Mayday Plays - Starforged Ep. 2

Episode Date: July 22, 2021

Amanda joins Sergio for the second episode of Starforged! Note: There was an issue at the start of this stream that caused Amanda to be inaudible. This issue resolves at 00:08:00...

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 And here we are, once again. You know, I got a fever, and there's only one cure for that fever. Amanda, do you know what that cure is? IT'S STARFORGED! WE ARE STARFORGED! Well, here- Yes, yes. Maybe that has to be the mandatory opening now, is everyone to go,
Starting point is 00:00:33 WE ARE STARFORGED! Okay, so yes, we're coming in with strong energy tonight, ready to play our second episode of Starforged. For those of you who are new to the game, we are continuing the storyline from our Iron Sworn campaign. So, basically, it's a bunch of Ironlanders in space. They found a spaceship on their planet, and they fled it, because there was a magical super storm that they have been surviving in the eye of,
Starting point is 00:01:07 and they're trying to find a new home, a new place to call the Ironlands to them. Amanda, do you think we're gonna find it tonight? I appreciate your candor. We do have- Yeah, we have a lot of progress to make. We made some interesting progress last session with Eli. Just to explain, last session, we rolled, and it was Allegra that was supposed to come on. But Allegra has decided to defy the gods of the dice,
Starting point is 00:01:49 and they have made themselves unavailable tonight. I think that's- In my opinion, it's why last Sunday she rolled so- or they rolled so poorly in our Doom to Repeat campaign. But that's none of my business. Exactly. Instead, I have brought on America's badass Amanda to help us, okay? So, let me update you, Amanda, as to what has happened. So, Ashana went out with the ship.
Starting point is 00:02:28 It's been about a year and a half now of us just kind of learning how the ship works. And the tribe, the 50 that are on the ship, decided to go to the closest thing, which is just this big relic floating in space. And our main goal was just to get some supplies. We just need, you know, ship parts and things to keep the ship floating, because it's basically like a derelict. It's a very old ship, and it needs to be maintained. And I think when we got to the relic, we rolled poorly and found out that we only had about an hour of oxygen left on KB's ship,
Starting point is 00:03:05 which we haven't named, by the way. Maybe you and I can come up with a name for it this session. Yes. Ah, yeah, good question. Let us know if she is still coming in and out. I think I've got everything set up correctly here, so there's no reason why that should be happening. Amanda's coming out. Yes, it's still happening, says Eli.
Starting point is 00:03:35 This is unfortunate, and I don't really see any obvious reason why. Okay, let me turn down. Maybe the ambience is messing with her. Because, I mean, on OBS, you sound and look great. Okay, it's like a lag, says Eli. Yeah, I've got audio devices set up correctly. Let's see. Let me finish.
Starting point is 00:04:20 It's okay. We'll finish the recap if still happening. We'll work it out. But maybe let's just give a second for our computers to catch up. Sometimes it just takes that, right? Always blame them. Always a good idea. Eli, if it gets any better, let us know.
Starting point is 00:04:45 If it doesn't, I guess let us know. But let me just finish the recap so we're all on board. The point is, is that we decided to board the relic and get what we could, but comes to find out that there are experiments being taken on the relic. Isolation experiments, something weird about people being isolated, but we didn't have time for none of that. These experiments had all kind of broken free, and they were fighting drones, these jungle drones.
Starting point is 00:05:13 If you remember, the jungle is like our giant Amazon corporation that exists in our universe. So these drones are fighting, but we get to the supplies, we get them back on our ship, and we leave the relic, and we decide that the next kind of large place to explore would be the gas giant Sealy and its orbiting moon Sirius. And so we have undertaken a journey to go to this place, but because we've never been there, we've got to go through the journey first to get there. And we ended last session with Eli rolling up and finding what appeared to be like a planetoid that had been destroyed.
Starting point is 00:05:58 I'm going to pull up our sites. There was the rocky planetoid. Its theme was ruined, and it was some kind of destroyed settlement, destroyed planet. And the only thing of note is that KB detected that there was a potential... What we have listed here is computer virus, but what I think we should say is that it's a... Maybe it's like a software that if KB had it installed, it would protect him from a computer virus. I think that would make it worth going to the planet if we go at all.
Starting point is 00:06:39 Again, I've described it as just basically a wasteland. Do we want to stop, as your first question of the night playing Star Forge, Amanda, do you want to stop, or do you think it's better we just keep going? Ah! So you think it's important that we stop on this rocky planetoid to see if we can retrieve this computer virus? Yeah, I hear you. Listen, tonight it's your adventure, so if you want to stop, you get to stop. Now, let me check real quick here because it says that we're still getting issues with your audio.
Starting point is 00:07:29 So what I'm going to do real quick... Amanda, can you say something? Hi! Winter, winter, chicken, dinner. Alright, so I just used a different kind of audio. Eli, let us know if that's better. Ah! She says, yes! Was that it? Now, the problem is, is now I can't play music, but that's okay, because I at least have your beautiful, sultry voice, and I'd rather have that.
Starting point is 00:07:55 Wait, I think I did something. So let me, I just realized on roll 20, I have video and voice going. Oh, maybe that's better. So, that could be a big problem. Well, we'll check that. If that doesn't work, we'll go back to what I know works, which is what I have right now. I just disabled everything. Okay, so I'm going to switch the audio real quick. Okay, now there should be music and say something, Amanda.
Starting point is 00:08:27 You sound good to me. Does it sound good? Eli in the chat, let us know. Lagging again. I'm just going to... Sorry. It's okay. I want to chalk it up to whatever weirdness I'm trying to do here with the desktop audio. You know what it is? They don't want music. They want us to focus. Exactly. This is a serious game with serious content and serious...
Starting point is 00:08:46 Serious stakes. Speaking of stakes, we could go down to this charred, crusted wasteland. Sounds like you want to do that now. The ship does not have its own little kind of like shuttle. So we got to take the whole thing down. Oh, all right. But I think because... Go ahead, go ahead.
Starting point is 00:09:08 No, no, no. I'm just going to say that since... This isn't really like a planet. Like it's maybe like a really, really large asteroid or something. It's not going to be too tough on the ship. Like there's not a lot of gravity or anything like that. Oh, okay. Is there any like storms or any other like weird shit that I need to be aware of?
Starting point is 00:09:32 We can decide that right now. Right now, all the character sheet says, if you go to the character sheet and you go to sites. If you scroll the way down, there's the rocky planetoid. And all it says is destroyed settlement, possible experiment gone wrong. And the only thing of note is that there is computer antivirus software for KB. So it sounds like our objective is to retrieve this antivirus, huh? Yep. That's what we're doing.
Starting point is 00:10:06 Let's build this world out a little bit. I don't think we should be here too long. So maybe we just mark this as a dangerous place. Yes. And let's talk about what are some of the possible denizens of this place. We're using a little bit of the rules of Delve. But you think rocky planetoid with a settlement that was somehow destroyed. What's a possible denizen of this place?
Starting point is 00:10:33 Oh, gosh. Get freaky, Amanda. I know you can. Oh, I can think of some creed. Like, you know what? Oh, okay. You know what? I'm thinking this place is just, do we want to add dangers?
Starting point is 00:10:49 You know what? I do because I'm in this kind of mood. So here's the thing. Like whatever settlement you have, let's just say it is, first of all, like extremely deep. Like we can't even see the depth of like craters. It's like board into the dirt? Yeah. It's like, it's into the dirt.
Starting point is 00:11:09 Very kind of rocky. And that's what I'm kind of saying, like since you're saying very desolate. And I want to even say like, like there are certain things like if you ever travel abroad, especially in like Iceland, if you step on like, it looks like it's a hard ground. But if you step on it wrong, you can actually drop like hundreds of hundreds of meters. So that's why you got to stay on certain paths and whatnot. So that's where I would say like, let's go ahead and make the surface very kind of uneven. So we have to make sure where we're stepping is very careful.
