Mayday Plays - Starforged Ep. 3

Episode Date: July 28, 2021

Allegra joins Sergio for the 3rd installment of Starforged!...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It is another day, and it is another chance to play some Star Forge. How you doing, Allegra? Driven on my water in bed, how are you? Maybe I should have given you a couple extra seconds to finish that slurp. Honestly, I should have. I should have known better than to take a sip as we started. That's on me. Yeah. The only thing that would have been better if you had done a spit take.
Starting point is 00:00:21 Just I'm glad I didn't. Uh, Jay Mejana Art says, Hey, love the music. Thank you. It's actually not ours. One of the cool things about backing Star Forged is that they recently released a bunch of music on tabletop audio. So I was using tabletop audio. You can see right here to play some background ambience.
Starting point is 00:00:50 And now I'm using sirenscape. So thanks both to sirenscape and the tabletop audio for using some of their cool sound effects and music. Cool jam. Cool jams all day long while we play irons, non-ironsworn Star Forged. Now, Allegra, we've been trying to have you on for weeks. I know, I'm sorry. It's been like, OK, it's been like one week.
Starting point is 00:01:12 You're like months that I've been begging you to go on and play Star Forged. It's been one week. I had to work. I'm very sorry. Fortunately, please forgive me. We do have lives outside of being May Day members. I wish we didn't. That'd be really fun.
Starting point is 00:01:29 We could feel like stupid chaos monkeys all day. It's it's one of our goals we're working towards. But now we don't have to work. We just need to relax and have some fun playing some Star Forged. Space time. Space time. So let me, I guess, bring us only up. I'm sorry, the Outlaws Network is now following us.
Starting point is 00:01:51 Thank you, the Outlaws Network. Thank you. Hi. That's very cool. They say no work, only game. I agree. That's the dream. That is the dream. The dream. We are working towards it, guys. And we have to come up with some amazing games so that you guys love us and keep watching.
Starting point is 00:02:07 But anyway, let me recap what we're doing here. So we have a whole, well, half a tribe of iron landers who have escaped a magical super storm to go out into space to try to find a new home. And we haven't really had a lot of luck so far with the whole finding a new home thing. We are in a place in the galaxy that is pretty quiet. So we're kind of just figuring out where we are,
Starting point is 00:02:33 getting our bearings and then trying to find a new home. And last session, Amanda decided to go down to like a planetoid, almost like a really big asteroid that had no oxygen on it. And we tried to find a antivirus or like virus protection software that would be helpful for the ship. And sure enough, we found it.
Starting point is 00:02:55 We got it back and we even got a couple of spacesuits. So now we have some spacesuits. Do we have do we have four or just two? We have four and we have a shotgun. Of course, Amanda shot gun. So we like to think that the shotgun, I think just adds plus one harm to any any attacks when we use it. Yes, Outlaws Network.
Starting point is 00:03:24 It was a surprising place to find it. It was because it was a former like colony. There was like something going on there that was, you know, there's a bunch of bases and things like that. But anyway, we continued on and Amanda left us in her, you know, favorite way to leave the game. The Amanda way, the Amanda way, which is in peril.
Starting point is 00:03:47 So what is happening is we're coming out of, I don't know if we're going warp speed or not. Maybe the ship is just traveling at like. I thought it was a little junker. It's kind of a little bit of a junker, so we're not going that fast. But we're doing our best for putt putting through space. Nonetheless, something happened.
Starting point is 00:04:05 So I have the space born peril rolls up for the first role of the game. Let me ask you to roll a D hundred. Tell me what you get and leave. Let's see what space born peril we come upon. As I type this in search, do you intentionally bring me on in the most stressful moments every single time?
Starting point is 00:04:27 I assure you, Allegra, that each made a member experiences the same thing as you. Nobody is free of having a stressful session with me. No, sixty eight. Oh, just one try. Sixty eight. The power fails. Ah, fucking hells.
Starting point is 00:04:47 It says the power fails. Didn't we just fix this problem? That's what Ashana says. Show this. Yeah, that's what Ashana says. You know, describe to me the scene like what's happening when the power fails? I mean, I think it's that it's that classic
Starting point is 00:05:06 like you're going through space and everyone's kind of feeling good because we've come out on top. We've got these like new supplies. We've got the virus like protection and it's just like, you know, like that, that like it's a hold and people are having conversations and like mingling and kind of feeling themselves.
Starting point is 00:05:22 And then it goes, yeah, everything goes dark and still like the red emergency lights come on. Right, just as the tribe is getting its bearings, the power goes off. Now, do we want to make a whole big thing out of this? Or do we want to kind of try to solve this quicker then then then later? I mean, yeah, what I'm saying,
Starting point is 00:05:43 we want to definitely solve it sooner than later because if we leave it too long, like the the environmental, the the things that keep it habitable are going to go bye bye. And maybe more importantly, Alba's life support. She's in this kind of stasis mode right now. We're working towards fixing them. So let's make this a thing
Starting point is 00:06:04 where it's not going to take us very long. Maybe it's just a matter of facing danger. OK, and. Sure, to be going really bad. We can we can fix it. So let's just face danger affords us. Let me go real quick to our Oracle moves. All right. Page two, two, four.
Starting point is 00:06:29 When you face danger, I just read the outlaw network says if you're the only one that just means you know how to handle it best. I appreciate that so much. I don't. Sometimes I make it worse. Sometimes I do OK. We'll see how it goes tonight. We will. I appreciate it, though.
Starting point is 00:06:47 We have a whole ship of iron landers who are slowly losing oxygen. Not yet. You can either choose to roll with edge, heart, iron, shadow or wits, but you got to describe to me how you use one of these skills. I mean, I want to say iron because it's our best stat, but I don't think you can muscle
Starting point is 00:07:10 your way through being like, all right, it's fixed. So I think it's going to have to be wits unless unless it's like a unless it's like a leaderly standpoint of iron of like telling people where to go and like strong arming the tribe and being like lead of the tribe. Well, maybe maybe we'll do this. You can roll iron. And just he always had hit it like a TV.
Starting point is 00:07:38 That makes everything right. Part of me wants to try it. Just I mean, if you'd like, you can try to do that. I don't I don't trust it. I was going to give you the option that we could also ask the Oracle. Does KB our artificial intelligence on the ship? Does KB know what the problem is or doesn't it?
Starting point is 00:07:58 If it does, then it gives me more of a reason to think that you can use iron because it's like, oh, this thing is on the fritz. Bang this, you know what I mean? Right. OK, yeah, yeah, I like that idea. All right, like I feel like she'd be on emergency power anyway. True, true. Fifty one or greater, it does know what the problem is. All right.
Starting point is 00:08:20 All right, I don't want to look at it. Ah, sixty eight. Oh, no. No, that's eleven. Sixty eight was the previous one. Yeah, no, KB KB is not able to sense anything because all the power is off. If this was doomed to repeat, that would be a really good roll, though. True, exactly.
Starting point is 00:08:39 So shouldn't we take that into account? Now, I know, I know, I know, I know. Things until it works. You can roll iron. It is your best time. I I that feels that feels cheap for me to just like play it for the stat. I think wits is the actual thing we have to do. I'll say this, if you roll iron and you do a miss, something really bad happens.
Starting point is 00:09:04 But if you work with wits and you miss, let's be lenient on ourselves. And maybe it's not an instant death or anything like that. Yeah, I'm going to I'm going to do wits just because that's that's the more correct thing to do. And I don't want to play it just for the stat. All right, let's see it. This is face danger. This is face danger.
Starting point is 00:09:25 Yes, does that mean I have a plus one because we said what if I have faced it because of my what's it the your asset? Yeah, my asset. Congratulations, Allegra. You are one of the first players to remember about the assets. And so, yes, you may add plus one to that role. I feel like me like celebrating that's like a little cheat because we did talk about it before we did this, but still.
