Mayday Plays - Starforged Ep. 18

Episode Date: March 9, 2022

Starforged Ep. 18 by Mayday Roleplay...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 So, at long last we have arrived, we've played through 20 plus sessions of Iron Sworn, 18 sessions of Star Forge, all the same storyline of these Ironlanders who found a spaceship who left, went into space to find a very strange galaxy and has now, they have now found a new home and with me to bring our Star Forged campaign to its thrilling conclusion is none other than Caleb. How you doing buddy? I'm doing good. It feels really good to be back after what feels like a century and I mean to be closing this thing out I am so excited to see where everything gets left on the board. Let's see what happens. I mean where it kind of anything can happen to be honest though. We don't have a ton of progress made on our big giant goal of settling on this
Starting point is 00:00:56 planet so we want to try to make as much progress as we can this session and then we're going to roll on our legacies to see what the outcome of both half and the rest of the Ironlanders is, you know how we're going to bring it to a close. So, let me kind of recap and bring everybody up to speed. Our Ironlanders, Turn Star Forgers have entered a vault, a vault with kind of inter-dimensionality. We find ourselves in this strange place. It's almost like a pocket dimension and after much traversing we finally came to the planet. The planet that was told to us by the Sacroshamu is hidden and that nobody knows and that where we could live peacefully. In our attempt to land on the planet, the one ship we had left the Chum Bucket was just two beat up and we realized
Starting point is 00:01:49 KB telling us that it just wasn't going to make it so the best option was to escape in our pods, our escape pods. So that's what we did and the roles decided that half and some of the Ironlanders landed in a certain section of this planet, this planet that is a very kind of northern cold mountainous terrain similar to the planet that we lived on all of those years. So, familiar. I currently have the map kind of busted out here and I'd like to think that, you know, maybe half landed somewhere in this area kind of to the northeast and maybe to the north or the south west, southeast is our remaining troop. So, you know, we crash landed, got out of our pods and we realized that KB was like in each pod. You know, like his mind is kind of spread out
Starting point is 00:02:54 across all of these pods and Amanda and I realized, oh, this will be interesting in 100 years when these pods are still around. Maybe people will travel to these pods as like, you know, temples to talk to the magical KB or whatever, you know. So, with that in mind, we decided, okay, we got to find the other Ironlanders and we started heading on our way and something we learned was that there was a species of like dinosaur, like ice dinosaur kind of used to the cold temperature. Of course, Amanda was playing, so dinosaurs got involved. Dinosaurs, that makes sense. And we tried to tame some of them to make it a little easier on our journey and that didn't work. In fact, things got a little bit more hairy because it ended with a big like rhinoceros
Starting point is 00:03:48 elephant like creature kind of getting, hearing us, you know, trying to tame these dinosaurs and attacked us. We managed to get away and separated ourselves from that situation. So, we joined half again. Now, you know, with things have calmed down. We got away from this crazy monster and we're kind of back to square one. We haven't really progressed much, but it's time to get the hell to our remaining Ironlanders. So, with that in mind, knowing that we have to undertake a little bit of an expedition, I have made a vow for us. We have four out of ten progress. If we can complete this vow, we find the other Ironlanders and we're that much closer to completing our final vow. So, with that in mind, what do you think is the best move
Starting point is 00:04:40 to do, Caleb? What are we doing? I think that we've got to start that expedition. I mean, do we have a sense of where exactly those escape pods are? Did we have a heading in that direction? Yeah, I definitely think we know that it was to the kind of southeast of us. There is like a small mountain range that we can either go over or around to get to them. So, I think that half sees that mountain range as a shorter through distance onto the other side so that we can get to our buddies before, you know, the ice dinosaurs get to them first. So, I think half is going to prepare an expedition running through the mountain pass and carving a way through to the southeast. And we have like three or four Ironlanders with us, you know,
Starting point is 00:05:30 that kind of landed on our side. Yeah. So, we're going to undertake that expedition. Let me pull up the move to do just that. First move of the last game, we're going to undertake the expedition. Now, we can roll with edge, shadow, or width. If you open the half character sheet, you'll see that I think his, let me just real quick pull up our summary here. Stop touching the character sheet for a second. I'm sorry. I forgot we're both doing it. Heart, shadow, and widths are, I think what we roll on and heart is our strongest. Actually, wait, I might be saying that wrong. Edge, shadow, and widths. Shadow would be our strongest asset for half if we're going to do that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:16 So, I think shadow would be the way to go then. I think that we're skulking up this mountain, taking our sweet time to do so, trying to avoid whatever manic versions of the wildlife can get to us up there. Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. Go ahead and roll your shadow. Okay. Let's see how we do. Welcome reckless attack. Welcome CMYK matter, ghost of Eli. Hope you guys are enjoying yourself. All right, we got a weak hit. Here we go. On a weak hit, you will reach a waypoint, envision the location, and mark progress for the rank of your expedition, but the progress costs you. So, we will either make two suffer moves, one big suffer move, or face apparel, which we'd roll a D100 to figure out what that might be.
Starting point is 00:07:12 Um, I think let's go with a big suffer move. I think that this is a harrowing adventure. I mean, I'm picturing like Lord of the Rings on the way to Moria sort of thing, mountains fighting back against us, a big blizzard at the top, and we're just, you know, five people against the world, essentially. Gotcha. Yeah. So, let's do a big suffer. Okay. So, we're going to reduce one of our stats by minus two. Now, do we suffer supply, spirit, or health? Um, I think it's spirit, because I think that this whole adventure is very hard on the emotion. We're all thinking, man, this was supposed to be our paradise, and we're not even all together. Right. We could die right here, and the journey could be over. You know, we could end
Starting point is 00:08:02 our legacy here on this mountain. So, many, many spirits are down on the top of this mountain. Gotcha. So, we need to reduce our spirit by two. So, it's going to go to three, and let me go to our suffer moves, where we will endure stress. We're going to face mental strain, shock, or despair. Now, we're either going to roll spirit or heart, whichever is higher, but I think our spirit is higher. Yeah, because we got sure is. So, let me change your spirit to three, and go ahead and roll that spirit. A strong hit with a match. Okay. That's very good. So, on a strong hit, you can either shake it off. If you are not shaken, take plus one spirit, which you're not. You're not shaken. Embrace the darkness, take plus one momentum.
