Emergency radiation shielding our water would have gotten irradiated meaning it's not safe to drink. Oh, so we would have had to
Starting point is 00:54:53 Okay, I like that idea. Let's suffer some some of our loss to our our stuff that is Sacrifice resources so when you lose or consume resources You subtract one for a minor loss two for a serious loss I think this is a worthy of two for a serious loss and this is from supply, right? Yes, so there is no role involved. You're just gonna lower your supply by two
Starting point is 00:55:23 From five to three Yes, so we have had to dump the water It's been days now. Maybe that we've been traveling on this shaft and nothing has really changed We don't know if we're doing the right thing and we will continue to undertake an expedition Let's say that this next role leads us into deeper into into the vault into the The deeper part so you are going to undertake an expedition Using either shadow wits or edge Got to go with the wits. All right keeping witty
Starting point is 00:56:00 Staying witty all we all we have it's still a weak hit, but that feels a bro. Yeah. Yeah So another wits another weak hit everything that we just did the last time so we are going to make another checkmark Let's though define this new place. Let's go to our The inner sanctum portion of this And I'm gonna ask that you roll a d hundred And see what we come upon Hey
Starting point is 00:56:35 It's actually been a while I think since we've rolled the 69 so congratulations on that Sealed containers of inscrutable purpose. We find sealed containers of inscrutable purpose Like just floating around out there. Yeah You know we had suggested that the planet that is supposedly in here is like a test planet I wonder if there aren't if these sealed containers aren't like code for sealed environments of
Starting point is 00:57:07 Like test environments, you know what I mean? Almost like when you put like an air plant like in a in a in like a glass enclosure and like it continues To thrive even if you even though you never give it any water or food or you know what I'm talking about Vaguely like sea monkey habitats like you know a dico system. Yes. Yeah, I wonder if we can extract any That Loki's in a barrel says Eli We could attempt to get gather some resources Let's see what the appropriate move for that would be we are
Starting point is 00:57:50 Making a recover move effectively Resupplying This reminds me of that episode of Star Trek where Captain Janeway is like there's coffee in that nebula. I Do not remember the coffee episode even though I did watch Voyager All right, so we're resupplying we're trying to take advantage of these biomes that we come across What stat are we using there's heart iron shadow or wits? I mean this again is I hate to beat on the wits here But I mean this is probably more like what is it? What does it got? How do we get it out of there?
Starting point is 00:58:30 We're literally scavenging. Yeah, okay go ahead and roll plus wits and Hopefully we scavenged some stuff Strong Wow, okay on a strong hit you can choose one You can either take two supply Or If you are in need of a specific item or resource you can say that you get it and you gain plus one momentum. I Think we want the two supply. Yeah, I either way is the same we get the water we go from three to five and
Starting point is 00:59:04 I'd like to imagine there's like some ocean biome. We just put a hole in it and Suck it all out. Well, I guess it's like a fucking straw. I drink your biome So that's what we do there We've made For progress. I think yeah for progress to get to the other side of this vault We are now in the sanctum. How how is it changing like, you know? Maybe we get past the light. What's past the shaft of light? This this space where there's these floating
Starting point is 00:59:39 biomes Well, it seems to me that it's gonna be Maybe it's not so much that it's past the sphere of light, but maybe it's more like a truck stop along the way, okay, you know Because it seems to me that the shaft of light is basically like a pathway. I see to follow Yeah, this seems more like a truck stop to me, okay Yeah, so we stop at the truck stop and fill ourselves up and we continue on our way We're going to continue to undertake an expedition unless you'd like to make some other kind of move to
Starting point is 01:00:17 Get an advantage or gather information about the place. I Mean, I suppose there could be some information contained within Those bio yeah, and there is a move that says explore a waypoint if you want to like better understand what's happening here Yes, yes, unfortunately. We don't have that mark on our explorer asset, but yes, that's all right We're going to explore the waypoint you're going to use plus widths To better understand this place Miss don't know if you're going to learn much
Starting point is 01:00:59 On a miss you encounter an immediate hardship or threat and must pay the price on a miss with a match You may instead confront chaos that is not the case. So we're just paying the price So roll the d-100 and let's see what price we must pay here 79 79 are you out of your mind? You are hard It's what it says. I'd like to think that maybe like yeah We get some resources, but the security system of this vault the immune system of this vault kind of reacts to this Like to the point where it does damage to the ship yeah, yeah To boat yet one or both of them now. What does this damage look like it is? Is it a laser?