Starting point is 00:11:38 Because if not, you can even though there's like no gravity, but still whatever. The surface is uneven and porous. Got to watch our steps. Yes. Okay. I like that as a danger. Let's talk actual things that are alive that could be found here. It doesn't have to be a lot.
Starting point is 00:11:56 Okay. I'll throw one out there. I would love to see a Star Wars meteor worm. Remember that worm that like almost eats the falcon? Oh, absolutely. I'm going to put it just as a rare. Giant sand worm, we'll say. Yes.
Starting point is 00:12:14 Okay. Sand worm. Give me a more uncommon thing to find on this place. Okay. Alive or just natural? Alive. Okay. Let's do this.
Starting point is 00:12:27 You know what? I want this because I do. So let's do little mini. This one's maybe not rare rare, but we could like, you know, Jurassic Park two with the little dinosaurs. Yes. That were just like one or is whatever, but like a whole pack of them come. They'll tear your shit apart.
Starting point is 00:12:43 Little like tiny raptor babies. Little raptor lizard, uh, kimono dragon type things that don't look dangerous like one, but as soon as you get more than like, like a dozen, now they're a threat. It's definitely an uncommon, uh, thing you might find here. Uh, we'll say that these are, um, these are lizard raptors. We'll call them for now. Yes. Um, maybe, maybe they have a little fur on them or something.
Starting point is 00:13:10 So they're a little. A laughter. Yeah. A laughter. Okay. Done. It's cannon. Is that a.
Starting point is 00:13:18 Rizzard. Maybe another uncommon thing might be, um, like space zombies that, uh, of people that were. We're going to do that. That survived this or didn't really survive like undead space creatures. So people from the settlement, let's say there is an illness. Uh, we don't know. Maybe we can, maybe it's something with the atmosphere or maybe it's a bite from the
Starting point is 00:13:44 lapters or what? Oh yeah. True. But let's go ahead and say, uh, certain people die and other people who don't die become, um, like a zombified, uh, 28 days later toxic. Yeah. Mad shell of a being. Okay.
Starting point is 00:14:02 So we've got some good uncommon, rare. Let's just decide maybe a more common thing. And it could be something totally, um, you know, not harmful. It could be like, you know, space butterflies or something, you know. Let's do that. Space butterflies and space moths and do mosquitoes while we're at it. Space butterflies, space moths, all of them obviously like glow in the dark or something. Isn't it like radioactive and shit?
Starting point is 00:14:32 Yeah. Yeah. Maybe like when they're hit, like with radioactive energy, they glow or something. Oh, uh, do you know how like in the ocean they have algae that, uh, they kind of at night you can see if they have like a luminescence and all that. Exactly. And like some of the flora and fauna is like that. We can't see it in certain, but when it gets like,
Starting point is 00:14:50 Oh, I like that idea. So they're almost like they can't be seen until like either like sunlight hits them or some radiation hits them. Yeah. And if we want to be a little bit fun, we can think like light helps, but as soon as we turn off the lights, it actually makes it better. So that's why, because we could see better in the dark if everything is off. Okay.
Starting point is 00:15:09 But we wouldn't know that. We wouldn't know that right away. I'm loving it. We're going to run with this stuff. We have the giant sandworm as a rare thing. Um, I think that's good enough. We're not going to be here terribly long. We're just trying to find this antivirus software.
Starting point is 00:15:24 So we set the scene for us. Um, okay, we land on this planet and who's going with us and what, what does it look like? Uh, I, we would have to get, uh, at least the coordinates of, or at least an idea of where we would find this program. So, uh, is there a way we can have like a handheld device that would have a mini KB so we can at least get a navigation type thing? If not, that's okay.
Starting point is 00:15:52 I would love for there to be some, but honestly, this ship is like barely keeping itself together. We only have like two energy weapons. Uh, we can roll on it. We'll probably find one at the facility. So true. Um, if you want, we can roll 50 50 to see if the Oracle will allow us to have a, some kind of communication device with KB.
Starting point is 00:16:15 Let's do that. Okay. The other problem is, is we need a space suit. Like there's no oxygen here. I was going to say, like, do we have any on this ship? We can roll for it. All right. So we're going to roll for space suits first.
Starting point is 00:16:27 Let's, let's roll for space suit first. Okay. Space suits. Oh, you rolled a 43, which means, which means, yes. Yes. Well, no, wait. 50 51 or greater is a yes. If we go 50 50.
Starting point is 00:16:45 Okay. So we know about that. So now that we don't have that, is there a place that we can still dock with this kind of settlement? Like, yeah, like in Star Wars or they, is it like an airlock where we can go ahead and slide in? Exactly. So another D 100 roll.
Starting point is 00:17:05 51 or greater. There is a dock that we can dock with. Oh, thank you Lord. 56. By the skin of our teeth, there is in fact a dock. So talk me through this scene. Like aliens, you know, when the ship's trying to land. All right.
Starting point is 00:17:20 All right. So our KB, our main pilot, but whoever else is help piloting the ship. Let's say we're going to go ahead. They try to circle around. It's very uneven, but they, and everything at this compound is off. No one's really responding. However, there is after a little maneuvering, we're able to find, I would say on the starboard side, at least cargo loading.
Starting point is 00:17:49 So they, that is the, I would say, maybe the largest and safest way to enter is through the cargo bay. Okay. We connect to the ship to the cargo bay and we have to make sure that there's oxygen. I think we need to make some kind of role, possibly just face danger to see if we can get the life support system back online. Right.
Starting point is 00:18:15 Yes. So let's do, let's see, let's look at our moves real quick. I think face danger or maybe we try to secure an advantage. I think it's secure and advantage. Yeah. That makes sense. So let me pull up my sheet here because we are using the PDF because we don't yet have the book, but we are going to secure an advantage.
Starting point is 00:18:46 And that means there it is. When you assess the situation, you will act. What attribute are you going to be using? Edge, heart, iron, shadow or wits. Oh, I would love to just go with iron because that's the best one. Well, you can do it with strength, endurance and aggression. If you can sell me on how you bring the life support system back on using iron. All right.
Starting point is 00:19:13 We could do, oh, because this place has been abandoned for quite some time. We have some corrosion. We, and also it's cold. There's going to be some ice. I feel like there's ice. It's going to be a tad nibly out. Right. So it's going to require a lot of endurance to deal with that right now because we have
Starting point is 00:19:33 probably very minimum. Like even what we're wearing is going to be very, where I see that connection point is it's going to be very, very cold. But well, because the computer stuff, because you could still do that, you still have to manually, let's just say it's a lever. Let's make it like that. So it's like current ice. It's hard.
Starting point is 00:19:52 So my job is to go ahead and try to flip this mofo. Gotcha. So he's going to be able to get the system online to breathe, but not necessarily everything else. Right. So it's kind of, it's going to be like a semiotic thing. Someone has to do the computer stuff. You've sold me.
Starting point is 00:20:08 Well, there we go. Go ahead and roll iron and let's see what you get when you do that. Come on. You know you want to work for me. As you attempt to enter the building. A week hit. A week hit. A week hit if you want to burn that momentum.
Starting point is 00:20:23 Oh, you have nine right now. And that's why you've been able to make it a week hit. Because it's so high. Yeah. You know what? We do have, I feel like we need to burn it because if not, this could be bad. Could be, could be bad. We are going to burn that momentum and make it a week hit.
Starting point is 00:20:44 So let me read to you what that week hit means on a strong hit. On a strong hit. Oh, excuse me. Or on a week hit, you can choose one. You can either take plus two momentum or add one to your next move. That is not a progress move. I'll let you know if it is. Plus one on the next move or plus two to your momentum.
Starting point is 00:21:10 It depends. Let's go, you know what? Let's go ahead and do it for the next move. Like in case I need a, yeah, let's just do that. All right. I'm keeping track of our Rocky Planetoid on the site section. I don't think this counts as progress yet. So you, you know, push the door open.
Starting point is 00:21:33 You know, you're breaking the ice crystals and stuff that have formed. You're kind of helping make way. Is a party going with you or is it just you? I say, let's go ahead and let's do a small party because we don't know, but we do need some security. I would say like no more than maybe like four to five. Okay. Four to five of the iron landers follow you and you are in this place.