Starting point is 00:08:55 Either way, because it's a match, you can either take a flavor bonus, like this, things are getting better quickly, or allow you to reduce or gain two spirit instead of just one. I think I'll go with the flavor there. I'm thinking that half gives some rousing speech in the middle of this expedition that keeps spirits up and keeps them moving even faster through the mountain. And, you know, just as they're starting to move, they find a shortcut through and the momentum bursts as everybody's like, well, maybe it's not nearly as dark as we thought, right? Right, exactly. Now, you can still either take plus one spirit or plus one momentum, whichever you prefer. We'll take that plus one momentum. Let's do it. Oh, yeah. All right. Going
Starting point is 00:09:45 all in today, your momentum goes to eight, and we can continue the expedition. So, it sounds like we can, under our vows, bring this, this find the iron landers up by, let's, I think it was dangerous, so we'll bring it up by two. We have six out of 10. We can continue the expedition, or we can do something else. I don't like the odds of six out of 10. So, let's continue that expedition. Let's at least get a few more marks in there. Got it. We got a ways to go here. Are we going to continue stealthily, or are we doing something else? Moving with speed? You know, also, I might add real quick, Caleb, we're at the top of a mountain. It might be worth gathering information to get an idea, because you would imagine you'd be able to see where our
Starting point is 00:10:34 allies might be. You're very right. I mean, we'd have a full, full birth of the, the valley, right? So, let's, let's get out to a looking point, you know, after this speech, after we've made such considerable ground, before we begin the trip down the mountain, I want to get a look at everything around us. I'm getting a very, uh, uh, Moses in the Ten Commandments vibe for some reason. Oh, there you go. Yeah, yeah. We're, we're the nomadic refugee. If, if Half comes down with a bunch of tablets, I, I think, uh, it'll be interesting. All right. So, we're going to gather some information. You're going to roll plus widths. Okay. And we'll see what comes of that. Okay. I am going to press the summary page and it's going to move forward. That's fine. That's,
Starting point is 00:11:15 that's where you want to be. Okay. A weak hit. There we go. You don't have the best widths too, so that's, that's kind of impressive with a width of one. That's great. So, uh, you are gathering information on a weak hit. The information provides new insight, but complicates your quest, envision what you discover, take plus one momentum. So, so something good happens, but there's a complication to that. So, I think good, uh, the good thing that happens for sure is we see the iron landers. Okay. We're, we're close enough that we can actually see them down in the valley itself. I think the complication is that there is this strange geometric shape floating over the iron landers themselves. Think like an obelisk almost. Oh, interesting. That is clearly pursuing the iron
Starting point is 00:12:11 landers themselves and they're in some sort of a standoff down in the valley. Interesting. And it'll be up to us to get down and find out exactly what's happening. So, if there's a standoff, there has to be some kind of reason why whatever this thing is, isn't completely doing whatever it is it's planning to do to them. I don't know if maybe they're in some kind of position. Maybe they're in a hill or they're in a, a cave or something of some kind. In my mind, I mean, they've learned from half, they've learned from each other for a long time. Iron landers in our history at least of playing this game have been pretty scrappy and hiding and keeping themselves hidden. So, I definitely think it's sort of like a gorilla tactic of staying close to the trees and they're,
Starting point is 00:12:56 they're perched into an area where only we can see them from the skyline and this obelisk is sort of floating in position around them. I like that. I like the idea of maybe, you know, half sees the couple of the last iron landers running into the forest and this strange obelisk kind of following them and then kind of staying, maybe doesn't go into the forest. Maybe is, you know, like you said, around the perimeter of it. So, he knows there's some, some thing, some kind of intelligence or something that is kind of threatening the other iron landers. So, all right. So, we know what we have to do. We've got to get to them. We have six out of ten progress, time to undertake our expedition. But real quick, because we gather the information,
Starting point is 00:13:42 we can increase our momentum by one. So, now we have nine and now we're going to do that. So, let's roll with shadow unless you'd like to roll with something else to undertake this expedition. No, let's, let's definitely do shadow. All right. Let's do it. Let's see what you get. Oh, I'm going to burn the momentum. Okay. A strong hit. Could have been a miss, but you're going to turn it into a, a strong hit. We're going to burn that and it's going to take you back to two and we are going to take a strong hit. So, on a strong hit, you reach a waypoint, envision the location and mark progress per the rank of your expedition. So, because of that, we will have another two. We'll have eight out of ten progress.
Starting point is 00:14:26 And what is this new waypoint that we reach? Man, so I think we, we finally reached the bottom of the mountain and enter into this valley. So, I mean, half and the other iron landers are scrapping over boulders and rocks and sliding down the mountain. It is this mad dash to try and get to that situation with the iron landers and save their people before, before they lose half of their, their landing force. And so we come out into this, this valley that is largely, it's emptied for this long plane and that's where the obelisk sits in that center and, and sort of skirts around that perimeter, like it's, like it's finding the circumference of a circle basically around the plains. And then that is perimetered by these really thick forest
Starting point is 00:15:16 lines where the iron landers are hiding in, in between and they're be lining between the trees. Gotcha, gotcha. All right, so half knows that there is this potential threat. He needs to either neutralize it or communicate with it. You know, what is the first approach? So I think the first approach is actually, I mean, half has been through so much, we have to at least once learn something, right? And so half is going to attempt to regroup with the others and find out exactly what's going on first. Gotcha. So before we even approach this obelisk or decide what comes next, half is thinking of their people first. Makes sense. You're going to go talk. Go ahead. They want to run through the forest line and, and talk with the other iron landers.
Starting point is 00:16:04 All right, we have eight out of 10 progress on this vow of finding the, the remaining iron landers. We could roll on it now, or if you want, you, we could say that you're far enough that you might need to undertake the expedition of getting to them. I feel good about an eight out of 10. But let's do it. I think you're going to roll 2d10 and you just want to hope that at least two of them, or at least one of them is under eight. Oh, nice. That means a strong hit, a one and a seven. That is a strong hit. We are going to, we're going to complete this vow. Let's fulfill our vow. On a strong hit, your vow is fulfilled and you will mark a reward on your quest legacy track. This was a dangerous, so we'll mark two on our legacy track. This is good because our legacy
Starting point is 00:16:58 track has to do with how we end our game, you know, kind of the, the overall legacy of our character. So we get to the first tree line. We meet the other iron landers. What do they tell us? Do we come up with it? Do we roll for the Oracle? Do we gather information? So I think in this situation, let's go to the Oracle. I think it'll be interesting if that decides for us. I mean, we've always done it in the past. It's the finale. We might as well see what this game is so great for and that's creating the drama for us. Let's see it. All right. So what is the question we're asking the Oracle of? Is this thing, you know, has this thing been attacking the iron landers or? Yeah. Yeah. Let's ask it if it means harm. Has it demonstrated harm? Yes. Has
Starting point is 00:17:53 it demonstrated harm? Okay. I think really it should be 50-50 for this one because if it, it's just as interesting if it hasn't because then we can have kind of a social situation here. Yeah. So let's roll a D 100, 51 or greater. Yes, it has shown harm or yes, it has not. You decide. I think greater than 50 should be peaceful. Okay. Less than 50 is violent. Make sense. Let's see what we get. 51 or greater. It is peaceful and it is. Oh, there it is. So, you know, maybe the other iron landers are like, it just spooked the hell out of us and we just kind of ran away from it. Right. We had, we'd run into so many other things that tried to kill us on site. It was, it was just natural response. But it has an attack. I like the thing that it's like
Starting point is 00:18:43 broadcasting like a loud speaker almost in this language that we don't understand. So in between them huddled in this forest tree line, there's this loud like, think war of the world's remake of that booming, unintelligible alien language that's, that's shooting through the perimeter. And, you know, the other iron landers are like, we weren't running towards that. And so it's a situation of, they've got no idea what this thing wants. That makes total sense to me. Real quick, I just remembered that our extreme challenge of settling on this vital world, I think we're that much closer. So we now have a six out of ten progress for that, which was, which is good. Awesome. Okay. So knowing that it has an attack,
Starting point is 00:19:31 knowing that it's projecting the strange sound that maybe sounds like language, what is half thinking to do next? So I think at this point, gathering information makes a whole lot of sense. Okay. I think that they come together, they realize, you know, through watching this thing that it just sort of comes to the perimeter, you know, throws out that language and doesn't do much past that. With the new iron landers information, it's clear that they could try something. And so I think it becomes a big, you know, stake out of this strange shifting geometric shape out there in the planes. You know, maybe it's even something that takes a day and a night of just waiting and watching and seeing and trying to figure out what it is that this thing wants.