Starting point is 00:09:48 OK, we can't. OK, all right, we can't. That's something that's better than a miss. Let's look here on a week hit. You succeed, but at a troublesome cost, you must make a suffer move. All right, so you can either make a suffer move or you can kind of give me a good description of what the complication is. You succeed, you get the power back on, but what's what's the what's the cost? OK, so I feel like maybe like
Starting point is 00:10:18 we went down into like the the the power bank or whatever it is. And like something had gotten like jostled when we were when we were docking on that planetoid. And it was just like a matter of alignment and in realigning it. I don't know if we like potentially weakened it so that next time if it goes, it'll be bad. You're like there's a potential of it. OK, so it's like you know how when you fix something and it's like
Starting point is 00:10:54 it's like it's fixed for now. But next time it breaks, it's going to be terrible, like like when you bend something back, but now you've like ruined the the integrity of it. Like like I've sat on my glasses so many times and had to like bend it back and then just wrecked my earpiece because I fixed it, but like not really. And I can't really move it aside from like carefully putting them on my face. Right, right. I'm curious now, completely off topic. Have you ever had to wear your glasses where you've got the middle part with the tape?
Starting point is 00:11:24 Oh, yeah, I have broken my glasses in every conceivable way. I have taken the earpieces off, I popped lenses out and cracked them. Like there's there's nothing I haven't done to my glasses, which is why I have two pairs of glasses now. Gotcha. All right. So sounds to me like the most reasonable suffer move would be to endure stress. Like, oh, this is this is kind of ruined. Right. And and you're saying it's like some part of the inner
Starting point is 00:11:54 it's some part of like the the thing that controls the power. It's like an energy coil or I don't know if I can think about ships. Sure, sure. Yeah, neither do I. That's fine. Maybe like an energy coil or like a like a like a sprocket or a lever. Just saying words now. Maybe we say that we need to replace that part. So we'll say that the sprocket like it's fixed, but needs to be replaced. Sprocket needs replacing now.
Starting point is 00:12:23 OK, so it's a little mini valve that we're going to have to swear that we that we fix. But yeah, sure. So you fix the issue. The power comes back on and we can continue on our way. Actually, before we do that, we do have to endure stress. Oh, yeah. So remind me what that is. Yes, you're going to have to either roll spirit or heart, whichever is higher. You're a tire right now. All right.
Starting point is 00:12:50 So let's roll spirit. No modifier. A strong hit. Nice. Strong hit. I think nothing happens to you. You can either shake it off and you don't lose any spirit or you can embrace the darkness. You lose one spirit, but you take plus one momentum. And your momentum's at a four.
Starting point is 00:13:13 I kind of like the idea of embracing the darkness of that like haggard captain who is just like, it's one more thing for me to do. All right. And like just like takes it in, sucks it up and goes on. And I'll reduce your spirit to four. And it does kind of work with Ishauna because Ishauna has a corruption. We decided that about basically when we transition to Star Forge that she is reckless, she has little self-preservation because she did just so many crazy things, you know, before taking off into space.
Starting point is 00:13:51 So she's a little reckless. Yeah. So she's just yeah. Bang with her hammer on things that stop working and thankfully they turn back on for her. Sometimes they work. But in the meantime, we are back to traveling. We are back to trying to make our way, undertake an expedition. So we're going to continue.
Starting point is 00:14:13 We're either going to roll edge, shadow or wits to move at speed, keep under the radar or stay vigilant. I think it's I think the move is stay vigilant because there's not any reason that we need to go quickly, really. Besides besides Alba. Yeah. Yeah. There's not a we don't know about a radar to be staying under. So it seems like the move. OK.
Starting point is 00:14:46 All right. Don't have I don't have modifier for take it under take a journey. It's like Clash or OK, that's what I thought. Thank you. We get we get on a week hit. You reach a way point, which means we will make some progress. Envision the location, mark progress, but you must either make a suffer move or face a peril, envision what you encounter. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:15:14 Um. So we're going through space ships working again. We can we do? Can we do where we land first or where we end up first? Well, yeah, I mean, basically, we can roll for a space peril again, if you'd like. Yeah, actually, I like the randomness of space. I do, too. Let me very quickly mark some progress for your
Starting point is 00:15:37 traveling to Sealy. That's another check mark. We have now three in our quest to travel to Sealy. We are going to one forty two. I think here we go. Spaceborne peril. Give me another D 100 roll. Let's see what the hell happens next to our little sheep. They'll say those say for those a contagion or illness threatens to take hold.
Starting point is 00:16:06 Oh, oh, didn't didn't I get bit by that fucking laughter? You did. You did. Yeah. I like where your head's at. So I rewatched it today. So I was trying to because I was trying to remember everything that happened. Yeah. So talk to me about what it looks like. What's going on?
Starting point is 00:16:27 Did we decide if the zombies were on the on the on the ask the little aspect thing? Did we decide if the zombies were a direct result of that or direct result? Something we never decided what the hell was going on with those zombies. So cool. I feel like it was like did it say a disease or illness within like the group or just in general? All it says is contagion or illness threatens to take hold.
Starting point is 00:16:53 It doesn't necessarily mean that definitely takes hold. OK, threatens to take hold. So what I'm thinking is explain to me what you think this looks like. And we might make a suffer move. OK, so I think I think because we got bit on the hand, bitten on the hand. Yeah. I feel like it's gone to the point that she had, you know, she's been doing stuff around the ship and she's been trying to like take care
Starting point is 00:17:13 of everyone and she kind of forgot about it because it was no big deal. And it might have gotten like infected and like it's starting to be like very apparent and very painful. And maybe there is like some kind of maybe it was either like a Komodo dragon where if they bite you like all the bacteria in their mouth that you all fucky or maybe there was some kind of venom. Who knows? You know, I hate it when when things get fucky with those with those infections.
Starting point is 00:17:43 So I think we need to make a we need to make a suffer move. Right. OK, let's go. Yes, it sounds like our suffer table. We're going to endure harm. You are going to subtract one from your health. Yes. So do that automatically. It goes to four and then you will either roll health or iron.
Starting point is 00:18:04 I believe health because it's higher. Health is still stronger. All right, now let's see what you get. Oh, this is bad times. This is the bad place on a miss. It's worse than you thought. Suffer an additional minus one health or lose two momentum. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:18:31 Another health or two momentum. What's it going to be? Oh, man, oh, man, oh, man, oh, man, oh, man. I would argue if you lose one health, it's still staying in a shana. If you lose momentum, it might mean it's starting to spread spread. Yeah, that's kind of where I'm at right now, too, is like, OK, like I can like if I bolster down and like wrap it up real tight, maybe no one else will get it.
Starting point is 00:18:59 So I think I think I'm going to take the hit to health because I want to have that momentum in case we really need it later. OK, so our health goes down to two. Oh, we take two. Yes. And what does it look like? What is this? I thought it was just one health and but two or two momentum. So let's see.
Starting point is 00:19:23 We were we were just at three. Was that because you said it to three? I just said it to three because I took the I took the health down. OK, we were at five and it was four and then it was three. Thank you. I don't mean to kill you. So no. So talk to me about what this sickness is like. What does it look like?
Starting point is 00:19:39 What is it doing to poor a shana? We could always roll. I feel like it's that like gross, tendrally like infection that you kind of see in movies, except for it's like bright, like almost bioluminescent green because you because we were talking about like the plants on that asteroid being like bioluminescent. Yeah. So I feel like it's it's bacteria from that kind of like spreading up
Starting point is 00:20:06 through her veins. Oh, so she started to light up a little bit. Yeah, just like a little bit on her right arm. And it's like obviously very painful. And it might maybe it like affects her grip strength or something. OK, so it's like she's she's being weakened. She's glowing. Yeah. Obviously contagious.