Starting point is 00:21:56 So we are either undertaking a journey or we are trying to face danger to find this. I think it's under, I think it's just undertaking a journey right now. Okay. We're undertaking journey to find. We're just looking around to see what we can find. Let's see. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:22:15 Yeah. Let's see how we got it. We're trying to keep our eyes out because we have very little of anything on there. So when you undertake the expedition, you can either roll edge, shadow or wits. What's it going to be? Edge, shadow or wits. Let's see. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:22:32 Okay. Oh, wait. Now it's loading. I believe your best is probably edge. No, no, no. It's either heart or wits. I guess wits it is. Okay.
Starting point is 00:22:47 How are, you know, stay vigilant with wits. How are you doing this? With our previous skills, with listening for the storm, hearing everything. So what we're doing is because even though, let's say the emergency lights are on, we don't have the best visibility. So we're, and we could see that things still ices everywhere. Chris, like everything is slippery. It's not everything's back to 100%.
Starting point is 00:23:14 So we're taking very soft steps, making sure everything is like, okay, anything around. Going, I hate to say, we're taking a slower kind of journey inside. So I would say that's where our wits would come in. I like that. This is all spooky. It's got that aliens vibe when they're walking through the halls with the machine guns and stuff. Oh God.
Starting point is 00:23:37 Yeah. It's exactly that. That's going to terrify me. Everything is like, you know, these folks are used to the storm, the constant noise. Like space must be so quiet to them all the time. I might even say like some of them are probably maybe a little deaf or like just the loss of hearing on that. Definitely hearing loss amongst the tribe.
Starting point is 00:23:56 So visual sight is going to probably be very key for that for sure. All right. Roll plus wits and let's see how you do. Let's see. Let's see. Come out to me. Oh, I missed. Starting it off with a bang.
Starting point is 00:24:11 Let's see on a mission. You are waylaid by a crisis or arrive at a waypoint to confront an immediate hardship or threat. Do not mark progress and pay the price. Cool. So let's have you roll a D 100 and find out what that price is. Yes, we do. Oh, it started off 28.
Starting point is 00:24:32 What do you got for me at 28? You got for me. Let's see. Because I think I'd like to make sure I don't actually know if the pay the price is any different in Starforged than it is in Iron Swarm. So let's see if it is pay the price. Paying the price. Nope.
Starting point is 00:24:55 Here we go. Next time. Take decisive action. Make a connection. This is the problem when you have a new game and you're only using a PDF. Here we go. Page 239. Page 239.
Starting point is 00:25:13 We're going to pay the price. You rolled a 28, which is your action causes collateral damage or has an unintended effect. So in your attempt to move quietly and stealthily and use your which to stay vigilant. There's some kind of collateral damage or unintended effect. What do you think that is? I'm very curious as to what that could be. Oh, no. How bad.
Starting point is 00:25:43 Yeah, forget it. I'm in an angsty mood. Let's do this. So we could, because of how we describe the whole is very dark, very slippery and whatnot. Let's go ahead and we can do. Something kind of like either a fall, but when we fall, maybe like, oh, because someone slipped, slammed their hand against the control panel. And with that, it's good.
Starting point is 00:26:17 Let's go ahead and shut off. Like let's say there's a airlock seal that closes our door from the ship. So, and because let's say power is not always working on, KB is going to take some time. We can't get back to the ship right away. And let's go ahead and unlock some doors that we don't know. So the reason why I said that could be bad. I like that. You don't know what's on these doors and we could be good and it could be bad.
Starting point is 00:26:45 So I think that is a fair trade. Yeah, absolutely. I love that idea like us coming into a room and like somebody, you know, trips or accidentally hits a panel and, you know, lights turn on and some, you know, the door behind us closes, but some in front of us open and we don't know what's going to happen. Now, there needs to be some mechanical disadvantage for rolling a miss. I think maybe we should roll stress or we can ask the Oracle like, does something crazy happen? Yeah, let's do the Oracle.
Starting point is 00:27:19 Let's see. Whatever. Let me go to the right page and see what I can dig up in terms of the core oracles. Okay. So maybe we can roll an action. Roll a D 100 and let's see what action we end up with. 51. With a 51, we have guard, G U A R D something guard and roll another D 100 and maybe we
Starting point is 00:27:43 can get a theme out of it. 66. Prize. Guard prize. Something is guarding a prize. And now it's angry or aware of us in some way. And it's in one of those rooms that have just opened up. What do you think?
Starting point is 00:28:05 Yes. Okay. What would be so good? What can we do? What can we make in there? Well, if you want, we can roll on the denizens table and figure out which one of the denizens maybe is guarding a prize. Do you want to help?
Starting point is 00:28:22 Yeah. Roll a D 100 and let's see what it lands on. I got a 77. Hopefully it doesn't roll anything above a 90. Otherwise, it'll be a giant sand worm. No, I got 77. Okay. Good.
Starting point is 00:28:36 With a 77, that is lafters or the lizard raptors. Okay. Okay. So let's do, because I don't know if we want to go full balls to the walls like a lot or like we can do it like a little bit in there. I only go balls to the walls, man. A bunch of them are eating some kind of carcass. Okay.
Starting point is 00:29:01 So we can see that there is a raptor squad as Eli puts it, eating a carcass or eating something and they probably want to protect it. I think we should give ourselves a chance to maybe get away from this because other doors have opened. So I think we just need to face danger and see if we can sneak away. Yes. Because they're still munching, munching. We don't have their full attention.
Starting point is 00:29:24 Exactly. So let's go ahead and back the F off. So you are going to face danger. Let me pull up the moves again as I don't yet have memorized what we need to do for this. When you face danger, which attribute are you going to use here? And explain how you use it. With iron, it will be strength, endurance and aggression. With wits, it would be expertise, focus and observation.
Starting point is 00:29:52 With heart, it would be resolve, command or sociability. I think I'm debating between either iron or like heart because I would, I think because that is an instant danger sign. Sure. Like that's not like no. So yeah. My presumption is me being, I would have probably taken the first couple of steps in. Instantly would have seen it and I'm going to like hit or shove and be very forceful.
Starting point is 00:30:25 Kind of be like down that way. And kind of like what I'm thinking is being very firm to make sure no one kind of accidentally kind of peeks in and just kind of be like very, like kind of making sure people move quietly and then I'm going to be like the last one to pull out. What do you think? Gotcha. You're kind of putting your team above you or, you know, behind you, protecting you. You're trying to command them to do this.
Starting point is 00:30:48 This is, this is a, I think it makes sense. You can roll plus heart for this. Let's see how you do on that. Get away from the lafters. It's a weak hit. It is a weak hit. Weak is better than a miss on a weak hit. You succeed, but at a troublesome cost, you have to make a suffer move.
Starting point is 00:31:09 So what is the troublesome cost? Okay. I have an idea. And that'll determine what we, how we suffer. Go ahead. Okay. What if pulling out, I'm able to do it, but of course stumble a little bit and thankfully not too much noise, but I kind of made a little like a, like, I don't know, let it say a step
Starting point is 00:31:33 on a candidate rolled a little bit. The others are still gnawing, but I have one. I grabbed one's attention and it starts to come towards me and let's say, can it latch onto my hand as I close the door? Like I closed the door on it, but I got one left on my hand and maybe ripped it off or something like that. Okay. So basically, yeah, we'll say that there's like maybe a really tense, quick moment where
Starting point is 00:31:55 you're trying to close the door as maybe one's coming at you. I think you're going to have to endure harm and that'll kind of determine what happens there. Um, you have to roll either your health or iron, whichever is higher. And I think your health is still higher. It's a plus four. Yeah. Let's go ahead and roll health.
Starting point is 00:32:13 So roll that beautiful health. Let's see how you do. Come on. Don't hurt me. Don't hurt me. Yes. A weak hit. Great.