Starting point is 01:01:48 Is it like a a branch comes out and smacks us? Um, hear me out. Hear me out. Hear me out. Hear me out. There's not a lot of around To do physical damage. I don't think that they're because it sounds like we're just to me It seems we're just floating around in a void basically I'm reminded of the expanse in which they have a weapon. That's just a really concentrated Magnetic beam that can like tear that can like render Inorganic material down to like it's a base out. Oh interesting. So like we just Yeah, we get it with like this heavy magnetic field that does wow serious hull damage. Okay. All right, so we're gonna withstand damage
Starting point is 01:02:32 When we do that we have to make a move. Let's see suffer We're going to withstand damage. So this is this sounds like a pretty serious amount of damage So we're gonna reduce the ship's integrity We said that the the battleship is in the front and Nader is on that battleship. I actually have it wrong on our Sheet here or at least on our website here So so the ships in the front the the Excalibur has taken a little bit of damage
Starting point is 01:03:03 So it's three out of five. It's gonna take two damage. So it's gonna be reduced to one. Oh Yeah, that's yeah dangerously low and Now we're going to make an integrity roll If your integrity is at zero you resist the damage roll Integrity, so you're gonna roll basically plus one and let's see How you do? Okay, you can either roll a one stat or you can I don't think you can roll your integrity
Starting point is 01:03:34 there's not Kind of just roll iron. Yeah, plus one exactly We yeah, I agree Eli. We cannot lose this ship But it is you know if the ship we're gonna lose at least it's the one that's like the battleship You said a weak hit Tegrity ship on a weak hit if your vehicle is not battered Which it is not you may either lose momentum in exchange for one integrity or You're we're gonna be just at one integrity
Starting point is 01:04:07 Um losing momentum sounds way better than having one integrity. All right Reduce your momentum by one. It's gonna go to plus one but our The ships integrity is gonna go from one to two so I'm just gonna remember on the board That it goes up to two all right So Yeah, so this magnetic beam hits the ship and probably you know tears off a side of it or something like that lots of hull damage
Starting point is 01:04:45 Certainly not good the ship is barely limping at this point, but we've got to press on We have I Think I've added the latest bit of progress Now we have five or did we miss that? That last undertaking expedition no it was it was it was understanding Right the the way point so never mind now. We are undertaking the expedition. I'm sure we are on the run Want to get the hell away from there We are going to roll either shadow edge or width, which is it gonna be I
Starting point is 01:05:27 Just struggle to figure out how we're gonna move with shadow here. Well, it's not Moving under the radar I Think that you could justify like now that you've been attacked now that you know, you know messing with the experiments in here We'll probably have a bad effect You know you shut down anything that might attract attention and just follow the line So basically we try to keep our heat profile to a minimum Okay. Yeah, sure. Let's do that. I'm sure Um
Starting point is 01:05:58 The battleship probably has some capabilities of doing that the civilian one maybe not so much but one out of two Yeah, this is you know again. We're rolling for nader so it kind of represents both ships It's a little complicated at the moment, but We are going to roll with shadow and let's see how you do. Oh Yes Okay, out of miss you are waylaid by a crisis or arrive at a waypoint to confront an immediate hardship or threat Do not mark progress So I can't mark progress and pay the price roll a d100
Starting point is 01:06:39 Miss beam of light is our home now To oh a trusted individual or community acts against you a Trusted individual or community acts against you. Oh The other iron landers, maybe maybe all of this shit finally made them crack Civil war The anti-whale sect says mirrored onk. Yeah, um they Maybe take the opportunity while your ship is damaged now. What do they do?