Starting point is 00:20:26 Like do people like do they quarantine her? I think so. I mean, like if if someone starts glowing, you don't go near them. Yeah. So I feel like I feel like they're just trying to like take care of her from afar and like shove things over to her with like with like a push broom like here. All right, we have the leader of this. Group sick. What is the move?
Starting point is 00:20:54 What do we do? Does someone else take over? Does Shana try to power through it and get better? What do we do? I feel like she might like because it's it's a it's a pretty big unknown. So I almost feel like she fries to hand off. Is someone giving you some advice on the side there? No, there's just like a weird little knocking noise in my apartment.
Starting point is 00:21:24 And I don't like it. OK, please stop. Whatever you are, if you can understand me, please stop. Cool. Thanks. I feel like just I will not. No one says you should not back. I will not. I. There's a bruhead on my blood and I will not knock back.
Starting point is 00:21:46 Hell, no. I I'm torn because I want to like if I say that I want to hand off leadership to someone, am I going to have to make a new character? I mean, is that what you're leading towards? I would like that, but we don't have to do that. We could we could we could basically just continue to make some undertake a journey's. But we're just a suit.
Starting point is 00:22:11 We have to use the same stats. Yeah, that's just that's OK. Yeah, I feel like she'd hand off hand off lead to someone else. And like we can we can come back to Ashana, right? Of course. I mean, OK, great. As long as Ashana doesn't die. Yeah. Yeah. OK. We're going to we're going to have her hand off leadership to someone, I think.
Starting point is 00:22:33 Does Ashana go into the same stasis that Alba is in to like keep them alive, but like the the virus from spreading or the contagion from spreading? I feel like, yeah, I think that would be like the move for her. Of this is this is her way that she's going to keep her people safe. All right, that's what we want to do. Let's ask the Oracle. Fifty one or greater.
Starting point is 00:23:00 There is another space to allow them to do that. Otherwise, yeah. You 100. All right. We'll see. It's a yeah, it's a D 100. Well, not. One too many. You should see how high we can roll.
Starting point is 00:23:25 What is the highest? I'm sure we could roll a D 10,000. A D million. All right. Eighty four. There is another stasis pod. So is Shana having not getting anywhere closer to completing their goal of saving their wife or now themselves sick.
Starting point is 00:23:48 We're going to put them into sasis. My question to you is. I'm trying to think like. I can only think we have to create a new character. Yeah, sorry, Eli. They're not dead. She's not dead. She's I'm actually saving her.
Starting point is 00:24:09 Yes. But now we have the problem of someone has to save a Shana before they can even save his wife. Right. So the next character that we make, I think that needs to be one of the goals. You know, one of the vows that they make is fix a Shana, but they can also have the longer term goal of finding a home for the tribe.
Starting point is 00:24:31 How do you feel about that? I definitely agree with that. OK, so we're going to put a Shana to the side for now as she has contracted space COVID and we're no new character. Space Vines. We're calling it Space Vines. Space Space Vines. And let's let's say I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
Starting point is 00:24:54 I'm so sorry. Let's try to keep her safe. Let's create a new character. Now, one thing I want to think about is this needs to be a more Starforged ears character. So there should be, you know, one of the iron landers should have taken to the whole space thing a little bit better than the rest. You know what I mean? Mm hmm.
Starting point is 00:25:14 So let's roll their name. Roll a D 100. I guess roll 51 or greater. Fifty one or greater. It's a woman. Fifty or less, it's a man. Use me. Where are my other options? Oh, OK. All right.
Starting point is 00:25:30 How how do you want to do that? It's a 90. They're non-binary chosen. They are a non-binary person. Let's roll a D 100. Let's roll another D 100. You just tell me which name you like better. I'll give you two options.
Starting point is 00:25:51 Well. Twenty six. Sixty six. Nakata or Tristan. Nakata or Tristan? I like Nakata better. OK. Nakata. That's Mikata. Here's Nikata.
Starting point is 00:26:10 OK, so we're going to save that. We have our new character, Nakata. Yes, thank you for the new version release. Thank you. Yes. OK. Here we go. So that's why it got mad. We need to select the stats for this character or we can select the assets first.
Starting point is 00:26:32 Let's do assets first. OK. Typically, you get a starship, but we kind of already have a starship. Since they're taking over, I think they need to have this starship command vehicle. Like they're the ones taken over now, right? So one of their assets is going to be this starship ability.
Starting point is 00:26:54 Your armed multi-purpose starship is suited for interstellar and atmospheric flight. When you advance, you may spend experience to equip this vehicle with module assets. So basically, when you are able to spend experience, you could spend it on the ship if you wanted to. OK, that's pretty cool. All right, that's pretty cool. Now, so let's see, how do we do this? Because there is
Starting point is 00:27:23 is our first Star Wars character. Our first Star Wars character kind of fully. Yeah, exactly. And then the problem is assets. Yeah, asset types. Let's go to page 48. Hopefully there's like a big list here because. Hmm.
Starting point is 00:27:38 So there are there's the command vehicle, which we've picked one. There are modules, which are things that are attached to the starship. There are support vehicles, which are like shuttles. And there are paths, which are like banners worn. The other ability that Ashana had. And then finally, companions. So you could have a pet of some kind if you wanted to. No robots, like a little robot.
Starting point is 00:28:09 Exactly. Yes. So let's look real quick. Do do do any of those future fans here? Are you thinking companion and maybe an at a what's it called? A module or a or I was thinking what I was thinking about a path. Yeah, I I like robots, but I like robots not. I don't think the cut is like a robot or a robot person. Let's try a path and let's try a companion.
Starting point is 00:28:32 So let's find. You know, unfortunately, there's just not like an easy. List of these, I do have the PDF. Let's say. Modules, let's get past the modules. Let's pass the support vehicles. OK, you want to choose a path, right? One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight,
Starting point is 00:29:00 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 20, 30, 37, 38, 39, 40. OK, there are forty one possible paths. Oh, God, I'm going to have to count this all over again. Roll a D forty one and see what you get. We roll at 421. Yeah, if you do, you know, four slash roll D 4, 1. It'll do it amazing.
Starting point is 00:29:34 Let's see what you get a twenty six again. Oh, wow, interesting. All right, so let me go to the top. We have this just this thrilling game play as I count. Thanks for sticking with us, friends. We are making a new character in space. Come here, come be entertaining. Here we go, there we go.
Starting point is 00:30:02 Yes, get some Waverly in there. What we have settled on at number twenty six is a naturalist. When you secure an advantage or gather information, both things, we don't do a lot, actually. At least we don't think to do it very much using your knowledge of life forms or planet side ecosystems at planet side. Ecosystems add plus one and take plus one momentum on a hit on a strong hit with a match.
Starting point is 00:30:34 You also confirm an obscure theory or reveal a surprising aspect of the encounter. Mark one tick on your discoveries, legacy tracks. So that's for later. But this person is a naturalist. This person is intelligent enough to understand the way ecosystems work. You know, KB has sat down and shown this person the way planets work and how life forms up work. They're pretty intelligent, it seems.
Starting point is 00:31:04 Yeah, and I think this is a really good path, especially for someone who's trying to save not only Ashana, but also Alba. Absolutely. That's a great point. So let me add something here. We'll do a custom. We'll call it a naturalist. We have three inputs, a text box. So I'm just going to try to copy and paste this real quick.
Starting point is 00:31:30 Bam and bam. That worked. Beautiful. We don't have to make any more here. I'll just steal the other things so that when we upgrade it, we can use it. That's a copy and one more. Here we go. All right, so that's the view for naturalists. All right, we've got that selected.
Starting point is 00:31:59 Oh, interesting. It's not allowing me to text box and text box. OK. Great. Let's now choose a companion. Sounds like you want a companion, right? I was thinking about it and I don't know if I don't know if I want to go companion. I kind of can we can we like what what are the modules? Are they are they just like well, they're there specifically for the ship?