Starting point is 00:32:21 We're hitting weak hits all night. Um, on a weak hit, you are not wounded. Uh, you may lose momentum in exchange for either one health. Otherwise you press on. So you could reduce your momentum to zero and potentially gain one health if you wanted to. What happens when you go to zero momentum? What I forgot to do is I forgot to actually have you subtract health.
Starting point is 00:32:44 So your health should technically be at three. Ah, yeah, that's fair. That's fine. Uh, I feel like this, I'm going to need my health. I have a feeling I'm going to need my health in this when I'm dealing, I'm dealing with raptors and possible zombies. Let's go ahead. I will pump my health back up to four.
Starting point is 00:33:01 So health will be at four. Bring your momentum to zero and we can press on. So that was unfortunately not, uh, uh, a progress move. We're going to need to either continue to face danger or undertake an expedition. Now we're going to continue facing danger. Okay. It's just going off. We're facing dangers.
Starting point is 00:33:22 We continue into the unknown. We're trying to find like a computer station or something where this antivirus is still uh, downloadable and, and retrievable. So you're facing danger with what attribute are you using? Okay. So we're going to go ahead and we're still, I'm still going to go with iron with that will and that determination of nope, we did not go through all this. We're going to go ahead and get this because I just really do believe that if we don't
Starting point is 00:33:50 get this, we're going to face more danger down the road. So, so while the other iron, uh, folks are like, we got to get out of here, man. At least two are the other man. I might think go by the door. You stay with me or go by the door. Okay. I'm going to roll plus iron as a Shawna, the tough lady gets her way. We can't.
Starting point is 00:34:14 All right. Here we go. You succeed, but at another troublesome cost to make a suffer move. I think make a suffer. I honestly think maybe half the party split with us, but what do you, what are your thoughts? The party could split either way. We have to either endure harm, endure stress or there is another one. I'm trying to find it.
Starting point is 00:34:37 Did I go too far? I probably did. I apologize audience. If it's obnoxious to see all these lines, but anyway, you could lose momentum, but you're already at zero. You could get a negative if you wanted to. No. That sounds like a bad idea.
Starting point is 00:34:50 Yeah. It is a bad idea. I feel like you can endure harm or endure stress with stand damage. A companion could take a hit. You could sacrifice resources. I think we're going to have, I think it's going to be stress because if we're, if that already freaked out half the party, let's do that. Let's have like two go back cause they're freaking out and it's causing it.
Starting point is 00:35:12 And it's like, it's like they want to go. So I feel like if half the party split off, which is technically against orders and all that, but that's what's causing me to have extra stress cause I don't have time for this. Cause I want to get in and out. Absolutely. Yes. They two leave.
Starting point is 00:35:28 This is, this is not a trained space crew. These are iron landers, iron age people who barely can, can, you know, have never left the comfort of the eye of the storm. Yes, but they should know what it's like to follow orders and emissions. So that's where it's very effing frustrating. You are going to roll either spirit or heart, whichever is higher to endure stress. I think your spirit's higher. Let's go ahead and do, do, do, do really?
Starting point is 00:35:53 Oh yeah, definitely. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Let's roll spirit. Come on. Give me a strong hit. Nice. On a strong hit, you can choose one.
Starting point is 00:36:02 You either shake it off and your spirit does not go down or your spirit does go down, but you take plus one momentum. You embrace the darkness and take that plus one momentum. You know what? Let's do that. That's because I'm at a five. Yes. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:36:21 We'll do that. Let's drop spirit to four and we'll take a plus one in momentum. Spirit's going to four. Your momentum does go up and, you know, we're still continuing down these dark hallways. Are we facing danger? Are we undertaking expedition? Danger.
Starting point is 00:36:36 Let's go. Let's see it. Same thing with iron or what? Same thing. I'm even more determined. I'm actually probably a little bit more pissy too. Even though my spirit came down, it's like it's just stubbornness is kicking in. Roll that plus iron and let's see how you do.
Starting point is 00:36:51 Let's do it. Let's do it. Let's see. We can't. We can't. Now, here's the thing facing danger. Here's the thing. I might ask you not to make that roll again because we need progress.
Starting point is 00:37:07 We have made zero progress. Zero. Okay. We could possibly instead, let's see. If I think if we undertake an expedition and roll well, we mark progress. I think that's really the most realistic thing we should do. Okay. Let's try.
Starting point is 00:37:24 So let's try again, either edge, shadow or widths. Let's go with widths and I am using, let's okay. So I am now on the lookout for access panels. Let's like what is very familiar to like what I know from a computer system, all that work. Right. I'm going to be looking for access panels and or a control center. Now, how that, I could use my wits to get there. Let's say I see.
Starting point is 00:37:57 Makes sense. You're using your intelligence. Yeah. Let's do that. All right. Roll wits and let's see what happens. We can't. We can't on this.
Starting point is 00:38:06 So, so you do more progress. Yes. But this progress costs you either make a suffer move or you face apparel at the way point. So you're going to reach a way point, make progress, but something bad happens at this way point. Yeah. Or make a suffer move. We still, I feel like we got to make some progress.
Starting point is 00:38:36 Yeah. Yeah. Let's do it. All right. So at the site, we're going to mark some progress because it's dangerous. You're going to get two full boxes. So two out of 10 are full and let's decide the way point that we reach. I believe there is what when you divert from expedition to examine a notable location,
Starting point is 00:39:00 but let's let's see on a strong hit. You may instead make a discovery on a strong hit. No. We want to explore a way point. So let's try to find, I guess we can ask the oracle what this way point is like. Roll. Yeah. Let's see.
Starting point is 00:39:18 Let's look at the, there's theme. There's descriptor. Okay. Roll a D 100. Let's see what the description of this is. 72. 72 is open. That's good.
Starting point is 00:39:31 It's good that it's open. Let's see if I can get a location description. Maybe a focus of this area. Roll another D 100. See what the focus of this open area is. 78. 78. Sound.
Starting point is 00:39:46 The focus of it is sound and the description of it is that it's open. What does that say to you? What is this place that we're coming upon? I feel like, oh, okay. Okay. Darn. I feel like it's either going to be two things. It's either this, I would feel like the main center where you can go down different hallways
Starting point is 00:40:12 like branch off to different. Like a fork at the road. Right. I would say multiple forks. Okay. Like you can even have like three on each side. So six different ways. So like medical this, this and that, or we are in like, we go into like almost like an
Starting point is 00:40:28 engine room where, because that would be the sound. And you can get some kind of whatever equipment and it's that like, whoop, whoop. Gotcha. Like that's where, so that's where at least it would, that would be our focus. So it like led us to this place. Right. Because I think what we're at in the cargo, we were attracted to the sound. And think of it this way.
Starting point is 00:40:48 We were in the cargo, which is probably in this one area. And we just happened to find our way into the engine room. Okay. So we find ourselves in some kind of engine room, power room that is making sound. It's an open area, obviously. So it's got to be relatively large. What is the peril that we find here? Doesn't necessarily have to be a living thing.
Starting point is 00:41:07 We could also ask the Oracle. Peril thing I would think would be either, oh, the environment, maybe something about either visibility. We can't see anything for Jack or, or ice, or do you want to do Oracle? We could ask the Oracle. I mean, I think if it's a big room that has like power cells and energy cells and an engine room, I mean, it could explode. It could, um, you know, tell that maybe some of the things are not in alignment.
Starting point is 00:41:42 So if you're like, think Star Trek, like if this, you can have certain things like out of alignment and sparks happening. So it's like a lot. You can see where if this thing was fully put together, it'd be safe, but we could see that there is some very live energy that we can get really. Yes. I love this. So here's what we're going to do.
Starting point is 00:42:02 I'm going to add a menace tracker to this situation. Okay. What that is, is that if we don't get out of here in time, this place is going to blow up. Oh my God. What did I do? Yes, let's do that. So I think there has to be 10 check marks.
Starting point is 00:42:21 I'm just going to put like little, you know, numbers or something in the notes section, but we know that if we make any more misses, that menace marker is going to go up. And if it goes to 10, it's Kaboom time. Oh no. Okay. Okay. So we need to continue to undertake our expedition. Let me make sure we did everything we needed to do when we undertook our expedition.