Starting point is 00:20:20 Just being extra cautious and really trying to understand it. Okay. Go ahead and make a wits roll. Okay. Let's see what happens. You rolled pretty well on wits last time. Oh, not so long this time. Yeah, not this time. All right, on a miss, your investigation unearths a dire threat or reveals an unwelcome truth that undermines your quest. Now we do have to pay the price. So roll another D100. And let's see what that means. 74. On a 74, you waste resources is what it says. Now, we don't necessarily have to do that. I like the idea. I mean, it doesn't make sense that if we're just waiting around so long, we're eating a rations and etc. Yeah, this is probably forest that doesn't have a ton of like creatures and
Starting point is 00:21:16 stuff in it. I think that tracks. I think it could easily be seen as half is way more interested in this thing than the rest of the Ironlanders are. Some of them see this thing as the reason why, you know, they almost died. And so the others are really hell bent on, you know, why aren't we settling? Why aren't we working on finding our city? Why are we sitting here watching this thing? And half has this gut feeling. Right. So they've always been so instinctual. And this is an instinct of like, no, this is something we've got to see it through. All right. We're wasting rations to get through that. So this was a miss our investigation on Earth's dire threat or reveals an unwelcome truth. What do we think that might be? I think it's an unwelcome truth. I'm just
Starting point is 00:22:05 wondering what that unwelcome truth is. Maybe the unwelcome truth is we are not alone on this planet. I mean, we have some kind of intelligent thing, you know, that is clearly tracking us, trying to speak to us. Maybe it's even more complicated, too, in the sense that this thing is like, it just doesn't look alive. It's like a it's like a it's like an obelisk, you know what I mean? Yeah. Yeah, you know what? I'm thinking maybe exactly that it doesn't seem alive. And it resembles some of the technology we saw on vaults, like like that shifting palace we got stuck in a time before. And some of the other technology we've seen that have been left out in the galaxy. And, you know, obviously, that's commonly, you know, associated with terrible
Starting point is 00:22:55 things we had to go through to get here. Right. And it's it's this unwelcome truth of not only is this thing here among this planet, but it means we really could never escape how dangerous this galaxy is. Whatever made those vaults is here, making this as well. Right. So we understand that this thing is probably some some either remnant of the progenitor race that created these vaults. Who knows, maybe it's an aspect of the progenitors themselves. Do we approach it? Do we contact it? What do we do? Yeah, so I think that half believes it to be sentient. I mean, the use of that communication and the very calls and the different words used, none of them intelligible, but it's enough for half to think, you know what, this is going to be our planet. And if it's going
Starting point is 00:23:54 to be, we need to understand it. And so after this night of no rat of losing rations and losing time and losing trust amongst the ironlanders, you know, one of the, you know, grabs half on the shoulder and says, look, they're not going to listen to you for long. Whatever you're doing here, we're running out of time. And half shrugs it off and goes, you know what, fuck it, I'll talk to it. And walks out past the tree line, probably to the chagrin of everyone else and calling it after him as he steps out in front of this sentient shifting obelisk. I'm sure many of the ironlanders are already drawing straws for who's going to be the next leader as he's doomed, right? So half walks out, set the scene. Is it day or night? I think it's night. I think this is by torchlight.
Starting point is 00:24:47 This has been the entire day they've spent to it. And it's just become unavoidable and half's mine. Either this happens right now or they have to leave. They have to accept that they'll never know what's on this planet and what's going to kill them around the corner. I'd like to go ahead. Go ahead. I was just going to say, I'd like to think just to kind of, you know, paint the scene as well. The obelisk probably glows in some way. You know what I mean? I was thinking the same thing, like a pale green glow that runs along these runes that go off the side. And so you have this imagery of half who probably has some version of a torch or, you know, some plasma in their hands, impossibly small in the huge shadow of this obelisk that floats in the center of this
Starting point is 00:25:40 massive plane, this crop circle basically. Yeah. And they're standing out in front of each other, you know, and the obelisk is slowly shifting around and standing right before him. We, you know, the iron landers have made contact with intelligent species before, but this is definitely kind of a new thing for them. Hollow thy wise wolf says, it just turns out this was meant to be an Ikea speaker saying there needs to be a cleanup on Isle X. Yeah, that would make you disappointing. So that's not what's going to happen. We are going to go speak with this thing. What are we doing? Are we facing danger? Kind of feels like we're facing danger. Yeah. Feels like we might be making a connection.
Starting point is 00:26:23 I think we might need to face danger first, though. Yes, making a connection can be our ultimate goal, but there's no telling that this thing actually does mean no harm to us. Right. Exactly. Just hasn't so far. So we have our we have our attributes edge, heart, iron, shadow or widths. If you were going out to be sociable, that would be with heart. If you are going out with aggression, that would be edge. That doesn't feel right. Expertise, focus or observation is with widths. I feel like half is a very determined person and always has been. And this is something that he's become crystallized in his mind that he is supposed to talk to this thing. It wants to talk. It's been broadcasting this language.
Starting point is 00:27:12 It clearly wants some sort of response. Half is going to be the one to give it. I think it's hard. Gotcha. So let me look real quick at your assets just to make sure that there's nothing we can use here. We have a weapon master of veteran and we do have a glow cat, by the way. I forgot. I keep forgetting to mention this. Oh my God. It's like a little glow cat that hangs out with you that glows. The reason I mentioned is because when you're talking to others, this creature has embodies those impressions through the colors and intensity of its fur. When you secure an advantage by studying your glow cat's reaction in a charged interaction, you may add your companion's health to the to the role. So that's just something to think about.
Starting point is 00:27:58 Maybe when you're talking with this thing. Otherwise, there isn't really a face danger benefit. So we're going to face danger using whatever asset you think is is best. Yeah, I'm going to go with that. That heart. Okay. Roll in with heart. Your best attribute. It should go well. It should go well. All right. Hell yeah. Here we go on a strong hit. You are successful. You may take plus one momentum so that momentum is going to three. What's so good about this interaction? What happens here? I think that half clearly has no idea what to say, but it is going out there to say something and begins to call attention to it in the ironlander speech. And I think that there is a recognition on the other side. And I think that,
Starting point is 00:28:55 I mean, we use the iron speech as well. Oh, that's right. Yeah, we're signing along with that voice. And as half is just starting to think it's not working, looking at the glow cat to see if there's any emotions off the side. And there's still just no show that this thing is even sentient, that it's alive, that it could be human. He's just about to give up when the glow of the obelisk comes back up. And these shifting rocks come out from the side and begin to iron speak back to us. Gotcha. So basically, the obelisk was kind of learning, like it was waiting for you to kind of go through some motions so we could learn your language. Exactly. And so it comes about speaking, you know, in sign to us as well as eventually breaking up in that terrible war of the world
Starting point is 00:29:47 speech into, well, our version of English, right, our version of language between us. So it starts signing at us. And what does it say? Oh, God, we could, we could, we could roll, you know, just to maybe get some flavor or what do you think? I think, I think it could be a good time to roll. I have an idea for if we don't roll, but I don't think it's as good as wrong. Let's let's roll. If we don't love it, we could always use a different your idea. Let's go real quick to the oracles to get that idea. So we've got a couple roles here. We've got an action table, a theme table, a descriptor and a focus table. What do you think about a theme? Sure, what theme hit the theme of what it's talking about makes sense. Roll the D 100.