Starting point is 00:32:25 Let's look. So like, for instance, one of them is stealth tech. When you make a move against a specific foe to avoid detection, add plus one. This is if you enter the fray. And I think this is specifically for your ship. So like we would be more ship focused in our travels and things like that, which is fine. It is Starforged. I kind of so it's a naturalist
Starting point is 00:32:49 that that also somehow has a module for the ship. I'm wondering if she if they sorry, I did it myself. God damn it. I wonder if they if they kind of are like adapt to their surroundings. So they're kind of seeing this as a new kind of environment or like natural space to try and inhabit and try and like understand maybe. So you're saying that you would like you would hope for a module that is something like that, like creating a habitat or an ecosystem?
Starting point is 00:33:22 Not necessarily that, but just like the way they're taking the ship is taking it as a new like natural, even though it's not natural, like a new. Does this make any this may not make any sense. Yeah, I mean, I think I know what you're saying. I'm trying to find an asset that kind of fits that, which unfortunately there isn't. I mean, I'm not saying that it has to be like it has to be natural per se. It's just like they are their perception of what the ship itself is. Is kind of well, their perception of the ship is is what it's a place
Starting point is 00:33:55 that protects these people. We could add a module regarding shields or a research lab that maybe this naturalist works in. Do you want to roll it and see what happens? Sure, let's see. We've got one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen. There are fourteen modules.
Starting point is 00:34:20 Roll a D fourteen and let's see what you get. Oh, forty one and fourteen. That's funny. One. A one engine upgrade. Your vehicle's finely tuned engines speed your travels when you undertake an expedition plus edge and roll a strong hit with a six on your action die, you can take plus two momentum. Oh, so this character is kind of becoming much more information and like travel oriented, which is probably good.
Starting point is 00:34:53 Yes, Shana was not very good at that. Not at all. I feel like I feel like they're trying to like merge where they are currently with where they were before. Yeah. And like seeing the ship more as an organism rather than like a hunk of metal. Exactly. So this is a engine upgrade module. And we are going to just copy and paste all of the
Starting point is 00:35:19 all of the abilities. The first ability is, yeah, that if you undertake an expedition using edge and you get a six on the die, you get a plus two to your momentum, which is cool. And then after that, we do something with entering the fray, which is cool. That'll be helpful. And then finally, when you make a desperate move to pursue a foe or escape a threat, you could reroll some die.
Starting point is 00:35:48 That looks cool. All right. So we'll save this, view it. Huh. And your vehicles finally tuned engines. And then we'll add the other one regarding that we have a ship at all. So we have a command ship. We are using roll 20, by the way, anybody who's watching. I like it, but they have not changed yet to Star Forge.
Starting point is 00:36:21 So we're using the old iron sworn character sheet, which is really good. But it's still, you know, isn't exactly what we need. So we're kind of, you know, hacking things on the flat, doing things on the fly for your entertainment. So here we go, adding this and then a track of five. And we are done with our assets. So now that we've chosen our assets, we're almost done. Let's choose our attributes.
Starting point is 00:36:49 What is the number one attribute at a three that you want to give this person? It's got to be wits. Got to be wits. We are a thinker. We will submit three for wits. Whoops, sorry, I didn't mean to do that. Here we go. So wits are at a three and then we need two twos.
Starting point is 00:37:12 Sorry, I can't see our character sheet. So I'm just looking at Ashana's. Oh, so I know. Oh, yeah, you're right. So OK, so yeah. So edge, heart, iron or shadow. Edge, I think makes sense, right? Yeah. Edge is important. And probably I think heart because she's taking on
Starting point is 00:37:32 like she's taking the mantle, essentially. OK, I like that. I like to think that maybe there was like Ashana's getting really sick and like the remaining 49 members of this of this group. Like, you know, maybe they have a meeting and somebody steps forward and it's this person and maybe they even vote on them.
Starting point is 00:37:51 Like this is the person who's probably the best. Even though they're not necessarily as powerful as Ashana or something. And I don't think they're like looking to be in charge, which is sometimes better. Yes. Let us real quick. I'm going to look at character creation because I think there's just adding. Adding some allies, choose to pass,
Starting point is 00:38:19 create your backstory, write your background, vow, board your starship, nothing about. Bonds will not worry about that right now, because the bond is just kind of the whole ship. So our first vow is the more long term vow, which is we want to find a home, find a new home for the Ironlanders tribe. OK, and if I want to copy from Ashana,
Starting point is 00:38:49 we have some progress on that. Let me look. We've got one and a half progress on that. We do have a threat. The jungle stops the Ironlanders from escaping. We haven't made any progress on that threat, but it does exist, nonetheless. And then we are marking progress and a half. That's good.
Starting point is 00:39:15 Yep. OK. And then the next vow is to find a cure for Ashana. Yes, who can eventually find a cure for Alba? Yeah. It's it's vows all the way down. Good cure vows. How do how difficult do we want this vow to be? It could be troublesome.
Starting point is 00:39:40 It can be. I don't think it's going to be. I don't think it's going to be that big of a deal, because, well. I feel like with the right medicine that's going to potentially be in any civilization, it might be doable pretty simply, but it's like a matter of finding the right civilization that has that medication. OK, let's let's do it as let's just do it as dangerous.
Starting point is 00:40:14 OK, yeah, that means that seems right. Two progress or two checkmarks, two full boxes every time we make progress, which is good. That's a that's a nice little adventure to try to save Ashana. Yeah, let me just make sure there's another. Yeah, then the other thing we want to mark is our travel to Sealy, which the other Nekata is taking over. So travel to Sealy and it has three boxes of progress.
Starting point is 00:40:43 All right. Just an interim captain. Just give me a little description of what what is Nekata like? What is their personality? We can also roll for it, if you like. Um, well, I think I think we kind of like halfway established that they're not. Oh, they're not. Do you have an opinion?
Starting point is 00:41:08 I don't think they're like a like a tradition, a leader in the traditional sense. I think they're like. Not a backseat driver, but like. And remember where they may have come from. I mean, if they're genuinely intelligent, they're probably either a cartographer or a historian. Yeah. I feel like they're probably a historian. OK.
Starting point is 00:41:34 And I think they're also kind of more interested in letting those lines dissolve than keeping up with them. Especially now being out in space. It's like, you know, this is a whole new world for us. We kind of stop defining ourselves by these old roles. OK, so that's interesting. So they're progressive sounds like. Yeah, I think progressive is a good word for it.
Starting point is 00:41:58 Not a natural born leader. No, I think maybe like. Yeah, I was going to say meek, but that doesn't really make sense. I mean, yeah, hi. You're kind of painting them as like a reluctant leader. That's maybe the best way to describe them. OK. With that in mind, Nikata.
Starting point is 00:42:31 Who has learned from KB. Takes over. What does it look like? What's the move? OK, so. Can you remind me why we're trying to go to Sealy just because my brain? We're trying to go to Sealy because it's basically all that KB has seen in this area, at least the major large bodies.
Starting point is 00:42:55 We are in a part of space that is distant from the center of the forge. And yeah, we're in the back woods, right? We're in the swamps of our galaxy. So we're kind of just exploring. Because the Shauna was in charge, she wanted to go to Sealy because potentially finding a cure for Alba. Yeah. So maybe now we need to go to Sealy to see if we can find a cure for Shauna.
Starting point is 00:43:23 Yeah, I don't I think I think that the Nikata is going to like stay the directive and they're going to be like, OK, this is where Shauna wanted to go. So this is this is just where we're keeping keeping on towards. OK. So is that like an undertake a journey kind of kind of a move? It is a. Understake a journey. Let me pull up those. Moves, let's see.