Starting point is 00:42:50 Quests. Swear an iron vow. And whoops, where else? Here we go. Okay. So that was a weak hit. Envision what you encounter at the site. I just think we need to make, I think we're going to continue on.
Starting point is 00:43:09 Let's make another undertake an expedition. And you tell me what set you want to roll edge, shadow or width. We're going to have to do wits for this one because I would have been like whole, I would have been, well, it's, how about this? Because it's me and two other people. Yeah. Been like, like kind of like, it's almost very narrow because maybe some, there's even some dangling cables.
Starting point is 00:43:32 So it's like, we're going to, it was like, I give command to be like, I will go first, do not step or I don't step. So they have to literally put their foot exactly where I've been. And it's going to require definitely like which to see everything, make an informed decision. And some spaces I may have to go a little bit faster. So it's kind of like, yeah. Got to stay vigilant.
Starting point is 00:43:55 So go, go ahead and roll plus wits. God, I hope you do. Well, here we go. We can't. All right. We kid is something you do make progress, but it's going to be a little bit harder. You do make progress, but it's going to cost you. You can either make a suffer move or face apparel at a new waypoint.
Starting point is 00:44:16 I feel like at a new waypoint. Yeah. So basically you go to the next waypoint and we can figure out what that is, but something somewhat bad is going to happen there. It'll at least get us out of the engineering room, which I feel like it's very, so let's go ahead and do that. And we will suffer whatever, whatever bullshit is on the other side. All right.
Starting point is 00:44:37 So we have four progress moves. We now have four out of 10. And we are going to now we have to figure out what that peril is. So let's go to the Oracle page on page 133 and let's again figure out the descriptor of this place. Roll a D 100. And it is a 41. 41.
Starting point is 00:45:06 For boating. This place is for boating, which I think for boating. I think let's I almost want to look up the dictionary definition of for boating. I want to say it's like fearful apprehension of feeling that something bad will happen. So you have this feeling like something bad is going to happen. Roll another D 100 to describe the focus of this place. 67. Remains.
Starting point is 00:45:40 Yes. Boating remains. Oh, hell yes. Okay. This is what I want. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go.
Starting point is 00:45:49 We're going to go ahead. We're the next room we're in is let's say, I don't want to do I want Med Bay or cafeteria Med Bay or cafeteria Med Bay or cafeteria. Let's do. Now you wouldn't have Med Bay by engineering. Okay. Let's do like a calf wreck room. Okay.
Starting point is 00:46:09 And air is multiple shredded torn apart bodies from the former crew. You can see blood handprints on the walls. You can see a mixture of human footsteps or or other creatures that are on this world like like the laughter. Humanoid. Yes. And then the lapters. So it's going to be a mixture of two because it's like you don't know what is what.
Starting point is 00:46:36 Okay. You know those lapters were definitely there. And I would say let's say like a dozen corpses all like torn. And we don't know if these corpses are going to come alive or not. But I think we can face danger now to determine that. So if you're if you're going to face danger. Yes. Let's go back to the section where you face danger.
Starting point is 00:47:00 What stats are you going to use edge heart iron shadow or wits. Iron. That has to be iron. Okay. And what does that look like? That is instant danger. I am we're on alert. Everybody is and it is scary as shit because we're seeing and I think we're going to have
Starting point is 00:47:23 to move around. And if we want to really we might hear scurrying or little scuttles or something like there's movement or we hear like echoes that it could be in this room too. So here's what I'll say if you roll poorly on this will say that you immediately engage in some kind of combat because you are moving aggressively like you're basically ready to punch the first thing that moves. Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 00:47:48 Roll plus iron and let's see if you can get through this. Come on. Oh, yeah, that's fair. You miss. Oh, I miss. Yeah, we buck up. Maybe we have Mr. Big, big burly guy who's very nervous and we let's just say we're all in and we did something we shouldn't have done.
Starting point is 00:48:13 There we go. What do we got on a miss you fail or a momentary success is undermined by a dire turn of events. Pay the price. So you're going to pay the price. Let me search real quick for pay the price. There we go. Oh, no. This is bad.
Starting point is 00:48:41 I should not be in charge of making big decisions. Who's sensible of this group? Where's the key? Where's leg? Hey, I tried to get them on, but they were not available. So when we pay the price, let's roll at the hundred and we'll find out what that price is. Oh, that's this. Yes.
Starting point is 00:49:05 Let's let the dice. I love me the virtual 97. I don't like that. You're going to have to roll twice on this table. Why roll to the hundred? 33. Is that like a crit success? That's a crit failure, in my opinion.
Starting point is 00:49:24 But so 33 something of value or lost is something of value is lost or destroyed. Roll one more time. What was the other one? Oh, I know what it will be. It'll be like one of our one of our crew guys because we don't have a lot of people. So they're valuable. Like losing one is like heartbreaking. Fair.
Starting point is 00:49:47 And what's what's the other D hundred roll? So that was the you have to now roll twice. You just rolled once. Roll again. Okay. I just thought the 97 and the 97 was roll twice. That was the result. I'm dumb.
Starting point is 00:50:04 85 85. You are stressed. So you're going to have to endure stress. How do you lose the the teammate? Okay. They. Oh, don't do this. They freak out when they see because I want to I want like one of the corpses like let's
Starting point is 00:50:21 see their rib cage is actually torn open in a way that is very like very unnerving even for this kind of individual because I don't think there would be like that. I'm sure they've had a fight to survive, but not like in life. Some torn kind of way. And I think this individual panicked and freaked step back into engineering and step and either fell into like an energy cell or electrical thing. And it literally go. Just fries them.
Starting point is 00:50:51 Fries him. And that's a. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:51:02 Fry's him. And that's a horrible because fries catch and fire and they drop to the ground. So I really just saw someone within like one of our crew that I've cared about who stayed and was in my opinion, I had braver, but not only just died, but fry up and just dropped dead. And it's just like sizzling on the floor within the span of like five seconds Incredible. They die and I also added one to our menace tracker getting closer to destabilization.
Starting point is 00:51:35 So this person is dead. You're going to endure stress. Either roll spirit or heart, whichever is currently higher. Spirit. Okay. Come on. Come on. Hopefully you're all well.
Starting point is 00:51:47 It's been, it's a weak hit. We can. Yes. On a weak hit. If you are not shaken, which is a condition, you may lose momentum in exchange for one spirit. So your spirit could basically remain the same because we forgot to again, decrease spirit, but at the cost of one momentum.
Starting point is 00:52:09 And we'd be going down to zero. You know what? I think we're just going to have to lose the spirit for. I don't like to, but I just, yeah, we'll just go to plus three. Yep. And you are unnerved. It's now just you and another iron lander, but it sounds like you want to continue. We're continuing.
Starting point is 00:52:30 This, this ship, you know, this whole experience you thought was going to be nice and easy, but unfortunately it's been a little tough. Oh my gosh. Well, so you get past the, the, the zombie cafeteria and you're now going to undertake another expedition. Yes. Go ahead and roll either edge shadow or wits. Wits.
Starting point is 00:52:53 I'm still trying to just assess and go to someplace. Okay. Even on a. Oh, okay. Oh, you just rolled a miss with a complication. You are waylaid by a crisis or arrive at a waypoint to confront an immediate hardship or threat. Do not mark progress and pay the price.
Starting point is 00:53:15 Lord have mercy. Let is what, what do we want to face? We want a zombie. Like, I feel like we got a. Yeah. So we can do it a couple of ways. We can either roll for what denizen we come across. We can define what the new waypoint is and then maybe figure out what hardship is in there.
Starting point is 00:53:35 Or we can, there's, there's maybe one other way, but what are you thinking? And so do we want to tackle something there? But then if we move, we can at least, it doesn't mark progress, but we're at least out of this particular area. Yeah. And you could always run away from things. If there's some kind of creature, you could always attempt to just run away from it. That's fair.