Starting point is 00:30:49 And let's see what the theme is. Okay. 18. And 18 is danger. Danger, Will Robinson. It's trying to inform us of some kind of danger, maybe not necessarily immediately, you know, happening, but a danger nonetheless. What do you think? Danger nonetheless. I like it. I just have no idea what that danger could be. You know, danger could also mean. Oh, you know what? It doesn't specify when this danger is, right? Not yet. No, we haven't defined that yet. So maybe it is detailing a hugely long distance danger. Maybe it's a doomsday device. Okay. For seeing, you know, some eventual ending to not just the planet itself, but to the galaxy itself, right?
Starting point is 00:31:47 Interesting. If it was that, if it was that enormous, it would be a relatively benign threat, because let's be honest, the iron landers aren't going to be around when that's an issue, right? Like when our sun explodes, like who cares? We're not going to be here for that. So in my mind, I'm thinking maybe it's, it's almost like a distress call for someone to solve it. Maybe it's a preventable instance. Now, I haven't worked out what that is that we have to prevent, but maybe this thing was put in place to bestow a mission on people, or at least to give a purpose. Yeah, you're definitely getting my mind kind of working here, because now you're making me think, okay, progenitor species create like this,
Starting point is 00:32:33 these series of pocket vault dimension type things. They've got this like, you know, default planet that we find and land on. Yeah. You know, the goal of a progenitor, an extremely advanced race might be something as wild as escape the inevitable heat death of the universe. Right. And perhaps this obelisk is like, my goal is to educate or guide some race into that, you know, goal. Yes. And so it is sort of giving us this mission to prevent that heat death in the same breath that it's offering to be the guide, essentially, in my mind is like, we're going, I'm going to feed you the, the information of an ancient centuries gone race, everything that they had, so that you can be prepared for when it's your time to pass the
Starting point is 00:33:33 torch to build another obelisk and give it off to the next person to. That's very interesting. It makes me think of, you know, there's dune vibes there of like, you know, you, there's all this setup for a potential like, you know, kind of race of people that kind of reach this apex of technology and kind of start, you know, taking over the universe or whatever. It's interesting because our iron landers are always so, you know, on the edge of survival. And what this thing is offering is, is godhood in a way, you know, it is utopia, essentially, you found the vaults, you listen to our messages, you found this world, and you're to be celebrated, you're to join the progenitors and become the next echelon of, of utopian society and give something back to the
Starting point is 00:34:25 world now that you are sort of given peace. Interesting. So here's the thought I'm having, which is that half is intelligent enough to realize, you know, KB, another artificial intelligence kind of guided them here or help them here. Does half, you know, taking the time to, maybe this is the course of like, many days half is communicating with this thing. Maybe the other iron landers come out and are like less terrified of this thing. And maybe we start camping in that plane that crop circles where we make our first camps. And this is the fruit of many, you know, days of discussion. And what I'm trying to get at is that half probably comes to a crossroad, because what we're implying is that this, these iron landers would be guided, but kind of taught,
Starting point is 00:35:23 kind of schooled and kind of designed into a certain fate. Is that something that half believes is the best thing for the iron landers? Or does he think, you know what, as long as this thing doesn't attack us, we're going to go our way, you know, we're going to make our own decisions, because this thing is offering us godhood, but we don't know what the hell that means. You know, it's hard to fathom that. Yeah, I think definitely half is at a point of view where half feels out of their depth at this point. I mean, it's enough information to understand that they've got to make a decision as a leader, but not enough to, you know, it is the decision between possibly preventing the, you know, disintegration of the rest of existence, or living out peacefully until you die
Starting point is 00:36:16 at an old age and never having to worry about, it's the same sort of combat we're having here on earth of, you know, should we pay it forward? Or should we consider that we only have so many years on this earth? And so I think that in this time, lacking a mentor, you know, within the iron landers is as they're the leadership. I'll say this, I mean, there are a bunch of iron landers, we could take the time to communicate with our iron lander tribe if you wanted to. Yeah, I think first half goes to KB. I think the decision is KB, this artificial intelligence has been the closest thing to a brain for the longest time for us in the chum bucket. It's about time we go and see you know, what they think and pour over the data that they've been given by this ancient race. And
Starting point is 00:37:11 then once that's been prepared, we go to our people and we make a decision there. All right, so let's see, if we're going to KB, we're going to talk, we're going to either develop a relationship or we're going to gather information, secure some kind of advantage. Those are the kind of the three that make sense to me. I think gather information, what are you thinking? That makes sense, yeah, for sure. Yeah, so we return to one of the drop pods that contains KB's intelligence. And we sit down and we share KB the knowledge. Do we remain as effectively iron age peoples with no real way of improving beyond our own survival and skill? Or do we take the knowledge, the bite from the fruit of the tree of knowledge? So we're going to be rolling
Starting point is 00:38:09 with wits. Oh, man. Okay. I should have thought this one through. Okay. Ah, I miss. On a miss, your investigation on nurse a dire threat or reveals an unwelcome truth, we could pay the price. I don't think that's necessary. I don't know, this just sounds like to me that either KB is completely unhelpful, or they offer something that doesn't feel right to KB or to half. I think that KB is almost too helpful. KB provides all of these statistics, all of these odds. KB goes into sort of like a Doctor Strange. Here's the outcome of, you know, five million projected futures, you know, on on both decisions. And at the end of it, half is looking into this artificial intelligence, remanding remembering days when the biggest
Starting point is 00:39:09 thing on his mind was the storm. Yeah, what was happening outside of the perimeter and how he was never meant for the stars. And yet he's seen thousands of them. And realizing that it was foolish to think a computer could give him an answer that he needs to to come across. And even more importantly, him and his people need to. It was always them together against the storm. I think you're totally right. I think he goes back and he calls a town meeting in the center of that plane. You know, it almost, you know, if we're doing a zoned out shot of these these two meetings, it's reminiscent of being back on the iron lander's home and seeing the perimeter of the storm. Only now they're rimmed by harmless trees. Right. And so they they they meet in the
Starting point is 00:40:01 center. And I think it's a long, long, long discussion between what, just sort of 10 people, a little over 10. No, at this point, in terms of the iron landers, there's probably, I want to say, like, more like 40, 50 people. Oh, wow. Okay. Yeah. I mean, that's pretty decent for making a vote against the death of the universe. Now, here's the thing. I don't see what move brings us beyond our final move, which is to settle the iron landers on the vital world. Yeah. You know, perhaps if we roll well, you get exactly what you think is the what half thinks is the right choice. If we don't roll so well, maybe things are a little more complicated than that. And we have to, you know, figure it out from there. But by the way, we have six out of 10 progress,
Starting point is 00:41:02 not the best odds. Go ahead. Any additional progress by being here in this well, well defended finding the other iron landers was its own vow. We completed that vow. And so I gave us experience towards landing in the vital world, which gave us six out of 10. Got it. So, you know, unless we want to take more time and say, maybe we do a couple of roles that define like, how well do we till the land? How much do you know, how well do we kind of settle? You know, do we have problems with our population? We can make a handful of roles and maybe get to seven out of 10. Okay. Yeah, let's do that. Because I want to give these people the best option we have. I mean, it's the finale. It's the last thing we're going to do before that legacy. We ought to give them
Starting point is 00:41:50 the best shot they can have. If we're going to make just a handful of roles matter, we need four total successes to get to seven. So with that said, let's you and I decide right now, what are the, let's maybe say five. So we have some room in case we fail too much. You can argue for six if you really want to. But what are the five or six like big goals that we can roll for for this tribe? So I think one is setting up a new council. New council. You want to go back to how we had it on the iron landers world and give us a seat of government. So it's really like, how does the government inform? What does it look like? Because if we roll poorly, it could be a little tyrannical, etc. Yeah, exactly. The second I think is definitely agriculture.
