Mayday Plays - Starforged Ep. 17

Episode Date: March 2, 2022

Starforged Ep. 17 by Mayday Roleplay...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Alright people, beautiful people of the world, and Twitch. We have survived the holidays, we've seen the family, we've overeaten, we've played the games with the family, and now it's time to return to complete our epic quest here on Starforged. What's up everyone? I am Sergio, and with me is the amazing Amanda. How are you Amanda? Hi, I'm good, I'm good. You just had to call it out, we ate too much food over the holidays. It just happens every holiday. I'm trying to learn to not do it, but it's like returning to your trauma. You just can't help it over the holidays. Damn it, I want the con pot. I'm going to get it.
Starting point is 00:00:51 I want that extra slice. I don't think Mayday has been live streaming since before the holiday, so this is our first game back. How was your time? How was your holiday? It was kind of like a staycation most of the time, but I got to visit my mom a little bit, and sister had to really kind of chill. Lovely. But then I made my mom watch a horror movie for Christmas, and it was hilarious. It was great. Is she a screamer? What's so great about watching it with her? No, she was focused. She was like, because she's military, she retired from the army, but she's just like,
Starting point is 00:01:35 I don't like that plan, that doesn't make sense. She was like kind of like taking the fun out, but she was getting more into it, and then she got sad. Gotcha. It was train to Busan, so she was just like, well, that's sad. Yeah, it does not have to be the most uplifting ending. Great though. Well, I'm glad. How was your holiday? My holiday was great. Relaxed, hung out with my cat and did some painting. It was a lovely time. We had a fun time. We all jumped on our Discord, and we had a video viewing holiday party with our patrons. That was a good time.
Starting point is 00:02:11 So we had fun. Yeah, that was awesome. I see that Eli is in the chat. Happy Tuesday to you, Eli. So, Amanda, you have come today on what could be the second to last episode of Star Forged. Oh, I got to deliver then. I got to deliver. I got to make a hellhole mess for the next person to finish up in the finale. You weren't expecting it, but today is the day, at least the second to last day.
Starting point is 00:02:38 Our Ironlanders have been through it all. It all started when we were playing Ironsworn using that system, and we had this, you know, tribe of Ironlanders who lived in the middle of a magical superstorm in the eye of a magical superstorm. Eventually, they found a ship which took half of them off the planet. This half then began our Star Forged campaign as we took the Chum Bucket, which had an artificial intelligence on it called KB. We traveled the forge looking for a new home. We learned in the process that we were a kind of experiment that the jungle, this gigantic mega-corporation that kind of runs the forge, this experiment that they had started to see if they could create kind of like the perfect colonizers, you know, people that could survive harsh conditions and etc. Either way, eventually we learned by meeting an alien species called the Sacroshamu.
Starting point is 00:03:47 We learned about a secret planet that was hidden in a vault. These vaults were created by progenitor races, people that were here long before us and were extremely advanced in technology. So they had these vaults that supposedly hide treasure, but this one in particular hides a planet that nobody knows about that might be a safe home for our tribe. We returned to the experimental planet, picked up the rest of the iron landers that had stayed back, and then made our way to the vault. We entered the vault and found it to be this kind of weird, pocket dimension-like space that seemed infinite. And there was this weird shaft of life, shaft of light that our two ships, we had two ships at the time, traversed. And we had for a long time Nader, who was the leader of the group, who was a conniving, sleazy zealot. POS that started a very popular religion amongst at least some of the Starforge iron landers, worshipping the space whales.
Starting point is 00:05:09 Last episode, Nader was ejected finally after yeeting people out of airlocks and just being a general pain in the ass, we finally got rid of him by democratic vote. And in his place is Hath, Hath who is the original character from Iron Swore, the OG character that we kind of cut our teeth on. He is back in the leadership position. Sorry, I keep hitting my mic. And Hath is going to try to take us to the end of this vault to the Promised Land. Last session, we created him in Starforge because he didn't really have a stat block in Starforge. But we have the character now. We have five out of ten progress to bring the iron landers to the vital world. We have five out of ten progress to survive the vault and to get to the other side. So this session, you and I are trying to get to the other side of this vault and find this planet.
Starting point is 00:06:12 So, we find ourselves with one ship left. We had to sacrifice a ship because it was haunted by ghosts. Long story. And we are now kind of traveling deeper into the middle portion of the vault. Let me pull up on page 190. Whoops, made that too big. On page 190 is all the stuff we need to know about the vaults and I am trying to get there. Here we go. So we are on the interior of the vault heading towards the sanctum. The sanctum being like the very heart of the vault where the vault's purpose lies.
Starting point is 00:06:59 Where we can assume where the planet lies. So we need to continue making progress on our journey of getting to the sanctum. So let's first roll on what I think really the first thing we should do is undertake the expedition or continue the expedition to see what else we find in this middle portion. So I want to pull up your moves. And we are going to... Well, someone just played Nerd Allies just became a friend and donated some bits. Thank you, Play Nerd Allies.
Starting point is 00:07:40 Very awesome of you. So we are not developing a relationship. We are trying to adventure a quest. Here we go. We are not a quest. Are we going to have a relationship with the planet? Are we going Guardians of the Galaxy too? We are undertaking an expedition. Now, you can undertake this expedition with Edge, Shadow or Wits.
Starting point is 00:08:03 What do you think in your current state? The ship is a little beat up too. I mean, we're kind of on our last legs in terms of our supplies and stuff. How do you want to continue moving forward? Edge, Shadow, Wits. Because half being the way they are, they know we have to keep going, but I'm trying to see which way is it. They're Wits because they're using it in common sense.
Starting point is 00:08:30 They're like we just... Yeah, it says here you're staying vigilant. So you're using Wits to kind of look out for that next trap or problem. Yeah, let's go ahead and use Wits. Alright, so your Wits is your lowest stat for half. Well, it's... oh wait, I have Shadow. You could roll Edge or Shadow. Actually, yeah, Shadow is kind of your strongest stat in this case.
Starting point is 00:08:58 Shadow is like sneaky. So we're using... we're sneaking. Sneaking to get closer. Sneaking with the ship so maybe you turn off the big engine. We turn off the lights. We're using propulsion. You're just going to roll on by. Let the gravitational pull take us without being caught.
Starting point is 00:09:20 Go ahead and roll Shadow. Okay, let's do that. Got a weak hit. A weak hit. I want to make sure the audience can see that. Let me adjust this. There we go. A weak hit.
Starting point is 00:09:35 Alright, on a weak hit, you reach a waypoint. Envision the location and mark progress for the rank of your expedition. However, this progress has to cost you. So maybe first we decide what that waypoint is, and then we can go about deciding what kind of move we suffer. So we're going to... Can I pitch you something? Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:10:05 Okay. Totally ripping off Battlestar Galactica. What if it's like a... This whole campaign is rip-offs of rip-offs of rip-offs. Fair enough. There's a radiation kind of clustered cloud, right? They have to go through it, hence the going... Let's say they can't use fuel or some cause or reaction,
Starting point is 00:10:28 but because of that, some people are going to get sick. So you're saying there's some sort of radiation we're dealing with? Yeah, because we're going through the radiation cloud. Okay, I like that idea. We did not roll poorly, remember? So this isn't necessarily something we have to suffer, but I see what you mean, though, because we do have to make some suffer moves here. I like that.
Starting point is 00:10:53 At the beginning of this vault, when we first entered, we had a bombardment of radiation. We theorized that the reason we were bombarded by radiation is because we were teleported to the inner dimension of this vault. Maybe there was radiation leakage. So this could mean that we're being teleported to even deeper within the vault. Yes. The cloud kind of just...
Starting point is 00:11:21 Yes. Maybe, possibly. I love it. Let's run with it. With that said, we are going to... Let's see. I want to make sure... I always miss this marker, 230.
Starting point is 00:11:37 There we go. So we have to either make one suffer move at minus two, which currently all our stats are at five, so we could kind of handle it, or two suffer moves at minus one, or we face a peril at this waypoint. You've already decided what that is. There we go. I still think, though, that we should make a suffer move at minus two,
Starting point is 00:12:02 because of its severity. I mean, I don't mind dragging these people, but do we want to kill them off in the first wave? I certainly don't want to, but I think that it's serious enough. Okay. Okay. Okay, let's do it. Minus two.