Starting point is 00:53:58 Balls deep. Let's go. We're just going to. Okay. So we're going to, we're going to say that some kind of denizen is here, huh? Yep. Okay. Roll it the hundred and we will figure out what that denizen is.
Starting point is 00:54:11 39. 39. Are you out of your mind? It is a space mosquito. Oh, okay. We had space flies, space mosquitoes, butterflies and moths. You rolled on space mosquitoes. Now, if you're going to roll on one of them, that's probably the worst one to roll on.
Starting point is 00:54:30 Because mosquitoes suck blood, right? Yes, they do. Okay. So what are the space mosquitoes look like? We talked about them maybe being kind of invisible until they become visible. And then how do they strike? Let's go ahead and it's up in the, in the vents. So there's actually, let's say there's a mosquito, like, I don't know, den or in the best.
Starting point is 00:54:57 Yeah. Yeah. Or yeah, they're in the vents and unaware because we're still distressed from what just happened. They're just going to go ahead and they don't like, I would say you're not going to really hear them. They're just going to go ahead like a normal mosquito, slightly bigger, and they're just going to go ahead and latch onto one of us and just start drinking.
Starting point is 00:55:20 Okay. So let's just say we're like in a hallway or something, you know, some kind of connective area. Yeah, we're in the hallway. And these, these, these mosquitoes just start flying out. Let's have you, you're going to have to face danger or you could just enter a battle and face things. I feel like we would, if we just caught some, I feel like just that instinct, we're going
Starting point is 00:55:43 to go ahead and try to like smack them. Okay. So that's a battle. Absolutely. Absolutely. However you want to flavor it, you are going to be entering the fray. Let's see, on the move facing off against your foe, you're facing off against your foe. Roll heart.
Starting point is 00:56:04 Okay. Let's see how you do it. Or in the thick of it at close quarters, you can roll plus iron. I'm going iron. Not that it's been helping me, but whatever. Hopefully these are mere gnats to smash. I'm hoping they're natty. Like just like, like they just fall apart.
Starting point is 00:56:22 I'm just hoping for that. It's a weak hit. Um, on a weak hit, you can choose one. You either are, you either remain in control, you have initiative and you can roll again. Or you take plus two momentum. I think the plus two momentum. Okay. But then it's going to be the enemy's turn to attack.
Starting point is 00:56:43 Oh, oh, I am dumb. Thank you for clarifying. No, I'm smacking them. All right. Keep smacking. Maintaining momentum. You haven't killed these things. We'll say they're troublesome at most.
Starting point is 00:56:52 They're just like, we're just batting them away type thing. Yes. Um, now your options are you can enter the fray. Let me show this so that the audience can see. Uh, you can gain ground when you are in control and take action in a fight to reinforce your position. It's kind of like a, a secure an advantage. You can react under fire. Uh, that's more when the enemy has the initiative.
Starting point is 00:57:15 You can strike, which just deals damage. Uh, you can clash, uh, when I think you are in close quarters. Uh, and you're in a bad spot, which I think is the enemy has the advantage. Uh, or you can battle, which is just to kind of summarize the whole battle in a blur. Or take decisive action, which is like a particular, actually it's a progress move. So that's how you end the fight. I feel like so a battle would make sense. And, um, um, uh, striking makes sense.
Starting point is 00:57:46 It's either, I was going to say it's a battle strike. It's like to be very frank, it's like, maybe it's the ignorance of they don't understand. Like maybe these things are a little bit more like rated disease than we initially think they are. But I feel like cause I, I would say they're a threat, but not like those raptors to me or even the electricity. I'm just like, okay, we're going to swap, but we're going to try to keep pro, progress to go through. So I don't know if that's a battle or. Well, it says when you fight a battle and it happens in a blur, envision your objective and roll. So it's really about like completing one objective, which could simply be smash these things.
Starting point is 00:58:23 Smash these things and just keep that keeps moving forward, smash type thing. You can fight at range, um, uh, fight in close quarters. It would be iron. Okay. So iron and let's see what happens. Come on. Just give me a strong hit, not a fail. We just want, we just want one strong hit on a weak hit. You achieve your objective, but not without a cost.
Starting point is 00:58:48 Yes, I can either tell me what you think it is or we can pay the price. I got bit. I think it's just like, I got bit. I think, uh, like at least, uh, yeah, let's do it like on what like pans or arms, probably maybe one on the ear and the neck or something. Yeah. Smash all these things, but you're going to endure harm. Uh, you're going to either roll health or iron. Health is still higher.
Starting point is 00:59:14 So we're going to go ahead and roll health. I don't know. What you got? We can't. We can't. You are not wounded. Uh, you can either reduce your momentum by one or you will continue to, you'll have to reduce your, your health by one. Ah, darn.
Starting point is 00:59:35 We're going to have to reduce the health by one. Okay. Cause that like only have one momentum. Health goes to three. By a little, this place that you thought would be nice and easy is just whittling you away. That's what I thought. But we're going to, um, try this some more. Um, we'll say you get out of there.
Starting point is 00:59:56 Um, I think that's fair. I don't think we need to make this a big thing. We're going to undertake our expedition. Yes. Now let's real quick, cause it's been a little while. Let's look at our assets. I just want to make sure we don't have something that can't be helping us. Um, first of all, there is when you face danger, you can add plus.
Starting point is 01:00:18 One. We forgot about that. Yeah. When you enter the frame, plus one, but that's okay. We're, we're undertaking a journey. She's stressed. Okay. Guys.
Starting point is 01:00:29 She's like, and then she's gathering herself. Like she's like dumbass. Calm down. We have a half hour before we end our game today. Let's see if we can get this to the end. Edge, shadow or wits. What are you rolling to undertaking? Whits.
Starting point is 01:00:42 Roll it. Do I get that? Come on baby. Uh, you don't because that is not, uh, involved with any of your assets. That is fine. We move it all. Strong. Finally.
Starting point is 01:00:54 Finally. On a strong hit, you reach a way point, envision the location and mark progress. So first I will go to the site and we are going to mark progress. We have six out of 10. And let's figure out the way point that, uh, we want to find. Go ahead and roll to D hundred for me. Ooh, let's do that. 97.
Starting point is 01:01:23 Unstable. Oh, okay. Focus. Give me a focus. Another, uh, D hundred. 92. What? 92 trap.
Starting point is 01:01:33 An unstable trap. This was a strong hit. So this isn't going to hurt us. Is there some way you can envision an unstable trap helping us? Oh, that's fun. Okay. How can we use this for our advantage? Uh, I think myself.
Starting point is 01:01:53 Okay. Now here's the thing. We have six progress, six out of 10. We could try to roll right now and potentially find it. And we are just in some place where there is an unstable trap. I have an idea. Tell me. Let me throw this out to you.
Starting point is 01:02:09 What if we reach, uh, some air, like airlocks, right? On all the sides of the hall and we can see that there is damage. Right. Let's, so, uh, there's no atmospheric pressure in here. Yeah. On the other side. Yes. Right.
Starting point is 01:02:30 Just off to the side on the walls. We can see a couple of maybe space suits with equipment. Maybe a jet pack propulsion and go out because it's a strong hit. I'm going to see what I can get away with. But that could help us. And also we could take it back with us. So I'm thinking whatever is deemed worthy as many of those things as I could take. Cause one in one, cause I got me in my butt, but maybe we could carry a spare one.
Starting point is 01:02:55 So we find some, I love that. We could find some, um, space suits that will allow us to get through this area of the, of the place that does not have oxygen. Uh, it's been depressurized or something like that. Um, do we want to roll now to, to find our objective here? And, you know, that, that, um, that antivirus is in this airless room. So like it's kind of the only way to get to it. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:27 Okay. We like that. Hell yeah. Let's do it. Okay. Um, let's, you're going to roll 2d10 real quick though. Let me find the, uh, the roll, uh, two, two, four, what move this is. Give me a second.