Starting point is 00:42:48 Your whole existence is based off how you can make the land work for you. And I would argue, short of a miss, if we get a weak hit, maybe it's something more like, we retain our hunter-gatherer kind of motif and we don't do so much agriculture. We're not very good at it. Right. Yeah. I think so many of these roles are like whether we are choosing to further our civilization, whether we're going into the next age and out of the iron. That's a great point. So if we end up having more choices that kind of define us as a hunter-gatherer tribe, we remain that way, right? Yeah. All right. So what's number three? I think number three is probably relations with the wildlife and societies already on the planet. I don't necessarily foresee
Starting point is 00:43:37 other sentient life on our level, but there's definitely wildlife. There's definitely lesser species. And I think it's all about how we interact with those husbandry, everything we do with those materials. For sure. For sure. What about technology? I mean, never mind the obelisk. Like, do we as a society, you know, progress? I love that. Yeah. Also, Chad, if anybody has any ideas, we have four out of five or six. Feel free to chime in. Let's see, out of the iron, into the cult of prevention of the end of the universe. Yeah. Yeah. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Yep, says Eli. Okay. So do you have a fifth idea? Another pillar of society. We've got technology. We've got our relation to the planet. We've got our agriculture. We've got our government. Oh,
Starting point is 00:44:31 I think culture. Okay. Whether we develop cultural traditions, whether we establish a history, art, all the things that make us better thinkers and ethical, you know, cultures, cultures all about ethics and whether we have the morals to support ending death. Yeah. Cultures, ethics are art and I just want to come up with one more. So we have an option. Okay. Beyond culture, beyond technology, beyond a relationship to the planet, our agriculture, our governance. I feel like there's one other kind of nebulous thing. Yeah. What about what about our hmm? Something that we're in control of as the iron landers. Yeah. Population. You know, are we able to like breed enough to get back to a survivable population? Exactly. Are we just
Starting point is 00:45:37 going to die as these 50 or do we have a future? Because we can't even think about the future of everyone else. Sure. No future. When I had Aaron on he and I don't know how true this is, but I trust Aaron's knowledge. Aaron said that as long as you have like a couple dozen people in terms of like genes, you're good, you know, I mean, you're not gonna have a bunch of inbred freaks or anything like that. So we've got a nice sampling size. Yeah, I'm sure if we roll low, we become old monarchy and we've all got, you know, three toes and two hands. Yeah. Yeah. All right. So with these six options, which would you like to roll first? Governance, agriculture, the relation to the planet, technology or culture or population? So let's go with with government. I think let's
Starting point is 00:46:28 start with that. All right. Is there a move you think best kind of quantifies the history of our governance? I guess it's more present than that. It's not the whole history. Yeah. Could be let's see. So I'm looking at like the list of options here. We have test your relationship, take decisive actions, swear a vow. That's that's more of a quest than a move. We can try to sojourn. I mean, go ahead. To me, maybe develop your relationship or test your relationship. Because it is how how well we can come together, right? I think that makes sense. Let's go to 229 test your relationship. All right. When your relationship with a connection is tested through conflict, betrayal or circumstance, you must roll plus heart. If you share a bond,
Starting point is 00:47:26 you may add plus one. You definitely share a bond. So I think you can roll with heart plus one. Okay. Well, that's good. It's about as good as it's going to get. Oh, that's not good. All right. So even with plus four on a miss, if you have no interest in maintaining this relationship, choose one, you either lose the connection and vision how this impacts you or you prove your loyalty and vision what you offer or what they demand and swear an iron vow to see it done until you complete the quest. Take no benefits for this connection. If you fail your quest, the connection is permanently undone. Um, doesn't necessarily mean, you know, we wipe ourselves out. Yeah, I kind of feel this lose
Starting point is 00:48:13 the connection in the sense of maybe over time, we just kind of split up and become as would normally happen if we do any kind of agriculture, you know, you become a little more, you know, tribal. You're not just one giant tribe. Okay. I'm okay with that. To answer your question, Hollow, we are technically playing one character, but we're kind of in the end game here. So we're kind of extrapolating a little bit and just making some decisions about the entire tribe through half's point of view. We're thinking, okay, half is going to continue to lead the tribe for a little while. And that's why we're kind of doing those roles with half stats. So with a miss, we don't make any more progress. That's six
Starting point is 00:48:58 of the potential four. That's one of the potential four. We need to make at least four successes to make this work. We still have five more options. We have now agriculture, relations to the planet, technology, our culture and our population. What's the next one you think we should roll on? Let's do population. All right, hold on. I dropped my pen. Oh, God, there it is. All right, here we go. So with population, we need to find a corresponding move. I would suggest we do something that involves one of our better attributes, such as heart. We can make a connection move, which would be with heart. Let's do that. Yeah, that kind of, you know, there's an implication of romance and just like,
Starting point is 00:49:55 you know, connecting with people. Go ahead and roll with heart. Real quick, let's look at your assets just to make sure there's nothing that we can't. Just enter the phrase, secure an advantage. When you're in a fights, when you secure an advantage, no. So you will roll just with heart. Okay. I wish you well. Oh, man, go better than the last time. Okay. Oh, thank God. We can. A weak hit is still a hit nonetheless. So on a weak hit, you create a connection, but this connection comes with a complication or a cost, envision what they reveal or demand. I will count this as a progress towards our bigger goal. So that is one out of the four. What does this look like a weak hit on the population? So I think our complication is that between our humble beginnings
Starting point is 00:50:54 on the iron lander's planet and the huge amount of interstellar warping travel that we've been a part of, you know, crossing across, God knows how much space and time. I think that our DNA has warped. And so we are able to reproduce, but we're showing signs of mutation. Interesting. I'm thinking different pigmentation to the skin color, you know, some maladies coming forward, but there are also some benefits. I think we're changing as a people. I think that's cool. And I think we're becoming a little more, you know, diverse. That's interesting. I think that now if it was a strong hit, would you say that some of these mutations would have been like psychic powers or, you know, some particularly amazing abilities? If it was a strong hit, we would totally go fucking X-Men with it. Right. But the weak