Starting point is 00:12:19 Minus two. I think we have to... What are we reducing? I think we're reducing our health, maybe, because it is... Supplies, too, because of medical supplies. So think of it this way. You're depleting your medical supplies,
Starting point is 00:12:33 and then it's going to go to the health. Decide which one would you like to make? Let's do the medical supplies. All right. So we're going to take two off. We are going to lose some supply. Now, let's see. We can endure harm, endure stress, lose momentum,
Starting point is 00:12:52 but if we were to sacrifice resources, we simply just live with the minus two. There's no roles. We just lose two resources. That's it. All right. Two resources. Supply goes to three,
Starting point is 00:13:05 and, you know, Aaron had a really cool explanation for this. He said that we use a lot of water to shield the ship from the radiation. Like, we literally flood the hull of the ship with water. So... Yes, it's perfect. So that's an example of wasting a lot of our resources. Now, this is tough because now we are low on water,
Starting point is 00:13:28 so that's something to kind of think about. But I love the idea that, again, you know, we experience this bombardment of radiation, which means we are probably moving forward within the vault. I'm going to mark some experience here to four. We now have six out of ten progress. You could roll now and see what happens,
Starting point is 00:13:54 but either way, I will say that we are now on the inner sanctum of this vault. We're in a new place. Would you like to decide what this place looks like and what it's about? Because we're not at the planet yet, correct? It was just like... We're not at the planet,
Starting point is 00:14:12 but we are now in the place where we will probably find the planet. What if it's like a weird-ass black void? Well, we kind of have been doing black void for a lot of the vault, and it could continue to be a black void. Okay. Hold on. Hold on. I've got to think of some interstellar shh right now.
Starting point is 00:14:33 That's where I'm like, where can we go? Why don't you roll the D100 and let's just see what this inner sanctum feature table tells us. Let the dice go. Maybe it'll inspire you a little bit. Decide. Exactly. D100?
Starting point is 00:14:48 D100. A nine. A nine. Okay. Out of a nine... I'm so curious. What is a nine getting me? The area is humming with aberrant energy.
Starting point is 00:15:00 Aberrant... Interesting. Let's see if we define what aberrant is. Departing from an acceptable standard, it is not standard energy. Hmm. Oh, okay. It's like a fire or anything like that.
Starting point is 00:15:22 What kind of thing... What will we enter that would be an... Almost like a static, like a super... The reason why I say that is because then we can electrical equipment can start breaking down. So there's some kind of... You ever I'm coming?
Starting point is 00:15:40 Yeah. There's a weird energy storm or something. Yeah. Let's just say like a... Because you... Like I said that... Remember how that like cloud... Let's say the cloud actually gets thicker.
Starting point is 00:15:52 We can't see anything, but now we're seeing like electrical current go shoot throughout the clouds. Okay. Does that kind of make sense? Like we're entering that storm. Maybe very a la similar to the eye of the storm that we had on the planet where you can
Starting point is 00:16:06 almost have like that kind of similar whistle type that kind of point to it. But it's going to be like electrical things and that can slowly start going at the ship if we need to go. We've kind of insinuated that this is the... A place where the progenitors like created worlds, they created planets here.
Starting point is 00:16:26 So, you know, the area is full of life creating energy or something like that. It's a lot of potentiality in the air and I like the idea that, you know, maybe it messes with the ship's navigation and it's hard to know where we are. Get a read. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:44 It's hard to get a read. Okay. So we're in this new place. We're in the inner sanctum. We're closer to our goal. Really, unless you have an idea, the only logical next step is to again roll to undertake an expedition
Starting point is 00:16:58 and get a little bit closer. Yes, we will. All right. So if you want to do that, you have to decide whether you want to roll with edge, shadow, or wits. Just continue with shadow. Okay.
Starting point is 00:17:12 You're going to keep on the down low. Go ahead and roll shadow. Because we still don't know wits. You don't know if there's something breathing in here. Oh, there's a strong hit. Wait, yes. Oh, it is a strong hit. Excellent job.
Starting point is 00:17:28 A strong hit. As we undertake our expedition, you reach a waypoint, envision the location, mark progress per the rank of your expedition. So I'm going to increase our goal to 7 out of 10, and we can decide on an inner sanctum feature that we can find that is overly positive.
Starting point is 00:17:50 We don't need to paint ourselves into a corner or anything like that. No. Roll a D100 and let's find another feature. About the inner sanctum. Dirty four. Dirty four. A inscrutable object emits sound and energy.
Starting point is 00:18:10 An inscrutable object that emits sound and energy. Hold on. This is going to. Okay. We're going to create the cause of the fucking storm right now. It's an actual. Oh. Plotinum thing.
Starting point is 00:18:22 Because literally it matches. Okay. So talk to me about this. This is a. What does it look like? What is it? How is it causing the storm? I think that's my second question.
Starting point is 00:18:37 You know, you know what? Oh. All right. Fuck it. I'm taking this too. We're going to do another reference. Let me draw this. Okay.
Starting point is 00:18:47 Getting a live drawing here. Yes. Oh, no. This was a mistake. Let's see how you compare to the key. This is shading and. Oh, no, we're not. No, we are not.
Starting point is 00:18:59 Okay. Long story short. So if I have anybody who is an older millennial and you watched Roswell. This was the granite. But. Bring it close to your camera. Bring it close. Okay.
Starting point is 00:19:12 There we go. Imagine this is like a giant, like a, but like a crystal or like a diamond or a crystal. All right. Like a giant thing. So we've established it looks like a big diamond. Is it like a color or no? Just make it like you can have it. The, it was like a grayish clouds that can match the clouds from the Islanders.
Starting point is 00:19:33 So have it like kind of great. Gotcha. Yeah. That pulsating gray, bright color. All right. How is it connected to the storm? It's far away. As far, you know, in terms of it's another planet, you know, it's another place.
Starting point is 00:19:50 It's creating power that's feeding in the planet. If you will. Cause we can, I think cause at this point we can see the planet. What if it is kind of building it? Like it's almost like it's like, uh, making it. It's just kind of maintaining it. You could see it. Maybe maybe I was going to say maintaining or it's just like, it's still feeding it
Starting point is 00:20:10 power. Like it's not quite done yet. And then once that thing goes away. So it's like a wireless battery keeping the storm going is kind of what you're saying. Kind of feeding the planet to give it more and more. And so the idea then would be that the, the, the jungle who we kind of thought was running the experiment and so had created the storm. Maybe they just found the planet with this storm on it and, you know, drop some people
Starting point is 00:20:36 on it. Yeah. They, or they were trying to retrofit that planet and they put that thing there, which caused the storm. We can. I wasn't a part of that meeting. I would have told them that that idea was stupid personally, but says the person that came up with the idea.
Starting point is 00:20:55 Okay. Great. So Dave from the jungle decided this was the way. Right. Right. And you know, the, you know, that, that bureaucracy works. You just have to kind of go along with it. Red tape everywhere.
Starting point is 00:21:05 Yeah. Exactly. So, okay. So, you know, KB does the analysis of this crystal and realizes there's a connection to our home world. Uh, and it's somehow producing the storm. What do we do about it? Do we leave it alone?
Starting point is 00:21:18 Uh, you know, is, do we have bigger fish to fry? What, what, what do we do with this knowledge? Let's go ahead. It's, if we could probably, what do you think, we can shut it down or just go to the planet. We could absolutely try to shut it down, um, which is an endeavor in and of itself, a vow in and of itself, you know, um, because planets fine. If you think about it, it's just kind of doing its thing. True.
Starting point is 00:21:49 And supposedly the vital world that we are heading to is fine and we don't have to, you know, turn off anything. Okay. You just have to get there. Basically, KB is like, you don't have to worry like this is actually a good planet. It's just doing some bullshit. Just leave it alone. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:06 And, and to be clear, we're talking about two different planets, Amanda. There is the original iron, okay. There is the original iron lander planet that we come from that had the storm that you are insinuating this diamond is like perpetuating it. And there is a separate like planet that we are looking for within this vault that is going to be our refuge. So imagine that like that whatever generator, I will, I'm going to call it like a generator if you will.