Starting point is 01:03:45 This is a, this is a man to move. This is dumb. This is a man to move. You are reaching a milestone. No, we are making a discovery. No, we are finishing an expedition. I think. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:01 You're going to roll 2d10 and you want to hope that at least one of them is under six. Oh man. What if it's a six? What if it's a six? No, it's not six. It's one and five. So that is a strong hit on a strong hit. You reach your destination or complete your survey.
Starting point is 01:04:25 You can mark a reward on your discovery's legacy track. So let me do that real quick. So under, uh, progress, there's our discoveries and we go up another two points. So now we have one full box under discoveries, uh, but, uh, hold on. It's all right. Uh, yeah. Any allies who share this expedition also mark the reward. Um, we find what we want.
Starting point is 01:04:56 Yes. Okay. We get inside and, you know, we use whatever KB told us to use and we're able to download and extract the antivirus. We got our thumb drives. Yes. We got our thumb drives. Um, my question to you is then.
Starting point is 01:05:14 Yes. Uh, hold on also because. Yeah. No, that's never mind. Um, how, I think really you could only probably take one space suit per person. That's fair. Yes. I agree with you on that.
Starting point is 01:05:30 Unless you want to try to roll for like, if you want to try to face danger or endure stress to try to bring another one so that you each have four total. Okay. So like you got one on each arm, but it's like difficult because they're heavy and. I agree with you there. So because I am. I'm asking is I say we do it. I say we try some stress.
Starting point is 01:05:58 We're going to endure some stress to see if we can, you know, kind of make it through the rest of this place. You can roll spirit or heart. Go ahead and roll it. We'll see what. Oh, spirit was slightly higher. So there we go with spirit. Come on.
Starting point is 01:06:16 That's no matter the spirits. That's right. Come on. Come on. Come on. On a strong hit, you can choose one. Um, you are either not going to lose that plus one to spirit or you can lose that plus one, but you take plus one momentum.
Starting point is 01:06:35 Your spirit would go to two, but your momentum would go to two. Oh, that's a good one. That's a good one. That's hard. Look, we're basically, we've gotten the antivirus. We kind of burn the spirit. Let's burn the spirit, put the momentum at two. Okay.
Starting point is 01:06:56 Yes. Momentum at two spirit has to be at two. So make sure you put it at two. And then, um, I think the last thing we should do is just get out of here. Yes. Leave. And to do that, let me look up, uh, set a course, finish an expedition. There really isn't, um, a way to leave a site the way it was in Delve.
Starting point is 01:07:24 So I think that because we rolled a strong hit, we just get out of here. I think we haul some ass. The two remaining of us, we have four suits, run back onto the ship. We install the antivirus. Let's. Hmm. We're not done. I got to feel it.
Starting point is 01:07:42 We're not done yet. I got to feel it. I'm just thinking like you should just do one face danger role to determine if, you know, maybe something follows us, maybe the antivirus, there's something wrong with it, maybe, you know, any number of things. Hold on. I got you. All right.
Starting point is 01:08:01 Cause we, we cut back through the mosquitoes. We cut back through the cafeteria, but remember that thing was also really pitch dark. So there could have been something in the corner. We did not see. True. Uh, I, I'm assuming unfortunately we can't bring our companion back because a way too heavy enough while in engineering. So that unfortunate.
Starting point is 01:08:21 Yeah. Yeah. Yes. But we don't know what, if something eats him and he might, I don't know what that is. So he might come back. We also remember, even though I closed that door with the lafters, they're still there and there's other doors that were open.
Starting point is 01:08:35 So I would say as we're getting back, cause we're dealing with these heavy suits too, like we're lugging them. We eventually meet our people, but they could have been making noise. So we don't know what was bothering. So I would say when we're getting onto the ship, everything's going. Yeah. Yeah. We're like basically on the ship and we just kind of want to determine how this lift off
Starting point is 01:08:55 takes off. Maybe something's trying to, maybe something's starting to try to come through. We don't know. Don't start saying bad things until we roll. I know. I know. Maybe I shouldn't do that. I'm going for it.
Starting point is 01:09:07 I'm going way too hard. We're going to face danger. Yes. Yes. And go ahead and roll either edge, heart, iron, shadow or wits. Iron. All right. Iron.
Starting point is 01:09:18 I'm going to, I'm going to assume then that means that you're kind of like fists up ready to attack if something engages. Otherwise, strength, endurance or aggression is, you know, that's what you use. Oh, question. How about this? Cause I feel like if we're already in the ship, it's not what, remember how the door closed behind us? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:39 What if KB was only able to get it like halfway open a little bit, so it's going to take some time for like one person at a time to go in. Okay. Okay. So does that. So that's where the facing danger is. And also these, like I'm thinking these suits are like heavy, so two people come in. So it's going to take some time.
Starting point is 01:09:57 So I'm going to stay, I'm going to be the one of the last people. So if we roll for danger, that's where I'm going to go ahead and we'll just do what will happen. Otherwise, it's just taking sweet time. Roll iron and let's see what happens next. I don't mess myself up with this. I know I messed up. I have an opportunity.
Starting point is 01:10:17 Oh, it is not just a strong hit. It is a strong hit with an opportunity. That's a critical success. You are, you are successful. You're going to take plus one momentum so that momentum can go to three and this is like critical success. What happens that is so good. I, okay.
Starting point is 01:10:39 Let's give these people, I think we need a little bit of something, I think they deserve a little reward for exploring this very dangerous deadly ship. So how about this? When we come back, the two guards that stay there by the door, they saw, they entered one door and they found, let's say some weapons. I feel like we need some stockpile of weapons, but also tool or something that I feel like that is actually can help us against any rating or anything, but mostly protect us, either it's armor or weapons or something.
Starting point is 01:11:16 I like that. I like the idea of finding something that's going to help them. It's kind of a surprise. Let me see if there's any move that is appropriate to determine that. Maybe it's just an oracle move. We could also maybe make a resupply move. When you attempt to bolster your readiness, you can either barter, threaten, steal, scavenge. So you would be rolling plus wits to, well, it's a strong hit, so we'll say you find something
Starting point is 01:11:43 for sure, but on a weak hit, let's just see what happens. Roll plus wits in an attempt to resupply and see what we get. If it's weak hit, on a weak hit, you can choose one. You can either, if you are unprepared, which is not the case, you can take plus two to supply or if you need a specific item or resource, which can be reasonably obtained, you acquire it and you take plus one momentum. You want like one specific thing plus one momentum or do you want plus two to your supply? I think unfortunately your supply is at five, so we really don't need to worry about that.
Starting point is 01:12:27 Right. Okay. You can either ask the Oracle or we can take this one specific, very useful item. I think either way we might be asking the Oracle. Want to ask the Oracle, because if not, I'm just going to say like something big boom or something. I mean, if you want to find a big weapon of some kind, it's fine. That's so interesting.
Starting point is 01:12:51 It's either we get some, ask, you know, should we just, you know what, let's just go ahead and let the Oracle decide to us. We love our randomness here on Mayday. I got a 90. You got a 90 way in front of me because I'm still trying to find what we should even roll on. So we're trying to ... Oh my God, I rolled 100.
Starting point is 01:13:14 You rolled a 90 and we're trying to determine whether ... So if this is a big weapon, we're agreeing with that, right? Is it a ... Go ahead. Okay. Let's talk this through really quick. They don't have, I don't think they have anything on the ship for, like even, I'm assuming, right?
Starting point is 01:13:38 There wasn't really anything on the ship. We have two energy weapons, which we'll say is basically like a bow and arrow. It's not, you know, in terms of like scaling of the weapons. Oh, okay. I got you. Okay. Can we, if we say it's, now I'm not, we don't have to say it's like a big bazooka, but let's say we found an armory, so it's not like Tommy Gunn, or like, I would love a shotgun, but
Starting point is 01:14:01 like what I'm talking about is maybe like handheld smaller weapons to, I would say small to medium weapons, no large. How's that? Because it's a smaller armory. How's that? So it's like, oh, we have stuff, but it's not like ... Okay. So I guess we're deciding, is it a shotgun or is it like a rifle?