Starting point is 00:51:55 hit is it's not as impressive. It's a little bit more, like you said, changes in height, changes in physicality. Maybe we grow an extra finger or something like that, you know, something a little less clear. I think it may contribute to our government issues, too. I think that, you know, the natural implication for us as humans, unfortunately, is to be very me versus them, us versus them. And I think that there are some issues still within our society that end up seeing this as like a signal that things are going wrong within the society, that, you know, things are going wrong with our people we're hurting, we're changing. And it explains why we sort of start breaking ourselves off. Some folks who don't have these new abnormalities or whatever,
Starting point is 00:52:43 you know, kind of congregate together, that kind of thing. Yeah. That is a progress that's good. We have four more options. Agriculture, our relation to the planet, technology and our culture. What's the next one? So I think relation to the planet should go next. I was just thinking about this, and I think facing danger is maybe an appropriate role. Oh, I totally think so. So if we're going to face danger, there are the options of edge, heart, iron, shadow or widths. What would you like to go with? I'm thinking going with I think heart here again, because I think that we want to go away from, on our previous, our original planet, we were so into hunting because we had to. The storm was coming along. There was no move for farming. And if you were farming, it had to be
Starting point is 00:53:40 mobile and, you know, keeping animals was harder than. But I think we're starting to realize we can do that here. We can, you know, understand the husbandry side of things. We can be innovators and find the wildlife and put them to work with us, not against us. So if we're using heart, which is resolve, command or sociability, I think we can flavor that as half. You know, deciding agriculture is the way to go and kind of pushing the tribe to it. Yeah, I don't believe when we face danger, any of our assets can help, but I will double check, enter the fray, securing advantage. No, you will, you will roll face danger. You will roll heart. And let's hope it's good. Yeah. Oh hell yeah. Thank God that is more progress to our goal. I'm going to mark it
Starting point is 00:54:33 for us under our vows. Another check mark, a strong hit on a strong hit. You are successful. You can take plus one momentum. So we'll increase our momentum to four in case that becomes useful. We've talked about our relation to the planet. We have agriculture, technology, and culture. And Holo says they find out rotting milk is just cheese. I think that's a agriculture, technology or culture. What's next on the docket? Oh my God. Let's get technology because I'm pretty sure that's not going to go well. All right. Technology being what we want to roll for. What kind of freaking move do we do for that? We could check our gear, which is a bizarre way of extrapolating technology. We could confront chaos. What about secure and advantage?
Starting point is 00:55:30 I like that. I like that. We will secure an advantage when you assess a situation, make preparations or attempt to gain leverage. I think all those things you do with technology. Yeah. You can roll with either edge, heart, iron, shadow or wits. So under weapon master, it says when you secure an advantage by suiting up and gathering your gear for a perilous encounter or a mission, you may roll plus supply. If you do take plus two momentum on a hit, would that be available here? Because we are taking everything we have in order to push technology forward. Absolutely. I think we, in this final moment here, when we're trying to give the iron ladders the best send off we can, I think it's the least that we can do. So go ahead.
Starting point is 00:56:19 You will roll with your supply and if you succeed, you gain plus two on your momentum. That's awesome. Yeah. I mean, you know my rolls. This could easily be an ELA situation. We've got, you know, we're trolled me, man. See how we do. I can't believe it. I can't believe it. Even with eight on your action score, you roll a miss on technology. Now let's read real quick. On a miss, you fail or your assumptions betray you, pay the price. I think we should pay the price because maybe it'll help us define what this is. Roll a D100. Okay. Let me know what you get. 55. A 55 on facing danger or paying the price, excuse me. A friend, companion or ally is in harm's way or you if you are alone. We're not alone.
Starting point is 00:57:18 So a friend, companion or ally is in harm's way or put in harm's way. How would you extrapolate this when it comes to technology? Yeah, man. I mean, look, we all have that knowledge that technology can be a rabbit hole in its own way, right? A distraction or it can be a dangerous when we obsess over the weapons side of technology. I was also thinking maybe this is attached to KB. I mean, KB is an AI that was a part of our ship and is now segmented into these escape pods. How long does that technology last without us being able to facilitate it? True. I don't know though. I'm sort of lost here.
Starting point is 00:58:12 You feel a little lost. Well, welcome to Star Forged. Here's what I'm thinking though. A miss on technology, my gut tells me we don't get very far without the assistance of this obelisk or KB. Like you said, maybe KB's things start shutting down and there's very few of them remaining that work. I think really, unless you have a better option, the only option we define is that the current path of the iron landers is technology is not progressing very fast. They're not at first embracing the gifts that are being offered. Yeah, I agree. Okay, that's okay. We still have two options. If we roll a week or a strong hit on either of these on both of these options, we still get that number seven, right? That's
Starting point is 00:59:09 seven progress. So we have agriculture and we have culture left. Which one would you like to roll on next? Let's go with culture. We're trying to see what our culture would be like. Let's look at what our options are in terms of moves. What do you think of gather information? Because essentially we're building a repository. Yeah, yeah. We are building a repository. That makes sense. We would also, let's see. Heartin is a recover move and I think that art certainly heals in its own way. Heartin kind of implies a social dynamic more than necessarily like a health dynamic. I'm down with that. So between Heartin and what was your other option?
Starting point is 01:00:09 Gather information. I think both are worth looking at. So if we gather information, we would have to roll widths. But if we, what did I say it was? If Heartin, which is a recovering move, where'd you go? There we go. If you were to Heartin, you would roll plus heart. Well, you know which one I'm picking, Serge. Yes. Apparently I need all the help I can get. Nothing with Heartin under our assets. So we're just going to have to roll plus heart. As Eli always loves to say, we are always rolling with heart, all heart. All heart. Yeah. So let's go ahead and roll that. Oh my God. Wow. This is not going well. That's our, that's our last chance, right? On a miss, you take no comfort in the situation
Starting point is 01:01:09 worsens, pay the price. Wow. We can do, I don't think we have to pay the price. Heartening on a miss. What does that mean? Look, culture is inevitable. You cannot be a human race and not have culture. But what does it mean when it's not necessarily a weak hit or a strong hit? To me, it means that maybe our culture is segmented. I mean, I mean, it's an issue with real life just as well is, you know, you have dominant cultures and the non-dominant cultures and, you know, those smaller cultures are always fighting for representation within the whole. And maybe that's just what it happens is we're already tribal. We've split up. We've now changed as people physically at the DNA level. Right.