Starting point is 00:43:51 You are going to roll either with edge, shadow or wits. OK, I don't think I have her care. They're there. Oh, OK, let's see. Let me make sure I saved it. I did save it. Let me show to you. Ah, hello. All players can be edited and controlled by all players save.
Starting point is 00:44:11 Sick. You should now see it and be able to mess with it. It's thinking about letting me. You don't see it yet. I see it. It's just got a big purple circle right now. Let's see. There we go. There we go. There we go. There we go. There we go. There we go. There we go. Let's try this again.
Starting point is 00:44:32 Oh, here, here. Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah. Or wits. Let's see. Secure an advantage or gather information, undertake an expedition, which you did, but using edge. Yes, I'm gonna use edge.
Starting point is 00:44:51 Because of that, do you want to switch? Do you want to make edge plus three or no? Um. The only reason you do that is obviously for this role, and it would make this person more of a pilot than they are a naturalist. I feel like that's the swap. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:10 I always, I always like pilots, so I'm gonna say let's switch, let's switch it. All right, let's, let's go back real quick. Two. And edge, let's see, here we go, character. I think I edited it. Oh, you did, yes. Okay, great.
Starting point is 00:45:25 So go ahead, roll that edge, let's see what you get. Hopefully we roll a little bit better than Ashana ever did. Let's go, and then, oh, do I, no, it's just if I, if I hit, if I get a strong hit, I don't get an addition to my role. It's a weak hit. On a weak hit.
Starting point is 00:45:42 Okay, all right. You reach a waypoint, you can mark progress, but you either make a suffer move or face a peril. I'll face peril. Okay, let me quickly add some traveling to Sealy progress. This was a formidable journey, so we have four progress now. Curing Ashana was dangerous, and this was more extreme.
Starting point is 00:46:17 Okay, I got a peril for you. Maybe we don't have to roll for it. We did just basically make a pilot. What if we come upon some pirates? Ooh, space pirates. I do love space pirates, let's go space pirates. Okay, so my question to you is, how big of a challenge are they?
Starting point is 00:46:38 Are they a whole fleet of them? Is it just a handful of them? I think that's something we can ask the Oracle. Well, I think given that we're in the void, there's not gonna be that many of them. All right. So let's describe what they are. Why are they out here?
Starting point is 00:46:57 You know what I mean? What is going on with these guys? Maybe they're not in the best condition. Maybe they've just kind of been... Yeah, I wonder if they've been kind of smuggling and they're trying to use the void to avoid detection from the jungle, or maybe they're like us and they got off a different planet
Starting point is 00:47:16 and they just turned mean. They just go, oh, interesting. I like that idea of like another, you know, group of people that were experimented on kind of drifting in space. They could even be from the relic that we were previously on. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:34 So like the whole thing that was going down there. 51 or greater, they are from the relic. Okay, cool. Let's see. 39. No, they're not. They are not. So I have here in front of me drift pirates.
Starting point is 00:47:49 The features are they are scavenged, piecemeal armor, cobbled together weapons, tattoos as markings of victories. Their drives are to survive, build a mighty fleet. Their tactics are prowl, idol on passages, deploy gravity harpoons, and board to seize cargo. What's going on with these guys? Maybe we don't have to ask what's going on with them
Starting point is 00:48:19 until things get worse, because basically they're going to engage us and we have to try to outmaneuver them, huh? Yeah. Yeah. I think we don't really know much about them besides they're coming after us and we got a GTFO. Okay, so there's a lot of stuff going on
Starting point is 00:48:33 and we're trying to figure out what's going on and they're coming after us and we got a GTFO. Okay, so there's this other ship, probably smaller than ours, probably a little bit more maneuverable, comes out of like behind a nebula or something and is now chasing us and we're going to have to enter the fray.
Starting point is 00:48:54 All right, when you enter the fray, choose one before rolling, add one plus one and take plus on momentum on a strong hit or if you boost, you take plus two. So... Looking at your asset? Yes. Okay, yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:12 So I can take plus one. You can take plus one. Let's... Can I do that right? Probably. Well, no, because that's for, if you notice it's not selected. Right, we have a check mark next to,
Starting point is 00:49:32 when we undertake an expedition and we roll well, we can take plus two. I see now. So we're just going to be doing a regular, enter the fray, roll. You can roll plus edge, roll plus heart, iron, shadow or wits. I think it's edge,
Starting point is 00:49:52 we're just trying to like out speed and not maneuver them. Okay, you're on the move, you're going to roll plus edge and let's see what happens. All right. A little combat music here again. It's a miss. Oh, Lord.
Starting point is 00:50:10 Okay. So, hold on, before we get to ahead of ourselves, I need to make some progress here. This is the defeat or evade pirates, these drift pirates. The menace is the pirates boarding, boarding the ship. And you roll the miss,
Starting point is 00:50:34 so I'm going to definitely put one progress in that direction because of that. Let's call them, I don't know, are they troublesome or dangerous? I mean, they're probably dangerous. All right, two progress, two full boxes every time we do something against them. I don't like it.
Starting point is 00:50:58 What does this look like? What does it look like when you miss entering the fray with these pirates? Oh, man, I think I try to like punch some speed, like turbo boost or whatever, and I get the wrong button and it just kind of like sputters and it's enough to draw attention that like maybe we have a rookie pilot.
Starting point is 00:51:24 And they're like, oh, fucking hell, and like trying to find the right button right now. All right, so this ship is gaining on us, getting into a position where it could possibly fire. They now have the initiative. Now, if you want, at any time, remember that you have the ability to gain ground, oh, that's only when you are in control.
Starting point is 00:51:46 You can take, let's see, there is an ability that you can like steal initiative away from everyone. Let me quickly check. There's take decisive action. When you abandon a deprived of an objective, when you clash, when you're in a bad spot and fight against a foe in close quarters,
Starting point is 00:52:11 react under fire, blah, blah, blah. When you're in a bad spot and take action in a fight to avoid danger, overcome an obstacle, which is clash. So basically, are you attacking or are you maneuvering to get away from these guys? If you're attacking, you're gonna clash. I think I'm trying to get away.
Starting point is 00:52:31 I don't think I'm trying. I don't think we're getting into a scrap right now if we can help it. We're gonna react under fire and you are fleeing, essentially, so you're gonna roll plus edge. Plus edge. Okey-dokey.
Starting point is 00:52:51 All right, okay. Sorry, I was looking at something. Edge. Strong hit. Nice. On a strong hit, you succeed and are in control. Take plus one momentum. So your momentum is gonna go up to three.
Starting point is 00:53:11 And let's see. This is a strong hit. Is this a progress? I wanna say yes. On a strong hit, you succeed in pursuits. Caught in a trap, on a strong hit, control. All right, this is not, I can't mark progress. So all that's happened is that they haven't quite
Starting point is 00:53:38 outmaneuvered us, but we now have the advantage. We can either strike at them, we can attempt to gain ground, or we can, I think that's basically it, battle or take decisive action. I think we're trying to gain ground. When you are in control and take action in a fight to reinforce your position or move towards an objective,
Starting point is 00:54:02 you are fleeing, right? That's your kind of objective is to flee from them. Yeah. Roll edge again. All right. Let's hope you roll a strong hit. Yeah, another strong hit. On a strong hit, you stay in control and choose two.
Starting point is 00:54:24 You can either mark progress, take plus two momentum, or add plus one on your next move. Now, if you wanted to, I'd say you could take mark two progress. Okay. I'm definitely gonna mark progress. Okay. And then, wow.
Starting point is 00:54:41 Or momentum or add plus one to your next move. That is not a progress move. Yeah, I feel like plus one on the next move is probably the smart thing to do. All right, these guys are dangerous, so we're marking two progress boxes, two out of 10, and you still have the initiative. You have a plus one on your next move.