Starting point is 01:14:21 Oh, shotgun, always do shotgun. Okay. Then it's a shotgun. Great. So we'll just say for the sake of this that whoever has this shotgun in terms of who's carrying it has a new asset. I don't think we can give ourselves a new asset is the problem. So we'll say that, we'll say that when you carry the shotgun, it gives you like a plus
Starting point is 01:14:50 one when dealing damage. Okay. So if you deal damage, it adds plus one to the harm. Okay. Does that make sense? Yes. Is there only going to be one weapon or is there multiple that we can do runs and we've just continually rolled danger as we stay longer and longer?
Starting point is 01:15:09 The way we rolled on the resupply, it was one major item plus one momentum. Okay. So we'll say we have a shotgun. That's good. That's really good. That adds plus ... Plus one to any harm we deal. I'm going to look back on the, you know, it's weird because Starforge doesn't really seem
Starting point is 01:15:30 to have any obvious rules about like weapons and stuff. So I'm trying to kind of figure that out and maybe next session we'll have something more concrete. But I think right now this is ... The laser shotgun. Yeah. Yeah. It's a laser shotgun.
Starting point is 01:15:43 We've said that it does one harm or adds one harm. We've got it. We're on board the ship. The antivirus is being installed and we take off. Oh my God. We made it off with quite a few hits. Yeah. We're beat up.
Starting point is 01:15:59 Our spirit's low. Yeah. Do you want to continue to undertake the journey of getting to the planet that we're heading to or do you want to like resupply, sojourn basically? I feel like we got what we needed. Because here's the thing. If we find a new location and we go to that new location, we'll have low health. So that's ...
Starting point is 01:16:29 We got what we needed for sure. Let's just continue on with the main objective and just ... So you would rather not take the time to heal. You'd rather just continue ... Oh no. I'm so sorry. That's what I meant. I was like ...
Starting point is 01:16:41 Gotcha. Let's just start going in row and then I'll just heal and recover. So there are two different moves that seem to be new. Let me show you here. We can sojourn, which on a strong hit, you can recover any of the stats that we have. You could attempt to heal specifically or harden, which is specifically for spirit. Oh. But sojourn seems to be the one that's like all of them if you roll well.
Starting point is 01:17:15 Let's do that. All right. You're going to roll plus heart and let's hope you roll well. Come on. Come on. Come on. WeeKitt. I swear.
Starting point is 01:17:27 This game has been brought to you by WeeKitts. It's okay. WeeKitts are not that bad. I'll take it. They're only sometimes really bad. They're only sometimes really bad. Yeah. That's facts.
Starting point is 01:17:38 That's so true. When you sojourn, it's basically the same as a strong hit, but the time is short or resources are strained. You and your allies each make one recover move instead of two with no more than three moves total among the group. Let's ignore that. The point is that on a strong hit, you and your allies may each choose two recover moves. So in this case, you're only choosing one.
Starting point is 01:18:00 You can either heal, harden, repair, or resupply. Instead of rolling, assume an automatic strong hit for each, an individual move can be taken more than once. So if you want, you can just take a strong hit on healing, resupplying, or heartening. Oh gosh. Your health is pretty low. The health is low and so is the spirit. So that's the downside is.
Starting point is 01:18:27 Okay. So if you roll a strong hit on heal, clear the impact and take plus two health. Always take or give plus three health. Let's see. The care is helpful. If you are wounded, which is a condition which you don't have, clear the impact and take plus two. Okay.
Starting point is 01:18:45 So we're going to take plus three health and go back up to full plus five. We are back there. You can either attempt to make a spirit increase or we just continue now. I would like to, I'm going to go, I'm going to try for it. Let's go ahead and try spirit increase. We are going to hearten. You're going to roll plus heart. Funny enough.
Starting point is 01:19:10 Okay. Should have been surprised by that. Come on. Come on. Come on. Where for me? Hold on. Let's see if we can end on a good note here.
Starting point is 01:19:18 Yeah. Oh, I didn't click it. Oh, an opportunity. You laugh for a good reason. It was very good. On a strong hit, you find companionship with your fellow brothers and sisters. If you're shaken, which you're not, otherwise take plus two spirit. If you make this move as a surgeon, please take one more.
Starting point is 01:19:37 So you are going to take spirit up to four. Now it's a critical success. Yes. You can either add plus one to that spirit and make it five or you can add plus one to your next move. Let's go ahead and do a plus one to spirit. Okay. I would rather do that.
Starting point is 01:19:57 You are making sure to leave it as you found it for the next player. Yes, I am. Um, would you like to end the night making the next undertake a journey move to see how the next leg of the journey will be? Yes. All right. Let's do that. You don't have plus one, but you can either roll edge, shadow or wits.
Starting point is 01:20:21 Now let me make sure here, yes, that is, that is what you want to do. Okay. See how you do. Let's do it. Let's do it. The session to a close can't get much better than an opportunity. My gut is already, anyone who's watched me play before, they, we all know how this is going to end.
Starting point is 01:20:42 We know how, we know exactly how I end the show. So let's see if I can tell you the tradition of no effing. You know what? No. Again, this is brought to you by a weak hit. I'm okay with this. On a weak hit, you do reach a waypoint, but it's going to cost you. Of course you will.
Starting point is 01:21:01 You can either make a suffer move or you can face a peril at the waypoint. You tell me what's going to happen and then I'll have the next player figure all that out. Are they making the suffer move or are they facing a peril? Oh no, darling. They're going to face some peril. Nice. So next time we play.
Starting point is 01:21:20 Oh, it's always fun for me, especially when you guys roll poorly, but the next time we play, the next player is going to reach a waypoint, but there's some kind of peril waiting for them. Thanks to Amanda. Thank you, Amanda. You're so welcome. It has been a pla- a- a- a- a- a- a- a blast. It is a blast to play with you.
Starting point is 01:21:40 All of it. Thank you, Amanda, for- for jumping in and helping us out. No. This was awesome. I- I do love playing this with you, Surge, so it's like. It's- it's- it's fun and I think we got to keep this, this- this Starforged game goofy and crazy. We got to raise the stakes with Iron Sworn.
Starting point is 01:21:57 You know, Iron Sworn was about the drama. This is about the action and the adventure. This is- oh my gosh. Okay. I got you. It's like, listen, guys, we were in- this is like the mummy returns. If you watch the first one, it's more intense and dramatic, but if you watch the second one, it's just basically a couple, like, love- they- their love is so pure.
Starting point is 01:22:17 They want to save their son and it's just a lot of shooting and shit. Yes. We are doing that. Exactly. Um, Amanda, thanks for joining us. Um, guys, if you enjoy what we do, uh, we do have a Patreon and we also would love for you to subscribe or at least follow us on Twitch so you know when we are doing our shows. We have a lot of cool stuff in the pipeline.
Starting point is 01:22:40 We just finished Ashoka. Amanda, what'd you think of the climax of Ashoka? The- I- I went through it the first time when I recorded and I had all these emotions and then I kind of thought- I put it to bed, I thought, and then just going through it again, I was like, ah, it was so much. And everyone, I have to say, everyone, even, like, sir, you br- everyone brought their A game. Everyone.
Starting point is 01:23:04 And if you can, if you haven't heard it, take some time and you're getting your commute. If you want some good laughs, it's hilarious. It's very emotionally driven, but like, I love how Eli just handled that. It was a great game. Uh, you can listen to it for free on anywhere you get your podcasts. You can listen to our Doom to Repeat campaign, uh, the first arc. We're recording the second arc, so that's coming, uh, we're hoping in October. And we've got some other things in the pipeline, some other projects with- with friends on
Starting point is 01:23:34 the internet. Uh, we'll probably be streaming a couple of one-shots coming up. I think this Friday, we're hoping to stream one with, uh, with Eli. And there's always heroes you should know and the sheep farms, so check those shows out both on Twitch. Amanda, you're beautiful. Everybody watching. You're beautiful.
Starting point is 01:23:53 Love you guys. And we will see you next time. Take care, guys. Bye.

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