Starting point is 01:07:14 Do they fly out of the beam of light? Do they attack you? I mean suicide. Yeah, I think it would probably I don't think it would be like ship-to-ship combat Do they cut communication? May Maybe so okay, so the way that it's organized right now is it like all of the old iron the new iron landers are on one ship And the original group is on another I think the the iron landers that learned like that went with kb Are probably split up to to manage both ships But I would imagine most of the of the new iron landers are on our old chumbuck. Oh, that's a mistake
Starting point is 01:07:53 Whose idea was that? I mean, it's nobody's it's mine right now. You can decide however you want to split it up I mean, it seems like nader would be smart enough to split the population. I think that's mark. Yeah, either way If they decided that they were ready to throw down They're still gonna be throwing down but I think that the way that that would manifest would be Some kind of action taken on the ship like maybe they Make a move for like the armory or something to try to arm themselves. All right or something like that Let's figure out how to deal with this in one roll. We could face danger or
Starting point is 01:08:36 Or he could attempt to compel them to stop their insurrection. Oh We could Tiananmen them Yeah, you could just we should just vent the atmosphere of the parts of the ships there on we might lose some of our our own people in the process I Think I think that's a pretty big risk That I don't even think nader is crazy enough to try. Oh, no about that, but we'll try the conventional approach first Well, you know, they're called that plan B There is simply to battle when you fight a battle and it happens in a blur Envision your objective and roll if you primarily fight at range you roll with edge if you fight depending on your courage
Starting point is 01:09:19 You roll with heart if you fight in close you roll with iron if you use trickery you roll shadow And if you use tactics you use wits So we'll call this kind of like a skirmish that happens on the ship Trying to maintain control This certainly seems like a Tactics situation, okay So probably wits. All right roll with which is I would like to use shadow. I think wits makes the most sense We can oh we kid. All right
Starting point is 01:09:52 Are we kid you achieve your objective which is to quench the rebellion but now without cost pay the price roll the d-100 Yeah There's some kind of price 19 19 a surprising development complicates your quest a Surprising development complicates your quest now what surprising development would come out of this insurrection That would complicate the quest Some idiot shoots alive around and punctures the hull
Starting point is 01:10:28 Or worse breaks the reactor case ain't or something uh-huh So you're saying the ship is somehow hampered Because of this skirt. Yeah, cuz I mean if there's like a like I mean normally on a ship You would use weapons that weren't capable of puncturing the hull But maybe someone got desperate and you know tried something that was strong enough to punch a hole All right, so we have a hole in the ship
Starting point is 01:10:56 Um, maybe the ship either slows down or comes to a stop completely The point is we need to make some kind of role to decide how this works out. Do we try to repair the ship? do we try to I Guess that makes the most sense to attempt to repair it I actually think the most in if that happened and you were venting atmosphere like that. I'm assuming it's a spaceship so I'm assuming they have a way of Sealing off like a bulkhead or something something some way of isolating the part of the ship that has the hull breach in which case I think the quickest approach to dealing with it would be evacuate that section of the ship and seal it off
Starting point is 01:11:33 Okay, so we evacuated we could endure stress or we could also just lose momentum from it So some kind of Reaction we probably would lose momentum because inevitably there's gonna be a lot everyone's gonna make it out in time So you're gonna lose personnel, right? There's also gonna be the morale drain, right? And you're losing a section of the ship that was maybe important Exactly. All right, so we are going to lose momentum and
Starting point is 01:12:07 We're going to reduce our momentum by one I Think bringing us to zero zero. Okay interesting When your momentum is that it's minimum which it is not and You must suffer Okay, choose one. I think that's it. That's all that happens. We just lose that one momentum. We're at zero We continue on things normalize we deal with the heretics. We deal with those who are in the way slowing us down Our our size of our tribe keeps shrinking But we have to press on
Starting point is 01:12:46 Listen, we just have to maintain enough heterozygosity to Think having less than a hundred people is is is not reaching heterozygosity I think I think what less than a hundred. I think I think you'll need like a dozen or something. Okay All right, well, let's press on let's continue to undertake an expedition. We could not make any progress because of that miss Um, let's keep going edge shadow or wits. What's it gonna be? Okay, here's my argument for shadow. All right at this point I feel like our biggest challenge is maintaining control of our population. Okay, so I think it's Maybe implementing like some
Starting point is 01:13:32 Insanely draconian like policy to keep control like there's curfews. Okay, you can only leave your quarters for work You know, you can't You can't talk to like other members of the ship that aren't a part of like your immediate family or something That aren't like directly related to your duties. So I think it's 100% about population control at this point It's giving me real Battlestar Galactica vibes. That's what I'm thinking too. Yeah. Yeah. All right So we are undertaking this expedition with shadow keeping everybody under our thumb in the hopes that Maintaining control gets us that much closer
Starting point is 01:14:09 To the inner sanctum go ahead and roll your Shadow it's another is another weekend. Good. All right on a week hit we reach a waypoint But we have to suffer in some way. Let's first decide what this waypoint is. I'm gonna go to our sanctum rolling table and Decide that so Let's roll a d-100 To just find the sanctum feature I
Starting point is 01:14:42 Did you do 82? Visions of this place in another time you have visions of this place in another time And maybe let's also just roll on the peril that we encounter roll another d-100 and we will come upon a sanctum peril in this place 61 Restless dead awaken Restless dead awaken in a place that shows us visions of Another time in this place What's how are you going to spin this Aaron?