Starting point is 00:55:04 What are you doing? I'm just booking. I'm going, going, going, going. Just going. Let's see, you're not striking. You are trying to take decisive action. When you see an objective in a fight, envision how you take decisive action,
Starting point is 00:55:19 then roll the challenge die and compare to your progress. So I'm sorry, that is a progress move. We can't use it in that. We're gonna have to just battle. When you fight a battle and it happens in a blur, you're not really fighting though. I guess you're, you're kind of just gaining ground. I think, yeah, I think that's,
Starting point is 00:55:37 I don't think she wants, I think like fighting is the last thing they wanna do. All right. The, the, the engines are just on full blast. And I found the right button. Right. And they're diverting all power to the engines to get the hell out of here.
Starting point is 00:55:51 You're going to roll edge again, but you can add plus one to it. Cause you're using gain ground. Opportunity. Man, good one after another. Same thing. Again, you are going to mark progress or take plus two momentum or plus one on the next move.
Starting point is 00:56:12 And because it's an opportunity, it's a critical success. So we can sweeten that even a little bit more if we want. I think I definitely want to take progress cause I just want to get the fuck out of there and not deal with them. Okay. Four out of 10.
Starting point is 00:56:29 I'm going to take, I'm going to take another plus one, I think. Plus one to the next move. And I, I, Yeah, continuing to just move. I want to keep doing that. So you're going to do another gain ground. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:43 Okay. Again, roll plus edge. Edge. And then this one. Hope your luck doesn't run out. Oh my God. Another opportunity. Holy shit.
Starting point is 00:56:54 God. Okay. Why can't I roll like this in two to repeat? All right. So we have two opportunities here. Talk to me about what's going on in the ship. Why is this working so well? Why are the pirates having such a hard time catching us?
Starting point is 00:57:09 I think, like, I think they've spent enough time talking to KB and they've seen like, like flight patterns that different people have, like I just, that's, I guess that's a question I should ask. Just KB has like a, like a, like a backlog of information kind of. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:28 I would assume so. Okay. So given that they were a historian and that they're also a naturalist, I think it's just like all of those, those things are kind of clicking in their head of like, okay, I know how these kinds of birds fly. I know how these kinds of birds fly.
Starting point is 00:57:44 This is, this is kind of like the move that these birds make when they're trying to get away from a predator. So, and I think they're trying to, Nikata is using that knowledge to fly the ship. Yeah. And like, I think they've equated like old flight patterns
Starting point is 00:57:58 that they've seen in KB's like backlog that they are, but like, they've kind of like equated all of those together. I'd like to think also maybe there's like a small cluster of asteroids that you guys are kind of flying through and using those asteroids to kind of throw off the pirates. Definitely like changing, like changing direction suddenly, but like with enough space
Starting point is 00:58:22 that it might fuck up the other ship. Just Han Solo in this shit. Hell yeah. That's all I've ever wanted. What kind of progress do we want to make? Do we want to mark progress plus two momentum plus one on the next move? Yes.
Starting point is 00:58:37 Same thing I've done every time. Progress and plus one. We now have six progress. And you can add plus one to the next move. Sounds like you want to gain ground, so roll edge again. Oh yeah. We hit, okay.
Starting point is 00:58:51 On a weak hit. You can only choose one. You can either mark progress plus two momentum or plus one on the next move. I'm marking progress. That's eight out of 10. Do you want to try to get away from these guys? Yeah, I do.
Starting point is 00:59:10 All right. That means you're going to take decisive action. Yeah. What you're going to do is you're going to roll 2D10 and you want to hope that those dice are lower than eight. All right. Okay. Nice copy with us.
Starting point is 00:59:31 Nine. That's a nine. Oh, did I just roll one? I did not. Yes, you just rolled one. All right. That has got to be with us. Oh, fuck. Shit.
Starting point is 00:59:44 God damn it. And you know, all that progress, you weren't taking any kind of momentum, so your momentum's real low. My momentum is at a three. That is considered a miss. On a miss, you are defeated or your objective is lost. You're going to pay the price.
Starting point is 01:00:04 Yeah. So let's see what the paying the price table is. That's a question theme. This doesn't necessarily mean the whole ship blows up, but maybe it's something like the pirates do catch up and the chase is not over. So let's see. Pay the price.
Starting point is 01:00:26 Here we go. Pay the price. When you suffer the outcome of an action, choose one. Make the most obvious negative outcome. Ask the Oracle or roll on the following table. Let's have you roll a D100. Just to help us. I like rolling.
Starting point is 01:00:39 Yeah. Just to see what it tells us. Love chaos. What do you say? I love that chaos. A lot of 26s. You are separated from something or someone. Separated from something or someone.
Starting point is 01:00:56 Oh, could they have like a shot that doesn't quite get us, but knocks out like KB, like knocks out our connection with KB. Oh, I like that. I like that. That we may have to like come. It may have to be a thing that we come to like fix. Okay.
Starting point is 01:01:13 Okay. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that.
Starting point is 01:01:21 I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. It fits with a miss KB is out. I'm going to add one progress to the menace tracker. The pirates are a little bit closer to boarding our ship. The good news is,
Starting point is 01:01:37 well, the bad news is, is they now have the initiative. The good news is, is that you have eight out of 10. So you're very close to possibly solving this problem. But what I'm going to do is hold on, my thing is super slow now.
Starting point is 01:01:52 Oh boy. Here we go. Okay. So, um, we need to go back to combat moves. When you're in a bad spot and take action in a fight to avoid danger or overcome an obstacle, you react under fire.
Starting point is 01:02:07 Um, this probably feels the smartest. You are fleeing or dodging or are you trying to fight back with these guys? Your goal basically at this point is to get the initiative back to try to make the progress. I'm still, I'm still just trying to get out of there.
Starting point is 01:02:25 All right. Just trying to, I don't think we've, yeah, they're not close enough for me to want to, to fight them. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:34 There's a huge gap that you've kind of broached between them, but they're now gaining some ground. So roll a, um, your roll edge. Let's see what you get. We hit, we hit on a weak hit.
Starting point is 01:02:47 You succeed, but face a troublesome cost. You either make a suffer. Oh, you make a suffer move and you stay in a bad spot. So something has to happen. Suffer wise. Okay.
Starting point is 01:03:01 Um, so here's the thing. You're basic. Yeah. Your, your goal because it wasn't a strong hit is you're basically just kind of evading these guys. So we have to suffer something,
Starting point is 01:03:13 either stress or harm or you lose momentum with staying damage. It takes some damage. Yeah. Maybe we like clip an asteroid as we go. Yeah. When your vehicle faces damaging situation environment,
Starting point is 01:03:27 suffer minus one integrity for minor damage minus two for serious. We'll say it's minus one. So the integrity, the integrity of the ship is at five. It's going to go to four. Okay. Now you're going to roll either.
Starting point is 01:03:41 Um, you're going to roll basically plus four for integrity. So just, okay. So if I roll integrity, it'll be plus four. Uh, see the problem is,
Starting point is 01:03:53 is you don't have integrity in the character sheet. Let's bring, let's see, what could we do to let you roll? Let's bring our, let's just say our spirit to four for now. And I'll bring it up if things go well, but roll plus four.
Starting point is 01:04:11 And let's just see what you get. All right. Strong hit. Good. On a strong hit, you can choose one you bypass the damage or you take plus one momentum. Take one momentum.
Starting point is 01:04:26 All right. Your momentum goes up. Your spirit will put back up, but we'll put you the integrity of your ship to under your assets. We're going to put it to four. All right. So yeah,
Starting point is 01:04:41 so, so describe it. Like you get hit by a couple of asteroids. Yeah. I feel like I, I'm trying to like maneuver as close to the asteroids as I can to try and see if they can bank like we can. And at one time I get too cocky and I clip, I clip like the back end as we,
Starting point is 01:04:58 as we turn. Gotcha. You can either react, continue to react under fire or clash. Clashing would be either edge or iron. But reacting. Just clashing. You don't have to fight them though.