Starting point is 00:22:37 I was just thinking that was with the second planet, not with the first planet. No. I mean, if you want to add that complication, you can, but the role doesn't support that. No, no, no, no, no. That's okay. That's fine. Because remember, I'm forget, I'm trying to remember all my Ireland. So things are getting crisscross.
Starting point is 00:22:53 So, so you still like the idea that it is perpetuating the storm in our original home world. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. Um, boob 003 says hi, Amanda in the chat.
Starting point is 00:23:06 I don't know if you recognize that. Oh, that's boo. Boo. Oh, boo. Oh, boo. Boo. I just saw B 00B and assumed boob three. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:20 Trust me. And I appreciate that so much. I was actually very. Yeah. That's actually my. Boo. That's my sister. Nice.
Starting point is 00:23:28 Well, welcome. Uh, welcome. Uh, the weirdest MI six agent. So we are going to, uh, we've got six or seven out of 10 progress now. Um, we can keep going. I think, you know what, I feel like we're so close. I mean, if you want, I've been trying to coax every single player for the last however many months we've been playing these games to roll at lower than a seven and like nobody
Starting point is 00:24:04 does. They roll at like nine and ten. We're terrified. We know you. You're going to give us trauma. This is a collaborative game here, Amanda. It's not just me. I know that is true, but you do get a sick pleasure from it.
Starting point is 00:24:19 I'm not going to deny that. I will admit that. All right. So if you want to, you would roll under fulfill, uh, there is survive the vault, get to the other side and fulfill and it would, uh, roll for you roll 2d 10. We kid. Well, it's taken a while on my end. There it is.
Starting point is 00:24:43 Oh, we can't. Okay. A week hit is better than a miss. Let's go to, uh, the moves table where we are, um, completing our vow. Let's see. Finish an expedition. Yeah. When your expedition comes to an end, roll the challenge dice and compare to your progress.
Starting point is 00:25:06 You roll the week hit, um, you reach a destination or you complete your survey. You may mark a reward for your discovery legacies track, but you face an unforeseen complication at the end of your expedition. Make the legacy reward one rank lower and envision what you encounter. So first things first, under this, we're going to clear this objective and I'm going to add uh, yeah, I'm going to add half a progress to our bigger goal of kind of settling the vital world. Right.
Starting point is 00:25:43 I'm going to change this to settle iron landers on the vital world and, um, under legacies, I'm going to give us a little bit of, uh, you know what, I forgot to, uh, don't worry. We'll not worry about that at the moment. Okay. Point being is we have to come up with some kind of unforeseen complication arriving on this planet. We already have the, um, the potential idea that there is a crystal that is creating a storm on the second planet that you had come up with, or we can roll and maybe figure something
Starting point is 00:26:21 else out. Well, I mean, they took a lot of like, I feel like this ship is cause it gone through all that radiation cloud. Like they can get to the planet, but it's damaged again, but, or no, maybe we should roll. What do you think? It's stuck. Let's just, I mean, we don't have to always take what the role is, but I like it for a
Starting point is 00:26:45 little inspiration. So we'll go to, yeah, let's see what we got. We'll find an inner sanctum peril, roll a D hundred and let's, let's see if we can find an inner sanctum peril that helps us figure out what is the last challenge we face. So what does 82 get me a sudden structural collapse or failure? There is a sudden muscle collapse. I so on point why was the ship? It's the ship.
Starting point is 00:27:18 That's what I mean. Okay. Yeah. That's what I'm thinking. Like cause at that point you're, you're at the home base, but because you went through the radiation, the ship made, let's just say this KB has lost control and it's just basically it is, um, you were, what is it? Gliding?
Starting point is 00:27:34 No, we're flying with stuff. Yeah. Very fast. Yeah. Very fast. Right. So, so your idea is that we would basically drive the ship to the planet and it would like crash land on the planet.
Starting point is 00:27:46 We're going to try to like at least Tokyo drift the grass so we can soften any blow. Okay. Yeah. We'd like to do that. Yes. If it was serious enough where we might not have control of the ship, I think we should ask the oracle how much control we have. So let's say we've definitely lost some kind of power, some kind of control.
Starting point is 00:28:08 Have we lost enough of the control of the ship that we can't actually steer it? So it would, it would like literally be crashing or can we have any kind of maneuverability at all? I think we still would have some maneuverability because it is a still a weak hit. You know what I mean? It's just, that's what it is a come. Now, now this was just to get to the planet. So we got to the planet and you know, see it, you know, it, it parts in this mist of energy
Starting point is 00:28:36 or whatever and maybe at the same time, we also kind of start losing power, losing control of the ship. And we know that if we don't make a change, we're basically going to crash into the planet. So we either roll to determine whether we can control the ship at all or whether there's any way to fix the ship. I would say let's see about fixing the ship. Okay. And my reason being is remember like that great suggestion Aaron put with like the water,
Starting point is 00:29:12 there could be like, there could be issues surrounding that right now, which cause water maybe leaked into electrical things. So it's there. They're trying to like reboot it really fast. Like put some rice on the bitch, let it dry, blow dry it and then just unplug reboot hold down and pray refresh the USBs and make sure that it all goes well. Okay. They are refreshing USBs.
Starting point is 00:29:36 So what we're, what we're going to be rolling for right now is to determine whether we can even do that, whether it's even salvageable. I think, I hate rolling 50, 50, but I guess we can roll 50, 50, 51 or greater. It is salvageable. If it's less than 50 or less than 51, we can't fix it. We either have to abandon ship or, you know, just brace for impact and hope for the best. Okay. Well, what are you thinking of those of those odds?
Starting point is 00:30:10 No, that's, it's, it's a, I feel a little bad. I'm like, can we just bump it up a little bit for them? Cause it was a weak hit. Like maybe it's 55% just give them that's like bump. Yeah. I see what you're saying. I see what you're saying. Um, okay.
Starting point is 00:30:25 Like that's just my opinion. Like we're going to mess them up in this episode matters. Okay. Because you are the star today. So, uh, let me pull up the moves because I think, uh, here we go. Uh, I think that then what we're saying is it is likely that we can take control of the ship. So 26 or greater is a yes.
Starting point is 00:30:52 Roll a D hundred, 26 or greater and we can take care of the ship. 54. With a 54. Yes. It's manageable. We can do it. Go ahead. And I say it really quick.
Starting point is 00:31:05 I did that 50, 50. And I said, remember how I asked for 55, just saying that would have been, I'm not lying. That's amazing. That would have been amazing. Yeah. But you're, you're right. That, uh, that was, we still got the outcome, so I just think that was very funny. That's funny.
Starting point is 00:31:23 54. It was literally. All right. We can fix the problem. If we don't fix the problem, we're going to crash into the planet. Okay. So we're, we're going to probably hurt more people for sure. We're going to get more damage.
Starting point is 00:31:37 So we just want to try to. So we are going to try to, let's see, I don't want to make a whole vow out of this. I feel like that's a lot. We could attempt to repair the ship, uh, just kind of make a repair roll and, and, and hope that it's good or strong, um, if you're going to do that, if you're making your own repairs, you will roll plus wits, which is not your best damn stats. No it's not. I mean, if you can think of a different move, you know, you could always gather information
Starting point is 00:32:12 to get a better idea about what's wrong. You could secure an advantage to try to have a plus one. Can we, can, can I do a rallying speech to my engineers and to incur like to this is going on. I need my love blank man, women and everybody in between. I don't know. Rousing speech. I'm not on.
Starting point is 00:32:34 Like that's where I'm seeing heart. Also, I'll say, no, you can't use heart. Unfortunately, this, this repair, uh, move does not allow you to, but I will say you could roll supply. Supply is used when someone else rolls and you could say that your, your engineers are the ones doing the repair. Your supply is higher than your, your wits. So done.
Starting point is 00:32:58 All right. Rolling it out. Eli says this is like con air all over again. Oh no. A miss with a match. What is that? It's basically a critical failure, Amanda. Oh, so on a hit, you gain repair points when you did not gain a hit.