Starting point is 01:02:05 And we're struggling to find common ground. I think we're being segmented on both sides of, yes, we take this deal. We save the world. And the other half of, no, we need to figure out what's happening here because look at the issues. I think that's kind of interesting because what inevitably happens is that Hart's decision to not accept the gift is kind of it's kind of like delaying the inevitable kind of vibe. You know what I mean? Like we just we are humanity or the iron landers end up in this kind of middle road, not really progressing, not really suffering, just not really going as much as we want or as far as we want. I think that hampers their development too. I think a big reason why our story is now becoming all of these missed roles is
Starting point is 01:02:54 everyone is so obsessed with whether we should make the decision to save everyone or save no one that we cannot focus on how to best serve our community. This is interesting. I like these big ideas. With that said, we still only have six out of 10 progress for our big final vow. I will say this, even if we roll a miss on this, I don't think it all it really does mechanically is it just either gives us more or less points towards our final legacy roles. We still have three legacy roles. If you look under the legacy tab, there is our quests, our bonds, and our discoveries. We roll on each of those. If we roll well on one or two of them, we can decide what happens in a positive light. It's not the end of the road yet. With six out of 10 progress,
Starting point is 01:03:51 I think it's time to make this role. I want you to click that fulfill button next to the six out of 10. And let's see what we get. Interesting. Oh, wow. A weak hit. So we're going to go to fulfill our vow. The one time I actually hit God. Damn. When you when you reach the end of your quest, roll the challenge dice and compare your progress on a weak hit. Your vow is fulfilled. You may mark a reward on your legacy track. We'll say that this is part of your quest track. Things hold on. Let's see on your realized, but there is more to be done, or you realize the truth of your quest. If you swear an iron vow, you may go and go on this, but we're not going to swear an iron vow. I think we're at a crossroads, and I think an oracle role might be best. You
Starting point is 01:04:48 tell me if I'm wrong. 51 or greater, we do what you think is best. Either we don't take the knowledge from the fruit of the tree of the obelisk, or we do. What do you want to do? I want to take this weird obelisk steal. And I think half does too. I mean, I think it should be up to the oracle, but that is my belief. If the oracle role is positive, we take the deal. So 51 or greater, we take the deal. Roll a D 100. This will decide the fate of the possibly the entire universe. Let's see. Roll a D 100. Oh my God. I hate this because this is a, well, I guess this is the story of my TTRPG career, but this is a prison I made myself. Oh my God, with a Delta Green double critical success. That would be considered a critical success. A 77. Yes, we take the deal
Starting point is 01:05:55 that this obelisk offers, the knowledge that it offers. I think without even needing to roll, we can make some big decisions such as technology increases, our standard of life increases, our population increases. We figure out the issues with these mutations. Things definitely get better in some sense, at least for the ironlanders. Oh, absolutely. And there's a boost in technology. With the use of the obelisk, the progenitor technology and those sentient machines begin to invest themselves into ironlanders life becomes a part of every day, I think. Amazing. So what is left now is to go to our legacy seeds page. We have, you know, of all the quests we've been doing, we've been tracking them. I will increase our tracking to quests to nine. So we
Starting point is 01:06:47 have nine out of 10 on our quests. We have four out of 10 on our bonds, not the best. We have, I believe it's seven out of 10 for our discoveries, which is not bad. So each one, let me pull up real quick what these legacy moves mean. I was reading it earlier, and I just want to make sure we get this right. So face desolation, recover legacy. Okay. When you retire from your life as iron sworn, you are going to roll on each of the legacy tracks, quest bonds and discoveries, one roll per track. And each one is going to either be a strong hit, a weak hit, or a miss, and we'll kind of decide what happens there. So the ironlanders get very advanced. We decide that let's decide with our quests a role, whether we leave this planet. Do we ever leave the vault,
Starting point is 01:07:46 right? Okay. Go ahead and roll. If you look at the quest, there is a roll button on the right hand side. Go ahead and make that roll. A weak hit. Interesting. Wow. A 10 and an eight on the challenge die. We still roll really well with a nine. That is a weak hit. For each weak hit, choose one from below, or one from the miss options. See it through. Choose one of the former characters, unfinished quests, and you see it through to the end. Rebuild the connection, or explore familiar ground. We're not really going to go into too much depth with these, but which of those kind of sounds like what the ironlanders do? Do we see it through, do we rebuild the connection, or do we explore familiar ground? I've got a great idea. Tell me.
Starting point is 01:08:34 I think it's explore familiar ground. I think that through all of this technology, through all of this advancement, the ironlanders are working with the obelisk to discover what it is exactly that ends everything, and it suddenly becomes clear through the research. I mean, years down the line, they finally realize what it is, and it is that eventually a storm is going to engulf the galaxy, and that storm comes from the ironlanders home planet. Interesting. That storm is destined one day to supernova, essentially, and travel across Nebula and take everything with it. Exploring familiar ground, I think that we do return to the galaxy eventually to go back home and to start studying our home planet and realizing things about it that we had never
Starting point is 01:09:32 fully realized when we were only concerned for the storm. Gotcha. I think that's very interesting. Chad is blowing up. Hollow continues to be an incredible troll with, I was going to say NFTs, but that works too. I'm going to miss those hollow comments. All right, so yes, we go out into the stars, we leave having mastered the technology of the progenitors, and we start working on stopping the storm from destroying our galaxy, the forge where we live. Next, we're going to go to our bonds role. This is, I think, what would be appropriate for our bonds roles to define what is our relationship with the rest of the universe, like there's the jungle, there's the sacroshamu, there's other intelligent possible life here. Yeah. And I don't know, I think it's
Starting point is 01:10:24 appropriate that this is the role because it's not the best, I don't know if we're going to have the best relationship with the intelligent one. I mean, I think a lot of people are going to deny us. I think it's very easy to write off people who are trying to solve something that's going to happen, you know, such and such years off the front. And so I think this bonds role definitely comes down to how well our message is received and what the ironlanders are trying to accomplish. Make that role, click role, and let's see what happens. Oh, come on. I want to keep this space Wales, man. Oh, well, we know it's a complete miss. So I'm just going to throw out there. I think that there's like a forge sized war, you know, the jungle, this gigantic corporation that
Starting point is 01:11:13 thinks it runs everything is going to throw everything it has at us. You know, once we ran from the from the jungle, now we are on par, if not even more powerful than the jungle. What else? I think, unfortunately, some years down the line, the Shamus go extinct. We lose them throughout the galaxy. What about the space Wales, though? Those are almost more important to us. I think the space Wales are okay. They don't pose a real exit. They don't pose like an intelligence threat to us. They're just creatures, you know, I think that they go like on a great like a pilgrimage almost like you know how in Lord of the Rings, the elves are like the world is fucked up. We're going to peace out. I think the space Wales are like,
Starting point is 01:12:03 I don't want any fucking part of this shit. This is giving me this is giving me hitchhikers guide vibes where the dolphins are like, see you later. Yes, exactly. They're like, this is your mess. Goodbye. Yes, all that we have left of the space Wales, as Hollow says, are marketable plushies. That's all that remains of the species that eventually swims away to to get away from all the the warring and destruction that kind of occurs. Finally, our discoveries track. Maybe this is the definition of do we solve the problem? Do we, you know, help the universe extend as far as it can? Do we jump into the next iteration of the universe? Do we go as far as possible? That's what this role, I think, implies to me. Okay, so with seven out of 10.