Starting point is 01:05:15 Clashing is your kind of fighting back a little bit. And maybe it doesn't mean you're firing at them. Maybe like we're trying to position to them where they crash into a. Yeah. Okay. Then I think, then I think we're going to clash because that was my,
Starting point is 01:05:27 that was kind of my move anyway. I was trying to, trying to almost trick them into crashing. And do you have any assets that help with that? I don't think so, huh? I don't think so. Okay. Secured advantage,
Starting point is 01:05:37 gather information or undertaken expedition. So no, let's have you roll. What is it? It's plus edge. Edge. Alrighty. See how you do.
Starting point is 01:05:48 You need a strong hit here. Okay. We can. All right. On a week hit, you can mark progress, but you are dealt a counter blow or setback. You stay in a bad spot and must pay the price.
Starting point is 01:06:00 So the good news is, is that we have a full 10. Boxes to defeat the pirates, but we have to pay the price. Let's go. Paying the price is somewhere. Did I pass it? No.
Starting point is 01:06:18 Here we go. Roll a D 100 and let's see what the price is. All right. 37. 37. Oh man. Something of value is lost or destroyed. We could interpret this
Starting point is 01:06:38 as another ship taking damage roll. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. This is that. That's probably the correct move. I was going to. My move was going to be real mean
Starting point is 01:06:50 and was probably what would have happened if we missed, but I think that's too much. Okay. All right. Let's try to keep these people alive. We're almost to the end of the session. So we have to. I haven't killed anyone yet.
Starting point is 01:07:05 Not yet. We have to decrease our, why don't you roll edge because your ship's integrity goes to three. Okay. The roll plus three. Let's see how you do. Another re-kit. Re-kit.
Starting point is 01:07:24 Your vehicle is not battered. You may lose momentum in exchange for plus one integrity. Otherwise you press on. I think we just press on. Okay. I think at this point, they're just like a little bit desperate and just like, we got it.
Starting point is 01:07:44 We got to go. All right. We can either try to clash again or we could try to react under fire again. Oh, that's right. I can't complete it until I just need to get the initiative. Um, now I swear to God, there's some kind of, let's see,
Starting point is 01:08:00 end of the fray when you abandon, when you fight a battle. I remember, because there was a thing to do when I was playing as a Shana trying to get the initiative back, but I don't know if it's the thing in Star Forge. Beast distillation. Like I, yeah,
Starting point is 01:08:18 it's just not in the, in the combat moves, there's not a steel initiative role that I can find at the moment. Then I think we're clashing again. All right. Roll that edge. Just need one strong hit. No,
Starting point is 01:08:38 no strong hits for you. We can't mark any more progress. We're at plus 10, but your delta counter blow, pay the price, roll the D hundred. Oh boy. Are we going to make it out of this one alive?
Starting point is 01:08:52 56. 56. A friend, companion or ally is in harm's way, or you are if you're alone. One of the hoses that keeps a Shana in stasis gets jostled. Oh boy. And the way we're flying,
Starting point is 01:09:13 it's going to be hard to fix until we're like flying more stable. Is that too much? No, it's not too much. I'm just trying to think of the appropriate role. Maybe we have Mikata endure stress as she knows somebody warrants her. Yeah. There's someone like down and they have like an intercom and they're like, Hey, the fuck are you doing?
Starting point is 01:09:37 They're like, I'm trying not to get us killed. Cool. Thanks. Eli screaming in the chat. So much. No. I'm sorry. I reduced your spirit by one.
Starting point is 01:09:47 I think it's just goes to four and then roll spirit. And let's see how you do. Oh no. On a miss. It's worse than you thought. Suffer an additional minus one spirit or lose two momentum. I'm going to say minus one spirit because I think they're just like, this is my first fucking day and I've almost,
Starting point is 01:10:13 I'm like in the process of potentially killing our leader. All right. We're now at plus three for spirit. You got the sex. You could try to. Man, you could, you know, like there's this battle option. Use trickery to befuddle your foe. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:36 That's plus shadow. I have shit. Try to gain ground and on a strong hit. You could do something there. I mean, everything I roll is going to be edge. Right. I don't think. I suppose so.
Starting point is 01:10:52 Yeah. Cause I, I mean, it's, it seems silly to fight them cause they have weapons. Fair, fair. If that's flavor wise, you want to handle that. I mean, I think we have weapons as well. That's the point. Yeah. That's just shotgun them from the sun.
Starting point is 01:11:10 Someone out in the space. Check out, check out Chad. All right. I like that idea. Yeah. Like cause there's nothing stopping the iron landers from like having completely crazy tactics. I kind of like it.
Starting point is 01:11:26 Okay. So we chucked Chuck out into space. He's got a space suit on. He's got the space shotgun. You can't ignite things in space cause there's no oxygen. It's a space shotgun. So it'll, it'll, it'll contain. Right.
Starting point is 01:11:42 All right. So we're clashing with them. Aren't we? Yes, we are. Roll plus edge. This is so dumb. He's taking up, not going to get tailed up with the thrusters. Never mind the fact that you're probably going like hundreds of miles an hour.
Starting point is 01:11:59 That's the way the iron landers roll in, in our Starforged. Roll plus edge. Please God give us a strong hit. Finally. Yes. The space pirates are watching them. Is that a dude hanging out the back of their ship? And then.
Starting point is 01:12:20 And, and what happens? Like how, how do we, how do we weaken them? How do we take initiative back from them? We shoot them with a fucking space shotgun. Sergio. I like to imagine maybe, maybe they have like a window and like it gets shot and the window gets shot out or something. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:39 Like there's just buckshot embedded in it. And it's, it's like in the process of cracking. So they're all like stressed about the cracking screen. The, the iron landers are like space hillbillies. I love this. Yes. Oh yes. Now, finally with initiative, we can attempt to take decisive action.
Starting point is 01:13:00 Once again, you're going to roll 2d10 and pray to God that both these dice are not d10. All right. Roll 2d10. Giant d20 in the sky. Please. Please. Pray to the dice gods. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:13:18 That's a 3 and a 10. Which I think is a weak hit. I think matching, I think matching it's a strong hit. No, because I've matched in the past. Oh really? It's okay. So it's a weak hit. On a weak hit you achieve your objective.
Starting point is 01:13:35 We get away from the goddamn pirates, but not without cost. I know what the cost is. The cost is fucking Chad. And the space shotgun. And one of the, one of the spacesuits. God damn it. Fuck. Oh.
Starting point is 01:13:54 Was that worth it? We now have 3 spacesuits and no space shotgun. Damn it. That's gone. And we've done an iron lander. We've lost 2. We now have 49 technically iron landers. I think we're whipping around corners and we've like pulled a crazy Ivan or something.
Starting point is 01:14:17 And then we go to reel in the tether. It's just nothing. A bad died saving the rest of the iron landers. Chad is a hero. Chad will be remembered. Kata was a fucking historian and they're going to write down Chad's goddamn story for saving them from space pirates with a shotgun. I think to be fair, we should, I don't think we should, I was going to say we should endure
Starting point is 01:14:48 stress, but we've already lost a person, lost the space shotgun and lost the spacesuit. So I think that's enough. We lost a lot. Yeah. Kata just kind of grits it and bears it. And they feel real shitty. They feel shitty, not enough to endure stress, but they don't feel that good. But we get away from the pirates.
Starting point is 01:15:11 We do. We get away from the pirates. Away from the pirates. Thank the dice gods. I think that was an exciting enough thing that we could kind of bring the session to a close. Let's bring it to a close by undertaking a final journey and that'll set the tone for the next session. All right.