Starting point is 00:33:20 Um, on a miss, the repairs are not made and the situation worsens, pay the price. Please roll a D hundred and we'll see what that price is 60. We try to pour the rice into the engines and it just makes a big mess and maybe someone got killed for sure. Okay. On a 60, your equipment or vehicle malfunctions, mother, that is the fun. Come on. This is hilarious.
Starting point is 00:33:52 Okay. So let's say the engineer, your chief guy, so we'll make it sad. The head guy, the old one who's about to retire. Yeah. Yeah. Scotty, he's trying to do something all of a sudden and some water goes into it and it sparks and that goes down. Navigations goes down and then poor Scotty just got red shirted.
Starting point is 00:34:13 Interesting. So he, he sacrifices himself valiantly to save the, you know, the remaining engineers. No, he didn't think that was happening. Really? He was just like trying to, yeah, this is, and you're like, oh shit. So a live one minute, dead the next. Okay. This isn't, this isn't necessarily, all right.
Starting point is 00:34:35 So our problem is, is that we are, we're torpedoing towards the planet. We've made the problem worse. Yeah. So we have to decide, does the ship have escape pods or some way of escape? Or do we ride the ship down somehow? I would, can we, can we do, when I say ask the Oracle, can we, like we're asking KB, do we have enough life boats for everybody or Titanic, okay, okay, okay. Let's ask the first question is, I guess, yes, we would have life boats.
Starting point is 00:35:15 Let's just say it, yes, or is it necessary? Like, is like, could we like get a readout, like KB, do we need to eject now or does that make sense? That's what I'm trying to figure out. I'm going to argue that it is unlikely there are enough life boats for everyone to safely land. Exactly. Do you think that's a fair odd?
Starting point is 00:35:37 Oh, that's, oh, that's more than fair. So if it's unlikely, you have to roll a D 100 and on 76 or greater, there are enough life boats for everyone. Oh my God, you rolled a 9-1. Miradonk in the chat wants the story end with all the iron landers dying, but so far, doesn't look like it's going to happen. I am going to, trust me, I'm chaotic AF, but I have the objective, I am getting these A-holes to the planet.
Starting point is 00:36:08 What happens to them afterwards? I don't care, but I did not crash the car. We know that there are enough life boats for everyone, so we can make this work. Is that the plan? Are we going to jump into these life boats, eject out of the chum bucket, let it crash, and we're going to all land on this planet? Because it was a critical, yeah, because it was a critical hit that hit the ship. It's done so practically.
Starting point is 00:36:37 So maybe KB is like, it's like KB active, like start, like, gosh, you know, turning on the power for that stuff, getting people lit up, get them out, get them out. Okay, yeah, we got the exit row lights turn on. Yes, very Star Trek into dark, was it that third Star Trek movie, they're all just going into the planet. That's it. Yes, I know what you're talking about. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:02 All right. We are going to do that. I don't see any, I mean, I think really like facing danger is probably a decent role to determine how this, this journey to the planet goes facing danger. Now this is, I'm going to say that this is specifically for half, not the entire, oh, spot hidden is raiding with a party of 11. Thank you guys for jumping in. Anyone that does not watch or know of spot hidden, you should definitely check them out.
Starting point is 00:37:31 They are awesome. They're amazing. They were just doing a, I believe it's octune campaign. They're streaming earlier. So thanks for jumping in guys. This is amazing. Thank you guys. You are joining us on our basically second to last episode of this storyline.
Starting point is 00:37:48 So welcome. Hopefully we can keep it interesting for you. The pressure's on Amanda to perform. I know. So let's do some damage real quick. Okay. So to catch everybody up, our ship, the Chum Bucket is hurtling towards this planet. That we are going to settle on and live our lives happily ever after.
Starting point is 00:38:10 It is crashing. We are shooting out our, our pods, right? You lying in the chat had a suggestion that the planet be called pod. I thought that was kind of interesting. We can decide whether that's okay. It's Canada now. There you go. Eli is easy as that.
Starting point is 00:38:30 We are going to face danger to see how half does on his journey down into the atmosphere. Let's pull up that move facing danger. You either roll with edge, heart, iron, shadow or wits. It's kind of out of our control in a way too. He's praying. He's like, he's kind of doing this. Chips fall where they may live, I live, I die, I die, which I think should be hard. Well, I'm trying to get this.
Starting point is 00:39:04 I would argue then you're, you are facing danger with resolve command and sociability. You'd be rolling with heart. Yes. Yes. Okay. Very, very like a rip and door. Roll your shadow stat or excuse me, your heart stat. You were right.
Starting point is 00:39:21 Yes. You rolled a strong hit on a strong hit. You are successful take plus one momentum. So your momentum is going to go from six to seven and describe the descent onto the surface of this planet, which is by the way, like a vital world. I have put the details, let me pull up the details of this planet, but nonetheless describe what the landing is like. Okay.
Starting point is 00:39:52 So let's go ahead. So we got our half is in the lead. He's got his own pod. You can't really steer. He's just going for it. And we're cutting through the atmosphere. And then let's go ahead and open up in like kind of like a pretty forced rocky, a little bit of snows and all that and like oversize massive forest, wildlife in there.
Starting point is 00:40:17 Should we wait till the next step? Amanda, there, there's an incredible kind of synergy that it happens with this game because we decided that this vital world is breathable. Yes. It has a large moon, so it is high gravity. So maybe, you know, we saw the moon orbiting it, but it has three main biomes, glacial, cold forest and shallow seas, which we kind of described as perfect for the iron landers because it's like our old, our old planet.
Starting point is 00:40:46 Like it's just like cold kind of tundra, you know, iron lander like place. So it's funny that you immediately thought of those things. I guess, but I don't want to make it like, how can I say this? I don't want to Antarctica. I want it like Alaska, you know, like, okay, so we're, so at least so, so, so there could be some like, they have a chance to form and not. It's absolutely. It's more like Alaska.
Starting point is 00:41:13 I think that's a better way of explaining it. So you land, you could probably like, you know, through a porthole, you see the other pods landing. Did you happen to see the movie? Don't look up. There's something very, there's something similar. Not yet. I won't spoil it too much, but nonetheless, this is giving me those vibes.
Starting point is 00:41:32 I saw the, if you show the 100, where they came. I see why you're feeling that. Yeah, for sure. So you land on this planet. Does everyone survive? Do we need to ask the oracle? I feel like, you know, there's always the chance of complications of people landing. Okay.
Starting point is 00:41:51 If I wanted, if how about this, I will leave you this, do we want to happily ever after or can I, can I, can I dramatize things because I mean, we still have a whole session with Caleb and we still have the progress. We have what is two, four, we have five and a half out of 10 boxes filled. We still have a little bit of progress we have to make. Something happens when we land on this vital world that complicates things. So what's your idea? Not, I think a good, I don't know if, how many, but like a good chunk or good group
Starting point is 00:42:26 of the pods overshoot and you can see like the dust trails and not smoking all that. So they're like farther away, like on, maybe on the other side of a valley golf or just some kind of terrain. Yeah. Like we'll lose a chunk. How many that we can decide right now. I love that. It's just a simple, you know, the tribe has been split up and to ensure that we have a
Starting point is 00:42:51 happy ending, we have to reunite the tribe. So my question is how many people land near half? Do we need to, I think we do need to roll for it. I think that that's roll for it. Either, if it's yes, then the majority land with half and if it's a failure on that, then the majority is lost. So we only have like a third of the, of the troop. What do you think about like 80% you got 80% of people with you or you don't.
Starting point is 00:43:26 Or the 20. Yeah. Yeah. So we're going to make a oracle move. I think that it is, I think that it is unlikely that you have all 80% with you. No. Yeah. We're not going to.
Starting point is 00:43:46 Okay. We're not that good. Roll a d 100, a 76 or greater and you do have all 80% with you. Let's find out. Okay. No. No. You rolled a 19, which means the majority are lost somewhere on some other hillside or
Starting point is 00:44:03 mountainside and you have only a couple of people. I got 19 people with me. Roughly 19 people. Yeah. Yeah. That's a, they all, they didn't follow my lead. That's the problem. Does KB come with us in, in one of these escape pods or does KB go down with the ship?