Starting point is 01:12:51 We can't we can't. Again, you either see it through, you rebuild the connection, or you explore familiar ground. What do you think? Oh, man. Got it. I think we see it through. Yeah, I think by the by the time that we solve it, by the time that it all comes to fruition, or at least we have an answer, it's almost as though the the ironlanders are imperceptible from the progenitors. Yeah, we are. It's just us. I mean, the war is over. The remnants have all come in. There are still splinter groups and everything against us. But the majority of the galaxies decided finally, okay, we're going to do it. I find that very interesting. I find it interesting that we we
Starting point is 01:13:39 end up finding ourselves in the same place as the progenitors. Maybe what happened to us may have happened to the progenitors, you know, they're like, we're trying to to do something here. And there was there was pushback about it in the universe. Well, I think just to I you know me, I love to tie things up from when we started off. I think that we discover in our answers in in the long history that we have post war, we discover that the bodies that were left behind on that original planet, not all of them were the original ironlanders. Some of them were the progenitors who left the vaults themselves coming back to solve the problem and losing themselves to the storm. So these people who we revered as ancestors and waypoints
Starting point is 01:14:24 throughout the storm. Oh, interesting. We're always us in a weird cyclical way. Come back around. And we have rejoined this effort that that we never really realized we'd been a part of, or at least near from the beginning. I'd like you to paint kind of the final picture here. You know, in many ways, I bet we don't even look human. I mean, but you know, but by this point, we might all be within an obelisk of some kind, you know what I mean? What does it look like for humanity to move to the next step, possibly the next universe? So I think that it is a long ancestral line back to the original ironlanders. I don't even know that it's I think there's someone loosely related to half as who a lot of people refer to as the
Starting point is 01:15:17 first, right? And that long line has led itself into these people who have finally found the answer. So I think this person who has taken over the helm of what half had set up so long ago on a planet where that storm raged on takes this armada of people from every lick of the galaxy, every corner, all these people that we've met. I mean, by now, of course, the space whales have come back because they're like, oh, shit, it's back together. And so I'm picturing just this massive congregation around the planet where that storm is raging on, and it's now started to take into the solar system, orbiting it. We've all just sort of gathered around this massive supernova. And there is just this sullen sort of silence amongst everyone around is we're realizing the
Starting point is 01:16:12 ramifications of thousands of years of people who just wanted to do the right thing, just wanted to do right by their people. And so it's this brief look into us writing through the storm and moving our small Iron Age camps and of us taking to the skies and becoming Star Forge and all of these things. And then it eventually comes back to that picture of us all around the storm. And that first Iron Lander, that new leader, that new person who is going to tell our story in the next thousand, presses the button and resets that unfair ending to our galaxy. And I think with that, we go home to our new home. With this planet being taken over by that storm and that storm now dissipated, we fly back through the vault. We land back with our new
Starting point is 01:17:13 people, everyone looking wildly different in this utopian world. And we land in that crop circle. And I think the camera pans out from there with a job well done. Well, we had a raid right as you were kind of like starting that monologue. And it's hilarious to me that this raid happens right at the end of our massive epic ending. Guys, if you want to see this, if you missed it, it will eventually be on our playback and it will be on our YouTube. Caleb, I couldn't think of a better way to have ended this Star Forge game epic. You're blowing everybody's mind in the chat. What a great session. Thank you. And thank you for running it, Serge. When we first started talking about doing this project, I mean, we all were so psyched from the
Starting point is 01:18:09 beginning. And I remember so, so much excitement out of all of us after we finished that session zero and I really realized what this thing was going to be. But I don't think anyone guessed how far you were going to take it. I'm emotional, man. It feels so good to give us a good ending. Absolutely. It's always good to bring a game to a close. You know what I mean? Sometimes there's games where you run it for years and years and I'm sure when you bring one of those to a close, it's very emotional. But anytime there's closure, there's nothing worse than leaving a game or a campaign hanging and you don't know what happened in the end of it. So it's always fun to do that. And you know what? I really have to thank our listeners and our patrons and our Twitch subscribers.
Starting point is 01:18:53 You guys certainly give us the inspiration to come here and do this. It's been so fun sharing the story with you, getting your insights and your crazy ideas and adding them to our story. We've certainly had a few NPCs and a few events that have been affected by our chat. But you know, this is the end of Starforged. It doesn't mean we won't ever return to it again, but it's also the beginning of something new. We will continue every Tuesday to stream something. We do have some exciting news where our friend Vince, who runs our Orpheus campaign, is planning to run a one-on-one, one-person similar to what we were doing with Starforged, Night's Black Agent campaign. And for those of you unfamiliar, that's basically a vampire game. Not Vampire the Masquerade, but it is
Starting point is 01:19:45 heavily centered around Dracula and vampires. And he has this cool idea. He wants to run us through this short campaign where we will follow a similar method where I or Caleb or any of the other Maydayers will show up and run the same character to see if we can make it to the end of the campaign. Hopefully we do. So that's something exciting that we've got coming up that will be for a couple of weeks in between those, because I think he's going to do it every other Tuesday. We'll fill that with either me coming on and doing a little painting stream, just chill, relaxing, and I'll paint some minis, or we'll have somebody else come on and do something else. All of this getting ready for the wrap-up of our Orpheus game, which is coming to a close. Book 1 is coming to a close. There are
Starting point is 01:20:35 still many chapters left, but we'll take a little break from that. And after that, we will have another campaign that my buddy Caleb is planning to run. Are you ready to say anything about it yet? Yeah. In June, Mayday is going to take on Vampire the Masquerade for the first time. I'm stepping into the role of storyteller, and it'll be my first time jamming for Mayday as far as we've gone, and it's going to be centered in Las Vegas, so I'm going to be taking these folks through a pretty long excursion into Sin City and trying to bring out those darker sides with Vampire the Masquerade, and I'm really excited to step into it. We're going to be streaming it right here on our channel, and we're going to have a full group with us. It's going to be very exciting to see
Starting point is 01:21:29 happen, so please check in with us in June, watch out for that Vampire the Masquerade campaign, and come out in support. Vegas by night. I can't wait for it. So I feel like I wanted to say one more thing before we bring this to a close. We ran Iron Sworn and Starforged. If you liked the game, please go to I believe Starforged or is where you can find Starforged. Although they haven't shipped the books yet, I think you can buy it and have it shipped to you when it's ready. Please support them. Please support Sean Tomkin, who has been incredibly supportive of us. He has often retweeted us and supports us in other ways, and we're just so grateful to him and to you guys, to our patrons.
Starting point is 01:22:18 Guys, we do have a Patreon. If you would like to subscribe, you can, or subscribing to our Twitch is another wonderful way of supporting us. So guys, thank you so much. Thank you so much for having me be the GM of this great game. Caleb, thank you for a wonderful final game. You have such wonderful descriptive skills, and you've got so much creativity. I know that the Vegas VTM is going to be incredible. Well, I appreciate that, man. I really love you for saying that. All right, guys, go ahead. Go ahead. I just wanted to remind people too that we have doomed to repeat season two that's still coming out next Friday. We'll have a brand new episode. I'm sure some of you tuned in already for the last one and seen just how wild we've gotten. I promise you
Starting point is 01:23:03 that is the bottom of the scale for this season. I wish I could say anything else, but it gets worse for us better for you. So stick in. Right. The viewers love listening to your pain, but yeah, absolutely. We can't wait to finish releasing those episodes. Guys, thank you again. We love you, and we will see you next time. All right?

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