Starting point is 01:15:29 I will try not to Amanda. You I make no promises. Right. You can either roll edge, shadow or wits. Edge, because I want to get the fuck away from wherever these pirates are. All right. We can. We can.
Starting point is 01:15:47 Hold on. I'm just clearing all of this stuff with the pirates because that's no longer a thing. Do we mark progress for that? Not really. On a weak hit, you reach a way point. However, you either suffer or you face apparel. I'm going to say we suffer because we just dealt with a lot of shit and I don't think and they didn't want to be a leader anyway.
Starting point is 01:16:18 So I don't think they're handling it particularly well. So I think it's just like we we get out we're like in deep space and they like get off of the like stick or whatever and they just lose it a little bit. Yeah. That makes sense. Yeah. You know, I was saying maybe we make a suffer move the dice decided for us. You can either make one suffer move at minus two or two suffer moves at minus one.
Starting point is 01:16:45 So like, for instance, if you endure stress, but only endure stress, your spirit is going to go to one, right? And then you have to roll either spirit or hard. I forget which one it is. You have to roll. That makes the most sense to me. It's story wise. That makes the most sense to me.
Starting point is 01:17:06 All right. Let's do that then because it does make the most sense to me too. Your momentums or excuse me, your spirits at one spirit and you're going to roll heart because I think it's higher. Yeah. It is now high. See how you handle it. On a week hit.
Starting point is 01:17:28 If you are not shaken, which I think only happens when you hit zero, you either lose momentum in exchange for gaining one spirit or just press on. I. You really have not messed with the momentum at all. Yeah. Like all session. Yeah. I think, I think we, we like cry it out.
Starting point is 01:17:56 Get it all out. Take a deep breath and say, all right, this is being a leader. Fuck. And then kind of pick yourself up. Take one spirit back. Lose momentum. Okay. Nice spirit goes up.
Starting point is 01:18:11 And you know, I think also what happens is the other tribesmen come to you and say, look, you did your best. Yeah. We're going to follow you. We're going to follow you. Mistakes and all. You know, you can't get, which they probably cry about again. We lost Chad, but it was Chad's idea to go out there in the first place.
Starting point is 01:18:31 Yeah. Chad was a wild son of a bitch. So like he's probably glad that's how it went on. Honestly. Exactly. You can't go through space without family. And that's what we've done today. Another member of the family has taken over the mantle of captain.
Starting point is 01:18:49 You know, we are making our way. I'm going to mark just a little bit of progress by drawing another yellow line showing that we're past some of the previous problems, but we're still not to see Lee. Actually, I think let me make sure I've marked all the progress that we should for traveling to see Lee. Yeah. We have four. We don't want to roll to arrive at see Lee yet.
Starting point is 01:19:15 Do we? Or do you want to do that? Four. We have four out of 10. Yeah. Absolutely not. That is, that is a, that is an F my friend. All right.
Starting point is 01:19:25 Next session, whoever plays is going to face some kind of. Oh no, they're not going to face anything. No, I took stress. Yes. Allegra, you took the, the, the burden of it. You did not pass the buck to the next one. Amanda. That's such a noble thing to do.
Starting point is 01:19:40 That's why we love you here at, at Mayday. Allegra, thank you. I will take it so you don't have to. Yes. You take on the burden of the world for us. Allegra. If I could, I would. I love you.
Starting point is 01:19:53 We love you too, Allegra. Thank you so much for playing with me today. This was a great session. I always love playing with you, dude. It's such a blast. It's so scary all the time. That was a close one. Every session of any game, I sit down to play where you are leading the game.
Starting point is 01:20:09 Oh God. Fuck. Okay. I should take that in consideration. I should really run a very low risk campaign at some point. Something fun and easy. I don't, that doesn't seem like you though. We'd be like, who's taking you?
Starting point is 01:20:24 Are you okay? Are you okay with that gun point? I just love consequences. You know what I mean? And you guys are so good at causing consequences. This is the difference in our GM styles. You love consequences and I'm like, do whatever the fuck you want, you know? I'd like you to do whatever you want too, but you're going to pay the price for it.
Starting point is 01:20:44 Yeah, I'm like, I just want my friends to be heroes and let them feel good. I want you guys to be heroes too. So at some point I might run a more D&D friendly campaign. I have a few ideas. No, I love it. I love it so much, dude. Playing with you as a gift. Oh, thank you.
Starting point is 01:20:57 That's so nice of you to say. Ditto, Allegra. And you know, Starforge is inspiring me. Maybe one day we do a little Star Wars or something like that. Maybe a little Star Trek. Well, bad. Let me be a hot pilot, Sergio. We'll work on that one day.
Starting point is 01:21:14 But right now we're getting through Starforge. We still have a lot of goals. Find a cure for Ishana. We're not any closer to that. We're not any closer to that. Not even a little bit. I was trying to like end on like something particularly good. I know.
Starting point is 01:21:30 I'm sorry. I know you said you wanted me to make some progress on our big goals and I made no progress on our big goals. I made us make a new character. I killed Chad. All right. Allegra, I think I want before we end, I want to talk about something exciting. We made an announcement recently that we have some merch.
Starting point is 01:21:49 Yeah, we have some stickers. Do you have some? Yeah, let me go get one. Hold on. Some of the stickers. So folks, if you're watching, we have finally created some merch. We have some cool Mayday stickers with our logo. We have this deal going on where any patrons who were previously with us before our announcement,
Starting point is 01:22:08 which was like two days ago, they just get a sticker from this point on. Oh, there it is. Yeah. Kind of move it around a little bit. So we get the full. It's like the glare. It's more about the glare from your monitor. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:20 Oh yeah. There we go. There we go. Made a role play on the side there. But that's a sticker we're willing to give to you for free. Technically. Anywhere in the world. If you sign up and become a patron at the $5 level, it would be amazing if you supported
Starting point is 01:22:40 us. We're having this offer until September 22nd, where after that, this sticker kind of wraps up into our merch and it'll have a totally different shipping cost and all that kind of boring, obnoxious stuff. We're trying to get you this sweet, sweet sticker long before any of that happens. So if you like what we do, if you want to support us for a month, for a couple of months, this is an incentive to do it along with access to our Discord access to us. Also, mine's gone through the dishwasher and it's been totally fine.
Starting point is 01:23:10 So if you want to put it on like a hydro flask or whatever those things are, those big old water bottles, it should be fine. Mine's gone through a couple of times and it's been. That is good to know. I'm really looking forward to the patrons who are getting their stickers to see where they put it and some fun or interesting places that they put it. But anyway, guys, that's an offer that we're doing. Check us out wherever you listen to podcasts, check us out on Twitch.
Starting point is 01:23:37 We have a YouTube channel where we keep all of these videos, but we love you. We love your support and we enjoy running these games for you guys. So we'll see you next time. Oh, and it should be noted this is designed by our very own Zakiya. That's right. They made this beautiful design. It's wonderful. Oh, do we need to roll for who's playing next?
Starting point is 01:23:58 We should. We have three players left. Aaron or Sinel Slater. Caleb and Zakiya. So roll a D4 and we'll ignore the four. I mean, I can roll a D3 because we rolled a D41 earlier. That's right. We can roll whatever we want.
Starting point is 01:24:14 Roll the D3. I said Aaron, Caleb. Okay. Caleb is going to potentially be the next player next session. Thanks guys again. Thank you to Zakiya for that designing the sticker, for designing our layout. Our cool layout that we have here is all thanks to Zakiya. Anything visual that you see that's cool is more than like Zakiya.
Starting point is 01:24:35 All of our amazing art for all of our shows and stuff is thanks to her. I want to thank also Sirenscape and Tabletop Audio for doing some cool music and allowing us to play it on our streams. And again, to you guys, thanks again. We will see you next time. Bye. Bye. Oh, man.

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