Starting point is 00:44:24 KB, um, KB would actually because of the escape pod is part of the ship. Let's do this. I feel like there would be, because the half is the leaders are way like, uh, the leader can like take something like a radio. Yeah. So let's do that. Like we'll take out like, uh, because half being the leader, he's going to get like maybe the only portable device where KB, but the problem is because the ship, like that's a
Starting point is 00:44:53 smaller thing. He may not have, maybe has to keep in range with the pod or till he finds the ship or I think the ship is going to be, there's a good chance the ship is destroyed and that's something we could ask the Oracle about. Oh, actually, oh, good point. I don't want to, yeah, let's, let's say this, let's, let's ask the Oracle. I think that it is unlikely enough of the chum bucket will survive to be salvageable, but 76 greater.
Starting point is 00:45:19 Yeah. And it is. So roll the D hundred 76 or greater. The, the enough of the chum bucket to survive. No, no, it blew up. You rolled a four. Yeah. I didn't, I didn't see that.
Starting point is 00:45:32 I was, I was wondering why you were laughing so vehemently at that. Oh, that's for sure. It died. No, it ain't coming back. Yeah. We probably like looked up into the sky and saw it like splitting, you know, like splitting like a meteor or something. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:47 Exactly. You're like the Titanic. There we go. That music is playing in the background. Never let go. Never let go of the chum bucket. So I like this idea that KB kind of now like his consciousness like exists in like one or all the pods.
Starting point is 00:46:08 Maybe, maybe they all have his intelligence or something, but KB has been kind of reduced to this. And I like that. Like maybe we have a wrist thing or just like a walkie talkie that, that we can communicate with him with. I kind of like, maybe it's like, uh, like, let's just imagine like that, uh, like an Apple watch, but like a little bit more of that risk where you can go ahead radio. And if we need to have a little screen, we can go ahead and do that.
Starting point is 00:46:31 Sounds like you're kind of describing a pit boy from fallout. Oh, have you ever played fallout? No. Okay. That's all right. We won't revoke your nerd card. That's all right. Um, they, there's kind of like a wrist device, but it's, it's like a very, uh, 50s, uh, retro
Starting point is 00:46:50 iPhone. It is, yes, it is exactly like a pit boy. That's what I thought you said. Okay. I typed up something weird. So, so we have this now a way of communicating with KB. I already foresee should we, you know, live forever on this planet, uh, you know, kind of a weird, you know, passing down from generation to generation, this thing that you can communicate
Starting point is 00:47:11 with like, uh, artificial intelligence with, um, and it actually has a record. Yeah, exactly. And, and, and what's cool too is that because they've landed in different places, they're almost like little temples that have landed in different spots. You know what I mean? People can go on pilgrimages to visit exactly, but that's, that's, that's lower everywhere now. That's, yeah, that go fan fiction writers go do that or Caleb have fun.
Starting point is 00:47:37 So right now the big challenge is we have to reunite the tribe. Okay. Yes. Um, I am going to, I'm going to say. We need to make a role here to look for the tribe. It's, you know, we have already one, two, three, four, five, five and a half. I'll say that this goes towards, um, this kind of progress of settling on the planet. First, we got to find everybody.
Starting point is 00:48:09 Um, what, what do we want our first move to be now that we are here and we know that we've got to go find our allies. First things first, I, you have to, they have to create at least a base. You got to at least have like some kind of, um, you got to start like doing a shelter. Shelter should be first. Cause again, elements, temperatures. We still got to do that. Thankfully we have the pods so we can probably go back in if need be.
Starting point is 00:48:37 But I would say, uh, quickly rallying just to create a shelter and a like a main base. So we can all come back. Okay. That, um, I want to make sure that I'm kind of, I'm what we always are bending the rules here when it comes to this game, like where, you know, I'm kind of learning as we go. But I feel like there needs to be some definitive, like reuniting with the tribe would kind of signify, all right, we're back, we're all together and we're going to survive this together and would kind of bring this whole thing to a close.
Starting point is 00:49:17 But something, it feels weird about giving it progress to this vow, but I suppose we should just keep going with it. I think we are, ignore what I'm saying. What we're going to do is I think we're going to have to undertake an expedition, uh, to find the family. But you're saying first we need to kind of make a settlement here. So we could either make a connection, we would be kind of making connection with the land or we could face danger in, in trying to settle here.
Starting point is 00:49:54 We could try to gather information to better understand our surroundings, gather info for sure. Cause you want to at least know that we're not in like the pits of like a dinosaur nest egg or something. Okay. I hear you. You are going to have to roll wits though to gather this information. God, you're not going to stop doing like smart.
Starting point is 00:50:17 Now real quick, I forgot to mention, you know, you have assets, you have these, uh, things that will sometimes help you during, uh, roles. I don't currently see anything for gaining ground when you, oh, see when you secure an advantage or gain ground by recounting or recalling a hard one lesson. Uh, yeah, that's during battle, um, compel to strike. Yeah. So none of these assets are going to help us. You do have a glow cat, by the way.
Starting point is 00:50:45 You have a cat that, um, I guess glows in the dark or has some kind of glowing. Your glow cat companion perceives the inner emotions of people around you. You can try to secure an advantage to tell whether somebody is lying or not. I think, um, when you endure stress in the company of the glow cat, add plus one on a strong hit with a match. You can take some momentum. So yeah, you have that. Okay.
Starting point is 00:51:11 I'm pissed. I forgot. I didn't glow cat. Yeah. Kitty's with me always. Like maybe like, uh, what is it? Like the, the, the being yours or something like that, the cat's just like in the front. It's just like, you know, splayed out in the, in this Bjorn.
Starting point is 00:51:24 Yeah. Exactly. Does glow cat have a name? You can give it a name now. I damn well. What is glow cat's name? Well, cat. Let's see.
Starting point is 00:51:35 What do you got? Anyone in the check? It has a funny one. Let me know. Or I'm just going to make a chat. Spill or yell out something for the glow cat's name and, uh, we'll go with it or we'll at least debate which is the best option. Pot is, I think kind of what we're going to name the planet at the moment.
Starting point is 00:51:52 The planet. Let's. All right. Fear long says spute. Spute is certainly a name. Uh, let's spute is an option. Let's uh, let's continue though. We'll come back to this in a moment.
Starting point is 00:52:07 Okay. So we need to see for right now. Are we going to continue to gather information? Is that the angle? It was more of like kind of just gather info. Like what is our terrain? Like what do we see? What is there?
Starting point is 00:52:22 Is there a water source? Are we seeing? We're trying to at least get a lay of the land because also where the group is because if we, do we see smoke? Yeah. At least try to get a roll plus with and we will gather information trying to survey the land. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:41 Good. Look. Let's see. Oh. Now here's what's interesting. You. Oh. Oh, that's a knock.
Starting point is 00:52:51 See your, your momentum should actually be at seven, uh, which means that you could cancel one of these out and make it a week hit. Would you like to do that? Oh, I mean, if possible, yeah, cause that's a, that's a bad roll. All right. We're going to burn that momentum and we're going to make it a week hit and on a week hit the information provides new insight, but also complicates your quest and vision what you discover and take plus one momentum.
Starting point is 00:53:25 So momentum goes to three, but what is it that we kind of defined about this place? We didn't roll poorly. So there's not really any dangers, any obvious dangers. Yeah. I think what is obvious is that like they're, they're on the other side of like a mountain ridge or something. I think that's, yeah, so from them doing calculations and all that, they're realizing that they're a lot farther.
Starting point is 00:53:47 Unfortunately, you're on the other side of it. Okay. Another submission by miradong for the glow cat's name is lantern. That's kind of a cute name. A little lantern. Okay. It's as simple as that also like, do I want to say green lantern just to be an ass? We'll say lantern and their tail grow glows green.