Starting point is 01:15:23 Restless I can't imagine we're keeping dead bodies on board the ship. Well, I mean maybe yeah, maybe not Maybe it's more. I mean that would be a huge safety risk To keep them on the ship I think Visions of this place standpoint visions of this place in another time Maybe it's like less that I mean, maybe it's not like some less like zombies and more like spirits Like what if we see? Visions of it of another place in time on the ship meaning like when KB was operational a long long time ago
Starting point is 01:16:04 Maybe like the spirits of the folks that like worked on the ship or something That's as good as anything. Yeah This isn't a miss so I'm not gonna follow Eli's lead Which is the husks because that would suck to have to deal with a bunch of space husks This is just a weak hit so it's not that bad What you miss in the story Evi disaster story is that we have come upon a place that gives us visions and reflections of another time and there are also Was it restless dead that awakened?
Starting point is 01:16:47 So do they so do the spirits aboard the ship like become cognizant of us and react to us in some way Maybe it's more like a ghost ship type of thing Okay, like maybe they're like like like blip-class ghosts to use the orpheus term Well, they're just kind of like droning through like what would have been their day-to-day life or whatever So maybe that causes problems though because they're like messing with like ship systems and stuff So we have a space hunting. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, so so so you're saying that like a like a space Ghost ship appears Like we're the like we're the ghost ship like they're coming like the old crew that used to man the ship is
Starting point is 01:17:35 for what science fiction whatever is manifesting and Kind of going about what would have been their day-to-day task interesting interesting Which maybe competes with the things that we need the ship to be doing. Yeah, totally I could see just it being some kind of interference that is keeping us from from operating the ships correctly Or it's even like someone, you know puts like met sets of control to one thing and then like the ghost comes in Oh, like another thing that they would have said yeah, I like that
Starting point is 01:18:08 I think this is actually kind of a good place to stop where this is going to be somebody else's problem to deal with I like how how do we stop these space ghosts from from? You know messing with the ship So the the the last thing that we have to do is decide who is next Why don't you roll a? D3 and it's going to be either Amanda Eli or Caleb that goes next To a to which is Eli So Eli who I believe is in the chat now is
Starting point is 01:18:49 Up next to help bring the iron lander's home Look, this was a crazy chaotic episode, but you made some progress in In getting to the other side, and I'll even say Getting to the inner sanctum getting deeper into this is part of our vow of getting to that vital world So I will put a mark of progress Towards our vow of getting there. So, you know, we're like a third of the way there All I know is that I want Eli I expect Eli to commit at least as many atrocities as I do I Don't think that's a tall order. I don't think that they're going to be able to match it
Starting point is 01:19:34 But I'm sure they're going to try their damnedest they always do Aaron thank you for joining me on this episode of Star Forged It's nice to see all the progress that Nader has made and and how close we are to the end with him I love that he was able to get past this vote of no confidence He is um Yeah, he's one one. I feel like he's two steps away from supreme space whale dictator He just might be the emperor palpatine of our of our universe Faro Faro, I like that. I like that term. Let's see where Eli takes it, but that's that's it for today guys
Starting point is 01:20:15 Thank you for watching. Thanks for joining us to our patrons. Thank you always for the support If you are not a patron member, you can become one and you can get access to lots of cool behind the scenes stuff We are releasing more and more every day at the five dollar level. You can see a lot of that cool stuff We have to offer and you can also join us on Twitch That's another good way of supporting us by subscribing to us But thank you. Yeah, if you if you subscribe on twitch Make sure that your twitch account and your discord accounts are linked so that you get access to our discord server
Starting point is 01:20:51 Evil disaster story just or excuse me evie disaster story. Just joined us. Thank you evie Awesome game Aaron have a good rest of your night. Everyone enjoy the rest of your day or night wherever you are And we'll see you next time Bye

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