Starting point is 00:54:12 Oh, oh yeah. There we go. I'm happy. We know what's going on. We know that it's going to be a trek to get to them. We settle in, we do, we are kind of low on supplies, so we could take the time and try to resupply. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:37 Let's do that. Okay. So we're going to take some time instead of immediately going out to find our allies. We've got to kind of resupply ourselves. We're going to recover here. Now you can sojourn, which will give you the option to do two kind of restoring, or we can just go straight resupply when you attempt to bolster your readiness. And if you are going to scavenge and craft, you'd have to roll with I feel like we just
Starting point is 00:55:08 want to supply because yeah, that's fair. That's, I just, that's it. Once you can think of a way to barter or threaten or steal, you have to scavenge and you'd be rolling with wits to resupply. Oh, let's scavenge because the pods, they would all have like emergency medical kits or like maybe emergency water or like filter filtration so we don't like so we can like a bread out water bottle. Gotcha.
Starting point is 00:55:35 You know what I mean? So you don't have to worry about being poisoned or anything like that. Go plus wits and hopefully you roll well. No, let's see this catastrophe. A week out. I got a week hit. Hey, that's something. On a week hit, you can choose one, but you must first deal with a cost, a complication
Starting point is 00:55:57 or a demand and envision the nature of this obstacle. So either if you're in need of a specific item, you find it and take one momentum, otherwise take plus two supply so you can either increase it supply by two or you find something in particular that you were looking for and take plus one momentum. Just to supply because I can't, I can't think of anything. So we're going to take the two supply, but what is the cost or complication? Okay, two supply. So let's say I mean, maybe oh, maybe we don't hopefully like maybe the food rations or anything
Starting point is 00:56:50 like that. Whatever food was just not great. We only got like medical stuff. So we have to probably look for food or is that like too much of a downer? Well we get plus two to supply, which would bring our supply back up to five, which you know, that's full supply. We would we would be back up to full. Maybe the food sucks and it just kills morale.
Starting point is 00:57:12 Yeah. It's bad. It's trash. No season as not even biscuits, it's just crappy bread, but there's got to be something that makes it more than that. Like either we don't have enough to maybe what the complication is, is like it's like we've got enough food to live here and like start hunting. We don't have enough food to make it over those mountains.
Starting point is 00:57:47 I feel like yes, that's great. That's like let's say this thing's like maybe a five day walk or something like they have to or maybe it's like a trek one to five days, whatever, but it it'll have it'll cover for like two days. So we got like two days worth of food, but we're going to need something else. Right. Okay. We take a couple of days to search through the pods and maybe get a lay of the land,
Starting point is 00:58:14 start fires, start little huts and things like that. The Ironlanders are crafty and they know how to do this stuff. It's certainly odd to stay the night in one place for longer than a single lunar cycle, but there's no storm on this planet. So they're getting used to the idea of in fact, would they get used to the idea of staying in one place or would they kind of instinctively be getting up in the morning and try like what is everybody coming with half to find the other half of the tribe? I feel like they it would be a regrouping in a way question.
Starting point is 00:58:48 Is Nader with us or is Nader dead? Nader was put in the brig and it is likely that he would have been I mean if he was kept in the brig instead of like, you know, assassinated, he might still be alive. Is he with us? You want to roll? You want to roll to see if he's with us? Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 00:59:10 Because 80% of the population is not with us, I'm going to say that it's unlikely. Roll a d hundred seventy six or greater. He is with us 41 damn, so he is he's he's somewhere else. He's with the other pods. Asshole. I actually kind of think the tribe, you know, you get up in the morning and the tribe is like, hey, we're used to just traveling all the time. We're just going to go with you to meet up with.
Starting point is 00:59:40 Yeah. They got friends on the other side. They care about him because that's right. There would be sense in being like, hey, stay here, build an establishment. We don't have to run anymore. Like a couple like anyone that got injured because even let's say 19 people, some of them are maybe some of them are a little bit older or just not because half is a young strapping.
Starting point is 01:00:06 He has a lot more strength. Yeah. He's a big boy. Whoa. Space Jammer is raiding with with a party of 15. That is amazing. Thank you so much for for the raid. So nice of you.
Starting point is 01:00:22 It's this is an exciting return to made a streaming and Starfords. Thanks, guys, for coming. I appreciate it. So all right. Lucky t-shirt or something. It must be the t-shirt. That's what I'm going to blame it on. That's right.
Starting point is 01:00:38 All right. Cheerleaders. So we are planning an exciting quest to go retrieve and find the the iron landers that crash landed on another side of this mountain range. It sounds like the entire tribe wants to come even even with half saying, uh, no, maybe you stay. They decide we're doing it all or nothing. Oh, exactly.
Starting point is 01:01:01 Okay. They're that close. We're all traveling. I feel like we need to make a role for this. Like, you know, do we convince people to stay back or does everybody come with us? Because it has its own liabilities with bringing a bunch of old people with us. You know what I mean? True.
Starting point is 01:01:20 Question. Do we have any wildlife? I just, I don't know if we've come across any wildlife yet. I have a feeling I want to do something, but I don't want to do something that will piss off everyone else. What are you thinking of? Can we have, like, can this be Jurassic World, but like with dinosaurs? There are dinosaurs on this cold planet.
Starting point is 01:01:41 Yes. Sure. We're not. But like, they're fuzzy. Do you know how, like, we can have both. Like, you know how, like, in Eberron, you can have, like, I think it is Eberron, where you can literally, like, tame little dinosaurs to ride? Yeah, there were halflings that rode the velociraptors, I think, in Eberron.
Starting point is 01:02:02 Yeah. So, if we find any, like, birds of velociraptors that don't mind humans, that would ride them. So you're making the executive decision that this is a planet that has ice dinos, but you're saying we want to try to grab some of them. Completely untrained, by the way. It's going to take time to, like, train them and domesticate them. Oh, are they? We'll find out if they're possible or not.
Starting point is 01:02:28 Well, there's different varieties. We can have the grouchy con, and I think we would have, like, for all we care, there could be a fucking unicorn here. That's what I'm, like, trying to make more dragons if we wanted, like, how we large lizard godzellas. That's what I'm trying to, like, connect it away with. All right, so if we're going to do that, then we've got to go on the hunt to find these guys.
Starting point is 01:02:48 Yes. Let's do it. Sorry, kid. Why don't you face danger? And this is going to, I mean, you're basically just, like, trying to track these guys down. That's all that this is accomplishing. Only reason, because if we have old people, then we can put them on there and we can... That's why.
Starting point is 01:03:10 Right. Because half's not going to carry everybody. Half's not going to be rolling with edge, heart, iron, shadow, or wits. Honestly, I feel like this is, like, half, half baking-it type thing, so it's going to go with wits. Okay. And let's be honest. I love the boy, but he's a himbo.
Starting point is 01:03:27 All right. Go ahead and roll wits. Let's see if we can track down some ice dinos. He got a wicket. All right. A wicket. On a wicket, you do succeed, but there is a troublesome cost, and you must make a suffer move.
Starting point is 01:03:41 So I envision, like, you know, half going in with a couple of guys, or gals, and we find some ice dinosaurs, but they see us as well. And I think they might attack us. You might have to endure some harm. Oh, absolutely. I think he would try, and at first it succeeded, and then he bucked off, and it just wanted... They don't like him. They like everybody.
Starting point is 01:04:04 They just... He got bucked off, and it hurt. All right. We're going to... He ate it. Yeah. Here we go. Let me pull up the suffer moves.
Starting point is 01:04:15 All right. We'll say that, you know, these... I mean, these dinosaurs are big enough to ride. That's a pretty serious dino. I'm going to say you might suffer minus two to your harm. So reduce your health by two. It's going to go to three. And you're going to roll health or iron, whichever is higher.
Starting point is 01:04:39 Oh, I think your health is going to be higher. Supply is five. Correct? Supply is supposed to be a five. Supply is supposed to be a five, because we got that earlier. Health is at three. I think you need to roll health, because iron is lower than your health. So go for it.
Starting point is 01:04:55 Yes. Let's see what we got. Oh. A strong hit. So on a strong hit, you can either shake it off and bring your health up by one, or you can embrace the pain and take plus one momentum. I'm going to put the health back up, because I got a feeling we're going to need to burn that.
Starting point is 01:05:21 Beautiful. Health is going to go up to four and describe, now, now let me make it very clear. You have not tamed anything. Just describe to me how you survive being attacked by this dinosaur. Because it's not like, I'm going to say it's not like totally bloodthirsty, it just bucked me off. It got kicked. Let's say I got kicked in the chest and like that kind of shit, and he's like, or he got
Starting point is 01:05:44 hit in the nads, and he's doing that thing where he's walking, and he's like, give me a minute. Give me a minute. Like that kind of thing. He's like shaking. Trying to shake it off. And then what do these dinos look like? Are they like blue, like the, you know, icy terrain or what?
Starting point is 01:05:57 Yeah. Because it's like, yeah, they, I would say, yeah, perfectly what you said, like the feathers or like a feather fur type thing, and you have like a blue with white so to match the glaciers, if you will, so they can kind of camouflage by. Mirrodonk is curious as to whether they are furry, and I think they are furry. Yeah. To some extent. These are because they're cold, because it's the cold area.
Starting point is 01:06:22 Gotcha. So we found these guys. We jumped on. It bucked us off. They're trying to, to tame one of them, and this is going to take time. Like this is the course over like a couple of days here. You don't tame an animal like in an afternoon, but it can lift a lot of things. It's probably worth it.
Starting point is 01:06:47 So I think we should kind of just do one role to kind of do this. You can either develop a relationship. I think that makes maybe the most sense, like the Stormbird, right? When your relationship with the connection is ready to evolve, no. When you search out a new relationship, I think you are making a connection. It looks like Torrance, the chaos which has joined us, welcome Torrance. So happy to have you here. Hello.
Starting point is 01:07:15 If you're going to make a connection with this dinos, you need to roll plus heart. Unfortunately half has got a good heart. Finally. Finally. Are you kidding me? You just rolled a miss with a match. That is hilarious. Artemis, you do not make a connection and the situation worsens.
Starting point is 01:07:40 Please pay the price for me. Oh, I get bit. Roll a D 100. And let's see what happens here. I am going to eat a nine, a nine. You create an opportunity for an enemy. You create an opportunity for an enemy. What are you thinking?
Starting point is 01:08:04 Okay, because we are we're making noise, we're making a lot of noise, you might be giving away our location to maybe a predator or something. Either a predator or another group of people like elves or some shit. Okay. Put in elves. I like Eli says the start of the great Dino Wars. Yes. Okay, we are so someone is alerted predator.
Starting point is 01:08:35 You if we're going to ask the Oracle 51 or greater, it is intelligent. If it's less than 51, it is just like a beast of some kind. That's yeah. I agree. Let's see. 46. 46. So it is just some kind of beast.
Starting point is 01:08:53 Let's do a woolly mammoth type thing, a woolly mammoth. But it's like it's like a predator. So maybe like instead of, you know, instead of eating leafy greens, it eats dinosaurs or something. Yeah. So this is like like, I'm going to say evil, but like a blood thirsty hippo woolly mammoth and the dinosaurs are vegetarians. It's like a land space whale.
Starting point is 01:09:16 Whatever wants to draw that have at it. So they're they're even bigger than regular elephants. Oh, yeah. Maybe they got these big sharp teeth, but like huge mouths that they can like just like swallow something. A hippo mammoth says Evie disaster story. Okay, so this thing is alerted to us and we can hear it maybe coming through the jungle you know, maybe the dinosaurs, the dinosaurs split.
Starting point is 01:09:56 They run. Oh, they split. What does half do? Is he hiding? Is he going to engage this thing? What do you think he's going to tell the others to get the F back to the, I mean, this worked in his favor actually, because it got rid of him. He's like, go back out and he's going to go ahead and believe the woolly mammoth hippo
Starting point is 01:10:20 disaster away. All right. Kind of sounds like you're facing danger trying to distract this person. We could almost say this is like a kind of combat. Let me look here real quick. If we can make a move when you fight a battle, when you move, when you see an objective in a fight, it's kind of a progress move. So we would do it at the end.
Starting point is 01:10:49 Maybe before we do that, we just do a face danger role to kind of determine whether we have to do any kind of combat or not. So are you moving with speed and agility, command and sociability, strength, endurance or aggression, deception or stealth or expertise and focus? Kind of deceiving this thing. Yeah. But my wits and shadow are like not as good as my, that's what I'm trying to say. No, but you're right.
Starting point is 01:11:22 If you want it to roll heart, it's with resolve, command or sociability. I mean, that would be like, you're getting its attention and you're like trying to like tame it or something, you know? Oh, no, I'm getting its attention. So it won't notice the other people going back. So you're really trying to deceive it. Yeah. So it'd be like shadow.
Starting point is 01:11:46 Or is that what I think shadow is the most appropriate role for it. Let's do it. I mean, I mean, my roles have been like great or crap. You know, all right, we'll go with it. Evie disaster story had a good explanation that, you know, you could be angrily waving at it to maybe use that, but we're going to take a strong hit. A strong hit is a strong hit on a strong hit. You are successful and you can take plus one momentum.
Starting point is 01:12:15 So your momentum goes to four and describe to me what happens, why this works. OK, so. OK, half being, like I said, he's what he's going to do is just start like making noise and then running away, causing as much noise so that they can follow. Um, if he is, I'm trying to think, can he use the trees like maybe because I like he climbs up to a tree and is able to deceive it and it doesn't see it. So he's kind of tree hopping and it's Tarzan this shit. Can we tree hops and he does it like that.
Starting point is 01:12:59 And this this this land whale, this this thing with a big giant mouth is is distracted by the trees moving and it's kind of following half. So you successfully get it to move away from the other Islanders. But now you've got to get away with from it. So either you try to get away from it or you want to do something else. I mean, I'm going to say we're a land whale is a lot bigger. If you wanted to put people on its back, you just have to tame it. That's all. Is there a way? OK, so it's looking around.
Starting point is 01:13:30 If it's that I'm going to try to jump on it. You want to try to jump on it and well, wait, that's the team. It right. Is that the correct way to do that? I don't know if a surprising and spooking a giant beast is a way to tame it. But you could certainly start there and grab a swirl and hold it in front of it. Sir, like, damn, OK, it likes. I got you could try to offer it some food. Can does KB does it recognize it?
Starting point is 01:13:57 Can I like what is this fucking thing? And you would be securing an advantage, I think, if you were trying to understand what it wants. But I think that's a great idea. I think KB could maybe do a scan of the creature or something. Go ahead and if you're securing advantage with something you're doing with expertise, focus and observation, you would roll with wits.
Starting point is 01:14:24 If you want that, OK, I like I like the bravery. Why not? Let's do it. Live moss. No, I knew that was happening. OK, I'm not living that much moss anymore. Armists, you fail or your assumptions betray you. You must pay the price. Roll a D 100.
Starting point is 01:14:48 Oh, I was thinking. Give me a D 100 roll. E 28, 28. Your action causes collateral damage or has an unintended effect. Now, we are all we did was try to scan for this creature to understand it. What is what is the cause? Well, you know, what what bad happens from this? We learn it's probably pretty tough.
Starting point is 01:15:15 What else? It is indestructible, very temperamental, and it is a female. In heat. Yeah, in heat or pregnant. And you were like, that's the thing. It was either it's either female in heat, which means it's extra aggressive and it has armor that's impenetrable.
Starting point is 01:15:37 Good luck. All right, so it's protecting its young. That makes sense. But I feel like the pissed. I don't know what you got. What's up? What do you want to do to him? We we missed on this role, but this is a secure and advantage role.
Starting point is 01:15:56 So it can only. Yeah, OK. So the the the the information we learn is that this thing could be very easily pissed if it if it sees us. So it's probably not a good idea to interact with it. So probably our best path is just to get away from it. Right. But because it knows our location, that's the down like so we're kind of he's
Starting point is 01:16:17 let's say you're going to try to outrun it. You could try to be stealthy if you wanted to, too. OK. Oh, if we're going to if there's a like any kind of fruit or anything like that, half is going to go ahead and like chuck it to see if it gets distracted and going that way. OK, so you're going to try to distract it, which sounds like you're rolling deception, stealth or trickery, which is shadow.
Starting point is 01:16:43 Yes. All right. Roll that shadow to see if this random piece of fruit you pluck off of this cold forest tree. Come on, let it be big, like a watermelon. Not rolling so good at the end of our session here, Amanda. Oh, no, it's going to. Yeah, no, it totally does not work. On a miss, you fail or a momentary success is undermined by a dire turn of events.
Starting point is 01:17:10 You can either tell me what happens or we can pay the price. I certainly have an idea. I have an idea, too. I say he doesn't work and then he loses his. He falls. Oh, OK. Oh, I went there. OK. So you you chuck this thing. It does go over the creature,
Starting point is 01:17:27 but you also lose your footing and you start to fall. Yes. OK. Ouch. We'll say that you fall. We'll say that it's not so high that you like have to take any kind of damage. I how about this? You either take damage or you get the creature's attention. Which would you like?
Starting point is 01:17:49 I can get I'm going to get it. I'll take no damage creatures attention. OK, so this creature turns its big giant head towards you. It sees you and I don't see why it wouldn't start charging at you. So they're going to like, I would say, half is just cold steady and then dive out of the way at the last. So he's going to kind of play a toro with this thing and leap out of the last second.
Starting point is 01:18:16 Yeah, sounds like you're facing danger. No, yeah, you're going to face danger. And something you're you're trying to do it with edge. You're trying to time this where you get out of the way before this thing hits you. Yeah, that is not good, but we could do that. Hey, listen, you can always tell me on a different role if you think there's a different skill. Because the only reason because it's like iron.
Starting point is 01:18:40 I was thinking like that because it's like you got a whole steady firm and not like. Yeah, no, we'll do it with iron. It would be using strength, endurance or aggression. I mean, it sounds like you'd be like facing the thing at all. Yeah, I mean, are you going to like grab it and try to wrestle it or what? I'm talking about an elephant sized creature. Oh, hell, yeah. Why not? OK, the tusk do that.
Starting point is 01:19:08 Might as well. Might as well. Well, plus I was going to jump you through that at me and I'm going to take it. You do whatever you want. And I'm going to try to wrestle the OK, you're going to wrestle a gigantic elephant sized creature by rolling iron. Yeah. Did you just get another shit? No, no, no, I didn't really. OK, thank I got a strong.
Starting point is 01:19:32 This is ridiculous. Unbelievable. So on a strong hit, you are successful. I tell me I get this thing. Your momentum is going to go up by one. Yes, you probably stop it in its tracks. Yes. Let me enjoy the moment, Sergio. Come on. I just don't.
Starting point is 01:19:56 I don't see how this creature doesn't keep going after you, though. Like, yeah, you stopped it, but it's now going to like try to step on you or something. How about this? It's like I have it and I'm kind of like tilting its head in awkward angle. So it doesn't have that like it's like it can't because it was too close to me. I knew I didn't have a chance. This is a way to at least like kind of get away from it and like maybe possibly hurt it, but it's just to buffer me some time.
Starting point is 01:20:22 All right, you have bought yourself a couple of seconds where this creature is stunned at the fact that this much smaller creature has kind of put it in a headlock. Are you going to engage with this thing? You're fighting with this thing. Yeah, I'm going to put my finger in its eye. OK, this we're entering combat with this thing. I just want to be clear.
Starting point is 01:20:45 I'm trying to hurt it so I can get it blind so I can at least have a shot and run. I'm going to try to run as quickly as I can. But so as soon as you blind it, you're trying to run. Yes. OK, I think this is more gaining some kind of advantage or security advantage or taking decisive action. But that's a move. When you seize an objective, when you fight a battle and it happens in a blur.
Starting point is 01:21:12 You're fighting up close, so you'd be rolling with iron. You can fight at range, but that'd be with edge. So you're not doing that. If you're fighting with courage, you're rolling with heart. If you're fighting close to overpower your foe, we're rolling with iron. If you're trying to trick them, you'd be rolling with shadow. What are you trying to do? Using careful tactics, you'd be rolling with wits.
Starting point is 01:21:36 It's not. It's this is like straight up this shit's gone south. I'm going with my gut and hopefully I don't die type thing. What what what's this? Then are you using so OK? I have had a necklace, correct? Or didn't I'm trying to remember because because then it grabs something and just jam it in the things I while it's in pain.
Starting point is 01:21:57 We'll say you have a necklace. Sure. Maybe it's like the teeth of like former hunt, you know, that you've gotten before. We we think we did have something or another one. But we'll take that culture boom, boom. It's like a tooth goes right into the eye. All right. What stat are you using? Edge, heart, iron, shadow or heart?
Starting point is 01:22:17 Heart, heart, heart, heart, heart, heart. OK, I will say that this is definitely a courageous, wild thing. You're rolling with heart to attempt this. Go ahead. Go ahead and roll that heart. So good. She had to stand up strong hit with a match that is a critical hit. Looks like your your turn has or your time here is has turned around here. You're you're rolling well.
Starting point is 01:22:44 You are going to achieve your objective unconditionally. And you will take plus two momentum. Momentum goes to seven. You successfully jammed this thing into this creature's eye and it cries out. It is distracted as it probably tries to, you know, claw it out of its eye and you're going to make a run for it. I think you are going to face danger. And are you facing danger with edge or shadow?
Starting point is 01:23:12 I think those are the two most sensible shadow because I want to get out. But I don't want to create so much noise because that's what caught the attention of the. Right, the episodes back there. So what did you just call it? The episodes, the what the episodes? What the episodes, the WTF? Soros, yes, you are going to slink away,
Starting point is 01:23:37 try to not attract its attention as it makes noises and, you know, is trying to click right at least still get out quickly, but like not try to make a roll your shadow stat. And let's see if you can manage to get away without it seeing you. Watch me get. Yeah, I knew it. I knew it. This would happen. I had a good couple of things and then this.
Starting point is 01:24:01 And I think this is actually a really good place to end the session as well. Would you like me to cap off? Yeah, yeah, I mean, how does things, you know, how do you sneak away in things term for the worse? OK, so. Oh, baby boy, I'm sorry. So he's slinking away. He's got his eye and then homeboy trips didn't see this little ravine and then his ass is going to fall straight into a moving river.
Starting point is 01:24:27 Oh, interesting, interesting. So it ends with, you know, half getting away from this creature, but not looking where he's going and tumbles headfirst into a a raging river that is taking him away from the islanders. I love this. I love that it justifies why our vow to to bring the islanders to the vital world and to settle it is not complete because we got to get back with our, you know, we just had 19 people
Starting point is 01:24:55 now that we have to get with and then we got to get back with the other 80 percent that are lost. Great session, Amanda. We have made progress that I never thought we would make in Sarforge. We finally have landed on the vital world and we're so close to settling it and to bring this story to a close. Thank you for joining me today. Problem, I didn't hear so much.
Starting point is 01:25:22 Thank you for everyone for joining us. We had two raids today. We had a whole bunch of people follow us. It is so lovely to to have you all aboard. We hope that you are entertained. Though Starforged is coming to a close, we will inevitably replace it with something. I'm sure that we had made air going to have to make, you know,
Starting point is 01:25:41 brainstorm as to what that is. But thank you for joining us. Guys, we love you, Amanda. Any last words, any last parting words before we go? Oh, no, I hope everyone has a happy new year. Good luck. We're starting the year off right. And, Serge, when is our next drop for? Well, we have this Saturday is Orpheus, a new episode of Orpheus.
Starting point is 01:26:05 I'm excited to go back to our Ghostbustin team. And on the on Friday, which is the 14th of next week is episode six of Doom to Repeat. The next episode is out. We will be over the hump of the middle of our arc and heading towards the thrilling conclusion. Are you excited to get nicer? Oh, well, you know the answer to that.
Starting point is 01:26:30 Does it get nicer? No. My, yeah, I can't edit the any niceness into it, unfortunately, but. To everyone who is like, oh, Serge is too nice to everybody. They survived. OK. Yeah. Yeah. Well, I mean, as I like to say, there are things worse than death. So certainly in Delta Green. Exactly. I didn't spoil anything. I can't wait for you to say next week's up.
Starting point is 01:26:55 Yeah, next week's is a good one. Everyone, thank you for joining us. We will see you next time. Bye, guys.

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